Guy Terry Meiss Interviews, 1975

Container Title
Sound Archive
Series: Audio Recordings
Box   1
Arnold Abrams, 2/6/75 & 3/3/75
Physical Description: 3 tapes 
Box   1
David Aikman, 5/12/75
Box   1
Keyes Beech, 2/21/75 & 3/11/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   1
Rick Borsuk, 5/11/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   1
Henry Bradsher, 1/29/75
Box   1
Jim Browning, 4/7/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   1
K. Mark Chrysler, 9/8/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   1
Tony Clifton, 5/7 - 9/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   1
Leon Daniel, 2/12 - 13/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   2
Woody Edwards, 1/28/75
Box   2
Robert Elegant, 3/13/75, 4/22/75 & 5/14/75
Physical Description: 3 tapes 
Box   2
Harold Ellithorpe, 2/21/75 & 3/5/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   2
Loren Fessler, 5/22/75
Box   2
Murray Fromson and B. Dunning, 4/7/75 & 4/10/75
Box   2
Frank Gibney, 9/16/75, no index
Box   2
David Greenway, 5/8/75
Box   2
Richard Halloran, 9/2/75 & 10/7/75, partial index
Physical Description: 3 tapes 
Box   2
John Hogan, 4/9/75, partial index
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   2
Skip Issacs, 4/10/75
Box   2
Sam Jameson, 7/28/75
Box   3
Sam Jameson, 8/24/75
Box   3
Peter Kahn, 2/27/75 & 3/17/75
Physical Description: 3 tapes 
Box   3
Keith Kay, 3/25/75 & 3/26/75, no index
Box   3
Bernie Krisher, 7/7/75, 7/31/75 & 9/30/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   3
Bill Kurtis, Bob Weiner and Jack Reynolds, 4/9-10/75
Box   3
Joseph Lelyveld, 3/10/75
Box   3
Seth Lipsky, 5/2/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   3
Sydney Liu, 3/7/75
Box   3
Frederick Maerkle, 7/5/75
Box   3
Ann Mariano, 4/4/75
Box   3
Skip Martin, 9/4/75
Box   3
Arthur Miller, 3/4/75
Box   3
Lynn Newland, 5/8-9/75
Box   4
Lynn Newland, 5/8-9/75
Box   4
Don Oberdorfer, 7/4/95
Box   4
Bert Okuley, 2/13/75
Box   4
Dennis O'Leary, 5/26/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   4
Anthony Paul, 3/24/75
Box   4
Norman Pearlstine, 8/27/75
Box   4
Bud Pratt, 3/8/75
Box   4
Jack Reynolds, 4/6/75
Box   4
John Roderick, 7/29/75
Box   4
Roy Rowen, 1/27/75
Box   4
John Sarr, 9/29/75, no index
Box   4
Mathew Seiden, 9/2/75 & 9/8/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   4
Joseph Simon, 2/20/75 and Frederick Fisher, , 3/3/75
Box   4
Robert Shaplen, 3/25/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   5
Charles Smith, 2/14/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   5
Rick Smith, 4/29/75, 6/27/75, & 8/24/75
Physical Description: 6 tapes 
Box   5
Dan Southernland, 4/7/75
Box   5
Briefing, South Vietnam, 4/9/75 and BBC U.S. Evacuation News, , 4/30/75, no index
Box   5
Bill Stewart, 7/28/75 - 9/8/75
Physical Description: 4 tapes 
Box   5
U.S. Embassy, Tokyo, 7/31/75 & 8/29/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   5
Jonathan Unger, 5/5/75
Box   6
Alice Villadolid, 5/23/75, no index
Box   6
Bing Wong, 1/29/75, 2/14/75, 2/17/75
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   6
Tracey Wood, 2/12-13/75, no index tape 2
Physical Description: 2 tapes 
Box   6
Eddie Wu, 2/26/75
Box   6
Ron Yates, 7/29/75, 8/14/75 & 9/8/75
Physical Description: 3 tapes 
Box   6
James Yee, 2/24/75 and Sylvia Rifkin, , 3/17/75
Box   6
Joseph Yu, 7/8/75
Box   6
Meiss: Impressions/Reflections from Saigon, no index
Physical Description: 3 tapes 
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