Arnold Strickon Papers, 1883-1987

Container Title
July-December, 1943
Box   70
Folder   21
0: Apportionment of Taxes , (1943) and papers pertaining thereto
Box   70
Folder   22
1: Abstract of Assessments
Box   70
Folder   23
2: Appointments: Dr. Erling, Defense Council; E. Kessler, Reg. of Deeds; H.Copen on Hwy Comm.; J. Theleen, Probation Officer; J.P. Newhouse, Pension Dir.; V. Tenuta & J. Muhlenbeck, Reg. Deeds; J. VanBendegom, Co. Board Supervisor; L. Vaudreuil, Kenosha Co. Park Comm.
Box   70
Folder   24
3: Appraisal, County Garage at 67th St. & 28th Ave.
Box   70
Folder   25
3A: Application for Relief (under Sol. & Sailors Relief Act - Sarkis Apyan)
Box   70
Folder   26
4: Audit Application, Wis. Tax Commission
Box   70
Folder   27
5: Bids from Kenosha News & Union Coop. Pub. Co. to print Board proceedings
Box   70
Folder   28
6: Budgets 0 , 1944
Box   70
Folder   29
7: Communication from American Legion re: Army Day Parade
Box   70
Folder   30
8: Communication from Chamber of Commerce re: housing needs
Box   70
Folder   31
9: Communication from City Manager re: overpayment on old age pensions
Box   70
Folder   32
10: Communication from Co. Parks re: repair and insurance for 1944
Box   70
Folder   33
11: Communication from W.W. Davis re: Divorce Counsel
Box   70
Folder   34
12: Communication from D. Atty. re: increase for assistant
Box   70
Folder   35
13: Communication from Defense Council re: committees, etc.
Box   70
Folder   36
14: Communication from Defense Council re: Mrs. Hawley's resignation
Box   70
Folder   37
15: Communication from Department of Agriculture re: apiary inspection
Box   70
Folder   38
16: Communication from Department of Public Welfare re: bonus for Newhouse
Box   70
Folder   39
17: Communication from employees of Ct. House, Highway Dept. & Sheriff re: bonus
Box   70
Folder   40
18: Communication re: appointment for Hwy. Comm-Turner, VanBendegom, Zoubek
Box   70
Folder   41
19: Communication from Highway Dept. re: transfer of funds
Box   70
Folder   42
20: Communication from Insurance Rating Bureau re: rate on Ct. Hse. & Jail
Box   70
Folder   43
21: Communication from Legislative Comm. re: Post War Planning
Box   70
Folder   44
22: Communication from Movie Operators re: pictures at Willowbrook
Box   70
Folder   45
23: Communication from Nash-Kelvinator re: housing needs
Box   70
Folder   46
24: Communication from Pension Dept. re: cancelled check
Box   70
Folder   47
25: Communication from St. Planning Board re: Post War Planning
Box   70
Folder   48
26: Communication from Ration Board re: space in Court House
Box   70
Folder   49
27: Communication from Salvation Army re: aid from board
Box   70
Folder   50
28: Communication from U.S. Casualty Co. re: certificate of authority
Box   70
Folder   51
29: Communication from J. VanBendegom resigning from Park Board
Box   70
Folder   52
30: Communication from Wronski re: penalties on real estate tax
Box   70
Folder   53
31: Communication from WPA re: thanks for cooperation
Box   70
Folder   54
32: Lease, 2717 - 67th St., MidCity Motor Sales
Box   70
Folder   55
33: Newspaper Publications re: sale of property, budget hearing, etc.
Box   70
Folder   56
34: Notice of calling Corporate Purpose Bonds, Jan. 20, 1944
Box   70
Folder   57
35: Notices of Co. Board meetings
Box   70
Folder   58
36: Oaths of Office - R.V. Baker, Co. Judge; A.B. Schmitz; W. Brook Trustee; J.P. Newhouse, Pension Dir.; J. Theleen-Probation Officer; L. Vaudreuil, Park Board Commissioner
Box   70
Folder   59
37: Offers to purchase property: Faraone, Kenosha Realty, Kenosha Yellow Cab, Henry Schmidt, M. Simon, H. & R.F. Thomey, E. Trecroci
Box   70
Folder   60
38: Offer to repair Court House cornice
Box   70
Folder   61
39: Opinion of Dist. Attorney re: Interest rate on real estate taxes
Box   70
Folder   62
40: Opinion of Dist. Attorney re: roads in County Parks & appropriation for Bldg. repairs and insurance
Box   70
Folder   63
41: Petition to adjourn County Board meeting
Box   70
Folder   64
42: Petition to charge back illegal taxes
Box   70
Folder   65
43: Petition to rezone Forest Park
Box   70
Folder   66
44: Reports of accidents
Box   70
Folder   67
45: Recommendation for increase of salary for Probation Officer
Box   70
Folder   68
46: Report, annual, Agricultural Agent
Box   70
Folder   69
47: Report of Agricultural Office expense
Box   70
Folder   70
47A: Report of Apiary Inspection
Box   70
Folder   71
48: Report of Assessment Comm. re: Real Estate & Personal Property Assments
Box   70
Folder   72
49: Report of Building & Printing Comm. re: painting screens in jail
Box   70
Folder   73
50: Report of Building & Printing Comm. re: printing board proceedings
Box   70
Folder   74
51: Report of Clerk of CIrcuit Court & Reg. in Probate, annual
Box   70
Folder   75
52: Report of Committee meetings
Box   70
Folder   76
53: Report, annual, Coroner
Box   70
Folder   77
54: Report of County Board's Ass'n re: bills in Legislature
Box   70
Folder   78
55: Report, annual, County Clerk
Box   70
Folder   79
56: Report, crop - from towns
Box   70
Folder   80
57: Report of dance halls licensed
Box   70
Folder   81
58: Report of Finance Comm. to apportion taxes
Box   70
Folder   82
59: Report of Finance Comm. re: appraisal of County garage
Box   70
Folder   83
60: Report of Finance Comm. re: city's overpayment on old age pensions
Box   71
Folder   1
61: Report of Finance Comm. to raze bldg. rear of 6310-22nd Ave.
Box   71
Folder   2
62: Report of Finance Comm. to reinvest money in U.S. Treas. certificates
Box   71
Folder   3
63: Report of Finance Comm. re: sale of property to: Holger Pahl, Ethel Bennett, Chulev & Martin, Kenosha Yellow Cab, Lloyd Landgren, Jos. Mitchell, Peter Pirsch, Schmidt Faraone, A.B. Schmitz, Elmer Swantz, Edw. Trecroci
Box   71
Folder   4
64: Report of Finance Comm. re: special assessments due city
Box   71
Folder   5
65: Report of Finance Comm. re: Wronski, real estate penalties
Box   71
Folder   6
66: Report of Health Comm. re: mental hygiene program
Box   71
Folder   7
67: Report, annual - Highway Comm.
Box   71
Folder   8
68: Report of Insurance Comm.
Box   71
Folder   9
69: Report, annual - Juvenile Court Clerk
Box   71
Folder   10
70: Report, annual - Kenosha County Historical Society
Box   71
Folder   11
71: Report, annual - Kenosha County Parks
Box   71
Folder   12
72: Report, annual - Kenosha County Welfare Dept.
Box   71
Folder   13
73: Report re: medical relief collections and clothing disposal
Box   71
Folder   14
74: Report annual, Clerk of Municipal Court
Box   71
Folder   15
75: Report annual, County Nurse
Box   71
Folder   16
76: Report annual, Pension Dept.
Box   71
Folder   17
77: Report of Probation Officer
Box   71
Folder   18
78: Report annual, Purchasing Agent
Box   71
Folder   19
79: Report annual, Racine-Kenosha Normal School
Box   71
Folder   20
80: Report annual, Reg. of Deeds
Box   71
Folder   21
81: Report of salary increases - Pension employees
Box   71
Folder   22
82: Report annual, Sheriff
Box   71
Folder   23
83: Report of Sheriff meals
Box   71
Folder   24
84: Report of Social Security Comm. re: Chambers salary
Box   71
Folder   25
85: Report annual, Soldiers & Sailors Relief Comm.
Box   71
Folder   26
86: Report of Special Salary Comm. re: $20.00 cost of living bonus
Box   71
Folder   27
87: Report of Special Salary Comm. re: officials bonus
Box   71
Folder   28
88: Report statistical - Sup. of Assessments
Box   71
Folder   29
89: Report annual, Supt. of Schools
Box   71
Folder   30
90: Report of Co. Supt. Comm. re: Sup. Teacher salary
Box   71
Folder   31
91: Report annual - Co. Treasurer
Box   71
Folder   32
92: Report annual - W. Brook Sanitarium
Box   71
Folder   33
93: Report financial, Wis. Co. Boards Ass'n.
Box   71
Folder   34
94: Request of Co. Officials for salary increases
Box   71
Folder   35
95: Request of Welfare Comm. for transfer of funds
Box   71
Folder   36
95A: Resignation of Erwin Lange
Box   71
Folder   37
96: Resolution #10 re: death of A. Buchholz
Box   71
Folder   38
97: Resolution #11 returning property to J. Spindler
Box   71
Folder   39
98: Resolution #11A returning property to A. Atlas
Box   71
Folder   40
99: Resolution #12 returning property to C. Hanke
Box   71
Folder   41
100: Resolution #13 return property to Mrs. Clarence Nelson
Box   71
Folder   42
101: Resolution #14 to transfer money to bond sinking fund
Box   71
Folder   43
102: Resolution #15 to return property to Burkhardt
Box   71
Folder   44
103: Resolution #16 re: death of John Tigh
Box   71
Folder   45
104: Resolution #17 returning lot to C. Ludvik
Box   71
Folder   46
105: Resolution #18 returning lot to Haegele Ice Co.
Box   71
Folder   47
106: Resolution #18A to cancel O.A.A. check
Box   71
Folder   48
107: Resolution #19 transferring money to Divorce Counsel
Box   71
Folder   49
108: Resolution #20 to quit titles on property
Box   71
Folder   50
109: Resolution #21 returning lot to N.W. Loan Co.
Box   71
Folder   51
110: Resolution #22 returning lot to J. Porto
Box   71
Folder   52
111: Resolution #23 re: raise for F. Bennett
Box   71
Folder   53
112: Resolution #24 to charge back addressograph cost
Box   71
Folder   54
113: Resolution #25 to take care of overdrawn accounts
Box   71
Folder   55
114: Resolution #26 re: 1944 highway budget (rejected)
Box   71
Folder   56
115: Resolution #27 to transfer money to bond principal account
Box   71
Folder   57
116: Resolution #28 authorizing retirement of bonds
Box   71
Folder   58
117: Resolution #29 authorizing retirement of bonds
Box   71
Folder   59
118: Resolution #30 authorizing retirement of bonds
Box   71
Folder   60
119: Resolution #31 offering deposits to banks
Box   71
Folder   61
120: Resolution #32 re: 1944 highway budget
Box   71
Folder   62
121: Resolution #33 re: bond for Asst. Pension Adm.
Box   71
Folder   63
122: Resolution #34 charging back old age pensions
Box   71
Folder   64
123: Resolution #35 to carry accounts into 1944
Box   71
Folder   65
124: Resolution #36 placing State Line Rd. on County trunk system (see 1944 file)
Box   71
Folder   66
125: Resolution #37 re: funds for Post War Rehabilitation
Box   71
Folder   67
126: Resolution from City Council re: Civilian Defense
Box   71
Folder   68
127: Statement of Assessment , (1943)
Box   71
Folder   69
128: Statement of Taxes & Indebtedness
Box   71
Folder   70
129: Bills for: Care of Insane; Tubercular Patients; Orthopedic Patients; General Hospital Patients; Industrial School; State Public Schools
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