Vernon Haubrich Desegration Study Papers, 1967-1973

Scope and Content Note

The collection consists of correspondence, reports, questionnaires, IQ tests, and recorded and transcribed interviews. Data, which is the largest portion of the collection, is useful both for reexamination of the study's conclusions and for historical comparisons. In addition, some of the personal, economic, and educational data collected about principals, teachers, students, and school systems should be useful for research hypotheses unrelated to integration studies.

The collection is divided into ADMINISTRATIVE PAPERS and TEST DATA.

The ADMINISTRATIVE PAPERS are very incomplete, although information about the history of the research is present in summary form in the final report. For example, circumstances leading to modifications in the project design are undocumented here. Included among the administrative papers are the original grant proposal, the final report, the unsuccessful application for renewal, and other material concerning relations with the Department of Education arranged together in chronological order. Also included is some miscellaneous correspondence, personnel materials, instructions for administering the test and coding the data, and a copy of a Metropolitan Achievement Test. Information on the Wisconsin Cartoon Test filed here includes a complete, uncolored set of the cartoons, together with examples of colored pages and information pertaining to the pilot test conducted at Marquette Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin. The records contain no information on the development of the test or any raw data from the administration of the Wisconsin Cartoon Test to students in the study, although the final report contains summary analyses of these conclusions and there are also many tape-recorded examples of the administration of the test.

TEST DATA consists of the original questionnaires and standardized tests completed by students, together with related narrative interviews. This material is arranged alphabetically by community and then by school. For each school the various categories of data are arranged in the same manner: principals' questionnaires, teacher/counselor questionnaires, teacher bigotry evaluations, student questionnaires, and student evaluations. The two kinds of student data are each arranged by grade; for the questionnaires the testing covered grades three through six, while the student evaluations encompassed grades one through six. A few sets of data are missing. Interviews follow the test data for each community. Some of the interviews with school personnel are available only in recorded form, although there are rough transcriptions for the majority. Also listed here are tape-recorded examples of the administration of the Wisconsin Cartoon test. In many cases the original tape boxes were annotated to indicate the race of the child taking the test.

The principals' questionnaires yield data on the general administration of the school and its physical plant, as well as such disparate topics as truancy enforcement, size of the school library, administration of intelligence tests, special services provided by the school, tracking, and the educational background of the principal. The teacher/counselor questionnaires contain data on family background and education; salary; and attitudes toward the work situation, racial issues, and educational policies. The bigotry evaluations were the tool used in establishing the authoritarian or egalitarian style of the teacher.

The children's questionnaires yield information concerning each child's self-perceptions and self esteem. There is also specific information on family size, parental employment, physical conditions of the home, and amount of television watched and reading. The student evaluations contain the Otis-Lennon Mental Ability tests administered to students in grades one to six, more detailed data on the occupation and educational level of the parents, and the teachers' estimates of children's ability, intelligence, and personality.

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