Milton A. Galamison Papers, 1954-1964


The resumé below was supplied by Reverend Galamison's office.


GALAMISON , Milton Arthur; attended Philadelphia Public Schools; received Bachelor of Arts, Lincoln University, 1945; Bachelor of Divinity, Lincoln University School of Theology, 1947; Master of Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1949; Doctor of Divinity, Lincoln University, 1961.

PASTOR of Siloam Presbyterian Church since 1949 - one of the largest Churches in the New York Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. More than 1500 of the 2,000 members of the Church have become affiliated during Dr. Galamison's pastorate. Apart from its regular religious education program, Siloam has Church organizations and clubs that offer many services to the congregation and community.


  • Member, Presbytery of New York City, Commission on Religion & Race
  • Member, Presbytery of New York City Committee on Administration
  • Member, National Committee of Negro Churchmen
  • Member, Board of Directors, Interfaith Community Services of Brooklyn, Inc.
  • Consultant, Yeshiva University
  • Chairman, Board of Directors, Opportunities Industrialization Center of New York, Inc., a job-training and placement program
  • Member, New York City Council Against Poverty
  • Chairman, Bedford-Throop Neighborhood Association, an urban housing redevelopment agency
  • Executive Director, School & Community Organized for Partnership in Education
  • Chairman, N.Y.C. Peoples Board of Education and the United Federation of Parents
  • Honorary Chairman, Committee for a Negro Congressman from Brooklyn
  • Consultant, Central Brooklyn Coordinating Council
  • Member, Board of Directors, Walla Hardgrow Mental Hygiene Clinic
  • Former Vice Moderator of the Presbytery of Brooklyn-Nassau
  • Past Advisor, Geneva Fellowship of the Presbytery of Brooklyn-Nassau
  • Former Member, General Assembly Special Committee on Segregated Synods and Presbyteries in the Presbyterian Church
  • Past President (3 years) Brooklyn Branch, NAACP
  • Past President, Parents Workshop for Equality in New York City Schools
  • Past President, Board of Trustees, The Woodward School
  • Former Member, Board of Directors, Big Brothers Inc.
  • Former Member, Board of Directors, Bedford-Stuyvesant Youth in Action, Inc.
  • Retired Chairman, Stuyvesant Community Center Board of Directors
  • Former Member, Board of Directors, Brooklyn Tuberculosis & Health Assn.

Dr. Galamison has had wide experience in religious broadcasting on major NYC television networks; has traveled to Windsor, Nova Scotia, where he addressed the annual meeting of the United Churches of Canada, 1954; to Europe and the French Cameroun, West Africa, 1955, where he served four months as good-will emissary to the young people of the Presbyterian Church and represented the Westminster Fellowship of the Presbyterian Church, USA; to Cuba in December 1959, on a special mission for the Department of Evangelism; and conducted Seminars at various Synod Schools for Ministers in this country.

Dr. Galamison is married to the former Gladys Hunt of Chester, Pennsylvania, and has one son, Milton Arthur, Jr.

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