Women's Trade Union League of Milwaukee Records, 1948-1956


The Milwaukee Chapter of the Women's Trade Union League was founded in 1949 to promote “industrial democracy” in the trade union movement and to secure the equality of women within union organization. The Milwaukee group was affiliated with the National Trade Union League of Washington, D.C.

The Milwaukee Chapter was active in promoting social reform in the first half of the decade of the 1950s. It was particularly active in both local and national efforts to obtain a medical health plan, and to secure equal rights for women in industry and in government. The Chapter also supported local Milwaukee unions in various strikes and other labor activities. It also provided a social organization for Milwaukee working women, and occasionally held parties and other functions for the membership and guests.

The national organization was disbanded in 1950, but the Milwaukee Chapter continued to function until 1956, when, despite an attempt at reorganization, a decline in interest and membership forced the termination of its activities.

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