Harry C. Brockel Papers, 1954-1968

Container Title
Milwaukee Mss BG
Series: Part 1, Original Collection, 1903-1965
Box   1
A Miscellaneous, 1927 May-1959 Sept.
Box   1
Adolescents, Placement needs of (Casework Division Committee), 1945 Nov.-1949 July
Box   1
Adoptions, General and Adoption Supervisors, 1948 April-1953 Nov.
Box   1
Agency Agreements and Policies, Casework Division, Committee on, 1940 Jan.-1953 Nov.
Box   1
American Relief for Korea, 1951 Dec.-1953 April
Box   1
Appeals Review Committee, 1947 March-1950 Jan.
Box   1
Associated Youth Serving Organizations, Inc., 1944 Nov.
Box   1
Bequests, 1920 March-1954 Sept.
Box   2
Bethany Home, 1934 April-1937 Sept.
Budget Division Committee
Box   2
Box   3
Box   4
Box   5
Box   6
Box   6
Butter-Nut Coffee Advertising Campaign, 1948 Oct.-1949 April
Box   6
C Miscellaneous, 1925 Jan.-1955 Dec.
Box   7
Calvary Community House, 1926 May-1941 Aug.
Box   7
Campaign Chairman, 1954-1959
Campaign Miscellaneous
Box   7
Box   8
Box   8
Camp Committee of Groupwork Division, 1943 Dec.-1955 April
Box   8
Camp Facilities and Needs, Committee on, 1949 Feb.-1947 Oct.
Box   8
Camp Placement Projects, 1945-1958
Box   9
Camp Study Committee of Groupwork and Recreation Division, 1949 March-1954 May
Central Agency for the Chronically Ill
Box   9
Budget, 1949 Nov.-1962 Aug.
Box   9
General, 1947 June-1964 Feb.
Box   9
1951 Study Committee (Restricted)
Box   9
Evaluation Committee, 1960 Jan.-1961 Aug. (Restricted)
Box   10
Children's Betterment League, Treasurer's Account (1918), 1903 March-1908 Sept.
Box   10
Children's Institution Rate Study Committee, 1953 May-1954 Aug.
Box   10
Children's Services, Committee on, 1948 Oct.-1950 May
Box   10
Child Welfare Services Committee (Family and Child Welfare Division), 1930 July-1947 Dec.
Box   10
Child Welfare Studies, 1936-1938
Box   10
Chronically Ill, Committee on, 1939 Dec.-1957 April
Box   10
Chronically Ill, Survey on, 1946 Dec.-1947 Feb.
Box   10
Citizen's Committee on Alcoholism, 1950 Feb.-1955 Dec.
Citizen's Committee on Public Health Needs
Box   10
1946 April-1951 Jan.
Box   11
1951 Jan.-July
Box   11
Correspondence from Other Areas, 1950 Sept.-1951 July
Box   11
Citizen's Committee on Public Welfare, 1956 June-1957 Feb.
Box   11
Civilian Defense Volunteer Office, World War II - Volunteers and Assistants in Clinics and Hospitals (VACHS), 1943 Feb.-1945 Nov.
Box   11
Clarification - Functions, Children's and Family Agencies, 1947 March-1948 May
Box   11
Clinic Resources Committee (Health Division), 1947 June-1948 Feb.
Community Councils
Box   11
1952 March-1957 May
Box   12
South Milwaukee and Cudahy, 1934 Sept.-1944 Oct.
Box   12
Committee re Functions, South Milwaukee and Cudahy, 1934 Aug.-1941 April
Box   12
South Milwaukee, Round Table, 1941 Jan.-1955 June
Box   12
West Allis, 1941 June-1949 Feb.
Box   12
Community Information Service, 1947 Nov.-1953 Oct.
Box   12
Community Nursing Council, Health Section, 1947 April-1955 July
Community Planning Committee
Box   12
1922 March-1949
Box   13
1947 Jan.-1954 Dec.
Box   13
Confidentiality, Committee on, 1951 Nov.-1953 Feb.
Constituency Study
Box   13
Groupwork and Recreation Section, 1950 April-1954 Oct.
Box   13
Follow-up Committee, Groupwork Section, 1943 Sept.-1955 June
Box   14
1936 Dec.-1956 Feb.
Box   15
1957 Jan.-1965 April
Box   15
Courts, Legal and Social Service, Functions of, 1941 Feb.-1942 May
Box   15
Court Service in Milwaukee County, Family and Child Welfare Section Committee, 1952 Jan.-1955 June
Box   15
Credit Bureau, Use of by Department of Public Welfare, 1950 March-Nov.
Box   15
Day Care for Children of Working Mothers, 1942 Feb.-1944 Aug.
Defense Council of World War II
Box   15
1941 Dec.-1944 May
Box   16
Welfare Committee, 1941 Sept.-1945 Feb.
Box   16
Early Referral Committee (Health Section, 1947-1948 June
Box   16
Emergency Situations Committee, 1939 May
Box   16
Employment Practices and Personnel Qualifications, Committee on, 1941 July-1942 May
Box   16
Extent and Needs of Service, Committee on, 1945 Feb.-1946
Box   16
Family Budget Committee, Family Budget Guide, 1951 Feb.-1961 March
Box   16
Family Budget Guide, 1937-1960
Family and Children's Agency Policy Committee
Box   16
Children's Agency Policy Committee (before merger), 1944 Nov.-1952 Dec.
Box   16
Family Agency Policy Committee (before merger), 1941 March-1952 Dec.
Box   17
Committee of Family and Child Welfare Section, 1954 April-1957 Aug.
Box   17
Family and Child Welfare Division, 1935 May-1952 Feb.
Box   17
Family Services, Committee on, 1950 Jan.-Nov.
Box   17
Federated Campaigns, Committee on, 1950 Feb.-1952 July
Box   17
First and Third Wards, Committee on, 1946 Oct.-1951 Oct.
Box   17
Foreign Relief Agencies, 1948 April
Box   17
Fred D. Goldstone Memorial, 1952 Sept.-1953 May
Box   17
Fred D. Goldstone Testimonial Dinner, 1947 Dec.-1948 Jan.
Box   17
Friendly Visitors Evaluation Committee, 1952 April-Nov.
Box   18
G Miscellaneous, 1937 Feb.-April
Box   18
Garnishments, Committee on, 1952 Dec.-1964 Sept.
Box   18
General Assistance Committee (of Community Planning), 1950 May-1951 Oct.
Box   18
Groupwork, Case Work Study Group, 1939 May-1951 August
Groupwork and Recreation Section
Box   18
1938 May-1945 oct.
Box   19
1946 March-1953 Oct.
Box   19
Study and Planning Committee, 1947 Oct.-1961 Oct.
Box   19
Headquarters Buildings, 1956 Nov.
Box   19
Health Education Area Study Subcommittee, 1954 July-1960 Aug.
Box   19
Health Education Committee, 1949 March-1957 July
Box   19
Health Needs and Resources Committee, 1942 Nov.-1943 Feb.
Health Section
Box   19
1927 Dec.-1953 Dec.
Box   20
1954 Jan.-1956 Oct.
Box   20
Health Services Study Committee, 1949 July-1953 July
Box   20
Housing Committees, 1933 Dec.-1945 Sept.
Box   20
Indonesian Productivity Group, 1955 March
Box   20
Induction Center project, 1941 Feb.-1945 Oct.
Box   20
Information Exchange, 1957 Dec.-1958 May
Box   20
Integrated project for pre-School mentally Handicapped Children (Joint Planning Committee), 1951 Oct.-1958 Aug.
Box   20
Inter-Agency Case Conference (Casework Division), 1948 Sept.-1949 July
Box   20
International Business Machines, 1939 May-1959 Dec.
Box   20
Investment Committee, 1924 Jan.-1954 Aug.
Box   21
Japanese Resettlement, 1942 Oct.-1946 April
Box   21
Juvenile Delinquency Committee, 1952 Oct.-1954 Sept.
Box   21
Juvenile Problems and Youth Centers Committee, 1943 Aug.-1961 July
Box   21
Juvenile Protective Association, 1930 Oct.
Box   21
L Miscellaneous, 1933 Aug.
Labor Participation
Box   21
1943 Sept.-1950 Sept.
Box   22
1950 Oct.-1058 Oct.
Box   22
Lanham Act Material, 1940 Oct.-1945 Oct.
Box   22
La Societe des 40 hommes et 8 chevaux, voiture locale #5, 1957 Nov.
Box   22
Legal Entanglements, Committee on, 1942 April
Box   22
Lights on Milwaukee County, 1949 Oct.
Box   22
M Miscellaneous, 1952 June
Box   22
Marquette Dispensary, 1917 June-1925 Sept.
Box   22
Mary Church Terrel Club, 1949 May
Box   22
Mayor's Youth Committee of One Hundred, 1935 Nov.-1936 Oct.
Box   22
Medical Care Committee, Health Division, 1948 July-1954 Nov.
Box   22
Mental Health, re: Affiliation of State and Local Organizations, 1950 Oct.-1953 May (Restricted)
Box   22
Metropolitan Milwaukee War memorial, 1943-1949 Dec.
Box   22
Milwaukee Area Telecasting Corporation, 1956 Jan.
Box   22
Milwaukee Infants Hospital, 1921 Oct.-1926 Sept.
Box   23
Milwaukee Maternity Hospital, 1918 Oct.-1933 Jan.
Box   23
Milwaukee Mission Kindergarten, 1922 March-1957 Dec.
Box   23
Milwaukee Public Welfare Association, 1948 Oct.-1954 Aug.
Milwaukee School of Social Work
Box   23
The Development and History of the Milwaukee School of Social Work, masters thesis by Benjamin Lane, University of Wisconsin, 1949
Box   23
Annual Reports and Director's Reports, 1918 June-1934 Jan.
Box   23
Correspondence, 1919 Oct.-1944 Dec.
Application Material
Box   23
Box   24
Milwaukee Society for the Care of the Sick
Box   25
1920-1957 Aug.
Box   25
Bureau of Home Nursing, 1950 Sept.-1951 Jan.
Box   25
Misericordia Hospital, 1932 April-Feb.
Box   25
N Miscellaneous
Box   25
National Cancer Hospital of America, 1950
Box   25
National Corporations, 1949
Box   25
National Opportunity Legion for the Handicapped, 1939
Box   25
National Youth Administration, 1935 Feb.-1939 Nov.
Box   25
Neighborhood Organization, Committee on (Groupwork Division), 1953 Jan.-1958 March
Nominating Committees (Council and Board)
Box   25
Box   26
Box   26
Nurses Registry Committee, 1951-1954 May
Box   26
O Miscellaneous
Orientation Course
Box   26
Box   27
Box   27
Out of County Services, 1948 Sept.-1962 Feb.
Box   27
P Miscellaneous
Box   27
Pan-Hellenic Council, Youth in School Project (Men's and Women's Negro Fraternities), 1955-1957
Box   27
Parade, 1950-1951
Box   27
Participation in Leisure Time Activities, Survey on (Groupwork), 1945 March-Nov.
Box   27
Philippine War Relief (of the U.S.) Inc., 1947 Feb.
Box   27
Policy and Technical Committee, 1946-1952
Priorities Committee
Box   27
Family and Child Welfare Section, 1951-1960
Box   27
Groupwork and Recreation section, 1952-1960
Box   28
Health Section, 1952-1960
Box   28
Priorities Institute, 1953 June-1954 March
Box   28
Progress Charts, social Planning (Committee's Progress), 1949-1957
Psychological Services Committee
Box   28
1951 June-1957 Sept.
Box   28
Subcommittee on the Brain-Injured Child, 1956 April
Box   28
Subcommittee on the Emotionally Disturbed Child in Education, 1952 Dec.-1954 March
Box   28
Subcommittee on Epilepsy, 1954 June-1956 Feb.
Box   28
Public Assistance Standards Committee (Family and Child Welfare Division), 1951 July-1953 Nov.
Box   29
Public Children's Division, 1944 Dec.-1948 May
Box   29
Public Relations, 1946-1952
Box   29
Publicity Samples
Box   29
R Miscellaneous
Box   29
Real Estate, 840 Oneida St., 1919-1924
Box   30
Recreation for Aged, Committee on, 1946 Oct.-1948 July
Box   30
Recreation for Older Adults, Committee on (Groupwork Division), 1950 April-1957 Sept.
Box   30
Re-evalution Committee, 1943 March-1944 Oct.
Box   30
Rehabilitation, Subcommittee on Civilian Rehabilitation, 1943 March-Oct.
Box   30
S Miscellaneous
Box   30
Selective Service Information
Box   30
Services to Those with Impaired Hearing, 1952 June-1958 Sept.
Box   30
Social Hygiene and Social Protection, 1942 Oct.-1947 Feb.
Social Services Exchange
Box   31
1951 Feb.-1955 Dec.
Box   31
1956; 1949 Feb.-1963 June
Box   31
Fees for Service, 1949 Dec.-1954 March
Box   31
Study-1953, 1948 Feb.-1954 Feb.
Box   31
Study-1962, 1953 June-1963 May
Box   31
re: Housing, 1941 Nov.-1948 Nov.
Box   32
South Side Coordinating Committee, 1939 Dec.-1950 May
Box   32
Sports Car Club, 1954 July-August
Box   32
State Fair Exhibit (Healthland), 1955-1959
Box   32
Study Home Committee of County Board of Supervisors, 1949 Jan.-1950 Oct.
Box   32
Transient Bureau, 1930-1957
Box   32
Trends and Development in Health and Welfare, Milwaukee Annual Summary, 1956-1958
Box   32
Biennial Conference, 1950-1962
Great Lakes Institute
Box   32
Box   33
UCF&C Inc.
Box   33
Box   34
Box   34
Lay Leader Conference, 1953-1961
Box   34
Midwest Regional Conferences, 1939-1963
United Community Services
Box   35
1918-1957 March
Box   35
Annual Reports, 1924-1948
Box   35
Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Council Division, 1927-1934
Box   35
History, 1915-1944
Box   36
United Community and War Fund Inc., 1947 April-1954 Oct.
Box   36
United Conservation Fund Inc., 1955 Feb.-1962 Aug.
Box   36
United Defense Fund, 1950 Aug.-1956 May
United Foster Home Campaign
Box   36
1943 July -1944 March
Box   36
Newspaper Publicity, 1943 July-Sept.
United Fund Member Agencies (General)
Box   36
1947 May-1952 Dec.
Box   37
1953 Jan.-1962 Sept.
Box   37
United Service to China Inc., 1949 July
Box   37
United States Committee on Care of European Children, 1942 March
Box   37
Unwed Mothers and Their Children, 1941-1954 July
Box   38
U.S. Government, Wage and Salary Controls, 1951 Feb.-1952 March
Box   38
USO (transferred from United Files), 1941 April-1944 Oct.
Box   38
USO, 1945 Jan.-1961 June
Box   38
Veteran's Agencies, Committee on, 1947
Veteran's Information and Referral Bureau
Box   38
1945 June-1950 May
Box   38
Articles of Incorporation
Box   38
1941 Feb.-1954 July
Veteran's Service Center
Box   39
1957 Jan.-1962 Feb.
Box   39
Budget, 1957 Jan-1961 Feb.
Box   39
Civic Meeting with Veterans, 1959 July
Box   39
Resolutions from Veteran's Organization re: UCS Report, 1958 Dec.-1959 June
Box   39
Newspaper Clippings on Veteran's Service Center Report, 1958 Nov.-1959 Dec.
Box   39
Walter Kasten Memorial Fund, 1952
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