Bernard P. Domogalla Papers, 1925-1966


Paul A. and Elizabeth Brandeis Raushenbush were a husband and wife team of economists whose individual and joint careers exemplified the Wisconsin Idea. They are best known for their work with Harold Groves, 1930-1932, in developing and securing the passage of Wisconsin's unemployment compensation legislation, the first such legislation in the nation. During this period the couple was also involved with similar legislation in Massachusetts and in crafting the unemployment sections of the 1935 Social Security Act. In 1934 Paul Raushenbush became head of the Wisconsin Unemployment Compensation Division, serving in that capacity until his retirement in January 1967. As administrator, Raushenbush's work was characterized by his ongoing efforts to prevent the federalization of the unemployment compensation field.

Elizabeth Brandeis Raushenbush (often referred to as E.B.) had an important career as an economist in her own right, teaching at the University of Wisconsin for over forty years and carrying out research on many labor and social issues. She was also a prolific writer and public speaker, and she carried her ideas into the public arena through many years of leadership in the Wisconsin League of Women Voters.

After their retirements Paul and Elizabeth completed a lengthy oral history interview for Columbia University. In 1978 they published an expanded version of this interview entitled Our U.C. Story (1930-1967).

Elizabeth Brandeis Raushenbush

1896 Born in Boston, Massachusetts, the second daughter of Louis D. Brandeis and Alice Goldmark Brandeis
1918 B.A., Radcliffe College
1919-1923 Assistant secretary and secretary, D.C. Minimum Wage Board
1923-1928 Graduate student in Economics Department, University of Wisconsin
1924 Faculty member, Bryn Mawr Summer School for Women Workers
1924 Began 42-year career teaching part-time in the University of Wisconsin Economics Department
1925 Married Paul A. Raushenbush
1928 Completed Ph.D.
1928 Son Walter born
1945 Served as president of AFT Local 223
1966 Retired from University
1984 Died in Madison, April 30
Paul A. Raushenbush
1898 Born in Rochester, N.Y., the son of prominent Baptist minister Walter Rauschenbusch
1915 Graduated from East Rochester High School
1920 Graduated from Amherst College, Phi Beta Kappa
1922 Graduate student and teaching assistant in economics, University of Wisconsin
1927-1932 Assistant professor of economics and Experimental College
1931-1932 Assisted in drafting and passage of Wisconsin unemployment compensation law while on leave from UW
1932 Consultant to AFL and Massachusetts Industrial Commission
1932-1934 Consultant to Wisconsin Industrial Commission
1932-1942 Council member, American Association for Labor Legislation
1934 Appointed director of Unemployment Compensation Department
1935 Consultant to Social Security Board, drafted model state U.C. laws
1942-1943 President of Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies; also held various other offices and helped with establishment of ICESA
1963 Elected life member of Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies
1967 Retired from state service
1980 Died in Madison January 17

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