Leonard Allen Papers, 1940-1981


At the time of Leonard Allen's death in 1981, he was managing director of the Radio Television News Directors Association based in Washington, D.C. and a retired NBC-TV news executive. His obituary says, “He joined NBC in 1942 as a radio news writer in the international division, later became night news editor, and was promoted to day news editor in the television division in 1952. In 1958, he became manager of television news reporting and subsequently served as manager of television foreign and domestic news. In 1963, he transferred to NBC's Washington bureau as director of the news operation, a position he held for 10 years. He continued to live in the Washington area after returning to New York in 1973 as director of public affairs. He was an assistant bureau chief in New York when he retired in 1976.” About the time he retired from NBC and assumed his post with RTNDA, he served as a consultant to the Commission on the Operation of the United States Senate.

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