Theodore Schroeder Papers, 1844-1911

Custodial History

The Schroeder Papers and Library were donated to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin in segments from 1911 to 1957. What papers Schroeder himself did not donate during his lifetime, he willed to the Society at his death in 1953. His library of printed material, comprising more than 600 volumes and 1000 pamphlets, includes publications such as The Contributor, Juvenile Instructor, Improvement Era, Saints' Herald, Times and Seasons, Latter-Day Saints Millennial Star, and Journal of Discourses, and a fine collection of individual works on Mormonism, both pro and con. In addition to the subject of Mormonism, many of the pamphlets and articles written by Schroeder concern the broader topics of free speech, religion in general, and psychology. This printed portion of the collection is now housed in the Wisconsin Historical Society Library where it is available to researchers.

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