“Man and the Challenge” Films: ZIV-TV Productions, United Artists Corporation Records, 1959-1960

Contents List

Container Title
Series: Vietnam Archives Television Newsfilm
Scope and Content Note

Live news footage excerpted from the film files of Madison, Wisconsin, television stations WISC, WKOW, and WMTV and from other sources by Glenn Silber and Barry Brown, producers of the Vietnam War protest documentary : The War at Home (Catalyst Films, 1979). The footage focuses on events in the Madison community and on the University of Wisconsin -Madison campus where opposition to the War is documented by film of public hearings, interviews, demonstrations, sit-ins, violence known as the “Dow Chemical riot,” and the aftermath of the bombing of the Army Mathematics Research Center in Sterling Hall.

Included is earlier footage on Freedom Rides and local civil rights activities and the 1960 Presidential election campaign, and more extensive information on a Black student strike, draft protests, a journey to North Vietnam by Quaker Betty Boardman, violence at the Mifflin Street Block Party, welfare rights demonstrations, and appearances by Dick Gregory, Hubert Humphrey, General Daniel “Chappie” James, Luci Baines Johnson, Ted Kennedy, William Kunstler, Melvin Laird, Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern, Carl McIntire, Charlene Mitchell, Wayne Morse, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, Benjamin Spock, and many other national figures.

VNA 1.1
On-site interviews, 1965
Physical Description: 0'-36', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Blake Kellogg interviews Sauk County Sheriff Merle Spencer on peace march scheduled for the next day at the Badger Army Ammunition Plant.
VNA 1.2
News, 1965
Physical Description: 37'-130', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war protesters outside gates of Badger Army Ammunition Plant. Anti-war signs, protesters seated near gates. Man leads them in singing. Riot police on scene, though protesters are peaceful.
VNA 1.3
News/On-site interviews/Speeches, 1965 February
Physical Description: 131'-238', silent and optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protesters picketing with anti-war signs around Library Mall fountain. Protesters going up State Street and at Capitol Square listening to speakers including Maurice Zeitlin. Protesters in front of Lincoln statue. Reporter interviews non-participating students on their reactions.
VNA 1.4
News, 1965 February
Physical Description: 238'-262', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Negative film of previous demonstrations.
VNA 1.5
News, 1965 October 19
Physical Description: 263'-271', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Protesters attempt to arrest Truax Field base commander for war crimes.
VNA 1.6
Panel discussions, 1965 May 7
Physical Description: 272'-311', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Truth teams” sent to University of Wisconsin (and all American college campuses) by the Johnson administration. Crowd of students in Wisconsin Center hall; “truth team” on stage.
VNA 1.7
On-site interviews, 1965 February 1
Physical Description: 311'-336', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More interviews in front of Lincoln statue on Bascom Hill: “I think the majority of the campus backs any decision the President will make.”
VNA 1.8
News, 1965 January 16
Physical Description: 337'-356', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fund drive for CARE.
VNA 1.9
News, 1965 February
Physical Description: 357'-373', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protests (around Library Mall) against U.S. bombing in N. Vietnam.
VNA 1.10
News, 1965
Physical Description: 374'-399', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Protesters with “Get out of Vietnam” signs on Bascom Hill. Hubert Humphrey arrives at Memorial Union Theater.
VNA 1.11
News, 1965 February
Physical Description: 399'-437', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: More shots of anti-bombing demonstration around Library Mall fountain.
VNA 1.12
Press conferences, 1965 May 13
Physical Description: 438'-463', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Averill Harriman on unidentified subject; he mentions Organization of American States.
VNA 2.1
Press conferences, 1966 October
Physical Description: 0'-16', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Fleming apologizes to Sen. Ted Kennedy for the conduct of students at the Senator's recent appearance on campus. Students disrupted speech by Kennedy.
VNA 2.2
Speeches, 1966 October 28
Physical Description: 16'-48', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey (in a speech before introducing Ted Kennedy at the Stock Pavilion) says he has no intention of turning “misery of our boys over in Vietnam” into his political advantage in a partisan contest.
VNA 2.3
Press conferences, 1966
Physical Description: 49'-56', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Chancellor Fleming press conference: traditions of University of Wisconsin are “much too precious” to have them put in danger by those afraid to have ideas compete.
VNA 2.4
Press conferences, 1966 October
Physical Description: 57'-76', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge apologizes to Senator Ted Kennedy for students' behavior.
VNA 2.5
Press conferences, 1966 October
Physical Description: 77'-100', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Student Association president gives apology to Senator Ted Kennedy for behavior of a “small minority” of students.
VNA 2.6
Speeches, 1966 October 28
Physical Description: 101'-124', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Patrick Lucey speech (Lucey running for governor): he does not intend to make Vietnam War an issue in governor's race.
VNA 2.7
News, 1966 May
Physical Description: 125'-170', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Umbrella March” (by University of Wisconsin faculty members?) on Bascom Hill as a faculty meeting lets out. March was concerned with administration building sit-in.
VNA 2.8
News, 1966
Physical Description: 171'-203', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Draft resistance rally at Selective Service office.
VNA 2.9
Speeches, 1966
Physical Description: 203'-229', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Fleming addresses large crowd of students on Bascom Hill. “We will always try to understand another point of view.”
VNA 2.10
Press conferences, 1966
Physical Description: 229'-258', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Chancellor Fleming press conference. Conflict on campus related to Vietnam War.
VNA 2.11
News, 1966
Physical Description: 258'-285', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Draft protest at Field House. Students picket as male students line up at Field House to take “draft tests.” Flunking test meant losing student deferment.
VNA 2.12
News, 1966 May
Physical Description: 286'-294', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Draft sit-in at A.W. Peterson Building.
VNA 2.13
Meetings, 1966 May
Physical Description: 295'-321', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin faculty meeting to discuss student takeover (sit-in) of administration building.
VNA 2.14
News, 1966 May
Physical Description: 322'-340', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Sit-in at administration building continues. Exterior of A.W. Peterson building. Sign: “This is our building.” Cut to large rally on Bascom Hill.
VNA 2.15
News, 1966 February 26
Physical Description: 341'-349', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: 100 protesters march to Badger Army Ammunition Plant near Baraboo.
VNA 2.16
News/Speeches, 1966 May
Physical Description: 352'-401', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Large rally on Bascom Hill after sit-in at administration building. Prof. William A. Williams speaks.
VNA 2.17
News/Speeches, 1966 October 29
Physical Description: 402'-450', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Interior of Stock Pavilion, filled to capacity, students giving standing ovation to Ted Kennedy. (Speech by Lucey in VNA 2.2 and VNA 2.6 may have been part of Kennedy's appearance.) Silent shots of Kennedy being introduced and speaking to audience.
VNA 2.18
News, 1966 May 17
Physical Description: 450'-461', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Sit-in at administration building to protest draft. Hank Haslach (student leader) at microphone.
VNA 2.19
News/Speeches, 1966 October 28
Physical Description: 462'-469', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Ted Kennedy at Stock Pavilion. Student at his side.
VNA 2.20
News/Speeches, 1966
Physical Description: 470'-550', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students entering or leaving Stock Pavilion. Cut to street scene of students (some with signs) crossing street. Cut to students marching up Bascom Hill. Sign: “Sit-in to protest UW cooperation...” Large crowd at top of Bascom Hill. Sign: “End the war in the Administration building.” Cut to students seated in Bascom Hall hallway and a lecture hall where speakers address group.
VNA 2.21
News, 1966 May
Physical Description: 551'-563', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Sit-in at A.W. Peterson Building.
VNA 2.22
Speeches, 1966
Physical Description: 564'-623', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: More of Prof. William A. Williams speech at Bascom Hill rally: “I have tremendous respect for your intellectual power...”
VNA 2.23
News/Speeches, 1966 October 28
Physical Description: 623'-666', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Stock Pavilion. Patrick Lucey and Ted Kennedy at podium. Shots of protest signs at Kennedy's speech: “Bring the troops home now.” Kennedy and student protester at podium. (Kennedy had invited protester to podium for him to speak on Vietnam.)
VNA 2.24
Meetings, 1966
Physical Description: 666'-720', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Student Association meeting on draft sit-in held in lecture hall. Cut to huge rally on Bascom Hill. Sign: “'Beats' [beatniks] are all washed up for Barry” [Barry Goldwater?].
VNA 2.25
Press conferences, 1966 March 26
Physical Description: 721'-755', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Prof. Staughton Lynd on his trip to N. Vietnam: N. Vietnam called truce a phony peace attempt because National Liberation Front not directly contacted and also because of steady escalation of troops in the South.
VNA 3.1
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 0'-168', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Blake Kellogg interviews Betty Boardman on her mercy mission to N. Vietnam as part of Quaker group. Boardman describes arriving in Haiphong Harbor during air raid.
VNA 3.2
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 168'-538', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman's pre-voyage press conference. Begins by reading press release regarding trip. Quaker action group will send small boat in February to N. Vietnam. Supplies will go to N. Vietnamese Red Cross to relieve injuries caused by U.S. bombing.
VNA 3.3
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 538'-1006, silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor William Sewell testifies before State Senate hearing on Dow Chemical riots at Commerce Building. Many incomplete questions and answers. Sewell answers questions about specific events that day. Sewell says they did not expect the “massive” resistance to the police that was encountered.
VNA 4.1
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 0'-225', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor William Sewell continues to testify before State Senate committee hearing on Dow Chemical riots at Commerce Building. One senator asks about upcoming CIA interviews: can University assure State that these interviews will occur? Sewell and Fred Harvey Harrington have assured State. Senator reads document that circulated on campus before riot: students would move to block Dow Chemical from being on campus. Senator asks that since this document was seen by University administration, why wasn't there more preparation for Dow riot? “We did not expect violent resistance to arrest,” says Sewell.
VNA 4.2
News, 1967 November
Physical Description: 226'-281', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Bring the GI's Home Now” rally. Students near top of Bascom Hill. Students outside of Athletic Shell; sign: “Veterans demand: Bring the troops home now.” Sign on Shell door: “Building closed Monday November 20, 1967 except for authorized military interviews. By order of President Fred Harvey Harrington.” Students march on Monroe Street to Selective Service office. Riot police arrive.
VNA 4.3
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 282'-488', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: More testimony to State Senate committee hearing on Dow Chemical riots. David Goldman (student) refuses to answer many questions. He has brought suit against the committee, questioning its legality. Attorneys have advised him not to answer questions prior to outcome of suit.
VNA 4.4
News, 1967 October
Physical Description: 488'-533', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Silent footage of Senate Dow hearing room during a recess.
VNA 4.5
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 533'-682', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of David Goldman testimony. Committee has determined that Goldman has immunity when he answers questions as directed--any testimony he gives cannot be used against him in a Federal prosecution. Goldman begins to answer questions (Lt. Gov. Jack Olson is chairman of committee; he is referred to as “Governor” throughout proceedings.) With each question, Goldman confers with his counsel.
VNA 4.6
On-site interviews, 1967 October
Physical Description: 683'-776', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson interviewed on legislative hearing on Dow riot. Hopes to accomplish getting facts; will give status report to Senate.
VNA 4.7
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 777'-914', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Bronson La Follette regrets deeply charges made against him. Cut to different interview with La Follette who proposes study for events of yesterday (Dow riot?). La Follette says hearings would gather testimony to prevent such violence. Cut to another interview with La Follette on purpose of meeting with Wisconsin Sheriffs' Association which was to clarify statements attributed to La Follette on Dow violence.
VNA 5.1
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 0'-188', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Ralph Hanson (chief of University Protection and Security) testifies before Senate Dow Hearings. He is shown pictures of Commerce Building interior during riot and relates what he saw that day.
VNA 5.2
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 188'-226', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Person reading off names to Senate Dow hearings (names of demonstrators?).
VNA 5.3
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 227'-249', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Student describes what he experienced during Dow riot. Students were linking arms, he says.
VNA 5.4
Meetings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 250'-258', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting after Senate Dow hearings.
VNA 5.5
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 258'-286', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin spokesman (?): University of Wisconsin rated by American Council of Education as one of top 3 graduate schools.
VNA 5.6
Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 286'-495', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Professor Handley addresses rally: “We are all lower case democrats.” Citizens must exercise responsibility. Student speaks to same rally; another student announces meeting on CIA. Third student speaks on CIA practices in recruiting. Evan Stark congratulates students in their protest.
VNA 5.7
News, 1967
Physical Description: 496'-518', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students on Bascom Hill flying anti-CIA kites.
VNA 5.8
Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 518'-840', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Speakers at anti-CIA rally in front of Law School. Male student on CIA interviewing in various countries. Next speaker is black male student from Concerned Black Students (CBS); “The CIA is only an agent of imperialism,” he says. Professor Maurice Zeitlin speaks: “[CIA] is the incarnation and embodiment of the most dangerous forces in the American government.” Another male student speaks on CIA's history of involvement in political overthrow of democratic governments.
VNA 6.1
News/Special reports, 1967
Physical Description: 0'-148', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Rally against Dow demonstrations (possibly in Memorial Union Great Hall). Speaker on his opposition to Dow demonstrators' tactics.
VNA 6.2
Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 148'-177', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Speeches at rally before Dow demonstration.
VNA 6.3
Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 178'-218', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Portion of another speech (in Great Hall?) by one of the students against Dow demonstration.
VNA 6.4
Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 219'-430', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Student reads poem on Che Guevarra to anti-Dow rally. Another man: “U.S. is violating international law.” Law school student: “U.S. clearly in violation of international law.” A few silent shots of anti-Dow demonstration followed by silent footage of campus scenes.
VNA 6.5
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 430'-584', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles reads statement concerning Dow demonstrations. He supports rights of students to protest, but says protest must not interfere with ability of University to function.
VNA 6.6
News, 1967
Physical Description: 585'-641', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Unknown rally in lecture hall.
VNA 6.7
News, 1967 February 21
Physical Description: 641'-748', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: The first Dow Chemical demonstration (Dow I). Students inside of Commerce Building. Students inside unknown hallway. Students marching along campus street. Students inside Commerce Building. Hallway is full of people.
VNA 6.8
Judicial proceedings, 1967
Physical Description: 749'-837', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Court hearings after Dow I. Students in hallway of City-County Building.
VNA 7.1
News, 1967 February 23
Physical Description: 0'-185', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Fleming in his office with group of students during Dow I demonstration. Fleming is attempting to talk with students about how job interviews are conducted on campus.
VNA 7.2
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 185'-244', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles: 30,000 students on campus. 300 involved in demonstration means that 1 percent participated. He doesn't condone “hooliganism.”
VNA 7.3
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 245'-299', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Unknown legislator(?): most protesters are from out-of-state. University of Wisconsin budget should be looked at.
VNA 7.4
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 299'-315', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles (continuation of press conference): if University of Wisconsin wants to continue free speech, it should advise dissenters to be courteous and listen to others.
VNA 7.5
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 316'-385', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator Curtis McKay: what is policy of University of Wisconsin, what controls are implemented to enforce policy?
VNA 7.6
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 385'-407', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles (continuation of press conference): Dow riot does reflect upon University. It also reflects on their funding.
VNA 7.7
Press conferences, 1967 February
Physical Description: 408'-588', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Fleming press conference on Dow I. He's asked why he bailed students out of jail. There is a precedent for presidents bailing students out; he does not like the “jail technique.” Fleming was told by faculty present at Dow I that there was obstruction of the interviews by the students.
VNA 7.8
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 589'-629', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man interviewed: it's essential to lay down guidelines. Hopes to establish an advisory committee for Regents. University should be able to hold interviews for both Dow and CIA.
VNA 7.9
Press conferences, 1967 October
Physical Description: 630'-666', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harvey Harrington on Dow riots. Dow interviews were discontinued today by Chancellor Sewell. He's sure that recruiting will begin again.
VNA 7.10
On-site interviews, 1967 October
Physical Description: 666'-707', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson: legislature has determined that there must be hearings on Dow demonstrations. Olson will be chairman of fact-finding Senate committee.
VNA 7.11
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 707'-776', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man (legislator?): “We're going to do what we have to do [in Vietnam].”
VNA 7.12
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 776'-814', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Slichter, president Wisconsin Alumni Association, gives alumni's reaction to Dow demonstrations; he's concerned about inability of students to carry on studies unperturbed.
VNA 7.13
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 814'-835', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Taylor, an alumnus on Dow demonstrations. He feels these events are very disturbing. Students don't have the right to impede others in their studies, he says.
VNA 8.1
Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 0'-83', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Maurice Zeitlin speaking at rally in Wisconsin Union Theater. Dr. Benjamin Spock also addresses rally.
VNA 8.2
Judicial proceedings, 1967
Physical Description: 84'-138', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students waiting to be admitted to Dow I court hearings. Scene inside court room.
VNA 8.3
News, 1967 October
Physical Description: 139'-164', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally on Bascom Hill after Dow II. Students picketing with strike signs.
VNA 8.4
News, 1967
Physical Description: 165'-199', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sign: “U.S. out of Vietnam. CIA off campus.” Students picketing against CIA on Bascom Hill. Cut to interior of lecture hall. Cut back to Bascom Hill and picketers.
VNA 8.5
News, 1967
Physical Description: 200'-245', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student march to State Capitol. Students gathered on State Capitol grounds.
VNA 8.6
News, 1967
Physical Description: 245'-284', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crowd of students, one with sign: “We demand the right to man a table.” Students are surrounding Marine recruitment table in Memorial Union.
VNA 8.7
News, 1967
Physical Description: 285'-308', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students boarding Greyhound buses near Memorial Union.
VNA 8.8
On-site interviews, circa 1967
Physical Description: 308'-452', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson: “We have to stop the bombing [of Vietnam] unilaterally.” Opposed to more troop allocations.
VNA 8.9
News, 1967
Physical Description: 452'-514', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students gathered around Marine recruitment table set up in Memorial Union. Marines look on as one student has an argument with other students protesting right of Marine recruiters to be there.
VNA 8.10
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 514'-543', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regent speaking at Senate Dow Hearings. He says attacks on academic freedom usually come from outside the University; this time [Dow riots] it came from a relatively small percentage of students.
VNA 8.11
News, 1967
Physical Description: 544'-595', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students demonstrating on State Street. Police in riot gear.
VNA 8.12
News, 1967
Physical Description: 596'-612', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Student at Marine recruiting table in Memorial Union: “These people [Marines] are not students and yet they get to man a table at the Union.” Student is with Committee for Direct Action and they want to set up table to raise money for napalmed children in Vietnam.
VNA 8.13
News, 1967 November
Physical Description: 613'-627', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Sign on Athletic Shell door: “Building closed Monday November 20, 1967 except for authorized military interviews.”
VNA 8.14
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 627'-707', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Sewell comments on bringing in approximately 230 police. “I consider it a protective action.” Cut to Fred Harrington: interviews are to be continued.
VNA 8.15
News, 1967
Physical Description: 707'-736', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstrations against military interviews. Riot police arriving.
VNA 8.16
News, 1967
Physical Description: 736'-774', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: More on Marine recruiting table confrontation.
VNA 9.1
News/Speeches, 1967 February
Physical Description: 0'-114', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students march outside of University Club. Cut to Chancellor Fleming and President Harrington leaving Bascom Hall after Dow I arrests. Crowds of students on Bascom Hill to hear Fleming and Harrington. Students in Bascom Hall hallway. Chancellor Fleming with bullhorn addresses student crowd outside Bascom Hall.
VNA 9.2
News, 1967
Physical Description: 114'-211', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students in hallway. Cut to packed lecture hall where man is speaking to students (anti-demonstrators?). Students march on State Street. Man addressing them with bullhorn. Students post something on a door. Shot of City-County Building with banner across front: “United Nations.” Gathering at State Capitol. Cut to student crowds on Bascom Hill. (Same crowd seen from atop Bascom Hall and a shot looking down towards Social Science Building.)
VNA 9.3
News, 1967
Physical Description: 212'-239', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students picketing campus buildings with strike signs.
VNA 9.4
News/Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 240'-296', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Crowded lecture hall. Cut to outside shot of Ralph Hanson (?) in the middle of a student crowd. Cut back to lecture hall; students applauding WSA officers (on stage). Chancellor Fleming addresses group. (Sign: “Withdraw the Viet Cong”)
VNA 9.5
News/Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 297'-334', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Cohen speaks at anti-CIA rally in front of Law School. Professor Maurice Zeitlin addresses same group.
VNA 9.6
News, 1967
Physical Description: 339'-360', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students blocking doorways in classroom building during CIA interviews.
VNA 9.7
News, 1967
Physical Description: 361'-492', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-CIA march down Bascom Hill. Chanting: “Stop the war in Vietnam, throw the CIA out.” Cut to Bascom Hill crowd, then cut to marchers going down Bascom Hill. Big banner put up behind Lincoln statue: “U.S. out of Vietnam, CIA off campus.” Speakers in front of Law School.
VNA 9.8
News, 1967
Physical Description: 493'-525', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students blocking classroom doorways during CIA interviews. Cut to demonstrations on Bascom Hill.
VNA 9.9
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 526'-552', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: UW student David Goldman testifies before Senate Dow hearings.
VNA 9.10
Unknown, 1967
Physical Description: 553'-559', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Image very bad.
VNA 9.11
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 560'-628', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman gives press conference prior to N. Vietnam trip.
VNA 9.12
News/Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 629'-768', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin lecture hall. Students giving standing ovation to Chancellor Fleming. Fleming speaks about CIA interviewing on campus: students may make the judgement themselves as to whether or not they want to interview with a certain company. Faculty will be meeting to see if there should be a change to present policy. At same meeting where Fleming speaks, a WSA officer speaks: “No minority can prevent the operation of this university.” Meeting is about to end when anti-Dow demonstrators want to be heard. Cut to WSA officer directly addressing camera: “Vast majority deplore what has happened today. If a student is obstructing functions of campus, he is not acting appropriately.” Cut back to the meeting.
VNA 10.1
On-site interviews, 1967 October
Physical Description: 0'-85', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Bronson La Follette asked his reaction to Dow riot: “Administration was perfectly proper.” “Violence that did occur was almost inevitable.”
VNA 10.2
Hearings, 1967
Physical Description: 86'-145', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Harrington testifying before Senate Dow hearings: “CIA interviews are now scheduled this fall.” The “disruptionists” caused the violence and necessitated the use of police force.
VNA 10.3
News, 1967 February 23
Physical Description: 146'-391', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students and press crowd into Chancellor Fleming's office. Identified in station finding aids as student takeover of Fleming's office following Dow I. Fleming talks on phone to someone regarding students arrested during Dow I. After he gets off phone, he talks with students about events leading up to the event. Arrested students are now out on bail. Student speaks about students staying in office and possibility of Fleming being taken out of his office by police escort. Fleming warns him that once he's touched, aggravated assault charges may be brought. Robert Cohen, seated next to Fleming, warns students that Fleming is correct. (Sometimes hard to hear, lots of background noise from crowd.)
VNA 10.4
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 393'-449', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles (in office): “We believe in free speech...Freedom of speech goes both ways.”
VNA 10.5
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 449'-462', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington: University of Wisconsin has very good record in handling student demonstrations.
VNA 10.6
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 462'-602', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery testifying before Senate Dow Hearings. Students showed “planned organization,” he says.
VNA 10.7
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 603'-712', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington testifies before Senate Dow Hearings. Asked if he would object to the use of force: “I am reluctant to use force” but will use it when free speech is threatened and unlawful assembly occurs.
VNA 10.8
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 712'-791', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: David Goldman (UW student) and Robert Cohen (UW teaching assistant) at a press conference on Dow Chemical demonstration. Goldman: “When freedom of speech leads to significant protest, freedom of speech must be curtailed.” “We want to arouse the public.”
VNA 10.9
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 791'-859', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Harrington: Evan Stark is “off the payroll.” Robert Cohen also recommended to be fired. “This is the denial of freedom of speech,” Harrington says of protesters.
VNA 10.10
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 860'-999', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Cohen (at press conference with David Goldman): University of Wisconsin administration “would have you believe that our movement is a small group.”
VNA 11.1
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 0'-73', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Alumni Association meeting. Reporter interviews alumnus Bob Gold on his reaction to Dow riots: “We deplore the physical violence.” Reporter interviews another alumnus who displays copy of overseas edition of New York Herald-Tribune with student protest scene on front page.
VNA 11.2
On-site interviews, 1967 October
Physical Description: 74'-111', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson: starting Monday morning will call in witnesses on Dow riot. “Not going to be a witch hunt, but it's going to be a very detailed look at the situation.”
VNA 11.3
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 112'-195', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dow Senate Hearings. A legislator lists number and kind of student injuries during Dow. 47 students, 3 non-students of college age injured.
VNA 11.4
News/Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 196'-426', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration and speeches in front of Law School against CIA. Robert Cohen speaks about CIA infiltration of college campuses. Blake Kellogg does voice-over narration for news piece on anti-CIA demonstration on Bascom Hill. Robert Cohen identified as a “familiar protester face.” He leads demonstrators down the hill to the Law School where CIA interviews are conducted. 500 students gather outside Law School. Inside students line hallways where interviews are conducted. Outside demonstrators listen to Law School student John Coatsworth: demonstrations will continue until such agencies as the CIA are denied the right to recruit.
VNA 11.5
Speeches, 1967
Physical Description: 432'-519', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Pre-Dow demonstration rally. Professor Maurice Zeitlin addresses crowd: “CIA is an instrument of American foreign policy.” Vet for Peace speaks to rally: “How do we end the war? Maybe 100% tax on war profits.”
VNA 11.6
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 520'-1001', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: David Goldman and his two legal advisors at Senate hearings on Dow. Goldman declines to answer questions until U.S. court has ruled upon his complaint (repeats this several times). Lt. Gov. Jack Olson directly instructs him to answer a question. Goldman refuses. Later, questioning continues. Goldman asked about a particular meeting (SDS meeting). Goldman says SDS had no hand in events of October 18, 1967 (Dow riot). Counsel raises his objection to whole proceeding, says Goldman will answer questions only about his conduct.
VNA 12.1
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 0'-199', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: David Goldman continues his testimony to Senate Dow Hearings. Goldman lists his affiliations: member of WSA, Memorial Union, SDS. Questioner stops him when he lists SDS; Goldman refuses to answer question on whether or not he is an officer of SDS.
VNA 12.2
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 200'-260', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman (interviewed by Blake Kellogg) on her trip to North Vietnam. Her passport has been revoked. Interview took place after trip.
VNA 12.3
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 261'-522', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman at press conference before her trip to North Vietnam. She is not going as an agent of the government. She'll be bringing medical supplies to North Vietnam. Boardman reads statement on trip.
VNA 12.4
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 523'-582', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Senator Gordon Roseleip on articles appearing in University of Wisconsin Daily Cardinal student newspaper. He feels articles damage good name of university.
VNA 12.5
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 582'-607', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regent Walter Renk on demonstrations. University of Wisconsin has a responsibility, in cooperation with the city.
VNA 12.6
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 607'-792', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: General Stillwell is interviewed by Lyle Stitt. He is convinced that government's Vietnam policy is correct.
VNA 13.1
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 0'-64', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles: “Strong disciplinary action should be taken against any student who willfully violates the rules....” Knowles says this should also apply to TA's and professors. A very small minority is interfering with the rights of the majority, he says.
VNA 13.2
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 65'-91', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Gordon Roseleip: J. Edgar Hoover has warned that SDS is an organization which the “communistic” party has working for them. “I'm against any action of the Students for a Democratic Society.”
VNA 13.3
On-site interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 91'-155', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman states that Vietnam can't be won in the same way as World War II was won. “You don't kill communism with bombs.”
VNA 13.4
Press conferences, 1967 February
Physical Description: 156'-411', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Fleming, after Dow I, on arrests of students and his bailing them out of jail. University of Wisconsin policy is that employers may come on the campus and interview students. Companies are not screened. Guest speakers at University are not screened. Fleming provided bail because he did not feel that students and universities should settle differences with arrest.
VNA 13.5
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 411'-551', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Fleming at another press conference on Dow I. Students voted last night not to block Dow interviews. Fleming reviews what has happened over the last two days. He will be meeting with a faculty committee to update them on the situation. University does not have the manpower to enforce University rules by itself; it would require help from the outside (primarily city).
VNA 13.6
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 551'-718', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Sewell before Senate Dow hearing. University of Wisconsin's assumption was that protest would be like others, peaceful. Police were trained that after repeated warnings to protesters, protesters would be arrested.
VNA 14.1
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 0'-483', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor William Sewell before Senate Dow hearing. Students arrested had refused to identify themselves and refused to leave. Strategy was to start carrying people away from building. Protection and Security Chief Ralph Hanson announced that it was an unlawful assembly. Sewell describes meeting with several students during the Commerce Building incident. The students told him that if he asked Dow interviewers to leave the campus, they would attempt to get students to leave the Commerce Building. Ralph Hanson and Wilbur Emery came into Sewell's office and they discussed removal of students. It was their impression that there would be no resistance. Carrying people out of the building did not work. There was a “terrific and massive resistance.” Sewell says professors can not be screened for political views.
VNA 14.2
News, 1967
Physical Description: 484'-527', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Possibly a newscast after Dow II. Newscaster: 50 Madison police called to scene and met by “angry, vicious mob” of 300 protesters led by “professionals from out of the city.”
VNA 14.3
News, 1967
Physical Description: 528'-622', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Counter-protest (Pro-Dow) on Bascom Hill. Students carry signs “Dow makes soap,” “Why Betray America,” “Don't thumb your nose, picket.”
VNA 14.4
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 622'-671', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman at a pre-voyage to Vietnam press conference.
VNA 14.5
On-site interviews, 1973
Physical Description: 671'-764', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Outside City-County Building, people interviewed about Karleton Armstrong trial. (Described as kinescope material.)
VNA 14.6
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 771'-878', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: William Bablitch (then a Law School student) testifies at Senate Dow Hearings. He talks about confrontation at Commerce Building: “You could feel the tension mount in the air.” “Let's go in and take a crack at them” were the words Bablitch heard riot police say.
VNA 15.1
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 0'-71', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Protection and Security Chief Ralph Hanson testifies before Senate Dow hearings.
VNA 15.2
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 72'-109', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Student describes events in Commerce Building hallway that day. Police began pushing crowd back with riot sticks. “They were very definitely hitting people on the head.”
VNA 15.3
Judicial proceedings, 1967 November 13
Physical Description: 110'-149', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students entering courtroom (arraignment hearing?) after Dow riot. District Attorney James Boll seated in courtroom.
VNA 15.4
Press conferences, 1967 October 27
Physical Description: 150'-221', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles: actions of chancellor are within his prerogative.
VNA 15.5
Hearings, 1967 April
Physical Description: 221'-277', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: President Fred Harrington addresses Assembly Budget Committee: University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee will suffer under new budget.
VNA 15.6
Man on the street interviews, 1967 November 5
Physical Description: 278'-370', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People on street asked how they feel towards Lyndon Johnson.
VNA 15.7
Press conferences, 1967 October 29
Physical Description: 371'-456', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles: police used force they deemed necessary.
VNA 15.8
Hearings, 1967 October 25
Physical Description: 456'-530', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington testifies before Senate Dow hearing: problems of last Wednesday not any problem of law.
VNA 15.9
Judicial proceedings, 1967 November 28
Physical Description: 531'-610', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students in court after Dow riot.
VNA 15.10
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 610'-740', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington before Senate Dow committee: disruption was planned. University found it necessary to respond with force.
VNA 15.11
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 741'-801', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles: fully supports Chancellor William Sewell. Also supports strong rules for University.
VNA 15.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1967
Physical Description: 802'-841', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Homecoming parade around Capitol Square.
VNA 15.13
Press conferences, 1967 November 4
Physical Description: 842'-912', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Senator Robert Griffin on Lyndon Johnson. Johnson has “credibility gap.” Supports George Romney for president.
VNA 16.1
Press conferences, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-33', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington: Faculty has just adjourned its meeting. Faculty commended Chancellor Sewell in his handling of Dow Chemical demonstration.
VNA 16.2
On-site interviews, 1967 October
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 34'-69', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson on Senate Dow hearings which will investigate Dow Chemical demonstrations.
VNA 16.3
Judicial proceedings, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 70'-119', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: After Dow II, students before judge in court.
VNA 16.4
News, 1967 November 15
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 120'-160', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate chambers (Senators appear to be debating).
VNA 16.5
Press conferences, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 160'-230', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles: “The biggest source of our difficulty is with the young people.” They have easy access to cars; very mobile. They have more money, he says.
VNA 16.6
On-site interviews, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 231'-287', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter interviews a police chief on incidents with young people. He feels “outsiders” are responsible for making trouble. Another police chief is interviewed on same subject: something is going to have to be done about problem of students acting up, he says.
VNA 16.7
On-site interviews, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 287'-327', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on handling rowdy young people/students. Does not suggest using brutal force, but “they have to realize there is some authority.”
VNA 16.8
News, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 328'-348', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students at courthouse. People outside building being kept out by police.
VNA 16.9
News, 1967 October
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 349'-510', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dow II riot. Students outside Commerce Building. Riot police bringing students out of the building. Students giving Nazi salute to police. Police pushing back students from the entrance of the Commerce Building. Scuffle breaks out; students dragged away. Tear gas clouds and students running from gas. Students filling Observatory Drive, running from tear gas. Cut back to front of Commerce Building. Police trying to clear out students lying on the ground. Students led by “band” marching up Bascom Hill; marchers go to Commerce Building and start going inside. Protesters lining hallways. Outside, more students are coming into the building. Ralph Hanson and riot police enter Commerce Building. Police inside building trying to sweep students out. Students coming out of building after being forced out.
VNA 16.10
Meetings, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 511'-528', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student meeting in unknown lecture hall.
VNA 16.11
Judicial proceedings, 1967 February
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 529'-579', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Packed courtroom after Dow I.
VNA 16.12
Press conferences, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 16 also available online.

Physical Description: 579'-621', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman's pre-voyage press conference. Boardman is trying to answer a woman's question: what would she say to a serviceman in Vietnam that could be an “answer” for him. Boardman: “The war is wrong.”
VNA 17.1
News, 1967 October
Alternate Format: VNA 17 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-747', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dow II demonstration and riot. Begins as small gathering near foot of Bascom Hill. Student with bullhorn addresses crowd. Group starts up hill, chanting “Down with Dow” as they go to Commerce Building. Students enter Commerce Building, filling hallways. Ralph Hanson is on the scene. Outside Commerce, students demonstrating. Riot police enter Commerce as students shout “Dow must go.” Students being arrested. Birds-eye view shot of crowds near Social Science Building; students tear gassed. Large crowd outside main entrance to Commerce Building. Students put into paddy wagons. Police trying to hold back students from Commerce. Robert Cohen addresses students in front of Carillon Tower. At Bascom Hill, students are coming down the hill. (There seem to be some out of sequence shots of demonstration. Students dragged to paddy wagons. Inside Commerce Building, students lining halls. Cut to students having a meeting in unidentified lecture hall. Cut to march along a road, then back to Commerce Building interior with students occupying halls.)
VNA 17.2
News, 1967 February
Alternate Format: VNA 17 also available online.

Physical Description: 748'-797', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students filling Chancellor Fleming's office during Dow demonstration and lining hallways of Bascom Hall.
VNA 17.3
News, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 17 also available online.

Physical Description: 797'-912', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Pro-Dow rally on Bascom Hill. Woman holds up picture of napalmed children, someone tears the picture. Cut to student meeting. Cut to Observatory Drive; students gathered near Commerce Building. Robert Cohen addresses students.
VNA 18.1
Speeches/News, 1967 October
Physical Description: 0'-60', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Law School student Richard Krooth speaks to crowd before Dow II: chemical and biological warfare being conducted in Vietnam, he says.
VNA 18.2
Speeches, 1967 October
Physical Description: 61'-98', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Cohen addresses crowd before Dow II: war would come to an end if there wasn't an enemy the government could lean on, namely communism.
VNA 18.3
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 99'-182', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Law Student William Bablitch testifying before Senate Dow Committee on conditions inside Commerce Building at the time police moved in. “Pandemonium just broke loose.”
VNA 18.4
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 183'-242', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Student recounts his experiences to Senate Dow Hearings. People were being struck; some were resisting the police.
VNA 18.5
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 243'-323', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: More of William Bablitch testifying to Senate Dow Committee. “There was no violence before the police moved in,” he says.
VNA 18.6
On-site interviews, 1967 October 22
Physical Description: 323'-352', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regent Pasch on Chancellor Sewell's handling of Dow II. Sewell was “forthright.”
VNA 18.7
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 353'-617', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Maurice Zeitlin at press conference where he announces the anti-war referendum which he wants put on Madison ballot. Referendum states that we want an end to the war. Zeitlin is shown at the City-County Building handing in his petitions for referendum.
VNA 18.8
News, 1967
Physical Description: 618'-642', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bus lane demonstration on University Avenue. Students walk up University in bus lane, confronted by police.
VNA 18.9
Press conferences, 1967
Physical Description: 643'-732', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Harold Stassen: Knowles will continue to be neutral in the election until Wisconsin primary is held. Stassen is naming William Dyke to coordinate Wisconsin campaign.
VNA 18.10
News, 1967
Physical Description: 732'-764', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's march on Capitol. “We want our men alive.” “Women say yes to men who say no.”
VNA 18.11
Hearings, 1967 October
Physical Description: 764'-816', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Dow Committee hearings.
VNA 19.1
News, 1967 October
Alternate Format: VNA 19 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-97', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dow II demonstration in front of Commerce Building. Students with signs: “Vietnam for the Vietnamese.” Cut to inside Commerce, students seated on floor. Cut back outside Commerce.
VNA 19.2
News, 1967 February
Alternate Format: VNA 19 also available online.

Physical Description: 97'-116', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dow I demonstration. Interior of Commerce Building. Students hold up pictures of napalmed babies. Man rips one picture.
VNA 19.3
News, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 19 also available online.

Physical Description: 116'-457', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students picketing outside Commerce Building.
VNA 19.4
News/Speeches, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 19 also available online.

Physical Description: 157'-218', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Dow must go” chants. Robert Cohen speaks: “We've got to analyze that society.”
VNA 19.5
Speeches, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 19 also available online.

Physical Description: 219'-273', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Maurice Zeitlin speaks to crowd: transparency of our own government's attempts at overthrow have become clear.
VNA 19.6
News, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 19 also available online.

Physical Description: 274'-288', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: By Lincoln statue on Bascom Hill, a bell is tolled: “The bell tolls for us all.”
VNA 19.7
Speeches, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 19 also available online.

Physical Description: 288'-340', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Law Student Richard Krooth: “What you're doing today I feel is right.”
VNA 19.8
News, 1967 October
Alternate Format: VNA 19 also available online.

Physical Description: 340'-428', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dow II riot shots. Police hitting protesters with night sticks, trying to push crowds away from front of Commerce Building.
VNA 20.1
Studio interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-58', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with two of Milwaukee 14: “People have to wake up...they have to pick sides.” They are accused of burning draft card files.
VNA 20.2
News, 1968 November
Physical Description: 58'-97', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Election evening after Richard Nixon's election. Student march from Capitol down State Street.
VNA 20.3
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 98'-166', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Maurice Zeitlin on proposal to have a city referendum on withdrawal from Vietnam.
VNA 20.4
News, 1968 March 19
Physical Description: 167'-185', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Student march up Bascom Hill to office of Chancellor William Sewell. Cross planted in front of his door.
VNA 20.5
News, 1968 September 14
Physical Description: 186'-220', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students march up Bascom Hill with signs; demonstration against ROTC.
VNA 20.6
On-site interviews, 1968 January 20
Physical Description: 221'-422', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird on what Republicans need to do to win election in 1968. Laird continues interview and talks about “peace feelers” in Vietnam talks. Laird discusses candidacies of George Wallace and Eugene McCarthy.
VNA 20.7
On-site interviews, 1968 September 13
Physical Description: 424'-457', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Edwin Young on University of Wisconsin budget: budget looks big, but when you take into account all costs, it doesn't look as large.
VNA 20.8
News, 1968 February 7
Physical Description: 459'-494', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student demonstration against IBM for trading with communist countries; signs read “How do you program treason?”
VNA 20.9
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 499'-642', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson asked if his position on war has changed at all: “I opposed back in 1965...on the grounds that it would develop into a long war.”
VNA 20.10
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 642'-669', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Jerris Leonard: “We...have an obligation as a free country to extend a hand...to any country that strives to maintain a free nation.”
VNA 20.11
Man on the street interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 671'-771', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People asked what they think of Nixon-Agnew ticket.
VNA 20.12
Hearings/News, 1968 December 6
Physical Description: 773'-872', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Capitol protest, many people trying to crowd into hearing room. Lots of pushing, windows broken.
VNA 20.13
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 876'-952', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reaction of Professor Armstrong to Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia. He's “horrified.”
VNA 20.14
Man on the street interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 956'-1030', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More reaction to Nixon-Agnew ticket.
VNA 21.1
News, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-29', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Maurice Zeitlin turns in petitions for city referendum on Vietnam war.
VNA 21.2
News, 1968
Physical Description: 29'-65', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy arrives at Dane County Coliseum. Crowds of students coming into Coliseum.
VNA 21.3
News, 1968 October 21
Physical Description: 65'-117', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration up State Street, students fill street, headed for U.S. Army recruiter, student pasting stickers on recruiter's window: “Demonstrate against the war.” Night time demonstration; students on State Street.
VNA 21.4
News, 1968
Physical Description: 118'-126', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Bring Troops Home” rally at Capitol.
VNA 21.5
News, 1968 October 15
Physical Description: 126'-161', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Bring Troops Home” rally at Capitol. Speakers address crowd. March up State Street; crowds in front of U.S. Army recruiter.
VNA 21.6
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 163'-192', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on why students might feel draft records need to be destroyed.
VNA 21.7
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 192'-230', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on need for open Democratic Party Convention.
VNA 21.8
News/Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 231'-239', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State University (not identified as to which one). Hall filled with students; Richard Nixon at microphone (very briefly).
VNA 21.9
News/Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 239'-330', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy rally at Dane County Coliseum.
VNA 21.10
Speeches, 1968 April 1
Physical Description: 330'-363', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Maurice Zeitlin on LBJ's decision not to run: “Americans do not want continued escalation of war.”
VNA 21.11
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 364'-405', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Bollenbeck: withdrawal will cause communist takeover in Vietnam.
VNA 21.12
Meetings/News, 1968
Physical Description: 405'-509', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at State Capitol concerning black students at Wisconsin State University at Oshkosh. Lee Dreyfus at meeting. Students crowded around meeting table. Students start chanting; Chairman calls for quiet; sound of glass breaking. Students push their way in; Chairman announces that resolution will be presented; students demand more room: “The rotunda's open!”
VNA 21.13
On-site interviews, 1968 September 13
Physical Description: 510'-537', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: “My concern will be primarily with this (Madison) campus, although I will be concerned with the University as a whole.”
VNA 21.14
Press conferences, 1968 February 21
Physical Description: 538'-654', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy: response has been very good to campaign.
VNA 22.1
News, 1968 May 14
Physical Description: 0'-39', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Bring the Troops Home” rally in front of Loraine Hotel. Cut to interior of Loraine ballroom and Rotary Club meeting in progress.
VNA 22.2
Speeches, 1968 May 15
Physical Description: 40'-112', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Director of Selective Service addressing Rotary Club: “These kids aren't so bad...It's just when they all get together.”
VNA 22.3
On-site interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 113'-152', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans arriving in Madison. Roy at Coliseum (riding Trigger?). Roy and Dale being interviewed: “When you lose faith...everything crumbles.”
VNA 22.4
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 153'-205', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Rally on Bascom Hill. Man speaking through bullhorn. Students milling about. Police in front of classroom building.
VNA 22.5
On-site interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 206'-262', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson: we should propose mutual cease fire. Then elections should begin as soon as possible.
VNA 22.6
On-site interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 263'-331', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson on negotiations in Paris. We should end bombing of North and offer mutual cease fire.
VNA 22.7
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 332'-663', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council meeting. Ralph Hanson speaks: “Can't have police behind every tree.” Man and several students testify on causes and concerns about student harassment.
VNA 22.8
Graduation ceremonies, 1968 June 14
Physical Description: 663'-809', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin graduation. Warren Knowles makes graduation address. Fred Harrington speaks: “University of Wisconsin will not give way to repression.”
VNA 23.1
On-site interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 0'-36', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Alderman Leo Cooper on riot equipment for city: “About 19 to 20 votes will be in favor of riot equipment.”
VNA 23.2
On-site interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 37'-83', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson: “Our nation deserves constructive alternatives from both political parties.”
VNA 23.3
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 84'-111', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council. Paul Soglin in attendance.
VNA 23.4
News, 1968 August
Physical Description: 112'-139', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy rally at Dane County Coliseum.
VNA 23.5
On-site interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 140'-226', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Gerald Ford: “Ours (Republican) was an open convention.” He also talks about Czech crisis.
VNA 23.6
On-site interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 227'-345', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier: “I will support Vice President Humphrey” now that McCarthy is no longer in the race.
VNA 23.7
News, 1968
Physical Description: 345'-417', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Military Academy. Soldiers training in the field. Aerial view of camp.
VNA 23.8
News, 1968 September 4
Physical Description: 418'-534', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Spiro Agnew at Dane County Airport. “The Democratic Convention was a strange thing,” he says.
VNA 23.9
News, 1968 September
Physical Description: 534'-669', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin campus scenes. Reporter Roger Sutton begins report on University of Wisconsin.
VNA 23.10
Press conferences, 1968 September
Physical Description: 669'-713', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington announces Edwin Young is the new University of Wisconsin chancellor. Intercut with silent shots of Board of Regents.
VNA 23.11
News, 1968 September 14
Physical Description: 713'-739', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bascom Hill demonstration. Sign: “No compulsory indoctrination.”
VNA 23.12
Speeches, 1968 September
Physical Description: 740'-785', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man giving speech comments on Hubert Humphrey's remark that war could be scaled down now; man calls this comment “dangerous.”
VNA 23.13
News, 1968
Physical Description: 785'-804', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Campus demonstration scenes.
VNA 23.14
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 804'-899', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Harrington: “Students should study hard, debate and demonstrate, provided there is no destruction.”
VNA 24.1
Hearings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 0'-92', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council session. Police Chief Emery testifies before Council on police and black community relations.
VNA 24.2
News/Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 92'-112', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Humphrey-Muskie rally at campaign headquarters. Robert Kastenmeier talks to workers. Brief appearance by Bronson La Follette.
VNA 24.3
News, 1968
Physical Description: 112'-130', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Headquarters for Selective Service System after fire or bomb damage.
VNA 24.4
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 131'-171', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on youths' idea of sexuality.
VNA 24.5
Speeches, 1968 October
Physical Description: 172'-252', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on drug use among young. “There is a psychological dependence....”
VNA 24.6
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 253'-322', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man: “Many young people feel that the cause of their own difficulties lie outside of themselves.” Talks about factors that can lead to “crack up” of teenager.
VNA 24.7
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 323'-392', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter interviews Lt. Davenport and Det. McFarland: drug problem is centered around university area. McFarland: biggest drug used is marijuana. Davenport: undercover police infiltrate by imitating the “general slovenly appearance” of drug users.
VNA 24.8
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 393'-422', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Priest giving speech to group and later interviewed. Students' activity, priest says, points out that they are responsible Americans.
VNA 24.9
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 423'-481', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird: other two candidates (Democrats) “cannot bring unity to the United States of America.” Nixon can, he says.
VNA 24.10
News, 1968
Physical Description: 482'-519', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy met at airport by Patrick Lucey and Robert Kastenmeier.
VNA 24.11
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 520'-571', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Benjamin Spock in Milwaukee (wearing “M-14” button for Milwaukee 14 defendants). “American people are violently opposed to it [war].” War has hurt leadership, he says.
VNA 24.12
News, 1968 October
Physical Description: 571'-607', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy at rally at Field House.
VNA 24.13
Hearings, 1968 October
Physical Description: 608'-779', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Drug Committee hearing testimony on drug use (particularly on campus) by various witnesses, including Lt. Davenport.
VNA 25.1
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man (author of “Double Agent”): “SDS...heavily connected with the communists.”
VNA 25.2
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 49'-76', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on presidential election. Nixon has decided to continue to support LBJ's foreign policy programs. Probably the right decision, but it may not be, he says.
VNA 25.3
News/Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 76'-98', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students at Madison Common Council meeting holding up signs: “What if they gave a war and nobody came?”
VNA 25.4
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 98'-133', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council. Paul Soglin looking through papers.
VNA 25.5
On-site interviews, circa 1969
Physical Description: 133'-194', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man: “White society has had its separate classes for 100 years. They have been developing their truth without the presence of the black man.”
VNA 25.6
Press conferences, circa 1969
Physical Description: 194'-254', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: Wisconsin has moved as fast as any University in meeting needs of blacks. He assumes blacks are not participating in today's demonstration to shut down the University.
VNA 25.7
Press conferences, circa 1969
Physical Description: 254'-271', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black student press conference. “The students have articulated their feelings and it is the responsibility of the University to talk to them directly.”
VNA 25.8
Press conferences, circa 1969
Physical Description: 271'-300', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guardsman: “Many of our National Guardsmen are actually college students....They have a job to do.”
VNA 25.9
Press conferences, circa 1969
Physical Description: 300'-374', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: programs for blacks are on the campus already. National Guard and city police will be withdrawn from campus immediately.
VNA 25.10
Press conferences, circa 1969
Physical Description: 374'-427', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More of a press conference (in a different location) with Chancellor Edwin Young: “The real concern is that students and faculty may attend classes.”
VNA 25.11
Press conferences, circa 1968
Physical Description: 427'-483', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles outlines a plan to “ensure a free, but orderly environment on campuses.”
VNA 25.12
On-site interviews, circa 1969
Physical Description: 483'-527', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: A legislator doesn't favor cutting University of Wisconsin budget to get at demonstrators.
VNA 25.13
On-site interviews, circa 1969
Physical Description: 527'-580', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson: average legislator wants to protect right to dissent.
VNA 25.14
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 580'-668', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon at Executive Residence with Governor Knowles. Governor is not on record as supporting anyone for presidential nomination.
VNA 26.1
Press conferences, 1968/01
Physical Description: 0'-66', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Halstead, Socialist candidate for president: “McCarthy hasn't got a chance.” Way to end the war is through an independent anti-war movement, he says.
VNA 26.2
News/Meetings, 1968/01
Physical Description: 67'-79', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students sit in at University of Wisconsin Board of Regents meeting.
VNA 26.3
On-site interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 80'-202', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Abraham Quisling becomes new president of Madison Chamber of Commerce. Quisling talks about plans for upcoming year.
VNA 26.4
On-site interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 202'-266', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Two East High School students have organized a group to show support for men fighting in Vietnam. Group has marched in front of Draft Resistance Union.
VNA 26.5
News, 1968/01
Physical Description: 267'-310', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bascom Hall with protesters in front; sign says “We protest Communist piracy. Get the Pueblo back.” Burning of NLF flag.
VNA 26.6
News/Press conferences, 1968 February
Physical Description: 311'-496', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor George Romney arrives at Dane County Airport and is greeted by supporters. Governor travels around Madison, talking with people. At a press conference he says the conflict will be won in “the hearts and minds” of Vietnamese people.
VNA 26.7
Press conferences, 1968 February
Physical Description: 496'-556', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor William Sewell: Dow chemical interviews and military interviews have been delayed on campus. Ad hoc committee to complete recommendations soon.
VNA 26.8
Press conferences, 1968 February
Physical Description: 556'-614', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dick Gregory: Wisconsin has a Father Groppi. It is up to White America to decide if it becomes a violent revolution or if it stays bordering on the non-violent.
VNA 26.9
Speeches, 1968 February
Physical Description: 615'-642', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Wayne Morse supports no form of disobedience to laws still on the books.
VNA 26.10
On-site interviews, 1968 March 4
Physical Description: 643'-743', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Male students: students should be able to talk to military on campus, “We don't know what [Merman] report will say.”
VNA 26.11
On-site interviews, 1968 March 4
Physical Description: 743'-817', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified hippie: “The new age of peace and light...that time is already here.” Before new age is fully in, there is going to be a lot more trouble.
VNA 26.12
Press conferences, 1968 March
Physical Description: 818'-910', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Joan Baez: No such thing as personal defense: “We are all gonna lose our lives sometime.” Calls herself a “non-violent soldier.”
VNA 26.13
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 910'-929', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Rally on Bascom Hill. Sign: “Reinstate Zwicker Now.”
VNA 27.1
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-25', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam veteran declares himself candidate for governor. Calls on people of Wisconsin to support troops in Vietnam by demanding their withdrawal.
VNA 27.2
News, 1968
Physical Description: 26'-46', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Rally on Bascom Hill. Bascom Hall lobby filled with students.
VNA 27.3
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 47'-104', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: National Commander of AmVets. He's been traveling country to give “true” picture of what's happening in Vietnam.
VNA 27.4
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 105'-144', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Spokesman for Veterans for Peace in Vietnam responds to AmVets spokesman: Veterans for Peace are speaking with attorneys to pursue suits of libel.
VNA 27.5
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 145'-198', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Eugene McCarthy giving a speech at Coliseum. Pan of crowd and students waiting in Coliseum lobby.
VNA 27.6
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 198'-268', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Vice President Hubert Humphrey speaks to gathering at Wisconsin State University-Stevens Point. (Lee Dreyfus at podium briefly.)
VNA 27.7
News, 1968
Physical Description: 268'-312', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Athletic Shell. Sign on door: “This building is closed Sat. March 30, 1968 except for authorized interviews.”
VNA 27.8
News, 1968
Physical Description: 313'-343', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students going to office of U.S. Attorney. Students in office speaking with Attorney.
VNA 27.9
News, 1968
Physical Description: 343'-369', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at Capitol. Crowd marches down University Avenue.
VNA 27.10
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 370'-430', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Southern legislator(?), using a Civil War analogy, says President Johnson is in effect asking Ho Chi Minh to betray his own people.
VNA 27.11
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 430'-608', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Black Panthers. She describes formation of Black Panthers by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, California.
VNA 28.1
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: University will go to any lengths in order to uphold rules. Use of the National Guard justified in Black Strike.
VNA 28.2
News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 50'-94', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin Street riot. Police put on riot gear and clear away street barricade.
VNA 28.3
Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 94'-118', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black student spokesman: certain legislative bodies are indulging in vendettas against blacks.
VNA 28.4
News, 1969
Physical Description: 119'-151', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Afro-American and Race Relations Center after it was fire bombed.
VNA 28.5
Hearings, 1969 March
Physical Description: 151'-216', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington testifying before State Assembly committee on University of Wisconsin security system.
VNA 28.6
Hearings, 1969 March
Physical Description: 217'-294', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington (in another part of the same testimony): twelve to twenty students dismissed or Regents' action taken.
VNA 28.7
Hearings, 1969 March
Physical Description: 295'-338', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington recommends adding to authority of Board of Regents.
VNA 28.8
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 338'-366', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Protection and Security head Ralph Hanson (in testimony before State Assembly Committee): University of Wisconsin is cooperating with other police forces.
VNA 28.9
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 366'-401', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge testifying before a Senate committee hearing on the city's participation in law enforcement during Dow demonstrations.
VNA 28.10
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 401'-449', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery testifying before a Senate hearing (same one as in segment 9) in favor of bill to combine city and university security personnel because there are many duplications of efforts.
VNA 28.11
News, 1969
Physical Description: 449'-595', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pantomime production in front of Memorial Library. Sign: “To be against the war and do nothing is indefensible.” Demonstration by Van Hise Hall. Students walk up Van Hise side of Bascom Hill. Demonstration near Van Hise. Ambulance leaves scene; city bus carrying police in riot gear arrives. National Guard being mobilized. People standing in doorway of Mifflin Street Co-op.
VNA 28.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 596'-645', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Silent footage of University of Wisconsin campus in late summer. Carillon Tower, Bascom Hill, Van Hise Hall.
VNA 28.13
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 646'-683', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Priest announcing anti-war rally at Field House.
VNA 28.14
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 683'-745', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Emery: officers did not over-react to demonstration.
VNA 28.15
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 745'-816', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke (after Mifflin Street block party): city doesn't want continued confrontation. Madison residents should not drive into student areas.
VNA 29.1
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-21', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: number of students actually demonstrating is small.
VNA 29.2
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 21'-35', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Strike demonstration. Students fill street, chanting “On strike, shut it down.” Students gathered outside Social Science Building.
VNA 29.3
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 35'-69', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black spokesman: the black people of the University are fully in control of the Black Strike.
VNA 29.4
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 69'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: support for Black Strike has fallen.
VNA 29.5
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 88'-119', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles on Black Strike: education of majority will be interrupted. SDS bent on destroying capitalism and university structure.
VNA 29.6
Hearings, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 120'-148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington testifies before State Senate committee: “We have reached the point of clear and present danger in our institutions.”
VNA 29.7
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 148'-208', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black faculty press conference: University of Wisconsin “has failed to face up to conditions of racism.” University of Wisconsin has knocked together a set of ad hoc courses designed for different purposes.
VNA 29.8
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 208'-300', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Strike leader: “We will continue to strike.” The Black Caucus is in control of the strike, he says.
VNA 29.9
Speeches/News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 301'-387', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke goes to Mifflin Street Co-op after Mifflin Street riot to address student community. Dyke speaks to crowd with bullhorn. Crowd heckles him. Dyke promises an investigation.
VNA 29.10
On-site interviews, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 387'-438', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Eugene Parks feels city is provoking violent confrontation between students and police. “I don't think this community is a repressive community.”
VNA 29.11
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 439'-469', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young speaking on Black Strike: demonstrations can be a way of attracting attention. He is confident that most students will not tolerate disruption of University of Wisconsin.
VNA 29.12
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 469'-505', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: National Guardsmen say goodbye to families.
VNA 29.13
Speeches, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 506'-527', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam veteran at Field House describing situation in Vietnam. Rice crops are destroyed; people have little to eat.
VNA 29.14
Speeches, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 528'-546', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marge Tabinkin (WSA president) speaking at Library Mall rally; she announces march to start that night.
VNA 29.15
Man on the street interviews, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 547'-564', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interviews on war moratorium.
VNA 29.16
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 564'-581', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally on Capitol Square. Chants of “Peace Now!”
VNA 29.17
Man on the street interviews, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 581'-613', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More interviews on war moratorium.
VNA 29.18
Speeches, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 613'-676', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gold Star mother at Field House for war moratorium. Tells of her son leaving for Vietnam and his return as a war casualty.
VNA 29.19
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 676'-693', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Riot damage to store fronts on State Street.
VNA 29.20
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 694'-713', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of war moratorium rally at Capitol.
VNA 29.21
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 714'-745', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Strike demonstration. Riot police marching up Bascom Hill. Broken classroom windows. Army ROTC building vandalized.
VNA 29.22
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 29 also available online.

Physical Description: 746'-757', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke: “These are professional agitators.”
VNA 30.1
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-2', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Very brief segment of Hubert Humphrey at podium; appears to be press conference.
VNA 30.2
Press conferences, 1969 May
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 2'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke and Police Chief Wilbur Emery display items thrown at police during Mifflin Street block party riot.
VNA 30.3
Speeches, 1969 November
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 30'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation (from VNA 29.18) of Gold Star mother's speech at Field House: “What did he die for?” she asks.
VNA 30.4
Press conferences, 1969 February
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 81'-121', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles: “I deplore the use of violence” in Black Strike. Knowles will call in the National Guard.
VNA 30.5
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 122'-136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration on University Avenue. Students marching, chanting “On strike, shut it down.” Police in riot gear.
VNA 30.6
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 136'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young on Black Strike: “This university is going to go about its functions.”
VNA 30.7
News, 1969 May
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 158'-221', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin Street Block Party. Students in the street dancing. Police “riot trucks” coming down street.
VNA 30.8
Man on the street interviews, 1969 October
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 222'-245', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young man asked what he thinks about moratorium: “As far as their marching, I don't go for it....I fully believe in that war in Vietnam.”
VNA 30.9
News, 1969 May
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 246'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin Street Block Party riot. City bus vandalized. Wounded policeman being helped away. Students being arrested. Night scenes on Mifflin Street.
VNA 30.10
News, 1969 February
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 308'-404', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black student strike. Students standing and blocking classroom building doorway. Police on Bascom Hill. National Guard troops advancing slowly, with rifles and fixed bayonets. Candlelight march to Capitol led by blacks. Daytime scene: students fighting. Riot police step in. National Guard troops, rifles pointed towards students. Nighttime scenes: students marching with torches on State Street.
VNA 30.11
Speeches, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 404'-455', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students in Field House listening to war moratorium speakers, including Jim Rowen: “It is up to the people here tonight to organize, propose and enforce a total moratorium....”
VNA 30.12
News, 1969 October
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 455'-477', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candlelight march. Reading names of war dead by candlelight.
VNA 30.13
News, 1969 October
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 478'-509', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crowd at Field House during October Moratorium.
VNA 30.14
Press conferences, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 509'-534', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WSA vice president Marge Tabinkin: ROTC and Army Math Research Center must be eliminated from campus.
VNA 30.15
Man on the street interviews, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 534'-580'', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People give their opinions of nationwide war moratorium.
VNA 30.16
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 580'-606', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People getting on buses for national moratorium rally in Washington, D.C.
VNA 30.17
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 606'-657', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coffin carried from St. Paul's Church to Army Math Research Center by priest and students. Signs: “Thou shalt not kill, bomb, maim, rape, defoliate.”
VNA 30.18
News, 1969 October
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 657'-677', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students arriving at Field House for October Moratorium rally.
VNA 30.19
News, 1969 February
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 677'-693', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students during Black Strike marching, chanting “On strike, shut it down.” Police with nightsticks, riot helmets on. One policeman chasing students out of street.
VNA 30.20
News/Speeches, 1969 February
Alternate Format: VNA 30 also available online.

Physical Description: 693'-735', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Strike, nighttime. Black student leader speaking to crowd with bullhorn.
VNA 31.1
News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 0'-42', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin Street block party aftermath. Debris from blockades being dismantled.
VNA 31.2
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 42'-55', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Letter-writing headquarters for sending anti-war messages to Nixon, Laird, and congressmen at a church on University Avenue.
VNA 31.3
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 55'-69', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: October Moratorium rally at Library Mall. Sign: “To be against the war and do nothing is indefensible.”
VNA 31.4
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 69'-74', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: October Moratorium. Students entering UW Field House.
VNA 31.5
News, 1969 February
Physical Description: 75'-137', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student crowd gathers at Library Mall. National Guardsmen as well as police present. Students gathered near Van Hise Hall. Riot police marching up street. National Guardsmen, headed by riot police, march up street (possibly part of Black Strike).
VNA 31.6
News, 1969 February
Physical Description: 138'-169', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard jeeps and trucks leave headquarters.
VNA 31.7
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 169'-200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: October Moratorium. Marge Tabinkin and other Wisconsin Student Association people organizing letter-writing campaign and getting leaflets ready.
VNA 31.8
News, 1969 February
Physical Description: 200'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guardsmen leave for Madison.
VNA 31.9
News, 1969
Physical Description: 208'-219', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin Street Co-op. Sign in store window: “500 people, mostly children, are in desperate need of breakfast tomorrow morning. Your immediate contribution will feed them.”
VNA 31.10
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 220'-233', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: October Moratorium at Library Mall. Pantomime on Memorial Library steps of U.S. aggression.
VNA 31.11
News, 1969
Physical Description: 233'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pickets in front of Armory building.
VNA 31.12
News, 1969
Physical Description: 238'-247', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students passing out leaflets door-to-door off campus.
VNA 31.13
Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 249'-293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Strike spokesman: black students have presented to University of Wisconsin's administration thirteen demands. Demands “must be met.”
VNA 31.14
News, 1969 February
Physical Description: 294'-365', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Strike demonstration near Van Hise Hall. Riot police arrive in school buses. Police marching up street, breaking into a run. Student being arrested.
VNA 31.15
Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 366'-382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Strike spokesman: National Guard has made many people tense and this is provocation.
VNA 31.16
News, 1969
Physical Description: 384'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guardsmen in front of Capitol. Picketing students at Bascom Hall. Statue of Lincoln has “Strike” spray painted at base. Scenes of nighttime rioting on State Street.
VNA 31.17
News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 415'-455', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin Street block party riot. Student being arrested.
VNA 31.18
News, 1969 February
Physical Description: 456'-477', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Brief shot of nighttime demonstration. Student picketing in front of Science Hall; sign reads: “Support Black Demands.” More demonstrations.
VNA 31.19
News, 1969 February
Physical Description: 478'-565', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration in front of Bascom Hall during Black Strike. Demonstration near Social Science Building. Large demonstration at intersection of Park Street and University Avenue. Students marching down State Street. Riot police on scene. National Guardsmen on Capitol Square. Students demonstrating in front of Bascom Hall. Demonstrators marching on University Avenue. Traffic piling up. Riot police arrive. National Guard convoy going to Madison.
VNA 31.20
News, 1969
Physical Description: 566'-612', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guardsmen welcomed back home by families.
VNA 31.21
News, 1969
Physical Description: 613'-633', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: ROTC building fire bombed. Three Army men inspect damage.
VNA 31.22
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 634'-794', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam veteran speaking at Field House during war moratorium. “Once I got to Vietnam, my views changed very rapidly.” A woman also speaks: one way out of welfare for blacks is war, she says.
VNA 32.1
Meetings/News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council; motion to close 500 block of Mifflin Street on May 10, 1969. Paul Soglin rises to speak, but Mayor Dyke calls for city attorney to speak on tabling of motion.
VNA 32.2
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 117'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Strike spokesman: no violence until National Guardsmen arrived. Guardsmen are a provocative presence.
VNA 32.3
On-site interviews/Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 216'-282', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: if legislature is trying to decide how to spend scarce money, it might not spend it here [University of Wisconsin].
VNA 32.4
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 283'-369', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington is in agreement with Chancellor Young: no expelled Oshkosh students (black strikers) to be admitted to University of Wisconsin--Madison at this time.
VNA 32.5
News, 1969
Physical Description: 370'-388', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Afro-American and Race Relations Center vandalized and fire set.
VNA 32.6
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 389'-445', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles announcing actions will be taken against students at public institutions who are convicted of a criminal offense arising out of a campus disturbance.
VNA 32.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 446'-546', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Nellen gives reason for calling executive committee meeting: to consider the impact of proposed budget on University of Wisconsin and to explore proposed curtailment of certain University of Wisconsin programs.
VNA 32.8
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 547'-562', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator talks on “new coalition.”
VNA 32.9
News, 1969
Physical Description: 563'-632', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plans and model for renovated State Street. Malls are shown.
VNA 32.10
News, 1969 October 9
Physical Description: 633'-693', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Army personnel arrive back in Madison.
VNA 32.11
Promotional materials, 1969 October 11
Physical Description: 695'-751', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force public relations film of Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird with Air Force Academy cadets.
VNA 32.12
Promotional materials, 1969
Physical Description: 751'-796', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Army public relations film shot in Vietnam. Soldiers at religious services.
VNA 33.1
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-37', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on talks with University of Wisconsin Regents and faculty. University will not tolerate obstruction or destruction.
VNA 33.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 37'-62', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Afro-American Center after fire bombing.
VNA 33.3
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 63'-81', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: substantial portion of deactivation of National Guard has taken place.
VNA 33.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 82'-148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on communist activities on college campuses. Communists use the “idealism” of students to convert and manipulate, he says.
VNA 33.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 148'-289', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reports on TAA's activities. TAA threatened to strike if University of Wisconsin cut tuition rebates to out-of-state TA's. TAA is now planning a reorganization. Interview with TAA spokesman who gives short history of TAA.
VNA 33.6
Awards Ceremonies, 1969
Physical Description: 289'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles in his office with two military officers.
VNA 33.7
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 304'-386', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles: makes no charge of communism against demonstrators, but demonstrators have gone far beyond free speech.
VNA 33.8
News, 1969
Physical Description: 386'-422', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students near Commerce Building. Workers cleaning up broken window glass.
VNA 33.9
Meetings/Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 423'-451', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: as long as they [students] are polite and have an appointment, it's his duty to meet with them.
VNA 33.10
Meetings/Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 451'-488', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (at same meeting as in previous segment) on question of student discipline.
VNA 33.11
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 488'-532', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington addresses unknown meeting.
VNA 33.12
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 532'-553', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
VNA 33.13
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 553'-642', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regent(?): ID cards with photo needed by faculty and students. Regents have advocated “get tough” policy. Silent shots of Regents meeting. Interview with Attorney General Warren: students charged with expulsion should be aware of charges made against them.
VNA 33.14
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 643'-719', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Israeli gives comparison of Viet Cong and Palestinian terrorists.
VNA 33.15
News, 1969
Physical Description: 720'-739', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Paul Soglin in city conference room.
VNA 33.16
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 739'-785', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Wayne Morse (D-Oregon): Nixon perpetuating old Eisenhower-Nixon-Dulles policy on Vietnam. “We're going to end up in a war with China, which we will never win.”
VNA 33.17
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 786'-825', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier: Administration will need to reassess situation [Vietnam].
VNA 33.18
Man on the street interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 825'-904', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People asked about resolutions they have made for 1969.
VNA 34.1
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles comments on problem of ever increasing numbers of out-of-state students. Regents have put a cap on 1969-1970 out-of-state enrollment to 25% of new students.
VNA 34.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 134'-192', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car pulls up to building where a group of men are waiting. Three men, one Gov. Warren Knowles, get out of gull-wing door. St. Patrick's Day celebration starts.
VNA 34.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 192'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on contract (possibly a labor contract) with City of Madison.
VNA 34.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 209'-288', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Brusky (interviewed by Jerry Deane) on new taxpayers' organization. His group is made up of Madison people unhappy with tax situation.
VNA 34.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 288'-424', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene Parks (interviewed by Jerry Deane) on creation of Afro-American Center. Center is creating a library dealing with experiences of black people.
VNA 34.6
Promotional materials, 1969
Physical Description: 424'-534', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Army film shows officer going on inspection tour of Army hospital.
VNA 34.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 534'-548', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City official on leasing air park (Truax Field).
VNA 34.8
Press conferences, 1969 February 25
Physical Description: 549'-620', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on new attitudes in black community which is seeking to develop its own institutions.
VNA 34.9
News, 1969 June 14
Physical Description: 620'-674', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Truax Field Air Force Base. Military personnel boarding plane and taking off.
VNA 34.10
News, 1969 June 23
Physical Description: 674'-773', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Army training. Troops shown how to throw grenades.
VNA 35.1
News/Speeches, 1969 April 29
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student rally in front of Law School. Speaker addresses small crowd.
VNA 35.2
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 27'-86', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student on reprisals after Black Strike; calls actions a “witch hunt.”
VNA 35.3
Press conferences, 1969 May
Physical Description: 86'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke and Police Chief Wilbur Emery display examples of items (knives, etc.) thrown at the police during Mifflin Street Block Party riot.
VNA 35.4
News, 1969
Physical Description: 155'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student rally at Library Mall. Police in riot gear inside City-County Building; police come out of building and move students away.
VNA 35.5
Press conferences, 1969 May
Physical Description: 188'-227', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke declares gathering in Mifflin-Bassett area an unlawful assembly.
VNA 35.6
Press conferences, 1969 May
Physical Description: 227'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke supports ordinance for block party permits suggested by City-University Coordinating Committee.
VNA 35.7
News, 1969
Physical Description: 266'-298', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students gather on Mifflin and Bassett Streets.
VNA 35.8
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 298'-317', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council. Alderman Eugene Parks speaking from his desk; students view the proceedings.
VNA 35.9
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 318'-400', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Student Association officers comment on the University's part in the ROTC and the role of Students for a Democratic Society in demonstrations.
VNA 35.10
News, 1969
Physical Description: 400'-409', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interior of vandalized building.
VNA 35.11
News/Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 409'-445', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Police guarding entrance to Madison Common Council meeting.
VNA 35.12
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 445'-506', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke: “This is a total community.” He displays stack of phone messages (on his handling of Mifflin Street Block Party?).
VNA 35:13
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 507'-522', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
VNA 35.14
Meetings/Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 523'-680', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man testifying before Madison Common Council: “Government should be at the lowest level feasible.” Other citizens comment on need for regulations concerning block parties.
VNA 35.15
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 680'-776', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assembly Speaker Harold Froehlich on floor action in the Assembly to ease backlog of bills.
VNA 35.16
Promotional materials, 1969
Physical Description: 776'-811', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military band playing for schoolchildren. U.S. Army film.
VNA 36.1
News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 0'-35', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Rector Memorial Park created on Mifflin Street.
VNA 36.2
News, 1969 September
Physical Description: 35'-79', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior of Memorial Union Theater. Student crowds in lobby; police on the scene.
VNA 36.3
News, 1969
Physical Description: 80'-105', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior of Memorial Union Theater as man (Dean Rusk?) enters stage door. Interior shot of theater with clapping crowd.
VNA 36.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 105'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery on Safe Streets Act program which would increase training of all law enforcement personnel in the handling of civil disobedience.
VNA 36.5
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 204'-285', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on statutory changes for new administrative rules at University of Wisconsin, including the power of the chancellor to declare the campus “off limits.”
VNA 36.6
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 285'-317', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Brief shot of the State Capitol and National Guardsmen.
VNA 36.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 317'-346', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews a priest on anti-war demonstrators.
VNA 37.1
On-site interviews, 1970 March
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-23', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young (during Teaching Assistants Association strike): “We tend to carry on school as usual.”
VNA 37.2
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 24'-94', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistants Association spokesman: “Teaching assistants are not teacher's aides.”
VNA 37.3
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 94'-397', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes around University of Wisconsin campus of striking teaching assistants. Includes shots of WARF building under construction and TA's picketing construction site.
VNA 37.4
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 397'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: University of Wisconsin would have had agreement with TAA (Teaching Assistants Association) long ago if organization had been an experienced labor union.
VNA 37.5
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 413'-424', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA picketing around University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 37.6
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 424'-487', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA spokesman: recent University of Wisconsin proposal to TA's not acceptable.
VNA 37.7
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 487'-502', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Armory building (Old Red Gym) fire bombed by New Year's Gang.
VNA 37.8
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 502'-523', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren (commenting on Army Math Research Center bombing): not only has there been a murder, but millions in property damage.
VNA 37.9
News, 1970 May
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 524'-538', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kroger's Supermarket fire bombed. Police and fire fighters on the scene.
VNA 37.10
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 538'-599', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nighttime riots on State Street. Fire fighters at fire-bombed Department of Educational Psychology Building. Tear gas clouds near Memorial Union and scenes driving up State Street.
VNA 37.11
News, 1970 May
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 599'-649', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Campus riots on Bascom Hill after Kent State University killings.
VNA 37.12
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 649'-685', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA picketing on University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 37.13
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 686'-711', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student march down State Street.
VNA 37.14
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 712'-736', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA picketing on University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 37.15
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 736'-744', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sterling Hall after the Army Math Research Center bombing.
VNA 37.16
Meetings, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 745'-763', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student meeting on Memorial Union Terrace after Kent State University killings.
VNA 37.17
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 763'-792', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Riot on Bascom Hill, University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 37.18
Meetings, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 37 also available online.

Physical Description: 792'-827', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student meeting on Memorial Union Terrace after Kent State University killings.
VNA 38.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-32', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student demonstration beginning at Library Mall and marching up to the State Capitol. Banner reads “Free Ollie.”
VNA 38.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 32'-65', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes on Langdon Street on a sunny day as students mill about.
VNA 38.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 66'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student march up State Street.
VNA 38.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 89'-155', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young concurs with the decision to alert the National Guard during student strike.
VNA 38.5
Features (News, film), 1970
Physical Description: 155'-176', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin scenes: Memorial Union Terrace, Science Hall, Bascom Hill.
VNA 38.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 177'-229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Student Association president: students have done peaceful work to end war with no result, so now they resort to violence.
VNA 38.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 229'-312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young: decision to call National Guard was made by group of which he was a member.
VNA 38.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 313'-348', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interior of fire-bombed office. Shots of fire-bombed Kroger's Supermarket.
VNA 38.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 349'-406', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young (interviewed by Bryan Brosamle) would have advised the TAA not to form a union; however, he will now recognize them as a union.
VNA 38.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 407'-434', “silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin classroom building with TAA pickets in front. Students having book bags checked by National Guardsmen.
VNA 38.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 434'-528', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington announces he'll resign as of fall 1970.
VNA 38.12
News, 1970
Physical Description: 528'-615', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Peace vigil on Bascom Hill. National Guard present.
VNA 38.13
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 617'-633', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Student Association president: people have to take a stand now against war and put their studies aside.
VNA 38.14
News, 1970
Physical Description: 634'-651', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Emergency van for first aid during riots. Shots of a demonstration on campus and a rally on the Memorial Union Terrace.
VNA 38.15
News, 1970
Physical Description: 651'-663', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: House fire bombed.
VNA 38.16
News, 1970
Physical Description: 663'-677', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Training Center fire bombed. Exterior of Kroger's Supermarket after fire-bombing.
VNA 38.17
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 677'-695', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young declares situation of immediate danger on University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 38.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 695'-742', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans of Foreign Wars wreath laying ceremony at Dane County Coliseum.
VNA 38.19
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 742'-789', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man critical of Governor Patrick Lucey spending time on international matters such as Vietnam War.
VNA 39.1
Candidacy announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-59', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey running for Governor; speaks against the high cost of the Vietnam War.
VNA 39.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 60'-111', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson backs up Nixon's war policy, opposes Patrick Lucey. Patrick Lucey remarks: “Vietnamization is a fraud.”
VNA 39.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 112'-135', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman speaks at Wisconsin Alliance headquarters.
VNA 39.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 136'-191', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Margaret Mead on violence on television. Violent events get television coverage, non-violent events do not.
VNA 39.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 192'-225', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at City-County Building to oppose the procedures for conducting the Chicago 7 trial.
VNA 39.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 226'-247', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at Library Mall: Marge Tabinkin tells people to go to the Field House.
VNA 39.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 247'-315', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March outside of Selective Service office.
VNA 39.8
Press conferences, 1970 October
Physical Description: 316'-477', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marge Tabinkin and others on Moratorium Day; priest speaks on Madison Area Peace Action Council's role.
VNA 39.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 479'-493', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Overturned cars at corner of Mifflin and Broom Streets.
VNA 39.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 494'-572', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Nixon's decision to bomb Cambodia and the effects of this decision on Wisconsin.
VNA 39.11
News, 1970
Physical Description: 573'-688', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of broken windows on State Street, police march down Johnson Street. Football practice shown. Rally at Library Mall, march around Capitol Square.
VNA 40.1
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young on student/faculty disputes then and now; believes students are happy to break laws.
VNA 40.2
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 58'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Priest on our support of dictatorships in South Vietnam; Vietnamization won't work, he says.
VNA 40.3
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 89'-143', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Senator Bob Packwood predicts U.S. will be out of war by 1971: Nixon is the answer, he says.
VNA 40.4
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 144'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Windows broken in the A.W. Peterson Building on University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 40.5
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 156'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students march from University of Wisconsin to Post Office. Law student condemns the legal system that cracks down on dissent. Police Chief Emery debates with students.
VNA 40.6
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 251'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke claims police are too restrained in combating protests.
VNA 40.7
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 332'-410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally with guerilla theater and speakers at Library Mall.
VNA 40.8
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 411'-523', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young, William Dyke, Warren Knowles, and Robert Warren on the Army Math Research Center bombing.
VNA 40.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 524'-566', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on campus security and catching the people who bombed the Army Math Research Center.
VNA 40.10
Hearings, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 567'-600', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At the State Capitol.
VNA 40.11
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 601'-615', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's rights rally.
VNA 40.12
Press conferences/News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 616'-681', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bomb damage to Army Math Research Center. Warren Knowles blames S.D.S., Weathermen, and Black Panthers.
VNA 40.13
On-site interviews, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 40 also available online.

Physical Description: 683'-714', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Emery claims $5-7 million in damage to the Army Math Research Center.
VNA 41.1
News/Speeches, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-55', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's rights demonstration at City-County Building. Speaker demands equal opportunity in job market, access to abortions, birth control, and day care centers.
VNA 41.2
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 55'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Emery on discovering car linked to Army Math Research Center bombing.
VNA 41.3
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 102'-129', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin derides William Dyke's comment that “hippies on Mifflin Street danced” when they heard of the Army Math Research Center bombing.
VNA 41.4
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 130'-230', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at Library Mall.
VNA 41.5
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 231'-262', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gisholt Machine Company (closing?).
VNA 41.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 263'-312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young on campus terrorism and the need to keep up security.
VNA 41.7
Press conferences, -1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 313'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington steps down as president.
VNA 41.8
Candidacy announcements, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 355'-402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman announces her candidacy for office.
VNA 41.9
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 403'-433', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boarded up windows on State Street.
VNA 41.10
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 434'-497', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student march to State Capitol.
VNA 41.11
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 498'-542', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Peace demonstration at Greyhound Bus station.
VNA 41.12
News, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 543'-582', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin fall registration at Armory building.
VNA 41.13
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 41 also available online.

Physical Description: 583'-690', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Chamber of Commerce presents anti-war petitions to Gov. Warren Knowles.
VNA 42.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Student Association is headquarters for student strike.
VNA 42.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 18'-47', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters clean up fire started by homemade bomb(?).
VNA 42.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 48'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and Robert Warren on strengthening police power to crack down on student protesters.
VNA 42.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 175'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire-bombed home.
VNA 42.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 207'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on university presidents' meeting with President Nixon.
VNA 42.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 240'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin administrator denies UW Regents took a poll on the desirability of Fred Harrington's resignation.
VNA 42.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 271'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin dean asks faculty members to invite students over to talk about what's going on.
VNA 42.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 318'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Downtown Madison at night.
VNA 42.9
News/Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 354'-377', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest outside of City-County Building during Madison Common Council meeting.
VNA 42.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 378'-467', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles thinks students should go home.
VNA 42.11
News, 1970
Physical Description: 468'-500', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People in suits and dresses outside City-County Building (pro-Nixon rally?).
VNA 42.12
News, 1970
Physical Description: 500'-517', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard on campus; tent city and march up Bascom Hill.
VNA 42.13
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 518'-554', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington is retiring and will not be taking another presidency elsewhere.
VNA 42.14
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 555'-625', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on opium production in Burma, Laos, and North Vietnam and profits it brings to the Mafia.
VNA 42.15
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 626'-651', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on need for discussion on Vietnam; peaceful protest can work, he says.
VNA 42.16
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 651'-689', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his trust in President Nixon.
VNA 42.17
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 690'-733', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson at Republican State Convention. Campus unrest does produce changes, but these take time, he says.
VNA 43.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-35', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Campus security spokesman on increased protection in wake of fire bombings.
VNA 43.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 35'-56', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on the need to protect installations from what he terms “madmen.”
VNA 43.3
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 56'-81', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire supports the Senate's Mansfield Resolution on withdrawing troops from Europe.
VNA 43.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 81'-100', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young thanks Police Chief Emery and Sheriff Jack Leslie for their help during student unrest.
VNA 43.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 101'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Chamber of Commerce member on riots.
VNA 43.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 121'-156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young suspends two students involved in General Electric demonstrations.
VNA 43.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 157'-173', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on the General Electric demonstrations.
VNA 43.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 173'-204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cartoonist Al Capp believes in immediate expulsion for students who break windows or occupy buildings.
VNA 43.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 205'-253', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students call for General Electric recruiters to be taken off campus.
VNA 44.1
Meetings/Speeches, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-47', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students and faculty meet after invasion of Laos. UW President John Weaver and Edwin Young at the podium.
VNA 44.2
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 47'-71', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally and march on Bascom Hill to protest invasion of Laos.
VNA 44.3
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 71'-118', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: May Day (?) march to Brittingham Park.
VNA 44.4
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 119'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student march from Bascom Hall to Social Science Building.
VNA 44.5
Press conferences, 1971 May 8
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 172'-239', -magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin Street residents on police raid of Mifflin Street Co-op.
VNA 44.6
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 239'-319', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Radio evangelist Dr. Carl McIntire sponsors a rally on Capitol Square.
VNA 44.7
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 319'-359', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Day “anti-”parade.
VNA 44.8
Political announcements, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 360'-404', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mary Ann Rice urges a yes vote on immediate withdrawal referendum supported by Patrick Lucey, Robert Kastenmeier, and others.
VNA 44.9
Press conferences, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 405'-445', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Peace Action Council wants people to come to Capitol Square for an anti-war rally.
VNA 44.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 445'-479', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ethiopian on President Nixon's war on small countries.
VNA 44.11
News/Meetings, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 481'-525', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Day care center and several women's rights meetings.
VNA 44.12
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 526'-547', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's Action Movement stages rally at State Capitol.
VNA 44.13
News, 1971 May
Alternate Format: VNA 44 also available online.

Physical Description: 548'-566', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day “anti-”parade around Capitol Square.
VNA 45.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-48', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin campus and State Street in winter.
VNA 45.2
Press conferences, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 49'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke believes protesters have no foundation for their protest.
VNA 45.3
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 68'-108', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students at Library Mall protesting against ROTC.
VNA 45.4
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 109'-150', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin police getting into squad cars.
VNA 45.5
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 151'-198', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-ROTC demonstration at Library Mall.
VNA 45.6
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 199'-229', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gisholt Machine Company buildings.
VNA 45.7
Banquets/Speeches/News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 230'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Daniel “Chappie” James addresses Inter-Service Club luncheon on the need to fight all enemies “foreign and domestic.” Outside, students protest.
VNA 45.8
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 298'-329', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student march from Camp Randall.
VNA 45.9
Banquets/Speeches, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 330'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on the destruction of the Vietnamese environment as we destroy our own.
VNA 45.10
Banquets, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 401'-450', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey at a military banquet.
VNA 45.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 451'-492', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bascom Hill in winter.
VNA 45.12
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 493'-527', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest on Bascom Hill.
VNA 45.13
Press conferences, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 528'-544', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young asks students to attend teach-ins.
VNA 45.14
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 545'-580', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally in support of the Camp McCoy 3 in front of the City-County Building.
VNA 45.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 581'-623', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sterling Hall open house (after renovations because of bombing).
VNA 45.16
Banquets/News/Speeches, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 624'-761', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student march from Humanities Building to the Field House. Shots of the wait staff at the Inter-Service Club luncheon wearing “peace now” uniforms. Edwin Young and General Chappie James address the luncheon.
VNA 45.17
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 45 also available online.

Physical Description: 763'-958', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March from Library Mall to Bascom Hall.
VNA 46.1
News, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration for the creation of State Street mall. Paul Soglin appears briefly.
VNA 46.2
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 70'-181', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Gordon Roseleip commends Lt. William Calley (defendant in My Lai massacre). Others discuss whether or not he is guilty.
VNA 46.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 181'-231', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students go to Hamm's Brewery for beer for Mifflin Street Block Party.
VNA 46.4
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 232'-271', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Draft lottery hearing.
VNA 46.5
News/On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 272'-348', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman “chains” herself to war with paper chain (in protest of war games convention). Interviews with war game convention attenders.
VNA 46.6
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 348'-395', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans for Peace prepare to hold a march.
VNA 46.7
News, 1971 May
Physical Description: 396'-473', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day service at Veterans of Foreign Wars post named for a Vietnam veteran.
VNA 46.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 473'-549', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Babe Rohr of the Building Trades Council on William Proxmire's and President Nixon's plans for more jobs. He's very critical of their plans.
VNA 47.1
Meetings, 1971 March 6
Alternate Format: VNA 47 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-10', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of women talking to each other; possibly women's rights meeting.
VNA 47.2
On-site interviews, 1971 April 5
Alternate Format: VNA 47 also available online.

Physical Description: 10'-105', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery on Yippie National Conference in Madison and resulting Mifflin St. Block Party and riot.
VNA 47.3
On-site interviews, 1971 April 5
Alternate Format: VNA 47 also available online.

Physical Description: 106'-146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eldon Hoel shows sample ballot for spring elections.
VNA 47.4
On-site interviews, 1971 March 26
Alternate Format: VNA 47 also available online.

Physical Description: 147'-207', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaks against. referendum #2 (U.S. out of Southeast Asia). He scorns “intellectuals” who ignored Viet Cong atrocities against U.S. troops.
VNA 47.5
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 47 also available online.

Physical Description: 207'-237', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-draft vigil.
VNA 47.6
Public announcements, 1971 May
Alternate Format: VNA 47 also available online.

Physical Description: 237'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alicia Ashman reads Madison Common Council resolution making Memorial Day “day to ponder the wasted human potential in the Vietnam War.”
VNA 47.7
On-site interviews, 1971 July 21
Alternate Format: VNA 47 also available online.

Physical Description: 302'-365', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Frank Mankiewicz states Vietnam War is the issue for the U.S. Outlines George McGovern's plan to help the economy by pulling back our overseas troops.
VNA 48.1
News, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George and Eleanor McGovern campaign at University of Wisconsin.
VNA 48.2
News, 1972
Physical Description: 194'-202', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war rally at Capitol.
VNA 48.3
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 203'-288', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern speaks to big crowd at Vilas Park.
VNA 48.4
Press conferences, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 288'-322', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edmund Muskie faces questions on his Vietnam policy.
VNA 48.5
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 323'-366', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State of Wisconsin attorney on Karleton Armstrong being charged with second degree murder.
VNA 48.6
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 368'-383', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kunstler and others speak at Mifflin St. Block Party.
VNA 48.7
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 384'-485', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Amnesty Conference: Midge Miller talks about who is involved in amnesty program.
VNA 48.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 486'-569', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tepee on Bascom Hill. Interview with a man who built it.
VNA 48.9
Graduation ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 570'-598', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin graduation and night street scenes.
VNA 48.10
News, 1972
Physical Description: 599'-624', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Burying” the anti-war movement; digging holes and putting small boxes in Bascom Hill.
VNA 48.11
On-site interviews, 1972 May
Physical Description: 624'-750', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “A Weekend of Women in Action: Shortening the Longest Revolution”: a conference to be held at Union South. Athena Bathrick, Ann Higgins-Frank, and Shelly Colton talk about setting up workshops. Jill Giesler reports.
VNA 48.12
Man on the street interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 751'-845', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders asks, “What do you think of the demonstrations?”
VNA 49.1
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-22', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kunstler on trying the case of the Vietnam War along with the trial of Karleton Armstrong.
VNA 49.2
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 23'-81', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State's attorneys are satisfied with Karleton Armstrong's 23-year sentence.
VNA 49.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 81'-105', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kunstler's experience in Karleton Armstrong trial has made him more upset than ever before about the Vietnam War.
VNA 49.4
News, 1972
Physical Description: 106'-152', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boarded up windows at IBM, Madison Gas and Electric, Wisconsin Telephone Company, Ella's Deli, Pic-a-Book, other State Street stores.
VNA 49.5
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 153'-231', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tom Hayden and Jane Fonda talk about Karleton Armstrong's trial as hypocritical in the context of U.S. backed war.
VNA 49.6
News, 1972
Physical Description: 232'-250', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Riot on State Street intercut with stock footage of bombs dropping.
VNA 49.7
News, 1972
Physical Description: 251'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's Action Movement march to Capitol.
VNA 49.8
News, 1972
Physical Description: 271'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nighttime “Free Karl” rally on State St. Daytime protests shown as well.
VNA 49.9
News, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 331'-596', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edmund Muskie campaigns at the Union; he ignores hecklers.
VNA 49.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 597'-643', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midge Miller on amnesty for draft dodgers.
VNA 49.11
Speeches, 1972 February 21
Physical Description: 643'-668', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Lindsay speaks at East High School against Nixon's 8-point program to end the Vietnam War.
VNA 49.12
On-site interviews, 1972 May 10
Physical Description: 668'-712', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students from Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and Brazil discuss U.S. policy in Southeast Asia.
VNA 49.13
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 712'-725', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey talks to students.
VNA 49.14
Press conferences, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 726'-768', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson speaks on Vietnamization.
VNA 49.15
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 769'-791', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Peace Action Council.
VNA 50.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George and Eleanor McGovern campaigning in Wisconsin. McGovern speaks on his pro-farmer position.
VNA 50.2
News, 1972
Physical Description: 39'-79', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Armed Forces Recruiting Center in Washington Square Building.
VNA 50.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 80'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern on the military-industrial complex.
VNA 50.4
News, 1972
Physical Description: 117'-171', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Veterans Against the War march to State Capitol. Lt. Gov. Martin Schreiber speaks to them.
VNA 50.5
News, 1972
Physical Description: 172'-184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest at Gisholt Machine Company.
VNA 50.6
News/Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 184'-259', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern speaks on University of Wisconsin campus about ITT tax dodge.
VNA 50.7
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 260'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on Vietnam War, the environment, and the presidential primaries.
VNA 50.8
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 344'-356', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bringing troops back to Upper Midwest(?).
VNA 50.9
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 356'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey endorses George McGovern due to Vietnam War escalation.
VNA 50.10
News, 1972
Physical Description: 392'-516', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March around Capitol Square for moratorium on work.
VNA 50.11
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 517'-546', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man quotes “Joanne” [Joan] Baez on abolishing police.
VNA 51.1
Political announcements, 1960
Note: First section of film is silent, followed by magnetic full coat sound.

Physical Description: 0'-422', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy presidential campaign ads.
VNA 51.2
News, undated
Physical Description: 432'-453', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Ban the bomb rally on State Street.
VNA 51.3
News, undated
Physical Description: 453'-507', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Draft resistance and a riot breaks out on Langdon Street.
VNA 51.4
Speeches, 1961/01
Physical Description: 508'-520', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John F. Kennedy's inaugural address.
VNA 51.5
News, 1965
Physical Description: 520'-544', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Maurice Zeitlin speaks at a U.S. out of Santo Domingo rally on the State Capitol steps.
VNA 51.6
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 544'-572', optical, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Averill Harriman on the intelligence of college students.
VNA 51.7
Speeches, 1961/01
Physical Description: 573'-607', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More of John F. Kennedy's inaugural address.
VNA 51.8
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 608'-659', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Peace Pilgrim” is walking 25,000 miles for world peace.
VNA 51.9
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 660'-691', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy announces his candidacy for president in Madison, Wisconsin.
VNA 51.10
Press conferences, circa 1973
Physical Description: 693'-942', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Ernest Gruening of Alaska speaking on Karleton Armstrong trial.
VNA 52.1
Speeches/Celebrity visits, undated
Physical Description: 0'-24', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Benjamin Spock speaks out against the war.
VNA 52.2
On-site interviews, 1965
Physical Description: 26'-238', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnamese ambassador speaks about the overthrow of the Diem regime and his future in South Vietnamese politics.
VNA 52.3
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 239'-299', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: William Sloane Coffin talks about the war and the destruction of civilian targets. He wonders why we haven't considered Edward Kennedy for president.
VNA 52.4
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 300'-339', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lawrence Gruman asks churches to promote discussion of the war.
VNA 52.5
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 340'-382', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man talks about Vietnam being a bipartisan war.
VNA 52.6
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 383'-459', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: A clergyman on Madison clergy's visit to Vietnam and subsequent meetings with U.S. congressmen.
VNA 52.7
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 460'-524', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles talks about Grant Sawyer's resolution at Governors' Conference to support LBJ's Vietnam policy.
VNA 52.8
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 525'-569', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire comments on the S. Vietnamese voting.
VNA 52.9
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 569'-613', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren and Dorothy Knowles on their trip to Vietnam.
VNA 52.10
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 613'-632', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: National VFW commander Andy Borg advocates stepping up the war.
VNA 52.11
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 633'-649', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon wants to step up the war.
VNA 52.12
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 649'-689', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Military doctor says that military's hands are tied in Vietnam.
VNA 53.1
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 0'-94', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Kissinger on U.S. opposition to the use of revolution in Vietnam.
VNA 53.2
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 95'-197', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on why he left “the movement” (i.e., the Left).
VNA 53.3
Meetings, undated
Physical Description: 198'-212', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Conrad Orth, Lionel Beggs, and Harold Froehlich meet VFW Commander Fry.
VNA 53.4
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 213'-280', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Kissinger on changing foreign policy.
VNA 53.5
News, 1964
Physical Description: 281'-368', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey arrives in Madison during presidential campaign.
VNA 53.6
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 369'-433', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Kissinger sometimes disagrees with U.S. foreign policy, but calling U.S. leaders criminals is going too far (referring to charges made by anti-war movement).
VNA 53.7
Press conferences, 1968 February
Physical Description: 435'-745', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wayne Morse on U.S. scuttling of Geneva Accords. Ho Chi Minh was on our side in World War II, he says.
VNA 53.8
News, 1964
Physical Description: 746'-846', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Barry Goldwater visits Madison.
VNA 53.9
News, 1960
Physical Description: 847'-872', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: John F. Kennedy in Madison.
VNA 54.1
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 0'-34', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with wounded soldier back from Vietnam. Morale was good, but demonstrations hurt, he says.
VNA 54.2
Studio interviews, undated
Physical Description: 38'-64', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: VFW Commander Andy Borg acknowledges the right to dissent, but he can't stand to see it.
VNA 54.3
News, undated
Physical Description: 65'-82', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Student Tenant Union sets up a tent city on Capitol lawn.
VNA 54.4
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 84'-129', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: A VFW member believes that laws should be passed restricting demonstration.
VNA 54.5
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 130'-201', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wayne Morse talks about Eugene McCarthy's refusal to take the hard line in voting against the war.
VNA 54.6
Hearings, undated
Physical Description: 202'-225', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier, along with Rep. Ben Rosenthal, proposes hearings on the Vietnam War to be held in home districts.
VNA 54.7
News, undated
Physical Description: 226'-252', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Committee of Resistance anti-war rally on State St. Also participating, University of Wisconsin chapter of Young Socialist Alliance.
VNA 54.8
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 253'-282', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Charlene Mitchell, Communist party candidate for president, on the lack of difference between Nixon and Humphrey.
VNA 54.9
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 282'-326', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon on Johnson's politics and diplomacy.
VNA 54.10
Studio interviews, undated
Physical Description: 327'-413', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mark Lane on Lee Harvey Oswald's lack of rights.
VNA 54.11
Studio interviews, undated
Physical Description: 414'-506', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Meyer on his trip to Vietnam to check on conditions in civilian hospitals.
VNA 54.12
Hearings, undated
Physical Description: 508'-544', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on something that happened July 4, 1966 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
VNA 54.13
Studio interviews, undated
Physical Description: 544'-608', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marine general on morale of troops after battle for hill #881 near Khe Sanh.
VNA 54.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1964
Physical Description: 609'-700', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Luci Baines Johnson visits University of Wisconsin.
VNA 54.15
Studio interviews, 1967
Physical Description: 700'-776', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Singing Captain” goes to remote areas of Vietnam, playing for troops. He sings “The Proud American.”
VNA 54.16
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 777'-806', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wayne Morse talks about Dean Rusk's testimony before the Senate.
VNA 55.1
News, undated
Physical Description: 0'-54', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin students hold rally at Library Mall.
VNA 55.2
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 55'-116', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. John Reynolds on agricultural production and the need to end the war.
VNA 55.3
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 117'-185', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man says U.S. forces are not in Vietnam for war; they want to help South Vietnamese.
VNA 55.4
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 186'-237', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Returned Peace Corps, AFS, Frontier Interns (of Presbyterian Church) and Teachers for East Africa members have formed a committee opposing the war.
VNA 55.5
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 238'-289', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy is against escalating the war.
VNA 55.6
News, undated
Physical Description: 290'-311', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Protest at Field House during basketball game.
VNA 55.7
News, 1968
Physical Description: 311'-342', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-Humphrey demonstration at Humphrey for President Headquarters. A bystander attacks protesters.
VNA 55.8
News, undated
Physical Description: 342'-374', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Rally in front of the Post Office supporting the Chicago 7.
VNA 55.9
News, undated
Physical Description: 374'-389', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin St. Block Party.
VNA 55.10
Awards Ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 389'-438', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Herman Thomas awarded 1972 Police Officer of the Year by the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce.
VNA 55.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 438'-475', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnamese woman asks the U.S. to stop the war.
VNA 55.12
News, 1972
Physical Description: 475'-530', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School of Education students sponsor postcard-writing campaign to Nixon.
VNA 55.13
News, 1972
Physical Description: 530'-597', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at Library Mall to get ROTC and Army Math Research Center off campus. Rally turns into march to Post Office.
VNA 55.14
News, 1974 May
Physical Description: 597'-712', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day anti-rally at Capitol and Post Office.
VNA 55.15
News, 1970
Physical Description: 713'-769', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vandalized Selective Service office.
VNA 55.16
Features (Newsfilm), undated
Physical Description: 769-811', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day parade around Capitol Square.
VNA 55.17
Political announcements, undated
Physical Description: 812'-862', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire: Melvin Laird's trip to Vietnam signals peace.
VNA 56.1
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-20', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wounded Vietnam veterans.
VNA 56.2
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 21'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on recent property destruction; outlines plan for cooperating with Police and Fire Departments.
VNA 56.3
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 93'-117', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man says that broken windows are a symbol of imperialism and violence in America.
VNA 56.4
Press conferences, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 118'-149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on State Street vandalism.
VNA 56.5
Meetings, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 150'-162', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students meeting in crowded auditorium.
VNA 56.6
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 163'-180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students walk down Wisconsin Avenue and State Street; demonstration followed by police.
VNA 56.7
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 181'-223', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nighttime march down State St. to Bascom Hill.
VNA 56.8
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 224'-296', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-bombing rallies at Post Office and Library Mall. Betty Boardman appears.
VNA 56.9
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 296'-371', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protesters march into First Wisconsin Bank lobby and Anchor Savings and Loan lobby.
VNA 56.10
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 371'-387', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Effigy burning at Lincoln statue on Bascom Hill.
VNA 56.11
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 387'-403', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State St. stores vandalized.
VNA 56.12
News, 1971
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 403'-456', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Big parade around Capitol. Women's Action Movement and Madison Area Peace Action Council lead parade.
VNA 56.13
Promotional materials, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 457'-504', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Army promotional film of a rescue at sea.
VNA 56.14
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 505'-524', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March down State St. to Capitol.
VNA 56.15
News, 1972
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 525'-569', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miscellaneous demonstrations.
VNA 56.16
News, 1970 May
Alternate Format: VNA 56 also available online.

Physical Description: 569'-729', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstrations and National Guard occupation of campus after Kent State protester deaths.
VNA 57.1
Promotional materials, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Air Force promotional film of Southeast Asia, 1967. Shows planes flying, dropping bombs and herbicide, performing rescues, taking off and landing.
VNA 57.2
Promotional materials, undated
Physical Description: 177'-467', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More wartime footage...smiling wounded soldiers, bombing raids, views of bombing taken through gun sights, shots of Khe Sanh, goods shipped to South Vietnamese, etc.
VNA 57.3
Promotional materials, undated
Physical Description: 469'-622', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Air Force war footage, including General Westmoreland conferring with troops.
VNA 58.1
Wire service, 1962
Physical Description: 0'-16', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John and Jacqueline Kennedy greet former President and Mrs. Harry Truman and Margaret Truman at White House.
VNA 58.2
Sports, 1962
Physical Description: 16'-54', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Football, Colorado University vs. University of Oklahoma.
VNA 58.3
Wire service, 1962
Physical Description: 54'-123', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: A look back at Franklin D. Roosevelt and family celebrating inauguration. Alf Landon shown as well.
VNA 58.4
Wire service, 1962
Physical Description: 124'-156', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip welcome King Olav V of Norway.
VNA 58.5
Wire service, 1962
Physical Description: 156'-188', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Japan's crown princess celebrates her birthday.
VNA 58.6
Sports, 1962
Physical Description: 188'-231', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Football, University of Texas vs. University of Arkansas.
VNA 58.7
Wire service/Sports, 1962
Physical Description: 238'-470', magnetic, N/A,N/A 
Scope and Content Note: This footage is full-coat magnetic track sound for VNA 58.1-6.
VNA 58.8
Wire service, undated
Physical Description: 479'-568', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jean Louis, Hollywood film designer, and his new collections. Sandra Dee models.
VNA 58.9
Wire service, undated
Physical Description: 577'-667', magnetic, N/A,N/A 
Scope and Content Note: This footage is full-coat magnetic track sound for VNA 58.8.
VNA 58.10
Sports, 1962
Physical Description: 697'-746', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UCLA beats University of Michigan in NCAA championship.
VNA 58.11
Sports, 1962
Physical Description: 751'-800', magnetic, N/A,N/A 
Scope and Content Note: This footage is full-coat magnetic track sound for VNA 58.10.
VNA 59.1
News, undated
Physical Description: 0'-44', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Faculty wives demonstrating at Library Mall for peace in Vietnam.
VNA 59.2
News, undated
Physical Description: 48'-69', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Troops board plane.
VNA 59.3
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 69'-88', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: President Lyndon Johnson speaks to Congress.
VNA 59.4
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 91'-240', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy announces his candidacy for president in Madison, Wisconsin.
VNA 59.5
Wire service, 1963
Physical Description: 241'-302', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wire service footage of “Red China's” support of the Viet Cong. Footage of John Kennedy's funeral also shown.
VNA 59.6
News, undated
Physical Description: 303'-315', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Troops boarding plane.
VNA 59.7
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 315'-330', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: President Lyndon Johnson addresses Congress.
VNA 59.8
Promotional materials, undated
Physical Description: 330'-375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Army film: rescue at sea.
VNA 59.9
News, undated
Physical Description: 376'-396', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Troops board plane.
VNA 59.10
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 396'-416', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: President Lyndon Johnson addresses Congress.
VNA 59.11
Press conferences, circa 1960
Physical Description: 417'-444', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: President John F. Kennedy on Vietnam.
VNA 59.12
Political announcements, 1963
Physical Description: 445'-474', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on what kind of president Lyndon Johnson will be.
VNA 59.13
News, undated
Physical Description: 474'-553', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student demonstrations at University of Wisconsin.
VNA 59.14
Wire service, undated
Physical Description: 554'-657', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Footage of Lyndon Johnson, troop movements, and war casualties.
VNA 59.15
Unknown, circa 1975
Physical Description: 657'-739', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fraternite Vietnam (French organization) presents a film on the liberation of Saigon.
VNA 59.16
News, 1964
Physical Description: 739'-758', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Barry Goldwater campaigns for president in Wisconsin.
News/Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 759'-781', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lyndon Johnson speech and Vietnam War scenes.
VNA 60.1
News, circa 1960
Physical Description: 0'-174', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Ken Knutson attempts to publicly burn parking tickets, littering warnings, and IRS forms.
VNA 60.2
Press conferences, 1966
Physical Description: 175'-237', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy on the manner in which the Administration talks about Vietnam War. He urges troop reductions.
VNA 60.3
News, 1963
Physical Description: 238'-316', silent, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Abraham Zapruder's footage of John F. Kennedy's assassination.
VNA 60.4
Press conferences, circa 1960
Physical Description: 348'-375', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. State Dept. spokesman (?) on the invasion of Cambodia.
VNA 60.5
Speeches/News, circa 1960
Physical Description: 376'-448', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara speak; intercut with scenes of Vietnam War.
VNA 60.6
Meetings, 1965
Physical Description: 448'-499', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Truth teams” talk to students and faculty on Vietnam War.
VNA 60.7
News, circa 1960
Physical Description: 501'-575', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: John F. Kennedy campaigning in Wisconsin for the presidency.
VNA 60.8
News, circa 1960
Physical Description: 575'-689', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Ken Knutson sets his IRS check on fire.
VNA 60.9
News, 1963 November
Physical Description: 690'-724', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: John F. Kennedy's funeral procession.
VNA 61.1
Hearings, circa 1960
Physical Description: 0'-264', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier holds public hearings on the Vietnam War.
VNA 61.2
Unknown, circa 1960
Physical Description: 272'-283', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Map of Southeast Asia.
VNA 61.3
News, 1963 November
Physical Description: 284'-299', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John F. Kennedy's funeral procession.
VNA 61.4
Press conferences, circa 1960
Physical Description: 303'-331', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John F. Kennedy gives press conference.
VNA 61.5
News, circa 1960
Physical Description: 333'-364', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Disarmament march to Capitol Square.
VNA 61.6
News, 1963 October
Physical Description: 365'-390', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: The first anti-war demonstration at the University of Wisconsin (on Memorial Union steps).
VNA 61.7
Wire service, circa 1960
Physical Description: 391'-423', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Universal Newsreel of planes taking off, missile launchings, battleships, etc.
VNA 61.8
Press conferences, circa 1970
Physical Description: 424'-679', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Ernest Gruening speaks on Karleton Armstrong (?) trial.
VNA 61.9
Press conferences/News, circa 1960
Physical Description: 680'-701', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lyndon Johnson press conference intercut with Vietnam War footage.
VNA 61.10
News, 1964
Physical Description: 702'-783', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barry Goldwater campaigning in Wisconsin; protesters are also present.
VNA 61.11
Meetings, circa 1960
Physical Description: 785'-820', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Truth teams” meet with students and faculty.
VNA 61.12
News, circa 1960
Physical Description: 821'-866', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Arrest” of Truax Field base commander.
VNA 61.13
Political announcements, 1963
Physical Description: 869'-897', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire praises Lyndon Johnson.
VNA 61.14
News, 1965 February
Physical Description: 899'-923', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March to Capitol Square in wake of bombings in Vietnam.
VNA 61.15
Press conferences, circa 1960
Physical Description: 933'-1002', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Maurice Zeitlin on referendum to stop the war.
VNA 61.16
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 1002'-1036', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interviews with wounded Vietnam veterans.
VNA 62.1
Hearings, undated
Physical Description: 0'-630', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Congressman Robert Kastenmeier's Vietnam War Hearings. Several speakers testify.
VNA 63.1
News, undated
Physical Description: 0'-172', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Milwaukee 14” burn bags of draft files on traffic island in Milwaukee. The 14 are arrested.
VNA 63.2
News, undated
Physical Description: 173'-181', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Combat troops in Vietnam.
VNA 63.3
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 181'-510', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Interviews shot by Glenn Silber during Karleton Armstrong's mitigation hearings (material is described as “videotape to kinescope”).
VNA 63.4
News, 1965 February
Physical Description: 510'-561', silent, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bombings of Vietnam. Viet Cong fighting on the ground.
VNA 63.5
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 561'-592', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: President John F. Kennedy.
VNA 63.6
News, undated
Physical Description: 592'-635', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam combat. Soldiers piling bodies.
VNA 64.1
News, 1965
Physical Description: 0'-13', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration at Library Mall after February bombings.
VNA 64.2
News, 1967
Physical Description: 14'-59', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student protest march to Engineering Building and Camp Randall; protesting military interviews.
VNA 64.3
Speeches, circa 1970
Physical Description: 60'-104', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Edward Kennedy arrives in Madison and gives speech on behalf of Patrick Lucey's campaign for governor. He confronts a heckler during speech.
VNA 64.4
Meetings, undated
Physical Description: 105'-138', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Faculty meeting in response to student draft sit-in.
VNA 64.5
Meetings/News, undated
Physical Description: 139'-193', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Student Association meeting on draft sit-in and draft card burning at Library Mall.
VNA 64.6
News, 1966
Physical Description: 193'-256' silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sit-in by students at the A.W. Peterson Administration Building to protest the draft.
VNA 64.7
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 257'-403', silent, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Los Angeles district attorney speech.
VNA 64.8
News, undated
Physical Description: 403'-426', silent, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-Vietnam War protest in Berlin, Germany.
VNA 64.9
News, undated
Physical Description: 426'-441', silent, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Black Panther solidarity and anti-war rally.
VNA 64.10
Unknown, undated
Physical Description: 441'-553' silent, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: From documentary, “To Our Common Good.” Scenes from Vietnam War.
VNA 64.11
News, 1968
Physical Description: 553'-598', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: American and Vietnamese soldiers fight during Tet Offensive.
VNA 64.12
News, undated
Physical Description: 599'-085', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Funeral for unknown American soldier.
VNA 64.13
News, undated
Physical Description: 686'-704', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: View from bomb bay during aerial bombings of Vietnam.
VNA 65.1
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 0'-33', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson on destruction U.S. troops have caused in South Vietnam.
VNA 65.2
Speeches, circa 1971
Physical Description: 33'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war rally at State Capitol. Speaker on Vietnamization.
VNA 65.3
News, circa 1971
Physical Description: 85'-91', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration at IBM Building. Banner reads: “For the love of life--end war.”
VNA 65.4
Promotional materials, undated
Physical Description: 91'-129', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bombing runs over Vietnam. Film produced by United States Air Force.
VNA 65.5
News, circa 1971
Physical Description: 129'-176', silent and magnetic, color, pos 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war rally at Capitol on Memorial Day.
VNA 65.6
News, undated
Physical Description: 176'-194', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war rally on Library Mall.
VNA 65.7
Features (Newsfilm), undated
Physical Description: 194'-242', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People buying food at Mifflin Street Co-op.
VNA 65.8
News, undated
Physical Description: 242'-300', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day wreath laying ceremonies at cemetery.
VNA 65.9
News, undated
Physical Description: 300'-319', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war Memorial Day march around Capitol Square.
VNA 65.10
News, undated
Physical Description: 319'-348', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Free Karl (Karleton Armstrong) Now” rally at State Capitol.
VNA 65.11
News, undated
Physical Description: 349'-399', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally and march down Bascom Hill to University Avenue.
VNA 65.12
News, undated
Physical Description: 400'-418', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration at Capitol to mourn 37,812 American soldiers killed.
VNA 65.13
News, undated
Physical Description: 418'-445', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at Library Mall. March down State Street.
VNA 65.14
News, undated
Physical Description: 445'-458', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candlelight march.
VNA 65.15
News, undated
Physical Description: 458'-479', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student demonstration on Bascom Hill tear gassed by police.
VNA 65.16
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 479'-721', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Fred Risser on bill to establish Wisconsin state policy against the war.
VNA 65.17
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 722'-794', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student on positive response to Madison Tenant Union. Tenants and small homeowners have a common issue in property tax, he says.
VNA 65.18
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 797'-856', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Peace Action Council (MAPAC), a coalition of 40 anti-war groups. Priest reads coalition demands: withdrawal of all troops from Vietnam and self determination for South Vietnam.
VNA 66.1
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 0'-53', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on city budget, input of Madison citizens in process, and planning a taxpayers committee.
VNA 66.2
News, undated
Physical Description: 54'-108', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Center vandalized with red paint.
VNA 66.3
News, undated
Physical Description: 109'-136', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building construction.
VNA 66.4
Press conferences, circa 1967
Physical Description: 137'-170', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird speaks about bombing in North Vietnam and credibility of Johnson administration.
VNA 66.5
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 179'-219', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke cites University of Wisconsin President Fred Harvey Harrington and Chancellor Edwin Young in banning party gathering at Mifflin and Bassett Streets.
VNA 66.6
Press conferences, circa 1968
Physical Description: 220'-279', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird promotes Nelson Rockefeller as best answer to President Johnson unless Richard Nixon's primary campaign picks up steam.
VNA 66.7
Meetings, circa 1967
Physical Description: 280'-316', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regents. Students are gathered on the floor.
VNA 66.8
Press conferences, circa 1967
Physical Description: 317'-408', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Red Cross unsuccessful in freeing prisoners, but it does set up package delivery to people in the service.
VNA 66.9
Meetings, circa 1967
Physical Description: 409'-504', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Fagan on “hippies” vs. “activists” as parts of the youth revolt.
VNA 66.10
Speeches/News, 1968
Physical Description: 505'-592', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy speaks at University of Wisconsin Field House. Patrick Lucey meets him at Dane County Airport.
VNA 66.11
Press conferences, circa 1968
Physical Description: 593'-680', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Communist Party candidate for president on George Wallace's racism, black militancy, and women's traditional role as budget-keepers.
VNA 67.1
Hearings, undated
Physical Description: 0'-14', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regent Kenneth Greenquist testifies to committee on replacement of University staff.
VNA 67.2
News, undated
Physical Description: 14'-34', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Milk tanker truck arrives. Farmers gather around tanker truck. (Milk strike?)
VNA 67.3
News, undated
Physical Description: 34'-40', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: News report on deaths of nine high school students from Juda, Wisconsin.
VNA 67.4
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 40'-83', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey on Gaylord Nelson's commitment to the environment. Speech in Clear Lake, Wisconsin (Nelson's home town).
VNA 67.5
Speeches, circa 1968
Physical Description: 83'-106', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon on his 1968 presidential candidacy and the importance of proving himself in primary contests.
VNA 67.6
News, undated
Physical Description: 106'-114', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Milk or other liquid running out of truck onto ground (milk dumping protest?).
VNA 67.7
Awards ceremonies, undated
Physical Description: 114'-120', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man signing Bucky Badger award.
VNA 67.8
News, undated
Physical Description: 120'-138', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: News report on deaths of high school seniors from Juda, Wisconsin. Students were on a school trip to New Orleans.
VNA 67.9
News, undated
Physical Description: 138'-152', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Storm damage in Wautoma, Wisconsin.
VNA 67.10
Speeches, circa 1968
Physical Description: 153'-223', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Eugene McCarthy at Dane County Coliseum talks about preparing for Wisconsin primary.
VNA 67.11
Speeches, circa 1968
Physical Description: 224'-263', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon campaigning at Wisconsin State University at Stevens Point answers questions on Vietnam War.
VNA 67.12
Press conferences, circa 1968
Physical Description: 263'-316', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Gerald Ford (R-Mich) on the 1st ballot selection of Nixon at Republican convention in Miami Beach.
VNA 67.13
News, 1969
Physical Description: 316'-324', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police march up Bascom Hill during Black Strike at University of Wisconsin.
VNA 67.14
News, circa 1968
Physical Description: 324'-329', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon shaking hands at airport.
VNA 67.15
News, 1972
Physical Description: 330'-338', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students march up State Street chanting “Ho Chi Minh is gonna win.”
VNA 67.16
News, 1969
Physical Description: 338'-380', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Strike. Students confront police.
VNA 67.17
News, 1970 May
Physical Description: 380'-389', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: On Memorial Union Terrace, students mourn after deaths at Kent State.
VNA 67.18
News, 1970 May
Physical Description: 389'-394', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tear gas disperses demonstrators on Bascom Hill.
VNA 67.19
News, 1965 February
Physical Description: 395'-407', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration at Library Mall. March down State Street to State Capitol.
VNA 67.20
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 408'-436', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: President John Kennedy press conference.
VNA 67.21
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 437'-445', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: President Lyndon Johnson press conference.
VNA 67.22
Promotional materials, undated
Physical Description: 445'-519', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Army produced film on evacuating injured soldiers from Vietnam.
VNA 67.23
On-site interviews, circa 1968
Physical Description: 519'-555', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Finman, Eugene McCarthy supporters in Madison, on McCarthy vote going to support George Wallace.
VNA 67.24
News, 1965 February
Physical Description: 556'-573', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war demonstration at State Capitol.
VNA 67.25
News, circa 1956
Physical Description: 573'-591', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war demonstration at Library Mall and march up State Street.
VNA 67.26
News, 1956
Physical Description: 591'-602', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration at Badger Army Ammunition Plant in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
VNA 67.27
Speeches, circa 1968
Physical Description: 603'-619', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy is introduced and speaks.
VNA 67.28
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 620'-651', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy on his run as an independent for president.
VNA 67.29
Hearings, circa 1956
Physical Description: 653'-723', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier and Congressman Ben Rosenthal hold hearings on withdrawal from Vietnam.
VNA 67.30
Hearings, circa 1956
Physical Description: 729'-741', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier and Congressman Ben Rosenthal hold public hearings on Vietnam situation.
VNA 68.1
News, undated
Physical Description: 0'-13, silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Army helicopters prepare to take off.
VNA 68.2
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 13'-47', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Clergy against war referendum. Clergy discuss letting Asians settle war for themselves.
VNA 68.3
On-site interviews, undated
Physical Description: 47'-70', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Three wounded vets asked if they would go back to Vietnam. They all answer yes.
VNA 68.4
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 70'-209', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dick Gregory running for president. His position is as a statesman, not a politician.
VNA 68.5
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 209'-305', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Charlene Mitchell, American Communist Party, on how socialism must be based on democratic traditions.
VNA 68.6
Press conferences, undated
Physical Description: 305'-508', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Edwin Young on student activism, responsibilities of chancellor, and faculty-student committees.
VNA 69.1
Speeches/News, circa 1968
Physical Description: 0',-62', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy for President rally at Dane County Coliseum.
VNA 69.2
News, 1967
Physical Description: 63'-79', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Violent student demonstrations protesting Dow Chemical Company interviews on University of Wisconsin campus.
VNA 69.3
Hearings, 1967
Physical Description: 79'-638', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery on University of Wisconsin security problems and the dispersal of students occupying Commerce Building during Dow demonstration.
VNA 69.4
On-site interviews, 1969 April
Physical Description: 639'-709', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Senator Wayne Morse (D-Ore) on Nixon's lack of movement to get out of Vietnam.
VNA 70.1
News, circa 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 70 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-199', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Women for Peace march to State Capitol and Selective Service office. Man burns draft card.
VNA 70.2
News, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 70 also available online.

Physical Description: 200'-415', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Violent anti-Dow demonstration at Commerce Building.
VNA 70.3
Speeches, circa 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 70 also available online.

Physical Description: 415'-461', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey on problems of withdrawal from Vietnam. Protesters do not offer alternatives, he says.
VNA 70.4
Press conferences, circa 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 70 also available online.

Physical Description: 461'-505', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy on his longtime opposition to war.
VNA 70.5
Press conferences, circa 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 70 also available online.

Physical Description: 506'-600', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Benjamin Spock on immorality of war. War is not winnable. U.S. has put itself into opposition with the world, he says.
VNA 70.6
News/Speeches, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 70 also available online.

Physical Description: 600'-644', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Crowd milling about watching man chant and play finger bells. Same man later giving speech in auditorium.
VNA 71.1
Hearings, circa 1967
Physical Description: 0'-618', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regent Kenneth Greenquist testifies on problems with striking professors and TA's on campus. Governor Warren Knowles attends a University of Wisconsin Board of Regents meeting.
VNA 72.1
Hearings, 1967
Physical Description: 0'-1085', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Disciplinary hearings and press conferences on University of Wisconsin Dow demonstrations. Defendants, including Robert Cohen, walk out of courtroom to protest Chancellor Edwin Young's private meeting with prosecutors. Judge James Doyle to preside over hearings. Robert Cohen, former law school student, is interviewed.
VNA 73.1
Hearings, 1967
Physical Description: 0'-1181', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Testimony before Senate committee formed to investigate Dow riots. UW President Fred Harvey Harrington speaks on preventing another Dow riot. He discusses freedom of speech vs. unlawful assembly. Harrington outlines the roles of the Board of Regents and those of the chancellor and president. Harrington also discusses CIA recruitment on campus.
VNA 74.1
Press conferences, 1970
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin contends that there is a right-wing group at the base of the anti-bombing backlash.
VNA 74.2
News/Speeches, 1967
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 41'-56', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Huge rally after Dow riot. Paul Soglin is one of the speakers.
VNA 74.3
News, 1972 December 13
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 57'-72', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Workman repairs Common Council chamber.
VNA 74.4
Press conferences, 1972 March 18
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 72'-100', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Madison Common Council application for U.S. Department of Transportation funding.
VNA 74.5
On-site interviews, 1972 December 25
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 101'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Otto Festge on Dane County Planning Commission considering zoning changes.
VNA 74.6
On-site interviews, 1972 December 11
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 139'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Atty. Gen. Robert Warren on nude bar rulings.
VNA 74.7
Press conferences, 1972 December 20
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 173'-225', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Stewart, candidate for Madison mayor, on need for public transit and downtown renewal.
VNA 74.8
On-site interviews, 1973 March 18
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 226'-246', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Smile Program for the elderly.
VNA 74.9
Press conferences, 1972 December 5
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 247'-348', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mike Birkley, Madison mayoral candidate, on taxes, downtown renewal, Civic Center, public transportation, etc.
VNA 74.10
Press conferences, and
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 349'-438', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on heroin usage in the city. Outlines educational program to deal with drugs. Discusses bus system and the need for inter-neighborhood bus routes.
VNA 74.11
Press conferences, and
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 438'-472', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on what Madison will be like if he is not elected mayor.
VNA 74.12
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 472'-497', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman on appointments to city government.
VNA 74.13
Press conferences, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 497'-535', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on state/city relations.
VNA 74.14
Press conferences, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 536'-605', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on appointing a diverse group of people to city office.
VNA 74.15
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 606'-689', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on Mifflin and Bassett Streets anti-block party ordinance.
VNA 74.16
News/Press conferences, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 690'-731', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin and city officials sworn in; Soglin fields questions.
VNA 74.17
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 731'-786', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidate for mayor Paul Soglin won't allow his opponent to set the terms of debate. He admits conservatives won't vote for him.
VNA 74.18
News, 1969
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 787'-828', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Paul Soglin upset about being cut off on debate over Mifflin Street Block Party through a parliamentary procedure.
VNA 74.19
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 833'-856', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on community mistrust of police.
VNA 74.20
News/Speeches, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 857'-892', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin speaking at Library Mall on the State Street mall boycott.
VNA 74.21
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 74 also available online.

Physical Description: 892'-945', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on methane powered cars.
VNA 75.1
Studio interviews, undated
Physical Description: 0'-71', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Hamilton reports on civil rights march in Washington, D.C.
VNA 75.2
Studio interviews, undated
Physical Description: 71'-108', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Clergyman on slow moral reaction of the Church. Church lags behind secular organizations in terms of segregation, he says.
VNA 75.3
News, undated
Physical Description: 108'-159', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: People leaving to attend march in Washington, D.C. Sign reads “Civil Rights: 150 years overdue.”
VNA 75.4
Studio interviews, undated
Physical Description: 159'-211', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: City Council member on hearing to discuss new Madison open housing bill.
VNA 75.5
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 212'-242', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin spokesman on death of civil rights leader, probably Martin Luther King.
VNA 75.6
Speeches, undated
Physical Description: 243'-628', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man from Alabama speaks at Freedom Now! rally on rights for blacks and the oppression he has faced.
VNA 75.7
Wire service, undated
Physical Description: 629'-718', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Freedom rider is interviewed in hospital after getting beaten by policeman in Montgomery, Alabama.
VNA 75.8
Wire service, undated
Physical Description: 718'-766', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Freedom Rider entering and being ejected from white waiting room/restaurant in an Alabama bus station.
VNA 75.9
News, undated
Physical Description: 766'-812', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Pickets at Sears in Madison protesting segregation at Sears and calling for a boycott.
VNA 76.1
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-43', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Pickets protest Jim Crow laws as they march in front of the State Capitol.
VNA 76.2
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 44'-70', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Civil rights pickets at Union Bus Station and the Court House in Madison.
VNA 76.3
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 71'-115', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “March on Madison” civil rights march.
VNA 76.4
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 116'-169', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Jackie Robinson on rioting St. Louis and San Francisco. He defines black power as voting power.
VNA 76.5
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 170'-224', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin freedom rider on going to Selma, Alabama.
VNA 76.6
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 224'-326', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Buses prepare to leave for Washington, D.C. for civil rights march.
VNA 76.7
Wire service, 1964
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 327'-416', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: UPI piece on hospitalized freedom rider in Selma, Alabama.
VNA 76.8
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 417'-488', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Professor on Northern hypocrisy in race relations angering the South.
VNA 76.9
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 489'-520', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Reverend James Bevel becomes involved in ending the Vietnam War in order to concentrate on ending poverty, exploitation, etc., in America.
VNA 76.10
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 521'-583', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Black Power defined as the American Dream.
VNA 76.11
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 588'-613', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) stages protest for school integration.
VNA 76.12
Press conferences, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 614'-657', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Black leader on Father Groppi's attitude helping race relations. Says his death would touch off riots in the black community; Robert Kennedy's death did not.
VNA 76.13
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 76 also available online.

Physical Description: 662'-748', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Summary of civil rights action: march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama; integrating W.T. Grant Co. lunch counter; Fisk University; interviews with counter help; sit-down protester roughed up.
VNA 77.1
Press conferences, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-102', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi on Milwaukee NAACP Youth Council demonstrations.
VNA 77.2
Press conferences, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 105'-183', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi on the need for Milwaukee Mayor Henry Maier to support a fair housing ordinance.
VNA 77.3
Press conferences, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 193'-234', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi on the failure of non-violence among Milwaukee blacks. He calls someone an “Uncle Tom.”
VNA 77.4
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 237'-269', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard patrols State Capitol.
VNA 77.5
On-site interviews, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 272'-312', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leader of school boycott of Milwaukee Public Schools talks about its success.
VNA 77.6
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 312'-401', magnetic, color 
Scope and Content Note: Protesters stage welfare rights sit-in at State Capitol. Father James Groppi speaks; crowd shouts down state legislator and sings “We Shall Overcome.”
VNA 77.7
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 401'-486', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare rights protest lead by Father James Groppi at Executive Residence.
VNA 77.8
Wire service, 1964
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 487'-527', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Newsreel footage of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Selma, Alabama march.
VNA 77.9
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 528'-544', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare rights rally on State Capitol steps.
VNA 77.10
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 547'-653', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People protesting on State Capitol steps; National Guard present; Father James Groppi speaks.
VNA 77.11
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 657'-684', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March in downtown Madison.
VNA 77.12
News/Speeches, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 696'-731', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare rights demonstrators occupy State Capitol; Father James Groppi speaks and leads nighttime march.
VNA 77.13
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 731'-751', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March in downtown Madison to State Capitol culminates in stand-off between protesters and police.
VNA 77.14
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 752'-772', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi led out of University Catholic Center.
VNA 77.15
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 778'-802', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally in cars around Capitol Square.
VNA 77.16
News, undated
Alternate Format: VNA 77 also available online.

Physical Description: 806'-821', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi leads nighttime march at State Capitol.
VNA 78.1
News, circa 1971
Physical Description: 0'-226', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aerial views of river flooding. Patrick Lucey talks to volunteers stacking sandbags.
VNA 78.2
Press conferences, circa 1971
Physical Description: 226'-289', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey contrasts revenue sharing in Wisconsin to President Nixon's national revenue sharing plan.
VNA 78.3
Speeches, circa 1971
Physical Description: 290'-369', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey speaks on consolidation of University of Wisconsin and State University systems.
VNA 78.4
Press conferences, circa 1971
Physical Description: 370'-604', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey appoints John M. Lavine and Bertram N. McNamara to Wisconsin State Universities Board of Regents.
VNA 78.5
Speeches, circa 1971
Physical Description: 608'-767', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey speaks on the need for environmental conservation.
VNA 78.6
Features (Newsfilm), circa 1971
Physical Description: 768'-902', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Religious(?) service attended by Patrick Lucey in State Capitol.
Series: WISC Television Newsfilm
Scope and Content Note: Live footage shot by Madison station WISC for its daily news coverage. After editing, parts of this footage appeared on evening news broadcasts. Also present is a small amount of footage distributed by the networks or wire services, occasional promotional or public affairs spots, and a few complete documentaries and edited features. Subjects include of Madison local news as well as coverage of state political and legislative events, the University of Wisconsin, comments on national events by Wisconsin members of Congress, activity generated by local, state, and national election campaigns, and public support and opposition to the Vietnam War.
WISC 200.1
On-site interviews, 1968 October 2
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney James Boll on part his office plays in the prosecution of drug cases.
WISC 200.2
On-site interviews, 1968 October 2
Physical Description: 42'-110', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Doctor on how parents should teach their children about drugs. He also speaks on likelihood of marijuana being legalized.
WISC 200.3
Sports, 1968 October 13
Physical Description: 112'-157', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin vs. Utah State football game.
WISC 200.4
On-site interviews, 1968 October 17
Physical Description: 158'-187', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Civil defense directors on upcoming disaster simulation.
WISC 200.5
On-site interviews, 1968 October 18
Physical Description: 188'-228', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Charles H. Percy of Illinois on the Nixon presidential campaign. He predicts Nixon will win.
WISC 200.6
Awards ceremonies, 1968 October 19
Physical Description: 229'-276', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles giving awards at Executive Residence.
WISC 200.7
On-site interviews, 1968 October 18
Physical Description: 279'-322', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerris Leonard gives his position on presidential debates. He feels debates should be not be “three-sided”; they should not include George Wallace.
WISC 200.8
Press conferences, 1968 October 21
Physical Description: 324'-379', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on his submission of 1969 city budget. He calls budget an “extremely tight” one.
WISC 200.9
Press conferences, 1968 October 22
Physical Description: 381'-418', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dick Gregory speculating on an Illinois presidential primary win by George Wallace and on corruptness of American system.
WISC 200.10
Press conferences, 1968 October 22
Physical Description: 422'-478', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on proposals for added city revenues including city vehicle registration fees and motel/hotel room taxes.
WISC 200.11
Press conferences, 1968 October 25
Physical Description: 479'-545', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Gronouski, spokesman for Hubert Humphrey's campaign, on how Humphrey would push hard for peace in Vietnam.
WISC 200.12
Traffic accident reports, 1968 October 29
Physical Description: 546'-578', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beltline accident.
WISC 200.13
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 579'-641', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin professor; winner of a Nobel Prize for his work at the Institute for Enzyme Research, thanks University administration for their support of his research.
WISC 200.14
Studio interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 641'-693', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Jack Olson defends the Wisconsin trade delegation to Europe after Bronson La Follette's charges of wastefulness.
WISC 200.15
Public announcements, 1968 October
Physical Description: 695'-746', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge announces the signing of city contracts with the police union.
WISC 200.16
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 747'-803', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighter Ed Durkin on continuing negotiations with city for fire fighters contracts. He feels strike vote could be authorized.
WISC 200.17
Press conferences/News, 1968 October
Physical Description: 805'-875', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Charles Percy campaigns for Murray for Congress. Percy comments on George Wallace's campaign and his administration in Alabama.
WISC 201.1
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-55', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney James Boll on obscenity charges against nude production of Peter Pan.
WISC 201.2
On-site interviews, 1969 October 4
Physical Description: 57'-97', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) program.
WISC 201.3
Press conferences, 1968 October 12
Physical Description: 99'-195', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette on lifting prohibition on write-in votes in presidential primary.
WISC 201.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October 8
Physical Description: 197'-256', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cooking demonstration at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 201.5
News/Speeches, 1968 October 21
Physical Description: 257'-411', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy campaigns for Robert Kastenmeier. Robert Kastenmeier introduces McCarthy.
WISC 201.6
Public announcements, 1968 October 21
Physical Description: 413'-484', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge defends his proposed city budget, saying it is balanced.
WISC 201.7
On-site interviews, 1968 October 31
Physical Description: 486'-521', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Fire fighter Ed Durkin on labor dispute with city of Madison. Durkin contends fire fighter pay should be equal to that of police officers.
WISC 201.8
Openings/Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October 31
Physical Description: 522'-612', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Opening section of Interstate 94 in Central Wisconsin. Governor Warren Knowles attends.
WISC 201.9
News, 1968 October
Physical Description: 613'-666', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Outdoor Republican political rally. Warren Knowles, Robert Warren, and James Boll attend.
WISC 201.10
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 667'-703', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dick Gregory (running for president) on his presidential ticket. He is running a write-in campaign for president.
WISC 201.11
Features (Newsfilm)/Openings, 1968 October 31
Physical Description: 705'-786', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles opens section of Interstate 94.
WISC 201.12
Press conferences, 1968 October 12
Physical Description: 787'-829', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette announcing that write-in votes will now be tabulated in Wisconsin elections.
WISC 201.13
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 831'-910', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Gronouski on why he left his post as ambassador to Poland and became Hubert Humphrey's campaign manager.
WISC 201.14
On-site interviews, 1968 October 4
Physical Description: 911'-956', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: VISTA volunteer on his work rehabilitating young boys.
WISC 201.15
Celebrity visits, 1968 October 20
Physical Description: 957'-1019', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Danny Kaye visits Madison.
WISC 202.1
Sports, 1968 October 6
Physical Description: 0'-95', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin vs. Michigan State football game.
WISC 202.2
Press conferences, 1968 October 15
Physical Description: 97'-150', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Bronson La Follette criticizing State trade mission to Europe. He cites mission's failure to achieve sales goals.
WISC 202.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October 15
Physical Description: 151'-211', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Animals unloaded from Ringling Bros. circus train and walked across John Nolen Drive causeway to Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 202.4
Groundbreakings, 1968 October 16
Physical Description: 213'-259', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hebron Hall cornerstone laying.
WISC 202.5
Political announcements, 1968 October 16
Physical Description: 261'-300', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson responds to Bronson La Follette's charges of wastefulness during the Wisconsin trade mission to Europe.
WISC 202.6
Openings, 1968 October 31
Physical Description: 302'-341', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles dedicates globe outside Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 202.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 342'-429', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wick Building System. Interior of plant showing pre-fabricated homes being constructed.
WISC 202.8
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 430'-474', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Spokesman announces labor agreement reached between the City of Madison and the Madison Professional Policemen's Association; people are shown signing the agreement.
WISC 202.9
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 476'-512', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman (Communist running for office?) on communists working for change in the U.S., not for the violent overthrow of the country.
WISC 202.10
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 513'-594', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nobel Prize winner from the University of Wisconsin Enzyme Research Institute on how his work built on the work of others.
WISC 202.11
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 596'-620', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Dick Gregory on suits he has in progress to get write-in candidates accepted in certain states, including Wisconsin.
WISC 300.1
Press conferences, 1968 May 28
Physical Description: 0'-148', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Participants in Poor People's March on Washington speak on their experiences.
WISC 300.2
News, 1968 September 6
Physical Description: 149'-173', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin--Baraboo Campus nearing completion.
WISC 300.3
Traffic accident reports, 1968
Physical Description: 173'-222', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car-train collision.
WISC 300.4
Sports, 1967 October 8
Physical Description: 223'-344', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Green Bay Packers vs. Detroit Lions in football.
WISC 300.5
News, 1968 December 18
Physical Description: 345'-399', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Apartment building fire; Red Cross helping residents.
WISC 300.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December 18
Physical Description: 400'-459', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas tree in Capitol rotunda; choir singing.
WISC 300.7
News, 1968
Physical Description: 461'-498', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Supreme Court chambers. Chief Justice E. Harold Hallows and Justice Robert W. Hanson are sworn in.
WISC 300.8
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 499'-547', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 300.9
Graduation ceremonies, 1968
Physical Description: 548'-597', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College.
WISC 300.10
House fires, 1968
Physical Description: 598'-655', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Evergreen and Sommers Avenue.
WISC 300.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 656'-749', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Playboy bunny (Playboy Club at Lake Geneva?). Woman seems to be interviewing for position.
WISC 300.12
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 750'-826', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles addresses State Legislature on education, highway safety, and constitutional reform.
WISC 300.13
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 827'-873', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on Wisconsin presidential primary.
WISC 300.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 874'-921', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas celebration for migrant workers' children.
WISC 300.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 921'-951', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rodeo promotion; man on horseback in bar.
WISC 300.16
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 952'-982', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier announces passage of Wild Rivers Bill.
WISC 300.17
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 983'-1085', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Keith A. Hinsman on “Wonderful Wisconsin Week,” a tourism promotion.
WISC 300.18
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 1086'-1131', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Mrs. Eikenberry on special Dane County census.
WISC 300.19
On-site interviews/Sports, 1968
Physical Description: 1132'-1222', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin football player on Wisconsin football.
WISC 301.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 0'-81', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rodeo rehearsal at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 301.2
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 82'-117', silent, black and white, positive 
WISC 301.3
Openings, 1968
Physical Description: 118'-180', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at opening of University of Wisconsin--Richland Center campus.
WISC 301.4
Openings, 1968
Physical Description: 180'-236', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Otto Festge opens John Nolen Drive Causeway.
WISC 301.5
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 236'-272', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette announces his candidacy for governor of Wisconsin.
WISC 301.6
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 273'-324', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles on Jerris Leonard's candidacy for U.S. Senate.
WISC 301.7
News, 1968
Physical Description: 325'-395', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate George Romney campaigning in Madison.
WISC 301.8
On-site interviews, 1968 May 30
Physical Description: 397'-444', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery on increase of campus violence.
WISC 301.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 445'-497', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade on Capitol Square.
WISC 301.10
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 499'-578', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on public hearings regarding legislative ethics.
WISC 301.11
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 579'-621', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette on legislative code of ethics.
WISC 301.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 621'-698', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Holiday on Ice rehearsals at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 301.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 699'-761', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speed boats on display.
WISC 301.14
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 762'-811', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State chairman of Wisconsin Students for Rockefeller on presidential campaigning.
WISC 301.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 811'-912', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Dells tourist attractions.
WISC 301.16
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 912'-984', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on his libel suit against Bronson La Follette (claims he was forced out of a civil service position).
WISC 302.1
Banquets/Promotional materials, 1968 April 3
Physical Description: 0'-33', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and Alice in Dairyland at June Is Dairy Month kick-off banquet.
WISC 302.2
House fires, 1968 April 7
Physical Description: 35'-68', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bram Street.
WISC 302.3
Groundbreakings, 1968 May 28
Physical Description: 69'-89', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airport groundbreaking.
WISC 302.4
News, 1968 June 3
Physical Description: 90'-124', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nelson Rockefeller arrives in Madison for presidential campaign tour.
WISC 302.5
On-site interviews/Openings, 1968 June 4
Physical Description: 125'-267', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West side YMCA opens. Jesse Owens, guest at the opening, is interviewed on impact West YMCA will have on community.
WISC 302.6
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 268'-291', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin promotional “We like it here” campaign.
WISC 302.7
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 292'-324', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on outcome of conference held on Great Lakes pollution.
WISC 302.8
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 325'-349', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on malnutrition in U.S. He announces study to look at problem.
WISC 302.9
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 350'-387', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on Congress's approval of National Scenic and Wild River System. Shots of St. Croix, Namekagon and Wolf Rivers shown.
WISC 302.10
Celebrity visits, 1968
Physical Description: 388'-443', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andy Williams visits Madison.
WISC 302.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 444'-542', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Census forms arriving at Post Office.
WISC 302.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 544'-581', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade in New Glarus (?)
WISC 302.13
News, 1968
Physical Description: 582'-799', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Monroe, Wisconsin tornado aftermath: damaged buildings, houses, utility repairs.
WISC 302.14
Sports, 1968
Physical Description: 800'-898', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin vs. Indiana in football.
WISC 302.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 900'-996', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Capitol rotunda repairs.
WISC 302.16
Sports/Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 998'-1092', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Green Bay Packers head coach Phil Bengston on upcoming season.
WISC 302.17
Press conferences/Sports, 1968
Physical Description: 1094'-1139', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vince Lombardi, General Manager of Green Bay Packers, on late opening of Packers training camp.
WISC 302.18
Press conferences/Sports, 1968
Physical Description: 1140'-1381', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vince Lombardi on football training, televised games, the new extra point rule, rookies, etc.
WISC 302.19
Features (Newsfilm)/Openings, 1968
Physical Description: 1383'-1447', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Historical Society Museum (in basement) opens.
WISC 302.20
News, 1968
Physical Description: 1448'-1523', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Madison Gas and Electric offices.
WISC 303.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June 30
Physical Description: 0'-17', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dog show at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 303.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June 30
Physical Description: 19'-70', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Soap box derby racing.
WISC 303.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July 3
Physical Description: 71'-117', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison summer scenes: people at the beach, picnicking, canoeing, Vilas Park.
WISC 303.4
On-site interviews, 1968 July 6
Physical Description: 118'-151', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congressman Vernon W. Thomson on gun control: the matter needs “further study.”
WISC 303.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July 6
Physical Description: 152'-188', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Naval Reserves dress inspection.
WISC 303.6
Celebrity visits, 1968
Physical Description: 189'-218', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roy Rogers and Dale Evans visit Madison.
WISC 303.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 219'-258', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mapleside Home exterior.
WISC 303.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May 13
Physical Description: 259'-305', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Girls' pony tail contest.
WISC 303.9
News, 1968
Physical Description: 306'-362', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Lindsay, campaigning for Nelson Rockefeller, arrives in Madison.
WISC 303.10
Sports, 1968
Physical Description: 363'-434', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin vs. Ohio State basketball game.
WISC 303.11
Openings/Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July 12
Physical Description: 435'-476', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Julie Nixon Eisenhower and Tricia Nixon dedicate a covered bridge.
WISC 303.12
On-site interviews/News, 1968
Physical Description: 478'-508', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police official asking public to come forward with any information they may have on rape that occurred near Sterling Hall.
WISC 303.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May 13
Physical Description: 509'-554', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles bringing in fishing catch and scenes of fish boil.
WISC 303.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 554'-617', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Middleton parade.
WISC 303.15
News, 1968
Physical Description: 617'-715', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Downtown Madison (?) fire.
WISC 303.16
Speeches/News, 1968
Physical Description: 716'-755', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Harold Stassen speaks to small crowd gathered on State Capitol grounds.
WISC 303.17
News, 1968
Physical Description: 757'-812', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plymouth Congregational Church fire.
WISC 303.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 813'-885', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Big Brothers rodeo at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 303.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 887'-970', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gardner's Baking Co. 40th anniversary party.
WISC 303.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 971'-1072', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stage Coach Players production.
WISC 304.1
News, 1968 March 21
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Hormel arrested; police lead Hormel away as he sticks out his tongue.
WISC 304.2
News, 1968 August 15
Physical Description: 26'-63', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Capitol renovation.
WISC 304.3
Political announcements, 1968 August 30
Physical Description: 64'-87', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on his proposal to evaluate political convention system and feasibility of nationwide presidential primary.
WISC 304.4
Meetings, 1968 August 30
Physical Description: 88'-126', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WISC 304.5
News, 1968 October 5
Physical Description: 127'-200', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mock school bus accident exercise in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
WISC 304.6
News, 1968
Physical Description: 201'-255', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: House trailer fire.
WISC 304.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 256'-303', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beauty contest winner crowned.
WISC 304.8
News, 1968
Physical Description: 304'-341', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Brinkman led into courtroom.
WISC 304.9
Banquets, 1968
Physical Description: 342'-441', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Jimmy Demetral, former middle and light heavyweight champion, honored at banquet.
WISC 304.10
News/Judicial proceedings, 1968
Physical Description: 443'-468', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Service station murder; four men brought into court.
WISC 304.11
House fires, 1968
Physical Description: 469'-490', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Rouderause house fire.
WISC 304.12
News, 1968
Physical Description: 492'-511', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norby and Bakke leave for Olympic Games.
WISC 304.13
News, 1968
Physical Description: 512'-566', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Mayor Otto Festge and William Wesley Peters of Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation reach settlement on Monona Terrace Project.
WISC 304.14
News, 1968
Physical Description: 567'-605', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lake Mendota pollution.
WISC 304.15
News, 1968
Physical Description: 606'-619', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Service station murder scene.
WISC 304.16
News, 1968
Physical Description: 620'-657', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Pro-United Nations rally at Memorial Union.
WISC 304.17
Traffic accident reports, 1968
Physical Description: 658'-701', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Esther Beach Road.
WISC 304.18
Dedications, 1968
Physical Description: 702'-761', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Spring Green Bridge.
WISC 305
[unidentified film], 1964?
WISC 307.1
News, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-82', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students marching from Beloit to Madison in sympathy with Selma, Alabama marchers.
WISC 307.2
News, 1968
Physical Description: 82'-139', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Poor People's March up State Street to State Capitol. Otto Festge addresses marchers.
WISC 307.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 140'-181', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art week feature highlights Aaron Bohrod's studio.
WISC 307.4
Traffic accident reports, 1968
Physical Description: 182'-202', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: School bus.
WISC 307.5
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 203'-233', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Averill Harriman on Organization of American States.
WISC 307.6
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 234'-317', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles will run for reelection as governor.
WISC 307.7
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 318'-374', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Harrison retiring from city government.
WISC 307.8
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 376'-429', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Thurston Morton campaigning for Wilbur Renk for U.S. Senate.
WISC 307.9
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1968
Physical Description: 430'-522', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Junior Chamber of Commerce.
WISC 307.10
News, 1968
Physical Description: 524'-547', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Murder suspects returned from Virginia.
WISC 307.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 548'-606', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: German festival.
WISC 307.12
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 608'-635', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Lyndon Johnson's nomination of Abe Fortas to Supreme Court.
WISC 309.1
On-site interviews, 1969 June 2
Physical Description: 0'-123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on “Hospitality Unlimited,” a statewide convention for tourist travel groups.
WISC 309.2
On-site interviews, 1969 June 10
Physical Description: 124'-257', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Harold Froehlich on Warren Knowles' proposed state budget.
WISC 309.3
Promotional materials, 1969 June 10
Physical Description: 259'-328', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Calf brought into Secretary of State Robert Zimmerman's office as part of promotion for “June Is Dairy Month.” Zimmerman, Wilber Renk, and Will McCarroll comment on Dairy Month.
WISC 309.4
Promotional materials/On-site interviews, 1969 June 20
Physical Description: 329'-380', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Miss Wool” of Wisconsin on getting ready for the Miss Wool Pageant.
WISC 309.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 20
Physical Description: 381'-408', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Legion flag parade with period costumes.
WISC 309.6
News, 1969 June 22
Physical Description: 409'-442', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin construction sites.
WISC 309.7
On-site interviews, 1969 June 23
Physical Description: 443'-626', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Ferris on interest rate jump.
WISC 309.8
On-site interviews, 1969 June 25
Physical Description: 627'-757', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin Education Association.
WISC 309.9
Hearings, 1969 June 27
Physical Description: 759'-847', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on “one man, one vote” and recent Supreme Court decision to base both houses of state legislatures on population.
WISC 309.10
On-site interviews, 1969 June 29
Physical Description: 848'-889', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews a Mr. Joyce on employment in Madison area.
WISC 310.1
On-site interviews, 1969 June 6
Physical Description: 0'-131', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Rothwell on legislative committee which oversees growth of Wisconsin higher education.
WISC 310.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 6
Physical Description: 132'-192', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Vilas Zoo benefit gala.
WISC 310.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 6
Physical Description: 194'-240', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elementary school flag ceremony with Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.
WISC 310.4
Graduation ceremonies, 1969 June 9
Physical Description: 241'-296', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin.
WISC 310.5
On-site interviews, 1969 June 10
Physical Description: 297'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on NAACP membership.
WISC 310.6
Celebrity visits/On-site interviews, 1969 June 12
Physical Description: 355'-568', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Glen Campbell at Cherokee Country Club and interview with Jerry Deane.
WISC 310.7
Studio interviews, 1969 June 16
Physical Description: 569'-662', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on emergency communications system used during University of Wisconsin disturbances.
WISC 310.8
Promotional materials, 1969 June 17
Physical Description: 633'-701', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “June Is Dairy Month” promotion with Warren Knowles milking a cow.
WISC 310.9
On-site interviews, 1969 June 24
Physical Description: 704'-797', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Senator Everett Dirksen's amendment for changes in electoral representation.
WISC 310.10
On-site interviews, 1969 June 24
Physical Description: 798'-886', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Joyce on employment of “vacation” workers and women's employment.
WISC 310.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 888'-954', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dog show.
WISC 310.12
Political announcements, 1969 June
Physical Description: 956'-981', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on cutting military waste.
WISC 311.1
Openings, 1969 June 6
Physical Description: 0'-40', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke opens Parade of Homes.
WISC 311.2
On-site interviews, 1969 June 6
Physical Description: 41'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Harold Froehlich on state budget.
WISC 311.3
Graduation ceremonies, 1969 June 9
Physical Description: 117'-184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Madison Memorial High School.
WISC 311.4
On-site interviews, 1969 June 14
Physical Description: 185'-253', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Dr. Calloway on becoming president of NAACP Madison chapter.
WISC 311.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 15
Physical Description: 254'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction site fence with graffiti on it.
WISC 311.6
On-site interviews, 1969 June 16
Physical Description: 308'-363', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State senator on Dirksen Amendment to base one house of a state legislature on something other than population.
WISC 311.7
On-site interviews, 1969 June 18
Physical Description: 366'-407', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Politician on number of delegates expected at state Democratic Convention.
WISC 311.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 21
Physical Description: 408'-488', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marching band and singers performing at Hilldale Shopping Center.
WISC 311.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 23
Physical Description: 489'-547', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW summer school registration at Peterson Building.
WISC 311.10
On-site interviews, 1969 June 24
Physical Description: 548'-668', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Union spokesman on brewery dispute.
WISC 311.11
On-site interviews, 1969 June 28
Physical Description: 669'-746', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Banking spokesman on consumer credit laws.
WISC 311.12
Openings, 1969 June 30
Physical Description: 747'-783', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Exchange Bank's and West Branch's openings.
WISC 311.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 30
Physical Description: 785'-820', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dog show.
WISC 311.14
Sports, 1969
Physical Description: 821'-854', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's golf tournament.
WISC 311.15
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 855'-892', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Job Service spokesman on Youth Opportunity Center, a placement service.
WISC 312A.1
On-site interviews, 1969 July 1
Physical Description: 0'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Jack Olson (as Acting Governor) declaring disaster areas in Darlington and South Wayne communities and Green and Lafayette Counties.
WISC 312A.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 1
Physical Description: 85'-137', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus train.
WISC 312A.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 7
Physical Description: 138'-241', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: African rhythm band.
WISC 312A.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 8
Physical Description: 242'-287', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke inspects Madison Public Library Bookmobile.
WISC 312A.5
On-site interviews, 1969 July 8
Physical Description: 289'-330', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speaker of the House Harold Froehlich on governor's proposed budget.
WISC 312A.6
Hearings, 1969 July 10
Physical Description: 331'-400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two citizens give testimony on constitutional amendment (Dirksen amendment) to change political representation.
WISC 312A.7
On-site interviews, 1969 July 10
Physical Description: 401'-572', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on probate reform.
WISC 312A.8
Hearings, 1969 July 10
Physical Description: 573'-660', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Citizens on constitutional amendment (Dirksen amendment) to change political representation.
WISC 312A.9
On-site interviews, 1969 July 11
Physical Description: 662'-732', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speaker of the House Harold Froehlich on state budget.
WISC 312A.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 11
Physical Description: 733'-781', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sailboats launched.
WISC 312B.1
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1969 July 17
Physical Description: 0'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Mayor William Dyke and others during mayors' conference. Two participants discuss waste disposal and landfills.
WISC 312B.2
Hearings, 1969 July 18
Physical Description: 205'-359', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Citizens on constitutional amendment (Dirksen amendment) to change political representation.
WISC 312B.3
Man on the street interviews, 1969 July 18
Physical Description: 360'-614', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reaction to Apollo 11 moon shot.
WISC 312B.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 22
Physical Description: 616'-780', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “America Sings” travelling show sponsored by Hamm's Brewery.
WISC 312B.5
On-site interviews, 1969 July 24
Physical Description: 782'-992', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin geology professor Cameron on Apollo 11 moon rocks.
WISC 312B.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 26
Physical Description: 993'-1030', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bands.
WISC 312C.1
News, 1969 July 29
Physical Description: 0'-109', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters training.
WISC 312C.2
On-site interviews, 1969 July 29
Physical Description: 110'-338', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Chase of Sun Prairie on future of city.
WISC 312C.3
Studio interviews, 1969 July 29
Physical Description: 339'-384', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents President James Nellen on length of appointments for University of Wisconsin Regents.
WISC 312C.4
Traffic accident reports, 1969 July 29
Physical Description: 385'-418', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car and bicycle.
WISC 312C.5
On-site interviews, 1969 July 30
Physical Description: 419'-500', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Spokesman for Madison Area Technical College.
WISC 312C.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 501'-555', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Playboy bunny greeting passengers aboard Lear jet.
WISC 313.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 29
Physical Description: 0'-99', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children at Randall School.
WISC 313.2
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 29
Physical Description: 101'-241', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: No Oaks Rodeo (sponsored by George Holmes Tire).
WISC 313.3
News, 1969 July 4
Physical Description: 242'-295', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter on state government reorganization and budget tax bill.
WISC 313.4
On-site interviews, 1969 July 22
Physical Description: 296'-364', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Norman Anderson on vote to outlaw sale of DDT.
WISC 313.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 18
Physical Description: 365'-413', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 4-H livestock exhibition.
WISC 313.6
Man on the street interviews, 1969 July 16
Physical Description: 414'-512', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reaction to Apollo 11 moon shot.
WISC 313.7
Awards ceremonies, 1969 July 28
Physical Description: 512'-547', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Red Cross awards.
WISC 313.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 8
Physical Description: 548'-607', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Water skiing show.
WISC 313.9
News, 1969 July 8
Physical Description: 608'-650', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small plane crash.
WISC 313.10
Man on the street interviews, 1969 July 22
Physical Description: 651'-725', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reaction to Apollo 11 moon landing.
WISC 313.11
Political announcements, 1969 July 10
Physical Description: 726'-752', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on waste in military spending.
WISC 313.12
On-site interviews, 1969 July 10
Physical Description: 753'-790', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Froehlich on state sales tax extension.
WISC 313.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 26
Physical Description: 791'-812', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Log rolling and lumberjack contests.
WISC 313.14
Openings, 1969 July 3
Physical Description: 813'-848', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: First Wisconsin National Bank (Madison, Wisconsin).
WISC 313.15
Groundbreakings, 1969 July 3
Physical Description: 849'-889', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Life Insurance Company building addition.
WISC 313.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 890'-924', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jazz combo playing on Memorial Union Terrace.
WISC 313.17
On-site interviews, 1969 July 22
Physical Description: 925'-957', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Norman Anderson on DDT insecticide ban.
WISC 313.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 2
Physical Description: 957'-995', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rodeo promotional with actor Ken Curtis (Festus in Gunsmoke).
WISC 314.1
Meetings, 1969 August 1
Physical Description: 0'-48', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative finance committee.
WISC 314.2
On-site interviews, 1969 August 1
Physical Description: 49'-110', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. McPhee on “pay as you go” plan for college fees.
WISC 314.3
Meetings, 1969 August 1
Physical Description: 111'-220', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council. Woman discusses group called Citizens for Civic Peace, organized to ease racial tension.
WISC 314.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 5
Physical Description: 221'-271', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Japan World Exposition visits Madison.
WISC 314.5
On-site interviews, 1969 August 5
Physical Description: 271'-459', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Madison's rapid growth.
WISC 314.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 11
Physical Description: 460'-535', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis, Wisconsin.
WISC 314.7
On-site interviews, 1969 August 13
Physical Description: 536'-676',- magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Up with People” performers.
WISC 314.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 15
Physical Description: 677'-772', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hot air balloon ascent from Law Park.
WISC 314.9
Public announcements, 1969 August 17
Physical Description: 773'-844', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on joint resolution to have Equal Opportunity Commission report used as a basis for city policy, and his recognition of tensions between blacks and city police.
WISC 314.10
On-site interviews, 1969 August 20
Physical Description: 846'-975', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on negotiations with Madison Bus Company.
WISC 314.11
Public announcements, 1969 August 25
Physical Description: 977'-1077', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on city buy-out of Madison Bus Company.
WISC 314.12
On-site interviews, 1969 July 29
Physical Description: 1079'-1315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: International Air Force cadet exchange program. German cadets interviewed.
WISC 315.1
On-site interviews, 1969 August 1
Physical Description: 0'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. McPhee on “pay as you go” plan for state colleges.
WISC 315.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 5
Physical Description: 81'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Vilas Zoo; Children's Zoo under construction.
WISC 315.3
Studio interviews, 1969 August 5
Physical Description: 140'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on major causes of traffic accidents--drinking and drugs.
WISC 315.4
News, 1969 August 7
Physical Description: 230'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles (with Attorney General Robert Warren) signs drug bill.
WISC 315.5
News, 1969 August 8
Physical Description: 319'-358', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Seat belt demonstration.
WISC 315.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 14
Physical Description: 359'-407', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Up With People” performance on Capitol steps.
WISC 315.7
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews/Awards ceremonies, 1969 August 14
Physical Description: 408'-448', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Golf interviews.
WISC 315.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 18
Physical Description: 450'-546', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm Progress Days.
WISC 315.9
On-site interviews, 1969 August 21
Physical Description: 547'-612', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on pollution.
WISC 315.10
On-site interviews, 1969 August 22
Physical Description: 613'-709', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Red Cross spokesman on donations for disaster relief.
WISC 315.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 22
Physical Description: 710'-752', silent, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Shriners' motorcycle drill team.
WISC 315.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 22
Physical Description: 752'-853', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boscobel 4-H parade.
WISC 315.13
On-site interviews, 1969 August 27
Physical Description: 857'-985', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Doctor on legal aspects of emergency medical care (shot at Wisconsin Center Alumni House). Demonstration of lake rescue.
WISC 315.14
On-site interviews, 1969 August 27
Physical Description: 987'-1064', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Madison's buy-out of bus company and its complications.
WISC 315.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 1065'-1132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Zor Shriners' parade on Capitol Square.
WISC 315.16
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 1133'-1169', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on bus ridership.
WISC 315.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 1170'-1227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hairstyling demonstration.
WISC 315.18
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 1228'-1260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Froehlich on progress of budget approval.
WISC 316.1
On-site interviews, 1969 August 5
Physical Description: 0'-37', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert T. Huber on need for annual state budget sessions.
WISC 316.2
On-site interviews, 1969 August 8
Physical Description: 38'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman John C. Shabaz on proposed state budgets.
WISC 316.3
Sports, 1969 August 19
Physical Description: 108'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women practicing fast-pitch softball.
WISC 316.4
Sports/On-site interviews, 1969 August 11
Physical Description: 128'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Athletic Director Elroy Hirsch on high school scouting.
WISC 316.5
Press conferences, 1969 August 13
Physical Description: 175'-248', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Craig urging Madison Common Council to act to buy Madison Bus Company.
WISC 316.6
On-site interviews, 1969 August 14
Physical Description: 249'-389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on federal grant application for buying Madison Bus Company.
WISC 316.7
On-site interviews, 1969 August 14
Physical Description: 390'-429', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on metropolitan area conferences.
WISC 316.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 15
Physical Description: 430'-473', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade on Capitol Square.
WISC 316.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 21
Physical Description: 474'-518', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles views workers collating budget documents.
WISC 316.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August 23
Physical Description: 519'-578', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Zor Shriners.
WISC 316.11
News, 1969 August 22
Physical Description: 579'-636', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Camp McCoy war games.
WISC 316.12
On-site interviews, 1969 August 29
Physical Description: 638'-717', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on first aid seminar. Demonstration of car accident rescue techniques held outside Alumni House.
WISC 316.13
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 August 27
Physical Description: 718'-790', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scouts interviewed after bike trip to Door County.
WISC 316.14
News, 1969 August
Physical Description: 791'-818', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at 228 State Street.
WISC 316.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 819'-856', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Middleton Festival. Men and women in 18th century dress board Tilt-a-Whirl.
WISC 316.16
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 August 29
Physical Description: 856'-951', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on first aid seminar at Alumni House. Demonstration of first aid techniques.
WISC 317.1
Studio interviews, 1968 November 2
Physical Description: 0'-92', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Godfrey Cambridge on student dissent (most of interview is unintelligible due to sound track damage). He also comments on his new television show.
WISC 317.2
News, 1968 November 5
Physical Description: 93'-197', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting machine demonstration.
WISC 317.3
News, 1968
Physical Description: 198'-255', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee riot damage.
WISC 317.4
On-site interviews, 1968 November 13
Physical Description: 256'-305', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ORAP (Outdoor Recreation Act Program), a program to acquire public lands for recreational use.
WISC 317.5
On-site interviews, 1968 November 13
Physical Description: 306'-438', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on bonding money for municipalities, another legislator on ORAP, and Warren Knowles also commenting on ORAP.
WISC 317.6
Features (Newsfilm)/Studio interviews, 1968 November 15
Physical Description: 439'-518', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ken Curtis, Festus on Gunsmoke, in Madison for rodeo.
WISC 317.7
Sports, 1968 November 15
Physical Description: 519'-586', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin hockey.
WISC 317.8
Sports, 1968 November 16
Physical Description: 587'-646', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Football game.
WISC 317.9
On-site interviews, 1968 November 18
Physical Description: 647'-700', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Belli on his belief in the accuracy of the Warren Report.
WISC 317.10
Studio interviews, 1968 November 19
Physical Description: 702'-762', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Rothwell on program for disadvantaged students to go to college.
WISC 317.11
Political announcements, 1968 November 19
Physical Description: 763'-866', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Otto Festge on Knowles' call to cut city spending.
WISC 317.12
On-site interviews, 1968 November 25
Physical Description: 867'-958', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Proctor on overcoming effects of poor education.
WISC 317.13
On-site interviews, 1968 November 25
Physical Description: 959'-1007', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison superintendent of schools Douglas S. Ritchie on school budget.
WISC 317.14
Sports/On-site interviews, 1968 November 25
Physical Description: 1008'-1140', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Green Bay Packer Boyd Dowler on the Packers' chances this year.
WISC 317.15
On-site interviews, 1968 November 26
Physical Description: 1142'-1195', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Milwaukee vocational schools and minority training.
WISC 317.16
On-site interviews/Studio interviews, 1968 November 27
Physical Description: 1196'-1331', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on state universities' conference for the educationally disadvantaged; Dr. Proctor also speaks on how conference will affect vocationally disadvantaged. Another man comments on the keynote speakers.
WISC 317.17
News, 1968 November
Physical Description: 1332'-1367', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walk for Development march on State Street.
WISC 317.18
Press conferences, 1968 November 18
Physical Description: 1368'-1495', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Belli on Miranda and Escobedo rulings.
WISC 318.1
On-site interviews, 1968 November 2
Physical Description: 0'-15', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighter Ed Durkin on legality of fire fighters striking.
WISC 318.2
Sports, 1968 November 6
Physical Description: 16'-70', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Diving and swimming demonstration, and training.
WISC 318.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 November 8
Physical Description: 71'-157', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rodeo promotion and “Little Festus” contest with Ken Curtis, Festus of Gunsmoke series.
WISC 318.4
Public announcements, 1968 November 12
Physical Description: 158'-203', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: United Givers campaign.
WISC 318.5
News, 1968 November 16
Physical Description: 205'-263', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walk for Development- sponsored March for Hunger on State Street and Bascom Hill.
WISC 318.6
Press conferences, 1968 November 16
Physical Description: 264'-302', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin M. Belli on political assassinations and the trials of Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray.
WISC 318.7
Sports, 1968 November 25
Physical Description: 304'-372', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Minnesota football game.
WISC 318.8
News, 1968 November 25
Physical Description: 373'-505', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Superintendent of Schools Douglas S. Ritchie on school re-apportionment and dissolution of Central High School district.
WISC 318.9
Banquets, 1968 November 26
Physical Description: 506'-567', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin sports banquet.
WISC 318.10
On-site interviews, 1968 November 29
Physical Description: 569'-631', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Froehlich on passage of state budget and other matters before current legislative session.
WISC 318.11
News, 1968 November
Physical Description: 633'-663', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting in school gymnasium.
WISC 318.12
On-site interviews, 1968 November 29
Physical Description: 664'-714', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Froehlich on need for state office space.
WISC 318.13
Public announcements, 1968 November
Physical Description: 715'-745', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles' Thanksgiving Day message.
WISC 318.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 November
Physical Description: 746'-848', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Timothy McElrath textiles and clothing exhibit.
WISC 319.1
Press conferences/Candidacy announcements, 1969 January 3
Physical Description: 0'-131', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man announcing his candidacy for mayor at Ivy Inn. He answers questions on Civic Center and property taxes.
WISC 319.2
News, 1969 January 6
Physical Description: 132'-205', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles' inaugural address.
WISC 319.3
Candidacy announcements, 1969 January 6
Physical Description: 206'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Otto Festge on his decision not to run for reelection as mayor.
WISC 319.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 January 6
Physical Description: 279'-333', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison sports show set up at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 319.5
Speeches, 1969 January 16
Physical Description: 334'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin spokesman on need for reorganization of UW Athletic Dept.
WISC 319.6
Speeches, 1969 January 20
Physical Description: 403'-435', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on Committee on Local Government Organization (Tarr Task Force).
WISC 319.7
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 January 20
Physical Description: 436'-482', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police officer's retirement party and his comments on being a police officer.
WISC 319.8
Traffic accident reports, 1969 January 20
Physical Description: 482'-518', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car-train.
WISC 319.9
Banquets, 1969 January 21
Physical Description: 519'-577', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DSA.
WISC 319.10
On-site interviews, 1969 January 27
Physical Description: 578'-610', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge John D. Voss on his qualifications for Supreme Court justice.
WISC 319.11
Speeches, 1969 January 27
Physical Description: 611'-662', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles on traffic safety measures.
WISC 319.12
On-site interviews, 1969 January 27
Physical Description: 663'-695', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge John D. Voss on his reasons for running for Supreme Court justice.
WISC 319.13
News, 1969 January 27
Physical Description: 696'-726', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayoral candidate submits his election petitions. Edward Ben Elson (dressed in flamboyant garb) brings in his election petitions.
WISC 319.14
Speeches, 1969 January 27
Physical Description: 726'-788', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayoral candidate on property tax disparities.
WISC 319.15
News, 1969 January 27
Physical Description: 789'-819', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge E. Harold Hallows with Secretary of State Robert Zimmerman filing his election petitions.
WISC 319.16
Speeches, 1969 January 30
Physical Description: 820'-945', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles budget address to legislature on expanding tax sales.
WISC 319.17
On-site interviews, 1969 January 30
Physical Description: 945'-965', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman's negative reaction to Knowles' proposed budget.
WISC 319.18
Speeches, 1969 January 30
Physical Description: 966'-1115', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles budget address to legislature on balancing state budget.
WISC 320.1
Political announcements, 1969 January 1
Physical Description: 0'-33', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on possibility of eliminating Electoral College.
WISC 320.2
On-site interviews, 1969 January 3
Physical Description: 34'-79', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on importance of black history.
WISC 320.3
News, 1969 January 6
Physical Description: 80'-142', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles sworn in as governor. Other constitutional officers also sworn in.
WISC 320.4
On-site interviews, 1969 January 9
Physical Description: 143'-235', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edward Ben Elson on his seriousness as mayoral candidate.
WISC 320.5
News, 1969 January 10
Physical Description: 236'-277', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison joins nationwide “transceiver network” (telecommunications system). Warren Knowles views equipment.
WISC 320.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 January 17
Physical Description: 279'-323', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ski jumping.
WISC 320.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 January 18
Physical Description: 324'-398', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge, with Miss Madison (?), inspecting printing press.
WISC 320.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 January 21
Physical Description: 399'-435', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Volunteers (at University Hospitals?) collating information packets.
WISC 320.9
On-site interviews, 1969 January 27
Physical Description: 437'-458', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bowling tournament organizers on tourney.
WISC 320.10
Speeches/News, 1969 January 27
Physical Description: 459'-525', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles gives inaugural address. Shots of Knowles choosing wine and toasting with Lt. Gov. Jack Olson.
WISC 320.11
News, 1969 January 27
Physical Description: 526'-553', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Swearing-in ceremony for city/county officials.
WISC 320.12
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 January 28
Physical Description: 554'-664', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Setting up international bowling tournament at Dane County Coliseum. Interview with tournament organizers.
WISC 320.13
News, 1969/01
Physical Description: 666'-703', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Maple Bluff Country Club fire.
WISC 320.14
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 704'-741', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke files election papers for mayor.
WISC 320.15
News, 1969
Physical Description: 742'-789', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judges in chambers.
WISC 320.16
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 790'-848', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on issues facing Madison, including money and lake pollution.
WISC 320.17
Speeches, 1969/01
Physical Description: 849'-928', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles addresses state legislature on education costs.
WISC 321.1
Studio interviews, 1969 February 6
Physical Description: 0'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on distinctiveness of black church and its message.
WISC 321.2
Press conferences, 1969 February 6
Physical Description: 63'-147', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles announces appointment of William R. Kellett as chairman of special task force on education.
WISC 321.3
Political announcements, 1969 February 15
Physical Description: 148'-176', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Nixon administration's combating of inflation.
WISC 321.4
Speeches, 1969 February 20
Physical Description: 177'-312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles addressing joint session on shortcomings of ORAP (Outdoor Recreation Act Program) and task force proposals for revamping tax sharing.
WISC 321.5
Sports, 1969 February 22
Physical Description: 313'-382', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bowling tournament at Dane County Coliseum broadcast by ABC.
WISC 321.6
On-site interviews, 1969 February 26
Physical Description: 383'-435', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on “Plans for Progress,” a group which contacts business regarding their plans for minority hiring and recruitment.
WISC 321.7
Press conferences, 1969 February 27
Physical Description: 436'-537', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayoral candidate calls for position papers from other candidates on housing situation in Madison.
WISC 321.8
News, 1969 February 27
Physical Description: 537'-556', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Picketers carrying signs: “Why go-go girls but not candidates?” They're protesting lack of mayoral debate in media.
WISC 321.9
Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 558'-617', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on empowering blacks.
WISC 321.10
Studio interviews, 1969 February
Physical Description: 618'-677', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on plan to create air park facility at Truax AFB.
WISC 321.11
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 February
Physical Description: 678'-804', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Computer dating service.
WISC 321.12
On-site interviews, 1969 February
Physical Description: 807'-983', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayoral candidate on outcome of his challenge to media in Madison to cover mayoral campaign and issues.
WISC 322.1
Graduation ceremonies, 1969 January 25
Physical Description: 0'-65', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin graduates in Field House; President Fred Harvey Harrington addresses graduates.
WISC 322.2
Studio interviews, 1969 February 5
Physical Description: 66'-136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on seriousness of flooding in southwestern Wisconsin.
WISC 322.3
Press conferences, 1969 February 6
Physical Description: 137'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles introducing William Kellett as head of new commission on education.
WISC 322.4
Press conferences, 1969 February 7
Physical Description: 176'-205', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles denying rumors he would be taking appointment in Nixon administration.
WISC 322.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 February 18
Physical Description: 206'-259', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Views of University Avenue bus lane and antique car travelling in bus lane.
WISC 322.6
News, 1969 February 19
Physical Description: 260'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Funeral at Our Lady Queen of Peace.
WISC 322.7
Press conferences, 1969 February 21
Physical Description: 301'-414', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elroy Hirsch on accepting athletic director post at University of Wisconsin.
WISC 322.8
Speeches, 1969 February 21
Physical Description: 415'-476', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles addresses joint session of legislature (State of the State address).
WISC 322.9
On-site interviews, 1969 February 26
Physical Description: 477'-499', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Simon on equal opportunity job fair.
WISC 322.10
On-site interviews, 1969 February 31
Physical Description: 500'-563', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney James Boll on bad check writing.
WISC 322.11
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, circa 1969
Physical Description: 565'-736', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Alex Jordan, Jr., builder of House on the Rock, on how he came to build the structure.
WISC 322.12
News, circa 1969
Physical Description: 740'-813', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Point-of-view shots from inside State Patrol car travelling on interstate system.
WISC 322.13
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 814'-872', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposals for air park at Truax Field.
WISC 322.14
Openings, 1969
Physical Description: 873'-977', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter at Madison Public Library before its opening.
WISC 322.15
Sports, 1969
Physical Description: 979'-1064', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Portion of “Here's Roundy” show with Roundy Coughlin and Duane Bowman talking about baseball.
WISC 322.16
Features (Newsfilm)/Sports, 1969
Physical Description: 1065'-1135', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Ski jumping.
WISC 323.1
Features (Newsfilm)/Sports, 1969 February 24
Physical Description: 0'-51', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowmobile racing.
WISC 323.2
Sports, 1969
Physical Description: 52'-220', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin-Iowa football game.
WISC 323.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 221'-246', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fort Dells (attraction at Wisconsin Dells) observatory tower under construction.
WISC 323.4
Wire service, 1969
Physical Description: 247'-270, silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Tower Hill State Park.
WISC 323.5
News, 1969
Physical Description: 271'-300', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Barn fire.
WISC 323.6
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 300'-335', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles on ORAP 200 (recreational land and environmental program.)
WISC 323.7
House fires, 1969
Physical Description: 336'-383', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
WISC 323.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 384'-443', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Children ride “Santa Claus” train.
WISC 323.9
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 444'-501', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on heart disease prevention program.
WISC 323.10
Panel discussions/Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 501'x764', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his fact-finding mission trip to Madison mental health institutions. Other panelists discuss community mental health issues.
WISC 323.11
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 766'-1055', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Methodist bishop on overseas relief.
WISC 324.1
On-site interviews, 1969 March 4
Physical Description: 0'-76', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Bishop on flooding threat to southwestern Wisconsin.
WISC 324.2
Press conferences, 1969 March 4
Physical Description: 76'-123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Superintendent of Schools Douglas S. Ritchie and Edgewood High School administrator on Madison Public Schools and Edgewood School competing in sports.
WISC 324.3
Speeches, 1969 March 7
Physical Description: 124'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on educational programs.
WISC 324.4
On-site interviews, 1969 March 7
Physical Description: 176'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on coordination of special police services.
WISC 324.5
On-site interviews, 1969 March 14
Physical Description: 269'-319', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on veterans' housing program.
WISC 324.6
Press conferences, 1969 March 24
Physical Description: 320'-421', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge (?) on media coverage of trials.
WISC 324.7
Press conferences, 1969 March 24
Physical Description: 424'-500', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson campaigning for Robert L. (Toby) Reynolds (running for Madison mayor).
WISC 324.8
Sports, 1969 March 23
Physical Description: 501'-546', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State basketball tournament.
WISC 324.9
Sports, 1969 March 20
Physical Description: 547'-648', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State basketball tournament: Durand vs. Kimberly and Neenah vs. Beloit.
WISC 324.10
On-site interviews, 1969 March 24
Physical Description: 649'-791', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Supreme Court Chief Justice E. Harold Hallows on his qualifications for reelection.
WISC 324.11
Man on the street interviews, 1969 March 31
Physical Description: 792'-872', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dwight Eisenhower remembered after his death.
WISC 324.12
On-site interviews, 1969 March 31
Physical Description: 873'-904', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Firefighter Ed Durkin on resolution of Fire Dept. pay dispute.
WISC 324.13
Political announcements, 1969
Physical Description: 906'-988', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert L. (Toby) Reynolds, running for Madison mayor.
WISC 325.1
Sports/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 March 1
Physical Description: 0'-37', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elroy Hirsch posing with football players.
WISC 325.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 March 1
Physical Description: 39'-69', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 4-H horse show.
WISC 325.3
Sports/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 March 4
Physical Description: 70'-96', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee Bucks players posing with disabled child.
WISC 325.4
Speeches, 1969 March 6
Physical Description: 97'-198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on need for affordable housing and on the “model cities” program.
WISC 325.5
Sports/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 March 7
Physical Description: 200'-234', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bowling tournament.
WISC 325.6
Sports, 1969 March 12
Physical Description: 234'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State basketball tournament.
WISC 325.7
Press conferences, 1969 March 13
Physical Description: 325'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on changes in drunk driving and seat belt laws.
WISC 325.8
House fires, 1969 March 15
Physical Description: 402'-451', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bayview Apartments.
WISC 325.9
News, 1969 March 18
Physical Description: 452'-504', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Downtown Madison parking areas.
WISC 325.10
On-site interviews, 1969 March 27
Physical Description: 505'-539', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on his opposition to surtax.
WISC 325.11
On-site interviews, 1969 March 27
Physical Description: 540'-574', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (judge?) on issue of cameras being admitted into the courtroom. He feels most state judges would be against televised coverage.
WISC 325.12
Speeches/News, 1969 March
Physical Description: 575'-715', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey making speeches at Memorial Union Theater and Stock Pavilion.
WISC 325.13
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1969 March
Physical Description: 716'-782', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier and Congressman Rosenthal comment on public hearings held on Vietnam War.
WISC 325.14
Press conferences, 1969 March
Physical Description: 783'-848', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bettering police/community relations.
WISC 325.15
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 850'-884', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney James Boll denying rumors he will take U.S. attorney position.
WISC 327.1
On-site interviews, 1969 April 1
Physical Description: 0'-74', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Dept. representative on spring being the season when swindlers come out.
WISC 327.2
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 April 2
Physical Description: 76'-177', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Supervisor of GAR Museum interviewed on his 98th birthday.
WISC 327.3
Press conferences, 1969 April 2
Physical Description: 178'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge and Wesley Peters on Civic Center bids and funding for the Monona Basin Project.
WISC 327.4
Press conferences, 1969 April 9
Physical Description: 245'-299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Wayne Morse on guidelines needed for teacher competency.
WISC 327.5
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 300'-378', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge and Wesley Peters on Civic Center bids.
WISC 327.6
Press conferences, 1969 April 9
Physical Description: 379'-428', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Wayne Morse commenting on what he refers to as an “educational bureaucracy” developing as parents lose control of the local schools.
WISC 327.7
Political announcements, 1969 April 13
Physical Description: 429'-459', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Defense Dept. slipping the production of a new supersonic bomber into the current budget.
WISC 327.8
On-site interviews, 1969 April 14
Physical Description: 461'-528', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wesley Peters on his reluctance to let the Monona Basin Project (Civic Center) go out for re-bidding.
WISC 327.9
News, 1969 April 15
Physical Description: 528'-565', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police investigate crime scene near corner of King, Wilson, and Butler Streets.
WISC 327.10
News, 1969 April 15
Physical Description: 565'-616', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke is sworn in as mayor.
WISC 327.11
Features (Newsfilm)ISports, 1969 April 22
Physical Description: 617'-755', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bowling tournament at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 327.12
On-site interviews, 1969 April 24
Physical Description: 756'-821', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Assemblyman Lewis Mittness on his opposition to highway and bridge bonding.
WISC 327.13
On-site interviews, 1969 April 24
Physical Description: 822'-896', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Mr. Brace on his opposition to corporate farming.
WISC 327.14
On-site interviews, 1969 April 30
Physical Description: 897'-938', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State senator on bill before legislature to maintain private school system.
WISC 327.15
On-site interviews, 1969 April 30
Physical Description: 939'-966', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his opposition to State Senate bill for aid to private schools.
WISC 327.16
On-site interviews, 1969 April 30
Physical Description: 966'-1018', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Hutnik on long bridges bill.
WISC 327.17
Press conferences, 1969 April
Physical Description: 1020'-1078', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on what faces him as Madison's mayor.
WISC 328.1
Meetings, 1969 April 1
Physical Description: 0'-45', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council. Wesley Peters appears before council.
WISC 328.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 April 4
Physical Description: 45'-85', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Badger Amateur Radio Society; station WGYT.
WISC 328.3
Press conferences, 1969 April 9
Physical Description: 86'-141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Wayne Morse on education.
WISC 328.4
On-site interviews, 1969 April 14
Physical Description: 141'-232', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wesley Peters on recall of bidding for Monona Basin project.
WISC 328.5
Hearings, 1969 April 16
Physical Description: 232'-273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State budget hearings; endorsement of governor's higher education budget request.
WISC 328.6
News, 1969 April 21
Physical Description: 273'-342', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi and poor people demonstrating at State Capitol. Demonstrators enter budget committee meeting room.
WISC 328.7
On-site interviews, 1969 April 23
Physical Description: 343'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the concern about the spread of corporate farms.
WISC 328.8
Meetings, 1969 April 25
Physical Description: 413'-462', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State budget.
WISC 328.9
On-site interviews, 1969 April 26
Physical Description: 463'-503', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bowling tourney winner.
WISC 328.10
Public announcements, 1969 April 26
Physical Description: 504'-562', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke introduces assistant.
WISC 328.11
On-site interviews, 1969 April 29
Physical Description: 563'-645', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on safety of DDT insecticide as demonstrated in studies.
WISC 328.12
On-site interviews, 1969 April 30
Physical Description: ' 645'-711', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Priest on funding crisis in parochial schools.
WISC 328.13
News, 1969 April 30
Physical Description: 712'-729', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly session.
WISC 328.14
On-site interviews, 1969 April
Physical Description: 730'-800', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on National Alliance of Business program to get jobs for blacks in Milwaukee.
WISC 328.15
Awards ceremonies/On-site interviews, 1969 April
Physical Description: 801'-894', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bowling tourney winner.
WISC 328.16
News, 1969 April
Physical Description: 895'-940', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stop 'n' Go Store's closed-circuit TV security system.
WISC 328.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 941'-984', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elephants unloaded for circus at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 328.18
Hearings, 1969 April
Physical Description: 984'-1006', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly (hearings on parochial schools?).
WISC 329.1
On-site interviews, 1969 April 2
Physical Description: 0'-36', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on being elected mayor.
WISC 329.2
Press conferences, 1969 April 3
Physical Description: 37'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wesley Peters on bids for civic auditorium (Monona Basin Project).
WISC 329.3
Awards ceremonies, 1969 April 10
Physical Description: 108'-140', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man receives commendation from Governor Warren Knowles. Edwin Young and Fred Harvey Harrington present.
WISC 329.4
Hearings, 1969 April 17
Physical Description: 141'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harvey Harrington on University of Wisconsin budget before Legislative Budget Committee.
WISC 329.5
Political announcements, 1969 April 17
Physical Description: 173'-206', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on wasteful military spending.
WISC 329.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 April 26
Physical Description: 209'-242', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children's spring cleanup; Cub Scouts plant trees.
WISC 329.7
Meetings, 1969 April 23
Physical Description: 243'-263', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly in session.
WISC 329.8
On-site interviews, 1969 April 28
Physical Description: 264'-292', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on effect of corporate farms.
WISC 329.9
On-site interviews, 1969 April 30
Physical Description: 293'-329', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on plan to rebuild bridges.
WISC 329.10
On-site interviews, 1969 April 30
Physical Description: 330'-374', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on bill to provide assistance to private school students.
WISC 329.11
Press conferences, 1969 May 15
Physical Description: 375'-467', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Federal Communications Commission Chairman Rosel Hyde on broadcast industry.
WISC 329.12
Sports, 1969 May 19
Physical Description: 468'-569', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin football.
WISC 329.13
Press conferences, 1969 April
Physical Description: 571'-603', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and Arthur Godfrey for “ORAP 200,” an environmental program.
WISC 329.14
Press conferences, 1969 May 15
Physical Description: 604'-733', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: FCC Chairman Rosel Hyde on cable television technology and why we should rely on diversity rather than government regulation.
WISC 329.15
House fires, 1969 May
Physical Description: 734'-770', silent, color, positive 
WISC 330.1
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 April 13
Physical Description: 0'-47', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Hire the Handicapped” poster winners.
WISC 330.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 April 25
Physical Description: 48'-86', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Singers at University of Wisconsin Music Hall.
WISC 330.3
On-site interviews, 1969 May 1
Physical Description: 87'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chairman of Industry Task Force for DDT on safety of DDT.
WISC 330.4
Studio interviews, 1969 May 7
Physical Description: 176'-221', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on police conference.
WISC 330.5
News, 1969 May 10
Physical Description: 222'-258', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi leads poor people's demonstration at State Capitol.
WISC 330.6
Studio interviews, 1969 May 7
Physical Description: 259'-325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on law enforcement in Wisconsin.
WISC 330.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 325'-382', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vintage car rally in Red Owl parking lot.
WISC 330.8
Press conferences, 1969 May 15
Physical Description: 383'-441', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Federal Communications Commission Chairman Rosel Hyde on cigarette advertising on television and radio.
WISC 330.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 441'-477', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin school safety patrols set out on field trip.
WISC 330.10
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 478'-508', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WISC 330.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 509'-574', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harness racers demonstration.
WISC 330.12
News, 1969 May 2
Physical Description: 575'-659', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Meteorology and Space Science satellite model.
WISC 330.13
Groundbreakings, 1969
Physical Description: 660'-687', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm Bureau Rural Insurance building.
WISC 330.14
Banquets, 1969
Physical Description: 688'-729', silent, color, positive 
WISC 330.15
News, 1969 April
Physical Description: 730'-776', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting.
WISC 330.16
News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 777'-813', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire on roofing truck.
WISC 330.17
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 814'-844', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on stopping spread of corporate farms.
WISC 331.1
On-site interviews, 1969 September 9
Physical Description: 0'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Quinlan on Beloit's projected growth.
WISC 331.2
News, 1969 September 9
Physical Description: 243'-286', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighting demonstration.
WISC 331.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 10
Physical Description: 287'-318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus performers.
WISC 331.4
On-site interviews, 1969 September 10
Physical Description: 319'-462', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beloit's new Municipal Building and Plaza.
WISC 331.5
On-site interviews, 1969 September 12
Physical Description: 463'-540', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Program for purchasing houses by low and moderate income families.
WISC 331.6
Public announcements, 1969 September 14
Physical Description: 541'-583', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “We Care” volunteer organization formed to raise emergency funds for Dane County poor.
WISC 331.7
On-site interviews, 1969 September 14
Physical Description: 584'-720', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women on how cuts to Head Start programs have affected her family and others.
WISC 331.8
Sports, 1969 September 20
Physical Description: 721'-1031', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin vs. Oklahoma football.
WISC 331.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 22
Physical Description: 1032'-1149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Englishman comments on state of British roads.
WISC 331.10
Studio interviews, 1969 September 24
Physical Description: 1150'-1230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on restructuring of state policies on higher education.
WISC 331.11
News, 1969
Physical Description: 1231'-1252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi, black leaders, and State Senator Walter Chilsen address legislative committee.
WISC 331.12
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 1253'-1456', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stoughton mayor on city's population growth.
WISC 331.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 1456'-1502', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm animals on display for school children.
WISC 332.1
News, 1969 May 7
Physical Description: 0'-38', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Heating Station fire.
WISC 332.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 10
Physical Description: 39'-98', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clyde Beatty Circus setting up.
WISC 332.3
On-site interviews, 1969 September 11
Physical Description: 99'-477', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Janesville's city-owned bus company.
WISC 332.4
Studio interviews, 1969 September 14
Physical Description: 178'-295', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on planning policies for higher education.
WISC 332.5
On-site interviews, 1969 September 16
Physical Description: 296'-452', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Madison budget projections and government spending.
WISC 332.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 21
Physical Description: 453'-506', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School playground; children entering school; inside classroom.
WISC 332.7
News, 1969 September 21
Physical Description: 507'-604', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi leads welfare rights demonstration to Executive Mansion.
WISC 332.8
Studio interviews, 1969 September 21
Physical Description: 605'-684', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on “Up With People” conference and various programs to promote Wisconsin.
WISC 332.9
News, 1969 September 23
Physical Description: 685'-722', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rohde's Steak House fire.
WISC 332.10
On-site interviews, 1969 September 23
Physical Description: 722'-783', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: South African highway engineer on his stay in U.S. to study road system.
WISC 332.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 23
Physical Description: 783'-822', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles with state poster child.
WISC 332.12
Sports, 1969 September 23
Physical Description: 823'-879', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee Bucks (with then Lew Alcindor) practicing.
WISC 332.13
Studio interviews, 1969 September 26
Physical Description: 880'-928', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Tarr Task Force and taxation projections.
WISC 332.14
News, 1969 September 30
Physical Description: 929'-1002', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi and welfare rights demonstrators take over State Assembly chamber.
WISC 332.15
On-site interviews, 1969 September 11
Physical Description: 1002'-1093', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on city buying the Madison Bus Company.
WISC 332.16
Features (Newsfilm)/Sports, 1969 September
Physical Description: 1093'-1123', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Athletic Director Elroy Hirsch poses with University of Wisconsin football tickets.
WISC 333.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July 18
Physical Description: 0'-102', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Safety Convention: display of safety equipment and testing devices.
WISC 333.2
On-site interviews, 1969 September 3
Physical Description: 104'-238', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on “artists not in residence” program designed for performing artists.
WISC 333.3
On-site interviews, 1969 September 6
Physical Description: 239'-328', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his agreement with Wisconsin law that contraception may not be taught in public schools.
WISC 333.4
Sports, 1969 September 22
Physical Description: 329'-383', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Willie Brown, Green Bay Packers player, on Packers win over Chicago Bears.
WISC 333.5
Public announcements, 1969 September 23
Physical Description: 384'-504', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man explains property tax bill received by homeowners.
WISC 333.6
On-site interviews, 1969 September 25
Physical Description: 505'-542', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bill to reduce property taxes.
WISC 333.7
On-site interviews, 1969 September 25
Physical Description: 543'-642', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee Mayor Henry Maier on financial problems facing cities that cannot be handled by a property tax base.
WISC 333.8
On-site interviews, 1969 September 25
Physical Description: 643'-696', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. McLean of American Cancer Society on fund raising campaigns falling short for cancer research.
WISC 333.9
News, 1969 September
Physical Description: 697'-759', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at University of Wisconsin--Madison Heating Station.
WISC 333.10
Public announcements, 1969 September 22
Physical Description: 760'-822', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on “Wonderful Wisconsin Week,” promotional campaign for Wisconsin attractions, ethnic festivals, etc.
WISC 333.11
Promotional materials, 1969 September
Physical Description: 823'-944', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ahren's Cadillac Oldsmobile commercials.
WISC 333.12
Public announcements, 1969 September
Physical Description: 945'-1078', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James T. Sykes, Dane County Supervisor, on Dane County Human Services doing what it can to help people after welfare. Charles M. Hill, head of We Care, describes the level of need in Dane County.
WISC 333.13
On-site interviews, 1969 September
Physical Description: 1078'-1163', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on need for review of assessment procedures and a boundary review board. Mayor Henry Maier of Milwaukee on the welfare rights movement and how Milwaukee can hold out before welfare aid arrives.
WISC 334.1
Meetings, 1969 May 4
Physical Description: 0'-48', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 334.2
Hearings, 1969 May 7
Physical Description: 49'-73', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare rights hearing before legislative committee.
WISC 334.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 1
Physical Description: 75'-102', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on his proposal to call for a study on defense contractors.
WISC 334.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 1
Physical Description: 103'-140', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Labor Day festivities at Labor Temple.
WISC 334.5
Traffic accident reports, 1969 September 1
Physical Description: 141'-179', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car with guard rail driven through windows.
WISC 334.6
Features (Newsfilm)/Openings, 1969 September 1
Physical Description: 179'-213', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Newly opened K-Mart. Shots of check-out counters.
WISC 334.7
Sports, 1969 September 1
Physical Description: 216'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ski jumping, using special straw-like mats instead of snow.
WISC 334.8
Features (Newsfilm)/Openings, 1969 September 8
Physical Description: 266'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Newly opened K-Mart showing shoppers in various departments.
WISC 334.9
Public announcements, 1969 September 8
Physical Description: 308'-456', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Red Cross representative on fund drive for Hurricane Camille victims.
WISC 334.10
Sports, 1969 September 11
Physical Description: 456'-502', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin football game.
WISC 334.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 12
Physical Description: 503'-527', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin student registration at Armory.
WISC 334.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 15
Physical Description: 527'-562', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles greets Miss Wisconsin Teen-ager and Miss Sheboygan Teen-ager.
WISC 334.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 15
Physical Description: 563'-610', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Inspecting trees with Dutch elm disease.
WISC 334.14
Traffic accident reports, 1969 September 16
Physical Description: 610'-625', silent, color, positive 
WISC 334.15
News, 1969 September 1.8
Physical Description: 626'-671', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Badger Boys State convention at First Congregational Church.
WISC 334.16
Sports, 1969 September 20
Physical Description: 672'-690', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin-Oklahoma football game.
WISC 334.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 September 25
Physical Description: 690'-730', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women being honored at gathering.
WISC 334.18
News, 1969 September 28
Physical Description: 731'-768', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Poor People's march from Milwaukee to State Capitol.
WISC 334.19
On-site interviews, 1969 September 29
Physical Description: 769'-849', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Participant in Poor People's march on effectiveness of such a demonstration. Demonstrators will be staying at State Capitol until needs of welfare recipients are met.
WISC 334.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 850'-911', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and Edwin Young tour University of Wisconsin Center facility (at Baraboo?).
WISC 334.21
On-site interviews, 1969 September
Physical Description: 912'-971', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Oscar Mayer & Co. employee on National Alliance for Businessmen's program to help students earn money for tuition.
WISC 334.22
News, 1969 September 5
Physical Description: 972'-1018', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin Street Community Co-Operative store front. Sign in window reads: “500 people (mostly children) are in desperate need of breakfast tomorrow morning. Your immediate contribution will feed them.”
WISC 335.1
News, 1969 October 7
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Poor People's demonstration outside State Capitol.
WISC 335.2
On-site interviews, 1969 October 14
Physical Description: 29'-148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on reaction to increase in property taxes.
WISC 335.3
On-site interviews, 1969 October 21
Physical Description: 149'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews the Port Director of Milwaukee on changes to the Port of Milwaukee and how it has grown.
WISC 335.4
On-site interviews, 1969 October 22
Physical Description: 215'-259', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Larry Saunders on NAACP in the Madison area.
WISC 335.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 22
Physical Description: 259'-301', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin all-campus blood drive.
WISC 335.6
On-site interviews, 1969 October 30
Physical Description: 302'-439', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Monona Mayor Graf on Monona's growth.
WISC 335.7
On-site interviews, 1969 October 30
Physical Description: 440'-579', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on proposed city budget and the need for new revenue sources.
WISC 335.8
On-site interviews, 1969 October 31
Physical Description: 580'-598', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin becoming 45th state to adopt general sales tax.
WISC 335.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 31
Physical Description: 598'-686', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School Halloween party.
WISC 335.10
Celebrity visits/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 31
Physical Description: 686'-738', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Yogi Berra visits chocolate drink bottling plant.
WISC 335.11
Sports, 1969 October 31
Physical Description: 738'-808', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin vs. Michigan football game.
WISC 335.12
On-site interviews, 1969 October 31
Physical Description: 808'-841', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Yogi Berra on his baseball team's success.
WISC 335.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 842'-947', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Cosby's University of Wisconsin homecoming show at the Field House.
WISC 335.14
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 947'-1001', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on a tour to be given to Cancer Association members at the McArdle Memorial Laboratory.
WISC 335.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 1001'-1088', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Opportunity Center, a sheltered work place.
WISC 336.1
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 October 1
Physical Description: 0'-97', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Very large banquet; Alice in Dairyland present.
WISC 336.2
Banquets/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 6
Physical Description: 98'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Political fund raiser at Dane County Coliseum; Warren Knowles present.
WISC 336.3
News/Speeches, 1969 October 8
Physical Description: 156'-230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare mothers speaking before State Assembly and asking legislators not to cut welfare programs.
WISC 336.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 11
Physical Description: 230'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin students celebrating [Wisconsin football victory?].
WISC 336.5
Public announcements, 1969 October 13
Physical Description: 271'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man announcing kick-off of United Givers campaign.
WISC 336.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 21
Physical Description: 325'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Exposition scenes.
WISC 336.7
On-site interviews, 1969 October 22
Physical Description: 415'-515', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on activities at McArdle Memorial Laboratory. Lab does basic cancer research; it does not see patients.
WISC 336.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 515'-559', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin homecoming.
WISC 336.9
Speeches, 1969 October
Physical Description: 560'-625', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women before State Assembly on their opposition to welfare cuts. Man voices his opposition to the Assembly meeting.
WISC 336.10
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 626'-677', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on bill to fight organized crime.
WISC 336.11
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 678'-775', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Dr. Drake on sex education and SIECUS (Sex Information and Education Council of the U.S.). Dr. Drake is opposed to SIECUS, claiming it teaches sex education “amorally.”
WISC 337.1
News, 1969 October 7
Physical Description: 0'-55', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally against poverty at State Capitol.
WISC 337.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 7
Physical Description: 56'-115', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dairy show and judging at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 337.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 8
Physical Description: 117'-160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rodeo at Dane County Coliseum. Diving horses perform.
WISC 337.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 8
Physical Description: 161'-260', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More of dairy show at Dane County Coliseum. Alice in Dairyland makes an appearance. Visits to various trade exhibitors. [World Dairy Exposition?].
WISC 337.5
News/Speeches, 1969 October 8
Physical Description: 261'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare recipients address State Assembly on their opposition to welfare cuts.
WISC 337.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 9
Physical Description: 298'-337', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles greets East Asian visitors in his office.
WISC 337.7
”Sports, 1969 October 11
Physical Description: 338'-441', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin-Iowa football game. Wisconsin wins.
WISC 337.8
Political announcements, 1969 October 19
Physical Description: 442'-465', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on the sharp rise in unemployment. Inflation is rising as well.
WISC 337.9
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 October 22
Physical Description: 466'-517', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews students preparing for University of Wisconsin homecoming.
WISC 337.10
On-site interviews, 1969 October 26
Physical Description: 518'-590', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Port of Milwaukee director on types of cargo that go through the Great Lakes.
WISC 337.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 27
Physical Description: 591'-637', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Goodwill Industries. People sorting clothes.
WISC 337.12
On-site interviews, 1969 October 31
Physical Description: 637'-721', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on various tax sources and increases and the amount of taxes that go back to local governments.
WISC 337.13
Awards ceremonies, 1969 October 7
Physical Description: 721'-773', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke awards bravery citation to man who rescued two children from a house fire.
WISC 338.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 8
Physical Description: 0'-45', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles with “smoking” mannikin used to demonstrate damage to lungs.
WISC 338.2
House fires, 1969 November 18
Physical Description: 46'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fitchburg.
WISC 338.3
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 90'-164', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Political figure on fairness of television in reporting political events. He also speaks on what the Republican Party will need to do to be the majority party in the 1970s.
WISC 338.4
Press conferences, 1969 November 25
Physical Description: 165'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metropolitan School District's Board of Education representatives on Mayor Dyke's budget cut for schools. Board wants cuts restored.
WISC 338.5
On-site interviews, 1969 November 25
Physical Description: 208'-276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Lean on the problem of shoplifting.
WISC 338.6
Press conferences, 1969 November 25
Physical Description: 277'-524', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metropolitan School District's Board of Education representatives on Board's opposition to Mayor Dyke's proposed budget.
WISC 338.7
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 524'-665', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke signs Fire and Police Dept. labor contracts. Firefighter Ed Durkin present. Dyke also comments on other pending labor negotiations.
WISC 339.1
On-site interviews, 1969 November 6
Physical Description: 0'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on welfare program cuts in the state budget and how this affects amount state gets from federal government.
WISC 339.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 173'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George Reinke on where money comes from to run Dane County, and his comments on tax rates.
WISC 339.3
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 315'-435', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative of Burger King Corporation and community people on saving Mapleside Home, due to be torn down to put up Burger King.
WISC 339.4
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 436'-514', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke defends his proposal for the school budget.
WISC 339.5
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 515'-637', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman Sykes on welfare demonstration and its effectiveness.
WISC 339.6
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 638'-685', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke gives his views on the Madison media.
WISC 340.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November 1
Physical Description: 0'-72', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Day parade and wreath laying ceremony at State Capitol.
WISC 340.2
Press conferences, 1969 November 1
Physical Description: 72'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on using wheel tax to help pay for purchase of the Madison Bus Co.
WISC 340.3
Political announcements, 1969 November 8
Physical Description: 200'-230', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on his proposed controls to curb defense spending.
WISC 340.4
On-site interviews, 1969 November 12
Physical Description: 231'-265', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (CUNA International representative?) on teaching people in third world countries to pool their resoures and savings.
WISC 340.5
Studio interviews, 1969 November 14
Physical Description: 266'-335', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Rosenfeld comments on Madison's general hospital capacity. He feels space is adequate.
WISC 340.6
Studio interviews, 1969 November 2
Physical Description: 335'-419', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (Republican senator?) on Vice President Spiro Agnew's speech deriding the media and on President Nixon's choice of Judge Clement F. Haynsworth for the Supreme Court.
WISC 340.7
Public announcements, 1969 November
Physical Description: 420'-470', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson gives Thanksgiving Day message.
WISC 340.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November 3
Physical Description: 470'-508', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Picking Christmas trees for Salvation Army.
WISC 340.9
Sports, 1969
Physical Description: 509'-616', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin football game.
WISC 340.10
Studio interviews, 1969 November 14
Physical Description: 617'-699', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Rosenfeld gives proposals for less costly and more efficient hospital service. There is a need to end duplication of services.
WISC 340.11
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 700'-846', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke announces the writing of formal annexation policies and the closing of a federally funded development program.
WISC 340.12
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 846'-876', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students leaving by bus for the Washington, D.C. moratorium march.
WISC 341.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October 27
Physical Description: 0'-52', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus train unloads on John Nolen Drive.
WISC 341.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November 3
Physical Description: 53'-110', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus (Chancellor of Wisconsin State University at Stevens Point) on black and white student involvement.
WISC 341.3
Press conferences, 1969 November 6
Physical Description: 111'-195', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on sale of Madison Bus Company to City of Madison.
WISC 341.4
On-site interviews, 1969 November 6
Physical Description: 196'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on implied consent law.
WISC 341.5
On-site interviews, 1969 November 7
Physical Description: 241'-325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews man on site for proposed power plant.
WISC 341.6
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 326'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Yogi Berra on his baseball team's chances in World Series.
WISC 341.7
On-site interviews, 1969 November 13
Physical Description: 354'-414', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sears sporting goods salesman on ski equipment.
WISC 341.8
On-site interviews, 1969 November 19
Physical Description: 414'-497', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on sources of energy pollution.
WISC 341.9
On-site interviews, 1969 November 21
Physical Description: 498'-612', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on contract agreements reached with unidentified city labor union.
WISC 341.10
On-site interviews, 1969 November 21
Physical Description: 613'-701', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on organized crime.
WISC 341.11
Studio interviews, 1969 November 28
Physical Description: 702'-767', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on what kind of president Richard Nixon will be.
WISC 341.12
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November 28
Physical Description: 768'-825', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National 4-H Congress in Chicago; woman interviewed by General Foods spokesman.
WISC 341.13
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 826'-882', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on new shoplifting laws.
WISC 341.14
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 883'-1000', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Donation of Mapleside Home by Burger King to Taychopera Foundation. Exterior shots of Mapleside Home.
WISC 342A.1
Sports, 1968 November 6
Physical Description: 0'-38', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school football game.
WISC 342A.2
News, 1968 November 25
Physical Description: 39'-77', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School redistricting plan is unveiled.
WISC 342A.3
Public announcements, 1968 December 3
Physical Description: 78'-122', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney James Boll on reasons why no one has come forward to sign obscenity complaint against nude production of Peter Pan.
WISC 342A.4
Political announcements, 1968 December
Physical Description: 123'-250', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire and his wife, Ellen Proxmire, on 1968 presidential election and how close it came to being decided by the Electoral College.
WISC 342A.5
Sports/On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 251'-337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin hockey coach Bob Johnson on UW's chances this season.
WISC 342B.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November 1
Physical Description: 0'-50', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Goodwill Industries store.
WISC 342B.2
Features (Newsfilm)/Sports, 1969 November 4
Physical Description: 51'-96', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shooting practice for hunters.
WISC 342B.3
On-site interviews, 1969 November 7
Physical Description: 97'-134', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nuclear power plant plans.
WISC 342B.4
Openings, 1969 November 14
Physical Description: 135'-178', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Welcome to Fitchburg” celebration.
WISC 342B.5
On-site interviews, 1969 November 19
Physical Description: 179'-211', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on conversion to natural gas to cut down on pollution.
WISC 342B.6
Press conferences, 1969 November 27
Physical Description: 212'-251', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke proclaims week of November 23rd, 1969 as “Bible Week.”
WISC 342B.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 252'-279', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Madison budget increases.
WISC 342B.8
Banquets, 1969 November 31
Physical Description: 280'-330, silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arthur Godfrey at Governor's conservation banquet.
WISC 342B.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 331'-359', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Day ceremony on Capitol Square.
WISC 343.1
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 0'-55', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on his opposition to DDT.
WISC 343.2
Press conferences, 1968 December 4
Physical Description: 57'-524', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Athletic Board spokesman on black football players' grievances. Spokesman for black football players withholds comments until white players meet with Athletic Board. White football players comment on grievances.
WISC 343.3
On-site interviews, 1968 December 6
Physical Description: 525'-607', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on speaking and listening. Claims men are better listeners than women.
WISC 343.4
On-site interviews, 1968 December 10
Physical Description: 608'-768', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Miller on increase in Social Security tax.
WISC 343.5
News/On-site interviews, 1968 December 16
Physical Description: 769'-852', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of State Senate. Fred Risser on construction of state office buildings.
WISC 343.6
On-site interviews, 1968 December 23
Physical Description: 853'-910', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. James on shortages of medical doctors in rural communities.
WISC 343.7
Wire service, 1968 December 23
Physical Description: 910'-947', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Post Office Christmas rush.
WISC 343.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December 27
Physical Description: 948'-1006', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Career conference sponsored by Madison Chamber of Commerce and UW Commerce Extension.
WISC 343.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December 27
Physical Description: 1007'-1046', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowfall clean-up.
WISC 343.10
Man on the street interviews, 1968 December 31
Physical Description: 1047'-1146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People asked to name the best thing that happened to them in 1968.
WISC 343.11
News, 1968 December 10
Physical Description: 1147'-1212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farmhouse with police cars outside (crime scene?).
WISC 344.1
Public announcements, 1968 December 3
Physical Description: 0'-74', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney James Boll on attempts to bring obscenity charges against nude production of Peter Pan.
WISC 344.2
Sports, 1968 December 11
Physical Description: 75'-124', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee Bucks basketball.
WISC 344.3
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1968 December 12
Physical Description: 125'-168', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Postmaster on holiday mail crunch. Jerry Deane interviews.
WISC 344.4
On-site interviews, 1968 December 13
Physical Description: 169'-208', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on teaching listening skills to students.
WISC 344.5
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 209'-326', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joseph Fagan on employment project for minorities called CITE - Community Involvement towards Employability.
WISC 344.6
On-site interviews, 1968 December 15
Physical Description: 327'-352', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on rising costs of construction.
WISC 344.7
On-site interviews, 1968 December 10
Physical Description: 353'-395', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on issues confronting 91st Congress: Vietnam War and surtax.
WISC 344.8
On-site interviews, 1968 December 16
Physical Description: 396'-431', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser on space needed for state offices.
WISC 344.9
On-site interviews, 1968 December 16
Physical Description: 432'-546', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Eichman on how medical schools can alleviate doctor shortage in Wisconsin.
WISC 344.10
News, 1968 December 30
Physical Description: 547'-615', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gas station fire.
WISC 344.11
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 616'-657', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews Dane County Airport manager on airport expansion.
WISC 344.12
News, 1968 December
Physical Description: 658'-725', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin's Mens Store robbery. Interior shots of store as police conduct investigation.
WISC 344.13
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1968 December 15
Physical Description: 726'-788', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Winner of 4-H contest at national 4-H convention in Chicago.
WISC 345.1
On-site interviews, 1968 December 4
Physical Description: 0'-28', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on how historians will view Lyndon Johnson.
WISC 345.2
Press conferences, 1968 December 4
Physical Description: 29'-60', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black athlete on outcome of hearing before the University of Wisconsin's Athletic Board on black students' grievances.
WISC 345.3
On-site interviews, 1968 December 6
Physical Description: 61'-146', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Airport manager on future of airport.
WISC 345.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December 16
Physical Description: 147'-170', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Architectural model of downtown Madison development.
WISC 345.5
Public announcements, 1968 December
Physical Description: 171'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge's Christmas message.
WISC 345.6
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 215'-237', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Fred Risser on recommendations for a state office building complex in downtown Madison.
WISC 345.7
On-site interviews, 1968 December 18
Physical Description: 237'-289', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Architect on his work for developing civic center complex (model shown in segment 4?)
WISC 500.1
On-site interviews, 1971 November 16
Physical Description: 0'-65', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Frank Mattone, city bus director, on whether or not cuts will be made on certain routes.
WISC 500.2
On-site interviews, 1971 November 18
Physical Description: 66'-181', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Teachers, Inc. and Madison School Board spokesmen on labor dispute between parties.
WISC 500.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 182'-483', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: LaFarge, Wisconsin proposed dam on Kickapoo River. Rick Fetherston interviews a man who is in favor of dam.
WISC 500.4
Features (Newsfilm)/Man on the street interviews, 1971 December 31
Physical Description: 484'-670', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pam Johnson on places families can go during the winter, including the zoo. Larry Saunders asks people at East Towne Mall if their holidays were good.
WISC 500.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 672'-1015', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Alfred Kennan on his hopes that his abortion clinic will open again.
WISC 500.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 1016'-1049', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lutheran women on their involvement in women's issues.
WISC 500.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 1050'-1105', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Mike Birkley on drug advisory committee.
WISC 500.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 1106'-1222', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rick Fetherston interviews man on the Dunn's Marsh controversy.
WISC 500.9
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 1223'-1321', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lloyd Barbee on need to change abortion laws. Other legislators and lobbyists speak on abortion.
WISC 501.1
Hearings, 1971 April 1
Physical Description: 0'-164', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Agriculture hearings in legislature.
WISC 501.2
Speeches, 1971 May 18
Physical Description: 166'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey addresses joint session of legislature.
WISC 501.3
Press conferences, 1971 June 7
Physical Description: 298'-430', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Camp McCoy 3 supporters on their confrontation at Camp McCoy.
WISC 501.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 431'-450', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gates of Heaven Synagogue being moved.
WISC 501.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 9
Physical Description: 451'-547', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery on police coverage of beer and liquor taverns.
WISC 501.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 9
Physical Description: 548'-647', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on 18 year olds voting.
WISC 501.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 649'-796', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnamese Buddhist monk here to communicate desire of Vietnamese people for peace.
WISC 501.8
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 798'-1050', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearings on aid to parochial schools.
WISC 501.9
Features (Newsfilm)/Dedications, 1971
Physical Description: 1051'-1117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey dedicates Elroy-Sparta bike trail.
WISC 501.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 1118'-1161', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bake-off in WISC-TV studio.
WISC 501.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 1162'-1227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Triangle re-development. Bayview Apartments.
WISC 501.12
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 1228'-1291', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on state budget.
WISC 501.13
Features (Newsfilm), circa 1973
Physical Description: 1292'-1322', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demolishing ceremony for building on Gilman Street.
WISC 503A.1
On-site interviews, 1970 January 5
Physical Description: 0'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblywoman Luckhardt on how she started in State Assembly. Assemblyman Huber assesses how the legislature is going. Assemblyman Nikolay on whether or not he will be a gubernatorial candidate.
WISC 503A.2
On-site interviews, 1970 January 6
Physical Description: 240'-364', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on airplane noise over Madison's east side.
WISC 503A.3
Press conferences, 1970 January 7
Physical Description: 365'-559', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on necessity for management audit for better cost accounting.
WISC 503A.4
Press conferences, 1970 January 8
Physical Description: 560'-665', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: GOP State Chairman Reed Coleman on GOP in Wisconsin.
WISC 503A.5
On-site interviews, 1970 January 9
Physical Description: 667'-823', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senators Rasmussen and Risser on public funds for parochial school. Rasmussen is opposed. Senator Risser comments on whether or not session will be extended.
WISC 503A.6
On-site interviews, 1970 January 13
Physical Description: 824'-1009', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman Tommy Thompson on setting up Department of Family Medicine at UW. Another assemblyman states his opposition to funding for parochial schools, and Assemblyman O'Malley supports aid to parochial schools.
WISC 503B.1
On-site interviews, 1970 January 15
Physical Description: 0'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Urban League's Nelson Cummings on the purpose of the Urban League. He also talks about Martin Luther King, Jr.
WISC 503B.2
Press conferences, 1970 January 19
Physical Description: 236'-271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on town islands.
WISC 503B.3
Candidacy announcements, 1970 January 23
Physical Description: 272'-402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Lorge announces he's running for U.S. Senate.
WISC 503B.4
On-site interviews, 1970 January 23
Physical Description: 403'-561', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Administration Hospital Director Dr. Merchant on changes to VA Hospital.
WISC 503B.5
On-site interviews, 1970 January 29
Physical Description: 563'-733', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Brown on long range plans for higher education enrollments.
WISC 503B.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 734'-766', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mapleside Home.
WISC 504A.1
House fires, 1970 January 5
Physical Description: 0'-51', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Monona trailer fire.
WISC 504A.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 February 9
Physical Description: 52'-101', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Water Works.
WISC 504A.3
On-site interviews, 1970 January 30
Physical Description: 102'-213', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ORAP 200 program, a program for water pollution abatement.
WISC 504A.4
On-site interviews, 1970 January 15
Physical Description: 214'-299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblywoman Caroline Blanchard Allen does not feel discriminated against in the legislature.
WISC 504A.5
On-site interviews, 1970 January 15
Physical Description: 301'-350', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nelson Cummings, Madison Urban League, on predictions for black people for next 25 years.
WISC 504A.6
On-site interviews, 1970 January 15
Physical Description: 352'-451', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman gives his definition of town island, unincorporated land surrounded by annexed land.
WISC 504A.7
On-site interviews, 1970 January 15
Physical Description: 453'-495', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nelson Cummings, Madison Urban League, on development of air park and possible job opportunities.
WISC 504A.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 January 17
Physical Description: 496'-554', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Graphic arts show at MATC.
WISC 504A.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 January 19
Physical Description: 555'-576', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cold weather feature, jump starting cars.
WISC 504A.10
News, 1970 January 19
Physical Description: 578'-624', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Salvation Army fire.
WISC 504B.1
Press conferences/Candidacy announcements, 1970 January 22
Physical Description: 0'-227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Huber leaving gubernatorial race.
WISC 504B.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 January 23
Physical Description: 228'-280', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin students studying for exams.
WISC 504B.3
Graduation ceremonies, 1970 January 23
Physical Description: 281'-361', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin.
WISC 504B.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 January 24
Physical Description: 362'-449', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air traffic control tower.
WISC 504B.5
News, 1970 January 24
Physical Description: 450'-496', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Naval Reserve fire.
WISC 504B.6
On-site interviews, 1970 January 27
Physical Description: 497'-553', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Superintendent of Schools Douglas Ritchie on the question of a financial crisis in Madison schools.
WISC 504B.7
News, 1970 January 27
Physical Description: 554'-578', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest at City-County Building. David Clarenbach among protesters.
WISC 504B.8
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 578'-622', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gas truck rollover.
WISC 504B.9
News, 1970 January 30
Physical Description: 623'-723', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi leading Milwaukee welfare rights demonstration.
WISC 504B.10
Press conferences, 1970/01
Physical Description: 724'-933', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on finding peaceful alternatives to war.
WISC 504B.11
Press conferences, 1970 January 30
Physical Description: 934'-1155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student running for school board. David Clarenbach speaks on resolution to have a high school student on school board.
WISC 505A.1
On-site interviews, 1970 February 13
Physical Description: 0'-169', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Space expert Dr. Tepper on possibility of future settlement of other planets.
WISC 505A.2
On-site interviews, 1970 February 16
Physical Description: 171'-330', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man representing black law officers. He wants repressive tactics of courts and law enforcement to be changed.
WISC 505A.3
Banquets/Speeches, 1970 February 26
Physical Description: 332'-478', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Broadcasters Association salute to WHA on station's 50th anniversary. Speakers include James Robertson.
WISC 505A.4
On-site interviews, 1970 February
Physical Description: 479'-6662', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Sherman Dreyfus interview with Jerry Deane. Dreyfus talks about his trip to Vietnam where he visited various schools.
WISC 505B.1
Candidacy announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Herbert Grover on running for lieutenant governor.
WISC 505B.2
News, 1970 February 10
Physical Description: 224'-294', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signs highway legislation.
WISC 505B.3
Press conferences, 1970 February 11
Physical Description: 295'-583', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke or participation of TV stations in local government.
WISC 505B.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 February 11
Physical Description: 584'-675', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car run by LP gas demonstrated.
WISC 505B.5
Press conferences, 1970 February 13
Physical Description: 677'-874', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Al Capp gives his opinions on Chicago 7 trial, student unrest, and other social issues. Calls student protesters “unhuman.”
WISC 506.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-74', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scrap metal collection.
WISC 506.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 75'-196', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Conservation Warden Dennis Jamieson.
WISC 506.3
Man on the street interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 196'-258', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women asked how they feel about football.
WISC 506.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 258'-315', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students performing Asian Indian dance.
WISC 506.5
Features (Newsfilm)/Studio interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 315'-502', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern and his wife visit Patrick Lucey at the State Capitol. Later McGovern is interviewed by Rick Fetherston.
WISC 506.6
Candidacy announcements, 1972 April 29
Physical Description: 503'-585', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin announces he is running for Madison mayor.
WISC 506.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 29
Physical Description: 585'-603', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Brittingham Park marijuana smoke-in.
WISC 506.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 603'-664', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jill Giesler with “what's new at the U.” She visits the Stout State University carillon player.
WISC 506.9
Man on the street interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 664'-765', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders asks people if the economy will improve at home with the end of the war.
WISC 507A.1
News, 1970 February 9
Physical Description: 0'-93', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signs new narcotics law. Robert Warren present.
WISC 507A.2
Political announcements, 1970 February 3
Physical Description: 93'-137', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signs implied consent law.
WISC 507A.3
Press conferences, 1970 February 4
Physical Description: 138'-313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke feels police were restrained in their actions. He also talks about homestead relief.
WISC 507A.4
News, 1970 February 5
Physical Description: 314'-399', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gas station fire.
WISC 507A.5
Speeches/News, 1970 February 10
Physical Description: 400'-481', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American takeover of a symposium.
WISC 507A.6
News, 1970 February 16
Physical Description: 482'-545', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mapleside Home demolished.
WISC 507A.7
On-site interviews, 1970 February 18
Physical Description: 545'-620', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Sherman Dreyfus on restricting university enrollments.
WISC 507A.8
Press conferences, 1970 February 18
Physical Description: 621'-684', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on sources of revenue for City of Madison.
WISC 507A.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 February 18
Physical Description: 685'-723', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children vaccinated.
WISC 507B.1
News, 1970 February 19
Physical Description: 0'-50', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Law School students march to Courthouse.
WISC 507B.2
Meetings, 1970 February 20
Physical Description: 51'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents discussing destruction of Old Main Building at Whitewater.
WISC 507B.3
News, 1970 February 23
Physical Description: 108'-145', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airport demonstration against terrorism.
WISC 507B.4
On-site interviews/News, 1970 February 23
Physical Description: 146'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: President of Wisconsin Power and Light on discovery of dynamite at substation.
WISC 507B.5
News, 1970 February 20
Physical Description: 223'-273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signs narcotics legislation.
WISC 507B.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 February 24
Physical Description: 273'-426', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Center exhibition.
WISC 507B.7
On-site interviews, 1970 February 25
Physical Description: 427'-614', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Israeli on need for recognition of Israel by Arab states.
WISC 507B.8
On-site interviews, 1970 February
Physical Description: 615'-701', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on start of Roller Derby.
WISC 507B.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 702'-763', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on education system in California. He is joined by James Farmer.
WISC 507B.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 February 2
Physical Description: 764'-848', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Methodist Hospital open house.
WISC 507B.11
Press conferences, 1970 February
Physical Description: 849'-905', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: James Farmer on delivering health and education services to the people.
WISC 507B.12
News, 1970 February
Physical Description: 905'-952', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student protest at State University at Whitewater.
WISC 508.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 February 4
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harrison Garner.
WISC 508.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 February 12
Physical Description: 19'-55', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “A” students get certificates for hamburgers at McDonald's.
WISC 508.3
Meetings/Banquets, 1970 February 25
Physical Description: 56'-97', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Urban League.
WISC 508.4
News, 1970 February 26
Physical Description: 98'-128', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ecology demonstration in front of UW Heating Station.
WISC 510A.1
Press conferences, 1971 January 8
Physical Description: 0'-246', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey reluctant to propose tax increase in calendar 1971. He also discusses formation of various state committees. Lucey announces he is appointing Norman Clapp as Secretary of Department of Transportation.
WISC 510A.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 January 4
Physical Description: 247'-299', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snow storm.
WISC 510A.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 January 5
Physical Description: 300'-364', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Animal novelty acts: basketball shooting chicken, drum playing duck.
WISC 510A.4
Press conferences, 1971 January 6
Physical Description: 365'-686', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke, Sheriff Jack Leslie, and Police Chief Wilbur Emery on additional manpower assigned to narcotics abuse.
WISC 510A.5
On-site interviews, 1971 January 9
Physical Description: 687'-857', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Lokken on tourism in Wisconsin. Bernard Ziegler comments on campus violence.
WISC 510A.6
Studio interviews, 1971 January 9
Physical Description: 858'-1177', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on changing seniority rules in U.S. Senate and other issues facing Senate.
WISC 510A.7
On-site interviews, 1971 January 9
Physical Description: 1178'-1219', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: C.H. Harbaugh, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, on when there will be an upswing in economy. Predicts unemployment will rise.
WISC 510B.1
On-site interviews, 1971 January 14
Physical Description: 0'-59', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Conference for bartenders on how to be better listeners.
WISC 510B.2
News, 1971 January 14
Physical Description: 60'-120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blast at Badger Army Ammunition Plant in Baraboo.
WISC 510B.3
On-site interviews/Candidacy announcements, 1971 January 18
Physical Description: 121'-348', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Bandy (Madison landlord) on Student Tenant Union strike against his properties. He also announces his candidacy for mayor.
WISC 510B.4
Speeches, 1971 January 21
Physical Description: 349'-755', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey gives State of the State message to legislature.
WISC 510B.5
News, 1971 January 27
Physical Description: 756'-820', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW students rally at Field House.
WISC 510B.6
On-site interviews, 1971 January 20
Physical Description: 821'-1021', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Hough, new State GOP chairman, on recommendations for changes in GOP.
WISC 510B.7
News, 1971 January 29
Physical Description: 1022'-1067', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dormitory fire (Ann Emery Hall?).
WISC 511.1
Studio interviews, 1971 June 8
Physical Description: 0'-173', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Susan Kay Phillips on Triangle project to build “medical motel.” Another alderman speaks on elimination of town islands. An alderwoman speaks in favor of bicycle paths.
WISC 511.2
Press conferences, 1971 July 27
Physical Description: 175'-264', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on getting rid of drug trafficking.
WISC 511.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 30
Physical Description: 264'-294', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW S.O.A.R. program welcoming new freshmen and their families.
WISC 511.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 24
Physical Description: 295'-340', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Regent St. road work.
WISC 511.5
News, 1971 November 1
Physical Description: 341'-381', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beloit storm damage.
WISC 511.6
News, 1971 November 11
Physical Description: 382'-484', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Seybold Rd. fire.
WISC 511.7
Meetings, 1971 November 17
Physical Description: 485'-519', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 511.8
On-site interviews, 1971 November 27
Physical Description: 520'-619', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rick Fetherston interviews Robert Kastenmeier on prison reform.
WISC 511.9
News, 1971 November 30
Physical Description: 620'-659', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers picketing Board of Education building.
WISC 511.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December 24
Physical Description: 660'-734', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW on Christmas Eve. Jill Giesler interviews woman who invites students who can't get home into hers.
WISC 511.11
Speeches/Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 734'-903', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren addresses Home Club.
WISC 511.12
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 904'-1003', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Les Aspin comments on the CBS program The Selling of the Pentagon.
WISC 511.13
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 1004'-1226', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey addresses UW faculty. Question and answer period follows.
WISC 511.14
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 1228'-1269', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey addresses Rotary Club. He wants to stabilize property taxes.
WISC 512A.1
Speeches/Graduation ceremonies, 1971 June 5
Physical Description: 0'-263', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin addresses graduating class at West High School. David Clarenbach also addresses class.
WISC 512A.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June 25
Physical Description: 264'-339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Walter Chilsen on “no tax” substitute amendment to state budget. Senator Thompson also comments on budget.
WISC 512A.3
Banquets/Speeches, 1971 June 30
Physical Description: 340'-472', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Builders Association convention with Lt. Gov. Martin Schreiber and William Dyke as speakers.
WISC 512A.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 472'-520', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Gov. Lucey's housing policy.
WISC 512A.5
Speeches/Banquets, 1971 June 30
Physical Description: 521'-595', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More of Wisconsin Builders Association convention. Lt. Gov. Martin Schreiber speaks on corporate taxes.
WISC 512A.6
Speeches/Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 596'-755', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly session. Assemblyman speaks on consumer credit bill.
WISC 512A.7
On-site interviews, 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 756'-774', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on the chances of “no tax” increase budget in the State Senate.
WISC 512A.8
Speeches/Meetings, 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 774'-844', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on State Assembly session and Assemblymen on consumer credit bill.
WISC 512A.9
Press conferences, 1971 June
Physical Description: 845'-941', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate Republicans, including Walter Chilsen, on their opinions on substitute budget.
WISC 512A.10
On-site interviews, 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 941'-1000', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joanne Duren on presenting a bill which would make it a crime to use U.S. flag as an article of clothing.
WISC 512B.1
Speeches, 1971 June 30
Physical Description: 0'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Mike Birkley comments on drug usage.
WISC 512B.2
Press conferences, 1971 June 30
Physical Description: 96'-356', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on state budget deliberations.
WISC 512B.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December 1
Physical Description: 358'-667', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pam Johnson reports on a Montessori school.
WISC 512B.4
Press conferences, 1971 December 2
Physical Description: 669'-787', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madeline Murray O'Hare on birth control edicts of Catholic Church and how women ignore these edicts. She also talks about the fight against prayer in schools.
WISC 512B.5
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 788'-853', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need for major tax reform in Wisconsin.
WISC 512B.6
Press conferences, 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 854'-909', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Republican members of legislature respond negatively to Gov. Lucey's proposed budget.
WISC 512B.7
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 914'-1111', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Patrick Lucey meeting with the governors of Michigan and Minnesota on problems facing Great Lakes states.
WISC 512B.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1112'-1245', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mid-Continent Railway Museum in North Freedom, Wisconsin.
WISC 512B.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1246'-1352', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Motor Vehicles data processing equipment.
WISC 6901.1
Press conferences, 1969 December 1
Physical Description: 0'-371', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles discusses Doug Weiford's resignation and announcement of Charles Hill as Secretary of Department of Local Affairs and Development. Knowles talks about his trip to South America and opportunities for American businessmen there. Knowles states reasons for not resigning as governor.
WISC 6901.2
Hearings, 1969 December 2
Physical Description: 371'-406', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Planning Commission.
WISC 6901.3
News, 1969 December 2
Physical Description: 406'-457', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn fire.
WISC 6901.4
News, 1969 December 2
Physical Description: 457'-555', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles and children decorate two Christmas trees.
WISC 6901.5
News, 1969
Physical Description: 555'-603', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Livestock judging team inspecting meat at Oscar Mayer and Co.
WISC 6901.6
Political announcements, 1969
Physical Description: 603'-679', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Gerske is named new director at Social Security.
WISC 6901.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 5
Physical Description: 679'-801', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children playing in Attic Angel's day care center. Includes shots of grounds, nap area, pet rabbit, and kitchen.
WISC 6901.8
On-site interviews, 1969 December 4
Physical Description: 801'-898', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Postmaster John Whitmore discusses Christmas mail preparations at post office.
WISC 6901.9
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 December 4
Physical Description: 898'-940', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ken Berry at the 4-H Club Congress in Chicago interviews the food nutrition winner.
WISC 6901.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 6
Physical Description: 940'-988', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children riding Santa's train to Stoughton.
WISC 6901.11
Studio interviews, 1969 December 10
Physical Description: 988'-1136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Ford discusses drug education and drug abuse prevention on national and state levels, hazards of mind altering drugs, and legalizing marijuana.
WISC 6902.1
On-site interviews, 1969 December 11
Physical Description: 0'-118', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Doug Evans discusses air pollution in Wisconsin. Using visual aids, he demonstrates causes of pollution and need for state regulations.
WISC 6902.2
News, 1969 December 13
Physical Description: 118'-184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Selective Service protesters in front of state Selective Service offices.
WISC 6902.3
On-site interviews, 1969 December 15
Physical Description: 184'-306', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kermit Bliss discusses budget for Community Center project and location for center.
WISC 6902.4
Meetings/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 15
Physical Description: 306'-355', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club.
WISC 6902.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 17
Physical Description: 355'-367', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hair styling at the Gentry House.
WISC 6902.6
Public announcements, 1969 December 17
Physical Description: 367'-414', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles gives holiday greetings, and a recap of 1969.
WISC 6902.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 17
Physical Description: 414'-483', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Salvation Army passing out gifts to elderly.
WISC 6902.8
Features (Newsfilm)/Sports, 1969 December 17
Physical Description: 483'-532', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowmobilers at Cherokee School. Point-of-view shots taken from snowmobile.
WISC 6902.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 16
Physical Description: 532'-604', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Journal Empty Stocking Toy Depot. Army personnel wrapping gifts.
WISC 6902.10
Speeches, 1969 December 18
Physical Description: 604'-735', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edward Ben Elson discusses “bad law” concept during his campaign for district attorney.
WISC 6902.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 18
Physical Description: 735'-784', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison premiere of the film Paint Your Wagon at Esquire Theater.
WISC 6902.12
Man on the street interviews, 1969 December 24
Physical Description: 784'-993', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas Eve interviews with shoppers on Christmas spirit.
WISC 6902.13
On-site interviews, 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 993'-1101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Connor discusses Red Cross blood donations.
WISC 6902.14
Features (Newsfilm)/Sports, 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 1101'-1143', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snow sledding and down hill skiing at Cherokee School.
WISC 6902.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 1143'-1190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Return and refund counter at Treasure Island Dept. Store.
WISC 6902.16
Features (Newsfilm)/Meetings, 1969 December 29
Physical Description: 1190'-1268', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Holiday Career Conference.
WISC 6903.1
Features (Newsfilm)/Meetings, 1969 December 29
Physical Description: 0'-51', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Holiday Career Conference.
WISC 6903.2
Political announcements, 1969 December 29
Physical Description: 51'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joe Fagan resigns to become executive director of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
WISC 6903.3
News, 1969 December 30
Physical Description: 203'-248', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University Avenue bus lane.
WISC 6903.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 30
Physical Description: 248'-333', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stock footage of Madison General Hospital emergency entrance, equipment and labs, occupational therapy room.
WISC 6903.5
Speeches/Press conferences, 1969 December 30
Physical Description: 333'-533', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man discusses bus lane issue. Paul Soglin speaks on block parties and bus lane issue as well.
WISC 6903.6
Man on the street interviews, 1969 December 31
Physical Description: 533'-677', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department store interviews on New Year's Eve.
WISC 6903.7
News/Wire service, 1969
Physical Description: 677'-783', silent and optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Weinberger, mother of kidnapped baby, making pleas for the return of her child.
WISC 6903.8
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 783'-939', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles and Arthur Godfrey discuss anti-pollution referendum.
WISC 6903.9
Speeches/Wire service, 1969
Physical Description: 939'-1235', silent and optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Thatcher discusses airplanes and the Air National Guard.
WISC 7001.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-95', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kellett Task Force on education.
WISC 7001.2
On-site interviews, 1970 March 2
Physical Description: 95'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Burroughs discusses being replaced as chairman of the UW--Madison English Department.
WISC 7001.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 120'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaks on taxes and spending for education and welfare.
WISC 7001.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 157'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on council tactics and “John Doe” narcotics investigation.
WISC 7001.5
Press conferences, 1970 March 9
Physical Description: 362'-564', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and David Carley each discuss the Democratic Party, urban affairs, and the race for governor.
WISC 7001.6
On-site interviews, 1970 March 5
Physical Description: 564'-618', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Strub on predictions for spring flooding from melting snow and rains.
WISC 7001.7
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 618'-711', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Daugherty (UW scientist) discusses solar eclipse, its importance to scientists, and future eclipses.
WISC 7001.8
Awards ceremonies, 1970 March 7
Physical Description: 711'-751', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway Awards ceremony.
WISC 7001.9
Awards ceremonies, 1970 March 9
Physical Description: 751'-798', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Motorola awards banquet.
WISC 7001.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 March 11
Physical Description: 798'-882', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes from Nakoma and Aldo Leopold Schools. Includes shots of classrooms, gyms, and libraries.
WISC 7001.11
Hearings, 1970 March 12
Physical Description: 882'-946', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearings on highways.
WISC 7001.12
News, 1970 March 12
Physical Description: 946'-989', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Equipment used for heart monitoring. Includes shots of technicians, nurses, and patient.
WISC 7001.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 March 12
Physical Description: 989'-1062', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rescue practices for saving a victim who has fallen through ice.
WISC 7001.14
Groundbreakings/News, 1970
Physical Description: 1062'-1093', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans' memorial dedication at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7001.15
News/Sports, 1970 March 15
Physical Description: 1093'-1120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW hockey team returns from Denver victorious.
WISC 7001.16
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1970 March 16
Physical Description: 1120'-1171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Banquet for Naval awards given by Kiwanis Club.
WISC 7001.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 March 17
Physical Description: 1171'-1220', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police school.
WISC 7001.18
Features (Newsfilm)/Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 1220'-1274', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Saint Patrick's Day celebration with Roundy Coughlin.
WISC 7001.19
Press conferences, 1970 March 18
Physical Description: 1274'-1337', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke discusses having the state basketball tournament in Madison.
WISC 7001.20
Speeches, 1970 March 18
Physical Description: 1337'-1505', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Professor Dr. Bryan discusses causes of bladder cancer.
WISC 7002.1
Speeches, 1970 March 18
Physical Description: 0'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Professor Dr. Bryan discusses research of, and testing for, bladder cancer and saccharin.
WISC 7002.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 62'-110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tea at the Governor's mansion.
WISC 7002.3
Judicial proceedings, 1970 March 20
Physical Description: 110'-152', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Preparations for Circuit Court hearing in William Sachtjen's court.
WISC 7002.4
On-site interviews, 1970 March 20
Physical Description: 152'-306', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Postmaster Whitmore discusses possible letter carriers strike in Milwaukee and its effects locally and nationally.
WISC 7002.5
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 306'-470', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Korean POW Hayes discusses experiences in prison camp, U.S. governmental concerns towards American POW's and appeasement towards communists, and affiliation with the John Birch Society.
WISC 7002.6
Features (Newsfilm)/News, 1970
Physical Description: 470'-512', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coverage of letter carrier strike, including men picketing.
WISC 7002.7
Awards ceremonies, 1970 March 21
Physical Description: 512'-537', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles presents proclamation in the Governor's office.
WISC 7002.8
On-site interviews, 1970 March 23
Physical Description: 537'-639', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man discusses the 1970 census, reasons for a census, and the confidentiality of forms.
WISC 7002.9
News, 1970 March 24
Physical Description: 639'-661', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Wells Printing Company.
WISC 7002.10
Press conferences/Candidacy announcements, 1970 March 24
Physical Description: 661'-814', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol discusses issues to be faced if elected as the new D.A. in Dane County. Drugs, judicial system, etc. will be issues.
WISC 7002.11
Speeches/Press conferences, 1970 March 25
Physical Description: 814'-862', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pat Patton.
WISC 7002.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 March 25
Physical Description: 862'-881', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Garbage milling.
WISC 7002.13
Press conferences, 1970 March 25
Physical Description: 881'-1040', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on 1968 audit and narcotics studies and control.
WISC 7002.14
Press conferences, 1970 March 26
Physical Description: 1040'-1272', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke discusses solid waste and agencies and programs for garbage milling. Herbert O'Fliescher, director of Forest Products Lab, discusses choice of Madison for pilot program. Additional man continues discussing milling program.
WISC 7002.15
Meetings, 1970 March 26
Physical Description: 1272'-1342', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State educators.
WISC 7002.16
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 1342'-1380', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Firemen extinguishing fire and shots of damage.
WISC 7002.17
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 1380'-1401', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles gives proclamation from his office.
WISC 7002.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 March 27
Physical Description: 1401'-1450', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Church service.
WISC 7002.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 March 27
Physical Description: 1450'-1505', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Passengers arriving at Madison airport. Shots of terminals and waiting area. Shots of Badger and Greyhound Bus Depot.
WISC 7003.1
Public announcements, 1970 March 27
Physical Description: 0'-131', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Heart Sunday Cancer Kickoff. Dr. Carson discusses heart clinic at schools.
WISC 7003.2
On-site interviews, 1970 March 27
Physical Description: 131'-255', silent and magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Loren Prichard discusses lack of air traffic controllers and effects of being understaffed. Shot of passengers at airport.
WISC 7003.3
Traffic accident reports, 1970 March 29
Physical Description: 255'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Volkswagen bug in highway accident.
WISC 7003.4
Awards ceremonies, 1970 March 31
Physical Description: 265'-283', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles presents Junior Achievement awards.
WISC 7003.5
On-site interviews, 1970 March 31
Physical Description: 283'-421', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Hill of the Registrar of Deeds discusses new Wisconsin I.D. cards.
WISC 7003.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 April 1
Physical Description: 421'-471', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dealers setting up and preparing for the home show at the Coliseum.
WISC 7003.7
On-site interviews, 1970 April 1
Physical Description: 471'-585', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: M. Gregory (N.A.B.) discusses student jobs for people coming from low-income families and minority groups.
WISC 7003.8
Banquets, 1970 April 2
Physical Description: 585'-638', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Police Department banquet with Harrington.
WISC 7003.9
Candidacy announcements/Press conferences/Speeches, 1970 April 2
Physical Description: 638'-786', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Olson announces campaign for governor, then discusses intentions as governor.
WISC 7003.10
Press conferences, 1970 April 3
Physical Description: 786'-855', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses the TAA and its stand on relations between TA's and professors and educational planning issues.
WISC 7003.11
On-site interviews, 1970 April 3
Physical Description: 855'-931', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses contract negotiations and general issues of carpenters strike and picketing.
WISC 7003.12
Meetings, 1970 April 3
Physical Description: 931'-960', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: PCA meeting.
WISC 7003.13
Studio interviews, 1970 April 3
Physical Description: 960'-999', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses nuclear power plant conference.
WISC 7003.14
Candidacy announcements, 1970 April 7
Physical Description: 999'-1053', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anderson announces candidacy for Republican Congressional Second District seat.
WISC 7003.15
News, 1970 April 7
Physical Description: 1053'-1098', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting polls and voters.
WISC 7003.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 April 7
Physical Description: 1098'-1136', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paxton-Forest Products Lab.
WISC 7003.17
News, 1970 April 7
Physical Description: 1136'-1174', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grass fire on Milwaukee Street with firemen attempting to stop the blaze.
WISC 7003.18
Press conferences, 1970 April 8
Physical Description: 1174'-1307', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on annexation on west side of Madison; political future; common council.
WISC 7003.19
Press conferences/On-site interviews, 1970 April 9
Physical Description: 1307'-1360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified TA's discuss strike against UW by TAA.
WISC 7004.1
Press conferences/On-site interviews, 1970 April 9
Physical Description: 0'-187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two unidentified TA's discuss TAA strike against UW and Mr. Young's “charges.”
WISC 7004.1
Banquets/Graduation ceremonies, 1970 April 9
Physical Description: 0'-187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Patrol graduation with Governor Knowles as speaker.
WISC 7004.3
On-site interviews, 1970 April 9
Physical Description: 229'-265', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire Chief McGraw discusses hazards of outdoor burning and grass fires.
WISC 7004.4
On-site interviews/Press conferences, 1970 April 9
Physical Description: 265'-339', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TA panel discusses TAA strike.
WISC 7004.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 April 9
Physical Description: 339'-419', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Classroom teaching for Power Squadron piloting course.
WISC 7004.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 April 10
Physical Description: 419'-486', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Revenue footage for tax feature.
WISC 7004.7
Wire service, 1970 April 10
Physical Description: 486'-583', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: NASA film feature of Apollo 13. Interview with Thomas Mattingly II and Fred Haise, Jr.
WISC 7004.8
Traffic accident reports, 1970 April 11
Physical Description: 583'-628', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car and horse accident on Pflaum Road.
WISC 7004.9
Wire service, 1970
Physical Description: 628'-631', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: MPO Television Films, Inc. title.
WISC 7004.10
News, 1970 April 11
Physical Description: 631'-666', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kids clean up stream on Darbo Dr.
WISC 7004.11
Press conferences, 1970 April 13
Physical Description: 666'-904', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wilbur Schmidt speaks out on management views on union strike. Unidentified man discusses issues and demands.
WISC 7004.12
News, 1970 April 14
Physical Description: 904'-933', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Marine with Governor Knowles.
WISC 7004.13
Meetings/News, 1970 April 14
Physical Description: 933'-964', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA rally, march, and strike.
WISC 7004.14
Press conferences/Speeches, 1970 April 14
Physical Description: 964'-1011', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles on acts to help stop environmental destruction.
WISC 7004.15
House fires, 1970 April 14
Physical Description: 1011'-1072', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Evening fire. Shots of exterior of house in Madison.
WISC 7004.16
On-site interviews, 1970 April 14
Physical Description: 1072'-1174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reverend Brossard in town to consult with the international credit union movement and the importance of the movement.
WISC 7004.17
Press conferences, 1970 April 14
Physical Description: 1174'-1312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles presents views on work stoppage as a result of strike by union members at the Department of Health and Social Services.
WISC 7004.18
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 1312'-1321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on institution aids replacing others.
WISC 7005.1
Press conferences, 1970 April 14
Physical Description: 0'-213', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thomas King discusses strike issues at WSEU conference.
WISC 7005.2
Press conferences, 1970 April 15
Physical Description: 213'-434', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Elson discusses freedom of nudity, legalization of marijuana, and “bad laws” in run for district attorney.
WISC 7005.3
Awards ceremonies, 1970 April 15
Physical Description: 434'-480', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles at his office presents awards for Civil Air Patrol.
WISC 7005.4
News, 1970 April 15
Physical Description: 480'-518', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of construction sites without workers. Part of construction workers strike story.
WISC 7005.5
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 518'-566', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club awards.
WISC 7005.6
Press conferences, 1970 April 15
Physical Description: 566'-577', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edward Ben Elson; continuation of segment 2.
WISC 7005.7
Press conferences, 1970 April 15
Physical Description: 577'-731', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke discusses possible candidacy of Jack Olson. Unidentified man talks about environmental clean-up and pollution.
WISC 7005.8
Public announcements, 1970 April 16
Physical Description: 731'-763', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Public Announcements. George Reinke.
WISC 7005.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 April 16
Physical Description: 763'-821', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Different candidates competing for Miss Madison.
WISC 7005.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 821'-856', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: D.O.A., house, ambulance, and police.
WISC 7005.11
On-site interviews, 1970 April 16
Physical Description: 856'-989', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses issues and activities to be covered during Earth Week, April 19 - April 26, 1970.
WISC 7005.12
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 989'-1059', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified banquet at the Holiday Inn with unidentified speaker.
WISC 7005.13
Press conferences, 1970 April 17
Physical Description: 1059'-1147', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Brooks of Veterans for Peace discusses concerns of Vietnam War and its treatment of those who fight it.
WISC 7005.14
Press conferences/On-site interviews, 6970 April 17
Physical Description: 1147'-4298', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Clark and Mr. Smith from Mississippi discuss Project Understanding and bringing southern black children to Wisconsin.
WISC 7006.1
Speeches, 1970 April 21
Physical Description: 0'-131', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man running for district attorney discusses drug use and violence.
WISC 7006.2
Press conferences, 1970 April 22
Physical Description: 131'-340', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke discusses parade ordinances and problems of having a local parade, crowd control, etc.
WISC 7006.3
Special reports, 1970 April 23
Physical Description: 340'-430', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: McMillan discusses the death of Journalist William Evjue, publisher of the Capital Times.
WISC 7006.4
On-site interviews, 1970 April 24
Physical Description: 430'-451', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force ROTC cadet.
WISC 7006.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 April 25
Physical Description: 451'-470', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “E” day (earth day) celebration fair on State Street. Includes electric cars.
WISC 7006.6
Political announcements, 1970 April 25
Physical Description: 470'-548', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Peterson discusses candidacy for governor and issues (Vietnam War, inflation, taxes, and strikes).
WISC 7006.7
Traffic accident reports, 1970 April 26
Physical Description: 548'-607', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Motorcycle accident and victim on Interstate.
WISC 7006.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 April 27
Physical Description: 607'-692', si,b&w and color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Rock festival. Aerial view of stage and performances as well as people camping out before the show.
WISC 7006.9
News, 1970 April 27
Physical Description: 692'-733', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State judging of FAA cattle show.
WISC 7006.10
News, 1970 April 27
Physical Description: 733'-770', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Funeral and burial of Capital Times publisher, William Evjue.
WISC 7006.11
On-site interviews, 1970 April 27
Physical Description: 770'-927', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man interviewed on Davis House, 923 West Dayton Street, which houses 12 ex-convicts.
WISC 7006.12
Candidacy announcements, 1970 April 28
Physical Description: 927'-1035', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Erickson (Republican) discusses candidacy for Senate and issues.
WISC 7006.13
Awards ceremonies, 1970 April 29
Physical Description: 1035'-1057', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Award given by state related to multiple sclerosis.
WISC 7006.14
Candidacy announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 1057'-1119', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Morris announces issues and candidacy for Assembly.
WISC 7006.15
Press conferences, 1970 April 29
Physical Description: 1119'-1372', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke discusses annexation west of the West Beltline; aldermen and the Common Council.
WISC 7006.16
News, 1970
Physical Description: 1372'-1401', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People being sworn into office as aldermen.
WISC 7006.17
Press conferences, 1970 April 29
Physical Description: 1401'-1425', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on Common Council.
WISC 7007.1
Press conferences/Public announcements, 1970 April 30
Physical Description: 0'-55', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Larson discusses atomic bomb thermal effects on the environment.
WISC 7007.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 55'-103', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Social Services, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Nursing, Recreational Therapy, Medical Records, Vocational Rehabilitation represented at career day at local high school.
WISC 7007.3
Candidacy announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 103'-200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses reasons for running and problems to be solved (sales tax) if elected to Assembly.
WISC 7007.4
Press conferences, 1970 April 30
Physical Description: 200'-249', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Larson continues on atomic bomb and answers questions about thermal pollution.
WISC 7007.5
Awards ceremonies, 1970 May 1
Physical Description: 249'-288', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles presents award from office on Poppy Day.
WISC 7007.6
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 288'-316', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7007.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 316'-354', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City of Madison employees gross annual pay display.
WISC 7007.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 354'-411', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police arresting drunk driver and taking him into custody.
WISC 7007.9
Sports, 1970 May 2
Physical Description: 411'-449', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Local children Olympic track meet.
WISC 7007.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 May 4
Physical Description: 449'-500', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Physical check-ups are given on Heart Sunday.
WISC 7007.11
News, 1970 May 6
Physical Description: 500'-540', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: AAA school safety patrol departs by bus to national conference in Washington.
WISC 7007.12
Fire, 1970 May 6
Physical Description: 540'-635', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kroger fire; consists of both day and night shots.
WISC 7007.13
Openings, 1970 May 8
Physical Description: 635'-686', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Methodist Hospital Dedication Week.
WISC 7007.14
Public announcements, 1970 May 8
Physical Description: 686'-730', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harrington discusses resignation from presidency of University.
WISC 7007.15
Meetings, 1970 May 11
Physical Description: 730'-761', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ward coordinators hold meeting.
WISC 7007.16
Press conferences, 1970 May 11
Physical Description: 761'-865', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Johnson discusses WSA and School of Nursing and Vietnam War discussions between faculty and students.
WISC 7007.17
Awards ceremonies, 1970 May 11
Physical Description: 865'-964', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: AAA safety patrol awards given in Washington, D.C.
WISC 7007.18
News, 1970 May 12
Physical Description: 964'-999', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blanchardville airmen.
WISC 7007.19
Hearings, 1970 May 12
Physical Description: 999'-1030', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Open hearing in City Council chambers.
WISC 7007.20
Press conferences, 1970 May 12
Physical Description: 1030'-1278', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles discusses President of U.S. and Harrington's University presidency.
WISC 7007.21
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1970 May 13
Physical Description: 1278'-1329', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Awards given by the Rotary Club.
WISC 7007.22
News, 1970 May 13
Physical Description: 1329'-1365', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Day at Bethel Lutheran Church.
WISC 7007.23
Public announcements, 1970 May 13
Physical Description: 1365'-1489', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two unidentified men discuss United Givers Long Range Planning Report and program to help the disabled.
WISC 7007.24
Press conferences, 1970 May 13
Physical Description: 1489'-1552', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke discusses sales, income, and property tax methods and tax load.
WISC 7008.1
News, 1970 May 14
Physical Description: 0'-39', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two T.A.'s at WSA conference.
WISC 7008.2
News, 1970 May 14
Physical Description: 39'-73', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Communication Center and students around campus promoting active involvement in government.
WISC 7008.3
On-site interviews, 1970 May 14
Physical Description: 73'-342', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Improvement and widening of the South Beltline and its effects on the Arboretum. Predictions through the year 1990.
WISC 7008.4
On-site interviews, 1970 May 14
Physical Description: 342'-442', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East High School principal discusses the influence of UW on high school students focusing on racial problems.
WISC 7008.5
On-site interviews/Celebrity visits, 1970 May 15
Physical Description: 442'-589', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fredric March with wife Florence Eldridge gives views on Hollywood and youth of the day, as well as career.
WISC 7008.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 May 15
Physical Description: 589'-674', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 27th Wisconsin School Safety Patrol Congress at the Wisconsin Dells.
WISC 7008.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 May 16
Physical Description: 674'-689', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crosses along the South Beltline in protest of tree removal for Beltline expansion.
WISC 7008.8
News, 1970 May 16
Physical Description: 689'-730', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: GOP convention at Milwaukee Auditorium - Arena. Speakers include Governor Knowles.
WISC 7008.9
On-site interviews, 1970 May 16
Physical Description: 730'-807', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Astronaut James Lovell discusses NASA programs and his future plans.
WISC 7008.10
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 807'-825', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified banquet with Alice in Dairyland. Could have some connection with Fredric March.
WISC 7008.11
Celebrity visits, 1970 May 15
Physical Description: 825'-835', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on Fredric March and Florence Eldridge.
WISC 7008.12
On-site interviews, 1970 May 16
Physical Description: 835'-955', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Lovell discusses space shuttles and sky-labs and Governor Knowles gives support.
WISC 7008.13
Awards ceremonies, 1970 May 18
Physical Description: 955'-991', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club. Dr. Benforado award presented.
WISC 7008.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 May 18
Physical Description: 991'-1027', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dinner for the disabled. Shots of handmade posters.
WISC 7008.15
On-site interviews, 1970 May 18
Physical Description: 1027'-1143', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. So discusses CUNA International and life in Hong Kong, overpopulation, and industry refugees.
WISC 7008.16
Press conferences, 1970 May 20
Physical Description: 1143'-1193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Admiral Bonner discusses unidentified project and testing.
WISC 7008.17
Press conferences, 1970 May 20
Physical Description: 1193'-1239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke discusses threats towards state officials and protection given by mayor's office.
WISC 7008.18
Candidacy announcements, 1970 May 20
Physical Description: 1239'-1338', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vehling announces candidacy for state assembly and reasons for running.
WISC 7008.19
Press conferences, 1970 May 20
Physical Description: 1338'-1389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on threats towards politicians and violent protest.
WISC 7008.20
News, 1970 May 20
Physical Description: 1389'-1416', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Silent Majority rally on Monona Ave. in front of sheriff's department.
WISC 7009.1
Meetings, 1970 May 21
Physical Description: 0'-54', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club panel for discussion of drugs.
WISC 7009.2
On-site interviews, 1970 May 21
Physical Description: 54'-162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two youths talk about Mayor's Youth Opportunity Unit devised to link youths with city hall.
WISC 7009.3
Candidacy announcements, 1970 May 22
Physical Description: 162'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire announces his reelection bid to the Senate, and discusses war, the Soviet Union, and the draft.
WISC 7009.4
Public announcements/Wire service, 1970 May 22
Physical Description: 223'-283', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman discusses drug trafficking abroad (State Department film).
WISC 7009.5
On-site interviews, 1970 May 22
Physical Description: 283'-482', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Halverson and Professor Johnson on campus referendum. Issues covered were Vietnam War, troops in Cambodia, type of withdrawal, and ROTC on campus.
WISC 7009.6
News, 1970 May 23
Physical Description: 482'-524', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Auto mechanic contest for high school students at MATC.
WISC 7009.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 May 24
Physical Description: 524'-568', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Officers on police beat removing garbage from Lake Mendota.
WISC 7009.8
News, 1970 May 24
Physical Description: 568'-621', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Group of students at Picnic Point playing frisbee and listening to live music.
WISC 7009.9
News, 1970 May 25
Physical Description: 621'-642', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff Leslie watching student carry beer kegs into house.
WISC 7009.10
Press conferences, 1970 May 26
Physical Description: 642'-755', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles thanks law enforcement officials. D.A. Miller presents Chamber of Commerce petitions to stop rioting.
WISC 7009.11
Wire service/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 May 27
Physical Description: 755'-792', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force Academy graduates.
WISC 7009.12
News, 1970 May 27
Physical Description: 792'-831', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Silent Majority rally against riots.
WISC 7009.13
Press conferences, 1970 May 27
Physical Description: 831'-958', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke opposes proposal to legalize strip joints. Unidentified man announces results of census.
WISC 7009.14
Candidacy announcements, 1970 May 28
Physical Description: 958'-988', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midge Miller announces candidacy.
WISC 7009.15
News, 1970 May 28
Physical Description: 988'-1025', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Universities professors picket in front of State Universities Building at 142 Gilman.
WISC 7009.16
On-site interviews, 1970 May 28
Physical Description: 1025'-1141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stanley York discusses state programs to help employ the disadvantaged.
WISC 7009.17
On-site interviews, 1970 May 29
Physical Description: 1141'-1170', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mittness discusses resolutions for withdrawal from Vietnam to be covered at Convention.
WISC 7009.18
News, 1970 May 30
Physical Description: 1170'-1244', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day parade on Capitol Square, Mayor Dyke attending. Vets for Peace also march.
WISC 7009.19
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 1244'-1283', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two car accident.
WISC 7009.20
News, 1970
Physical Description: 1283'-1316', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam protest march on Square and picnic with Wisconsin Committee to Stop the War.
WISC 7009.21
News, 1970
Physical Description: 1316'-1344', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day Ceremonies at cemetery. Children put flags and flowers on soldiers' graves. Veterans salute American flag.
WISC 7010.1
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 2
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Enzyme Research. Interview with Dr. Khorana and shots of research labs and technicians.
WISC 7010.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 3
Physical Description: 41'-143', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles at Arboretum inspecting site for Beltline expansion.
WISC 7010.3
On-site interviews, 1970 June 3
Physical Description: 143'-231', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Caroline Promson (?) discusses job assisting Alice in Dairyland and promotions around the state and country.
WISC 7010.4
On-site interviews, 1970 June 3
Physical Description: 231'-333', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. McKee on changes in Wisconsin dairy farms.
WISC 7010.5
On-site interviews, 1970 June 3
Physical Description: 333'-429', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alice in Dairyland Judy Schultz on Wisconsin dairy industry.
WISC 7010.6
On-site interviews, 1970 June 4
Physical Description: 429'-532', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mittness on Democratic campaign and primary.
WISC 7010.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 4
Physical Description: 532'-610', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police boats on Lake Mendota.
WISC 7010.8
Graduation ceremonies, 1970 June 4
Physical Description: 610'-702', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school graduation ceremonies.
WISC 7010.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 6
Physical Description: 702'-788', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arabian horse show at the Coliseum.
WISC 7010.10
On-site interviews, 1970 June 8
Physical Description: 788'-950', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on Peru relief fund for earthquake aid and Father McMarron.
WISC 7010.11
Graduation ceremonies, 1970 June 8
Physical Description: 950'-1128', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW graduation ceremonies at Camp Randall.
WISC 7010.12
Meetings, 1970 June 9
Physical Description: 1128'-1155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drug council panel.
WISC 7010.13
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 1155'-1187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Peterson at Governors Conference on Drug Abuse. Peterson talks about narcotic addiction.
WISC 7010.14
News, 1970 June 9
Physical Description: 1187'-1235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: The La Follette papers at the State Historical Society. Includes unidentified female speaker.
WISC 7010.15
On-site interviews, 1970 June 9
Physical Description: 1235'-1421', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Smith at Governor's Conference on Drug Abuse. Topics include Haight-Ashbury district in San Francisco and a rehabilitation clinic.
WISC 7011.1
On-site interviews, 1970 June 9
Physical Description: 0'-287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Knoles at Governor's Conference on Drug Abuse. Knoles covers marijuana and national drug problems and treatment.
WISC 7011.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 9
Physical Description: 287'-563', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Democratic convention in Green Bay.
WISC 7011.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 10
Physical Description: 563'-667', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: College Day.
WISC 7011.4
On-site interviews, 1970 June 10
Physical Description: 667'-775', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Peterson at Governor's Conference on Drug and Alcohol Abuse speaking on the long term effects of marijuana.
WISC 7011.5
On-site interviews, 1970 June 10
Physical Description: 775'-903', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Peter Hammond at Governor's Conference for Drug and Alcohol Abuse speaking on facts of drugs, prevention, and help.
WISC 7011.6
On-site interviews, 1970 June 12
Physical Description: 903'-1004', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man interviewed on heart disease and Wisconsin Heart Association's sponsoring of Heart Sunday.
WISC 7011.7
On-site interviews, 1970 June 10
Physical Description: 1004'-1033', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Peter Hammond at Governor's Conference on Drug Abuse. What parents can do to help their children.
WISC 7011.8
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1970 June 12
Physical Description: 1033'-1069', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Recreation Banquet and presentation of trophy.
WISC 7011.9
On-site interviews, 1970 June 12
Physical Description: 1069'-1123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified men on heart clinic and heart disease.
WISC 7011.10
News, 1970 June 14
Physical Description: 1123'-1169', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Silent Majority parade and rally.
WISC 7011.11
Meetings/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 14
Physical Description: 1169'-1228', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of men in wheel chairs meeting; riding down ramp outside building.
WISC 7011.12
Awards ceremonies, 1970 June 15
Physical Description: 1228'-1259', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles gives Teenager Award.
WISC 7011.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 15
Physical Description: 1259'-1306', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Badger Girls State on campus.
WISC 7011.14
Studio interviews, 1970 June 15
Physical Description: 1306'-1401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sue Bradford, coordinator for Students to Oppose Pollution, a program designed to investigate violations of pollution laws.
WISC 7011.15
On-site interviews, 1970 June 16
Physical Description: 1401'-1531', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sherby Oliver discusses Rent-A-Youth to help employ 13 to 15 year old students. Includes shots of students doing odd jobs.
WISC 7012.1
Meetings, 1970 June 17
Physical Description: 0'-37', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Patrol headquarters.
WISC 7012.2
Features (Newsfilm)/Meetings, 1970 June 17
Physical Description: 37'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Badger Girls State.
WISC 7012.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 18
Physical Description: 87'-150', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles lecturing and talking with girls at Badger Girls State.
WISC 7012.4
Public announcements, 1970 June 18
Physical Description: 150'-262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Adam Schesch speaks on withdrawal from Vietnam and anti-war movement in Minnesota.
WISC 7012.5
Wire service/On-site interviews, 1970 June 19
Physical Description: 262'-295', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Jack Olson discusses governors conference and topics to be covered (pollution, housing).
WISC 7012.6
On-site interviews, 1970 June 19
Physical Description: 295'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Varnum, University Hospital administrator, on hospital employee salary rates.
WISC 7012.7
On-site interviews, 1970 June 19
Physical Description: 362'-416', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Franklin on financing of UW Center for Drug Education.
WISC 7012.8
On-site interviews, 1970 June 19
Physical Description: 416'-495', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Thrush on function of UW Drug Center, why program exists, and his hopes for the center.
WISC 7012.9
On-site interviews, 1970 June 22
Physical Description: 495'-576', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Varnum on increased costs for private and public patients at University Hospital.
WISC 7012.10
On-site interviews, 1970 June 22
Physical Description: 576'-719', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on total environment workshop at Women's Conference, and on women's clubs and their functions.
WISC 7012.11
Press conferences/Meetings, 1970 June 23
Physical Description: 719'-860', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Panel of paper industry people on pollution of lakes and streams. Panel includes Dr. Robert Holm, William Nelson, and George Mead II.
WISC 7012.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 23
Physical Description: 860'-891', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Bank, kids on trees, and setting up a tent.
WISC 7012.13
Public announcements, 1970 June 23
Physical Description: 891'-943', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Frank Cavanaugh, president of Wisconsin Electricians and Electrical Contractors Association, on the theft of Association funds by Howard Hazum.
WISC 7012.14
Wire service, 1970 June 19
Physical Description: 943'-995', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Olson at Lt. Governor's conference discusses his goals.
WISC 7012.15
Press conferences, 1970 June 23
Physical Description: 995'-1112', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire at a Milwaukee conference speaking on wage and price controls and cutting of federal spending. Erickson does not support controls either and discusses post-Vietnam economy.
WISC 7012.16
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1970 June 23
Physical Description: 1112'-1253', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Planning Commission meeting to discuss downtown plan. Includes interviews with Mayor Dyke.
WISC 7012.17
On-site interviews, 1970 June 23
Physical Description: 1253'-1391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Johnson, Methodist Hospital administrator, discusses hospital adjustment rates for private and public patients.
WISC 7013.1
Press conferences, 1970 June 24
Physical Description: 0'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on entertainment policies of licensed beer and liquor retail establishments.
WISC 7013.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 233'-275', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified.
WISC 7013.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 275'-309', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lecture being given to police officers.
WISC 7013.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 25
Physical Description: 309'-362', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sauk County Sheriff's Department practicing rescue of car accident victim at city dump.
WISC 7013.5
On-site interviews, 1970 June 25
Physical Description: 362'-486', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sister Rebecca on increase in costs at St. Mary's Hospital and increase in insurance benefits.
WISC 7013.6
Groundbreakings, 1970 June 26
Physical Description: 486'-528', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke at groundbreaking ceremony.
WISC 7013.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 26
Physical Description: 528'-552', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of Vilas Park beach closed because of pollution problems.
WISC 7013.8
Press conferences, 1970 June 26
Physical Description: 552'-674', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire at Milwaukee Conference discusses minorities' disillusionment with Nixon administration. Erickson agrees with Proxmire.
WISC 7013.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 674'-747', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dog show at the Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7013.10
News, 1970 June 27
Physical Description: 747'-824', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police at murder scene at Sherman and Commercial Avenues.
WISC 7013.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 30
Physical Description: 824'-871', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men loading plane at airport with boxes for Peruvian relief.
WISC. 7013.12
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1970 June 30
Physical Description: 871'-922', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Onions and Orchids Awards.
WISC 7013.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 922'-971', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People looking at the Circus World train.
WISC 7013.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June 30
Physical Description: 971'-1030', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke is one of the observers of the Drum and Bugle Corps outside the Dane County Court House.
WISC 7013.15
Press conferences, 1970 July 1
Physical Description: 1030'-1053', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on David Archibald's proposal to help ecological system.
WISC 7013.16
Meetings, 1970 July 1
Physical Description: 1053'-1099', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources.
WISC 7013.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 1
Physical Description: 1099'-1166', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tractor contest at the UW Stock Pavilion.
WISC 7013.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 1
Physical Description: 1166'-1275', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Information Center and police training gym, classrooms, and shooting range.
WISC 7013.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 1275'-1341', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two girls going door to door with a petition.
WISC 7013.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 1341'-1402', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military vehicles in front of Van Hise and shots of military guards around campus.
WISC 7014.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 6
Physical Description: 0'-83, magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drums on Parade. Drum and Bugle Corps on Capitol Square.
WISC 7014.2
Studio interviews, 1970 July 6
Physical Description: 83'-251', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Deborah Sweet discusses youth movement for social issues and world hunger.
WISC 7014.3
On-site interviews, 1970 July 1
Physical Description: 251'-476', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Archibald on local and international environmental problems and education on their problems and causes.
WISC 7014.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 2
Physical Description: 476'-546', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison's most dangerous intersections: Milwaukee St. and Stoughton Rd. to Park and Regent streets.
WISC 7014.5
On-site interviews, 1970 July 2
Physical Description: 546'-671', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barbara, a marriage license clerk, on applications and qualifications for marriage licenses.
WISC 7014.6
News, 1970 July 3
Physical Description: 671'-696', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arlie Mucks is sworn into office.
WISC 7014.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 3
Physical Description: 696'-743', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kids cooling off at the beach in “Hot Weather” feature.
WISC 7014.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 3
Physical Description: 743'-789', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Friends in the Sky” helicopter feature.
WISC 7014.9
Press conferences, 1970 July 3
Physical Description: 789'-1026'', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Adam Schesch talks of Cambodia, POW's, withdrawal from Vietnam, and meeting in Paris of the Cambodian guerrilla movement.
WISC 7014.10
News, 1970 July 3
Physical Description: 1026'-1032', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arlie Mucks signing paper.
WISC 7014.11
Press conferences/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 3
Physical Description: 1032'-1199', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Friends in the Sky.” Unidentified man discusses medical team and function of “Friends in the Sky.”
WISC 7014.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 4
Physical Description: 1199'-1224', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warner Park celebration of the 4th of July. Kids playing games.
WISC 7014.13
Wire service/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 4
Physical Description: 1224'-4302', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Feature on the history of America and its different flags.
WISC 7014.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 1302'-1372', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dog show at the Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7015.1
Speeches, 1970 July 7
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parkinson Memorial Fire Station #1. Mayor Dyke and unidentified man speak. Includes dedication of plaque.
WISC 7015.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 7
Physical Description: 41'-88', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Encore donation shop. Shots of items donated (clothes, books, toys, dishes, etc.).
WISC 7015.3
On-site interviews, 1970 July 7
Physical Description: 88'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men are interviewed for Walk Around the World. Pledges are given to UNICEF. Harold Greenwood, representative of Minnesota United Nations.
WISC 7015.4
News, 1970 July 8
Physical Description: 242'-281', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Picketing at Northwest Airlines against unfair wage practices.
WISC 7015.5
Speeches, 1970 July 8
Physical Description: 281'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man at Agriculture Hall laboratory discusses unidentified hydrologic system.
WISC 7015.6
Speeches/Press conferences, 1970 July 8
Physical Description: 307'-441', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Agriculture Hall laboratory. Man discusses environmental research project, Interstate 57, and destruction of natural resources.
WISC 7015.7
Awards ceremonies/Press conferences, 1970 July 8
Physical Description: 441'-647', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man and Mayor Dyke discuss city ordinance, building preservation, and property rights. Safety Council Award of Merit is presented to Dyke.
WISC 7015.8
On-site interviews, 1970 July 9
Physical Description: 647'-721', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Inspector Thomas discusses Guardsmen, riot regulations. and the bearing of fire arms.
WISC 7015.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 10
Physical Description: 721'-766', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 20th annual Parade of Homes at Belmar Hills.
WISC 7015.10
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1970 July 10
Physical Description: 766'-823', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of AAA awards and their presentation by Governor Knowles.
WISC 7015.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 11
Physical Description: 823'-858', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Richland Center parade. Senator Proxmire serves as grand marshal for afternoon rodeo.
WISC 7015.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 11
Physical Description: 858'-1036', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Annual Art Fair on the Capitol Square.
WISC 7015.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 12
Physical Description: 1036'-1127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drums on Parade on the Capitol Square in front of the Strand Theater.
WISC 7015.14
On-site interviews, 1970 July 13
Physical Description: 1127'-1286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Johnson discusses rising costs at Madison General Hospital, including adjustment rates.
WISC 7015.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 14
Physical Description: 1286'-1350', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidates file papers at Secretary of State Zimmerman's office.
WISC 7016.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 15
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair.
WISC 7016.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 34'-59', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified.
WISC 7016.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 15
Physical Description: 59'-98', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair.
WISC 7016.4
Studio interviews, 1970 July 15
Physical Description: 98'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson supports Nixon plan and the evacuation of troops from Southeast Asia, and discusses reapportionment.
WISC 7016.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 15
Physical Description: 154'-235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Filing of candidacy papers.
WISC 7016.6
On-site interviews, 1970 July 15
Physical Description: 235'-356', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Underwood discusses ABM system, launchers research program, surveillance, missiles of the Soviet Union, and U.S. anti-militarism.
WISC 7016.7
On-site interviews, 1970 July 20
Physical Description: 356'-380', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren responds to report of the Attorney General Office's crack-down on industry pollution.
WISC 7016.8
On-site interviews, 1970 July 15
Physical Description: 380'-541', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Underwood continues to discuss U.S. defense plan.
WISC 7016.9
On-site interviews, 1970 July 16
Physical Description: 541'-635', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Crosby discusses financial problems of the Madison Symphony Orchestra and the Summer Symphony fund raising drive.
WISC 7016.10
News, 1970 July 17
Physical Description: 635'-673', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Strike at Thorstad Chevrolet for better working conditions.
WISC 7016.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 17
Physical Description: 673'-733', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair.
WISC 7016.12
On-site interviews, 1970 July 17
Physical Description: 733'-812', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Polzer on jobs program for the disadvantaged and minority groups at the National Alliance of Businessmen.
WISC 7016.13
On-site interviews, 1970 July 17
Physical Description: 812'-856', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Mr. Sherry, pledge chairman for the 1970-71 fiscal year, for Jobs Program at National Alliance of Businessmen.
WISC 7016.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 18
Physical Description: 856'-987', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Community Rap Center, Inc. for youth.
WISC 7016.15
On-site interviews, 1970 July 20
Physical Description: 987'-1077', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sol Levin discusses development of the Triangle.
WISC 7016.16
On-site interviews, 1970 July 20
Physical Description: 1077'-1176', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Thrush discusses drug abuse, education in schools, and programs from the Office of Education.
WISC 7016.17
On-site interviews, 1970 July 20
Physical Description: 1176'-1454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren discusses recent federal law lowering the voting age to 18 and the state's reaction. Mobile home owners and park owners investigation is also discussed.
WISC 7017.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 21
Physical Description: 0'-40', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students to Oppose Pollution. Filling out forms at the Complaint Center.
WISC 7017.2
Meetings, 1970 July 21
Physical Description: 40'-93', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke meeting with welfare mothers at his office; their children are also present.
WISC 7017.3
On-site interviews, 1970 July 21
Physical Description: 93'-317', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Birkley and Dr. Stolen discuss preservation of historic Gates of Heaven synagogue and its possible relocation to a park site.
WISC 7017.4
House fires, 1970 July 22
Physical Description: 317'-381', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grenada Apartments.
WISC 7017.5
Meetings, 1970 July 23
Physical Description: 381'-408', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting of the Coordinating Committee for Higher Education.
WISC 7017.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 23
Physical Description: 408'-461', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children and welfare mothers picketing.
WISC 7017.7
On-site interviews, 1970 July 24
Physical Description: 461'-511', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Oakley discusses mobile home problems and the Justice Department investigation into discrimination, overpricing, and entrance fees.
WISC 7017.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 25
Physical Description: 511'-552', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clean air car race with UW entries.
WISC 7017.9
Hearings, 1970 July 25
Physical Description: 552'-607', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Model legislature with students.
WISC 7017.10
On-site interviews, 1970 July 27
Physical Description: 607'-643', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson on property taxes and homestead tax relief.
WISC 7017.11
Meetings, 1970 July 27
Physical Description: 643'-688', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airport Commission.
WISC 7017.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 27
Physical Description: 688'-732', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marsh Days celebration and parade in Beaver Dam.
WISC 7017.13
On-site interviews, 1970 July 27
Physical Description: 732'-823', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George King discusses professional basketball player Oscar Robertson who left Cincinnati for Milwaukee. Cincinnati's coach is also interviewed.
WISC 7017.14
Public announcements/On-site interviews, 1970 July 28
Physical Description: 823'-892', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Bethal discusses lack of opportunities for minorities. He just returned from the National Equal Opportunity Conference and is resigning from the employment service.
WISC 7017.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 28
Physical Description: 892'-929', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Solid waste disposal at dumping site.
WISC 7017.16
Press conferences, 1970 July 28
Physical Description: 929'-1033', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Keppler on Senator Risser's charges against Lt. Governor.
WISC 7017.17
Press conferences, 1970 July 28
Physical Description: 1033'-1094', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Risser presents memorandum to prove Lt. Governor absences from state legislative sessions.
WISC 7017.18
On-site interviews, 1970 July 29
Physical Description: 1094'-1130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on Department of Justice Division of Criminal Investigations and Division of Law Enforcement Services.
WISC 7017.19
Studio interviews, 1970 July 29
Physical Description: 1130'-1164', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson against Lucey's use of war in Southeast Asia as an issue for campaign.
WISC 7017.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 29
Physical Description: 1164'-1215', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke boards bus and takes local tour.
WISC 7017.21
Awards ceremonies, 1970 July 29
Physical Description: 1215'-1251', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: VA Service Awards.
WISC 7017.22
News, 1970 July 30
Physical Description: 1251'-1356', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: YMCA gas leak and taking injured to St. Mary's Hospital.
WISC 7017.23
Candidacy announcements, 1970 July 31
Physical Description: 1356'-1426', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman announces candidacy for U.S. Senate and reasons for running.
WISC 7018.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July 31
Physical Description: 0'-51', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Storm damage at a trailer court, and an overturned semi-truck on highway.
WISC 7018.2
Studio interviews, 1970 July 31
Physical Description: 51'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Skinner discusses polio immunization program and infection of Texas migrant workers.
WISC 7018.3
Studio interviews, 1970 July 31
Physical Description: 210'-382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ariel Whine, leader of the Israeli delegation to U.N. Faith Forum discusses views and concerns of Israeli students.
WISC 7018.4
Press conferences, 1970 July 31
Physical Description: 382'-642', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on welfare program problems and categorical aid in welfare and city, county, and state influence.
WISC 7018.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 1
Physical Description: 642'-737', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kids and adults participating in Rock River clean-up.
WISC 7018.6
News, 1970 August 3
Physical Description: 737'-772', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles' proclamation for clean water in Wisconsin.
WISC 7018.7
News, 1970 August 3
Physical Description: 772'-810', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police and ambulance rescue victim of suicide attempt at unidentified lake front.
WISC 7018.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 4
Physical Description: 810'-859', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ice skating at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7018.9
Wire service/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 5
Physical Description: 859'-910', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stock footage of the landing of Apollo II and the inspection of landing capsule.
WISC 7018.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 5
Physical Description: 910'-959', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of weeds and garbage along Lake Mendota shore.
WISC 7018.11
Press conferences, 1970 August 5
Physical Description: 959'-1105', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on reforming state income tax and commuter taxation.
WISC 7018.12
Public announcements/Press conferences, 1970 August 6
Physical Description: 1105'-1166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Mike Birkley asks for donations for preservation of Gates of Heaven temple.
WISC 7018.13
Press conferences, 1970 August 6
Physical Description: 1166'-1467', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Paul Soglin on mayoral proposal for changing city parks to county parks and on Mayor Dyke.
WISC 7019.1
News, 1970 August 7
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare mothers and their children picket.
WISC 7019.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 20'-51', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Apollo 11 luncheon at Hotel Loraine.
WISC 7019.3
News, 1970 August 7
Physical Description: 51'-83', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hold-up and murder at Mr. Giblin's bar.
WISC 7019.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 7
Physical Description: 83'-132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles with Apollo 11 crew at ribbon-cutting ceremony for space and landing capsule display.
WISC 7019.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 7
Physical Description: 132'-212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kids participating in Lake Mendota weed clean-up.
WISC 7019.6
News, 1970 August 9
Physical Description: 212'-285', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grass fire in the Arboretum.
WISC 7019.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 10
Physical Description: 285'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Spectators viewing Apollo 11 landing capsule and waiting in line to view it on Capitol Square.
WISC 7019.8
Press conferences, 1970 August 10
Physical Description: 330'-512', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Kenneth Galbraith and Patrick Lucey discuss pros and cons of NATO, Hubert Humphrey, universities and politics, Ronald Reagan, income tax, and welfare.
WISC 7019.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 11
Physical Description: 512'-537', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Odel White.
WISC 7019.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 11
Physical Description: 537'-608', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare mothers demonstration at Dane County Mental Health Center, 31 South Mills. Alderman Birkley talks with them.
WISC 7019.11
News/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 12
Physical Description: 608'-638', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sea plane crash in Lake Mendota.
WISC 7019.12
Press conferences, 1970/0.8 December
Physical Description: 638'-700', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on programs for sanitary sewer waste collection.
WISC 7019.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 13
Physical Description: 700'-791', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clean air car race.
WISC 7019.14
On-site interviews, 1970 August 13
Physical Description: 791'-821', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson discusses Wisconsin industry and urban solutions in campaign for governor.
WISC 7019.15
On-site interviews, 1970 August 3
Physical Description: 821'-882', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Barton, running mate of Jack Olson for Lt. Governor, discusses responsibilities of office.
WISC 7019.16
Candidacy announcements/Press conferences, 1970 August 14
Physical Description: 882'-1026', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ernest Keppler, Senate majority leader, on youth of the day, and raising image of legislature.
WISC 7019.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 15
Physical Description: 1026'-1078', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meister Brau stallions at Hilldale Shopping Center.
WISC 7019.18
Meetings/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 17
Physical Description: 1078'-1132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare mothers and children hold meeting.
WISC 7019.19
Press conferences, 1970 August 17
Physical Description: 1132'-1250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Attorney John Olson on 1907 law forbidding corporate donations to political campaigns.
WISC 7019.20
Public announcements/Wire service, 1970 August 18
Physical Description: 1250'-1276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Proxmire on stolen Navy fuel and Naval lack of trying to retrieve it in Thailand.
WISC 7019.21
On-site interviews, 1970 August 18
Physical Description: 1276'-1314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Leo Cooper on building of community civic center at Law Park.
WISC 7019.22
On-site interviews, 1970 August 18
Physical Description: 1314'-1366', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Former Alderman Harold Klubertanz on programming and budgeting in urban government.
WISC 7019.23
On-site interviews, 1970 August 18
Physical Description: 1366'-1404', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman William Offerdahl on dress codes and ordinances on soda fountains and restaurants.
WISC 7019.24
Press conferences, 1970 August 18
Physical Description: 1404'-1435', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke refutes criticism by Alderman Paul Soglin and his accusations of a secretive government.
WISC 7020.1
Press conferences, 1970 August 18
Physical Description: 0'-18', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Erickson on the threat of Communism and the Military Industrial Complex.
WISC 7020.2
On-site interviews, 1970 August 18
Physical Description: 18'-142', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses questionnaires taken by candidates for voter education and Alliance of Cities.
WISC 7020.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 19
Physical Description: 142'-183', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Emergency care seminar and classroom demonstration.
WISC 7020.4
Press conferences, 1970 August 19
Physical Description: 183'-379', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke reacts positively to auditorium proposal and discusses tax increases.
WISC 7020.5
Hearings, 1970 August 20
Physical Description: 379'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Finance Committee. Senator Hollander, Mr. Stalbaum, and Mayor Dyke in attendance.
WISC 7020.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 20
Physical Description: 415'-457', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Practice session for emergency care seminar.
WISC 7020.7
News, 1970 August 20
Physical Description: 457'-505', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Destruction of Nakoma School.
WISC 7020.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 20
Physical Description: 505'-553', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Youth Day parade on Capitol Square.
WISC 7020.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 21
Physical Description: 553'-606', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Practice session for rescue workers near Red Gym.
WISC 7020.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 21
Physical Description: 606'-657'; silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Humanities Building and Elvehjem Art Center.
WISC 7020.11
Studio interviews, 1970 August 22
Physical Description: 657'-754', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Reott on labor problems and local unions and on emergency services plan in case of work stoppage.
WISC 7020.12
On-site interviews, 1970 August 22
Physical Description: 754'-1015', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Arnie discusses severity of southern leaf blight disease in Wisconsin and Illinois.
WISC 7020.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 23
Physical Description: 1015'-1080', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sun Prairie Chamber of Commerce Corn Festival with shots of sweet corn stands and carnival rides.
WISC 7020.14
Unknown, 1970
Physical Description: 1080'-1098', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sgt. Kindschi is taken by ambulance from the City-County building after suffering a heart attack.
WISC 7020.15
On-site interviews, 1970 August 27
Physical Description: 1098'-1266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman William Hull discusses payment to welfare families and Mayor Dyke's involvement.
WISC 7020.16
On-site interviews, 1970 August 28
Physical Description: 1266'-1395', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Richards on nature conservancy meeting and land preservation.
WISC 7021.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 31
Physical Description: 0'-31', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lawyer for paper editor - federal court.
WISC 7021.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August 31
Physical Description: 31'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration of new machine for solid waste handling. Hosted by Madison General Hospital and George L. Smith Co.
WISC 7021.3
On-site interviews, 1970 August 31
Physical Description: 94'-151', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sue Masterson, Alice in Dairyland.
WISC 7021.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 1
Physical Description: 151'-190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: South Madison Neighborhood Center where the children of welfare mothers are shown playing.
WISC 7021.5
Press conferences, 1970 September 1
Physical Description: 190'-271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on qualifications and issues for campaigning for district attorney.
WISC 7021.6
Press conferences, 1970 September 1
Physical Description: 271'-373', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edward Ben Elson campaigning for district attorney discusses the issue of repression of academic and personal freedoms.
WISC 7021.7
Press conferences, 1970 September 1
Physical Description: 373'-485', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Different man running for district attorney discusses social unrest, mindless violence, and crimes.
WISC 7021.8
Press conferences, 1970 September 1
Physical Description: 485'-573', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Different candidate for district attorney on necessity of experienced men in office.
WISC 7021.9
Traffic accident reports, 1970 September 2
Physical Description: 573'-614', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tow truck removing car from 3-car accident. Police and fire fighters on the scene.
WISC 7021.10
On-site interviews, 1970 September 4
Physical Description: 614'-755', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander on the death penalty, Madison police force, campus security, and on the Board on Governmental Operations.
WISC 7021.11
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews/Speeches, 1970 September 4
Physical Description: 755'-875', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man interviewed on Labor Day events and unemployment rate. Shots of raising the flag, local carnival, and speech giving.
WISC 7021.12
On-site interviews, 1970 September 8
Physical Description: 875'-919', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Wisconsin at festival in Green County discusses pageant in Atlantic City.
WISC 7021.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 8
Physical Description: 919'-969', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: North Central Airlines ribbon cutting by Mayor Dyke at Truax Field. First passengers boarding plane.
WISC 7021.14
On-site interviews, 1970 September 8
Physical Description: 969'-1060', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Rodney Kreunen on election night discusses state monies and problems with Madison.
WISC 7021.15
On-site interviews, 1970 September 8
Physical Description: 1060'-1146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol on winning nomination for district attorney, staff expansion, and Edward Ben Elson.
WISC 7021.16
On-site interviews, 1970 September 8
Physical Description: 1146'-1287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edward Ben Elson, independent candidate for district attorney, on “bad laws” and influence of Charles Manson.
WISC 7021.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 9
Physical Description: 1287'-1329', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Socialist Party candidates filing papers.
WISC 7021.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 9
Physical Description: 1329'-1385', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students strike against apartments for fair rent price.
WISC 7022.1
Speeches/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 9
Physical Description: 0'-154', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sign carrying students protesting at airport for protection from Arab hijacking. Includes speeches by unidentified man and Robert Skuldt, superintendent of Dane County Regional Airport.
WISC 7022.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 10
Physical Description: 154'-199', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus train at Dane County fairgrounds with shots of elephants and horses being paraded to Coliseum.
WISC 7022.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 10
Physical Description: 199'-267', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Nolen Drive causeway and bridge repair on Lake Monona.
WISC 7022.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 11
Physical Description: 267'-346', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ribbon cutting at the Elvehjem Art Center, including shots inside the museum.
WISC 7022.5
Press conferences, 1970 September 11
Physical Description: 346'-494', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman McGilligan and an unidentified man on petition drive for parking permits for central Madison.
WISC 7022.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 11
Physical Description: 494'-517', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of Humanities Building and Elvehjem Art Center.
WISC 7022.7
On-site interviews, 1970 September 14
Physical Description: 517'-605', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Mittelstadt on overload of scheduling and delays in county courts.
WISC 7022.8
On-site interviews, 1970 September 15
Physical Description: 605'-682', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Martin at Governor's Conference on Women discusses the hiring of women in state jobs.
WISC 7022.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 682'-772', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Lucey at Governor's Conference on Women discusses contraception and sex education and hiring women.
WISC 7022.10
Press conferences, 1970 September 15
Physical Description: 772'-917', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Mike Birkley discusses his personal health and peace in Madison.
WISC 7022.11
Press conferences, 1970 September 16
Physical Description: 917'-947', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bob Heck on Police Department management and personnel problems.
WISC 7022.12
Meetings, 1970 September 16
Physical Description: 947'-1004', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Our Kids” drug group meeting.
WISC 7022.13
On-site interviews, 1970 September 16
Physical Description: 1004'-1115', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Keith Hinsman on “We Like It Here” campaign to get citizens to work together.
WISC 7022.14
Studio interviews, 1970 September 17
Physical Description: 1115'-1147', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Hull on campus security and authorization of police on campus.
WISC 7022.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 17
Physical Description: 1147'-1196', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tour of University of Wisconsin's new biotron facility showing plant growth and development.
WISC 7022.16
Studio interviews, 1970 September 17
Physical Description: 1196'-1269', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Peshek on resolution adopted for police on campus.
WISC 7022.17
Press conferences, 1970 September 17
Physical Description: 1269'-1350', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State University-Stout President William Micheels on disruptive university students.
WISC 7022.18
Studio interviews, 1970 September 17
Physical Description: 1350'-1437', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Detective Watson on personnel problems in police department.
WISC 7023.1
On-site interviews, 1970 September 17
Physical Description: 0'-104', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Russian economist on conditions in Soviet Union, relations between Soviet Union and U.S., and relations between China and Soviet Union.
WISC 7023.2
On-site interviews, 1970 September 17
Physical Description: 109'-166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Dr. Seaberg and his role in International Co-op.
WISC 7023.3
News, 1970 September 18
Physical Description: 166'-217', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Salvation Army.
WISC 7023.4
Press conferences, 1970 September 18
Physical Description: 217'-432', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on environmental deterioration and its effects on survival of man and animals.
WISC 7023.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 20
Physical Description: 432'-654', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Monroe, Wisconsin. Cheese Days parade.
WISC 7023.6
On-site interviews, 1970 September 21
Physical Description: 654'-756', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources officials on mercury contamination in Wisconsin rivers and lakes.
WISC 7023.7
On-site interviews, 1970 September 21
Physical Description: 756'-852', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie, superintendent of Madison schools, on school budget.
WISC 7023.8
On-site interviews, 1970 September 21
Physical Description: 852'-933', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle on property tax and city spending.
WISC 7023.9
Banquets, 1970 September 22
Physical Description: 933'-1040', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lions Club.
WISC 7023.10
On-site interviews, 1970 September 23
Physical Description: 1040'-1285', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Nelson and Charles Black on problems with water purity and supply in Wisconsin.
WISC 7023.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 1285'-1412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lieutenant Governor Jack Olson gives his views on the Governor's report on building codes.
WISC 7023.12
Groundbreakings, 1970 September 24
Physical Description: 1412'-1453', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: For senior citizens club.
WISC 7023.13
On-site interviews, 1970 September 24
Physical Description: 1453'-1499', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on International Co-op.
WISC 7024.1
Press conferences, 1970 September 24
Physical Description: 0'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Press conference at which the TAA presents its demands to the University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7024.2
House fires, 1970 September 24
Physical Description: 154'-205', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Columbus, Wisconsin.
WISC 7024.3
On-site interviews, 1970 September 24
Physical Description: 205'-305', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. V. Nazarevsky of Soviet Union gives his impressions of International Co-op conference.
WISC 7024.4
News, 1970 September 25
Physical Description: 305'-349', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Home owners protest in Nancy Lane.
WISC 7024.5
On-site interviews, 1970 September 25
Physical Description: 349'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on the National Guard on college campuses.
WISC 7024.6
News, 1970 September 25
Physical Description: 391'-434', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black Panther rally at Library Mall.
WISC 7024.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 25
Physical Description: 434'-498', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New vehicles for the Fire Department.
WISC 7024.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September 26
Physical Description: 498'-533', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coca-Cola glass recycling plant.
WISC 7024.9
On-site interviews, 1970 September 26
Physical Description: 533'-725', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Arnold on Camp Wabeek, a camp for disabled children.
WISC 7024.10
Groundbreakings/On-site interviews, 1970 September 28
Physical Description: 725'-797', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kaiser Ford ground-breaking and interview with company official Tracey Seed on agribusiness.
WISC 7024.11
News, 1970 October 1
Physical Description: 797'-850', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Truck burned in rent dispute.
WISC 7024.12
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1970 September 30
Physical Description: 850'-908', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two students on Walk for Development.
WISC 7024.13
On-site interviews, 1970 September 30
Physical Description: 908'-983', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student on campus disturbances.
WISC 7024.14
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 983'-1080', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on “November Plan,” changes in plan, the federal court, and budget bill.
WISC 7024.15
News/Judicial proceedings, 1970 October 1
Physical Description: 1080'-1124', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man gives statement outside court house.
WISC 7024.16
On-site interviews, 1970 October 1
Physical Description: 1124'-1247', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Kephart on children with learning disabilities.
WISC 7024.17
Awards ceremonies, 1970 October 2
Physical Description: 1247'-1284', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans' Administration.
WISC 7024.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 2
Physical Description: 1284'-1319', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo.
WISC 7024.19
On-site interviews, 1970 October 2
Physical Description: 1319'-1467', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Morton, UW Hospital, on cancer research.
WISC 7025.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 5
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ecology assembly at Monona High School.
WISC 7025.2
On-site interviews, 1970 October 5
Physical Description: 41'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Jacobson, candidate for Attorney General, on various problems facing Wisconsin, including pollution controls and corporate farming.
WISC 7025.3
On-site interviews, 1970 October 6
Physical Description: 208'-317', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ward meetings for lowering taxes and city spending.
WISC 7025.4
On-site interviews, 1970 October 6
Physical Description: 317'-369', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clarence Greiber on liberal arts in schools and budget cuts in educational systems.
WISC 7025.5
On-site interviews, 1970 October 6
Physical Description: 369'-425', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on fighting pollution and the need for controls.
WISC 7025.6
On-site interviews, 1970 October 7
Physical Description: 425'-678', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle on school building usage (Weathermen had requested use of space for a speech?).
WISC 7025.7
On-site interviews, 1970 October 8
Physical Description: 678'-860', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources spokesmen on Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
WISC 7025.8
On-site interviews, 1970 October 8
Physical Description: 860'-956', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pertzborn on Dane County executive.
WISC 7025.9
On-site interviews, 1970 October 8
Physical Description: 956'-1034', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Schereck on Indian history conference at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
WISC 7025.10
On-site interviews, 1970 October 8
Physical Description: 1034'-1154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Indian history conference participants on Indian movement; discussion of Indian unity.
WISC 7025.11
Press conferences, 1970 October 8
Physical Description: 1154'-1241', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin in Council Chambers.
WISC 7025.12
On-site interviews, 1970 October 9
Physical Description: 1241'-1452', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Eugene Parks on resolution before the Common Council.
WISC 7025.13
Press conferences, 1970 October 8
Physical Description: 1452'-1479', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin.
WISC 7026.1
Press conferences/Public announcements, 1970 October 9
Physical Description: 0'-74', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Fager on Madison bus lane ordinance illegality.
WISC 7026.2
Press conferences, 1970 October 9
Physical Description: 74'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Hickman on Dane County Executive, vetoes, negative aspects of administrators, and popular election.
WISC 7026.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 12
Physical Description: 153'-208', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration and performance of “Miffland kids” at Library Mall.
WISC 7026.4
Press conferences, 1970 October 13
Physical Description: 208'-262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren discusses student involvement in pollution problems.
WISC 7026.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 13
Physical Description: 262'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wine tasting gala at Park Motor Inn.
WISC 7026.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 13
Physical Description: 312'-374', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm Progress Days at Krebs Farm.
WISC 7026.7
On-site interviews, 1970 October 13
Physical Description: 374'-658', silent and rnag,color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Israeli consul discusses peace talks and cease fire with Egypt.
WISC 7026.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 14
Physical Description: 658'-694', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Givers march on Capitol Square with astronaut and campaign girls.
WISC 7026.9
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 14
Physical Description: 694'-790', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with former rehabilitation center patient at Wisconsin State University--Stout.
WISC 7026.10
Press conferences, 1970 October 14
Physical Description: 790'-894', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WSA members discuss restraints on free-speech, women's hours, and dorm protests.
WISC 7026.11
Features (Newsfilm)/Openings, 1970 October 15
Physical Description: 894'-958', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West Towne Mall opening.
WISC 7026.12
Press conferences, 1970 October 15
Physical Description: 958'-1047', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Finch on his work with the White House for HEW, Social Security, birth control, etc.
WISC 7026.13
Press conferences, 1970 October 15
Physical Description: 1047'-1293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Mifflin Street tenants and their dispute with landlord William Bandy.
WISC 7026.14
On-site interviews, 1970 October 16
Physical Description: 1293'-1489', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Regent Bernard Ziegler on scholarship fund proposal for the children of Robert Fassnacht who was killed in the Sterling Hall bombing.
WISC 7027.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 19
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles signing proclamation in his office with wives of POW's.
WISC 7027.2
Sports/Openings, 1970 October 16
Physical Description: 26'-62', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke at ribbon cutting ceremony to open sports show at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7027.3
On-site interviews, 1970 October 18
Physical Description: 62'-221', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Professor Robert Clodius on student unrest, legislative conservatism, UW Medical Center, ROTC, and UW budget.
WISC 7027.4
Features (Newsfilm)/Dedications, 1970 October 18
Physical Description: 221'-268', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Control Tower dedication at Truax Field. Includes aerial views and shots from within tower.
WISC 7027.5
On-site interviews, 1970 October 18
Physical Description: 268'-397', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Admiral Kaufmann of Navy ROTC discusses treatment and release of American POW's and Naval Academy.
WISC 7027.6
Political announcements/Press conferences, 1970 October 19
Physical Description: 397'-445', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney speaks of support for Gerald Nichol.
WISC 7027.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 19
Physical Description: 445'-476', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles conferring with wife of POW.
WISC 7027.8
Political announcements/Press conferences, 1970 October 19
Physical Description: 476'-526', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: D.A. James Boll announces his support of Gerald Nichol for district attorney (same as segment 6).
WISC 7027.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 19
Physical Description: 526'-627', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles with POW wives during “Wonderful Wisconsin Week.” Reads petitions for the release of POW's.
WISC 7027.10
Political announcements/Press conferences, 1970 October 19
Physical Description: 627'-666', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Boll and Gerald Nichol. Boll discusses civic problems and Mayor William Dyke.
WISC 7027.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 19
Physical Description: 666'-695', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles with POW wives and petitions for their husbands' release.
WISC 7027.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 19
Physical Description: 695'-759', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Civil Air Patrol flying over local lakes.
WISC 7027.13
News, 1970 October 20
Physical Description: 759'-801', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke signing Forest Products Lab contract.
WISC 7027.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 20
Physical Description: 801'-857', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Telephone Company building “topping off' ceremony.
WISC 7027.15
Press conferences, 1970 October 21
Physical Description: 857'-897', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Erickson discusses campaign spending and special interest groups.
WISC 7027.16
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 897'-995', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Richard Lugar of Indianapolis on effectiveness of elected officials.
WISC 7027.17
Press conferences, 1970 October 21
Physical Description: 995'-1121', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Erickson on campaigning, inflation, unemployment, and Senator Proxmire's funds.
WISC 7027.18
Awards ceremonies, 1970 October 22
Physical Description: 1121'-1148', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marine award presented to Channel 3.
WISC 7027.19
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1970 October 22
Physical Description: 1148'-1181', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speaker at United Givers luncheon.
WISC 7027.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 22
Physical Description: 1181'-1212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles at Park Motor Inn for the League of Municipalities.
WISC 7027.21
Press conferences, 1970 October 22
Physical Description: 1212'-1301', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Richard Lugar of Indianapolis discusses national and local government spending.
WISC 7027.22
Studio interviews, 1970 October 22
Physical Description: 1301'-1409', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Cohen, former Secretary of HEW, on nursing home care, Medicare, health insurance, and changes in HEW under Nixon.
WISC 7028.1
Press conferences, 1970 October 22
Physical Description: 0'-166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents in Milwaukee for steering committee meeting. Second speaker is Regent Bernard Ziegler.
WISC 7028.2
House fires, 1970 October 23
Physical Description: 166'-211', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gilman Street fire at Victoria Apartments.
WISC 7028.3
Press conferences, 1970 October 23
Physical Description: 211'-288', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Jaycees announce “Do Something Madison Day,” designed for citizens to do something toward community development.
WISC 7028.4
On-site interviews, 1970 October 23
Physical Description: 288'-415', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Nations Festival. Larry Wilson talks with director of Madison activities celebrating UN anniversary.
WISC 7028.5
Press conferences, 1970 October 24
Physical Description: 415'-606', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Edward Teller on Israel, the arms race, and relations with Arab countries.
WISC 7028.6
Public announcements, 1970 October 27
Physical Description: 606'-773', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bernard Ziegler announces John C. Weaver as new president of University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7028.7
Press conferences, 1970 October 27
Physical Description: 773'-952', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke and others on bond issue for airport. Discussions include funding, runways, and National Guard.
WISC 7028.8
On-site interviews, 1970 October 28
Physical Description: 952'-1054', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lakeshore Halls Association poll on visitation violations in residence halls. Interview with Gene Blazek.
WISC 7028.9
On-site interviews/Press conferences, 1970 October 28
Physical Description: 1054'-1151', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on corporate farming, drug traffic, and radical students.
WISC 7028.10
On-site interviews, 1970 October 28
Physical Description: 1151'-1310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Baker talks about maintenance of trailer courts and evictions of owners.
WISC 7028.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 October 28
Physical Description: 1310'-1354', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Day care center gets new TV set.
WISC 7028.12
Press conferences, 1970 October 29
Physical Description: 1354'-1392', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on suspected violence during weekend rallies.
WISC 7029.1
On-site interviews, 1970 October 29
Physical Description: 0'-65', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chuck Hill from Department of Local Affairs discusses regional planning and housing.
WISC 7029.2
On-site interviews, 1970 October 29
Physical Description: 65'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leo Fahey, state election supervisor, on county clerks and election.
WISC 7029.3
On-site interviews, 1970 October 23
Physical Description: 207'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles on Drug Abuse Council and drug treatment for student users.
WISC 7029.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 4
Physical Description: 315'-361', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voters using voting machines in gym.
WISC 7029.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 2
Physical Description: 361'-413', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roundy's Fun Fund. Kids at Badger School stuffing envelopes for fund.
WISC 7029.6
On-site interviews, 1970 November 3
Physical Description: 413'-439', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: On election night Mr. Nager discusses taxation.
WISC 7029.7
Press conferences, 1970 November 3
Physical Description: 439'-485', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke proclamation for Youth Appreciation Week.
WISC 7029.8
On-site interviews, 1970 November 3
Physical Description: 485'-522', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nichol on election night thanks those who voted and campaigned to help him win.
WISC 7029.9
On-site interviews, 1970 November 3
Physical Description: 522'-572', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Anderson on election night congratulated on winning. Anderson discusses reapportionment.
WISC 7029.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November
Physical Description: 572'-591', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Check presentation at Coliseum.
WISC 7029.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 591'-803', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Hull discusses how voting system works.
WISC 7029.12
Press conferences, 1970 November 4
Physical Description: 803%1121', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey in first news conference as Governor-elect.
WISC 7029.13
Press conferences, 1970 November 4
Physical Description: 1121'-1275', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Optimist International President (Mr. Campbell) on elections, drug abuse, respect the law, and mission involvement programs.
WISC 7029.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 2
Physical Description: 1275'-1327', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting booths in gym.
WISC 7029.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 5
Physical Description: 1327'-1376', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Afro Center with new director.
WISC 7029.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 5
Physical Description: 1376'-1407', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gompers School children let loose weather balloons.
WISC 7030.1
Press conferences, 1970 November 6
Physical Description: 0'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Visiting Milwaukee, S.I. Hayakawa comments on FBI on campus and campus unrest, political ideology, communism, and revolution.
WISC 7030.2
Banquets, 1970 November 9
Physical Description: 297'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Optimist Club's Youth Appreciation banquet.
WISC 7030.3
On-site interviews, 1970 November 9
Physical Description: 338'-535', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Allen-Bahia on more discipline in education.
WISC 7030.4
Studio interviews, 1970 November 10
Physical Description: 535'-607', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dan Shuttes on banning studded snow tires on highways.
WISC 7030.5
Studio interviews, 1970 November 10
Physical Description: 607'-699', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leo Cooper on conflict between fire chief McGraw and fire fighters union.
WISC 7030.6
Studio interviews, 1970 November 10
Physical Description: 699'-785', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Anner supporting snow tire manufacturers position on use of studded snow tires.
WISC 7030.7
Speeches, 1970 November 10
Physical Description: 785'-835', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Draheim giving Veterans Day speech at Capitol.
WISC 7030.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 11
Physical Description: 835'-893', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane and Edwin Young touring VA Hospital on Veterans Day.
WISC 7030.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 11
Physical Description: 893'-941', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Day activities on the Capitol Square.
WISC 7030.10
Banquets, 1970 November 12
Physical Description: 941'-974', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Givers meeting at Hoffman House.
WISC 7030.11
Hearings, 1970 November 12
Physical Description: 974'-1055', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Finance Sub-committee on Board on Government Operations.
WISC 7030.12
On-site interviews, 1970 November 13
Physical Description: 1055'-1313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marie Best on aspirin and alcohol abuse and preventative techniques.
WISC 7030.13
On-site interviews, 1970 November 13
Physical Description: 1313'-1446', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Mike Birkley on ad hoc committee to determine the effects of drugs on the community.
WISC 7031.1
On-site interviews, 1970 November 13
Physical Description: 0'-146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Dr. Lindner, new president at Wisconsin State University--La Crosse. He discusses unrest on campus, role of college president, and problems in higher education.
WISC 7031.2
News, 1970 November 13
Physical Description: 146'-204', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East High School students demonstrate in sympathy with welfare mothers.
WISC 7031.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 14
Physical Description: 204'-257', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cat show at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7031.4
On-site interviews, 1970 November 14
Physical Description: 257'-303', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man and woman on saving Gates of Heaven Synagogue.
WISC 7031.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 303'-391', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Renovation of a structure (possibly Gates of Heaven Synagogue).
WISC 7031.6
On-site interviews, 1970 November 17
Physical Description: 391'-419', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Red Cross spokesman asking for contributions for relief of victims.
WISC 7031.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 419'-465', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin budget meeting.
WISC 7031.8
News, 1970 November 17
Physical Description: 465'-525', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare mothers rally at Library Mall.
WISC 7031.9
On-site interviews, 1970 November 18
Physical Description: 525'-679', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reed Coleman, state Republican Party chairman, on Republican Party's gains and losses in last election.
WISC 7031.10
On-site interviews, 1970 November 19
Physical Description: 679'-800', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Alliance of Businessmen and Oscar Mayer and Co. team up for jobs program.
WISC 7031.11
News, 1970 November 19
Physical Description: 800'-843', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Odana Road opening for new route to West Towne.
WISC 7031.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 17
Physical Description: 843'-909', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Student Association elections on UW campus.
WISC 7031.13
On-site interviews, 1970 November 20
Physical Description: 909'-1222', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on acquiring land fill site for solid waste disposal.
WISC 7031.14
News, 1970 November 22
Physical Description: 1222'-1266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Decor Plastics fire.
WISC 7031.15
On-site interviews, 1970 November 23
Physical Description: 1266'-1339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Anderson on goals for Afro-American Studies Department.
WISC 7031.16
On-site interviews, 1970 November 23
Physical Description: 1339'-1463', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Afro-American Center spokesman on Portuguese invasion of an African country.
WISC 7032.1
On-site interviews, 1970 November 24
Physical Description: 0'-122', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airport manager Robert Skuldt on proposed improvements for Truax Field.
WISC 7032.2
On-site interviews, 1970 November 24
Physical Description: 122'-248', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kellett gives Commission on Education report, including findings on property taxes and schools.
WISC 7032.3
Banquets/Awards ceremonies/Speeches, 1970 November 25
Physical Description: 248'-303', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Optimist Club.
WISC 7032.4
News, 1970 November 27
Physical Description: 303'-352', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kennedy Heights Housing Project model shown.
WISC 7032.5
News, 1970 November 28
Physical Description: 352'-402', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Williamson St. fire aftermath.
WISC 7032.6
On-site interviews, 1970 November 29
Physical Description: 402'-481', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Slater on Phase I of economic plan for country.
WISC 7032.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 November 30
Physical Description: 481'-520', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small children (nursery school?) playing indoors with puzzles and clay.
WISC 7032.8
Press conferences, 1970 November 30
Physical Description: 520'-753', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman on FBI report concerning conspiracy to kidnap high government officials.
WISC 7032.9
On-site interviews, 1970 December 1
Physical Description: 753'-783', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School girls comment on the death of their teacher, Miss Hornig.
WISC 7032.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 December 1
Physical Description: 783'-880', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Oscar Mayer and Co. sponsors inter-collegiate meat judging contest.
WISC 7032.11
On-site interviews, 1970 December 2
Physical Description: 880'-977', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Robert Gard discusses his new book on history of University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7032.12
Press conferences, 1970 December 2
Physical Description: 977'-1209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on civil service employment, city budget, and other topics.
WISC 7032.13
Meetings, 1970 December 2
Physical Description: 1209'-1244', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Civil defense exercise.
WISC 7032.14
On-site interviews, 1970 December 2
Physical Description: 1244'-1320', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Calloway on his retirement as Madison NAACP president.
WISC 7032.15
Speeches, 1970 December 2
Physical Description: 1320'-1382', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Angela Davis rally; sister Fania Davis speaks to audience.
WISC 7033.1
Speeches, 1970 December 3
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Weaver accepting position as University of Wisconsin president.
WISC 7033.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 December 3
Physical Description: 49'-137', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Glass Lab demonstration.
WISC 7033.3
On-site interviews/News, 1970 December 3
Physical Description: 137'-444', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources spokesmen on new monitoring system for Wisconsin River clean up.
WISC 7033.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 December 5
Physical Description: 444'-465', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gates of Heaven Synagogue.
WISC 7033.5
Meetings, 1970 December 6
Physical Description: 465'-505', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Community Action Commission.
WISC 7033.6
Speeches, 1970 December 6
Physical Description: 505'-567', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roland Buchanan, Director of Human Relations, speaking to a group.
WISC 7033.7
On-site interviews, 1970 December 6
Physical Description: 567'-642', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on learning disabilities, educational presentations, and learning through clinical experiment and research.
WISC 7033.8
On-site interviews, 1970 December 6
Physical Description: 642'-708', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roland Buchanan on education and learning structures.
WISC 7033.9
On-site interviews, 1970 December 6
Physical Description: 708'-799', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Agnes Cammer and John Wesson speak about Community Action Commission.
WISC 7033.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 December 7
Physical Description: 799'-844', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Wisconsin, Governor Warren Knowles readying Christmas tree for the White House.
WISC 7033.11
Meetings, 1970 December 8
Physical Description: 844'-1295', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget hearings for University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7033.12
Dedications, 1970 December 9
Physical Description: 1295'-1361', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Methodist Hospital Chapel dedication.
WISC 7033.13
Press conferences/On-site interviews, 1970 December 9
Physical Description: 1361'-1507', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Appointment of Robert Deshando as assistant district attorney. District Attorney Gerald Nichol is also interviewed.
WISC 7034.1
Candidacy announcements, 1970 December 9
Physical Description: 0'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin announces he is running for mayor of Madison; he discusses various city problems, including freeze on hiring.
WISC 7034.2
News, 1970 December 10
Physical Description: 194'-221', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Strike against Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul Railroad.
WISC 7034.3
On-site interviews, 1970 December 10
Physical Description: 221'-287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Postmaster Whitmore on effect rail strike will have on mail service.
WISC 7034.4
Press conferences, 1970 December 10
Physical Description: 287'-364', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Leo Cooper, running for mayor of Madison, on his political platform.
WISC 7034.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 December 10
Physical Description: 364'-510', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snow scenes in Madison, including Bascom Hill sledding.
WISC 7034.6
On-site interviews, 1970 December 11
Physical Description: 510'-928', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stepin Fetchit, Hollywood's first acclaimed black star, on his life and films.
WISC 7034.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 December 11
Physical Description: 928'-996', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Empty Stocking showcase featuring dolls.
WISC 7034.8
Candidacy announcements, 1970 December 11
Physical Description: 996'-1132', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Bethal running for mayor of Madison.
WISC 7034.9
On-site interviews, 1970 December 13
Physical Description: 1132'-1344', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Weaver, new University of Wisconsin president, and his wife are interviewed.
WISC 7034.10
Candidacy announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 1344'-1394', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman for Madison mayor.
WISC 7035.1
On-site interviews, 1970 December 13
Physical Description: 0'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of interview with new University of Wisconsin President John Weaver and his wife.
WISC 7035.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 December 14
Physical Description: 208'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military men wrapping toys for children.
WISC 7035.3
News/Press conferences, 1970 December 14
Physical Description: 239'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW students announce invitation to Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird to speak on campus.
WISC 7035.4
Meetings, 1970 December 14
Physical Description: 297'-395', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Salary hearings at State Capitol.
WISC 7035.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 December 15
Physical Description: 395'-438', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Express Bus; free rides around downtown with driver dressed as Santa.
WISC 7035.6
On-site interviews, 1970 December 15
Physical Description: 438'-565', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Johnson, MATC pollution expert, on what factors contribute to pollution.
WISC 7035.7
On-site interviews, 1970 December 15
Physical Description: 565'-673', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Matthews on improvements in teacher quality and qualifications.
WISC 7035.8
On-site interviews, 1970 December 15
Physical Description: 673'-712', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coach Dwayne Clevin on second annual wrestling tournament at UW Field House.
WISC 7035.9
On-site interviews, 1970 December 15
Physical Description: 712'-905', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Matthews on how legislature plays a part in education and how para-professionals are helping teachers.
WISC 7035.10
Meetings, 1970 December 16
Physical Description: 905'-1107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Consumer League spokesmen on interest and loan structures, telephone rate increases, and the dangerous toy list.
WISC 7035.11
Press conferences, 1970 December 16
Physical Description: 1107'-1149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin student on invitation to Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird to speak at UW. Protests will be held if he comes to university.
WISC 7035.12
Press conferences, 1970 December 16
Physical Description: 1149'-1171', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke announcing needs for Wisconsin State Journal's “Empty Stocking Club.”
WISC 7035.13
Press conferences, 1970 December 16
Physical Description: 1171'-1418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and choir students from Edgewood College are selling records.
WISC 7035.14
On-site interviews, 1970 December 16
Physical Description: 1418'-1452', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Stein retires from city government.
WISC 7036.1
Meetings/Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's Commission of Safety report.
WISC 7036.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 18'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Tenant Union spokesman on rent strike. Union and Richard M. Hintz sign first collective bargaining agreement between landlord and tenant.
WISC 7036.3
On-site interviews, 1970 December 17
Physical Description: 112'-132', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Local 239 on resuming contract deliberations.
WISC 7036.4
On-site interviews, 1970 December 18
Physical Description: 132'-179', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barry Ott on negotiations with union (related to segment 3).
WISC 7036.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 179'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Local 239 spokesman says there has been no mention of a strike.
WISC 7036.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 December 18
Physical Description: 239'-257', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Salvation Army putting together holiday boxes for needy.
WISC 7036.7
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 257'-285', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's awards for safety.
WISC 7036.8
Speeches/Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 285'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regent Bernard Ziegler at UW Extension meeting.
WISC 7036.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 338'-426', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barry Ott assures city services will continue during work stoppage by city workers.
WISC 7036.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 426'-469', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus visits hospital children's ward.
WISC 7036.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 469'-586', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman Azim running for minority leader in the State Assembly.
WISC 7036.12
Features (Newsfilm)/Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 586'-639', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club Christmas party.
WISC 7036.13
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 639'-683', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Special State Senate session.
WISC 7036.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 683'-787', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas scenes at neighborhood houses.
WISC 7036.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 787'-840', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parking lot at Hilldale Shopping Center. Views inside department stores.
WISC 7036.16
Man on the street interviews, 1970 December 23
Physical Description: 840'-907', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter Larry Wilson on two shopping days left until Christmas. Interviews with people on shopping.
WISC 7036.17
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 907'-973', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kipling Street.
WISC 7036.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 973'-1022', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State employees Christmas party at State Capitol.
WISC 7036.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 1022'-1120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Live” nativity scene and carolers in Cross Plains.
WISC 7036.20
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 1120'-1252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on public transportation and blue ribbon committees.
WISC 7036.21
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 1252'-1295', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire in apartment building.
WISC 7036.22
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 1295'-1373', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus on what he does 11 out of 12 months of the year.
WISC 7036.23
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 1373'-1417', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on duties of practitioner department.
WISC 7037.1
Speeches/Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-320', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles gives State of the State address and signs ORAP 200 bill.
WISC 7037.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 320'-695', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rev. Schumacker, Mr. Anderson and others speak on church sponsored program to aid alcoholics.
WISC 7037.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 695'-1084', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on bus company, narcotics control, state laws that need to be changed or enacted, package to state legislature, “broken homes,” budget, Alderman Birkley, and transportation.
WISC 7037.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 1084'-1277', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Dr. Yale, psychiatrist. “Why people make resolutions”-- looking for change or looking for relief of anxiety, depression. “Why people break them”-- discomfort.
WISC 7037.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 1277'-1377', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW band rehearsal(?)
WISC 7037.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 1377'-1446', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Deputy displays his rifle to children.
WISC 7101.1
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-115', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Four-state conference on rural America (Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa). Conference is to look at problems of rural communities, problems which are often overshadowed by urban concerns.
WISC 7101.2
News/Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 115'-235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and President Richard Nixon arrive in Des Moines, Iowa for four state conference. Nixon, Lucey, and other delegates meet. Outside meeting, anti-war protest is going on; police block off street.
WISC 7101.3
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 235'-281', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and governors from the other states attending the conference give assessment of rural America discussions.
WISC 7101.4
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 285'-550', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey addresses state legislature on his budget proposals.
WISC 7101.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 550'-584', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Laura Brown of Madison West High School is interviewed at Westinghouse Science Fair. Her experiment in breeding moths was one of the winners.
WISC 7101.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 584'-611', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting place.
WISC 7101.7
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 611'-652', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey addressing state legislature with more of his budget proposals.
WISC 7101.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 652'-699', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Little International Horse Show at Stock Pavilion. Rope pull contest.
WISC 7101.9
News, 1971
Physical Description: 699'-763', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration outside of Post Office Building. “Free the Camp McCoy 3.”
WISC 7101.10
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 763'-876', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver on need for faculty pay raises. He disagrees with Governor Lucey's proposals for cuts in undergraduate programs.
WISC 7101.11
News, 1971
Physical Description: 876'-899', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire truck going up Bascom Hill.
WISC 7101.12
News, 1971
Physical Description: 899'-944', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marchers leaving Library Mall and going to State Street. (Part of UW Black Strike?) Marchers entering Van Hise Hall.
WISC 7101.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 944'-996', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway N.
WISC 7101.14
Openings, 1971
Physical Description: 996'-1047', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sears at West Towne.
WISC 7101.15
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 1047'-1105', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on need for one standard of law enforcement and the city surplus.
WISC 7101.16
Press conferences, 1971 March 4
Physical Description: 1105'-1174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Anderson makes appeal to radio and TV stations to eliminate all alcohol advertising. He wants stations to devote time to discussing alcoholism as a disease.
WISC 7101.17
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 1174'-1317', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parent speaking to legislature on need for state assistance to private and parochial schools. Another parent gives her opposition to funding for private schools.
WISC 7101.18
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 1317'-1361', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing.
WISC 7102.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the upcoming merger of the University of Wisconsin and Wisconsin State University systems.
WISC 7102.2
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 40'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey urges participation in Wisconsin Student Association symposium.
WISC 7102.3
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 88'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the promotion of secular education of children in private schools by means of tuition refund.
WISC 7102.4
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 194'-314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (Secretary of Agriculture?) on impact of corporate farms.
WISC 7102.5
News, 1971
Physical Description: 314'-358', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire.
WISC 7102.6
Traffic accident reports, 1971
Physical Description: 358'-376', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car-train.
WISC 7102.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 376'-419', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hilldale Shopping Center display of historical newspaper front pages.
WISC 7102.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 419'-491', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lloyd Barbee on his bill to repeal exemptions to state's open housing bill.
WISC 7102.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 491'-601', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman Harold Froehlich on Governor Lucey's budget proposals.
WISC 7102.10
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 601'-645', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7102.11
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 645'-691', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing on phosphates.
WISC 7102.12
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 691'-748', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing.
WISC 7102.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 748'-829', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children and Black history display in their classroom.
WISC 7102.14
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 829'-941', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on city budget; he claims Mayor Dyke has failed in making this budget.
WISC 7102.15
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 941'-994', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7102.16
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 994'-1066', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (who is under several injunctions in Dane County) on pornography in Dane County.
WISC 7102.17
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1066'-1141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on inevitability of merged university system. Old system is inefficient, he says.
WISC 7102.18
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1141'-1222', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wife of POW on efforts to have North Vietnamese comply with the Geneva Convention.
WISC 7103.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey receives state flag from Naval officer.
WISC 7103.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 34'-80', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Supermarket meat counter. Cake decorating demonstrated to students.
WISC 7103.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 80'-131', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coca-Cola recycling display by students.
WISC 7103.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 131'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on number of campsites. He feels we have enough campsites in state.
WISC 7103.5
News, 1971
Physical Description: 182'-201', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Leo Cooper running for mayor of Madison.
WISC 7103.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 204'-226', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Political fund raiser by pipefitters union at Cellar Bar.
WISC 7103.7
Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 226'-235', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7103.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 235'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More of Pipefitters Union political fund raiser at Cellar Bar.
WISC 7103.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 265'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander on whether or not there will be a hike in personal income taxes. He also speaks on state budget.
WISC 7103.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 360'-445', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber on proposed tax increases. He hopes increases will be delayed until 1972.
WISC 7103.11
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 445'-575', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on anticipated money losses for the city. Cities will need to find new sources of money.
WISC 7103.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 March
Physical Description: 575'-752', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ceremony on St. Patrick's Day at flag pole on Monroe Street. Flag had been stolen, but was later replaced.
WISC 7103.13
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 752'-788', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Leo Cooper on city money problems, the need for new buses and parking ramps, and downtown problems.
WISC 7103.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 788'-833', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crowds entering UW Field House during snowstorm. High school basketball tournament.
WISC 7103.15
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 833'-901', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing on United Nations constitutionality.
WISC 7103.16
News, 1971
Physical Description: 901'-922', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey signs bill on legislative sessions. Walter Chilsen, Harold Froehlich, Midge Miller are present.
WISC 7103.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 922'-961', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowbound students at West High School. Cots and blankets stacked up.
WISC 7103.18
Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 961'-1017', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Urban League.
WISC 7103.19
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 1017'.-1082', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Michael Nagy on costs for street improvements.
WISC 7103.20
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1082'-1183', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ody Fish on Patrick Lucey's proposed budget. He doesn't think budget cuts will occur at University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7103.21
News, 1971
Physical Description: 1183'-1219', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Victory in Vietnam” rally at the State Capitol.
WISC 7103.22
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1219'-1250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Clerk Eldon Hoel on light voter registration.
WISC 7103.23
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 1250'-1289', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rock festival promoters on need for cooperation from local police at proposed festival.
WISC 7103.24
Press conferences/Celebrity visits, 1971
Physical Description: 1289'-1334', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Isaac Stern on government subsidies to the arts, saying they are necessary.
WISC 7103.25
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1334'-1375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man with large snake and baby snakes.
WISC 7103.26
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1375'-1412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Clerk Eldon Hoel on voter qualifications.
WISC 7104.1
Press conferences, 1971 March 22
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-119', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Blier on discrimination against women at University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7104.2
On-site interviews, 1971 March 23
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 119'-149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Al Reichenberger, owner of Dangle Lounge, on nude dancing and obscenity issue.
WISC 7104.3
Hearings, 1971 March 23
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 149'-245', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arthur Brown speaks against University of Wisconsin System merger. Richard Weening speaks for merger.
WISC 7104.4
On-site interviews, 1971 March 23
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 245'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Conrad on requiring nude dancing establishments to have theater licenses.
WISC 7104.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 March 23
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 302'-385', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison General Hospital volunteers feature.
WISC 7104.6
On-site interviews, 1971 March 23
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 385'-494', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Wickersham talks about World Association of World Federalists, a group that is working for world law.
WISC 7104.7
News, 1971 March 24
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 494'-615', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey inspects flood damage by plane.
WISC 7104.8
On-site interviews, 1971 March 24
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 615'-756', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on need for access to contraceptives. Another woman speaks against access and abortion.
WISC 7104.9
On-site interviews, 1971 March 25
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 756'-821', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Littlejohn on Youth Day activities.
WISC 7104.10
Press conferences, 1971
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 821'-897', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Leo Cooper on neighborhood groups saving the city money.
WISC 7104.11
Press conferences, 1971 March 25
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 897'-976', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on obscenity laws and the prosecution of nude dancing establishments.
WISC 7104.12
Public announcements, 1971 March 26
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 977'-1016', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Bower of University of Wisconsin on his concern that budget cuts will hurt University.
WISC 7104.13
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 March 26
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 1016'-1066', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police cadets graduate.
WISC 7104.14
On-site interviews, 1971 March 26
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 1066'-1171', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ody Fish on state budget cuts to University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7104.15
Press conferences, 1971 March 27
Alternate Format: WISC 7104 also available online.

Physical Description: 1171'-1265', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regents Ziegler and Kopp discuss merger.
WISC 7105.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Deane interviews man on how children are progressing and developing much more rapidly than those in previous generations. School is a more comfortable place, he says. Jerry Deane continues interviews with a state senator who comments on legislature's progress. Cut back to first man who continues to talk about changes in education.
WISC 7105.2
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 139'-202', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW faculty meeting in B-10 Commerce Building.
WISC 7105.3
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 203'-357', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on upcoming merger of University of Wisconsin and Wisconsin State University Systems. Time needed for adjustment. Lucey announces the appointment of two men to the UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7105.4
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 357'-540', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council member on misrepresentations by person applying for block party permit. Person gives his rebuttal.
WISC 7105.5
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 540'-588', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser.
WISC 7105.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 588'-653', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Grover cites reasons why United Nations is good.
WISC 7105.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 653'-736', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Grady on visit to Madison by Inner Peace Movement leaders.
WISC 7105.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 736'-775', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congressman Les Aspin on his proposed amendment for extension of draft.
WISC 7105.9
Meetings/Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 775'-865', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Electric Cooperative.
WISC 7105.10
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 865'-929', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on block parties (?).
WISC 7105.11
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 929'-1061', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speakers in state legislature testifying on growth of corporate farms.
WISC 7105.12
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1061'-1106', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on how city taxes have risen under William Dyke. Man is possibly running for mayor.
WISC 7105.13
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1106'-1161', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Gordon Roseleip on “fighting a war to win.” He is commenting on My Lai massacre.
WISC 7105.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1161'-1227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young musicians in concert.
WISC 7105.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1227'-1318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Home Builders show.
WISC 7105.16
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1318'-1404', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman on how his amendment differs from another alderman's on sheltering runaway children.
WISC 7105.17
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1404'-1474', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his opposition to bond referendum to support airport.
WISC 7106.1
Panel discussions, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In classroom.
WISC 7106.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 34'-83', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on changes to bill coming before committee on corporate farms.
WISC 7106.3
Awards ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 83'-100', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7106.4
Awards ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 100'-123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Otto Festge gives commendation to Theta Chi Fraternity for its Ski for Cancer campaign to raise money for cancer research.
WISC 7106.5
Awards ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 123'-150', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey and U.S. Army officers.
WISC 7106.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 150'-183', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small plane landing at Dane County Coliseum parking lot.
WISC 7106.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 183'-219', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting at fire station.
WISC 7106.8
News, 1971
Physical Description: 219'-261', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plane crash site.
WISC 7106.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 261'-320', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Clerk's office, many people (mostly students) gathered at front desk. Mayor William Dyke appears.
WISC 7106.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 320'-438', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Knowles on revenue sharing. Another senator is interviewed on the drug problem his committee has found in Wisconsin.
WISC 7106.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 438'-495', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hospital administrator on his concerns over employee dress. He established guidelines.
WISC 7106.12
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 495'-522', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with hospital employee on dress code.
WISC 7106.13
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 522'-556', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Fred Risser on proposals to build second state office building.
WISC 7106.14
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 556'-609', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing.
WISC 7106.15
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 609'-637', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7106.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 637'-681', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Evangel Temple, exterior and interior shots.
WISC 7106.17
News, 1971
Physical Description: 681'-744', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Capitol. Rick Fetherston reports on progress in the legislature.
WISC 7106.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 744'-771', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Saint Paul's Chapel, University Catholic Center, as services are letting out.
WISC 7106.19
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 710'-826', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders interviews aldermen on what they want to accomplish for the city.
WISC 7106.20
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 826'-901', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire chief on program to help citizens become aware of fire hazards. Fire officials going into homes and checking for hazards.
WISC 7106.21
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 901'-970', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on calculating property tax using computers.
WISC 7106.22
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 970'-1044', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on his job as lieutenant governor.
WISC 7107.1
News, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-96', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at mattress manufacturing company.
WISC 7107.2
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 96'-167', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on development of economic plans for northern Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota. He is joined by Minnesota and Michigan governors.
WISC 7107.3
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 167'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Haber on the election of Alan Robertson to State Assembly and how this “proves the resiliency of the Republican Party.”
WISC 7107.4
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 214'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alan Robertson (?) on what he heard from voters as he campaigned. People wanted property tax relief.
WISC 7107.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 228'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scout-o-Rama for Boy Scouts. Displays at shopping mall.
WISC 7107.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 300'-393', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on next general property tax assessment in 1973.
WISC 7107.7
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 393'-421', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on welfare system within the city.
WISC 7107.8
Awards ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 421'-457', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey greeting people and giving commendation.
WISC 7107.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 457'-525', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on unicameral legislature. He feels it would not work.
WISC 7107.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 525'-597', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midge Miller on whether or not she finds annual salary for legislators adequate. She does not. She also supports unicameral legislature.
WISC 7107.11
News, 1971
Physical Description: 597'-679', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire.
WISC 7107.12
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 679'-730', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on student voting bill. Bill will be withdrawn.
WISC 7107.13
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 730'-785', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on how littering is getting out of hand in Dane County.
WISC 7107.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 785'-870', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Post Office. Scenes of mail sorting. Wisconsin Department of Revenue - bins full of tax returns.
WISC 7107.15
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 870'-896', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on team effort needed for Common Council issues.
WISC 7107.16
Political announcements, 1971
Physical Description: 896'-925', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on projected space station which he calls a boondoggle.
WISC 7107.17
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 925'-950', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene Parks on future of city and Common Council issues.
WISC 7107.18
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 950'-990', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: The Park Motor Inn. Rotarians meeting.
WISC 7107.19
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 990'-1063', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Packwood on advent of the 18-year-old vote. He hopes political parties will change because of this.
WISC 7107.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1063'-1089', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Center displays on vocational education.
WISC 7107.21
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1089'-1116', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scout-o-Rama displays at shopping mall.
WISC 7107.22
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1116'-1281', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Walker, retiring UW Regent, on most pressing issues facing University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7107.23
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1281'-1315', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Youth center.
WISC 7107.24
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1315'-1343', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Angel Flight, national service project.
WISC 7108.1
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 0'-72', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midwest Medical Center. Protesters in front picketing against anti-abortion laws. Man appears before cameras to report that medical equipment for abortions has been seized by the State of Wisconsin in accordance with its abortion laws.
WISC 7108.2
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 72'-106', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Alfred Kennan (doctor who has been performing abortions) in office building lobby.
WISC 7108.3
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 108'-126', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New aldermen are sworn-in; Common Council chambers.
WISC 7108.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 126'-198', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey watching Department of Transportation car inspection.
WISC 7108.5
Studio interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 198'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council president on making constructive proposals for changes in Madison.
WISC 7108.6
Speeches, 1971 April
Physical Description: 321'-527', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey addressing state legislature where he introduces environmental restoration act. Senator Gaylord Nelson also addresses legislature and endorses Lucey's environmental package.
WISC 7108.7
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 527'-631', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislators on their sponsorship of a resolution concerned with My Lai massacre.
WISC 7108.8
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 631'-666', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unknown reception.
WISC 7108.9
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 666'-689', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force ROTC cadets and their letter writing campaign for MIA/POWs.
WISC 7108.10
Speeches/Banquets, 1971 April
Physical Description: 689'-730', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7108.11
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 730'-772', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In a courtroom.
WISC 7108.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 772'-866', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Classroom laboratory. Students learning typing, welding shop, electronics shop, etc. (MATC scenes?)
WISC 7108.13
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 866'-943', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Dane County Airport usage. He also talks about area parks and the amount of use they get.
WISC 7108.14
Press conferences, 1971 April
Physical Description: 943'-1092', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two women on getting information on their husbands who are missing in action or POW's in Vietnam. Women board plane for Paris Peace Talks.
WISC 7108.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 1092'-1121', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children and adults doing trash clean-up of park area.
WISC 7108.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 1121'-1164', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Civil Air Patrol.
WISC 7108.17
Awards ceremonies, 1971 April
Physical Description: 1164'-1189', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7108.18
Press conferences, 1971 April
Physical Description: 1191'-1251', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on his concerns about full-time aldermen for city.
WISC 7108.19
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 1251'-1266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative meeting.
WISC 7108.20
Studio interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 1266'-1325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Landgraf on advantages of having full-time aldermen.
WISC 7108.21
Awards ceremonies, 1971 April
Physical Description: 1325'-1350', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke presents award to city employee.
WISC 7109.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-46', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on development in Northern Wisconsin. Many residents are opposed, he says.
WISC 7109.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 46'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on his opinion that one-house legislature will make for better government.
WISC 7109.3
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 98'-126', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7109.4
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 126'-171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing.
WISC 7109.5
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 171'-231', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on his opposition to appointed federal officials dictating policy to local officials.
WISC 7109.6
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 231'-257', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing; Senator Fred Risser speaking.
WISC 7109.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 257'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lloyd Barbee on his introducing bill to de-criminalize possession of marijuana.
WISC 7109.8
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 315'-368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Alfred Kennan: you cannot be forced to be pregnant.
WISC 7109.9
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 368'-388', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7109.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 388'-416', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West Beltline, Todd Dr., Broadway Ave. scenes.
WISC 7109.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 416'-510', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on possibly merging city and county parks systems.
WISC 7109.12
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 510'-630', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Amtrak train service to Wisconsin.
WISC 7109.13
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 630'-745', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on liberalization of abortion practice. He supports Dr. Kennan and his clinic. (ACLU spokesman?)
WISC 7109.14
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 745'-782', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7109.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 782'-809', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ballet artists arrive in Madison.
WISC 7109.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 809'-863', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Displays of disabled services, including Goodwill, Inc., and Lakeshore Manor.
WISC 7109.17
Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 863'-967', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren speaks to banquet audience on student unrest.
WISC 7109.18
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 967'-1082', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on introducing game fish in lakes. Fish are being selectively poisoned and replaced with desirable fish.
WISC 7109.19
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 1082'-1130', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW student announces strike of all student workers. Strike is in response to UW ruling that all residence hall workers must live in dormitories. Scenes of picketing outside Gordon Commons.
WISC 7109.20
Speeches/Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 1130'-1178', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey.
WISC 7109.21
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1178'-1265', silent and magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: School crossing guards leave on field trip.
WISC 7109.22
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1265'-1348', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on bill he is introducing to provide drug rehabilitation. Drug programs need to be expanded in schools.
WISC 7109.23
Promotional materials, 1971
Physical Description: 1348'-1386', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paper plant.
WISC 7110.1
Press conferences, 1971 May 5
Physical Description: 0'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on disturbances in community (Mifflin St. Block Party).
WISC 7110.2
Press conferences, 1971 May 5
Physical Description: 87'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Spokeswoman for Wisconsin Coalition for Repeal of Contraceptive and Abortion Laws on need for reform. A representative from Women's Counseling Service speaks on number of calls they get for abortion information.
WISC 7110.3
Press conferences, 1971 May 7
Physical Description: 270'-293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnamese Buddhist monk on how people in Vietnam want the war to end.
WISC 7110.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 7
Physical Description: 293'-328', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children visit WISC-TV studios.
WISC 7110.5
News, 1971 May 7
Physical Description: 328'-364', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate in session.
WISC 7110.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 7
Physical Description: 364'-412', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East Madison Neighborhood Center.
WISC 7110.7
On-site interviews, 1971 May 7
Physical Description: 412'-463', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candace Edwards on controlling Rock River carp population.
WISC 7110.8
Press conferences, 1971 May 7
Physical Description: 463'-521', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Collins Ferris on new building to be constructed on West Washington for Madison Bank and Trust Co. and Wisconsin Power and Light.
WISC 7110.9
Press conferences, 1971 May 8
Physical Description: 529'-547', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin student residence halls workers on strike.
WISC 7110.10
News, 1971 May 8
Physical Description: 547'-589', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's abortion rights rally and march.
WISC 7110.11
On-site interviews, 1971 May 8
Physical Description: 589'-680', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Bardwell on “bikeology week,” promoting bike riding and need for bike paths.
WISC 7110.12
On-site interviews, 1971 May 8
Physical Description: 680'-776', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Regent Charles Gelatt on University of Wisconsin tenures.
WISC 7110.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 9
Physical Description: 776'-824', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Maple Bluff auction.
WISC 1110.14
On-site interviews, 1971 May 9
Physical Description: 824'-920', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jeff O'Connell on no fault auto insurance. Uniform system is not necessary, he says.
WISC 7110.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 11
Physical Description: 920'-976', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State University at Stout. Students shown decorating cakes and serving at a formal dinner.
WISC 7110.16
Wire service, 1971 May 11
Physical Description: 976'-1032', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Army Hometown News Service on Captain Deakin (of Muscoda, Wisconsin) in Vietnam. Deakin describes encounter with the enemy.
WISC 7110.17
On-site interviews, 1971 May 11
Physical Description: 1032'-1151', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on Molotov cocktail laws. He wants to have laws modified to make it a felony to possess a Molotov cocktail.
WISC 7110.18
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971 May 12
Physical Description: 1151'-1187', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WISC 7110.19
On-site interviews, 1971 May 12
Physical Description: 1187'-1395', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Columbia County College. Interview with Lewis Walters on the role of teachers' colleges.
WISC 7110.20
On-site interviews, 1971 May 13
Physical Description: 1395'-1469', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sol Levin on moving the Gates of Heaven Synagogue to James Madison Park.
WISC 7111.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 13
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students voting for school board representatives. David Clarenbach appears.
WISC 7111.2
Press conferences, 1971 May 13
Physical Description: 30'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on 18-year-old voter registration and city bus money.
WISC 7111.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 14
Physical Description: 172'-245', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stoughton's Syttende Mai (Seventeenth of May, Norwegian independence day) celebration preparations.
WISC 7111.4
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1971 May 14
Physical Description: 245'-329', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Herbert Ferguson, University of Wisconsin Class of 1897. University life was much more primitive when he was a student.
WISC 7111.5
News, 1971 May 15
Physical Description: 329'-356', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Republican Convention in Wisconsin Rapids.
WISC 7111.6
Meetings, 1971 May 15
Physical Description: 356'-395', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Jaycees conference at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7111.7
On-site interviews, 1971 May 15
Physical Description: 395'-444', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congressman Vernon Thomson on people 18 to 20 years of age entering the Republican Party.
WISC 7111.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 16
Physical Description: 444'-479', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Methodist Hospital open house.
WISC 7111.9
On-site interviews, 1971 May 17
Physical Description: 479'-545', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congressman Vernon Thomson at GOP State Convention.
WISC 7111.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 17
Physical Description: 545'-631', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Folk Fair at Dudgeon School.
WISC 7111.11
On-site interviews, 1971 May 17
Physical Description: 631'-718', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Cohen on making Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation more responsive.
WISC 7111.12
Press conferences, 1971 May 17
Physical Description: 718'-821', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Oscar Mayer announces second stage of 4-stage project to improve emissions from their smoke stacks.
WISC 7111.13
Banquets/News, 1971 May 18
Physical Description: 821'-870', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Occupational Therapy Association Symposium.
WISC 7111.14
On-site interviews, 1971 May 18
Physical Description: 870'-917', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Brown opposes sex education bill in state legislature.
WISC 7111.15
On-site interviews, 1971 May 18
Physical Description: 917'-966', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Susan Phillips on Triangle re-development.
WISC 7111.16
On-site interviews, 1971 May 18
Physical Description: 966'-1024', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Markel on his support of sex education bill.
WISC 7111.17
Studio interviews, 1971 May 19
Physical Description: 1024'-1130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Supervisor Jack Fields on Triangle re-development.
WISC 7111.18
Press conferences, 1971 May 19
Physical Description: 1130'-1172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on evaluation of bus purchases.
WISC 7111.19
Press conferences, 1971 May 19
Physical Description: 1176'-1229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students talk about youth program at City Hall.
WISC 7111.20
Press conferences, 1971 May 19
Physical Description: 1230'-1250', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on buying additional buses.
WISC 7111.21
Awards ceremonies, 1971 May 20
Physical Description: 1250'-1298', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Highway Department awards.
WISC 7111.22
Openings, 1971 May 20
Physical Description: 1298'-1357', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Handicapped sheltered workshop opens.
WISC 7112.1
Press conferences, 1971 May 20
Physical Description: 0'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on Kickapoo River Dam. Construction of the dam will continue.
WISC 7112.2
House fires, 1971 May 21
Physical Description: 364'-443', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Apartment house.
WISC 7112.3
Press conferences, 1971 May 21
Physical Description: 443'-598', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on student voting, crime, and state housing money.
WISC 7112.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 22
Physical Description: 598'-656', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Four Lakes Clean-in.
WISC 7112.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 22
Physical Description: 656'-695', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Four Lakes District Boy Scout Camporee.
WISC 7112.6
On-site interviews, 1971 May 22
Physical Description: 695'-754', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Lee Groth on Madison clean-in around the lakes.
WISC 7112.7
On-site interviews, 1971 May 23
Physical Description: 754'-1039', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Secretary John Moses (Department of Veterans Affairs) on Governor Lucey's budget proposals. He hopes budget cuts will be restored.
WISC 7112.8
Meetings, 1971 May 24
Physical Description: 1039'-1082', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: NAACP at Park Motor Inn.
WISC 7112.9
Studio interviews, 1971 May 24
Physical Description: 1082'-1229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Charles Rice on abortion. Fetuses need to have constitutional protection so they have equal protection under the laws, he says.
WISC 7112.10
Studio interviews, 1971 May 24
Physical Description: 1229'-1456', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Power and Light president, James Underkopler, on constructing new power plant. Scenes of construction.
WISC 7113.1
News, 1971 May 25
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Abortion clinic protest in Green Bay.
WISC 7113.2
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1971 May 25
Physical Description: 27'-64', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's Commission on Youth awards.
WISC 7113.3
Press conferences, 1971 May 25
Physical Description: 64'-137', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Conan Edwards on need for students to have more information on the Selective Service system.
WISC 7113.4
Hearings, 1971 May 25
Physical Description: 137'-277', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing on Assembly Bill 14. Attorney Burtell speaks against abortion on demand. Assemblyman Lloyd Barbee speaks in favor of Assembly Bill 14 (would repeal prohibitions against abortion).
WISC 7113.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 26
Physical Description: 277'-313', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Philip H. Falk School sends books to Nicaragua.
WISC 7113.6
Hearings, 1971 May 26
Physical Description: 314'-349', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Judiciary Committee on divorce laws. Anthony Earl appears.
WISC 7113.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 27
Physical Description: 349'-413', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters Local 311 give disabled children an outing.
WISC 7113.8
On-site interviews, 1971 May 27
Physical Description: 413'-471', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Birkley on Mayor's Drug Advisory Council.
WISC 7113.9
On-site interviews, 1971 May 27
Physical Description: 471'-532', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander favors corporate farming.
WISC 7113.10
On-site interviews, 1971 May 27
Physical Description: 532'-688', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway patrolman on the “Friend in the Sky” program with the Air National Guard.
WISC 7113.11
Wire service, 1971 May 28
Physical Description: 688'-718', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force Hometown News Service.
WISC 7113.12
News, 1971 May 28
Physical Description: 718'-766', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative action on budget proposal. Rick Fetherston reports.
WISC 7113.13
News, 1971 May 28
Physical Description: 766'-810', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day holiday traffic.
WISC 7113.14
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 May 27
Physical Description: 810'-884', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgerton High School.
WISC 7113.15
News, 1971 May 31
Physical Description: 884'-905', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Motors' (car dealership) burned-out store.
WISC 7113.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 31
Physical Description: 905'-933', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People's Park Memorial Day celebration.
WISC 7113.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 31
Physical Description: 933'-1038', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway traffic scenes.
WISC 7113.18
Wire service, 1971
Physical Description: 1049'-1099', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military funeral.
WISC 7113.19
On-site interviews, 1971 June 1
Physical Description: 1100'-1209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senators Soik and Heinzen on aid to parochial schools. Fewer students are going over to public schools.
WISC 7113.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 1
Physical Description: 1209'-1249', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West High School party at West YMCA.
WISC 7113.21
On-site interviews, 1971 June 1
Physical Description: 1249'-1310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Thompson on putting cheese into school lunch program.
WISC 7113.22
News, 1971 June 1
Physical Description: 1310'-1351', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Search for girl who has fallen into sewer.
WISC 7114.1
Meetings/Banquets, 1971 June 1
Physical Description: 0'-38', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin health meeting at Wisconsin Center.
WISC 7114.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 2
Physical Description: 38'-85', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Art Guild display in WISC-TV reception area.
WISC 7114.3
On-site interviews, 1971 June 2
Physical Description: 85'-131', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joanie Jackson on her new job as GOP executive.
WISC 7114.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June 2
Physical Description: 131'-187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Hough, GOP chairman, on GOP meeting and party's plans.
WISC 7114.5
On-site interviews, 1971 June 2
Physical Description: 187'-335', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alice in Dairyland on June Dairy Month promotions. Footage of Alice at a farm and kick-off banquet for June Is Dairy Month.
WISC 7114.6
Speeches, 1971 June 2
Physical Description: 335'-424', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Hassett, speaking to Rotary Club, on Lucey's budget proposals.
WISC 7114.7
On-site interviews, 1971 June 2
Physical Description: 424'-539', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senators Devitt and Swan on the use of studded snow tires in Wisconsin.
WISC 7114.8
Press conferences, 1971 June 3
Physical Description: 539'-634', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on computer system to aid police.
WISC 7114.9
On-site interviews, 1971 June 3
Physical Description: 634'-725', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Thompson on taxation.
WISC 7114.10
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 June 3
Physical Description: 725'-855', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Various ceremonies around Madison. Paul Soglin addresses graduating class. David Clarenbach addresses class.
WISC 7114.11
Press conferences, 1971 June 3
Physical Description: 857'-1046', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerris Leonard and Robert Warren on law enforcement conference. They support law enforcement agencies creating dossiers on people.
WISC 7114.12
Speeches, 1971 June 4
Physical Description: 1046'-1281', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Reuss on Nixon's revenue sharing proposals. He feels plan is flawed.
WISC 7114.13
On-site interviews, 1971 June 4
Physical Description: 1281'-1323', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Gisholt on his plans to help veterans.
WISC 7114.14
News, 1971 June 4
Physical Description: 1323'-1366', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rick Fetherston reports on “Parochaid,” aid to parochial schools and other budget legislation.
WISC 7114.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 5
Physical Description: 1366'-1395', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coca-Cola recycling plant.
WISC 7114.16
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 June 5
Physical Description: 1395'-1432', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Technical College.
WISC 7115.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 6
Physical Description: 0'-30', ,color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World Museum.
WISC 7115.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 6
Physical Description: 30'-64', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison beaches open.
WISC 7115.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 6
Physical Description: 64'-115', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drum and bugle corps competition.
WISC 7115.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 7
Physical Description: 115'-149', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bicycle safety inspection.
WISC 7115.5
Press conferences, 1971 June 7
Physical Description: 149'-207', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Servicemen's Union on incident at Camp McCoy.
WISC 7115.6
On-site interviews, 1971 June 7
Physical Description: 207'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Anthony Earl on legislative bill for mental health and retardation aid.
WISC 7115.7
Press conferences, 1971 June 8
Physical Description: 278'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Sanders on University of Wisconsin study on why faculty members resign.
WISC 7115.8
Wire service, 1971 June 8
Physical Description: 318'-354', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force Academy.
WISC 7115.9
Banquets/Speeches/Awards ceremonies, 1971 June 8
Physical Description: 354'-405', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Peter Tong, small businessman of the year.
WISC 7115.10
On-site interviews, 1971 June 8
Physical Description: 405'-463', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver on faculty tenure; he traces tenure procedure.
WISC 7115.11
Studio interviews, 1971 June 8
Physical Description: 463'-522', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Landgraf on need to eliminate tax islands.
WISC 7115.12
Press conferences, 1971 June 8
Physical Description: 528'-683', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More from David Sanders on UW faculty study. Another student reports on Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) operations.
WISC 7115.13
On-site interviews, 1971 June 9
Physical Description: 684'-739', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Herbert Grover on Governor Lucey's proposed budget.
WISC 7115.14
On-site interviews, 1971 June 9
Physical Description: 739'-945', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Marion on disadvantaged people and a program developed to help them. Mr. Gregory also comments on program.
WISC 7115.15
On-site interviews, 1971 June 10
Physical Description: 945'-988', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on drug bill before legislature. Bill would put certain drugs into “schedules” which indicate degree of control.
WISC 7115.16
News report, 1971 June 10
Physical Description: 988'-1048', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Report on Triangle re-development area.
WISC 7115.17
On-site interviews, 1971 June 10
Physical Description: 1048'-1109', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator McKenna on investigating Department of Natural Resources actions.
WISC 7115.18
On-site interviews, 1971 June 10
Physical Description: 1109'-1179', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Anderson on Governor Lucey's budget.
WISC 7115.19
On-site interviews, 1971 June 10
Physical Description: 1179'-1259', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Devitt on new merger proposal bill for University of Wisconsin and state universities.
WISC 7115.20
Press conferences, 1971 June 10
Physical Description: 1259'-1358', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol on warrants for arrests in burglaries occurring in Dane County.
WISC 7116.1
On-site interviews, 1971 June 10
Physical Description: 0'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblymen Anderson and Sensenbrenner on state budget stalled in Assembly.
WISC 7116.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June 11
Physical Description: 126'-320', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Sol Levin on Triangle area re-development and problems with funding.
WISC 7116.3
Press conferences, 1971 June 11
Physical Description: 320'-450', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Health Task Force press conference. Governor Lucey comments on Task Force. David Carley (?) is on Task Force.
WISC 7116.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June 11
Physical Description: 450'-531', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Susan Phillips on what is to be done with Triangle area. She wants to see elderly housing.
WISC 7116.5
Speeches, 1971 June 11
Physical Description: 531'-565', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Sensenbrenner on student voter residency.
WISC 7116.6
Wire service, 1971 June 11
Physical Description: 565'-602', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Flag Day features on caring for the flag.
WISC 7116.7
Meetings, 1971 June 11
Physical Description: 602'-643', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: E.O.C. meeting.
WISC 7116.8
On-site interviews, 1971 June 11
Physical Description: 643'-685', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Huber on state budget stalling in Assembly.
WISC 7116.9
News, 1971 June 12
Physical Description: 685'-714', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's International League for Peace march.
WISC 7116.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 12
Physical Description: 714'-747', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Big Brothers benefit car wash.
WISC 7116.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 12
Physical Description: 747'-785', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bike ride benefit for mental retardation.
WISC 7116.12
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 June 13
Physical Description: 785'-816', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW convocation ceremony in Field House.
WISC 7116.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 14
Physical Description: 816'-844', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dog show.
WISC 7116.14
News, 1971 June 14
Physical Description: 844'-886', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Search for drowning victim.
WISC 7116.15
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 June 14
Physical Description: 886'-1227', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW in Camp Randall. Governor Patrick Lucey addresses graduates. Fred Friendly also addresses group. Duke Ellington receives honorary degree.
WISC 7116.16
On-site interviews, 1971 June 14
Physical Description: 1227'-1400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harout Sanasarian on consumer credit bill.
WISC 7117.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 15
Physical Description: 0'-55', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Altrusa county fair, and art festival.
WISC 7117.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June 15
Physical Description: 55'-163', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mental retardation seminar. Rick Fetherston is the reporter.
WISC 7117.3
Press conferences, 1971 June 15
Physical Description: 164'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young Democrats and Young Republicans meeting in favor of 18-year-old vote.
WISC 7117.4
Studio interviews, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 362'-423', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Susan Phillips on Triangle Project.
WISC 7117.5
Studio interviews, 1971 June 15
Physical Description: 425'-582', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on how he thinks Common Council will vote on Triangle Project issue (whether or not to have a hotel and convalescent home on the site).
WISC 7117.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 582'-623', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nursing Home Week observance in Governor Lucey's office.
WISC 7117.7
Studio interviews, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 623'-652', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sue Phillips on Common Council reconsidering Triangle Project plans.
WISC 7117.8
Openings, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 652'-673', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: First Wisconsin Bank of West Towne.
WISC 7117.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 673'-702', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Badger Boys State.
WISC 7117.10
Hearings, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 702'-737', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nick Loniello on student voter registrations.
WISC 7117.11
Studio interviews, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 737'-780', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bob Skuldt, airport manager, on Dane County takeover of the airport.
WISC 7117.12
On-site interviews, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 780'-827', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Donald Peterson on student voter residency.
WISC 7117.13
Studio interviews, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 827'-880', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Supervisor Kaufman on airport takeover by county.
WISC 7117.14
Features (Newsfilm), - 1971 June 21
Physical Description: 880'-980', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin School Safety Patrol's annual field trip to Wisconsin Dells.
WISC 7117.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 22
Physical Description: 980'-1008', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus train.
WISC 7117.16
Studio interviews, 1971 June 22
Physical Description: 1008'-1155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airport manager Bob Skuldt and County Supervisor Kaufman on joint city/county study committee to look into county takeover of airport.
WISC 7117.17
Hearings, 1971 June
Physical Description: 1156'-1254', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Sensenbrenner on student voter residency requirements. Other people speak on residency requirements for students.
WISC 7117.18
On-site interviews, 1971 June 23
Physical Description: 1254'-1435', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Fred Risser on the University of Wisconsin and Wisconsin State Universities merger. He also talks about State Democratic Convention and the state budget. Representative Herbert Grover talks on “parochaid bill,” aid to parochial schools.
WISC 7119.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June
Physical Description: 0'-35', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Reach out” meeting (?).
WISC 7119.2
Meetings/Speeches, 1971 June 24
Physical Description: 35'-91', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plasma physics and nuclear fusion conference on University of Wisconsin campus. John Weaver addresses group.
WISC 7119.3
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1971 June 24
Physical Description: 91'-234', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Testimony to UW Board of Regents on University system merger. One of the regents comments on merger.
WISC 7119.4
Speeches, 1971 June 24
Physical Description: 234'-277', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey welcomes attenders to plasma physics and nuclear fusion conference.
WISC 7119.5
Hearings, 1971 June 24
Physical Description: 277'-413', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More testimony to UW Regents on University merger. UW Regents do not support merger.
WISC 7119.6
Speeches, 1971 June 24
Physical Description: 413'-429', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More of Governor Patrick Lucey speech welcoming plasma physics and nuclear fusion conference.
WISC 7119.7
Meetings, 1971 June 24
Physical Description: 429'-514', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More testimony on proposed University systems merger. UW Regents discuss their opposition to merger.
WISC 7119.8
Speeches, 1971 June 25
Physical Description: 515'-785', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Democratic Convention at Dane County Coliseum. Speaker (Vietnam veteran) speaks on frustration of war. Edmund Muskie addresses convention.
WISC 7119.9
Press conferences, 1971 June 25
Physical Description: 786'-867', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Democratic Convention press conference. Birch Bayh comments on credibility of public officials.
WISC 7119.10
Press conferences/Banquets, 1971 June
Physical Description: 867'-1292', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leonard Woodcock (?) comments on automotive industry. Governor Lucey, Leonard Woodcock, and others attend banquet.
WISC 7119.11
Awards ceremonies, 1971 June
Physical Description: 1293'-1331', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7119.12
Meetings/Speeches, 1971 June 25
Physical Description: 1337'-1430', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Democratic Convention registration. Edmund Muskie addresses convention.
WISC 7119.13
Speeches, 1971 June
Physical Description: 1430'-1549', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Henry Maier of Milwaukee on restoring property tax to its basic function. We need revenue sharing, he says.
WISC 7120.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on bills pending regarding phosphate levels in detergents.
WISC 7120.2
News, 1971
Physical Description: 61'-86', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly session.
WISC 7120.3
On-site interviews, 1971 June 27
Physical Description: 86'-179', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Former newsboys are interviewed on what changes have happened since they sold papers in their boyhood.
WISC 7120.4
Press conferences, 1971 June 28
Physical Description: 179'-269', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Walter Chilsen on publishing of “Pentagon Papers.”
WISC 7120.5
Speeches/Banquets/Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 275'-311', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club. Unidentified man gives press conference.
WISC 7120.6
Meetings, 1971 June 28
Physical Description: 311'-393', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Badger Girls State.
WISC 7120.7
On-site interviews, 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 393'-448', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: VFW spokesman on charges lodged against Post #10203.
WISC 7120.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 448'-489', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bike round-up in Baraboo.
WISC 7120.9
Features (Newsfilm)/Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1971 June 30
Physical Description: 489'-519', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's short course on auto mechanics.
WISC 7120.10
Press conferences, 1971 June 30
Physical Description: 521'-617', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on reputation Madison has as a city.
WISC 7120.11
Meetings, 1971 June 30
Physical Description: 617'-644', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7120.12
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 644'-677', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on car emissions.
WISC 7120.13
Meetings, 1971 June 31
Physical Description: 677'-718', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midge Miller attends west side meeting.
WISC 7120.14
Press conferences, 1971 June 30
Physical Description: 718'-804', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on liquor licenses and removing portion of railroad tracks.
WISC 7120.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 1
Physical Description: 804'-825', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Red Cross blood drive.
WISC 7120.16
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 825'-876', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on state budget (old budget has expired).
WISC 7120.17
Press conferences, 1971 June 30
Physical Description: 881'-932', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on liquor licenses. More on removal of railroad tracks.
WISC 7120.18
Groundbreakings, 1971 July 1
Physical Description: 932'-958', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bud's West (a restaurant).
WISC 7120.19
News, 1971 July 1
Physical Description: 958'-982', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Post Office changeover.
WISC 7120.20
News, 1971 July 2
Physical Description: 982'-1028', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Solid waste disposal pick up.
WISC 7120.21
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 2
Physical Description: 1028'-1097', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Helicopter traffic report for upcoming Fourth of July weekend.
WISC 7120.22
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1097'-1122', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East Side Businessmen's festival.
WISC 7120.23
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 3
Physical Description: 1122'-1161', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Helicopters used during holiday traffic rush to spot traffic problems.
WISC 7120.24
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 3
Physical Description: 1161'-1203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City beat inspection.
WISC 7121.1
Studio interviews, 1971 July 3
Physical Description: 0'-418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier comments on 18-year-old vote and various topics including TV documentary The Selling of the Pentagon.
WISC 7121.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 4
Physical Description: 420'-462', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Old Milwaukee Days and Schlitz Circus Parade. Circus World Museum wagons.
WISC 7121.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 4
Physical Description: 462'-515', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fireworks display.
WISC 7121.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 5
Physical Description: 515'-657', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Holiday traffic, day and night.
WISC 7121.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 4
Physical Description: 657'-691', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fourth of July parade.
WISC 7121.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 6
Physical Description: 691'-794', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: H. H. Forester on job opportunities.
WISC 7121.7
On-site interviews, 1971 July 6
Physical Description: 794'-882', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman Robert Huber on state budget proposals.
WISC 7121.8
On-site interviews, 1971 July 6
Physical Description: 882'-919', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dutch elm disease on Capitol Square. Trees are being cut down.
WISC 7121.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 919'-935', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: August Derleth, Wisconsin naturalist, at a book signing.
WISC 7121.10
On-site interviews, 1971 July 7
Physical Description: 935'-993', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on proposal to make law training mandatory for law officers.
WISC 7121.11
On-site interviews, 1971 July 7
Physical Description: 993'-1068', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Knutson on proposed GOP budget.
WISC 7121.12
On-site interviews, 1971 July 7
Physical Description: 1068'-1177', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Clerk Eldon Hoel on 18-year-old voter registration.
WISC 7121.13
On-site interviews, 1971 July 7
Physical Description: 1178'-1323', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources spokesman on solid waste disposal. Interview takes place at Mazomanie dump.
WISC 7122.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 8
Physical Description: 0'-36', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Odana Professional Center architectural model.
WISC 7122.2
On-site interviews, 1971 July 8
Physical Description: 36'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joe Morse on county birth control clinics funding.
WISC 7122.3
On-site interviews, 1971 July 8
Physical Description: 108'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Kenney on airpark development.
WISC 7122.4
Press conferences, 1971 July 8
Physical Description: 210'-313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on highway “aesthetics.” Rent-a-Youth program is explained.
WISC 7122.5
Speeches, 1971 July 8
Physical Description: 313'-477', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey addresses UW faculty on budget and merger issues.
WISC 7122.6
News, 1971 July 9
Physical Description: 477'-505', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police at a small house, the scene of a murder.
WISC 7122.7
On-site interviews, 1971 July 9
Physical Description: 505'-556', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders reports on Emery Stiles and his job as an executive assistant in the State Capitol.
WISC 7122.8
Political announcements, 1971 July
Physical Description: 556'-614', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator speaks on the possibility of the State Treasurer position being phased out.
WISC 7122.9
On-site interviews, 1971 July 9
Physical Description: 614'-683', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Toby Sherry on problems disadvantaged people have in applying for jobs.
WISC 7122.10
On-site interviews, 1971 July 9
Physical Description: 683'-772.', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Swan on status of budget hearings.
WISC 7122.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 10
Physical Description: 772'-843', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair on the Capitol Square.
WISC 7122.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July
Physical Description: 843'-966', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school rodeo at Richland Center.
WISC 7122.13
Openings, 1971 July 11
Physical Description: 966'-1027', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm Bureau open house and dedication.
WISC 7122.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 11
Physical Description: 1027'-1117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drums on Parade.
WISC 7122.15
House fires, 1971 July 12
Physical Description: 1117'-1146', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7122.16
On-site interviews, 1971 July 12
Physical Description: 1146'-1187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Emanuel interviewed by Rick Fetherston during budget hearings.
WISC 7122.17
News, 1971 July 12
Physical Description: 1187'-1235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget hearing demonstrations outside State Capitol.
WISC 7122.18
On-site interviews, 1971 July 12
Physical Description: 1235'-1307', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wilbur Schmidt on welfare payments possibly being limited in new budget.
WISC 7122.19
House fires, 1971 July 13
Physical Description: 1307'-1331', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speedway Road.
WISC 7122.20
Hearings, 1971 July 13
Physical Description: 1333'-1373', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State budget hearings.
WISC 7122.21
On-site interviews, 1971 July
Physical Description: 1373'-1442', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Staven on effect telephone workers strike will have.
WISC 7123.1
Hearings, 1971 July 13
Physical Description: 0'-258', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver testifies at state budget hearings.
WISC 7123.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 258'-335', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair.
WISC 7123.3
On-site interviews, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 335'-448', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Swan on budget hearings.
WISC 7123.4
On-site interviews, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 448'-483', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Sheel on telephone workers strike and phone service.
WISC 7123.5
On-site interviews, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 483'-542', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Smith on National Women's Caucus; meeting designed to get women involved in politics.
WISC 7123.6
News, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 542'-593', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Communication Workers of America picketing Bell System. Interior of phone company showing supervisors manning switchboard.
WISC 7123.7
On-site interviews, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 593'-651', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dennis Conta on state budget hearings. Interviewed by Rick Fetherston.
WISC 7123.8
On-site interviews, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 651'-747', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midge Miller on National Women's Caucus. Interviewed by Rick Fetherston.
WISC 7123.9
Speeches, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 748'-868', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey addresses Rotary Club meeting on taxes.
WISC 7123.10
News, 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 868'-905', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly session.
WISC 7123.11
Meetings, 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 905'-941', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's task force on recycling.
WISC 7123.12
News, 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 941'-1003', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small plane crash in a corn field.
WISC 7123.13
Political announcements, 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 1003'-1084', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley announces he will be campaign manager for Edmund Muskie's presidential campaign.
WISC 7123.14
Press conferences, 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 1086'-1295', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on money for buses. Another man comments on minibikes.
WISC 7123.15
Openings, 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 1295'-1322', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dedication of Bayview Apartments (in Triangle re-development area).
WISC 7123.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 1322'-1382', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gates of Heaven synagogue being moved.
WISC 7123.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 1382'-1453', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair.
WISC 7124.1
News, 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 0'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rick Fetherston reports on wrap-up of state budget deliberations.
WISC 7124.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 62'-180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's zoo at Henry Vilas Park Zoo.
WISC 7124.3
On-site interviews, 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 180'-355', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Network news reporter Elie Abel on television's reporting of events. He comments on CBS's airing of The Selling of the Pentagon.
WISC 7124.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 18
Physical Description: 356'-422', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Central Colony, NAACP picnic.
WISC 7124.5
Meetings, 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 422'-460', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke addresses Urban League meeting.
WISC 7124.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 460'-491', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator James Devitt on consumer protection bill.
WISC 7124.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 491'-528', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Evaluation and training center at Stout State University.
WISC 7124.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 528'-575', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee Summer Festival.
WISC 7124.9
On-site interviews, 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 575'-631', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Staven on proposed settlement of Communication Workers of America strike against the Wisconsin Telephone Company.
WISC 7124.10
On-site interviews, 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 631'-693', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jim Sheel on settlement of Communication Workers of America strike.
WISC 7124.11
On-site interviews, 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 693'-828', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander on his hopes for joint finance committee finding compromise for state budget. Assemblyman Molinaro also comments on deliberations.
WISC 7124.12
Press conferences, 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 831'-973', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plans for protest at Camp McCoy in support of Camp McCoy 3.
WISC 7124.13
Groundbreakings, 1971 July 20
Physical Description: 973'-1009', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East side YMCA.
WISC 7124.14
Meetings, 1971 July 20
Physical Description: 1009'-1062', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Communication Workers of America.
WISC 7124.15
Meetings, 1971 July 20
Physical Description: 1062'-1147', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State-budget committee.
WISC 7124.16
On-site interviews, 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 1147'-1198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Cirilli on funding for the University of Wisconsin and the question of the merger.
WISC 7124.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 1198'-1257', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Red Cross blood drive.
WISC 7124.18
On-site interviews, 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 1257'-1339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rick Fetherston interviews Representative Anthony Earl on UW merger and funding.
WISC 7124.19
On-site interviews, 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 1339'-1516', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Dries on the development of the Triangle project and the ad hoc committee on reapportionment.
WISC 7125.1
Studio interviews, 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 0'-193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Hill and George Simons on Governor Patrick Lucey's housing program and budget allocations.
WISC 7125.2
Press conferences, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 193'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey and Warren Knowles at press conference. Lucey announces he asked Knowles to chair committee on land use.
WISC 7125.3
Meetings, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 268'-313', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State budget committee.
WISC 7125.4
Press conferences, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 313-361', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on drug arrests.
WISC 7125.5
Press conferences, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 361'-462', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Attorney Conrad on obscenity court ruling; superior court has upheld Madison's obscenity law.
WISC 7125.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 462'-577', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rick Fetherston interviews veterinarian John Anderson on horse diseases coming into Wisconsin.
WISC 7125.7
Hearings, 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 577'-616', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: V.D. hearings at State Capitol.
WISC 7125.8
Meetings, 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 616'-654', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Foster grandparents meeting at Central Colony.
WISC 7125.9
Meetings, 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 654'-707', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison goals committee.
WISC 7125.10
Speeches, 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 707'-889', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey addresses Wisconsin Association of Broadcasters.
WISC 7125.11
Unknown, 1971 July 24
Physical Description: 889'-918', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes in Monona.
WISC 7125.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 24
Physical Description: 918'-948', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students in legislature.
WISC 7125.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 24
Physical Description: 948'-993', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair at Library Mall.
WISC 7125.14
On-site interviews, 1971 July 24
Physical Description: 993'-1061', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander on budget committee recess.
WISC 7125.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 25
Physical Description: 1063'-1093', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Penny-a-pound airplane rides.
WISC 7125.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 25
Physical Description: 1093'-1181', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Saint Dennis Church Festival.
WISC 7125.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 1181'-1205', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bike feature.
WISC 7125.18
News, 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 1205'-1240', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare mothers demonstration at Madison Gas and Electric.
WISC 7125.19
On-site interviews, 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 1240'-1302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Secretary of Revenue Weiner on property taxes and state revenues.
WISC 7125.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 1302'-1347', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East Towne Mall.
WISC 7125.21
Openings, 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 1347'-4406', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dedications of state park and Oak Ridge Demonstration Farm.
WISC 7125.22
News, 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 1406'-1489', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislators inspecting Women's State Prison at Taycheedah.
WISC 7126.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July
Physical Description: 0'-54', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West Towne Mall art exhibit by children.
WISC 7126.2
Press conferences/On-site interviews, 1971 July 27
Physical Description: 54'-159', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Lucey and members of bipartisan committee on voter registration.
WISC 7126.3
Openings, 1971 July 28
Physical Description: 159'-180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kaiser Ford opening.
WISC 7126.4
News, 1971 July 28
Physical Description: 180'-216', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Site of UW student suicide.
WISC 7126.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 28
Physical Description: 216'-276', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Corn detasseling at Blaney Farms.
WISC 7126.6
Groundbreakings, 1971 July 28
Physical Description: 276'-309', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheraton Hotel.
WISC 7126.7
Press conferences, 1971 July 28
Physical Description: 309'-420', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Anderson on Reformed Alcoholics, Inc.
WISC 7126.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 420'-454', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's field trip to Brewers game.
WISC 7126.9
News, 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 454'-492', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Murder scene at Quality Court Motel.
WISC 7126.10
News, 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 499'-564', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Wilson gives report on murder that took place at Quality Court Motel.
WISC 7126.11
Press conferences, 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 564'-684', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on liquor licenses, downtown housing, the Triangle Project, and city-county space needs.
WISC 7126.12
On-site interviews, 1971 July 30
Physical Description: 684'-730', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander on University of Wisconsin merger and budget.
WISC 7126.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 30
Physical Description: 730'-784', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tenney Park locks, views along Yahara River and in the lakes. Pollution shown.
WISC 7126.14
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1971 July 30
Physical Description: 784'-897', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street closing for traffic experiment. Scenes on lower State Street. Interview with Assistant City Planner John Urich on the experiment.
WISC 7126.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 31
Physical Description: 897'-995', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee Air Show.
WISC 7126.16
News, 1971 August 1
Physical Description: 995'-1458', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern rally at Vilas Park.
WISC 7127.1
Press conferences, 1971 August 2
Physical Description: 0'-149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Baird, birth control advocate, on fighting birth control laws.
WISC 7127.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 3
Physical Description: 149'-194', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Traffic experiment on State Street; road closed to cars.
WISC 7127.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August 3
Physical Description: 194'-241', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Nile Soik on bill to make open-air festival tougher.
WISC 7127.4
On-site interviews, 1971 August 3
Physical Description: 241'-358', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Walter Chilsen on budget and UW merger plans.
WISC 7127.5
Press conferences, 1971 August 3
Physical Description: 358'-513', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver on proposed merger.
WISC 7127.6
On-site interviews, 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 513'-606', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Huber on state budget.
WISC 7127.7
News, 1971 August 5
Physical Description: 606'-652', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's demonstration on Capitol Square.
WISC 7127.8
Press conferences, 1971 August 5
Physical Description: 652'-806', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver and Governor Patrick Lucey on merger of university systems.
WISC 7127.9
Press conferences, 1971 August 5
Physical Description: 806'-1024', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: GOP caucus (Senators Chilsen, Johnson, and Keppler) answer Democratic charges of stalling on the budget.
WISC 7127.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 6
Physical Description: 1024'-1105', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charity horse show at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7127.11
On-site interviews, 1971 August 6
Physical Description: 1105'-1193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Anthony Earl on budget committee progress.
WISC 7127.12
Meetings/Press conferences, 1971 August 6
Physical Description: 1193'-1265', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver addresses Board of Regents on merger and he comments on his opposition to the merger.
WISC 7127.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 6
Physical Description: 1265'-1333', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County civil defense equipment meeting.
WISC 7127.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 7
Physical Description: 1335'-1375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Waunakee parade.
WISC 7128.1
Meetings, 1971 August 9
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cosmetologists meeting in State Capitol.
WISC 7128.2
News, 1971 August 9
Physical Description: 26'-50', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airplane used in hold-up in northern Wisconsin.
WISC 7128.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 9
Physical Description: 50'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin - recruiting at James Madison Memorial High School.
WISC 7128.4
On-site interviews, 1971 August 9
Physical Description: 89'-166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Kenney on Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation land purchase at Truax Field.
WISC 7128.5
Press conferences, 1971 August 9
Physical Description: 166'-219', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Zenno Gorder on water utilities.
WISC 7128.6
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971 August 10
Physical Description: 219'-259', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: CUNA International.
WISC 7128.7
Hearings, 1971 August 10
Physical Description: 259'-297', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Committee on Government Affairs.
WISC 7128.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 10
Physical Description: 297'-332', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver's photography exhibition.
WISC 7128.9
On-site interviews, 1971 August 10
Physical Description: 332'-414', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Cirilli on state budget.
WISC 7128.10
Press conferences/Speeches/Meetings, 1971 August 11
Physical Description: 414'-738', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Vernon Thomson on efforts made to reduce unemployment. He also addresses Rotary Club.
WISC 7128.11
Hearings, 1971 August 11
Physical Description: 738'-767', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Judiciary Committee.
WISC 7128.12
On-site interviews, 1971 August 11
Physical Description: 767'-834', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: VFW member on post's suspension. The Madison VFW post wants the word “peace” in their name.
WISC 7128.13
Press conferences, 1971 August 12
Physical Description: 835'-1162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on tax redistribution, meetings with other mayors, and abortion.
WISC 7128.14
House fires, 1971 August 12
Physical Description: 1162'-1186', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Three apartment fires.
WISC 7128.15
On-site interviews, 1971 August 12
Physical Description: 1186'-1262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Hill on housing for low income.
WISC 7128.16
Press conferences, 1971 August 12
Physical Description: 1262'-1326', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chief McGraw on arson causing apartment fires.
WISC 7129.1
Speeches, 1971 August 13
Physical Description: 0'-18', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on money from labor unemployment act.
WISC 7129.2
On-site interviews, 1971 August 13
Physical Description: 18'-115', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Mitby on MATC changes.
WISC 7129.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August 13
Physical Description: 115'-195', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander on budget committee wrap-up.
WISC 7129.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 14
Physical Description: 195'-262', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Fair in West Allis.
WISC 7129.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 14
Physical Description: 262'-332', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Antique car show in La Rue.
WISC 7129.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 15
Physical Description: 332'-376', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marquette Festival.
WISC 7129.7
News, 1971 August 16
Physical Description: 376'-397', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Levine sworn in as state director of Selective Service.
WISC 7129.8
On-site interviews, 1971 August 16
Physical Description: 397'-423', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Labor leader Marvin Brickson on President Nixon's wage and price controls.
WISC 7129.9
Press conferences, 1971 August 16
Physical Description: 423'-519', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on Nixon's wage-price freeze. Proxmire welcomes the action.
WISC 7129.10
On-site interviews, 1971 August 16
Physical Description: 519'-649', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Slater of 1st National Bank on Nixon's wage and price freeze.
WISC 7129.11
On-site interviews, 1971 August 16
Physical Description: 649'-816', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Levine, new area director of Selective Service, on changes he foresees.
WISC 7129.12
Meetings, 1971 August 17
Physical Description: 817'-836', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Great Lakes Pollution Control Committee.
WISC 7129.13
On-site interviews, 1971 August 17
Physical Description: 836'-889', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Isenring on problems with collecting cans and bottles.
WISC 7129.14
On-site interviews, 1971 August 17
Physical Description: 889'-1005', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Swan on continuing budget committee meeting.
WISC 7129.15
On-site interviews, 1971 August 17
Physical Description: 1006'-1042', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on Nixon's economic policy.
WISC 7129.16
News/On-site interviews, 1971 August 17
Physical Description: 1042'-1267', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey at pollution meeting on Mackinac Island. Grand Hotel.
WISC 7129.17
On-site interviews, 1971 August 18
Physical Description: 1267'-1368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Lorge on his bill for mandatory use of recyclable cans and bottles.
WISC 7130.1
House fires, 1971 August 18
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: McDivitt Road.
WISC 7130.2
On-site interviews, 1971 August 18
Physical Description: 25'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Duren against bill proposed for mercy killing.
WISC 7130.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August 18
Physical Description: 62'-109', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Soik on his bill to allow mercy killings.
WISC 7130.4
Press conferences, 1971 August 19
Physical Description: 109'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Eich on wage and price controls.
WISC 7130.5
Meetings, 1971 August 19
Physical Description: 139'-175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey addresses Senate Commerce Committee.
WISC 7130.6
Meetings, 1971 August 19
Physical Description: 175'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway Commission conference on highway from Milwaukee to Green Bay.
WISC 7130.7
Awards ceremonies, 1971 August 19
Physical Description: 218'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Public Works Award to William Dyke.
WISC 7130.8
Press conferences, 1971 August 19
Physical Description: 266'-326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lester Voigt on state environment.
WISC 7130.9
Press conferences, 1971 August 19
Physical Description: 326'-418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on how wage and price controls affect the City of Madison.
WISC 7130.10
Press conferences, 1971 August 19
Physical Description: 418'-533', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lester Voigt and another man speak about wage and price control effects on Wisconsin.
WISC 7130.11
News, 1971 August 20
Physical Description: 533'-562', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Machinists and Aerospace Workers strike at Research Products Corporation.
WISC 7130.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 20
Physical Description: 562'-600', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street traffic experiment (closing off lower State Street where mall is planned).
WISC 7130.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 20
Physical Description: 600'-638', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black students' summer program.
WISC 7130.14
Press conferences, 1971 August 20
Physical Description: 638'-715', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Theobold on Madison street repairs.
WISC 7130.15
On-site interviews, 1971 August 20
Physical Description: 715'-806', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 13th annual Square Dance Convention. Chairman on events at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7130.16
News/Speeches, 1971 August 21
Physical Description: 806'-833', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Migrant workers march near Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.
WISC 7130.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 21
Physical Description: 833'-876', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Teenage Wisconsin pageant.
WISC 7130.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 21
Physical Description: 876'-978', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sun Prairie Corn Festival.
WISC 7130.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 23
Physical Description: 978'-1021', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shuttle bus starts run on State Street.
WISC 7130.20
News, 1971 August 23
Physical Description: 1021'-1069', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Severe weather scenes.
WISC 7130.21
News/Speeches, 1971 August 24
Physical Description: 1069'-1141', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chicano migrant worker march around Capitol Square.
WISC 7131.1
On-site interviews, 1971 August 24
Physical Description: 0'-65', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman Norman Anderson feels budget deliberations nearing completion.
WISC 7131.2
Meetings, 1971 August 25
Physical Description: 65'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget Commission.
WISC 7131.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August 25
Physical Description: 89'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Matt Troy on George McGovern's campaign.
WISC 7131.4
News, 1971 August 25
Physical Description: 114'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Migrant workers march around State Capitol.
WISC 7131.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 25
Physical Description: 138'-192', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Statue of Liberty and park dedication.
WISC 7131.6
On-site interviews, 1971 August 25
Physical Description: 192'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rick Fetherston interviews Senator Johnson on budget commission.
WISC 7131.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 25
Physical Description: 260'-351', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Emergency treatment seminar.
WISC 7131.8
Speeches, 1971 August 25
Physical Description: 351'-532', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson addresses Rotary Club on pollution, population control, and Detroit auto makers.
WISC 7131.9
Press conferences, 1971 August 26
Physical Description: 532'-810', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on state and city budgets and bus situation.
WISC 7131.10
Meetings, 1971 August 26
Physical Description: 810'-829', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget committee.
WISC 7131.11
News, 1971 August 26
Physical Description: 829'-866', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey tours northern Wisconsin (Madeline Island).
WISC 7131.12
On-site interviews, 1971 August 27
Physical Description: 866'-976', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Fields on University Hospital's budget.
WISC 7131.13
News/Press conferences, 1971 August 27
Physical Description: 976'-1029', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey and Gaylord Nelson meet with Chippewa (Ojibwe) Indians.
WISC 7132.1
On-site interviews, 1971 August 27
Physical Description: 0'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lawrence Halle on UW dormitory space.
WISC 7132.2
On-site interviews, 1971 August 27
Physical Description: 120'-252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Hospital Administrator James Varnum on austerity measures.
WISC 7132.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August 27
Physical Description: 253'-382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Weening on charges that UW applicants are being turned down because of no dormitory space.
WISC 7132.4
Speeches, 1971 August 30
Physical Description: 383'-431', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young Republican on registration of young voters by Democrats.
WISC 7132.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 30
Physical Description: 431'-485', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Monroe firefighters demonstration of antique equipment.
WISC 7132.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 30
Physical Description: 485'-534', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leopold School: first day of school.
WISC 7132.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 30
Physical Description: 534'-595', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Middleton Art Festival.
WISC 7132.8
Press conferences, 1971 August 30
Physical Description: 595'-661', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kellett supports UW merger plans.
WISC 7132.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 30
Physical Description: 661'-724', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Breese Field Neighborhood Youth Festival.
WISC 7132.10
On-site interviews, 1971 August 30
Physical Description: 724'-921', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Huber on GOP caucus and the state budget.
WISC 7132.11
Meetings, 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 921'-959', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget committee.
WISC 7132.12
On-site interviews, 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 959'-1081', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bud Chamberlain on ordering new city buses. Frank Mattone on city ridership above national average.
WISC 7132.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 1081'-1171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Model of pollution-free car.
WISC 7133.1
On-site interviews, 1971 September 1
Physical Description: 0'-72', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Keppler on budget commission.
WISC 7133.2
On-site interviews, 1971 September 1
Physical Description: 72'-133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Norman Anderson on budget deliberations. Final action will be delayed on budget until there is action on shared tax reform.
WISC 7133.3
On-site' interviews, 1971 September 1
Physical Description: 133'-232', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley on getting help from Wisconsin legislators for Edmund Muskie's presidential campaign.
WISC 7133.4
On-site interviews, 1971 September 1
Physical Description: 232'-305', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol on grand jury reforms. He wants grand jury meetings to remain secret.
WISC 7133.5
Meetings, 1971 September 2
Physical Description: 305'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander at budget committee.
WISC 7133.6
Meetings, 1971 September 2
Physical Description: 357'-408', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Swan at budget committee wrap-up. Good back and forth between senators.
WISC 7133.7
On-site interviews, 1971 September 2
Physical Description: 408'-502', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley on low and middle income people getting proper health care. Carley is part of the Governor's health task force.
WISC 7133.8
Meetings, 1971 September 2
Physical Description: 502'-803', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Johnson at budget committee wrap up. Norman Anderson speaks at final budget hearing on shared tax reform. Arthur Cirilli replies that it was his understanding shared taxes and UW merger would not be taken up.
WISC 7133.9
Press conferences, 1971 September 2
Physical Description: 805'-1358', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on creation of Urban Emergency Fund for aid to communities. Dyke also comments on State Street traffic experiment (closing off State Street) and liquor licenses.
WISC 7134.1
Traffic accident reports, 1971 September 3
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7134.2
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1971 September 3
Physical Description: 29'-124', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Labor Day traffic scenes. Helicopters used to monitor traffic flow. Larry Wilson reports on Labor Day traffic.
WISC 7134.3
On-site interviews, 1971 September 3
Physical Description: 124'-221', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Radcliffe on cutting down on highway fatalities.
WISC 7134.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 4
Physical Description: 221'-266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Labor Day traffic.
WISC 7134.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 5
Physical Description: 266'-335', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wilhelm Tell festival in New Glarus.
WISC 7134.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 6
Physical Description: 335'-374', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW students returning.
WISC 7134.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 6
Physical Description: 374'-420', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vilas Children's Zoo.
WISC 7134.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 6
Physical Description: 420'-487', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Labor Day traffic scenes.
WISC 7134.9
Speeches, 1971 September 6
Physical Description: 487'-674', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Fred Risser speaking at Labor Temple for Labor Day.
WISC 7134.10
Meetings, 1971 September 7
Physical Description: 674'-708', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7134.11
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1971 September 7
Physical Description: 708'-869', - silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman Sanasarian's bills on consumer protection and telephone rate increases.
WISC 7134.12
On-site interviews, 1971 September 8
Physical Description: 869'-994', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Robert Hanson on judicial reforms designed to speed court process. He favors separation of civil and criminal cases.
WISC 7134.13
News Legislature returns after summer recess, 1971 September 8
Physical Description: 994'-1044', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7134.14
Press conferences, 1971 September 9
Physical Description: 1044'-1302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on city planning of “Metro Square” (around Capitol Square).
WISC 7134.15
On-site interviews, 1971 September 9
Physical Description: 1302'-1379', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Sheel of Wisconsin Telephone Company says telephone rate increase is valid.
WISC 7134.16
On-site interviews, 1971 September 9
Physical Description: 1379'-1429', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Froehlich on proposed budget; he feels UW merger and tax sharing should not be a part of budget.
WISC 7134.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 9
Physical Description: 1429'-1472', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW student registration.
WISC 7135.1
On-site interviews, 1971 September 10
Physical Description: 0'-195', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Labor leader Jerry Wurf on Nixon's wage and price controls; he feels it is unfair that there are no controls on dividends and interest.
WISC 7135.2
Press conferences/Meetings, 1971 September 10
Physical Description: 195'-392', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver on effect state budget will have on UW.
WISC 7135.3
Studio interviews, 1971 September 10
Physical Description: 392'-606', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser on delays in getting budget passed. He blames Republicans for trying to eliminate tax reforms.
WISC 7135.4
Speeches, 1971 September 11
Physical Description: 606'-668', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Gutenburg on Nixon's wage and price freeze. He points out that industry has been allowed to raise prices.
WISC 7135.5
News, 1971 September 11
Physical Description: 668'-705', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eagle Foods Store on Monona Drive fire.
WISC 7135.6
Dedications, 1971 September 12
Physical Description: 707'-734', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Hospital Association building dedicated.
WISC 7135.7
Meetings, 1971 September 12
Physical Description: 734'-803', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget committee.
WISC 7135.8
Studio interviews, 1971 September 13
Physical Description: 804'-937', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stanley York blasts state Democrats for budget delays.
WISC 7135.9
Meetings, 1971 September 13
Physical Description: 940'-965', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Orientation meeting for new employees.
WISC 7135.10
Meetings, 1971 September 13
Physical Description: 965'-1043', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate committee hearing on commerce and labor tax and budget commission meeting.
WISC 7135.11
Meetings, 1971 September 15
Physical Description: 1043'-1061', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7135.12
Dedications, 1971 September 15
Physical Description: 1061'-1098', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans' Administration Hospital wing dedication.
WISC 7135.13
Speeches/News, 1971 September 15
Physical Description: 1098'-1200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kunstler on Attica Prison riot. Demonstration at Library Mall.
WISC 7135.14
On-site interviews, 1971 September 15
Physical Description: 1200'-1293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Blockstein on health organization conference.
WISC 7135.15
On-site interviews, 1971 September 15
Physical Description: 1293'-1412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Herbert Grover interviewed by Rick Fetherston on hiring of additional security guards following student unrest and the Father Groppi welfare rights demonstration.
WISC 7136.1
Meetings, 1971 September 16
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Opening of Wisconsin Credit Union League convention.
WISC 7136.2
On-site interviews, 1971 September 16
Physical Description: 30'-69', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser on budget proposals.
WISC 7136.3
On-site interviews, 1971 September 16
Physical Description: 69'-166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Devitt on the issue of the UW merger in the budget. Senator Lorge also speaks on merger; he feels money would be saved by merging the system.
WISC 7136.4
On-site interviews, 1971 September 16
Physical Description: 166'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Allard Lowenstein on influence new 18-year-old to 20-year-old voters will have.
WISC 7136.5
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1971 September 16
Physical Description: 223'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bruce Tulley on Truax Field housing problems. Residents are meeting with architects to plan homes.
WISC 7136.6
News/Speeches/Press conferences, 1971 September 18
Physical Description: 354'-617', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Eugene McCarthy speaking at Brittingham Park rally and at airport press conference.
WISC 7136.7
Speeches, 1971 September
Physical Description: 618'-930', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arthur Ferns on labor movement in U.S.
WISC 7136.8
Meetings, 1971 September 19
Physical Description: 930'-966', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Truax Field housing meeting.
WISC 7136.9
Speeches/Meetings, 1971 September 20
Physical Description: 966'-993', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey at Oil Association meeting.
WISC 7136.10
News, 1971 September 20
Physical Description: 993'-1022', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beltline construction scenes.
WISC 7136.11
Meetings, 1971 September 20
Physical Description: 1029'-1057', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Veterans Affairs committee meeting.
WISC 7136.12
Meetings, 1971 September 21
Physical Description: 1057'-1083', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget committee.
WISC 7136.13
News, 1971 September 21
Physical Description: 1083'-1110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Department of Transportation on the Beltline.
WISC 7136.14
Press conferences, 1971 September 21
Physical Description: 1110'-1170', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey statement to young voters.
WISC 7136.15
Speeches/Meetings, 1971 September 21
Physical Description: 1170'-1337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren addresses Rotary Club meeting on shortcomings of criminal justice system.
WISC 7137.1
Press conferences, 1971 September 22
Physical Description: 0'-30', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Bowen, as spokesman for the Madison Campus University committee, accepts obligations of merger of university systems.
WISC 7137.2
Meetings, 1971 September 22
Physical Description: 30'-75', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7137.3
On-site interviews, 1971 September 22
Physical Description: 75'-118', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey comments on how UW merger package passed. Compromise was needed for passage.
WISC 7137.4
Press conferences, 1971 September 22
Physical Description: 118'-168', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW spokesman gives President John Weaver's reaction to merger passage.
WISC 7137.5
On-site interviews, 1971 September 22
Physical Description: 168'-229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Knutson voices his opposition to UW merger. The vote was close in the state senate, he says.
WISC 7137.6
On-site interviews, 1971 September 22
Physical Description: 230'-341', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Kessler comments on his reapportionment plan for the state legislature.
WISC 7137.7
Meetings, 1971 September 23
Physical Description: 341'-359', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor's drug committee meeting.
WISC 7137.8
Speeches/Banquets, 1971 September 23
Physical Description: 359'-382', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7137.9
On-site interviews, 1971 September 23
Physical Description: 383'-430', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Steinhilber on tax redistribution.
WISC 7137.10
On-site interviews, 1971 September 23
Physical Description: 430'-504', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Zimmerman on Middleton city budget.
WISC 7137.11
On-site interviews, 1971 September 23
Physical Description: 504'-604', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Mike Birkley on helping parents and runaways.
WISC 7137.12
Meetings, 1971 September 24
Physical Description: 604'-632', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Sanasarian's consumer protection committee meeting.
WISC 7137.13
Meetings, 1971 September 24
Physical Description: 632'-668', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7137.14
On-site interviews, 1971 September 24
Physical Description: 668'-751', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Kaufman on the city taking over the county airport.
WISC 7137.15
On-site interviews, 1971 September 24
Physical Description: 753'-891', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on dispute over Chippewa (Ojibwe) lands in the Lac du Flambeau Flowage.
WISC 7137.16
News, 1971 September 25
Physical Description: 891'-989', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: marijuana smokers' demonstration and march.
WISC 7137.17
Press conferences, 1971 September 25
Physical Description: 990'-1091', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bella Abzug on fighting sexism, racism, and war and the formation of the National Women's Caucus.
WISC 7137.18
News, 1971 September 26
Physical Description: 1091'-1121', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee plane crash.
WISC 7137.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 26
Physical Description: 1121'-1159', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Leadership Lab” sponsored by Wisconsin Distributive Education Association.
WISC 7137.20
Meetings, 1971 September 27
Physical Description: 1159'-1186', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Transportation Committee.
WISC 7137.21
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 27
Physical Description: 1186'-1213', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Action Week” kickoff in Governor Patrick Lucey's office.
WISC 7137.22
Meetings, 1971 September 27
Physical Description: 1213'-1240', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Banking and Finance Committee.
WISC 7137.23
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 27
Physical Description: 1240'-1277', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Livestock show at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7137.24
Press conferences, 1971 September 27
Physical Description: 1277'-1318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students backing George McGovern for president. Students for McGovern committee is announced.
WISC 7138.1
On-site interviews, 1971 September 28
Physical Description: 0'-25', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Mittness on increase in salmonella contamination from barns at UW.
WISC 7138.2
Press conferences, 1971 September 28
Physical Description: 25'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Steinhilber criticizes Democratic plan for tax redistribution.
WISC 7138.3
On-site interviews, 1971 September 28
Physical Description: 92'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thayer Barnum on city salmonella problem.
WISC 7138.4
On-site interviews, 1971 September 28
Physical Description: 175'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Thompson on questions facing legislature including legislative and Congressional reapportionment.
WISC 7138.5
Press conferences, 1971 September 28
Physical Description: 266'-377', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Knutson criticizes Governor Patrick Lucey for trying to pass legislation on tax redistribution.
WISC 7138.6
Press conferences, 1971 September 28
Physical Description: 377'-522', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Vice President Percy on UW operations under new budget.
WISC 7138.7
News, 1971 September 29
Physical Description: 522'-543', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly Chamber.
WISC 7138.8
Meetings, 1971 September 29
Physical Description: 543'-570', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County safety officers at seminar.
WISC 7138.9
Meetings, 1971 September 29
Physical Description: 570'-603', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: SRA meeting.
WISC 7138.10
On-site interviews, 1971 September 29
Physical Description: 603'-649', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rod Lippert on expected Wisconsin draft call-ups.
WISC 7138.11
On-site interviews, 1971 September 29
Physical Description: 649'-700', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Soik on his disappointment at legislative failure to update contraceptive law.
WISC 7138.12
Speeches/Meetings, 1971 September 29
Physical Description: 700'-828', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Regent Bernard Ziegler speaks to Lions Club on UW merger. He and other regents had opposed merger.
WISC 7138.13
News, 1971 September 30
Physical Description: 828'-855', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mount Horeb electrical accident.
WISC 7138.14
On-site interviews, 1971 September 30
Physical Description: 855'-909', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistants Association representative Steve Zorn on decision to start bargaining with the University again.
WISC 7138.15
Press conferences, 1971 September 30
Physical Description: 909'-966', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city budget and auditorium project.
WISC 7138.16
Speeches, 1971 September 30
Physical Description: 966'-1051', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey addresses legislature on a study for cable TV.
WISC 7138.17
On-site interviews, 1971 September 31
Physical Description: 1051'-1106', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. McDaniels on school children riding the city buses.
WISC 7138.18
Press conferences, 1971 October 1
Physical Description: 1106'-1212', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Theater Guild proposal for civic center.
WISC 7138.19
Press conferences, 1971 October 1
Physical Description: 1212'-1309', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on finding a shared tax formulation and how this has stalled the budget.
WISC 7138.20
Press conferences, 1971 October 1
Physical Description: 1309'-1405', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber on nursing homes and the need for regular inspections.
WISC 7139.1
Meetings, 1971 October 1
Physical Description: 0'-31', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Board.
WISC 7139.2
Press conferences, 1971 October 1
Physical Description: 31'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on city assessment of property taxes.
WISC 7139.3
Speeches, 1971 October 2
Physical Description: 57'-99', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Hubert Humphrey at Stout State University.
WISC 7139.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 2
Physical Description: 99'-143', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Iowa County hike for hunger.
WISC 7139.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 2
Physical Description: 143'-190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW art fair.
WISC 7139.6
On-site interviews, 1971 October 2
Physical Description: 190'-289', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Smith on black studies; people are watching what is happening in Madison.
WISC 7139.7
Meetings/Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1971 October 2
Physical Description: 289'-304', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State history society.
WISC 7139.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 2
Physical Description: 304'-321', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW driving gymkhana.
WISC 7139.9
Dedications, 1971 October 2
Physical Description: 321'-341', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey dedicates bridge over Highway 60.
WISC 7139.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 2
Physical Description: 341'-360', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo.
WISC 7139.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 3
Physical Description: 360'-405', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire prevention open house.
WISC 7139.12
Speeches, 1971 October 3
Physical Description: 407'-542', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Wilbur Mills of House Ways and Means Committee on the decline of dairy farms.
WISC 7139.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 3
Physical Description: 542'-570', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo.
WISC 7139.14
On-site interviews, 1971 October 4
Physical Description: 570'-616', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ken Clark, AFL-CIO, on consumer credit bill.
WISC 7139.15
On-site interviews, 1971 October 4
Physical Description: 616'-674', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walter Chilsen on consumer credit code.
WISC 7139.16
On-site interviews, 1971 October 4
Physical Description: 674'-728', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire Marshal John Tappan on residents burning trash.
WISC 7139.17
News, 1971 October 5
Physical Description: 728'-753', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly session.
WISC 7139.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 5
Physical Description: 753'-779', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's art day at UW.
WISC 7139.19
House fires, 1971 October 5
Physical Description: 779'-810', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: McFarland.
WISC 7139.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 5
Physical Description: 810'-880', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nakoma Road traffic interchange.
WISC 7139.21
On-site interviews, 1971 October 5
Physical Description: 880'-944', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Keppler on state budget.
WISC 7139.22
Meetings, 1971 October 6
Physical Description: 944'-968', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget Commission.
WISC 7139.23
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971 October 6
Physical Description: 968'-992', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 4-H awards and banquet.
WISC 7139.24
Press conferences, 1971 October 6
Physical Description: 992'-1022', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's Action League on abortion.
WISC 7139.25
Meetings, 1971 October 6
Physical Description: 1022'-1065', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7139.26
Press conferences, 1971 October 6
Physical Description: 1065'-1139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on Nicaraguan disaster relief from Wisconsin.
WISC 7139.27
On-site interviews, 1971 October 6
Physical Description: 1139'-1224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Guiles on Wisconsin student voter registration.
WISC 7139.28
News/Judicial proceedings/On-site interviews, 1971 October 6
Physical Description: 1231'-1367', silent and magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Murder suspect in court for arraignment. Coroner Bud Chamberlain explains how murder victims died. Mr. Scullion comments on how victims were found. Farm where murders took place.
WISC 7140.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 7
Physical Description: 0'-33', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire prevention displays at West Towne.
WISC 7140.2
Press conferences, 1971 October 7
Physical Description: 33'-78', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walk for Development.
WISC 7140.3
On-site interviews, 1971 October 7
Physical Description: 78'-121', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Southern Wisconsin Wetlands Association spokesman on suit filed against Department of Interior because of work on upper Rock River.
WISC 7140.4
On-site interviews, 1971 October 7
Physical Description: 121'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edward Ben Elson on drugs used without the consent of patients in mental hospitals.
WISC 7140.5
On-site interviews, 1971 October 7
Physical Description: 174'-262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leonard Haas, executive director of State University System, feels there is no racism on State University campuses.
WISC 7140.6
On-site interviews, 1971 October 7
Physical Description: 262'-351', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Korpella on need for tax sharing and his contention that Republicans are stalling in budget process.
WISC 7140.7
Openings, 1970 October 8
Physical Description: 351'-386', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beltline Highway opening.
WISC 7140.8
On-site interviews, 1971 October 8
Physical Description: 386'-507', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Steinhilber on budget deliberations and the Democratic walkout from the meetings.
WISC 7140.9
News/Press conferences, 1971 October 8
Physical Description: 507'-673', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey signs UW merger bill.
WISC 7140.10
News/Press conferences/Meetings, 1971 October 8
Physical Description: 673'-853', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver at final Board of Regents meeting before merger of university systems.
WISC 7140.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 9
Physical Description: 853'-872', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March of Dimes penny-a-pound airplane.
WISC 7140.12
Banquets, 1971 October 9
Physical Description: 872'-891', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: International Club.
WISC 7140.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 9
Physical Description: 891'-913', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Band concert at Children's Hospital.
WISC 7140.14
News, 1971 October 9
Physical Description: 913'-940', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Soviet Jews in Milwaukee march in protest against Soviet treatment of Jews.
WISC 7140.15
Meetings, 1971 October 9
Physical Description: 940'-966', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Faculty Women's meeting.
WISC 7140.16
Meetings, 1971 October 9
Physical Description: 966'-1003', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Community Action Committee.
WISC 7140.17
Meetings/Hearings, 1971 October 11
Physical Description: 1003'-1021', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Building Commission and Senate Governmental Affairs Committee.
WISC 7140.18
News, 1971 October 11
Physical Description: 1021'-1040', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Empty stores on Capitol Square.
WISC 7140.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 11
Physical Description: 1040'-1065', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Prison art show at West Towne Mall.
WISC 7140.20
Meetings, 1971 October
Physical Description: 1065'-1082', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey and others.
WISC 7140.21
News, 1971 October 11
Physical Description: 1082'-1110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Armed hold-up attempt at Strand Theater on the Square.
WISC 7140.22
On-site interviews, 1971 October 11
Physical Description: 1110'-1101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Rundell on need for more parking around the square.
WISC 7140.23
On-site interviews, 1971 October 11
Physical Description: 1161'-1259', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dick Pier on Sheriff and County Traffic Departments merging.
WISC 7140.24
On-site interviews, 1971 October 12
Physical Description: 1260'-1286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Klein on needs of Sheriff's Department.
WISC 7140.25
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 12
Physical Description: 1286'-1322', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Buppa the Clown in a children's ward of a hospital.
WISC 7140.26
On-site interviews, 1971 October 12
Physical Description: 1322'-1361', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff Jack Leslie on merging Sheriffs and County Traffic Departments.
WISC 7141.1
News/Press conferences, 1971 October 12
Physical Description: 0'-43', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beloit, Wisconsin, group presents petition against Hwy. 15 to Governor Patrick Lucey.
WISC 7141.2
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1971 October 12
Physical Description: 44'-441', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol speaking in a church. Later he is interviewed by Larry Saunders on the purpose of a grand jury.
WISC 7141.3
Press conferences, 1971 October 12
Physical Description: 141'-256', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Senator Hollings on Sea Grant Program he is proposing.
WISC 7141.4
Groundbreakings, 1971 October 13
Physical Description: 256'-282', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Casualty Building.
WISC 7141.5
Meetings, 1971 October 13
Physical Description: 282'-320', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7141.6
-On-site interviews, 1971 October 13
Physical Description: 320'-365', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Herbert Grover interviewed by Rick Fetherston on tax sharing and budget deliberations.
WISC 7141.7
Press conferences, 1971 October 13
Physical Description: 365'-499', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Menominee D.R.U.M.S. group spokesman announces a march and rally for Native American rights.
WISC 7141.8
On-site interviews, 1971 October 13
Physical Description: 499'-704', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Prof. Stange on impact UW has on the economic health of the city and county.
WISC 7141.9
Press conferences, 1971 October 14
Physical Description: 704'-715', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on holding down school budget.
WISC 7141.10
Openings, 1971 October 14
Physical Description: 715'-742', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East Towne Mall.
WISC 7141.11
On-site interviews, 1971 October 14
Physical Description: 742'-771', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Dries on need for wheel tax in order to relieve property tax stress.
WISC 7141.12
Studio interviews, 1971 October 14
Physical Description: 771'-810', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Pholes on United Way fund raising campaign.
WISC 7141.13
News/Speeches/Press conferences, 1971 October 14
Physical Description: 812'-1178', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Menominee Indians march to State Capitol for talks with Governor Patrick Lucey on their land usage rights.
WISC 7142.1
News, 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 0'-39', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midvale Lutheran Church fire.
WISC 7142.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 39'-76', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West High School homecoming parade.
WISC 7142.3
On-site interviews, 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 76'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rep. Tobias on tax sharing. He feels the city of Milwaukee has borne the burden of tax increases.
WISC 7142.4
Studio interviews, 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 112'-161', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shirley Rediger on the Wisconsin Youth Symphony.
WISC 7142.5
Meetings, 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 161'-185', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ad hoc committee on runaways.
WISC 7142.6
Awards ceremonies/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 185'-209', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arts awards presented at State Capitol.
WISC 7142.7
News, 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 209'-243', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women picketing Madison Newspapers, Inc. on grounds of sex discrimination in the want ads.
WISC 7142.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 243'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources recycling plant.
WISC 7142.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 16
Physical Description: 270'-282', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Evans Scholars fraternity on UW campus.
WISC 7142.10
News, 1971 October 16
Physical Description: 282'-328', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Monona Tire fire.
WISC 7142.11
Banquets, 1971 October 16
Physical Description: 328'-346', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Anick banquet in Milwaukee.
WISC 7142.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 17
Physical Description: 347'-369', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walk for Development on Madison's near west side.
WISC 7142.13
On-site interviews, 1971 October 18
Physical Description: 369'-397', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney Gerald Nichol on local use of a grand jury.
WISC 7142.14
On-site interviews, 1971 October 18
Physical Description: 397'-447', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County Supervisor McDermitt on the size of the County Board.
WISC 7142.15
On-site interviews, 1971 October 18
Physical Description: 447'-521', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Bidwell on state budget.
WISC 7142.16
Meetings, 1971 October 19
Physical Description: 522'-535', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New merged UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7142.17
Meetings, 1971 October 19
Physical Description: 535'-566', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Medical Society.
WISC 7142.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 19
Physical Description: 566'-601', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus train unloading animals.
WISC 7142.19
On-site interviews, 1971 October 19
Physical Description: 601'-646', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rick Fetherston interviews Roy Kopp, new president of UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7142.20
Studio interviews, 1971 October 19
Physical Description: 646'-746', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Porter on Fitchburg annexation.
WISC 7142.21
Studio interviews, 1971 October 19
Physical Description: 746'-886', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William McKee on Fitchburg annexation.
WISC 7142.22
News, 1971 October
Physical Description: 886'-904', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Chambers.
WISC 7142.23
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 20
Physical Description: 904'-934', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Check presented to Neighborhood House.
WISC 7142.24
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 20
Physical Description: 934'-965', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discover America display at Hilldale Shopping Center.
WISC 7142.25
Meetings, 1971 October 20
Physical Description: 965'-1004', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7142.26
On-site interviews, 1971 October 20
Physical Description: 1004'-1063', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rep. Merkel on Department of Natural Resources condemnation power, which he seeks to limit.
WISC 7142.27
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 21
Physical Description: 1063'-1082', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Modular homes on display in Waunakee, Wisconsin.
WISC 7142.28
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 21
Physical Description: 1082'-1107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Topping-off ceremony for new building.
WISC 7142.29
News, 1971 October 21
Physical Description: 1107'-1137', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare mothers at Capitol meeting.
WISC 7142.30
On-site interviews, 1971 October 21
Physical Description: 1137'-1210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kahl, State Superintendent of Schools, on property taxes being raised for aid to schools.
WISC 7142.31
On-site interviews, 1971 October 21
Physical Description: 1210'-1293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thomas Stevens on Police and Fire Commission meeting.
WISC 7142.32
On-site interviews, 1971 October 21
Physical Description: 1293'-1379', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George Reinke on Sheriff Leslie's staff size.
WISC 7143.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East High School homecoming parade.
WISC 7143.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 30'-61', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Opening of United Artists Collection at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research.
WISC 7143.3
Meetings, 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 61'-110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Hospital Association.
WISC 7143.4
On-site interviews, 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 110'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Robert Knowles on the state budget.
WISC 7143.5
On-site interviews, 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 158'-213', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire Chief McGraw on arson attempts.
WISC 7143.6
On-site interviews, 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 213'-319', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Labor leader Lewandowski on 4 day work week.
WISC 7143.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 23
Physical Description: 319'-339', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair and sale.
WISC 7143.8
News, 1971 October 23
Physical Description: 339'-357', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. George McGovern at an open house.
WISC 7143.9
Meetings, 1971 October 23
Physical Description: 357'-375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school journalists.
WISC 7143.10
Meetings, 1971 October 23
Physical Description: 375'-406', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Devitt at legislative meeting.
WISC 7143.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 24
Physical Description: 410'-438', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dixieland band.
WISC 7143.12
On-site interviews, 1971 October 25
Physical Description: 438'-531', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Steinhilber on stalled budget. Senator Cirilli also comments on budget.
WISC 7143.13
On-site interviews, 1971 October 25
Physical Description: 531'-727', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Mike Birkley on drug advisory committee.
WISC 7143.14
On-site interviews, 1971 October 26
Physical Description: 727'-796', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Duschinski on lack of land fill sites.
WISC 7143.15
On-site interviews, 1971 October 26
Physical Description: 796'-940', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on city budget.
WISC 7143.16
On-site interviews, 1971 October 26
Physical Description: 940'-1156', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Phil Peterson on proposed landfill site in Oregon, Wisconsin, and other issues facing the community.
WISC 7143.17
Traffic accident reports, 1971 October 27
Physical Description: 1156'-1180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Campus Drive.
WISC 7143.18
Press conferences, 1971 October 27
Physical Description: 1180'-1214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on final passage of the budget.
WISC 7143.19
On-site interviews, 1971 October 27
Physical Description: 1214'-1248', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander on budget passage.
WISC 7143.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 27
Physical Description: 1248'-1285', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Science workshop at Edgewood College.
WISC 7143.21
On-site interviews, 1971 October 27
Physical Description: 1285'-1372', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Gale on drug center and methods of treating drug addicts.
WISC 7144.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Health program at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7144.2
On-site interviews, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 26'-118', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Walter Chilsen on legislative accomplishments.
WISC 7144.3
Press conferences, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 118'-243', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on recent passage of a bill he feels will increase property taxes. Mr. Christenson and Mr. Dries discuss city budget.
WISC 7144.4
Meetings, 1971 October 29
Physical Description: 243'-268', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7144.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 29
Physical Description: 268'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students in Assembly chamber.
WISC 7144.6
Dedications, 1971 October 29
Physical Description: 292'-319', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dedication of Madison Statue of Liberty.
WISC 7144.7
Press conferences, 1971 October 29
Physical Description: 319'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black spokesman feels black people are needlessly harassed by police officers.
WISC 7144.8
Press conferences, 1971 October 29
Physical Description: 360'-417', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber and Attorney General Robert Warren and a student discuss importance of student registration.
WISC 7144.9
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1971 October 30
Physical Description: 417'-442', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson awarded Conservationist of the Year.
WISC 7144.10
Meetings, 1971 October 30
Physical Description: 442'-481', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: NAACP.
WISC 7144.11
On-site interviews, 1971 October 30
Physical Description: 481'-562', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ray Short on his candidacy for Congress.
WISC 7144.12
Meetings, 1971 October 31
Physical Description: 562'-585', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sun Prairie Colonial Club.
WISC 7144.13
Speeches, 1971 October 31
Physical Description: 585'-857', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on waste in the automobile industry and the need for efficient cars.
WISC 7144.14
Press conferences, 1971 October 31
Physical Description: 858'-902', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Walter Chilsen on GOP budget conference.
WISC 7144.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 906'-1108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Feature on fire fighters. Interviewer has ride on the back of a hook and ladder. Pam Johnson reports on black folk dancing.
WISC 7144.16
On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 1108'-1149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on how South Madison Beltline Highway was constructed.
WISC 7144.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 1149'-1231', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WSA store.
WISC 7144.18
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 1231'-1337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders asks people “Why would you go on vacation?”
WISC 7145.1
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1971 October 18
Physical Description: 0'-149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” feature on Kevin Lyon, the youngest assistant District Attorney on Gerald Nichol's staff.
WISC 7145.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 18
Physical Description: 149'-204', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate chamber. Aides clearing desks, filing papers, pages at work.
WISC 7145.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 18
Physical Description: 204'-299', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW campus scenes. Close-up of the shoes people are wearing.
WISC 7145.4
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October 18
Physical Description: 299'-426', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders asks people “Do you think the press is too liberal?”
WISC 7145.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 27
Physical Description: 426'-570', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” feature on modern art in home. Bill Power's home is visited; he's decorated it for under $100.00.
WISC 7145.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 27
Physical Description: 570'-680', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pam Johnson on elementary school learning black folk dancing.
WISC 7145.7
On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 680'-754', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on highway plans for the state. Plans are being made for 1990.
WISC 7145.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 754'-798', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: St. Francis House rummage sale.
WISC 7145.9
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 798'-917', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders asks people “What do you like most about Wisconsin?”
WISC 7145.10
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 917'-1075', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pam Johnson on Afro-American Center.
WISC 7145.11
Press conferences, 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 1075'-1142', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey and Native American leaders meet on land usage issue.
WISC 7145.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 1142'-1247', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Feature on mentally retarded association for children.
WISC 7145.13
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October 15
Physical Description: 1247'-1370', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders asks “Should president run more than two terms?”
WISC 7146.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December 6
Physical Description: 0'-125', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Wilson reports on a Ripon, Wisconsin, husband and wife doctor team.
WISC 7146.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 125'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren introduces a consumer series for holiday buying.
WISC 7146.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 240'-355', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on needs of 14th ward in Madison.
WISC 7146.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December 6
Physical Description: 355'-395', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student art show in Union South.
WISC 7146.5
Man on the street interviews, 1971 December 6
Physical Description: 395'-502', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders at West Towne Mall asking “What excites you most about Christmas?”
WISC 7146.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 502'-615', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Wilson interviews bank executive for “Young America” segment.
WISC 7146.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 615'-728', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pam Johnson interviews sixth graders on new math curriculum.
WISC 7146.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 728'-837', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (alderman?) on what improvements his constituents are asking for.
WISC 7146.9
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November 12
Physical Description: 837'-949', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders on Capitol Square asks people “Are hunters killing too much game?”
WISC 7146.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 950'-1077', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pam Johnson interviews social service group spokesman about fewer babies available for adoption.
WISC 7146.11
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1077'-1202', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene Parks on concerns of the constituents of his ward. City needs to provide some low and moderate income housing.
WISC 7146.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 11
Physical Description: 1202'-1284', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Union South.
WISC 7146.13
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November 11
Physical Description: 1284'-1590', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders in Middleton asks “If you were in charge of a nuclear system, would you set it off?”
WISC 7147.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-77', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (Herbert Grover?) on revenue sharing between taxpayers and local government.
WISC 7147.2
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 77'-107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn.
WISC 7147.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 107'-187', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of the Elvehjem Museum and Humanities Building. Includes interior shots of art in museum.
WISC 7147.4
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 188'-299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Has the wage price freeze affected you?” From Hilldale.
WISC 7147.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 13
Physical Description: 299'-411', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Country blacksmith.
WISC 7147.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 411'-504', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Creativity project at Oregon Middle School. Interview with assistant school superintendent Roland Cross.
WISC 7147.7
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 504'-615', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” at flower shop on Monroe Street. Interviews with two proprietors, Jackie Anderson and Carol Reemer.
WISC 7147.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 615'-727', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: McFarland High School Theater is topic for interview with drama advisor Eugene Olson.
WISC 7147.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 727'-775', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Focus on unidentified old man working as a page at the State Capitol.
WISC 7147.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 775'-890', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Campus Chancellor H. Edwin Young discusses upcoming semester and changes in L&S, nursing, new buildings, enrollment, etc.
WISC 7147.11
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 890'-1004', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Now that you're 18 and have the right to vote, what are you doing to stimulate political activity on campus?” From Union Terrace.
WISC 7147.12
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1004'-1081', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interviews with nuns. The reasons for joining and process of becoming a nun.
WISC 7147.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 16
Physical Description: 1081'-1200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mid-Continent Railway Museum. Shots of passengers buying tickets and boarding train. On board train during trip.
WISC 7147.14
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1200'-1236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midge Miller on women in political office.
WISC 7147.15
Features(Newsfilm), 1971 September 16
Physical Description: 1236'-1326', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Lock it up” feature on bikes on campus. Includes shots all over campus and one of State Street traffic.
WISC 7147.16
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1326'-1438', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Should bingo be legalized in the state of Wisconsin?” From the corner of Carroll and Hamilton.
WISC 7148.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman on toys and how to tell if they are harmless, hardy, and helpful.
WISC 7148.2
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 94'-247', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dean Letterman, District Director of Children's Service Society of Wisconsin, on child welfare, adoption, and foster homes.
WISC 7148.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 247'-349', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's New At The U?” Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group (WISPIRG). Robert Park, state coordinator for WISPIRG.
WISC 7148.4
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 349'-480', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Will you vote in 1972?” In front of Lou's Tobacco Bar on State Street.
WISC 7148.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 20
Physical Description: 480'-599', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candle making at Sunburst Unique Candle Factory in Madison.
WISC 7148.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 599'-649', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 7th Day Adventist emergency services. Shots of volunteers unloading boxes of clothing.
WISC 7148.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 649'-767', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Antique furniture in Lt. Governor's office. Total value over $17,500. Furniture made prior to 1910. Loans from State Historical Society.
WISC 7148.8
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 767'-865', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At Westgate Shopping Center, people are asked, “Do you think the present educational system should be changed, or do you like it the way it is?”
WISC 7148.9
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 865'-975', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kentucky Fried Theater interview with one of the Zucker brothers and shots of rehearsal.
WISC 7148.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 975'-1097', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wild west store that sells fur, leather clothing, and pelts.
WISC 7148.11
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1097'-1182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative assistant for Harold Froehlich discusses the job of legislative aides.
WISC 7148.12
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1182'-1313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At Park Plaza Shopping Center, people are asked, “Should alcohol be considered a drug?”
WISC 7148.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1313'-1362', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Different types of horse-drawn antique wagons.
WISC 7148.14
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1362'-1784', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mount Vernon 125th birthday celebration. Co-chairman Harland Erfurth(?) on festivities.
WISC 7149.1
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 0'-58', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chief Justice E. Harold Hallows on increasing number of justices and other problems with Wisconsin Supreme Court.
WISC 7149.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 58'-107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students and peddlers on the Library Mall.
WISC 7149.3
Man on the street interviews, 1971 September 23
Physical Description: 107'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you feel minorities receive justice in our courts here in the state of Wisconsin?” From Beld and Gilson Streets.
WISC 7149.4
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 223'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Telephone employee Diana Klingman, the only woman central repairman, discusses job.
WISC 7149.5
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 318'-396', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chief Justice E. Harold Hallows on creating intermediate court and its problems.
WISC 7149.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 396'-439', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mural paintings around town.
WISC 7149.7
Man on the street interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 439'-568', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you feel the tax dollars have been spent as you would have liked them to be spent?” From Main and Monona.
WISC 7149.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 29
Physical Description: 568'-680', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bingbangleathergang Leather Shop. Shots of man making a pair of leather sandals for customer.
WISC 7149.9
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 680'-796', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Over-population in campus dorms and finding housing for those who could not get into a dorm.
WISC 7149.10
Man on the street interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 796'-887', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Should people using marijuana be arrested?” Asked at the corner of Mifflin and Carroll Streets.
WISC 7149.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 30
Physical Description: 887'-1002', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Infant intensive care unit for newborns at a hospital.
WISC 7149.12
-On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 1002'-1059', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on poor and minority prison inmates who see the legal system as unfair.
WISC 7149.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 30
Physical Description: 1059'-1111', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students in gym class respond to relaxation exercises.
WISC 7149.14
Man on the street interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 1111'-1159', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you feel that we should have a woman Supreme Court judge?” From Carroll Street on Capitol Square.
WISC 7149.15
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1159'-1198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you feel there should be a dress code?” In front of the Bank of Madison on Capitol Square.
WISC 7149.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 1
Physical Description: 1198'-1308', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Yellow Jersey Bicycle Coop.
WISC 7149.17
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1308'-4398', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same man as segment 12 on fairness in law enforcement for minorities and poor.
WISC 7149.18
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1398'-1508', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Should women be more actively involved in politics?” From Arlan's Grocery.
WISC 7150.1
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 3
Physical Description: 0'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America.” Interview with Santa Claus.
WISC 7150.2
Press conferences, 1971 October
Physical Description: 94'-190', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified Assemblyman on taxes and county takeover of airport, annexations, transportation, education, and rezoning.
WISC 7150.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 3
Physical Description: 190'-280', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ballet class.
WISC 7150.4
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 280'-380', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Are you in favor of the wheel tax?” In front of Kresge's.
WISC 7150.5
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 6
Physical Description: 380'-482', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Volunteers of America Day Care Center focus on Vincent Sweeny and Jeff Lange, male teachers.
WISC 7150.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 6
Physical Description: 482'-592', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Special education for deaf students at Allis School.
WISC 7150.7
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 592'-725', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At Kopp's Foods, people are asked, “Should women be involved in politics?”
WISC 7150.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 725'-841', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” at Peoples Office, a volunteer organization that helps community organizations.
WISC 7150.9
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 841'-946', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shelly Schwartz, Allis School teacher, discusses deaf students in public schools.
WISC 7150.10
On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 946'-1001', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on prison reform.
WISC 7150.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 8
Physical Description: 1001'-1080', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW sailing race on Lake Mendota.
WISC 7150.12
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 1080'-1203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you think we should do away with unions?” In front of Anchor Savings.
WISC 7150.13
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 1203'-1325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” on Acid Rescue, a group of volunteers to help stop drug abuse.
WISC 7150.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 11
Physical Description: 1325'-1440', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Watertown Memorial Hospital.
WISC 7150.15
On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 1440'-1496', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman on walking for exercise. Rick Fetherston interview on Capitol grounds.
WISC 7150.16
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 1496'-1569', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you feel that prisoners are being well-treated in our institutions?” From Nakoma Plaza.
WISC 7151.1
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 0'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” with law students at the Attorney General's office discussing consumer complaints.
WISC 7151.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 116'-221', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Allis School deaf students. Teacher with students.
WISC 7151.3
On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 221'-282', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's press secretary discusses his job.
WISC 7151.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 282'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road or sidewalk construction around Bascom Hall.
WISC 7151.5
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October 13
Physical Description: 338'-470', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Should young people have more of a voice in their destiny?” From West Towne.
WISC 7151.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 13
Physical Description: 470'-596', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” at Sunflower Kitchen - specializing in organic and vegetarian foods at the University YMCA.
WISC 7151.7
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 596'-721', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Mitby on courses offered at MATC.
WISC 7151.8
On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 721'-801', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man from Consumer Bureau discusses complaints.
WISC 7151.9
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 801'-923', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At Northgate Shopping Center, people are asked, “Do you think weather affects people and how?”
WISC 7151.10
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 923'-1035', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” at handmade clothes coop.
WISC 7151.11
On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 1035'-1183', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jim Baugh, Director of 5-year Program, discusses UW minority students opportunities in higher education and what the program is trying to do.
WISC 7151.12
On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 1183'-1262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's press secretary discusses relationship with Lucey.
WISC 7151.13
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October 14
Physical Description: 1262'-1343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What do you enjoy doing most?” In front of Park Motor Inn.
WISC 7152.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Superintendent gives job description and discusses school system and programs.
WISC 7152.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 67'-153', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's fitness class students participate in a variety of exercises and stretches.
WISC 7152.3
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 153'-263', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Would you accept a reduction in services if taxes were cut?” From East Towne.
WISC 7152.4
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 263'-404', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Ted Day, hairstylist, discusses hair styling for men.
WISC 7152.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 404'-515', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children learning about black folk dancing at Schenk Middle School.
WISC 7152.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 515'-568', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses toll roads.
WISC 7152.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 568'-614', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students sitting on the steps of Babcock Hall eating ice cream. Shots inside the dairy store.
WISC 7152.8
Man on the street interviews, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 614'-730', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you think the Indians are getting the support they need for their problems?” From State and Carroll.
WISC 7152.9
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 6
Physical Description: 730'-834', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Shelly Brontman on karate and self defense.
WISC 7152.10
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 834'-939', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgerton City Clerk Norman Burdeck on closing of Highway Industries, Inc. with William Ivy of Edgerton Industrial and Commercial Development.
WISC 7152.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 939'-1009', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Consumer Affairs Coordinator discusses consumer protection.
WISC 7152.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 6
Physical Description: 1009'-1079', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Marching Band practice.
WISC 7152.13
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1079'-1188', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What do you like most about Madison?” From in front of City-County Building.
WISC 7152.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 6
Physical Description: 1188'-1280', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” with Memorial High School Band drummer Dave Gotchberg on positive aspects of being in a band.
WISC 7152.15
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 1280'-1358', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on traffic, land use, and Highway Q problem in the 21st ward.
WISC 7152.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 8
Physical Description: 1358'-1399', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Indian miniature painting collection of Ernest C. and Jane Werner Watson.
WISC 7152.17
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November 8
Physical Description: 1399'-1512', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Has the movement toward change gone underground?” In front of Memorial Union.
WISC 7153.1
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 10
Physical Description: 0'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” with Madison “student nurse of the year” Joan Townsend on nursing.
WISC 7153.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 98'-258', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Cosby at Methodist Children's Services of Wisconsin discusses unwed mothers and social services.
WISC 7153.3
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 258'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses annexations, taxes, redistricting, property assessment, and bus scheduling problems in the first ward.
WISC 7153.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 367'-413', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nursing School feature shows students in classes, studying, and working at hospitals.
WISC 7153.5
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November 12
Physical Description: 413'-530', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Why do you like football?” In front of Camp Randall.
WISC 7153.6
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 12
Physical Description: 530'-631', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” from the basement of West High School. Interview with workers at the Moosehead Shed Store.
WISC 7153.7
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 631'-710', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man at the Methodist Children's Services discusses day care services for unwed mothers.
WISC 7153.8
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 710'-751', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman discusses encroachment of the University, football fans, and traffic problems in near west side ward.
WISC 7153.9
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 751'-858', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “When do you think Christmas decorations should go up?” From West Towne.
WISC 7153.10
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 13
Physical Description: 858'-973', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Dr. Ralph Stoffhocker discusses veterinary medicine.
WISC 7153.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 13
Physical Description: 973'-1092', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children in classrooms at unidentified elementary school, playground maintenance, and expansion of University Avenue in 11th ward.
WISC 7153.12
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 1092'-1180', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on rezoning and parks.
WISC 7153.13
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 1180'-1284', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What needs doing in farming?” At Farm Bureau meeting.
WISC 7154.1
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 17
Physical Description: 0'-157', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Billy Ashley, Directory Assistance Operator, discusses job.
WISC 7154.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 157'-224', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's New at the U?” Student nurses write letters to Wisconsin state senators for birth control reform.
WISC 7154.3
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 225'-335', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What could we do to make taxes more uniform?” From West Towne?
WISC 7154.4
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 335'-427', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Liquor license, Triangle issue, auditorium, and transportation problems of 20th ward are discussed.
WISC 7154.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 22
Physical Description: 427'-476', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman exercising on treadmill machine.
WISC 7154.6
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November 22
Physical Description: 476'-587', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Are we going overboard on environmental issues?” In front of 1st Wisconsin National Bank.
WISC 7154.7
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 24
Physical Description: 587'-691', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Daylin Barbie on farming.
WISC 7154.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 691'-806', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shorewood School. Second grade science class learns about pulleys.
WISC 7154.9
Studio interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 806'-925', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stabilizing neighborhoods, planning, rezoning, traffic, and code enforcement in the 6th ward.
WISC 7154.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 25
Physical Description: 925'-965', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student hitchhiker tries to get lift to Oshkosh on University Avenue, classroom, students leaving Elizabeth Waters dormitory.
WISC 7154.11
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 965'-1068', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Is marriage an asset or liability?” In front of Emporium.
WISC 7154.12
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 25
Physical Description: 1068'-1168', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Unidentified man on snow plowing.
WISC 7154.13
Studio interviews, 1971 November 25
Physical Description: 1168'-1278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pastor Alvin Briggs and Father David Wyth discuss Methodist/Episcopal Church merger.
WISC 7154.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 1278'-1319', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student musical rehearsal.
WISC 7154.15
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 1319'-1410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In front of Rennebohm's on State St., people are asked, “Are you in favor of a volunteer army?”
WISC 7155.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 0'-79', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” segment. Tana Polanski interviews residents at the Dane County Home.
WISC 7155.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 79'-193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shorewood School second grade science class discover how life cycles operate.
WISC 7155.3
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 193'-308', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman of the 18th ward discusses street lights, traffic, Sherman Avenue improvement.
WISC 7155.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 308'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art exhibition.
WISC 7155.5
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November 26
Physical Description: 353'-478', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Is the attitude that many of our students have for society a healthy one?” In front of Memorial Union.
WISC 7155.6
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 26
Physical Description: 480'-617', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Interview with auto mechanic Dave.
WISC 7155.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 26
Physical Description: 617'-725', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shorewood School 5th grade science class experiments with food chain.
WISC 7155.8
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 725'-822', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 3rd ward alderman discusses home owners' problems.
WISC 7155.9
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November 26
Physical Description: 822'-935', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Will young people see a time in their lives without wars?” In front of Memorial Union.
WISC 7155.10
Press conferences/Celebrity visits, 1971 November
Physical Description: 935'-1044', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Joyce Brothers on mental capacity and marriage.
WISC 7155.11
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 1044'-1123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chief Justice E. Harold Hallows discusses merit plan, judicial elections, and Constitutional issues.
WISC 7155.12
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 1123'-1236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Professor David Otis discusses his hydraulic invention to cut down on automobile exhaust.
WISC 7155.13
Man on the street interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 1236'-1367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you feel bicycles are a hazard on the streets?” In front of Rennebohm's on State Street.
WISC 7156.1
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December 2
Physical Description: 0'-109', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Music group “Friendship Train” is featured with interview with Larry Kent.
WISC 7156.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 109'-231', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 2nd ward alderman on getting families to move into 2nd ward, decrease of property value, taxes, and traffic.
WISC 7156.3
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 231'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you think it would be a good idea to allow students with 2 years of high school to enter vocational schools?” From Hilldale.
WISC 7156.4
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December 7
Physical Description: 360'-487', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America”: Former billiards champion Joe Balsis discusses youth's attraction to billiards.
WISC 7156.5
Studio interviews, 1971 December 7
Physical Description: 487'-609', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ward 8 Alderman Paul Soglin on Langdon Street, State Street, Mifflin Park, residential housing problems.
WISC 7156.6
Man on the street interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 609'-712', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “If you could make one major change in the city of Madison, what would that change be?” In front of Arlan's Grocery.
WISC 7156.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December 8
Physical Description: 712'-786', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kwanza Festival at the Afro-American Center. Includes poetry reading.
WISC 7156.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 786'-877', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ward alderman and former mayor on taxes, improvement of Whitney Way, and traffic.
WISC 7156.9
Man on the street interviews, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 877'-988', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “How much does money mean to you?” At Hilldale.
WISC 7156.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 988'-1065', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman gives consumer advice to Christmas shoppers.
WISC 7156.11
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 1065'-1187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kwanza Festival at the Afro-American Center. Interview with Kwame Salter, head of Afro-American Center on meaning of Kwanza.
WISC 7156.12
Man on the street interviews, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 1187'-1321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What does Christmas mean to you?” In front of Sears at West Towne.
WISC 7157.1
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 0'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman gives consumer advice for Christmas shoppers.
WISC 7157.2
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 84'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kwanza Festival at Afro-American Center. Interview with Vicki Meek on African art.
WISC 7157.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 139'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Annual UW Tudor Christmas Dinner at Union's Great Hall. UW Chamber Singers perform.
WISC 7157.4
Man on the street interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 242'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Are people bringing Christ back into Christmas?” From West Towne Mall.
WISC 7157.5
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 360'-462', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified Post Office worker discusses consumer problems with mail order.
WISC 7157.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 462'-553', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses budget, spending, and industrial building for city of Monona.
WISC 7157.7
Studio interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 553'-643', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 4th ward alderman on exclusion from city government, development of James Madison Park, and ward organization.
WISC 7157.8
Man on the street interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 643'-766', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you have any faith in our political system?” In front of Rennebohm's on State Street.
WISC 7157.9
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 766'-888', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same woman as segment 1 gives consumer advice.
WISC 7157.10
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1971 December 15
Physical Description: 888'-1030', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Family who adopted racially different child.
WISC 7157.11
Man on the street interviews, 1971 December 15
Physical Description: 1030'-1139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What do you know about the women's movement?” In front of Treasure Island.
WISC 7157.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 1139'-1228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same woman as segment 1 and 9 gives safety advice for tree trimming and shopping.
WISC 7157.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 1228'-1330', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Foster family taking care of child waiting for adoption.
WISC 7157.14
Man on the street interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 1330'-1402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Why do you like basketball?” From Field House.
WISC 7201.1
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 0'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on health insurance policies.
WISC 7201.2
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 88'-235', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison fire chief faces accusations of low water pressure and slow response time in connection with fire fighter's death.
WISC 7201.3
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 235'-384', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on the Emergency Unemployed Act, which creates several hundred thousand jobs in Madison.
WISC 7201.4
Judicial proceedings, 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 384'-407', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judges sworn in.
WISC 7201.5
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 407'-438', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Susan Kay Phillips on forming committees for property tax relief.
WISC 7201.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 438'-476', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Koritesky, lawyer for an anti-property tax group, speaks.
WISC 7201.7
Meetings, 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 476'-528', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tax meeting at Lapham School.
WISC 7201.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 528'-586', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on 20% rise in Madison crime rate, especially property crimes. Violent crime has decreased.
WISC 7201.9
On-site interviews, 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 586'-653', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman wants to make property taxes more progressive. She worries about property tax going to federal government and thus to the war effort.
WISC 7201.10
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 653'-716', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on local and statewide appointments to local offices. Gives age, sex, and racial breakdown.
WISC 7201.11
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 716'-746', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sol Levin on Triangle area redevelopment.
WISC 7201.12
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 746'-773', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Middle School Director Don Hafeman on redistricting and busing.
WISC 7201.13
Banquets, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 773'-804', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farmer of the Year.
WISC 7201.14
Hearings, 1972/01
Physical Description: 804'-841', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7201.15
Press conferences, 1972 January 6
Physical Description: 842'-952', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Campaign Director for John Lindsay's presidential campaign is optimistic about Lindsay's chances for victory.
WISC 7201.16
On-site interviews, 1972 January 6
Physical Description: 952'-1057', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Head of UW system talks about the magnitude of his task in merging the two administrations.
WISC 7201.17
Speeches, 1972/01
Physical Description: 1057'-1093', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaks to the League of Women Voters.
WISC 7201.18
Press conferences, 1972 January 6
Physical Description: 1093'-1187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on UW Regents and their retirement plan.
WISC 7201.19
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 1191'-1355', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Mitby, MATC director, on MATC's recent growth.
WISC 7202.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 0'-17', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Brenner is against universal voter registration.
WISC 7202.2
News, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 17'-45', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Smith, attorney for the Circuit Court Alimony and Support Division.
WISC 7202.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 45'-75', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Dean of Students Paul Ginsberg on registering voters at UW.
WISC 7202.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 75'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderwoman Jane Ruck comments on State Street Mall.
WISC 7202.5
Studio interviews, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 107'-141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Clarenbach runs for County Board, despite his youth.
WISC 7202.6
Meetings, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 141'-165', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7202.7
Press conferences, 1972/01
Physical Description: 165'-248', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley on UW President John Weaver's and Vice President Haas's salaries.
WISC 7202.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 9
Physical Description: 248'-283', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airplane display at East Towne Mall.
WISC 7202.9
Meetings, 1972 January 10
Physical Description: 283'-305', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Agriculture Department executive meeting.
WISC 7202.10
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 305'-410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on alderman asking Bureau of Public Works to reassess sewer rates.
WISC 7202.11
Studio interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 410'-512', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congressman William Steiger expresses his frustration with Democrats who don't give Nixon enough credit.
WISC 7202.12
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 512'-580', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on staggering quitting and lunch times downtown to ease traffic and encourage business downtown.
WISC 7202.13
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 580'-650', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on transportation and trucking.
WISC 7202.14
Press conferences, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 650'-679', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marvin Klein on school testing.
WISC 7202.15
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 679'-746', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Huber wants proposed Dane County freeway stopped.
WISC 7202.16
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 746'-817', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber on his term so far and his ambitions for the future.
WISC 7202.17
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 817'-838', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Simpson (from Chicago HEW office) on state nursing home facilities.
WISC 7202.18
Hearings, 1972/01
Physical Description: 838'-863', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate hearing.
WISC 7202.19
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 863'-907', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Simpson (from Chicago HEW office) on monitoring state nursing homes.
WISC 7202.20
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 907'-1022', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Lee Hansen on testing Wisconsin students for literacy.
WISC 7202.21
Meetings, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 1022'-1050', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate Finance Committee meeting.
WISC 7202.22
Hearings, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 1050'-1074', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative reapportionment committee hearing.
WISC 7202.23
News/Political announcements, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 1074'-1375', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Henry Jackson on campaign trail.
WISC 7203.1
Meetings, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 0'-22', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Building Commission meeting.
WISC 7203.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 22'-85', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tavern robbery and shooting at Harold's Club.
WISC 7203.3
Press conferences, 1972/01
Physical Description: 85'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dave Lund, Gerry Driscoll, and another IRS agent on IRS stabilization goals.
WISC 7203.4
Press conferences, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 203'-286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Satz on job opportunities for people trying to get off welfare.
WISC 7203.5
Press conferences, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 286'-363', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Madison's low crime rate compared to other towns its size.
WISC 7203.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 363'-465', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” features Doug Simmon, a goldsmith.
WISC 7203.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 465'-513', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes in UW dormitory rooms.
WISC 7203.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 513'-678', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's new with the U?” interviews Joan Sleidman and John Olson, two UW housefellows.
WISC 7203.9
Man on the street interviews, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 678'-713', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Question: “Why do you like sports?”
WISC 7203.10
On-site interviews, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 713'-805', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anne Gaylor on anti-abortion legislation and Zero Population Growth.
WISC 7203.11
On-site interviews, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 805'-934', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assistant District Attorney DeChambeau on drug crackdown.
WISC 7203.12
On-site interviews, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 934'-1042', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man answers charge of “Kangaroo Court” regarding abortion law committee.
WISC 7203.13
On-site interviews, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 1042'-1067', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midge Miller on Ecumenical Council's plan for sanctuary for draft resisters.
WISC 7203.14
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 509'-528', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7203.14
Hearings, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 1067'-1102', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly Natural Resources Committee hearing.
WISC 7203.15
News, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 1102'-1135', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of Governor's Island.
WISC 7203.16
Hearings, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 1135'-1176', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on abortion laws.
WISC 7203.17
Meetings, 1972/01
Physical Description: 1176'-1208', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of the State Assembly in action.
WISC 7203.18
Traffic accident reports, 1972/01
Physical Description: 1208'-1241', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Truck accident.
WISC 7203.19
Meetings, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 1241'-1281', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Town meeting on property tax.
WISC 7203.20
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 128.1'-1371', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified state legislator on issues facing legislators until the election.
WISC 7204.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972/01
Physical Description: 0'-91', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nursery school students listen to a story that helps them with phonics through the Putnik Reading Program.
WISC 7204.2
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 96'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Helen Nicholson, inventor of the Putnik method of phonics.
WISC 7204.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972/01
Physical Description: 203'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children at Lindbergh Elementary School learn to read and write through the Putnik program.
WISC 7204.4
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 324'-413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Ernest Keppler on legislative issues coming up right after recess.
WISC 7204.5
Press conferences, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 414'-531', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren and Gerald Nichol on Kathy's Sauna sex crimes grand jury finding.
WISC 7204.6
News, 1972/01
Physical Description: 531'-553', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior scenes of buildings.
WISC 7204.7
Meetings, 1972 January 19
Physical Description: 553'-575', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Council meeting attended by Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts.
WISC 7204.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 19
Physical Description: 575'-609', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Paul Soglin comments on State Street Mall.
WISC 7204.9
On-site interviews, 1972 January 19
Physical Description: 609'-668', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderwoman Jane Ruck on bicycle paths.
WISC 7204.10
Hearings, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 668'-690', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Housing Committee hearing (?).
WISC 7204.11
Speeches, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 690'-733', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey speaks to Legislature.
WISC 7204.12
On-site interviews, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 733'-796', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James DeWitt on nursing home investigation.
WISC 7204.13
On-site interviews, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 796'-874', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eric Bollard and Joan Schette on registering students to vote.
WISC 7204.14
On-site interviews, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 874'-985', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Hinickle, Secretary of Health and Social Services, on new proposals regarding his department.
WISC 7204.15
On-site interviews, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 985'-1102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman John Healy on city welfare and education resolutions.
WISC 7204.16
On-site interviews, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 1104'-4273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walter Kelley and Severa Austin on recent sex crimes and the possible legalization of prostitution.
WISC 7204.17
Press conferences, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 1273'-1332', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Paul Soglin on arrests of pot smokers and users of hallucinogens.
WISC 7205.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 0'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Carl Thompson on new property taxes on farms near the city of Madison.
WISC 7205.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 60'-123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Representative Ed Nager, head of Subcommittee on Housing, on creating new low-cost housing.
WISC 7205.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 123'-185', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Hoepker on Township of Burke farm property tax.
WISC 7205.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 22
Physical Description: 185'-200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East High School graphic arts department.
WISC 7205.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 22
Physical Description: 200'-226', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kahl, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, on school costs.
WISC 7205.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 22
Physical Description: 226'-262', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warner Park Klondike Derby.
WISC 7205.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 22
Physical Description: 262'-301', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jaycees' mock legislature; interview with Wesley Albin.
WISC 7205.8
News, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 301'-318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jury Commissioner Erich Lenz sworn in.
WISC 7205.9
Meetings, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 318'-343', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Merger Improvement Committee meeting.
WISC 7205.10
Meetings, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 343'-368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Legislature Re-apportionment Committee meeting.
WISC 7205.11
Hearings, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 368'-410', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Agricultural Committee hearing on hazardous substances.
WISC 7205.12
Press conferences, 1972 January 25
Physical Description: 414'-484', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy disagrees with McGovern on pullout of American troops from Europe, talks about other issues.
WISC 7205.13
On-site interviews, 1972 January 25
Physical Description: 484'-552', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Richards, state expert on drugs and drug traffic, talks about drug abuse.
WISC 7205.14
Press conferences, 1972 January 25
Physical Description: 552'-655', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren, John Sheehan, and Leroy Dalton on new anti-trust law.
WISC 7205.15
Meetings, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 655'-676', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Common Council meeting.
WISC 7205.16
On-site interviews, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 676'-711', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Reuben Lafave on tax credit for private schools.
WISC 7205.17
On-site interviews, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 711'-755', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kenney, city real estate officer, on sale of land near Truax Field.
WISC 7205.18
On-site interviews, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 755'-801', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Manny Brown is against private school tax credits.
WISC 7205.19
Press conferences, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 801'-855', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Mike Birkley on recent drug arrests that resulted in arresting about a hundred users, no big pushers.
WISC 7205.20
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 855'-940', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Carl Thompson on the passage of venereal disease bill.
WISC 7205.21
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 940'-1085', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police on drug arrests and enforcement; disputes Birkley's claim.
WISC 7205.22
Meetings, 1972/01
Physical Description: 1085'-1197', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Common Council meeting; interviews with Urich and Peters on Metro Square or Monona Basin as a site for a new auditorium.
WISC 7206.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 0'-68', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Clerk Eldon Hoel on voting districts, absentee ballots, and registration problems.
WISC 7206.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 68'-159', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Risser on improving prison conditions and sending prisoners into society.
WISC 7206.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 159'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hollander on annual review of Governor's budget and $30 million surplus.
WISC 7206.4
House fires, 1972 January 29
Physical Description: 266'-310', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Apartment house fire.
WISC 7206.5
Studio interviews, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 310'-591', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New York City Mayor John Lindsay on presidential nomination and connections and support from crime families in New York City.
WISC 7206.6
Meetings, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 591'-631', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare mothers in Governor Lucey's office.
WISC 7206.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 631'-663', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Corporate Counsel Glen Henry on reapportionment, Judge Doyle.
WISC 7206.8
Meetings, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 663'-713', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's budget review meeting.
WISC 7206.9
Meetings, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 713'-749', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Auditorium committee meeting with Mayor Dyke.
WISC 7206.10
Meetings, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 749'-789', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway Commission meeting.
WISC 7206.11
On-site interviews, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 789'-911', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man from Oscar Mayer Company on waste treatment plant and anti-smell device.
WISC 7206.12
On-site interviews, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 911'-979', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on committee for proposed site of civic auditorium in Metro Square.
WISC 7206.13
Hearings, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 979'-1028', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources - Snowmobile legislation.
WISC 7206.14
Meetings, 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 1028'-1049', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Committee meeting.
WISC 7206.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 1049'-1073', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school kids visit Copps Supermarket.
WISC 7206.16
On-site interviews, 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 1073'-1120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Risser on Patsy Mink as presidential candidate.
WISC 7206.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 1120'-1170', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Swing choir at Memorial High School.
WISC 7206.18
On-site interviews, 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 1170'-1222', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Tobiasz on legislative control and state salaries.
WISC 7206.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 1222'-1246', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jimmie the Ground Hog on Ground Hog Day.
WISC 7206.20
On-site interviews, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 1246'-1322', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Hickman on county reapportionment.
WISC 7206.21
On-site interviews, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 1322'-1356', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Len Babbard on 18-year-old age of majority bill.
WISC 7206.22
Press conferences, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 1356'-1402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nichol on Sheriff's conflict of interest and clearing Sheriff of criminal actions.
WISC 7206.23
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1402'-1484', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff Vernon Leslie on vindication and investigation.
WISC 7206.24
Press conferences, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 1484'-1597', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on auditorium committee vote.
WISC 7207.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 0'-43', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roth Watson, as dual member on Board and Drug Commission, discusses police/community relations.
WISC 7207.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 43'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Healy on civic auditorium and funds for mass transit.
WISC 7207.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 88'-146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Christenson on funds for mass transportation at Metro Square.
WISC 7207.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 146'-247', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol on Drug Commission meeting and narcotics law enforcement.
WISC 7207.5
Meetings, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 247'-283', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County Board meeting.
WISC 7207.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 283'-310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stoddard defends appointment to DNR Board.
WISC 7207.7
Press conferences, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 313'-364', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Hales on problems of minorities on campus and his appointment to Board of Regents.
WISC 7207.8
Press conferences, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 364'-567', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Henry Jackson on the Wisconsin presidential campaign trail discusses schools, crime, violence, foreign policy, and national security.
WISC 7207.9
Meetings, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 567'-610', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Reapportionment Committee meeting.
WISC 7207.10
News/Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 610'-660', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on phone with employer for upcoming “Hire a Veteran Week.” Also present is a veteran.
WISC 7207.11
House fires, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 660'-704', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at 1134 East Johnson Street.
WISC 7207.12
Meetings, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 704'-749', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Finance Committee meeting.
WISC 7207.13
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 749'-805', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gordon Roseleip on bill for 4-year term in county offices instead of 2-year terms and two party system.
WISC 7207.14
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 805'-894', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Parker on Theater Guild building their own 850-seat theater in Park Towne.
WISC 7207.15
On-site interviews, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 894'-961', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Devitt on 18-year legal age limit bill.
WISC 7207.16
On-site interviews, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 961'-1005', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Johnson on taxation and against welfare bill.
WISC 7207.17
On-site interviews, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 1005'-1085', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Dorman on additional costs for welfare and for welfare bill.
WISC 7208A.1
Meetings, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 0'-188', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Committee for Fair Taxes. Different speakers on high taxes.
WISC 7208A.2
Meetings, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 196'-239', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke with unidentified man signing proclamation on Black Studies Week.
WISC 7208A.3
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 239'-291', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified meeting.
WISC 7208A.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 291'-410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Finley C. Campbell, running for governor in Indiana, discusses communication within the arts for blacks.
WISC 7208A.5
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 410'-513', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Sheila Monte and Dr. Elizabeth Klatsky on organization of faculty women.
WISC 7208A.6
Man on the street interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 513'-597', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Are strikes at this time beneficial to the economy?” is the question asked of students at Union South.
WISC 7208A.7
Awards ceremonies, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 597'-626', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police excellence award presented to police officer of the year Bob Uselman.
WISC 7208A.8
Studio interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 626'-720', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Connie Armitage on women's appointments to high office under President Nixon.
WISC 7208A.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 720'-781', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Swan against open housing bill.
WISC 7208A.10
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 781'-831', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Morton Walter on charges made by Alderman Mike Birkley and Metro Drug Commission.
WISC 7208A.11
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 831'-859', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lipscomb for open housing bill.
WISC 7208A.12
Meetings, 1972 February
Physical Description: 859'-894', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified meeting.
WISC 7208A.13
On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 894'-1022', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Finley Campbell, Indiana governor nominee, on black culture, arts, and politics.
WISC 7208A.14
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 1022'-1142', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Ruth Blier and Dr. Karen Merritt on status of women at University of Wisconsin (both are members of Coordinating Council for Women in Higher Education).
WISC 7208A.15
Man on the street interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 1142'-1272', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders at East Towne Mall asking, “Are we spending too many tax dollars on education?”
WISC 7208A.16
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1972 February 9
Physical Description: 1272'-1340', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county housing authority in Wisconsin. Includes tour through house.
WISC 7208A.17
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 1340'-1479', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man speaks on his problems with housing.
WISC 7208B.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hopkins on Madison mass transit problem. Discusses how Boston solved their problem.
WISC 7208B.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 49'-119', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Smith on transportation corridors.
WISC 7208B.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 119'-178', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative George on budget bill and pay increase.
WISC 7208B.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 178'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Schmidt on unemployment and inflation, viable unemployment rate, and women in the work force.
WISC 7208B.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 223'-257', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on police and fire fighters' right to strike.
WISC 7208B.6
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 257'-400', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bob Dunne from Big Brothers Organization. Volunteer and his little brother on personal benefits gained from Big Brothers.
WISC 7208B.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February
Physical Description: 400'-487', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Equal Opportunity Commission members Betty Latimer and Joy Newman present books with black characters (Community Report).
WISC 7208B.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 487'-612', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building inspector Bob Freeze on fire protection (Community Report).
WISC 7208B.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 612'-770', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Protection and Security Chief Ralph Hanson on hostility between students and police. Also discusses drugs and theft on campus.
WISC 72088.10
Man on the street interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 770'-882', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Question asked at St. Paul's Church: “What changes are necessary to give all minorities equal opportunity politically and socially?”
WISC 7208B.11
Press conferences, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 882'-978', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on available monies and whether to put it into transportation or an auditorium.
WISC 7208B.12
On-site interviews, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 978'-998', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Elliot (Executive of Wisconsin Petroleum Industry) discusses environmental preservation and wetlands given to state.
WISC 7208B.13
On-site interviews, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 998'-1047', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Margaret Hott on wetlands given to state by Wisconsin Petroleum Industry.
WISC 7208B.14
On-site interviews, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 1047'-1112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ralph Hanson on campus security, drug laws, and campus theft. Continuation of segment 9.
WISC 7208B.15
On-site interviews, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 1112'-1288', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Indar Get Rickie of India on world peace and United States' influence.
WISC 7208B.16
On-site interviews, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 1288'-1337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Nile Soik on birth control legislation and welfare mothers.
WISC 7208B.17
On-site interviews, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 1337'-1382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Former Alderman Kopp on Madison Metro problems, land use, and urban sprawl.
WISC 7208B.18
Banquets, 1972
Physical Description: 1382'-1409', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Way.
WISC 7209.1
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-151', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Richland Center Lingerie branch plant. Includes interview with employee Judy Taylor.
WISC 7209.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 151'-257', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gene Foughy and Doug Hanson interviewed at Technology and Politics seminar at Memorial Union.
WISC 7209.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 257'-280', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Editing 16mm footage with Moviescop and rewinds.
WISC 7209.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 280'-309', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men and women sewing in lingerie plant in Richland Center.
WISC 7209.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 309'-327', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Technology and Politics Seminar in Great Hall of Memorial Union (continuation of segment 2).
WISC 7209.6
Man on the street interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 327'-410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What does Valentine's Day mean to you?” Question asked at Chadbourne Hall.
WISC 7209.7
On-site interviews/Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 410'-464', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing with state departments to find out what they are doing to help Vietnam veterans. Includes interview with unidentified man.
WISC 7209.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 464'-574', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Liberal Senator from Tennessee on campaign trail discusses priorities and problems with Senate, military, conservatives.
WISC 7209.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 574'-598', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teenage persons not able to sign nomination papers.
WISC 7209.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 598'-616', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metro building with buses leaving.
WISC 7209.11
On-site interviews, 1972 February 12
Physical Description: 616'-831', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congressman Robert Kastenmeier on the campaign trail discusses presidential nominations, agriculture and food prices, and prisons.
WISC 7209.12
On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 831'-928', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black candidate for Governor of Indiana Finley Campbell on blacks running for office and other issues.
WISC 7209.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 928'-1052', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Joan Roberts on Women's Studies programs and student, June Miller.
WISC 7209.14
Man on the street interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1052'-1130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Should we spend more money abroad than we are at home?” Question asked at Union South, UW Campus.
WISC 7209.15
On-site interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 1130'-1226', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Dinauer, planning department director, on transit system development and audit funds for transportation.
WISC 7209.16
On-site interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 1126'-1317', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Regent President Kopp on retroactive pay boosts for UW faculty.
WISC 7209.17
Studio interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 1317'-1390', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mike Birkley on how drug commission should have nothing to do with drug raids. Prefers treatment rehabilitation program.
WISC 7209.18
On-site interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 1390'-1450', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus discusses regulation of cable and two-way television.
WISC 7209.19
Meetings, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 1450'-1497', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Board of Regents meeting.
WISC 7210.1
Speeches, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 0'-112', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Johnson and student discuss 18-year-old voting bill, 26th amendment.
WISC 7210.2
News, 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 112'-230', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Power station explosion. Night shots in snowstorm.
WISC 7210.3
Press conferences, 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 230'-286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Devitt on surprise visit to Central Colony.
WISC 7210.4
Celebrity visits, 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 286'-301', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dennis Weaver at political rally at East High School.
WISC 7210.5
Meetings/Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 301'-350', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 125th anniversary of Verona. Shots of Verona population sign, meeting, and of downtown and school.
WISC 7210.6
Meetings, 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 350'-374', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: CAC meeting.
WISC 7210.7
Press conferences, 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 374'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Cooper discusses legislative pay raises and property tax.
WISC 7210.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 391'-496', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Denny Morgan, Richland Center High physical education teacher, discusses program.
WISC 7210.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 496'-616', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Noreen Bengston, Madison attorney, discusses handwriting analysis or graphology.
WISC 7210.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 616'-665', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Richland Center physical education class (continuation of segment 8).
WISC 7210.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 665'-774', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WSA member Tim Higgins discusses economics, academics, and general purpose of WSA.
WISC 7210.12
Man on the street interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 774'-889', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “How do you, as a student, feel about women's liberation?” From Chadbourne Hall.
WISC 7210.13
Public announcements, 1970 February 16
Physical Description: 889'-983', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Captain Davenport talks about apartment rapist. Gives personal description.
WISC 7210.14
Public announcements, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 983'-1060', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney John Olson on snow tire safety and defective tires.
WISC 7210.15
On-site interviews, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 1060'-1149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roy Ullius discusses planning of State Fair.
WISC 7210.16
On-site interviews, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 1149'-1192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Nager on State Building Commission's moving on Gisholt property.
WISC 7210.17
On-site interviews, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 1192'-1223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Johnson (Eau Claire) on state's refusal to pay scholarships and higher education bill.
WISC 7210.18
On-site interviews, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 1223'-1288', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Zenno Gorder from water utility discusses information gained on trip to Nottingham for water engineers technical conference.
WISC 7210.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 1288'-1300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Westminster Presbyterian Church after being rebuilt.
WISC 7210.20
Speeches/Meetings, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 1300'-1350', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Manpower director William Bechtel on department at cabinet meeting. Discusses teacher corps.
WISC 7210.21
On-site interviews, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 1350'-1388', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Thompson on passing bill for reapportionment task force.
WISC 7210.22
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1388'-1446', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Gene Parks on black politicians in Wisconsin, and convention to be held in Milwaukee.
WISC 7211.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 21
Physical Description: 0'-425', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Norman Anderson on consumer credits bill and banking law. Also discusses reapportionment at the Center for Conflict Resolution.
WISC 7211.2
Banquets, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 125'-149', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard luncheon.
WISC 7211.3
Meetings, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 149'-166', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Board of Regents Committee on Minority Students.
WISC 7211.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 21
Physical Description: 166'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continued from segment 1 - talks about Governor Select Cabinet.
WISC 7211.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 21
Physical Description: 228'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Republican Midge Miller on private school aid bill, and endorsement of McCarthy in Illinois at the Center for Conflict Resolution.
WISC 7211.6
News/Speeches, 1972 February 21
Physical Description: 345'-486', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Lindsay (N.Y.) at East High on unemployment, Wisconsin's political system, and future of our country.
WISC 7211.7
Hearings, 1972 February 21
Physical Description: 486'-510', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate Housing Committee.
WISC 7211.8
Meetings, 1972 February
Physical Description: 510'-528', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Session of State Legislature.
WISC 7211.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 20
Physical Description: 528'-595', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Georgia Marsh on Madison neighborhood center to be built using funds from Rennebohm's.
WISC 7211.10
Press conferences, 1972 February 20
Physical Description: 595'-765', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Edward P. Snyder on economy, price commission, control system for inflation, and predictions for future economy after Phase II of Nixon's economic plan.
WISC 7211.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February
Physical Description: 765'-864', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” segment on Delila Wallenda of high wire circus act, the “Flying Wallendas.”
WISC 7211.12
On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 864'-981', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's new at the U?” WSA members Tom Snyder and Tim Higgins discuss WSA's pharmacy.
WISC 7211.13
Man on the street interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 981'-1097', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What is the most pressing issue in Madison?” Responses include 18-year-old vote, university and community relations, drug shortage, primaries, and property taxes. From Wisconsin Memorial Union.
WISC 7211.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February
Physical Description: 1097'-1146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Part of segment 11. Flying Wallendas give demonstration of high wire act.
WISC 7211.15
On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 1146'-1273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney Noreen Bengston's analysis of reporter Pam Johnson's handwriting.
WISC 7211.16
Press conferences, 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 1273'-1426', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Jewish Conference issues a statement protesting treatment of Jewish people in Soviet Union.
WISC 7212.1
Press conferences, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 0'-34', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David M. Myhre on Vietnam veterans' benefits and the G.I. Bill.
WISC 7212.2
Press conferences, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 34'-96', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Eich (B.S.C.) on cable TV regulations and monopolies.
WISC 7212.3
Press conferences, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 96'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus discusses aims of cable TV and if regulations are necessary.
WISC 7212.4
News, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 139'-150', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam veterans march on the Capitol.
WISC 7212.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 150'-195', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Bob Sahver on group benefits for veterans.
WISC 7212.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 195'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Kenyon Giese on pay raises for state employees.
WISC 7212.7
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 236'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Herbert Grover in favor of cabinet member appointments.
WISC 7213.1
Hearings, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 0'-46', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DNR.
WISC 7213.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 46'-64', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WEA news contest. Panel of judges reviewing entries.
WISC 7213.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March 4
Physical Description: 64'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses March of Dimes benefit dance.
WISC 7213.4
Traffic accident reports, 1972 March 4
Physical Description: 108'-135', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fatal car accident on I-90.
WISC 7213.5
On-site interviews, 1972 March 3
Physical Description: 135'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Hickman on county Department of Social Services and jobs of social workers.
WISC 7213.6
Studio interviews, 1972 March 3
Physical Description: 260'-330', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Ham for DNR discusses solid waste disposal at County Board meeting.
WISC 7213.7
Press conferences, 1972 March 3
Physical Description: 330'-361', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Ernest Keppler discusses Governor Lucey's new budget bill and distribution of tax dollars.
WISC 7213.8
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 361'-537', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Young America” features Hank Ellington, drivers license examiner.
WISC 7213.9
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 537'-621', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Bell on meals on wheels program.
WISC 7213.10
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 621'-698', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Public Interest Group (WISPIRG) petitions for student support for the organization of UW campus.
WISC 7213.11
Man on the street interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 698'-786', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At The Stone Fence (a store), people are asked, “What can be done to stop hijacking of airplanes?”
WISC 7213.12
Press conferences, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 786'-895', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Richard Lugar, candidate for Governor of Indiana, discusses unified government (“UNIGOV”) and its advantages in Indianapolis.
WISC 7213.13
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 895'-955', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Steinhilber on corporate farming bill.
WISC 7213.14
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 955'-1004', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Ray Johnson on budget review bill and possible cuts.
WISC 7213.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 1004'-1031', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's immunization clinics. Shots of children being immunized.
WISC 7213.16
On-site interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 1031'-1110', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Raymond Johnson on his appointment to Chief of Staff in Baraboo.
WISC 7213.17
Press conferences, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 1110'-1225', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Clapyer, police chief of Baraboo, supports Johnson.
WISC 7213.18
Studio interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 1228'-1313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Dries on number of wards needed (16 or 24) and on four-year terms for alderman and mayor.
WISC 7213.19
Press conferences, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 1313'-1488', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on auditorium memo, budget, and football schedules.
WISC 7213.20
Studio interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 1488'-1524', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Gene Parks on Mayor Dyke's memorandum on assistance.
WISC 7213.21
On-site interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 1524'-1562', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Anthony Earl on pay raise for members of the House.
WISC 7214.1
Press conferences, 1972 March
Physical Description: 0'-55', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on budget distributions and decline in business.
WISC 7214.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 55'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on legislature's failure to adopt amendments 1 and 2 in order that they would receive pay raises.
WISC 7214.3
Press conferences, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 101'-258', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marshal Wick (Eau Claire) on UW Systems faculty merger. Clara Penniman, faculty member, supports merger.
WISC 7214.4
Press conferences, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 258'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Eugene Parks on resolution of affirmative action human rights program and employment of minorities.
WISC 7214.5
On-site interviews, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 412'-493', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Steinhilber opposes consumer bill.
WISC 7214.6
On-site interviews, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 493'-529', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Dale McKenna (D-Jefferson) favors consumer bill.
WISC 7214.7
On-site interviews, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 529'-573', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Froehlich on blocked budget bill and new bill revision law.
WISC 7214.8
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 573'-654', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on consequences of withholding taxes and property taxes.
WISC 7214.9
Studio interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 654'-719', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on State Street Mall and lack of action by city council.
WISC 7214.10
Studio interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 724'-765', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Conrad on legal status of State Street Mall and ordinances.
WISC 7214.11
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March
Physical Description: 768'-930', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with taxi driver Curt Vogelman for Young America feature.
WISC 7214.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March
Physical Description: 930'-1020', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rural shots of snow.
WISC 7214.13
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1020'-1130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison City Clerk Eldon Hoel discusses upcoming March 7 primary election.
WISC 7214.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March
Physical Description: 1130'-1224', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's new at the U?” Food tasters at the Food Science Department in the Home Economics Building.
WISC 7214.15
Man on the street interviews, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 1224'-1315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At Wolff Kubly Hardware Store, people are asked, “Why are there so few voters in upcoming election?”
WISC 7214.16
On-site interviews, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 1315'-1409', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Bechtel (State Manpower Director) on emergency employment act on federal funds for unemployed.
WISC 7214.17
Press conferences, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 1409'-1455', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Carl Thompson on reapportionment.
WISC 7215.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on waste disposal, property tax relief, and state payment of taxes.
WISC 7215.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 93'-115', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm equipment show at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7215.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 117'-160', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaks in favor of consumer protection bill.
WISC 7215.4
Studio interviews, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 160'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Person comments on remapping of State Street for mall.
WISC 7215.5
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 213'-255', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same man as in segment 1 on tax policies and state funds.
WISC 7215.6
Press conferences, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 255'-313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on Supreme Court decision on state reapportionment.
WISC 7215.7
On-site interviews, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 313'-377', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street store owners speak out against turning State Street into a mall.
WISC 7215.8
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 377'-451', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's new at the U?” with Steve Safner of University's Gallery Committee on graphic art sale at Memorial Union.
WISC 7215.9
Man on the street interviews, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 451'-568', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What do you think of the ITT affair?” From Rennebohm's Drug Store on the Square.
WISC 7215.10
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March
Physical Description: 568'-666', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Community crafts and arts co-op. Interview with member John Vanderwater.
WISC 7215.11
On-site interviews, 1972 March 10
Physical Description: 666'-782', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Professor Aaron Johnson on survey for State Street businessmen and users.
WISC 7215.12
Traffic accident reports, 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 782'-801', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car/train accident on the Beltline.
WISC 7215.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 801'-819', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Supreme Court.
WISC 7215.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 819'-847', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snow tire stud removal.
WISC 7215.15
Meetings, 1972 March
Physical Description: 847'-892', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified meeting in school library.
WISC 7215.16
Press conferences, 1972 March 12
Physical Description: 892'-932', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Theodore Meves on her group petition for Governor Lucey's recall.
WISC 7215.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 932'-960', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students at City Council meeting room and court room for Dane County Youth Day activities.
WISC 7215.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 11
Physical Description: 960'-980', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerome Blaska farm.
WISC 7215.19
Meetings, 1972 March
Physical Description: 980'-994', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7215.20
On-site interviews, 1972 March 10
Physical Description: 994'-1032', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney Friebert on UW faculty retroactive pay raises.
WISC 7215.21
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1032'-1103', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Professor Aaron Johnson on survey for State Street businessmen and consumers (same as segment 11).
WISC 7215.22
News, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1103'-1122', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dredging Lake Wingra for body of Owen Harrington.
WISC 7215.23
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1122'-1153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerome Blaska on taxes and farmers' property taxes.
WISC 7215.24
Studio interviews, 1972 March 9
Physical Description: 1153'-1204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joe Strub on river flooding in Wisconsin.
WISC 7215.25
On-site interviews, 1972 March 9
Physical Description: 1204'-1249', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Walter Chilsen on the Governor's budget review and tax relief.
WISC 7215.26
On-site interviews, 1972 March 9
Physical Description: 1249'-1292', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Ernest Keppler on reapportionment.
WISC 7215.27
On-site interviews, 1972 March 8
Physical Description: 1292'-1348', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Duszynski on recycling waste in city and closing of the Lake Recycler.
WISC 7215.28
Meetings/Press conferences, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1348'-1492', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on city audit and employment of minorities.
WISC 7216.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 0'-144', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Savage, convict at Waupun State Prison, discusses his experiences.
WISC 7216.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 144'-251', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Methodist Hospital opens psychiatric ward. Coordinator of the unit Dr. Joseph Brown is interviewed.
WISC 7216.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 251'-398', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's new at the U?” UW President John C. Weaver discusses student apathy.
WISC 7216.4
Man on the street interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 398'-513', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Do you think busing will be an issue in Wisconsin?” From Library Mall in front of the State Historical Society building.
WISC 7216.5
Speeches, 1972 March 22
Physical Description: 513'-648', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator George McGovern on the campaign trail discusses property tax and health insurance. Program to Rotary Club.
WISC 7216.6
Speeches, 1972 March 22
Physical Description: 648'-779', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey on the campaign trail discusses his qualifications and property taxes. Silent footage with Governor Lucey.
WISC 7216.7
On-site interviews, 1972 March 22
Physical Description: 780'-854', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Susan Kay Phillips discusses State Street Mall support and financing.
WISC 7216.8
Meetings, 1972 March 22
Physical Description: 854'-872', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Building Commission meeting.
WISC 7216.9
Speeches, 1972 March 21
Physical Description: 872'-985', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Lindsay of New York on the campaign trail discusses property taxes and revenue sharing.
WISC 7216.10
Press conferences, 1972 March 21
Physical Description: 985'-1024', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WSA President Tim Higgins on air war in Vietnam and request for stopping the war.
WISC 7216.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 20
Physical Description: 1024'-1045', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Equal Rights Committee meeting.
WISC 7216.12
On-site interviews, 1972 March 20
Physical Description: 1045'-1157', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry (Scoop) Jackson interview in Baraboo; speaks out against McGovern and busing, economy, unemployment, and property taxes.
WISC 7216.13
Press conferences, 1972 March 20
Physical Description: 1157'-1176', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WSA news conference.
House fires, 1972 March 18
Physical Description: 1176'-1203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at the Sigma Phi fraternity house.
WISC 7216.15
Meetings, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1203'-1227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified meeting.
WISC 7216.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March
Physical Description: 1227'-1246', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shot of boxes under desk and people speaking to each other in hall.
WISC 7216.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 1250'-1273', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street Mall student demonstration for Harrisburg defense trial.
WISC 7216.18
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1273'-1298', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman on county housing authority and federal funding.
WISC 7216.19
On-site interviews, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 1301'-1328', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sol Levin on county housing authority funding.
WISC 7216.20
On-site interviews, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 1328'-1354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Thorpe on county housing authority funding.
WISC 7216.21
Meetings, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1354'-1368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified meeting with Governor Lucey signing document.
WISC 7216.22
On-site interviews, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 1368'-1413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Thorpe on Vietnam veterans and federal G.I. Bill (same interview as segment 20).
WISC 7216.23
Meetings, 1972 March 18
Physical Description: 1413'-1428', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reverend Drivan at meeting for McToupe.
WISC 7217.1
Press conferences, 1972 March 26
Physical Description: 0'-66', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Edmund Muskie on campaign trail discussing environmental protection.
WISC 7217.2
Press conferences, 1972 March 26
Physical Description: 66'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey on campaign trail on clean air and water veto, wilderness preservation, and natural resources.
WISC 7217.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 331'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on citizen participation in unidentified plans.
WISC 7217.4
Press conferences, 1972 March
Physical Description: 367'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey on environmental protection and defense budget (same as segment 2).
WISC 7217.5
House fires, 1972 March
Physical Description: 401'-426', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barn fire in Middleton.
WISC 7217.6
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 426'-602', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Joseph Brown discusses new psychiatric wing at Methodist Hospital.
WISC 7217.7
Studio interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 602'-664', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alicia Ashman, 10th ward alderman, on parking, population, and park problems.
WISC 7217.8
Studio interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 664'-736', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Emerich, candidate for alderman of 10th ward, on traffic and parking and mass transit.
WISC 7217.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 736'-908', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's new at the U?” John C. Weaver, UW President, on administration, hiring of female employees, and strike of T.A.'s.
WISC 7217.10
Man on the street interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 909'-1020', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What do you think of the drinking laws for 18-year-olds?” From Memorial Union.
WISC 7217.11
Press conferences, 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 1020'-1146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential advisor Robert Finch, on Dock Workers strike, George Meany, and welfare program; and Attorney General Robert Warren on George Wallace.
WISC 7217.12
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1146'-1247', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman (Dr. Nowlis?) on school and community interaction and drug prevention.
WISC 7217.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1247'-1326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Public works director Ed Duszynski on solid waste disposal site and possible use of Sycamore site.
WISC 7217.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 1326'-1384', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Disney on Parade stars at Central Colony.
WISC 7217.15
Meetings, 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 1384'-1421', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm accident symposium.
WISC 7217.16
On-site interviews, 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 1421'-1489', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Judy Irsch on presidential candidates' concerns for POW's and MIA's and their families.
WISC 7217.17
On-site interviews, 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 1489'-1539', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Carl Thompson on school property tax freeze.
WISC 7218.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 0'-12', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified student voter registration.
WISC 7218.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 12'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eldon Hoel on voter registration and absentee ballots.
WISC 7218.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 57'-111', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thomas Crist on 18-year-olds signing contracts.
WISC 7218.4
On-site interviews, 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 111'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lawrence Burley on federal/state program for unemployment benefits.
WISC 7218.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 155'-198', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Van Hise student project impact.
WISC 7218.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 198'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East High School 50th reunion.
WISC 7218.7
Traffic accident reports, 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 218'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Across the street from East High School; two-car crash.
WISC 7218.8
Press conferences, 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 238'-514', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential Press Secretary Herbert Klein on President's trip to China, Governor Wallace, Vietnam, and farm market.
WISC 7218.9
Press conferences, 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 514'-650', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on Forbes Meagher building purchase, snow removal, and airport.
WISC 7218.10
Press conferences, 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 650'-773', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Joe Thompson on east side medical center to be developed by the University.
WISC 7218.11
Studio interviews, 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 773'-842', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bob Skuldt (airport manager) on county takeover of the airport.
WISC 7218.12
Press conferences, 1972 March 28
Physical Description: 842'-1008', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Eugene McCarthy on Democratic platform, Democratic candidates, primary election, and international relations.
WISC 7218.13
On-site interviews, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 1008'-1048', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jacques Avant on regional planning, National Conference of Regional Urban Coalitions.
WISC 7218.14
On-site interviews, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 1048'-1094', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Kohlman (of Paul's Supermarket in Oregon, Wisconsin) on Jack Sweinhart Day and donation of profits to his family.
WISC 7218.15
Meetings, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 1094'-1146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare rights demonstration meeting at the Capitol.
WISC 7218.16
Speeches/Press conferences, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 1146'-1312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Eugene McCarthy on delegates and issues.
WISC 7218.17
Press conferences, 1972 March
Physical Description: 1312'-1492', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edmund Muskie on federal budget, big business, conservation, and welfare.
WISC 7219.1
Press conferences, 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 0'-122', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Henry Jackson on the presidential campaign trail speaks from airport on Senator Proxmire and Democratic party.
WISC 7219.2
Speeches, 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 122'-369', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Hubert Humphrey on the presidential campaign trail speaks at the Optimist Club on organized labor and working class.
WISC 7219.3
Traffic accident reports, 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 369'-390', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two-car accident; one car overturned.
WISC 7219.4
Meetings, 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 390'-410', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Board(?).
WISC 7219.5
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 410'-465', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Paul Soglin (8th ward) on traffic and parking, service and recreation problems.
WISC 7219.6
Studio interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 465'-540', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dennis Davidsaver, candidate for alderman of 8th ward, on mass transit, property tax, and pollution.
WISC 7219.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March
Physical Description: 540'-644', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Roy Hill, Chairman of Black Studies Department at Rutgers University, gives poetry reading.
WISC 7220.1
Meetings, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sickle cell anemia meeting.
WISC 7220.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 20'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Marion Leifer (State PTA) and Dr. Fishco discuss tutors and the right to read program.
WISC 7220.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 9
Physical Description: 71'-93', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ice fishermen on Lake Monona.
WISC 7220.4
On-site interviews, 1972 April 9
Physical Description: 93'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County Board member William Lunney (20th district) on resolution to be introduced calling for full time position of county executive.
WISC 7220.5
Press conferences, 1972 April 7
Physical Description: 139'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Paul Soglin on 24-ward proposal and changing of downtown ward boundaries reapportionment.
WISC 7220.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 7
Physical Description: 199'-271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney Gerald Nichol on indictments handed down by the Dane County Grand Jury.
WISC 7220.7
Studio interviews, 1972 April 7
Physical Description: 271'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Emery against Judge Doyle's ruling that prisons may be unconstitutional.
WISC 7220.8
Studio interviews, 1972 April 7
Physical Description: 352'-444', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff Jack Leslie against Judge Doyle's ruling that prisons are unconstitutional.
WISC 7220.9
On-site interviews, 1972 April 7
Physical Description: 444'-517', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber on nursing home investigations.
WISC 7220.10
On-site interviews, 1972 April 7
Physical Description: 517'-576', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Regent Pelisek on Board's decision to allow co-educational dorm facilities.
WISC 7220.11
Groundbreakings, 1972 April 7
Physical Description: 576'-601', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Groundbreaking of new company formed by former Gisholt employees - Mayor Dyke present.
WISC 7220.12
Meetings, 1972 April 6
Physical Description: 601'-635', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Public service committee meeting.
WISC 7220.13
Banquets, 1972 April 6
Physical Description: 635'-686', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bike safety conference.
WISC 7220.14
Meetings, 1972 April
Physical Description: 686'-745', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Board of Regents.
WISC 7220.15
On-site interviews, 1972 April 6
Physical Description: 745'-817', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County Board Supervisor James Sykes on allocations for senior citizens programs.
WISC 7220.16
On-site interviews, 1972 April 6
Physical Description: 817'-892', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Ragotzski and Dr. Mortimer Ralks comment on Great Lakes conference and what can be done to clean up lakes.
WISC 7220.17
Press conferences, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 892'-1018', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on ad hoc committee on reapportionment.
WISC 7220.18
On-site interviews, 1972 April
Physical Description: 1018'-1082', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney Archie Simonson on his plans for election to judgeship and on Judge Mittelstadt's problems.
WISC 7220.19
On-site interviews, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 1082'-1136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assembly Speaker Norman Anderson on upcoming legislative session.
WISC 7220.20
Banquets, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 1136'-1155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dinner for Mrs. U.S. Savings Bond. Governor Lucey present.
WISC 7220.21
On-site interviews, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 1155'-1276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Acting City Transportation Director John Bunch on city transportation needs and getting away from using cars downtown.
WISC 7220.22
On-site interviews, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 1276'-1334', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Clerk Eldon Hoel on upcoming election, absentee ballots, and how to use voting booths.
WISC 7220.23
Speeches, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 1334'-1352', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern on the presidential campaign trail.
WISC 7220.24
On-site interviews, 1972 April 4
Physical Description: 1352'-1439', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Ralph Emery on additions to the city narcotics force, drug raids, and amounts confiscated.
WISC 7220.25
On-site interviews, 1972 April 4
Physical Description: 1439'-1480', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Captain Stanley Davenport on possible suspect in Madison rape charges.
WISC 7220.26
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 4
Physical Description: 1480'-1504', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison polling places.
WISC 7220.27
Hearings, 1972 April
Physical Description: 1504'-1533', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DNR hearing on garbage in rivers.
WISC 7221.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 0'-35', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Mike Shivers (17th ward) on proposed landfill site.
WISC 7221.2
Press conferences, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 35'-123', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Environmental Decade lobbyist Peter Anderson on phosphates.
WISC 7221.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 123'-148', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Schreiber signing safety proclamation.
WISC 7221.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 148'-165', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Future Farmers of America dairy cattle judging at UW Stock Pavilion.
WISC 7221.5
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 165'-224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rod Kreunen on increased Amtrak railroad service to Madison.
WISC 7221.6
Meetings, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 224'-255', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents on minorities.
WISC 7221.7
On-site interviews, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 255'-300', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Conan Edwards on proposal for alternative high school to be named Malcolm Shabazz. “A school without walls.”
WISC 7221.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 300'-355', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Fred Risser on upcoming legislative special session and what will be accomplished.
WISC 7221.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 355'-414', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Menominee Indians meeting with William Klapp at Wisconsin Hall.
WISC 7221.10
On-site interviews, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 414'-588', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Detective Roth Watson on drug commission preliminary report, to whom it should be distributed, and effects on police officers.
WISC 7221.11
On-site interviews, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 588'-682', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Former Alderman Mike Birkley on his new idea for non-partisan party mayoral candidates.
WISC 7221.12
On-site interviews, 1972 April 12
Physical Description: 682'-726', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Paul Soglin on reapportionment and decisions made by the city council for new 24th ward and ward boundaries.
WISC 7221.13
Meetings, 1972 April 12
Physical Description: 726'-746', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City council meeting.
WISC 7221.14
Press conferences, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 746'-859', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley of the Governor's Task Force on Health and Social Services discusses preliminary findings, medical schools, licensing, reviews, cost of health care, etc.
WISC 7221.15
On-site interviews/Hearings, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 859'-925', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator James Devitt (R-Greenfield) - silent film of hearing and interview on his investigations on nursing homes and sanitariums.
WISC 7221.16
On-site interviews, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 925'-981', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Treasurer Charles P. Smith on the possibility of legalizing gambling and a lottery in Wisconsin.
WISC 7221.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 981'-1006', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam display at unknown shopping center.
WISC 7221.18
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 1006'-1151', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's new at the U?” Dance Vibes #5 - Interview with choreographer Anna Nassif and Gilbert Hemsley.
WISC 7221.19
Man on the street interviews, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 1151'-1275', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Should all candidates reveal their campaign fund sources?” From Hilldale Shopping Center.
WISC 7221.20
On-site interviews, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 1275'-1340', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County Board Supervisor George Reinke on his resolution for three new employees and dropping two positions.
WISC 7221.21
On-site interviews, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 1340'-1404', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. William Gardner (Assistant Director of Personnel) of Madison Public Schools on teacher surplus in Madison.
WISC 7222.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 20
Physical Description: 0'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Max Karl on improving the economic climate in Wisconsin.
WISC 7222.2
Press conferences, 1972 April 20
Physical Description: 52'-180', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin favors turning over the Truax Air Facility to Dane County.
WISC 7222.3
Meetings, 1972 April 20
Physical Description: 180'-206', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriffs' meeting.
WISC 7222.4
On-site interviews, 1972 April 20
Physical Description: 206'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff Nick Check of Portage County on his view that current laws protect the criminal. Another sheriff comments as well.
WISC 7222.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 20
Physical Description: 343'-357', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Zoological Society new members touring Vilas Zoo.
WISC 7222.6
News/On-site interviews, 1972 April 19
Physical Description: 357'-445', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative session on liquor licenses. Bar owner comments on his need for a license.
WISC 7222.7
On-site interviews, 1972 April 19
Physical Description: 445'-536', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Reott, city personnel director, on government subsidy for 61 new city jobs.
WISC 7222.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 19
Physical Description: 536'-575', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Merton Walter, Dane County Board Chairman, on problems facing Board, including airport question and property taxes.
WISC 7222.9
Meetings, 1972 April 19
Physical Description: 575'-611', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Board of Supervisors.
WISC 7222.10
On-site interviews/Meetings. Alderman Thorson on State Street Mall and conduct during council Meetings, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 611'-741', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Silent footage of Common Council meeting.
WISC 7222.11
Speeches, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 741'-879', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson speaking at UW Field House on the environment.
WISC 7222.12
On-site interviews, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 879'-947', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on State Street Mall advisory committee.
WISC 7222.13
Press conferences, 1972 April 17
Physical Description: 951'-1166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on future of natural resources and conference to be held on environment. Mr. Sandborn speaks on environmental council.
WISC 7222.14
On-site interviews, 1972 April 17
Physical Description: 1166'-1218', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Duane Sippola on city estimates for sidewalk repair.
WISC 7222.15
Meetings, 1972 April 17
Physical Description: 1218'-1245', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7222.16
Awards ceremonies, 1972 April 17
Physical Description: 1245'-1258', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cerebral palsy award.
WISC 7222.17
Meetings, 1972 April 15
Physical Description: 1258'-1278', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7223.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 0'-213', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Engineer Barry Oh on pregnancy and maternity benefits.
WISC 7223.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 213'-252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bike safety checks at McDonald's.
WISC 7223.3
Press conferences, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 252'-287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Endicott Peabody and his independent campaign for vice presidency. He believes there should be a separate election for the office.
WISC 7223.4
Meetings, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 287'-305', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7223.5
Meetings, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 305'-324', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drug abuse commission.
WISC 7223.6
Awards ceremonies, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 324'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Administration awards.
WISC 7223.7
On-site interviews, 1972 May 4
Physical Description: 338'-405', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Michael Shivers calls for investigation of Edwin Duszynski, Director of Public Works, on grounds he handled landfill question badly.
WISC 7223.8
Speeches, 1972 May 4
Physical Description: 405'-471', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Doyle speaks to League of Women Voters.
WISC 7223.9
On-site interviews, 1972 May 4
Physical Description: 471'-517', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Hassett on the “business” point of view on maternity benefits. He objects to continuing full wage throughout maternity leave.
WISC 7223.10
On-site interviews, 1972 May 4
Physical Description: 517'-544', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midge Miller on pregnancy benefits. This is not a special benefit, she says.
WISC 7223.11
Meetings, 1972 May 4
Physical Description: 544'-570', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7223.12
Press conferences, 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 570'-647', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on building inspection program.
WISC 7223.13
On-site interviews, 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 657'-800', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George Reinke on airport takeover by county and landfill issues.
WISC 7223.14
On-site interviews, 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 800'-942', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Walter Baumann on need for resource management.
WISC 7223.15
Awards ceremonies, 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 942'-962', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Zero Population Growth awards.
WISC 7223.16
Studio interviews, 1972 May 2
Physical Description: 962'-1116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Mittness on mental health programs.
WISC 7223.17
Press conferences, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 1116'-1177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on proposed budget cuts.
WISC 7223.18
Press conferences, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 1177'-1215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assistant Secretary of Transportation James Peterson on motor vehicle trade practices.
WISC 7223.19
On-site interviews, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 1215'-1241', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chief Justice Bruce Beilfuss on respect for the law on Law Day.
WISC 7223.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 1241'-1265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Antique fire engines display.
WISC 7223.21
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1972 May 2
Physical Description: 1265'-1402', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislators on environmental cleanup.
WISC 7223.22
On-site interviews, 1972 May 2
Physical Description: 1402'-1448', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ron Caldwell on meat prices.
WISC 7223.23
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1448'-1496', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School program for minority students.
WISC 7223.24
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 2
Physical Description: 1496'-1526', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children leaving on trip to Washington, D.C. (school safety patrols).
WISC 7223.25
Traffic accident reports, 1972 May 2
Physical Description: 1526'-1546', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7224.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-76', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judicial reform bill discussed.
WISC 7224.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 76'-118', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on obstacles faced by minority students when they go to college.
WISC 7224.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 118'-142', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW students taking tests.
WISC 7224.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 142'-158', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade of Homes.
WISC 7224.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 158'-187', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Camper inspection.
WISC 7224.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 187'-209', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children take swimming lessons at East YMCA.
WISC 7224.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 209'-337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on high taxes in Madison, especially property tax.
WISC 7224.8
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 337'-430', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on the history of post-World War II inflation.
WISC 7224.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 430'-461', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metro buses.
WISC 7224.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 461'-490', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children listen to stories at elementary school assembly.
WISC 7224.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 490'-577', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on revenue sharing bill.
WISC 7224.12
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 577'-644', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lieutenant Governor Martin Schreiber on the need to cut fossil fuel usage and save the environment.
WISC 7224.13
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 644'-727', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney on murder and arson suspects.
WISC 7224.14
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 727'-772', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on law students' proposal for state employees to join the moratorium against the war.
WISC 7224.15
News, 1972
Physical Description: 772'-793', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Union Labor Organization strike.
WISC 7224.16
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 793'-911', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man is against urban sprawl and pro-progress.
WISC 7224.17
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 911'-1004', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on plans to remodel state fairgrounds in West Allis.
WISC 7224.18
Man on the street interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1004'-1056', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Question: “What do you think of the blockade of Haiphong?”
WISC 7224.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1056'-1066', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Eagle Scouts.
WISC 7224.20
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1066'-1100', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World Museum spokesman on this year's parade.
WISC 7224.21
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1100'-1145', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Nakoma Road and Beltline interchange gets built.
WISC 7224.22
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1145'-1175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New East YMCA.
WISC 7224.23
Banquets, 1972
Physical Description: 1175'-1184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sigma Delta Chi awards.
WISC 7224.24
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1184'-1201', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: South Madison Day Care.
WISC 7224.25
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1201'-1207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: The Capitolaires perform.
WISC 7224.26
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1207'-1216', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Youth fair.
WISC 7224.27
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1216'-1230', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kids' track meet.
WISC 7224.28
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1230'-1241', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shot of Dane County Mental Health truck.
WISC 7224.29
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1241'-1303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified legislator on need for new tax to pay for schools.
WISC 7224.30
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1303'-1383', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on community treatment of offenders.
WISC 7224.31
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1383'-1405', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Petting zoo at Stock Pavilion.
WISC 7224.32
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1405'-1431', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman on the women's movement.
WISC 7224.33
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1431'-1465', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New curator at Circus World Museum.
WISC 7225.1
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New design for First Wisconsin Bank building announced.
WISC 7225.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 62'-117', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier talks about prison system reform.
WISC 7225.3
Graduation ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 117'-135', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College.
WISC 7225.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 135'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man leaves state Attorney General's office for his own private practice.
WISC 7225.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 157'-229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative of Secretary of Transportation John Volpe visits Madison to present highway awards.
WISC 7225.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 229'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on improvements in the UW system.
WISC 7225.7
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 324'-381', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kwame Salter and Douglas Ritchie on sickle cell anemia screening.
WISC 7225.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 381'-471', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Property tax relief can't happen in 1972; legislature will keep trying.
WISC 7225.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 471'-559', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified men on rising unemployment rates; starting training program to get people to work.
WISC 7225.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 559'-613', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on state and city funded child welfare.
WISC 7225.11
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 613'-634', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Half-Century Club conference.
WISC 7225.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 634'-729', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Herman Thomas on the changing face of UW law enforcement practices; wins award at banquet.
WISC 7225.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 729'-765', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on livestock regulations.
WISC 7225.14
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 765'-783', magnetic, color, positive 
WISC 7225.15
News, 1972
Physical Description: 783'-814', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Free Ollie” demonstration outside of Common Council meeting.
WISC 7225.16
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 814'-883', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on boarding fees at airport, the moratorium against the war, and student demonstrations.
WISC 7225.17
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 883'-938', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on Barron County project that coordinates state and federal assistance groups.
WISC 7225.18
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 938'-977', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ken Vance on attracting conventions to Madison.
WISC 7225.19
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 977'-996', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7225.20
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 996'-1047', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man declares that the electorate wants the smartest possible judges. Wants a competitive exam for judges.
WISC 7225.21
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1047'-1084', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on bridge repair.
WISC 7225.22
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 1084'-1104', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7225.23
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 1104'-1120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Business machine show.
WISC 7225.24
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1120'-1331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chief Justice Hallows on freeing Amish students from compulsory education requirements, implementing a merit system for judges, and forming a nine member state Supreme Court.
WISC 7225.25
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1331'-1450', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Richard Bardwell, in contrast to Hallows, wants elections for judgeships and expanded state Supreme Court.
WISC 7226.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 0'-86', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congressman Robert Kastenmeier on prison reform.
WISC 7226.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 86'-141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Ernest Keppler on excessive interest rates.
WISC 7226.3
Studio interviews, 1972 April 29
Physical Description: 141'-188', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Michael Shivers on his opposition to city expansion east of Highway 51. Also talks about annexing the airport.
WISC 7226.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 188'-217', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Police Department auction.
WISC 7226.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 29
Physical Description: 217'-244', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children picking up litter.
WISC 7226.6
News, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 244'-258', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Picketing residence hall workers on University of Wisconsin campus.
WISC 7226.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 258'-277', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lottery for “school without walls.”
WISC 7226.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 277'-307', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College professor on taxes for peace.
WISC 7226.9
News, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 307'-350', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students march on City-County Building demanding no taxes for war.
WISC 7226.10
On-site interviews, 1972 April
Physical Description: 350'-381', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on powers of Dane County Board.
WISC 7226.11
On-site interviews, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 381'-535', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Leslie on Dane County prisoner demands.
WISC 7226.12
Speeches, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 535'-725', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. John Bormuth and Lee Hansen on student reading test scores.
WISC 7226.13
Openings, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 725'-792', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison General Hospital's new emergency room.
WISC 7226.14
On-site interviews, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 792'-860', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene Lehmann on newly formed Wisconsin Trade and Industrial Association.
WISC 7226.15
On-site interviews, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 860'-922', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Cooper on Town of Burke property tax relief.
WISC 7226.16
On-site interviews, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 922'-976', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Viola Schneider on property tax relief for Fox Lake.
WISC 7226.17
Press conferences, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 976'-1098', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on reapportionment and landfill site need. Bob Heck speaks on Metro Drug Commission.
WISC 7226.18
On-site interviews, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 1098'-1154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert DeZonia on year-round school idea.
WISC 7226.19
On-site interviews, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 1154'-1210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle on “school without walls.”
WISC 7226.20
On-site interviews, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 1210'-1283', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assistant District Attorney Kevin Lyons on stores selling adulterated meat.
WISC 7226.21
Meetings, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 1283'-1301', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Building Commission.
WISC 7226.22
News, 1972 April
Physical Description: 1301'-1320', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction on Nakoma Road intersection at Beltline Highway.
WISC 7226.23
On-site interviews, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 1320'-1355', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ray Waterworth on special form for property tax exemptions.
WISC 7226.24
On-site interviews, 1972 April 23
Physical Description: 1355'-1393', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison City Engineer Don Theobold on moratorium on building city sidewalks.
WISC 7226.25
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 22
Physical Description: 1393'-1408', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: AAA “Buckle up for Safety” demonstration at East Towne Mall.
WISC 7226.26
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 22
Physical Description: 1408'-1430', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bike hike fund raiser for the mentally retarded.
WISC 7226.27
On-site interviews, 1972 April 22
Physical Description: 1430'-1476', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Harris on Dane County clean-up.
WISC 7226.28
On-site interviews, 1972 April 21
Physical Description: 1476'-1512', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Harris on Dane County clean-up.
WISC 7226.29
On-site interviews, 1972 April 21
Physical Description: 1512'-1559', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. A.A. Erdman of UW on an embargo on birds carrying diseases.
WISC 7227.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-27', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on penal system.
WISC 7227.2
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 27'-49', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students(?)
WISC 7227.3
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 49'-188', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Schreiber on lack of sprinklers and other safety problems in state-subsidized housing.
WISC 7227.4
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 188'-342', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Sheriffs Association opposes recommendations for prison reform.
WISC 7227.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 342'-514', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 2 unidentified men on community-based rehabilitation facilities for drug and alcohol related prisoners.
WISC 7227.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 514'-574', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pelisek on legal terms for the UW system merger.
WISC 7227.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 574'-610', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman on under-represented groups on Common Council.
WISC 7227.8
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 610'-709', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on topless bars and go-go joints; common council political appointments.
WISC 7227.9
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 709'-849', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on the folly of institutionalization as opposed to locally-based juvenile rehabilitation.
WISC 7227.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 849'-889', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Oscar Mayer representative will meet with an alderman committee.
WISC 7227.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 889'-1021', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Schneider and unidentified man talk about Alliance of Cities' attempt to ease the annexation process.
WISC 7227.12
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1021'-1044', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Lucey signs legislation.
WISC 7227.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1044'-1082', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Experimental car unveiled.
WISC 7227.14
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1082'-1208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walter McKenna, Department of Revenue representative, on high taxes in Wisconsin. Gordon Roseleip comments on high numbers of state employees.
WISC 7227.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1208'-1276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on trading higher sales tax for lower property tax.
WISC 7227.16
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1276'-1318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on conflicts within Israel: ethnic tensions, high taxes, high military expenses, and poverty.
WISC 7227.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1318'-1360', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of La Follette High School, ducks resting there.
WISC 7227.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1360'-1388', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Print sale.
WISC 7227.19
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1388'-1496', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on UW water quality improvement plan. Then, Hugh Downs endorses the program and discusses water quality. Faculty members discuss how they will spend grant money.
WISC 7228.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need to bring health care improvements to urban and rural poor areas.
WISC 7228.2
On-site interviews/Banquets, 1972
Physical Description: 146'-245', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie on Rotary Club Unsung Heroes awards for community and scholastic achievement among high school kids. Then, the ceremony.
WISC 7228.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 245'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on “affinity groups” of people who trash buildings during demonstrations, using undercover cops to infiltrate demonstrations.
WISC 7228.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 343'-368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children learn about computers.
WISC 7228.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 368'-517', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on arms reduction (SALT treaty?).
WISC 7228.6
News, 1972
Physical Description: 517'-559', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day Parade at Coliseum.
WISC 7228.7
News, 1972
Physical Description: 559'-594', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day peace parade on Capitol Square.
WISC 7228.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 594'-655', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire Department representative on increasing fire safety in Madison.
WISC 7228.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 655'-693', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interstate highway shown.
WISC 7228.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 693'-726', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified woman on problems with new low-income housing regulations.
WISC 7228.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 726'-862', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Spencer on Army National Guard's “Friend in the Sky” program.
WISC 7228.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 862'-965', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Staven on liquor and beer licenses.
WISC 7228.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 965'-1094', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mary McGuire on “senior power,” older people asserting themselves and lobbying for good housing.
WISC 7228.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1094'-1117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse show rehearsal.
WISC 7228.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1117'-1148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mary Kay Baum on Mayor Dyke shifting blame to the Common Council for failure to cooperate.
WISC 7228.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1148'-1184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Interstate bridge.
WISC 7228.17
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1184'-1242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on Colonial Club meeting for senior citizens and elderly housing.
WISC 7228.18
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1242'-1312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Anderson on property tax reduction.
WISC 7228.19
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1312'-1389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two unidentified men on heavy lake weeds and county efforts to combat them.
WISC 7228.20
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1389'-1541', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren defends the correctional system, outlines efforts to combat hard drugs, and talks about need for some slight reforms of the prison system.
WISC 7229.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-59', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airport manager Robert Skuldt on airport boarding fees.
WISC 7229.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 59'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bruce Inksetter on his right to sell term papers.
WISC 7229.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 150'-193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club member on prison closings.
WISC 7229.4
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 193'-201', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7229.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 201'-282', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on welfare reform for children; bureaucrat disputes findings requiring more aid.
WISC 7229.6
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 282'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police officer describes armed robbery and shooting.
WISC 7229.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 354'-393', magnetic, color, positive 
WISC 7229.8
News, 1972
Physical Description: 393'-423', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building construction downtown.
WISC 7229.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 423'-437', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of an office.
WISC 7229.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 437'-477', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative endorsement.
WISC 7229.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 477'-512', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cost-sharing proposal to ease state welfare and other costs.
WISC 7229.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 512'-542', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Raft race.
WISC 7229.13
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 542'-566', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7229.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 566'-579', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Festival.
WISC 7229.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 579'-601', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school open house.
WISC 7229.16
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 601'-827', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson endorses George McGovern for the Democratic nomination.
WISC 7229.17
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 827'-864', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with the longest living heart recipients.
WISC 7229.18
Graduation ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 864'-884', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7229.19
Graduation ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 884'-899', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school graduation(?)
WISC 7229.20
News, 1972
Physical Description: 899'-916', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Big fire.
WISC 7229.21
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 916'-928', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beach scenes.
WISC 7229.22
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 928'-1010', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man discusses the office of county administrator.
WISC 7229.23
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1010'-1067', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state government's role in the health care system.
WISC 7229.24
Banquets, 1972
Physical Description: 1067'-1091', magnetic, color, positive 
WISC 7229.25
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 1091'-1110', magnetic, color, positive 
WISC 7229.26
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1110'-1162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on maternity leave, wondering whether women will come back. He feels maternity leave rule is ridiculous.
WISC 7229.27
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 1162'-1200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Group meets with Governor Lucey and Lieutenant Governor Schreiber.
WISC 7229.28
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1200'-1292', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men discuss state money for youth projects, including coffee house, craft center, and recycling center.
WISC 7229.29
Features (Newsfilm)/Banquets/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1292'-1378', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alice in Dairyland.
WISC 7229.30
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1378'-1528', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke comments on State Street Mall and voices his opposition to gun control.
WISC 7230.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on new hiring by District Attorney Gerald Nichol's office.
WISC 7230.2
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 52'-104', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on redistricting Madison wards.
WISC 7230.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 104'-141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on lawyers' attitudes.
WISC 7230.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 141'-200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Dane County expenditures.
WISC 7230.5
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 200'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Author of Citizen Power speaks out on the tyranny of big government.
WISC 7230.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 268'-299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police detective (?) on recent shooting.
WISC 7230.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 299'-310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coroner Clyde Chamberlain on shooting inquest.
WISC 7230.8
News, 1972
Physical Description: 310'-352', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madisonians donate clothes to Rapid City, South Dakota flood victims.
WISC 7230.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 352'-406', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ending tax exemptions for clubs.
WISC 7230.10
Judicial proceedings, 1972
Physical Description: 406'-422', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Suspect heading for trial (or arraignment) in City-County Building.
WISC 7230.11
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 422'-437', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey speaking to group of school children.
WISC 7230.12
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 437'-470', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney Gerald Nichol.
WISC 7230.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 470'-509', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need for corrections reforms.
WISC 7230.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 528'-582', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in WISC 7230.13) on the limited community-based reform around the country.
WISC 7230.16
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 582'-607', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on hiring new attorneys (for District Attorney's office?).
WISC 7230.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 607'-624', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school assembly.
WISC 7230.18
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 626'-671', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on veterans' benefits.
WISC 7230.19
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 671'-692', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on getting psychiatric help for murderers.
WISC 7230.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 692'-726', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Traffic pattern shift on Capitol Square.
WISC 7230.21
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 726'-755', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Disaster simulation at Monona Grove High School.
WISC 7230.22
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 755'-795', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prison reforms and prison closings.
WISC 7230.23
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 795'-816', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People donate clothing to Rapid City, South Dakota flood victims.
WISC 7230.24
Dedications), 1972
Physical Description: 816'-831', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Middleton pool.
WISC 7230.25
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 831'-848', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arts and crafts show.
WISC 7230.26
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 848'-880', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need for enrollment limit at University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7230.27
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 880'-932', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need to help Vietnam veterans get jobs.
WISC 7230.28
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 932'-971', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More scenes of clothing being donated to Rapid City, South Dakota flood victims.
WISC 7230.29
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 971'-992', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam veteran on trying to get veterans jobs.
WISC 7230.30
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 992'-1007', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey meets with his staff.
WISC 7230.31
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1007'-1070', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin system merger.
WISC 7230.32
News, 1972
Physical Description: 1070'-1111', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire aftermath.
WISC 7230.33
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1111'-1156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man discusses drug rehabilitation.
WISC 7230.34
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1156'-1204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on city parks.
WISC 7230.35
News, 1972
Physical Description: 1204'-1222', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nakoma Road construction.
WISC 7230.36
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1222'-1240', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of John Nolen Drive.
WISC 7230.37
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 1240'-1264', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers' (?) meeting.
WISC 7230.38
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 1264'-1283', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WISC 7230.39
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1283'-1327', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on traffic deaths.
WISC 7230.40
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 1327'-1344', magnetic, color, positive 
WISC 7230.41
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1344'-1368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Theme of youth conference: “What's it all about?”
WISC 7230.42
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1368'-1407', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on corrections and prison policies.
WISC 7230.43
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1407'-1435', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Universities Building (on Gilman St.) exterior shots.
WISC 7230.44
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1435'-1486', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on acquisition of Lowell Hall.
WISC 7230.45
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1486'-1516', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke discusses State Street Mall.
WISC 7230.46
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1516'-1533', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Prison official on how the prison system has helped Wisconsin.
WISC 7231.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-26', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on arrest of retail clerk and resulting store closure.
WISC 7231.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 26'-85', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on point reduction system and drunk driving.
WISC 7231.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 85'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislation on University of Wisconsin system merger.
WISC 7231.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 140'-217', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on compilation of legislators' voting records.
WISC 7231.5
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 217'-281', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on costs of federal air pollution control to new automobiles.
WISC 7231.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 281'-339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on advantages of snowmobile clubs.
WISC 7231.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 339'-373', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Dept of Housing and Urban Development.
WISC 7231.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 373'-402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on sources of property tax relief.
WISC 7231.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 402'-486', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on no-fault car insurance.
WISC 7231.10
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 486'-579', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on legislation to aid beer bars.
WISC 7231.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 579'-630', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on maintenance and construction of poor railroad crossing.
WISC 7231.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 630'-734', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Inmates on need for more inmate participation in prison administration.
WISC 7231.13
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 734'-826', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cleaning up Greentree dump.
WISC 7231.14
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 826'-895', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on resignation (from County Board?) over pornography issues.
WISC 7231.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 895'-943', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on growth of vocational education in Wisconsin.
WISC 7231.16
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 943'-967', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on city building inspections.
WISC 7231.17
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 967'-998', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on size of Madison Common Council.
WISC 7231.18
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 998'-1061', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on building inspections.
WISC 7231.19
News, 1972
Physical Description: 1061'-1076', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration outside Wisconsin Center against military research on campus.
WISC 7231.20
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 1076'-1087', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7231.21
News, 1972
Physical Description: 1087'-1135', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Wilson on effects of pilots' strike at Dane County Airport.
WISC 7231.22
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1135'-1204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on reapportionment.
WISC 7231.23
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1204'-1235', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on report of task force.
WISC 7231.24
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1235'-1265', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on deterring airplane hijacking.
WISC 7231.25
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1265'-1299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on “Friend in the Sky” highway safety program over holiday weekends.
WISC 7231.26
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1299'-1322', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on his opposition to gun control.
WISC 7231.27
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1322'-1350', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on effects of the pilots strike.
WISC 7231.28
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1350'-1402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on highway traffic fatalities on holiday weekends.
WISC 7231.29
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1402'-1418', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Auto auction at Dane County Fairgrounds.
WISC 7231.30
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1418'-1483', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reaction to task force report.
WISC 7232.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 0'-101', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World Museum's collection of old circus train cars.
WISC 7232.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 101'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two farmers talk about farm conditions and shortages.
WISC 7232.3
Studio interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 194'-271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Thorson on Common Council reapportionment and 24 ward plan.
WISC 7232.4
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 271'-301', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7232.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 301'-350', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin's “colonies,” facilities for severely retarded children. Two colonies may be closed, with children sent to private facilities.
WISC 7232.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 350'-436', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on limited police personnel for burglary task force.
WISC 7232.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 436'-451', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Color guard in Wisconsin Legislature.
WISC 7232.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 452'-546', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on day care center report.
WISC 7232.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 546'-653', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke advocates reapportioning Madison into 16 wards.
WISC 7232.10
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 653'-863', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver introduces five presidents of multi-campus state universities who are here to discuss problems related to such universities.
WISC 7232.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 863'-994', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on Wisconsin's unemployment compensation laws.
WISC 7232.12
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 994'-1124', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on the need for the United States to maintain its high standard of health care.
WISC 7232.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1124'-1166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on Madison General Hospital rebuilding.
WISC 7232.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1166'-1193', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade through residential area.
WISC 7232.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1193'-1332', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on city/county cooperation for building a new landfill site.
WISC 7232.16
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1332'-1485', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified Dane County spokesman on reapportionment.
WISC 7232.17
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1485'-1540', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified inspector on pornography arrests.
WISC 7233A.1
News, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-12', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eclipse.
WISC 7233A.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 12'-72', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drums on Parade.
WISC 7233A.3
On-site interviews, 1972 July 9
Physical Description: 72'-222', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerry Ramey on formation of counseling service at YWCA.
WISC 7233A.4
On-site interviews, 1972 July 9
Physical Description: 222'-279', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Bunch on mass transit.
WISC 7233A.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 279'-297', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Fair on the Square.
WISC 7233A.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 297'-311', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Picnic at Brittingham Park?
WISC 7233A.7
On-site interviews), 1972 July
Physical Description: 311'-389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff's department on new forms of record keeping.
WISC 7233A.8
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 389'-422', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Conrad on arrest of man flying plane into Olbrich Park.
WISC 7233A.9
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 422'-455', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tuition hike at University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7233A.10
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 455'-485', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WISC 7233A.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 485'-494', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jehovah's Witness convention at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7233A.12
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 494'-549', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on mass transit throughout the state.
WISC 7233A.13
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 549'-592', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on vocational education.
WISC 7233A.14
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 592'-750', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on faculty approval process and other issues in higher education.
WISC 7233A.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 750'-774', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Making deer crossing signs for state highways.
WISC 7233A.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February
Physical Description: 774'-799', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tractor contest at Memorial Shell.
WISC 7233A.17
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 799'-880', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on upcoming Rotary projects.
WISC 7233A.18
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 880'-1023', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol on report of prison task force.
WISC 7233A.19
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 1023'-1128', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Skuldt on pilots' strike.
WISC 7233A.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 1128'-1201', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police boat in action.
WISC 7233A.21
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 1201'-1288', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County Supervisor George Young on support of county executive position.
WISC 7233A.22
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 1288'-1315', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade in Verona.
WISC 7233A.23
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 1315'-1355', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on Democratic National Convention.
WISC 7233A.24
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 1355'-1394', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway scenes.
WISC 7233A.25
News, 1972 July
Physical Description: 1394'-1415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small plane in Olbrich Park.
WISC 7233A.26
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 1415'-1435', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presentation of Bicentennial flag.
WISC 7233A.27
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 1435'-1480', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New head of Madison Health Department.
WISC 7233A.28
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 1480'-1537', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eclipse.
WISC 7233B.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-173', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Attorney Ed Conrad on vagueness of Madison obscenity law which allows x-rated films but not bookstores.
WISC 7233B.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 173'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Air National Guard's “Friend in the Sky” program helping out in emergencies.
WISC 7233B.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 241'-310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Zoeller on his resignation from the Department of Health and Social Services.
WISC 7233B.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 311'-455', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rebecca Young favors a county consumer protection agency.
WISC 7233B.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 456'-586', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Mahaffee opposes a county consumer protection agency.
WISC 7233B.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 586'-676', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County Supervisor William Simmon on money for county airport.
WISC 7233B.7
News, 1972
Physical Description: 676'-718', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of cars driving on freeway.
WISC 7233B.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 718'-752', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dog show at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7233B.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 753'-833', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on county airport funds.
WISC 7233B.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 833'-955', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Wilkinson on farm price supports.
WISC 7233B.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 955'-1062', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dale McKenna discusses Robert Warren's criticism of budget that does not increase the Attorney General's staff.
WISC 7233B.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1062'-1185', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on criminal offenses in Wisconsin, capital punishment, and pornography.
WISC 7233B.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1185'-1315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator wants Wisconsin government to be more open in allowing press access to information.
WISC 7233B.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 1315'-1368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Verona's 125th anniversary kicks off with a run from State Capitol to Verona.
WISC 7233B.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1368'-1473', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison's low unemployment rate compared to the rest of the state; also new Wisconsin unemployment compensation.
WISC 7233B.16
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1473'-1521', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on rehabilitation versus incarceration of prisoners.
WISC 7234.1
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 0'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Huber on the need for good mass transit in Madison.
WISC 7234.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 57'-88'; magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man wants girls to be able to attend well-funded camps.
WISC 7234.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 88'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on governmental reorganization commission's study of how to improve local governments.
WISC 7234.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 126'-157', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Migrant Opportunity Service Migrant Multi-Purpose Center Clinic picnic.
WISC 7234.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 157'-183', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on police program to cut back on fencing of stolen goods.
WISC 7234.6
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 183'-207', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7234.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 207'-259', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man recommends etching your drivers license number into all your valuables. Mayor William Dyke demonstrates process.
WISC 7234.8
Studio interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 260'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City of Madison will furnish buses; shows off new equipment.
WISC 7234.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 352'-413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator is against personal application for welfare; favors checking data more carefully to combat fraud.
WISC 7234.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 413'-471', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gordon Roseleip advocates personal interviews to determine welfare eligibility.
WISC 7234.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 472'-564', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman and man are against keeping facilities open that are not currently in use.
WISC 7234.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 564'-610', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on McGovern's choice of running mate. Does not care for Thomas Eagleton and wants Governor Patrick Lucey for Vice President.
WISC 7234.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 610'-633', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County official believes Dane County should run the airport.
WISC 7234.14
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 633'-713', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Water official on below-average rainfall.
WISC 7234.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 713'-739', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bill that curbs home solicitations.
WISC 7234.16
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 739'-775', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7234.17
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 776'-858', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator talks about appointments and vetoes.
WISC 7234.18
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 858'-913', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same man as in segment 13 on cutting costs in sheriff's department budget.
WISC 7234.19
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 913'-1002', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on asking senatorial and assembly candidates about the governor's task force that recommended prison reform.
WISC 7234.20
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1002'-1054', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on responsibilities of presidents and chancellors in UW system.
WISC 7234.21
Openings, 1972
Physical Description: 1054'-1077', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Bank opens.
WISC 7234.22
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1077'-1113', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Law enforcement official opposes task force findings.
WISC 7234.23
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1113'-1155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff Jack Leslie needs more money for his department.
WISC 7234.24
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1156'-1257', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cost reductions.
WISC 7234.25
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1257'-1326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aldermen Keifer and Lehmann cutting lake weeds.
WISC 7234.26
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1326'-1402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruck on bicycle paths.
WISC 7234.27
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1402'-1524', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marion Gregory on Madison's Goals Commission.
WISC 7235.1
On-site interviews, 1972 July 23
Physical Description: 0'-104', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kahl on property tax relief.
WISC 7235.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 23
Physical Description: 104'-132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair and Circus.
WISC 7235.3
On-site interviews, 1972 July 21
Physical Description: 132'-220', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eldon Hoel on effect of reapportionment.
WISC 7235.4
On-site interviews, 1972 July 21
Physical Description: 220'-276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Utility spokesman on reduction voltage.
WISC 7235.5
On-site interviews, 1972 July 21
Physical Description: 276'-329', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Devitt on his investigation of nursing homes.
WISC 7235.6
On-site interviews, 1972 July 21
Physical Description: 329'-388', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber: ombudsman office being set up for nursing homes.
WISC 7235.7
On-site interviews, 1972 July 20
Physical Description: 388'-443', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ann Nelson on minority recruiting.
WISC 7235.8
On-site interviews, 1972 July 20
Physical Description: 443'-513', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Wilkinson on budget cuts.
WISC 7235.9
On-site interviews, 1972 July 20
Physical Description: 513'-560', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City official on minority hiring for police and fire department.
WISC 7235.10
On-site interviews, 1972 July 20
Physical Description: 560'-601', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Lunney on referendum for elected county executive.
WISC 7235.11
On-site interviews, 1972 July 20
Physical Description: 601'-656', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Sachtjen on revamping of state court system.
WISC 7235.12
On-site interviews, 1972 July 19
Physical Description: 656'-827', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Conrad on reapportionment of city's aldermanic districts.
WISC 7235.13
On-site interviews, 1972 July 19
Physical Description: 827'-927', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on reapportionment of city's aldermanic districts.
WISC 7235.14
On-site interviews, 1972 July 19
Physical Description: 927'-981', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dan Brill on Barron County educational needs.
WISC 7235.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 19
Physical Description: 981'-1012', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair.
WISC 7235.16
On-site interviews, 1972 July 18
Physical Description: 1012'-1107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clyde Chamberlain on metro bus system.
WISC 7235.17
Meetings, 1972 July 18
Physical Description: 1107'-1141', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Building Commission.
WISC 7235.18
On-site interviews, 1972 July 18
Physical Description: 1141'-1172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mike Satz on city employment of minorities.
WISC 7235.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July
Physical Description: 1172'-1251', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes in open classroom school (?) (Malcolm Shabazz School?).
WISC 7235.20
News, 1972 July
Physical Description: 1251'-1338', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coroner Clyde Chamberlain comments on murder/suicide.
WISC 7235.21
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 1338'-1476', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Susan Kay Phillips on site for unidentified project.
WISC 7235.22
On-site interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 1476'-1539', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Alderman Pitts.
WISC 7236.1
Studio interviews, 1972 July 31
Physical Description: 0'-86', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joe Nusbaum on new orientation program for state employees.
WISC 7236.2
On-site interviews, 1972 July 31
Physical Description: 86'-144', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator James Devitt on new state employees and Department of Administration.
WISC 7236.3
On-site interviews, 1972 July 31
Physical Description: 144'-249', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Mittelstadt on overcrowding of court calendars.
WISC 7236.4
Studio interviews, 1972 July
Physical Description: 249'-340', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on extending sewer services.
WISC 7236.5
On-site interviews, 1972 July 28
Physical Description: 340'-437', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (student spokesman?) on University of Wisconsin segregated fees.
WISC 7236.6
On-site interviews, 1972 July 25
Physical Description: 437'-550', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assistant Director of State Vocational and Technical Education Fred Hiestand on need for additional funds.
WISC 7236.7
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1972 July 28
Physical Description: 550'-606', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regent comments on resident and out-of-state tuition and fee structure.
WISC 7236.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 27
Physical Description: 606'-642', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Patrol Academy.
WISC 7236.9
On-site interviews, 1972 July 27
Physical Description: 642'-723', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on city aldermanic district reapportionment.
WISC 7236.10
Meetings, 1972 July 27
Physical Description: 723'-776', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Latin Action Council.
WISC 7236.11
On-site interviews, 1972 July 26
Physical Description: 776'-828', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chuck Dinauer on extension of sewer services and Dane County land use program.
WISC 7236.12
On-site interviews, 1972 July 26
Physical Description: 828'-886', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County Supervisor David Clarenbach on investigating Sheriff Jack Leslie's car accident.
WISC 7236.13
On-site interviews, 1972 July 26
Physical Description: 886'-987', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Clapp on proposals he will be making to broaden highway and mass transit systems.
WISC 7236.14
On-site interviews, 1972 July 25
Physical Description: 987'-1046', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Clement on inadequate electrical inspections in rural areas.
WISC 7236.15
On-site interviews, 1972 July 25
Physical Description: 1046'-1093', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Hiestand on additional state aid to municipalities for vocational education.
WISC 7236.16
On-site interviews, 1972 July 25
Physical Description: 1093'-1166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Glen Henry on investigation of Sheriff Jack Leslie's car accident.
WISC 7236.17
Studio interviews, 1972 July 24
Physical Description: 1166'-1191', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Simmons on Browndale House, a home for emotionally disturbed children, being hit with various city ordinances.
WISC 7236.18
On-site interviews, 1972 July 24
Physical Description: 1191'-1237', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chuck Reott on giving Labor Relations Board department status in state government.
WISC 7236.19
On-site interviews/News, 1972 July 24
Physical Description: 1237'-1286', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County Highway Commissioner Paul Rapp on Fish Hatchery Rd. and how soon repairs will be made. Includes shots of road.
WISC 7236.20
On-site interviews, 1972 July 24
Physical Description: 1286'-1391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Midge Miller on equal rights amendment and how its passage affects other statutes.
WISC 7236.21
Studio interviews, 1972 July 23
Physical Description: 1391'-1460', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Simmons on Browndale Home for emotionally disturbed children and problems with zoning and ordinances.
WISC 7237.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 0'-32', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man demonstrating seat belt.
WISC 7237.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 32'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City official on how federal wage and price freeze affects city hiring.
WISC 7237.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 6
Physical Description: 71'-94', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marquette Neighborhood festival.
WISC 7237.4
On-site interviews, 1972 August 5
Physical Description: 94'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jim Stuart on Trout Unlimited.
WISC 7237.5
On-site interviews, 1972 August 5
Physical Description: 116'-200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Raemisch on weed control in the lakes.
WISC 7237.6
On-site interviews, 1972 August 5
Physical Description: 200'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jim Scott on highway construction in ecologically sensitive areas.
WISC 7237.7
Studio interviews, 1972 August 5
Physical Description: 242'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Carl Thompson on toll free phone service for Dane County.
WISC 7237.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 4
Physical Description: 321'-351', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse show at Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7237.9
On-site interviews, 1972 August 3
Physical Description: 351'-394', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Raemisch on contract with Goben car dealership (sound very bad).
WISC 7237.10
On-site interviews, 1972 August 3
Physical Description: 394'-475', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thomas Stevens on finding a replacement for Police Chief Wilbur Emery.
WISC 7237.11
On-site interviews, 1972 August 3
Physical Description: 475'-503', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Donald Percy on University of Wisconsin faculty's successful suing for pay raises.
WISC 7237.12
On-site interviews, 1972 August 3
Physical Description: 503'-527', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery on his retirement after suffering a heart attack.
WISC 7237.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 4
Physical Description: 527'-555', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scouts mailing bike license plates.
WISC 7237.14
On-site interviews, 1972 August 4
Physical Description: 555'-653', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Duszynski on fee charged for private haulers to land fills.
WISC 7237.15
On-site interviews, 1972 August 4
Physical Description: 653'-725', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rex Duter on facilities for boys at the Oregon School for Girls.
WISC 7237.16
On-site interviews, 1972 August 2
Physical Description: 725'-801', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barry Ott on new bargaining department for the city.
WISC 7237.17
Press conferences, 1972 August 2
Physical Description: 801'-915', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on reapportionment of aldermanic districts and lake weed control.
WISC 7237.18
On-site interviews, 1972 August 2
Physical Description: 915'-979', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Steve Nicks on complaints against auto dealers for selling unsafe cars.
WISC 7237.19
On-site interviews, 1972 August 2
Physical Description: 979'-1021', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dan Hanley of the Attorney General's staff on hearing to be held on auto dealerships.
WISC 7237.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 1
Physical Description: 1021'-1051', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm Progress Days.
WISC 7237.21
On-site interviews, 1972 August 1
Physical Description: 1051'-1100', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Theobold on bond sales for construction programs.
WISC 7237.22
On-site interviews, 1972 August 1
Physical Description: -1100'-1135', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on street and sewer bonds.
WISC 7237.23
On-site interviews, 1972 August 1
Physical Description: 1135'-1187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jim Scott on transportation conference to be held in Madison.
WISC 7237.24
Press conferences, 1972 August 1
Physical Description: 1190'-1300', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Peterson on public hearings on auto dealer practices.
WISC 7237.25
On-site interviews/Hearings, 1972 July 31
Physical Description: 1300'-1462', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff Jack Leslie on his car accident while using a county car. Silent footage of Leslie and others including County Supervisor David Clarenbach. In a hearing setting.
WISC 7238.1
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 0'-63', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on parole program for prisoners.
WISC 7238.2
News, 1972 August
Physical Description: 63'-93', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Severe weather: rain, storms, and wind hit Madison; also shots of aftermath.
WISC 7238.3
Studio interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 94'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified county official talks about planning county budget hearings.
WISC 7238.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August
Physical Description: 215'-318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kids have picnic at Vilas Park; pie-eating contest.
WISC 7238.5
Press conferences, 1972 August
Physical Description: 318'-430', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Jung on new student loan policies.
WISC 7238.6
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 430'-512', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Conrad on problems with city bonds.
WISC 1238.7
Awards ceremonies/Graduation ceremonies, 1972 August
Physical Description: 512'-558', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Technical College graduation and Girl Scouts at Edgewood College.
WISC 7238.8
Meetings, 1972 August
Physical Description: 558'-589', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey meets with staff.
WISC 7238.9
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 589'-719', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sean Kenny on IRA terrorism.
WISC 7238.10
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 719'-836', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aldermen Andy Cohn and Robert DeZonia talk about busing school children on Metro buses.
WISC 7238.11
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 836'-894', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Antique fair previewed.
WISC 7238.12
News, 1972 August
Physical Description: 894'-940', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road and stoplight construction at Nakoma Road and the Beltline.
WISC 7238.13
Meetings, 1972 August
Physical Description: 940'-958', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chicano group meets.
WISC 7238.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August
Physical Description: 962'-974', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Girl from Abbey Springs rides bicycle to Capitol.
WISC 7238.15
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 974'-1027', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Steve Shur on pollution abatement orders.
WISC 7238.16
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 1027'-1078', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley on health care in Wisconsin.
WISC 7238.17
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 1078'-1128', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wiegner on alternatives to property tax.
WISC 7238.18
Press conferences, 1972 August
Physical Description: 1128'-1186', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney office charges John Brick with violating security laws.
WISC 7238.19
Press conferences, 1972 August
Physical Description: 1186'-1330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Schutte on loan competition in Madison.
WISC 7238.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August
Physical Description: 1330'-1426', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ferry at Merrimac is featured, the last one on Wisconsin trunk roads.
WISC 7238.21
Meetings, 1972 August
Physical Description: 1426'-1444', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7238.22
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 1445'-1503', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on city council reapportionment.
WISC 7238.23
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August
Physical Description: 1503'-1538', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Borden's Elsie the Cow gets key to Madison.
WISC 7239.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 21
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anchor Savings and Loan's “Penney Pinching” contest.
WISC 7239.2
News, 1972 August 21
Physical Description: 19'-50', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Railroad crossing repairs at Dayton and Mills Streets.
WISC 7239.3
On-site interviews, 1972 August 21
Physical Description: 50'-97', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Morgan on school expenses and property taxes.
WISC 7239.4
Wire service, 1972 August 20
Physical Description: 97'-165', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Landsness on controlling highway noise pollution.
WISC 7239.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 20
Physical Description: 165'-192', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sun Prairie Corn Festival.
WISC 7239.6
News, 1972 August 20
Physical Description: 192'-229', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 7239.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 19
Physical Description: 229'-263', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wil-Mar Community Center children's Olympics at Marquette Playground.
WISC 7239.8
On-site interviews, 1972 August 17
Physical Description: 263'-375', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Hanna on health safety standards.
WISC 7239.9
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 375'-403', magnetic, color, positive 
WISC 7239.10
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 403'-483', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on adapting Wisconsin regulations regarding solicitation and advertising.
WISC 7239.11
On-site interviews, 1972 August 17
Physical Description: 483'-617', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jeffrey Bartell on no-fault insurance plan.
WISC 7239.12
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 617'-662', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Sterling Hall bombing trial.
WISC 7239.13
On-site interviews, 1972 August 18
Physical Description: 662'-767', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber on federal grant for the elderly.
WISC 7239.14
Press conferences, 1972 August 18
Physical Description: 767'-855', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Francis Franzen on teacher contracts and negotiations.
WISC 7239.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 16
Physical Description: 855'-896', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Weed cutter in Tenney Park.
WISC 7239.16
On-site interviews, 1972 August 16
Physical Description: 896'-960', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James McLarry on bus and transportation subsidies.
WISC 7239.17
Meetings, 1972 August 16
Physical Description: 960'-985', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Educational Board.
WISC 7239.18
On-site interviews, 1972 August 16
Physical Description: 985'-1091', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Hassett on industrial safety in Wisconsin.
WISC 7239.19
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 1091'-1145', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George Currie on state land purchases and sales.
WISC 7239.20
On-site interviews, 1972 August 15
Physical Description: 1145'-1242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Jones on improving probate procedures.
WISC 7239.21
On-site interviews, 1972 August 15
Physical Description: 1242'-1300', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Thorson on transferring airport to county.
WISC 7239.22
On-site interviews, 1972 August 14
Physical Description: 1300'-1400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Merton Walter on county based toll free phone service.
WISC 7239.23
On-site interviews, 1972 August 14
Physical Description: 1400'-1468', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on anti-pollution laws.
WISC 7240.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 28
Physical Description: 0'-46', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: First day of classes at UW.
WISC 7240.2
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 46'-68', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on dispute between UW president and governor.
WISC 7240.3
On-site interviews, 1972 August 26
Physical Description: 68'-169', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mike Ley on constituents survey on decaying State Street, property taxes, and reapportionment.
WISC 7240.4
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 169'-273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on voter registration.
WISC 7240.5
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 273'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Scottish festival in Middleton.
WISC 7240.6
On-site interviews, 1972 August 25
Physical Description: 353'-514', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Urich on cost of Capitol Square beautification.
WISC 7240.7
Graduation ceremonies, 1972 August 25
Physical Description: 514'-552', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Patrol.
WISC 7240.8
On-site interviews, 1972 August 25
Physical Description: 552'-591', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chuck Reott on city work force.
WISC 7240.9
Speeches, 1972 August 24
Physical Description: 591'-610', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Convocation for educators.
WISC 7240.10
On-site interviews, 1972 August 24
Physical Description: 610'-662', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Floyd Jones on traffic flow proposal for Capitol Square.
WISC 7240.11
On-site interviews, 1972 August 24
Physical Description: 662'-747', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: W.E.A. Field Director Don Krahn on teacher strikes.
WISC 7240.12
On-site interviews, 1972 August 23
Physical Description: 747'-810', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Keifer on Dane County operating airport.
WISC 7240.13
On-site interviews, 1972 August
Physical Description: 810'-868', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on aldermanic meeting.
WISC 7240.14
On-site interviews, 1972 August 23
Physical Description: 868'-962', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley on health task force.
WISC 7240.15
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1972 August 23
Physical Description: 962'-1015', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Motor vehicle code hearings.
WISC 7240.16
On-site interviews, 1972 August 23
Physical Description: 1015'-1069', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County supervisor on licensing foster homes.
WISC 7240.17
Press conferences, 1972 August 22
Physical Description: 1069'-1228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jim Higgins on new program to stimulate scientific research.
WISC 7240.18
Press conferences, 1972 August 22
Physical Description: 1228'-1359', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jonathan Ela on formation of Wisconsin Utilities Advisory Coalition.
WISC 7240.19
Press conferences/On-site interviews, 1972 August 22
Physical Description: 1359'-1419', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mary Ellen Carnes on new child care project between UW and Madison school system.
WISC 7240.20
On-site interviews, 1972 August 21
Physical Description: 1419'-1488', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Conrad on aldermanic district reapportionment.
WISC 7241.1
On-site interviews, 1972 September 6
Physical Description: 0'-26', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Pease on prison layoff/declining prison population in institutions.
WISC 7241.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 6
Physical Description: 26'-53', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Traditional mourning period for Israeli athletes killed in Munich Olympic Village.
WISC 7241.3
News, 1972 September 6
Physical Description: 53'-81', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gisholt Company for sale.
WISC 7241.4
On-site interviews, 1972 September 6
Physical Description: 81'-125', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle on school renovation.
WISC 7241.5
On-site interviews, 1972 September 5
Physical Description: 125'-188', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chief Ralph McGraw on Madison paramedics training for fire department.
WISC 7241.6
News, 1972 September
Physical Description: 188'-215', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road construction.
WISC 7241.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 25
Physical Description: 215'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood school registration.
WISC 7241.8
On-site interviews, 1972 September 4
Physical Description: 238'-330', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Colonel Simonson on “Friend in the Sky” program for Wisconsin motorists.
WISC 7241.9
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1972 September 4
Physical Description: 330'-387', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on cooperation between his office and Common Council.
WISC 7241.10
On-site interviews, 1972 September 3
Physical Description: 387'-456', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver on merger progress and problems.
WISC 7241.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 3
Physical Description: 456'-476', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art festival.
WISC 7241.12
Press conferences, 1972 August 30
Physical Description: 476'-525', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on board representative, Sheriff Leslie's driving record, and school board and money.
WISC 7241.13
On-site interviews, 1972 August 30
Physical Description: 525'-618', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bruce Gilman on Dane County volunteers working with prisoners.
WISC 7241.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August 31
Physical Description: 618'-682', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Family home on wheels.
WISC 7241.15
Studio interviews, 1972 August 31
Physical Description: 682'-745', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Wurf on labor union vote.
WISC 7241.16
On-site interviews, 1972 August 31
Physical Description: 745'-817', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Percy on UW budget for 1973-1975.
WISC 7241.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 August
Physical Description: 817'-842', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus setting up in town.
WISC 7241.18
On-site interviews, 1972 August 30
Physical Description: 842'-900', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Susan Kay Phillips on alcohol/liquor licenses and 18-year-olds drinking.
WISC 7241.19
Press conferences, 1972 August 30
Physical Description: 900'-938', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wilbur Emery swearing in marshal.
WISC 7241.20
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1972 August 30
Physical Description: 938'-986', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Max Carbon on federal grant for studying fusion reactor designs.
WISC 7241.21
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1972 August 29
Physical Description: 986'-1057', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Urich on improvements to John Nolen Drive entrance.
WISC 7241.22
House fires, 1972 August 29
Physical Description: 1057'-1076', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: House fire on Pflaum Road.
WISC 7241.23
Press conferences, 1972 August 29
Physical Description: 1076'-1124', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Severence on Rock River pollution.
WISC 7241.24
Press conferences, 1972 August 29
Physical Description: 1124'-1238', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Nager on tax loopholes. He introduces Ray Waterworth, city assessor, and Dino Tranert, personal property expert.
WISC 7241.25
Meetings, 1972 August 29
Physical Description: 1238'-1297', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Law School committee.
WISC 7241.26
On-site interviews, 1972 August 28
Physical Description: 1297'-1314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie on enrollment projections and need for referendum money.
WISC 7241.27
On-site interviews, 1972 August 28
Physical Description: 1314'-1420', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chuck Reott on pay raises for city executives.
WISC 7242.1
Press conferences, 1972 September 15
Physical Description: 0'-81', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Portage Police Chief Teinrey and Detective Lulling on Portage, Wisconsin stabbing.
WISC 7242.2
On-site interviews, 1972 September 15
Physical Description: 81'-110', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor David Clark on earthquake.
WISC 7242.3
Features (Newsfilm)/Meetings, 1972 September 14
Physical Description: 110'-131', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Way services tour and meeting.
WISC 7242.4
On-site interviews, 1972 September 14
Physical Description: 131'-177', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Peterson on studded tires.
WISC 7242.5
Press conferences, 1972 September 14
Physical Description: 177'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roland Day on UW merger.
WISC 7242.6
Press conferences, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 215'-248', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on city employment.
WISC 7242.7
Meetings, 1972 September
Physical Description: 248'-275', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Regents meeting.
WISC 7242.8
News, 1972 September
Physical Description: 275'-297', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student anti-war protest at Library Mall.
WISC 7242.9
On-site interviews, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 297'-341', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bruce Craig on ways to regulate trade schools.
WISC 7242.10
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 341'-422', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Family health services controversy discussed.
WISC 7242.11
Press conferences, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 422'-491', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on federal money for Madison and the Manpower program.
WISC 7242.12
On-site interviews, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 491'-536', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Truman McNulty on social service budget cuts.
WISC 7242.13
On-site interviews, 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 536'-575', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Conrad on his reapportionment plans.
WISC 7242.14
Meetings, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 575'-602', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Building Commission.
WISC 7242.15
Press conferences, 1972 September
Physical Description: 602'-681', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teacher on elections and teachers' lobby.
WISC 7242.16
On-site interviews, 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 681'-721', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Len McGrath on tax referendum.
WISC 7242.17
On-site interviews, 1972 September 10
Physical Description: 721'-774', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Tim Kiefer on airport takeover by Dane County.
WISC 7242.18
On-site interviews, 1972 September 10
Physical Description: 774'-801', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WSA President Linda Larkin on two minutes of silence for murdered Israeli athletes.
WISC 7242.19
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 10
Physical Description: 801'-828', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Truax Field open house.
WISC 7242.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 9
Physical Description: 828'-841', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Poynette rock festival.
WISC 7242.21
On-site interviews, 1972 September 9
Physical Description: 841'-871', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on liquor licenses.
WISC 7242.22
On-site interviews, 1972 September 9
Physical Description: 871'-902', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Zenno Gorder on proposed rate hikes for water rates.
WISC 7242.23
On-site interviews, 1972 September 8
Physical Description: 902'-949', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Doctor on community health center for near east Madison.
WISC 7242.24
On-site interviews, 1972 September 8
Physical Description: 949'-1032', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Lulling on number of rapes and hitchhiking.
WISC 7242.25
On-site interviews, 1972 September 8
Physical Description: 1032'-1140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Frank Mattone on 1973 budget.
WISC 7242.26
Meetings, 1972 September 8
Physical Description: 1140'-1151', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Town of Madison meeting.
WISC 7242.27
On-site interviews, 1972 September 9
Physical Description: 1151'-1207', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Terry Volk at Whiskey A Go Go.
WISC 7242.28
On-site interviews, 1972 September 7
Physical Description: 1207'-1240', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser on public opinion poll on bus service and abortion rights.
WISC 7242.29
On-site interviews, 1972 September 7
Physical Description: 1240'-1297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jim Kiefer on airport expansion and takeover by Dane County.
WISC 7242.30
On-site interviews, 1972 September 7
Physical Description: 1297'-1323', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Grey on Wisconsin Dells tourist season.
WISC 7242.31
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 7
Physical Description: 1323'-1340', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students mourning murdered Israeli athletes.
WISC 7242.32
On-site interviews, 1972 September 7
Physical Description: 1340'-1368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Secretary of Business Development William Kidd on economic council meeting.
WISC 7242.33
Press conferences, 1972 September 7
Physical Description: 1368'-1432', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on school bond issue and Gisholt Company closing.
WISC 7242.34
On-site interviews, 1972 September 7
Physical Description: 1432'-1481', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles on business climate in Wisconsin.
WISC 7242.35
On-site interviews, 1972 September 6
Physical Description: 1481'-1504', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Donald Peterson on McGovern campaign.
WISC 7243.1
On-site interviews, 1972 September 16
Physical Description: 0'-68', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Congressional problems and Robert Kastenmeier on revenue sharing.
WISC 7243.2
On-site interviews, 1972 September 15
Physical Description: 68'-111', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Fox on tax reform.
WISC 7243.3
On-site interviews, 1972 September 15
Physical Description: 111'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Lien on new consumer protection act.
WISC 7243.4
News, 1972 September 15
Physical Description: 154'-169', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Archie Simonson swearing-in ceremonies.
WISC 7243.5
On-site interviews, 1972 September 16
Physical Description: 169'-234', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin and other alderman on disability claim of Police Chief Emery.
WISC 7243.6
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 234'-252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on women's caucus at political conventions.
WISC 7243.7
Press conferences, 1972 September 18
Physical Description: 252'-312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regents meeting and President Weaver on budget.
WISC 7243.8
On-site interviews, 1972 September 16
Physical Description: 312'-335', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Nager on auto insurance reform.
WISC 7243.9
On-site interviews, 1972 September 16
Physical Description: 335'-376', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Fred Risser on prisons and facilities.
WISC 7243.10
Press conferences, 1972 September 18
Physical Description: 376'-433', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Weaver on budget and needs of University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7243.11
Hearings, 1972 September 18
Physical Description: 433'-460', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Informal hearing on Jack Leslie and corruption in state government.
WISC 7243.12
Press conferences, 1972 September 18
Physical Description: 460'-513', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial High School Principal Clinton Barter talks to reporters about Bill Glass speaking to group after school instead of during school hours.
WISC 7243.13
Press conferences, 1972 September 18
Physical Description: 513'-570', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on youthful offender act.
WISC 7243.14
On-site interviews, 1972 September 19
Physical Description: 570'-608', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on fishing and Native American rights.
WISC 7243.15
On-site interviews, 1972 September 19
Physical Description: 608'-635', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Beale of DNR on fishing in Lake Superior by Indians.
WISC 7243.16
On-site interviews, 1972 September 19
Physical Description: 635'-685', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arthur Fleming on fund raising for program for older persons.
WISC 7243.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 19
Physical Description: 685'-708', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Old newspaper boys” helping the zoo with their fund raising.
WISC 7243.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 19
Physical Description: 708'-730', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Nolen Drive.
WISC 7243.19
Banquets, 1972 September
Physical Description: 730'-954', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Football banquet.
WISC 7243.20
News, 1972 September 20
Physical Description: 954'-968', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Storm damage.
WISC 7243.21
On-site interviews, 1972 September 20
Physical Description: 968'-1020', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Thorson on airport issue.
WISC 7243.22
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 1020'-1092', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mazomanie supervisor on decisions made by county and city.
WISC 7243.23
Press conferences, 1972 September 20
Physical Description: 1092'-1200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Capt. Davenport and Inspector Schirro on possibility of moving Police Dept. to old Sears building.
WISC 7243.24
On-site interviews, 1972 September 20
Physical Description: 1200'-1301', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on airport transfer to county and airport expansion.
WISC 7243.25
On-site interviews, 1972 September 20
Physical Description: 1301'-1385', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Sykes on Capehart Housing project.
WISC 7243.26
Studio interviews, 1972 September 20
Physical Description: 1385'-1400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Lison on environmental pollution protection program.
WISC 7243.27
On-site interviews, 1972 September 21
Physical Description: 1400'-1452', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Timothy Kelly on pollution program.
WISC 7243.28
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 1452'-1482', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on spawning lake trout.
WISC 7244.1
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren is concerned about price fixing and price discrimination in auto repairs.
WISC 7244.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 61'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on his reduced request for funding the UW.
WISC 7244.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 93'-112', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Federation of Independent Colleges displays.
WISC 7244.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 112'-185', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff Jack Leslie honored with welcome back party.
WISC 7244.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 186'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Wertheimer talks about Common Cause.
WISC 7244.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 261'-334', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on garnishment and consumer credit rights.
WISC 7244.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 334'-383', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on public affairs commission's administration of cable TV.
WISC 7244.8
Banquets, 1972
Physical Description: 384'-401', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey speaks at Lake Lawn.
WISC 7244.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 401'-465', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified Irish man on British human rights violations in Northern Ireland.
WISC 7244.10
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 466'-526', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on state budget.
WISC 7244.11
Awards ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 527'-544', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Award and speech at the Park Motor Inn.
WISC 7244.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 545'-635', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Porn films found in county attorney's office, relating to a case.
WISC 7244.13
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 635'-656', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7244.14
Studio interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 656'-706', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderwoman resigns from the City Council to protest the excessive time expected of people on the council.
WISC 7244.15
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 706'-753', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Personnel and Finance Committee votes to discharge Dave Massallem for wrong judgement.
WISC 7244.16
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 754'-795', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DNR to start industrial monitoring of pollution.
WISC 7244.17
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 795'-940', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz slams George McGovern for his criticism of federal grain sale to Soviet Union.
WISC 7244.18
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 940'-1031', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Businessmen talk about hiring the disabled.
WISC 7244.19
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1031'-1089', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man speaks out for vocational training schools.
WISC 7244.20
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 1089'-1104', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey meets with his staff.
WISC 7244.21
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1104'-1161', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man talks about Browndale and his group homes.
WISC 7244.22
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1161'-1235', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Program for minority business starts in Madison.
WISC 7244.23
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 1236'-1305', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on federal revenue sharing and tax increases.
WISC 7244.24
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1305'-1339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Study shows that Dane County Home costs more than other institutions, yet still shows a deficit.
WISC 7244.25
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1339'-1379', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on school property tax rate reduction.
WISC 7244.26
Banquets, 1972
Physical Description: 1380'-1409', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7244.27
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1410'-1443', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified campaign worker on Nixon's popularity on college campuses.
WISC 7244.28
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 1443'-1477', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on city and county money received from revenue sharing.
WISC 7244.29
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 1477'-1497', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7245.1
On-site interviews, 1972 October 5
Physical Description: 0'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Captain McNelly on auto insurance and speeding in school zones.
WISC 7245.2
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 48'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bruce Protzmann on school budget and Town of Madison controversy.
WISC 7245.3
On-site interviews, 1972 October 5
Physical Description: 92'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roland McCauley on new reformatory program.
WISC 7245.4
On-site interviews, 1972 October 5
Physical Description: 126'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stan DuRose on no-fault insurance bill.
WISC 7245.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 4
Physical Description: 182'-205', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 1972 United Way Oscar Mayer campaign drive.
WISC 7245.6
House fires, 1972 October 4
Physical Description: 205'-229', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chimney fire.
WISC 7245.7
On-site interviews, 1972 October 4
Physical Description: 229'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Marie Seitz, representative of Wisconsin PTA, discusses progress in past year.
WISC 7245.8
Press conferences, 1972 October 4
Physical Description: 270'-374', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on revenue sharing, property taxes, and auditorium.
WISC 7245.9
Meetings, 1972 October 4
Physical Description: 374'-398', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Drug Abuse Committee meeting.
WISC 7245.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 3
Physical Description: 398'-414', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ringling Brothers Clowns entertain children at hospital.
WISC 7245.11
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 414'-451', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on job and issues of county executive. Policy making power division is discussed.
WISC 7245.12
Press conferences/Speeches, 1972 October
Physical Description: 451'-573', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey slams state budget and taxes under Governor Knowles and the Republican Party.
WISC 7245.13
Press conferences/Speeches, 1972 October
Physical Description: 576'-683', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren speaks out against Lucey.
WISC 7245.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October
Physical Description: 683'-823', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East High School students and teachers are discussed by unidentified student and teacher.
WISC 7245.15
Meetings, 1972 October
Physical Description: 823'-850', silent, color, positive 
WISC 7245.16
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 850'-924', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses landing fees for airlines, local ordinance, and air strike.
WISC 7245.17
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 924'-962', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on speeding up bureaucracy and mayor, especially on school bond referendum.
WISC 7245.18
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 962'-979', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on UW budget increase.
WISC 7245.19
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 979'-1035', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Bob Dole on Nixon's chances against McGovern.
WISC 7245.20
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October
Physical Description: 1035'-1056', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Point of view shots while driving on the Beltline.
WISC 7245.21
Press conferences, 1972 October
Physical Description: 1056'-1085', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on Carly Feltman's resignation from the county board.
WISC 7245.22
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 1085'-1133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified Democratic county board candidate.
WISC 7245.23
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October
Physical Description: 1133'-1173', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Rehab I”; UW student project to fix up local houses.
WISC 7245.24
Public announcements, 1972 October
Physical Description: 1173'-1227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Consumer alert issued from district attorney's office on phony homebuilding.
WISC 7245.25
Press conferences, 1972 October
Physical Description: 1227'-1297', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man and woman discuss free medical assistance and pension to disabled police and fire fighters.
WISC 7245.26
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 1297'-1338', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on marijuana research; makes comparison to prohibition.
WISC 7245.27
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 1338'-1397', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man against the legalization of marijuana discusses prohibiting it instead of institutionalizing its availability.
WISC 7245.28
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 1397'-1466', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man discusses reinspection of adulterated meat in stores and random inspections of cheese and milk by the Department of Agriculture.
WISC 7245.29
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 1466'-1528', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin discusses his political goals and upcoming spring election.
WISC 7246.1
Meetings, 1972 October 16
Physical Description: 0'-39', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers conference.
WISC 7246.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 16
Physical Description: 39'-65', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lagoon dredging on Yahara River.
WISC 7246.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 16
Physical Description: 65'-83', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Israeli lithographs are presented to Governor Patrick Lucey.
WISC 7246.4
On-site interviews, 1972 October 16
Physical Description: 83'-471', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Conrad Goodkind on new appeals court.
WISC 7246.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 15
Physical Description: 171'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WSA store.
WISC 7246.6
On-site interviews, 1972 October 15
Physical Description: 207'-235', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Captain McNelly on opposite side of the street parking for snow removal.
WISC 7246.7
On-site interviews, 1972 October 15
Physical Description: 235'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lamar Johnson on DeForest, Wisconsin, teachers' strike.
WISC 7246.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 15
Physical Description: 260'-286', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fund raising picnic.
WISC 7246.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 286'-308', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Rufus Rally” at Edgewood High School.
WISC 7246.10
Groundbreakings, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 308'-332', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force Rescue Center.
WISC 7246.11
On-site interviews, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 332'-373', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol defends his record as district attorney of Dane County.
WISC 7246.12
On-site interviews, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 373'-420', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Lynch on Gerald Nichol's conviction rate as district attorney. He feels Nichol's record is very poor.
WISC 7246.13
On-site interviews, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 420'-440', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Steve Gordon on Camp McCoy 3 ruling by Judge Doyle.
WISC 7246.14
On-site interviews, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 440'-480', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kahl, State Superintendent of Schools, on education for disadvantaged children.
WISC 7246.15
On-site interviews, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 480'-547', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Schmitz, American Party presidential candidate, on his chances.
WISC 7246.16
Banquets, 1972 October
Physical Description: 547'-566', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Retired Teachers Association.
WISC 7246.17
News, 1972 October
Physical Description: 566'-603', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin donates $6.48 for construction of State Street Mall.
WISC 7246.18
Studio interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 603'-660', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on applications to Police Department (?).
WISC 7246.19
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 660'-723', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on recommendation to change parking regulations on campus.
WISC 7246.20
News/On-site interviews, 1972 October 9
Physical Description: 723'-801', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DeForest teachers' strike. Government attorney speaks on his prosecution of DeForest teacher, LaMar Johnson.
WISC 7246.21
On-site interviews, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 801'-821', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Waldo on building new CMI Building on the lakeshore.
WISC 7246.22
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October
Physical Description: 821'-849', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Administration poster contest winners.
WISC 7246.23
On-site interviews, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 849'-926', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on getting property tax relief.
WISC 7246.24
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 926'-974', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walter Hunter on money for local Madison goals.
WISC 7246.25
Press conferences, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 974'.-1008', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on 1973-75 state budget.
WISC 7246.26
On-site interviews, 1972 October 10
Physical Description: 1008'-1053', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: T. David Horton on constitutional limits set on federal agencies.
WISC 7246.27
On-site interviews, 1972 October 10
Physical Description: 1053'-1084', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Johnson on State Department of Local Affairs.
WISC 7246.28
On-site interviews, 1972 October 10
Physical Description: 1084'-1131', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dick Lincoln on Wisconsin Housing Finance Authority.
WISC 7246.29
Banquets, 1972 October 9
Physical Description: 1131'-1157', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hospitality banquet.
WISC 7246.30
On-site interviews, 1972 October 9
Physical Description: 1157'-1212', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: LaMar Johnson on DeForest teachers strike.
WISC 7246.31
Press conferences, 1972 October 9
Physical Description: 1212'-1230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on rate of increase in public employment.
WISC 7246.32
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 1230'-1250', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tropical fish.
WISC 7246.33
Openings/On-site interviews, 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 1250'-1291', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cross Roads Health Center.
WISC 7246.34
On-site interviews, 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 1291'-1325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Terry Volk on Town of Madison action against Whiskey A Go Go club.
WISC 7246.35
On-site interviews/News, 1972 October 7
Physical Description: 1325'-1353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Wilson reports on Northwest Airlines strike.
WISC 7246.36
Studio interviews, 1972 October 7
Physical Description: 1353'-1422', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson on the environment and the Vietnam War.
WISC 7246.37
On-site interviews, 1972 October 6
Physical Description: 1422'-1468', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ody Fish on budget request of University of Wisconsin.
WISC 7246.38
On-site interviews, 1972 October 6
Physical Description: 1468'-1520', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Weaver on new program for vocational system.
WISC 7247.1
Hearings/Studio interviews, 1972 October 24
Physical Description: 0'-52', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearings on citizen responses to unidentified task force.
WISC 7247.2
Press conferences, 1972 October 24
Physical Description: 52'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Vogel on purchase of Gisholt Machine Company.
WISC 7247.3
On-site interviews, 1972 October 24
Physical Description: 88'-122', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jeffrey Bartell on proposals for financing courts.
WISC 7247.4
Press conferences, 1972 October 24
Physical Description: 122'-152', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on possibility of lowering budget.
WISC 7247.5
On-site interviews, 1972 October 24
Physical Description: 152'-204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Fritcher opposes the findings of a report just out against chiropractors.
WISC 7247.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 23
Physical Description: 204'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dollars for Veterans Hospital fund raising.
WISC 7247.7
On-site interviews, 1972 October 23
Physical Description: 238'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eldon Hoel on voter registration.
WISC 7247.8
Studio interviews, 1972 October 23
Physical Description: 267'-359', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Laurel Pollack on demonstration for Soviet Jewry to be staged before Russian dance performance.
WISC 7247.9
Studio interviews, 1972 October 23
Physical Description: 359'-472', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Bechtel on industry in southeast Wisconsin.
WISC 7247.10
On-site interviews, 1972 October 22
Physical Description: 472'-506', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Susan Kay Phillips on student renting problem.
WISC 7247.11
News, 1972 October 22
Physical Description: 506'-531', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pedestrian tunnel in Alderman Michael Shiver's ward is the scene of violence.
WISC 7247.12
On-site interviews, 1972 October 22
Physical Description: 531'-554', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mary Kay Baum on budget excess of last year.
WISC 7247.13
On-site interviews, 1972 October 22
Physical Description: 554'-600', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bruce Craig and Gerald Nichol on fraud-involving chain distribution scheme.
WISC 7247.14
News, 1972 October 21
Physical Description: 600'-641', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Motors strike. Exteriors of Janesville assembly plant.
WISC 7247.15
Meetings/News, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 641'-668', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Indian meeting and dance at MATC.
WISC 7247.16
On-site interviews, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 668'-712', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Loren Thorson on aldermanic election.
WISC 7247.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 712'-733', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Moving office furniture into new state office building (GEF I?).
WISC 7247.18
On-site interviews, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 733'-780', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on mill rate.
WISC 7247.19
On-site interviews, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 780'-854', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ray Nashold on millage rate being dropped for city. Mr. Reinke reports on county budget.
WISC 7247.20
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1972 October 19
Physical Description: 854'-882', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential Advisor Dale Bowen on length of economic phase II.
WISC 7247.21
On-site interviews, 1972 October 19
Physical Description: 882'-911', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire Chief Ralph McGraw on proposals for several personnel promotions.
WISC 7247.22
On-site interviews, 1972 October 19
Physical Description: 911'-947', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: CPA Darren Boyer on President Nixon's phase II for the economy.
WISC 7247.23
On-site interviews, 1972 October 19
Physical Description: 947'-974', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ray Malmquist on prison reform recommendations.
WISC 7247.24
On-site interviews, 1972 October 19
Physical Description: 974'-994', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Steinhilber's reaction to plan for property tax relief.
WISC 7247.25
Press conferences, 1972 October 19
Physical Description: 994'-1023', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joe Nusbaum on Republican plan for special session.
WISC 7247.26
Press conferences, 1972 October 18
Physical Description: 1023'-1096', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Sgt. James Scrivner on a device for determining noise levels.
WISC 7247.27
Press conferences, 1972 October 18
Physical Description: 1096'-1137', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fran Franzen on growing politicalization of teachers.
WISC 7247.28
Studio interviews, 1972 October 18
Physical Description: 1137'-1182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Hickman on county juvenile homes.
WISC 7247.29
Hearings, 1972 October 18
Physical Description: 1182'-1210', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Motor vehicle inspection public hearing.
WISC 7247.30
Press conferences, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 1210'-1233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Surfus on Halloween policy to give out candy only between 3-5 pm on Sunday afternoon.
WISC 7247.31
Press conferences, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 1233'-1369', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on school financing. Halloween safety is also discussed.
WISC 7247.32
Press conferences, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 1369'-1400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assistant Superintendent of Schools on tightness of budget.
WISC 7247.33
Press conferences, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 1400'-1553', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Crampton on Watergate scandal and the Supreme Court.
WISC 7248.1
On-site interviews, 1972 November 2
Physical Description: 0'-53', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney Gerald Nichol on murder of UW student David Scott.
WISC 7248.2
On-site interviews, 1972 November 1
Physical Description: 53'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jay Wexler on his recent appointment (election?).
WISC 7248.3
On-site interviews, 1972 November 1
Physical Description: 87'-162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gene McGraw on negotiations between teachers and school board.
WISC 7248.4
News, 1972 November 1
Physical Description: 162'-190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey and Robert Warren sign document. League of Women Voters members present.
WISC 7248.5
Press conferences, 1972 November 1
Physical Description: 190'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on agreement with federal housing and urban development programs.
WISC 7248.6
On-site interviews, 1972 October 31
Physical Description: 278'-322', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stanley Klein on county need for three additional police lieutenants.
WISC 7248.7
Press conferences, 1972 October 31
Physical Description: 322'-389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on federal revenue sharing bill.
WISC 7248.8
On-site interviews, 1972 October
Physical Description: 389'-459', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State official on reorganization of unidentified state agency (Health and Social Services?).
WISC 7248.9
On-site interviews, 1972 October 31
Physical Description: 459'-519', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Hamle on how welfare money is directed in Dane County.
WISC 7248.10
On-site interviews, 1972 October 31
Physical Description: 519'-570', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George Reinke on Daryl Wilde's proposed apartment building; he feels the building is too big.
WISC 7248.11
On-site interviews, 1972 October 30
Physical Description: 570'-656', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Marygold Melli on state legal services for the poor.
WISC 7248.12
On-site interviews, 1972 October 30
Physical Description: 656'-702', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Hicks of West Towne Chrysler on auto repair costs.
WISC 7248.13
On-site interviews, 1972 October 30
Physical Description: 702'-755', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Morris on Attorney General Office's inquiry into auto repair industry.
WISC 7248.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 29
Physical Description: 755'-791', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Halloween Sunday. Children out trick or treating in the afternoon for safety.
WISC 7248.15
On-site interviews, 1972 October 28
Physical Description: 791'-827', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Surfus on safe Halloween.
WISC 7248.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 28
Physical Description: 827'-849', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tenney Park locks.
WISC 7248.17
On-site interviews, 1972 October 28
Physical Description: 849'-896', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jane Ruck feels David Harris is ineligible for Common Council because of conflict of interest.
WISC 7248.18
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 27
Physical Description: 896'-915', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West High homecoming parade.
WISC 7248.19
On-site interviews, 1972 October 27
Physical Description: 915'-946', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Thompson criticizes Mary Kay Baum for what he sees as obstruction of good labor practices.
WISC 7248.20
On-site interviews, 1972 October 27
Physical Description: 946'-983', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mary Kay Baum defends her position on minority contracts.
WISC 7248.21
On-site interviews, 1972 October 27
Physical Description: 983'-1031', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Surfus on Halloween Sunday.
WISC 7248.22
Meetings, 1972 October 27
Physical Description: 1031'-1051', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Council of University of Wisconsin chancellors.
WISC 7248.23
On-site interviews, 1972 October 27
Physical Description: 1051'-1103', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mike Ley on building office space and conservation of land in Madison.
WISC 7248.24
On-site interviews, 1972 October 26
Physical Description: 1103'-1148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Matson on program to test all drivers involved in fatal crashes for alcohol and drugs.
WISC 7248.25
On-site interviews, 1972 October 26
Physical Description: 1148'-1188', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joanne Potts on evaluation of old and new films on drug abuse.
WISC 7248.26
Meetings, 1972 October 26
Physical Description: 1188'-1225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Commission on state land transactions.
WISC 7248.27
News, 1972 October 26
Physical Description: 1225'-1255', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Law enforcement computer system unveiling.
WISC 7248.28
News, 1972 October 26
Physical Description: 1255'-1276', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war rally at Library Mall.
WISC 7248.29
News, 1972 October 25
Physical Description: 1276'-1301', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Public Instruction convention and displays.
WISC 7248.30
On-site interviews, 1972 October 25
Physical Description: 1301'-1348', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on council not being able to elect new members.
WISC 7248.31
On-site interviews, 1972 October 25
Physical Description: 1348'-1379', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Devitt on needs of disabled students.
WISC 7248.32
On-site interviews, 1972 October 25
Physical Description: 1379'-1428', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on why school teachers cannot be council members (conflict of interest).
WISC 7248.33
Press conferences, 1972 October 25
Physical Description: 1428'-1475', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walter Chilsen on special legislative session.
WISC 7248.34
On-site interviews, 1972 October 25
Physical Description: 1475'-1519', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver on public getting accurate information on University system.
WISC 9001.1
Meetings, circa 1970
Physical Description: 0'-57', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly and Senate sessions.
WISC 9001.2
Features (Newsfilm), circa 1970
Physical Description: 57'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beloit, Wisconsin.
WISC 9001.3
Features (Newsfilm), circa 1972
Physical Description: 155'-229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “What's New at the U” feature on Vilas Hall, the newest building on UW Campus.
WISC 9001.4
Man on the street interviews, circa 1972
Physical Description: 229'-344', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders at West Towne Mall asks “What do you think of Nixon's trip?” (to China).
WISC 9001.5
On-site interviews, circa 1970
Physical Description: 344'-511', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislators on saving money in educational programs. Intercut with silent shots of State Senate.
WISC 9001.6
Traffic accident reports, circa 1970
Physical Description: 511'-530', silent, color, positive 
WISC 9001.7
On-site interviews, circa 1970
Physical Description: 530'-733', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on her disappointment that a woman was not appointed to Supreme Court. Another woman talks about women's lack of rights in marriage and divorce.
WISC 9001.8
On-site interviews, circa 1970
Physical Description: 733'-821', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student comments on the Madison Police Dept. denying Daily Cardinal newspaper staff access to some of the Dept.'s records.
WISC 9001.9
On-site interviews, circa 1970
Physical Description: 821'-879', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teacher on hardships of teaching.
WISC 9001.10
Studio interviews, circa 1970
Physical Description: 879'-1002', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Margaret Mead on how we have to “get back” to some basic educational points. We need to get back to a community.
WISC 9001.11
On-site interviews, circa 1970
Physical Description: 1002'-1047', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley on health care being a public right.
WISC 9001.12
On-site interviews, circa 1970
Physical Description: 1047'-1124', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold Froehlich on jamming the budget bill with items which on their own would not pass.
WISC 9001.13
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, circa 1971
Physical Description: 1124'-1160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsinite of the Year awards.
WISC 9001.14
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, circa 1971
Physical Description: 1160'-1283', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Feature on student hitchhiking on Gorham St.
WISC 9001.15
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, circa 1971
Physical Description: 1283'-1393', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Choosing books about black people for young people. Pam Johnson talks with Betty Latimer.
WISC 9001.16
On-site interviews, circa 1971
Physical Description: 1393'-1513', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jill Giesler with members of Consortium on Peace, Research, Education and Development on their activities.
WISC 9001.17
Man on the street interviews, circa 1971
Physical Description: 1513'-1578', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders asks “Why do you like the circus?”
WISC 9002.1
Political announcements, 1968 July 4
Physical Description: 0'-28', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congressman Vernon Thomson against flag burning.
WISC 9002.2
Press conferences, 1968 October 17
Physical Description: 30'-64', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm on foreign oppression of Vietnam. War should be stopped immediately, she says.
WISC 9002.3
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 64'-236', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joan Baez and her husband on the role of students and women in the anti-war movement. “Women should say 'yes' to men who say 'no',” she says.
WISC 9002.4
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 236'-285', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Muhammad Ali speaking at University of Wisconsin Stock Pavilion.
WISC 9002.5
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 285'-319', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dow Chemical representative on chemical make-up of napalm. He says he has been assured napalm is only being used for military strategic purposes.
WISC 9002.6
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 319'-378', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Lewis Blaine Hershey, Selective Service System director, on how draft protesters don't bother him.
WISC 9002.7
News, 1968
Physical Description: 378'-387', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war demonstrators at Hotel Loraine protesting General Hershey's visit.
WISC 9002.8
News, 1969
Physical Description: 387'-436', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison participants going to Poor People's Campaign in Washington, D.C.
WISC 9002.9
News, 1968
Physical Description: 436'-466', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Draft protesters at Hotel Loraine.
WISC 9002.10
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 466'-495', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General Lewis Blaine Hershey on numbers of men called up for the draft.
WISC 9002.11
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 495'-518', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on his agreement with President Johnson that Vietnamese should share in the burden of the war.
WISC 9003.1
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-105', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Edwin Young on minority recruiting and expanding black studies programs. He also speaks on recent student arrests during demonstrations.
WISC 9003.2
On-site interviews, 1969 February 27
Physical Description: 107'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Former president of University of California on organization and leadership of student anti-war movement. Movement, he says, is home-grown and not influenced by foreign sources.
WISC 9003.3
Press conferences, 1969 February 18
Physical Description: 183'-214', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Edwin Young on whether or not the TAA strike has been broken.
WISC 9003.4
Press conferences, 1969 February 10
Physical Description: 215'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles stating that student violence has no place on our campuses.
WISC 9003.5
Press conferences, 1969 February 14
Physical Description: 266'-313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Slater, black representative, on black student strike.
WISC 9003.6
Press conferences, 1969 February 18
Physical Description: 313'-370', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Edwin Young is asked if State Legislature will bring pressure on University of Wisconsin because of the black student strike. He feels not, since University of Wisconsin is making progress in black studies curriculum.
WISC 9003.7
Press conferences, 1969 February 20
Physical Description: 371'-523', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on student and faculty dissatisfaction. He believes in faculty power; students should not be running the university.
WISC 9003.8
Press conferences, 1969 February 21
Physical Description: 524'-586', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Former president of University of California on use of force with student demonstrators. He was opposed to the use of force and favors discussion.
WISC 9003.9
Press conferences, 1969 February 3
Physical Description: 587'-716', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistant Association spokesman on strike issues and strike vote. People have been deceived, he says, as to what TA's actually do. They do 3/4 of the teaching on campus.
WISC 9004.1
News, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dow Chemical demonstration at VFW Hall.
WISC 9004.2
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 27'-100', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dow Chemical representative on napalm production.
WISC 9004.3
On-site interviews, 1969 March 14
Physical Description: 100'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John R. Moses on returning veterans and their benefits.
WISC 9004.4
On-site interviews, 1969 March 28
Physical Description: 208'-326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of California president on problems facing students.
WISC 9004.5
Press conferences, 1969 April 6
Physical Description: 326'-458', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Mifflin Street unrest.
WISC 9004.6
Speeches, 1969 October 4
Physical Description: 458'-570', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on political situation in Vietnam.
WISC 9004.7
News, 1969 April 10
Physical Description: 570'-620, silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military parade on Capitol Square.
WISC 9004.8
Hearings, 1969 April 21
Physical Description: 620'-698', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington testifies on UW budget needs.
WISC 9004.9
Press conferences, 1969 April 26
Physical Description: 698'-893', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin students on civil rights.
WISC 9004.10
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 893'-934', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin student comments on campus unrest.
WISC 9004.11
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 934'-1022', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified senator on President Johnson's Vietnam policy.
WISC 9004.12
News, 1969
Physical Description: 1022'-1068', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: North Vietnamese tiger-cage exhibit on Capitol Square.
WISC 9004.13
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 1068'-1103', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson on escalation of arms race.
WISC 9005.1
News, 1969 May 1
Physical Description: 0'-78', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war demonstration at Madison Selective Service office and march to State Capitol.
WISC 9005.2
Press conferences, 1969 May 5
Physical Description: 78'-156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Mifflin Street block party.
WISC 9005.3
Meetings, 1969 May 8
Physical Description: 156'-229', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council meeting on Mifflin Street unrest.
WISC 9005.4
Press conferences, 1969 May 17
Physical Description: 229'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Mifflin Street unrest.
WISC 9005.5
News/On-site interviews, 1969 May 18
Physical Description: 297'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City aldermen on Mifflin Street unrest.
WISC 9005.6
On-site interviews, 1969 May 22
Physical Description: 401'-440', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Paul Soglin on proposed block party laws.
WISC 9005.7
Meetings/News/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 440'-505', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighter Ed Durkin on Mifflin Street situation. Common Council meeting on Mifflin Street block party.
WISC 9005.8
News/Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 505'-519', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council on Mifflin Street block party.
WISC 9005.9
News, 1969
Physical Description: 519'-545', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military funeral.
WISC 9005.10
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 545'-827', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnamese man on history of colonialism in Vietnam.
WISC 9006.1
News, 1969 June 15
Physical Description: 0'-15', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mime group performs an anti-war piece on Memorial Library steps.
WISC 9006.2
News, 1969 June 10
Physical Description: 16'-56', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Spokesman for the Badger Herald, newly formed student newspaper on University of Wisconsin campus, on how Badger Herald differs from Daily Cardinal.
WISC 9006.3
News, 1969 September 12
Physical Description: 57'-108', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard office bombed. District Attorney James Boll views damage.
WISC 9006.4
News, 1969 October 6
Physical Description: 109'-140', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walk for Development begins at the Dane County Coliseum.
WISC 9006.5
News, 1969 October 15
Physical Description: 141'-165', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: War moratorium activities at University of Wisconsin Field House.
WISC 9006.6
Press conferences, 1969 November 6
Physical Description: 166'-209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pastor Arthur Lloyd on Madison Area Peace Action Council which continues to support all efforts in the Vietnam Moratorium.
WISC 9006.7
News/Speeches, 1969 October 16
Physical Description: 209'-286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speaker at Vietnam Moratorium (University of Wisconsin Field House) giving prayer. Vietnam Veteran for Peace on what the war is going to do to the Vietnamese people. Another speaker on what faces Richard Nixon “if he can't fool the American people.”
WISC 9006.8
News, 1969 October 26
Physical Description: 286'-325', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Striking teaching assistants picketing Bascom Hall.
WISC 9006.9
On-site interviews, 1969 November 5
Physical Description: 326'-392', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on his feeling that there is a great development among students of an individual morality.
WISC 9006.10
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 393'-426', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war demonstration at Library Mall.
WISC 9006.11
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 427'-490', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (congressman?) makes prediction that one year from today we will have “all but a handful” of troops in Vietnam. He doesn't think we will have strong hand in the government of Vietnam. He also talks about balancing the budget and wage and price controls.
WISC 9006.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 492'-565', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force ROTC women cadets sending cheese packages.
WISC 9006.13
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 566'-664', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Citizens Concerned for Community Issues back Mayor's commission recommendations on Mifflin Street disturbance.
WISC 9007.1
On-site interviews, 1968 December 10
Physical Description: 0'-24', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on Melvin Laird as new Secretary of Defense.
WISC 9007.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November 12
Physical Description: 24'-89', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on student attitudes.
WISC 9008.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August 19
Physical Description: 0'-47', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Dells tourist attractions including the ducks (amphibious boats) and Fort Dells.
WISC 9008.2
On-site interviews, 1968 November 10
Physical Description: 48'-86', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison schools superintendent Douglas Ritchie on overcrowding of East High School while West High School has low student enrollment.
WISC 9008.3
Studio interviews, 1968 November 14
Physical Description: 89'-170', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Columnist Drew Pearson on what Hubert Humphrey will do after his defeat for presidency. He also comments on possible 1972 presidential candidates and on ending Vietnam War.
WISC 9008.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 171'-202', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nakoma School.
WISC 9008.5
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 203'-256'; magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Representative Robert Kastenmeier on changing Electoral College procedures.
WISC 9008.6
Openings, 1968
Physical Description: 257'-299', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Technical College Technical Center.
WISC 9008.7
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 300'-345', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Gronouski on upcoming presidential election. He predicts George Wallace will not do well; Nixon will.
WISC 9008.8
News/On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 346'-416', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighter Ed Durkin on stalemate over contract negotiations with City of Madison. Possibility of strike is very real, he says.
WISC 9009.1
News, 1968 December 4
Physical Description: 0'-44', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rennebohm Drug Store fire.
WISC 9009.2
Speeches, 1968 December 9
Physical Description: 45'-146', silent and magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire addresses Chamber of Commerce meeting. He speaks on a variety of national issues including cutting military spending.
WISC 9009.3
Meetings/News, 1968 December 13
Physical Description: 147'-188', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State members of Electoral College meet at State Capitol.
WISC 9009.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December 17
Physical Description: 189'-224', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West Beltline Highway scenes.
WISC 9009.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December 19
Physical Description: 225'-278', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus visits St. Mary's Hospital Children's Ward.
WISC 9009.6
News, 1968 December 28
Physical Description: 280'-331', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Ridge-Madison Company.
WISC 9009.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 332'-373', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street with Christmas shoppers.
Series: WKOW Television Newsfilm
Scope and Content Note: Live footage shot by Madison station WKOW for its daily news coverage. After editing, parts of this footage appeared on evening news broadcasts. Also present is a small amount of footage distributed by the networks or wire services, occasional promotional or public affairs spots, and a few complete documentaries and edited features. Subjects include Madison local news as well as coverage of state political and legislative events, the University of Wisconsin, comments on national events by Wisconsin members of Congress, activity generated by local, state and national election campaigns, and public support and opposition to the Vietnam War.
WKOW 11.1
Air Force [and Navy] planes and jets, planaterium, etc., circa 1957
Alternate Format: WKOW 11 also available online.

Physical Description: silent, black and white 
WKOW 11.2
Governor Vernon Wallace Thompson signing a bill into a law(?), circa 1957
Alternate Format: WKOW 11 also available online.

Physical Description: silent, black and white 
WKOW 11.3
Ed Gein arrest, Plainfield, Wisconsin, circa 1957
Alternate Format: WKOW 11 also available online.

Physical Description: sound, black and white 
WKOW 777 [incomplete]
Otis Redding crash clip, 1967
Alternate Format: Portion of WKOW 777 also available online.

Physical Description: black and white, positive 
WKOW 803.1
House fires, 1968/01
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 803.2
Awards ceremonies, 1968/01
Physical Description: 24'-47', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Sertoma Club.
WKOW 803.3
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 47'-113', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on recent pieces of legislation.
WKOW 803.4
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 113'-152', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified program.
WKOW 803.5
Press conferences, 1968/01
Physical Description: 152'-209', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lenore Romney, with Dorothy Knowles, on her husband George Romney's presidential campaign.
WKOW 803.6
Traffic accident reports, 1968/01
Physical Description: 209'-222', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 803.7
Banquets, 1968/01
Physical Description: 222'-249', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 803.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968/01
Physical Description: 249'-281', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Rodeo promotion with lasso demonstration and horse and rider.
WKOW 803.9
Press conferences, 1968/01
Physical Description: 282'-341', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles on his recent illness.
WKOW 803.10
News, 1968/01
Physical Description: 341'-367', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State Supreme Court swearing-in.
WKOW 803.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968/01
Physical Description: 367'-393', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Big Brothers of America benefit at Octopus Carwash.
WKOW 804.1
Political announcements, 1968/01
Physical Description: 0'-32', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on use of government owned equipment.
WKOW 804.2
Meetings, 1968/01
Physical Description: 32'-42', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 804.3
Political announcements, 1968/01
Physical Description: 42'-152', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on 10% surtax and other bills before Congress.
WKOW 804.4
Speeches/Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 152'-204', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird at speaking engagement and later on the 1968 presidential election.
WKOW 804.5
Judicial proceedings, 1968/01
Physical Description: 205'-223', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Court Branch II.
WKOW 804.6
News, 1968/01
Physical Description: 223'-236', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire.
WKOW 804.7
Press conferences, 1968/01
Physical Description: 236'-267', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for County Court Judge, Branch 6.
WKOW 804.8
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 267'-306', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird interview continued. Laird praises Gov. Warren Knowles and pledges to support him.
WKOW 804.9
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 306'-385', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on problems facing local government; two other men speak on the same topic.
WKOW 804.10
News, 1968/01
Physical Description: 385'-419', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW reporter on National Farmer Organization's withholding action.
WKOW 805.1
Hearings, 1968/01
Physical Description: 0'-10', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 805.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968/01
Physical Description: 10'-40', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW personnel posing for portrait and posing informally.
WKOW 805.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968/01
Physical Description: 40'-66', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Coliseum livestock barns as rodeo is being set up.
WKOW 805.4
Meetings, 1968/01
Physical Description: 66'-95', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 805.5
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 95'-198', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on Eugene McCarthy's chances in Wisconsin. Presidential primary, April 2, 1968.
WKOW 805.6
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 198'-236', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird on challenges facing 90th session of U.S. Congress.
WKOW 805.7
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 236'-283', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on legislation before U.S. Congress.
WKOW 805.8
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 283'-343', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the Christian faith in modern world.
WKOW 806.1
Press conferences, 1968/01
Physical Description: 0'-78', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles on planned trip to Great Lakes clean up conference.
WKOW 806.2
Awards ceremonies, 1968/01
Physical Description: 78'-95', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 806.3
Meetings, 1968/01
Physical Description: 96'-116', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 806.4
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 116'-143', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird on deficit left by U.S. Congress.
WKOW 806.5
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1968/01
Physical Description: 143'-150', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 806.6
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 151'-227', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: A Mr. Smith on air safety.
WKOW 806.7
Promotional materials, 1968
Physical Description: 228'-280', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Spacecraft assembly plant.
WKOW 806.8
Political announcements, 1968/01
Physical Description: 280'-308', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Pres. Johnson's proposed tax increase.
WKOW 806.9
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 308'-353', magnetic, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley (?) on Pres. Johnson's chances in 1968 presidential race.
WKOW 806.10
Speeches/Graduation ceremonies, 1968/01
Physical Description: 353'-388', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge at police officers graduation.
WKOW 807.1
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 0'-42', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on conference to clean up Great Lakes.
WKOW 807.2
House fires, 1968/01
Physical Description: 43'-62', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 807.3
Special reports, 1968/01
Physical Description: 63'-251', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin School for Girls in Oregon, Wisconsin. This portion of the report focuses on the school's superintendent, Rex Duter.
WKOW 807.4
Unknown, 1968/01
Physical Description: 251'-261', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man.
WKOW 807.5
Banquets, 1968/01
Physical Description: 261'-291', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Norwegian banquet.
WKOW 807.6
Studio interviews, 1968/01
Physical Description: 291'-319', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on problems facing the family farmer.
WKOW 808.1
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-63', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Harold Stassen on ending Vietnam War.
WKOW 808.2
News, 1968
Physical Description: 63'-137', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College has a new president, Sr. Cecilia.
WKOW 808.3
Special reports, 1968
Physical Description: 137'-258', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Wisconsin School for Girls report.
WKOW 808.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 259'-293', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dorothy Knowles at tree planting ceremony.
WKOW 808.5
House fires, 1968
Physical Description: 293'-316', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 808.6
Special reports, 1968
Physical Description: 316'-449', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Wisconsin School for Girls report.
WKOW 809.1
On-site interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 0'-73', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on plans to generate a fund for the city to buy out Madison Bus Co.
WKOW 809.2
Political announcements, 1968 February
Physical Description: 73'-102', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on Pres. Johnson's budget; Proxmire wants to see budget cut.
WKOW 809.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 February
Physical Description: 104'-187', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW reporter Roger Sutton on Groundhog Day at Henry Vilas Zoo. Reporter John Schermerhorn plays part of groundhog expert “Prof. Jan Widely.”
WKOW 809.4
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 187'-227', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on the Committee of Responsibility which is trying to bring wounded Vietnamese children to the U.S. for treatment.
WKOW 809.5
Special reports, 1968 February
Physical Description: 227'-402', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of report on Wisconsin School for Girls; focus is on vocational programs for the girls and an interview with Superintendent Rex Duter.
WKOW 810.1
Meetings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Junior Chamber of Commerce.
WKOW 810.2
Meetings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 27'-49', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
WKOW 810.3
Candidacy announcements, 1968 February
Physical Description: 50'-177', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Jerris Leonard as Republican candidate for U.S. Senate.
WKOW 810.4
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 177'-215', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Michigan Gov. George Romney, Republican candidate for president, on the U.S. economy.
WKOW 810.5
News, 1968 February
Physical Description: 216'-227', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Church fire.
WKOW 810.6
House fires, 1968 February
Physical Description: 228'-241', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 810.7
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 241.'-291', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Young man on Peace Corps opportunities.
WKOW 811.1
Meetings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 0'-12', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 811.2
Political announcements, 1968 February
Physical Description: 12'-40', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on recent heavy fighting in Vietnam.
WKOW 811.3
News, 1968 February
Physical Description: 40'-157', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on the budget for the bus company (the city is planning to buy the company). After Festge speaks, representative of bus company (at the time privately owned) responds to the Mayor's actions.
WKOW 811.4
Awards ceremonies, 1968 February
Physical Description: 157'-177', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles presents awards to Boy Scouts at Capitol.
WKOW 811.5
Meetings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 177'-213', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 811.6
On-site interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 213'-272', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator on why he voted for the inclusion of Robert Kennedy and Nelson Rockefeller on the Wisconsin presidential primary ballot, after which State Senator Fred Risser comments on why he voted to include Rockefeller but not Kennedy.
WKOW 811.7
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 272'-385', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Harold Stassen on his proposed platform.
WKOW 811.8
House fires, 1968 February
Physical Description: 385'-395', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 812.1
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 0'-56', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson on his sponsorship of a bill to benefit family farms.
WKOW 812.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 February
Physical Description: 56'-146', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the Power Squadron, a national power boat club with a chapter in Madison.
WKOW 812.3
Meetings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 146'-164', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Naval Reserve.
WKOW 812.4
Meetings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 164'-182', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Society of American Foresters.
WKOW 812.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 February
Physical Description: 182'-230', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: ROTC parade drill in UW Athletic Shell.
WKOW 812.6
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1968 February
Physical Description: 230'-252', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Sales and Marketing Executives of Madison “men of the year.”
WKOW 812.7
Unknown, 1968 February
Physical Description: 252'-297', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man inspecting (?) property.
WKOW 812.8
Meetings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 297'-304', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 812.9
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 304'-361', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson on cleaning up Great Lakes.
WKOW 812.10
News, 1968 February
Physical Description: 361'-428', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Harold Stassen speaking to small crowd on Capitol grounds.
WKOW 813.1
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 0'-44', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Tennessee Valley Authority and its impact.
WKOW 813.2
News, 1968 February
Physical Description: 44'-82', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Swearing-in of unidentified man (possibly at State Capitol).
WKOW 813.3
News, 1968 February
Physical Description: 82'-94', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Gov. George Romney arrives at Dane Co. Airport.
WKOW 813.4
Meetings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 94'-124', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Possibly at State Capitol.
WKOW 813.5
House fires, 1968 February
Physical Description: 124'-149', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at corner of Butler, Johnson and North Hamilton Streets.
WKOW 813.6
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 149'-211', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson on high prescription drug prices.
WKOW 813.7
Political announcements, 1968 February
Physical Description: 211'-238', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on proposed legislation to tax travel abroad.
WKOW 813.8
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 240'-294', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird on Gen. Westmoreland's chances of becoming Chief of Staff.
WKOW 813.9
Studio interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 294'-328', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Percy Hardiman, president of Wisconsin Farm Bureau, on Midwest livestock producers.
WKOW 814.1
Hearings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 814.2
Openings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 34'-52', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Census office in Madison.
WKOW 814.3
Political announcements, 1968 February
Physical Description: 53'-84', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire on his fight against the SST (Supersonic Transport).
WKOW 814.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 February
Physical Description: 85'-154', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: ROTC drill competition.
WKOW 814.5
Press conferences, 1968 February
Physical Description: 154'-190', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles on State Senator Jerris Leonard's candidacy for U.S. Senate.
WKOW 814.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 February
Physical Description: 190'-246', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of ROTC drill competition.
WKOW 814.7
On-site interviews, 1968 February
Physical Description: 246'-292', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire (interviewed at Dane Co. Airport) on Pres. Johnson's surtax to decrease inflation rate.
WKOW 814.8
Meetings, 1968 February
Physical Description: 292'-318', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 814.9
Press conferences, 1968 February
Physical Description: 318'-395', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles on predictions for growth in the Midwest.
WKOW 814.10
News, 1968 February
Physical Description: 395'-412', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles (in his office) speaking with an unidentified man (Prof. Udell?-identified in WKOW finding aid).
WKOW 814.11
Speeches, 1968 February
Physical Description: 412'-443', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 815.1
News, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-43', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Civil defense training; trainees learn to use geiger counters.
WKOW 815.2
Promotional materials, 1968 February
Physical Description: 44'-76', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aircraft assembly plant.
WKOW 815.3
News, 1968
Physical Description: 76'-94', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Grass fire, possibly in UW Arboretum.
WKOW 815.4
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 94'-124', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator William Proxmire warns of escalation of Vietnam War.
WKOW 815.5
News, 1968
Physical Description: 124'-148', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Atty. Gen. Bronson La Follette on Wisconsin's presidential primary laws.
WKOW 815.6
News, 1968
Physical Description: 148'-166', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Downtown YWCA building, interior and exterior shots.
WKOW 815.7
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 166'-201', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Salisbury on artificial insemination.
WKOW 815.8
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 201'-231', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dean Glenn Pound on the Wisconsin Agricultural Forum, a meeting sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
WKOW 815.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 231'-247', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Playboy bunny serving drinks at cocktail party.
WKOW 815.10
Unknown, 1968
Physical Description: 247'-287', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Interior of Atty. Gen. Bronson La Follette's office.
WKOW 815.11
Unknown, 1968
Physical Description: 287'-307', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Office of Empire Oil Company.
WKOW 816.1
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 0'-29', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Antique car taken down a set of stairs-possibly in the State Historical Society (car may be an exhibit piece).
WKOW 816.2
Awards ceremonies, 1968 March
Physical Description: 29'-47', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 816.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 47'-65', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Junior Science Fair exhibits.
WKOW 816.4
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 67'-87', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: People boarding city bus.
WKOW 816.5
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 87'-417', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: At Park Motor Inn (Gov. Warren Knowles in attendance).
WKOW 816.6
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 117'-155', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on changing role of civil defense program.
WKOW 816.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 155'-173', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's car gets new license plates; Gov. Warren Knowles poses with new plates.
WKOW 816.8
Openings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 173'-203', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Shorewood Shopping Center.
WKOW 816.9
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 203'-340', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Candidates for Dane County Court judgeships are shown at their various work places. Candidates include: Douglas Nelson, John M. Daley, Mr. Fields (no first name given), Mr. Lynch (no first name given), Michael B. Torphy, D. C. Pressentin, James E. Quackenbush.
WKOW 816.10
Traffic accident reports, 1968 March
Physical Description: 340'-368', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Car accident (Beltline Hwy. and Schroeder Rd.).
WKOW 817.1
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 817.2
Candidacy announcements, 1968 March
Physical Description: 30'-55', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man announces for Wisconsin Attorney General.
WKOW 817.3
Political announcements, 1968 March
Physical Description: 55'-68', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man asking voters to support Senator Eugene McCarthy in the April Wisconsin presidential primary.
WKOW 817.4
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 68'-101', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 817.5
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 101'-125', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Grass fire.
WKOW 817.6
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 125'-158', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Donald Peterson on New Hampshire primary.
WKOW 817.7
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 158'-190', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: UW professor on New Hampshire primary.
WKOW 817.8
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 190'-219', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Donald Peterson on political strategies of Robert Kennedy, Eugene McCarthy, and Lyndon Johnson.
WKOW 817.9
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 219'-282', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: UW professor (same as in WKOW 817.7) on New Hampshire primary win by Senator Eugene McCarthy.
WKOW 817.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 282'-298', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: The Batmobile (from the Batman television series) at WKOW station facilities.
WKOW 817.11
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 298'-310', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Barn fire in Middleton.
WKOW 817.12
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 310'-318', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Men boarding small plane.
WKOW 817.13
Candidacy announcements, 1968 March
Physical Description: 318'-352', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Atty. Gen. Bronson La Follette for Wisconsin governor.
WKOW 817.14
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 352'-388', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 818.1
Openings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lapham School therapeutic pool dedicated.
WKOW 818.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 26'-38', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Cheerleader practice.
WKOW 818.3
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 38'-82', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Harold Stassen on his “program for peace” in Vietnam.
WKOW 818.4
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 82'-118', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Vietnam: “At best we can achieve a stalemate.”
WKOW 818.5
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 118'-140', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: In Gov. Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 818.6
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 140'-160', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 818.7
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 160'-173', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 818.8
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 173'-192', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Gaylord Nelson gives scope of his Wild Rivers Bill.
WKOW 818.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 192'-223', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Batmobile at Longfellow School.
WKOW 818.10
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 223'-251', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his disappointment over the University of Wisconsin's stoppage of on-campus interviews.
WKOW 818.11
Candidacy announcements, 1968 March
Physical Description: 253'-285', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man announces he's running against Robert Kastenmeier for 2nd District Congressional seat.
WKOW 818.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 286'-298', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior and interior shots of Arthur Towell, Inc., an advertising agency.
WKOW 818.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 299'-319', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Beauty pageant.
WKOW 818.14
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 320'-338', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 818.15
Press conferences, 1968 March
Physical Description: 338'-368', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey endorses Robert F. Kennedy for President.
WKOW 818.16
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 368'-411', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley(?): Lyndon Johnson would be hurt by Eugene McCarthy/Robert Kennedy coalition.
WKOW 818.17
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 411'-441', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Politician on presidential strategies.
WKOW 819.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County women welcome Mrs. Eugene McCarthy.
WKOW 819.2
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 19'-37', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Classroom demonstration.
WKOW 819.3
Awards ceremonies, 1968 March
Physical Description: 38'-60', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Junior Achievement.
WKOW 819.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 60'-76', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Blood donation drive.
WKOW 819.5
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 76'-158', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon (with Tricia Nixon) arrives in Madison; he comments on Nelson Rockefeller dropping from the presidential race and later attends a Nixon rally.
WKOW 819.6
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 160'-169', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Eugene McCarthy (McCarthy present) rally in Ag Hall.
WKOW 819.7
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 171'-212', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Orville Freeman, Sec. of Agriculture under Johnson, on his support of LBJ.
WKOW 819.8
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 212'-268', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Eugene McCarthy (?) campaigning for her husband Eugene McCarthy.
WKOW 819.9
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 268'-286', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 819.10
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 287'-316', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mercury boat engine tested.
WKOW 819.11
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 316'-363', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Israeli man on recent terrorist attacks in his country.
WKOW 819.12
News/On-site interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 363'-439', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Truax Field families on being forced to move off base.
WKOW 820.1
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 0'-62', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on why she entered Miss Madison Beauty Contest.
WKOW 820.2
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 64'-101', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin judicial system.
WKOW 820.3
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 103'-136', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Wilmarth L. Jackman on his qualifications for judge.
WKOW 820.4
Banquets, 1968 March
Physical Description: 136'-155', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson attending.
WKOW 820.5
Political announcements, 1968 March
Physical Description: 156'-184', optical, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Robert Kennedy's decision to run against Lyndon Johnson in 1968 presidential race.
WKOW 820.6
Political announcements, 1968 March
Physical Description: 185'-215', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on accomplishments of Great Lakes Interstate Conference.
WKOW 820.7
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 215'-231', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 820.8
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 231'-286', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Soviet woman on changes in USSR since Stalin.
WKOW 821.1
Features (Newsfilm)/Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 0'-54', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on why she entered Miss Madison Beauty Contest.
WKOW 821.2
News/Press conferences, 1968 March
Physical Description: 54'-131', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon visits Gov. Warren Knowles at Executive Residence. They give a short press conference after their talk.
WKOW 821.3
Press conferences/News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 131'-258', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clarke on organized crime. Students present Clarke with unknown documents (possibly as an anti-war protest). Clarke also speaks on summer civil rights tensions.
WKOW 821.4
Awards ceremonies, 1968 March
Physical Description: 258'-279', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles decorates serviceman.
WKOW 821.5
Meetings, 1968 March
Physical Description: 279'-301', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 821.6
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 301'-319', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Music Annex fire on North Brooks St.
WKOW 821.7
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 319'-385', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on why she entered Miss Madison Beauty contest.
WKOW 821.8
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 385'-397', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Brush fire near WKOW-TV transmitter.
WKOW 821.9
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 397'-415', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: ROTC parade drill.
WKOW 821.10
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 415'-452', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified judge, running for re-election, on his qualifications.
WKOW 821.11
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 452'-489', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his qualifications for Dane County judge.
WKOW 822.1
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-79', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Board candidate states his qualifications for school board position.
WKOW 822.2
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 80'-221', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Board candidate states his qualifications for school board position.
WKOW 822.3
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 223'-359', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Board candidate states his qualifications for school board position.
WKOW 822.4
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 360'-510', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Board candidate states his qualifications for school board position.
WKOW 823.1
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-138', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Board candidate on his qualifications for school board position.
WKOW 823.2
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 140'-285', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School board candidate on his qualifications for school board position.
WKOW 824.1
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-107', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: A Mr. Anderson gives his qualifications for Dane Co. Circuit Court Branch VI judgeship.
WKOW 824.2
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 108'-202', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Judge Wilmarth Jackman gives his qualifications for re-election as Dane Co. Circuit Court Branch VI judge.
WKOW 824.3
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 202'-320', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: A Mr. Nelson gives his qualifications for Dane Co. Circuit Court Branch VI judgeship.
WKOW 824.4
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 321'-431', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Michael Torphy gives his qualifications for Dane Co. Circuit Court Branch VI judgeship.
WKOW 825.1
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 0'-73', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on why she entered Miss Madison Beauty Contest.
WKOW 825.2
News, 1968 March
Physical Description: 73'-101', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Military officer arrives at Truax AFB.
WKOW 825.3
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 101'-274', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Six men on their qualifications for Madison School Board positions.
WKOW 825.4
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 275'-355', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on why she entered Miss Madison Beauty Contest.
WKOW 825.5
Traffic accident reports, 1968 March
Physical Description: 355'-369', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 825.6
Awards ceremonies, 1968 March
Physical Description: 370'-384', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 825.7
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 384'-415', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on racial discrimination.
WKOW 825.8
Studio interviews, 1968 March
Physical Description: 415'-434', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Furness on anti-war protesters.
WKOW 825.9
Banquets, 1968 March
Physical Description: 434'-456', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Loraine Hotel.
WKOW 825.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 458'-468', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Car with huge muskie model on top at State Capitol for tourism promotion.
WKOW 825.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March
Physical Description: 468'-491', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Soap box derby racing on West Washington Ave.
WKOW 826.1
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-26', magnetic, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on surtax.
WKOW 826.2
News, 1968
Physical Description: 26'-41', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Voting.
WKOW 826.3
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 41'-165', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Two women on why they entered Miss Madison Beauty Contest.
WKOW 826.4
News, 1968
Physical Description: 166'-185', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Scuba diver recovers briefcase.
WKOW 826.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 186'-204', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles greets disabled women.
WKOW 826.6
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 204'-215', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Warren Knowles with man in Gov.'s office.
WKOW 826.7
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 215'-226', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State Capitol.
WKOW 826.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 227'-252', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Traffic around Capitol Square.
WKOW 826.9
News, 1968
Physical Description: 252'-294', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior shots of Eugene McCarthy's and Harold Stassen's presidential campaign headquarters.
WKOW 826.10
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 295'-315', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 826.11
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 315'-369', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on Senator McCarthy's chances in the Wisconsin primary.
WKOW 827.1
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 0'-58', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on why she entered Miss Madison Beauty Contest.
WKOW 827.2
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 58'-83', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Communication Workers of America strike meeting.
WKOW 827.3
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 84'-96', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Voting by Communication Workers of America members.
WKOW 827.4
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 97'-144', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on why she entered Miss Madison Beauty Contest.
WKOW 827.5
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 145'-206', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Shoen on Wisconsin civil defense involvement.
WKOW 827.6
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 207'-250', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on why she entered Miss Madison Beauty Contest.
WKOW 827.7
Features (Newsfilm)/Banquets, 1968 April
Physical Description: 252'-271', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Executive Residence tea party given by Dorothy Knowles.
WKOW 828.1
Special reports, 1968 April
Physical Description: 0'-138', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: One room school house.
WKOW 828.2
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 138'-210', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on money management courses.
WKOW 828.3
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 210'-242', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson discusses generic drugs.
WKOW 828.4
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 244'-282', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles tours Black Earth Creek Trout Farm.
WKOW 828.5
Banquets, 1968 April
Physical Description: 282'-308', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Zor Shriners' banquet for disabled children.
WKOW 828.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 April
Physical Description: 308'-335', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison Beauty pageant.
WKOW 828.7
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 335'-358', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans of Foreign Wars.
WKOW 828.8
Awards ceremonies, 1968 April
Physical Description: 358'-398', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 828.9
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 398'-424', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Communication Workers of America hold information picket.
WKOW 828.10
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 424'-480', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on Madison teachers' salaries.
WKOW 829.1
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council swearing in.
WKOW 829.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 April
Physical Description: 32'-66', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: South Madison Neighborhood Center.
WKOW 829.3
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 67'-85', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Navy and Marine Corps recruiting center.
WKOW 829.4
Candidacy announcements, 1968 April
Physical Description: 86'-178', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles for re-election.
WKOW 829.5
Press conferences, 1968 April
Physical Description: 180'-228', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette's reaction to Knowles' candidacy statement.
WKOW 829.6
Political announcements, 1968 April
Physical Description: 228'-256', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire's reaction to Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination.
WKOW 829.7
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 256'-288', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Legislature Joint Committee on Finance.
WKOW 829.8
Judicial proceedings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 290'-324', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 829.9
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 325'-391', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman city commissioner on need for full time chief commissioner.
WKOW 830.1
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on Sentinel missile system.
WKOW 830.2
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 40'-74', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Tornado damage.
WKOW 830.3
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 74'-112', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 830.4
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 113'-135', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing document.
WKOW 830.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 April
Physical Description: 136'-167', silent, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State parks spring cleanup.
WKOW 830.6
Political announcements, 1968 April
Physical Description: 169'-196', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on jobs after peace in Vietnam.
WKOW 830.7
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 197.'-221', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin telephone workers on strike.
WKOW 830.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 April
Physical Description: 223'-252', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Ansel Clark's grave at Silver Lake cemetery.
WKOW 830.9
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 253'-304', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Reverend Pritchard.
WKOW 830.10
Traffic accident reports, 1968 April
Physical Description: 305'-323', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 830.11
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 323'-377', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on increased traffic violation fines.
WKOW 830.12
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 378'-410', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: City officials and Otto Festge.
WKOW 830.13
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 412'-449', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 831.1
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles tours University of Wisconsin Richland Center campus.
WKOW 831.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 April
Physical Description: 35'-55', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles tree planting at State Capitol.
WKOW 831.3
Unknown, 1968 April
Physical Description: 57'-86', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Helicopter taking off.
WKOW 831.4
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 87'-156', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Murray on his campaign for Congress.
WKOW 831.5
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 158'-184', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on hunger in U.S.
WKOW 831.6
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 185'-203', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State Conservation Commission.
WKOW 831.7
Unknown, 1968 April
Physical Description: 205'-217', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Agriculture Hall Auditorium.
WKOW 831.8
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 217'-302', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his trip to N. Vietnam.
WKOW 831.9
Banquets, 1968 April
Physical Description: 303'-319', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 831.10
Banquets, 1968 April
Physical Description: 320'-331', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Management night.
WKOW 831.11
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 331'-379', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on American Civil Liberties Union.
WKOW 831.12
Banquets, 1968 April
Physical Description: 379'-412', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles at Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 831.13
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 412'-446', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Republican Party (Wisconsin) at Loraine Hotel.
WKOW 831.14
News, 1968 April
Physical Description: 446'-460', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Voting.
WKOW 831.15
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 461'-500', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Health Department Clinic.
WKOW 832.1
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 0'-145', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Black Panther Party.
WKOW 832.2
House fires, 1968 April
Physical Description: 145'-165', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bram and Beld Streets.
WKOW 832.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 April
Physical Description: 165'-187', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fair.
WKOW 832.4
Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 188'-346', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Muhammed Ali opposing integration.
WKOW 832.5
Openings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 346'-375', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Baraboo-Sauk Co. Center.
WKOW 833.1
Features (Newsfilm)/Studio interviews, 1968 April
Physical Description: 0'-93', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Carl Betz (from Donna Reed Show) visits Madison.
WKOW 833.2
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 93'-126', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: At State Capitol.
WKOW 833.3
Awards ceremonies, 1968 April
Physical Description: 126'-164', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scouts.
WKOW 833.4
Press conferences, 1968 April
Physical Description: 165'-213', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles on Nelson Rockefeller entering Wisconsin presidential primary.
WKOW 833.5
Speeches, 1968 April
Physical Description: 213'-243', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: At Madison Area Technical College.
WKOW 833.6
Openings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 246'-262', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Miles Laboratories, Marschall Culture Labs.
WKOW 833.7
Meetings, 1968 April
Physical Description: 262'-289', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Spotlight on Middleton Citizens Group.
WKOW 834.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior shots of McDonald's Restaurant.
WKOW 834.2
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 25'-41', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: On clean-up of Madison's lakes.
WKOW 834.3
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 41'-75', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on chemicals to clean Madison lakes.
WKOW 834.4
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 75'-154', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: CUNA International.
WKOW 834.5
Celebrity visits, 1968 May
Physical Description: 154'-172', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Andy Williams in Madison.
WKOW 834.6
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 172'-205', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Toastmasters International registration.
WKOW 834.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 207'-226', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Northgate Shopping Center ponytail contest.
WKOW 834.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 227'-253', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Children visit Mayor Otto Festge in his office.
WKOW 834.9
Awards ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 254'-287', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 834.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 288'-364', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Playboy Club (Lake Geneva, Wisconsin) exterior and interior views.
WKOW 834.11
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 365'-393', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 834.12
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 394'-413', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 834.13
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 415'-436', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Elderly Housing Project.
WKOW 834.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 437'-457', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bike registration.
WKOW 835.1
Public announcements, 1968 May
Physical Description: 0'-47', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge suspends use of mace.
WKOW 835.2
Awards ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 48'-59', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge giving school children awards.
WKOW 835.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 60'-84', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Safety patrol children on field trip.
WKOW 835.4
Banquets, 1968 May
Physical Description: 86'-106', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: For an elderly group.
WKOW 835.5
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 108'-120', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 835.6
Banquets, 1968 May
Physical Description: 122'-130', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 835.7
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 130'-190', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator on truth in lending.
WKOW 835.8
Traffic accident reports, 1968 May
Physical Description: 190'-217', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gammon Road and Beltline Highway.
WKOW 835.9
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 217'-332', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey on special legislative session.
WKOW 835.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 334'-391', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: King Olav of Norway in Madison.
WKOW 835.11
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 391'-439', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on use of chemicals in Madison lakes.
WKOW 835.12
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 441'-497', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: CUNA official on worldwide credit unions.
WKOW 836.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 0'-14', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Beth El Temple.
WKOW 836.2
Graduation ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 14'-83', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus gives graduation address.
WKOW 836.3
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 83'-123', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reducing costs in federal budget.
WKOW 836.4
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 125'-171', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on credit union association.
WKOW 836.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 173'-496', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Truax Field open house.
WKOW 836.6
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 198'-226', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Armed Forces display.
WKOW 836.7
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 226'-250', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on malnutrition.
WKOW 836.8
Candidacy announcements, 1968 May
Physical Description: 251'-269', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for state treasurer.
WKOW 836.9
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 270'-287', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on hippie subculture.
WKOW 836.10
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 288'-341', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Haight-Ashbury District in San Francisco.
WKOW 836.11
Candidacy announcements, 1968 May
Physical Description: 341'-380', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 8) running for state treasurer.
WKOW 836.12
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 381'-421', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 3) on where people will go for credit.
WKOW 836.13
News/Awards ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 422'-448', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Commendations with protesters present.
WKOW 837.1
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Military inspection.
WKOW 837.2
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 28'-48', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Group inspecting intersection.
WKOW 837.3
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 50'-68', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Flag-lowering ceremony at City-County Building.
WKOW 837.4
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 68'-85', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Poor People's March leaving Madison for Washington, D.C.
WKOW 837.5
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 87'-118', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Biplane lands in Madison.
WKOW 837.6
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 119'-128', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mail sorting.
WKOW 837.7
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 128'-161', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Professional models visit Madison.
WKOW 837.8
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 161'-184', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 837.9
Awards ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 185'-192', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 837.10
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 192'-255', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge introduces new staffers.
WKOW 837.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 255'-288', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Little Dale Ponytail Contest.
WKOW 837.12
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 288'-303', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 838.1
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 0'-11', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 838.2
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 11'-25', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin students demonstrating inside Peterson Building.
WKOW 838.3
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 25'-60', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at unidentified building, possibly South Hall on UW campus.
WKOW 838.4
Awards ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 60'-86', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: School safety patrols.
WKOW 838.5
House fires, 1968 May
Physical Description: 87'-99', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 838.6
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 101'-160', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on Poor People's March on Washington.
WKOW 838.7
Political announcements, 1968 May
Physical Description: 161'-191', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Poor People's March on Washington.
WKOW 838.8
Hearings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 191'-263', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Children's nutrition meeting chaired by Gaylord Nelson. Nelson comments on what he's seen of malnutrition in U.S.
WKOW 838.9
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1968 May
Physical Description: 264-295', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Police officers.
WKOW 838.10
Candidacy announcements, 1968 May
Physical Description: 296'-346', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his qualifications for district attorney.
WKOW 838.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 346'-358', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Horse show, Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 839.1
News/On-site interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 0'-117', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Interior of Madison Common Council chamber, shots of West Johnson Street and Mayor Otto Festge on city's proposed purchase of Madison Bus Company.
WKOW 839.2
Banquets, 1968 May
Physical Description: 118'-131,', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 839.3
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 132'-165', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on private group organizing education and information interchange between U.S. and Latin America.
WKOW 839.4
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 165'-207', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Groups gathering for Poor People's March on Washington.
WKOW 839.5
Public announcements, 1968 May
Physical Description: 208'-271', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge announces “Plans for Progress” days--a plan for equal opportunity in Madison. Man with mayor also speaks about plan.
WKOW 839.6
Awards ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 271'-278', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 839.7
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 279'-289', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire damage.
WKOW 839.8
Graduation ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 289'-320', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College.
WKOW 839.9
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 321'-355', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire damage to South Hall on UW campus.
WKOW 839.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 356'-374', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School safety patrols on outing to Wisconsin Dells.
WKOW 840.1
News/On-site interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 0'-96', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County coroner on woman who was found stabbed and strangled near Sterling Hall; shots of Sterling Hall and vicinity.
WKOW 840.2
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 97'-132', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Republican Party State Convention.
WKOW 840.3
Political announcements, 1968 May
Physical Description: 133'-156', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on passage of Proxmire's “Truth in Lending” bill.
WKOW 840.4
Speeches/Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 157'-267', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Republican Party State Convention.
WKOW 840.5
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 267'-282', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council and Dane County Board.
WKOW 840.6
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 283'-339', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison residents who went on Poor People's March comment on their experiences.
WKOW 840.7
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 339'-373', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin Republican delegates pledged to vote for Richard Nixon at Republican National Convention.
WKOW 840.8
Meetings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 373'-417', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 840.9
On-site interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 418'-495', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on Madison's budget and plans to buy Madison Bus Company.
WKOW 841.1
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 0'-56', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Miller on status of Apollo space program.
WKOW 841.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 57'-75', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “Hire the Handicapped” poster contest winners.
WKOW 841.3
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 76'-124', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on high school “hoodlums.”
WKOW 841.4
Public announcements, 1968 May
Physical Description: 125'-146', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles asking residents to drive safely on Memorial Day weekend.
WKOW 841.5
Groundbreakings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 147'-163', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 841.6
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 163'-250', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on campaign trail.
WKOW 842.1
Promotional materials, 1968 May
Physical Description: 0'-40', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: “June Is Dairy Month” promotion; Alice in Dairyland serves WKOW personnel glasses of milk.
WKOW 842.2
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 41'-65', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Michael Torphy sworn is as Dane County Circuit Court judge.
WKOW 842.3
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 67'-79', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Police boat on lake.
WKOW 842.4
News, 1968 May
Physical Description: 80'-101', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Nelson Rockefeller arrives in Madison; greeted at airport by Governor Warren Knowles.
WKOW 842.5
Graduation ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 102'-143', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College.
WKOW 842.6
Unknown, 1968 May
Physical Description: 144'-159', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior of Protection and Security Building on UW campus.
WKOW 842.7
Political announcements, 1968 May
Physical Description: 160'-194', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire predicts presidential race will be between Nixon and Humphrey.
WKOW 842.8
Graduation ceremonies, 1968 May
Physical Description: 195'-225', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin in Field House.
WKOW 842.9
Openings, 1968 May
Physical Description: 226'-237', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Ray W. Huegel School.
WKOW 842.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May
Physical Description: 238'-277', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day Parade, Capitol Square.
WKOW 842.11
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 278'-317', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on nutrition in U.S.
WKOW 842.12
Studio interviews, 1968 May
Physical Description: 317'-331', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on proposals before Madison Common Council.
WKOW 843.1
Speeches, 1968 June
Physical Description: 0'-15', magnetic, black and white, negative 
WKOW 843.2
Public announcements, 1968 June
Physical Description: 15'-48', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Robert Kennedy's assassination.
WKOW 843.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June
Physical Description: 49'-73', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Zor Shriners' 35th anniversary.
WKOW 843.4
Studio interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 75'-113', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on chemicals to remove lake weeds.
WKOW 843.5
Meetings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 113'-129', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 843.6
Graduation ceremonies, 1968 June
Physical Description: 130'-158', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 843.7
Public announcements, 1968 June
Physical Description: 159'-186', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles on shooting of Robert Kennedy.
WKOW 843.8
Public announcements, 1968 June
Physical Description: 187'-199', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette on shooting of Robert Kennedy.
WKOW 843.9
Public announcements, 1968 June
Physical Description: 200'-241', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on shooting of Robert F. Kennedy.
WKOW 843.10
Openings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 242'-274', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: New wing of Methodist Hospital.
WKOW 843.11
Openings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 275'-294', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: West YMCA.
WKOW 844.1
Candidacy announcements, 1968 June
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man announcing he is not a candidate.
WKOW 844.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June
Physical Description: 20'-67', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Antique show at Holiday Inn.
WKOW 844.3
News, 1968 June
Physical Description: 68'-90', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles reviews troops.
WKOW 844.4
On-site interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 90'-250', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: UW Regent on student participation in policy; another Regent on UW salaries; and Prof. Daniels of Pharmacy Dept. on what he sees as the Regents' attempts to coerce faculty into accepting a dean designate.
WKOW 844.5
Meetings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 250'-289', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Postal clerks convention/seminar.
WKOW 844.6
Wire service, undated
Physical Description: 291'-321', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Berlin Airlift.
WKOW 844.7
Candidacy announcements, 1968 June
Physical Description: 322'-363', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man for Democratic nomination for Attorney General.
WKOW 844.8
Meetings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 364'-403', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lake Lawn Lodge.
WKOW 844.9
Awards ceremonies, 1968 June
Physical Description: 404'-449', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Annual “Orchids and Onions” given out by Capital Community Citizens.
WKOW 844.10
Meetings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 449'-484', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 844.11
Meetings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 484'-510', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Future Farmers of America.
WKOW 845.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June
Physical Description: 0'-22', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Tour of State Historical Society's basement exhibitions.
WKOW 845.2
Political announcements, 1968 June
Physical Description: 22'-46', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on proposed tax hike to slow inflation.
WKOW 845.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June
Physical Description: 47'-71', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate and Assembly chambers during Badger Girls State.
WKOW 845.4
News, 1968 June
Physical Description: 71'-409', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demolition of old service station (Regent and Orchard Streets?)
WKOW 845.5
Meetings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 110'-137', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 845.6
Openings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 137'-150', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State Historical Society exhibits open.
WKOW 845.7
On-site interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 151'-209', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Strasberg.
WKOW 845.8
Awards ceremonies, 1968 June
Physical Description: 209'-225', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: At Music Hall, University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 845.9
News/Public announcements, 1968 June
Physical Description: 226'-338', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Police Station tour; Mayor Otto Festge on his proposed ordinance to register firearms.
WKOW 845.10
Unknown, 1968 June
Physical Description: 338'-372', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Greyhound bus leaving.
WKOW 845.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June
Physical Description: 373'-398', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Badger Girls State.
WKOW 845.12
Studio interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 403'-500', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on equal opportunities for blacks.
WKOW 846.1
Meetings, 1968 June
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 846.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June
Physical Description: 19'-101', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Children's Creative Dramatic School, Spring Green, Wisconsin (Jim Moore reporting).
WKOW 846.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June
Physical Description: 102'-175', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Sid Oviatt, reporter, on hair cut price rise (done while Oviatt's having his hair cut).
WKOW 846.4
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 176'-253', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Reed Gilbert, director of High School Dramatics Workshop (Spring Green, Wisconsin) on the school.
WKOW 846.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 June
Physical Description: 254'-273', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Police sponsor boys' trip.
WKOW 846.6
Studio interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 274'-319', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on racial tolerance.
WKOW 846.7
Speeches, 1968 June
Physical Description: 319'-337', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 6) to Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
WKOW 846.8
Studio interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 337'-385', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segments #6 and #7) on teaching black history.
WKOW 846.9
Studio interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 386'-453', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney James Boll on Federal Crime Control Act.
WKOW 847.1
Press conferences, 1968 June
Physical Description: 0'-56', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: UW President Fred Harrington on Search and Screen Committee to find new chancellor.
WKOW 847.2
Studio interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 56'-106', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on escalation of arms race.
WKOW 847.3
On-site interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 107'-150', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on car safety checks.
WKOW 847.4
Press conferences, 1968 June
Physical Description: 150'-236', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: UW President Fred Harrington and Chancellor William Sewell; Harrington reads Sewell's letter of resignation.
WKOW 847.5
Studio interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 237'-300', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on gun control study committee.
WKOW 847.6
Studio interviews, 1968 June
Physical Description: 301'-320', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on escalation of North Vietnam bombing.
WKOW 847.7
Press conferences, 1968 June
Physical Description: 331'-388', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator on outbreaks of violence on UW campus.
WKOW 847.8
Promotional materials, 1968 June
Physical Description: 389'-408', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Army training exercises.
WKOW 847.9
News, 1968 June
Physical Description: 409'-472', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor's summer interns.
WKOW 848.1
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 0'-63', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Pastor Levine on “Hospitality Weeks.”
WKOW 848.2
Political announcements, 1968 July
Physical Description: 64'-90', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on talks with USSR to stop production of nuclear missiles.
WKOW 848.3
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 91'-136', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on his work on Senate Education Committee.
WKOW 848.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 137'-166', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Summer scenes: people playing, grilling outdoors, sunbathing.
WKOW 848.5
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 167'-186', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Possible drowning victim recovered.
WKOW 848.6
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 187'-225', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Shot of traffic fatalities sign; aerial views of highways.
WKOW 848.7
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 226'-249', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State Highway Patrol and more aerial views of highways.
WKOW 848.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 250'-348', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter Roger Sutton on Project Understanding, a program where black children stay with white families for the summer.
WKOW 848.9
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 348'-400', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson opposes 10% surtax.
WKOW 848.10
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 400'-426', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Vehicle safety inspections.
WKOW 848.11
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 426'-457', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on Wild Rivers bill.
WKOW 848.12
Openings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 458'-492', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: McDonald's Restaurant, Lake St.
WKOW 849.1
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 849.2
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 20'-69', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Democratic National Convention; upset how delegates were seated.
WKOW 849.3
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 69'-91', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 849.4
Candidacy announcements, 1968 July
Physical Description: 92'-153', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette for governor.
WKOW 849.5
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 153'-180', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 2) on loss of political offices by Democrats in Wisconsin.
WKOW 849.6
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 180'-192', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Delivering election papers to Secretary of State Robert Zimmerman.
WKOW 849.7
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 193'-213', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 849.8
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 215'-235', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Republican Caucus Room State Capitol.
WKOW 849.9
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 236'-254', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 849.10
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 255'-280', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Republicans pose with election papers.
WKOW 849.11
Candidacy announcements, 1968 July
Physical Description: 281'-320', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney for re-election.
WKOW 849.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 321'-335', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Children on State Capitol tour.
WKOW 849.13
Candidacy announcements, 1968 July
Physical Description: 335'-390', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney on qualifications for governor.
WKOW 849.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 392'-437', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Birds protecting nest.
WKOW 849.15
Openings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 437'-479', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wagon and carriage museum exhibit.
WKOW 850.1
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 0'-81', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Burnham on use of lake weed harvester; shots of harvester at work.
WKOW 850.2
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 81'-123', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on how he wants to pull Democratic Party together.
WKOW 850.3
Awards ceremonies, 1968 July
Physical Description: 124'-156', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: To Governor Knowles and others.
WKOW 850.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 157'-200', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Art Fair on the Square.
WKOW 850.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 201'-259', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World Museum, Baraboo.
WKOW 850.6
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 259'-286', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 850.7
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 287'-361', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Julie and Tricia Nixon arrive in Madison.
WKOW 850.8
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 361'-400', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Former New York Mayor John Lindsay campaigning for Nelson Rockefeller.
WKOW 850.9
Political announcements, 1968 July
Physical Description: 400'-427', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on battle over Abe Fortas's appointment as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
WKOW 850.10
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 428'-448', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council Board.
WKOW 850.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 448'-465', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Arrival of giraffe at Henry Vilas Zoo.
WKOW 851.1
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Politician campaigning for Nelson Rockefeller.
WKOW 851.2
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 41'-72', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Postmaster John Whitmore on Post Office report.
WKOW 851.3
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 72'-93', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge and city officials.
WKOW 851.4
On-site interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 93'-139', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair Director on the fair.
WKOW 851.5
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 140'-194', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Postmaster Whitmore on stations not being open on Saturdays for stamp sales.
WKOW 851.6
News/Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 194'-250', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wesley Peters at City Council meeting, explaining Monona Basin Project.
WKOW 851.7
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 251'-273', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on chemicals used on lake weeds.
WKOW 851.8
Studio interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 274'-317', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Politician (same as in #1) on Nelson Rockefeller.
WKOW 851.9
On-site interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 318'-343', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on finding solutions to university traffic problem.
WKOW 851.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 343'-362', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair.
WKOW 851.11
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 363'-386', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters.
WKOW 851.12
Press conferences, 1968 July
Physical Description: 387'-440', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette on slum landlords destabilizing situations in inner cities.
WKOW 852.1
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 0'-17', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gisholt Machine Co. on strike.
WKOW 852.2
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 17'-82', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: New UW construction; Humanities Building, Elvehjem, Space Science Building, Steenbock Library.
WKOW 852.3
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 82'-160', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wilbur Renk campaigns for Jerris Leonard running for U.S. Senate.
WKOW 852.4
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 160'-203', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Fire Department training center.
WKOW 852.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 204'-224', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Cattle for rodeo.
WKOW 852.6
Political announcements, 1968 July
Physical Description: 225'-261', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire--next president will be involved in peace process in Vietnam.
WKOW 852.7
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 262'-290', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Fire Chiefs' convention.
WKOW 852.8
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1968 July
Physical Description: 291'-449', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Minority children talk about staying in Madison for summer.
WKOW 853.1
Press conferences, 1968 July
Physical Description: 0'-86', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reorganization of state patrolmen's jobs.
WKOW 853.2
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 86'-98', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 853.3
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 99'-126', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Handcuffed man led out of building.
WKOW 853.4
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 127'-170', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman campaigning for Nelson Rockefeller.
WKOW 853.5
Press conferences, 1968 July
Physical Description: 170'-253', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette on Alfonsi bribery case.
WKOW 853.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 253'-290', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Holiday on Ice rehearsal.
WKOW 853.7
Judicial proceedings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 291'-311', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes proceed outside courtroom.
WKOW 853.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 July
Physical Description: 312'-354', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: People returning from WKOW-TV Hawaii tours.
WKOW 853.9
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 354'-373', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 853.10
News, 1968 July
Physical Description: 374'-452', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Black fraternity protest (possibly in Milwaukee).
WKOW 853.11
Meetings, 1968 July
Physical Description: 452'-488', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 854.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Teenage America contestants in front of Heritage House.
WKOW 854.2
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 30'-73', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Actor on his role in the TV show The Flying Nun.
WKOW 854.3
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 74'-109', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Gordon Roseleip wants UW President Fred Harrington to repudiate “communist ideas” or resign.
WKOW 854.4
News, 1968
Physical Description: 109'-131', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Handcuffed man led from courtroom.
WKOW 854.5
News, 1968
Physical Description: 132'-175', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Pickets at A&P supermarket protest racial discrimination.
WKOW 854.6
Banquets, 1968
Physical Description: 175'-205', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 854.7
Unknown, 1968
Physical Description: 206'-234', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: American Breeders Association.
WKOW 854.8
Awards ceremonies, 1968
Physical Description: 235'-260', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Truax Field.
WKOW 854.9
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 260'-335', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles thinks his chances of being picked as vice-presidential running mate are slim.
WKOW 854.10
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 336'-407', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for State Treasurer.
WKOW 855.1
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Reynolds on Wisconsin delegates being challenged at Democratic National Convention.
WKOW 855.2
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 39'-84', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Republican National Convention and the choice of Spiro Agnew as Nixon's running mate.
WKOW 855.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 85'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 1968 hairstyles.
WKOW 855.4
Hearings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 203'-294', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: On racial discrimination; Mayor Otto Festge on discrimination in Madison.
WKOW 855.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 295'-353', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Summer scenes: beach, lakes, Henry Vilas Zoo.
WKOW 855.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 353'-391', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Holiday on Ice rehearsals.
WKOW 855.7
Hearings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 391'-429', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: On discrimination; man speaks on need for change in school curriculum.
WKOW 856.1
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Red Feather fund drive.
WKOW 856.2
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 29'-96', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Clark on marijuana growing wild in Wisconsin.
WKOW 856.3
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 96'-128', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: With Governor Warren Knowles.
WKOW 856.4
Political announcements, 1968 August
Physical Description: 129'-161', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire: Nixon made a mistake in selecting Spiro Agnew as his running mate.
WKOW 856.5
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 161'-201', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 856.6
News, 1968 August
Physical Description: 202'-214', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students in classroom.
WKOW 856.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 215'-248', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Teenage America pageant.
WKOW 856.8
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 248'-370', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison priests on Pope Paul VI's birth control encyclical.
WKOW 856.9
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 371'-431', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Democratic Party national platform.
WKOW 856.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 432'-477', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Teenage America contestants.
WKOW 857.1
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: City officials.
WKOW 857.2
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 41'-70', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 857.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 70'-82', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison neighborhood.
WKOW 857.4
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 83'-104', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's Commission on Law Enforcement and Crime.
WKOW 857.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 105'-126', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles with school children in his office.
WKOW 857.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 127'-153', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Van Hise Building “hang up”; piece of equipment hanging on outside of Van Hise.
WKOW 857.7
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 153'-215', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Eugene McCarthy's strengths.
WKOW 857.8
Public announcements, 1968 August
Physical Description: 216'-309', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on equal opportunities for minorities in Madison.
WKOW 857.9
Public announcements, 1968 August
Physical Description: 310'-333', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on need for water resources board.
WKOW 857.10
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 333'-355', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 857.11
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 355'-401', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette on how state's bribery law should be amended.
WKOW 857.12
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 401'-435', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on Bronson La Follette's proposed code of ethics.
WKOW 857.13
News, 1968 August
Physical Description: 435'-473', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Breese Terrace cafeteria fire.
WKOW 858.1
Political announcements, 1968 August
Physical Description: 0'-36', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire: Hubert Humphrey will be nominated Democratic candidate for President.
WKOW 858.2
Awards ceremonies, 1968 August
Physical Description: 37'-63', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles attending.
WKOW 858.3
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 64'-84', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: In Governor's office.
WKOW 858.4
News, 1968 August
Physical Description: 85'-125', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Murray campaigning for Congress.
WKOW 858.5
Political announcements, 1968 August
Physical Description: 126'-146', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.
WKOW 858.6
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 147'-157', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 858.7
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 157'-181', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: City officials.
WKOW 858.8
News, 1968 August
Physical Description: 181'-212', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Swearing-in of state legislators by State Supreme Court Chief Justice.
WKOW 858.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 213'-229', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Teenage America pageant winner.
WKOW 858.10
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 231'-250', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 858.11
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 250'-334', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Swiss tourist on traveling across U.S.
WKOW 858.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 335'-373', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Antique plow moved from State Historical Society.
WKOW 858.13
Meetings, 1968 August
Physical Description: 374'-426', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council; Mayor Otto Festge remarks on equal opportunity advisory committee for police and fire departments.
WKOW 859.1
On-site interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 0'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Labor Day traffic.
WKOW 859.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 August
Physical Description: 53'-107', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus, lion tamer, circus band, acrobats.
WKOW 859.3
Studio interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 107'-165', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state highway system and need for changes.
WKOW 859.4
On-site interviews, 1968 August
Physical Description: 165'-224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in Segment 1) on traffic fatalities and highway system.
WKOW 860.1
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-29', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 860.2
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 29'-57', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 860.3
Awards ceremonies, 1968
Physical Description: 57'-78', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles.
WKOW 860.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 78'-136', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Historical Society of Wisconsin exhibit of Billy Morel Jackson's political drawings.
WKOW 860.5
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 136'-161', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire: everything favors election of Richard Nixon as President.
WKOW 860.6
Awards ceremonies, 1968
Physical Description: 161'-181', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles.
WKOW 860.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 181'-293', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Labor Day scenes: picnics, fairs, harness racing, speech making by Otto Festge and Robert Kastenmeier.
WKOW 861.1
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 861.2
News, 1968
Physical Description: 19'-72', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his family emigrating from Czechoslovakia during Soviet invasion.
WKOW 861.3
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 72'-112', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Farmer on apple crop in Wisconsin.
WKOW 861.4
News, 1968
Physical Description: 112'-135', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Maple Bluff Country Club fire.
WKOW 861.5
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 135'-187', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Skip Humphrey (son of Hubert Humphrey) on Democratic National Convention.
WKOW 861.6
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 187'-228', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 861.7
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 228'-254', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on chances for Humphrey/Nixon debates.
WKOW 861.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 255'-294', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Tourist promotion. Governor Knowles, Alice in Dairyland landing at Racine Airport and Sheboygan County Airport.
WKOW 861.9
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 297'-389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Jaycees on fund raising campaign in conjunction with McDonald's for Children's Zoo.
WKOW 861.10
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 389'-411', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man giving speech to a large group.
WKOW 861.11
On-site interviews/Public announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 411'-472', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter Roger Sutton with Fran Echerman, safety director of AAA, who asks people to drive carefully now that school is open.
WKOW 862.1
Studio interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 0'-41', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Blake Kellogg interviews Gaylord Nelson on his U.S. Senate campaign and Vietnam War views.
WKOW 862.2
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 41'-62', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 862.3
Studio interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 62'-129', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on number 13's significance in various cultures.
WKOW. 862.4
Speeches, 1968 September
Physical Description: 129'-158', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 862.5
Political announcements, 1968 September
Physical Description: 158'-175', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier announces passage of Scenic Rivers bill.
WKOW 862.6
Political announcements, 1968 September
Physical Description: 175'-191', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on his Scenic Rivers bill.
WKOW 862.7
Political announcements, 1968 September
Physical Description: 191'-204', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on Scenic Rivers bill.
WKOW 862.8
Political announcements, 1968 September
Physical Description: 204'-226', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on Scenic Rivers bill.
WKOW 862.9
News, 1968 September
Physical Description: 226'-253', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: People possibly registering guns.
WKOW 862.10
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 253'-270', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 862.11
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 270'-295', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 863.1
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 0'-32', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 863.2
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 32'-64', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 863.3
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 64'-96', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 863.4
Press conferences, 1968 September
Physical Description: 96'-155', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey on upgrading of law enforcement.
WKOW 863.5
Political announcements, 1968 September
Physical Description: 155'-184', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Abe Fortas' chances to be nominated to the Supreme Court.
WKOW 863.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 September
Physical Description: 184'-208', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Pig judging.
WKOW 863.7
Press conferences, 1968 September
Physical Description: 208'-227', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 863.8
Speeches, 1968 September
Physical Description: 227'-262', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Jerris Leonard on his opposition to farm bill before U.S. Senate.
WKOW 863.9
News, 1968 September
Physical Description: 262'-289', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Exposition signing.
WKOW 863.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 September
Physical Description: 289'-310', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson walking down steps of Capitol with young people.
WKOW 863.11
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 310'-326', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 864.1
Openings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 0'-38', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles opening OEN Development Labs.
WKOW 864.2
Hearings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 38'-73', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man (before Common Council?) tells of incident involving speeding in unmarked squad; asks for better behavior of police if they are to have young people's respect.
WKOW 864.3
On-site interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 73'-160', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on Eugene McCarthy and John Lindsay being on presidential ballot.
WKOW 864.4
Promotional materials/Features (Newsfilm), 1968 September
Physical Description: 160'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter John Schermerhorn and car offered as first prize in contest.
WKOW 864.5
Studio interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 188'-270', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Wisconsin on Miss America Pageant.
WKOW 864.6
Studio interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 270'-316', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey (?) on law and order.
WKOW 865.1
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 0'-23', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 865.2
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 23'-50', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 865.3
Judicial proceedings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 50'-76', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 865.4
House fires, 1968 September
Physical Description: 76'-115', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 865.5
News, 1968 September
Physical Description: 115'-184', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Crews with bulldozer searching for something.
WKOW 865.6
Hearings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 184'-323', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Testimony on racism before Madison Common Council.
WKOW 865.7
On-site interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 323'-441', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews Aaron Bohrod on his works.
WKOW 866.1
News, 1968 September
Physical Description: 0'-29', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: George Wallace campaign headquarters.
WKOW 866.2
Studio interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 29'-81', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on opposition he has encountered from drug companies because he is conducting hearings on drug pricing.
WKOW 866.3
News, 1968 September
Physical Description: 81'-111', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Campaign train for Bronson La Follette and Gaylord Nelson arrives in Madison.
WKOW 866.4
Political announcements, 1968 September
Physical Description: 111'-138', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire nixes rumor that there is legislation pending to reduce Social Security payments.
WKOW 866.5
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 138'-178', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 866.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 September
Physical Description: 180'-211', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette at unveiling of bust of Robert M. La Follette.
WKOW 866.7
News, 1968 September
Physical Description: 212'-272', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man claims Jerris Leonard's campaign has not received money from drug industries.
WKOW 866.8
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 272'-313', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council meeting.
WKOW 866.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 September
Physical Description: 313'-361', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Vilas Park Zoo.
WKOW 866.10
Studio interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 361'-437', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on University of Wisconsin budget.
WKOW 866.11
Meetings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 439'-476', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 867.1
Meetings, 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Health Department Clinic.
WKOW 867.2
Meetings, 1968 October
Physical Description: 28'-55', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 867.3
Meetings, 1968
Physical Description: 55'-80', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 867.4
Speeches, 1968 October
Physical Description: 80'-91', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 867.5
Studio interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 91'-129', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on psychoactive drugs.
WKOW 867.6
Hearings, 1968 October
Physical Description: 129'-161', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Health Department Clinic.
WKOW 867.7
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 161'-226', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Cooperative Pharmacy. Reporter talks to Mr. Bergstrom about Coop's start.
WKOW 868.1
Meetings, 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-12', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County political gathering.
WKOW 868.2
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 12'-39', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on disagreements between the University of Wisconsin, City of Madison, and the Police Dept.
WKOW 868.3
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 39'-93', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of Madison Police Dept. contract.
WKOW 868.4
Meetings, 1968 October
Physical Description: 93'-112', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison City Council.
WKOW 868.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 112'-176', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Agricultural Fair at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 868.6
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 176'-204', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaking at Dane County Criminal and Traffic Court.
WKOW 868.7
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 204'-280', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on welfare reforms and Planned Parenthood.
WKOW 868.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 280'-319', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Renovation at Henry Vilas Park Zoo.
WKOW 868.9
Graduation ceremonies, 1968 October
Physical Description: 319'-348', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College.
WKOW 868.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 348'-373', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Open house at Middleton Fire Dept.
WKOW 868.11
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 373'-388', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Dane County tax savings.
WKOW 869.1
Speeches, 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-47', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man discussing effects of LSD.
WKOW 869.2
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 47'-101', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on disseminating public health information.
WKOW 869.3
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 101'-180', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Chancellor Edwin Young on drug abuse and law enforcement.
WKOW 869.4
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 180'-207', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on permissiveness and discipline at the University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 869.5
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 207'-225', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the nude Peter Pan production and drug abuse on University of Wisconsin--Madison campus.
WKOW 869.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 225'-255', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fair at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 869.7
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 255'-306', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Men on their initial attraction to drugs and subsequent drug abuse.
WKOW 869.8
News, 1968 October
Physical Description: 306'-321', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Confiscated drugs displayed.
WKOW 869.9
Speeches, 1968 October
Physical Description: 321'-435', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Men on availability of drugs in Madison.
WKOW 870.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-15', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Graffiti.
WKOW 870.2
Dedications, 1968 October
Physical Description: 15'-43', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Hebron Hall.
WKOW 870.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 43'-64', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Circus at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 870.4
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 64'-112', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on problems of non-college bound public school students.
WKOW 870.5
Studio interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 112'-167', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on water pollution.
WKOW 870.6
Studio interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 167'-206', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on excess profits tax.
WKOW 870.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 206'-248', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Circus train.
WKOW 870.8
Wire service, 1968 October
Physical Description: 248'-289', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Men leaving to join U.S. Army.
WKOW 870.9
News, 1968 October
Physical Description: 289'-339', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Poultry show at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 870.10
Meetings, 1968 October
Physical Description: 339'-388', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 870.11
Awards ceremonies, 1968 October
Physical Description: 388'-412', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: ROTC receiving medals at Memorial Shell.
WKOW 870.12
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 412'-462', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Men on state purchase of recreational land.
WKOW 871.1
Judicial proceedings, 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County courtroom.
WKOW 871.2
Man on the street interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 28'-103', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton asks people's opinions on nudity, art, and drama.
WKOW 871.3
Speeches, 1968 October
Physical Description: 103'-187', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin--Madison and its students.
WKOW 871.4
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 187'-316', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harvey Harrington welcomes Dr. Kruhn to faculty.
WKOW 871.5
Wire service, 1968 October
Physical Description: 316'-352', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mock elections at local high school.
WKOW 872.1
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-54', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge on 1969 Madison budget.
WKOW 872.2
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 54'-91', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on federal budget cuts.
WKOW 872.3
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 91'-110', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman announcing United Givers Campaign kick-off.
WKOW 872.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 110'-140', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Pre-Homecoming activities at Camp Randall.
WKOW 872.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 140'-175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's Halloween Fair in Middleton.
WKOW 872.6
Speeches, 1968 October
Physical Description: 175'-314', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man campaigning for Murray for U.S. Congress.
WKOW 873.1
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-9', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Otto Festge on special legislative session.
WKOW 873.2
News, 1968 October
Physical Description: 9'-94', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Air National Guard fighting a fire with chemicals.
WKOW 873.3
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 94'-121', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Otto Festge on special session of state legislature and property taxes.
WKOW 873.4
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 121'-210', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Men on possible fire fighters' strike.
WKOW 873.5
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 210'-288', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey campaign staffer criticizing George Wallace and Eugene McCarthy.
WKOW 873.6
Press conferences, 1968 October
Physical Description: 288'-332', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette announces that write-in votes will be counted in presidential election.
WKOW 873.7
Man on the street interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 332'-353', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 873.8
Banquets, 1968 October
Physical Description: 353'-383', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: 50th anniversary of Methodist Hospital.
WKOW 874.1
Meetings, 1968 October
Physical Description: 0'-149', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 874.2
Traffic accident reports, 1968 October
Physical Description: 149'-184', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Car.
WKOW 874.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 October
Physical Description: 184'-210', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Navy Marine Corps Reserve Center open house and stamp show.
WKOW 874.4
News, 1968 October
Physical Description: 210'-223', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Leslie for sheriff campaign.
WKOW 874.5
News, 1968 October
Physical Description: 223'-253', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential straw vote at Hilldale Shopping Center.
WKOW 874.6
On-site interviews, 1968 October
Physical Description: 253'-289', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Ken Nayden, executive vice president of National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, on presidential candidates' agriculture positions.
WKOW 875.1
News, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-49', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: People voting in school gymnasium.
WKOW 875.2
News, 1968
Physical Description: 49'-83', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Black history exhibit at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
WKOW 875.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 83'-112', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presentation of Aaron Bohrod painting.
WKOW 875.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 112'-175', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Homecoming floats on Langdon Street.
WKOW 875.5
News, 1968
Physical Description: 175'-218', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters on strike at Fire Station No. 3.
WKOW 875.6
News, 1968
Physical Description: 218'-237', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Murray campaigning for U.S. Congress on the Capitol Square.
WKOW 875.7
Banquets/Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 237'-325', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gubernatorial candidate speaking on taxation to Madison Rotary Club.
WKOW 875.8
Openings, 1968
Physical Description: 325'-392',' silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at highway opening.
WKOW 875.9
Awards ceremonies, 1968
Physical Description: 392'-414', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State trooper receiving an award.
WKOW 876.1
On-site interviews, 1968 November
Physical Description: 0'-113', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his World War I experiences.
WKOW 876.2
On-site interviews, 1968 November
Physical Description: 113'-170', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax proposals.
WKOW 876.3
Meetings, 1968 November
Physical Description: 170'-203', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: At State Capitol with Governor Warren Knowles.
WKOW 876.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 November
Physical Description: 203'-235', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Day observance at State Capitol.
WKOW 876.5
Press conferences, 1968 November
Physical Description: 235'-263', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man making predictions for 1972 presidential race. Predicts that Hubert Humphrey won't run again for President.
WKOW 876.6
Hearings, 1968 November
Physical Description: 263'-289', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 876.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 November
Physical Description: 289'-311', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison General Hospital Jamboree.
WKOW 876.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 November
Physical Description: 311'-335', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Horse show.
WKOW 876.9
Hearings, 1968 November
Physical Description: 335'-361', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles attending.
WKOW 876.10
News, 1968 November
Physical Description: 361'-398', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Science Students Union picketing to protest University of Wisconsin College of Engineering's recruiting policy.
WKOW 876.11
On-site interviews, 1968 November
Physical Description: 398'-430', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Percy Hardiman on the Wisconsin Farm Bureau convention.
WKOW 877.1
Awards ceremonies, 1968 November
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Air Force.
WKOW 877.2
Press conferences, 1968 November
Physical Description: 20'-91', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Vietnam War and presidential election.
WKOW 877.3
Meetings, 1968 November
Physical Description: 91'-129', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 877.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 November
Physical Description: 129'-170', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Display of old courthouse records and storage techniques.
WKOW 877.5
Meetings, 1968 November
Physical Description: 170'-316', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: At the Park Motor Inn, Norman Anderson and Governor Warren Knowles on funding for water pollution.
WKOW 877.6
Awards ceremonies, 1968 November
Physical Description: 316'-344', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Military award ceremony with Warren Knowles.
WKOW 877.7
Hearings, 1968 November
Physical Description: 344'-401', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 877.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 November
Physical Description: 401'-498', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: World War I photographs.
WKOW 878.1
News/Speeches, 1968 November
Physical Description: 0'-45', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Speakers at facility on Lakeside Street.
WKOW 878.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 November
Physical Description: 45'-98', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: High school kids walking.
WKOW 878.3
Press conferences, 1968 November
Physical Description: 98'-184', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on gun registration.
WKOW 878.4
Banquets, 1968 November
Physical Description: 184'-217', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: United Givers.
WKOW 878.5
On-site interviews, 1968 November
Physical Description: 217'-371', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on computer use in University of Wisconsin System. University of Wisconsin Computer Center shown.
WKOW 878.6
On-site interviews, 1968 November
Physical Description: 371'-420', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on higher education opportunities.
WKOW 879.1
Judicial proceedings, 1968 November
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 879.2
On-site interviews, 1968 November
Physical Description: 28'-127', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on higher education.
WKOW 879.3
News, 1968 November
Physical Description: 127'-147', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles in his office with children.
WKOW 879.4
On-site interviews, 1968 November
Physical Description: 147'-205', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on minority success in higher education.
WKOW 879.5
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1968 November
Physical Description: 205'-224', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Jaycees.
WKOW 879.6
News, 1968 November
Physical Description: 224'-243', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Country Kitchen on Park Street.
WKOW 879.7
Meetings, 1968 November
Physical Description: 243'-290', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lions Club.
WKOW 879.8
Meetings, 1968 November
Physical Description: 290'-316', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 879.9
On-site interviews, 1968 November
Physical Description: 316'-439', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Roswell on higher education budget cuts.
WKOW 879.10
News, 1968 November
Physical Description: 439'-454', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Food boycott at the Memorial Union Rathskeller.
WKOW 880.1
On-site interviews/News, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-72', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: State legislature session. Several men, including Gaylord Nelson speak on DDT legislation.
WKOW 880.2
Judicial proceedings, 1968
Physical Description: 72'-107', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: City-County Building.
WKOW 880.3
House fires, 1968
Physical Description: 107'-129', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: E. Main and S. Franklin.
WKOW 880.4
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 129'-153', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Richard Nixon and his attempts to keep government spending down.
WKOW 880.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 153'-187', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Children visiting turkey farm.
WKOW 880.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 187'-247', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mail sorting at the main Post Office.
WKOW 880.7
Awards ceremonies, 1968
Physical Description: 247'-283', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Military group presents Wisconsin flag to Warren Knowles.
WKOW 880.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 283'-318', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Doll exhibit.
WKOW 880.9
Traffic accident reports, 1968
Physical Description: 318'-338', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Car.
WKOW 880.10
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 338'-383', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on suicide intervention.
WKOW 880.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 383'-427', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at Methodist Hospital 50th anniversary.
WKOW 880.12
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 427'-478', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire contends that Richard Nixon is premature in saying inflation has ended.
WKOW 881.1
Traffic accident reports, 1968 December
Physical Description: 0'-35', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Car.
WKOW 881.2
Political announcements, 1968 December
Physical Description: 35'-67', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on the electoral college.
WKOW 881.3
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 67'-105', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on tire safety.
WKOW 881.4
Hearings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 105'-129', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing.
WKOW 881.5
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 129'-159', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 881.6
News, 1968 December
Physical Description: 159'-193', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Inspectors at meat packing house.
WKOW 882.1
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 0'-54', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on financial needs of University of Wisconsin--Extension.
WKOW 882.2
Awards ceremonies, 1968 December
Physical Description: 54'-76', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 882.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 76'-109', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Friday the 13th sale at Martin's Store.
WKOW 882.4
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 109'-152', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on future of University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 882.5
News, 1968 December
Physical Description: 152'-177', silent, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge's office.
WKOW 882.6
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 177'-283', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on origin of Friday the 13th superstitions.
WKOW 882.7
News, 1968 December
Physical Description: 283'-305', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 882.8
News, 1968 December
Physical Description: 305'-347', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Protest at the State Capitol against DDT spraying.
WKOW 882.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 347'-385', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: International gift fair at University YMCA.
WKOW 882.10
Speeches, 1968 December
Physical Description: 385'-425', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
WKOW 882.11
Hearings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 425'-455', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 882.12
Political announcements, 1968 December
Physical Description: 455'-486', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Proxmire on appointment of Melvin Laird as Secretary of Defense.
WKOW 883.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 0'-23', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas tree in Capitol rotunda.
WKOW 883.2
Traffic accident reports, 1968 December
Physical Description: 23'-51', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University Avenue and Segoe Road.
WKOW 883.3
News/On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 51'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pool hall owner on man who shot policeman.
WKOW 883.4
News, 1968 December
Physical Description: 62'-115', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Housing and parking scenes from downtown Madison.
WKOW 883.5
News, 1968 December
Physical Description: 115'-206', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on arrest of shooting suspect at Schwoegler Lanes.
WKOW 883.6
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 206'-242', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 883.7
Hearings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 242'-271', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Capitol with Warren Knowles.
WKOW 883.8
News, 1968 December
Physical Description: 271'-320', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Police at Martin's Store - scene of a crime.
WKOW 883.9
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 320'-342', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metropolitan School District's Board of Education.
WKOW 883.10
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 342'-374', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate session.
WKOW 883.11
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 374'-403', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles in attendance.
WKOW 883.12
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 403'-424', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 883.13
Hearings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 424'-455', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser in attendance.
WKOW 883.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 455'-467', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas tree in Capitol rotunda.
WKOW 884.1
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 0'-82', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighter on holiday fire protection.
WKOW 884.2
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 82'-130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on holiday shopping season.
WKOW 884.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 130'-166', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Winter scenes in Madison.
WKOW 884.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 166'-191', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tree and gifts in Capitol rotunda.
WKOW 884.5
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 191'-220', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Knowles' office.
WKOW 884.6
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 220'-246', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Otto Festge signing papers.
WKOW 884.7
Judicial proceedings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 246'-256', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 884.8
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 256'-301', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles in attendance.
WKOW 884.9
Hearings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 301'-330', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 884.10
News, 1969 December
Physical Description: 330'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy signing document at City-County building.
WKOW 884.11
Traffic accident reports, 1968 December
Physical Description: 353'-381', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 884.12
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 381'-421', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles in attendance.
WKOW 884.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 421'-468', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lab scenes with Tinkertoy models.
WKOW 885.1
Traffic accident reports, 1968 December
Physical Description: 0'-14', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 885.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 14'-61', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowy scenes of Madison.
WKOW 885.3
Judicial proceedings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 61'-91', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 885.4
News/On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 91'-188', silent and magnetic,color,b&w,pos,neg 
Scope and Content Note: Murders at Bodeman Farm outside of Deerfield.
WKOW 885.5
Meetings, 1968 December
Physical Description: 188'-234', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 885.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 234'-251', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus at Memorial Union Theater distributing gifts.
WKOW 885.7
News/On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 251'-310', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaking on state tax form changes and scenes of tax form mailings.
WKOW 885.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 310'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas shopping at J.C. Penny's on Capitol Square.
WKOW 885.9
Political announcements, 1968 December
Physical Description: 338'-370', optical, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on space exploration.
WKOW 885.10
On-site interviews, 1968 December
Physical Description: 370'-415', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on employment conference for young people.
WKOW 885.11
Traffic accident reports, 1968 December
Physical Description: 415'-445', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 885.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 December
Physical Description: 445'-491', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter Sid Oviatt discussing flags at the G.A.R. Memorial Hall Civil War museum.
WKOW 886.1
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-69', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edward Ben Elson on his mayoral platform.
WKOW 886.2
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 69'-117', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: John Huminick on his spying activities for the U.S.
WKOW 886.3
Political announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 117'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles announces state alcohol conference.
WKOW 886.4
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 155'-245', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Blake Kellogg interviews Roger Mott on why he signed complaint against nude production of Peter Pan.
WKOW 886.5
News, 1968
Physical Description: 245'-460', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Downtown Madison architectural model, showing plans for Civic Center and Monona Basin Project.
WKOW 887.1
Studio interviews, 1968 January 12
Physical Description: 0'-166', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Blake Kellogg interviews Melvin Laird on Nelson Rockefeller's presidential candidacy.
WKOW 887.2
Press conferences, 1968 January 9
Physical Description: 166'-248', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Lenore Romney, with Dorothy Knowles, campaigning for her husband George Romney.
WKOW 887.3
Press conferences, 1968 January 4
Physical Description: 248'-463', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Socialist presidential candidate Fred Halstead on his political platform.
WKOW 888.1
Studio interviews, 1968 February 19
Physical Description: 0'-160', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Blake Kellogg interviews Dick Gregory on his presidential candidacy.
WKOW 888.2
Studio interviews, 1968 February 19
Physical Description: 160'-191', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate Harold Stassen on his plan to end Vietnam War.
WKOW 888.3
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 191'-318', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: David Carley on why he does not support Vietnam War, but does support President Johnson.
WKOW 888.4
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 318'-433', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Chancellor William Sewell at Madison Chamber of Commerce meeting.
WKOW 889.1
Speeches/News, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-491', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) during a question and answer period. Morse gives his position on Vietnam and other foreign policy matters.
WKOW 890.1
Studio interviews, 1968 February 1
Physical Description: 0'-172', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Blake Kellogg interviews Mrs. Smith on the Committee of Responsibility to Save War-Burned and War-Injured Vietnamese Children, a group which helps war-injured children get treatment.
WKOW 890.2
Speeches, 1968
Physical Description: 173'-368', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Wayne Morse: question and answer period on Vietnam War.
WKOW 891.1
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-54', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bronson La Follette for governor. La Follette states views on Vietnam War.
WKOW 891.2
News, 1968
Physical Description: 54'-200', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy political rally at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 891.3
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 200'-295', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Louis J. Ceci for Attorney General.
WKOW 891.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 March 16
Physical Description: 296'-328', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison Beauty Pageant semi-finals.
WKOW 892.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 0'-67', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin state parks spring clean-up.
WKOW 892.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 67'-106', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison Beauty Pageant finals.
WKOW 892.3
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 106'-169', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman on farmers slaughtering cattle to protest low prices.
WKOW 892.4
Studio interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 169'-278', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Russian emigre Nila Ivanovana Shevko Magidoff on conditions in USSR after Stalin.
WKOW 892.5
Press conferences/News, 1968
Physical Description: 278'-471', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon campaigning in Madison and press conference on presidential race.
WKOW 893.1
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-175', silent and magnetic, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles for re-election as governor.
WKOW 893.2
News, 1968
Physical Description: 175'-291', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial rally and march up Bascom Hill for Martin Luther King, Jr.
WKOW 893.3
Press conferences/News, 1968
Physical Description: 291'-483', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon and Warren Knowles at Executive Residence. Nixon gives press conference on meeting.
WKOW 894.1
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-358', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: General Hugh B. Hester on Vietnam War and casualties; he urges pull-out.
WKOW 895.1
Press conferences, 1968 April 26
Physical Description: 0'-450', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Muhammad Ali on black separatism.
WKOW 895.2
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 450'-475', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: General Hugh B. Hester on Vietnam War.
WKOW 896.1
Press conferences, 1968
Physical Description: 0'-23', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harvey Harrington on Chancellor Sewell's resignation.
WKOW 896.2
News, 1968 April 3
Physical Description: 23'-39', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Student handing in draft card.
WKOW 896.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1968 May 6
Physical Description: 39'-111', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: King Olav of Norway visits Madison.
WKOW 896.4
On-site interviews, 1968
Physical Description: 111'-163', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles' reaction to Nelson Rockefeller announcing his candidacy for president.
WKOW 896.5
Banquets/Speeches/Studio interviews, 1968 May 1
Physical Description: 163'-374', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Carl Betz (television actor) speaking at Law Day banquet at Loraine Hotel and being interviewed.
WKOW 896.6
Speeches, 1968 April 26
Physical Description: 374'-464', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mohammed Ali at Stock Pavilion.
WKOW 897.1
Hearings, 1968 September
Physical Description: 0'-141', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Stan Davenport (before legislative committee) on drug use in high schools.
WKOW 897.2
Studio interviews, 1968 September 13
Physical Description: 141'-287', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on his re-election campaign.
WKOW 897.3
Studio interviews, 1968 September
Physical Description: 287'-329', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Zutz on voluntary car inspections.
WKOW 897.4
Candidacy announcements, 1968
Physical Description: 329'-453', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson for re-election to U.S. Senate.
WKOW 897.5
Graduation ceremonies, 1968
Physical Description: 453'-492', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 898.1
On-site interviews/News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-282', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blake Kellogg anchors program on Kerner Report, the report of the National Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders (Chairman: Otto Kerner). Program attempts to explain the Kerner report says and discuss its implications for Wisconsin. Marshall H. Coleston, Administrative Specialist at University of Wisconsin comments that report points out we are in serious difficulty in how we live together as a people. Sol Soren, Regional Director of Wisconsin Anti-Defamation League, says report is a study of causes of violence in U.S. cities during summer of 1967.
WKOW 899.1
On-site interviews/News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-459', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Blake Kellogg anchored program on Kerner Report (report of racial violence in U.S.). Robert J. Lampman interviewed (professor of economics at University of Wisconsin): black unemployment is twice the rate as in white communities. Kellogg introduces segment with Douglas C. Wieford, head of Department of Local Affairs and Development: blacks need self-determination, the ability to participate in policy decisions that affect their lives. Kellogg introduces Joseph C. Fagan, head of Department of Industry, Labor, and Human Relations. Fagan talks about paternalistic white attitudes towards blacks. Kellogg introduces Lloyd A. Barbee (assemblyman from Milwaukee). Barbee: Kerner Report has uncovered white racism and the damage it has done.
WKOW 900.1
News/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Blake Kellogg anchored program on Kerner Report. Kellogg introduces Donald Sikes of Milwaukee, head of Community Development Social Relations Commission, organization which coordinates poverty programs in Milwaukee. Sikes sees relationship between poverty and violence. Kellogg introduces Dr. Harold M. Rose, professor at University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee: most of people arrested during racial violence in Milwaukee in July 1967 were young people dissatisfied with lot in life, specifically with job opportunities. Perceptions between blacks and whites very different. Kellogg introduces Donald R. McNeil of University of Wisconsin Extension System: how UW Extension handles white racism; program to educate (sensitize) people to history of blacks. Donald Sikes: goals for whites and blacks different. Kellogg introduces Monroe Swan: racism has perpetuated discrimination.
WKOW 901.1
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-457', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Blake Kellogg anchored program on the Kerner Report on racial violence. Donald Sikes, Milwaukee head of Community Development Social Relations Commission: black people should make efforts to develop their own community. Joseph C. Fagan: ethnic groups have traded within their own group. Kellogg introduces Dr. Ernest Spates (UW--Milwaukee): we do seem to be moving towards separate white-black society. Time for blacks to form own institutions. Don McNeil: black person has to be built up to position of equality and then bridges will be built over to black community. Kellogg reintroduces Professor Robert Lampman on possibility of implementing programs suggested by Kerner Report.
WKOW 902.1
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-464', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Blake Kellogg anchored program on Kerner Report on racial violence. Interviews conclude with participants speaking on black self-determination. Donald Sikes speaks about need for blacks to feel empowered in implementing changes in society. Dr. Harold Rose: people in Milwaukee's Inner Core are sick of being studied. Blacks have to be part of policy and delivery systems. Sol Soren: need to construct housing, end de facto school segregation, reform welfare. Unidentified man thinks we'll have an integrated society, but it will take a good deal of deliberate planning.
WKOW 903.1
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-216', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interviews with Madison mayoral candidates. Sid Oviatt hosts interview program with six candidates for mayor. Each candidate given an equal amount of time to respond to questions. First candidate Conrad Bayten is asked how he would handle city's rising tax rate.
WKOW 904.1
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-477', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Sid Oviatt interviews with mayoral candidates. Oviatt asks Conrad Bayten about city transportation problems. Bayten feels we should own city bus system. Oviatt interviews William Dyke on annexation of areas into city.
WKOW 905.1
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-455', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sid Oviatt continues interviews of mayoral candidates with Edward Ben Elson. Elson feels he is the best candidate for mayor because he has spent the last 27 years governing himself. Candidate Madonna May Faust: would cut down on administration spending “sprees.”
WKOW 906.1
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sid Oviatt continues his interviews with Madison mayoral candidates. Madonna May Faust comments on hiring a city manager. Candidate Robert Reynolds, Jr. asked what he'd do as mayor to combat rising taxes. Reynolds: Madison should continue to work with Board of Education to watch school costs and should eliminate tax islands.
WKOW 907.1
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-476', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sid Oviatt continues his interview with mayoral candidate Robert Reynolds, Jr. who feels ideas for a mayor's cabinet are good, but he is opposed to full-time aldermen. Candidate Adam Schesch is also interviewed; tax reform by annexation of tax islands is needed, he says.
WKOW 908.1
News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-13', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate in session.
WKOW 908.2
Candidacy announcements, 1969
Physical Description: 14'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge announces that he will not be a candidate for mayor in the April 1969 election.
WKOW 908.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 114'-137', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW production equipment and set being readied (for telethon?).
WKOW 908.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 137'-246', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reasons for Wisconsin's declining birth rate. “We assume it's the pill.”
WKOW 908.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 246'-278', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cold weather street scenes: corner of W. Washington and Bedford.
WKOW 908.6
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 278'-376', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of Mayor Festge's press conference as he announces he will not run for re-election.
WKOW 908.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 376'-473', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blake Kellogg interviews Governor Warren Knowles.
WKOW 909.1
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Capitol caucus room(?)
WKOW 909.2
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969/01
Physical Description: 28'-52', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 909.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969/01
Physical Description: 54'-86', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Regent Street after snowfall.
WKOW 909.4
Press conferences, 1969/01
Physical Description: 86'-164', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on how Wisconsin should make a budget annually.
WKOW 909.5
Judicial proceedings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 164'-227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man taken to Dane County Jail.
WKOW 909.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969/01
Physical Description: 228'-255', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowfall cleanup.
WKOW 909.7
News, 1969/01
Physical Description: 255'-430', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren P. Knowles sworn in as Governor. Lt. Gov. Jack Olson is sworn in as well as other constitutional officers. Warren Knowles begins his inaugural address, but he's heckled by anti-war protesters.
WKOW 910.1
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 0'-33', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 910.2
News, 1969/01
Physical Description: 34'-53', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire on State Street(?).
WKOW 910.3
Studio interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 53'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on sales training conference.
WKOW 910.4
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 87'-108', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 910.5
Hearings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 108'-136', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 910.6
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 137'-162', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Fred Risser and Otto Festge present.
WKOW 910.7
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 162'-189', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on disciplinary actions at University of Wisconsin. Students accused of campus violence should be handled by criminal and civil courts.
WKOW 910.8
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 189'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 910.9
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 209'-225', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 7) says Daily Cardinal has a right to print whatever it chooses, but it should try to keep from being a subsidized press.
WKOW 910.10
Graduation ceremonies, 1969/01
Physical Description: 226'-254', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police cadets graduation addressed by Police Chief Wilbur Emery and Otto Festge; Ralph Hanson in attendance.
WKOW 910.11
News, 1969/01
Physical Description: 255'-280', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Transceiver machine is demonstrated to Governor Warren Knowles.
WKOW 910.12
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 280'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Daily Cardinal staffer interviewed by Sid Oviatt on University of Wisconsin's subsidy of the student newspaper.
WKOW 910.13
Candidacy announcements, 1969/01
Physical Description: 343'-387', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Reynolds, Jr. announcing he is a candidate for Mayor of Madison.
WKOW 910.14
Studio interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 388'-438', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edward Ben Elson (in a Zorro hat) on what his philosophy would be as mayor.
WKOW 911.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969/01
Physical Description: 0'-23', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City scenes on foggy day after snowfall.
WKOW 911.2
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 23'-85', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on survey conducted in Madison regarding student dress and hair length. Survey showed most people want School Board to set grooming standards.
WKOW 911.3
Press conferences, 1969/01
Physical Description: 85'-427', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey(?) on legislation he has introduced to give 18 year olds the vote.
WKOW 911.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 127'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Outtakes from Kerner Report program on racial violence.
WKOW 911.5
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 233'-271', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 911.6
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 271'-326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter interviews Wesley Peters on Monona Basin Project. Architects have submitted working plans of project to city. Cut to same reporter interviewing Mayor Otto Festge on Monona Basin Project. City will be working closely with architects, he says.
WKOW 911.7
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 326'-422', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reporting on survey done on school grooming code. Sutton interviews Douglas Ritchie, Superintendent of Madison schools: policy and procedures committee will make recommendations concerning grooming policy.
WKOW 912.1
News, 1969/01
Physical Description: 0'-33', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly chamber during voting. Demonstrators in gallery hold up banner “Support Wisconsin's Economy” (property tax protestors?).
WKOW 912.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969/01
Physical Description: 33'-51', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cinema Theater on Atwood Avenue showing The Lion In Winter.
WKOW 912.3
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 51'-159', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Rothwell of University of Wisconsin resigns.
WKOW 912.4
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 160'-193', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 912.5
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 195'-213', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Walter Chilsen addressing legislative meeting.
WKOW 912.6
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 215'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assemblyman Robert T. Huber (D-Milwaukee): accusing Governor Knowles of “playing numbers game” with state budget.
WKOW 912.7
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 237'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee Mayor Henry W. Maier: property tax originally had few functions, but the state has shifted tax burden to property tax payers. Stand-up interview (near same place Maier interviewed) with unidentified man (insurance industry spokesman) on “Fair Plans” - insurance is available to all people in depressed areas through the cooperation of a large number of insurance carriers and Federal government. Unidentified man on unfairness of property tax. Federal government will have to take more of the burden. Milwaukee and other cities need a proper distribution of resources in state, Maier says.
WKOW 912.8
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 367'-425', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Naval officer on choices Navy cadets have in college now.
WKOW 913.1
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969/01
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 913.2
News/Speeches, 1969/01
Physical Description: 25'-121', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles addresses joint session of legislature: Knowles will introduce bill concerning drug abuse, highway safety, establishing uniform age for drinking in Wisconsin, mandatory seat belt laws, and 18-year-old vote.
WKOW 913.3
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 121'-200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator's reaction to Knowles' address: he's pleased with Governor's seeking bipartisan support for education and public welfare. Assemblyman Robert Huber interviewed: Knowles administration has caused deficit, according to Huber. Another legislator interviewed: eventually there will be unified support for Governor's programs. State Senator Fred Risser interviewed: Governor doesn't want to take responsibility for deficit.
WKOW 913.4
Banquets/Speeches, 1969/01
Physical Description: 200'-316', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Inter-service club luncheon. Governor Warren Knowles is guest speaker.
WKOW 913.5
Banquets, 1969/01
Physical Description: 316'-336', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Red Feather (United Givers) banquet.
WKOW 913.6
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 338'-371', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 913.7
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 371'-380', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified meeting in lecture hall.
WKOW 913.8
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 380'-459', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie, superintendent of schools: Middle school pilot programs are beginning at Schenk Elementary.
WKOW 914.1
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 0'-45', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on constitutional rights and the reciprocal responsibility to exercise them responsibly.
WKOW 914.2
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 45'-67', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 914.3
News, 1969/01
Physical Description: 69'-81', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke files his nomination papers.
WKOW 914.4
Banquets, 1969/01
Physical Description: 83'-117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 914.5
News, 1969/01
Physical Description: 119'-141', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior and interior shots of Loraine Hotel.
WKOW 914.6
Graduation ceremonies, 1969/01
Physical Description: 141'-173', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin winter graduation at Field House.
WKOW 914.7
Press conferences, 1969/01
Physical Description: 173'-251', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Teaching Assistant Association spokesman: bill before legislature will affect all out-of-state TA's, RA's, and PA's by reducing out of state tuition remission by 1/2. Another TAA spokesman contends that state politicians are using tax money for their own benefit.
WKOW 914.8
Traffic accident reports, 1969/01
Physical Description: 251'-273', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Train-car.
WKOW 914.9
Meetings, 1969/01
Physical Description: 274'-304', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 914.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969/01
Physical Description: 304'-327', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Retirement party at City-County Building for police captain.
WKOW 914.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969/01
Physical Description: 328'-353', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Bagpipers on parade at Dane County Coliseum, part of Zor Shrine Circus.
WKOW 914.12
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 353'-428', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on inequities of property tax in Wisconsin. Retirees are losing their homes. Another man comments on getting relief from heavy property taxes and evening out disparities.
WKOW 915.1
On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 0'-155', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles before legislature with his tax plan proposals. Reporter gets legislators responses after Knowles speech. Assemblyman Robert Huber contends Knowles leaves the corporate tax rates untouched. Senator Fred Risser: “Credit refund is nothing but a sop to sell the program.” Harold Froehlich would prefer a food and drug exemption to the general sales tax. Another legislator is in favor of having Wisconsin resident students pay more for their education; would have out-of-state students pay their full way.
WKOW 915.2
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969/01
Physical Description: 155'-280', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter Roger Sutton (bearded) reports on number of false facial pieces (fake beards and moustaches). Sutton interviews two men who specialize in selling and applying fake facial pieces.
WKOW 915.3
Awards ceremonies, 1969/01
Physical Description: 280'-317', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 915.4
Press conferences, 1969/01
Physical Description: 318'-382', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Adam Schesch, candidate for Madison mayor, on taxation. City services suffer when low income residents bear burden of taxation, says Schesch.
WKOW 915.5
News, 1969/01
Physical Description: 384'-416', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Reynolds, candidate for Madison Mayor, files his nomination papers with city clerk. Edward Ben Elson (in costume) arrives to file his papers.
WKOW 915.6
News, 1969/01
Physical Description: 417'-429', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man submits his state election papers to state official.
WKOW 916.1
Judicial proceedings/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-159', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young girl (Connie) entering County Court Branch III. Man (judge in this case?) discusses the girl's situation which involved having Connie transferred from one foster home to another foster home which she had been in previously.
WKOW 916.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 159'-210', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Funeral; Governor Warren Knowles attending.
WKOW 916.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 210'-306', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery describes new computerized parking violation system.
WKOW 916.4
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 308'-345', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 916.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 345'-438', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman foster parent to whom Connie will be returned on her happiness that Connie is returning.
WKOW 917.1
Meetings, 1969 February
Physical Description: 0'-37', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council, Mayor Otto Festge presiding.
WKOW 917.2
Meetings, 1969 February
Physical Description: 37'-61', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 917.3
On-site interviews, 1969 February
Physical Description: 62'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military officer on deaths of General Olson and wife, Capt. Harriman, and Sgt. Becker in an accident.
WKOW 917.4
Awards ceremonies, 1969 February
Physical Description: 93'-119', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles promotes a military officer (seen in segment 3).
WKOW 917.5
Meetings, 1969 February
Physical Description: 120'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on plans for remodeling State Street.
WKOW 917.6
Hearings, 1969 February
Physical Description: 139'-235', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative budget hearing on University of Wisconsin funding. University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington: loans and grants have allowed many students of low and middle income to attend the University.
WKOW 917.7
Meetings, 1969 February
Physical Description: 235'-335', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on City of Madison aiding University of Wisconsin construction.
WKOW 917.8
Meetings, 1969 June
Physical Description: 335'-368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metropolitan School District's Board of Education.
WKOW 917.9
Awards ceremonies, 1969 February
Physical Description: 368'-379', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles giving awards to two men.
WKOW 917.10
On-site interviews, 1969 February
Physical Description: 379'-426', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men discuss future of Truax Field; one of them comments on plans for using the field as an industrial park.
WKOW 918.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 February
Physical Description: 0'-127', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on men's hairpieces.
WKOW 918.2
Traffic accident reports, 1969 February
Physical Description: 127'-157', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Gammon and Mineral Point Road.
WKOW 918.3
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 February
Physical Description: 157'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn. Dignitaries include Warren Knowles, Otto Festge, and Jack Olson.
WKOW 918.4
House fires, 1969 February
Physical Description: 174'-213', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 918.5
Awards ceremonies, 1969 February
Physical Description: 212'-241', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Sales Marketing Executive Man of the Year awards at Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 918.6
Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 241'-357', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and William Kellett on education spending.
WKOW 919.1
Studio interviews, 1969 February
Physical Description: 0'-33', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on tax reform.
WKOW 919.2
Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 33'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on creation of a black Christian theology.
WKOW 919.3
On-site interviews/Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 80'-173', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on campaigns for Supreme Court judge.
WKOW 919.4
Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 173'-220', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same man from segment 2 on history of Christianity.
WKOW 920.1
Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 0'-50', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Otto Festge on civic auditorium (Madison Civic Center).
WKOW 921.1
On-site interviews, 1969 February
Physical Description: 0'-124', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidates for Wisconsin Supreme Court campaigning.
WKOW 921.2
Meetings, 1969 February
Physical Description: 124'-149', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus in attendance.
WKOW 921.3
Banquets, 1969 February
Physical Description: 149'-182', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard banquet with Warren Knowles.
WKOW 921.4
Meetings/Speeches, 1969 February
Physical Description: 182'-212', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Alpha Phi Omega, a national service fraternity, meeting.
WKOW 921.5
Political announcements, 1969 February
Physical Description: 212'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on Melvin Laird becoming Secretary of Defense.
WKOW 921.6
Awards ceremonies, 1969 February
Physical Description: 240'-277', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at military ceremony.
WKOW 922.1
Press conferences, 1969 February
Physical Description: 0'-65', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Reynolds on legislation for tax relief.
WKOW 922.2
On-site interviews, 1969 February
Physical Description: 65'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on contemporary and historical situation in the Middle East.
WKOW 922.3
News/On-site interviews, 1969 February
Physical Description: 126'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and others discussing ORAP 200, a water pollution control program.
WKOW 923.1
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews , 1969
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anne Trilley on Miss Madison contest.
WKOW 923.2
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 49'-83', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 923.3
Political announcements, 1969
Physical Description: 83'-112', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on inflation.
WKOW 923.4
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 112'-153', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 923.5
Banquets, 1969
Physical Description: 153'-192', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 924.1
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles on education and employment task forces. Opposing state senators respond to governor's message.
WKOW 924.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 78'-136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison contestant on the Miss Madison Beauty Pageant.
WKOW 924.3
Banquets/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 136'-200', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Banquet (Warren Knowles in attendance) and interview with man on communications technology.
WKOW 924.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 200'-253', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison Beauty Pageant contestant.
WKOW 925.1
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 925.2
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 19'-75', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting with Warren Knowles and spokesman for Army Corps of Engineers on flooding.
WKOW 925.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 75'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on societal effects of alcoholism in Madison and Dane County.
WKOW 925.4
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 140'-181', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 925.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 181'-203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: ROTC drilling.
WKOW 925.6
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 203'-252', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles speaking to State Assembly.
WKOW 925.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 252'-300', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on flooding conditions.
WKOW 925.8
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 300'-335', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Youth meeting in State Assembly chambers.
WKOW 925.9
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 335'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two Miss Madison contestants.
WKOW 926.1
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 926.2
Banquets/Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 30'-58', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: St. Patrick's Day celebration.
WKOW 926.3
News, 1969
Physical Description: 58'-84', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: People deplaning from a North Central Airlines flight.
WKOW 926.4
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 84'-112', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 926.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 112'-191', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Playwright on the future of theater.
WKOW 926.6
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 191'-242', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 926.7
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 242'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At State Capitol.
WKOW 926.8
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 270'-295', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 926.9
Political announcements, 1969
Physical Description: 295'-381', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Reynolds on issues in mayoral campaign.
WKOW 926.10
Banquets/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 381'-483', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Reynolds and William Dyke at banquet. Both interviewed.
WKOW 927.1
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 927.2
News/Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 34'-77', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and others speaking in State Assembly chamber.
WKOW 927.3
Sports, 1969
Physical Description: 77'-152', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviewing team managers at State Basketball Tournament.
WKOW 927.4
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 152'-177', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on judicial reform.
WKOW 927.5
News/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 177'-237', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arnold Hughes interviews Attorney Ken Hur on constitutionality of University Avenue bus lane.
WKOW 927.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 237'-259', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school students in Madison Common Council chamber.
WKOW 927.7
Banquets, 1969
Physical Description: 259'-291', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke speaking at banquet.
WKOW 927.8
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 291'-334', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on state judiciary system.
WKOW 927.9
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 334'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: St. Patrick's Day interviews with a student “demanding” special treatment for Irish students.
WKOW 928.1
House fires, 1969 March
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 928.2
News, 1969 March
Physical Description: 34'-60', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force officers talking.
WKOW 928.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 March
Physical Description: 60'-89', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: ROTC drill in Memorial Shell.
WKOW 928.4
News, 1969 March
Physical Description: 89'-115', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Horse show at University of Wisconsin Stock Pavilion.
WKOW 928.5
Awards ceremonies, 1969 March
Physical Description: 115'-205', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Pellegrino receiving an award from Madison Fire Dept.
WKOW 928.6
Meetings, 1969 March
Physical Description: 205%232', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 928.7
Banquets, 1969 March
Physical Description: 232'-264', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Loraine Hotel.
WKOW 928.8
Openings, 1969 March
Physical Description: 264'-280', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at grand opening of Arlan's Dept. Store.
WKOW 928.9
On-site interviews, 1969 March
Physical Description: 280'-390', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on University of Wisconsin concessions and interview with students selling at concessions.
WKOW 929.1
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two candidates for Supreme Court judge discuss issue of cameras in the courtroom.
WKOW 929.2
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 41'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and Otto Festge welcome Arthur Godfrey to Madison. Godfrey speaks on stopping environmental pollution.
WKOW 929.3
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 70'-104', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on escalation of arms race.
WKOW 929.4
Hearings, 1969 March
Physical Description: 104'-135', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Committee on Finance.
WKOW 929.5
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 135'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Airport Commission.
WKOW 929.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 155'-180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dance at Madison Area Technical College.
WKOW 929.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 180'-252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews man on possibility of private development for Truax Field.
WKOW 929.8
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 252'-320', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on Police Dept. and Madison population.
WKOW 929.9
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 320'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man recruiting athletes at University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 929.10
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 352'-408', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on sale of elephants at Henry Vilas Park Zoo.
WKOW 930.1
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kwame Salter on being black in Madison politics. Salter wants Mayor Dyke to appoint blacks to city positions and commissions.
WKOW 930.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 40'-85', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. and Mrs. William Dyke and others voting in mayoral general election.
WKOW 930.3
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 85'-104', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 930.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 104'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on University of Wisconsin suspensions; he feels there should have been due process before suspensions.
WKOW 930.5
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 153'-215', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on airport expansion.
WKOW 930.6
Traffic accident reports, 1969
Physical Description: 215'-249', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Buckeye and Stoughton Roads.
WKOW 930.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 249'-282', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on consumer issues.
WKOW 930.8
Traffic accident reports, 1969 March 28
Physical Description: 282'-305', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bassett Street and West Washington Avenue.
WKOW 930.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 305'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People making snow structures.
WKOW 930.10
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 330'-340', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 930.11
News, 1969
Physical Description: 340'-366', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pickets and negotiators for fire fighters strike.
WKOW 930.12
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 366'-414', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arthur Godfrey and Warren Knowles on environmental pollution.
WKOW 930.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 414'-433', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Three women with corsages.
WKOW 931.1
News, 1969 April
Physical Description: 0'-74', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton talking with Bruce Bishop on flood control.
WKOW 931.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 April
Physical Description: 74'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wildlife refuge scenes.
WKOW 931.3
Press conferences, 1969 April
Physical Description: 102'-141', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Bennett on Indian tribes in Northern Wisconsin.
WKOW 931.4
Traffic accident reports, 1969 April
Physical Description: 141'-166', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 931.5
On-site interviews, 1969 April
Physical Description: 166'-206', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Bennett on inter-tribal organization of Wisconsin Indians.
WKOW 931.6
On-site interviews, 1969 April
Physical Description: 206'-271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kwame Salter on student and low income housing.
WKOW 931.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 April
Physical Description: 271'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Vilas Park Zoo director on year-round use of the zoo. Scenes of zoo visitors.
WKOW 931.8
On-site interviews, 1969 April
Physical Description: 331'-395', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews two members of Madison Metropolitan School District's Board of Education.
WKOW 932.1
Studio interviews, 1969 March
Physical Description: 0'-42', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on poverty programs.
WKOW 932.2
News, 1969 March
Physical Description: 42'-76', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ken Thorpe on Congressman David Obey.
WKOW 932.3
News, 1969 March
Physical Description: 76'-117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at gathering.
WKOW 932.4
Speeches, 1969 March
Physical Description: 117'-127', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 932.5
Meetings/Press conferences, 1969 March
Physical Description: 127'-153', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Wayne Morse contrasts life-time incomes of college and high school graduates and high school dropouts.
WKOW 932.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 March
Physical Description: 153'-175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Civil service exams administered at Lincoln Junior High School.
WKOW 932.7
News, 1969 March
Physical Description: 175'-261', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles surveying flood control by plane.
WKOW 932.8
News, 1969 March
Physical Description: 261'-374', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews director of Wisconsin Department of Revenue.
WKOW 932.9
News, 1969 March
Physical Description: 374'-392', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Calf arrives at airport.
WKOW 933.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meat and cow judging at Oscar Mayer and Stock Pavilion.
WKOW 933.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 24'-47', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire.
WKOW 933.3
News, 1969
Physical Description: 47'-71', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police raid at night.
WKOW 933.4
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 71'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on slowness of electoral reform.
WKOW 933.5
Political announcements, 1969
Physical Description: 112'-143', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on addition of supersonic bomber project to Defense Department's budget.
WKOW 933.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 143'-170', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Livestock show.
WKOW 933.7
News, 1969
Physical Description: 170'-203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles visits high school students conference.
WKOW 933.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 203'-225', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Shriners' convention.
WKOW 933.9
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 225'-258', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on poverty program cuts.
WKOW 933.10
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 258'-350', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: On his last day in the mayor's office, Otto Festge reflects on what his administration has accomplished.
WKOW 934.1
Awards ceremonies, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-37', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Capital Community Citizens “orchids and onions” award banquet.
WKOW 934.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 37'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on repair of Whitney Way and University Avenue.
WKOW 934.3
News/Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 158'-313', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke inaugural address to Common Council. Arnold Hughes reporting.
WKOW 934.4
News, 1969
Physical Description: 313'-354', magnetic,color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Police removing dead person from alley.
WKOW 934.5
Banquets, 1969
Physical Description: 354'-377', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 934.6
News, 1969
Physical Description: 377'-395', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tax reform protest at Wisconsin's Department of Revenue.
WKOW 934.7
Press conferences/News, 1969
Physical Description: 395'-453', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bids for auditorium submitted to Madison Common Council; Otto Festge comments on bids.
WKOW 935.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-32', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force “Power For Peace” exhibit at University of Wisconsin engineering campus.
WKOW 935.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 32'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on sorority “slaves” for charity benefit.
WKOW 935.3
News, 1969
Physical Description: 70'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and others on formation of educational task force. Arnold Hughes reports.
WKOW 935.4
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 139'-164', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 935.5
News, 1969
Physical Description: 164'-185', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Naval and Marine Reserve Corps Training Center inspection.
WKOW 935.6
On-site interviews/News, 1969
Physical Description: 185'-310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on Madison street repairs.
WKOW 935.7
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 310'-351', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Finance Committee.
WKOW 935.8
Awards ceremonies, 1969
Physical Description: 351'-391', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles at military awards ceremony and scenes of G.I.s in a hospital.
WKOW 936.1
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on Dane County Regional Planning Commission recommendations.
WKOW 936.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 93'-158', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Farmers Organization at State Legislature.
WKOW 936.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 158'-169', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women arranging roses.
WKOW 936.4
News/Press conferences/Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 169'-278', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arnold Hughes reports on symbolic funeral caravan led by Father James Groppi from Milwaukee to the State Capitol to protest welfare system.
WKOW 936.5
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 278'-307', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on the need for a political solution to Vietnam War.
WKOW 936.6
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 307'-347', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviewing man on flood control and disaster preparations.
WKOW 936.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 347'-440', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviewing Police Chief Wilbur Emery on personnel strength and crime in Madison.
WKOW 937.1
Studio interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-59', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on faults of new weapons system.
WKOW 937.2
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 59'-80', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 937.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 80'-143', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fraternity benefit and carnival at Memorial Shell for children's group.
WKOW 937.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 143'-161', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Black history exhibit at State Historical Society.
WKOW 937.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 161'-181', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children picking up litter in the University of Wisconsin Arboretum.
WKOW 937.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 181'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fraternity benefit and carnival at Memorial Shell.
WKOW 937.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 208'-299', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews David Susskind. Susskind and his daughter attend Campus Choir and concert.
WKOW 937.8
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 299'-328', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chamber of Commerce consumer protection advocate on door-to-door magazine solicitation.
WKOW 937.9
News, 1969
Physical Description: 328'-379', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arnold Hughes reporting from Breese Stevens Field on racial incident that occurred there.
WKOW 937.10
Traffic accident reports, 1969
Physical Description: 379'-396', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 937.11
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 396'-441', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 938.1
News, 1969 April
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly Chamber; gallery packed with spectators.
WKOW 938.2
Public announcements/On-site interviews, 1969 May 1
Physical Description: 26'-138', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on Truax Field development; Warren Knowles and Dyke proclaiming Law Day and mental health awareness.
WKOW 938.3
News/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 138'-227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews legislators on bridge repair and funding indebtedness.
WKOW 938.4
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969
Physical Description: 227'-261', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scout awards and dinner.
WKOW 938.5
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 261'-299',- silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DDT hearing.
WKOW 938.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 299'-320', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center.
WKOW 938.7
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 320'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Finance Committee.
WKOW 938.8
News, 1969
Physical Description: 353'-424', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reporting on consumer protection law.
WKOW 939.1
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 0'-75', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin students announce plans for Martin Luther King, Jr. scholarship fund and they also discuss greek week on campus.
WKOW 939.2
On-site interviews/Panel discussions, 1969 May
Physical Description: 75'-148', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey, Robert Kastenmeier, and others on tax reform panel at WHA-TV. Roger Sutton interviews Obey.
WKOW 939.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 148'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews Father James Groppi and unidentified woman on their demonstrations against state budget cuts.
WKOW 939.4
News, 1969
Physical Description: 208'-237', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war protest at State Capitol.
WKOW 939.5
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 237'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school student on dress code.
WKOW 939.6
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 266'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DDT hearing.
WKOW 940.1
Traffic accident reports, 1969 May
Physical Description: 0'-21', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 940.2
Awards ceremonies, 1969 May
Physical Description: 21'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles presenting Navy medal.
WKOW 940.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 48'-73', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren and Dorothy Knowles planting tree at Executive Residence.
WKOW 940.4
Press conferences, 1969 May
Physical Description: 73'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke and Hilton E. Hanna on police and black community relations in Madison.
WKOW 941.1
Meetings/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Transportation Week and Delta Nu Alpha transportation fraternity meeting.
WKOW 941.2
Hearings, 1969 May
Physical Description: 25'-54', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 941.3
Press conferences, 1969 May
Physical Description: 54'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on Mifflin Street parking.
WKOW 941.4
News/On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 71'-165', optical, magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on use of double bottom semi-trucks; assorted interviews.
WKOW 941.5
Meetings, 1969 May
Physical Description: 165'-190', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 941.6
Meetings, 1969 May
Physical Description: 190'-216', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and city committee.
WKOW 942.1
News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 0'-108', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on Wisconsin State Patrol use of VASCAR (speed detector).
WKOW 942.2
Studio interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 108'-130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kastenmeier on his opposition to surtax.
WKOW 942.3
News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 130'-150', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Attorney in an office.
WKOW 942.4
Hearings, 1969 May
Physical Description: 150'-180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Finance Committee.
WKOW 942.5
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 May
Physical Description: 180'-224', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Banquet and “Hire the Handicapped” poster award ceremony.
WKOW 942.6
Edgewood College, 1969 May
Physical Description: 224'-248', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Graduation ceremonies
WKOW 942.7
On-site interviews/News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 248'-360', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on pollution of local lakes. Shots of Lake Mendota.
WKOW 942.8
Meetings, 1969 May
Physical Description: 360'-388', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 942.9
Awards ceremonies/News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 388'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing bill and giving award.
WKOW 942.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 415'-452', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Students having picnic, baseball game.
WKOW 943.1
Meetings, 1969 May
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 943.2
On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 27'-72', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Eugene Parks on new block party ordinance and his disappointment in the city investigative committee which recommended it.
WKOW 943.3
News/On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 72'-218', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reports on Project Teach, program designed to combat racism. Alderman Eugene Parks interviewed on how program works.
WKOW 943.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 218'-253', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School safety patrol outing to Wisconsin Dells.
WKOW 943.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 253'-276', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Card playing tournament at Madison Community Center.
WKOW 943.6
Banquets, 1969 May
Physical Description: 276'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Police award luncheon; William Dyke and Warren Knowles attend.
WKOW 943.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 312'-340', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Captain Nee in his office.
WKOW 943.8
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 May
Physical Description: 340'-365', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Junior Achievement.
WKOW 943.9
Graduation ceremonies, 1969 May
Physical Description: 365'-388', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Central High School.
WKOW 943.10
Banquets/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 388'-418', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin alumni banquet at Wisconsin Union.
WKOW 944.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Imperial Horse Show at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 944.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 27'-68', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Defensive driving course for senior citizens.
WKOW 944.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 68'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse show preparation at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 944.4
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 100'-169', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council on block party debate.
WKOW 944.5
Banquets/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 169'-213', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews Air Force officer on youth in military.
WKOW 944.6
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 213'-233', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 944.7
Meetings/Speeches/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 233'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reports on National Alliance of Businessmen meeting. Oscar G. Mayer and William Dyke speak.
WKOW 944.8
Banquets, 1969
Physical Description: 321'-354', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 944.9
Groundbreakings, 1969
Physical Description: 354'-385', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 944.10
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 385'-444', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on block party disorders on Mifflin Street and how he will handle the situation.
WKOW 945.1
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-75', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman Lewis Mittness on Democratic Party. Interviewed by Roger Mann.
WKOW 945.2
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 75'-116', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men talking in basement of First Congregational Church with court stenographer.
WKOW 945.3
Banquets, 1969
Physical Description: 116'-140', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shriners' luncheon.
WKOW 945.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May 23
Physical Description: 140'-184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Antique Show.
WKOW 945.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 184'-251', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Mann interviews Legislator Lewis Mittness.
WKOW 945.6
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 251'-307', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bill to fight organized crime.
WKOW 946.1
Meetings/News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 0'-59', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on getting college students' opinions from across the state.
WKOW 946.2
Meetings, 1969 May
Physical Description: 59'-81', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 946.3
News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 81'-117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren hosts conference on law enforcement.
WKOW 946.4
Hearings, 1969 May
Physical Description: 117'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 946.5
Banquets/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 138'-180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teenagers singing at banquet.
WKOW 946.6
On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 180'-217', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on law enforcement conference.
WKOW 946.7
On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 217'-264', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on organized crime.
WKOW 946.8
On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 264'-294', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on gubernatorial candidates.
WKOW 946.9
On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 294'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax reform.
WKOW 946.10
On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 321'-347', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force officer discussing funding of the C-5 program.
WKOW 946.11
Press conferences, 1969 May
Physical Description: 347'-393', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on broadcast and cable television regulations.
WKOW 947.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-70', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day observations; parade on Capitol Square and anti-war march.
WKOW 947.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 70'-112', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Mock United Nations session.
WKOW 947.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 112'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on anti-ballistic missile funding.
WKOW 947.4
Press conferences/News, 1969
Physical Description: 139'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on Memorial Day weekend traffic. Warren Knowles on emergency planning during the holiday.
WKOW 947.5
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 199'-223', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 947.6
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 223'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Memorial Day traffic safety.
WKOW 947.7
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 278'-307', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 947.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 307'-351', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke opening home show at the Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 947.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 351'-362', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Calf arrives at airport.
WKOW 947.10
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 362'-431', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Memorial Day traffic.
WKOW 948.1
Banquets, 1969 May
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke, Warren Knowles at Ohio Medical Products Expansion Banquet.
WKOW 948.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 30'-94', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children at Henry Vilas Zoo.
WKOW 948.3
Wire service, 1969 May
Physical Description: 94'-177', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force Academy officer on youth in the Air Force.
WKOW 948.4
Banquets, 1969 May
Physical Description: 177'-202', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 948.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 May
Physical Description: 202'-241', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse farm scenes.
WKOW 948.6
News, 1969 May
Physical Description: 241'-282', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on Neighborhood Youth Corps and its director Mike Rick.
WKOW 948.7
Traffic accident reports, 1969 May
Physical Description: 282'-296', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 948.8
Meetings, 1969 May
Physical Description: 296'-316', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 948.9
On-site interviews, 1969 May
Physical Description: 316'-368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mike Rick, director of Neighborhood Youth Corps, on the advantages and disadvantages of jobs for teenagers.
WKOW 948.10
Press conferences, 1969 June
Physical Description: 368'-403', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on bicycle safety. Bicycle safety rodeo and bicycle inspections.
WKOW 948.11
Graduation ceremonies, 1969 June
Physical Description: 403'-436', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified school.
WKOW 948.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 436'-468', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: People playing musical instruments outside.
WKOW 949.1
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 0'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Mann interviews Mike Kelly on the formation of University of Wisconsin campus newspaper, the Badger Herald.
WKOW 949.2
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm). , 1969 June
Physical Description: 60'-219', silent and magnetic, color, positive  
Scope and Content Note: Bicycle safety inspection. Roger Sutton rides a bike and interviews police inspector.
WKOW 949.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 10
Physical Description: 219'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's tea.
WKOW 949.4
On-site interviews, 1969 June 10
Physical Description: 238'-256', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on consumer protection problems.
WKOW 949.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June 10
Physical Description: 256'-284', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting machines.
WKOW 949.6
Graduation ceremonies, 1969
Physical Description: 284'-373', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin at Camp Randall Stadium.
WKOW 949.7
Speeches, 1969 June
Physical Description: 373'-404', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles to military group.
WKOW 949.8
Awards ceremonies, 1969 June
Physical Description: 404'-428', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Training Center.
WKOW 949.9
On-site interviews, 1969 June 8
Physical Description: 428'-465', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on illegal betting.
WKOW 950.1
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 0'-33', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on purpose of United States Civil Air Patrol.
WKOW 950.2
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 33'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on garnishment of wages and job loss.
WKOW 950.3
Meetings, 1969 June
Physical Description: 62'-117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 950.4
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 117'-169', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Mann interviews Colonel Hugh Simonson, Deputy Adjutant General for Wisconsin, on passing military convoys on highways.
WKOW 950.5
News , 1969 June
Physical Description: 169'-196', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: St. James Catholic Church fire.
WKOW 950.6
News , 1969 June
Physical Description: 196'-220', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small aircraft inside collapsed hangar.
WKOW 950.7
Hearings, 1969 June 12
Physical Description: 220'-263', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 950.8
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 263'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman interviewed on Wisconsin Union Terrace on women's place in society and their future.
WKOW 950.9
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 331'-426', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George Bailey interviews Carl Johnson on automobile registration.
WKOW 951.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-39', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 40th anniversary of Future Farmers of America.
WKOW 951.2
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 39'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on problems facing U.S. cities.
WKOW 951.3
News, 1969
Physical Description: 94'-159', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George Bailey on alcoholism conference and ramifications for the community.
WKOW 951.4
News/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 159'-252', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman on right to work bill and support from labor unions.
WKOW 951.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 252'-290', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews outgoing president of Wisconsin Law Enforcement Officers Association.
WKOW 951.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: ' 290'-318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles with ethnic singers and musicians.
WKOW 951.7
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 318'-342', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 951.8
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 342'-413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women comment on Badger Girls State, a yearly convention of high school girls to gain experience in government.
WKOW 952.1
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-23', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 952.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 23'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military officer on phasing out military activity.
WKOW 952.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 40'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Newly-elected congressman David Obey on his transition to Congress.
WKOW 952.4
Graduation ceremonies, 1969
Physical Description: 78'-103', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Technical College at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 952.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 103'-139', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men having a bus ride and picnic.
WKOW 952.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 139'-183', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Flag ceremony at Falk Elementary School.
WKOW 952.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 183'-253', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Student Association president on student strike and improving conditions for minority students.
WKOW 952.8
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 253'-278', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin.
WKOW 952.9
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 278'-305', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man presenting work injury information at Ramada Inn.
WKOW 952.10
Graduation ceremonies, 1969
Physical Description: 305'-332', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Technical College at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 952.11
News, 1969
Physical Description: 33T-362', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and William Dyke at Dane County Dairy Producers function.
WKOW 952.12
News, 1969
Physical Description: 362'-410', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Severe storm damage.
WKOW 952.13
News, 1969
Physical Description: 410'-447', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Brown Swiss calf in Secretary of State Robert Zimmerman's office to promote World Dairy Exposition.
WKOW 953.1
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 0'-38', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Gleason on 4-H Congress.
WKOW 953.2
Meetings, 1969 June
Physical Description: 38'-66', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Administrative Management Society.
WKOW 953.3
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 66'-119', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on preparing girls for future jobs, sex discrimination, and the role of women in society.
WKOW 953.4
News, 1969 June
Physical Description: 119'-142', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Storm damage clean-up.
WKOW 953.5
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 142'-197', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on social drinking and alcoholism.
WKOW 953.6
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 197'-231', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on United Givers budget.
WKOW 953.7
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 231'-247', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on law enforcement lobby group.
WKOW 954.1
News, 1969 June
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Group of men boarding bus outside State Capitol.
WKOW 954.2
Meetings, 1969 June
Physical Description: 27'-61', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: JOBS program.
WKOW 954.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 60'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children at science fair.
WKOW 954.4
Political announcements, 1969 June
Physical Description: 89'-115', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on cutting waste from military budget.
WKOW 954.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 115'-142', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin students paying fees.
WKOW 954.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 142'-170', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's secretary at work.
WKOW 954.7
Meetings, 1969 June
Physical Description: 170'-250', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Association of Colored Women (U.S.). Roger Sutton interviews author of A Colored Woman in a White World.
WKOW 954.8
News, 1969 June
Physical Description: 250'-281', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military training.
WKOW 954.9
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 281'-329', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on urban problems in U.S. cities and possible solutions on a federal level.
WKOW 954.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 329'-355', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Legion Civil War re-enactment.
WKOW 954.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 355'-429', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on landscaping around Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 955.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-31', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school students in State Assembly chamber.
WKOW 955.2
Features (Newsfilm) , 1969 June
Physical Description: 32'-61', silent, color, positive  
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on soap box derby program.
WKOW 955.3
Features (Newsfilm), 199 June
Physical Description: 61'.-83', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beauty contest evening gown competition.
WKOW 955.4
Traffic accident reports, 1969 June
Physical Description: 83'-101', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 955.5
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 101'-169', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin--Madison climatologist Hans Rosendahl on rainy summer weather.
WKOW 955.6
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 169'-279', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on potential AFL-CIO boycott of Schlitz while Schlitz Brewing Company workers are on strike.
WKOW 956.1
News, 1969 June
Physical Description: 0'-22', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Flooded streets.
WKOW 956.2
Press conferences, 1969 June
Physical Description: 22'-41', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his joint city appointment as both supervisor and negotiator for Police and Fire Departments.
WKOW 956.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 41'-97', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Helicopter ride and delivery of money bags to American Exchange Bank's West Branch.
WKOW 956.4
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 97'-195', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on defense budget.
WKOW 956.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 195'-234', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: James Rector People's Park festival.
WKOW 956.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 234'-266', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Children's violin recital.
WKOW 956.7
News, 1969 June
Physical Description: 266'-295', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Divine Savior United Methodist Church fire.
WKOW 956.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 295'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Poster and print sale.
WKOW 956.9
On-site interviews/Hearings, 1969 June
Physical Description: 330'-429', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews men on call for constitutional convention.
WKOW 957.1
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 0'-172', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews Department of Transportation representative on highway safety.
WKOW 957.2
Promotional materials, 1969 June
Physical Description: 172'-237', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hospital scenes from Fort Carson (Colorado) army hospital.
WKOW 957.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 237'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men in office.
WKOW 957.4
News, 1969 June
Physical Description: 265'-300', ,silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles signing disaster proclamation. File footage of natural disasters: tornadoes, flooding.
WKOW 957.5
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 300'-368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on fire fighters' union contract and strike.
WKOW 957.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 June
Physical Description: 368'-407', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World Museum train arrives in Madison.
WKOW 957.7
On-site interviews, 1969 June
Physical Description: 407'-437', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on surtax.
WKOW 958.1
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 0'-95', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders interviews woman on minority employment.
WKOW 958.2
Political announcements, 1969 July
Physical Description: 95'-121', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on combating federal waste in the budget and military spending.
WKOW 958.3
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 121'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man discussing Civil Air Patrol.
WKOW 958.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 154'-176', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Neighborhood parade.
WKOW 958.5
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 176'-209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on constitutional convention for the proposed Dirksen Amendment which calls for changes in legislative representations.
WKOW 958.6
Press conferences, 1969 July
Physical Description: 209'-288', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State trooper on holiday traffic problems.
WKOW 958.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 288'-345', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Health and Social Services adult health screening clinic.
WKOW 958.8
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 345'-373', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin budget.
WKOW 958.9
Awards ceremonies, 1969 July
Physical Description: 373'-413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 958.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 413'-457', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kid's day at the Eastside Businessmen's Association festival.
WKOW 959.1
Banquets/Speeches, 1969 July
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaking at Rotary Club luncheon.
WKOW 959.2
Awards ceremonies/Banquets/Speeches, 1969 July
Physical Description: 28'-76', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles giving safety awards.
WKOW 959.3
News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 76'-134', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Various scenes of Wisconsin National Guard.
WKOW 959.4
News, 1969 July
Physical Description: ,134'-156', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hotel Loraine fire.
WKOW 959.5
Awards ceremonies, 1969 July
Physical Description: 156'-178', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles awarding military medals.
WKOW 959.6
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 178'-286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on military budget.
WKOW 959.7
News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 286'-305', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Hotel Loraine fire.
WKOW 959.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 305'-342', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: German shepherd puppy in Common Council chamber.
WKOW 960.1
News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-22', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Flooding in Darlington, Wisconsin.
WKOW 960.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 22'-55', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on NAACP picnic.
WKOW 960.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 55'-91', silent, color, positive  
Scope and Content Note: Ways to keep cool; scenes of swimming, fans, and air conditioners.
WKOW 960.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 91'-148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on anti-ballistic missiles vs. the “MIRV” system.
WKOW 960.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 148'-209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roland L. Buchanan, Jr., on disadvantaged students in the educational system.
WKOW 960.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 209'-262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 44th annual Stoughton Jr. Fair.
WKOW 960.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 262'-328', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roland L. Buchanan, Jr., Director of Human Relations for Madison Public Schools.
WKOW 960.8
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 328'-432', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser and other legislators on state budget.
WKOW 960.9
Openings, 1969
Physical Description: 432'-453', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and William Dyke at bank opening.
WKOW 960.10
Groundbreakings, 1969
Physical Description: 453'-473', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke at groundbreaking ceremony.
WKOW 961.1
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 0'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey, David Carley, Donald Peterson, and Robert Huber on the future of the Democratic Party and Wisconsin governor's race.
WKOW 961.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 71'-112', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Setting up Dane County Jr. Fair.
WKOW 961.3
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 112'-275', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey, David Carley, Donald Peterson and Robert Huber on the future of the Democratic Party and the Wisconsin governor's race.
WKOW 961.4
News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 275'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Taping rock band at WHA-TV studios.
WKOW 962.1
Studio interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 0'-26', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on City of Madison budget.
WKOW 962.2
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 26'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders interviewing Walk For Development planners.
WKOW 962.3
Banquets, 1969 July
Physical Description: 114'-154', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Welcome to Marquette” School luncheon.
WKOW 962.4
News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 154'-177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly session.
WKOW 962.5
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 177'-253', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on new drug legislation.
WKOW 962.6
News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 253'-305', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Housing protest at Executive Residence.
WKOW 962.7
News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 305'-375', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and the University's budget.
WKOW 963.1
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 0'-93', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speculating on the composition of the moon (interview was prior to the first moonwalk).
WKOW 963.2
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 93'-193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews Madison Mayor William Dyke and Middleton Mayor Baumann on Youth Advisory Group.
WKOW 963.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 193'-212', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles with clown.
WKOW 963.4
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 212'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on crime.
WKOW 963.5
Political announcements, 1969 July
Physical Description: 278'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on surtax.
WKOW 963.6
On-site interviews/News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 297'-369', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly session. Legislators are interviewed on school and tax bill.
WKOW 964.1
Traffic accident reports, 1969 July
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 964.2
Meetings, 1969 July
Physical Description: 26'-50', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 964.3
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 50'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on consumer protection and fraud investigations.
WKOW 964.4
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 114'-196', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders interviews Father Ernest K. St. John on Community Action Commission.
WKOW 964.5
Celebrity visits/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 196'-236', silent and optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eddie Peabody, banjo player and entertainer, visits Madison with his traveling group.
WKOW 964.6
On-site interviews/News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 236'-338', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reports on World Food Exposition at the Dane County Coliseum. Interviews with Wilbur Renk and others.
WKOW 965.1
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 0'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on political groups like Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
WKOW 965.2
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 70'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser on his running for Lt. Governor of Wisconsin.
WKOW 965.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 94'-135', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Party for Lt. Kling at Madison Police Dept.
WKOW 965.4
Meetings, 1969 July
Physical Description: 135'-156', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 965.5
On-site interviews/News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 156'-273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reporting from University of Wisconsin--Extension Institute on Alcoholism. He talks with Dr. Dan Anderson and another man on combating alcoholism.
WKOW 965.6
Public announcements, 1969 July
Physical Description: 273'-359', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison City Attorney Conrad's proclamation of first moonwalk.
WKOW 965.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 359'-414', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles in office with visitors.
WKOW 966.1
News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 0'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women on “adopting” military unit overseas.
WKOW 966.2
News, 1967 July
Physical Description: 71'-83', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke greeting man at airport.
WKOW 966.3
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 83'-113', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unions bargaining with the City of Madison over labor contracts.
WKOW 966.4
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 113'-162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on money needed for fighting organized crime.
WKOW 966.5
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 162'-193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 966.6
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 193'-224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roland Buchanan on disadvantaged students in Madison public schools.
WKOW 966.7
Awards ceremonies, 1969 July
Physical Description: 224'-257', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man receives a military medal.
WKOW 966.8
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 257'-287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roland Buchanan on goals for his job working with disadvantaged children.
WKOW 966.9
Studio interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 287'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on solid waste disposal problems for Madison.
WKOW 966.10
On-site interviews, 1969 July
Physical Description: 318'-355', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Cameron on the inspection of lunar rock samples.
WKOW 966.11
News, 1969 July
Physical Description: 355'-391', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Youth group meeting in State Assembly chambers.
WKOW 966.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 July
Physical Description: 391'-433', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair at Library Mall.
WKOW 967.1
News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Men destroying marijuana crop.
WKOW 967.2
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 41'-79', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Budget hearings at the State Capitol.
WKOW 967.3
Political announcements, 1969 August
Physical Description: 79'-103', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on President Nixon's world tours.
WKOW 967.4
News, 1969 August
Physical Description: 103'-146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Civil Air Patrol tour of Memorial Union and Babcock Hall.
WKOW 967.5
Banquets, 1969 August
Physical Description: 146'-191', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's luncheon.
WKOW 967.6
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 191'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey on raised taxes and how certain groups are unrepresented in tax restructuring.
WKOW 967.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 210'-282', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lawrence Welk on his life and “champagne” music.
WKOW 967.8
News, 1969
Physical Description: 282'-344', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on police and fire fighters' unions.
WKOW 968.1
Hearings, 1969 August
Physical Description: 0'-37', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget hearings at State Capitol.
WKOW 968.2
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 37'-106', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on master plan for development of Truax Field and industrial park.
WKOW 968.3
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 106'-176', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men discussing the appointment of one of them to the steering committee developing an Afro-American studies department at the University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 968.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 176'-207', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey on surtax.
WKOW 968.5
Press conferences, 1969 August
Physical Description: 207'-245', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Woman from Citizens for Civic Peace on police recruiting and minorities.
WKOW 968.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 245'-281', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women selling Veterans Day poppies at Hilldale Shopping Center.
WKOW 968.7
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 281'-322', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey on DDT and dangers to the environment.
WKOW 968.8
Hearings, 1969 August
Physical Description: 322'-357', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget hearings at State Capitol.
WKOW 968.9
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 357'-390', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey on federal budget.
WKOW 968.10
Panel discussions, 1969 August
Physical Description: 390'-449', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WHA-TV question and answer session in television studio.
WKOW 968.11
Banquets, 1969 August
Physical Description: 449'-480', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 969.1
On-site interviews/News, 1969 August
Physical Description: 0'-24', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Northwest Airlines, Inc. discontinuing use of Dane County Airport in training flights.
WKOW 969.2
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 24'-64', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on combined churches “sing-in” at Edgewood College.
WKOW 969.3
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 64'-82', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Northwest Airlines, Inc. (and other airlines) discontinuing their use of the Dane County Airport as a training center.
WKOW 969.4
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 82'-122', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders interviews Mary Matthews, lead administrative teacher for Child Development, Inc.
WKOW 969.5
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 122'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders reports on church “sing-in” at Edgewood College.
WKOW 969.6
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 153'-258', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser and other legislators on compromise state budget tax bill.
WKOW 969.7
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 258'-317', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin's traffic safety program.
WKOW 969.8
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 317'-339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders interviews Mary Matthews of Child Development, Inc.
WKOW 969.9
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 339'-405', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two women on Project Understanding exchange program with Grenada County, Mississippi.
WKOW 970.1
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 0'-76', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Report on Wisconsin State Fair.
WKOW 970.2
Meetings, 1969 August
Physical Description: 76'-102', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Hairdressers' meeting.
WKOW 970.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 102'-139', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man test driving new car.
WKOW 970.4
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 139'-225', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders interviewing Donald Gotherd on Apollo 11 and the future of the space program.
WKOW 970.5
Openings/On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 225'-276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Jack Olson at Wisconsin State Fair opening.
WKOW 970.6
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 276'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: AAA seat belt “convincer” demonstration. Fran Echerman, Madison Area Safety Director, is interviewed.
WKOW 970.7
Press-conferences/News, 1969 August
Physical Description: 360'-440', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and Robert Warren signing illegal narcotics bill.
WKOW 971.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 0'-35', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Fair.
WKOW 971.2
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 35'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Alderman Eugene Parks living outside of his ward.
WKOW 971.3
Meetings, 1969 August
Physical Description: 93'-141', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 971.4
Banquets/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 141'-177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Up With People group singing for a Rotary Club luncheon.
WKOW 971.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 177'-367', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on views of out-of-state vacationers in Wisconsin.
WKOW 971.6
News, 1969 August
Physical Description: 367'-420', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Storm damage at Wisconsin State Fair.
WKOW 971.7
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 420'-439', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser and another legislator on the state budget and the new sales tax.
WKOW 971.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 439'-499', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Expo '70 promotional exhibit.
WKOW 972.1
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-181', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews R. Dodd Meddock, hot air balloonist, at Law Park.
WKOW 972.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 181'-212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Body being removed from Henry-Gilman Apt. Building.
WKOW 972.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 212'-256', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on children's programs.
WKOW 972.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 256'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade on Capitol Square.
WKOW 972.5
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 300'-409', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City of Madison press conference on buying Madison Bus Company.
WKOW 973.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1968
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior shots of taverns on Main Street.
WKOW 973.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 18'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Alderman Eugene Parks.
WKOW 973.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 40'-169', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reports on the powers the City of Madison has in case of a work slowdown.
WKOW 973.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 169'-206', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Antique car show.
WKOW 973.5
Political announcements, 1969
Physical Description: 206'-234', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on welfare system.
WKOW 973.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 234'-269', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair at State Capitol.
WKOW 973.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 269'-317', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles welcomes Expo '70 (Japan World Exposition) promotional tour.
WKOW 973.8
News/On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 317'-480', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on proposed U.S. Postal Service revamping and interview with David Obey.
WKOW 974.1
Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly Chamber and hearing room.
WKOW 974.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 26'-50', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police at accident scene.
WKOW 974.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 50'-125', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on mayoral powers.
WKOW 974.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 August
Physical Description: 125'-249', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton report on Zor Shriners convention.
WKOW 974.5
On-site interviews, 1969 August
Physical Description: 249'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on bus service.
WKOW 974.6
News, 1969
Physical Description: 321'-470', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pollution in Lake Mendota. Roger Sutton reports.
WKOW 975.1
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-43', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Red Cross relief for hurricane victims.
WKOW 975.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 43'-81', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Accident procedures and first aid demonstration at the Wisconsin Center.
WKOW 975.3
News, 1969
Physical Description: 81'-95', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Train wreck.
WKOW 975.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 95'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on banking changes over the years.
WKOW 975.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 139'-227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on Zor Shriners convention.
WKOW 975.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 227'-311', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military maneuvers at Camp McCoy.
WKOW 975.7
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 311'-400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on health and safety measures. First aid training with simulated injuries.
WKOW 975.8
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 400'-480', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on banking and inflation.
WKOW 976.1
News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-37', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles watching women put together mailing.
WKOW 976.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 37'-110', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on labor negotiations with city employees and their unions.
WKOW 976.3
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 110'-194', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Commission meeting on bus transportation.
WKOW 976.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 194'-246', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on banking and his prediction about money.
WKOW 976.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 246'-269', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey gives his impressions of Congress as a freshman Congressman.
WKOW 976.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 269'-284', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse jumping.
WKOW 976.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 284'-377', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Zor Shriners parade.
WKOW 976.8
News, 1969
Physical Description: 377'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Train wreck clean up.
WKOW 977.1
News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-138', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders reports on Wisconsin's Work Incentive Training Center.
WKOW 977.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 138'-188', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on water conservation and pollution.
WKOW 977.3
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 188'-214', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signs bill, and talks about how he needs the support from Democrats to get legislation passed.
WKOW 977.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 214'-380', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on police and fire labor union negotiations with the city and fire fighter Ed Durkin's role in the negotiations.
WKOW 978.1
News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-75', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislators working on tax reports.
WKOW 978.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 75'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shopping scenes on State Street and at Nakoma Plaza.
WKOW 978.3
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 92'-272', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reporting on legislation introduced by Governor Knowles as part of budget package.
WKOW 978.4
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 272'-297', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State budget.
WKOW 978.5
Political announcements, 1969
Physical Description: 297'-322', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on defense procurement.
WKOW 978.6
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 322'-384', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on new plan to buy the Madison Bus Company.
WKOW 979.1
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-175', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Department of Social Services reports on welfare budget cuts. Interview with working mothers at a playground on how cuts affect children, schools, and transportation.
WKOW 979.2
House fires, 1969
Physical Description: 175'-188', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 979.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 188'-253', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children going to school and interior of elementary school.
WKOW 979.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 253'-317', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on fighting world hunger.
WKOW 979.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 317'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fair.
WKOW 979.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 338'-370', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wilhelm Tell pageant in New Glarus, Wisconsin.
WKOW 979.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 370'-406', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade.
WKOW 980.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-6', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: McDonald's Restaurant on Park Street.
WKOW 980.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 6'-20', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arrested man in basement of City-County Building.
WKOW 980.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 20'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on federal money for law enforcement.
WKOW 980.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 78'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman Alfonsi attacking Democrats in the Legislature for being spectators, not active participants.
WKOW 980.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 139'-182', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Superintendent of Madison Schools Douglas Ritchie on classroom size problems.
WKOW 980.6
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 182'-305', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assemblyman on welfare spending.
WKOW 980.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 305'-410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on Ford Foundation course for foreign graduate students.
WKOW 981.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus side show.
WKOW 981.2
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 28'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on improving the community.
WKOW 981.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 92'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Superintendent of Madison Schools Douglas Ritchie on tuition reimbursement for children from Eagle Heights Apartments (University of Wisconsin owned housing).
WKOW 981.4
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 126'-189', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on contract for buying Madison Bus Co.
WKOW 981.5
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 189'-231', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Superintendent of Madison Schools Douglas Ritchie on state aid for education.
WKOW 981.6
On-site interviews/Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 231'-259', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke speaking to State Assembly.
WKOW 981.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 259'-282'; silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Large bags of plants.
WKOW 982.1
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Gregory, of the National Alliance of Businessmen, on their summer job program to help disadvantaged students.
WKOW 982.2
Judicial proceedings/News, 1969
Physical Description: 88'-156', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crime scene in La Rue, Wisconsin and judicial proceeding (suspect being held?) in a courtroom.
WKOW 982.3
On-site interviews/News, 1969
Physical Description: 156'-241', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin President Fred Harrington on legislature's cuts to University budget.
WKOW 982.4
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 241'-293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the Badger Herald student newspaper.
WKOW 982.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 293'-314', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drive-through banking at Hilldale State Bank.
WKOW 982.6
News, 1969
Physical Description: 314'-356', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Police stake-out at Larry's Bar in La Rue, Wisconsin.
WKOW 982.7
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 356'-437', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly, Commerce and Manufacturing Committee.
WKOW 983.1
Hearings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-42', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 983.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 42'-83', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Superintendent of Madison Schools Douglas Ritchie on the public school budget.
WKOW 983.3
Political announcements, 1969 November
Physical Description: 83'-106', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on defense spending.
WKOW 983.4
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 106'-169', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on illegal drug use.
WKOW 983.5
Traffic accident reports, 1969 November
Physical Description: 169'-191', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 983.6
Meetings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 191'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cheese marketing meeting.
WKOW 983.7
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 218'-257', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dangle Lounge owner Alfonse Reichenberger at City-County Building.
WKOW 983.8
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 257'-326', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Daily Cardinal (University of Wisconsin student newspaper) spokesman on the Badger Herald finances.
WKOW 984.1
News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Various speakers on welfare funding before State Assembly.
WKOW 984.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 116'-205', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pray For Peace assembly at First Congregational Church and vandalism at ROTC building across the street.
WKOW 984.3
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 205'-237', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on implied consent.
WKOW 984.4
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 237'-272', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Committee on Finance.
WKOW 984.5
News, 1969
Physical Description: 272'-308', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke, Warren Knowles, and others at computer installation.
WKOW 984.6
Banquets/Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 308'-366', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club luncheon for Madison's young “unsung” heroes.
WKOW 984.7
Traffic accident reports, 1969
Physical Description: 366'-386', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 984.8
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 386'-458', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on recodification of University of Wisconsin student conduct rules.
WKOW 984.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 458'-499', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students having picture I.D.'s taken.
WKOW 985.1
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-96', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders at South Madison Neighborhood Center interviews Center Director Jim Johnson on his goals for the Center.
WKOW 985.2
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 96'-176', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents meeting and interview with a man on an experiment done at UW.
WKOW 985.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 176'-197', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interior shots of a fraternity house.
WKOW 985.4
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 197'-240', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 985.5
Banquets/Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 240'-252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles giving speech at dinner.
WKOW 985.6
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 252'-370', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on welfare in State Assembly chamber.
WKOW 985.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 370'-402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on student conduct.
WKOW 985.8
Speeches/Meetings, 1969
Physical Description: 402'-434', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City departments attend convention on safety.
WKOW 986.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 0'-39', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Heritage traveling display: “American Showcase.”
WKOW 986.2
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 39'-96', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles speaking at Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 986.3
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 96'-160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 986.4
Meetings/Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 160'-187', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Red Cross meeting and presentation of Aaron Bohrod painting.
WKOW 986.5
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 187'-281', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on property taxes.
WKOW 986.6
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 281'-347', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 986.7
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 347'-397', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on drug abuse and law enforcement training.
WKOW 986.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 397'-465', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Neighborhood recreation center.
WKOW 987.1
On-site interviews/Speeches, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-66', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles welcomes man who then speaks on improved marketing, technical research, and development in Wisconsin.
WKOW 987.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 66'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and civil defense spokesman (?) on civil defense, natural disasters, and nuclear emergency planning.
WKOW 987.3
Traffic accident reports, 1969 November
Physical Description: 210'-230', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 987.4
Hearings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 230'-363', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Anderson, Fred Risser, Robert Warren attend hearing.
WKOW 987.5
Meetings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 363'-389', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 987.6
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 389'-446', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the development of higher education and the involvement of students.
WKOW 988.1
News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-32', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Protest march (anti-war demonstration?).
WKOW 988.2
News, 1969
Physical Description: 32'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vandalized building.
WKOW 988.3
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 61'-104', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey giving his tax reform proposals.
WKOW 988.4
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 104'-118', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man addressing Madison Common Council.
WKOW 988.5
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 118'-189', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and Milwaukee Mayor Henry Maier on state urban aid package.
WKOW 988.6
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 189'-219', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 988.7
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 219'-254', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles speaking to University of Wisconsin students and parents on “Wonderful Wisconsin Week.”
WKOW 988.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 254'-275', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke test driving (?) a car.
WKOW 988.9
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 275'-393', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on road reconstruction.
WKOW 989.1
News, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest march on Capitol Square.
WKOW 989.2
Speeches, 1969
Physical Description: 27'-119', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren speaking to State Assembly.
WKOW 989.3
Press conferences, 1969
Physical Description: 119'-165', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles.
WKOW 989.4
News, 1969
Physical Description: 165'-310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare rights rally at State Capitol. Many speakers, including Father James Groppi, speak against cutting welfare programs.
WKOW 990.1
Press conferences, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-55', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare rights activists (Father James Groppi among them?) on their protest against welfare cuts. Scenes of welfare protest at the State Capitol.
WKOW 990.2
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 55'-86', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the lack of communication between the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and the State Legislature.
WKOW 990.3
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 86'-156', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Space exhibit and interview with scientist on the composition of lunar materials.
WKOW 990.4
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 October
Physical Description: 156'-205', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus speaking at awards ceremony for teenagers.
WKOW 990.5
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 205'-238', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 990.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 238'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman talking about her dress.
WKOW 990.7
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 265'-304', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police and demonstrators at Capitol Square (welfare rights demonstration?).
WKOW 990.8
Speeches/News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 304'-411', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and others speaking at State Assembly on due process.
WKOW 990.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 411'-455', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo at the Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 991.1
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-83', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on welfare rights demonstration at State Capitol.
WKOW 991.2
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 83'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Mifflin Street incident.
WKOW 991.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 120'-152', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Walk for Development.
WKOW 991.4
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 152'-190', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi on why he is in jail.
WKOW 991.5
Press conferences, 1969 October
Physical Description: 190'-312', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Press conference on the planned Vietnam War moratorium and its hoped for effect on universities.
WKOW 991.6
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 312'-402', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: VISTA (Volunteers In Service To America) exhibit and woman interviewed on the program.
WKOW 992.1
House fires, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fitchburg.
WKOW 992.2
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 27'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Parker on space stations and astronomy experiments.
WKOW 992.3
On-site interviews/News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 60'-124', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin military unit is welcomed home from Vietnam. Large crowd greets airplane; soldiers are interviewed.
WKOW 992.4
On-site interviews, 1969 October 9
Physical Description: 124'-176', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders on day care program.
WKOW 992.5
Press conferences, 1969 October 9
Physical Description: 176'-216', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles meets with Asian delegation.
WKOW 992.6
On-site interviews, 1969 October 9
Physical Description: 216'-284', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews state trooper retiring after 30 years.
WKOW 992.7
Hearings, 1969 October
Physical Description: 284'-424', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Citizens speak to State Assembly on welfare cuts.
WKOW 993.1
Studio interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-36', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christian evangelist on how solutions to war, poverty and racism will come through a spiritual revolution.
WKOW 993.2
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 36'-65', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin's Edwin Young in office conferring with another person.
WKOW 993.3
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 65'-118', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Retiring state trooper on gambling.
WKOW 993.4
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 118'-177', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Parker on being an astronaut/astronomer.
WKOW 993.5
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 177'-209', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small airplane crash site.
WKOW 993.6
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 209'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Amos Burrows on the Madison community giving its fair share to social service agencies serving the greater Madison area.
WKOW 993.7
Speeches/News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 250'-305', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin and other activists speaking at a church on welfare rights.
WKOW 993.8
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 305'-330', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Small plane crash site (same as in segment 5).
WKOW 993.9
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 330'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Parker on space station.
WKOW 993.10
Political announcements, 1969
Physical Description: 353'-377', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on inflation and unemployment.
WKOW 993.11
Press conferences, 1969 October
Physical Description: 377'-457', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison Tenant Union and problems with housing and landlords.
WKOW 994.1
Banquets, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-101', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles speaking at banquet and health meeting.
WKOW 994.2
Awards ceremonies, 1969 October
Physical Description: 101'-125', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 994.3
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 125'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man with anti-smoking mannequin (“Smoking Sam”) and a stop smoking message.
WKOW 994.4
Meetings, 1969 October 15
Physical Description: 208'-290', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 12th annual Leadership Institute.
WKOW 995.1
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-57', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistants Association pickets in front of Bascom Hall.
WKOW 995.2
Meetings, 1969 October
Physical Description: 57'-66', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 995.3
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 66'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on staff conduct during disturbance at Waupun State Prison.
WKOW 995.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 107'-152', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art show at Madison Art Center.
WKOW 995.5
News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 152'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Refuse site and landfill.
WKOW 995.6
On-site interviews/Press conferences, 1969 October
Physical Description: 188'-312', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on NAACP membership. William Dyke signs proclamation naming October “NAACP Membership Month.”
WKOW 995.7
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 312'-368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prisoner disturbance at Waupun State Prison.
WKOW 995.8
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 368'-430', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews public television station manager on what he'd like to see public television do.
WKOW 996.1
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-103', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on consumer protection and organized crime bills now before legislature.
WKOW 996.2
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 103'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on technological solutions for environmental pollution.
WKOW 996.3
Awards ceremonies, 1969 October
Physical Description: 158'-221', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles presenting award.
WKOW 996.4
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 221'-252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on expansion of fast food restaurants and service oriented fields.
WKOW 996.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 252'-302', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin all campus blood drive.
WKOW 996.6
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 302'-340', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on value of U.S. dollar in relation to world economy.
WKOW 996.7
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 340'-370', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man commenting on public television and viewer satisfaction.
WKOW 996.8
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 370'-413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on franchise business and population expansion.
WKOW 1082.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-36', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at State Capitol with Bronson La Follette and Martin Schreiber.
WKOW 1082.2
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 36'-60', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on 1970 Congressional race.
WKOW 1082.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 60'-91', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vandalism at U.S. Army Reserve building.
WKOW 1082.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 91'-135', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on air pollution in Madison.
WKOW 1082.5
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 135'-161', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1082.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 161'-208', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles talking with disabled child in governor's office.
WKOW 1082.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 208'-228', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Putting up Christmas tree in State Capitol rotunda.
WKOW 1082.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 228'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on highway fatalities in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1083.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on developing industrial park at Truax Field.
WKOW 1083.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 61'-106', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on employment.
WKOW 1083.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 106'-137', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on glide paths created by runways at Truax Field.
WKOW 1083.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 137'-190', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on medical treatment in the southern United States.
WKOW 1083.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 190'-232', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on law enforcement conference he attended.
WKOW 1083.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 232'-253', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Check presentation in Secretary of State Robert Zimmerman's office.
WKOW 1083.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 253'-292', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Damage scenes, perhaps from fire, in offices and labs.
WKOW 1084
[unidentified film]
WKOW 1085.3
Dries, etc., 1969 November 23
Alternate Format: WKOW 1085 also available online.

Scope and Content Note: Clips include budget cuts in Madison School District; (Sentator Bob Packwood of Oregon?) talking about politics in the United States; and Santa Claus arriving at the Dane County Colisuem. Order of clips for 1085.1 and 1085.3 are reversed.
WKOW 1085.2
Groppi in Dane County Jail, 1969
Alternate Format: WKOW 1085 also available online.
WKOW 1085.1
Birth control/Abortion cuts, 1969
Alternate Format: WKOW 1085 also available online.

Scope and Content Note: Order of clips for 1085.1 and 1085.3 are reversed.
WKOW 1086.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: League of Women Voters representative on how to get involved in local elective politics.
WKOW 1086.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 60'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Superintendent Douglas Ritchie on Madison School Board's master plan.
WKOW 1086.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 101'-220', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Different views on proposed landfill sites.
WKOW 1086.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 220'-300', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on supporting and drafting candidates for local elections.
WKOW 1086.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 300'-398', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on relocating Dane County Regional Airport.
WKOW 1087.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire on Williamson Street.
WKOW 1087.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 34'-77', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on Teaching Assistants Association bargaining.
WKOW 1087.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 77'-167', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on running for Dane County supervisor.
WKOW 1087.4
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 167'-221', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Music Educators Conference on University of Wisconsin--Madison campus.
WKOW 1087.5
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 221'-240', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1087.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 240'-320', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Reed Coleman on his part in elections.
WKOW 1087.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 320'-356', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton with William Proxmire in foreign aid.
WKOW 1087.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 356'-401', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parking lots at Nakoma Plaza and Broom and Johnson Streets in Madison.
WKOW 1088.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-27', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on military and education conflicts in Vietnam.
WKOW 1088.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 27'-76', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on job security for University of Wisconsin teaching assistants.
WKOW 1088.3
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 76'-121', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on federal budget cuts, including those for space program.
WKOW 1088.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 121'-180', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on higher education in Vietnam and goals for his upcoming trip there.
WKOW 1088.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 180'-232', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on teaching assistants and bargaining mechanisms.
WKOW 1088.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 232'-255', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city budget.
WKOW 1088.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 255'-325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on duties of Wisconsin Attorney General.
WKOW 1088.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 325'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on teaching assistant workloads.
WKOW 1088.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 362'-450', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on enrollments at Wisconsin State University at Stevens Point.
WKOW 1089.1
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-42', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1089.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 42'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on Biafran war in Nigeria.
WKOW 1089.3
Banquets/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 101'-146', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speaker at Rotary Club luncheon on environmental issues.
WKOW 1089.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 146'-195', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on legislation affecting Madison.
WKOW 1089.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 195'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man from segment 3 on environmental issues.
WKOW 1089.6
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 223'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on effluent tax to keep streams and rivers clean.
WKOW 1089.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 268'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man from segment 3 on effluent tax.
WKOW 1089.8
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 303'-350', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1089.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 350'-418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on education bill.
WKOW 1090.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-51', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Police Department. Ceremony in Madison Common Council chambers.
WKOW 1090.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 51'-138', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city annexation of lands.
WKOW 1090.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 138'-203', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing ORAP 200.
WKOW 1090.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 203'-271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on pollution abatement.
WKOW 1090.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 271'-290', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on ORAP 200.
WKOW 1091.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-31', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cold weather scenes in downtown Madison.
WKOW 1091.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 31'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on local efforts in Madison to stop environmental pollution.
WKOW 1091.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 87'-156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on consequences of tax reform legislation.
WKOW 1091.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 156'-211', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on defense spending.
WKOW 1091.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 211'-241', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters investigating fire.
WKOW 1091.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 241'-291', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of State Legislature in session.
WKOW 1091.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 291'-325', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1092.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on changes in tax law and tax forms.
WKOW 1092.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 40'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews University of Wisconsin professor on moon and space experiments.
WKOW 1092.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 158'-226', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Internal Revenue Service spokesman on changes in tax form 1040.
WKOW 1092.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 226'-257', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton and University of Wisconsin professor from segment 2.
WKOW 1092.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 257'-306', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Internal Revenue Service spokesman from segment 1.
WKOW 1092.6
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 306'-350', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles, William Dyke, and others at Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1092.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 350'-402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews man on local environmental groups.
WKOW 1093.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-79', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speakers from conference on child abuse.
WKOW 1093.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 79'-138', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on issues before city.
WKOW 1093.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 138'-227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on resources for solving environmental problems and Earth Day observances.
WKOW 1093.4
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 227'-256', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Jaycees.
WKOW 1093.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 256'-289', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on water and air pollution problems.
WKOW 1093.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 289'-326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on length of processing Wisconsin state income tax returns.
WKOW 1093.7
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 326'-436', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young, William Dyke speak at Optimists Inter-Service Club.
WKOW 1094.1
Candidacy announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-125', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Republican announcing candidacy for U.S. Senate at State Capitol.
WKOW 1094.2
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 125'-175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At State Capitol.
WKOW 1094.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 175'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews men on child abuse.
WKOW 1094.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 250'-304', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on changes in state and federal income tax filing.
WKOW 1094.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 304'-341', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on dissemination of information on environmental issues.
WKOW 1094.6
Candidacy announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 341'-421', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Huber announces he is not running for governor.
WKOW 1095.1
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-12', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Overturned propane truck on Beltline Highway.
WKOW 1095.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 12'-142', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on transportation planning and school board elections.
WKOW 1095.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 142'-184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin registration scenes.
WKOW 1095.4
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 184'-214', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Building Commission meeting in Warren Knowles' office. Fred Risser attends.
WKOW 1095.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 214'-240', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1095.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 240'-277', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Loading organ type instrument onto bus, in front of Music Hall.
WKOW 1095.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 277'-306', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire damage.
WKOW 1095.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 306'-387', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on SST (Supersonic Transport) and housing costs.
WKOW 1095.9
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 387'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator on effect of interest rate on housing.
WKOW 1095.10
Graduation ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 412'-431', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin--Madison graduation at the Field House.
WKOW 1096.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-346', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Baird on abortion and birth control legality and availability.
WKOW 1097.1
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Knowles giving awards to military people.
WKOW 1097.2
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 24'-50', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1097.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 50'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Model railroad fair.
WKOW 1097.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 100'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on portrayals of women in comic strips.
WKOW 1097.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 157'-198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on how attitudes at a local level can contribute to war.
WKOW 1097.6
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 198'-220', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1097.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 220'-283', magnetic, color, positives  
Scope and Content Note: Man (segment 5) on perceptions of peace.
WKOW 1097.8
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 283'-336', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1097.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 336'-421', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hot air balloon takes off from Hilldale and Law Park.
WKOW 1097.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 421'-463', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teenagers making wood projects.
WKOW 1097.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 463'-499', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exhibit featuring “Famous Wisconsin Women.”
WKOW 1098.1
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-43', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Luncheon at Elks Club with William Dyke in attendance.
WKOW 1098.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 43'-84', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: S.T.E.P. aluminum can “stomping” demonstration.
WKOW 1098.3
News/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 84'-154', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle and Douglas Ritchie speaking at school board meeting. Ritchie on school repairs.
WKOW 1098.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 154'-235', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on school board power.
WKOW 1098.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 235'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie on “master” plan for Madison schools.
WKOW 1098.6
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 278'-297', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Food and awards for Sales and Marketing Executives of Madison.
WKOW 1098.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 297'-316', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signs “implied consent” into law.
WKOW 1098.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 316'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Baird on birth defects and drug use.
WKOW 1098.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 345'-407', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing drug rehabilitation bill into law.
WKOW 1099.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-43', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing bill on highway development.
WKOW 1099.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 43'-78', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles giving awards to Boy Scouts in State Senate chambers.
WKOW 1099.3
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 78'-102', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 1099.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 102'-140', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Computer aided legal services project at University of Wisconsin--Madison Business School.
WKOW 1099.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 140'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County airport traffic control.
WKOW 1099.6
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 188'-223', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Furniture and painting given to institution.
WKOW 1099.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 223'-255', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wire service air pollution monitoring scenes.
WKOW 1099.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 255.'-291', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Model of moon travel.
WKOW 1099.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 291'-375', -silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on deficiency in state budget.
WKOW 1099.10
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 375'-404', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Board of Regents meeting.
WKOW 1099.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 404'-431', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Spring Break scenes in Madison.
WKOW 1100.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-32', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke press conference.
WKOW 1100.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 32'-76', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Congressman on troop readiness and withdrawal from Vietnam.
WKOW 1100.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 76'-120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting and swearing-in ceremony.
WKOW 1100.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 120'-191', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke on criticism of his administration.
WKOW 1100.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 191'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same Congressman from segment 2 on fighting crime.
WKOW 1101.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-40', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing DDT ban.
WKOW 1101.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 40'-53', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on troop withdrawal from Vietnam.
WKOW 1101.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 53'-76', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke affixing inspection sticker to city car.
WKOW 1101.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 76'-111', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and Robert Warren at signing of consumer protection bill.
WKOW 1101.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 111'-154', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles presenting check to Marquette Medical School.
WKOW 1101.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 156'-181', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaking at Great Hall of Memorial Union. Shots of broken windows on State Street.
WKOW 1101.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 181'-226', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and others on use of University of Wisconsin facilities.
WKOW 1102.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-82', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on consumer protection bill and scenes of Wisconsin Consumer League.
WKOW 1102.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 82'-140', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Knowles on preservation of environment and response of state agencies.
WKOW 1102.3
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 140'-193', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters at a house fire and fire fighter Ed Durkin.
WKOW 1102.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 193'-224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on type of voter who supports Nixon.
WKOW 1102.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 224'-248', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demolition of Mapleside Home.
WKOW 1102.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 248'-290', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on current economic problems and possible solutions.
WKOW 1102.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 290'-327', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Congressman on ramifications of defense cuts.
WKOW 1102.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 327'-357', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on training of draftees.
WKOW 1102.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 357'-373', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Harrington on response to student violence.
WKOW 1102.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 373'-392', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reaction to recruiting by GE on University of Wisconsin campus.
WKOW 1102.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 392'-420', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student violence.
WKOW 1102.12
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 420'-439', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting to stop Project Sanguine.
WKOW 1102.13
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 439'-472', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Congressman on water pollution legislation.
WKOW 1103.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-41', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on urban renewal and various other social problems.
WKOW 1103.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 41'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke on law enforcement and Truax Field.
WKOW 1103.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 172'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting with William Dyke in attendance on police and community relations.
WKOW 1103.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 223'-249', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on attitudes towards older people.
WKOW 1103.5
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 249'-314', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1103.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 314'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of vandalism in meeting room.
WKOW 1103.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 338'-384', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1103.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 384'-409', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at University of Wisconsin--Whitewater's Old Main Building.
WKOW 1103.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 409'-485', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People on Madison Tenant Union and rent withholding.
WKOW 1104.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-30', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on conditions of Vietnamese universities.
WKOW 1104.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 30'-95', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on modern circuses.
WKOW 1104.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 95'-142', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on effects of Russian domination in Europe.
WKOW 1104.4
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 142'-180', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1104.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 180'-221', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More of Lee Dreyfus on Vietnamese universities.
WKOW 1104.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 221'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man discusses birth control pill.
WKOW 1104.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 233'-278', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March and rally at Federal Building.
WKOW 1104.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 278'-290', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman wanting to find host families for visiting boys.
WKOW 1104.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 290'-352', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on rally to show support for Chicago 7.
WKOW 1104.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 352'-429', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Computer training facility.
WKOW 1104.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 429'-462', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on screening prospective students at University of Wisconsin--Madison for political affiliations.
WKOW 1105.1
On-site interviews/Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey, Robert Warren, and others on fighting environmental pollution.
WKOW 1105.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 98'-132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dam at Prairie du Sac.
WKOW 1105.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 132'-173', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at Doty School.
WKOW 1105.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 173'-201', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Picketing against terrorism at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1105.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 201'-239', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing law enforcement bill.
WKOW 1105.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 239'-279', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on how the news is perceived worldwide.
WKOW 1105.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 279'-329', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1105.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 329'-369', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Czech man on his protests of current political policies in Czechoslovakia.
WKOW 1105.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 369'-426', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on the circus.
WKOW 1106.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on recent consumer fraud schemes.
WKOW 1106.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 60'-133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on power problems between black and white people.
WKOW 1106.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 133'-166', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: IBM system/3 promotion.
WKOW 1106.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 166'-201', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on illegal drug sources.
WKOW 1106.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 201'-251', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Sherman Dreyfus on “freedom of assent.”
WKOW 1106.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 251'-311', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on safety of civilian air passengers going to and from Israel.
WKOW 1106.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 311'-373', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on development of Truax Field area.
WKOW 1106.8
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 373'-393', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Urban League.
WKOW 1106.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 393'-422', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on power of white communities.
WKOW 1106.10
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 422'-453', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1107.1
Speeches/Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-47', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At a Rotary Club luncheon, Lee Dreyfus speaks on foreign university students remaining in U.S. after graduation.
WKOW 1107.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 47'-63', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Headstart funding.
WKOW 1107.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 63'-130', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on development of statewide curriculum on environmental issues and awareness.
WKOW 1107.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 130'-176', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire bombing at Old Red Gym, University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1107.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 176'-196', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified concert at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1107.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 196'-257', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on changing the existing system.
WKOW 1107.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 257'-306', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on creation of environmental curriculums.
WKOW 1107.8
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 306'-340', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 1107.9
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 340'-400', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren and others at hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1107.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 400'-430', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Urban League official on his definition of integration.
WKOW 1107.11
News, 1970
Physical Description: 430'-478', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air pollution at University of Wisconsin--Madison power plant.
WKOW 1108.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-39', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Governor Knowles' office.
WKOW 1108.2
On-site interviews , 1970
Physical Description: 39'-90', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State tax official on collecting property taxes for school funding.
WKOW 1108.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 90'-132', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on media coverage of court system.
WKOW 1108.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 132'-186', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 2) on property taxes.
WKOW 1108.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 186'-194', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1108.6
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 194'-274', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office.
WKOW 1108.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 274'-356', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on candidacy for Republican Senate seat.
WKOW 1108.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 356'-386', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on abolishing segregation.
WKOW 1108.9
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 386'-409', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on bill to make home buying easier.
WKOW 1108.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 409'-455', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Sherman Dreyfus on the educational value of war.
WKOW 1109.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-63', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke on politics of city council.
WKOW 1109.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 63'-86', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student violence.
WKOW 1109.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 86'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on participation in city politics.
WKOW 1109.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 116'-160', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on police attitudes and treatment.
WKOW 1109.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 160'-188', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on lack of allegations to Police and Fire Commission.
WKOW 1109.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 188'-251', silent and magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and David Carley on gubernatorial campaign.
WKOW 1109.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 251'-271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on course policy.
WKOW 1109.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 271'-287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on exam system at University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1109.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 287'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on sex education in schools.
WKOW 1109.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 303'-335', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on campaign spending.
WKOW 1109.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 335'-365', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of State Capitol.
WKOW 1109.12
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 365'-402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on why media should not be allowed in courtrooms.
WKOW 1109.13
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 402'-442', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ramifications of Vietnam war on domestic economy.
WKOW 1110.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on safe ways to view eclipse.
WKOW 1110.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 48'-66', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unveiling of Rock County Interstate 90 rest area.
WKOW 1110.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 66'-121', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on public school education on drug use and misuse.
WKOW 1110.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 121'-136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on a case against Milwaukee County D.A.
WKOW 1110.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 136'-171', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on U.S. involvement in Laos.
WKOW 1110.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 171'-198', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's conference.
WKOW 1110.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 198'-225', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on weather and snow melt conditions.
WKOW 1110.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 225'-252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Detention Center or jail.
WKOW 1110.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 252'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on control of animal diseases, and snow melt conditions.
WKOW 1110.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 297'-357', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on computer assisted learning systems.
WKOW 1110.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 357'-402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on investments of State of Wisconsin for pension funds.
WKOW 1110.12
News, 1970
Physical Description: 402'-433', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at art show with younger people.
WKOW 1110.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 433'-457', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men opening some sort of facility.
WKOW 1111.1
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-42', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office; Fred Risser and others in attendance.
WKOW 1111.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 42'-140', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistants Association on TA demands and impending strike.
WKOW 1111.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 140'-177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office (same as in segment 1).
WKOW 1111.4
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 177'-236', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at safety award ceremony.
WKOW 1111.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 236'-278', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sherman School children stage anti-pollution media event.
WKOW 1111.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 278'-316', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on snowfall and flooding.
WKOW 1111.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 316'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on drug education in public schools.
WKOW 1111.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 353'-377', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on public input on pollution issues.
WKOW 1111.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 377'-407', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of La Crosse TV station WXOW-TV.
WKOW 1111.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 407'-452', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on changing abortion law.
WKOW 1111.11
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 452'-495', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state education board.
WKOW 1112.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-113', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young and others on TA strike. Two different press conferences.
WKOW 1112.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 113'-153', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Knowles signing bills.
WKOW 1112.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 153'-190', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on temporary housing for visiting teenage boys.
WKOW 1112.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 190'-241', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on TA strike.
WKOW 1112.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 241'-276', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1112.6
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 276'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in mayor's office.
WKOW 1112.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 307'-335', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ship scenes - possibly on the Great Lakes.
WKOW 1112.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 335'-387', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state board of education.
WKOW 1112.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 387'-458', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on TA strike.
WKOW 1113.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-48', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1113.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 48'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on re-evaluation of schools.
WKOW 1113.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 98'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Medical applications of computers.
WKOW 1113.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 138'-213', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students on support of TA strike.
WKOW 1113.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 213'-259', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Risser and others speaking in Common Council chambers on proposed Beltline expansion.
WKOW 1113.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 259'-282', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Airport and inside of plane.
WKOW 1113.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 282'-313', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified party.
WKOW 1113.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 313'-408', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin spokesman and others on TA strike (including Edwin Young).
WKOW 1113.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 408'-465', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on changes in regional and district schools.
WKOW 1114.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-41', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state funding for Headstart and disabled students.
WKOW 1114.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 41'-116', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistant Association and University of Wisconsin representatives on TA strike.
WKOW 1114.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 116'-150', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office.
WKOW 1114.4
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 150'-198', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke and others at Kiwanis luncheon.
WKOW 1114.5
Groundbreakings, 1970
Physical Description: 198'-227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military groundbreaking in Tomah.
WKOW 1114.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 227'-283', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mary Muppets Day Nursery School.
WKOW 1114.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 283'-323', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on water pollution, especially phosphates, in local lakes.
WKOW 1114.8
Groundbreakings, 1970
Physical Description: 323'-345', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Legion groundbreaking at Dane County Fairgrounds.
WKOW 1114.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 345'-410', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Local beauty pageant.
WKOW 1114.10
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 410'-471', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at Hill Farms State Office Building.
WKOW 1115.1
Banquets/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-63', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Halleck at Rotary luncheon on drug abuse.
WKOW 1115.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 63'-121', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on saccharin test given to mice.
WKOW 1115.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 121'-184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of TA strike in front of Bascom Hall.
WKOW 1115.4
Press conferences, 1970 March
Physical Description: 184'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on TA strike and state basketball tournament.
WKOW 1115.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 233'-274', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on proposed state education changes.
WKOW 1115.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 274'-326', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of TAA picketers.
WKOW 1115.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 326'-362', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Large computer demonstrated.
WKOW 1115.8
On-site interviews, 1970 March
Physical Description: 362'-417', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Priest on St. Patrick.
WKOW 1115.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 March
Physical Description: 417'-445', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Shamrocks for dystrophy” fund raising.
WKOW 1116.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-43', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on increase in crime in Madison.
WKOW 1116.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 43'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on creation of campus councils between UW system campuses.
WKOW 1116.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 80'-123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Durkin on his suspension from fire department.
WKOW 1116.4
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 123'-157', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chamber of Commerce honoring Bennett Cerf at the Mary Sawyer auditorium.
WKOW 1116.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 157'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA in courtroom.
WKOW 1116.6
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 188-214', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified group of men.
WKOW 1116.7
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 214'-260', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Luncheon promoting sale of Savings Bonds.
WKOW 1116.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 260'-308', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of campus and surrounding area.
WKOW 1116.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 308'-355', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on youth violence in Latin America.
WKOW 1116.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 355'-396', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on teacher training.
WKOW 1116.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 396'-478', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes from Davis House.
WKOW 1117.1
News/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-71', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on various projects at Wil-Mar Neighborhood House.
WKOW 1117.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 71'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Inside main post office.
WKOW 1117.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 89'-126', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstrators marching to Capitol.
WKOW 1117.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 126'-143', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Knowles signing proclamation.
WKOW 1117.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 143'-167', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Picketing postal workers at main post office.
WKOW 1117.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 167'-194', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of campus buildings.
WKOW 1117.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 194'-264', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on crime increase in Madison.
WKOW 1117.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 264'-332', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA press conference concerning strike.
WKOW 1117.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 332'-349', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ed Durkin on conflict with fire department.
WKOW 1118.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-37', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke on commercial development in Madison.
WKOW 1118.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 37'-52', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA picketers outside the Wisconsin Center.
WKOW 1118.3
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 52'-110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assembly hearing at the State Capitol.
WKOW 1118.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 110'-169', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Knowles on halting growth of “megalopolis.” Also his decision not to run again.
WKOW 1118.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 169'-208', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man announcing candidacy for Dane County D.A. (Gerald Nichol?).
WKOW 1118.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 208'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on legal options to fight environmental pollution.
WKOW 1118.7
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 244'-251', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1118.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 251'-308', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Margaret Mead on feminism, legalization of marijuana, and mass media.
WKOW 1118.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 308'-341', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Knowles on employment and housing in larger urban areas.
WKOW 1118.10
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 341'-388', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren and others comment on Department of Natural Resources and Justice Department.
WKOW 1118.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 388'-424', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Margaret Mead press conference continued from segment 8.
WKOW 1118.12
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 424'-453', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing in La Crosse County.
WKOW 1118.13
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 453'-480', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on financial aid.
WKOW 1119.1
' On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-18', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on uses of wood fiber.
WKOW 1119.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 18'-35', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Press conference in Mayor's office on landfill space.
WKOW 1119.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 35'-71', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interviews and meeting on education.
WKOW 1119.4
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 71'-120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Postmaster's annual conference.
WKOW 1119.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 120'-456', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on education.
WKOW 1119.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 156'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on regional boards (?)
WKOW 1119.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 172'-202', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1119.8
Speeches/On-site interviews , 1970
Physical Description: 202'-264', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club luncheon speaker on TAA demands.
WKOW 1119.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 264'-299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Financing of public and private schools.
WKOW 1119.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 299'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on relevance of drug abuse education programs.
WKOW 1119.11
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 352'-389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting with all sorts of audio-visual equipment.
WKOW 1119.12
On-site interviews/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 389'-448', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club luncheon.
WKOW 1120.1
News/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-64', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on paper recycling.
WKOW 1120.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 64'-118', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA strike and demands.
WKOW 1120.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 118'-164', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on census questionnaire and hotline.
WKOW 1120.4
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 164'-177', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Aftermath of fire.
WKOW 1120.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 177'-204', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1120.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 204'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on educational system in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1120.7
Wire service, 1970
Physical Description: 215'-246'; silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airplanes and hangar (Air Force).
WKOW 1120.8
On-site interviews/News, 1970
Physical Description: 246'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man at Dane County Airport on problem with air traffic controllers; also shot inside terminal. Pilot interview.
WKOW 1120.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 345'-371', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: TAA strikers.
WKOW 1120.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 371'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Daily chores of a chicken farmer.
WKOW 1120.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 415'.-446', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Vilas Zoo including bear and deer.
WKOW 1121.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-50', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke on schools and other subjects.
WKOW 1121.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 50'-68', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man reading statement.
WKOW 1121.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 68'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke on juvenile justice and pollution.
WKOW 1121.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 126'-184', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Cain on education policies.
WKOW 1121.5
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 184'-201', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sales and Marketing Executives of Madison.
WKOW 1121.6
Openings, 1970
Physical Description: 201'-222', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke opening exhibit at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1121.7
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 222'-323', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on juvenile delinquency and other social problems.
WKOW 1121.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 323'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxes.
WKOW 1121.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 352'-398', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on “selling” franchises.
WKOW 1121.10
Wire service, 1970
Physical Description: 398'-432', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mechanical aid for paralyzed arm.
WKOW 1122.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-30', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Chicago air traffic controllers.
WKOW 1122.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 30'-47', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke speaking at pollution related meeting.
WKOW 1122.3
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 47'-99', silent and magnetic, color, positive  
Scope and Content Note: Man on dealing with young people.
WKOW 1122.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 99'-126', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin related press conference.
WKOW 1122.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 126' -148', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin system meeting.
WKOW 1122.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 148'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on illegal drug use on campus.
WKOW 1122.7
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 240'-281', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson at Dane County Airport on his gubernatorial campaign.
WKOW 1122.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 281'-342', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legality of Teaching Assistants Association strike.
WKOW 1122.9
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 342'-371', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire damaged house.
WKOW 1122.10
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 371'-412', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified medical meeting and looking at equipment.
WKOW 1122.11
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 412'-429', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Arthritis forum.
WKOW 1122.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 429'-465', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Retirement party at Madison Police Department.
WKOW 1123.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-42', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters putting out brushfire.
WKOW 1123.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 42'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of different schools.
WKOW 1123.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 92'-133', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Buildarama” exhibits.
WKOW 1123.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 133'-147', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street businesses shown.
WKOW 1123.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 147'-176', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Board.
WKOW 1123.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 176'-255', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistants Association pickets in front of Bascom Hall.
WKOW 1123.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 255'-285', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on driver education.
WKOW 1123.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 285'-345', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man campaigning for U.S. Congress.
WKOW 1123.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 345'-380', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes in Babcock Dairy Store.
WKOW 1123.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 380'-397', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: House displayed.
WKOW 1123.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 397'-424', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fishing at a dam on the La Crosse River.
WKOW 1123.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 424'-452', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison Teenager Beauty Pageant.
WKOW 1124.1
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-58', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislation.
WKOW 1124.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 58'-93', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gateway Transportation in La Crosse.
WKOW 1124.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 93'-143', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Muhammed Ali on whiteness of role models.
WKOW 1124.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 143'-173', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on politics of Madison Common Council.
WKOW 1124.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 173'-193', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles, Edwin Young, and others attend meeting.
WKOW 1124.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 193'-220', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on farm management.
WKOW 1124.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 220'-240', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sport show at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1124.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 240'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vilas Park scenes.
WKOW 1124.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 265'-299', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistants Association rally.
WKOW 1124.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 299'-325', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Modifying University of Wisconsin trucks.
WKOW 1124.11
News, 1970
Physical Description: 325'-378', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing pollution related proclamation.
WKOW 1124.12
News, 1970
Physical Description: 378'-396', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Polling place at City-County Building.
WKOW 1124.13
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 396'-418', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scout dinner.
WKOW 1125.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on utilization of instructors.
WKOW 1125.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 44'-67', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1125.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-124', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and others speaking at meeting.
WKOW 1125.4
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 124'-164', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and others speaking to teenagers in State Assembly chambers.
WKOW 1125.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 164'-200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on risk factors for heart attacks.
WKOW 1125.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 200'-225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reversed film of brush fire.
WKOW 1125.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 225'-255', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss America of 1969.
WKOW 1125.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 255'-305', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on human relations and scientific development.
WKOW 1125.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 305'-325', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nurse and mother with newborn baby.
WKOW 1125.10
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 325'-350', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles speaking at State Trooper ceremony.
WKOW 1125.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 350'-386', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on gains of TAA strike.
WKOW 1125.12
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 386'-443', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on escalation of Vietnam War and parade route.
WKOW 1125.13
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 443'-510', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Muhammad Ali at University of Wisconsin--Platteville on problems of cultural integration.
WKOW 1126.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office with Risser and others in attendance.
WKOW 1126.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 47'-186', silent and magnetic,b&w and color,pos,neg 
Scope and Content Note: Men on job placement, union, and seniority in hospitals, state institutions, and prison.
WKOW 1126.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 186'-226', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man explains “in loco parentis” (in the place of the parents) and how this relates to University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1126.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 226'-264', silent and magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Man on planning of state strike.
WKOW 1126.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 264'-300', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Open house at Madison Area Technical College.
WKOW 1126.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 300'-335', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men planting evergreens.
WKOW 1126.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 335'-390', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cost to farmers per acre in Dane County; he's especially concerned with taxes.
WKOW 1126.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 390'-416', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Classroom demonstrations of wood properties.
WKOW 1127.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-63', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women on future of nursing services.
WKOW 1127.2
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 63'-116', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beauty pageant and contestant interview.
WKOW 1127.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 116'-158', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles announcing restraining order against state employees.
WKOW 1127.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 158'-203', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state strikers demands.
WKOW 1127.5
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 203'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles giving Marines a Wisconsin flag.
WKOW 1127.6
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 215'-251', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1127.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 251'-344', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and union spokesman on strikers' demands.
WKOW 1127.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 344'-377', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protesters to City-County Building.
WKOW 1127.9
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 377'-422', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1127.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 422'-438', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles with Marines in his office.
WKOW 1127.11
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 438'-473', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1128.1
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-16', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1128.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 16'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on consequences of degrading leadership.
WKOW 1128.3
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 39'-46', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1128.4
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 46'-85', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beauty pageant practice and interview with contestant.
WKOW 1128.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 85'-419', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pollution reduction efforts of the University.
WKOW 1128.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 119'-157', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on media coverage of the anti-war movement.
WKOW 1128.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 157'-198', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1128.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 198'-222', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WHA-TV station.
WKOW 1128.9
News/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 222'-291', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Health service meeting and man on increasing costs.
WKOW 1128.10
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 291'-318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles, Bart Starr, and others at luncheon.
WKOW 1128.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 318'-336', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Union spokesman.
WKOW 1128.12
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 336'-410', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on candidates and labor certification.
WKOW 1128.13
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 410'-463', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on implied consent law.
WKOW 1129.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-67', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interviews with Miss Madison pageant contestants.
WKOW 1129.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-128', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war demonstration at the State Capitol.
WKOW 1129.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 128'-177', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on program in which children from Mississippi visit Wisconsin families.
WKOW 1129.4
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 177'-198', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren gives awards to teenagers.
WKOW 1129.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 198'-209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on personal progress.
WKOW 1129.6
Press conferences/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 209'-275', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam veteran on his experience.
WKOW 1129.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 275'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles R. Smith announcing candidacy for state treasurer.
WKOW 1129.8
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 367'-390', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in classroom.
WKOW 1129.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 390'-448', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Miss Madison.
WKOW 1129.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 448'-484', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Lake Michigan pollution.
WKOW 1130.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-89', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man campaigning for Dane County district attorney.
WKOW 1130.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 89'-131', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Preservation Hall Jazz Band concert.
WKOW 1130.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 131'-147', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing anti-smoking proclamation.
WKOW 1130.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 147'-225', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School bus equipped for disabled children.
WKOW 1130.5
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 225'-263', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1130.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 263'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on effect of Sterling Hall bombing on anti-war movement.
WKOW 1130.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 315'-357', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Homes near rock formations.
WKOW 1130.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 357'-376', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison Beauty Pageant rehearsal.
WKOW 1130.9
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 376'-401', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1131.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison Beauty Pageant contestants.
WKOW 1131.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 61'-95', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on possible cancellation of environmental fair.
WKOW 1131.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 95'-117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstrators at IRS office on University Avenue protesting use of taxes for the war.
WKOW 1131.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 117'-169', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on liability of arrested protesters.
WKOW 1131.5
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 169'-197', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Train hits man.
WKOW 1131.6
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 197'-240', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles speaking to young people about pollution.
WKOW 1131.7
Banquets/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 240'-275', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club with speaker on agriculture.
WKOW 1131.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 275'-306', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Classes at La Follette High School.
WKOW 1131.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 306'-344', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren and Dorothy Knowles planting trees at the Governor's Mansion.
WKOW 1131.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 344'-395', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration from Library Mall to State Capitol.
WKOW 1132.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-42', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his campaign for governor.
WKOW 1132.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 42'-97', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on security risks involved in holding an environmental fair.
WKOW 1132.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 97'-178', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on laser research.
WKOW 1132.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 178'-279', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on planning for environmental fair.
WKOW 1132.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 279'-327', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In governor's office.
WKOW 1132.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 327'-354', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Job fair with local firms.
WKOW 1132.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 354'-376', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles meeting with young people on environmental issues.
WKOW 1132.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 376'-407', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on environmental fair.
WKOW 1132.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 407'-431', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protesters singing outside Mifflin Street Co-op.
WKOW 1132.10
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 431'-453', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In mayor's office.
WKOW 1132.11
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 453'-472', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1133.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-22', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on consumer education.
WKOW 1133.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 22'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prevention of consumer fraud.
WKOW 1133.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 60'-110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Inside the Environmental Health Office.
WKOW 1133.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 110'-149', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison Pageant.
WKOW 1133.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 149'-186', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scouts at space exhibition in Prairie du Chien.
WKOW 1133.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 186'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on property tax reform.
WKOW 1133.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 244'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam veteran on assisting federal legislators who oppose the war.
WKOW 1133.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 267'-305', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Madison contestant.
WKOW 1133.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 305'-326', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Environmental fair on State Street.
WKOW 1133.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 326'-336', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Brush clearing.
WKOW 1133.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 336'-385', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview on rock festival.
WKOW 1134.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children in State Senate and Assembly chambers.
WKOW 1134.2
Banquets/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 26'-83', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club. Speaker on flexibility of state judges' assignments.
WKOW 1134.3
Banquets/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 83'-110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scout dinner with speaker.
WKOW 1134.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 110'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: College of Agriculture small animal fair.
WKOW 1134.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 150'-159', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on visual aids in classroom.
WKOW 1134.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 159'-166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on unknown subject.
WKOW 1134.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 166'-233', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders talks to students at Madison East High School about better communication between adults and teenagers.
WKOW 1134.8
Candidacy announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 233'-300', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man announcing for unidentified office.
WKOW 1134.9
Man on the street interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 300'-366', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People on Mayor William Dyke's parade policy.
WKOW 1134.10
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 366'-391', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In Poynette.
WKOW 1134.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 391'-421', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rock festival in Poynette.
WKOW 1134.12
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 421'-445', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In governor's office.
WKOW 1135.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-72', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1135.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 72'-94', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elementary school assembly.
WKOW 1135.3
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 94'-114', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1135.4
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 114'-144', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in school auditorium.
WKOW 1135.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 144'-204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on women appointed to Dane County Board of Estimates.
WKOW 1135.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 204'-265', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison taxes.
WKOW 1135.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 265'-323', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Bar president on financial legal aid.
WKOW 1135.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 323'-347', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student presentations on pollution and ecology.
WKOW 1135.9
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 347'-366', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative meeting; Fred Risser and others in attendance.
WKOW 1135.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 366-435', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison school budget and birth control availability.
WKOW 1135.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 435'-473', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on Madison Common Council politics.
WKOW 1136.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-61', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1136.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 61'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on lawyers fees.
WKOW 1136.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 94'-120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing proclamation.
WKOW 1136.4
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 120'-214', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Bar conference.
WKOW 1136.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 214'-250', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Health job fair in school auditorium.
WKOW 1136.6
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 250'-274', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Optimist award ceremony.
WKOW 1136.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 274'-350', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man reacting to William Dyke's moratorium on parades and gatherings.
WKOW 1136.8
Banquets/Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 350'-420', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on thermal pollution in Madison lakes.
WKOW 1136.9
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 420'-494', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin budget, water pollution, and taxation.
WKOW 1137.1
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Award presentation at Optimist Club luncheon.
WKOW 1137.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 41'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boys canoeing on river (possibly the Wisconsin River).
WKOW 1137.3
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 87'-119', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speech and scenes from the Western Wisconsin Technical Institute.
WKOW 1137.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 119'-148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on drunk driving law.
WKOW 1137.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 148'-176', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office.
WKOW 1137.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 176'-195', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unidentified topic.
WKOW 1137.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 195'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on government surveillance.
WKOW 1137.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 250'-325', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teacher and students on racial fight at East High.
WKOW 1137.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 325'-357', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Agriculture Department official on pollution legislation.
WKOW 1137.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 357'-376', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Spelling bee.
WKOW 1138.1
Openings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-246', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Methodist Hospital dedication week. Scenes of all areas and equipment at the hospital.
WKOW 1139.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-76', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers and students on proposed renovation for Madison East High School.
WKOW 1139.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 76'-154', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At Dane County Airport, Martin Schreiber running for lieutenant governor.
WKOW 1139.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 154'-192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bob Moreland on Robert Warren running for Wisconsin governor.
WKOW 1140-1142.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-32', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Model United Nations.
WKOW 1140-1142.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 32'-64', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man at Dane County Coliseum commenting on the Viennese Lipazzaner horses.
WKOW 1140-1142.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 64'-90', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teenagers washing cars.
WKOW 1140-1142.4
Wire service, 1970
Physical Description: 90'-125', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force pilots, planes, and control personnel.
WKOW 1140-1142.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 125'-150', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In his office, Warren Knowles visits with disabled woman.
WKOW 1143.1
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reasons for not running for governor.
WKOW 1143.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 40'-59', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1143.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 59'-132', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on contract program of JOBS program. One supports it; the other disputes claims of success.
WKOW 1143.4
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 132'-171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on building standards.
WKOW 1143.5
Hearings/Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 171'-307', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke comments at a hearing and in his office on tax load and property tax relief. Other men comment on taxes. Dyke comments on crowd control.
WKOW 1143.6
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 307'-379', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club luncheon and awards to teenagers.
WKOW 1144.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-33', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Republican State Convention.
WKOW 1144.2
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 33'-67', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1144.3
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-94', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Old Sauk Road and West Beltline Highway.
WKOW 1144.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 94'-110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aftermath of fire at a business.
WKOW 1145.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-65', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting with welfare rights protesters.
WKOW 1145.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 65'-125', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on opposing the Vietnam War peacefully.
WKOW 1145.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 125'-152', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis luncheon with speaker about drugs.
WKOW 1145.4
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 152'-192', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Hire the handicapped” poster contest awards with Warren Knowles.
WKOW 1145.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 192'-211', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Middleton Masonic lodge.
WKOW 1145.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 211'-288', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on benefits of space program for people on earth.
WKOW 1145.7
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 288'-337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson on challenges of the future.
WKOW 1145.8
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 337'-364', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on anti-war protests.
WKOW 1145.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 364'-428', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force fire fighters practicing with new equipment.
WKOW 1145.10
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 428'-468', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gubernatorial candidate comments on opium and its connection to Mafia.
WKOW 1145.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 468'-496', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Louis Rukeyser on economy.
WKOW 1146.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lunch meeting.
WKOW 1146.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 19'-23', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People camping on Bascom Hill.
WKOW 1146.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 23'-48', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting on referendum.
WKOW 1146.4
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 48'-65', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1146.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 65'-75', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1146.6
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 75'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Segment 4 continued.
WKOW 1146.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 100'-146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office.
WKOW 1146.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 146'-192', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Department of Interior Fish Control Laboratory.
WKOW 1146.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 192'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on trip to Washington, D.C. and attitudes there towards the Vietnam War.
WKOW 1146.10
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 228'-272', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Winnebago meeting and election.
WKOW 1146.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 272'-308', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Armed Forces Day on a base.
WKOW 1147.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-69', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard on campus and pro- and anti-war demonstrators.
WKOW 1147.2
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 69'-141', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club luncheon with William Dyke and Navy personnel. Speaker on race relations in the military.
WKOW 1147.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 141'-194', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on the city budget.
WKOW 1147.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 194'-236', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin Arts Council, road beautification, and University of Wisconsin bureaucracy.
WKOW 1147.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 236'-255', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard on campus.
WKOW 1147.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 255'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Department of History office.
WKOW 1147.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 270'-332', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on foreign policy and Common Council politics.
WKOW 1147.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 332'-374', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison legislator on his problem-solving legislation.
WKOW 1147.9
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 374'-460', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Navy officer speaking at Rotary Club.
WKOW 1148.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson and another man comment on Vietnam War and its effect on University of Wisconsin education.
WKOW 1148.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 61'-135', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student input to school board and school system. Scenes of West High meeting.
WKOW 1148.3
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 135'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidate for governor on opium traffic.
WKOW 1148.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 157'-201', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1148.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 201'-215', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More referendum voting.
WKOW 1148.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 215'-262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student input to school boards.
WKOW 1148.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 262'-281', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Harrington on his resignation as University of Wisconsin president.
WKOW 1148.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 281'-326', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student voting at West and East High Schools.
WKOW 1148.9
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 326'-368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on proposed freeway.
WKOW 1148.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 368'-409', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Oscar Mayer Co.
WKOW 1148.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 409'-481', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental implications of industrial development.
WKOW 1149.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-76', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students and principal on problems at East High School.
WKOW 1149.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 76'-166', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street scenes and man on retail sales.
WKOW 1149.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 166'-201', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Apple orchard.
WKOW 1149.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 201'-227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on bond referendum.
WKOW 1149.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 227'-269', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: A new and old city halls in an unidentified town.
WKOW 1149.6
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 269'-304', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on gas tax.
WKOW 1149.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 304'-330', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on credibility gap on Vietnam.
WKOW 1149.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 330'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews Naval officer.
WKOW 1149.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 367'-394', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on arresting the flow of workers from rural to urban areas.
WKOW 1149.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 394'-425', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plymouth trouble shooting contest.
WKOW 1149.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 425'-435', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse show.
WKOW 1150.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-121', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on his opposition to licensing “strip joint.”
WKOW 1150.2
Banquets/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 121'-192', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Priest, at Rotary Club luncheon, on changes in the Catholic Church.
WKOW 1150.3
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 192'-247', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles giving savings bond to young boy and signing a proclamation.
WKOW 1150.4
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 247'-288', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on water pollution.
WKOW. 1150.5
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 288'-311', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on interstate improvement.
WKOW 1150.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 311'-345', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Biking to raise money for “Heart Fund” (in La Crosse?).
WKOW 1150.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 345'-385', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles with legislation.
WKOW 1150.8
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 385'-426', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office.
WKOW 1150.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 426'-444', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New fire truck at downtown station.
WKOW 1151.1
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-53', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1151.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 53'-111', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on University of Wisconsin and taxes.
WKOW 1151.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 111'-165', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1151.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 165'-245', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mary Louise Symon and others on opposition to the war.
WKOW 1151.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 245'-305', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on festival site selection.
WKOW 1151.6
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 305'-331', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car accident victim going into ambulance.
WKOW 1152.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-44', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans ceremony parade at Capitol.
WKOW 1152.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 44'-64', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war parade.
WKOW 1152.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 64'-76', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of West Beltline.
WKOW 1152.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 76'-111', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jim Sykes campaigning for assemblyman.
WKOW 1152.5
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 111'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student violence and enforcement of existing laws.
WKOW 1152.6
Graduation ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 150'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College.
WKOW 1152.7
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 175'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on state taxation problems and duties of assemblyman.
WKOW 1152.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 244'-282', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Flooding (along the Mississippi?).
WKOW 1152.9
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 282'-300', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unity at State Democratic Convention.
WKOW 1152.10
News, 1970 May
Physical Description: 300'-368', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on Memorial Day weekend traffic.
WKOW 1152.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 368'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on not campaigning for Martin Schreiber.
WKOW 1153.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office.
WKOW 1153.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 24'-95', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Hospital doctor on reception of Vietnam veterans.
WKOW 1153.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 95'-128', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on credit union legislation.
WKOW 1153.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 128'-187', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Doctor from Veterans Hospital on reaction to critical article.
WKOW 1153.5
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 187'-215', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club lunch.
WKOW 1153.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 215'-261', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on social problems in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1153.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 261'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Summer Festival in McFarland.
WKOW 1154.1
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on issues that should be addressed at State Democratic Convention.
WKOW 1154.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 48'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental issues in Madison.
WKOW 1154.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 112'-151', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Report on history of Nakoma School and its scheduled razing.
WKOW 1154.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 151'-200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration against anti-war demonstrations in front of City-County Building.
WKOW 1154.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 200'-225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing legislation in his office.
WKOW 1154.6
Speeches/Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 225'-268', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1154.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 268'-353', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on Nakoma school razing.
WKOW 1154.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 353'-372', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and William Dyke at a dairy product related meeting.
WKOW 1154.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 372'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on credit unions.
WKOW 1154.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 June
Physical Description: 391'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Enzyme Research Lab.
WKOW 1155.1
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxes.
WKOW 1155.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 29'-80', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1155.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 80'-458', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arabian horse trainer at Smith Valley Farm.
WKOW 1155.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 158'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on overcoming his handicap both physically and emotionally.
WKOW 1156.1
Graduation ceremonies , 1970
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin graduation at the Field House.
WKOW 1156.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 28'-66', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boat tour on Lake Mendota.
WKOW 1156.3
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 66'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on possible pollution legislation.
WKOW 1156.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 93'-134', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horses at Brindabella farms.
WKOW 1156.5
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 134'-160', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on SST pollution.
WKOW 1156.6
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 160'-203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at military awards ceremony.
WKOW 1156.7
Graduation ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 203'-232', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Technical College at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1156.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 232'-267', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: River boat William A. Thompson on the Mississippi.
WKOW 1156.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 267'-311', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his possible candidacy for Sun Prairie City Council.
WKOW 1156.10
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 311'-370', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1156.11
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 370'-400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on why Democrats are better.
WKOW 1156.12
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 400'-490', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Al Reichenberger on how the federal marshal's rules affect the Dangle and other nude entertainment clubs.
WKOW 1157.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-82', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Opening of Robert La Follette exhibit at State Historical Society.
WKOW 1157.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 82'-146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and other man on substance abuse in educational and industrial settings.
WKOW 1157.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 155'-208', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1157.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 208'-245', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Drum and Bugle Corps.
WKOW 1157.5
Speeches/Graduations, 1970
Physical Description: 245'-394', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speakers at University of Wisconsin--Madison graduation.
WKOW 1157.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 394'-427', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: ROTC ceremony in Mills Hall on University of Wisconsin campus.
WKOW 1157.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 427'-484', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World Museum in Baraboo.
WKOW 1158.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-56', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Family planning services to Dane County residents and possible Office of Equal Opportunity funding.
WKOW 1158.2
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 56'-97', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax relief for people on fixed incomes.
WKOW 1158.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 97'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on increasing risks of heart attack.
WKOW 1158.4
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 140'-170', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on paper mills and pollution in Lake Michigan.
WKOW 1158.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 170'-216', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man and women on drug abuse.
WKOW 1158.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 216'-260', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally against anti-war demonstrations in front of City-County Building.
WKOW 1158.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 260'-291', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “College Week for Women” at University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1158.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 291'-305', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Peterson for Governor van at Blackhawk Country Club.
WKOW 1158.9
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 305'-336', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on women's underdog place in politics.
WKOW 1158.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 336'-375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mississippi River Research Consortium.
WKOW 1158.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 375'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on drug abuse.
WKOW 1158.12
Banquets/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 412'-432', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and others speak at banquet.
WKOW 1158.13
News, 1970
Physical Description: 432'-492', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and others at NAACP meeting (North American Association Alcoholism Programs).
WKOW 1159.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-27', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on drug abuse.
WKOW 1159.2
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 27'-99', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on merger of University of Wisconsin system.
WKOW 1159.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 99'-150', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man from University of Wisconsin Board of Regents on proposed University of Wisconsin merger.
WKOW 1159.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 150'-218', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on Beltline expansion and trees in Arboretum.
WKOW 1159.5
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 218'-262', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Police Department awards.
WKOW 1159.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 262'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: River boat ride with Alice in Dairyland on the Mississippi.
WKOW 1159.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 300'-332', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on air traffic controllers sick-out.
WKOW 1159.8
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 332'-393', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents meeting.
WKOW 1159.9
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 393'-411', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on items taxed.
WKOW 1159.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 411'-455', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on effects of lifestyle on heart attack incidence.
WKOW 1160.1
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Navy man at Kiwanis Club luncheon.
WKOW 1160.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 20'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on effectiveness of Madison Youth Council.
WKOW 1160.3
Wire service, 1970
Physical Description: 60'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Air Force.
WKOW 1160.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 92'-140', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: NACG war games convention at the Madison Community Center.
WKOW 1160.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 140'-163', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Damage to Westgate Shopping Center.
WKOW 1160.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 163'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton at seminar on auto safety.
WKOW 1160.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 228'-279', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on genetics program at University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1160.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 279'-306', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally against anti-war demonstrations at Law Park.
WKOW 1160.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 306'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on heart transplants and organ rejection.
WKOW 1160.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 343'-400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on drug abuse.
WKOW 1160.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 400'-419', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beauty pageant rehearsal.
WKOW 1161.1
News/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-87', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Neighborhood Youth Corps offices and spokeswoman at old Doty School.
WKOW 1161.2
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 87'-146', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Feature on radio drama and advantages of stereo.
WKOW 1161.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 146'-200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting about insurance in Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1161.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 200'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on family planning.
WKOW 1161.5
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 297'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on foreign criticism of the U.S.
WKOW 1161.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 343'-422', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young women discuss planks of Badger Girls State platform.
WKOW 1162.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-22', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on formation of crisis line.
WKOW 1162.2
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 22'-38', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on defense spending.
WKOW 1162.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 38'-97', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson at Lt. Governors' conference in Atlanta.
WKOW 1162.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 97'-137', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bugs and corn plants at the Ridgeview Farm Stable.
WKOW 1162.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 137'-193', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1162.6
News/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 193'-251', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Community Rap Center spokesman.
WKOW 1162.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 251'-272', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1162.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 272'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demolishing a building.
WKOW 1162.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 312'-340', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boys at Camp Wakanda.
WKOW 1162.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 340'-412', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on community delegation to North Vietnam.
WKOW 1162.11
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 412'-462', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assembly of 4-H girls on University of Wisconsin campus. Warren Knowles speaks.
WKOW 1163.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-42', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men announcing suit against Madison Police Department.
WKOW 1163.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 42'-111', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Truttschell, George Mead, and Robert Holm speaking for paper companies on environmental pollution.
WKOW 1163.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 111'-161', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1163.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 161'-280', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on voting laws and rights.
WKOW 1163.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 280'-322', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 84th Army Division, Milwaukee, drills.
WKOW 1163.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 322'-352', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Activity at South Madison Neighborhood Center.
WKOW 1163.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 352'-393', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office.
WKOW 1163.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 393'-418', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Summer school registration at University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1163.9
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 418'-472', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on pollution control speaking to large group of women.
WKOW 1163.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 472'-492', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vandalism at Madison Board of Realtors.
WKOW 1164.1
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aftermath of house fire.
WKOW 1164.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 28'-68', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paper companies presentation and spokesmen on effect of anti-pollution legislation.
WKOW 1164.3
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 68'-107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Navy award ceremony.
WKOW 1164.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 107'-152', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Auto show at Dane County Fairgrounds.
WKOW 1164.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 152'-192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on signing of regulations.
WKOW 1165.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-58', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man from AAA on pedestrian safety and Madison safety award.
WKOW 1165.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 58'-90', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teenagers in State Senate chambers.
WKOW 1165.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 90'-121', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fund raiser at Henry Vilas Zoo.
WKOW 1165.4
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 121'-444', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on phosphates and effects on environment.
WKOW 1165.5
Groundbreakings, 1970
Physical Description: 144'-170', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke, Robert Warren, and others are present.
WKOW 1165.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 170'-218', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on accuracy of polls.
WKOW 1165.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 218'-262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Henry Vilas Zoo fund raising, acquisition of new animals.
WKOW 1165.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 262'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man giving demonstration to state troopers and other law enforcement officials.
WKOW 1165.9
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 307'-350', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified meeting in the governor's office.
WKOW 1165.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 350'-471', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on why Henry Vilas Zoo needs to have a fund raiser.
WKOW 1166.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-43', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Party attended by people in wheel chairs.
WKOW 1166.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 43'-112', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rock festival footage and man in hospital who was shot by a biker.
WKOW 1166.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 112'-172', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Classroom scenes at Randall School.
WKOW 1166.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 172'-195', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kids in swimming pool (possibly at West High).
WKOW 1166.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 195'-213', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More rock festival footage.
WKOW 1166.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 213'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman beauty pageant contestant on college, major, and bowling.
WKOW 1166.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 242'-264', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wilhelm Tell celebration in New Glarus.
WKOW 1166.8
Wire service/Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 264'-299', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Report on “talking computers.”
WKOW 1166.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 299'-318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aerial shot and other scenes of rock festival.
WKOW 1166.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 318'-348', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ham radio activities “field day.”
WKOW 1166.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 348'-392', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin Heart Association and heart disease in general.
WKOW 1166.12
News, 1970
Physical Description: 392'-432', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teenagers in state assembly chambers.
WKOW 1166.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 432'-457', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More New Glarus activities.
WKOW 1166.14
News, 1970
Physical Description: 457'-515', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More rock festival scenes.
WKOW 1167.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-21', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1167.2
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 21'-65', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club luncheon at Loraine Hotel. Speaker on apathy.
WKOW 1167.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 65'-104', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Pines restaurant receives award for good fund raising with “Buck cancer with a Buck.”
WKOW 1167.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 104'-142', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man at Hoffman House West on defense and defense budget.
WKOW 1167.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 142'-167', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man writing in ledger and leaving office in the State Capitol.
WKOW 1167.6
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 167'-227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Orchid and onion awards and banquet at the Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1167.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 227'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Old Milwaukee Special” circus train.
WKOW 1167.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 270'-295', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scout Drum and Bugle Corps at Olin Terrace.
WKOW 1167.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 295'-329', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1167.10
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 329'-414', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on projects being completed in Mississippi by Wisconsin people.
WKOW 1167.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 414'-455', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men from UNICEF world walk with police escort.
WKOW 1167.12
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 455'-496', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shooting victim on fight at rock festival and biker intimidation.
WKOW 1168.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-27', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on elections in Saigon.
WKOW 1168.2
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 27'-51', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: A swearing-in ceremony with military man at the Capitol.
WKOW 1168.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 51'-90', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Segment 1 continued. Man speaking about politics in Vietnam.
WKOW 1168.4
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 90'-118', optical, color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on computer billing legislation.
WKOW 1168.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 118'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Spraying for bugs in La Crosse wetlands.
WKOW 1168.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 155'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1168.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 172'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on job training.
WKOW 1168.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 194'-236', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scouts in La Crosse on Mississippi raft trip.
WKOW 1168.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 236'-280', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on costs of vocational education.
WKOW 1168.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 280'-325', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: La Crosse Historical Society river boat tour on the Mississippi.
WKOW 1168.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 325'-359', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need for appellate court in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1168.12
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 359'-410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his support of Richard Nixon and his policies.
WKOW 1168.13
Unknown, 1970
Physical Description: 410'-416', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Map of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1169.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-52', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on problems of mobile home owners.
WKOW 1169.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 52'-119', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men from Minnesota walking around the world to benefit UNICEF talk to Roger Sutton in Middleton.
WKOW 1169.3
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 119'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on crime in society and specifically at the University (expulsion procedures).
WKOW 1169.4
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 158'-199', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Optimist Club luncheon.
WKOW 1169.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 199'-234', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grand opening and ribbon cutting of public building in La Crosse.
WKOW 1169.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 234'-269', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Safety belt feature.
WKOW 1169.7
Wire service, 1970
Physical Description: 269'-304', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Report from Bell Labs on discovery of carbon monoxide gas in outer space.
WKOW 1169.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 304'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 4th of July festival at Warner Park; William Dyke crowning teenage girl.
WKOW 1169.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 330'-367', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World Museum.
WKOW 1169.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 367'-408', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on coronary disease.
WKOW 1169.11
News/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 408'-473', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on helicopter and Medivac procedures at Truax Field.
WKOW 1170.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-36', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on building of auditorium.
WKOW 1170.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 36'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on development that respects the environment.
WKOW 1170.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 92'-122', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unveiling of plaque at Madison Fire Station No. 1.
WKOW 1170.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 122'-139', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: MCC (?) Center display on effects of development on our environment.
WKOW 1170.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 139'-212', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren wants legislation governing rock festivals.
WKOW 1170.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 212'-255', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (possibly Mr. Landgraf) on the agenda of Madison Common Council.
WKOW 1170.7
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 255'-325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on problems of mobile home owners.
WKOW 1170.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 325'-409', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men walking for UNICEF in Middleton.
WKOW 1170.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 409'-427', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Field displaying experimental crops.
WKOW 1170.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 427'-485', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on laws controlling rock festivals.
WKOW 1171.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-70', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1171.2
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 70'-110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles presenting plaque “Pedestrian Safety Inventory” and other awards.
WKOW 1171.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 110'-154', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DNR counting fish in stream.
WKOW 1171.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 154'-171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Filing papers for Roger Hodge for sheriff, at the City-County building.
WKOW 1171.5
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 171'-186', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aftermath of fire.
WKOW 1171.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 186'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on their attempts to put streets of mobile home parks on maps used by emergency crews.
WKOW 1171.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 240'-263', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city budget.
WKOW 1171.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 263'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Northwest Airlines employees picketing at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1171.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 300'-335', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demolition of old central fire station in Madison.
WKOW 1171.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 335'-352', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Feeding bears at Vilas Zoo.
WKOW 1171.11
Press conferences, 1970 July
Physical Description: 352'-420', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on merger of city and county park systems.
WKOW 1171.12
Press conferences, 1970 July
Physical Description: 420'-462', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Landscape Architecture at UW - study on highway development.
WKOW 1172.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidates filing papers at City-County Building.
WKOW 1172.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 27'-65', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Trains passing through West Salem Station.
WKOW 1172.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July
Physical Description: 65'-92', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: 115th Fighter Group (air defense) being inspected.
WKOW 1172.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July
Physical Description: 92'-141', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: The steamboat Julius Wilkie in a park in Winona, Minnesota. Scenes of steamboat days.
WKOW 1172.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 141'-161', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair on the Capitol grounds.
WKOW 1172.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 161'-199', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: La Crosse Boy Scout troop preparing to depart on trip.
WKOW 1172.7
Awards ceremonies, 1970 July
Physical Description: 199'-222', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military man receives award.
WKOW 1172.8
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 222'-243', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state of housing industry.
WKOW 1172.9
News, 1970 July
Physical Description: 243'-285', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Repairing school.
WKOW 1172.10
Studio interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 285'-313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school rodeo queen.
WKOW 1172.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July
Physical Description: 313'-347', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Fair on the Square.
WKOW 1172.12
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 347'-398', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Wisconsin on life as a beauty queen.
WKOW 1172.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July
Physical Description: 398'-418', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Zimmerman, Wisconsin Secretary of State, at work.
WKOW 1172.14
News, 1970
Physical Description: 418'-455', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men filing papers at the City-County Building.
WKOW 1172.15
Features (Newsfllm), 1970
Physical Description: 455'-489', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Scout Drum and Bugle Corps practicing at Olbrich Park.
WKOW 1173.1
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 0'-118', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pat Lucey on differences between his views and those of Republican Jack Olson. Then Olson responds. Third man on campaign.
WKOW 1173.2
News, 1970 July
Physical Description: 118'-183', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pat Lucey, Robert Warren, Jack Olson, and others in Secretary of State Robert Zimmerman's office.
WKOW 1173.3
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 183'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on housing market.
WKOW 1173.4
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 199'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Wisconsin on traits of a good Miss Wisconsin.
WKOW 1173.5
News, 1970 July
Physical Description: 239'-279', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Melvin Laird and Warren Knowles at military base (Camp McCoy?).
WKOW 1173.6
Banquets/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 279'-320', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speech and slide show on development of downtown Madison.
WKOW 1173.7
Press conferences, 1970 July
Physical Description: 320'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on pollution monitoring he observed on trip to Japan.
WKOW 1173.8
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 352'-383', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man voicing opposition to William Kellett Commission recommendations about education.
WKOW 1173.9
News, 1970 July
Physical Description: 383'-438', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget related meeting in Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1173.10
Press conferences, 1970 July
Physical Description: 438'-472', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Knowles on mercury water pollution.
WKOW 1174.1
Studio interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 0'-28', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on candidates' lack of concern over drug/mafia influence in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1174.2
Banquets/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 28'-45', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and others speak at JOBS luncheon.
WKOW 1174.3
Banquets/Speeches, 1970 July
Physical Description: 45'-101', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary luncheon. Speaker on “whipping boy” attitudes towards the military.
WKOW 1174.4
Hearings, 1970 July
Physical Description: 101'-151', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assembly hearing at Capitol, Fred Risser and others.
WKOW 1174.5
Press conferences, 1970 July
Physical Description: 151'-187', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on attitudes of Vietnamese people towards Americans.
WKOW 1174.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 187'-244', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary speaker continued.
WKOW 1174.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July
Physical Description: 244'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Helicopter putting air conditioner on top of West Towne.
WKOW 1174.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July
Physical Description: 270'-291', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Jr. Fair.
WKOW 1174.9
News, 1970 July
Physical Description: 291'-313', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Large crowd inside the Dangle Lounge.
WKOW 1174.10
Hearings, 1970 July
Physical Description: 313'-327', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assembly hearing continued.
WKOW 1174.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 327'-376', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary speaker continued.
WKOW 1174.12
Press conferences, 1970 July
Physical Description: 376'-430', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on attitudes of Vietnamese people continued.
WKOW 1174.13
Press conferences, 1970 July
Physical Description: 430'-474', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on design of interstates.
WKOW 1175.1
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-59', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Peterson on Vietnam War as a state issue.
WKOW 1175.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 59'-121', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Open house at Four Lakes Aviation.
WKOW 1175.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 121'-146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at James Madison Park.
WKOW 1175.4
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 146'-244', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student unrest at colleges.
WKOW 1175.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 244'-261', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men filing some sort of papers at the Capitol.
WKOW 1175.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 261'-302', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy Scout ceremony.
WKOW 1175.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 302'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (segment 4) on optimal size of colleges.
WKOW 1175.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 345'-364', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UAW picketing at Thorstad Chevrolet.
WKOW 1175.9
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 364'-387', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on mafia in southern Wisconsin.
WKOW 1175.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 387'-404', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aftermath of hay barn fire in Brooklyn.
WKOW 1175.11
News, 1970
Physical Description: 404'-427', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Northwest Airlines employees picketing in front of the Park Motor Inn offices.
WKOW 1175.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 427'-480', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tour of Forest Products Lab.
WKOW 1175.13
News, 1970
Physical Description: 480'-493', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Brooklyn fire continued.
WKOW 1176.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-58', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke meeting with group and attending Common Council session.
WKOW 1176.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 58'-108', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on recent drug trafficking arrests.
WKOW 1176.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 108'-178', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: STOP (Students To Oppose Pollution) set up through Attorney General's office.
WKOW 1176.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 178'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on drug and alcohol program in rural areas.
WKOW 1176.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 203'-231', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: A doctor checking reflexes of child in wheelchair.
WKOW 1176.6
Physical Description: 231'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on younger age of drug abusers.
WKOW 1176.7
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 266'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Peterson on auto insurance rates.
WKOW 1176.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 302'-353', si,b&w and color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW sponsored Greyhound bus trip.
WKOW 1176.9
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 353'-377', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on defense spending.
WKOW 1176.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 377'-410', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Carnival train ride at Central Colony.
WKOW 1176.11
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 410'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Peterson on concerns of the voters.
WKOW 1177.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-69', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on welfare criteria.
WKOW 1177.2
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 69'-137', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on support of candidates and elected officials.
WKOW 1177.3
Features (Newfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 137'-166', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Precision jet flying.
WKOW 1177.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 166'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on AFDC vs. city welfare programs.
WKOW 1177.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 267'-304', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax relief for communities.
WKOW 1177.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 304'-338', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man from segment 2 on how U.S. political system affects individuals.
WKOW 1177.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 338'-378', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ride on the La Crosse Queen for people in wheelchairs.
WKOW 1177.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 378'-398', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on mass arrests.
WKOW 1177.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 398'-455', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on pollution related complaints received by Justice Department.
WKOW 1178.1
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 0'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on council giving information to the legislature.
WKOW 1178.2
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 47'-110', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on remodeling guidelines for State Street.
WKOW 1178.3
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 110'-180', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Commercial exhibit of environmental monitoring machines.
WKOW 1178.4
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 180'-232', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on educational council.
WKOW 1178.5
News, 1970 July
Physical Description: 232'-252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at apartment complex.
WKOW 1178.6
News, 1970 July
Physical Description: 252'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's welfare rights protest at the City-County Building.
WKOW 1178.7
News/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 270'-318', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Windows at Rennebohm's on State Street are bricked up. Man on effect of anti-war riots on State Street windows.
WKOW 1178.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 318'-381', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National symposium on “water quality management.” Commercial displays and sales people.
WKOW 1178.9
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 381'-400', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1178.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 400'-461', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on purpose of subcommittee on shared taxes.
WKOW 1179.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-33', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clean air car race.
WKOW 1179.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 33'-104', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on quality and supply of public school teachers.
WKOW 1179.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 104'-135', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair at Library Mall.
WKOW 1179.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 135'-156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his support of President's Vietnam policy.
WKOW 1179.5
News/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 156'-194', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young people in state legislature chambers.
WKOW 1179.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 194'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Astronaut on layoffs in space program.
WKOW 1179.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 214'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on influence of paper industry on Wisconsin politics.
WKOW 1179.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 244'-275', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art show at Library Mall.
WKOW 1179.9
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 275'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on impending report on campus violence.
WKOW 1179.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 315'-390', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on younger people's perceptions of the political structure.
WKOW 1179.11
On-site interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 390'-425', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (segment 9) on campus violence.
WKOW 1179.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 July
Physical Description: 425'-476', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on teenage state legislature.
WKOW 1180.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-32', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on Wisconsin compliance with voting act.
WKOW 1180.2
News, 1970 July
Physical Description: 32'-52', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car accident.
WKOW 1180.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 52'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elroy-Sparta trail.
WKOW 1180.4
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 92'-158', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on public law enforcement at rock festivals.
WKOW 1180.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 158'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on voting act compliance.
WKOW 1180.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 182'-228', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tour of Madison dump and brush burning site and refuse reduction site.
WKOW 1180.7
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 228'-242', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man giving speech in Capitol with Fred Risser watching.
WKOW 1180.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 242'-277', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus preparations.
WKOW 1180.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 277'-314', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Fair on the Green.
WKOW 1180.10
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 314'-352', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Knowles' office.
WKOW 1180.11
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 352'-380', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another meeting in Knowles' office.
WKOW 1181.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-5', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Brushfire.
WKOW 1181.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 5'-50', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on American dream.
WKOW 1181.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 50'-81', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Storm damage.
WKOW 1181.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 81'-102', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fighting a brush fire.
WKOW 1181.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 102'-135', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on solution for what is wrong with our society.
WKOW 1181.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 135'-178', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Viterbo College in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1181.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 135'-217', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Telemark ski lodge in the summer.
WKOW 1181.8
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 217'-274', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crowd control laws.
WKOW 1181.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 274'-315', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Madison West YMCA.
WKOW 1181.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 315'-380', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison lakes.
WKOW 1181.11
News, 1970 July
Physical Description: 380'-400', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Derailed train.
WKOW 1181.12
Hearings, 1970 July
Physical Description: 400'-483', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: On rock festivals.
WKOW 1182.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-46', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and others on tax reform.
WKOW 1182.2
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: -46'-81', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on crime bill.
WKOW 1182.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 81'-116', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Caravan America picnic.
WKOW 1182.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 116'-216', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1 on property tax reform.
WKOW 1182.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 216'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on attitudes on media towards drugs.
WKOW 1182.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 278'-317', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman and man on lack of day care.
WKOW 1182.7
Groundbreakings, 1970 July
Physical Description: 317'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meal at Barnaby's restaurant and groundbreaking.
WKOW 1182.8
Studio interviews, 1970 July
Physical Description: 338'-370', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on credit law.
WKOW 1182.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 370'-393', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men flying in small plane.
WKOW 1182.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 393'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Picnic, canoe races with teenagers.
WKOW 1182.11
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 415'-442', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire.
WKOW 1183.1
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin speaking in Madison Common Council chambers.
WKOW 1183.2
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 26'-59', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of Madison Bus Company.
WKOW 1183.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 59'-123', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Antique farm machinery show.
WKOW 1183.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 123'-160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Friske's bee yard. Man collecting honey.
WKOW 1183.5
Press conferences, 1970 August
Physical Description: 160'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on municipal bond market and police safety.
WKOW 1183.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 228'-267', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Large sale.
WKOW 1183.7
Press conferences, 1970 August
Physical Description: 267'-355', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on financing of city projects.
WKOW 1183.8
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 355'-438', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Warren Knowles' office. Man on drug education program at UW campus.
WKOW 1183.9
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 438'-486', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders on drug education program in Madison. Gene Bass is interviewed.
WKOW 1184.1
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bullet holes at Mr. Giblin's bar and person arrested.
WKOW 1184.2
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 25'-85', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on “swimmers itch.”
WKOW 1184.3
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 85'-133', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men at Madison Urban League speaking on minority involvement in business.
WKOW 1184.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 133'-154', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crowd at State Capitol looking at traveling exhibit of moon rocks.
WKOW 1184.5
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 154'-170',' silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Town of Fitchburg fire fighters putting out brushfire.
WKOW 1184.6
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 170'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: A huge police action on State Street possibly connected to Mr. Giblin's bar.
WKOW 1184.7
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 207'-245', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Intensive care unit at UW Hospital.
WKOW 1184.8
Graduation ceremonies, 1970 August
Physical Description: 245'-282', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1184.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 282'-302', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East Bluff townhouses.
WKOW 1184.10
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 302'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Knowles on space program. He is at the Loraine Hotel.
WKOW 1184.11
Press conferences, 1970 August
Physical Description: 367'-411', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man announcing campaign platform against war and racism.
WKOW 1184.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 411'-429', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Knowles at moon rock exhibit at State Capitol.
WKOW 1184.13
Speeches, 1970 August
Physical Description: 429'-462', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Knowles at Loraine Hotel on space again.
WKOW 1184.14
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 462'-475', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People cleaning up weeds from lake.
WKOW 1185.1
Meetings/Hearings, 1970 August
Physical Description: 0'-52', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren and others at meeting.
WKOW 1185.2
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 52'-81', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Finance Committee hearing. Jack Olson speaks.
WKOW 1185.3
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 81'-115', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on uselessness of governmental studies.
WKOW 1185.4
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 115'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on pay raises for legislators.
WKOW 1185.5
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 150'-199', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Return to segment 2. Olson and others on budget matters. On site with man who speaks at hearing.
WKOW 1185.6
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 199'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on pollution legislation in Dane County.
WKOW 1185.7
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 268'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on drug influence of white community on black communities.
WKOW 1185.8
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 302'-361', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men at Madison Urban League on minority enterprises.
WKOW 1185.9
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 361'-473', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on swimming quality of Madison lakes and salmonella occurrences.
WKOW 1186.1
Meetings, 1970 August
Physical Description: 0'-12', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1186.2
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 12'-69', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Sykes and others on structural reform of welfare system.
WKOW 1186.3
Meetings, 1970 August
Physical Description: 69'-74', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WKOW 1186.4
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 74'-154', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on rock festival legislation.
WKOW 1186.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 154'-159', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blood drive.
WKOW 1186.6
Press conferences, 1970 August
Physical Description: 159'-253', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on parks proposal.
WKOW 1186.7
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 253'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on money needed for study.
WKOW 1186.8
Press conferences, 1970 August
Physical Description: 278'-344', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on sources of municipal revenue.
WKOW 1186.9
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 344'-354', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest outside the City-County Building.
WKOW 1186.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 354'-382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative pay raises.
WKOW 1187.1
Meetings, 1970 August
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1187.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 25'-63', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Keppler on revising rules of procedure.
WKOW 1187.3
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 63'-110', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man and woman on interaction with drug using community.
WKOW 1187.4
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 110'-120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Board of Regents.
WKOW 1187.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 120'-183', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Keppler on his plan of action for the upcoming session.
WKOW 1187.6
News report, 1970 August
Physical Description: 183'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Zimmerman on opening of Wisconsin State Fair.
WKOW 1187.7
Banquets, 1970 August
Physical Description: 199'-226', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Channel 27 (WKOW) ABC Banquet.
WKOW 1187.8
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 226'-292', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on legislative committee on welfare reform.
WKOW 1187.9
Hearings, 1970 August
Physical Description: 292'-387', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on rock festival rules.
WKOW 1187.10
Meetings, 1970 August
Physical Description: 387'-413', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Board of Regents.
WKOW 1187.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 413'-434', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blood drive.
WKOW 1187.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 434'-475', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clydesdale horses at Jones Dairy Farm preparing for a show.
WKOW 1188.1
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Jack Olson on statewide building code.
WKOW 1188.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 39'-132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College and campus school.
WKOW 1188.3
News, 1970 August
Physical Description: 132'-158', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demolition of Nakoma School.
WKOW 1188.4
News/On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 158'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on legislative efforts to create statewide building code. Interview with Jack Olson.
WKOW 1188.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 233'-275', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boy with broken arm.
WKOW 1188.6
Political announcements, 1970 August
Physical Description: 275'-302', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on theft of Navy gas in Thailand.
WKOW 1188.7
Wire service, 1970 August
Physical Description: 302'-339', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pacemaker update.
WKOW 1188.8
News/Meetings, 1970 August
Physical Description: 339'-383', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Railroad related meeting in Bangor, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1188.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 383'-427', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Neighborhood Festival at Orton Park.
WKOW 1188.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 August
Physical Description: 427'-468', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kids in Evansville eating watermelon.
WKOW 1189.1
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-53', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke at State Hearing, then at his own press conference on Madison bus system.
WKOW 1189.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 53'-67', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles in his office cutting cake with Wisconsin on it.
WKOW 1189.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-99', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on higher taxes.
WKOW 1189.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 99'-142', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on creation of public defender system.
WKOW 1189.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 142'-219', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on transit system outside of Madison.
WKOW 1189.6
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 219'-232', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at Capitol.
WKOW 1189.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 232'-237', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles in office with a family.
WKOW 1189.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 237'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on management of U.S. postal system.
WKOW 1189.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 270'-293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget.
WKOW 1189.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 293'-325', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Very large mainframe computer.
WKOW 1189.11
Banquets/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 325'-418', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speakers on economy.
WKOW 1189.12
News, 1970
Physical Description: 418'-460', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Industry on the Mississippi. Alma, Wisconsin, power plant.
WKOW 1189.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 460'-500', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kids in tie-dyed shirt color teams are presented a flag by Gordon Roseleip.
WKOW 1190.1
News report, 1970 August
Physical Description: 0'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dan Williams on new Dane County rock festival restrictions.
WKOW 1190.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-114', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1190.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 114'-146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Airport scenes, especially Northwest Airlines.
WKOW 1190.4
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 146'-222', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles, Fred Risser, and others at meeting at Capitol on WHA funding.
WKOW 1190.5
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 222'-283', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at Capitol on court system and formation of appellate court.
WKOW 1190.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 283'-316', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Emergency Medical Services Conference and simulation and training.
WKOW 1190.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 316'-360', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade on Capitol Square.
WKOW 1190.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 360'-412', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on budget.
WKOW 1190.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 412'-460', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on public defender system.
WKOW 1191.1
Groundbreakings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW--Madison Agriculture School.
WKOW 1191.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 24'-62', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and others welcoming home the 32nd Hussars.
WKOW 1191.3
On-site interviews, 1970 August
Physical Description: 62'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need to deal with environmental issues specifically and reduce general rhetoric.
WKOW 1191.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 101'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on fiscal responsibility on state level.
WKOW 1191.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 120'-144', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sun Prairie Sweet Corn Festival.
WKOW 1191.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 144'-183', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: 32nd Hussar homecoming.
WKOW 1191.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 183'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Don Peterson campaigning for governor in front of 30-on-the-Square building.
WKOW 1191.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 210'-263', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser and unidentified man on state land acquisition.
WKOW 1191.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 263'-302', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crowds waiting at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1191.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 302'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes from Wisconsin Military Academy.
WKOW 1191.11
News, 1970
Physical Description: 353'-389', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Airport and Northwest Orient strike.
WKOW 1191.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 389'-421', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Accident simulation behind Wisconsin Center.
WKOW 1191.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 421'-484', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Preparations for the Sun Prairie Corn Festival.
WKOW 1192.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-25', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on responsibilities of chief law enforcement officer.
WKOW 1192.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 25'-55', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and other men discussing WFC in his office.
WKOW 1192.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 55'-150', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students on lack of UW administration response to needs and problems on campus.
WKOW 1192.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 150'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on lack of action by state Attorney General about student violence.
WKOW 1192.5
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 194'-297', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on selling Wisconsin products. Warren Knowles on foreign sales of products.
WKOW 1192.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 297'-347', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on Sterling Hall bombing.
WKOW 1192.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 347'-383', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vice-chairman of Advisory Commission on his frustration.
WKOW 1192.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 383'-405', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on silent majority on U.S. campuses.
WKOW 1192.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 405'-468', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on needed input of older people.
WKOW 1193.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-143', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: FBI on their investigation of Sterling Hall bombing, shots of van used in the bombing, William Dyke on bombing and university law enforcement.
WKOW 1193.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 143'-181', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on fund raising of UW Foundation.
WKOW 1193.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 181'-213', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's rights rally in front of the City-County Building.
WKOW 1193.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 213'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People in renaissance clothing also on a horse.
WKOW 1193.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 238'-264', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on community apprehension of Sterling Hall bombers.
WKOW 1193.6
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 264'-354', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on scrap iron dealers and legislation.
WKOW 1193.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 354'-373', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clyde Beatty circus preparations.
WKOW 1193.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 373'-419', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on restructuring of University, allowing students a greater voice in UW administration.
WKOW 1193.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 419'-477', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman on Sterling Hall bombing.
WKOW 1194.1
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young and man from Board of Regents on impossible demands.
WKOW 1194.2
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 30'-54', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on draftees serving in Vietnam.
WKOW 1194.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 54'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lucey and other man on Democratic Party and 1972 elections.
WKOW 1194.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 112'-132', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie on new testing procedures.
WKOW 1194.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 132'-172', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade in New Glarus (Wilhelm Tell Festival?).
WKOW 1194.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 172'-194'; silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Good Neighbor Festival in Middleton.
WKOW 1194.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 194'-255', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Board of Regents announcement of $100,000 reward for Sterling Hall bombing information.
WKOW 1194.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 255'-326', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on consumer rights and recourse.
WKOW 1194.9
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 326'-424', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison teachers meeting at Dane County Coliseum. Douglas Ritchie and others interviewed.
WKOW 1194.10
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 424'-443', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1195.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-84', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women on Title I funding.
WKOW 1195.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 84'-130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on backlash created by Sterling Hall bombing.
WKOW 1195.3
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 130'-157', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1195.4
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 157'-242', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Industrial trash compactor exhibit. Salesman comments on end product.
WKOW 1195.5
Unknown, 1970
Physical Description: 242'-263', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People in front of main post office.
WKOW 1195.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 263'-326', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on tear gas thrown into homes in Mifflin Street area.
WKOW 1195.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 326'-375', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on attitudes that led to Sterling Hall bombing.
WKOW 1195.8
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 375'-466', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of Madison public schools, including West High and Midvale School. Douglas Ritchie comments on testing.
WKOW 1196.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-67', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on crowd control.
WKOW 1196.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man in front of Peterson Building (all windows broken out) on student reaction to Sterling Hall bombing.
WKOW 1196.3
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 101'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bad car accident.
WKOW 1196.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 127'-160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bayview Apartments under construction.
WKOW 1196.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 160'-260', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club luncheon. Speaker on urban renewal and Bayview Apartments.
WKOW 1196.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 260'-320', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on law enforcement problems on campus.
WKOW 1196.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 320'-345', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man in front of Peterson Building on student opinion of bombing.
WKOW 1196.8
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 345'-360', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marines.
WKOW 1197.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-96', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on discovery of Karl Armstrong's fingerprint.
WKOW 1197.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 96'-181', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pat Lucey on UW Protection and Security budget cuts.
WKOW 1197.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 181'-263', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: A rent strike against William Bandy. Bandy and tenants speak.
WKOW 1197.4
Press conferences, 1970 September
Physical Description: 263'-311', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on compensation for victims of campus violence.
WKOW 1197.5
News, 1970 September
Physical Description: 311'-398', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Bandy and tenants on rent dispute.
WKOW 1197.6
Press conferences, 19.70 September
Physical Description: 398'-425', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on vigilante action.
WKOW 1197.7
News, 1970 September
Physical Description: 425'-437', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on Bandy and tenants.
WKOW 1198.1
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on campaign issues and his accomplishments.
WKOW 1198.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 67'-85', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse show at Pleasant View Stables.
WKOW 1198.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September
Physical Description: 85'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rain.
WKOW 1198.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September
Physical Description: 100'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 32nd Division World War II annual reunion.
WKOW 1198.5
On-site interviews, 1970 September
Physical Description: 138'-197', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviewing Don Peterson on campus unrest. They are at a picnic.
WKOW 1198.6
Press conferences, 1970 September
Physical Description: 197'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on leads in Sterling Hall bombing.
WKOW 1198.7
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 250'-328', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson and others speak on law enforcement at UW system.
WKOW 1198.8
On-site interviews, 1970 September
Physical Description: 328'-376', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on campus unrest.
WKOW 1198.9
Press conferences, 1970 September
Physical Description: 376'-431', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on effect of anti-war movement on government.
WKOW 1198.10
On-site interviews, 1970 September
Physical Description: 431'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on need for discipline on UW campus.
WKOW 1198.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 454'-495', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney Gerald Nichol on freeing county judges from traffic court.
WKOW 1199.1
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970 September
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on changing training schedule for physicians.
WKOW 1199.2
On-site interviews, 1970 September
Physical Description: 30'-94', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on non-violent dissent on campus and payment of “insurance fund.”
WKOW 1199.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970 September
Physical Description: 94'-145', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo luncheon.
WKOW 1199.4
Banquets, 1970 September
Physical Description: 145'-175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meal in auditorium/gymnasium. (Primarily women.)
WKOW 1199.5
Press conferences, 1970 September
Physical Description: 175'-239', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Group demanding air safety, Concerned Students for the Protection of Civil Aviation.
WKOW 1199.6
Press conferences, 1970 September
Physical Description: 239'-296', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on school funding and taxes.
WKOW 1199.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 296'-360', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student funded insurance fund for campus property destruction.
WKOW 1199.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 360'-400', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Bandy - tenant dispute.
WKOW 1199.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 400'-424', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on William Bandy situation.
WKOW 1199.10
News, 1970 September
Physical Description: 424'-466', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People filing papers in Capitol office.
WKOW 1200.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: '0'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke on city assessments.
WKOW 1200.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 92'-176', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on community involvement in all levels of public education.
WKOW 1200.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 176'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road repair on John Nolen Drive.
WKOW 1200.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 218'-263', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and others at ribbon cutting ceremony at Dane County Airport with North Central Airlines.
WKOW 1200.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 263'-283', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ward 4 Precinct 1 voting at the City-County Building.
WKOW 1200.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 283'-334', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Apple picking and processing.
WKOW 1200.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 334'-375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke speaking at Fair.
WKOW 1200.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 375'-406', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art show in New Glarus.
WKOW 1200.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 406'-450', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade in Janesville.
WKOW 1200.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 450'-497', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jim Sykes on overlap in county government.
WKOW 1201.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on security of University of Wisconsin system - criteria for director of security.
WKOW 1201.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 51'-106', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Campus scenes and Board of Regents meeting.
WKOW 1201.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 106'-198', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man singing at Colt Industries in Beloit.
WKOW 1201.4
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 198'-227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on cutting military spending.
WKOW 1201.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 227'-267', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on changes in training of physicians.
WKOW 1201.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 267'-305', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on opening of sani-station at Tenney Park locks.
WKOW 1201.7
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 305'-361', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on dairy bowl at World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1201.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 361'-387', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elephant walk and bath at Coliseum.
WKOW 1201.9
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 387'-438', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Physician shortage and training of doctors.
WKOW 1202.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man, in Common Council chambers, on politicians who hate students.
WKOW 1202.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 41'-82', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at Capitol with Board of Regent members.
WKOW 1202.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 82'-147', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and other candidates for governor on birth control information and devices.
WKOW 1202.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 147'-156', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Again man in Common Council chambers.
WKOW 1202.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 156'-187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on family planning for the poor. Man on Attorney General enforcing these laws.
WKOW 1202.6
News/Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 187'-305', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UAW pickets in Janesville.
WKOW 1202.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 305'-356', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin student information service.
WKOW 1202.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 356'-378', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin security and liaison between University of Wisconsin security and Madison police.
WKOW 1202.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 378'-404', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire in apartment basement.
WKOW 1202.10
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 404'-450', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on impending power shortage.
WKOW 1203.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-17', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on letter writing campaign for release of POW's.
WKOW 1203.2
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 17'-114', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin security, selection of University of Wisconsin president, campus building.
WKOW 1203.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 114'-163', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on keeping University of Wisconsin--Madison open.
WKOW 1203.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 163'-196', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 1) on treatment of POW's.
WKOW 1203.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 196'-247', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man making video presentation in Common Council chambers.
WKOW 1203.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 247'-266', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1203.7
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 266'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on creation of Apostle Island National Park.
WKOW 1203.8
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 315'-334', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Army officer receives silver bowl.
WKOW 1203.9
News/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 334'-419', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UAW strike in Janesville; interviews with several members.
WKOW 1204.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-65', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on the University of Wisconsin--Madison Biotron.
WKOW 1204.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 65'-119', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on counseling for terminally ill patients.
WKOW 1204.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 119'-174', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Inside the Biotron.
WKOW 1204.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 174'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin system enrollments.
WKOW 1204.5
Wire service, 1970
Physical Description: 228'-274', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students at U.S. Air Force Academy.
WKOW 1204.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 274'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: La Crosse muzzle loaders event.
WKOW 1204.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 312'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison police and university unrest.
WKOW 1204.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 353'-383', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on persuading students to work for long-term change.
WKOW 1204.9
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 383'-466', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cumbersome University of Wisconsin administration and meeting University of Wisconsin--Madison building needs.
WKOW 1205.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on public concern over resumption of fire bombing on University of Wisconsin--Madison campus.
WKOW 1205.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 51'-67', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Union Terrace.
WKOW 1205.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-119', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on student/faculty individual relationships.
WKOW 1205.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 119'-128', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gathering on Mifflin St.
WKOW 1205.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 128'-156', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fountain dedication at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1205.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 156'-186', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Muscular Dystrophy fund raising event at Breese Stevens Field.
WKOW 1205.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 186'-231', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Monroe Cheese Days parade.
WKOW 1205.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 231'-251', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Residential street scene.
WKOW 1205.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 251'-303', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on public attitudes towards violence.
WKOW 1205.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 303'-337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson on highway safety design and youth safety council.
WKOW 1205.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 337'-359', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Burned buildings and City of Madison fire truck.
WKOW 1205.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 359'-392', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin--Madison cheerleaders seeing Badger football team off.
WKOW 1205.13
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 392'-433', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson on licensing of ambulance operations.
WKOW 1206.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-38', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student unrest and University of Wisconsin system.
WKOW 1206.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 38'-70', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road construction on the Beltline.
WKOW 1206.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 70'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on counseling terminal patients.
WKOW 1206.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 120'-140', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Wisconsin Teenager meets Warren Knowles.
WKOW 1206.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 140'-176', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mississippi River bridge at Prairie du Chien
WKOW 1206.6
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 176'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office with Fred Risser, Warren Knowles, and others.
WKOW 1206.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 218'-249', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Board meeting.
WKOW 1206.8
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 249'-293', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office on mercury in Wisconsin rivers (Flambeau and Chippewa).
WKOW 1206.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 293'-331', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm where Farm Progress Days will take place.
WKOW 1206.10
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 331'-350', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mercury meeting continued.
WKOW 1206.11
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 350'-400', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on tax revenue.
WKOW 1206.12
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 400'-462', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Campus scene and Edwin Young on his job.
WKOW 1207.1
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assembly hearing.
WKOW 1207.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 25'-104', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Visit with Ms. Vance, who makes flags and banners.
WKOW 1207.3
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 104'-157', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car crash on Beltline Highway in heavy rain storm.
WKOW 1207.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 157'-202', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews a University of Wisconsin official on dealing with student problems and complaints.
WKOW 1207.5
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 202'-220', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1207.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 220'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on judicial reform.
WKOW 1207.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 267'-320', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews new UW Dean of Students Paul Ginsberg on problems at a large campus.
WKOW 1207.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 320'-341', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on judicial reform.
WKOW 1207.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 341'-384', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on research to improve water quality.
WKOW 1207.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 384'-416', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary awards inside the State Historical Society Historymobile.
WKOW 1207.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 416'-441', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Zimmerman at the Southern Wisconsin Jr. Livestock Show.
WKOW 1207.12
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 441'-484', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxes and state revenue.
WKOW 1208.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-56', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ralph Hansen, head of University of Wisconsin Protection and Security, on use of undercover officer on campus.
WKOW 1208.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 56'-91', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cheaper TV advertisement rates for candidates for elective office.
WKOW 1208.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 91'-119', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Large truck display around Capitol Square.
WKOW 1208.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 119'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More of Ralph Hansen on increased security measures on University of Wisconsin campus.
WKOW 1208.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 154'-172', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Large gathering at Library Mall.
WKOW 1208.6
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 172'-197', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Remains of burned house.
WKOW 1208.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 197'-255', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on TAA demands.
WKOW 1208.8
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 255'-319', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson on uniform building code in the state.
WKOW 1208.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 319'-375', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on TAA demands.
WKOW 1208.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 375'-416', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edwin Young on search for new University of Wisconsin president.
WKOW 1209.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on fire bombings of Primate Lab, Red Gym, and T-16 building, and Armstrong connection.
WKOW 1209.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 39'-212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at governor's office. Men on University of Wisconsin budget and the governor's commission on education.
WKOW 1209.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 212'-253', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1209.4
Groundbreakings, 1970
Physical Description: 253'-274', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1209.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 274'-306', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade - apple theme.
WKOW 1209.6
Features (Newsfilm)/Banquets), 1970
Physical Description: 306'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: W.W.A.A.C convention; William Dyke and others at banquet.
WKOW 1209.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 330'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fashion show.
WKOW 1209.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 353'-398', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on Sterling Hall bombing and increasing numbers of in-state students at University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1209.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 398'-418', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair at Library Mall.
WKOW 1210.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-65', ,color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin--Madison administrative decision to let Weathermen speak at Library Mall, not Memorial Union Theater.
WKOW 1210.2
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 65'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1210.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 100'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Halleck and others on drug abuse and drug education.
WKOW 1210.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 182'-225', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1210.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 225'-266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Banjo concert.
WKOW 1210.6
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 266'-340', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “MD's like it here” - creation of a public awareness of a balanced diet.
WKOW 1210.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 340'-378', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American students on University of Wisconsin campus focusing on “Indian self determination.”
WKOW 1210.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 378'-396', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boys on Walk for Development.
WKOW 1210.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 396'-424', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ralph Hansen on use of side arms by officers.
WKOW 1210.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 424'-431', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walk for Development.
WKOW 1210.11
News, 1970
Physical Description: 431'-461', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ribbon cutting at Amoco gas station with lead-free pump.
WKOW 1210.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 461'-491', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Dairy Bowl at World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1211.1
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-76', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Funding for vocational/technical schools in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1211.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 76'-491', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At University of Wisconsin Medical School on problems facing the Medical School.
WKOW 1211.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 191'-247', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on funding for vocational/technical schools.
WKOW 1211.4
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 247'-308', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on mobile home park zoning.
WKOW 1211.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 308'-367', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on Weatherman speaking at University of Wisconsin campus.
WKOW 1211.6
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 367'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on drug abuse and drug education. Dr. Halleck on drug education.
WKOW 1212.1
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on campus unrest.
WKOW 1212.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 39'-67', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1212.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-156', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin budget meetings (UW Board of Regents).
WKOW 1212.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 156'-175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tenants rights group in front of the City-County Building.
WKOW 1212.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 175'-217', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1212.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 217'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on private vs. national health insurance.
WKOW 1212.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 270'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People on benefits of drug education conference.
WKOW 1213.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin state AFL-CIO convention. Patrick Lucey and others speak.
WKOW 1213.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 41'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1213.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 89'-147', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on different types of student protests.
WKOW 1213.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 147'-166', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signing United Way check in his office.
WKOW 1213.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 166'-209', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaking to Monona Grove High School students.
WKOW 1213.6
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 209'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1213.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 236'-276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dean of UW Medical School on enrollment limitations.
WKOW 1213.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 276'-327', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on root of drug abuse.
WKOW 1213.9
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 327'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on Vietnam policy.
WKOW 1213.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 354'-431', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1214.1
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-80', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club speaker on American character.
WKOW 1214.2
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 80'-120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson on unidentified topic.
WKOW 1214.3
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 120'-164', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on mechanical aptitude of women.
WKOW 1214.4
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 164'-183', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser, Martin Schreiber, Patrick Lucey, and others attend hearing.
WKOW 1214.5
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 183'-195', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren addresses State Assembly.
WKOW 1214.6
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 195'-284', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on new taxation structures and budgets.
WKOW 1214.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 284'-296', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Show at the Elvehjem.
WKOW 1214.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 296'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1214.9
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 312'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1214.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 331'-368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Both major political parties campaigning on University of Wisconsin campus.
WKOW 1214.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 368'-431', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on tax reform.
WKOW 1214.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 431'-504', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Vilas Zoo.
WKOW 1215.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-58', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin loses one Congressional seat.
WKOW 1215.2
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 58'-93', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Citgo show-n-tell” meeting on defensive driving.
WKOW 1215.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 93'-113', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on accuracy of the census.
WKOW 1215.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 113'-172', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin at Madison Common Council meeting speaks on Weathermen appearing on UW campus.
WKOW 1215.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 172'-198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm Progress Day.
WKOW 1215.6
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 198'-267', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More “Citgo show-n-tell” on safe driving.
WKOW 1215.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 267'-309', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman on use of school buildings by Paul Soglin.
WKOW 1215.8
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 309'-358', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club lunch with speaker on nationalism.
WKOW 1215.9
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 358'-396', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More “Citgo show-n-tell” auto safety for women.
WKOW 1215.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 396'-453', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman on public officials' use of school buildings.
WKOW 1215.11
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 453'-476', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's house.
WKOW 1216.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-37', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his candidacy for U.S. Senate.
WKOW 1216.2
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 37'-70', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1216.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 70'-112', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1216.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 112'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man from segment 1 on defense spending.
WKOW 1216.5
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 158'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on autonomy of UW Board of Regents.
WKOW 1216.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 194'-220', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art show at Hilldale Shopping Center.
WKOW 1216.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 220'-288', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on Mark Knopf.
WKOW 1217.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-56', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Egyptian political history.
WKOW 1217.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 56'-95', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Psychiatrist on peace and pollution and individual solutions.
WKOW 1217.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 95'-132', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Opening day of Farm Progress Days.
WKOW 1217.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 132'-171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grain elevator and barges on the Mississippi River.
WKOW 1217.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 171'-239', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin power plant discussed in governor's office.
WKOW 1217.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 239'-272', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally and guerilla theater at Library Mall.
WKOW 1217.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 272'-298', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blood drive in University of Wisconsin dorms.
WKOW 1217.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 298'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on farm loans.
WKOW 1217.9
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 362'-374', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on law and order.
WKOW 1217.10
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 374'-386', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1217.11
News, 1970
Physical Description: 386'-417', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walk for Development.
WKOW 1218.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-75', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Italian social scientist on world communication among social scientists.
WKOW 1218.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 75'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West Towne Mall.
WKOW 1218.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 87'-112', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke signing document.
WKOW 1218.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 112'-130', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exchange Club wine tasting benefit.
WKOW 1218.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 130'-184', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unidentified topic.
WKOW 1218.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 184'-210', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1218.7
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 210'-264', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles, William Dyke, and others at meeting for “the power of prayer.”
WKOW 1218.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 264'-280', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on William Dyke's real estate holdings.
WKOW 1218.9
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 280'-288', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1218.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 288'-329', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on cease fire in Vietnam.
WKOW 1218.11
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 329'-357', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1218.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 357'-379', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm Progress Days.
WKOW 1218.13
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 379'-415', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Egyptian politician.
WKOW 1218.14
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 415'-450', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on individual efforts towards working peace.
WKOW 1218.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 450'-490', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Way “One giant step for mankind” campaign.
WKOW 1219.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-32', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on troop withdrawal from Vietnam.
WKOW 1219.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 32'-74', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Some type of refining operation on a farm.
WKOW 1219.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 74'-111', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cyclamates removal from the market.
WKOW 1219.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 111'-193', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on President Nixon and the federal budget.
WKOW 1219.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 193'-238', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Visiting Italian social scientist.
WKOW 1219.6
Openings, 1970
Physical Description: 238'-258', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grand opening of West Towne Mall.
WKOW 1219.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 258'-311', silent and optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on campus unrest.
WKOW 1219.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 311'-412', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jack Olson on higher education.
WKOW 1219.9
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 412'-435', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1220.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-111', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Richard Nixon at Green Bay Airport and speaking with Bart Starr.
WKOW 1220.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 111'-155', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on enrollment at Naval Academy.
WKOW 1220.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 155'-177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New air traffic control tower at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1220.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 177'-221', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cranberry harvest.
WKOW 1220.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 221'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on William Proxmire's Vietnam War voting record.
WKOW 1220.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 267'-286', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blood drive at dorms.
WKOW 1220.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 286'-344', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Landlord William Bandy.
WKOW 1220.8
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 344'-377', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1220.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 377'-431', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of William Bandy press conference.
WKOW 1220.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 431'-466', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on state corporate income tax.
WKOW 1221.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-82', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on statewide economic problems and housing.
WKOW 1221.2
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 82'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax increase.
WKOW 1221.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 108'-147', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Republican control of U.S. Congress.
WKOW 1221.4
Press conferences/Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 147'-195', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke at Lions Club and press conference.
WKOW 1221.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 195'-203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New bank building on West Washington Avenue.
WKOW 1221.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 203'-270', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol on role of district attorney.
WKOW 1221.7
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 270'-303', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: In Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1221.8
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 303'-333', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larger meeting in Warren Knowles' office with Fred Risser and others.
WKOW 1221.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 333'-355', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin power plant and State Historical Society shown.
WKOW 1221.10
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 355'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 8.
WKOW 1221.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 360'-406', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney Gerald Nichol.
WKOW 1221.12
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 406'-443', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1222.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-45', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Richard Nixon's domestic policy.
WKOW 1222.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 45'-73', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plane crash.
WKOW 1222.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 73'-117', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Republican candidate running against William Proxmire for U.S. Senate.
WKOW 1222.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 117'-135', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art class.
WKOW 1222.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 135'-167', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on plane crash.
WKOW 1222.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 167'-237', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Congressional candidate.
WKOW 1222.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 237'-309', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction of Bayview Apartment complex.
WKOW 1222.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 309'-317', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on art class.
WKOW 1222.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 317'-368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles attends sculpture dedication at Fireside Restaurant, Fort Atkinson.
WKOW 1222.10
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 368'-448', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at Coachman's Inn with Charles Hill and others on urban development. Charles Hill interviewed.
WKOW 1222.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 448'-462', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Flag raising at building under construction.
WKOW 1223.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-42', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on military spending.
WKOW 1223.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 42'-102', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Methadone maintenance treatment program.
WKOW 1223.3
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 102'-122', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Givers.
WKOW 1223.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 122'-191', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW--Madison football coach on team performance.
WKOW 1223.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 191'-223', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Football team eating in a cafeteria.
WKOW 1223.6
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 223'-299', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire speaking at West High School.
WKOW 1223.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 299'-346', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on purpose of technical and vocational schools.
WKOW 1223.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 346'-398', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction of Farm Bureau Federation building.
WKOW 1223.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 398'-463', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on construction of Bayview Apartments.
WKOW 1224.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-37', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man opposing Robert Kastenmeier for Congressional seat.
WKOW 1224.2
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 37'-74', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on problems with health insurance and national health insurance.
WKOW 1224.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 74'-107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Delta Queen paddle boat on Mississippi River.
WKOW 1224.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 107'-124', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire in Gilman Street apartment building.
WKOW 1224.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 124'-162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jaycees program “Do Something Madison.”
WKOW 1224.6
Meetings/Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 162'-251', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Social Security benefits.
WKOW 1224.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 251'-264', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Nations Festival at City-County Building.
WKOW 1224.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 264'-267', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on Gilman Street fire.
WKOW 1224.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 267'-281', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on Jaycees press conference.
WKOW 1224.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 281'-349', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Local talk show with actor and actress.
WKOW 1224.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 349'-423', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents selecting chancellor.
WKOW 1225.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents announces John Weaver new UW--Madison president.
WKOW 1225.2
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 101'-138', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on raids for illegal drugs.
WKOW 1225.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 138'-197', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on UW Board of Regents and John Weaver.
WKOW 1225.4
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 197'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on increases in Social Security.
WKOW 1225.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 242'-272', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ribbon cutting at bank.
WKOW 1225.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 272'-313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on government research on campus.
WKOW 1225.7
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 313'-403', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on Social Security.
WKOW 1225.8
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 403'-464', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on wine related art.
WKOW 1225.9
Graduation ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 464'-485', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women graduating from Edgewood High School.
WKOW 1226.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-101', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: On “Homecoming for GI's” rally.
WKOW 1226.2
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 101'-129', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At State Capitol.
WKOW 1226.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 129'-219', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and others on airport bond issue.
WKOW 1226.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 219'-245', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidate for D.A. on campus unrest.
WKOW 1226.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 245'-290', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: D.A. Gerald Nichol on streamlining justice system.
WKOW 1226.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 290'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on airport bond issue.
WKOW 1226.7
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 338'-375', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More from district attorney candidate.
WKOW 1226.8
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 375'-423', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General candidate on crime and enforcing environmental legislation and consumer protection.
WKOW 1226.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 423'-461', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man extremely worried about the Soviets.
WKOW 1227.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-63', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on upcoming drug raids.
WKOW 1227.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 63'-113', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting of Department of Local Affairs and Development. Charles Hill and others.
WKOW 1227.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 113'-171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Heights Federation of Teachers strike.
WKOW 1227.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 171'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war organizers “Homecoming for GI's” rally.
WKOW 1227.5
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 228'-288', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary lunch speaker on equal opportunities in employment and housing.
WKOW 1227.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 288'-325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ballot visibility for independents.
WKOW 1227.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 325'-355', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children watching TV at school.
WKOW 1227.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 355'-373', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Debate at Stevens Point - Jack Olson.
WKOW 1227.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 373'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Rotary speaker.
WKOW 1228.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on possible violence on campus and community reaction.
WKOW 1228.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 70'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on drug busts.
WKOW 1228.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 94'-139', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on problems in U.S.
WKOW 1228.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 139'-153', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young girls square dancing.
WKOW 1228.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 153'-198', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Charles Hill and others at Department of Local affairs and Development meeting.
WKOW 1228.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 198'-259', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and other man on Republicans.
WKOW 1228.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 259'-320', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin and others on “trashing” in Mifflin St. area.
WKOW 1228.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 320'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and Jack Olson on Warren Knowles' appointments and policies.
WKOW 1228.9
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 367'-430', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office.
WKOW 1229.1
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-36', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on campus unrest and respect for police.
WKOW 1229.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 36'-56', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roseleip on solutions to drug problems.
WKOW 1229.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 56'-96', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on food stamps program.
WKOW 1229.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 96'-124', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration of new fire truck by Madison Fire Department.
WKOW 1229.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 124'-148', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Alliance Headquarters, Williamson St.
WKOW 1229.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 148'-177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war rally at Library Mall.
WKOW 1229.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 177'-211', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New equipment dedication at St. Mary's Hospital.
WKOW 1229.8
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 211'-234', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1229.9
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 234'-253', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1229.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 253'-319', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on expectations of violence on campus.
WKOW 1229.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 319'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on Paul Soglin.
WKOW 1229.12
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 354'-377', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidate for Attorney General on politicizing of the office.
WKOW 1229.13
News, 1970
Physical Description: 377'-393', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol and others in Common Council chambers.
WKOW 1229.14
On-site interviews, 1970 October
Physical Description: 393'-426', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Halloween safety.
WKOW 1230.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-29', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting at Orchard Ridge School.
WKOW 1230.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 29'-82', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on demand for unit pricing and federal consumer protection.
WKOW 1230.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 82'-109', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tenney Park lock and dam.
WKOW 1230.4
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 109'-127', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on Richard Nixon, the person.
WKOW 1230.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 127'-149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on political “fear.”
WKOW 1230.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 149'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman on Richard Nixon's Vietnam policies.
WKOW 1230.7
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 182'-217', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gordon Roseleip and opponent on campaign issues.
WKOW 1230.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 217'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on meat packing plant inspection.
WKOW 1230.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 244'-272', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Madison fire truck.
WKOW 1230.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 272'-306', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Senate candidate on “new type of leader.”
WKOW 1230.11
Political announcements, 1970
Physical Description: 306'-336', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on effluent tax.
WKOW 1230.12
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 336'-425', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in governor's office on W.I.N.
WKOW 1230.13
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 425'-440', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gordon Roseleip comments on communism on campuses.
WKOW 1231.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-51', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare Rights Organization members meet with men in school board chambers.
WKOW 1231.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 51'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on budget needs for weed cutters.
WKOW 1231.3
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 78'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on legislature.
WKOW 1231.4
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 94'-130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Election concessions to Democrats.
WKOW 1231.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 130'-168', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on sea access to Wisconsin.
WKOW 1231.6
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 168'-214', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary luncheon speaker on youth clean up crews for Madison lakes.
WKOW 1231.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 214'-250', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ice Follies rehearsal at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1231.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 250'-294', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke signing paper.
WKOW 1231.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 294'-327', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on consumer protection.
WKOW 1231.10
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 327'-365', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dave Martin on Patrick Lucey's record.
WKOW 1231.11
Studio interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 365'-433', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on air and water pollution in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1232.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-45', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on water prices and quality.
WKOW 1232.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 45'-105', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on “RSVP” program to increase voter awareness.
WKOW 1232.3
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 105'-168', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arthur Brown and others on school budget.
WKOW 1232.4
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 168'-237', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1232.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 237'-286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental problems, solutions, and legislation.
WKOW 1232.6
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 286'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Republican concession speeches.
WKOW 1232.7
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 303'-334', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on plans for his administration.
WKOW 1233.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-50', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elvehjem Art Center.
WKOW 1233.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 50'-70', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Auction.
WKOW 1233.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 70'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Les Aspin on My Lai massacre.
WKOW 1233.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 112'-166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Optimist youth organizations.
WKOW 1233.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 166'-198', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students working at Christmas tree farm.
WKOW 1233.6
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 198'-243', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Capitol.
WKOW 1233.7
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 243'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Different hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1233.8
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 300'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1233.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 330'-392', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Les Aspin on ramifications of My Lai massacre.
WKOW 1233.10
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 392'-430', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Heart Association meeting for teachers.
WKOW 1233.11
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 430'-486', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Board of Regents.
WKOW 1234.1
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-15', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser and others at hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1234.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 15'-23', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New acquisition at the State Historical Society.
WKOW 1234.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 23'-53', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Landlord William Bandy's houses.
WKOW 1234.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 53'-79', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plane crash.
WKOW 1234.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 79'-98', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More at State Historical Society.
WKOW 1234.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 98'-146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Executive Secretary John Anderson on convention of Wisconsin Federation of Co-operatives.
WKOW 1234.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 146'-160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on plane crash.
WKOW 1234.8
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 160'-205', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at Capitol.
WKOW 1234.9
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 205'-234', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club.
WKOW 1234.10
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 234'-293', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Optimist Club.
WKOW 1234.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 293'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on upholding state abortion statute.
WKOW 1234.12
Graduation ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 354'-386', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Viterbo College.
WKOW 1234.13
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 386'-409', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1234.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 409'-470', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Getting rink ready for Holiday on Ice.
WKOW 1235.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-40', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren swearing in group of men.
WKOW 1235.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 40'-87', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary speaker on education.
WKOW 1235.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 87'-124', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Various Veterans Day observances.
WKOW 1235.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 124'-160', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary speaker on myths of schools and education.
WKOW 1235.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 160'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Official on vets program.
WKOW 1235.6
News, 1970
Physical Description: 203'-225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans memorial at State Capitol.
WKOW 1235.7
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 225'-243', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1235.8
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 243'-322', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on studded tires and man comments on studded tires.
WKOW 1236.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1236.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 34'-83', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on housing situation at University of Wisconsin campuses.
WKOW 1236.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 83'-102', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Obstruction of Baldwin Street near East Washington Ave.
WKOW 1236.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 102'-134', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction near Badger Elementary School.
WKOW 1236.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 134'-156', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on academic and administrative duties at University of Wisconsin--La Crosse.
WKOW 1236.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 156'-185', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on students and drinking.
WKOW 1236.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 185'-203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exhibit on pollution.
WKOW 1236.8
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 203'-217', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Givers.
WKOW 1236.9
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 217'-301', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and others attend hearing at State Capitol on tax reform.
WKOW 1236.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 310'-317', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Capitol police.
WKOW 1236.11
News, 1970
Physical Description: 317'-404', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on acting governor Robert Zimmerman.
WKOW 1237.1
Meetings, 1970 November
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People sitting in office at night.
WKOW 1237.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 19'-64', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on no-fault insurance and related problems.
WKOW 1237.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 64'-98', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Navy safety drills.
WKOW 1237.4
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 98'-1' )', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at Capitol about phosphates and related pollution.
WKOW 1237.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 140'-188', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Headstart in Dane County.
WKOW 1237.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 188'-230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lee Dreyfus on University of Wisconsin system budgets.
WKOW 1237.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 230'-287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same woman (segment 5) on Headstart.
WKOW 1237.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 287'-334', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: British tourism group with double decker bus.
WKOW 1237.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 334'-377', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on in-state/out-of-state tuition and the ramifications.
WKOW 1237.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 377'-397', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cat show.
WKOW 1237.11
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 397'-437', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Board of Regents.
WKOW 1237.12
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 437'-474', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on positive effects of using children for experiments.
WKOW 1238.1
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-70', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speaker at Rotary Club on campus unrest.
WKOW 1238.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 70'-85', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Slide show.
WKOW 1238.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 85'-111', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Board of Regents on University of Wisconsin Extension.
WKOW 1238.4
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 111'-162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax relief.
WKOW 1238.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 162'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Republican control of judiciary.
WKOW 1238.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 210'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (from segment 1) on American political spectrum.
WKOW 1238.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 250'-297', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Frontage road construction at Todd Drive and Beltline.
WKOW 1238.8
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 297'-344', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at Capitol.
WKOW 1238.9
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 344'-387', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at Capitol.
WKOW 1238.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 387'-428', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on car insurance problems.
WKOW 1238.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 428'-452', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas decorations on State Street.
WKOW 1238.12
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 452'-479', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at Capitol.
WKOW 1239.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi at Circuit Court at City-County Building.
WKOW 1239.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 27'-85', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Frontage road construction on West Beltline.
WKOW 1239.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 85'-129', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man from University of Wisconsin Board of Regents on University of Wisconsin Extension budget.
WKOW 1239.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 129'-160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father Groppi and others in hallway of City-County Building.
WKOW 1239.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 160'-194', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at Capitol.
WKOW 1239.6
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 194'-232', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at Capitol.
WKOW 1239.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 232'-276', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dyke and others at Exchange Club freedom shrine.
WKOW 1239.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 276'-313', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Heileman Brewery celebrates $100 million in sales.
WKOW 1239.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 313'-340', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WSA election at Memorial Union.
WKOW 1239.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 340'-349', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Exchange Club.
WKOW 1239.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 349'-381', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arthritis Foundation Volunteer Awards.
WKOW 1239.12
News, 1970
Physical Description: 381'-400', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road opening by West Towne.
WKOW 1239.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 400'-417', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Heileman Brewery celebration.
WKOW 1239.14
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 417'-463', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Republican leadership.
WKOW 1239.15
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 463'-491', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on education funding.
WKOW 1240.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-79', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on funding of vocational and technical educational system.
WKOW 1240.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 79'-116', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Decar Plastic in Middleton.
WKOW 1240.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 116'-165', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax reform.
WKOW 1240.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 165'-210', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Press conference at Afro-American Center on Portuguese attacks in southern Africa.
WKOW 1240.5
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 210'-257', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at Capitol.
WKOW 1240.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 257'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Patrick Lucey and tax reform.
WKOW 1240.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 315'-336', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on Portuguese invasion.
WKOW 1240.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 336'-368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DNR deer registration station.
WKOW 1240.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 368'-389', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: James Madison Park in the winter.
WKOW 1240.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 389'-434', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on drug education pamphlet.
WKOW 1240.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 434'-469', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on alliances between college students and labor.
WKOW 1240.12
News, 1970
Physical Description: 469'-490', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Decar Plastic Company.
WKOW 1241.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton at turkey farm.
WKOW 1241.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 87'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1241.3
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 92'-119', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Priest speaks at Middleton Optimists.
WKOW 1241.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 119'-145', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Decar fire.
WKOW 1241.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 145'-173', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children celebrating traditional Thanksgiving.
WKOW 1241.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 173'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on budget and taxes.
WKOW 1241.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 210'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton at Henry Vilas Zoo.
WKOW 1241.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 321'-401', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on higher education.
WKOW 1241.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 401'-425', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Holiday food drive.
WKOW 1241.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 425'-486', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pumpkin Hollow School.
WKOW 1242.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-51', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kennedy Heights Apartments.
WKOW 1242.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 51'-111', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on formation of Veterans group for peace.
WKOW 1242.3
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 111'-132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Civil Air Patrol award.
WKOW 1242.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 132'-185', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ice skating at the Coliseum.
WKOW 1242.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 185'-232', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ribbon cutting at Kennedy Heights (segment 1).
WKOW 1242.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 232'-299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans peace group (segment 2).
WKOW 1242.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 299'-377', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on court decision.
WKOW 1242.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 377'-429', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More turkey farm.
WKOW 1243.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-60', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert E. Gard, author of University, Madison U.S.A.
WKOW 1243.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 60'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on quality of life, abortion, and birth control.
WKOW 1243.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 194'-264', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: R. Gard again (segment 1).
WKOW 1243.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 264'-293', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Express on the Square.
WKOW 1243.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 293'-320', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman on anti-activists on the east coast.
WKOW 1243.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 320'-383', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial fund for Lincoln School music teacher Miss Hornig.
WKOW 1243.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 383'-411', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road construction on Observatory Drive, University of Wisconsin--Madison campus.
WKOW 1243.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 411'-449', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Betty Boardman on police control of everyday life.
WKOW 1243.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 449'-457', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on music teacher memorial.
WKOW 1243.10
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 457'-484', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1243.11
Features (Newsfilm) , 1970
Physical Description: 484'-509', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men's hairstyling show at the Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1244.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-58', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally and press conference on Angela Davis and other political prisoners.
WKOW 1244.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 58'-109', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on liquor licensing.
WKOW 1244.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 109'-143', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unemployment.
WKOW 1244.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 143'-158', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club luncheon.
WKOW 1244.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 158'-198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on “Reach out” program at University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1244.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 198'-274', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on taxes.
WKOW 1244.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 274'-311', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man and woman on Angela Davis (segment 1).
WKOW 1244.8
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 311'-326', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary luncheon.
WKOW 1244.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 326'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unemployment (segment 3).
WKOW 1244.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 360'-422', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at the Naval-Marine Reserve Training Center.
WKOW 1244.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 422'-467', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman student from University of Wisconsin--Madison on “Reach out” program.
WKOW 1244.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 467'-476', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exotic dancer picketing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1244.13
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 476'-495', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Serious house fire.
WKOW 1245.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1245.2
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 20'-43', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1245.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 43'-114', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Weaver on influence of federal aid.
WKOW 1245.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 114'-190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on waste disposal in the Wisconsin River.
WKOW 1245.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 190'-212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: GM plant.
WKOW 1245.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 212'-241', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women on birth control information restrictions.
WKOW 1245.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 241'-278', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Kiwanis.
WKOW 1246.1
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-35', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military banquet and ceremony.
WKOW 1246.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 35'-59', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Disney characters visit children at Madison General.
WKOW 1246.3
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 59'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton and others get awards at banquet.
WKOW 1246.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 100'-115', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: T-16 ROTC building at University of Wisconsin--Madison vandalized.
WKOW 1246.5
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 115'-154', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at Capitol.
WKOW 1246.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 154'-185', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles and others at ceremony. Christmas tree for the White House.
WKOW 1246.7
News/Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 185'-235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Urban Corps, and work study jobs for students.
WKOW 1246.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 235'-267', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Live Disney characters at a school.
WKOW 1246.9
News/Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 267'-366', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Urban Corps jobs.
WKOW 1246.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 366'-390', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presentation in Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1246.11
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 390'-410', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1246.12
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 410'-432', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Night hearing at State Capitol. Paul Soglin and others attend.
WKOW 1246.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 432'-455', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More White House Christmas tree festivities.
WKOW 1247.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on jobs for high school students.
WKOW 1247.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 47'-85', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: DNR testing water near power plant on Mississippi.
WKOW 1247.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 85'-120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alcoholics group home.
WKOW 1247.4
Meetings/On-site interviews , 1970
Physical Description: 120'-196', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Knowles' office on education.
WKOW 1247.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 196'-228, magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on speeding up students time in medical school.
WKOW 1247.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 228'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on runways at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1247.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 240'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on industrial recycling.
WKOW 1247.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 260'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need for more medical school student spaces.
WKOW 1247.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 303'-349', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on local recycling efforts.
WKOW 1247.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 349'-369', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: The White House and State of Wisconsin Christmas trees.
WKOW 1247.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 369'-445', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and others at plaque unveiling at the Dane County Airport. Pilot and others speak.
WKOW 1248.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-22', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on drug related arrests.
WKOW 1248.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 22'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Recycling center.
WKOW 1248.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 40'-75', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on candidacy.
WKOW 1248.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 75'-111', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on drug arrests.
WKOW 1248.5
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 111'-159', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin system at Rotary lunch.
WKOW 1248.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 159'-200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More recycling center.
WKOW 1248.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 200'-238', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on upcoming election.
WKOW 1248.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 238'-285', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Rotary speaker on University of Wisconsin system.
WKOW 1248.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 285'-318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New chapel at Methodist Hospital.
WKOW 1248.10
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 318'-393', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and others at hearing.
WKOW 1248.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 393'-424', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on jobs for high school students.
WKOW 1249.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-48', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leo Cooper on issues in mayoral campaign.
WKOW 1249.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 48'-100', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on allowable mercury levels in Wisconsin waters.
WKOW 1249.3
News, 1970
Physical Description: 100'-117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Book and art sale at Gates of Heaven Synagogue.
WKOW 1249.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 117'-182', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on mercury levels.
WKOW 1249.5
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 182%217', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in an office at State Capitol.
WKOW 1249.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 217'-265', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leo Cooper on taxes and his mayoral campaign.
WKOW 1249.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 265'-299', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Picketers at West Washington Avenue train station.
WKOW 1249.8
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 299'-359', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing with Patrick Lucey, David Clarenbach, and others in attendance.
WKOW 1249.9
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 357'-386', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on international agricultural markets.
WKOW 1250.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Talent show audition at the Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1250.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 26'-49', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Song and dance presentation at Wil-Mar Center.
WKOW 1250.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 49'-74', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's choir at the Capitol.
WKOW 1250.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 74'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cheese imports and exports.
WKOW 1250.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 102'-125', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on funding for University of Wisconsin system.
WKOW 1250.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 125'-150', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Craft sale at Brooks St. YMCA.
WKOW 1250.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 150'-192', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on overcoming problems in Madison.
WKOW 1250.8
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 192'-234', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and others at hearing at Capitol.
WKOW 1250.9
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 234'-247', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1250.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 247'-273', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Live Disney characters perform at store.
WKOW 1250.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 273'-310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man from segment 7 on Madison's problems and solutions.
WKOW 1250.12
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 310'-324', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1250.13
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 324'-389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on funding for medical students.
WKOW 1251.1
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-52', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1251.2
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 52'-86', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing with Patrick Lucey in attendance.
WKOW 1251.3
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 86'-126', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Public hearing on unidentified topic.
WKOW 1251.4
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 126'-186', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing from segment 2.
WKOW 1251.5
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 186'-243', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Different unidentified hearing at the Capitol.
WKOW 1251.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 243'-266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Brittingham Gallery at Elvehjem Art Museum.
WKOW 1251.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 266'-303', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pelts at Wisconsin Trappers Association.
WKOW 1252.1
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-38', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles presenting adult driver education awards.
WKOW 1252.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 38'-67', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1252.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 67'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle and others at commemorative assembly with school kids.
WKOW 1252.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 92'-119', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Decorating tree at Capitol rotunda.
WKOW 1252.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 119'-204', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and other man on snow removal.
WKOW 1252.6
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 204'-228', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at State Capitol. Fred Risser and others attend.
WKOW 1252.7
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 228'-245', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club luncheon.
WKOW 1252.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 245'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke: city services impairment due to union action.
WKOW 1252.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 324'-367', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hospital emergency room.
WKOW 1252.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 367'-443', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milton College professor's citizenship ceremony.
WKOW 1252.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 443'-462', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1253.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-38', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowmobiling at Cherokee Country Club.
WKOW 1253.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 38'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on specialization of medical doctors.
WKOW 1253.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on industrial pollution.
WKOW 1253.4
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 107'-153', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting in Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1253.5
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 153'-196', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at State Capitol.
WKOW 1253.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 196'-217', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drug education.
WKOW 1253.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 217'-235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus at children's hospital ward.
WKOW 1253.8
News, 1970
Physical Description: 235'-251', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest for Basque independence at Koepcke Travel agency on the Square.
WKOW 1253.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 252'-273', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles moving out of office.
WKOW 1253.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 273'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on legislative appointments.
WKOW 1253.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 338'-374', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser on end of legislative session.
WKOW 1253.12
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 374'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at the Capitol.
WKOW 1253.13
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 415'-450', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at State Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations.
WKOW 1254.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on public's perception of high phosphate laundry detergent (especially Tide).
WKOW 1254.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 61'-81', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gates of Heaven Synagogue.
WKOW 1254.3
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 81'-101', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1254.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 101'-147', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles Christmas visit to St. Mary's.
WKOW 1254.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 147'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Toy distribution at Glendale village.
WKOW 1254.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 188'-245', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on responsibility of arresting officer in drug arrests.
WKOW 1254.7
News/Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 245'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's commission gives report.
WKOW 1254.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 312'-375', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on drug rehabilitation.
WKOW 1254.9
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 375'-433', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on waste legislation.
WKOW 1254.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 433'-471', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wrapping and distributing Christmas presents.
WKOW 1255.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 0'-29', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles hosting Christmas party at Governor's Mansion.
WKOW 1255.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 29'-54', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on blue ribbon commissions.
WKOW 1255.3
Awards ceremonies, 1970
Physical Description: 54'-123', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Youth awards at Rotary luncheon.
WKOW 1255.4
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 123'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing at the State Capitol.
WKOW 1255.5
News, 1970
Physical Description: 155'-191', color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Swearing-in ceremony in hearing room at State Capitol with Robert Warren.
WKOW 1255.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 191'-213', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Celebrity visits kids at St. Mary's.
WKOW 1255.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 213'-273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on response from D.C.
WKOW 1255.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 273'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles summing up his administration.
WKOW 1255.9
News, 1970
Physical Description: 331'-370', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate chambers; Fred Risser speaking.
WKOW 1255.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 370'-417', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on laundry detergent and suds level.
WKOW 1255.11
Hearings, 1970
Physical Description: 417'-438', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke testifies at state hearing.
WKOW 1256.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-17', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on living in peace.
WKOW 1256.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 17'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on high points of administration.
WKOW 1256.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 51'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on high points of administration.
WKOW 1256.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 93'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin/international trade.
WKOW 1256.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 114'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Law enforcement officer on escaped convict's possible abduction at Westgate Shopping Center.
WKOW 1256.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 158'-213', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles' holiday speech.
WKOW 1256.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 213'-248', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas shopping around town.
WKOW 1256.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 248'-282', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Live reenactment of birth of Jesus in a real barn.
WKOW 1256.9
Wire service, 1970
Physical Description: 282'-320', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: NORAD “tracking” Santa Claus.
WKOW 1256.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 320'-363', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at the Corral Bar.
WKOW 1256.11
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 363'-378', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke Christmas message.
WKOW 1256.12
Banquets, 1970
Physical Description: 378'-397', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1256.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 397'-413', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Living nativity continued from segment 8.
WKOW 1257.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on alcoholism and cost to community.
WKOW 1257.2
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 67'-196', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles sums up administration.
WKOW 1257.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 196'-271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on high suds levels in detergents.
WKOW 1257.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 271'-310', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire in apartment complex.
WKOW 1257.5
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 310'-330', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles farewell continued.
WKOW 1257.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 330'-371', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Announcement and pictures of fugitives.
WKOW 1257.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 371'-406', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Warren Knowles farewell.
WKOW 1257.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 406'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on city help for rehabilitating real estate.
WKOW 1258.1
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on when he will announce candidacy for reelection.
WKOW 1258.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 61'-120',, silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Historical Society picking up Warren Knowles' papers.
WKOW 1258.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 120'-183', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on end of volunteer service bureau.
WKOW 1258.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 183'-228', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Animals performing tricks for food at West Towne.
WKOW 1258.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 228'-259', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crossing guard appreciation.
WKOW 1258.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 259'-295', ,color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bill to require age of 21 to hold elective office.
WKOW 1258.7
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 295'-326', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alcoholism.
WKOW 1258.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 326'-357', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Holiday candy from Madison Community Center.
WKOW 1258.9
House fires, 1970
Physical Description: 357'-362', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1258.10
News, 1970
Physical Description: 362'-392', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Night rally in support of Soviet Jewry.
WKOW 1258.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 392'-450', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on age of majority referendum.
WKOW 1259.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Head G.O.P. man on state of the party.
WKOW 1259.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 44'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on United Givers.
WKOW 1259.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 93'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dan Schutz on holiday highway safety.
WKOW 1259.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 126'-145', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gates of Heaven Synagogue.
WKOW 1259.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 145%207', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More on United Givers.
WKOW 1259.6
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 207'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Head G.O.P. man on state of the party.
WKOW 1259.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 270'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dan Schutz on lowering traffic fatalities.
WKOW 1259.8
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 331'-366', ,color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber addresses Native American children.
WKOW 1259.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 366'-401', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car crusher at scrap yard.
WKOW 1259.10
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 401'-457', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on length of term for mayor.
WKOW 1259.11
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 457'-480', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on United Givers.
WKOW 1259.12
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 480'-504', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club at Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1260
[unidentified film]
WKOW 1261.1
Awards ceremonies, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin state troopers.
WKOW 1261.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 24'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on surtax.
WKOW 1261.3
Unknown, 1969
Physical Description: 57'-62', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW title: “Newsfilm from WKOW Ch. 27 Madison, Wisconsin.”
WKOW 1261.4
News, 1969
Physical Description: 62'-133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men discussing uses of Betatron radiation treatment and industrial applications.
WKOW 1261.5
On-site interviews/News, 1969
Physical Description: 133'-166', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson arrives at Dane County Airport and endorses Toby (Robert) Reynolds for Mayor.
WKOW 1261.6
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 166'-204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on growth of rural electric cooperatives.
WKOW 1261.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 204'-235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Otto Festge's farewell party.
WKOW 1261.8
News, circa 1966
Physical Description: 235'-255', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Junior Achievement building fire.
WKOW 1261.9
On-site interviews, circa 1967
Physical Description: 256'-291', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin football player analyzing game loss.
WKOW 1261.10
Press conferences, circa 1968
Physical Description: 291'-360', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dick Gregory campaigning for president.
WKOW 1261.11
Features (Newsfilm), circa 1968
Physical Description: 360'-420', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Air Force water safety drills.
WKOW 1261.12
Press conferences, circa 1968
Physical Description: 420'-451', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on racial equality.
WKOW 1262.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-84', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Edwin Young on students and his job as an administrator. Intercut with shots of campus.
WKOW 1262.2
Traffic accident reports, 1970
Physical Description: 84'-107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car-train accident on Beltline Highway.
WKOW 1262.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 107'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on consumer fraud.
WKOW 1262.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 114'-232', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Superintendent Douglas Ritchie on contribution of University of Wisconsin--Madison Education Department.
WKOW 1262.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 232'-304', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on functions of Neighborhood House. Day care scenes.
WKOW 1263.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-42', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on government in Vietnam.
WKOW 1263.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 42'-102', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on impact of studded tires on Wisconsin highways.
WKOW 1263.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 102'-134', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on misinformation in sex education.
WKOW 1263.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 134'-170', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sports personalities, including Joe Garagiola, on what being a father means to them.
WKOW 1263.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 170'-263', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton at Mt. York Rock Festival near Poynette.
WKOW 1263.6
Speeches, 1970
Physical Description: 263'-3112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on campaign issues: Vietnam War, taxes, the protection of environment.
WKOW 1263.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 312'-328', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on Peterson entering the race.
WKOW 1263.8
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 328'-363', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1263.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1970
Physical Description: 363'-392', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Printing the University of Wisconsin student newspaper, the Daily Cardinal.
WKOW 1264.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-66', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on pollution and legal consequences to polluters.
WKOW 1264.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 66'-157', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie and others speaking at education conference meeting at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1264.3
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 157'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on revenue sharing.
WKOW 1264.4
News, 1970
Physical Description: 182'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest at Penn Park in Madison.
WKOW 1264.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 207'-264', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Louis Rukeyser on his career as economist.
WKOW 1264.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 264'-283', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Astronaut on retirement from space travel.
WKOW 1264.7
News, 1970
Physical Description: 283'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students listening to older man.
WKOW 1264.8
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 307'-344', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on student violence and how this violence harms peace movement.
WKOW 1264.9
Meetings, 1970
Physical Description: 344'-399', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1264.10
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 399'-463', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Harvey Harrington on retirement from University of Wisconsin presidency.
WKOW 1265.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mrs. Donald Peterson on husband's gubernatorial campaign.
WKOW 1265.2
News, 1970
Physical Description: 29'-54', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Emergency vehicles at Yahara River boat landing.
WKOW 1265.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 54'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two speakers on day care.
WKOW 1265.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 107'-327', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on the National Guard and its place on college campuses.
WKOW 1266.1
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-20', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on discrepancies in law enforcement related to birth control laws.
WKOW 1266.2
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 20'-113', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arlie Mucks, Jr., on solutions to University of Wisconsin campus problems.
WKOW 1266.3
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 113'-160', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student member on University of Wisconsin Board of Regents on lack of concern for students.
WKOW 1266.4
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 160'-252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin, William Dyke, and Police Chief Wilbur Emery on Sterling Hall bombing.
WKOW 1266.5
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 252'-349', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews two men on treatment of the aged in this country.
WKOW 1266.6
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 349'-395', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on combating drug abuse in public schools.
WKOW 1266.7
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 395'-417', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student protests.
WKOW 1266.8
Press conferences, 1970
Physical Description: 417'-453', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles reading statement on Sterling Hall bombing.
WKOW 1267.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 0'-23', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW football stadium and Field House.
WKOW 1267.2
News, 1971
Physical Description: 23'-66', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leo Cooper files his candidacy papers for mayor. William Dyke files.
WKOW 1267.3
News, 1971
Physical Description: 66'-94', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate session.
WKOW 1267.4
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 94'-111', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative meeting.
WKOW 1267.5
Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 111'-191', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver on competition between universities for faculty talent.
WKOW 1267.6
News, 1971
Physical Description: 191'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County parking ramp; Dane County Coliseum parking.
WKOW 1267.7
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 218'-316', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on removing offensive billboards. Brief shots of Gisholt Machine Company.
WKOW 1267.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 317'-361', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on types of research going on at state universities and how each state university has developed a specialty.
WKOW 1267.9
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 361'-393', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on supersonic transport.
WKOW 1267.10
News, 1971
Physical Description: 393'-429', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alma, Wisconsin, train derailment.
WKOW 1268.1
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearing.
WKOW 1268.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 25'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW spokesman announces HEW grant to university.
WKOW 1268.3
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 62'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on block party permits.
WKOW 1268.4
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 92'-113', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1269.1
News, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-43', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University Hospitals lab shown; drugs being tested on mice.
WKOW 1269.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 43'-84', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pancake breakfast.
WKOW 1269.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 84'-113', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air traffic control tower at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1269.4
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 115'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman on his opposition to use of block party permit for Mifflin Street Block Party.
WKOW 1269.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 175'-212', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University Committee member on his opposition to budget cuts for University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1269.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 212'-249', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mechanized puppets at shopping mall.
WKOW 1269.7
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 249'-334', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on prosecution of local nude dancing bars (?).
WKOW 1269.8
News, 1971
Physical Description: 334'-357', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey signing legislation or proclamation.
WKOW 1269.9
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 357'-395', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1269.10
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 395'-460', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on federal revenue sharing.
WKOW 1269.11
Panel discussions/On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 460'-487', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman talks about learning.
WKOW 1270.1
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-58', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1270.2
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 58'-115', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on block party permits.
WKOW 1270.3
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 116'-158', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1270.4
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 158'-255', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly session on abortion.
WKOW 1270.5
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 255'-339', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on merger of UW and state universities system. He appoints two new regents to combined Board of Regents.
WKOW 1270.6
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 339'-390', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly session on abortion.
WKOW 1271.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-66', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman on his accomplishments in city government.
WKOW 1271.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 66'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman (?) on maintaining education quality, bus service, green space, and new sources of revenue.
WKOW 1271.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 108'-133', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway views.
WKOW 1271.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 133'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman (?) on bus transportation, need to expand service.
WKOW 1271.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 172'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman running for re-election (?) on his qualifications.
WKOW 1271.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 229'-283', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman (?) on problems with taxes, city spending, tax relief.
WKOW 1271.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 283'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman (?) on transportation problems facing city.
WKOW 1271.8
News, 1971
Physical Description: 321'-327', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway construction.
WKOW 1271.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 327'-372', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Capitolaires all girl drum and bugle corps rehearsal.
WKOW 1271.10
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 372'-410', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Board of Regents hearing (?).
WKOW 1271.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 410'-443', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leo Cooper on what he feels is a double standard in issuing block party permits.
WKOW 1271.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 443'-479', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Westgate Shopping Center.
WKOW 1272.1
News, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-73', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mifflin Street area, police on the scene. Students dancing in the street.
WKOW 1272.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 73'-130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman on city primary issues including zoning issues and maintaining Madison's image.
WKOW 1272.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 130'-191', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman (?) running for city office on his qualifications for job.
WKOW 1272.4
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 192'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for city office on problems facing Madison.
WKOW 1272.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 240'-295', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman running for city office on problems facing Madison.
WKOW 1272.6
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 295'-328', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on federal funding approved for bus transportation.
WKOW 1272.7
News, 1971
Physical Description: 328'-350', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Train derailment.
WKOW 1272.8
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 351'-414', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman running for city office on need for controlling city growth, transportation, etc.
WKOW 1272.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 414'-470', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for city office on Schroeder Road problem.
WKOW 1273.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman (?) running for re-election on tax rates for property tax.
WKOW 1273.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 52'-113', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidate for alderman of 7th Ward on airport issue.
WKOW 1273.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 114'-163', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman running for re-election on problem of property taxes.
WKOW 1273.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 163'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on her qualifications for 19th Ward alderwoman.
WKOW 1273.5
News, 1971
Physical Description: 215'-236', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Night-time violence (?). Very dark.
WKOW 1273.6
News, 1971
Physical Description: 236'-262', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers on strike (not sure where).
WKOW 1273.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 263'-291', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Airport supervisor on need for new runways.
WKOW 1273.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 291'-335', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his opposition to airport.
WKOW 1273.9
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 336'-409', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Probate judge for Dane County running for re-election on his qualifications for job.
WKOW 1273.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 409'-477', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for Dane County probate judge.
WKOW 1274.1
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971 April 7
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1274.2
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 28'-59', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on referendum to get out of Vietnam.
WKOW 1274.3
On-site interviews, 1971 April 7
Physical Description: 59'-100', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on why Leo Cooper lost the election and Mifflin St. Block Party.
WKOW 1274.4
On-site interviews, 1970
Physical Description: 100'-149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on the campaign and election.
WKOW 1274.5
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 149'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People give their reactions to referendum vote.
WKOW 1274.6
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 210'-241', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cole Chemical Supply fire.
WKOW 1274.7
Traffic accident reports, 1971 April
Physical Description: 241'-264', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1274.8
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 264'-286', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire aftermath.
WKOW 1274.9
News, 1971 April 6
Physical Description: 286'-316', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plane wreck.
WKOW 1274.10
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 316'-400', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1274.11
Awards ceremonies, 1971 April 6
Physical Description: 400'-422', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1275.1
News, 1970
Physical Description: 0'-21', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters remove tree from a house.
WKOW 1275.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 21'-41', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Family sitting at dinner table.
WKOW 1275.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April 10
Physical Description: 41'-75', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tree tapping for maple syrup; to interior of maple syrup shed.
WKOW 1275.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April 10
Physical Description: 75'-111', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children at egg hunt.
WKOW 1275.5
Press conferences, 1971 April 9
Physical Description: 111'-267', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Three men charge U.S. military with conspiracy to murder people in Vietnam War.
WKOW 1275.6
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 267'-287', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire damage.
WKOW 1275.7
News, 1971 April 9
Physical Description: 287'-312', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vilas Park and Zoo.
WKOW 1275.8
News, 1971 April 9
Physical Description: 312'-359', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Laboratory and elderly home or hospital.
WKOW 1275.9
On-site interviews, 1971 April 8
Physical Description: 359'-382', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on reduction in federal income taxes, and unemployment rate.
WKOW 1275.10
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 382'-421', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Night scenes of protesters and vandalism.
WKOW 1275.11
Hearings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 421'-454', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1275.12
Openings, 1971 April 8
Physical Description: 454'-474', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Conoco Car Clinic.
WKOW 1276.1
Banquets/Speeches/On-site interviews, 1971 April 14
Physical Description: 0'-33', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club. Interview with speaker on prisoners of war.
WKOW 1276.2
On-site interviews, 1971 April 14
Physical Description: 33'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman from welfare mothers group on being manipulated by Lowell Messerschmidt, city welfare director.
WKOW 1276.3
On-site interviews, 1971 April 14
Physical Description: 88'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club speaker on Paris Peace Talks.
WKOW 1276.4
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 140'-198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on an investigation of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's practices and role with society.
WKOW 1276.5
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 198'-221', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at mattress company.
WKOW 1276.6
Meetings, 1971 April 13
Physical Description: 221'-327', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate panel member speaks on industries of Wisconsin, economic plans, and property taxes.
WKOW 1276.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 327'-351', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters giving house inspections to prevent house fires.
WKOW 1276.8
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971 April 12
Physical Description: 351'-370', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1276.9
News, 1971 April 12
Physical Description: 370'-401', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Flooding in streets of Madison.
WKOW 1276.10
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971 April
Physical Description: 401'-459', magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1277.1
Banquets, 1971 April 16
Physical Description: 0'-22', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1277.2
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 22'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Vietnamization program not working as well as hoped for.
WKOW 1277.3
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 84'-152', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental issues concerning dam.
WKOW 1277.4
Banquets, 1971 April 16
Physical Description: 152'-169', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1277.5
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 169'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Earth Day activities and the FBI.
WKOW 1277.6
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 215'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on dam (Kickapoo River dam?).
WKOW 1277.7
News, 1971 April 15
Physical Description: 239'-284', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dan Williams on Mississippi River at flood stage.
WKOW 1277.8
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 284'-341', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on President Richard Nixon and public confidence in J. Edgar Hoover.
WKOW 1277.9
On-site interviews, 1971 April 15
Physical Description: 341'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on welfare bill being considered by Congress.
WKOW 1277.10
On-site interviews, 1971 April 15
Physical Description: 401'-422', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover.
WKOW 1277.11
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 422'-441', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on people saving the country.
WKOW 1277.12
On-site interviews, 1971 April 15
Physical Description: 441'-467', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on payroll savings plan.
WKOW 1278.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April 20
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Medical building waiting room.
WKOW 1278.2
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 26'-54', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Swearing-in ceremony.
WKOW 1278.3
On-site interviews/News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 54'-99', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car inspections at Department of Transportation.
WKOW 1278.4
Meetings, 1971 April 19
Physical Description: 99'-199', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1278.5
On-site interviews, 1971 April 18
Physical Description: 199'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on a congressman.
WKOW 1278.6
House fires, 1971 April
Physical Description: 242'-262', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1278.7
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 262'-268', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1278.8
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 268'-304', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men viewing Kickapoo River flood damage.
WKOW 1278.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 304'-319', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People exiting a bus.
WKOW 1278.10
House fires, 1971 April
Physical Description: 319'-335', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1278.11
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 335'-365', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on abortion rights and U.S. relations with China.
WKOW 1278.12
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 365'-393', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on space station.
WKOW 1279.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April 21
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Either college students studying or an informal press conference.
WKOW 1279.2
Speeches, 1971 April
Physical Description: 18'-28', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1279.3
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 28'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the elderly and their independence.
WKOW 1279.4
Press conferences, 1971 April
Physical Description: 108'-128', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1279.5
News, 1971 April 20
Physical Description: 128'-151', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Abortion protest.
WKOW 1279.6
Hearings, 1971 April 20
Physical Description: 151'-283', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate hearings on pollution controls.
WKOW 1280.1
On-site interviews, 1971 April 23
Physical Description: 0'-42', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on preparations for retirement.
WKOW 1280.2
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 42'-66', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on youth of today.
WKOW 1280.3
News, 1971 April
Physical Description: 66'-78', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Large crowd outside traffic court; sign: “The Pope Rules Wisconsin.”
WKOW 1280.4
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 78'-102', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1280.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 102'-125', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lincoln Junior High School. Bluebird house construction.
WKOW 1280.6
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 125'-188', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man explains why he was thrown in jail.
WKOW 1280.7
Meetings, 1971 April 22
Physical Description: 188'-231', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1280.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 231'-287', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lake Mills Elementary School “Pollution Parade.”
WKOW 1280.9
Meetings, 1971 April 21
Physical Description: 287'-337', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1280.10
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 337'-365', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1281.1
On-site interviews, 1971 April 26
Physical Description: 0'-64', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Social Security, homestead tax relief law, and elderly income.
WKOW 1281.2
Banquets/Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 64'-79', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1281.3
News/Meetings, 1971 April 25
Physical Description: 79'-84', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protesters against Kickapoo- River dam project.
WKOW 1281.4
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 84'-108', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1281.5
Speeches, 1971 April
Physical Description: 108'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State University at La Crosse speeches.
WKOW 1281.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 228'-274', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: MATC open house.
WKOW 1281.7
News, 1971 April 24
Physical Description: 274'-298', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police inspecting railroad tracks and picking up dead body (?).
WKOW 1281.8
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 298'-323', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Richard Nixon and the North Vietnamese. North Vietnamese not listening to the president but to American public and POW's, she says.
WKOW 1281.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 323'-349', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Library Mall pollution demonstration.
WKOW 1281.10
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 349'-389', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cartwright Center Building; meeting being held.
WKOW 1281.11
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 389'-439', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on University of Wisconsin Angel Flight and Richard I. Bong Flight. Flying societies are going to Paris to deliver letters for POW's.
WKOW 1282.1
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-122', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and John Weaver on State Universities and University of Wisconsin merger.
WKOW 1282.2
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 122'-514', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey addresses State Senate.
WKOW 1282.3
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 514'-675', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Geilfus, president of Marine National Exchange Bank of Milwaukee, giving a speech.
WKOW 1283.1
Meetings, 1971 April 27
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1283.2
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 30'-95', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At State Capitol.
WKOW 1283.3
Meetings, 1971 April 27
Physical Description: 95'-136', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1283.4
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 136'-178', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1283.5
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 178'-245', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on banquet being held at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1283.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April 26
Physical Description: 245'-320', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Acting class(?) practicing outside Historical Society.
WKOW 1283.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 320'-358', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men doing grounds work on University of Wisconsin campus; inside a green house; men pouring concrete; Picnic Point and marshes.
WKOW 1284.1
Meetings, 1971 April 29
Physical Description: 0'-156', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marketing meeting on consumer interests.
WKOW 1284.2
Celebrity visits, 1971 April 28
Physical Description: 156'-170', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barry Williams (from television series The Brady Bunch) being greeted at airport.
WKOW 1284.3
Speeches, 1971 April
Physical Description: 170'-251', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on women and pregnancy.
WKOW 1284.4
Press conferences, 1971 April
Physical Description: 251'-314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on representation in local communities.
WKOW 1284.5
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 314'-356', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1284.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 April
Physical Description: 356'-390', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Greyhound bus station; people buying tickets and getting on bus.
WKOW 1284.7
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971 April
Physical Description: 390'-416', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1284.8
Speeches, 1971 April 8
Physical Description: 416'-440', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 3) on doctors.
WKOW 1284.9
Press conferences, 1971 April
Physical Description: 440'-478', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on people who run Madison at present.
WKOW 1285.1
On-site interviews, 1971 April 30
Physical Description: 0'-97', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Amtrak passenger train service in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1285.2
On-site interviews, 1971 April 29
Physical Description: 97'-161', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on abortion laws and procedures in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1285.3
House fires, 1971 April 29
Physical Description: 161'-189', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1285.4
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 189'-216', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on postal system reorganization act.
WKOW 1285.5
Meetings, 1971 April 29
Physical Description: 216'-300', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on consumer protection.
WKOW 1285.6
Meetings, 1971 April
Physical Description: 300'-361', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on voter registration.
WKOW 1286.1
On-site interviews, 1971 May 3
Physical Description: 0'-42', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Environment Wisconsin, and organization for Earth Day.
WKOW 1286.2
Awards ceremonies/Speeches, 1971 May
Physical Description: 42'-137', magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1286.3
On-site interviews, 1971 May 2
Physical Description: 137'-176', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Director of the Federation of Postal Clerks on the U.S. postal system.
WKOW 1286.4
Speeches, 1971 May
Physical Description: 176'-217', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on advertising and the consumer.
WKOW 1286.5
News, 1971 May 1
Physical Description: 217'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Indo-Chinese rally outside the Capitol.
WKOW 1286.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 238'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Great Northern passenger train coming into La Crosse, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1286.7
News, 1971 May
Physical Description: 270'-310'; silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Industrial park and interior of plant.
WKOW 1286.8
Speeches, 1971 April 30
Physical Description: 310'-329', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man giving speech on abortion.
WKOW 1286.9
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 329'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on passenger train service and government's role.
WKOW 1286.10
On-site interviews, 1971 April
Physical Description: 362'-397', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on failure of Postal Service.
WKOW 1287.1
News, 1971 May 5
Physical Description: 0'-68', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Large group of students holding anti-war demonstration on Bascom Hill. Tear gas used.
WKOW 1287.2
News, 1971 May
Physical Description: 68'-108', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war protest.
WKOW 1287.3
On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 108'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman giving interview in front of TV.
WKOW 1287.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 4
Physical Description: 127'-181', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Safety patrols' field trip.
WKOW 1287.5
News, 1971 May
Physical Description: 181'-204', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin residence halls workers on strike against University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1287.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 4
Physical Description: 204'-234', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Water fountain in mall.
WKOW 1287.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 234'-275', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Vilas Park Zoo.
WKOW 1287.8
News, 1971 May 3
Physical Description: 275'-333', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war demonstration with mock coffin.
WKOW 1287.9
Speeches, 1971 May
Physical Description: 333'-408', magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1287.10
Man on the street interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 408'-489', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People asked about the Navy and Project Sanguine.
WKOW 1288.1
Speeches, 1971 May 7
Physical Description: 0'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnamese man on desires of Vietnamese people.
WKOW 1288.2
News, 1971 May
Physical Description: 62'-86', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire trucks on Bascom Hill.
WKOW 1288.3
Meetings, 1971 May
Physical Description: 86'-157', silent and magnetic,color, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Senate meeting on cracking down on crime.
WKOW 1288.4
News, 1971 May 6
Physical Description: 157'-171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car getting towed.
WKOW 1288.5
On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 171'-204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on her experience with the North Vietnamese.
WKOW 1288.6
News, 1971 May 6
Physical Description: 204'-231', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration on Bascom Hill.
WKOW 1288.7
On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 231'-289', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on her experiences in North Vietnam.
WKOW 1288.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 289'-328', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students planting seeds.
WKOW 1289.1
Traffic accident reports, 1971 May 9
Physical Description: 0'-15', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1289.2
News, 1971 May 8
Physical Description: 15'-31', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dead body lying next to railroad tracks; police inspecting.
WKOW 1289.3
News, 1971 May
Physical Description: 31'-59', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Abortion rally at State Capitol.
WKOW 1289.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 59'-99', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People camping out.
WKOW 1289.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 99'-135', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Bikeology Day” promoting bike paths.
WKOW 1289.6
News, 1971 May
Physical Description: 135'-178', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interior and exterior shots of a factory.
WKOW 1289.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 178'-210', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair.
WKOW 1289.8
News, 1971 May 7
Physical Description: 210'-241', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Residence hall workers picketing in front of Ogg Hall.
WKOW 1289.9
News, 1971 May
Physical Description: 241'-290', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man showing models of future buildings, possibly for campus.
WKOW 1289.10
On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 290'-319', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Vietnamization.
WKOW 1289.11
Banquets, 1971 May
Physical Description: 319'-358', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1289.12
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 7
Physical Description: 358'-418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bike paths and routes.
WKOW 1290.1
Speeches/On-site interviews, 1971 May 11
Physical Description: 0'-87', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren giving speech; later he's interviewed on arsonists.
WKOW 1290.2
Speeches/Meetings, 1971 May
Physical Description: 87'-128', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1290.3
On-site interviews, 1971 May 11
Physical Description: 128'-185', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on meaning of Memorial Day.
WKOW 1290.4
Meetings, 1971 May
Physical Description: 185'-220', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1290.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 220'-244', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men looking through picture book, close-up of skiing trophy.
WKOW 1290.6
On-site interviews, 1971 May 10
Physical Description: 244'-282', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman (same as in segment 3) on not having police on guard in full riot gear.
WKOW 1290.7
On-site interviews, 1971 May 10
Physical Description: 282'-328', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on William Dyke's committee appointments.
WKOW 1290.8
On-site interviews, 1971 May 10
Physical Description: 328'-429', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman (same as in segment 3) on community relations with police department.
WKOW 1290.9
On-site interviews, 1971 May 10
Physical Description: 429'-458', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 7) on aldermanic meetings.
WKOW 1290.10
News, 1971 May
Physical Description: 458'-516', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man with Prosecutor's Handbook.
WKOW 1291.1
Traffic accident report, 1971 May 13
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1291.2
Awards ceremonies, 1971 May
Physical Description: 26'-53', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police awards.
WKOW 1291.3
Meetings, 1971 May
Physical Description: 53'-103', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1291.4
On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 103'-138', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with man on weekend Norwegian festival (Syttende Mai).
WKOW 1291.5
House fires, 1971 May 13
Physical Description: 138'-158', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1291.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971/05.
Physical Description: 158'-211', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hoffman House Restaurant to be built.
WKOW 1291.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 211'-237', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Business demonstrations and fair.
WKOW 1291.8
Press conferences, 1971 May 12
Physical Description: 237'-274', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on buying equipment for the city.
WKOW 1291.9
Hearings, 1971 May
Physical Description: 274'-302', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1291.10
Press conferences, 1971 May
Physical Description: 302'-350', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on Mifflin Street area development.
WKOW 1291.11
Banquets, 1971 May
Physical Description: 350'-381', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1291.12
Meetings, 1971 May 12
Physical Description: 381'-424', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Oscar Mayer meeting.
WKOW 1292.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 16
Physical Description: 0'-29', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “People Picnic” at Vilas Zoo.
WKOW 1292.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 29'-52', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Syttende Mai Parade in Stoughton, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1292.3
Banquets, 1971 May 15
Physical Description: 52'-71', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1292.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 71'-82', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interior shots of Moseley's Bookstore.
WKOW 1292.5
On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 82'-131', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on education of children through TV.
WKOW 1292.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 131'-167', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tour of building.
WKOW 1292.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 167'-206', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheltered work place for the disabled making candles.
WKOW 1292.8
Banquets, 1971 May 14
Physical Description: 206'-260', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin 110-year anniversary.
WKOW 1292.9
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 260'-289', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Syttende Mai festival in Stoughton.
WKOW 1292.10
On-site interviews, 1971 May 14
Physical Description: 289'-334', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on pollution in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1292.11
On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 334'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on high speed reading and age.
WKOW 1292.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 391'-430', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior of Post Office and people working in mail room.
WKOW 1292.13
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971 May
Physical Description: 430'-450', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March of Dimes banquet.
WKOW 1293.1
Meetings, 1971 May 18
Physical Description: 0'-88', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1293.2
News, 1971 May 17
Physical Description: 88'-111', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Railroad workers on strike against Amtrak.
WKOW 1293.3
On-site interviews, 1971 May 17
Physical Description: 111'-213', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man: Student financial aid - job opportunities in work study program.
WKOW 1293.4
On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 213'-240', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on loan for corporation bankruptcies.
WKOW 1293.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 16
Physical Description: 240'-277', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Syttende Mai parade in Stoughton, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1293.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May
Physical Description: 277'-303', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Various street scenes of Madison.
WKOW 1293.7
On-site interviews, 1971 May
Physical Description: 303'-387', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on consumers and environmental protection program.
WKOW 1294.1
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-36', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1294.2
Awards ceremonies/ Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 36'-74', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1294.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 74'-98', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin physical plant grounds.
WKOW 1294.4
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 98'-131', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on veto.
WKOW 1294.5
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 131'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 1294.6
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 188'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on bus service.
WKOW 1294.7
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 228'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey making speech.
WKOW 1294.8
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 265'-355', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on health plan.
WKOW 1294.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 355'-396', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on jobs.
WKOW 1295.1
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Colonial Heights Apartments.
WKOW 1295.2
Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 18%60', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1295.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 60'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse show.
WKOW 1295.4
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 100'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on housing and correctional institutions.
WKOW 1295.5
Special reports, 1971 May 20
Physical Description: 199'-258', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dan Williams reporting on Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1295.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 259'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on dam site.
WKOW 1295.7
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 278'-334', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative session.
WKOW 1295.8
Awards ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 334'-372', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1296.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on teaching assistants and need for educational planning.
WKOW 1296.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 49'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on campus issues.
WKOW 1296.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 102'-130', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sailing on the La Crosse Queen .
WKOW 1296.4
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 130'-162', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bayview Apartments meeting.
WKOW 1296.5
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 162'-198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on Geneva Convention.
WKOW 1296.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 198'-215', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lake shore clean-up.
WKOW 1296.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 215'-279', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Safety patrols outing to Wisconsin Dells.
WKOW 1296.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 279'-317', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on legislative investigation.
WKOW 1296.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 317'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on pending legislation.
WKOW 1296.10
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 367'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on legislative investigation.
WKOW 1297.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 0'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men give opposing views on abortion.
WKOW 1297.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 47'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two more men give their views on abortion.
WKOW 1297.3
News, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 87'-102', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women posting note on abortion clinic.
WKOW 1297.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 102'-137', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on draft issues.
WKOW 1297.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 138'-167', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Handicapped children.
WKOW 1297.6
On-site interviews), 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 167'-190', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on abortion issues.
WKOW 1297.7
Traffic accident reports, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 191'-209', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1297.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 209'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on draft issues.
WKOW 1297.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 236'-305', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on investigation of Police Department.
WKOW 1297.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 305'-325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistant talks about working for professors.
WKOW 1297.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 325'-366', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Teaching Assistants Association strike against University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1297.12
On-site interviews, 1971
Alternate Format: WKOW 1297 also available online.

Physical Description: 366'-385', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on teaching assistants (continuation of segment 10).
WKOW 1298.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State Patrol helicopter displayed.
WKOW 1298.2
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 41'-109', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on highway safety.
WKOW 1298.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 109'-145', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kickapoo parade.
WKOW 1298.4
Traffic accident reports, 1971
Physical Description: 145'-164', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1298.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 164'-202', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's Memorial Day parade.
WKOW 1298.6
Traffic accident reports, 1971
Physical Description: 202'-221', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1298.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 221'-295', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Street repairs on Regent Street.
WKOW 1298.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 295'-323', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Way gift shop.
WKOW 1298.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 323'-347', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Women's Memorial Day parade.
WKOW 1298.10
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 347'-371', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1298.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 371'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Street repairs on Regent Street.
WKOW 1298.12
News, 1971 May 26
Physical Description: 401'-417', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Old Stamm House fire.
WKOW 1299.1
Press conferences, 1971 May 30
Physical Description: 0'-47', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Press conference on Memorial Day.
WKOW 1299.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 29
Physical Description: 47'-83', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW campus art fair.
WKOW 1299.3
Graduation ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 83'-110', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1299.4
News, 1971
Physical Description: 110'-130', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military personnel at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1299.5
Features (Newsfilm)/Traffic accident reports, 1971 May 28
Physical Description: 130'-167', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day weekend traffic and accidents.
WKOW 1299.6
Speeches, 1971 May 28
Physical Description: 167'-191', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1299.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 191'-209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire commenting on computers.
WKOW 1299.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 210'-272', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on consumers.
WKOW 1299.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 272'-306', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Laboratory work.
WKOW 1299.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 307'-344', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vilas Communications Hall and sculpture display.
WKOW 1300.1
Hearings, 1971 June 1
Physical Description: 0'-82', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on power plant.
WKOW 1300.2
Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 82'-129', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1300.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 129'-163', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ceremony for Mitchell Red Cloud.
WKOW 1300.4
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 163'-219', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearing on power plant.
WKOW 1300.5
News, 1971
Physical Description: 219'-261', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest (not identified).
WKOW 1300.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 May 31
Physical Description: 261'-282', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial Day services.
WKOW 1300.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 282'-356', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on parks.
WKOW 1300.8
Public announcements, 1971
Physical Description: 356'-382', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: What to do in a car emergency.
WKOW 1300.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 382'-427', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on consumer protection.
WKOW 1300.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 428'-452', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vilas Hall construction.
WKOW 1301.1
Graduation ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-39', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1301.2
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 39'-76', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on law enforcement.
WKOW 1301.3
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 76'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1301.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 100'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax increases.
WKOW 1301.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 153'-205', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative elections.
WKOW 1301.6
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 205'-231', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1301.7
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 231'-326', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1301.8
News, 1971
Physical Description: 326'-359', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tornado damage.
WKOW 1301.9
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 360'-379', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1302.1
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 0'-55', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on public health problems and lack of insurance.
WKOW 1302.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 55'-143', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on problems with revenue sharing.
WKOW 1302.3
Hearings, 1971 June
Physical Description: 143'-193', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City aldermanic hearings. Paul Soglin present.
WKOW 1302.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 193'-225', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief (?) on community relations with the Police Department.
WKOW 1302.5
Press conferences, 1971 June
Physical Description: 225'-255', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on potential landfill sites.
WKOW 1302.6
Awards ceremonies, 1971 June
Physical Description: 256'-275', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1302.7
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 275'-338', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on dossiers kept on suspected subversives.
WKOW 1302.8
Press conferences, 1971 June
Physical Description: 338'-383', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on Madison Common Council and mayor's office.
WKOW 1302.9
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 383'-450', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on judicial problems.
WKOW 1303.1
Hearings, 1971 June
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1303.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 34'-68', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on national population growth in rural areas.
WKOW 1303.3
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 68'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on consumer legislation and laws concerning landlords.
WKOW 1303.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 102'-166', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two legislators give opposing views on revenue sharing.
WKOW 1303.5
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 June
Physical Description: 166'-197', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin State University at La Crosse.
WKOW 1303.6
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 June
Physical Description: 197'-249', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Area Technical College.
WKOW 1303.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June
Physical Description: 250'-278', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey at Wexford Village and Belmar Hills Parade of Homes.
WKOW 1303.8
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 278'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on review of water protection.
WKOW 1303.9
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 324'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Senator on House Ways and Means bill.
WKOW 1303.10
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 353'-388', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Corps of Engineers plan for Kickapoo River Valley.
WKOW 1303.11
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 388'-410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Senator on providing jobs through federal legislation.
WKOW 1304.1
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 0'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arboretum spokesman talks about the Arboretum.
WKOW 1304.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June
Physical Description: 79'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison park scenes.
WKOW 1304.3
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 127'-169', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on use of tear gas for University of Wisconsin crowd control.
WKOW 1304.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 169'-229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on Warner-Thompson resolution on property.
WKOW 1304.5
Press conferences, 1971 June
Physical Description: 229%271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on University of Wisconsin development and its impact on the city of Madison.
WKOW 1304.6
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 271'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney on student using police brutality as a defense in an upcoming court case.
WKOW 1304.7
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 331'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on the development of office facilities in Madison.
WKOW 1304.8
Awards ceremonies, 1971 June
Physical Description: 412'-, silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1305.1
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 0'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arboretum spokesman on Arboretum and silt buildup.
WKOW 1305.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 48'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Better Business Bureau.
WKOW 1305.3
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 108'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on centralizing the educational process at the University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1305.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 155'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on investigation of Department of Natural Resources.
WKOW 1305.5
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 210'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Fred Risser on budget deliberations.
WKOW 1305.6
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 233'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator estimates the speed with which State Senate will pass budget.
WKOW 1305.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June
Physical Description: 270'-304', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “American Showcase” touring exhibit.
WKOW 1305.8
News/Meetings, 1971 June
Physical Description: 304'-410', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate debate on budget and proposed University of Wisconsin merger.
WKOW 1305.9
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 410'-500', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Alliance of Business spokesman on unemployment in Madison.
WKOW 1306.1
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 June 14
Physical Description: 0'-98', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin spring commencement.
WKOW 1306.2
Meetings, 1971 June 14
Physical Description: 98'-144', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1306.3
Wire service, 1971 June
Physical Description: 144'-180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force promotional film.
WKOW 1306.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 14
Physical Description: 180'-248', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tips for tourists travelling abroad.
WKOW 1306.5
On-site interviews, 1971 June 13
Physical Description: 248'-301', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on what the Legislature's role will be in University of Wisconsin merger.
WKOW 1306.6
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 June 14
Physical Description: 301'-328', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin spring commencement.
WKOW 1306.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 12
Physical Description: 328'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Army vehicles travelling in a caravan.
WKOW 1306.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 12
Physical Description: 354'-372', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bike “ride-in.”
WKOW 1306.9
News, 1971 June 12
Physical Description: 373'-385', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war demonstration.
WKOW 1306.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 12
Physical Description: 385'-407', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Poets give reading at a nursing home.
WKOW 1307.1
Hearings, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 0'-83', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearings on rights for the disabled.
WKOW 1307.2
Judicial proceedings, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 83'-116', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Court arraignment.
WKOW 1307.3
House fires, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 117'-137', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1307.4
Speeches, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 138'-196', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman speaks on College Week and adult continuing education.
WKOW 1307.5
On-site interviews, 1971 June 15
Physical Description: 197'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Various speakers on 18 year olds getting the vote.
WKOW 1307.6
Meetings, 1971 June 15
Physical Description: 267'-335', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New elementary school education program unveiled and seminar.
WKOW 1307.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 15
Physical Description: 335'-365', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school students visit state legislature.
WKOW 1307.8
News, 1971 June 15
Physical Description: 365'-437', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gisholt Machine Company is having problems remaining open.
WKOW 1307.9
News, 1971 June 15
Physical Description: 438'-476', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Conservation efforts in Sparta, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1308.1
On-site interviews, 1971 June 17
Physical Description: 0'-33', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin student on starting a campus council.
WKOW 1308.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June 17
Physical Description: 33'-100', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: The need for community-based halfway houses is discussed.
WKOW 1308.3
On-site interviews, 1971 June 17
Physical Description: 100'-165', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin student comments on University system merger.
WKOW 1308.4
Meetings/Speeches, 1971 June 17
Physical Description: 165'-189', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey speaks to convention.
WKOW 1308.5
Meetings, 1971 June 17
Physical Description: 190'-235', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers convention.
WKOW 1308.6
On-site interviews, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 235'-278', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin administrator on the upcoming merger of the University of Wisconsin and the state university systems.
WKOW 1308.7
Meetings, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 279'-341', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council meeting on the rights of the disabled.
WKOW 1308.8
Openings, 1971 June 16
Physical Description: 341'-361', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New First Wisconsin National Bank.
WKOW 1308.9
On-site interviews, 1971 June 10
Physical Description: 361'-418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin administrator on welfare policy.
WKOW 1309.1
Speeches, 1971 June
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey addresses National Guard.
WKOW 1309.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 29'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and how it will be affected by merger.
WKOW 1309.3
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 101'-145', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin merger.
WKOW 1309.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 145'-222', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Maier(?) on tax revenue sharing and aid to cities.
WKOW 1309.5
Meetings, 1971 June
Physical Description: 222'-242', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Democratic Convention.
WKOW 1309.6
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 242'-260', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting on correctional facilities and an interview with correctional facility administrator.
WKOW 1310.1
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator Hollander on budget and University of Wisconsin merger problems.
WKOW 1310.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 27'-67', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator on budget problems.
WKOW 1310.3
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 67'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird on the limits imposed on his cabinet post.
WKOW 1310.4
News, 1971 June
Physical Description: 98'-125', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's anti-war protest.
WKOW 1310.5
News, 1971 June
Physical Description: 125'-173', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Auto Workers President Leonard Woodcock visits Janesville GM plant.
WKOW 1310.6
Features (Newsfilm)/Openings, 1971 June
Physical Description: 174'-212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey raises flag at Oak Ridge Demonstration Farm.
WKOW 1310.7
Meetings, 1971 June
Physical Description: 212'-308', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird meets with students and discusses defense and security problems.
WKOW 1310.8
News/Meetings, 1971 June
Physical Description: 308'-360', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UAW president Leonard Woodcock and Patrick Lucey meet with members of UAW Local 95.
WKOW 1310.9
Speeches/Meetings, 1971 June
Physical Description: 360'-410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edmund Muskie speaks to the State Democratic Convention on the resurgence of the Democratic Party.
WKOW 1310.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June
Physical Description: 410'-425', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Annual carpenters' apprentice contest.
WKOW 1310.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June
Physical Description: 425'-444', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Folk dancers perform in front of Prange's department store.
WKOW 1310.12
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1971 June
Physical Description: 444'-466', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1311.1
On-site interviews, 1971 June 22
Physical Description: 0'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on racial awareness and teachers.
WKOW 1311.2
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 98'-160', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Vietnam intervention.
WKOW 1311.3
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 160'-191', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis member speaks about welfare.
WKOW 1311.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 191'-212', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another Kiwanis member speaks on budget cuts.
WKOW 1311.5
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 212'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on thermonuclear energy.
WKOW 1311.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June
Physical Description: 267'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Railroad work.
WKOW 1311.7
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 300'-382', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another Kiwanis member is interviewed.
WKOW 1312.1
Press conferences, 1971 June 24
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke weekly press conference.
WKOW 1312.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 29'-63', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse and carriage on Madison street.
WKOW 1312.3
News, 1971
Physical Description: 63'-91', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boat fire.
WKOW 1312.4
Meetings, 1971 June 23
Physical Description: 91'-116', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1312.5
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 116'-147', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Possibly a lecture.
WKOW 1312.6
Awards ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 147'-182', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Baseball tournament.
WKOW 1312.7
Meetings/Speeches, 1971 June 23
Physical Description: 182'-245', silent and magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Man addresses Rotary Club on farming.
WKOW 1312.8
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 245'-274', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey speaks on taxes.
WKOW 1312.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 274'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on General Motors wages and the cost of living.
WKOW 1313.1
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-15', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber speaks to Wisconsin Businessmen's Association.
WKOW 1313.2
Political announcements, 1971
Physical Description: 15'-47', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire makes his weekly address to constituents.
WKOW 1313.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 47'-105', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People moving out of a house.
WKOW 1313.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 105'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on budget cuts.
WKOW 1313.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 126'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator speaks against budget resolutions.
WKOW 1313.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 182'-285', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on bill proposals for savings and loans.
WKOW 1313.7
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 285'-309', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1313.8
On-site interviews, 1971 June 24
Physical Description: 309'-339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison VFW post which wishes to become a “peace post.”
WKOW 1313.9
On-site interviews, 1971 June
Physical Description: 340'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Michael Grenzick on Madison VFW post wanting to be called a “peace post.”
WKOW 1314.1
House fires, 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1314.2
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 19'-39', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1314.3
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 39'-56', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1314.4
On-site interviews, 1971 June 28
Physical Description: 56'-170', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the press and the dissemination of classified material.
WKOW 1314.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 170'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Summer scenes around Madison.
WKOW 1314.6
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 218'-232', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1314.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 232'-249', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin shots.
WKOW 1314.8
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 249'-337', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club.
WKOW 1314.9
Traffic accident reports, 1971 June 27
Physical Description: 337'-375', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1314.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 375'-400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget deliberations.
WKOW 1314.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 400'-429', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1314.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 429'-465', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cows, cows, cows.
WKOW 1315.1
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-33', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 1315.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 33'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need for drug education.
WKOW 1315.3
News, 1971
Physical Description: 102'-140', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified protest.
WKOW 1315.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 40'-159', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Views of State Capitol.
WKOW 1315.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 159'-191', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax increases.
WKOW 1315.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 191'-209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on government programs.
WKOW 1315.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 209'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin budget cuts.
WKOW 1315.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 June 29
Physical Description: 233'-239', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men standing on State Capitol steps.
WKOW 1315.9
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 240'-350', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State budget commission.
WKOW 1316.1
Press conferences, 1971 July 1
Physical Description: 0'-90', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on liquor licenses.
WKOW 1316.2
News, 1971 July 1
Physical Description: 90'-111', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Document being signed.
WKOW 1316.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 10
Physical Description: 111'-153', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes at city dump.
WKOW 1316.4
News, 1971 July 1
Physical Description: 153'-189', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Laborers' International Union on strike at sewage plant.
WKOW 1316.5
On-site interviews, 1971 July 1
Physical Description: 190'-226', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on drug use.
WKOW 1316.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 1
Physical Description: 226'-254', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Old Milwaukee Special” (custom car) comes to Madison.
WKOW 1317.1
On-site interviews, 1971 July 2
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on need for aid to stricken Bangladesh.
WKOW 1317.2
On-site interviews, 1971 July 2
Physical Description: 29'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on the Pentagon Papers case.
WKOW 1317.3
On-site interviews, 1971 July 2
Physical Description: 92'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another speaker on need for aid to Bangladesh.
WKOW 1317.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 2
Physical Description: 155'-185', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway scenes.
WKOW 1317.5
On-site interviews, 1971 July 1
Physical Description: 185'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on new business development in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1318.1
On-site interviews, 1971 July 5
Physical Description: 0'-68', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on prison reform.
WKOW 1318.2
On-site interviews, 1971 July 5
Physical Description: 68'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Chief Wilbur Emery on how much money Police Department will need.
WKOW 1318.3
Wire service, 1971 July 5
Physical Description: 158'-209', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Postal Service inauguration.
WKOW 1318.4
Features (Newsfilm)/Openings, 1971 July 5
Physical Description: 209'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New United States Post Office in Madison.
WKOW 1318.5
On-site interviews, 1971 July 4
Physical Description: 239'-277', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on welfare conditions in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1318.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 5
Physical Description: 277'-317', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fourth of July parade and picnic.
WKOW 1318.7
Public announcements, 1971 July 4
Physical Description: 318'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke's Fourth of July address.
WKOW 1318.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 4
Physical Description: 344'-385', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Preparation for Farm Progress Days.
WKOW 1318.9
Speeches, 1971 July 3
Physical Description: 385'-438', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin campus speeches on Pakistani civil war.
WKOW 1318.10
On-sire interviews, 1971 July 3
Physical Description: 438'-480', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on Pentagon Papers.
WKOW 1319.1
On-site interviews, 1971 July
Physical Description: 0'-43', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on use of heroin and marijuana.
WKOW 1319.2
On-site interviews, 1971 July
Physical Description: 43'-89', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Richard Nixon and his reelection bid.
WKOW 1319.3
Unknown, 1971 July
Physical Description: 89'-122', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1319.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July
Physical Description: 122'-165', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man using divining rod.
WKOW 1319.5
On-site interviews, 1971 July
Physical Description: 165'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state government's part in property tax relief.
WKOW 1319.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July
Physical Description: 210'-234', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on water quality hearings
WKOW 1319.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July
Physical Description: 234'-266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fife and drum corps competition.
WKOW 1319.8
On-site interviews, 1971 July
Physical Description: 266'-277', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on budget package.
WKOW 1319.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July
Physical Description: 277'-288', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bar and parking lot.
WKOW 1319.10
On-site interviews, 1971 July
Physical Description: 288'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislating First Amendment protection.
WKOW 1319.11
On-site interviews, 1971 July
Physical Description: 346'-410', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren and others on resource and conservation merger.
WKOW 1319.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July
Physical Description: 410'-422', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes on interstate highway.
WKOW 1320.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 11
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade.
WKOW 1320.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 10
Physical Description: 28'-59', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Fair on the Square.
WKOW 1320.3
Meetings, 1971 July 9
Physical Description: 59'-85', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1320.4
Meetings, 1971 July 9
Physical Description: 85'-107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Alliance of Businessmen.
WKOW 1320.5
Meetings, 1971 July 9
Physical Description: 107'-131', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Automobile Association.
WKOW 1320.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 9
Physical Description: 131'-158', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on federal budget.
WKOW 1320.7
Meetings, 1971 July 8
Physical Description: 158'-180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's meeting.
WKOW 1320.8
On-site interviews, 1971 July 8
Physical Description: 180'-275', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University pay system discussed.
WKOW 1320.9
On-site interviews, 1971 July 8
Physical Description: 275'-348', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Proposed wheel tax discussed.
WKOW 1320.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 8
Physical Description: 348'-361', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professional fashion model.
WKOW 1321.1
On-site interviews, 1971 July 13
Physical Description: 0'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislators comment on how Senate budget will affect the University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1321.2
Meetings, 1971 July 13
Physical Description: 107'-135', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin officials meet.
WKOW 1321.3
Meetings, 1971 July 13
Physical Description: 135'-161', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Optimist Club.
WKOW 1321.4
On-site interviews, 1971 July 12
Physical Description: 161'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Use of TV in education discussed.
WKOW 1321.5
House fires, 1971 July 12
Physical Description: 239'-271', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1321.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 12
Physical Description: 271'-406', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of federal housing subsidies and tax increases.
WKOW 1321.7
News, 1971 July 12
Physical Description: 406'-442', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tax protest picket.
WKOW 1322.1
News, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 0'-22', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Telephone Company strike.
WKOW 1322.2
Meetings, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 22'-34', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1322.3
Traffic accident reports, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 34'-51', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1322.4
Meetings, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 51'-92', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's meeting.
WKOW 1322.5
On-site interviews, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 92'-179', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of restriction of property taxes and tax redistribution.
WKOW 1322.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 179'-232', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on women entering politics.
WKOW 1322.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 232'-264', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boat display.
WKOW 1322.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 14
Physical Description: 264'-289', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fair of Aquarius.
WKOW 1322.9
On-site interviews, 1971 July 13
Physical Description: 289'-376', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget cuts at University Hospitals.
WKOW 1322.10
House fires, 1971 July 13
Physical Description: 376'-396', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1323.1
Meetings, 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 0'-32', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary and Optimist Clubs.
WKOW 1323.2
Openings, 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 32'-59', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Town house opening.
WKOW 1323.3
Speeches, 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 60'-96', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Person making speech outdoors.
WKOW 1323.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 16
Physical Description: 97'-148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bicycle registration.
WKOW 1323.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 148'-159', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Water sports show.
WKOW 1323.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 160'-202', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on the Wisconsin presidential primary and Edmund Muskie's chances.
WKOW 1323.7
On-site interviews, 1971 May 15
Physical Description: 202'-229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Funds needed for transportation of underprivileged children (to a camp?).
WKOW 1323.8
On-site interviews, 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 229'-305', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview on 18-year-old vote.
WKOW 1323.9
Press conferences, 1971 July 15
Physical Description: 305'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on his agenda for Madison.
WKOW 1324.1
On-site interviews, 1971 July 20
Physical Description: 0'-104', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of local spending rates and employment.
WKOW 1324.2
On-site interviews, 1971 July 20
Physical Description: 104'-162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Telephone Company is having financial difficulties.
WKOW 1324.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 20
Physical Description: 162'-197', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Heidl's Fondue Chalet.
WKOW 1324.4
Meetings, 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 197'-236', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke speaks with students.
WKOW 1324.5
News, 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 236'-296', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard.
WKOW 1324.6
Meetings, 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 296'-333', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Association of Medical Clinics.
WKOW 1324.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 19
Physical Description: 333'-357', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People getting on bus.
WKOW 1325.1
On-site interviews, 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 0'-67', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of restoration money for University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1325.2
On-site interviews, 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 67'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Competitions between University of Wisconsin and State University systems discussed.
WKOW 1325.3
On-site interviews, 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 108'-130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Crime rate in the cities compared to crime rate in the suburbs.
WKOW 1325.4
On-site interviews, 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 130'-168', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: The living costs in cities compared to those of the suburbs.
WKOW 1325.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 21
Physical Description: 168'-202', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blood donation drive.
WKOW 1325.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 20
Physical Description: 202'-283', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Newark, New Jersey property taxes discussed as well as living conditions in big cities.
WKOW 1325.7
On-site interviews, 1971 July 20
Physical Description: 283'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Telephone Company settles strike.
WKOW 1326.1
Press conferences, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 0'-74', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city traffic.
WKOW 1326.2
On-site interviews, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 74'-97', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse diseases are discussed.
WKOW 1326.3
On-site interviews, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 97'-145', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison's charter and ordinances are discussed.
WKOW 1326.4
On-site interviews, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 145'-227', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Land use planning and the environment are discussed.
WKOW 1326.5
House fires, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 227'-241', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1326.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 241'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horse diseases are discussed.
WKOW 1326.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 22
Physical Description: 297'-340', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bicycles on State and Park Streets.
WKOW 1327.1
Promotional materials, 1971 July 24
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent and optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Postal Service labor contract.
WKOW 1327.2
Meetings, 1971 July 24
Physical Description: 41'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Panel discussion.
WKOW 1327.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 24
Physical Description: 87'-103', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Outdoor farmers' market.
WKOW 1327.4
Openings, 1971 July 24
Physical Description: 103'-134', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ford car dealership grand opening.
WKOW 1327.5
On-site interviews, 1971 July 24
Physical Description: 134'-176', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: First Offender program discussed.
WKOW 1327.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 177'-222', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of CBS's program The Selling of the Pentagon.
WKOW 1327.7
Meetings, 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 222'-250', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1327.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 250'-272', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified library.
WKOW 1327.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 272'-301', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Central Colony.
WKOW 1327.10
On-site interviews, 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 301'-347', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: First Offender program discussed.
WKOW 1327.11
Meetings, 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 347'-371',- silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1327.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 23
Physical Description: 371'-400', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: La Crosse, Wisconsin fair.
WKOW 1328.1
Traffic accident reports, 1971 July 27
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1328.2
Meetings, 1971 July 27
Physical Description: 19'-63', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Committee on 18-year-old vote.
WKOW 1328.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 27
Physical Description: 63'-94', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of fields.
WKOW 1328.4
On-site interviews, 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 94'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of fire safety codes.
WKOW 1328.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 157'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's art fair.
WKOW 1328.6
Meetings, 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 194'-226', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1328.7
On-site interviews, 1971 July 26
Physical Description: 226'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of fire codes in schools.
WKOW 1328.8
News, 1971 July 25
Physical Description: 318'-358', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vets for Peace at Camp McCoy.
WKOW 1328.9
On-site interviews, 1971 July 25
Physical Description: 358'-390', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on subversive activities board.
WKOW 1328.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 25
Physical Description: 390'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interior of library.
WKOW 1329.1
On-site interviews, 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 0'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dana Beal reports on state marijuana laws.
WKOW 1329.2
On-site interviews, 1971 July 27
Physical Description: 60'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of granting business licenses.
WKOW 1329.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 98'-112', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children on buses.
WKOW 1329.4
News, 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 112'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police cars at night.
WKOW 1329.5
News, 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 127'-198', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Regent and Park Street development.
WKOW 1329.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 198'-223', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Badger Road area.
WKOW 1329.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 223'-253', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University. of Wisconsin new student orientation program (SOAR program).
WKOW 1329.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 27
Physical Description: 253'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children on buses.
WKOW 1329.9
On-site interviews, 1971 July 29
Physical Description: 270'-317', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of local zoning codes.
WKOW 1329.10
On-site interviews, 1971 July 28
Physical Description: 317'-373', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Recovering alcoholics support group.
WKOW 1329.11
Groundbreakings, 1971 July 28
Physical Description: 373'-393', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheraton Motor Inn.
WKOW 1329.12
On-site interviews, 1971 July 28
Physical Description: 393'-433', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Recovering alcoholics support group.
WKOW 1329.13
Groundbreakings, 1971 July 28
Physical Description: 433'-451', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheraton Motor Inn.
WKOW 1330.1
On-site interviews, 1971 August 2
Physical Description: 0'-38', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of overpopulation and contraception.
WKOW 1330.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 2
Physical Description: 38'-63', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street scenes.
WKOW 1330.3
News, 1971 August 1
Physical Description: 63'-181', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of upcoming primary election.
WKOW 1330.4
On-site interviews, 1971 August 2
Physical Description: 181'-238', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of contraception legislation.
WKOW 1330.5
On-site interviews, 1971 August 2
Physical Description: 238'-291', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of fire codes in schools.
WKOW 1330.6
On-site interviews, 1971 July 30
Physical Description: 291'-301', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marijuana laws.
WKOW 1330.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 July 30
Physical Description: 301'-340', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin campus scenes.
WKOW 1331.1
On-site interviews, 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 0'-28', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of draft law and Selective Service.
WKOW 1331.2
On-site interviews, 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 28'-88', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lieutenant Governor on bill he is sponsoring.
WKOW 1331.3
Meetings, 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 88'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parents Aid Society.
WKOW 1331.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 127'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Student Financial Aid Office.
WKOW 1331.5
On-site interviews, 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 155'-187', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of student housing on University of Wisconsin campus.
WKOW 1331.6
Meetings, 1971 August 3
Physical Description: 187'-341', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Joint Finance proposal.
WKOW 1331.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 3
Physical Description: 341'-376', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Busing transportation.
WKOW 1331.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 3
Physical Description: 376'-422', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Admissions Office.
WKOW 1331.9
Meetings, 1971 August 3
Physical Description: 422'-510', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1332.1
Press conferences, 1971 August 6
Physical Description: 0'-58', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Huber on state budget deliberations.
WKOW 1332.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 59'-77', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People passing out leaflets outside State Capitol.
WKOW 1332.3
Groundbreakings, 1971 August 6
Physical Description: 77'-105', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1332.4
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 August 6
Physical Description: 105'-132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school graduation.
WKOW 1332.5
Press conferences, 1971 August 6
Physical Description: 132'-168', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Walter Chilsen and other legislators on state budget.
WKOW 1332.6
Press conferences, 1971 August 5
Physical Description: 168'-234', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and John Weaver on Substitute Amendment 5, a proposed amendment to the state budget concerning the University system merger.
WKOW 1332.7
Press conferences, 1971 August 5
Physical Description: 235'-280', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Republican legislator voices opposition to including tax redistribution and UW merger in state budget.
WKOW 1332.8
News, 1971 August 5
Physical Description: 281'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare rights demonstration.
WKOW 1332.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 5
Physical Description: 312'-324', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: YMCA yard sale.
WKOW 1332.10
Wire service, 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 324'-341', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Animation of satellite orbiting and astronauts training under water.
WKOW 1332.11
On-site interviews, 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 341'-365', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on draft lottery numbers and Selective Service process.
WKOW 1332.12
On-site interviews, 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 365'-403', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber on his salary.
WKOW 1333.1
On-site interviews, 1971 August 4
Physical Description: 0'-4277, magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police officer on car chase and arrests.
WKOW 1333.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 9
Physical Description: 127'-169', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County civil defense van.
WKOW 1333.3
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 169'-199', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction at Lakeside Street and John Nolen Drive.
WKOW 1333.4
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 199'-262', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gravel pit where police and suspect car chase ended.
WKOW 1333.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 8
Physical Description: 262'-286', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Street theater performance.
WKOW 1333.6
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 286'-319', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pickets at Badger Army Ammunition plant.
WKOW 1333.7
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 319'-339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on the draft and volunteer army.
WKOW 1333.8
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 339'-364', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the city of Milwaukee and tax revenue sharing.
WKOW 1334.1
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 0'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on blacks in Wisconsin State University system.
WKOW 1334.2
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 87'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Anderson and other legislators on state budget hearings.
WKOW 1334.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 1027-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax redistribution, University of Wisconsin merger, and the state budget.
WKOW 1334.4
On-site interviews, 1971 August 10
Physical Description: 116'-193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Director of Dane County Civil Defense Emergency Planning.
WKOW 1334.5
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 193'-251', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget hearings and a man on the budget.
WKOW 1334.6
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 251'-276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget proposals, University of Wisconsin merger, and tax redistribution.
WKOW 1334.7
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 276'-407', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on blacks in Wisconsin State University system.
WKOW 1335.1
House fires, 1971 August
Physical Description: 0'-9', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Helene and Britta Parkways.
WKOW 1335.2
Press conferences, 1971 August
Physical Description: 9'-46', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and fire prevention official.
WKOW 1335.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 46'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on blacks in Wisconsin State University system.
WKOW 1335.4
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 140'-170', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reduced tariffs on agricultural products.
WKOW 1335.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 170'-203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hot Wheels derby at shopping mall.
WKOW 1335.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 203'-230', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Period festival at Hixon House.
WKOW 1335.7
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 230'-262', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire scenes.
WKOW 1335.8
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 262'-319', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposed dam on Kickapoo River near La Farge, Wisconsin and the environmental problems this poses.
WKOW 1335.9
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 319'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on task force on health problems.
WKOW 1335.10
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 367'-411', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire scenes.
WKOW 1335.11
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 411'-435', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ragweed removal and hay fever.
WKOW 1335.12
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 435'-484', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on health problems task force.
WKOW 1336.1
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 0'-32', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small plane crash in a field.
WKOW 1336.2
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 32'-79', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Peace Pilgrim,” walking to promote peace in Vietnam.
WKOW 1336.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 79'-117', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on agricultural free trade with Europe.
WKOW 1336.4
Press conferences, 1971 August
Physical Description: 117'-168', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on narcotics abuse.
WKOW 1336.5
Speeches, 1971 August
Physical Description: 168'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on possibly giving lecture.
WKOW 1336.6
Groundbreakings, 1971 August
Physical Description: 218'-256', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Groundbreaking near Kickapoo River (for dam?).
WKOW 1336.7
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 256'-326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on mosquitoes in Madison area.
WKOW 1336.8
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 336'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aftermath of fire.
WKOW 1336.9
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 338'-377', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison problems with arson.
WKOW 1337.1
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 0'-66', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Mayor John Lindsay becoming a Republican.
WKOW 1337.2
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 66'-106', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native Americans using former government buildings.
WKOW 1337.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 106'-156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin tuition.
WKOW 1337.4
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 157'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on taxation and the devaluation of the dollar.
WKOW 1337.5
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 208'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on status of licensed practical nurses.
WKOW 1337.6
News, 1971 August 16
Physical Description: 245'-274', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction on Bascom Hill walkways.
WKOW 1337.7
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 274'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on wage increases and inflation.
WKOW 1337.8
Hearings, 1971 August
Physical Description: 331'-375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources.
WKOW 1337.9
On-site interviews, 1911 August
Physical Description: 375'-400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young Democratic Party leader on delegations (to 1972 Democratic National Convention?).
WKOW 1338.1
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Highway 141 and Interstate 57.
WKOW 1338.2
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 29'-85', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on highway construction.
WKOW 1338.3
Press conferences, 1971 August
Physical Description: 85'-112', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke news conference.
WKOW 1338.4
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 112'-129', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clean-up after a fire.
WKOW 1338.5
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 129'-142', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at “The Place.”
WKOW 1338.6
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 142'-176', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on tax proposals.
WKOW 1338.7
Hearings, 1971 August
Physical Description: 176'-216', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1338.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 216'-241', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Community Center.
WKOW 1338.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 241'-248', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Forbes-Meagher Music Company.
WKOW 1338.10
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 248'-286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on guidelines for University of Wisconsin spending.
WKOW 1338.11
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 286'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) and worker stress over taxes.
WKOW 1338.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 345'-367', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Railroad crossing sites.
WKOW 1338.13
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 368'-435', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on using group homes instead of foster homes for certain types of care.
WKOW 1339.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 0'-51', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coca-Cola distribution and recycling center.
WKOW 1339.2
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 51'-109', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Soldiers on maneuvers.
WKOW 1339.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 109'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on building Interstate 57 on existing Highway 141.
WKOW 1339.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 153'-269', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Military School officer candidates for National Guard.
WKOW 1339.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 269'-311', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Petting zoo at Hilldale Shopping Center.
WKOW 1339.6
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 311'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building construction.
WKOW 1339.7
Hearings, 1971 August
Physical Description: 330'-354', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey conducting hearings.
WKOW 1339.8
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 354'-382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin utility rates.
WKOW 1339.9
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 382'-420', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin faculty salaries and student tuition rates.
WKOW 1339.10
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 420'-480', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on President Richard Nixon's budget guidelines.
WKOW 1340.1
On-site interviews, 1971 August 23
Physical Description: 0'-54', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on State of Wisconsin constructing second office building in downtown Madison.
WKOW 1340.2
On-site interviews, 1971 August 23
Physical Description: 54'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on march and protest.
WKOW 1340.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August 23
Physical Description: 93'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man on the political parties and their ideologies.
WKOW 1340.4
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 154'-220', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Storm damage.
WKOW 1340.5
On-site interviews, 1971 August
Physical Description: 220'-245', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 3) on political parties.
WKOW 1340.6
Graduation ceremonies, 1971 August
Physical Description: 245'-292', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1340.7
On-site interviews, 1971 August 21
Physical Description: 292'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on unemployment and inflation.
WKOW 1340.8
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 324'-354', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war protest.
WKOW 1340.9
News, 1971 August
Physical Description: 354'-372', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Army maneuvers.
WKOW 1340.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August
Physical Description: 372'-398', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Square dancers.
WKOW 1341.1
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-55', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on crime.
WKOW 1341.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 55'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin homecoming activities: pom pon squad on Bascom Hill, floats on Langdon Street.
WKOW 1341.3
Speeches, 1969 October
Physical Description: 92'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on welfare rights.
WKOW 1341.4
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 102'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislators on state budget elements including welfare and school aid.
WKOW 1341.5
Awards ceremonies, 1969 October
Physical Description: 155'-185', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military officer giving award to state troopers for assistance in military convoy crash.
WKOW 1341.6
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 185'-287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on police training standards.
WKOW 1341.7
Meetings/News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 287'-426', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American conference to develop greater cultural awareness.
WKOW 1342.1
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-10', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi in jail.
WKOW 1342.2
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 October
Physical Description: 10'-44', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW-TV receives UPI award.
WKOW 1342.3
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 44'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on South Africa.
WKOW 1342.4
-Speeches, 1969 October
Physical Description: 78'-154', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police women conference.
WKOW 1342.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 155'-187', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus train unloading animals.
WKOW 1342.6
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 187'-235', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 3) on South Africa.
WKOW 1342.7
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 235'-283', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental quality and urbanization.
WKOW 1342.8
Hearings, 1969 October
Physical Description: 283'-310', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At State Capitol.
WKOW 1342.9
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 310'-364', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on tax revenue distribution.
WKOW 1343.1
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on the powers of the state to fight organized crime.
WKOW 1343.2
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 61'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on gender roles in society.
WKOW 1343.3
Press conferences, 1969 October
Physical Description: 114'-144', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on negotiations for continuation of bus service.
WKOW 1343.4
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 144'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders interviews Nelson Cummings of the Madison Urban League on helping people to reach their goals.
WKOW 1343.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 214'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Russell Weisensel farm; family preparing for dinner.
WKOW 1343.6
Awards ceremonies/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 307'-341', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles greeting Marines.
WKOW 1343.7
Banquets, 1969 October
Physical Description: 341'-385', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: YMCA.
WKOW 1343.8
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 385'-464', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on inequities of women's salaries.
WKOW 1344.1
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 0'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on Wisconsin trade missions and people-to-people missions to Wisconsin's sister country, Nicaragua.
WKOW 1344.2
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 44'-72', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on inflation and unemployment.
WKOW 1344.3
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 72'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Urban League president on giving guidance to school children.
WKOW 1344.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 150'-173', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children in classroom dressed up for Halloween.
WKOW 1344.5
Meetings, 1969 October
Physical Description: 173'-204', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metropolitan School District's Board.
WKOW 1344.6
Meetings, 1969 October
Physical Description: 204'-247', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin--Extension.
WKOW 1344.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 October
Physical Description: 247'-295', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke watches as street light is installed in residential neighborhood.
WKOW 1344.8
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 295'-337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on bill to abolish trading stamps.
WKOW 1344.9
On-site interviews, 1969 October
Physical Description: 337'-390', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on organized crime, anti-trust settlements, and lawsuits between states (such as those pertaining to the clean-up of Lake Michigan).
WKOW 1344.10
Press conferences, 1969 October
Physical Description: 390'-439', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on “wheel” tax, which would hopefully act as an environmental control and help pay for street improvements and mass transit system.
WKOW 1344.11
Speeches/News, 1969 October
Physical Description: 439'-497', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate session; legislators speaking on students respecting the law.
WKOW 1345.1
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 0'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Superintendent of Schools Douglas Ritchie on negotiations with Madison Teachers, Inc.
WKOW 1345.2
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 80'-109', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on Wisconsin trade missions with foreign countries.
WKOW 1345.3
House fires, 1969
Physical Description: 109'-128', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 1345.4
News, 1969
Physical Description: 128'-201', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Menominee Enterprises, a tribal business.
WKOW 1345.5
Traffic accident reports, 1969
Physical Description: 201'-220', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 1345.6
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 220'-271', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on water and air pollution.
WKOW 1345.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969
Physical Description: 271'-293', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's international dance at City-County Building.
WKOW 1345.8
On-site interviews, 1969
Physical Description: 293'-348', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on public employment disputes and the right to strike.
WKOW 1345.9
Hearings, 1969
Physical Description: 348'-397', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly.
WKOW 1345.10
News, 1969
Physical Description: 397'-449', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles signs beer tax bill.
WKOW 1346.1
Hearings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-62', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative committee hearing with Martin J. Schreiber and other legislators.
WKOW 1346.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 62'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson on proposals for regional airport between Milwaukee and Chicago.
WKOW 1346.3
Man on the street interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 84'-162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People responding to Richard Nixon's speech on Vietnam policy.
WKOW 1346.4
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 162'-238', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Priest responding to Richard Nixon's Vietnam policy speech.
WKOW 1346.5
Banquets, 1969 November
Physical Description: 238'-256', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 1346.6
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 256'-325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on housing and transportation problems in Native American communities.
WKOW 1346.7
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 325'-358', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Superintendent of Madison Schools Douglas Ritchie on city civil service residency restrictions.
WKOW 1346.8
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 358'-403', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on foreign exports in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1347.1
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-37', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin outside Law School on discontinuation of bus service.
WKOW 1347.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 37'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson on funding transportation projects.
WKOW 1347.3
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 71'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on part religion has in social life and rights.
WKOW 1347.4
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 126'-152', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airplane crash site.
WKOW 1347.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 152'-170', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Russell Wiesensel farmhouse interiors.
WKOW 1347.6
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 170'-202', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on education for welfare recipients.
WKOW 1347.7
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 202'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on religion in society (same person as in segment 3).
WKOW 1347.8
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 236'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Conference on Native Americans at University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1347.9
Meetings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 307'-332', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 1347.10
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 332'-421', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on dispute with Madison Bus Company.
WKOW 1347.11
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 421'-471', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on continuation of bus service.
WKOW 1348.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on official and unofficial Veterans Day observations.
WKOW 1348.2
Awards ceremonies, 1969 November
Physical Description: 51'-82', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Military award ceremony in Governor's office.
WKOW 1348.3
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 82'-123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Moses Kunstler on North Vietnamese attitudes toward America.
WKOW 1348.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 123'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Wilderness Rendezvous,” camping for Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts.
WKOW 1348.5
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 218'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Moses Kunstler on Chicago 7 trial.
WKOW 1348.6
Political announcements, 1969 November
Physical Description: 270'-297', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on military spending and taxes.
WKOW 1348.7
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 297'-326', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American conference at University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1348.8
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 326'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews Lt. Gov. Jack Olson on mass transit budgets.
WKOW 1348.9
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 362'-405', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on wire tapping and electronic surveillance.
WKOW 1348.10
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 405'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Obey on his appointment to the House Appropriations Committee.
WKOW 1349.1
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-21', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Republican on whether or not he will run for U.S. Senate.
WKOW 1349.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 21'-63', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on sales tax and welfare.
WKOW 1349.3
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 November
Physical Description: 63'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1349.4
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 87'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Day observances: Veterans for Peace in Vietnam; Jack Olson at VA Hospital.
WKOW 1349.5
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 138'-313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city budget and bus service.
WKOW 1349.6
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 313'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kunstler on his favorite cases.
WKOW 1349.7
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 362'-417', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on Bill 280S which would give enforcement authority to the Justice Department in narcotics and dangerous drugs.
WKOW 1350.1
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Greyhound buses leaving Library Mall.
WKOW 1350.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 24'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Regent Bernard C. Ziegler on communications within the UW system.
WKOW 1350.3
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 67'-90', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier and others touring new factory.
WKOW 1350.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 90'-113', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People watching marching band performing in a show.
WKOW 1350.5
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 113'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents' communication within the University and with the Legislature.
WKOW 1350.6
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 203'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on minority voting in presidential elections.
WKOW 1350.7
Speeches/News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 236'-302', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speeches and rally at Library Mall for free speech.
WKOW 1350.8
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 302'-405', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson signing bridge construction bill.
WKOW 1350.9
Banquets/Meetings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 406'-462', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: CUNA International.
WKOW 1351.1
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-74', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on partisan politics and city budget.
WKOW 1351.2
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 November
Physical Description: 74'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Optimist Club “Youth Appreciation Week” luncheon.
WKOW 1351.3
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 127'-162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Kunstler on the Chicago 7 trial.
WKOW 1351.4
Meetings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 162'-253', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Board of Regents meeting; man speaking on visitation hours at women's dormitories.
WKOW 1352.1
Meetings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's office.
WKOW 1352.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 26'-86', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin Afro-American Center.
WKOW 1352.3
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 86'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on recent speech by Richard Nixon and makes the prediction that U.S. troops will be out of Vietnam in a year.
WKOW 1352.4
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 153'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on cost of educating students from University of Wisconsin subsidized housing at Eagle Heights Apartments.
WKOW 1352.5
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 194'-237', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Girl Scouts interviewed on the Girl Scout space program.
WKOW 1352.6
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 237'-304', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Primate Laboratory.
WKOW 1352.7
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 304'-372', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on developing administrative structures in city government and on air park proposals.
WKOW 1352.8
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 372'-423', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin Afro-American Center and programs the Center will offer.
WKOW 1353.1
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews man on the creation of merchants' hotline to inform police and other merchants of people passing bad checks, etc.
WKOW 1353.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 78'-137', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the University of Wisconsin Afro-American Center and how the Center will be trying to involve the community, university, and minorities with each other.
WKOW 1353.3
Political announcements, 1969 November
Physical Description: 137'-155', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on cost of space exploration and the possibility of having countries cooperatively share the costs of exploration.
WKOW 1353.4
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 155'-227', magnetic,color,black and white, negative,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Man on his recent trip to Vietnam.
WKOW 1353.5
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 227'-274', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the nomination of Judge Haynesworth to the U.S. Supreme Court and his view that nominees should be asked for their political opinions.
WKOW 1354.1
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on shoplifting. Lt. Gov. Jack Olson signing anti-shoplifting bill.
WKOW 1354.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 84'-160', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Howard Leventhal on why people smoke.
WKOW 1354.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 160'-187', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Seventh Day Adventist emergency services truck outside of State Capitol.
WKOW 1354.4
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 187'-230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison's taxes.
WKOW 1354.5
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 230'-294', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison's budget.
WKOW 1354.6
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 294'-349', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 4) on taxes and city budget.
WKOW 1354.7
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 349'-370', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fancy Discount Meats store vandalized.
WKOW 1354.8
On-site interviews, 196 November
Physical Description: 370'-428', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin--Madison Afro-American Center.
WKOW 1354.9
Judicial proceedings/News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 428'-440', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi leaving courtroom.
WKOW 1354.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 440'-463', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Objects: USA” art show.
WKOW 1355.1
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-73', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ray LaPine reports on quitting smoking.
WKOW 1355.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 73'-103', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison scenes near State Street.
WKOW 1355.3
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 103'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on Alliance of Cities, millage rate increases, and the city budget.
WKOW 1355.4
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 150'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Chamber of Commerce spokesman on taxes and economic growth in Madison.
WKOW 1355.5
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 215'-320', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam War veteran on harassment of anti-war protestors in Washington, D.C.
WKOW 1355.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 320'-355', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of Campus Drive.
WKOW 1355.7
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 355'-423', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ray LaPine interviews a professor on treatments to quit smoking.
WKOW 1355.8
Meetings, 1969 November
Physical Description: 423'-443', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 1355.9
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 443'-483', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Gov. Jack Olson on water pollution in the Great Lakes.
WKOW 1356.1
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-74', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on urban problems in Milwaukee's inner core.
WKOW 1356.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 74'-168', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton on studded snow tires.
WKOW 1356.3
Press conferences/News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 168'-276', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mapleside Home preservation discussed. William Dyke comments on state legislation for urban problems.
WKOW 1356.4
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 276'-349', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnam veteran on U.S. soldiers' attitudes in Vietnam. MAPAC (Madison Area Peace Action Council) representative comments on peace efforts.
WKOW 1356.5
News, 1969 November
Physical Description: 349'-421', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton reports on increase in retail crime around Christmas.
WKOW 1357.1
Press conferences, 1969 November
Physical Description: 0'-29', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Warren Knowles welcomed home after South American trip.
WKOW 1357.2
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 29'-89', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on aspects of environmental pollution.
WKOW 1357.3
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 89'-149', magnetic, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman on ambulance service being reinstated.
WKOW 1357.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 November
Physical Description: 149'-186', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes from YMCA Camp Wakanda.
WKOW 1357.5
On-site interviews, 1969 November
Physical Description: 186'-265', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Saunders interviews woman on Project Understanding, an exchange program between Wisconsin and Mississippi counties.
WKOW 1358.1
News/Meetings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 0'-67', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Segment on shoplifting includes report on a conference for merchants. Scenes of downtown stores.
WKOW 1358.2
Meetings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 67'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Social Security Administration.
WKOW 1358.3
Meetings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 92'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Faculty Assembly.
WKOW 1358.4
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 127'-206', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and unidentified man on Dane County and city budgets.
WKOW 1358.5
Banquets/Speeches, 1969 December
Physical Description: 206'-270', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle speaks at Rotary Club luncheon.
WKOW 1358.6
Banquets/Meetings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 270'-323', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Optimist Club.
WKOW 1358.7
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 323'-393', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative input from University of Wisconsin students. Student is interviewed as well.
WKOW 1358.8
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 393'-433', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on city and school budgets.
WKOW 1359.1
Political announcements, 1969 December
Physical Description: 0'-20', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on water pollution bill.
WKOW 1359.2
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 20'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews man from Life magazine on photojournalism.
WKOW 1359.3
On-site interviews, 1969.12
Physical Description: 78'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on Congressional appropriation committees, including the one for Social Security.
WKOW 1359.4
Meetings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 154'-213', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles' office.
WKOW 1359.5
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 213'-258', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Life magazine photographer on his experiences.
WKOW 1359.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 258'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles displaying space mementos.
WKOW 1359.7
Traffic accident reports, 1969 December
Physical Description: 292'-313', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 1359.8
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 313'-392', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on draft (Selective Service) lottery.
WKOW 1359.9
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 392'-450', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton interviews man on revitalization of administrative structures at University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1360.1
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 0'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on changing types of administrative structures.
WKOW 1360.2
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 57'-85', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Mann interviews Madison Common Council representative on property tax increases.
WKOW 1360.3
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 85'-134', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on proposed Ice Age National Scientific Reserve in northern Wisconsin.
WKOW 1360.4
Meetings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 134'-150', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 1360.5
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 150'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax increase.
WKOW 1360.6
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 175'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Heasley on anti-war movement membership.
WKOW 1360.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 250'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowy street scenes and duck pond.
WKOW 1360.8
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 292'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on civilian massacres in Vietnam.
WKOW 1360.9
Openings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 345'-369', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke at dedication of South Madison Neighborhood House.
WKOW 1360.10
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1969 December
Physical Description: 369'-388', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Democratic Party.
WKOW 1360.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 388'-415', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Snow scenes.
WKOW 1360.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 415'-470', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Express Train.
WKOW 1360.13
Traffic accident reports, 1969 December
Physical Description: 470'-489', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 1361.1
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Heasley on young people and “generation gap.”
WKOW 1361.2
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 49'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on decrease in Catholic school enrollment.
WKOW 1361.3
On-site interviews/News, 1969 December
Physical Description: 92'-180', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Urban League Guidance Counseling Center.
WKOW 1361.4
Banquets/Speeches, 1969 December
Physical Description: 180'-218', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At Rotary Club luncheon, a man speaks on legislation protecting investors and their transactions.
WKOW 1361.5
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 218'-253', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
WKOW 1361.6
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 253'-285', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes and city budget.
WKOW 1361.7
Press conferences, 1969 December
Physical Description: 285'-366', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on problems with Dane County law enforcement.
WKOW 1361.8
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 366'-417', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Heasley on lawyers and politics.
WKOW 1361.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 417'-454', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Filling truck with household donations.
WKOW 1362.1
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 0'-58', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on expansion of post-secondary vocational schools.
WKOW 1362.2
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 58'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes and city budget.
WKOW 1362.3
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 80'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on illegal drug use and positive ramification of legalizing marijuana.
WKOW 1362.4
Hearings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 126'-183', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources hearing.
WKOW 1362.5
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 183'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cost of higher education.
WKOW 1362.6
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 236'-316', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Heasley on right wing politics.
WKOW 1362.7
Banquets/Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 316'-341', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Halfway House birthday party and banquet.
WKOW 1362.8
Press conferences, 1969 December
Physical Description: 341'-364', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city budget.
WKOW 1362.9
News, 1969 December
Physical Description: 364'-389', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest march to State Capitol. Shots of Paul Soglin in Capitol.
WKOW 1362.10
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 389'-430', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man with his views on drug abuse and law enforcement.
WKOW 1363.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 0'-42', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exhibit on famous Wisconsin women.
WKOW 1363.2
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 42'-76', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judge William Sachtjen on Madison Police and Fire Commission.
WKOW 1363.3
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 76'-115', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on management in education.
WKOW 1363.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 115'-143', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children singing “Jingle Bells.”
WKOW 1363.5
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 143'-190', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Julian Bond on black vote.
WKOW 1363.6
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 190'-256', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on educational recommendations.
WKOW 1363.7
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 256'-275', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on current political issues.
WKOW 1363.8
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 275'-312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on South Vietnamese attitudes.
WKOW 1363.9
News, 1969 December
Physical Description: 312%347', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police and students clash (anti-war demonstration?) at University of Wisconsin campus.
WKOW 1363.10
News, 1969 December
Physical Description: 347'-409', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Tenant Union spokesman and landlord discuss dispute.
WKOW 1364.1
Press conferences, 1969 December
Physical Description: o0'-63', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on compensation to City of Madison for services rendered to University of Wisconsin and the State of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1364.2
Speeches/Meetings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 63'-185', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Chancellor Edwin Young (speaking at Rotary Club) on Students for a Democratic Society and student unrest.
WKOW 1364.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 185'-216', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Decorating Christmas trees at State Capitol.
WKOW 1364.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 216'-242', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus handing gifts to children.
WKOW 1364.5
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 242'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Julian Bond on minority college students.
WKOW 1364.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 302'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of East and West High Schools.
WKOW 1364.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 338'-384', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Toy “depot” at Madison Community Center.
WKOW 1365.1
News, 1969 December
Physical Description: 0'-17', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Window shot out at Dane County Sheriff's Department.
WKOW 1365.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 18'-86', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Postal workers sorting holiday mail at main Post Office.
WKOW 1365.3
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 86'-125', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on agricultural economy of South Vietnam.
WKOW 1365.4
Meetings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 125'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metropolitan School District's Board of Education.
WKOW 1365.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December
Physical Description: 155'-174', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus giving presents to children at school.
WKOW 1365.6
House fires, 1969 December
Physical Description: 174'-200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Apartment building fire in Monona.
WKOW 1365.7
Political announcements, 1969 December
Physical Description: 200'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edward Ben Elson discussing campaign issues in district attorney's race.
WKOW 1365.8
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 267'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on statistical unfairness of draft lottery.
WKOW 1365.9
On-site interviews, 1969 December
Physical Description: 303'-383', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on educational recommendations.
WKOW 1365.10
Meetings, 1969 December
Physical Description: 383'-440', silent, black and white, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metropolitan School District's Board of Education.
WKOW 1366.1
Candidacy announcements, 1969 December 22
Physical Description: 0'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Connor Hanson announcing candidacy for Wisconsin Supreme Court.
WKOW 1366.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 22
Physical Description: 87'-150', si,b&w,color,pos,neg 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus and fire fighters giving out presents at hospitals.
WKOW 1366.3
News, 1969 December 22
Physical Description: 150'-170', silent, black and white, negative 
Scope and Content Note: Fire Department rescuing ice boat.
WKOW 1366.4
On-site interviews, 1969 December 22
Physical Description: 170'-222', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on civilians in South Vietnam.
WKOW 1366.5
On-site interviews, 1969 December 22
Physical Description: 222'-249', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Black Panther Party.
WKOW 1366.6
On-site interviews, 1969 December 22
Physical Description: 249'-295', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 4) on civilians in South Vietnam.
WKOW 1366.7
Political announcements, 1969 December 22
Physical Description: 295'-314', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on inflation.
WKOW 1366.8
On-site interviews, 1969 December 22
Physical Description: 314'-398', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on educational resource delivery system.
WKOW 1366.9
On-site interviews, 1969 December 22
Physical Description: 398'-462', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on racial tensions at University of Wisconsin--Whitewater.
WKOW 1367.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 24
Physical Description: 0'-21', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Police Dept. displays all-terrain vehicle.
WKOW 1367.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 24
Physical Description: 21'-28', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hauling wood through snow.
WKOW 1367.3
On-site interviews, 1969 December 24
Physical Description: 28'-221', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two Madison aldermen on Aid to Families with Dependent Children funding.
WKOW 1367.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 24
Physical Description: 221'-281', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowy street scenes and Christmas decorations. State Capitol Christmas tree.
WKOW 1367.5
News, 1969 December 24
Physical Description: 281'-309', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pulling snowmobile out of frozen lake.
WKOW 1367.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 24
Physical Description: 309'-328', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nurses wrapping Christmas presents.
WKOW 1367.7
On-site interviews, 1969 December 24
Physical Description: 328'-439', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser and speaker of the house on special legislative session and the role of lobbyists.
WKOW 1368.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman with roses getting on plane at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1368.2
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 26'-126', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Department of Revenue at “tax time.”
WKOW 1368.3
On-site interviews, 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 126'-178', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on stock market.
WKOW 1368.4
On-site interviews, 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 178'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Black Panther Party.
WKOW 1368.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 214'-261', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: After Christmas sales at Hilldale Shopping Center.
WKOW 1368.6
House fires, 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 261'-290', silent, black and white, negative 
WKOW 1368.7
Political announcements, 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 290'-370', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles on progress Wisconsin made in 1969.
WKOW 1368.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1969 December 26
Physical Description: 370'-462', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roger Sutton and Attorney General Warren in humorous feature on Santa Claus.
WKOW 1369.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-23', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Labor activist on lobbying practices.
WKOW 1369.2
Speeches/Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 23'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man addresses Rotary Club meeting on transportation.
WKOW 1369.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 52'-100', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on credibility George McGovern has among moderates.
WKOW 1369.4
News, 1971
Physical Description: 100'-121', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Farm Workers stage sit-in at State Capitol.
WKOW 1369.5
News, 1971
Physical Description: 121'-134', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate in session.
WKOW 1369.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 135'-152', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative agenda.
WKOW 1369.7
News, 1971
Physical Description: 153'-165', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate in session.
WKOW 1369.8
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 165'-197', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1369.9
News, 1971
Physical Description: 198'-209', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Burned-out building.
WKOW 1369.10
News, 1971
Physical Description: 209'-258', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sterling Hall being remodeled after bombing.
WKOW 1370.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-90', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mexican-Americans on police harassment.
WKOW 1370.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 90'-183', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New state budget outlined.
WKOW 1370.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 183'-230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City of Madison alderman on state aid to municipalities.
WKOW 1370.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 230'-302', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental education.
WKOW 1370.5
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 302'-336', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Teachers, Inc.
WKOW 1370.6
Speeches/Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 337'-380', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1370.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 380'-424', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hispanic spokesman on Hispanic community's impatience with reforms.
WKOW 1370.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 424'-473', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New York City councilman on Mayor John Lindsay of New York.
WKOW 1371.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 27
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: German dancing in shopping mall.
WKOW 1371.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 25'-54', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People painting mural.
WKOW 1371.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 27
Physical Description: 54'-204', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American gathering.
WKOW 1371.4
News, 1971 August 27
Physical Description: 204'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Board.
WKOW 1372.1
Meetings, 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 0'-42', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1372.2
Wire service, 1971
Physical Description: 42'-67', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Coast Guard ice breaker at work.
WKOW 1372.3
On-site interviews, 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 67'-94', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bell Telephone products.
WKOW 1372.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 94'-131', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wetlands scenes.
WKOW 1372.5
On-site interviews, 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 131'-178', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University systems merger discussed.
WKOW 1372.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 178'-204', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children leaving school.
WKOW 1372.7
On-site interviews, 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 204'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Explanation of how University of Wisconsin and State University systems merger will work.
WKOW 1372.8
On-site interviews, 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 228'-274', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on prison reform.
WKOW 1372.9
Meetings, 1971 August 31
Physical Description: 274'-292', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1373.1
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-44', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1373.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 44'-73', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on environmental issues.
WKOW 1373.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 73'-117', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on taxes.
WKOW 1373.4
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 117'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on State Street Mall issue.
WKOW 1373.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 154'-211', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus setting up.
WKOW 1373.6
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 211'-235', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1373.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 235'-272', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on grand juries and getting a fair trial.
WKOW 1373.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 272'-326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Health care for graduate assistants discussed.
WKOW 1373.9
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 327'-339', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1373.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 339'-368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man explaining how grand jury system works.
WKOW 1373.11
News, 1971
Physical Description: 368'-421', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Teaching Assistants Association negotiations.
WKOW 1374.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Lewis Telethon.
WKOW 1374.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 25'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Carnival at Madison Labor Temple.
WKOW 1374.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 89'-134', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Glarus, Wisconsin. Wilhelm Tell Festival.
WKOW 1374.4
News, 1971 September
Physical Description: 134'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire Department paramedics with stretcher.
WKOW 1374.5
Press conferences, 1971 September
Physical Description: 155'-292', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on urban emergency funding.
WKOW 1374.6
Openings, 1971 September
Physical Description: 292'-328', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Helen C. White College Library on University of Wisconsin campus.
WKOW 1375.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-19', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State budget deliberations discussed.
WKOW 1375.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 20'-74', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School superintendent on school dress codes.
WKOW 1375.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 75'-103', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on taxes.
WKOW 1375.4
Meetings/Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 103'-157', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1375.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 157'-195', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cutting trees in Vilas Park.
WKOW 1375.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 196'-226', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on holiday weekend (Labor Day?) traffic fatalities.
WKOW 1375.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 226'-256', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: First day of classes at University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1375.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 256'-285', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on federal budget.
WKOW 1375.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 285'-319', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified event.
WKOW 1375.10
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 320'-359', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Claim made that alcohol is not a factor in holiday accidents.
WKOW 1375.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 359'-399', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Litter at a campground.
WKOW 1376.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Senate substitute tax bill.
WKOW 1376.2
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 48'-111', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislators at work on budget.
WKOW 1376.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 111'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Union leader on collective bargaining.
WKOW 1376.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 157'-212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin registration.
WKOW 1376.5
News, 1971
Physical Description: 212'-322', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Model of proposed Metro Square.
WKOW 1376.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 322'-416', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on agricultural expansion in Dane County.
WKOW 1377.1
On-site interviews, 1971 September 13
Physical Description: 0'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Republican legislator on “difficult” Democrats.
WKOW 1377.2
Press conferences, 1971 September
Physical Description: 81'-106', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1377.3
Hearings, 1971 September
Physical Description: 106'-163', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearings on bill to provide loans during wage and price freeze.
WKOW 1377.4
Speeches, 1971 September
Physical Description: 163'-197', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison police listen to lecture.
WKOW 1377.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 197'-232', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men jogging around Capitol Square.
WKOW 1377.6
Traffic accident reports, 1971 September
Physical Description: 232'-250', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1377.7
News, 1971 September
Physical Description: 251'-278', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Eagle Bowling Lanes.
WKOW 1377.8
Speeches, 1971 September
Physical Description: 278'-311', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Hospital Association.
WKOW 1377.9
Press conferences, 1971 September 10
Physical Description: 312'-365', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW budget discussed.
WKOW 1377.10
Meetings, 1971 September
Physical Description: 365'-426', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: AFSCME meeting on wage and price freeze.
WKOW 1377.11
News, 1971 September
Physical Description: 426'-472', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student rally for extension of State Street Mall.
WKOW 1377.12
Groundbreakings, 1971 September
Physical Description: 472'-491', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin Credit Union.
WKOW 1378.1
On-site interviews, 1971 September 14
Physical Description: 0'-19', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on proposed new inspection bills for nursing homes.
WKOW 1378.2
On-site interviews, 1971 September 14
Physical Description: 20'-54', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chairman of Senate Committee on Health on the state budget.
WKOW 1378.3
On-site interviews, 1971 September 14
Physical Description: 54'-81', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator on Governor Patrick Lucey and the UW merger.
WKOW 1378.4
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 81'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on the UW merger.
WKOW 1378.5
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 102'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senator James Devitt on nursing home inspection bill.
WKOW 1378.6
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 158'-212', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on nursing home inspection bill.
WKOW 1378.7
Press conferences, 1971 September
Physical Description: 213'-275', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Xerox Corporation to sponsor public service program.
WKOW 1378.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 275'-301', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW--Madison campus.
WKOW 1378.9
Meetings, 1971 September 13
Physical Description: 302'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Budget Commission on tax redistribution.
WKOW 1378.10
Banquets, 1971 September 13
Physical Description: 353'-386', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified 100th anniversary dinner.
WKOW 1379.1
Press conferences, 1971 September 16
Physical Description: 0'-42', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin and state universities merger proposal.
WKOW 1379.2
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 42'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on court struggles.
WKOW 1379.3
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 71'-95', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on oversight built into budget bill.
WKOW 1379.4
Meetings, 1971 September
Physical Description: 95'-129', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nurses meeting.
WKOW 1379.5
News, 1971 September
Physical Description: 130'-171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: No phosphate detergents displayed.
WKOW 1379.6
News, 1971 September 15
Physical Description: 171'-196', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student protesters meet with Governor Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1379.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 196'-246', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Report on whether or not Capitol security is “intimidating” enough.
WKOW 1379.8
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 246'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man against standing grand juries.
WKOW 1379.9
News, 1971 September 15
Physical Description: 278'-304', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war(?) protest.
WKOW 1379.10
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 305'-358', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on tax redistribution bill.
WKOW 1379.11
Meetings, 1971 September
Physical Description: 358'-371', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1379.12
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 371'-418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grand jury changes proposed.
WKOW 1379.13
Meetings, 1971 September
Physical Description: 419'-457', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lecture.
WKOW 1379.14
Openings, 1971 September
Physical Description: 457'-478', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New research center at Veterans' Administration Hospital.
WKOW 1380.1
News/Meetings, 1971 September 17
Physical Description: 0'-110', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Common Council meeting; conflict among aldermen.
WKOW 1380.2
Openings, 1971 September 17.
Physical Description: 110'-141', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Goodwill Store opens.
WKOW 1380.3
On-site interviews, 1971 September 17
Physical Description: 141'-235', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman Michael Shivers on CATV (Community Antenna TV).
WKOW 1380.4
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 235'-291', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin admissions spokesman on late admissions to University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1380.5
Meetings, 1971 September
Physical Description: 291'-348', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Builders meeting.
WKOW 1380.6
On-site interviews, 1971 September 16
Physical Description: 349'-380', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Amendments to University of Wisconsin merger plan discussed.
WKOW 1380.7
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 380'-397', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on University of Wisconsin merger.
WKOW 1380.8
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 398'-440', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on Wisconsin abortion laws.
WKOW 1381.1
Press conferences, 1971 September
Physical Description: 0'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on migrant workers.
WKOW 1381.2
News, 1971 September
Physical Description: 71'-107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New construction at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1381.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September
Physical Description: 108'-126', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: La Crosse, Wisconsin police.
WKOW 1381.4
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 127'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of VFW problems with IRS.
WKOW 1381.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 20
Physical Description: 174'-190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: La Crosse, Wisconsin police.
WKOW 1381.6
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 191'-306', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Progressive Peace Party platform discussed.
WKOW 1381.7
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 306'-371', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin administrator on new University of Wisconsin flexible meal plan.
WKOW 1382.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 22
Physical Description: 0'-36', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bike riding on campus.
WKOW 1382.2
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 36'-66', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on merger of University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1382.3
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 66'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin merger.
WKOW 1382.4
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 102'-159', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on representation in state legislature.
WKOW 1382.5
On-site interviews, 1971 September 22
Physical Description: 159'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on army inductions.
WKOW 1382.6
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 182'-226', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin Board of Regents and faculty.
WKOW 1382.7
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 226'-249', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man commenting on University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1382.8
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 250'-307', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 4) on representation in legislature.
WKOW 1382.9
On-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 307'-373', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 5) on army inductions.
WKOW 1382.10
Oh-site interviews, 1971 September
Physical Description: 373'-414', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on voting.
WKOW 1383.1
On-site interviews, 1971 September 24
Physical Description: 0'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property assessments for taxes.
WKOW 1383.2
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 44'-90', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Judicial meeting.
WKOW 1383.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 90'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on smoke-in at State Capitol.
WKOW 1383.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 120'-147', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parking feature.
WKOW 1383.5
Meetings, 1971 September 23
Physical Description: 147'-191', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: YMCA/YWCA meeting.
WKOW 1383.6
On-site interviews, 1971 September 23
Physical Description: 191'-253', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police officer on bicycle violations.
WKOW 1383.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 253'-301', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax redistribution funds.
WKOW 1383.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 301'-342', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on veterans and jobs.
WKOW 1383.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 342'-378', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man speaks on veterans and jobs.
WKOW 1383.10
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 378'-413', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1383.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 413'-446', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man demonstrating hearing devices.
WKOW 1383.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 446'-468', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Way campaign.
WKOW 1384.1
Meetings, 1971 September 7
Physical Description: 0'-33', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1384.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 33'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Canadian oil pipeline.
WKOW 1384.3
On-site interviews, 1971 September 27
Physical Description: 88'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax sharing and University of Wisconsin merger.
WKOW 1384.4
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 116'-153', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1384.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 153'-175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two students.
WKOW 1384.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 September 26
Physical Description: 175'-495', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Yippie smoke-in.
WKOW 1384.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 195'-241', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property sales.
WKOW 1384.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 242'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on yippie smoke-in.
WKOW 1384.9
News, 1971
Physical Description: 279'-302', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Regent Street repairs.
WKOW 1385.1
On-site interviews, 1971 September 29
Physical Description: 0'-24', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state regulation of morality.
WKOW 1385.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 24'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on birth control.
WKOW 1385.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 79'-162', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University merger and Board of Regents.
WKOW 1385.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 162'-187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax redistribution.
WKOW 1385.5
Meetings, 1971 September 28
Physical Description: 187'-253', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Conference committee on state taxes.
WKOW 1385.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 253'-276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax redistribution.
WKOW 1385.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 276'-339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Department of Natural Resources.
WKOW 1385.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 339'-389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on seats in the assembly.
WKOW 1386.1
News, 1971 September 30
Physical Description: 0'-8', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction project.
WKOW 1386.2
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 8'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on Theater Guild proposal for money.
WKOW 1386.3
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 52'-79', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teaching Assistants Association meeting.
WKOW 1386.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 80'-137', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Penal official compares New York State and Wisconsin jails.
WKOW 1386.5
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 137'-149', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: House fire aftermath.
WKOW 1386.6
News, 1971
Physical Description: 149'-192', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting.
WKOW 1386.7
On-site interviews, 1971 September 29
Physical Description: 192'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University merger supporter speaks out.
WKOW 1386.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 228'-277', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State senators arguing “promiscuity” bill.
WKOW 1387.1
On-site interviews, 1971/
Physical Description: 0'-38', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on nursing homes.
WKOW 1387.2
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 38'-83', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Way meeting in Patrick Lucey's office.
WKOW 1387.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 83'-136', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bookstore at West High School.
WKOW 1387.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 136'-160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clean air caravan and car testing.
WKOW 1387.5
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 160'-195', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on savings.
WKOW 1387.6
News, 1971
Physical Description: 195'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Power plant.
WKOW 1387.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 218'-278', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey speaks about cable TV.
WKOW 1387.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 278'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prison problems.
WKOW 1388.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-76', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget.
WKOW 1388.2
News, 1971
Physical Description: 76'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire.
WKOW 1388.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 100'-146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on “Time to Act.”
WKOW 1388.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 146'-170', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on profits and wages.
WKOW 1388.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 170'-216', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on research and development.
WKOW 1388.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 216'-252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1388.7
News, 1971
Physical Description: 252'-277', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern for president rally.
WKOW 1388.8
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 277'-347', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo and Martin Schreiber on nursing homes.
WKOW 1388.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 347'-382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on military spending.
WKOW 1389.1
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-86', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speech to Rotary Club on crime.
WKOW 1389.2
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 86'-136', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1389.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 136'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on tax assessments.
WKOW 1389.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 175'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student board.
WKOW 1389.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 214'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student apathy.
WKOW 1389.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 250'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ban on burning leaves in the city.
WKOW 1389.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 302'-332', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car dealer.
WKOW 1389.8
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 332'-350', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1389.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 350'-399', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on school fees in Madison.
WKOW 1389.10
News, 1971
Physical Description: 399'-418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City assessor's office.
WKOW 1390.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-19', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American spokesman on problems confronting Menominees now that their reservation is a county.
WKOW 1390.2
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 20'-96', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man, speaking to Rotary Club, on students changing their ways of protest.
WKOW 1390.3
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 96'-118', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1390.4
Groundbreakings, 1971
Physical Description: 119'-140', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1390.5
Speeches , 1971
Physical Description: 141'-188', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on environmental problems.
WKOW 1390.6
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 189'-248', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and highway commissioner on changes in highway between Madison and Milwaukee.
WKOW 1390.7
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 248'-293', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey (speaking to same group as in segment 5) on sea grant program.
WKOW 1390.8
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 293'-359', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (U.S. Senator?) on controlling the oceans and controlling pollution.
WKOW 1390.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 359'-422', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and highway commissioner on a better highway policy that would not destroy as much farmland.
WKOW 1390.10
News, 1971
Physical Description: 422'-437', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ambulance arriving at accident scene.
WKOW 1390.11
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 438'-456', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1390.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 457'-486', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blood drive.
WKOW 1391.1
News/Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-122', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American demonstration on Capitol Square. Patrick Lucey addresses crowd on needs of Native Americans.
WKOW 1391.1
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 123'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and Native American leaders.
WKOW 1391.3
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 127'-189', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on limiting school budgets.
WKOW 1391.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 189'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison Urban League being chosen for work incentive training.
WKOW 1391.5
Openings, 1971
Physical Description: 242'-252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East Towne Mall opens.
WKOW 1391.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 253'-291', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American leader on needs of Menominee Indians since end of reservation status.
WKOW 1391.7
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 292'-339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Ginsberg (?) addressing Rotary Club on reaching out to university students.
WKOW 1392.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Library Mall on sunny day; students out and about.
WKOW 1392.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 27'-42', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Outdoor recreation show at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1392.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 43'-73', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West High School homecoming parade.
WKOW 1392.4
News, 1971
Physical Description: 73'-118', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Waste recycling plant and incinerator.
WKOW 1392.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 118'-146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Capitol rotunda ceremony for the arts.
WKOW 1392.6
News, 1971
Physical Description: 147'-189', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women picket outside Madison Newspapers on grounds of sex discrimination in classified work advertisements.
WKOW 1392.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 190'-226', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Performer (B.B. King ?) at Wisconsin Correctional Institution.
WKOW 1392.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 227'-258', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Chamber of Commerce offices.
WKOW 1392.9
News/Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 258'-333', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American demonstration (by group called D.R.U.M.S.) and press conference with Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1392.10
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 334'-406', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and another city official on relieving property tax burden.
WKOW 1392.11
Openings, 1971
Physical Description: 406'-427', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke cuts ribbon opening East Towne Mall.
WKOW 1393.1
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-152', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting of State Universities Board of Regents(?). Mr. Kopp interviewed on what might happen if merger is declared unconstitutional. Regent Ody Fish also comments on merger.
WKOW 1393.2
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 153'-194', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1393.3
Banquets, 1971
Physical Description: 195'-225', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1393.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 225'-261', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Closed golf course.
WKOW 1393.5
Political announcements, 1971
Physical Description: 262'-286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on military waste (specifically, C5-A transport plane).
WKOW 1393.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 287'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children organizing trash clean-up.
WKOW 1394.1
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1394.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 19'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on housing.
WKOW 1394.3
News, 1971
Physical Description: 70'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building construction.
WKOW 1394.4
On-site interviews, 1971 October 21
Physical Description: 92'-133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on housing.
WKOW 1394.5
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 133'-144', silent, color, negative 
WKOW 1394.6
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 144'-154', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1394.7
News, 1971
Physical Description: 154'-175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building construction.
WKOW 1394.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 175'-214', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mobile office.
WKOW 1394.9
On-site interviews, 1971 October 20
Physical Description: 214'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on fire fighters' unions.
WKOW 1394.10
On-site interviews, 1971 October 20
Physical Description: 268'-341', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on day care centers.
WKOW 1394.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 341'-403', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Wisconsin women in politics.
WKOW 1395.1
Traffic accident reports, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-29', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car crash in a lake.
WKOW 1395.2
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 29'-66', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Assembly meeting.
WKOW 1395.3
News, 1971
Physical Description: 66'-84', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire in Oregon, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1395.4
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 84'-124', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Veterans for Peace.
WKOW 1395.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 124'-160', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on executive budget for state.
WKOW 1395.6
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 160'-211', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city budget.
WKOW 1395.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 211'-234', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force pilot.
WKOW 1395.8
News, 1971
Physical Description: 234'-258', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern campaign headquarters.
WKOW 1395.9
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 258'-275', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1395.10
News, 1971
Physical Description: 275'-308', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: La Crosse, Wisconsin, fire department testing new foam.
WKOW 1395.11
News, 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 308'-318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Church fire.
WKOW 1395.12
On-site interviews, 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 318'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on apartment safety.
WKOW 1395.13
News, 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 352'-363', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Church fire (same as segment 11).
WKOW 1395.14
On-site interviews, 1971 October 22
Physical Description: 363'-450', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on apartment safety (same as segment 12).
WKOW 1395.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 450'-490', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Feature on film archive.
WKOW 1396.1
Traffic accident reports, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1396.2
Traffic accident reports, 1971
Physical Description: 19'-38', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1396.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 38'-62', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Decorated pumpkins.
WKOW 1396.4
On-site interviews, 1971 October 27
Physical Description: 62'-95', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on tax and UW merger.
WKOW 1396.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 95'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax increases.
WKOW 1396.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 120'-164', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget.
WKOW 1396.7
Traffic accident reports, 1971
Physical Description: 164'-170', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same as segment 2.
WKOW 1396.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 170'-179', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Decorated pumpkins (same as segment 3).
WKOW 1396.9
Press conferences, 1971 October 26
Physical Description: 179'-312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on mass transit and local taxes.
WKOW 1396.10
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 312'-343', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1396.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 343'-397', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on budget.
WKOW 1397.1
Press conferences, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 0'-25', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city revenue bill.
WKOW 1397.2
Speeches/Banquets, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 26'-55', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1397.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 55'-69', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: House exterior.
WKOW 1397.4
News, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 70'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire.
WKOW 1397.5
On-site interviews, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 93'-151', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County budget executive comments on state budget.
WKOW 1397.6
On-site interviews, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 152'-205', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of county taxes paid to state for services.
WKOW 1397.7
Speeches, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 205'-234', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-smoking lecture.
WKOW 1397.8
Public announcements, 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 235'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Caution urged on Halloween.
WKOW 1397.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October 28
Physical Description: 267'-299', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Science experiments for elderly people.
WKOW 1398.1
Press conferences, 1971 October 31
Physical Description: 0'-25', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city development and bus routes.
WKOW 1398.2
Meetings, 1971 October
Physical Description: 25'-76', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State budget deliberations.
WKOW 1398.3
News, 1971 October
Physical Description: 76'-115', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction for La Crosse, Wisconsin, Lutheran Hospital.
WKOW 1398.4
On-site interviews, 1971 October 29
Physical Description: 116'-151', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Federal money for day care centers discussed.
WKOW 1398.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 151'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gateway City Transfer Company.
WKOW 1398.6
Meetings, 1971 October 29
Physical Description: 188'-211', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1398.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 October
Physical Description: 211'-254', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Church service.
WKOW 1398.8
News, 1971 October
Physical Description: 254'-280', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislature in session.
WKOW 1398.9
On-site interviews, 1971 October
Physical Description: 280'-320', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plea for volunteers to help in unidentified cause.
WKOW 1398.10
Public announcements, 1971
Physical Description: 320'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Caution urged on Halloween.
WKOW 1398.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 352'-387', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Day ceremony.
WKOW 1399.1
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on agreements reached between Madison Teachers, Inc. and Madison Board of Education.
WKOW 1399.2
News, 1971
Physical Description: 71'-105', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Logs being made into wood chips.
WKOW 1399.3
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 106'-141', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1399.4
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 141'-185', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman on his cost sharing proposals to help Madison taxpayers.
WKOW 1399.5
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 185'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Jaycees' “West Fest.”
WKOW 1399.6
Studio interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 208'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman (same as in segment 4) on referendum for county to take over airport.
WKOW 1399.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 244'-322', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young couple on their trip to China.
WKOW 1399.8
Speeches, 1971
Physical Description: 323'-362', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Dole(?) and Vernon Thomson address group.
WKOW 1400.1
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 0'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on UW budget, fees, and tuition.
WKOW 1400.2
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 57'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: First Wisconsin National Bank spokesman on abolishing prime rate.
WKOW 1400.3
Meetings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 87'-100', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1400.4
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 100'-126', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Soviet Jewry Freedom Bus at Library Mall.
WKOW 1400.5
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 126'-142', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke signing papers.
WKOW 1400.6
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 142'-167', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barn fire.
WKOW 1400.7
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 167'-209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on agency shop and the Board of Education.
WKOW 1400.8
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 209'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on route to decrease traffic on I-94 and Beltline Highway.
WKOW 1400.9
Awards ceremonies/Speeches, 1971 November
Physical Description: 244'-279', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey gives address and awards in Capitol rotunda.
WKOW 1400.10
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 279'-290', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on employment and Board of Education.
WKOW 1400.11
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 290'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposed Madison highway.
WKOW 1400.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 362'-380', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People ice skating at indoor rink.
WKOW 1400.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 380'-413', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Salt trucks being filled in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1401.1
Meetings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 0'-132', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin system meeting. President John Weaver comments on changes that will occur during merger.
WKOW 1401.2
Press conferences, 1971 November
Physical Description: 132'-198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on governing and making state appointments.
WKOW 1401.3
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 198'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ambulance on construction site (possible accident?).
WKOW 1401.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 218'-249', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Ecological” art from trash.
WKOW 1401.5
Banquets, 1971 November
Physical Description: 249'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Givers banquet.
WKOW 1401.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 265'-285', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pep rally.
WKOW 1401.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 285'-290', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street scenes at night.
WKOW 1401.8
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 290'-322', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: First Wisconsin National Bank spokesman on new lending policies.
WKOW 1401.9
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 322'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on university funding and the state budget.
WKOW 1401.10
Meetings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 362'-397', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey meets with National Welfare Rights group.
WKOW 1402.1
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 0'-30', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Thanksgiving Day charity baskets to be delivered. Comments on changes that will occur during merger.
WKOW 1402.2
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 30'-82', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey comments what makes for a successful business.
WKOW 1402.3
Meetings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 82'-117', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 1402.4
Awards ceremonies, 1971 November
Physical Description: 117'-141', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Optimist Club gives student awards.
WKOW 1402.5
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 141'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Thanksgiving Day charity.
WKOW 1402.6
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 174'-210', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gunderson Clinic, La Crosse, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1402.7
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 210'-242', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Large electric tower collapsed.
WKOW 1402.8
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 242'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on rising unemployment.
WKOW 1402.9
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 266'-314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on UW Board of Regents and commission studying the university merger.
WKOW 1402.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 314'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State and Langdon Street scenes.
WKOW 1403.1
News, 1971 November 10
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare rights demonstration at State Capitol.
WKOW 1403.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 20'-38', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People viewing large map of Madison area.
WKOW 1403.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 39'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People taking bus tour of Madison area.
WKOW 1403.4
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 101'-140', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting at an unidentified college.
WKOW 1403.5
On-site interviews, 1971 November 9
Physical Description: 141'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: The high cost of day care in Wisconsin is discussed.
WKOW 1403.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 9
Physical Description: 174'-205', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Driving with the Madison fire chief.
WKOW 1403.7
News, 1971 November 9
Physical Description: 205'-226', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of doctors conferring.
WKOW 1403.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November 9
Physical Description: 226'-246', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More shots of driving with the Madison fire chief.
WKOW 1403.9
Traffic accident reports, 1971 November 9
Physical Description: 246'-268', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car crashed in Pepsi billboard.
WKOW 1403.10
Press conferences, 1971 November 9
Physical Description: 268'-364', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey announces non-partisan commission on (?).
WKOW 1403.11
On-site interviews, 1971 November 9
Physical Description: 365'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County budget discussed.
WKOW 1404.1
On-site interviews, 1971 November 12
Physical Description: 0'-S0', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman encouraging other women to run for public offices.
WKOW 1404.2
Press conferences, 1971 November
Physical Description: 51'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on the future of transportation in cities.
WKOW 1404.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 108'-136', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of ships at a dock (Milwaukee?).
WKOW 1404.4
News, 1971 November 11
Physical Description: 136'-172', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at E & W Heating Company.
WKOW 1404.5
News, 1971 November 11
Physical Description: 172'-189', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-draft protest at a bus.
WKOW 1404.6
Meetings, 1971 November 11
Physical Description: 189'-245', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1404.7
News, 1971 November 11
Physical Description: 245'-282', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Day ceremony at State Capitol.
WKOW 1404.8
News, 1971 November 11
Physical Description: 285'-306', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-draft protest (same as in segment 5) at bus station.
WKOW 1404.9
Judicial proceedings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 307'-343', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pre-trial hearing.
WKOW 1404.10
Meetings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 343'-381', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison police meet with Madison Common Council members.
WKOW 1404.11
On-site interviews, 1971 November 10
Physical Description: 382'-424', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Labor leaders on contract negotiations.
WKOW 1404.12
On-site interviews, 1971 November 10
Physical Description: 425'-449', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Proposed highway corridor discussed.
WKOW 1405.1
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 0'-35', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Major Charles O'Dell on Army pay raises.
WKOW 1405.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 35'-73', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American cultural festival.
WKOW 1405.3
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 73'-104', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Diana Cottam on Women's Political Caucus issues.
WKOW 1405.4
Press conferences, 1971 November
Physical Description: 104'-136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on Dane County reactions to mill rate and on education.
WKOW 1405.5
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 136'-153', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Big barn fire.
WKOW 1405.6
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 153'-186', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on salt and chloride use on roads during cold weather.
WKOW 1405.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 186'-208', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Great Lakes Naval Station Hospital, Great Lakes, Illinois.
WKOW 1406.1
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-11', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Natural Resources.
WKOW 1406.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 11'-37', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on sulfur coal.
WKOW 1406.3
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 37'-68', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: ASPA (?) conference.
WKOW 1406.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 68'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tour of unidentified high school.
WKOW 1406.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 87'-124', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Stage performance for the mentally retarded.
WKOW 1406.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 124'-179', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on transportation.
WKOW 1406.7
News, 1971 November 16
Physical Description: 179'-227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire scenes; William Dyke present.
WKOW 1406.8
On-site interviews, 1971 November 16
Physical Description: 227'-277', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on transportation.
WKOW 1406.9
Hearings, 1971
Physical Description: 277'-315', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1406.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 315'-344', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Peace Corps recruiters.
WKOW 1406.11
On-site interviews, 1971 November 16
Physical Description: 344'-401', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on chloride used for road maintenance in cold weather.
WKOW 1407.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-80', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on school liaison program.
WKOW 1407.2
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 81'-135', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1407.3
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 135'-151', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's meeting.
WKOW 1407.4
House fires, 1971
Physical Description: 151'-177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Middleton, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1407.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 177'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Community Center gathering. William Dyke present.
WKOW 1407.6
Press conferences, 1971 November 17
Physical Description: 188'-239', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on economic development in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1407.7
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 239'-256', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1407.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 256'-284', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental protection.
WKOW 1407.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 284'-311', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school tour.
WKOW 1407.10
On-site interviews, 1971 November 17
Physical Description: 311'-377', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on state taxes.
WKOW 1407.11
On-site interviews, 1971 November 17
Physical Description: 377'-416', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Milwaukee school system and minorities.
WKOW 1408.1
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 0'-63', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on education budget in Madison.
WKOW 1408.2
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 64'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on getting deer hunting licenses.
WKOW 1408.3
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 120'-192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on realignment of school administration and faculty and staff.
WKOW 1408.4
Banquets/Speeches, 1971 November
Physical Description: 192'-226', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1408.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 226'-258', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Street scenes: Park Street, Johnson Street, and Dayton Street.
WKOW 1408.6
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 258'-312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on standard operating procedures for police.
WKOW 1408.7
Press conferences, 1971 November
Physical Description: 312'-349', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on auditorium committee, auditorium designs, and possible locations.
WKOW 1409.1
Press conferences, 1971 November 22
Physical Description: 0'-45', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city services.
WKOW 1409.2
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 45'-91', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Local 538 Meatcutters' Union at Oscar Mayer and Company.
WKOW 1409.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 91'-112', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin School for Girls, Oregon, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1409.4
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 112'-178', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city services.
WKOW 1409.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 178'-224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on state budget.
WKOW 1409.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 224'-246', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin School for Girls, Oregon, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1409.7
On-site interviews, 1971 November 26
Physical Description: 246'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman (same as in segment 5) on state budget.
WKOW 1409.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 324'-342', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget.
WKOW 1409.9
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 342'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man on the state budget.
WKOW 1409.10
Political announcements, 1971
Physical Description: 354'-382', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire on D.E.S.
WKOW 1409.11
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 382'-409', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Portage, Wisconsin, power plant.
WKOW 1410.1
Hearings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 0'-68', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearings on prison reform.
WKOW 1410.2
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 68'-130', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison teacher demands are discussed: higher pay, agency shop, and mediation power.
WKOW 1410.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 130'-154', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Operation Thanksgiving filling boxes for distribution.
WKOW 1410.4
Hearings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 155'-285', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier's hearings on penal reform.
WKOW 1410.5
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 285'-310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison teachers on their negotiations with Board of Education.
WKOW 1410.6
Meetings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 310'-380', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council. Two women testify on closing schools.
WKOW 1410.7
Openings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 380'-399', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Salvation Army outlet store.
WKOW 1410.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 399'-404', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Operation Thanksgiving.
WKOW 1411.1
Speeches , 1971 November
Physical Description: 0'-61', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edmund Muskie speaks to Rotary Club.
WKOW 1411.2
Hearings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 61'-115', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man testifying at Robert Kastenmeier's hearing on penal reform.
WKOW 1411.3
Speeches, 1971 November
Physical Description: 115'-165', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edmund Muskie at Rotary Club: need for economic programs.
WKOW 1411.4
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 165'-187', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Trailer park fire.
WKOW 1411.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 187'-200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bus station waiting room.
WKOW 1411.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 200'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elementary school Thanksgiving dinner.
WKOW 1411.7
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 218'-220', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Trailer park fire (same as in segment 4).
WKOW 1411.8
Hearings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 221'-261', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Kastenmeier on need for money for prison reform.
WKOW 1411.9
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 261'-325', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison Teachers, Inc. and Board of Education.
WKOW 1411.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 325'-338', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bus station waiting room.
WKOW 1411.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 338'-352', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children playing in snow.
WKOW 1412.1
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 0'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man gives prognosis on 1972 national economy.
WKOW 1412.2
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 45'-79', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man commenting on how judges are removed from office.
WKOW 1412.3
Hearings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 79'-161', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men testify on Wisconsin's “open” insurance policies.
WKOW 1412.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 161'-190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airport scenes.
WKOW 1412.5
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 190'-252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on composting and recycling.
WKOW 1412.6
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 252'-291', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on picking a fire-safe Christmas tree.
WKOW 1412.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 291'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College Christmas bazaar.
WKOW 1412.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 312'-320', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Early snow fall in Madison.
WKOW 1412.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 320'-362', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus riding a scooter in shopping mall. Snow scenes.
WKOW 1412.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 362'-375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More Edgewood College Christmas bazaar.
WKOW 1412.11
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 375'-417', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on fire hazards created by space heaters.
WKOW 1412.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 417'-443', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thanksgiving dinner at a nursing home.
WKOW 1412.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 443'-481', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thanksgiving dinner in a prison.
WKOW 1413.1
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 0'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on voter registration and getting people out to vote.
WKOW 1413.2
News, 1971
Physical Description: 45'-61', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers picketing Cherokee Heights School.
WKOW 1413.3
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 61'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on mailing Christmas packages early.
WKOW 1413.4
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 108'-156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on new ideas for changes in voter registration.
WKOW 1413.5
News, 1971 November
Physical Description: 156'-166', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers picketing.
WKOW 1413.6
Meetings/Speeches, 1971 November
Physical Description: 166'-198', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1413.7
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 198'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Post Office spokesman on Christmas mail problems.
WKOW 1413.8
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 268'-293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin economy.
WKOW 1413.9
Meetings, 1971 November
Physical Description: 293'-332', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on court reorganization.
WKOW 1413.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 November
Physical Description: 332'-379', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People digging out of snow storm.
WKOW 1414.1
On-site interviews, 1971 December 2
Physical Description: 0'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator comments on University of Wisconsin President John Weaver's salary.
WKOW 1414.2
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 51'-77', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator vows to fight for wage equality.
WKOW 1414.3
Press conferences, 1971 December
Physical Description: 78'-115', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madeline Murray O'Hair on freedom from religion.
WKOW 1414.4
On-site interviews, 1971 December 1
Physical Description: 116'-163', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber on Governor Patrick Lucey's environmental policies.
WKOW 1414.5
On-site interviews, 1971 December 1
Physical Description: 163'-192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City councilman on proposed city wheel tax.
WKOW 1414.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December 1
Physical Description: 192'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Martin Schreiber on plans for environment.
WKOW 1414.7
On-site interviews, 1971 December 1
Physical Description: 208'-232', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City councilman (same as in segment 5) on ward proposals.
WKOW 1414.8
Meetings, 1971 December 1
Physical Description: 232'-253', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1414.9
On-site interviews, 1971 December 1
Physical Description: 254'-304', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: EPA spokesman on U.S. environmental policy.
WKOW 1414.10
Meetings, 1971 December 1
Physical Description: 304'-332', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1415.1
Speeches, 1971 December 3
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy addresses group.
WKOW 1415.2
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 20'-58', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man advocating the rehabilitation of drug addicts.
WKOW 1415.3
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 58'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Agriculture Secretary on effect new agriculture bill will have on Wisconsin crops.
WKOW 1415.4
Meetings, 1971 December 3
Physical Description: 88'-103', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey's cabinet.
WKOW 1415.5
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 103'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 2) on drug problems in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1415.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 155'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Agriculture Secretary on Earl Butz's appointment as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.
WKOW 1415.7
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 194'-252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on city(?) development.
WKOW 1415.8
Hearings, 1971 December 2
Physical Description: 252'-301', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hearings on University of Wisconsin president's pension plan.
WKOW 1415.9
On-site interviews, 1971 December 2
Physical Description: 302'-327', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin on pay equity and raises.
WKOW 1416.1
On-site interviews, 1971 December 6
Physical Description: 0'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Executive budget deficit discussed.
WKOW 1416.2
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 102'-162', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Fred Risser on new locks at Green Bay.
WKOW 1416.3
Banquets/Speeches, 1971 December
Physical Description: 163'-225', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club speaker on taxes.
WKOW 1416.4
On-site interviews, 1971 November
Physical Description: 225'-280', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Attorney General Robert Warren on safe toys and using consumer sense.
WKOW 1416.5
Speeches, 1971 December
Physical Description: 280'-307', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Conservation lecture in restored barn.
WKOW 1416.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 307'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City spokesman on urban sprawl in Madison.
WKOW 1416.7
News, 1971 December
Physical Description: 352'-385', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student reading demands(?).
WKOW 1417.1
Speeches, 1971 December
Physical Description: 0'-17', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Priest speaks to Senate committee.
WKOW 1417.2
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 17'-68', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on a realignment of airport to cut down on noise.
WKOW 1417.3
Speeches, 1971 December
Physical Description: 68'-133', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man to Rotary Club on Wisconsin taxation and fees.
WKOW 1417.4
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 133'-187', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on teacher demands.
WKOW 1417.5
Meetings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 187'-256', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on snowmobile problems.
WKOW 1417.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 256'-308', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on teacher demands.
WKOW 1417.7
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 308'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on snowmobiling law breaker.
WKOW 1417.8
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 353'-397', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on problems facing small private colleges.
WKOW 1417.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 397'-425', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration of disabled skills.
WKOW 1417.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 425'-459', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and school children at Christmas gathering.
WKOW 1418.1
On-site interviews, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 0'-70', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on downtown development and Metro Square.
WKOW 1418.2
Meetings, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 70'-89', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1418.3
On-site interviews, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 89'-154', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin and others on master plan for Madison development.
WKOW 1418.4
Meetings, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 154'-168', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1418.5
Awards ceremonies/Banquets/Speeches, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 168'-211', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on private vs. public colleges.
WKOW 1418.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 211'-265', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxation problems and what we really pay for.
WKOW 1418.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 265'-293', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Santa Claus” and William Dyke visit First Realty Group.
WKOW 1418.8
Meetings, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 293'-316', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser attending.
WKOW 1418.9
Meetings/Speeches, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 316'-371', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man to Rotary Club on wages in the public sector.
WKOW 1418.10
News, 1971 December 9
Physical Description: 371'-391', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire in apartment building.
WKOW 1419.1
Meetings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 0'-78', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and others on highway planning and the environment.
WKOW 1419.2
News, 1971 December
Physical Description: 78'-92', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Collapsed house.
WKOW 1419.3
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 92'-129', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on rent freeze and its conditions.
WKOW 1419.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 129'-132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man walking up to building.
WKOW 1419.5
Awards ceremonies, 1971 December 10
Physical Description: 132'-144', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles presents awards.
WKOW 1419.6
Press conferences, 1971 December 10
Physical Description: 144'-217', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on appointment of Robert Huber to Highway Commission. Huber comments on highways.
WKOW 1419.7
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 217'-244', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on consumer price board.
WKOW 1419.8
Speeches, 1971 December
Physical Description: 244'-264', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1419.9
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 264'-308', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Department of Transportation spokesman on transportation projects.
WKOW 1419.10
Awards ceremonies, 1971 December
Physical Description: 308'-321', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Warren Knowles at awards ceremony.
WKOW 1419.11
News, 1971 December
Physical Description: 321'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grain processing plant.
WKOW 1420.1
On-site interviews, 1971 December 14
Physical Description: 0'-56', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county government.
WKOW 1420.2
On-site interviews, 1971 December 14
Physical Description: 56'-97', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man on county government.
WKOW 1420.3
Meetings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 97'-129', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's meeting.
WKOW 1420.4
Meetings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 129'-159', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1420.5
Speeches, 1971 December
Physical Description: 159'-195', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1420.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 195'-252', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on building downtown civic center.
WKOW 1420.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 252'-280', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school production of A Christmas Carol.
WKOW 1420.8
Hearings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 280'-305', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey in attendance.
WKOW 1420.9
On-site interviews, 1971 December 13
Physical Description: 305'-363', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1420.10
Hearings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 363'-402', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1420.11
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 402'-452', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget.
WKOW 1421.1
On-site interviews, 1971 December 10
Physical Description: 0'-32', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police patrol officer on his duties.
WKOW 1421.2
Meetings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 33'-51', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1421.3
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 51'-73', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on consumer and business relations.
WKOW 1421.4
Meetings, 1971 December 16
Physical Description: 73'-79', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1421.5
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 79'-109', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police patrol officer (same as in segment 1).
WKOW 1421.6
Meetings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 109'-120', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Same as in segment 2.
WKOW 1421.7
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 120'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman (same as in segment 3) on consumers and business relations.
WKOW 1421.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 154'-172', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey posing with March of Dimes poster children.
WKOW 1421.9
On-site interviews, 1971 December 15
Physical Description: 172'-258', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on housing development.
WKOW 1421.10
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 258'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on proposed civic center and auditorium.
WKOW 1421.11
Meetings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 315'-361', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1421.12
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 361'-389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Internal Revenue Service cutbacks.
WKOW 1422.1
House fires, 1971 December 20
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1422.2
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 20'-77', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prisoners of war held by North Vietnamese.
WKOW 1422.3
Meetings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 77'-105', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club.
WKOW 1422.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 105'-454', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Post Office scenes.
WKOW 1422.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 154'-189', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey visiting a hospital children's ward.
WKOW 1422.6
News, 1971 December 19
Physical Description: 189'-208', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People protesting sale of war toys.
WKOW 1422.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 208'-227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas entertainment at a nursing home.
WKOW 1422.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 227'-273', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Center school.
WKOW 1422.9
On-site interviews, 1971 December 17
Physical Description: 273'-299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on wire tapping.
WKOW 1422.10
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 299'-339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative reapportionment.
WKOW 1422.11
Hearings, 1971 December
Physical Description: 339'-369', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1422.12
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 369'-392', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 9) on wire tapping.
WKOW 1422.13
On-site interviews, 1971 December
Physical Description: 392'-452', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 10) on legislative reapportionment.
WKOW 1422.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 452'-456', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man with a movie camera.
WKOW 1422.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December
Physical Description: 456'-501', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Center school.
WKOW 1423.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 0'-7', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of an unidentified factory.
WKOW 1423.2
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 7'-72', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke gives his weekly press conference.
WKOW 1423.3
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 72'-102', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1423.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 103'-133', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Afro-American history display.
WKOW 1423.5
On-site interviews, 1971 January 15
Physical Description: 133'-188', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on his running for reelection as Madison mayor.
WKOW 1423.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 188'-221', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1423.7
Speeches , 1971
Physical Description: 221'-260', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Soil conservation lecture.
WKOW 1423.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 260'-293', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cupid's Corner wedding fashions.
WKOW 1423.9
Celebrity visits, 1971
Physical Description: 293'-308', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Joyce Brothers in Madison.
WKOW 1423.10
News, 1971
Physical Description: 308'-339', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire damage in a church.
WKOW 1423.11
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 339'-383', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Women's Coalition meeting.
WKOW 1424.1
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 0'-119', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Three men comment on university system merger under one board of regents.
WKOW 1424.2
On-site interviews, 1971 March 22
Physical Description: 119'-170', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman commenting on discrimination against females.
WKOW 1424.3
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 170'-204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on tax increases.
WKOW 1424.4
Candidacy announcements, 1971
Physical Description: 204'-229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke's opponent in mayoral race.
WKOW 1424.5
On-site interviews, 1971 March 22
Physical Description: 229'-294', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on discriminatory treatment of females in the university system.
WKOW 1425.1
On-site interviews, 1971 April 1
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison mayoral candidate.
WKOW 1425.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 62'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke as mayoral candidate.
WKOW 1425.3
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 92'-120', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1425.4
Hearings, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 120'-131', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1425.5
On-site interviews, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 131'-149', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Man on corporate farming.
WKOW 1425.6
On-site interviews, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 149'-189', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man speaks on corporate farming.
WKOW 1425.7
Speeches, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 189'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayoral candidate speaking at Rotary Club.
WKOW 1425.8
Speeches, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 233'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke speaking at Rotary Club.
WKOW 1425.9
Meetings, 1971
Physical Description: 266'-296', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Convention at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1425.10
On-site interviews, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 296'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on state of family farms.
WKOW 1425.11
On-site interviews, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 315'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 6) on corporate farming.
WKOW 1425.12
On-site interviews, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 345'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man speaks on corporate farming.
WKOW 1425.13
Speeches, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 362'-396', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayoral candidate speaks at Rotary Club.
WKOW 1425.14
Speeches, 1971 March 31
Physical Description: 396'-428', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke speaks at Rotary Club.
WKOW 1426.1
Hearings, 1971 December 21
Physical Description: 0'-8', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Corporate farming hearings at State Capitol.
WKOW 1426.2
On-site interviews, 1971 December 21
Physical Description: 8'-34', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on corporate farming.
WKOW 1426.3
Hearings, 1971 December 21
Physical Description: 34'-46', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Corporate farming hearings at the State Capitol.
WKOW 1426.4
On-site interviews, 1971 December 21
Physical Description: 46'-73', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man speaking on corporate farming.
WKOW 1426.5
On-site interviews, 1971 December 21
Physical Description: 73'-105', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 2) on corporate farming.
WKOW 1426.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December 21
Physical Description: 105'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 4) on corporate farming.
WKOW 1426.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 140'-187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on goals of unidentified conference.
WKOW 1426.8
Graduation ceremonies, 1971
Physical Description: 187'-219', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1426.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 219'-244', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus at children's ward in hospital.
WKOW 1426.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 244'-271', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People ice skating.
WKOW 1426.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971 December 22
Physical Description: 271'-285', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Orie's Pharmacy.
WKOW 1426.12
News, 1971
Physical Description: 285'-302', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire emergency.
WKOW 1426.13
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 302'-339', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prisoners of war.
WKOW 1426.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 339'-373', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's Christmas party.
WKOW 1427.1
Press conferences, 1971 December 22
Physical Description: 0'-32', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1427.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 32'-90', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Professor Hart on problems in East Pakistan.
WKOW 1427.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 90'-118', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on prisoners of war held by North Vietnamese.
WKOW 1427.4
Press conferences, 1971 December 22
Physical Description: 118'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on development of Metro Square.
WKOW 1427.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 172'-195', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified street and railroad tracks.
WKOW 1427.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 195'-251', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Prof. Hart on problems in East Pakistan.
WKOW 1427.7
On-site interviews/Meetings, 1971]
Physical Description: 251'-301', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county government; shots of Optimist Club meeting.
WKOW 1427.8
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 301'-314', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and woman who was speaking on prisoners of war (segment 3).
WKOW 1427.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 314'-347', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Red Cross Bloodmobile.
WKOW 1428.1
On-site interviews, 1971 December 24
Physical Description: 0'-33', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property sales.
WKOW 1428.2
Openings, 1971
Physical Description: 33'-58', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Helen C. White Library on UW campus.
WKOW 1428.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 58'-117', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on prisoners of war held by North Vietnamese.
WKOW 1428.4
News, 1971
Physical Description: 117'-146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified building site.
WKOW 1428.5
On-site interviews, 1971 December 23
Physical Description: 146'-178', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on completing year-end income taxes for UW faculty.
WKOW 1428.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December 23
Physical Description: 178'-234', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative reapportionment.
WKOW 1428.7
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 234'-273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus interview at a shopping mall.
WKOW 1428.8
On-site interviews, 1971 December 23
Physical Description: 273'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 5.
WKOW 1428.9
On-site interviews, 1971 December 23
Physical Description: 303'-363', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 6.
WKOW 1428.10
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 363'-386', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1428.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 386'-426', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Newborns at a Madison hospital.
WKOW 1429.1
News, 1971 December 27
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Street fire.
WKOW 1429.2
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 25'-72', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1429.3
Unknown, 1971
Physical Description: 73'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified man.
WKOW 1429.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 94'-122', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas shopping at West Towne Mall.
WKOW 1429.5
Press conferences, 1971 December 27
Physical Description: 123'-177', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1429.6
Unknown, 1971
Physical Description: 178'-189', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1429.7
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 189'-221', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of alternative education.
WKOW 1429.8
On-site interviews, 1971 December 26
Physical Description: 221'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county government.
WKOW 1429.9
On-site interviews, 1971 December 24
Physical Description: 267'-299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1429.10
Public announcements, 1971
Physical Description: 299'-326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke wishes Madison a Merry Christmas.
WKOW 1430.1
News, 1971 December 29
Physical Description: 0'-80', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Lindsay campaigning in Madison for Nelson Rockefeller.
WKOW 1430.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 80'-134', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposed airport budget.
WKOW 1430.3
Press conferences, 1971
Physical Description: 134'-173', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on proposed civic center.
WKOW 1430.4
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 173'-205', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative reapportionment.
WKOW 1430.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 206'-225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children watching film Yours, Mine, and Ours.
WKOW 1430.6
On-site interviews, 1971 December 28
Physical Description: 225'-265', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property sales.
WKOW 1430.7
On-site interviews, 1971 December 28
Physical Description: 265'-325', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on juvenile delinquency.
WKOW 1430.8
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 325'-382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1430.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 382'-415', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pre-school.
WKOW 1431.1
Press conferences, 1971 December 30
Physical Description: 0'-25', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1431.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 25'-71', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snow scenes.
WKOW 1431.3
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 71'-91', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on drug treatment program.
WKOW 1431.4
Press conferences, 1971 December 30
Physical Description: 91'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on real estate.
WKOW 1431.5
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 108'-128', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1431.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 128'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on winter road maintenance.
WKOW 1431.7
News/Press conferences, 1971 December 29
Physical Description: 175'-240', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Lindsay, campaigning for Nelson Rockefeller for president, at the State Capitol.
WKOW 1431.8
Political announcements, 1971
Physical Description: 240'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire giving his weekly address to constituents.
WKOW 1431.9
News/Press conferences, 1971 December 29
Physical Description: 270'-336', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 7.
WKOW 1431.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1971
Physical Description: 336'-374', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: March of Dimes.
WKOW 1432.1
On-site interviews, 1971 December 31
Physical Description: 0'-27', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on law enforcement.
WKOW 1432.2
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 27'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man comments on welfare system.
WKOW 1432.3
Speeches, 1971 December 31
Physical Description: 61'-82', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke speaking to law officers.
WKOW 1432.4
On-site interviews, 1971 December 31
Physical Description: 82'-142', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1432.5
News, 1971
Physical Description: 142'-157', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Collapsed garage.
WKOW 1432.6
On-site interviews, 1971
Physical Description: 157'-211', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man commenting on welfare system.
WKOW 1433.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 3
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on what she considers unfair property assessments.
WKOW 1433.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 3
Physical Description: 40'-60', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW-TV tour leaves for Hawaii.
WKOW 1433.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 3
Physical Description: 60'-125', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police officer warning people that ice on lakes is unsafe.
WKOW 1433.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 3
Physical Description: 125'-179', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on what she considers to be unfair property tax assessments.
WKOW 1433.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 3
Physical Description: 179'-234', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on consumer protection.
WKOW 1433.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 3
Physical Description: 234'-267', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building at State St. and N. Murray St.
WKOW 1433.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 3
Physical Description: 267'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1433.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 2
Physical Description: 318'-368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on uncontrolled sale of handguns.
WKOW 1433.9
On-site interviews, 1972 January 2
Physical Description: 368'-444', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on methadone maintenance program for drug addicts.
WKOW 1434.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on school boundary changes.
WKOW 1434.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 40'-96', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man commenting on state universities system merger.
WKOW 1434.3
Awards ceremonies, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 96'-112', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1434.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 112'-161', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on complaints to district attorney.
WKOW 1434.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 161'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on complaints against university.
WKOW 1434.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 266'-290', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presentation of case.
WKOW 1434.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 291'-350', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on hospital violations against patients.
WKOW 1434.8
News, 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 351'-367', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Happy Acres mobile home fire.
WKOW 1434.9
On-site interviews, 1972/01
Physical Description: 367'-432', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on rural area conditions.
WKOW 1434.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 4
Physical Description: 432'-449', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People donating plasma.
WKOW 1435.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 0'-54', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposal to close middle schools on Madison's East side.
WKOW 1435.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 54'-71', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unknown topic.
WKOW 1435.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 71'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on implementing new computer programs.
WKOW 1435.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 120'-183', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club spokesman on state universities merger.
WKOW 1435.5
Meetings, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 183'-217', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1435.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 217'-240', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lowell Hall.
WKOW 1435.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 5
Physical Description: 241'-276', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on road improvements.
WKOW 1436.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on retirement plans.
WKOW 1436.2
Meetings, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 62'-121', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1436.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 121'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on draft of a plan discussed during subcommittee hearing.
WKOW 1436.4
News, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 172'-190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aftermath of fire at Ann's Mobile Haven.
WKOW 1436.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 191'-225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school orchestra concert.
WKOW 1436.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 6
Physical Description: 225'-248', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on state employee funds.
WKOW 1436.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 6
Physical Description: 248'-282', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on faculty retirement plan deliberated by University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1436.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 6
Physical Description: 282'-330', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on powers of University of Wisconsin Board of Regents.
WKOW 1436.9
On-site interviews, 1972 January 6
Physical Description: 331'-387', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on deferred compensation retirement.
WKOW 1436.10
On-site interviews, 1972 January 6
Physical Description: 387'-420', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man commenting on Republican Party.
WKOW 1436.11
On-site interviews, 1972 January 6
Physical Description: 420'-474', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Selective Service draft.
WKOW 1437.1
News, 1972 January 11
Physical Description: 0'-70', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Views of state facilities in Madison area.
WKOW 1437.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 70'-123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state and federally owned land.
WKOW 1437.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 11
Physical Description: 123'-157', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Indian heritage display at Blue Wing Village in Tomah, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1437.4
Meetings, 1972 January 10
Physical Description: 157'-175', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1437.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 10
Physical Description: 175'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the 18-21 year old age group.
WKOW 1437.6
Speeches, 1972 January 10
Physical Description: 215'-243', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: On University of Wisconsin campus.
WKOW 1437.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 10
Physical Description: 243'-318', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the current session of U.S. Congress.
WKOW 1437.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 10
Physical Description: 318'-336', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Washington Square building.
WKOW 1437.9
On-site interviews, 1972 January 9
Physical Description: 336'-376', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on city programs.
WKOW 1437.10
On-site interviews, 1972 January 7
Physical Description: 376'-413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin Board of Regents meeting.
WKOW 1438.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 0'-41', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unidentified topic.
WKOW 1438.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 41'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on welfare of citizens of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1438.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 67'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reading project for public schools.
WKOW 1438.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 108'-151', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Title 19 program.
WKOW 1438.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 151'-176', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on federal standards in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1438.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 176'-222', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on his job as lieutenant governor.
WKOW 1438.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 222'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state-owned and leased property costs.
WKOW 1438.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 267'-323', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1438.9
On-site interviews, 1972 January 12
Physical Description: 323'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on flu infection.
WKOW 1438.10
On-site interviews, 1972 January 11
Physical Description: 367'-423', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on segregated highway funds.
WKOW 1438.11
On-site interviews, 1972 January 11
Physical Description: 423'-453', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on flu vaccine.
WKOW 1439.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 0'-44', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on achieving peace in Vietnam.
WKOW 1439.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 44'-65', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Association of Madison Police Supervisors.
WKOW 1439.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 65'-131', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on competition in political parties.
WKOW 1439.4
Press conferences, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 131'-189', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Former President Gerald Ford on upcoming November presidential election.
WKOW 1439.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 189'-217', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1439.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 217'-234', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cooperation between political parties.
WKOW 1439.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 234'-287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1439.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 13
Physical Description: 287'-342', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on setting policies for universities.
WKOW 1440.1
On-site interviews/News, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 0'-41', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of law enforcement cooperation and shots of a crime scene.
WKOW 1440.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 41'-83', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ending war in Vietnam.
WKOW 1440.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 83'-136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on hiring economically disadvantaged people.
WKOW 1440.4
News, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 136'-165', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police collecting evidence at crime scene (Harold's Club).
WKOW 1440.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 165'-196', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposal for more ramp parking north of State Capitol.
WKOW 1440.6
Meetings, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 196'-246', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City employees meeting.
WKOW 1440.7
Press conferences, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 246'-284', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presidential candidate George McGovern on the early presidential primaries.
WKOW 1440.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 284'-331', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on stabilization program for ?
WKOW 1440.9
On-site interviews, 1972 January 14
Physical Description: 331'-366', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative reapportionment.
WKOW 1441.1
News, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 0'-69', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dispute over abortions performed in hospitals.
WKOW 1441.2
Unknown, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 69'-90', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman taking papers out of briefcase.
WKOW 1441.3
Speeches/Meetings, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 90'-103', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club.
WKOW 1441.4
Panel discussions, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 103'-119', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Think wise” panel discussion.
WKOW 1441.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 119'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewater Hotel.
WKOW 1441.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 138'-234', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on abortion laws in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1441.7
Unknown, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 234'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman taking papers out of briefcase.
WKOW 1441.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 238'-281', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on study conducted at West High School.
WKOW 1441.9
Banquets, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 281'-296', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club.
WKOW 1441.10
Meetings, 1972 January 17
Physical Description: 296'-316', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1441.11
On-site interviews, 1972 January 16
Physical Description: 316'-359', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on pollution of natural resources.
WKOW 1441.12
Panel discussions, 1972 January 16
Physical Description: 359'-397', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Panel discussion on stabilization program.
WKOW 1441.13
On-site interviews, 1972 January 16
Physical Description: 397'-450', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on rural conditions.
WKOW 1442.1
Judicial proceedings, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 0'-15', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two handcuffed men going into a court room.
WKOW 1442.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 15'-72', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prostitution indictment (related to segment 1?).
WKOW 1442.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 72'-120', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bills before state legislature.
WKOW 1442.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 120'-146', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1442.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 146'-173', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of Flamingo Bar, Brathaus, and Chesty's Bar on State Street.
WKOW 1442.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 173'-217', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on indictment of massage parlor owner.
WKOW 1442.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 217'-279', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on rule changes proposed for legislative decision making.
WKOW 1442.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 279'-323', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative advisory committee.
WKOW 1442.9
News, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 323'-336', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police officers coming out of a house (crime scene?).
WKOW 1442.10
Meetings, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 337'-405', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Chamber of Commerce.
WKOW 1443.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 0'-19', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on development on Madison's east side.
WKOW 1443.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 19'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on land assessment.
WKOW 1443.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 49'-72', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on property taxes.
WKOW 1443.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 72'-90', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1443.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 90'-152', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Selective Service jobs.
WKOW 1443.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 152'-177', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the governor's control of the state legislature.
WKOW 1443.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 177'-195', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on investigation of Department of Health and Social Services.
WKOW 1443.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 196'-224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on annual review of state budget.
WKOW 1443.9
Speeches, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 224'-239', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1443.10
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 239'-292', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on investigation of nursing homes.
WKOW 1443.11
On-site interviews, 1972 January 18
Physical Description: 292'-361', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on community economic development program.
WKOW 1444.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 0'-38', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Dane County Housing Authority.
WKOW 1444.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 38'-71', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Madison's unchecked growth.
WKOW 1444.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 71'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison housing shortage.
WKOW 1444.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 98'-123', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on America's middle frontier.
WKOW 1444.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 123'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state involvement in housing.
WKOW 1444.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 154'-186', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on housing for poor and elderly.
WKOW 1444.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 186'-212', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison's rapid growth.
WKOW 1444.8
Meetings, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 212'-252', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1444.9
Meetings, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 252'-281', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Chamber of Commerce annual meeting.
WKOW 1444.10
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 281'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on computer data bank.
WKOW 1444.11
On-site interviews, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 352'-374', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison land values and development.
WKOW 1444.12
On-site interviews, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 374'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on property tax relief for farmers.
WKOW 1444.13
Meetings, 1972 January 20
Physical Description: 391'-422', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1444.14
On-site interviews, 1972 January 21
Physical Description: 422'-504', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 10.
WKOW 1445.1
Political announcements, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Proxmire voices his opposition to space shuttle program.
WKOW 1445.2
Press conferences, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 29'-79', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Eugene McCarthy on Senator George McGovern's policies.
WKOW 1445.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 79'-122', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Clarenbach on the University of Wisconsin's policy making process.
WKOW 1445.4
News, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 122'-147', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City planning session.
WKOW 1445.5
Press conferences, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 147'-199', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Eugene McCarthy on upcoming Democratic Convention in August.
WKOW 1445.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 200'-247', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Agriculture spokesman on toy dangers.
WKOW 1445.7
News, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 247'-263', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Damage to exterior of house.
WKOW 1445.8
News, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 263'-327', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Merged university system statute signed.
WKOW 1445.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 327'-356', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People in cafeteria.
WKOW 1445.10
News, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 357'-370', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 7.
WKOW 1445.11
News, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 370'-388', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Johnny Laugen's Bar on Regent St.
WKOW 1445.12
Meetings, 1972 January 24
Physical Description: 388'-427', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin housing meeting.
WKOW 1446.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Proposed tax credit bill for parochial schools is discussed.
WKOW 1446.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 39'-99', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Corporate farming bill is discussed.
WKOW 1446.3
Meetings, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 99'-122', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1446.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 122'-147', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of roads and fields.
WKOW 1446.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 147'-161', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of unidentified street.
WKOW 1446.6
News, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 161'-248', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rock County Mechanical Contracting “conspiracy” discussed.
WKOW 1446.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 248'-302', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of property tax assessments.
WKOW 1446.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 302'-327', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shopping on State Street.
WKOW 1446.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 January 26
Physical Description: 327'-347', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fixing bicycles.
WKOW 1447.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 0'-28', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of venereal diseases.
WKOW 1447.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 28'-74', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator discusses Bill 182 on upkeep of state buildings.
WKOW 1447.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 74'-134', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of drug apprehension policy.
WKOW 1447.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 134'-184', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of “parent clout” training for parents in handling their children.
WKOW 1447.5
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 184'-232', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fox River Valley pollution discussed.
WKOW 1447.6
Openings, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 232'-247', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parkwood Center Shopping Mall grand opening.
WKOW 1447.7
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 247'-304', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American prisoners of war in Vietnam discussed.
WKOW 1447.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 304'-340', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Debate over public and parochial school funding by the state.
WKOW 1447.9
On-site interviews, 1972 January 27
Physical Description: 340'-418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion on American prisoners of war and bringing troops home from Vietnam.
WKOW 1448.1
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 0'-35', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion on compensation of local municipal government by the state.
WKOW 1448.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 35'-59', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of public school funding.
WKOW 1448.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 59'-74', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on state government providing local services.
WKOW 1448.4
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 74'-128', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sewage disposal discussed.
WKOW 1448.5
Meetings, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 128'-146', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1448.6
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 146'-198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator discusses family farm bill.
WKOW 1448.7
News, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 198'-219', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire in Monona, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1448.8
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 219'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of state services to local government.
WKOW 1448.9
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 236'-261', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of secret investigation on ?
WKOW 1448.10
On-site interviews, 1972 January 28
Physical Description: 261'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of venereal disease.
WKOW 1449.1
Meetings, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 0'-79', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Optimist Club.
WKOW 1449.2
On-site interviews, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 79'-122', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of snowmobile legislation.
WKOW 1449.3
On-site interviews, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 122'-189', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Metropolitan Drug Squad reviewed.
WKOW 1449.4
Meetings, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 189'-228', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1449.5
News, 1972 January 31
Physical Description: 228'-245', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire.
WKOW 1450.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 0'-45', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with state Democratic and Republican candidates.
WKOW 1450.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 45'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of balancing voting districts during state reapportionment.
WKOW 1450.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 84'-122', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State reapportionment discussed.
WKOW 1450.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 122'-162', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Welfare recipients' right to privacy discussed.
WKOW 1450.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 162%219', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school students distributive marketing program.
WKOW 1450.6
Meetings, 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 219'-237', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1450.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 1
Physical Description: 237'-266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of distributive marketing segment. Students at work in Copps' Department Store.
WKOW 1451.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students voting.
WKOW 1451.2
News, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 39'-88', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council makes civic auditorium decision.
WKOW 1451.3
Meetings, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 88'-96', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Easter seals.
WKOW 1451.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 97'-153', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of organ donation.
WKOW 1451.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 153'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metro bus routes.
WKOW 1451.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 207'-220', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Students on UW campus.
WKOW 1451.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 220'-246', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Groundhog's Day.
WKOW 1451.8
Meetings, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 246'-326', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1451.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 327'-347', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Lucey's state reapportionment plan discussed.
WKOW 1452.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 0'-31', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on terms for peace in Vietnam.
WKOW 1452.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 31'-43', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Americans not supporting a war of indefinite length in Vietnam.
WKOW 1452.3
News, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 43'-75', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man campaigning for unidentified office.
WKOW 1452.4
Press conferences, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 75'-126', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1452.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 126'-188', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on men going to Vietnam.
WKOW 1452.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 188'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Chapter 887 law.
WKOW 1452.7
On-site interviews, 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 240'-283', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Social Security increases.
WKOW 1452.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 3
Physical Description: 284'-302', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Five year program (?) at UW Memorial Union.
WKOW 1452.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 302'-355', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Metro Square development opportunities.
WKOW 1452.10
On-site interviews, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 355'-399', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on heart transplants.
WKOW 1453.1
News, 1972 February 6
Physical Description: 0'-23', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police stopping car at South Park Street and West Washington Avenue.
WKOW 1453.2
News, 1972 February 2
Physical Description: 23'-60', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Train derailment.
WKOW 1453.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 60'-74', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Motor Inn.
WKOW 1453.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 74'-123', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reducing case load on criminal justice system.
WKOW 1453.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 123'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on decentralizing voter registration.
WKOW 1453.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 155'-185', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental degradation in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1453.7
On-site interviews, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 185'-216', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on conservation of natural resources.
WKOW 1453.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 216'-246', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on the reception minorities get in communities.
WKOW 1453.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 246'-291', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on employing veterans.
WKOW 1453.10
News, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 291'-309', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Jackson for president supporters.
WKOW 1453.11
On-site interviews, 1972 February 4
Physical Description: 309'-344', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on presidential preference primary.
WKOW 1454.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 0'-65', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposed war on poverty legislation.
WKOW 1454.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 65'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on community concerns.
WKOW 1454.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 114'-148', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vernon County Electric Cooperative.
WKOW 1454.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 150'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on scheduling for upcoming school year.
WKOW 1454.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 175'-206', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on housing authorities.
WKOW 1454.6
Meetings, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 206'-227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joint Committee on Finance.
WKOW 1454.7
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 228'-289', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on theater reconstruction.
WKOW 1454.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 289'-308', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interior of older house; fixtures are displayed.
WKOW 1454.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 309'-348', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on housing conditions.
WKOW 1454.10
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 348'-383', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Social Security payments.
WKOW 1454.11
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 383'-411', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on new bill designed to help elderly get extra payments each month.
WKOW 1454.12
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 411'-461', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man building railroads underground.
WKOW 1454.13
On-site interviews, 1972 February 7
Physical Description: 461'-478', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man displaying “talking” phone.
WKOW 1455.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on American two-party system.
WKOW 1455.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 49'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cutting programs designed to serve the poor.
WKOW 1455.3
Meetings, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 84'-106', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1455.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 106'-161', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on transportation.
WKOW 1455.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 9
Physical Description: 161'-201', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on snowmobile laws.
WKOW 1455.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 9
Physical Description: 201'-227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Theta Chi Fraternity “Ski for Cancer” fund raising event discussed.
WKOW 1455.7
House fires, 1972 February 9
Physical Description: 227'-255', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1455.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 9
Physical Description: 255'-289', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Star Transit System in Winona.
WKOW 1455.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 289'-317', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on beer bars and young people.
WKOW 1455.10
On-site interviews, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 317'-356', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on impact of unidentified facility on a community.
WKOW 1455.11
Meetings, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 356'-371', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1455.12
On-site interviews, 1972 February 8
Physical Description: 371'-416', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on liquor licensing and 18-year-old drinking age.
WKOW 1456.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 0'-103', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University and state government.
WKOW 1456.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 103'-145', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on drug rehab program.
WKOW 1456.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 145'-169', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1456.4
News, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 169'-191', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man signing paper.
WKOW 1456.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 191'-211', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Metro buses on Capitol Square and University Avenue.
WKOW 1456.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 211'-274', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unidentified meeting.
WKOW 1456.7
Banquets, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 274'-304', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1456.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 304'-335', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on President Nixon hiring more women in policy making jobs.
WKOW 1456.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 335'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on transportation and buses.
WKOW 1456.10
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 367'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on disciplinary procedures for UW faculty members.
WKOW 1456.11
On-site interviews, 1972 February 10
Physical Description: 391'-433', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on academic policy.
WKOW 1457.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 0'-30', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on veterans work experience.
WKOW 1457.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 30'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on improving job skills in veterans.
WKOW 1457.3
Banquets, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 62'-75', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1457.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 75'-129', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student assistance.
WKOW 1457.5
Meetings, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 129'-149', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1457.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 149'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Devils Lake outlets.
WKOW 1457.7
On-site interviews, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 175'-232', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on goals of Council for Livable Worlds.
WKOW 1457.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February 13
Physical Description: 232'-288', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on American working population.
WKOW 1457.9
House fires, 1972 February 13
Physical Description: 288'-313', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lake Mendota Drive.
WKOW 1457.10
Speeches, 1972 February 13
Physical Description: 313'-342', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man talking to group of students on (?).
WKOW 1457.11
On-site interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 342'-417', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on accessible university resources.
WKOW 1457.12
On-site interviews, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 417'-465', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on ex-drug addicts.
WKOW 1457.13
Traffic accident reports, 1972 February 11
Physical Description: 465'-489', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1458.1
Meetings, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1458.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 20'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative pay raises.
WKOW 1458.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 47'-68', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on increase in taxes.
WKOW 1458.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 68'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Senate bill for higher education funds.
WKOW 1458.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 107'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on dollars spent in Vietnam.
WKOW 1458.6
News, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 153'-170', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Oscar Mayer Company.
WKOW 1458.7
On-site interviews, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 170'-220', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on psychiatric disorders.
WKOW 1458.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 220'-258', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on political secrets and mistakes.
WKOW 1458.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 14
Physical Description: 258'-277', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metro bus station.
WKOW 1459.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 0'-35', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on private development in downtown area.
WKOW 1459.2
House fires, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 35'-52', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 309 E. Johnson Street.
WKOW 1459.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 52'-103', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Olson on unsafe tires.
WKOW 1459.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 103'-141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Concert band at Capitol.
WKOW 1459.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 141'-187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on construction downtown.
WKOW 1459.6
News, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 187'-202', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheraton Inn construction across from Coliseum.
WKOW 1459.7
On-site interviews, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 202'-230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on theater reconstruction.
WKOW 1459.8
House fires, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 230'-246', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Whispering Pines.
WKOW 1459.9
Awards ceremonies, 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 246'-269', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1459.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 16
Physical Description: 269'-317', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Concert band in Capitol.
WKOW 1459.11
Press conferences, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 317'-362', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Lucey on unclassified state employees.
WKOW 1459.12
On-site interviews, 1972 February 15
Physical Description: 362'-391', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Three men being interviewed.
WKOW 1460.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 0'-55', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on income taxes.
WKOW 1460.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 55'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on jury case.
WKOW 1460.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 71'-87', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on extradition.
WKOW 1460.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 87'-141', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on farm values to governor.
WKOW 1460.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 141'-181', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on property taxes.
WKOW 1460.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 181'-199', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1460.7
Awards ceremonies, 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 200'-220', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sales Marketing Executives of Madison awards.
WKOW 1460.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 17
Physical Description: 222'-250', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Westminster Presbyterian Church services.
WKOW 1461.1
Traffic accident reports, 1972 February 20
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway 19.
WKOW 1461.2
House fires, 1972/20/22
Physical Description: 30'-44', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tokay Boulevard and Charles Lane.
WKOW 1461.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 44'-59', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Electric power plant.
WKOW 1461.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 59'-89', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state institutions.
WKOW 1461.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 89'-124', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1461.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 124'-151', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Forest land.
WKOW 1461.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 152'-159', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Electric plant.
WKOW 1461.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 159'-196', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state institutions for patients.
WKOW 1461.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 197'-255', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on future of agriculture.
WKOW 1461.10
On-site interviews, 1972/20/21
Physical Description: 255'-307', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on preserving land.
WKOW 1461.11
On-site interviews, 1972 February 18
Physical Description: 307'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on clown business.
WKOW 1462.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February
Physical Description: 0'-38', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on metropolitan problems.
WKOW 1462.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 38'-81', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Forbes Facility.
WKOW 1462.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 81'-122', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on transit system.
WKOW 1462.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 123'-156', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on National Guard training.
WKOW 1462.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 156'-205', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on marriages and family.
WKOW 1462.6
Banquets, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 205'-229', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1462.7
News, 1972 February 21
Physical Description: 229'-343', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man campaigning at East High School.
WKOW 1462.8
Meetings, 1972 February 21
Physical Description: 345'-383', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1462.9
Meetings, 1972 February 21
Physical Description: 383'-409', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1463.1
Banquets, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1463.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 19'-50', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on wetlands.
WKOW 1463.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 50'-150', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on local government authority and real estate taxes.
WKOW 1463.4
Banquets, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 150'-162', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1463.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 162'-183', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on preservation of land.
WKOW 1463.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 183'-202', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on protecting lake.
WKOW 1463.7
Meetings, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 203'-223', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1463.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February 23
Physical Description: 223'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on land use.
WKOW 1463.9
Traffic accident reports, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 269'-284', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1463.10
On-site interviews, 1972 February 22
Physical Description: 284'-336', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on National Guard work program.
WKOW 1464.1
On-site interviews, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on farmers property taxes.
WKOW 1464.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 40'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property and income taxes.
WKOW 1464.3
Traffic accident reports, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 78'-84', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1464.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 84'-119', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Art Center and impact on community.
WKOW 1464.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 119'-137', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1464.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 137'-197', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on program for people in rural areas.
WKOW 1464.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 197'-215', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People donating blood at Red Cross.
WKOW 1464.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February 27
Physical Description: 215'-254', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on marriage counseling.
WKOW 1464.9
On-site interviews, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 254'-273', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1464.10
On-site interviews, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 273'-320', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on elementary school children learning about environment.
WKOW 1464.11
On-site interviews, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 320'-371', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on military size.
WKOW 1464.12
On-site interviews, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 371'-420', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on busing children to integrate schools.
WKOW 1464.13
Meetings, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 420'-442', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1464.14
News, 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 443'-464', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: MATC construction.
WKOW 1464.15
Features. (Newsfilm), 1972 February 25
Physical Description: 464'-502', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Horses and sheep at Stock Pavilion.
WKOW 1465.1
News, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally for Vietnam veterans.
WKOW 1465.2
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 18'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposed bills in legislature.
WKOW 1465.3
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 60'-94', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cable TV operations.
WKOW 1465.4
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 94'-131', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cable TV operation systems.
WKOW 1465.5
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 131'-188', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cable TV industry.
WKOW 1465.6
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 188'-205', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on franchising cable TV.
WKOW 1465.7
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 205'-217', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1465.8
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 217'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative issues pending.
WKOW 1465.9
Traffic accident reports, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 260'-283', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park St. and West Badger Road.
WKOW 1465.10
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 283'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on young Vietnam veterans.
WKOW 1465.11
On-site interviews, 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 318'-361', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on federal budget for college students.
WKOW 1465.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 February 29
Physical Description: 361'-388', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowmobile snow sculpture.
WKOW 1465.13
On-site interviews, 1972 February 28
Physical Description: 388'-455', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on changing value of farm land.
WKOW 1465.14
Traffic accident reports, 1972 February 28
Physical Description: 455'-470', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1466.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 0'-32', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposed auditorium.
WKOW 1466.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 32'-72', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman and man on property tax relief.
WKOW 1466.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 72'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on job turnover rates.
WKOW 1466.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 114'-137', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car traffic on Capitol Square and Regent Street.
WKOW 1466.5
On-site interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 137'-199', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on staff commitment.
WKOW 1466.6
On-site interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 199'-257', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on fair taxes.
WKOW 1466.7
News, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 257'-266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Firemen at Blue Glass.
WKOW 1466.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 266'-293', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children getting immunization shots at Cherokee Heights School.
WKOW 1466.9
On-site interviews, 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 293'-346', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on women's jobs.
WKOW 1466.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 1
Physical Description: 346'-373', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Traffic signs.
WKOW 1467.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 0'-25', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police officer and two bodies found shot.
WKOW 1467.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 25'-45', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on finding two bodies in shed.
WKOW 1467.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 45'-77', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bad budget review.
WKOW 1467.4
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 77'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1467.5
House fires, 1972 March
Physical Description: 93'-109', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1467.6
On-site interviews, 1972 March
Physical Description: 110'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on urban black population.
WKOW 1467.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March
Physical Description: 157'-174', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Party welcoming Mrs. Jane Muskie (wife of presidential candidate Edmund Muskie).
WKOW 1467.8
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 174'-201', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Keppler on legislative reapportionment.
WKOW 1467.9
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 201'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative reapportionment.
WKOW 1467.10
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 208'-249', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Keppler on legislative budget review.
WKOW 1467.11
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 249'-279', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on budget review bill.
WKOW 1467.12
Traffic accident reports, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 279'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West Johnson St.
WKOW 1467.13
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 300'-347', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on inner city of Indianapolis, Indiana.
WKOW 1467.14
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 247'-381', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on revenues.
WKOW 1467.15
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 381'-409', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cable TV industry.
WKOW 1467.16
On-site interviews, 1972 March 2
Physical Description: 409'-453', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on school and community.
WKOW 1468.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on farming and DNR.
WKOW 1468.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 29'-64', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on farm animal waste.
WKOW 1468.3
Press conferences, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 64'-81', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1468.4
On-site interviews, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 81'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on disadvantaged and unemployed.
WKOW 1468.5
Unknown, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 154'-173', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1468.6
On-site interviews, 1972 March 5
Physical Description: 173'-200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on geography of Madison and mass transit.
WKOW 1468.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 5
Physical Description: 200'-227', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Arts and crafts show at shopping mall.
WKOW 1468.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 5
Physical Description: 227'-269', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Toy electric trains displayed.
WKOW 1468.9
On-site interviews/News, 1972 March 3
Physical Description: 269'-334', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Iowa County sheriff on two bodies found in shed.
WKOW 1468.10
On-site interviews/News, 1972 March 3
Physical Description: 334'-346', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW TV newswoman on murder case in Iowa County.
WKOW 1468.11
On-site interviews, 1972 March 3
Physical Description: 346'-367', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax program.
WKOW 1468.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 3
Physical Description: 367'-388', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Launching weather balloon.
WKOW 1469.1
Press conferences, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 0'-27', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state spending.
WKOW 1469.2
News, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 27'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Burned police car in parking ramp.
WKOW 1469.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 44'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on governor's policy bill.
WKOW 1469.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 92'-105', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ward 13 scenes.
WKOW 1469.5
On-site interviews, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 105'-177', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on higher education policy.
WKOW 1469.6
On-site interviews, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 177'-220', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1469.7
On-site interviews, 1972 March 7
Physical Description: 220'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on resolving unidentified difficulty.
WKOW 1469.8
Meetings, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 260'-278', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1469.9
On-site interviews, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 278'-296', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on farm pollution.
WKOW 1469.10
Meetings, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 296'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1469.11
On-site interviews, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 303'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on farm pollution.
WKOW 1469.12
On-site interviews, 1972 March 6
Physical Description: 324'-370', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bill creating new jobs in $24 per hour range.
WKOW 1470.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March 9
Physical Description: 0'-51', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on natural disasters.
WKOW 1470.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March 9
Physical Description: 51'-82', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on consumer protection bill.
WKOW 1470.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March 9
Physical Description: 82'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on budget distribution.
WKOW 1470.4
On-site interviews, 1972 March 9
Physical Description: 108'-141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on university faculty attainment.
WKOW 1470.5
On-site interviews, 1972 March 9
Physical Description: 141'-178', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on water levels in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1470.6
On-site interviews, 1972 March 8
Physical Description: 178'-241', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on law enforcement and legislation in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1470.7
On-site interviews, 1972 March 8
Physical Description: 241'-291', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on police and fire applicant qualifications.
WKOW 1470.8
On-site interviews, 1972 March 8
Physical Description: 291'-306', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on police and fire qualifications.
WKOW 1470.9
Meetings, 1972 March 8
Physical Description: 306'-318', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1470.10
Meetings, 1972 March 8
Physical Description: 318'-349', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1471.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on apportionment of legislature.
WKOW 1471.2
Meetings, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 63'-90', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1471.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 90'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on urban development and zoning.
WKOW 1471.4
On-site interviews, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 140'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Emergency Employment Act.
WKOW 1471.5
Speeches, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 172'-193', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man addressing children.
WKOW 1471.6
On-site interviews, 1972 March 12
Physical Description: 193'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on probationary period for University of Wisconsin faculty.
WKOW 1471.7
On-site interviews, 1972 March 10
Physical Description: 223'-259', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on teaching assistant strike at University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1471.8
On-site interviews, 1972 March 10
Physical Description: 259'-301', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on civil defense education.
WKOW 1471.9
On-site interviews, 1972 March 10
Physical Description: 301'-316', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on conference committee on reapportionment.
WKOW 1471.10
On-site interviews, 1972 March 10
Physical Description: 316'-336', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative recess resolution.
WKOW 1471.11
On-site interviews, 1972 March 10
Physical Description: 336'-389', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on TA strike negotiations at University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1471.12
On-site interviews, 1972 March 10
Physical Description: 389'-423', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on law enforcement.
WKOW 1471.13
On-site interviews, 1972 March 10
Physical Description: 423'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on snow melting temperature and water levels.
WKOW 1472.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March 15
Physical Description: 0'-58', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on U.S. relations with China.
WKOW 1472.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March 15
Physical Description: 58'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on urban growth.
WKOW 1472.3
News, 1972 March 15
Physical Description: 94'-132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Landfill.
WKOW 1472.4
On-site interviews, 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 132'-189', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on destruction to University of Wisconsin Arboretum.
WKOW 1472.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 189'-218', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: End of State St. closed.
WKOW 1472.6
Traffic accident reports, 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 218'-237', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1472.7
House fires, 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 237'-252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pflaum Rd. and Groveland Terrace.
WKOW 1472.8
On-site interviews, 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 252'-316', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin boundaries.
WKOW 1472.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 316'-343', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hanging picture of a man.
WKOW 1472.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 343'-368', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman showing kitchen tools to elderly women.
WKOW 1472.11
On-site interviews, 1972 March 14
Physical Description: 368'-395', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on zoning farm land.
WKOW 1472.12
On-site interviews, 1972 March 13
Physical Description: 395'-433', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin Legislature and Wisconsin Supreme Court.
WKOW 1473.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March 16
Physical Description: 0'-103', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on TAA proposals at University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1473.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March 16
Physical Description: 103'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Dane County Board changes.
WKOW 1473.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 16
Physical Description: 155'-179', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway traffic on Beltline.
WKOW 1473.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 16
Physical Description: 179'-200', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm show.
WKOW 1473.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 16
Physical Description: 200'-230', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Power plant.
WKOW 1473.6
Banquets/Speeches, 1972 March 16
Physical Description: 230'-278', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club banquet; man on relations with Asia.
WKOW 1474.1
News, 1972 March 19
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Street barricaded by student.
WKOW 1474.2
House fires, 1972 March 19
Physical Description: 20'-58', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Prospect Ave.
WKOW 1474.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 19
Physical Description: 58'-90', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People on spinning chair.
WKOW 1474.4
House fires, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 90'-96', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1474.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 96'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: End of State St. closed.
WKOW 1474.6
On-site interviews, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 127'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on revenue increase.
WKOW 1474.7
On-site interviews, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 153'-206', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on formation of city school (Malcolm Shabazz School).
WKOW 1474.8
News, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 206'-245', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at end of State St. on IRA.
WKOW 1474.9
On-site interviews, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 245'-300', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on formation of city school.
WKOW 1474.10
On-site interviews, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 300'-347', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on detoxification at University of Wisconsin Hospital.
WKOW 1474.11
On-site interviews, 1972 March 17
Physical Description: 347'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on revenue received by city.
WKOW 1475.1
News, 1972 March 21
Physical Description: 0'-17', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Library Mall supporters.
WKOW 1475.2
On-site interviews, 1972 March 21
Physical Description: 17'-119', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Lindsay on property taxes in Wisconsin. He's campaigning for Nelson Rockefeller for president.
WKOW 1475.3
Banquets/Speeches, 1972 March 21
Physical Description: 119'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1475.4
Press conferences, 1972 March 20
Physical Description: 140'-181', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Jackson on his Wisconsin campaign for president.
WKOW 1475.5
News, 1972 March 20
Physical Description: 181'-203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Protest on State St. by mall supporters.
WKOW 1475.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 20
Physical Description: 203'-235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Puppet show about dangerous chemicals.
WKOW 1475.7
Press conferences, 1972 March 20
Physical Description: 235'-298', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Jackson on school integration through busing.
WKOW 1475.8
News, 1972 March 20
Physical Description: 298'-347', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at Library Mall.
WKOW 1475.9
Press conferences, 1972 February 20
Physical Description: 347'-378', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on unknown topic.
WKOW 1475.10
On-site interviews, 1972 March 20
Physical Description: 378'-413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on drug commission.
WKOW 1476.1
Press conferences, 1972 March 22
Physical Description: 0'-86', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern on federal income tax reform.
WKOW 1476.2
Press conferences, 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 86'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey on tax loopholes.
WKOW 1476.3
Press conferences, 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 116'-218', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on four days of violence in city.
WKOW 1476.4
Press conferences, 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 218'-275', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on “full crew” law.
WKOW 1476.5
Press conferences, 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 275'-310', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey on Democratic Party achievements.
WKOW 1476.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 310'-315', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Opportunity Center.
WKOW 1477.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 0'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle on property taxes.
WKOW 1477.2
Traffic accident reports, 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 57'-75', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: S.Whitney Way and Gilbert Rd.
WKOW, 1477.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 75'-190', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on psychiatric hospital atmosphere.
WKOW 1477.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 190'-225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barges hauling supplies on Mississippi.
WKOW 1477.5
On-site interviews, 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 225'-324', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on welfare reform.
WKOW 1477.6
Press conferences, 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 324'-370', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on limited volume streets.
WKOW 1477.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 370'-395', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People going into a bar.
WKOW 1477.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 395'-429', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Garbage disposal.
WKOW 1477.9
On-site interviews, 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 429'-463', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on peripheral parking.
WKOW 1477.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 23
Physical Description: 463'-489', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Walt Disney characters dance for children.
WKOW 1478.1
News, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 0'-7', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at Department of Health and Social Services on welfare rights.
WKOW 1478.2
Press conferences, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 7'-69', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy on candidates and different states in primary.
WKOW 1478.3
Press conferences, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 69'-132', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern on loopholes in taxes.
WKOW 1478.4
On-site interviews, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 132'-152', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman being interviewed.
WKOW 1478.5
On-site interviews, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 152'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on student-teacher relationships.
WKOW 1478.6
House fires, 1972 March 26
Physical Description: 174'-193', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Middleton.
WKOW 1478.7
On-site interviews, 1972 March 26
Physical Description: 193'-212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on unknown topic; interviewed outside Capitol.
WKOW 1478.8
On-site interviews, 1972 March 26
Physical Description: 212'-272', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on psychiatric wards.
WKOW 1478.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 26
Physical Description: 272'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Easter egg hunt.
WKOW 1478.10
Meetings, 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 292'-305', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1478.11
On-site interviews, 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 305'-342', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle on school spending.
WKOW 1478.12
News, 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 342'-355', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey signing document on missing in action soldiers.
WKOW 1478.13
On-site interviews, 1972 March 24
Physical Description: 355'-393', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on George Wallace campaign.
WKOW 1479.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Streets and stores downtown.
WKOW 1479.2
Press conferences, 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 25'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city powers regarding airport.
WKOW 1479.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 62'-127', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on presidential campaign.
WKOW 1479.4
On-site interviews, 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 127'-170', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tornado warning systems.
WKOW 1479.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 170'-201', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thin ice on lakes.
WKOW 1479.6
On-site interviews, 1912 March 29
Physical Description: 201'-290', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on TAA at University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1479.7
Meetings, 1972 March 28
Physical Description: 290'-308', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1479.8
On-site interviews, 1972 March 28
Physical Description: 308'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on high school program.
WKOW 1479.9
On-site interviews, 1972 March 28
Physical Description: 353'-381', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on high school curriculum.
WKOW 1479.10
Press conferences, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 381'-431', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Eugene McCarthy on delegate issues in states.
WKOW 1479.11
News, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 431'-487', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern campaigning in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1479.12
News, 1972 March 27
Physical Description: 487'-507', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rally at Capitol on welfare rights.
WKOW 1480.1
On-site interviews, 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 0'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on spring presidential primary election.
WKOW 1480.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 51'-84', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voters at City-County Building.
WKOW 1480.3
On-site interviews, 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 84'-149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on registered voter increase.
WKOW 1480.4
On-site interviews, 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 149'-181', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Nixon's press relations.
WKOW 1480.5
Traffic accident reports, 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 181'-199', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: E. Washington Ave.
WKOW 1480.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 199'-213', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People at Greyhound bus station.
WKOW 1480.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 213'-226', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plane leaving airport.
WKOW 1480.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 30
Physical Description: 226'-244', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East High School 50th anniversary.
WKOW 1480.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 244'-266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People shoveling snow.
WKOW 1480.10
On-site interviews, 1972 March 29
Physical Description: 266'-317', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on leaders and foreign policy.
WKOW 1481.1
Traffic accident reports, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 0'-16', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1481.2
News, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 16'-42', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Brewery workers on strike at Heileman, La Crosse.
WKOW 1481.3
On-site interviews, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 42'-89', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on alcohol related accidents.
WKOW 1481.4
News, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 89'-116', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern at Gardner's Bakery.
WKOW 1481.5
News, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 116'-139', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men cleaning up street (E. Washington Avenue).
WKOW 1481.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 139'-162', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children celebrating Easter at Masonic Temple.
WKOW 1481.7
News/Speeches, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 162'-216', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey campaign; giving speech.
WKOW 1481.8
News/Speeches, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 216'-320', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Henry Jackson for President campaign speech.
WKOW 1481.9
News, 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 320'-324', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Poor peoples platform. supporters at Labor Temple.
WKOW 1481.10
Speeches/News, 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 324'-385', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hubert Humphrey presidential campaign on jobs.
WKOW 1481.11
Traffic accident reports, 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 385'-405', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1481.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 405'-421', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cracks and holes in road.
WKOW 1481.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 March 31
Physical Description: 421'-463', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children's projects at school.
WKOW 1482.1
Traffic accident reports, 1972 April 4
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Street.
WKOW 1482.2
Traffic accident reports, 1972 April 4
Physical Description: 18'-31', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1482.3
Banquets, 1972 April 4
Physical Description: 31'-58', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1482.4
News, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 58'-90', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voters at City-County Building and Odana School.
WKOW 1482.5
News, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 90'-146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blood testing at state hygiene laboratory.
WKOW 1482.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 146'-234', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on blood testing for alcohol.
WKOW 1482.7
On-site interviews, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 234'-274', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax freeze.
WKOW 1482.8
Meetings, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 274'-293', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1482.9
Awards ceremonies, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 293'-310', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1482.10
On-site interviews, 1972 April 3
Physical Description: 310'-364', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on busing school children.
WKOW 1483.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 0'-41', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Anderson on disagreements between state Republicans and Democrats.
WKOW 1483.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 41'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on changes in the court system.
WKOW 1483.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 94'-111', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Capitol.
WKOW 1483.4
On-site interviews, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 111'-156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norman Anderson on legislative structure.
WKOW 1483.5
Press conferences, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 156'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on results of city election.
WKOW 1483.6
Meetings, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 199'-216', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting at DNR on Badfish Creek water pollution.
WKOW 1483.7
On-site interviews, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 216'-280', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on sewage treatment in Badfish Creek.
WKOW 1483.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 280'-329', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on treatment of Badfish Creek.
WKOW 1483.9
Banquets, 1972 April 5
Physical Description: 329'-346', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Banquet for U.S. Savings Bonds.
WKOW 1484.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 0'-69', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on health insurance policy.
WKOW 1484.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 69'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on small business success.
WKOW 1484.3
On-site interviews, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 114'-143', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man and woman on Indochina exhibit.
WKOW 1484.4
On-site interviews, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 143'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on defensive driving course.
WKOW 1484.5
Banquets, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 155'-168', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kiwanis Club.
WKOW 1484.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 168'-217', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposals on environment and consumers.
WKOW 1484.7
On-site interviews, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 217'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on criminal justice system.
WKOW 1484.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 267'-313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on family planning clinics.
WKOW 1484.9
House fires, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 313'-330', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1484.10
On-site interviews, 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 330'-377', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on volunteer reading program.
WKOW 1484.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 10
Physical Description: 377'-412', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man collecting water from trees.
WKOW 1484.12
On-site interviews, 1972 April 9
Physical Description: 412'-458', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on traffic fatalities.
WKOW 1485.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 12
Physical Description: 0'-22', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county government.
WKOW 1485.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 12
Physical Description: 22'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on 24th ward plan.
WKOW 1485.3
On-site interviews, 1972 April 12
Physical Description: 47'-82', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on aldermanic representation.
WKOW 1485.4
On-site interviews, 1972 April 12
Physical Description: 82'-118', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on 24th ward plan.
WKOW 1485.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 12
Physical Description: 118'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Community Center.
WKOW 1485.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 12
Physical Description: 138'-175', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxes and health care services.
WKOW 1485.7
On-site interviews, 1972 April 12
Physical Description: 175'-225', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Doctor on sickle cell anemia.
WKOW 1485.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 225'-280', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Central Colony population.
WKOW 1485.9
On-site interviews, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 280'-313', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on health care costs.
WKOW 1485.10
On-site interviews, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 313'-337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Central Colony hospital.
WKOW 1485.11
On-site interviews, 1972 April 11
Physical Description: 337'-402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on deficiencies in mental hospitals.
WKOW 1486.1
Public announcements, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 0'-31', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Internal Revenue Service information.
WKOW 1486.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 31'-72', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on boarding schools.
WKOW 1486.3
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 72'-126', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Judge Doyle's decision in Morales case.
WKOW 1486.4
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 126'-171', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on company interest rates.
WKOW 1486.5
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 171'-240', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on IRS and fraud on returns.
WKOW 1486.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 240'-268', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on traffic deaths.
WKOW 1486.7
On-site interviews, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 268'-291', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Public Service Commission.
WKOW 1486.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 291'-316', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental protection.
WKOW 1486.9
Meetings, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 316'-342', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meeting with Native Americans.
WKOW 1486.10
On-site interviews, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 342'-376', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on customer services from government.
WKOW 1486.11
On-site interviews, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 376'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin Power and Light tactics.
WKOW 1486.12
On-site interviews, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 412'-443', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on power reserves.
WKOW 1486.13
Meetings, 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 443'-464', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1486.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 13
Physical Description: 464'-487', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sports Show of Madison.
WKOW 1487.1
Meetings, 1972 April 17
Physical Description: 0'-23', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1487.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 17
Physical Description: 24'-46', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on aldermanic responsibilities.
WKOW 1487.3
On-site interviews, 1972 April 17
Physical Description: 47'-91', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on school organization.
WKOW 1487.4
On-site interviews, 1972 April 17
Physical Description: 91'-139', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on future of natural resources.
WKOW 1487.5
On-site interviews, 1972 April 17
Physical Description: 139'-193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on economic impact of businesses on community.
WKOW 1487.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 16
Physical Description: 194'-216', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on small businessmen.
WKOW 1487.7
News, 1972 April 16
Physical Description: 216'-254', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire fighters putting out fire.
WKOW 1487.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 254'-277', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on health safety.
WKOW 1487.9
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 277'-310', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative session.
WKOW 1487.10
On-site interviews, 1972 April 14
Physical Description: 310'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on two party system.
WKOW 1488.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 19
Physical Description: 0'-45', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on small businessmen going to legislature.
WKOW 1488.2
Press conferences, 1972 April 19
Physical Description: 45'-134', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on legislative reapportionment.
WKOW 1488.3
Banquets, 1972 April 19
Physical Description: 134'-154', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: La Follette High School.
WKOW 1488.4
News, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 154'-179', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People sworn into office.
WKOW 1488.5
On-site interviews, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 179'-205', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on full State Street Mall.
WKOW 1488.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 205'-337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on U.S. involvement in Vietnam and environment.
WKOW 1488.7
On-site interviews, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 337'-379', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison Common Council meeting.
WKOW 1488.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 380'-409', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on State Street Mall.
WKOW 1488.9
Meetings, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 409'-432', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified seminar.
WKOW 1488.10
News, 1972 April 18
Physical Description: 432'-465', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men tearing up railroad.
WKOW 1489.1
Traffic accident reports, 1972 April 21
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1489.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 21
Physical Description: 18'-66', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on political conventions.
WKOW 1489.3
Meetings, 1972 April 20
Physical Description: 66'-92', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1489.4
On-site interviews, 1972 April 20
Physical Description: 92'-184', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin in 24th ward plan.
WKOW 1489.5
Meetings, 1972 April 20
Physical Description: 184'-206', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At Vilas Zoo.
WKOW 1489.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 19
Physical Description: 206'-270', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislation concerning liquor sales.
WKOW 1490.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 23
Physical Description: 0'-36', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children acting out cold war.
WKOW 1490.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 23
Physical Description: 36'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on army life.
WKOW 1490.3
News, 1972 April 23
Physical Description: 84'-122', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: G. Heileman Brewery pickets (La Crosse, Wisconsin).
WKOW 1490.4
Press conferences, 1972 April 21
Physical Description: 122'-181', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on Nixon's policy in Southeast Asia.
WKOW 1491.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 0'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaking about telephone cables.
WKOW 1491.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 48'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tourist program.
WKOW 1491.3
On-site interviews, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 60'-97', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on events going on at Dane County Coliseum over weekend.
WKOW 1491.4
News, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 97'-122', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road construction on Odana Road.
WKOW 1491.5
News, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 125'-158', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Flood waters.
WKOW 1491.6
Awards ceremonies, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 158'-175', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Medals given to Boy Scout Troop 13, 1922-1972.
WKOW 1491.7
News, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 175'-206', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rural construction site.
WKOW 1491.8
News, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 207'-258', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Residence Hall Student Labor Organization on strike against UW.
WKOW 1491.9
On-site interviews, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 258'-314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Mayfest 72.
WKOW 1491.10
On-site interviews, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 314'-356', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on resignation of Charles Harrison.
WKOW 1491.11
Meetings, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 356'-378', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified seminar.
WKOW 1491.12
On-site interviews, 1972 April 24
Physical Description: 378'-423', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on marketing profession.
WKOW 1492.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 0'-36', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on property tax relief.
WKOW 1492.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 36'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1492.3
Meetings, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 57'-84', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1492.4
Press conferences, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 84'-131', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on new presidential nominee.
WKOW 1492.5
On-site interviews, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 131'-151', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1492.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 151'-200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Doctor on heart attack risk factors.
WKOW 1492.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 201'-221', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rodeo at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1492.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 221'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “May is Zoo Month” parade.
WKOW 1492.9
On-site interviews, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 265'-309', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on China's acupuncture used as an anesthesia.
WKOW 1492.10
On-site interviews/Sports, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 309'-352', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Football coach on team victory.
WKOW 1492.11
Special reports, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 352'-391', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW baseball game.
WKOW 1492.12
On-site interviews/Sports, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 391'-431', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW football coach on recruiting efforts.
WKOW 1492.13
On-site interviews/Sports, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 431'-456', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Milwaukee Brewers coach on team.
WKOW 1492.14
On-site interviews/Sports, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 458'-494', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on sports injuries.
WKOW 1493.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 0'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on trash site proposal.
WKOW 1493.2
On-site interviews, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 51'-96', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Chinese acupuncture.
WKOW 1493.3
Banquets, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 96'-118', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Restaurant Association.
WKOW 1493.4
Meetings, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 118'-148', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1493.5
On-site interviews, 1972 April 26
Physical Description: 148'-200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on waste water going into lakes and streams.
WKOW 1493.6
On-site interviews, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 200'-244', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tourist competition for money.
WKOW 1493.7
On-site interviews, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 244'-272', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on incoming tourists.
WKOW 1493.8
On-site interviews, 1972 April 25
Physical Description: 272'-357', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on brush burning site in Ward 17.
WKOW 1494.1
On-site interviews, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 0'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on political crime.
WKOW 1494.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 51'-72', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People planting trees at Capitol and UW.
WKOW 1494.3
Banquets/Awards ceremonies, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 72'-98', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Retarded children's awards banquet.
WKOW 1494.4
Meetings, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 98'-141', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At Capitol.
WKOW 1494.5
On-site interviews, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 141'-201', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on political protest against war.
WKOW 1494.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 201'-210', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tree planting for Arbor Day.
WKOW 1494.7
News, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 210'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Emergency treatment area.
WKOW 1494.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 241'-272', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Band at shopping mall.
WKOW 1494.9
On-site interviews, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 273'-334', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on organizing tax groups.
WKOW 1494.10
News, 1972 April 27
Physical Description: 334'-348', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Oregon Fire Department putting out fire.
WKOW 1495.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 0'-25', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on employee and manager relationships.
WKOW 1495.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 25'-42', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Memorial Union Labor Organization strike at UW.
WKOW 1495.3
On-site interviews, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 42'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Memorial Union Labor Organization strike at UW.
WKOW 1495.4
Press conferences, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 67'-116', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on new state programs.
WKOW 1495.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 116'-168', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxes supporting services.
WKOW 1495.6
Meetings, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 168'-195', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Transportation.
WKOW 1495.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 195'-230', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Used car lots.
WKOW 1495.8
Meetings, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 230'-241', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 6.
WKOW 1495.9
On-site interviews, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 241'-275', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Memorial Union Labor Organization negotiations.
WKOW 1495.10
On-site interviews, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 275'-312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on student employees.
WKOW 1495.11
Awards ceremonies, 1972 May 1
Physical Description: 313'-332', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People receiving awards at Social Science Building.
WKOW 1495.12
House fires, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 332'-357', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Barby Lane and Northport Drive.
WKOW 1495.13
Traffic accident reports, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 357'-379', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mineral Point Road.
WKOW 1495.14
On-site interviews, 1972 April 28
Physical Description: 379'-407', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Doctor on heart attack risk factors.
WKOW 1496.1
Traffic accident reports, 1972 May 4
Physical Description: 0'-13', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1496.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 4
Physical Description: 13'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on buried phone cables.
WKOW 1496.3
On-site interviews, 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 48'-153', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on city districts.
WKOW 1496.4
On-site interviews, 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 153'-190', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman and man on duties of Chamber of Commerce.
WKOW 1496.5
Meetings, 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 190'-208', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1496.6
On-site interviews, 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 208'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on lake pollution.
WKOW 1496.7
News, 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 239'-257', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road construction.
WKOW 1496.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 3
Physical Description: 257'-275', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Old Style Auto Club; Governor Patrick Lucey present.
WKOW 1496.9
News, 1972 May 2
Physical Description: 275'-299', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Heileman Brewery strikers in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1496.10
On-site interviews, 1972 May 2
Physical Description: 299'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on water waste going into lakes without treatment.
WKOW 1496.11
On-site interviews, 1972 May 2
Physical Description: 343'-390', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man and woman on consumer/businessman relationships.
WKOW 1497.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 7
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county fair.
WKOW 1497.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 39'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on programs for women on UW campuses.
WKOW 1497.3
Meetings, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 62'-97', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1497.4
On-site interviews, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 97'-135', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on programs for women at UW.
WKOW 1497.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 135'-179', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on disease in birds.
WKOW 1497.6
On-site interviews, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 179'-220', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on convention effects on community.
WKOW 1497.7
Meetings, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 220'-239', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1497.8
On-site interviews, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 239'-265', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on employer complaints.
WKOW 1497.9
On-site interviews, 1972 May 5
Physical Description: 265'-280', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on EEOC guidelines in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1498.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 9
Physical Description: 0'-43', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on recycling.
WKOW 1498.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 8
Physical Description: 43'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin Education Association and teacher political activity.
WKOW 1498.3
On-site interviews, 1972 May 8
Physical Description: 139'-170', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman being interviewed.
WKOW 1498.4
On-site interviews, 1972 May 8
Physical Description: 170'-184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1498.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May 8
Physical Description: 184'-235', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on salesmen's convention.
WKOW 1498.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 8
Physical Description: 235'-255', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: East High School swimming pool.
WKOW 1499.1
Meetings, 1972 May 11
Physical Description: 0'-22', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1499.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 11
Physical Description: 22'-75', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on inflation and minimum wage.
WKOW 1499.3
On-site interviews, 1972 May 11
Physical Description: 77'-118', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on natural sources of energy.
WKOW 1499.4
On-site interviews, 1972 May 11
Physical Description: 120'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on energy center.
WKOW 1499.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May 11
Physical Description: 172'-210', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on energy plant.
WKOW 1499.6
Traffic accident reports, 1972 May 11
Physical Description: 210'-225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hammersley Road.
WKOW 1500.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 15
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on selecting judges.
WKOW 1500.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 15
Physical Description: 30'-57', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on selecting judges.
WKOW 1500.3
News, 1972 May 15
Physical Description: 57'-78', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction on University Avenue.
WKOW 1500.4
News, 1972 May 15
Physical Description: 28'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Utility construction on Mineral Point Road.
WKOW 1500.5
News, 1972 May 14
Physical Description: 87'-109', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified march.
WKOW 1500.6
On-site interviews, 1972 May 14
Physical Description: 109'-145', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unemployment rate.
WKOW 1500.7
News, 1972 May 12
Physical Description: 145'-161', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Body found along highway.
WKOW 1500.8
Meetings, 1972 May 12
Physical Description: 161'-177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Credit Union National Association.
WKOW 1500.9
On-site interviews, 1972 May 12
Physical Description: 177'-218', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on inflation.
WKOW 1500.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 12
Physical Description: 218'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art display.
WKOW 1501.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 16
Physical Description: 0'-16', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on school administration.
WKOW 1501.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 16
Physical Description: 16'-45', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on district organization.
WKOW 1501.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 16
Physical Description: 45'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Plymouth trouble shooting contest.
WKOW 1501.4
Meetings, 1972 May 16
Physical Description: 89'-107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Citizens Study Committee on Judicial Organization.
WKOW 1501.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May 16
Physical Description: 107'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on selecting judges.
WKOW 1501.6
On-site interviews, 1972 May 16
Physical Description: 157'-192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man-on school administration program.
WKOW 1501.7
On-site interviews, 1972 May 16
Physical Description: 192'-237', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on community polarization.
WKOW 1501.8
Meetings, 1972 May 15
Physical Description: 237'-253', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Citizens Study Committee on Judicial Organization.
WKOW 1501.9
On-site interviews, 1972 May 15
Physical Description: 253'-279', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on selection of judges.
WKOW 1501.10
On-site interviews, 1972 May 15
Physical Description: 279'-295', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on selection of Supreme Court.
WKOW 1502.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 17
Physical Description: 0'-34', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on airport boarding fee.
WKOW 1502.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 17
Physical Description: 34'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on missile maintenance.
WKOW 1502.3
On-site interviews, 1972 May 17
Physical Description: 78'-133', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Madison Metro expansion.
WKOW 1502.4
House fires, 1972 May 17
Physical Description: 133'-147', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1502.5
Meetings, 1972 May 17
Physical Description: 147'-165', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1502.6
Banquets, ,1972 May 17
Physical Description: 165'-182', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1502.7
On-site interviews, 1972 May 17
Physical Description: 182'-246', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prospective conventions in Madison.
WKOW 1502.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 17
Physical Description: 246'-274', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Langdon Street.
WKOW 1503.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 19
Physical Description: 0'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prison population.
WKOW 1503.2
Meetings, 1972 May 19
Physical Description: 47'-73', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metropolitan School Board.
WKOW 1503.3
Panel discussions, 1972 May 19
Physical Description: 73'-117', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sickle cell anemia discussed.
WKOW 1503.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 19
Physical Description: 117'-127', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Class of 1922 reunion.
WKOW 1503.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 18
Physical Description: 127'-160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Antique display.
WKOW 1503.6
On-site interviews, 1972 May 18
Physical Description: 160'-209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on additional prison facility.
WKOW 1503.7
Press conferences, 1972 May 18
Physical Description: 209' -260', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on Child Welfare Committee.
WKOW 1503.8
Awards ceremonies, 1972 May 18
Physical Description: 260'-277', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey giving awards to children.
WKOW 1504.1
News, 1972 May 22
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Namio's Dinner Club.
WKOW 1504.2
Meetings, 1972 May 22
Physical Description: 20'-35', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1504.3
On-site interviews, 1972 May 22
Physical Description: 35'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxes.
WKOW 1504.4
Meetings, 1972 May 22
Physical Description: 62'-68', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1504.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May 22
Physical Description: 68'-136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on reduced services and reduced taxes.
WKOW 1504.6
On-site interviews, 1972 May 22
Physical Description: 136'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on wages for teachers.
WKOW 1504.7
On-site interviews, 1972 May 22
Physical Description: 174'-202', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man being interviewed.
WKOW 1504.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 22
Physical Description: 202'-236', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pow-wow at Blue Wing Village in Tomah, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1504.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 21
Physical Description: 236'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade.
WKOW 1504.10
Graduation ceremonies, 1972 May 21
Physical Description: 260'-290', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College graduation.
WKOW 1504.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 21
Physical Description: 290'-306', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drawings of buildings.
WKOW 1504.12
Traffic accident reports, 1972 May 19
Physical Description: 306'-328', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1504.13
Meetings, 1972 May 19
Physical Description: 329'-343', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1504.14
Banquets, 1972 May 19
Physical Description: 343'-362', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Alumni Association.
WKOW 1504.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 19
Physical Description: 362'-387', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Street scene.
WKOW 1505.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on alderman committee.
WKOW 1505.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May
Physical Description: 49'-97', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on stock market participants.
WKOW 1505.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May
Physical Description: 98'-124', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Band at shopping mall.
WKOW 1505.4
News, 1972 May
Physical Description: 124'-163', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Clean water campaign.
WKOW 1505.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May
Physical Description: 163'-203', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on family planning and contraceptives.
WKOW 1506.1
Meetings, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 0'-22', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified seminar.
WKOW 1506.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 22'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prison reform task force.
WKOW 1506.3
On-site interviews, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 40'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on prison reform task force members.
WKOW 1506.4
On-site interviews, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 70'-121', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on conditions of state facilities.
WKOW 1506.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 121'-151', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on criminal incarceration in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1506.6
On-site interviews, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 151'-184', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on criminal rehabilitation.
WKOW 1506.7
On-site interviews, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 184'-230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on safety devices in boarding homes.
WKOW 1506.8
Panel discussions, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 230'-251', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1506.9
News, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 251'-276', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Postal workers picket.
WKOW 1506.10
On-site interviews, 1972 May 25
Physical Description: 276'-322', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on powers of office of mayor.
WKOW 1507.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 26
Physical Description: 0'-41', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1507.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 26
Physical Description: 41'-58', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on traffic fatalities.
WKOW 1507.3
On-site interviews, 1972 May 26
Physical Description: 58'-82', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on traffic accidents.
WKOW 1507.4
On-site interviews, 1972 May 26
Physical Description: 82'-147', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1507.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May 26
Physical Description: 147'-186', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on medical services.
WKOW 1507.6
On-site interviews, 1972 May 26
Physical Description: 186'-219', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on police training.
WKOW 1507.7
On-site interviews, 1972 May 26
Physical Description: 219'-237', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on traffic safety tips.
WKOW 1507.8
On-site interviews, 1972 May 26
Physical Description: 237'-275', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Doctor on sickle cell anemia.
WKOW 1507.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 26
Physical Description: 275'-294', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sesquicentennial in Verona, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1508.1
On-site interviews, 1972 May 30
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on East High School graduates.
WKOW 1508.2
On-site interviews, 1972 May 30
Physical Description: 39'-83', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on programs in state agencies.
WKOW 1508.3
News , 1972 May 30
Physical Description: 83'-102', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstrations.
WKOW 1508.4
On-site interviews, 1972 May 30
Physical Description: 102'-142', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on inflation.
WKOW 1508.5
News, 1972 May 29
Physical Description: 142'-160', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Transferring patient from helicopter to car.
WKOW 1508.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 29
Physical Description: 160'-184', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bands at Coliseum.
WKOW 1508.7
News, 1972 May 29
Physical Description: 184'-198', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: War demonstration at Capitol.
WKOW 1508.8
News, 1972 May 29
Physical Description: 198'-235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Memorial services at Sunset Memory Gardens.
WKOW 1508.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 May 29
Physical Description: 235'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Decorah Fire Department trucks.
WKOW 1508.10
Traffic accident reports, 1972 May 28
Physical Description: 270'-283', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1508.11
News, 1972 May 28
Physical Description: 283'-291', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Medflight helicopter.
WKOW 1509.1
On-site interviews, 1972 June 1
Physical Description: 0'-52', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on consumer protection.
WKOW 1509.2
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 1
Physical Description: 52'-72', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1509.3
On-site interviews, 1972 June 1
Physical Description: 72'-111', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on boarding fee at airport.
WKOW 1509.4
On-site interviews, 1972 June 1
Physical Description: 111'-148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on physician efforts.
WKOW 1509.5
On-site interviews, 1972 May 31
Physical Description: 148'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on traffic from highway.
WKOW 1509.6
Banquets, 1972 May 31
Physical Description: 174'-499', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1509.7
On-site interviews, 1972 May 31
Physical Description: 199'-250', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on money for city.
WKOW 1509.8
On-site interviews, 1972 May 31
Physical Description: 250'-285', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on heavy traffic.
WKOW 1509.9
On-site interviews, 1972 May 31
Physical Description: 285'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on accidents and property damage.
WKOW 1509.10
Banquets, 1972 May 31
Physical Description: 324'-327', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1509.11
Public announcements, 1972 May 31
Physical Description: 327'-341', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Health education information.
WKOW 1509.12
On-site interviews, 1972 May 31
Physical Description: 341'-391', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on health care delivery system.
WKOW 1510.1
Graduation ceremonies, 1972 June 4
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1510.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 4
Physical Description: 41'-78', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax loopholes.
WKOW 1510.3
Banquets, 1972 June 4
Physical Description: 78'-109', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Heart Association.
WKOW 1510.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 2
Physical Description: 109'-140', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mothers and children.
WKOW 1510.5
Meetings, 1972 June 2
Physical Description: 140'-156', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1510.6
On-site interviews, 1972 June 2
Physical Description: 156'-190', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on complaints to Attorney General.
WKOW 1510.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 2
Physical Description: 190'-211', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People at beach.
WKOW 1510.8
Unknown, 1972 June 1
Physical Description: 211'-266', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified presentation.
WKOW 1511.1
On-site interviews, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 0'-27', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on shooting.
WKOW 1511.2
News, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 27'-37', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Motor Inn (site of shooting).
WKOW 1511.3
On-site interviews, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 37'-56', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on shooting victim.
WKOW 1511.4
Meetings, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 56'-66, silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1511.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 66'-70', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children looking at maps.
WKOW 1511.6
Meetings, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 70'-85', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1511.7
On-site interviews, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 85'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin spending on AFDC.
WKOW 1511.8
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 112'-125', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1511.9
On-site interviews, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 125'-194', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on shooting incident.
WKOW 1511.10
On-site interviews, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 194'-230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Wisconsin spending on AFDC.
WKOW 1511.11
On-site interviews, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 230'-270', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on special needs for adults.
WKOW 1511.12
News, 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 270'-291', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building construction.
WKOW 1511.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 6
Physical Description: 291'-314', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children at school.
WKOW 1511.14
Graduation ceremonies, 1972 June 5
Physical Description: 314'-333', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West High School.
WKOW 1511.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 5
Physical Description: 333'-352', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children getting out of school.
WKOW 1511.16
On-site interviews, 1972 June 5
Physical Description: 352'-400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on military budget.
WKOW 1511.17
Graduation ceremonies, 1972 June 5
Physical Description: 400'-421', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: West High School.
WKOW 1511.18
On-site interviews, 1972 June 5
Physical Description: 421'-441', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on medical system.
WKOW 1512.1
News, 1972 June 7
Physical Description: 0'-13', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shooting scene in driveway.
WKOW 1512.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 7
Physical Description: 13'-58', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on term paper business.
WKOW 1512.3
On-site interviews, 1972 June 7
Physical Description: 58'-117', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on task force meeting report.
WKOW 1512.4
On-site interviews, 1972 June 7
Physical Description: 117'-194', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on commercially written term papers.
WKOW 1512.5
On-site interviews, 1972 June 7
Physical Description: 194'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on community based treatment centers.
WKOW 1512.6
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 7
Physical Description: 250'-263', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Raymond Road and Cameron Drive.
WKOW 1512.7
On-site interviews, 1972 June 7
Physical Description: 263'-336', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on class to develop citizen involvement.
WKOW 1513.1
Meetings, 1972 June 8
Physical Description: 0'-30', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Group of women on women's meeting.
WKOW 1513.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 8
Physical Description: 30'-80', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on correctional programs.
WKOW 1513.3
Meetings, 1972 June 8
Physical Description: 80'-101', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1513.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 8
Physical Description: 101'-178', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alice in Dairyland contest.
WKOW 1513.5
On-site interviews, 1972 June 8
Physical Description: 178'-2.42', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on AODA rehabilitation programs.
WKOW 1513.6
On-site interviews, 1972 June 8
Physical Description: 242'-280'; magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on programs for low income children.
WKOW 1513.7
On-site interviews, 1972 June 8
Physical Description: 280'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Alice in Dairyland contest.
WKOW 1514.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-55', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on UW tuition.
WKOW 1514.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 55'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alice in Dairyland contest.
WKOW 1514.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 101'-157', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on university budget.
WKOW 1514.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 157'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on high dropout rate in minority groups.
WKOW 1514.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 210'-230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman in Alice in Dairyland contest.
WKOW 1514.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 230'-249', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey with Alice in Dairyland winner.
WKOW 1515.1
On-site interviews/News, 1972 June 12
Physical Description: 0'-38', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on homicide case.
WKOW 1515.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 12
Physical Description: 38'-69', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax exemption.
WKOW 1515.3
On-site interviews, 1972 June 12
Physical Description: 71'-74', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1515.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 12
Physical Description: 74'-110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: South Dakota clothing drive.
WKOW 1515.5
On-site interviews, 1972 June 12
Physical Description: 110'-132', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on tax exemption revocation.
WKOW 1515.6
On-site interviews, 1972 June 12
Physical Description: 132'-183', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Mike Gravel on his book titled Citizen Power.
WKOW 1515.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 12
Physical Description: 183'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Badger Girls State celebration.
WKOW 1515.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 12
Physical Description: 207'-224', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Summer session registration at UW.
WKOW 1515.9
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 11
Physical Description: 224'-253', ,silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1515.10
House fires, 1972 June 11
Physical Description: 253'-267', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 625 N. Frances Street.
WKOW 1515.11
House fires, 1972 June 11
Physical Description: 267'-289', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cottage Grove.
WKOW 1515.12
Openings, 1972 June 11
Physical Description: 289'-316', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pool dedication.
WKOW 1515.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 11
Physical Description: 316'-373', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hoffman Bros. celebration.
WKOW 1516.1
Meetings, 1972 June 13
Physical Description: 0'-19', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 4-H.
WKOW 1516.2
Press conferences, 1972 June 13
Physical Description: 19'-37', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey and students for programs for Wisconsin.
WKOW 1516.3
On-site interviews, 1972 June 13
Physical Description: 37'-111', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on programs for Wisconsin.
WKOW 1516.4
On-site interviews, 1972 June 13
Physical Description: 111'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on anti-welfare attitudes.
WKOW 1516.5
Meetings, 1972 June 13
Physical Description: 153'-165', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: 4-H.
WKOW 1516.6
On-site interviews, 1972 June 13
Physical Description: 165'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Mike Gravel on his book titled Citizen Power.
WKOW 1516.7
Press conferences, 1972 June 13
Physical Description: 210'-224', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on Wisconsin programs.
WKOW 1517.1
On-site interviews, 1972 June 14
Physical Description: 0'-49', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on criminals.
WKOW 1517.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 14
Physical Description: 49'-100', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on new Supreme Court ruling.
WKOW 1517.3
Meetings, 1972 June 14
Physical Description: 100'-127', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1517.4
On-site interviews, 1972 June 14
Physical Description: 127'-181', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on criminal offenders.
WKOW 1517.5
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 14
Physical Description: 181'-214', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1517.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 14
Physical Description: 214'-239', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Metropolitan National Bank Building.
WKOW 1518.1
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 15
Physical Description: 0'-12', magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1518.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 15
Physical Description: 12'-70', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on construction layout of theater.
WKOW 1518.3
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 15
Physical Description: 70'-76', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1518.4
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 15
Physical Description: 76'-100', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Monona, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1518.5
Press conferences, 1972 June 15
Physical Description: 100'-141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on dispensing justice in no-fault insurance.
WKOW 1518.6
Meetings, 1972 June 15
Physical Description: 141'-168', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1518.7
On-site interviews, 1972 June 15
Physical Description: 168'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on rehabilitation institution in Adams Co.
WKOW 1518.8
On-site interviews, 1972 June 15
Physical Description: 215'-261', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state reapportionment.
WKOW 1518.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 15
Physical Description: 261'-291', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New theater site.
WKOW 1519.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-36', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Building Commission.
WKOW 1519.2
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 37'-58', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1519.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 58'-113', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Building Commission.
WKOW 1519.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 113'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on 16th ward plan.
WKOW 1519.5
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 158'-179', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1519.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 179'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on criminal program.
WKOW 1520.1
On-site interviews, 1972 June 20
Physical Description: 0'-30', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on injury and insurance claim.
WKOW 1520.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 20
Physical Description: 30'-75', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on study on vocational opportunity.
WKOW 1520.3
Meetings, 1972 June 20
Physical Description: 75'-91', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1520.4
On-site interviews, 1972 June 20
Physical Description: 91'-130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on advertising in rural areas.
WKOW 1520.5
Meetings, 1972 June 20
Physical Description: 130'-134', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1520.6
On-site interviews, 1972 June 20
Physical Description: 134'-152', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on advertising outdoors.
WKOW 1520.7
House fires, 1972 June 19
Physical Description: 152'-170', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rural Stoughton.
WKOW 1520.8
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 19
Physical Description: 170'-187', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1520.9
News, 1972 June 19
Physical Description: 187'-208', ,color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Pickets at Wisconsin Center on UW campus.
WKOW 1520.10
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 19
Physical Description: 208'-214', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1520.11
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 19
Physical Description: 214'-227', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1520.12
On-site interviews, 1972 June 19
Physical Description: 227'-285', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on veterans assistance.
WKOW 1520.13
News, 1972 June 19
Physical Description: 285'-314', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey signing paper.
WKOW 1520.14
News, 1972 June 18
Physical Description: 314'-333', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pickets against military.
WKOW 1520.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 18
Physical Description: 333'-374', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fish control lab.
WKOW 1521.1
On-site interviews, 1972 June 21
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on term papers at UW.
WKOW 1521.2
Meetings, 1972 June 21
Physical Description: 40'-54', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1521.3
On-site interviews, 1972 June 21
Physical Description: 54'-141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on car user taxes.
WKOW 1521.4
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 21
Physical Description: 141'-164', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1521.5
On-site interviews, 1972 June 21
Physical Description: 164'-206', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on plagiarism.
WKOW 1521.6
Meetings, 1972 June 21
Physical Description: 206'-224', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1521.7
On-site interviews, 1972 June 21
Physical Description: 224'-267', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on liquor tavern owners.
WKOW 1521.8
On-site interviews, 1972 June 21
Physical Description: 267'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on new runway at airport.
WKOW 1521.9
News, 1972 June 21
Physical Description: 315'-332', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road construction on Highway 151.
WKOW 1521.10
On-site interviews, 1972 June 20
Physical Description: 332'-366', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state board.
WKOW 1521.11
On-site interviews, 1972 June 20
Physical Description: 366'-412', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on resignation.
WKOW 1522.1
On-site interviews, 1972 June 23
Physical Description: 0'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on veterans assistance.
WKOW 1522.2
News, 1972 June 23
Physical Description: 52'-86', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Jon Salon fire.
WKOW 1522.3
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 23
Physical Description: 86'-104', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1522.4
On-site interviews, 1972 June 23
Physical Description: 104'-165', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state representatives.
WKOW 1522.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 23
Physical Description: 165'-225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison General Hospital.
WKOW 1522.6
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 22
Physical Description: 225'-248', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1522.7
Meetings, 1972 June 22
Physical Description: 248'-262', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1522.8
On-site interviews, 1972 June 22
Physical Description: 262'-311', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Department of Motor Vehicles point system.
WKOW 1522.9
News, 1972 June 22
Physical Description: 311'-345', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency equipment.
WKOW 1522.10
On-site interviews, 1972 June 22
Physical Description: 345'-363', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on court appearances.
WKOW 1522.11
On-site interviews, 1972 June 22
Physical Description: 363'-374', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on drinking and driving.
WKOW 1522.12
On-site interviews, 1972 June 22
Physical Description: 374'-438', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on lake processes.
WKOW 1522.13
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 22
Physical Description: 438'-452', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1522.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 22
Physical Description: 452'-470', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New car at Home Savings and Loan.
WKOW 1523.1
On-site interviews, 1972 June 26
Physical Description: 0'-54', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on meat prices.
WKOW 1523.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 26
Physical Description: 54'-123', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on marijuana trafficking.
WKOW 1523.3
On-site interviews, 1972 June 26
Physical Description: 123'-161', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW funds and taxes discussed.
WKOW 1523.4
Meetings, 1972 June 26
Physical Description: 161'-179', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified seminar.
WKOW 1523.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 25
Physical Description: 180'-211', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Oregon parade.
WKOW 1523.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 25
Physical Description: 211'-241', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car fixing contest.
WKOW 1523.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 25
Physical Description: 242'-284', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Glarus Wilhelm Tell Festival.
WKOW 1523.8
On-site interviews, 1972 June 23
Physical Description: 284'-336', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative sensitivity.
WKOW 1523.9
On-site interviews, 1972 June 23
Physical Description: 336'-380', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on medical facilities at Madison General Hospital.
WKOW 1524.1
Press conferences, 1972 June 27
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on court cases.
WKOW 1524.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 27
Physical Description: 49'-90', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on day care centers' fire safety.
WKOW 1524.3
Press conferences, 1972 June 27
Physical Description: 90'-180', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on governor's actions.
WKOW 1524.4
On-site interviews, 1972 June 27
Physical Description: 180'-227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on day care centers' fire safety.
WKOW 1524.5
Meetings, 1972 June 27
Physical Description: 227'-248', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1524.6
On-site interviews, 1972 June 27
Physical Description: 248'-296', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on opportunities for minorities.
WKOW 1524.7
On-site interviews, 1972 June 26
Physical Description: 296'-334', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on meat prices.
WKOW 1524.8
On-site interviews, 1972 June 26
Physical Description: 334'-398', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on UW budget for merged system.
WKOW 1525.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 29
Physical Description: 0'-34', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aerial view of body of water.
WKOW 1525.2
On-site interviews, 1972 June 29
Physical Description: 34'-99', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on death penalty.
WKOW 1525.3
News, 1972 June 29
Physical Description: 99'-119', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gloria Kay Uniform Mart on fire.
WKOW 1525.4
On-site interviews, 1972 June 29
Physical Description: 121'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on job opportunities in WIN (a program to enhance job opportunities for minorities).
WKOW 1525.5
News, 1972 June 29
Physical Description: 174'-190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aerial view of highway construction.
WKOW 1525.6
Traffic accident reports, 1972 June 28
Physical Description: 190'-215', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1525.7
Meetings, 1972 June 28
Physical Description: 215'-232', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1525.8
On-site interviews, 1972 June 28
Physical Description: 232'-279', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on care for retarded people in state institutions.
WKOW 1525.9
On-site interviews, 1972 June 28
Physical Description: 279'-324', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on refunds on ampicillin.
WKOW 1525.10
Press conferences, 1972 June 28
Physical Description: 324'-373', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on State Street Mall.
WKOW 1525.11
Meetings, 1972 June 28
Physical Description: 373'-378', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1525.12
On-site interviews, 1972 June 28
Physical Description: 378'-418', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on community based facilities for retarded people.
WKOW 1525.13
On-site interviews, 1972 June 28
Physical Description: 418'-461', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on phasing out counties.
WKOW 1525.14
On-site interviews, 1972 June 28
Physical Description: 461'-502', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on groundwater contamination.
WKOW 1526.1
On-site interviews, 1972 June 30
Physical Description: 0'-63', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State patrolman on airlift.
WKOW 1526.2
News, 1972 June 30
Physical Description: 63'-74', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Northwest Orient Airlines flight information.
WKOW 1526.3
On-site interviews, 1972 June 30
Physical Description: 74'-122', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on meat prices.
WKOW 1526.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 30
Physical Description: 122'-198', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World train.
WKOW 1526.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 30
Physical Description: 198'-263', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sesquicentennial in Verona.
WKOW 1526.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 30
Physical Description: 263'-284', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aerial view of water.
WKOW 1526.7
On-site interviews, 1972 June 30
Physical Description: 286'-333, magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on capital punishment.
WKOW 1526.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 June 30
Physical Description: 333'-362', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World train.
WKOW 1527.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 3
Physical Description: 0'-11', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vilas Park beach.
WKOW 1527.2
On-site interviews, 1972 July 3
Physical Description: 11'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on emergency hospital care.
WKOW 1527.3
News, 1972 July 3
Physical Description: 61'-70', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison police.
WKOW 1527.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 3
Physical Description: 70'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway traffic over 4th of July.
WKOW 1527.5
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1972 July 3
Physical Description: 87'-184', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World train; Governor Patrick Lucey interviewed.
WKOW 1527.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 3
Physical Description: 184'-201', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airplane.
WKOW 1527.7
On-site interviews, 1972 July 3
Physical Description: 201'-242', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on hospital communications.
WKOW 1527.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 3
Physical Description: 242'-252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aerial view of highway traffic.
WKOW 1527.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 3
Physical Description: 252'-270', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus train.
WKOW 1527.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 2
Physical Description: 270'-296', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway traffic over 4th of July.
WKOW 1527.11
News, 1972 July 2
Physical Description: 296'-315', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at electric power plant.
WKOW 1527.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 2
Physical Description: 315'-448', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus World train.
WKOW 1528.1
On-site interviews, 1972 July 4
Physical Description: 0'-58', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on development plans for Dane County.
WKOW 1528.2
On-site interviews, 1972 July 4
Physical Description: 58'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on emergency medical services.
WKOW 1528.3
On-site interviews, 1972 July 4
Physical Description: 98'-145', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Dutch elm disease.
WKOW 1528.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 4
Physical Description: 145'-188', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ballet dancers.
WKOW 1528.5
On-site interviews, 1972 July 4
Physical Description: 188'-221', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on food prices.
WKOW 1528.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 4
Physical Description: 221'-286', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade.
WKOW 1528.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 4
Physical Description: 286'-306', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Annual East Side Businessmen's Association Festival.
WKOW 1528.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 July 4
Physical Description: 306'-334', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fourth of July activities.
WKOW 1528.9
On-site interviews, 1972 July 4
Physical Description: 334'-463', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State patrolman on highway traffic.
WKOW 1529.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: How legislature could override vetoes.
WKOW 1529.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 85'-109', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State highway sign manufacturing.
WKOW 1529.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 110'-138', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on bicentennial celebration.
WKOW 1529.4
Meetings/Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 138'-189', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jehovah's Witnesses gathering.
WKOW 1529.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 189'-229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on advantages of planned development.
WKOW 1529.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 229'-261', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scientist on the chemistry of Dutch elm disease.
WKOW 1530.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-49', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Problems with clogged court system.
WKOW 1530.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 50'-91', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Revenue sharing in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1530.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 92'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State of Wisconsin charges car makers with conspiracy.
WKOW 1530.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 150'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on economic impact of channel.
WKOW 1530.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 199'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Task force on legislative arts council.
WKOW 1530.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 241'-255', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Class on urban transport planning.
WKOW 15.30.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 256'-288', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children view eclipse through homemade telescope.
WKOW 1530.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 289'-316', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vocational technical curriculum is growing.
WKOW 1530.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 316'-367', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art Fair on the Square and parade.
WKOW 1530.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 368'-442', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Democratic conventioneer on Miami convention.
WKOW 1530.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 443'-475', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vocational education vs. university education discussed.
WKOW 1530.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 476'-524', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Red Cross activities during disasters discussed.
WKOW 1530.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 524'-564', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps perform.
WKOW 1531.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 0'-16', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exterior of an old house.
WKOW 1531.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 17'-64', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Low priority items in budget.
WKOW 1531.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 64'-108', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus benefits to the city discussed.
WKOW 1531.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 109'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cost-cutting in state government.
WKOW 1531.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 153'-241', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Maternity leave law discussed.
WKOW 1531.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 241'-293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood College feature.
WKOW 1531.7
On-site interviews/Features (Newsfilm), -1972
Physical Description: 293'-336', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elephant trainer and elephants.
WKOW 1531.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 337'-366', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nursery school children.
WKOW 1531.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 366'-373', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fossil hunters.
WKOW 1532.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-70', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Andre Blum on city to county subsidy.
WKOW 1532.2
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 70'-86', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1532.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 86'-134', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on UW merger.
WKOW 1532.4
Openings, 1972
Physical Description: 134'-163', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Bank.
WKOW 1533.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-27', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on overriding vetoes.
WKOW 1533.2
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 27'-49', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1533.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 49'-104', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on compromise bill.
WKOW 1533.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 104'-167', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on correctional institutions.
WKOW 1533.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 167'-224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on program to mark fake i.d.'s.
WKOW 1533.6
News, 1972
Physical Description: 224'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative session.
WKOW 1533.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 238'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser on Patrick Lucey's appointments.
WKOW 1533.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 268'-334', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on special legislative session on revenue sharing.
WKOW 1533.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 334'-370', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Risser on veto session.
WKOW 1533.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 370'-421', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on referendum going to the courts.
WKOW 1533.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 421'-454', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cost of meat.
WKOW 1534.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on Mahoney abduction.
WKOW 1534.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 39'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on getting minorities into apprenticeship program.
WKOW 1534.3
News report, 1972
Physical Description: 80'-91', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Report on Mahoney murder.
WKOW 1534.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 91'-159', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on minority housing.
WKOW 1534.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 159'-249', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on affirmative action.
WKOW 1534.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 249'-297', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Special Olympics.
WKOW 1535.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-54', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on Senator Eagleton's accepting vice presidential nomination.
WKOW 1535.2
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 54'-111', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man interviewed on rural demographic shift.
WKOW 1535.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 111'-165', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on trout promotion giveaway.
WKOW 1535.4
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 165'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city-county planning.
WKOW 1535.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 250'-283', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parking on UW campus.
WKOW 1535.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 283'-335', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on migrant farm workers.
WKOW 1536.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Utility spokesman on recent electrical “brown-out.”
WKOW 1536.2
News, 1972
Physical Description: 51'-71', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Church fire.
WKOW 1536.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 71'-134', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Martin Schreiber on elderly in Wisconsin nursing homes.
WKOW 1536.4
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 134'-192', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presentation for unknown, and a man on upcoming referendum.
WKOW 1536.5
News, 1972
Physical Description: 192'-210', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1536.6
News, 1972
Physical Description: 210'-249', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Prison construction.
WKOW 1536.7
Features (Newsfilm)/Celebrity visits, 1972
Physical Description: 249'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Duke Ellington giving concert in Mills Hall, University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1536.8
News/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 292-341', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pastor of burned church (segments 2 and 5) comments on fire.
WKOW 1536.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 341'-421', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on county executive referendum.
WKOW 1536.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 421'-457', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Union spokesmen on contributions to political funds.
WKOW 1536.11
News, 1972
Physical Description: 457'-482', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Town of Madison fire.
WKOW 1536.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 482'-515', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: County fair.
WKOW 1537.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-26', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Maternity leave bill and other legislation discussed.
WKOW 1537.2
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 26'-68', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nicaraguan envoy praises Governor Lucey.
WKOW 1537.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 68'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1537.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 113'-159', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Bar Association member on lost public relations crew.
WKOW 1537.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 159'-196', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New mail boxes and postal innovations.
WKOW 1537.6
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 196'-211', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1537.7
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 211'-229', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1537.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 229'-254', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County Junior Fair.
WKOW 1537.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 255'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Missouri Air National Guard base.
WKOW 1537.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 293'-337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Need for another nuclear reactor at Point Beach discussed.
WKOW 1537.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 337'-363', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lt. Governor Schreiber on nursing home inspection.
WKOW 1538.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-42', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Clarenbach on Sheriff Leslie's car accident.
WKOW 1538.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 42'-89', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on nursing home problems.
WKOW 1539.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-30', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on development of septic systems.
WKOW 1539.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 30'-82', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on credit insurance rate filing guidelines.
WKOW 1539.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 82'-137', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on interstate and downtown development.
WKOW 1539.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 137'-164', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Farm workers labor meeting.
WKOW 1539.5
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 164'-180', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1539.6
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 180'-201', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1539.7
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 201'-265', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey at AAA on pedestrian and car accidents.
WKOW 1539.8
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 265'-299', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1539.9
Speeches/Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 299'-324', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man speaking at Rotary Club.
WKOW 1539.10
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 324'-342', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1539.11
Awards ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 342'-398', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey gives AAA awards for motor vehicle safety.
WKOW 1540.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New financial aid programs at UW.
WKOW 1540.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 62'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Board of Health on new east side center.
WKOW 1540.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 93'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Weed growth high in area lakes.
WKOW 1540.4
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 139'-162', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: McFarland, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1540.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 162'-208', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lender and borrower benefit from new insurance.
WKOW 1540.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 208'-233', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art.
WKOW 1540.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 234'-273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Program for Native Americans discussed.
WKOW 1540.8
News, 1972
Physical Description: 273'-318', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City Board of Health establishes laboratories.
WKOW 1541.1
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-26', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1541.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 26'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Proposed changes in state prison system.
WKOW 1541.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 53'-130', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New Wisconsin State Fair program outlined; fewer farm related displays.
WKOW 1541.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 132'-185', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of whether or not felons should retain full citizenship after jail term.
WKOW 1541.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 185'-212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Administrative personnel training at state office building.
WKOW 1541.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 212'-259', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WKOW TV trip to Hawaii returns.
WKOW 1541.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 260'-291', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young voters for Nixon.
WKOW 1541.8
Awards ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 291'-350', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man honored for 47 years as a county agent.
WKOW 1542.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-111', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New inspection code for cars.
WKOW 1542.2
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 111'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey on McGovern's selection of vice presidential running mate.
WKOW 1542.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 150'-185', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Purchase orders for new government cars.
WKOW 1543.1
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-60', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on state apportionment plan.
WKOW 1543.2
Speeches/Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 60'-101', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man addresses Rotary Club on federal aid to state.
WKOW 1543.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 101'-170', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Highway researcher on environmentalists.
WKOW 1543.4
News, 1972
Physical Description: 170'-189', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Westminster Presbyterian Church.
WKOW 1543.5
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 189'-215', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on property tax and mill rate increase.
WKOW 1543.6
Speeches/Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 215'-259', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man addresses Rotary Club on industry and government.
WKOW 1544.1
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on Madison Chief of Police Wilbur Emery.
WKOW 1544.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 29'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on weed control in lakes.
WKOW 1544.3
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 71'-124', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on resignation of Police Chief Wilbur Emery.
WKOW 1544.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 124'-189', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on cleaning lakes and jurisdictions concerning who cleans what.
WKOW 1544.5
On-site interviews/Openings/News, 1972
Physical Description: 189'-273', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vilas Communications Hall; a description is given of the facilities.
WKOW 1544.6
News, 1972
Physical Description: 273'-309', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Weeds and algae in lake.
WKOW 1544.7
Openings, 1972
Physical Description: 313'-349', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vilas Hall TV studio and Daily Cardinal offices.
WKOW 1545.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-60', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on new Madison community school to teach GED courses.
WKOW 1545.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 60'-109', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People on co-education at girls school.
WKOW 1545.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 109'-197', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on insurance claim problems.
WKOW 1545.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 197'-252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on youth football league.
WKOW 1545.5
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 252'-307', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pottery studio. Man on Madison community school.
WKOW 1545.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 307'-395', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Girls school goes co-ed.
WKOW 1546.1
News, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-19', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction accident site.
WKOW 1546.2
News, 1972
Physical Description: 19' 32', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Train derailment.
WKOW 1546.3
News, 1972
Physical Description: 52'-77', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: First Wisconsin Bank construction.
WKOW 1546.4
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 77'-99', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fordem Avenue.
WKOW 1546.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 99'-142', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxes.
WKOW 1546.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 142'-192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on giving $250 to go back to high school.
WKOW 1546.7
News, 1972
Physical Description: 192'-225', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Road repair.
WKOW 1546.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 225'-256', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Hair dressers.
WKOW 1546.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 256'-276', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marquette Festival.
WKOW 1547.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: District Attorney Gerald Nichol on fraud investigation.
WKOW 1547.2
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 47'-72', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire and car accident.
WKOW 1547.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 72'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on open school system.
WKOW 1547.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 112'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1547.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 150'-181', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Drama on Indian leader Blackhawk.
WKOW 1547.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 181'-292', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Report on Merrimac Ferry.
WKOW 1547.7
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 292'-375', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison's savings and loans discussed.
WKOW 1547.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 375'-437', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on student loans for veterans.
WKOW 1548.1
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School spokesman on busing and safety.
WKOW 1548.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 84'-128', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on retail rule.
WKOW 1548.3
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 128'-157', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1548.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 157'-230', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American Pageant.
WKOW 1548.5
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 230'-304', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on school bus safety.
WKOW 1548.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 304'-334', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1549.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Insurance for Vietnam veterans.
WKOW 1549.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 41'-71', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lion's Club annual regatta and picnic.
WKOW 1549.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 71'-102', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City of Monona pool and fair.
WKOW 1549.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 102'-148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Financial aid problems.
WKOW 1549.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 148'-186', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Necessity of immunization discussed.
WKOW 1549.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 186'-226', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Year-round 24 hour schools/community centers discussed.
WKOW 1549.7
Graduation ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 226'-248', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Adult education graduation.
WKOW 1549.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 248'-293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Private lenders and financial aid discussed.
WKOW 1550.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-20', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on noise control in industry.
WKOW 1550.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 20'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on parole board.
WKOW 1550.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 60'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1550.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 112'-152', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Public Service Commission and phone company.
WKOW 1550.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 152'-205', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on public school busing.
WKOW 1550.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 206'-252', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1550.7
News, 1972
Physical Description: 252'-283', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Summer storm damage.
WKOW 1550.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 283'-319', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 4.
WKOW 1550.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 319'-347', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 5.
WKOW 1551.1
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-64', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers' union spokesman on teachers' strike.
WKOW 1551.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 64'-110', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on no-fault insurance.
WKOW 1551.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 110'-159', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on party policies in presidential election.
WKOW 1551.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 159'-180', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Wisconsin in pageant.
WKOW 1551.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 180'-195', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aerial view of boats in water.
WKOW 1551.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 195'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man is interviewed on instating no-fault insurance in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1551.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 240'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Physical therapy treatment.
WKOW 1551.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 260'-299', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on 2, 4, 5-T herbicide and water damage.
WKOW 1551.9
On-site interviews/Speeches/Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 299'-367', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speaker addressing group; later he is interviewed on safety rules in business.
WKOW 1551.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 367'-416', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on private trade schools victimizing veterans.
WKOW 1551.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 416'-448', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 8.
WKOW 1552.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-82', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental resources and utilities.
WKOW 1552.2
Panel discussions, 1972
Physical Description: 82'-147', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: On working mothers.
WKOW 1552.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 147'-171', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children collecting pennies in Pepsi cans.
WKOW 1552.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 171'-219', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county nursing homes.
WKOW 1552.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 219'-259', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on teachers' complaints.
WKOW 1552.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 259'-316', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on safety rules in business.
WKOW 1552.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 316'-358', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 4.
WKOW 1552.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 358'-398', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 5.
WKOW 1552.9
News, 1972
Physical Description: 398'-414', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Railroad repair on Dayton Street.
WKOW 1552.10
News, 1972
Physical Description: 414'-431', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: McFarland farm fire.
WKOW 1553.1
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Panel of lecturers at Dane County Coliseum.
WKOW 1553.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 24'-59', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on preservation of natural resources.
WKOW 1553.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 59'-94', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes and public education.
WKOW 1553.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 94'-139', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on how gas prices are displayed at gas stations.
WKOW 1553.5
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 139'-153', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1553.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 153'-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1553.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 210'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Irish folk dancers.
WKOW 1553.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 238'-277', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on motor vehicle regulations.
WKOW 1553.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 277'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 8.
WKOW 1553.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 302'-349', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state-owned housing.
WKOW 1553.11
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 349'-406', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1553.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 406'-449', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on delivery of health services.
WKOW 1553.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 449'-473', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bike registration.
WKOW 1553.14
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 473'-487', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1553.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 487'-502', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 8.
WKOW 1553.16
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 502'-509', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 14.
WKOW 1553.17
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 509'-537', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segments 8 and 15.
WKOW 1554.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-50', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State troopers and minorities.
WKOW 1554.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 50'-166', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Traffic on Capitol Square.
WKOW 1554.3
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 166'-185', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1554.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 185'-240', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on health programs.
WKOW 1554.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 240'-307', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of WKOW 1553.1.
WKOW 1555.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on pay for city employees, new pay plan.
WKOW 1555.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 44'-81', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People going to school, modes of transportation.
WKOW 1555.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 81'-129', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on problems building Vilas Hall.
WKOW 1555.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 129'-135', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aurora and Hubbard Street house.
WKOW 1555.5
News, 1972
Physical Description: 135'-168', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Murder scene; body in trunk.
WKOW 1556.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-42', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman interviewed.
WKOW 1556.2
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 42'-67', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on expenditure of public funds.
WKOW 1556.3
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 67'-118', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1556.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 118'-163', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on library system.
WKOW 1556.5
News, 1972 August 29
Physical Description: 163'-201', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wilbur Emery sworn in as Chief Marshal.
WKOW 1556.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 201'-224', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Beatty-Cole circus preparations.
WKOW 1556.7
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 224'-261', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on state employment freeze.
WKOW 1556.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 261'-355', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Assessor's office on insurance rates.
WKOW 1556.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 355'-385', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car crash rescue demonstration.
WKOW 1556.10
News, 1972
Physical Description: 385'-403', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building construction.
WKOW 1557.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 0'-23', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Helicopter traffic report.
WKOW 1557.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 23'-56', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State trooper on Labor Day weekend.
WKOW 1557.3
Candidacy announcements, 1972
Physical Description: 56'-96', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bill Ferris running for sheriff.
WKOW 1557.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 96'-156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1557.5
Candidacy announcements, 1972
Physical Description: 156'-218', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1557.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 218'-268', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on workman's compensation and insurance.
WKOW 1557.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 268'-333', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on decriminalization.
WKOW 1557.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 333'-364', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on community health care facility.
WKOW 1557.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 364'-398', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on contributions for health care facility.
WKOW 1557.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 398'-406', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police directing traffic at Sheraton Inn.
WKOW 1557.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 406'-430', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Circus performance.
WKOW 1558.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on school referendum.
WKOW 1558.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 49'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man on referendum.
WKOW 1558.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 93'-149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state prisons.
WKOW 1558.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 149'-187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on library system.
WKOW 1558.5
News, 1972
Physical Description: 187'-210', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interstate traffic.
WKOW 1558.6
News, 1972
Physical Description: 210'-251', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Political rally for George McGovern.
WKOW 1558.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 251'-307', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State trooper on Labor Day traffic.
WKOW 1558.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 307'-328', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Community health center.
WKOW 1558.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 328'-342', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on health service.
WKOW 1558.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 342'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on health service.
WKOW 1558.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 360'-378', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aerial view of traffic.
WKOW 1558.12
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 378'-392', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1558.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 392'-406', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 11.
WKOW 1558.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 406'-424', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wilhelm Tell Festival.
WKOW 1558.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 424'-439', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Craft fair.
WKOW 1559.1
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-28', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1559.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 28'-77', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on flooding in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1559.3
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 77'-90', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke.
WKOW 1559.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September
Physical Description: 90'-131', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Air National Guard; missiles being installed.
WKOW 1559.5
News, 1972 September
Physical Description: 131'-155', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People in mourning for Israeli athletes killed at Munich Olympics.
WKOW 1559.6
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 155'-186', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on airport user fees.
WKOW 1559.7
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 186'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man discussing shiva for Israeli athletes.
WKOW 1559.8
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 233'-284', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county takeover of airport.
WKOW 1559.9
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 284'-340', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on holidays and religion and school curriculum.
WKOW 1559.10
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 340'-367', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on civil service layoffs and jobs.
WKOW 1559.11
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 367'-413', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man lectures on school problems.
WKOW 1559.12
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 413'-441', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on school district spending.
WKOW 1560.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High angle shots of Sun Prairie fireball.
WKOW 1560.2
Press conferences, 1972 September
Physical Description: 18-113', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: George McGovern on Patrick Lucey as governor; McGovern also comments on Watergate break-in.
WKOW 1560.3
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 113'-151', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin Medical and Nursing School project.
WKOW 1560.4
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 151' -193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxation and conversion of rental units.
WKOW 1560.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September
Physical Description: 193'-221', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Goodyear blimp.
WKOW 1560.6
Meetings, 1972 September
Physical Description: 221'-275', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nude entertainment in bars discussed.
WKOW 1560.7
Press conferences, 1972 September
Physical Description: 275'-344', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on E. Washington Ave. development and other topics.
WKOW 1560.8
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 344'-382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman on migration of families from his ward.
WKOW 1561.1
On-site interviews, 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 0'-39', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Claim is made that money for education is diverted to Vietnam War.
WKOW 1561.2
On-site interviews, 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 39'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Federal government is withholding highway funds.
WKOW 1561.3
Judicial proceedings, 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 80'-110', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pre-trial hearing.
WKOW 1561.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 110'-129', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rural and highway scenes.
WKOW 1561.5
On-site interviews, 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 129'-177', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion of whether or not Common Council should regulate urban sprawl.
WKOW 1561.6
On-site interviews, 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 177'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State and local highway funds discussed.
WKOW 1561.7
Press conferences, 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 228'-279', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Teachers form political action committee.
WKOW 1561.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 279'-299', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School children tour Wisconsin Air National Guard.
WKOW 1561.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 11
Physical Description: 299'-344', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Sunday at the Farm” open house at University of Wisconsin experimental farm.
WKOW 1562.1
Press conferences, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on new referendum for city.
WKOW 1562.2
Meetings, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 41'-69', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 1562.3
On-site interviews, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 69'-117', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New licensing rules for state discussed.
WKOW 1562.4
Speeches, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 117'-141', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: United Way speeches
WKOW 1562.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 141'-185', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting at Odana School.
WKOW 1562.6
Press conferences, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 185'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Patrick Lucey on Job Corps cancellation.
WKOW 1562.7
On-site interviews, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 233'-263', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator upset at decision to cut a program.
WKOW 1562.8
On-site interviews, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 263'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin policy on elderly discussed.
WKOW 1562.9
On-site interviews, 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 303'-344', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Changing employer tax rates discussed.
WKOW 1562.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September 13
Physical Description: 344'-363', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anchor Savings and Loan elephant.
WKOW 1563.1
On-site interviews, 1972 September 14
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New items in education budget discussed.
WKOW 1563.2
News, 1972 September 14
Physical Description: 41'-58', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire aftermath.
WKOW 1563.3
Meetings, 1972 September 14
Physical Description: 59'-72', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1563.4
On-site interviews, 1972 September 14
Physical Description: 72'-117', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bond rates yield money for schools.
WKOW 1563.5
On-site interviews, 1972 September 14
Physical Description: 118'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senate bill and assistance to Wisconsin cities discussed.
WKOW 1564.1
News, 1972 September
Physical Description: 0'-24', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park Street railroad bridge shown (possibly as a crime scene).
WKOW 1564.2
On-site interviews, 1972 September
Physical Description: 24'-99', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Similar occurrences in area crimes discussed.
WKOW 1564.3
On-site interviews/News, 1972 September
Physical Description: 99'-142', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small earthquake hits Upper Midwest; Madison feels a slight tremor.
WKOW 1564.4
Speeches, 1972 September
Physical Description: 143'-205', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speaker on property tax relief.
WKOW 1564.5
Judicial proceedings, 1972 September
Physical Description: 205'-223', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1564.6
Speeches, 1972 September
Physical Description: 223'-280', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Speaker on credit bill before legislature.
WKOW 1564.7
Meetings, 1972 September
Physical Description: 281'-303', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1564.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 September
Physical Description: 303'-329', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Orchard Hill Retardation Facility.
WKOW 1565.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-40', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University of Wisconsin budget proposals.
WKOW 1565.2
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 43'-63', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1565.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 63'-111', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on pornography.
WKOW 1565.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 112'-153', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car emission testing.
WKOW 1565.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 153'-209', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1565.6
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 209'-221', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1565.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 221'-279', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on juvenile delinquency.
WKOW 1565.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 280'-316', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 3) on being yourself.
WKOW 1565.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 317'-357', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Madison's schools.
WKOW 1565.10
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 357'-415', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police officers on local stabbing.
WKOW 1565.11
Man on the street interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 415'-448', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reactions to “earthquake” (actually a tremor) in Madison.
WKOW 1565.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 448'-497', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1566.1
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-29', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on property tax relief.
WKOW 1566.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 29'-68', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men speaking on assistance for businesses in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1566.3
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 68'-110', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1566.4
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 110'-139', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1566.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 140'-163', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1566.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 163'-189', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on minorities in Wisconsin business.
WKOW 1566.7
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 189'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on hiring new Madison police chief.
WKOW 1566.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 233'-345', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on productivity of state budget cuts.
WKOW 1566.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 343'-383', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on fishing rights.
WKOW 1566.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 383'-439', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Guard spokesman on lake contamination.
WKOW 1566.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 439'-453', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey speaking with another man.
WKOW 1566.12
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 453'-492', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1567.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-31', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on possibility of flooding.
WKOW 1567.2
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 31'-139', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on Project Sanguine.
WKOW 1567.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 139'-189', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1567.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 189'-252', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Alliance of Business spokesman on employing the disabled.
WKOW 1567.5
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 252'-268', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Patrick Lucey attending meeting.
WKOW 1567.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 268'-295', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on elderly care in western Wisconsin.
WKOW 1567.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 295'-314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on federal money and food services.
WKOW 1567.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 314'-335', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey with National Guard members.
WKOW 1567.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 335'-368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on hiring new Madison police chief.
WKOW 1567.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 368'-411', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax reduction.
WKOW 1568.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-25', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on possibility of creating full-time aldermanic positions for Madison.
WKOW 1568.2
News, 1972
Physical Description: 25'-39', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Mrs. Bowen's Restaurant.
WKOW 1568.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 39'-81', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1568.4
News, 1972
Physical Description: 81.'-87', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1568.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 87'-132', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax mill rate.
WKOW 1568.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 132'-195', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1568.7
News, 1972
Physical Description: 195'-217', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire at Stafford's.
WKOW 1568.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 217'-273', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on what to do with state budget.
WKOW 1568.9
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 273-308', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: At State Capitol.
WKOW 1568.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 308'-334', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke visits eye clinic.
WKOW 1568.11
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 334'-358', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1569.1
News, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-15', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Train wreckage.
WKOW 1569.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 15'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on flat-rate repair system (for car repairs).
WKOW 1569.3
News, 1972
Physical Description: 51'-72', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Storm wreckage in Monroe, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1569.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 70'-121', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 2) on consumer protection.
WKOW 1569.5
News, 1972
Physical Description: 121'-136', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1569.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 136'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on increase in number of justices and courts.
WKOW 1569.7
News, 1972
Physical Description: 182'-197', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1569.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 197'-236', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1569.9
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 236'-312', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Arts Council.
WKOW 1569.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 312'-329', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Retirement party for Madison Police Chief Wilbur Emery.
WKOW 1569.11
Speeches/Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 329'-429', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey speaking to high school journalists.
WKOW 1569.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 429'-487', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on campaign financing.
WKOW 1569.13
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 487'-535', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police lecture.
WKOW 1570.1
News, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-15', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Unidentified emergency.
WKOW 1570.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 15'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on whether or not Dane County should take over the regional airport.
WKOW 1570.3
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 40'-66', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on airport issue.
WKOW 1570.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 66'-104', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on upgrading schools.
WKOW 1570.5
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 104'-141', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: National Men's Club.
WKOW 1570.6
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 141'-186', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city budget.
WKOW 1570.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 186'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1570.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 223'-269', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running against Robert Kastenmeier for 2nd Congressional seat.
WKOW 1570.9
News, 1972
Physical Description: 269'-282', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Small plane crash.
WKOW 1570.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 282'-338', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on public schools and educators.
WKOW 1570.11
Awards ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 338'-354', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1570.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 354'-375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: World Dairy Expo.
WKOW 1570.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 375'-421', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 4.
WKOW 1570.14
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 421'-465', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on labor relations.
WKOW 1570.15
News, 1972
Physical Description: 465'-483', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Auto workers strike (in Janesville, Wisconsin?).
WKOW 1570.16
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 483'-511', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on supporting a Wisconsin group.
WKOW 1570.17
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 511'-560', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 5.
WKOW 1571.1
House fires, 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1571.2
On-site interviews, 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 18'-45', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on educational needs.
WKOW 1571.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 45'-67', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire prevention week open house.
WKOW 1571.4
Press conferences, 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 67'-128', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on property tax relief.
WKOW 1571.5
On-site interviews, 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 128'-180', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on building slowdown at University of Wisconsin--Madison.
WKOW 1571.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 180'-203', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Empty Sears building on East Washington Ave.
WKOW 1571.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 204'-226', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Blood donation center.
WKOW 1571.8
Press conferences, 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 226'-282', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on new tax package and revenues.
WKOW 1571.9
On-site interviews, 1972 October 8
Physical Description: 282'-319', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on slowdown of major University of Wisconsin building projects.
WKOW 1572.1
News, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 0'-84', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Party candidate Schmitz campaigning in Madison.
WKOW 1572.2
News, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 84'-124', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for Dane County Sheriff.
WKOW 1572.3
Press conferences, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 124'-193', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Hollum and William Dyke transit negotiations.
WKOW 1572.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 193'-226', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Elvehjem Art Museum.
WKOW 1572.5
On-site interviews, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 226'-277', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state revenue assessment.
WKOW 1572.6
On-site interviews, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 277'-315', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on accreditation for private trade schools.
WKOW 1572.7
Features (Newsfilm)/On-site interviews, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 315'-376', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American bread. Man interviewed about Indian mounds.
WKOW 1572.8
On-site interviews, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 376'-402', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sheriff on conviction record.
WKOW 1572.9
On-site interviews, 1972 October 11
Physical Description: 402'-443', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on potential strength of American Party.
WKOW 1573.1
Press conferences, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 0'-20', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on city deficit.
WKOW 1573.2
On-site interviews, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 20'-38', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on transit workers negotiation problems.
WKOW 1573.3
Groundbreakings/News, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 40'-77', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Groundbreaking for unidentified building and a swearing-in ceremony.
WKOW 1573.4
Press conferences, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 77'-138', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on taxation and legislation.
WKOW 1573.5
On-site interviews, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 138'-212', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Hinickle on Social Security problems.
WKOW 1573.6
Hearings, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 212'-264', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on industrial emission standards.
WKOW 1573.7
On-site interviews, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 265'-293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on budget and enrollment increase at UW.
WKOW 1573.8
Press conferences, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 294'-311', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke and President John Weaver with groups of elderly people.
WKOW 1573.9
Press conferences, 1972 October 13
Physical Description: 311'-367', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on budgeting state money.
WKOW 1574.1
Press conferences, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 0'-33', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor William Dyke on revenue sharing and property tax.
WKOW 1574.2
News, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 34'-43', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tree falls on car on Badger Road.
WKOW 1574.3
On-site interviews, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 44'-85', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Safe” trick or treating promoted (children would go out in daylight hours).
WKOW 1574.4
On-site interviews, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 85'-134', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New school budget.
WKOW 1574.5
On-site interviews, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 134'-159', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on annexation and taxes.
WKOW 1574.6
On-site interviews, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 160'-204', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Supreme Court backlog.
WKOW 1574.7
On-site interviews, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 204'-254', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Battle over residency status.
WKOW 1574.8
Meetings, 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 254'-277', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leadership conference.
WKOW 1574.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 277'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey looks at drawing.
WKOW 1574.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 293'-339', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Train passing through countryside.
WKOW 1574.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 17
Physical Description: 339'-375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parade.
WKOW 1575.1
On-site interviews, 1972 October 18
Physical Description: 0'-49', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Need to conserve energy discussed.
WKOW 1575.2
On-site interviews, 1972 October 18
Physical Description: 50'-71', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County #1 in highway safety.
WKOW 1575.3
On-site interviews, 1972 October 18
Physical Description: 72'-97', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Merger of traffic and sheriffs departments.
WKOW 1575.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 18
Physical Description: 99'-109', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Early frost hits Madison.
WKOW 1575.5
Banquets, 1972 October 18
Physical Description: 109'-138', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lions Club.
WKOW 1576.1
On-site interviews, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 0'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County's share of federal revenue sharing discussed.
WKOW 1576.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 47'-66', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Native American woman at school assembly.
WKOW 1576.3
Meetings, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 66'-91', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vietnamese people attend meeting.
WKOW 1576.4
Studio interviews, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 91'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interview with Miss America.
WKOW 1576.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 153'-177', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Moving offices.
WKOW 1576.6
News, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 177'-202', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pickets at Engineering Building.
WKOW 1576.7
On-site interviews, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 202'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Money for property tax relief not available.
WKOW 1576.8
Panel discussions, 1972 October 20
Physical Description: 250'-306', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: On PTA and police activities.
WKOW 1577.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-33', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Effects of different strains of measles.
WKOW 1577.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 34'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Objectives for urban development.
WKOW 1577.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 92'-133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Termination of contract for bike paths.
WKOW 1577.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 134'-182', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Effects of measles, immunization discussed.
WKOW 1577.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 183'-223', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State vs. local control of financing universities.
WKOW 1577.6
News, 1972
Physical Description: 223'-256', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Airport construction in La Crosse.
WKOW 1577.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 257'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: One year moratorium on state hiring announced.
WKOW 1577.8
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 322'-340', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1577.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 341'-384', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Independent candidate for sheriff opposes Governor Lucey.
WKOW 1577.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 385'-439', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on Nixon blaming Congress.
WKOW 1577.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 440'-460', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children and parents waiting by side of railroad tracks.
WKOW 1577.12
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 460'-482', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Lucey on paying public employees well.
WKOW 1577.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 482'-518', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on President's lack of welfare reform.
WKOW 1577.14
Speeches/Banquets, 1972
Physical Description: 519'-544', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: After-dinner speech at Sheraton Hotel.
WKOW 1578.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tourism policy for Wisconsin.
WKOW 1578.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 52'-109', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Insurance premiums and rate regulation bill discussed.
WKOW 1578.3
Openings, 1972
Physical Description: 109'-153', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New research facility at UW Medical School.
WKOW 1578.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 153'-190', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Careermobile comes to Onalaska High School.
WKOW 1578.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 190'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People at aquarium.
WKOW 1578.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 207'-254', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Auto insurance legislation discussed.
WKOW 1578.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 254'-293', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tourism vital to service economy.
WKOW 1578.8
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 293'-341', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mayor Dyke on busing and neighborhoods.
WKOW 1578.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 342'-413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Inverted rate structure for utilities.
WKOW 1578.10
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 413'-443', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor Patrick Lucey meets with cabinet.
WKOW 1578.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 443'-502', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University budget increases.
WKOW 1578.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 502'-549', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sewage treatment and its cost.
WKOW 1578.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 549'-567', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Oscar Mayer blood drive.
WKOW 1579.1
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-101', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren and Patrick Lucey address state legislature.
WKOW 1579.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 101'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Which and how many schools will close discussed.
WKOW 1579.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 151'-198', magnetic, color,pos 
Scope and Content Note: Contested State Senate seat discussed.
WKOW 1579.4
News, 1972
Physical Description: 198'-235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Norplex employees on strike.
WKOW 1579.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 236'-275', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Report that economic growth more than expected.
WKOW 1579.6
Dedications, 1972
Physical Description: 276'-332', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gail group effigy mounds trail dedicated.
WKOW 1579.7
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 333'-414', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and Robert Warren debate property tax in state legislature.
WKOW 1579.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 414'-445', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Declining Madison school enrollment discussed.
WKOW 1579.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 446'-522', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Slow rebuilding after airline strike.
WKOW 1579.10
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 523'-542', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1579.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 543'-582', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Parent-teacher input into school policy discussed.
WKOW 1579.12
News, 1972
Physical Description: 582'-628', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shut-down Dane County airport during strike.
WKOW 1579.13
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 629'-656', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Scenes of a river, bison, and woods in Buffalo County.
WKOW 1579.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 656'-682', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Central Colony's coupon bus.
WKOW 1579.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 682'-709', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pumpkin sale at Capitol farmers' market.
WKOW 1580.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 11
Physical Description: 0'-14', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Veterans Day at State Capitol.
WKOW 1580.2
On-site interviews, 1972 November
Physical Description: 14'-60', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bogus cookware scheme.
WKOW 1580.3
Speeches, 1972 November
Physical Description: 60'-119', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on federal revenue sharing surplus.
WKOW 1580.4
Candidacy announcements, 1972 November
Physical Description: 119'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ted Chase, candidate for Registrar of Deeds.
WKOW 1580.5
Studio interviews, 1972 November
Physical Description: 154'-192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator on his accomplishments (he is running for election).
WKOW 1580.6
On-site interviews, 1972 November
Physical Description: 192'-229', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for Dane County Clerk.
WKOW 1580.7
On-site interviews, 1972 November
Physical Description: 229'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on goals of state government in 1973.
WKOW 1580.8
House fires, 1972 November
Physical Description: 270'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meadowlark Drive and Milwaukee Street.
WKOW 1580.9
On-site interviews, 1972 November
Physical Description: 293'-346', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on establishment of a Dane County executive.
WKOW 1580.10
News, 1972 November
Physical Description: 346'-373', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Many stretchers in high school gym.
WKOW 1580.11
On-site interviews, 1972 November
Physical Description: 373'-427', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss Wisconsin becomes Miss America. She gives her views on Vietnam War and other topics.
WKOW 1580.12
On-site interviews, 1972 November
Physical Description: 427'-462', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on use of surplus funds and tax levy.
WKOW 1580.13
News, 1972 November
Physical Description: 462'-483', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Strike at Janesville General Motors plant.
WKOW 1580.14
News, 1972 November
Physical Description: 484'-502', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mercy Hospital construction.
WKOW 1580.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November
Physical Description: 502'-511', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meals with nuns.
WKOW 1580.16
On-site interviews, 1972 November
Physical Description: 512'-573', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Miss America (formerly Miss Wisconsin) on plans for year.
WKOW 1581.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on land development program.
WKOW 1581.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 49'-115', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Local farmer.
WKOW 1581.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 116'-135', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Hinickle of the Department of Health and Social Services.
WKOW 1581.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 135'-171', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Marion Michaels, 92nd Assembly District.
WKOW 1581.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 171''-210', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax relief.
WKOW 1581.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 210'-250', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on gun control.
WKOW 1581.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 250'-284', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on American Party candidate.
WKOW 1581.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 284'-300', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1581.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 300'-329', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on private industry.
WKOW 1581.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 329'-365', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on candidate for sheriff.
WKOW 1581.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 365'-408', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Democratic candidates.
WKOW 1581.12
News, 1972
Physical Description: 408'-428', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Funeral service on the Square.
WKOW 1581.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 428'-447', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on school finance.
WKOW 1581.14
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 447'-477', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Republican candidate.
WKOW 1581.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 477'-514', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reverend John Hendrickson, candidate for sheriff.
WKOW 1581.16
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 514'-559', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax relief.
WKOW 1582.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-53', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on overcrowding in UW Law School.
WKOW 1582.2
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 54'-77', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: ESEA conference.
WKOW 1582.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 77'-133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Story on state budget with William Call.
WKOW 1582.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 133'-146', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mail room.
WKOW 1582.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 146'-183', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grant County Assembly candidate.
WKOW 1582.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 183'-224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Congressional candidate.
WKOW 1582.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 224'-262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another candidate?
WKOW 1582.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 262'-294', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on independent candidate for sheriff.
WKOW 1582.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 294'-338', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1582.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 338'-374', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidate for 78th District of Assembly.
WKOW 1582.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 374'-404', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on Democratic candidate for state representative, 95th Assembly District.
WKOW 1582.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 404'-438', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property taxes.
WKOW 1583.1
Man on the street interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-45', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Street interviews on Nixon peace proposal for Vietnam War.
WKOW 1583.2
News, 1972
Physical Description: 45'-63', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war protest by Library Committee.
WKOW 1583.3
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 63'-86', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Time system meeting.
WKOW 1583.4
News, 1972
Physical Description: 87'-107', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UWDC rally.
WKOW 1583.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 108'-145', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Tommy Thompson running for 79th Assembly District.
WKOW 1583.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 145'-179', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lori Carlson, court clerk.
WKOW 1583.7
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 179'-194', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1583.8
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 194'-212', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1583.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 213'-253', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget.
WKOW 1583.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 253'-286', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman running for Dane County sheriff.
WKOW 1584.1
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-23', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1584.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 23'-62', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on State Assembly candidate.
WKOW 1584.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 62'-100', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: David Forr, 32nd District Senate candidate.
WKOW 1584.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 100'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mike Kelly, Congressional candidate.
WKOW 1584.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 140'-179', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Harold K. Hill on Dane County records.
WKOW 1584.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 180'-280', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on park clean-up.
WKOW 1584.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 280'-322', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Halloween scenes.
WKOW 1584.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 322'-358', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fred Duperalt, running for 49th District Assembly.
WKOW 1584.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 358'-395', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Larry Gibson, running for 95th District Assembly.
WKOW 1585.1
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-20', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgerton, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1585.2
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 21'-61', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Nixon's legacy of parks ceremonies.
WKOW 1585.3
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 61'-98', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on departmental programs.
WKOW 1585.4
News, 1972
Physical Description: 98'-125', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Air Force land to be developed.
WKOW 1585.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 125'-213', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1585.6
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 213'-224', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1585.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 224'-260', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on 94th Assembly District.
WKOW 1585.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 260'-289', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for Dane County sheriff.
WKOW 1585.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 289'-332', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Trick or treaters.
WKOW 1585.10
News, 1972
Physical Description: 332'-350', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Chamberlain Hall paper burning.
WKOW 1585.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 350'-375', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on local school staffs.
WKOW 1585.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 376'-397', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: City engineering building.
WKOW 1586.1
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-74', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on state housing.
WKOW 1586.2
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 75'-85', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club.
WKOW 1586.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 85'-112', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget.
WKOW 1586.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 112'-138', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on taxes.
WKOW 1586.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 138'-165', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on American Party.
WKOW 1586.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 165'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Weiman running for 50th Assembly seat.
WKOW 1586.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 199'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Carolyn Blanchard Allen, running for 47th Assembly seat.
WKOW 1586.8
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 240'-259', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1586.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 259'-314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on property tax relief.
WKOW 1586.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 314'-360', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on government office space.
WKOW 1586.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 361'-400', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on park clean-up.
WKOW 1586.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 400'-437', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dave O'Malley, running for 46th District seat.
WKOW 1586.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 438'-471', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woody Kerr running for Dane County Circuit Court.
WKOW 1587.1
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-13', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1587.2
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 13'-70', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: WEA convention and man on training children.
WKOW 1587.3
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 70'-98', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Department of Transportation.
WKOW 1587.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 99'-136', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on 76th District candidate.
WKOW 1587.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 136'-168', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Joanne Duren, running for 50th Assembly District.
WKOW 1587.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 168'-191', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Homecoming floats.
WKOW 1587.7
News, 1972
Physical Description: 191'-208', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Accident victim.
WKOW 1587.8
News, 1972
Physical Description: 208'-221', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Demonstration (anti-war?).
WKOW 1587.9
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 221'-235', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1587.10
Speeches, 1972
Physical Description: 235'-248', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey giving lecture.
WKOW 1587.11
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 248'-284', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on education budget.
WKOW 1587.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 284'-303', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW Homecoming festivities.
WKOW 1587.13
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 303'-343', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and others meeting on economic development.
WKOW 1587.14
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 343'-380', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for 38th Assembly seat.
WKOW 1587.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 380'-415', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gerald Nichol, District Attorney.
WKOW 1588.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-33', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on organization of teachers.
WKOW 1588.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 35'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on airport budget.
WKOW 1588.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 61'-108', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University merger.
WKOW 1588.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 108'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1588.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 155'-192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shirley Thompson, running for 46th District seat.
WKOW 1588.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 192'-227', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for Assembly seat.
WKOW 1588.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 228'-264', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Iowa County Scottish Highlanders perform.
WKOW 1588.8
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 264'-282', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1588.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 282'-314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1588.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 314'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: John Heasley running for 77th Assembly District seat.
WKOW 1588.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 345'-377', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man running for 81st Assembly District seat.
WKOW 1589.1
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 7
Physical Description: 0'-80', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voter turn-out.
WKOW 1589.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 80'-128', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legalizing marijuana.
WKOW 1589.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 130'-176', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman Communist Party member on revolution.
WKOW 1589.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 176'-209', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Cutting down elm with Dutch elm disease.
WKOW 1589.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 209'-254', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1589.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 254'-345', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on League of Women Voters.
WKOW 1589.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 345'-402', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1589.8
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 402'-435', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1589.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 435'-467', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on school bus safety.
WKOW 1590.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-46', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on elderly housing.
WKOW 1590.2
News, 1972
Physical Description: 46'-66', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Accident victim.
WKOW 1590.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 66'-103', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county board budget increase.
WKOW 1590.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 103'-134', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county executive.
WKOW 1590.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 134'-174', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1590.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 174'-211', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1590.7
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 211'-230', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1590.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 230'-256', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 4.
WKOW 1590.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 256'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County sheriff candidate.
WKOW 1590.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 304'-337', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on county board positions.
WKOW 1590.11
News, 1972
Physical Description: 337'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Holmes Ranch fire.
WKOW 1590.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 353'-376', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 9.
WKOW 1590.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 376'-395', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 10.
WKOW 1590.14
News, 1972
Physical Description: 395'-449', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Violent protest (anti-war?).
WKOW 1591.1
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-27', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1591.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 27'-69', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on divorce law.
WKOW 1591.3
Awards ceremonies/Banquets, 1972
Physical Description: 69'-99', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's award banquet.
WKOW 1591.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 99'-147', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative salaries and pay increase.
WKOW 1591.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 147'-196', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislative caucus.
WKOW 1591.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 196'-247', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on public values.
WKOW 1591.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 247'-294', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on adult university students.
WKOW 1591.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 294'-313', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Art fair.
WKOW 1591.9
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 313'-340', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1591.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 340'-376', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 4.
WKOW 1591.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 376'-413', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 5.
WKOW 1592.1
Press conferences, 1972 November 15
Physical Description: 0'-86', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on revenue sharing.
WKOW 1592.2
On-site interviews, 1972 November 15
Physical Description: 86'-125', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislator wants higher allowance.
WKOW 1592.3
Meetings, 1972 November 15
Physical Description: 125'-155', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Common Council.
WKOW 1592.4
Speeches/Meetings, 1972 November 15
Physical Description: 155'-219', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rotary Club speaker on travel on highways.
WKOW 1592.5
On-site interviews, 1972 November 15
Physical Description: 219'-272', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pay raise controversy in legislature.
WKOW 1592.6
Press conferences, 1972 November 15
Physical Description: 272'-325', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on revenue sharing.
WKOW 1593.1
Press conferences, 1972 November 16
Physical Description: 0'-65', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW--Madison becomes a sea-grant college.
WKOW 1593.2
Meetings, 1972 November 16
Physical Description: 65'-87', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1593.3
On-site interviews, 1972 November 16
Physical Description: 87'-107', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Local boy makes good as kicker for University of Illinois.
WKOW 1593.4
Press conferences, 1972 November 16
Physical Description: 107'-234', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1593.5
News, 1972 November 16
Physical Description: 234'-250', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction around Madison.
WKOW 1593.6
News, 1972 November 16
Physical Description: 250'-306', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Expanding hospital and health care.
WKOW 1594.1
News, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 0'-18', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fire on W. Main Street.
WKOW 1594.2
On-site interviews, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 18'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on school issues.
WKOW 1594.3
Press conferences, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 44'-73', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on property tax relief.
WKOW 1594.4
On-site interviews, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 73'-104', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle on alternate methods to finance education.
WKOW 1594.5
On-site interviews, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 104'-140', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie on school funding.
WKOW 1594.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 140'-190', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ruth Doyle on funds for schools.
WKOW 1594.7
Meetings, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 190'-262', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Religion in public education discussed in committee meeting.
WKOW 1594.8
On-site interviews, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 262'-343', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Men on insurance regulation problems.
WKOW 1594.9
Banquets, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 343'-359', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Banquet with Alice in Dairyland.
WKOW 1594.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 359'-371', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Savidusky Furs on East Washington Avenue.
WKOW 1594.11
Hearings/On-site interviews, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 372'-433', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Insurance hearing; man on insurance advertising scam.
WKOW 1594.12
On-site interviews, 1972 November 19
Physical Description: 433'-470', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie on projects for budget use.
WKOW 1595.1
On-site interviews, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 0'-54', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver on 7-year review for tenured faculty.
WKOW 1595.2
Meetings, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 54'-75', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student meeting.
WKOW 1595.3
On-site interviews, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 75'-183', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: UW President John Weaver on racial tension in UW system.
WKOW 1595.4
On-site interviews, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 183'-224', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Douglas Ritchie on minor projects in the budget.
WKOW 1595.5
Meetings, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 224'-232', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student meeting.
WKOW 1595.6
On-site interviews, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 232'-265', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Student protesters meet with Governor Patrick Lucey over racism at southern university.
WKOW 1595.7
Speeches, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 265'-285', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey speaks to students.
WKOW 1595.8
On-site interviews, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 285'-333', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on parents input in school budget use.
WKOW 1595.9
On-site interviews, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 333'-392', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on traffic safety and drivers education.
WKOW 1595.10
Traffic accident reports, 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 392'-412', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car through front of Grant Building.
WKOW 1595.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 21
Physical Description: 412'-448', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Roads and deserted train tracks.
WKOW 1596.1
On-site interviews, 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 0'-38', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More money needed for highways.
WKOW 1596.2
News, 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 39'-174', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Pediatric heart station in action.
WKOW 1596.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 174'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Exhibit at State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1596.4
News, 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 208'-219', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police officers at work.
WKOW 1596.5
On-site interviews, 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 219'-273', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Rising utility costs discussed.
WKOW 1596.6
Traffic accident reports, 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 274'-295', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1596.7
Dedications, 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 296'-312', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Park dedication.
WKOW 1596.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 312'-388', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thanksgiving: buses and turkey safety.
WKOW 1596.9
News, 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 388'-403', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police take measurements at Joyce Funeral Home.
WKOW 1596.10
On-site interviews, 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 403'-442', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Authorized profit margins for utilities discussed.
WKOW 1596.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 23
Physical Description: 443'-463', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Turkey tips for housewives.
WKOW 1597.1
On-site interviews, 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 0'-46', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Should the legislature vote itself more money?
WKOW 1597.2
On-site interviews, 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 46'-93', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State clamp down on lack of mobile home codes.
WKOW 1597.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 95'-137', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New heart surgery facilities.
WKOW 1597.4
Traffic accident reports, 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 137'-146', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1597.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 147'-186', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Open skating at ice rink.
WKOW 1597.6
On-site interviews, 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 186'-220', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Salary adjustment vs. allowance increase for ?
WKOW 1597.7
On-site interviews, 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 221'-262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mobile home regulation discussed.
WKOW 1597.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 262'-280', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shopping mall Santa Claus.
WKOW 1597.9
House fires, 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 280'-293', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1597.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 293'-312', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Thanksgiving dinner at a fire house.
WKOW 1597.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 November 24
Physical Description: 312'-351', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: More turkey advice for housewives.
WKOW 1598.1
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-14', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowmobile trails hearing.
WKOW 1598.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 14'-47', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on snowmobile trails.
WKOW 1598.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 47'-77', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on constructing new buildings for MATC.
WKOW 1598.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 77'-120', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on possibility of teachers strike.
WKOW 1598.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 120'-149', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1598.6
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 149'-162', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1598.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 162'-192', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man discusses snowmobiling.
WKOW 1598.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 192'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1598.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 233'-267', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Downtown post office.
WKOW 1598.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 267'-293', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Night traffic on University Avenue.
WKOW 1598.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 293'-326', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on salary increase for legislators.
WKOW 1598.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 326'-370', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on insurance fraud.
WKOW 1599.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-61', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man with state budget proposal.
WKOW 1599.2
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 61'-79', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget proposal hearing.
WKOW 1599.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 79'-132', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on bill for educating the disabled.
WKOW 1599.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 132'-183', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on sheriff's department.
WKOW 1599.5
News, 1972
Physical Description: 183'-223', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Meat inspection.
WKOW 1599.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 223'-238', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1599.7
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 238'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1599.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 266'-303', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 4.
WKOW 1600.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-44', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on snowmobile safety programs.
WKOW 1600.2
News, 1972
Physical Description: 44'-56', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Restaurant fire.
WKOW 1600.3
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 56'-138', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1600.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 138'-175', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state agencies and nursing homes.
WKOW 1600.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 175'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on nursing homes.
WKOW 1600.6
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 214'-233', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1600.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 233'-272', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kathy Kent on reapportionment.
WKOW 1600.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 272'-292', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snowstorm.
WKOW 1600.9
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 292'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on no-fault insurance.
WKOW 1600.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 330'-358', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 8.
WKOW 1601.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-41', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on failure of state programs.
WKOW 1601.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 41'-75', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on aldermanic elections.
WKOW 1601.3
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 75'-90', magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1601.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 90'-133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on police programs.
WKOW 1601.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 133'-180', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man talks about new buses.
WKOW 1601.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 180'-214', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on toy safety.
WKOW 1601.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 214'-259', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man (same as in segment 4) on defense services.
WKOW 1601.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 259'-307', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 5.
WKOW 1601.9
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 307'-319', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: General contractors meeting.
WKOW 1601.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 319'-384', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 6.
WKOW 1602.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-40', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on grant for public assistance.
WKOW 1602.2
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 40'-53', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fitchburg, Wisconsin.
WKOW 1602.3
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 53'-71', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1602.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 71'-101', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on outreach program.
WKOW 1602.5
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 101'-108', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1602.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 108'-154', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man on outreach program.
WKOW 1602.7
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 154'-164', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1602.8
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 164'-193', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Governor's meeting.
WKOW 1602.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 193'-228', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 6.
WKOW 1602.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 228'-252', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snow scenes.
WKOW 1602.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 252'-302', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on campaign issues.
WKOW 1602.12
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 302'-385', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Floyd Jones on designated bus and bike lanes.
WKOW 1602.13
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 385'-410', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State budget.
WKOW 1602.14
News, 1972
Physical Description: 411'-424', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Vandalized gas pump.
WKOW 1602.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 424'-461', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on district planning.
WKOW 1602.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 461'-485', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Voting at Helen C. White Library.
WKOW 1603.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-48', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Woman on rape.
WKOW 1603.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 48'-90', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on unidentified project.
WKOW 1603.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 90'-133', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Kathy Kent on tax rates and revenue sharing.
WKOW 1603.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 133'-181', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 1.
WKOW 1603.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 181'-207', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lake icebreaker.
WKOW 1603.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 207'-239', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on state budget and tax bills.
WKOW 1603.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 240'-265', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison teachers' contracts.
WKOW 1603.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 265'-300', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 6.
WKOW 1603.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 300'-372', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: “Rites of the Boar's Head” at UW--Whitewater.
WKOW 1603.10
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 372'-386', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1603.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 387'-462', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Winter Sports Carnival.
WKOW 1604.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-54', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on security at airport.
WKOW 1604.2
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 54'-74', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1604.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 74'-102', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on property tax relief.
WKOW 1604.4
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 102'-114', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1604.5
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 114'-133', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1604.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 133'-178', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on what he feels is a lost control in education.
WKOW 1604.7
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 178'-205', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Car and school bus.
WKOW 1604.8
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 206'-223', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1604.9
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 223'-238', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey on federal revenue sharing.
WKOW 1604.10
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 238'-260', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1604.11
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 260'-272', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1604.12
House fires, 1972
Physical Description: 272'-285', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1604.13
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 285'-299', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1604.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 299'-329', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: River barges.
WKOW 1604.15
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 329'-381', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on unidentified subject.
WKOW 1604.16
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 381'-400', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Edgewood High School recruiting.
WKOW 1604.17
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 400'-424', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Grade school children meet Santa.
WKOW 1605.1
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-16', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1605.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 16'-38', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislator from Joint Committee on Finance on state finances.
WKOW 1605.3
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 38'-97', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: With Gov. Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1605.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 97'-121', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New office building.
WKOW 1605.5
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 121'-210', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 3.
WKOW 1605.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 210'-254', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on legislators' pay raises.
WKOW 1605.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 254'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposal before unidentified board.
WKOW 1605.8
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 278'-314', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: With unidentified man.
WKOW 1605.9
News, 1972
Physical Description: 314'-329', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Construction on University Avenue.
WKOW 1605.10
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 329'-364', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Teachers, Inc. spokeswoman on teachers' crisis.
WKOW 1605.11
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 364'-375', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 8.
WKOW 1605.12
News, 1972
Physical Description: 375'-391', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 9.
WKOW 1605.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 391'-453', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on computers used in hospital patient care.
WKOW 1605.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 453'-467', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Heileman's Brewery tour.
WKOW 1605.15
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 467'-504', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Operating computers.
WKOW 1606.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-187', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Interviews on youth vote.
WKOW 1606.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 188'-314', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Leo Fahey on ballots and voting.
WKOW 1606.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 315'-447', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Presentation of voting machine.
WKOW 1607.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-90', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin, running for mayor of Madison, on campaign issues.
WKOW 1607.2
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 90'-110', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1607.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 110'-158', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on local government.
WKOW 1607.4
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 158'-168', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1607.5
News, 1972
Physical Description: 168'-178', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building fire.
WKOW 1607.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 178'-233', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on holiday mail.
WKOW 1607.7
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 233'-287', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Budget proposal hearings.
WKOW 1607.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 287'-317', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snow scenes.
WKOW 1607.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 317'-372', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on snow blower injuries.
WKOW 1607.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 370'-412', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Paul Soglin on Madison Common Council.
WKOW 1607.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 412'-448', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man using snow blower.
WKOW 1607.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 448'-475', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mail sorting during Christmas rush.
WKOW 1608.1
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-45', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Teachers, Inc.
WKOW 1608.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 45'-68', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposed Hilton Hotel for downtown Madison.
WKOW 1608.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 68'-101', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Snow scenes.
WKOW 1608.4
News, 1972
Physical Description: 101' -136' silent, color, positive silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Air National Guard.
WKOW 1608.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 136'-158', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Commercial State Bank.
WKOW 1608.6
News report, 1972
Physical Description: 158'-202', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reporter Rick Winter on tax bills and revenues.
WKOW 1608.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 202'-235', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on educational financing.
WKOW 1608.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 235'-270', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on airline passenger boarding fee.
WKOW 1608.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 270'-307', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Department of Public Instruction and its duties.
WKOW 1608.10
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 307'-332', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Another man on Department of Public Instruction.
WKOW 1608.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 332'-417', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New swimming pool at St. Coletta School.
WKOW 1608.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 417'-430', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: American Breeders Service at airport.
WKOW 1609.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-43', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on no-fault car insurance.
WKOW 1609.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 43'-86', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposed downtown Hilton Hotel.
WKOW 1609.3
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 86'-111', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison School Board.
WKOW 1609.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 111'-189', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Robert Warren on drug abuse problems in Wisconsin.
WKOW 1609.5
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 189'-203', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1609.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 203'-245', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on local housing needs.
WKOW 1609.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 245'-282', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on insurance industry.
WKOW 1609.8
News, 1972
Physical Description: 282'-315', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Building fire.
WKOW 1609.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 315'-353', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Continuation of segment 2.
WKOW 1609.10
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 353'-430', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Teachers, Inc.
WKOW 1609.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 430'-454', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on proposed downtown Hilton Hotel.
WKOW 1610.1
News/Press conferences, 1972 December
Physical Description: 0'-67', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New police chief introduced.
WKOW 1610.2
News, 1972 December
Physical Description: 67'-79', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Power plant exteriors.
WKOW 1610.3
Meetings/On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 79'-142', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Two men on improved police communication system and its intended impact on police effectiveness.
WKOW 1610.4
Groundbreakings, 1972 December
Physical Description: 142'-146', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1610.5
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 146'-170', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man gives pointers on giving pets as presents.
WKOW 1610.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 December
Physical Description: 170'-190', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas tree in rotunda.
WKOW 1610.7
House fires, 1972 December
Physical Description: 190'-215', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1610.8
Meetings, 1972 December
Physical Description: 215'-267', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on act to create State Street Mall.
WKOW 1610.9
Groundbreakings, 1972 December
Physical Description: 267'-279', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1610.10
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 December
Physical Description: 279'-320', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. Joseph Donovan, veterinarian, on giving pets for Christmas.
WKOW 1610.11
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 321'-369', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New police chief on coming to Madison.
WKOW 1610.12
Graduation ceremonies, 1972 December
Physical Description: 369'-385', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: University of Wisconsin.
WKOW 1610.13
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 385'-416', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gaylord Nelson on current situation in Vietnam.
WKOW 1610.14
Banquets, 1972 December
Physical Description: 416'-432', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1611.1
Press conferences, 1972 December
Physical Description: 0'-69', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey and a man on help for disaster area.
WKOW 1611.2
Traffic accident reports, 1972 December
Physical Description: 69'-89', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1611.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 December
Physical Description: 84'-105', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children playing in snow.
WKOW 1611.4
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 December
Physical Description: 105'-122', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: People at airport get on plane and fly away.
WKOW 1611.5
News, 1972 December
Physical Description: 122'-161', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Heavy industry in operation.
WKOW 1611.6
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 December
Physical Description: 161'-230', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: MATC student fund drive for family of brain disease victim.
WKOW 1611.7
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 230'-262', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on fuel oil shortage and what our priorities should be.
WKOW 1611.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 December
Physical Description: 262'-313', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lighted Christmas displays.
WKOW 1612.1
Meetings, 1972 December
Physical Description: 0'-82', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on support for disaster area.
WKOW 1612.2
News/On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 82'-150', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Shots of Lake Shore Manor nursing home. Senator Devitt on nursing home rates.
WKOW 1612.3
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 150'-186', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on supply and demand for money and interest hike.
WKOW 1612.4
Press conferences, 1972 December
Physical Description: 186'-206', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey eulogizes Harry Truman.
WKOW 1612.5
News, 1972 December
Physical Description: 206'-243', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Boxes of relief items for disaster victims in Nicaragua.
WKOW 1612.6
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 243'-294', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Senator Devitt on nursing home fees and need for better care.
WKOW 1612.7
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 294'-329', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on relief and education for Nicaraguan disaster victims.
WKOW 1612.8
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 329'-353', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bank spokesman on rising prime interest rate.
WKOW 1613.1
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: '0'-35', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on University housing problems.
WKOW 1613.2
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 35'-92', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on high water levels and flooding in spring.
WKOW 1613.3
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 93'-165', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on keeping party guests from driving drunk.
WKOW 1613.4
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 165'-199', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Lake Shore Manor closing.
WKOW 1613.5
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 199'-245', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on controlling fertilizer runoff at farms.
WKOW 1613.6
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 245'-305', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Dane County land use, welfare, and other concerns.
WKOW 1613.7
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 December
Physical Description: 305'-330', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children playing.
WKOW 1613.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972 December
Physical Description: 330'-354', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: School safety patrols on field trip.
WKOW 1613.9
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 354'-382', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lake Shore Manor director on problems at facility.
WKOW 1613.10
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 382'-4.06', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on environmental interests of farmers.
WKOW 1613.11
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 406'-430', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on Dane County initiatives and power of county.
WKOW 1614.1
Press conferences, 1972 December
Physical Description: 0'-67', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on running for mayor and new police chief.
WKOW 1614.2
News, 1972 December
Physical Description: 67'-83', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ham radio operators try to call Managua, Nicaragua after earthquake.
WKOW 1614.3
Traffic accident reports, 1972 December
Physical Description: 83'-114', magnetic, color, positive 
WKOW 1614.4
Public announcements, 1972 December
Physical Description: 114'-141', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Patrick Lucey gives New Year's address.
WKOW 1614.5
On-site interviews, 1972 December
Physical Description: 141'-179', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Man on teenage drinking and how the YMCA can help.
WKOW 1614.6
News, 1972 December
Physical Description: 179'-222', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Ham radio operators try to reach Managua, Nicaragua after earthquake.
WKOW 1614.7
News, 1972 December
Physical Description: 222'-235', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Aftermath of fire.
WKOW 1614.8
Press conferences, 1972 December
Physical Description: 235'-266', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: William Dyke on Madison Metro bus service.
WKOW 1614.9
News, 1972 December
Physical Description: 266'-294', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Swearing-in ceremony in Jefferson County.
WKOW 1615.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-32', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislators oppose Gov. Patrick Lucey.
WKOW 1615.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 32'-52', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State Senate unity discussed.
WKOW 1615.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 52'-80', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Day care center open house.
WKOW 1615.4
Public announcements, 1972
Physical Description: 81'-111', optical, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Jerry Lewis thanks people for giving to Muscular Dystrophy Association.
WKOW 1615.5
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 112'-132', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Great Lakes conference.
WKOW 1615.6
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 132'-204', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislators on pressuring the governor.
WKOW 1615.7
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 204'-245', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: New civic center to be built on State St.
WKOW 1615.8
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 246'-297', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Lawyer promotes American Bar Association rules for judicial elections.
WKOW 1615.9
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 297'-354', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Discussion on whether or not aldermen should have one or two year terms.
WKOW 1615.10
Traffic accident reports, 1972
Physical Description: 359'-370', silent, color, positive 
WKOW 1615.11
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 371'-421', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Wisconsin Federation of Cooperatives.
WKOW 1615.12
News, 1972
Physical Description: 421'-449', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Bad weather scenes.
WKOW 1615.13
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 449'-472', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Reapportionment of aldermanic districts discussed.
WKOW 1615.14
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 472'-516', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Manure management at cooperative conference discussed.
WKOW 1615.15
Awards ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 516'-553', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Young Optimist Club.
WKOW 1616A.1
News, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-43', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Downed North Central flight from Chicago shown.
WKOW 1616A.2
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 43'-84', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Alderman (?) discusses problems in Madison.
WKOW 1616A.3
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 84'-115', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas tree in Capitol rotunda.
WKOW 1616A.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 116'-172', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Madison Metro bus service needs money from city.
WKOW 1616A.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 173'-255', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Fuel shortage is imminent.
WKOW 1616A.6
News, 1972
Physical Description: 255'-271', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Anti-war demonstration.
WKOW 1616A.7
Hearings, 1972
Physical Description: 271'-341', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Legislative hearings on pharmaceutical.
WKOW 1616A.8
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 341'-355', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Santa Claus at a nursery school.
WKOW 1616A.9
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 356'-416', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Patrick Lucey on University of Wisconsin merger successes and failures.
WKOW 1616A.10
News, 1972
Physical Description: 416'-436', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Patrick Lucey signs bill.
WKOW 1616A.11
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 436'-484', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children being taught drawing.
WKOW 1616A.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 484'-507', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: High school choir.
WKOW 1616A.13
Press conferences, 1972
Physical Description: 507'-559', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Gov. Patrick Lucey: “Let's make the merger work” (University of Wisconsin system merger).
WKOW 1616A.14
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 560'-593', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Christmas in hospital; Santa Claus and folk singer.
WKOW 1616B.1
News, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-27', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Father James Groppi and others pay damages.
WKOW 1616B.2
News, 1972
Physical Description: 27'-40', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Collision of planes on the ground at Dane County Airport.
WKOW 1616B.3
Public announcements, 1972
Physical Description: 40'-77', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Make sure your exhaust system works.
WKOW 1616B.4
Awards ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 77'-89', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police Dept. awards.
WKOW 1616B.5
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 89'-101', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Holiday travelers at airport after plane collision.
WKOW 1616B.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 102'-148', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Mr. Lewis and Mr. Versnik debate causes of drunk driving accidents.
WKOW 1616B.7
News, 1972
Physical Description: 148'-200', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Truax Field awarded airport certification.
WKOW 1616B.8
Graduation ceremonies, 1972
Physical Description: 201'-213', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Police academy.
WKOW 1616B.9
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 214'-244', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Children at Cherokee Heights School.
WKOW 1616B.10
News/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 244'-361', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Passengers on collided planes discuss the incident.
WKOW 1616B.11
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 362'-411', silent and magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidate for county government is upset.
WKOW 1616B.12
Features (Newsfilm), 1972
Physical Description: 411'-447', silent, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Postal workers during Christmas rush.
WKOW 1616B.13
News/On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 447'-504', magnetic, color, positive  
Scope and Content Note: More firsthand accounts of plane collision.
WKOW 1616B.14
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 509'-552', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Candidate for Dane County commission on environment.
WKOW 1617.1
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 0'-51', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dr. John Rankin on air pollution and health threat.
WKOW 1617.2
Meetings, 1972
Physical Description: 51'-81', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: State legislature budget negotiations.
WKOW 1617.3
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 82'-156', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Electric rates rising.
WKOW 1617.4
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 156'-216', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Dane County.
WKOW 1617.5
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 216'-278', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Proposed merger of traffic patrol and sheriff's department discussed.
WKOW 1617.6
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 278'-321', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: Sewage commission annexation controversy.
WKOW 1617.7
On-site interviews, 1972
Physical Description: 321'-368', magnetic, color, positive 
Scope and Content Note: U.S. Department of Justice is competent, says unidentified man.
WKOW 1983 [incomplete]
Shirley Abrahamson, Wisconsin Supreme Court swearing in ceremony, 1976 September 7
Alternate Format: Portion of WKOW 1983 also available online.

Physical Description: color, positive 
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