Milwaukee Turners Foundation Records, 1848-2010


The Milwaukee Turners, an outgrowth of the German Turner movement, was founded in July 1853, as the “Socialer Turnverein.” The organization in its early years was composed almost entirely of German immigrants, who left their homeland after the failures of the Revolution of 1848. The social and political beliefs of these early refugees were incorporated into the Turners organization, and gave the society a liberal character, especially in reference to the rights of freedom of conscience and free political association. Traditionally the membership rolls have included many of Milwaukee's progressive civic and political leaders.

The Milwaukee Turners, as a social club, have offered their members a wide variety of activities including gymnastics, literary contests, drama, and numerous social events, such as picnics and band concerts.

In more recent years, the organization's structure was set up so that the Milwaukee Turner Foundation owned the property and operated the gymnasium, while the Fourth Street Corporation managed the bar and restaurant and subsidized the Foundation's gymnastics programs and building operations and maintenance.

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