National Committee Against Repressive Legislation Records, 1948-2003

Container Title
Series: Office Files
Box   1
Affirmative Action
Box   1
Censorship and obscenity
Box   1
School censorship
Box   1
Radio and Television
Box   1
Free speech for government personnel
Box   1
Business and labor
Box   1
Nazi issue
Box   1
High Schools
Box   1
Long hair
Box   1
Separation of church and state
Box   1
Loyalty and security
Box   1
Box   1
Capital punishment
Box   1
Prisoners, parolees, and ex-convicts
Box   1
Mentally ill
Box   1
Fair administrative procedure
Box   1
Military justice and veterans
Box   1
Box   1
Abortion and sterilization
Box   1
Box   1
Box   1
Racial discrimination in housing
Box   1
Discrimination in employment and education
Box   1
American Indians
Box   1
Box   1
Box   1
Welfare recipients
Box   1
Box   1
18 year olds
Box   1
Polygraphs and privacy
Box   1
Control of intelligence agencies
Box   1
Box   1
Criminal Code
Box   1
Secrecy in government
Box   1
Gun control
WCLU Board
Box   1
Box   1
Executive Directors' workshop
Box   1
Correspondence regarding meetings
Box   1
WCLU elections
Box   1
WCLU programs
Box   1
Annual meeting
Box   1
Development Committee
Box   2
Legislative [Committee]
Box   2
Legislative, AB (Assembly Bill) 400
Box   2
Lobbying reports
Box   2
Box   2
Legislative - Model Open Records Act
Box   2
Congressional committee
Box   2
Police misconduct
Box   2
Dum Dum
Box   2
Privacy Committee
Box   2
Women's Rights Committee
Box   2
Law and psychiatry
Box   2
Prisoners' Rights Committee
Box   2
Box   2
Prisoner health letter, malpractice
Box   2
Prison letter
Box   2
Juvenile Rights Committee
Box   2
WCLU programs
Box   2
Capital Chapter
Box   2
Chippewa Valley Chapter
Box   2
Fox Valley Chapter
Box   2
La Crosse Chapter
Box   2
Northeast Wisconsin Chapter
Box   2
Racine-Kenosha Chapter
Box   2
River Falls Chapter
Box   2
Rock County Chapter
Box   2
St. Croix County Chapter
Box   2
Whitewater Chapter
Box   2
Wisconsin Valley Chapter
Box   2
Mailings to chapters
Box   2
General correspondence
Box   2
Orders to national
Box   2
WCLU newsletter
Box   2
WCLU press releases
Box   2
News media
Box   3
Civil Liberties column
Box   3
Press clippings
Milwaukee Chapter
Box   3
Milwaukee Chapter Board minutes
Box   3
Mailings to the Board
Box   3
Correspondence regarding meetings
Box   3
Speakers request
Box   3
School Desegregation Committee
Box   3
Peaceful Implementation Task Force
Box   3
Police community relations
Box   3
Legislative, City-County
Box   3
Program Committee
Box   3
Group libel ordinance
Box   3
Milwaukee Chapter elections
WCLU Foundation
Box   3
Box   3
Pending matters
Box   3
Box   3
Legal Directors report
Box   3
WCLU mailings to Board
Box   3
Litigation reports
Box   3
WCLU Foundation activity report
Box   3
Foundation fund raising
Box   3
Municipal ordinance project
Box   3
Cooperating attorneys survey materials
Box   3
Metropolitan school desegregation
Box   3
National legal memos
Box   3
Prison medical facilities
National Material and Committees
Box   3
Search and Screen Committee, Legal Director, 1977
Box   3
Biennial material
Box   3
National Development Council
Box   3
Legislative Action Bulletin, Shattuck
Box   3
National Board working papers
Box   3
National Board minutes and agenda
Box   3
National Board Executive Committee minutes
Box   3
ACLU activity report, CMF
Box   3
Academic Freedom Committee minutes
Box   3
Academic Freedom Committee working papers
Box   3
National Church-State Committee working papers
Box   3
Equality Committee minutes
Box   3
National Communications Committee working papers
Box   3
Grant materials
Box   3
Equality Committee working papers, poverty
Box   3
Free Speech Association minutes
Box   3
Free Speech Association, working papers
Box   3
Steering and Planning Committee minutes
Box   3
Steering and planning Committee working papers
Box   3
National Privacy Committee minutes
Box   3
National Privacy Committee working papers
Box   3
National Due Process minutes
Box   4
National Due Process working papers
Box   4
National Prison Project
Box   4
Women's Rights Project
Box   4
Juvenile Rights Project
Box   4
Military Rights Project
Box   4
Sexual Privacy Project
Box   4
Data Privacy Project
Box   4
Reproductive Freedom Project
Box   4
Sentinel articles
Box   4
ACLU pamphlets, leaflets, et cetera, audio-visual
Box   4
National press releases
Box   4
National memos to affiliates
Box   4
Civil liberties in education
Box   4
Working Parts, audio-visual
Box   4
Executive Directors
Box   4
Outside organizations
Box   4
Planned Parenthood
Box   4
Center for Public Representation
Box   4
Common Cause
Box   4
CCCO (Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors) News Notes
Box   4
Milwaukee Legal Service
Box   4
Membership, memos from National
Box   4
Membership recruitment
Box   4
Complimentary membership
Box   4
Box   4
Activity report and CMF
Box   4
Membership information
Box   4
Charter life membership
Box   4
Box   4
Requests for briefs
Box   4
Box   4
Phone requests
Box   4
Literature requests
Box   4
Box   4
California, North and South
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Missouri, West
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Washington, D.C.
Box   5
Address changes sent to National
Box   5
Midwest Executive Directors meetings and correspondence
Box   5
Edgar, personal
Box   5
Soda bills
Box   5
People contributing, but choosing not to be members, WCLU Board
WCLU Board
Box   13
Board of Directors
Box   13
Executive Director report
Box   13
Box   13
Mailings to the Board
Box   13
Correspondence with National
Box   13
Financial report
Box   13
Box   13
Constitution, 1969-1978
Milwaukee Chapter
Box   13
Board minutes
Box   13
Lawyers Committee
WCLU Foundation
Box   13
Box   13
Foundation Board minutes
Box   13
Box   13
ACLU Foundation
National Material and Committees
Box   13
Contracts and insurance
Box   13
Box   13
Civil Liberties
Box   13
Newsletters, 1969-1977
Box   5
Affirmative Action
Box   5
Censorship and obscenity
Box   5
School censorship
Box   5
Radio and television
Box   5
Box   5
Business and labor
Box   5
Free Speech, Nazi and ACLU
Box   5
Separation of church and state
Box   5
Academic freedom
Box   5
High Schools
Box   5
Freedom to travel
Box   5
Police practices
Box   5
Access to justice
Box   5
Box   5
Capital punishment
Box   5
Military justice and veterans
Box   5
Discharge upgrade
Box   5
Box   5
Abortion and sterilization
Box   5
Box   5
Discrimination in housing
Box   5
Discrimination in employment
Box   5
Weber (discrimination in employment)
Box   5
Age discrimination
Box   5
American Indians
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Box   5
Immigration and naturalizations
Box   5
Box   5
Polygraphs and privacy
Box   5
Control of intelligence agencies
Box   5
Criminal Code
Box   5
Secrecy in government
Box   5
Gun control
Box   5
Fair housing
WCLU Board
Box   5
Board of Directors
Box   6
Box   6
Box   6
Executive Director report
Box   6
Executive Director workshop
Box   6
Mailings to the Board
Box   6
Correspondence regarding meetings
Box   6
WCLU elections
Box   6
Legislative [Committee]
Box   6
Prisoners' Rights Committee
Box   6
Law and Psychiatry
Box   6
Women's Rights Committee
Box   6
General information
Box   6
Marijuana reform
Box   6
Congressional Committee
Box   6
First Amendment
Box   6
Labor rights
Box   6
Minority rights
Box   6
Eunice Edgar statements to Legislature
Box   6
Privacy Committee
Box   6
Finance and Development Committee
Box   6
Box   6
Congressional Committee
Box   7
Privacy Committee
Box   7
Women's Rights Committee
Box   7
Law and Psychiatry Committee
Box   7
Prisoners' Rights Committee
Box   7
Indians' Rights Committee
Box   7
Capital Area Chapter
Box   7
Chippewa Valley Chapter
Box   7
Fox Valley Chapter
Box   7
Northeast Wisconsin Chapter
Box   7
River Falls Chapter
Box   7
Rock County Chapter
Box   7
St. Croix County Chapter
Box   7
Student Chapter
Box   7
Mailings to chapters
Box   7
General correspondence
Box   7
Orders to National
Box   7
Correspondence with National
Box   7
Box   7
Press releases
Box   7
News media
Box   7
Letters to press
Box   7
Civil Liberties column
Box   7
Press clippings
Box   7
Milwaukee Chapter
Box   7
Milwaukee Chapter Board minutes
Box   7
Mailings to the Board
Box   7
Correspondence regarding meetings
Box   7
Speakers requests
Box   7
Milwaukee Chapter Committee
Box   7
Lawyer Committee
Box   7
Program Committee
Box   7
Membership Committee
Box   7
Milwaukee Chapter elections
Box   7
Box   7
Local and county legislation
Box   7
WCLU Foundation
Box   7
Box   8
Executive Directors report
Box   8
Foundation Board minutes
Box   8
Mailings to Board
Box   8
Mailings to chapters
Box   8
Box   8
Box   8
Activity report
Box   8
Foundation fund raising
Box   8
Lawyer conference
Box   8
Cooperating Attorney
Box   8
Legal fees awarded
National Material and Committees
Box   8
Biennial material
Box   8
Biennial correspondence
Box   8
National Development Council
Box   8
National Board minutes and agenda
Box   8
National Board working papers
Box   8
National Board Executive Committee minutes
Box   8
ACLU activity report
Box   8
National Committee
Box   8
National Church-State Committee minutes
Box   8
Free Speech Association working papers
Box   8
Steering and Planning Committee minutes
Box   8
National Privacy Committee minutes
Box   8
Committee on Scientific Research
Box   8
National Privacy Committee working papers
Box   8
National Due Process minutes
Box   8
National Due Process working papers
Box   8
Women's Rights Project
Box   8
Juvenile Rights Project
Box   8
Amnesty Project
Box   8
Military Rights Project
Box   8
National memos to affiliates
Box   8
Civil liberties
Box   8
Civil liberties in education
Box   8
ACLU pamphlets, leaflets, et cetera
Box   8
Executive Directors
Box   9
Outside organizations
Box   9
Planned Parenthood
Box   9
Common Cause
Box   9
CCCO News Notes
Box   9
Box   9
Contracts and insurance
Box   9
Box   9
Activity report and CMF
Box   9
Box   9
Membership recruitment
Box   9
Membership information
Box   9
Box   9
Requests for briefs
Box   9
Box   9
Literature requests
Box   9
Box   9
Edgar, personal
Box   9
Box   9
Soda bills
Box   9
Lobbying records
Box   9
Address changes sent to National
Box   9
Midwest Executive Directors meetings and correspondence
Box   9
People contributing, but choosing not to be members
Box   9
Todd, Walter, beating in jail
Box   9
Center for Public Representation
Box   9
Unsorted correspondence
Box   9
Affirmative Action
Box   9
Censorship and obscenity
Box   9
Radio and television
Box   9
Free Speech, Nazi and ACLU
Box   9
Academic freedom
Box   9
High Schools
Box   9
Loyalty and security
Box   9
Police practices
Box   10
Box   10
Capital punishment
Box   10
Prisoners, parolees, and ex-convicts
Box   10
Military justice and veterans
Box   10
Discharge upgrade
Box   10
Registration and the draft
Box   10
Box   10
Abortion and sterilization
Box   10
Box   10
Discrimination in housing
Box   10
Discrimination in employment
Box   10
Weber (discrimination in employment)
Box   10
Age discrimination
Box   10
American Indians
Box   10
Box   10
Box   10
Reproductive rights
Box   10
Box   10
Immigration and naturalization
Box   10
Polygraphs and privacy
Box   10
Fair housing
WCLU Board
Box   10
Board of Directors
Box   10
Box   10
Box   10
Executive Director report
Box   10
Executive Director workshop
Box   10
Mailings to the Board
Box   10
Correspondence regarding meetings
Box   10
Box   10
Box   10
Church and State Committee
Box   10
Personnel Committee
Box   10
Finance and Development Committee
Box   11
Finance and Development Committee (continued)
Box   11
Legislative Committee
Box   11
Eunice Edgar statements to legislature
Box   11
Congressional Committee
Box   11
Minority Rights Committee
Box   11
Privacy Committee
Box   11
Women's Rights Committee
Box   11
Women's Network
Box   11
Law and Psychiatry Committee
Box   11
Prisoners' Rights Committee
Box   11
Indian Rights Committee
Box   11
Capital Chapter
Box   11
Fox Valley Chapter
Box   11
La Crosse Chapter
Box   11
Northeast Wisconsin Chapter
Box   11
Rock County Chapter
Box   11
St. Croix County Chapter
Box   11
General and rental correspondence
Box   11
Orders to National
Box   11
Correspondence with National
Box   11
Box   11
Press releases
Box   11
News media
Box   11
Civil Liberties column
Box   11
Press clippings
Milwaukee Chapter
Box   11
Milwaukee Chapter Board minutes
Box   11
Speakers requests
Box   11
Milwaukee Chapter Committee
Box   11
Lawyer Committee
Box   11
Milwaukee Chapter elections
WCLU Foundation
Box   11
Box   11
Box   11
Executive Directors report
Box   11
Foundation Board minutes
Box   11
Mailings to Board
Box   11
Activity report
Box   11
Foundation fund raising
Box   11
Litigation conference
Box   11
Attorneys' fee lists
Box   11
Foundation press releases
Box   11
Practical Guide orders
Box   12
Cooperating attorneys directory
Box   12
, 1978 complaint summary
Box   12
1979 complaint summary, incomplete
Box   12
Prisoner inquiries awaiting filing of administrative grievance and further response
National Material and Committees
Box   12
Biennial material
Box   12
Biennial correspondence
Box   12
National Development Council
Box   12
Briefs from National
Box   12
National Board minutes and agenda
Box   12
National Board working papers
Box   12
National Board Executive Committee minutes
Box   12
National Board Executive Committee working papers
Box   12
National Committee
Box   12
Academic Freedom Committee working papers
Box   12
Free Speech Association working papers
Box   12
Committee on Scientific Research
Box   12
National Privacy Committee working papers
Box   12
National Prison Project
Box   12
Women's Rights Project
Box   12
Juvenile Rights Project
Box   12
Military Rights Project
Box   12
Data Privacy Project
Box   12
Reproductive Freedom Project
Box   13
National Security Project
Box   13
National press releases
Box   13
National memos to affiliates
Box   13
Civil Liberties
Box   13
ACLU pamphlets, leaflets, et cetera
Box   13
Outside organizations
Box   13
Legal Action of Wisconsin, Inc. (LAW)
Box   13
Corrections legal service
Box   13
Moral alternatives in politics
Box   13
Box   13
Box   13
Work-study student
Box   13
Contracts and insurance
Box   13
Box   13
Membership recruitment
Box   13
Box   13
Literature requests
Box   13
Post Office
Box   13
Edgar, personal
Box   13
Soda bills
Box   13
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