Polish National Alliance of the United States of North America. Lodge 54: Records, 1932-1981


Lodge 54 of the Polish National Alliance (Zwiazek Narodowy Polski) was organized May 29, 1886 as the Stanislaus Moniuszko Society. Organizers included Michael Kucera, Constantine Malek, Casimir Swierzy, and Ignace Wendzinski. On 5 March 1937, the Moniuszko Society merged with the Reverend Augustine Kordecki Society, Lodge 457 of the PNA, with the resulting group known as Lodge 54, Rev. Augustine Kordecki Society. Lodge 457 was itself originally established January 1, 1899, by J. Piatkowski, M. Gawin, J. Kolter, Joseph Markowski, Joseph Wojczynski, Leon Warkoczewski, Anton Smigielski, J. Slatkowski, A. Kaminski, J. Napientek, and S. Cieslinski.

As an affiliate of Milwaukee's Council 8, Lodge 54 held its meetings at the Council's Alliance Home, and participated in PNA-sponsored Red Cross and war relief work, and paid sick, disability, and death benefits to members. During the last years of its activity, work of the Lodge was conducted primarily by secretary Orville Brunnelle, with assistance from his wife, Anna. The last president of the Lodge was James Kotowski. In May 1981 Lodge 54 merged with Lodge 3073 (the AmerPole Lodge), and lost its separate identity.

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