Robert M. Ball Papers, 1935-2007

Container Title
Early files, 1935-1963
Numbered subject files, 1945-1962
Box   14
Folder   23
AM-1-3: Pilot audit of the validity of claims evidence
Box   14
Folder   24
AM-1-3: Project: attendance at meetings
Box   14
Folder   25
AM-6-2: Routine distribution of Congressional hearings, reports, bills
Box   14
Folder   26
AM-7: Bureau pars (claims)
Box   14
Folder   27
AM-7: Studies-miscellaneous
Box   14
Folder   28
AM-9: Field facilities
Box   15
Folder   1-3
AM-9: Field facilities-regional boundaries
Box   15
Folder   4
AM-9: Observation on some problems arising from expansion of Bureau, S/B memo, 1960 December
Box   15
Folder   5
AM-9: Regional office staffing
Box   15
Folder   6
AM-9-2: District offices: openings, space, miscellaneous
Box   15
Folder   7
AM-9-2: Additional space-relocation of offices
Box   15
Folder   8
AM-9-2: Establishment of new district offices
Box   15
Folder   9
AM-9-2: Appraisal of field organization and managment in DHEW
Box   15
Folder   10
AM-9-2: Construction of district offices
Box   15
Folder   11
AM-9-4: Study of ind. district office management, operation, and organization
Box   15
Folder   12
AM-11: Reports management
Box   15
Folder   13
AM-13: Work measurement in staff jobs
Box   15
Folder   14
AM-14: Forecasts and guides
Box   15
Folder   15
AM-14: Work planning
Box   15
Folder   16
AM-14-2: Long range planning activities (Conference on the Public Service meeting-Ball attended)
Box   15
Folder   17
AM-14-2: Annual meeting on work emphases, 1961
Box   15
Folder   18
CL-1: Filing of claims at age 65
Box   15
Folder   19
CL-1-5: Bureau leads program
Box   15
Folder   20
CL-2: Reconsideration study (disallowance)
Box   15
Folder   21
CL-3: Material participation-court cases
Box   15
Folder   22
CL-3: Appeals process in OASDI
Box   15
Folder   23-24
CL-3-2: Court cases
Box   15
Folder   25
CL-6: Claims material
Box   15
Folder   26
CL-7: Beneficiary compliance survey
Box   15
Folder   27
CL-8: Reconstruction of lost claims
Box   15
Folder   28
CL-8: Direct mail development procedures
Box   15
Folder   29
CL-8: Developmental notices-SS-5 for use in claims process
Box   15
Folder   30
CL-8-9: Proof of age-paying for census transcripts
Box   15
Folder   31
CL-8-9-4: Census records-purchase of
Box   15
Folder   32
CL-9: Fraud-program connected
Box   15
Folder   33
CL-10: Checks-general
Box   15
Folder   34
CL-10: Combined check procedure
Box   15
Folder   35
CL-10-6: Checks-combined
Box   15
Folder   36
CL-10-6: Nonreceipt of checks-15-4 checks-miscellaneous
Box   15
Folder   37
CL 15-4: Checks-miscellaneous
Box   15
Folder   38
CL-16: Program administration abroad, 1956-1959
Box   15
Folder   39
CL-17-1-a: Annual report of earnings-form OA-C777A
Box   15
Folder   40
DI: Miscellaneous
Box   15
Folder   41
DI-2: Processing disability cases in district offices
Box   15
Folder   42
DI-2: District office-award form C-101
Box   15
Folder   43
DI-2-2: Study of Baltimore disability operations-task force
Box   15
Folder   44
DI-11: Medical advisory group
Box   15
Folder   45
DI-11: Evaluation of substantial gainful activities
Box   15
Folder   46
F-M-2-4: Staffing in the regions
Box   16
Folder   1
PA-15: Financing-Trust Fund and Board of Trustees, 1962-1963
Box   16
Folder   2
PA-31: Guides to staff regarding Advisory Councils
Box   16
Folder   3
PA-33-8: Speeches
Box   16
Folder   4
PA-37: Claims processing time-reports
Box   16
Folder   5
PA-37-1: Bureau productivity
Box   16
Folder   6
PE-6-2: Retirement, mandatory (age 70) policy
Box   16
Folder   7
PE-14-1: Claims rep and field reps-promotion
Box   16
Folder   8
PE 18-4: Use of race or color on SS-5 application for account number
Box   16
Folder   9
PE 18-4: Non-discrimination-miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   10
PI-2-3: New York's World's Fair
Box   16
Folder   11
PI-3-3: Swift-pamphlets-miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   12
PI-4-1: Chamber of Commerce
Box   16
Folder   13
TG: Training
Box   16
Folder   14
TG-6-5: Education-OASDI center, college, et cetera
Alphabetical subject files, 1942-1944, 1953-1964
Box   16
Folder   15
80th anniversary of the Civil Service Act
Box   16
Folder   16
A/C Number procedures, miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   17
ADC study
Box   16
Folder   18
AFGE lodge
Box   16
Folder   18
Amish-television film and miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   20
Annual reports, DHEW
Box   16
Folder   21
APWA membership-Bureau affiliation
Box   16
Folder   22
Attorney Hamilton (Social Security activities)
Box   16
Folder   23
Audit activities-departmental internal
Box   16
Folder   24
Beneficiary rolls, planned activities to maintain integrity of, 1963
Box   16
Folder   25
BHA, miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   26
Broadening work experience program
Box   16
Folder   27
Budget, miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   28
Bureau's system of administrative surveys and audits
Box   16
Folder   29
California audit
Box   16
Folder   30
Civil defense-Bureau activities
Box   16
Folder   31
Civil service-inspection report
Box   16
Folder   32
Claims-advance filing award notices
Box   16
Folder   33
Claims examiner classification study
Box   16
Folder   34
Claims-overdevelopment in claims
Box   16
Folder   35
Clerk review function-elimination of payment center and DDO
Box   16
Folder   36
Commemorative stamp on Social Security
Box   16
Folder   37
Commissioner, 1962 May
Box   16
Folder   38
Complaints, handling
Box   16
Folder   39
Confidential regional and field organization, 1961
Box   16
Folder   40
Consultants on Social Security, 1953
Box   16
Folder   41
Cooperative research and demonstration grant program
Box   16
Folder   42
Correspondence, miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   43
CSC-qualification standards for personnel officer-draft
Box   16
Folder   44
Cultural Center-drive-nationwide project, 1963
Box   16
Folder   45
Cyclical mailing of checks
Box   16
Folder   46
Development notices to district offices
Box   16
Folder   47
Disability case control
Box   16
Folder   48
Disability, miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   49
Disability-taking applications (deadline)
Box   16
Folder   50
Disclosing information from Social Security records and furnishing letter forwarding services, et cetera, confidentiality
Box   16
Folder   51
Box   16
Folder   52
District office construction
Box   16
Folder   53
Edwards, Leonard E.
Box   16
Folder   54
Electronic computer (small scale card)
Box   16
Folder   55
Employee conduct and responsibilities
Box   16
Folder   56
Employee health service, miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   57
Employee-management cooperation (DM reports), Executive Order 10988
Box   16
Folder   58
Executive development program
Box   16
Folder   59
Federal Register-procedure for submittal to commissioner for approval
Box   16
Folder   60
Field organization and management
Box   16
Folder   61
Film showing, The Long Haul, 1963
Box   16
Folder   62
Follow-up-division of program analysis
Box   16
Folder   63
Forecasts and guides
Box   16
Folder   64
Foreign Social Security systems, miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   65
Fraud-Michigan, miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   66
Futterman notes, miscellaneous
Box   16
Folder   67
Grade allocations-RR and AAR
Box   16
Folder   68
Great Britain
Box   16
Folder   69
Hearing examiner decisions, review of
Box   16
Folder   70
Hospitality funds
Box   16
Folder   71
IBM 7080s, purchase of
Box   16
Folder   72
IRS-miscellaneous operations
Box   16
Folder   73
IRS-Special audit for Social Security purposes
Box   16
Folder   74
JSF-routine procedure correspondence
Box   16
Folder   75
King letter
Box   16
Folder   76
Leads program
Box   16
Folder   77
Lobbying, funds for
Box   16
Folder   78
McCall, 1957
Box   16
Folder   79
Miscellaneous notes-publications
Box   16
Folder   80
Missions abroad-administration of program
Box   16
Folder   81
Mobility-review of policy, 1963
Box   16
Folder   82
Nestor case-Supreme Court, 1961
Box   17
Folder   1
Network alignments
Box   17
Folder   2
Operations research
Box   17
Folder   3
Personnel, Bureau, miscellaneous
Box   17
Folder   4
Program planning and goal-setting
Box   17
Folder   5
Project: internal review-Bureau
Box   17
Folder   6
Project: programs for educational television
Box   17
Folder   7
Project: plan for location persons involved in a study of mental retardation, University of Nebraska, 1962
Box   17
Folder   8
Proposal for Bureau reports management study
Box   17
Folder   9
Race designation on forms-SS-5s
Box   17
Folder   10
Region IX-Simplification activities Title II
Box   17
Folder   11
R.J. Myers-actuarial study number 52
Box   17
Folder   12
Research project, George Washington University
Box   17
Folder   13
Retirement booklet, “Planning for the Later Years,” 1963
Box   17
Folder   14
Secretary's visit to the Bureau
Box   17
Folder   15
Social Security benefits
Box   17
Folder   16
SS-5, miscellaneous
Box   17
Folder   17
State and local, miscellaneous
Box   17
Folder   18
State unemployment: compensation laws-by Tixier, ILO, 1935
Box   17
Folder   19
Studies and reviews
Box   17
Folder   20
Study-first-check insurance, 1957-1960
Box   17
Folder   21
Study-levels of public understanding-nationwide
Box   17
Folder   22
Study-statistical activities-House P.O. and civil service exam
Box   17
Folder   23
Box   17
Folder   24
Survey of domestic coverage
Box   17
Folder   25
Mr. Swift, public information officer-miscellaneous memos, 1962
Box   17
Folder   26-27
Technical training-OASI
Box   17
Folder   28
Unfinished business list, 1959-1960
Box   17
Folder   29
VC-personal-bill-CSC retirement...
Box   17
Folder   30
White House, miscellaneous
Secretarial files (1948, 1950-1963)
Box   17
Folder   31
Bureau director's meeting
Box   17
Folder   32
List of people of national organizations to be invited to visit
Box   17
Folder   33
Box   17
Folder   34
Del do I-26
Box   17
Folder   35-36
Deputy Director/copies of everything
Box   17
Folder   37
Distribution / Del do
Box   17
Folder   38
Wilcox talk by VISTA, 1961
Box   17
Folder   39-40
DEW-miscellaneous instructions (file or make notes or ??)
Box   17
Folder   41
Replies to letters sent with Secretary's testimony, 1961
Box   17
Folder   42
Box   17
Folder   43
Gradual retirement
Box   17
Folder   44
Drafts-McKenna memo survey group recommendations
Box   17
Folder   45
Confidential (appeals process-hearing examiners)
Box   17
Folder   46
Actuarial memo, 1961
Box   17
Folder   47
Ed Murrow, “See it Now”
Box   17
Folder   48
Conference organizational manual-McKenna comment
Box   17
Folder   49
Confidential-organization (miscellaneous) Bureau and personnel
Box   17
Folder   50
Survey of the Office of the Director, 1953
Box   17
Folder   51-52
Miscellaneous notes
Box   17
Folder   53
Travel, 1960-1962
Box   17
Folder   54
Confidential-miscellaneous personnel
Box   17
Folder   55
O'Connor memo-hold
Box   17
Folder   56
Correspondence-legislative materials sent to
Box   17
Folder   57
Division of Management-miscellaneous memoranda, 1962
Box   17
Folder   58
Box   17
Folder   59-64
Box   18
Folder   1-7
Other files
Box   18
Folder   8
Correspondence-miscellaneous, 1935-1953
Box   18
Folder   9
Curtis, Congressmen, (1953-1955)
Box   18
Folder   10
Meyer, Mrs. Eugene (Agnes), 1949-1956
Box   18
Folder   11
“Report on survey of statistical program,” by Kaplan, 1940
Box   18
Folder   12-13
SSA Manual, 1940-1952
Box   18
Folder   14
Basic Principles-discussion group, 1944-1945
Box   18
Folder   15
University-Government Center on SSA, 1949
Box   18
Folder   16
Names and addresses-miscellaneous (possible use Altmeyer and others), 1953
Box   18
Folder   17-20
Majorie Shearon, Challenge to Socialism, 1952-1950
Box   18
Folder   21
“OASI Program Notes,” 1952-1953, 1959-1962
Note: Incomplete.
Box   18
Folder   22
Consultative SS Committee, 1st meeting, 1953
Box   18
Folder   23
OASI in the Philippines, 1953-1957
Box   18
Folder   24
“Bureau Objectives-revision 1958,” 1954-1960
Box   18
Folder   25
Miscellaneous notes-New Hampshire, 1955-1956
Box   18
Folder   26
Material taken and sent to New Hampshire, 1957-1959
Box   18
Folder   27
Electronic programming for statistics, 1955-1956
Box   18
Folder   28
Bureau committee on IRS relations-Lowery, 1955-1959
Box   19
Folder   1
IRS-letter to Scribner regarding audits, 1955-1961
Box   19
Folder   2
Delegations affecting regional directors, 1956
Box   19
Folder   3
Federal OASI trust fund-process of accounting, 1956
Box   19
Folder   4-5
Directing the Bureau-draft, 1956-1961
Box   19
Folder   6
Bureau workload reporting system study, 1957
Box   19
Folder   7
Standards and measures of adequacy of SS benefits and payments (working group) DPA, 1957
Box   19
Folder   8
Bureau review, 1958
Box   19
Folder   9
Memos-data processing, 1958-1959
Box   19
Folder   10
Employee memorials [proposal], 1960-1961
Box   19
Folder   11
Dynamic pension plans [proposed to adjust benefits to changes in earnings levels], 1961
Box   19
Folder   12
Selected materials from the files of the HIB staff, 1961
Box   19
Folder   13-14
Memos, 1959-1961
Box   19
Folder   15
Trust Fund, 1958-1959
Box   19
Folder   16
“Director's Bulletin,” 1959-1962
Note: Incomplete.
Box   19
Folder   17-35
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