New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam Records, 1969-1970


The New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, or New Mobe as it was frequently known, was the last of the series of major national coalitions that organized anti-war actions during the 1960s. The committee was founded at a national convention of activists held at Case Western Reserve University on July 4-5, 1969, in order to plan the November 15 March Against Death. Chairmen of the committee were Dave Dellinger, Douglas Dowd, Terrance Hallinan, Donald Kalish, Sidney Lens; Stewart Meachem, Sidney Peck, and Cora Weiss.

During the spring of 1970 the major actions of the New Mobe occurred during Anti-draft Week, March 16-22 and on April 15. By June of that year differing strategic and political tendencies within the anti-war movement had become sufficiently acrimonious that the members of New Mobe split to form the National Peace Action Coalition and the National Coalition Against War, Racism, and Repression. Although New Mobe itself was never formally dissolved, the unity which it represented within the anti-Vietnam war movement was never again restored.

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