International Harvester Company Advertising Literature, 1832-1984

Container Title
Part 2 (M2001-140): Additions, 1879-1984
Physical Description: 88.0 c.f. (220 volumes and 13 record center cartons) 
Scope and Content Note: Financial records of International Harvester Company, its subsidiaries and companies it acquired. Includes expense ledgers, property ledgers, journals, cash books, payroll ledgers, stock certificates, bond issues, and other financial records. Companies and subsidiaries covered include the Agnew Mine (1902-1906); Accurate Engineering Company (1913-1919); Calumet and Southeastern Railroad (1904-1912); Chicago, West Pullman and Southern Railway Company (1940-1954); D.M. Osborne and Company (1902-1905); Flax Twine Company (1907-1909); Hawkins Mine (1904-1906); Illinois Iron and Mining Company (1901-1912); Keystone Company (1902-1906); MacLeod and Company (1945-1951); McCormick Harvesting Machine Company (1880-1963); Milwaukee Harvester Company (1893-1902); Oliver Chilled Plow Company; South Chicago Furnace Company (1899-1900); South Chicago Steel Works (1904-1906); Wisconsin Lumber Company (1906-1928); and Wisconsin Steel Company (1914-1951).
Access Restrictions: The materials in M2001-140 are closed pending conservation; see the McCormick-International Harvester Collection archivist.
Accurate Engineering Company
Volume   120
Account book, 1916
Volume   128
Book #13688, 1913
Volume   133
Cash book, 1917
Volume   2
Cost ledger, 1916
General Ledger
Volume   127
Volume   132
Volume   126
Volume   91
Ledger?, 1915-1919
Volume   1
Payroll record, circa 1919
Volume   131
Property, plant, equipment, 1947
Agnew Mine
Volume   208?
Volume   198
1902 October-1903 December
Volume   88
Volume   83
Volume   87
Calumet & Southeastern
Volume   3
General ledger, 1907-1912
Volume   153
Journal, 1904-1906
Champion Division (see International Harvester Company-Champion Division)
Chicago, West Pullman and Southern Railway Company
Cash book
Volume   14
Volume   15
Volume   16
Volume   64-66
Compania Industrial de Baja California Stock Certificates, 1905
D.M. Osborne and Company
General Ledger
Volume   10
Volume   11
General Office Ledger
Volume   23
A, 1902
Volume   24
B, 1903
Volume   25
Private ledger, circa 1903
Deering Division
Note: See International Harvester Company Deering Division.
Volume   182
Eastern Building Company Ltd., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1905-1933
Note: Document #1143.
Flax Twine Company
General Ledger
Volume   177
Volume   114
Volume   117
Hawkins Mine
Volume   206
Journal, 1904
Volume   89-90
Volume   201
Volume   86
Volume   100
Huttig saw mill payroll ledger, 1910-1912
Illinois Iron and Mining Company
Note: See also South Chicago Steel Works, subsidiary?
Volume   158
General ledger, 1904
Volume   157
Journal #1, 1901
Volume   156
#1, 1901
Volume   155
Volume   82
Volume   159
Subsidiary ledger, 1907-1912
International Harvester Company
Volume   175
Accounts payable ledger “A”, 1903
Box   13
Acquisition of IHC's agricultural business by Tenneco Inc., 1984
Box   3
Amendment and restatement dated as of June 30, 1982 of Credit and Security Agreement dated as of November 1, 1981
Argentina Cash Book
Volume   136
Volume   140
Volume   205
Branch house journal, 1903-1904
Volume   27-28
Cash book, 1904-1905
Champion Division
Volume   9
General ledger No. 2, 1902-1903
Volume   8
General ledger with British pound conversions, 1902-1903
Volume   4-6
General ledger, index of Swedish names and ?, circa 1905
Box   9
Clark County-transcript of proceedings purchase and sale/lease back of IHC Clark County, Ohio Truck Assembly Plant, 1982 September 30
Box   3
Credit and security agreement among IHC and lenders as of November 1, 1981
Cuban Plantation
Volume   146
Volume   190
1955 November-1958 March
Volume   179
Volume   194
Cash ledger, 1944 March-1959 November
Cash Register
Volume   192
1944 March-1949 October
Note: Document #11288.
Volume   191
1952 January-1953 October
Note: Document #11289.
Volume   119
Official inventory, 1950-1958
Volume   118
Production records, 1951 November-1957 November
Record of payments to contracted workers on plantation
Volume   193
1951 November-1956 December
Note: Document #11287.
Volume   196
1958 April-1959 November
Note: Document #11284.
Volume   141
Custodian for employee benefit assocation, 1941-1951
Deering Division
Volume   99
Accounts collectible ledger #1, 1903
General Ledger
Volume   25?
Volume   98
Volume   97
#1, 1902
Volume   122-123
#2, 1903
Volume   85
Rolling mill ledger, 1905-1906
Works Ledger
Volume   46
Volume   154
Volume   102
Volume   103
Volume   104
Volume   105
Volume   106
Volume   107
Volume   108
Box   9
Delaware merger, 1966
Box   10
General instructions covering accounting work, 1932
Volume   26
General journal, 1904-1905
General Ledger
Volume   143
1902 September-1910 April
Volume   130
1902 October-1910 March
Volume   162
Volume   36
Volume   115
Volume   80
#1, 1904
Volume   30
Volume   33
Volume   31
Volume   129
#1, circa 1905
Volume   32
Volume   34
#3, 1906
Volume   35
Utlitilies?, 1906
Volume   38
Volume   210
Volume   39
Volume   40
Volume   41
Volume   42
Volume   43
Volume   135
Volume   44-45
Volume   48
Volume   49
Volume   51
Volume   50
Volume   52
Volume   53
Volume   55
Volume   54
Volume   56
Volume   57
Volume   58
Volume   59-60
Volume   61
Volume   121
Index, 1904
Volume   125
Journal, 1903 October 16-1906 September
Note: Specific entity unknown.
Volume   181
McCormick Division, works cash book, 1903-1904
Volume   195
Memo ledger, 1928-1943
Box   9
Merger of association corporation into Harco Holdings, Inc., 1973 March 9
Volume   18
Milwaukee Division, general ledger with index, 1902-1903
Volume   137-138
Miscellaneous mines journal, 1902 October 1-1903 December 31
Volume   199
Miscellaneous properties, 1904
Volume   110
Miscellaneous property, mines and options ledger, 1904
Overseas Corporation
Box   12
International Harvester Overseas Corporation Guaranteed Swiss Bonds 5.5%, 1969
Box   5
Overseas capital corporation, 1966
Box   5
Overseas financial company Eurodollar offering $115,000,000, 1980
Volume   147
Petty Cash for Stockholm, Sweden, 1905
Plano Division
Volume   19-20
General ledger, 1903
Volume   152
Ledger A, 1903
Volume   21
Representative Accounts #1, circa 1903
Volume   101
Railroad freight? ledger, South Chicago, 1907
Volume   116
Real estate ledger, 1902-1903
Volume   144
Register of general ledger, 1906
Volume   145
Report, 1907
Box   10
Report of the International Harvester Company, 1911 December 31
Volume   134
Russia 1, 1910-1918
Sales figures
Note: See Trading Profits.
Box   11
Savings and investment, 1965-1971
Box   7
Savings and investment program, 1972-1974
Seasons cost
Note: By factory including IHC Export.
Volume   217-218
Volume   219-220
Box   13
Securities and Exchange Commission registration statement, circa 1941
Steel Department
Subledger A
Volume   165
Volume   75
Volume   76
Subledger B
Volume   150
Volume   80
Volume   164
Subsidiary ledger A, 1918-1920
Stocks and Bonds
Box   7
$75,000,000 9% Notes, 1976
Box   7
$75,000,000 9.15% Notes, 1975
Box   4
1,200,000 shares of common stock under Common Stock Prescription Plan of 1949
Volume   172
Blank Shares A501-A1,000
Volume   151
Capital stock ledger, 1902 August 13-1910 April 20
Volume   171
Certificates, 1902-1903
Volume   169
Common 10 Shares X1-X500
Volume   188
Common Blank Shares L1-L250, 1907
Note: Document #7289.
Box   10
Common stock, 1953 May 19
Volume   173
Fractional shares preferred 01-5,000
Box   1
Illinois Industrial Pollution Control Financing Authority series A, 1976
Box   1
Illinois Pollution Control Revenue Bonds for the City of Rock Island, IL, 1978
Box   13
Industrial Development and Pollution Control Financing Board of the City of Memphis, TN series A, 1976
Box   1
Industrial Development Revenue Bonds for the City of Pocahontas, Iowa, 1980
Box   1
Industrial Project Revenue Bonds for the City of Waukesha, Wisconsin, 1983
Box   4
Offer of exchange of stock of solar aircraft company, 1960 January 26
Box   1
Pollution Control Revenue Bonds for Waggoner Industrial Development Authority, Waggoner, Oklahoma, 1979
Volume   189
Preferred 100 shares #251-500, 1908
Volume   187
Preferred blank shares J1-J250, 1907
Note: Document #7292.
Volume   63
Preferred Stock J251-J300, 1908
Note: Document #7299.
Box   12
Preferred stock subordinated debentures, 1963
Box   3
Private placement of 500,000 shares of $10 cumulative preferred stock series A, 1975
Box   4
Public offering of 3,000,000 shares of $5.76 cumulative convertible preferred stock series C, 1980
Box   13
Purchasing policy procedures II U.S. operations
Box   4
Retirement of 408,362 of preferred stock in exchange for $71,463,300 (max) subordinated debentures due 1988, 1963
Sinking fund debentures
Box   11
6.25%, 1968
Box   5
Due 1995, 1970
Box   7
9%, 1974
Volume   68
Shares $100 nos. 1-500, undated
Box   12
Stock debentures $50,000,000 4.75% series B, 1960 August 1
Volume   148-149
Stock ledger books, 1904-1907
Volume   111
Stock ledger, temporary certificates, 1902-1904
Box   11
Stock option plan, 1968-1974
Box   10
Stock sale from Harold F. and Mary V. McCormick Estates, 1942 April 16
Volume   71
Surrender of stock, undated, Document #7319
Trust certificates
Volume   167
100 Shares 1,001-5,000
Volume   174
100 Shares 4,001-4,500
Volume   170
Common blank shares L251-L500
Note: Document #7290.
Volume   113
Voting trust certificates, undated
Volume   73
Voting trust certificates common and preferred, 1908-1909
Box   3
Term loan agreement among IHC and lenders dated as of November 1, 1981
Volume   62
Toledo War Depot, general ledger, 1943-1955
Volume   211-216
Trading profits, 1903-1944
Note: Sales figures with profit calculations.
Volume   202
Transfer general ledger, undated
Volume   209
Transfer real estate ledger, 1904-
Physical Description: Cover broken 
Volume   29
Transportation ledger?, 1905
Volume   142
Twine mill ledger, 1902-1903
Volume   70
Vendor's ledger, undated
Box   1
Waggoner, transcript of proceedings for Waggoner Industrial Development Authority taxable revenue bond series, 1979
International Harvester Credit Corporation
Box   12
General, 1970-1971
Box   8
8.35% Notes, 1976
Box   12
$50,000,000 4.75% debentures series B due 1981, 1960 August 1
Box   7
$60,000,000 7% notes, 1971
Box   7
$75,000,000 7.5% debentures, 1973
Box   5
$100,000,000, 1980
Box   3
Agreements as of November 1, 1981
Box   8
Debentured series A, November 1, 1958
Box   3
Debit restructuring, Volumes I and II, 1981
Box   6
Secondary public offering of 199,311 units, Volumes I and II, 1985
Box   6
Stock, 1972
Box   6
Stock, 1975
Volume   109
International Harvester Export Company, selling expense ledger, 1934-1942
International Harvester New Jersey
Volume   81
Steel department subledger A, 1915-1917
Volume   84
Trial balances, undated
Keystone Company
Volume   124
General ledger and journal, 1905
Volume   17
Payroll volume 1, 1902-1906
Volume   139
MacLeod and Company cash book, 1945 June-1951 February
McCormick Division
Note: See International Harvester Company-McCormick Division.
McCormick Harvesting Machine Company
Volume   183
Cash book, 1902 November-1963 May
Note: Document #175.
General Ledger
Volume   176
1901 September-1903 October
Volume   163
Volume   184
Entries, International Harvester Company formation, 1902-1908
Note: Document #174-A.
Volume   185
Liquidation of McCormick Harvester Machine Company, Formation of International Harvester Company, 1909-1928
Note: Document #174-B.
Volume   168
Stock certificates for McCormick family, 1880-1902
Volume   161
Transfer general ledger, 1901
Milwaukee Division
Note: See International Harvester Company, Milwaukee Division.
Milwaukee Harvester Company
Volume   186
Stock certificates, 1-300, 1893-1902
Note: Document #15534.
Volume   47
Private ledger A-5, 1901
Navistar International Corporation
Box   2
Shares of common stock, Volumes I and II, 1986
Box   2
Secondary public offering of common stock, 1986
Box   3
Subordinated debentures due 2000, 1986
Box   8
Springfield paint facility leveraged lease financing, 1987 May-June
Volume   110
Oliver Chilled Plow Company, stockholders and directors records, undated
Note: See D.M. Osborne and Company.
Plano Division
Note: See International Harvester Company-Plano Division.
Volume   178
178 South Chicago Furnace Company Payroll Ledger, 1899 October-1900 June
Note: Document #7103.
South Chicago Steel Works
Note: See also Illinois Iron and Mining Company.
Volume   12
General ledger, 1905-1906
Volume   203
Journal, 1904
Volume   13
Ledger, 1905-1906
Wisconsin Lumber Company
General ledger
Volume   93
Volume   94
Volume   160
Volume   95
General ledger #12
Subledger A
Volume   166
Volume   92
Wisconsin Steel Company
Cash book
Volume   200
1940-1946 February
Volume   197
1946 May-1951 February
Volume   74
Subledger A-coal car line, 1925
Volume   77
Subledger B-mines, 1907-1913
Subsidiary ledger B
Volume   78
Volume   79
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