John L. Lewis Papers, 1879-1969


Because of occasional conflict between the sources, preference in the above biography has generally been given to the obituary issue of the United Mine Workers Journal, 80th year, No. 12 (1969, June 15). See also:

  • Alinsky, Saul. John L. Lewis. An Unauthorized Biography . New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1949.
  • Lauck, Rex, editor. John L. Lewis and the International Union United Mine Workers of America . Published by Authority of the International Executive Board of the United Mine Workers of America, 1959.
  • McCarthy, Justin, editor. A Brief History of the United Mine Workers of America . Washington, D.C.: United Mine Workers Journal , circa 1952.
  • UMW News. “John L. Lewis, President Emeritus United Mine Workers of America”. Washington, D.C.: United Mine Workers Journal , 1968.
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