Nettie Fowler McCormick Financial File, 1843-1923

Scope and Content Note

Mrs. McCormick's own habit of keeping lists, her use of cashiers and agents, and the complexity and size of her estate produced a large financial file. Unbound statements, ledgers, and an account book list her donations between 1883 and 1923, including recipient, date, amount, and sometimes notation as to the purpose. Entries frequently overlap, but an alphabetical listing in the largest volume summarizes gifts totaling millions of dollars. The files also include cash books showing expenditures for incidental items, 1884-1890; unbound statements relating to investments and net worth, 1892-1922; and real estate reports and cash statements, 1890-1923, for Mrs. McCormick and the trustees for Mary Virginia.

Financial records include correspondence, reports and statements, and ledgers and cash books. There is not a complete report for each year in the case of the donations and there is some overlapping of reports. There is also a Miscellaneous Financial File (1868-1923 and undated), dealing with savings and loan funds, ledger balances, petty cash accounts, payroll lists, profit and loss and similar items; and a Correspondence and Report File pertaining mainly to real estate, stocks and taxes. The latter file emphasizes the years 1890-1923. Finally, there are eight record books (five ledger books, two cash books and 1 account book) kept by Mrs. McCormick or her secretary. The ledgers (labeled A through E by the Nettie Fowler McCormick Biographical Association) and the account book are a record of funds allocated for charities, missions, schools, individuals, merchants and personal expenses. The cash books relate to expenditures for incidental and household items.

Within each subject division (Annual Financial Reports, Annual Real Estate Reports, Monthly Cash Statements, etc.), the folders are arranged chronologically by years. The Correspondence and Report File, however, is arranged alphabetically by the name of the subject or the author.

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