Boot and Shoe Workers International Union Records, 1894-1977

Container Title
Series: Executive Board Actions and Decisions, 1910-1932
Box   29
Stitchers Union #397, Manchester, New Hampshire, 1910
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Appeal of George Appleton against fine levied by executive board, 1910
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William Mackay vs. Andrew J. Kerns, 1911
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Letters published in daily papers during advertising campaign, St Louis, Missouri, 1910
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Circulars issued in connection with Wichert and Gardiner controversy, 1910
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Mr. and Mrs. Dwyer interview of President Taft, 1910
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Appeal to American Federation of Labor council against action of San Francisco Labor Council, 1910
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Treers' Conference vs. Middleboro Local 20, 1910
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J.J. Reagan, 1911
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Appeal of Ralph B. Merluzzo against action of local 53, 1910
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Unpaid bills against former Stitchers Union local 44
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Ed Brady confession
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Receipts for local 44, 1911
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Election of delegates to St. Paul convention, 1911
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I.B. Armstrong on Salem Cutters strike
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McElwain strike relief Fund, reports, 1912
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Opinion of Attorney Goulston in regards to sale and purchase of jobs by shoeworkers, 1912
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Cutters' local 35, Brockton vs. Patrick Payton in regards to purchasing jobs, 1912
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Prison labor agreements, correspondence
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Proposed amendment to Section 103, 1912
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Appeal for victimization benefit by John F. Carey, 1912
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Charges made by employees in cutting department of E.E. Taylor Company, Brockton, 1912
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Proposed Amendment Section 103, 1912
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Edward P. Holmes, reinstatement of privileges
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Election of delegates representing membership-at-large at Montreal Convention, 1913
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Reprints, Shoe Workers Journal
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M.J. Olenick vs. Lasters' Union 100, 1913
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Appeal of L. Jackson and F.G. White against action of Local 276, Racine, Wisconsin, 1913
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Appeal of local 266 against action of Council 17, 1913
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By-Laws of Joint Committee and Board of Conciliation, Quebec
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United Shoe Workers vs. Boot and Shoe Workers International Union, Cincinnati, 1911-1912
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St. Paul convention, 1911
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Report of St. Paul convention, 1911
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Delegate credentials to St. Paul Convention
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Verbatim Report, Montreal convention, part I-III, 1913
Physical Description: 3 folders 
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Delegates' credentials to convention
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Duplicate credentials of convention delegates, Montreal
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Charges preferred against Jack Imber by local 262, Belleville, Illinois, 1913-1914
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Letters from unions referring to Tracey circular
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Replies of locals with reference to 8-hour day, 1913
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Conference between Brockton business agents and general officers in regards to tag question of the George Keith Company, 1913
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Verbatim report of mass meeting held under the auspices of United Shoe Workers of America, 1914
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Lynn meeting, 1914
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Washington, D.C. clerks protest against publication of union stamp list, 1909
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Correspondence regarding immigration bill, 1915
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Hearing before local 99 executive board, Lynn, Massachusetts
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Gold's report to the Brockton forum commission, 1915
Box   31
Stitchers Union 154, Boston, 1915
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George E. Keith Company, Closing of #2 factory, 1915 June
Decision of general executive board, 1915
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Appeal of William Laverty
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Appeal of Thomas F.
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Independent strikes
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Bridgewater, Massachusetts, 1915
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Poitras vs. Kane, 1915-1917
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Election of delegates to 12th convention, Buffalo, New York, 1915
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Protest against election of delegates, Dover, New Hampshire, 1915
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Duplicate credentials, 12th convention, Buffalo, New York, 1915
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Review of organizer D.E. Whelan covering his work, 1915
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Convention proceedings, verbatim report, Buffalo, New York, 1915
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Letters to executive board, 1909-1928
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Verbatim report, Buffalo convention, 1915
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Nomination and election of membership-at-large delegates at State American Federation of Labor convention, 1915
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J.H. Ringold settlement in regards to fraudulent use of union stamp, Toledo, Ohio, 1915
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Stitchers illegal strike, Fred F. Field Company, 1915
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Hearing appeals of John D. Dullea against business agents Lacouture and Moriarty, 1916
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Charges, Meyer Rubinson vs. Meyer Finkelstein, 1916
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Election of membership-at-large delegate to Massachusetts state branch convention, 1916
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Stitchers local 154
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Audit of accounts of F.J. Hurley, financial secretary, Manchester, New Hampshire, 1916
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J.H. Ryan audit, Webster, Massachusetts, 1916
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Report of auditors Chelsey and Burrell of accounts of secretaries, Manchester, New Hampshire
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Report of audit of accounting of Secretary Fish, local 160, Brooklyn, New York
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Duplicate credentials, 1917
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Election of delegates to Philadelphia convention, membership-at-large, 1917
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Protest of Jeremiah Hallinan and John Anderson against delegates-elect, local 100, 1917
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Appeal of J.H. Ryerson to convention from decision of general executive board, 1917
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Verbatim report of 13th Convention, 1917
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Lynn lockout of United Shoe Workers, 1917
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Report of Dano on government shoes in Brockton district, 1917
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Replies from locals regarding degree of unemployment among membership, 1917
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Election of delegate representing membership-at-large at Massachusetts state branch American Federation of Labor convention, 1917
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Brockton Cutters' illegal strike, 1918
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Vote of local unions regarding special convention to be held in Chicago, 1919
Box   32
Cutters local 35, Brockton, Massachusetts illegal strike, 1918
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Membership-at-large election to Massachusetts state American Federation of Labor convention, 1918
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Membership-at-large election of delegates to 14th convention, 1919
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Duplicate credentials, Chicago convention, 1919
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Verbatim report, 1919
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14th Convention, Chicago, 1919
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E.E. Taylor Company and finishers, conference of parties, 1919
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Ontario provincial council, Boot and Shoe Workers International Union
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Election of delegates to state American Federation of Labor Convention, 1919
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Proceedings of 4th convention and report of the general board of inspectors, 1920
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Stenographers' Union, 1916-1920
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United Shoe Workers of America vs. James Costigan, Rochester, New York, 1920
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Lynn Chamber of Labor correspondence regarding Rochester, New York, 1920
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Election of delegates to state American Federation of Labor convention, 1920
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Election of delegates of membership-at-large at 15th Convention, 1921
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Duplicate credentials, 1921
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Briefs submitted to Board of Arbitration regarding Florsheim Shoe Company request for reduced wages, 1921
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Report of St. Louis convention, 1921
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Request of Brockton Shoe Manufacturers for 20% reduction in labor costs, 1921-1922
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Election of delegates to Massachusetts state American Federation of Labor convention, 1922
Box   32
Holbrook correspondence
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Tariff on hides and replies of Senators, 1922
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Vote on postponement of Montreal convention, 1923
Box   33
Brockton illegal strike, 1923
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Election of delegates for membership-at-large state American Federation of Labor convention, 1913
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Union Labor Life Insurance Company, 1924
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Reports of Frank R. Barnard regarding the Brockton situation, 1923-1924
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Election of delegates representing membership-at-large American Federation of Labor convention, 1924
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Transfer of membership from Amalgamated Shoe Workers to Boot and Shoe Workers International Union at Lynn, Massachusetts, 1925
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Sigman and Cohen, Brooklyn, Massachusetts, 1925
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16th convention, Montreal, Quebec, 1925
Election of membership-at-large delegates
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Massachusetts state convention, 1925
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State convention, American Federation of Labor, 1926
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Capital and Labor Relationships in the Shoe Industry of Brockton, Massachusetts, 1927
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Vote on postponement of convention, 1927
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Membership-at-large vote for Massachusetts state convention, 1927
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Individual contracts
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Referendum elections
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Vote of locals on the endorsement of amendments to Section 5, 8 and 9 by local 32, Lynn, Massachusetts, 1928
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Nomination and election of membership-at-large at state American Federation of Labor convention, 1928
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Tariff on hides and shoes, 1929
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Employees stock and share schemes, 1929
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Elections of delegates representing membership-at-large at 17th convention, 1929
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Boston strike, progressive and social clubs, 1929
Box   34
17th Convention, 1929
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Election of local at-large delegate at state convention, 1929
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Vote of local unions on postponement of convention, 1931
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O'Hare records, 1930-1931
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Endorsements of local unions of amendment proposed by general executive board regarding sick and death benefits, 1932
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Membership-at-large vote on sick and death benefits, 1932
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Nomination and election of delegate to Massachusetts state American Federation of Labor Convention, 1932
American Shoemaking Directory
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1959, 1964, 1968
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1969-1970, 1972
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Report of general secretary treasurer, 1916-1917
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Report of general executive board
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Records of executive board, local 38, Brockton, 1906
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Boot and Shoe Workers International Union general correspondence, 1906-1922
Convention, 1957
Box   35
Box   35
Box   35
Box   35
Committee reports
Box   35
Box   35
Delegates List
Box   35
Convention, Officers' Report and Convention Call
Box   35
Local votes on whether 1957 Convention should be held
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