International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Records, 1901-1974

Contents List
 + International President's Office Records

Appendix 1 - International President's Records File Index


An * denotes records subseries donated to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. All other records subseries were retained by the IAM.

  • *1. Local Lodges, 1-1 through 1-2508 (Includes - Local Lodge Bylaws, Agreements, Business Agent, Special Dispensation.)
  • *2. District Lodges (Includes - District Lodge, By Law and Business Agent, Agreements, Special Dispensation.)
  • 3. G.L. Attorneys
  • 4. Office Expenses (Regional)
  • 5. Special and Grand Lodge Representatives
  • 6. Executive Council
  • 8. Government Employees Department (Includes - Files for every government installation under contract with the IAM)
  • *9. Jurisdictional Disputes
  • 10. Miscellaneous Individuals, not IAM members
  • *11. Companies 11-A through 11-Z (Companies under contract with the IAM that have over 100 members.)
  • *12. Railway Employees Department
  • *13. Railway Express Agency
  • *14. Fire Fighting Equipment
  • *15. Agreement Data
  • *16. Railway Labor Executives Association (R.L.E.A.)
  • *17. IAMAW Conventions
  • *18. Railroads (A separate Railroad file exists for every Railroad under contract with the IAM.)
  • *20. American Federation of Labor (Includes - Files for every department of the AFL-CIO.)
  • *21. International Unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO.
  • *22. International Unions not affiliated with the AFL-CIO.
  • *23. State Federations of Labor (Files for every state)
  • *24. Building Trades Department
  • *25. Metal Trades Department
  • *26. Label Trades Department
  • *27. Sympathetic Organizations
  • *28. U.S. Government Departments
  • *29. Labor Papers
  • *30. Legislation (Sub numbers -30- through 30-26)
  • *31. National Security Cases 31-A Security Clearance for IAM
  • *32. Political Activities (Sub numbers 32-Gen. through 32-Wyoming
  • *34. IAM General Correspondence (Hayes, Walker Retirement; Siemiller, DeMore Retirement)
  • *34-1 Machinists hinists Building
  • 34-1-A Building Corporations
  • *34-2 IAM Referendums
  • *34-3 Grand Lodge Per Capita Tax
  • *34-4 Insurance and Death Benefits
  • *34-5 Election and Installation of Grand Lodge Officers
  • *34-6 Grand Lodge Law Committee
  • *34-7 Liability and Property Damage Insurance
  • *34-8 Initiation and Reinstatement Fees
  • *34-9 Membership Application
  • *34-10 Investment of Grand Lodge Funds
  • *34-11 Eligibility of Non-Whites Joining the IAM
  • 34-12 Public Relations
  • 34-13 Vice President's News Letters (Gibson, Rygus, White)
  • 34-14 Requests for IAM Information
  • 34-14-A College and High School Debate Teams
  • 34-15 Grand Lodge Health and Welfare Plan
  • *34-16 General Staff Conference - 1942 in St. Louis, Missouri
  • *34-16-A General Staff Conference - 1946 in St. Louis, Missouri
  • *34-16-B General Staff Conference - 1954 in Chicago, Illinois
  • 34-16-C General Staff Conference - 1956 in Washington, D.C.
  • 34-16-D General Staff Conference - 1960 in Chicago, Illinois
  • 34-16-E General Staff Conference - 1963 in Washington, D.C.
  • 34-16-F General Staff Conference - 1965 in Washington, D.C.
  • 34-16-G General Staff Conference - 1969 in Chicago, Illinois
  • 34-16-H General Staff Conference - 1971 in Chicago, Illinois
  • *34-17 Travel Cards and Plans and Telephone Credit Cards
  • *34-18 Weekly News Letter
  • *34-19 IAM Pension Plan (Field Staff)
  • *34-19-B IAM Pension Propositions (Grand Lodge Employees at Headquarters)
  • 34-20 Office Equipment for International Presidents Department
  • *34-21 IAM Credentials
  • *34-22 Trade Union Exemption for Religious Groups (7th Day Adventists) & Agency Shop
  • *34-23 Building Service Employees
  • *34-24 Research Department
  • *34-24-A Research Bulletin
  • *34-24-B IAM Library
  • *34-24-B-1 IAM Law Library
  • 34-25 IAM Roster
  • *34-26 IAM Ritual
  • *34-27 IAM Official Circulars
  • *34-28 Grand Lodge Audit
  • *34-29 Salaries - Grand Lodge Officers
  • *34-30 Commerce Clearing House-Labor Law Service
  • *34-31 Ladies Auxiliaries
  • 34-32 Univac &/or Data Processing
  • 34-33 “Fact Book for Labor Speakers”
  • 34-34 Retrenchment (1960)
  • 34-34-A Retrenchment (1964-65)
  • 34-34-B Retrenchment (1971)
  • *34-35 50th Anniversary
  • 34-35-A 70th Anniversary
  • 34-35-B 75th Anniversary
  • 34-36 Purchase Orders
  • *34-37 Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland (also Bonding of Local and District Lodge Office)
  • *34-38 IAM Educational Training
  • *34-38-A Labor Songs
  • *34-38-B IAM Motion Picture Production
  • 34-38-C IAM Staff Institutes
  • *34-39 IAM Membership Barometer
  • *34-40 General Secretary Treasurer Department
  • 34-41 60th Anniversary (1940) Organizing Campaign - “One Million By 1948”
  • *34-42 IAM Health Program
  • *34-43 Exemption, Withdrawal Cards & Retirement Stamps & Cards
  • *34-44 Constitution & Interpretation
  • *34-45 History of IAM
  • 34-45-A State Historical Society of Wisconsin-Non-Current Records
  • 34-46 IAM Employee & Staff Banquets
  • *34-47 Filing Index-International President Department
  • *34-48 Machinists Home
  • *34-49 Unemployment Stamps
  • *34-50 Veterans' Badges
  • 34-51 IAM Local & District Lodge Older Workers and Retired Members Program & National Senior Citizens
  • 34-52 Headquarters Staff-General
  • *35 Amalgamated Engineering Union of Great Britain
  • 36 Moonlighting
  • *37 Labor Banks
  • *38 Anti-Labor Organizations
  • 39 Metric Measurement System
  • *40 Union Labor Life Insurance Co.
  • *41 Division N. 4 - Railway Employees Department-Canada
  • *42 Machinists Monthly Journal
  • *43 Amalgamation
  • 44 does not occur
  • *45 Insurance Information
  • 46 Legal Cases-Court Decisions
  • 47 Financial Status of Firms
  • *48 Automotive Industry
  • *49 Aircraft & Airlines Industry - Files on every Airline that has an IAM Agreement
  • 50 United Labor Policy Committee
  • *51 Communistic Activities
  • *52 Publications
  • *53 Dual Organizations
  • 54 Advertising Schemes
  • 55 Wage Data, Rates
  • *56 Licensing Auto Mechanics, Steamfitters, etc.
  • 57 Vacation Resort
  • *58 Union Shop Card Agreements
  • *60 Canadian and World Labor Congress (Conference)
  • 61 Correspondence re Mexico
  • *62 General Organizing
  • 63 Cooperation & Unity in the Labor Movement
  • 64 Employment Agencies (Private)
  • 65 Automation
  • 65 A Foundation on Automation & Employment, Inc.
  • 66 Industrial Development
  • 71 Safety Codes & Health Programs
  • 72 Applications & Inquiries Re' appointments to I.A.M Staff
  • 74 Machinists State Councils (Files for every State)
  • 78 International Labor Office - Geneva
  • 84 Dams and Waterway Projects
  • 87 Immigration & Naturalisation
  • 95 Yellow Dog Contracts
  • 101 Meetings, Activities of Labor Committees and Central Committees
  • 108 National Farmers Union
  • 109 Strike Data
  • 117 Apprenticeship Training
  • 119 CI0
  • 120 International Affairs
  • 123 Flood Disaster Relief
  • 125 Welders and Welding Work
  • 126 World War II-War Production Programs
  • 127 does not occur
  • 128 Cost of Living Conditions
  • 129 Job Opportunities - Call for Machinists
  • 131 Pipe Lines
  • 136 Educational Programs and Data (Job Stewards Manual)
  • 139 Credit Unions
  • 144 Questions & Rulings on Running Machines
  • 145 Labor & Management
  • 146 Atomic Energy (Atom Bomb)
  • 147 Objective Standards & Merit Increases
  • 148 Supervisors & Foremen
  • 150 Colleges & Universities
  • 151 Patents & Patent Rights
  • 152 Pension Plans
  • 154 Consumers Cooperatives
  • 155 State & Territorial Agencies and/or Depts.
  • 156 TV & Radio Programs and Stations
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