State Association of Wisconsin Architects Records, 1932-1949


The State Association of Wisconsin Architects, located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was organized in 1932, having as its aim “the uniting of all architects in the state in closer bonds of fraternity and interest, to promote the standards and ethics of the profession and to advance the science thereof and to uphold and defend the honor and respect due the profession; to work for and promote the business interests, efficiency and general good of the profession and of the members of this association; to rent, purchase, acquire, own and hold real estate and all other property which may be necessary or desirable to carry into effect the purposes of this association.”

Membership in this association consisted of resident architects registered with the Industrial Commission of the State of Wisconsin. Architects so registered became automatically members of the organization. In June, 1949, at a special meeting called for the purpose, members of the State Association of Wisconsin Architects voted to dissolve that organization and to assign any remaining assets to the Wisconsin Architects Association, which was then being formed as a chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

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