Boot and Shoe Workers International Union Records, 1894-1977

Container Title
Series: Film and Videotapes
Physical Description: 1 film and 237 videotapes, all of which are VHS format unless noted otherwise. 
Box   41
C-SPAN Call-in, 1992
Satellite Feed statement, 1992
Box   41
“Kasten for Senate,” 1980
Box   41
“Amery Casework,” 1986
Box   41
Gary George Ads, 1986
Box   41
“Democrat/Independent,” 1986
Box   41
Select Takes and Interviews, 1986
Box   41
Democrats for Senate/Channel 12 This Week, 1986
Box   41
“Majority '86 Representation”
Box   41
“Spot Reel,” 1986
Box   41
Evans and Novak; Platform, 1988
Box   41
GOP Convention in New Orleans, 1988
Box   41
Kasten: Republican Platform/MacNeil-Lehrer, 1988
Box   41
Weekend: Kasten/Feingold debate, 1992
Box   41
“The Best of the Best,” 1976-1984
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   41
“Bob and Eva,” 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   41
Ed Garvey/Debates, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   41
Garvey/George/Flynn Interview, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   41
C-SPAN interview, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   41
C-SPAN interview, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   41
Reagan Spot, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   41
“Profiles in Congress,” CNN 1988
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   41
Wisconsin Campaign Strategy, 1991
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   42
1984 Republican National Convention, highlights
Box   42
“Working Together”
Box   42
“Man in the Street”
Box   42
Box   42
“Amery Casework”
Box   42
“Bart Starr Cuts”
Box   42
Box   42
“Two Presidents,” “Keys to Winning”
Box   42
Ed Garvey/Various Spots
Box   42
CBS, NBC News on Reagan's Senatorial Stops
Box   42
“Conservationist of the Year”
Box   42
Democratic Debate/Channel 4 WTMJ
Box   42
“Man in the Street” raw footage
Box   42
Kasten/Garvey Debate
Box   42
Weekend #122
Box   42
Weekend #210
Box   42
“The King Speaks”/“Comeback”: 30
Box   42
Aired Commercials, 1980
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   42
Cuts from Republican Colleagues, 1982
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   42
“Classic of Political Advertising”, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   42
NRSC Annapolis Debriefing, debate, 1984
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   42
Kasten Economic Platforms, Republican convention, 1984
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   42
President Reagan in Milwaukee, 1985
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   42
“He's One of Us”, Reagan, Bush Spots, 1984
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   42
Ed Garvey, Matt Flynn, C-Span interview, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   43
Deaf Awareness Week, Senate Opening, 1990
Box   43
Wisconsin Public Television, award winners, 1990
Box   43
Service Academies, 1982
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   43
PSA on senior citizens, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   43
PSAs, Alzheimer's, literacy, Organ donors, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   43
PSA on Farm Aid, 1985
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   43
CBS News on Air Safety, 1987
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Appearances, awards
Box   43
Wisconsin Haylift Participants, 1986
Box   43
The Richland Center, 1991
Box   43
The Barry Silberg Show, WITI-TV, 1991
Box   43
NACO award, 1985
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, 2 tapes 
Box   43
Press conference with Mayor of Milwaukee, 1985
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   43
Luncheon with Mayor Maier, Milwaukee, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, 2 tapes 
Economic Issues
Box   43
It's Your Business Reagan, stock market, undated
Box   43
U.S./Japanese commerce, Nightline, 1990
Box   43
“Moving Toward Free Trade,” 1990
Box   43
Enterprise Zones, C-SPAN call-in program, 1991
Box   43
Small Business Hearing, Kemp, 1991
Box   43
Pro, U.S. Dairy Measure, 1992
Box   43
Government conference on small business, 1991
Box   43
C-SPAN, undated
Box   43
Broadcasters Association Foundation, 1990
Box   43
Historic Senate prayer by deaf minister, 1990
Environment, agriculture
Box   44
“The Forest: A Living Classroom,” undated
Box   44
“Africa's Crisis: The Eleventh Hour,” undated
Box   44
60 Minutes, World Bank, rainforests, 1987
Physical Description: 3 tapes 
Box   44
Clean Air legislation, greenhouse effect, 1988
Box   44
Floor statement regarding Farm Bill, 1990
Box   44
Teleconference on agriculture, 1985
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   44
C-SPAN interview, agriculture policy, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   44
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service news release, 1987
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   44
Frozen pizza, cheese, CBS Morning News, 1987
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, 2 tapes 
Box   44
Cheese, Good Morning America, 1987
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   44
National Press Club briefing, elephants, 1989
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   44
Africa Project, Friend of Animals broadcast, 1990
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Economic issues
Box   44
The Lawmakers, Kasten, Royce on economy, 1981
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   44
Kasten on the budget, CBS News, 1982
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   44
Kasten, Proxmire, C. Zimmerman, Channel 6 Milwaukee, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   44
Debate on inflation, It's Your Business, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Foreign affairs
Box   45
Press conference with General Schwartzkopf, undated
Box   45
Gulf War, the 128th, undated
Box   45
20/20, Tommy Thompson, U.S./Soviet dialog, undated
Box   45
Scharansky (Soviet Jew) event, 1986
Box   45
Post Card piece, Good Morning America, 1987
Box   45
U.S. Institute of Peace, U.S./Soviet relations, 1987
Box   45
CNN, Arab/Israeli relations, 1988
Box   45
MacNeil/Lehrer, Kasten and the U.N., 1988
Box   45
Moscow Summer School, 1989
Box   45
In Latvia, television show “Labvakar,” 1989
Box   45
Voting Against Gulf War, NBC News, 1991
Box   45
State of the Union response, 1992
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   45
MX missiles, ABC News, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   45
On Grenada, “Ask Washington,” 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   45
Conference Roundtable, U.N., 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   45
Military aid to Nicaragua, El Salvador, Good Morning America, 1984
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   45
Honduras, NBC News, 1984
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   45
Iran/Iraq War, NBC News, 1984
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   45
Floor statements on Taiwan, Japan, 1987
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   45
Teleconference with Milwaukee families of 128th Division, 1991
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
Program segment on Colonel Jim Jones, 1991
Product liability
Box   46
Today Show, Congress and legislative process, 1983
Box   46
“One Standard for All?”, It's Your Business, 1990
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   46
Withholding Tax, Channel 7, Wausau
Box   46
National News, ABC with Steve Bell
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
National News, ABC, NBC
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
Interview with Kush
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
Evans and Novak Show
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
National News, Today Show
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
It's Your Business, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
National News, NBC Nightly News with Diane Sawyer
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
National News, NBC Nightly News, Senator Kennedy
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
National News, ABC, NBC, CBS
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
National News, ABC Evening News
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   46
Wisconsin television highlights
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   47
Withholding Tax, Green Bay Channel 2, 5, 11
Box   47
Withholding Tax interview
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   47
Withholding Tax, Wisconsin Local Network
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   47
Withholding Tax, FISI Senior Management roundtable
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   47
It's Your Business, Taxes 1985: Going Up?, 1984
Box   47
Association Insiders, 1985
Box   47
Senator Paul Trible's Washington Report, 1985
Box   47
NBC Sunday, Rostenkowshi segment, 1990
Box   47
Payroll tax cut press conference, 1990
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, 2 tapes 
Box   47
Budget, tax issues, teleconference, 1990
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Product liability
Box   47
MacNeil-Lehrer, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   47
CNN News, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   47
Angoff and Schwartz Today Show, Jane Pauley, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   47
Good Morning America, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   47
Toy Safety Act, WRC TV Channel 4, 1984
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Campaign, 1986
Box   48
Political television spots
Box   48
“Bob and Eva”
Box   48
“Tactics,” September 29, 1986
Box   48
“Tactics,” September 30, 1986
Box   48
Campaign, 1986
Box   48
Test reel
Box   48
“On the Issues”
Box   48
Kasten ads
Box   48
“The Best”
Box   48
“Amery Casework,” “Bart Starr”
Box   48
“Working Together”
Box   48
“Close Look”
Box   48
Cosbe, “Choices,” Wisconsin State Legislature, 1986
Box   48
Bush, Kasten, Milwaukee Fundraiser, undated
Box   48
60 Minutes, Milwaukee Crime and Court System, undated
Box   48
Gas Tax, Kasten, Rostenkowski, MacNeil-Lehrer, 1988
Box   48
FAST Tax, Special Report on Tax Reform, 1986
Box   48
Withholding Tax, WISN-TV, Milwaukee Channel 12, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   48
Withholding Tax, Wisconsin News WITI Channel 6, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   48
Kemp, Kasten tax reform, MacNeil-Lehrer, 1983
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   48
Withholding Tax, This Week in Washington, 1984
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   48
Reform, Kasten, Special Report, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   48
Mail Order Tax, 1989
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   48
Various campaign spots, 1986
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   48
McCain, Kasten, Transport hearing, 1990
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   48
Saturday Feed: “Secure” Crime Proposal, 1991
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   48
“Panorama-Rainforest,” Policy Director Alex Echols
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   49
“Senator Kasten…,” 1991
Physical Description: 1" video, rank transfer 
Kasten for Senate ad campaign, 1992
Box   49
Kasten demo, 1991
Box   49
Box   49
Box   49
Debate I
Box   49
Debate II
Box   49
Debate III
Box   49
“The King Speaks”
Physical Description: 4 tapes 
Box   49
“Can't Afford”
Box   49
Box   49
“Winning the Peace”
Box   49
Box   49
Four spots
Box   49
“Sound Familiar”
Box   49
“On the Move”
Box   49
“All Shook Up”
Box   49
“Out of Step”
Box   49
“IRS vs. Small Business,” “Families”
Box   49
“Trick or Treat”
Box   49
“Sisters and Brothers, NRSC”
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   49
“Mothers and Fathers, NRSC”
Box   49
“Only Fair, NRSC”
Box   49
Box   50
“Talk to the Victims”
Box   50
“Sound Familiar?”
Box   50
Morgan's Tape, undated
Box   50
Moody Healthcare, undated
Box   50
C-SPAN coverage of Kasten, Feingold, 1992
Box   50
Senator's Ski Cup
Box   50
Box   50
Box   50
Box   50
Box   50
Box   50
Kastens leaving hospital with Nora Anita, 1987
Box   50
Segment from 60 Minutes, 1987
Box   50
Kasten's TDD machine, Deaf Awareness Week, 1990
Box   50
Fox Morning News, 1991
Box   50
ABC, NBC, News segments regarding the economy, 1991
Box   50
Tape II, Republican Convention, 1991
Box   50
Weekend #101, 1991
Box   50
Channel 12 Weekend program, 1991
Box   50
For the Record, 1991
Box   50
Satellite Interview, College Republicans, 1992
Box   50
Kasten/Feingold debate
Box   50
Photo-op with King Jordan, undated
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   50
Public service announcements, undated
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   50
Aired commercials, 1980
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   50
Osteoporosis, public service announcement, 1987
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   50
Public service announcements, 1987
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Speak Out Wisconsin
Box   50
Kasten, Dole, 1989
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   50
Kasten, 1989
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   51
Kasten, Dole, 1989
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, dub 
Box   51
Kasten, 1989
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, original 
Box   51
Kasten, 1989
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, dub 
Box   51
Kasten, 1990
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, master 
Box   51
Kasten, 1990
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   51
Promo, 1990
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, master 
Box   51
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   51
With John Sloan, 1991
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, original 
Box   51
With John Sloan, 1991
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   51
Kasten, Feingold, MacNeil-Lehrer debate
Box   51
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape, 2 tapes 
Box   51
Press conference, 1987, public service announcements, , 1988
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   51
Kasten Show, 1989
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   51
Kasten Cable with Yeutter, 1990
Physical Description: 3/4" videotape 
Box   49
“Senator Kasten…,” August 17, 1991
Physical Description: 16mm film, negative 
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