Nathaniel and Harriet Harmon Dexter Papers, 1890-1977

Container Title
Audio 1499A
Series: Audio Recordings
Aspin radio spots
60-second spots, 1967
Combined radio spots, 1971-1972
Scope and Content Note: The brief radio spots on this 7-inch reel were spliced together by WHS staff from separate small reels. They are listed in playback order.
  • Wasteful spending spots (2)
  • Joint Economic Development Committee (Racine and Kenosha)
  • People complimenting Aspin
  • Racine
  • Janesville
  • Beloit
  • Responsiveness
  • Availability
  • Thanking staff and military record discussion
  • Aspin for Congress #17
  • Voting record
  • Time effective
  • Opponents
  • Efficient use of time
  • Pending ombudsman legislation
  • Closing of Tax loopholes
  • School funding and property taxes
  • Defense budget, 1972 February 16
  • Telephone privacy bill, 1971 February 21
  • Restored honor of Harry Fleming
  • Racine
  • Aspin's lack of negative ads
  • Spot 51: Sticks to issues and does not mudsling
  • Racine
  • Spot 30: Transportation legislation
Combined radio spots, 1972
Scope and Content Note: The brief radio spots on this 7-inch reel were spliced together by WHS staff from separate small reels. They are listed in playback order.
  • Helps the elderly in Kenosha
  • Local Racine and Kenosha development committees
  • EDA and ODAP
  • Procedure
  • A humble man
  • Warm personality
  • Speaking with constituents
  • Public hearing for federal funds, 1972
  • Need for environmental impact studies prior to development
  • Fighting state government corruption
  • Bureaucratic red tape
  • Acts on behalf of constituents
  • Helpful and optimistic
Combined radio spots: 1, 3-6, 12-16, 1972
Scope and Content Note: The brief radio spots on this 7-inch reel were spliced together by WHS staff from separate small reels. They are listed in playback order.
Spots, 1972, 1974
Combined spots, 1974
Scope and Content Note: The brief radio spots on this 7-inch reel were spliced together by WHS staff from separate small reels. They are listed in playback order.
  • Constituent aid
  • Government agencies
  • Military experience
  • Defense department experience
  • Watchdog on defense spending
  • Competing levels of legality
  • Defense budget efficiency
  • Often visits home districts
  • Remembers constituents
  • Underdog
  • Honesty
  • Kenosha County Fair
  • Parade encounter
  • Rising prices
  • A good man
  • Public housing
  • Pigeon poop
  • Elderly
  • Fine man
  • Racine
Combined 1976 spots
Scope and Content Note: The brief radio spots on this 7-inch reel were spliced together by WHS staff from separate small reels. They are listed in playback order.
  • What I like about Les
  • Honesty
  • Rising store prices
  • Kenosha
  • Les Aspin does more
  • Cutting waste
Spot 204: Defense Quiz; Spot 205: Courage, 1980 October 8-20
The Campaign Group, 60-second spots, 1984 October 12
Rock County candidates' ads, 1986
Combined radio spots, undated
Scope and Content Note: The brief radio spots on this 7-inch reel were spliced together by WHS staff from separate small reels. They are listed in playback order.
  • Experience
  • Military spending and Environmental impacts, 60 Seconds
  • Economists know how to trim the budget, 60 Seconds
  • One vote can make a difference, 30 Seconds
  • Pollution spending and environmental concerns, 60 Seconds
  • Not special interest based, 30 Seconds
  • Beloit, 60 Seconds
  • Opposition to trickledown economics, 60 Seconds
  • Campus violence and Freedom of speech, 30 Seconds
  • Highly qualified, 30 Seconds
  • Critique of competition, 60 Seconds
  • Need for economists in the budget
  • Senior citizen concerns, 30 Seconds
  • Changes in Kenosha, 60 Seconds
  • Integrity, 60 Seconds
  • Shadowberg and Law and order, 30 Seconds
  • Knows how to make spending decisions, 30 Seconds
  • Time for change, 30 Seconds
  • Shadowberg and Aspin, 30 Seconds
  • Unfulfilled campaign promises, 60 Seconds
  • Root of the crime, 30 Seconds
  • Shadowberg against the environment and development, 30 Seconds
  • Are you going to vote for Aspin?
  • Reduce military spending, reallocate domestic funds
  • Aspin for 1st Wisconsin District
  • Housewives and mothers
  • Housewife confidence
  • Interest rates
  • Different Careers
  • Transfer of funds to domestic concerns
  • Academic qualifications
  • Taxpayer revolt on spending
  • Taxes need to be raised on the wealthy
  • The elderly and fixed income
  • Honest and sound
Racine urban renewal and transportation issues
Combined radio spots, undated
Scope and Content Note: The brief radio spots on this 7-inch reel were spliced together by WHS staff from separate small reels. They are listed in playback order.
  • Inflation problems and solutions
  • Increased military efficiency and lowered spending
  • Broaden state services
  • Cut pork spending
  • Listening to constituent concerns
  • Fast response times
  • Updates on progress
  • Enjoys connecting with constituents
Combined radio spots, undated
Scope and Content Note: The brief radio spots on this 7-inch reel were spliced together by WHS staff from separate small reels. They are listed in playback order.
  • Brochure compliments
  • Sincere responses to issues
  • Helps constituents apply for federal funding
  • Role of the representative
  • Availability
  • Friendly with constituents
  • Good public speaker
  • Involved in local and state politics
  • Moral support, Consistent voting record
  • Economic and defense expert
  • Well educated
Combined radio spots, undated
Scope and Content Note: The brief radio spots on this 7-inch reel were spliced together by WHS staff from separate small reels. They are listed in playback order.
  • Ethnic pride
  • Sports chat
  • Financial aid and loans
  • No Congressional security
  • Shadowberg
  • Good products but too much advertising
Contemporaries' radio spots
Backus Spot #4, 1975 March 28
Bill Petrie spots, undated
Scope and Content Note: The spots are listed in playback order.
  • 601-604 (Negative Aspin spots)
  • 301 (Petrie facts)
  • 302 (1st Wisconsin District)
  • 303 (Inflation v. unemployment)
  • 304 (Working for a living)
Part (1/9), Racine, 1978 August 17
Part (2/9), Kenosha and defense spending, 1978 August 21
Part (3/9), Janesville, 1978 August 29
Part (4/9), Beloit, 1978 August 30
Part (5/9), Elkhorn, Walworth County, 1978 August 31
Part (6/9), Walworth County Fair, 1978 September 3
Part (7/9), Walworth County Fair, 1978 September 4
Part (8/9), Racine, 1978 September 7
Part (9/9), Kenosha, 1978 September 7
Other material
Arrangement of the Materials: Chronological.
ABC's Good Morning America, regarding pensions, 1976 November
Intros, outros, tags, 1978 July 18
Candidates' forum, 1980 August 21
Face the Nation, 1985 September 15
Physical Description: 4 tapes 
Note: These tapes may not all be part of this series.
Gramm Rudman's impact on defense budget, 1985 November 15
Cloutis, Fair Share, workshop, 1986
Congressional Iran-Contra Hearings, presented by National Public Radio (NPR), 1987? July 14
Department of Defense contract awards, 1987 October 19-26
Radio program, 1991 November 9
Mon Charlie policy forum, 1992 June 22
Beloit burden sharing, 1992 October 5
Kenosha, 1992 October 6
Workers, 1992 October 12
Buy American, 1992 October 20
Admiral Crowe, 1992 October 22
Secretary of Defense Aspin with Art Pine, Los Angeles Times, 1994 February 5
“National Security: Politics, Press and Personalities,” Carlson lecture, 1994 April 28
Bert Gelman
Colonel Fleming, undated
Aspin saying hello to different people, undated
House of Representatives floor, undated
Junior League of Racine debate, undated
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