Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association Records, 1932-1974

Container Title
Subseries: Personal Correspondence, 1948-1965
Reel   1
Aarons, Morris
Reel   1
Abram, Morris (of the American Jewish Committee)
Reel   1
Abrons, Herbert L.
Reel   1
Ainey, Mrs, David C.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Adlai Stevenson and whether or not he supported unilateral stoppage of nuclear testing in 1956.
Reel   1
Akers, Anthony B.
Reel   1
Albright, Horace Marden (conservationist)
Reel   1
Allins, Franz
Reel   1
Altschul, Arthur G.
Reel   1
Altschul, Frank
Reel   1
The American Assembly
Reel   1
American Civil Liberties Union
Reel   1
Armour, Norman, Jr.
Reel   1
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish (of Foreign Affairs)
Reel   1
Ashmore, Harry S.
Reel   1
Associated Press
Reel   1
Atkinson, Brooks
Reel   1
Atlantic Council
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence is with Christian Herter.
Reel   1
Auerbach, Mrs. George
Reel   1
Auschwitz-Buna Memorial Scholarship Fund
Reel   1
Letters of Oakes' “Africa” article
Reel   1
Baldwin, Roger N.
Reel   1
Barrett, Edward W.
Reel   1
Basel, Amos S.
Reel   1
Baumgartner, Leona
Reel   1
Bayliss, William
Reel   1
Beichman, Arnold
Reel   1
Benline, Arthur J.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning air pollution.
Reel   1
Benton, William
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Senator Joseph McCarthy; Times editorials.
Reel   1
Binder, Theodore
Reel   1
Bingham, Barry
Reel   1
Bingham, Jonathan
Reel   1
Blum, Robert
Scope and Content Note: Concerning coverage of Asia news in the American press.
Reel   1
Bodine, John
Reel   1
Boland, Frederick H.
Reel   1
Bolte, Charles G.
Reel   1
Boorstein, Daniel J.
Reel   1
Booth, John E.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning realistic veterans' benefits.
Reel   1
Borg, John S.
Reel   1
Bowles, Chester
Reel   1
Boyce, Gray C.
Reel   1
Brewer, Sam P. (New York Times Mideast correspondent)
Reel   1
Bricker, John W.
Reel   1
Brower, David
Reel   1
Brown, Swallon (Jeff)
Reel   1
Browne, Bitner
Reel   1
Brucker, Herbert
Reel   1
Bunche, Ralph J.
Reel   1
Burt, Hardy
Reel   1
Butcher, Devereux
Reel   1
Cain, Walker
Reel   1
Callery, Mary
Reel   1
Campos, Roberto de Oliveira
Reel   1
Cannon, John
Reel   1
Capron, Paul
Reel   1
Carhart, Arthur H.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning conservation.
Reel   1
Carr, Robert B.
Reel   1
Cary, William (chairman of the SEC)
Reel   1
Cherniss, Norman A.
Reel   1
Cheyne, Pierre
Reel   1
Chudson, Walter
Reel   1
Clark, Evans
Reel   1
Cleveland, Harlan
Reel   1
Cohen, Judy
Reel   1
Coleman, Alvin E.
Reel   1
Collingwood, Charles
Reel   1
Committee for Economic Development
Reel   1
Cone, Hutchinson I., Jr.
Reel   1
Congressional Quarterly Service
Reel   1
Conklin, Paul
Reel   1
Cosmopolitan Club
Reel   1
Cousins, Norman
Reel   1
Cowan, Louis G.
Reel   1
Crawford, Ruth
Reel   1
Cromwell, Jarvis
Reel   1
Cruikshank, William
Reel   1
Cullman, Joseph F., III
Reel   1
Concerning cigarettes and cancer.
Reel   1
Curtis, Michael
Congressional correspondence
Scope and Content Note: This file contains much material concerning criticisms of the workings of Congress, and concerning conservation. The entire file was not microfilmed.
Reel   1
Case, Clifford
Reel   1
Church, Frank
Reel   1
Clark, Joseph
Reel   1
Cleveland, James
Reel   1
Dodd, Thomas
Reel   1
Douglas, Paul
Reel   1
Flood, Daniel J.
Reel   1
Fulbright, J. William
Reel   1
Gore, Albert
Reel   1
Harvey, Ralph
Reel   1
Hayden, Carl
Reel   1
Javits, Jacob K.
Reel   1
Keating, Kenneth
Reel   1
Kefauver, Estes
Reel   1
Lindsay, John
Reel   1
McGovern, George
Reel   1
Monroney, A. S. (Mike)
Reel   1
Morse, F. Bradford
Reel   1
Neuberger, Marine
Reel   1
Neuberger, Richard (extensive file)
Reel   1
Pike, Otis
Reel   1
Resnick, Joseph Y.
Reel   1
Reuss, Henry S.
Reel   1
Symington, Stuart
Reel   1
Teague, Olin E.
Reel   1
Zelenko, Herbert
Reel   1
D'Addario, Joe
Reel   1
Daffin, Mrs. Sidney
Reel   1
de Chevigne, E.
Reel   1
de Voto, Bernard
Reel   1
Dickey,. John
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the “credibility gap.”
Reel   1
Dilliard, Irving
Reel   1
Dillon, Douglas
Reel   1
Dilworth, circa G.
Reel   1
Dodge, Cleveland E.
Reel   1
Donovan, Hedley
Reel   1
Dorian, Max
Reel   1
Douglas, William O.
Reel   1
Dudzienska, Sister Anna
Reel   1
Durand, Dana B.
Reel   1
Dustin, Thomas E. (of “Save the Dunes”)
Reel   1
Ears Inc.
Reel   1
Editor and Publisher
Reel   1
Egan, W.J. Convery
Reel   1
Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships Inc.
Reel   1
Ekstrom, Arne
Reel   1
Eldredge, H. Wentworth
Scope and Content Note: Including a long letter on D-Day.
Reel   1
Elston, Wilbur
Reel   1
Elton, Lord Godfrey
Reel   1
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Reel   1
English Speaking Union
Reel   1
English, Nicholas Conover
Reel   1
Epstein, William
Reel   1
Eren, Nuri
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Turkey.
Reel   1
Ernst, Morris (extensive file)
Reel   1
Estabrook, Robert
Reel   1
Evison, S. Herbert
Reel   1
Eytan, Walter
Reel   1
Farinholt, L. H. (of the Sloan Foundation)
Reel   1
Farley, James A.
Reel   1
Feld, Bernard T.
Reel   1
Ferguson, John H.
Reel   1
Finkelstein, Louis
Reel   1
Finley, David E.
Reel   1
Fisher, Adrian S.
Reel   1
Fischer, John
Reel   1
Flather, A. Chester
Reel   1
Fleeson, Doris
Reel   1
Flynn, John T.
Reel   1
Forsyth, John
Reel   1
Fortenzer, Claude
Reel   1
Fosdick, Raymond
Reel   1
Fowler, Henry H.
Reel   1
Frankfurter, Felix
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the review of cases; Senator Joseph McCarthy.
Reel   1
Freeman, Orville
Scope and Content Note: Concerning farm controls.
Reel   1
Freudenthal, David N.
Reel   1
Friele, Berent
Reel   1
Friendly, Alfred
Reel   1
Friendly, Edwin S.
Reel   1
Fritchey, Clayton
Reel   1
Fulbright Award
Reel   1
Gainza Paz, Alberto
Reel   1
Gans, Herbert J.
Reel   1
Gardner, John
Reel   1
Gardner, Richard N.
Reel   1
Garrity, Devin A.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Oakes' review of a right-wing book.
Reel   1
Gaskill, William
Reel   1
Gebelt, Stephen Gurney
Reel   1
Gelber, Lionel
Reel   1
Ghofur, Abdul
Reel   1
Gilhooley, John J.
Reel   1
Ginzberg, Ralph
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the obscenity-censorship fight.
Reel   1
Gjesdal, Tor
Reel   1
Gordon, Dorothy
Reel   1
Gordon, Mrs. John D.
Reel   1
Gordon, Lincoln
Reel   1
Graff, Robert D.
Reel   1
Graham, Douglas
Reel   1
Graham, Philip
Reel   1
Greenbaum, Edward S.
Reel   1
Gregorieff, Igor A.
Reel   1
Grimm, Peter
Reel   1
Gross, Ernest
Reel   1
Hadas, Moses
Reel   1
Hansen, Robert H.
Reel   1
Harmer, Christopher
Reel   1
Harper's Magazine
Reel   1
Harriman, W. Averell
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Robert F. Kennedy's candidacy for the New York Senate seat.
Reel   1
Harris, Mrs. Leon
Reel   1
Harris, Sam
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the Army-McCarthy conflict.
Reel   1
Harris, General William A.
Reel   1
Hartford Courant
Reel   1
Harvard College
Reel   1
Hayes, Alfred
Reel   1
Hecksher, August
Reel   1
Heffner, Richard
Reel   1
Hemmendinger, Noel
Reel   1
Hermanos, Maxime L.
Reel   1
Hersey, John
Reel   1
Herter, Christian
Reel   1
Herzog, Mr, and Mrs. Paul M.
Reel   1
Hinman, George
Reel   1
Hoben, Lindsay
Reel   1
Hochschild, Harold K.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning “Negro Zionism.”
Reel   1
Hoffman, Paul G.
Reel   1
Hofman, Paul
Reel   1
Holland, Kenneth
Reel   1
Hook, Sidney
Reel   1
Hoover, Lawrence G.
Reel   1
Horton, Philip
Reel   1
Hovey, Allan, Jr.
Reel   1
Howell, Alfred C.
Reel   1
Huang, Steve
Reel   1
Hunter, Edward
Reel   1
Hunter, J. Ross, Jr.
Reel   1
Hunter College High School
Reel   1
Huxtable, Ada
H, Special
Reel   1
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Reel   1
Istel, Andre
Reel   1
Jackson, Lady Barbara
Reel   1
Jacobs, Murray L.
Reel   1
James, Weldon
Reel   1
Johnson, Alvin
Reel   1
Johnson, Joseph E.
Reel   1
Jolles, Paul
Reel   1
Joseph, Franz M.
J, Special
Reel   1
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Reel   2
Katzenbach, Nicholas
Reel   2
Kefauver, Estes
Reel   2
Keller, Mrs. Alexander
Reel   2
Keller, Peter R.
Reel   2
Kempton, Murray
Reel   2
Kemsley, Bill
Reel   2
Kheel, Theodore W.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the Transit Authority's right to automate.
Reel   2
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Reel   2
Kintner, William R.
Reel   2
Kirk, Grayson
Reel   2
Klabin, Israel
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the newsprint monopoly.
Reel   2
Kleiman, Robert
Reel   2
Klein, Julius
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Klein's German lobbying.
Reel   2
Knight, Hans
Reel   2
Knopf, Alfred
Reel   2
Kridel, William J.
Reel   2
Kupferman, Theodore R.
Reel   2
Kurth, Otto
K, Special
Reel   2
Kennedy, John F.
Reel   2
LaBour, Robert
Reel   2
Ladejinsky, Wolf
Reel   2
La Follette, Mrs. Robert M., Jr.
Reel   2
Lane, A. Alan
Reel   2
Lang, Daniel
Reel   2
Lasch, Robert
Reel   2
Laslett, J. H. M.
Reel   2
Lathrop, Harold
Reel   2
Leach, Peter
Reel   2
League of Women Voters
Reel   2
Lee, Ronald F.
Reel   2
Lehman, Herbert
Reel   2
Lennon, H. K.
Reel   2
Leva, Marx
Reel   2
Levy, Joseph
Reel   2
Levy, Robert J.
Reel   2
Lewis, Anthony
Reel   2
Lilienthal, David
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the nuclear test ban treaty.
Reel   2
Lippmann, Walter
Reel   2
Little, Frank
Reel   2
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Reel   2
Lodge, John
Reel   2
Loeb, Louis
Reel   2
Loescher, Frank S.
Reel   2
Lord, Russell
Reel   2
Louchheim, Katie
Reel   2
Low, Robert A.
Reel   2
Lowenfish, Joshua
Reel   2
Luce, Clare Booth
Reel   2
Lyons, Gene M.
L, Special
Reel   2
Lindsay, John
Reel   2
MacIntyre, Malcolm A.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning wiretapping.
Reel   2
MacKenzie, Nancy
Reel   2
MacLeish, Archibald
Reel   2
Maffry, August
Scope and Content Note: Concerning capital outflow.
Reel   2
Galerie Maeght
Reel   2
Mansfield, Mike
Reel   2
Marjolin, Robert
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the European Common Market.
Reel   2
Martins, Mme. Maria
Reel   2
Masland, F. E.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the United States and Cuba.
Reel   2
Mathis, Jim
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Texas politicians.
Reel   2
McClellan, Bruce
Reel   2
McCrea, Mollie
Reel   2
McGhee, Ambassador George C.
Reel   2
McKeever, Porter
Reel   2
McKitterick, Nat
Reel   2
Meacham, William S.
Reel   2
Melman, Seymour
Scope and Content Note: Concerning NATO missiles.
Reel   2
Merritt, Joseph
Reel   2
Mestres, Richardo A.
Reel   2
Meyer, Mrs. Eugene
Reel   2
Meyner, Robert B.
Reel   2
Minow, Newton
Reel   2
Monroney, Mike
Reel   2
Morgan, Edward P.
Reel   2
Morgenthau, Robert
Reel   2
Morris, DuBois
Reel   2
Morris, Newbold
Reel   2
Morse, David A.
Reel   2
Moses, Robert
Reel   2
Mumford, Lewis
Reel   2
Munoz Marin, Luis
Reel   2
Musarureva, Willie A. D.
Reel   2
Neal, Fred Warner
Reel   2
Nieman Fellowships
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with Nathan Pusey.
Reel   2
Nolting, Frederick E.
Reel   2
O'Connor, Frank D.
Reel   2
Ogilvy, Stew
Reel   2
Oman, William
Reel   2
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Reel   2
Oppenheimer, Robert L.
Reel   2
Omerod, Sir Berkeley
Reel   2
Oslow, Fairfield
Reel   2
Ottinger, Richard L.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the Peace Corps.
Reel   2
Owsley, Chuck
Reel   2
Pace, Frank, Jr.
Reel   2
Parkhill, Wilson
Reel   2
Paulitsch, Rosa
Reel   2
Perlman, Philip B.
Reel   2
Perkins, James A.
Reel   2
Peters, Richard D.
Reel   2
Pomona College
Reel   2
Popham, Johnny
Reel   2
Reel   2
Public correspondence, a representative selection
Scope and Content Note: This is two folders of letters from readers, many of them quite aroused. It contains much material on Herbert Mathews and Cuba.
Reel   2
Rabb, Maxwell
Reel   2
Rado, Emil
Scope and Content Note: Concerning Oakes' articles on Africa.
Reel   2
Radosta, John S.
Reel   2
Ramsbotham, Peter
Reel   2
Rea, William H.
Reel   2
Readers' Digest
Reel   2
Reid, Helen
Reel   2
Reid, Ogden
Reel   2
Reinthaler, Elmer S.
Reel   2
Republic Steel
Reel   2
Rockefeller, David
Reel   2
Rockefeller, John
Scope and Content Note: Including a long memo on President Diem of Viet Nam.
Reel   2
Rockefeller, Lawrence
Reel   2
Rockefeller, Nelson
Reel   2
Rockefeller, Winthrop
Reel   2
Rodgers, Richard
Reel   2
Rogers, Francis E.
Reel   2
Roosevelt, Nicholas
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the redwoods.
Reel   2
Root, Oren
Reel   2
Galerie Roque
Reel   2
Rose, E. J. B.
Reel   2
Rosenbluth, M. B.
Reel   2
Rotberg, Robert
Reel   2
Rothschild, Lord
Reel   2
Royster, Vermont
Reel   2
Ruebhausen, Oscar M.
Reel   2
Rusk, Dean
Reel   2
Rusk, Howard A.
Reel   2
Russell, John M.
Reel   2
Russell, Peter
Reel   2
Sargeant, Howland
Reel   2
Sarnoff, Robert W.
Reel   2
Schlesinger, Arthur M.
Reel   2
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Scope and Content Note: Concerning politics and medical care.
Reel   2
Seymour, Whitney N.
Reel   2
Shriver, Sargent
Reel   2
Sorenson, Theodore
Reel   2
Spivak, Lawrence E.
Reel   2
Stevenson, Adlai
Reel   2
Straus, Donald B.
Reel   2
Straus, Nathan
Reel   2
Straus, Roger W., Jr.
Reel   2
Swing, Raymond
Scope and Content Note: Concerning the admission of Carl Rowan to the Cosmos Club.
Reel   2
Symington, Stuart
Reel   2
Thomas, Evan
Reel   2
Time Magazine
Scope and Content Note: Correspondence with Richard Clurman, including a long letter concerning Harrison Salisbury's reporting from Moscow.
Reel   2
Tuchman, Barbara
Reel   2
Udall, Stewart
Reel   2
Ulmer, Alexander
Reel   2
Van Dusen, Henry P.
Reel   2
Vanden Heuvel, William Jr.
Reel   2
Wainwright, Stuyvesant
Reel   2
Wallach, Clara
Reel   2
Warren, Earl
Reel   2
Webster, Bethuel M.
Reel   2
Wechsler, James
Reel   2
Wedge, Bryant
Reel   2
Weismiller, Edward
Reel   2
Wheeler, John N.
Reel   2
Whitney, John H.
Reel   2
Wilderness Society
Reel   2
Williams, G. Mennen
Reel   2
Wilkin, Robert N,
Reel   2
Wilson, John D.
Reel   2
Winner, Percy
Reel   2
Wirth, Conrad L.
Reel   2
Wolff, Alice
Reel   2
Wolf, Elinor
Reel   2
Wyckoff, Cecilia
Reel   2
Wyeth, Andrew
Reel   2
Yugoslav Information Center
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