Milwaukee Jewish Home Records, 1906-1981


1904 Hebrew Institute founded to create and operate three Orthodox Jewish institutions in the city of Milwaukee: the Home for the Aged, the Hebrew Sheltering Home, and the Talmud Torah.
1906 Hebrew Institute purchased and converted a house at 733 Galena St. into the Home for Aged Jews. The B'noth Israel Society (Society of Jewish Daughters) formed to cook and deliver kosher meals to the home's residents.
1908 Hebrew Institute incorporated.
1924 The Women's Aid Society established to assist in maintaining the facilities. The Society helped finance the Infirmary and Occupational Therapy Departments, and contributed 2000 dollars annually for the upkeep of the home. Membership was drawn primarily from Milwaukee's east side.
1927 The Association for the Home for Aged Jews, Building Committee and Building Fund established to construct a new and larger facility.
1930: New building on North 50th Street dedicated. Ladies' Auxiliary formed to help administer, maintain, and finance the home, maintain Orthodox Jewish practices, purchase medical equipment and supplies, and furnish clothing and other items to the home's residents. The Auxiliary raised funds through annual balls, membership dues, private subscriptions, and investments, and three seats on the home's Board of Directors were reserved for its members.
1934 Ladies' Auxiliary and B'noth Israel Society merged under the name Ladies' Auxiliary (B'noth Israel Society). In 1936 the latter title was formally dropped.
1939 Name changed from the Home for Aged Jews to the Jewish Home for the Aged.
1949 A four story addition to the infirmary doubled the size of the home.
1952 Women's Aid Society established one of the first known occupational therapy programs located in an old age home. The Sheltered Workshop gave residents the opportunity to earn a small income performing limited tasks.
1956 Women's Service League established. Composed primarily of younger women, the League's purpose was to operate a beauty shop for residents, recruit and supervise volunteers, hold fund raising events, and prepare members for leadership positions in the Ladies' Auxiliary.
1962 The Women's Aid Society and Ladies' Auxiliary merged to become the Women's Auxiliary and Aid of the Milwaukee Jewish Home for the Aged. The purpose of the new group was “contribute to the maintenance of the Home, to assist in all its services, and to cooperate in furthering the aims and purposes of the Home.”
1970 The Women's Service League joined the Women's Auxiliary and Aid to become the Women's Service Auxiliary.
1971 Ground broken for new home at 1414 N. Prospect Avenue.
1973 Home on Prospect Avenue opened.

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