Federal Art Project Drawings, 1936-1942

Contents List

Container Title
PH 9 (3)
1st United States Artillery, Beaufort, South Carolina, circa 1862 June
Item   1
Orderly [Thompson], Lt. Gibbs, Mrs. Cooley, Jeff Davis [African American valet], Mr. Cooley, Lt. Ramsay, Lt. Hall, [Dr.] Hyatt, Miss Cooley, Lt. McCrea, Mrs. Hyatt, Dr. Quinney, Capt. Langdon, Mrs. Ramsay, London [African American valet]
Item   2
Lt. Gibbs, Dr. Quinney, Lt. McCrea, Lt. Hall, Capt. Langdon, Orderly Fox
Item   3
Lt. Gibbs, Dr. Quinney, [?], Lt. Hall, Lt. Ramsay, Miss Cooley, Capt. Langdon, Mrs. Hyatt, Mrs. Cooley, Lt. McCrea
Item   4
Light Battery D
Item   5
Battery M
Item   6
Southern officer's headquarters
Item   7
Negro soldiers digging in pit
Item   8
Negro soldiers digging in pit. Dutch Gap Canal built under General Ben Butler after 1864 May
Fort Harrison, Virginia
Item   9
Cannon and fortification
Item   10-11
Elliot's Salient, Virginia
Item   12
Rebel lines built after capture of Fort Harrison, taken from Elliot's salient
Item   13
Ditch 25 feet deep in front of battery field dug to protect the Yankees from undermining the work
Item   14
Elliot's salient
Item   15
Scene from Elliot's settlement to battery field, Fort Harrison
Item   16
Infantry [parapet] and ditch from Elliot's salient, [rebel fortification]
Item   17
View of Rebel cabin in Elliot's salient
Item   18
Interior of Elliot's salient. Drawing boom [room?] [props] to load a gun
Richmond, Virginia
Item   19-20
View from Manchester
Item   21
Mansion occupied by Jefferson Davis during the War of the Rebellion. House was at corner of Clay and 12th Street
Item   22-23
Ruins of Richmond after bombardment
Item   24
Libby Prison
Item   25
Item   26
Tree lined street, circa 1865
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