Trowbridge, Planert & Schaefer Law Firm Records, 1876-1972

Appendix C: Modern Case Files Alphabetically by Name

Name Subject Category Code File Number
Accident and Casualty Insurance Company, 1944-1947 10 404
Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, 1940-1941 10, 75 7778
Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, 1939-1940 10 7599
Aetna Insurance Company, 1965-1968 10 6648
Aetna Insurance Company, 1964-1969 42 6977
Aetna Insurance Company, 1964-1971 (malpractice) 41 8506
Agriculture Insurance Company, 1963-1965 42 5672
Agriculture Insurance Company, 1962-1964 10 7209
Albert, Alphonse J., 1964-1965 70 5667
Alger, Thomas, 1941-1944 20 368
Algoma Plywood and Veneer, 1948-1949 (ICC hearings) 76 1805
Allis Chalmers, 1969-1972 50 7252
Allouez, Town of, 1945-1947 (storm sewer bond issue) 76 559
Allouez, Town of, 1947 (zoning) 53 1146
Allouez, Town of, 1949-1950 (license matter) 76 1978
Allred Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1963-1966 10 6324
Allstate Insurance Company, 1946 10 385
Allstate Insurance Company, 1946-1947 10 574
Allstate Insurance Company, 1948 10 1186
Allstate Insurance Company, 1946-1949 10 1191
Allstate Insurance Company, 1947-1949 10 1811
Allstate Insurance Company, 1949-1950 10 2035
Allstate Insurance Company, 1948-1950 10 2111
Allstate Insurance Company, 1949-1950 10 2113
Allstate Insurance Company, 1948-1950 10 2119
Allstate Insurance Company, 1949-1951 10 2268
Allstate Insurance Company, 1951-1952 10 2441
Allstate Insurance Company, 1951-1953 10 2613
Allstate Insurance Company, 1951-1952 10 2624
Allstate Insurance Company, 1950-1958 10 2756
Allstate Insurance Company, 1951-1953 10 2775
Allstate Insurance Company, 1951-1953 10 2779
Allstate Insurance Company, 1952-1953 10 2814
Allstate Insurance Company, 1953 10, 78 2842
Allstate Insurance Company, 1952-1953 10 2919
Allstate Insurance Company, 1949-1956 10 3502
Allstate Insurance Company, 1955-1956 10 3508
Allstate Insurance Company, 1955-1958 10 3824
Allstate Insurance Company, 1955-1957 10 3843
Allstate Insurance Company, 1956-1962 10 3872
Allstate Insurance Company, 1963-1965 10 5641
Allstate Insurance Company, 1961-1964 10 5646
Allstate Insurance Company, 1961-1964 10 5647
Allstate Insurance Company, 1962-1965 10 5659
Allstate Insurance Company, 1964-1966 10 5673
Allstate Insurance Company, 1964-1965 10 5808
Allstate Insurance Company, 1963-1966 10 6110
Allstate Insurance Company, 1960-1966 10 6322
Allstate Insurance Company, 1964-1967 10 6650
Allstate Insurance Company, 1966-1968 10 6873
Allstate Insurance Company, 1966-1968 10 6877
Allstate Insurance Company, 1966-1969 10 6938
Allstate Insurance Company, 1968-1969 10 6940
Allstate Insurance Company, 1963-1967 20 7222
Allstate Insurance Company, 1967-1969 10 7229
Allstate Insurance Company, 1967-1969 10 7230
Allstate Insurance Company, 1968 10 7232
Allstate Insurance Company, 1967-1969 10 7234
Allstate Insurance Company, 1964-1970 10 7253
Allstate Insurance Company, 1967-1969 10 7261
Allstate Insurance Company, 1965-1970 10 7348
Allstate Insurance Company, 1964-1970 10 7349
Allstate Insurance Company, 1965-1970 10 7351
Allstate Insurance Company, 1968-1970 10 7521
Allstate Insurance Company, 1967-1969 10 7523
Allstate Insurance Company, 1966-1968 10 7532
Allstate Insurance Company, 1966-1970 10 7535
Allstate Insurance Company, 1969-1970 10 8081
Allstate Insurance Company, 1967-1970 10 8087
Allstate Insurance Company, 1968-1972 10 8499
Allstate Insurance Company, 1967-1968 78 8529
Allstate Insurance Company, 1967-1971 10 8685
Allstate Insurance Company, 1953-1954 10 3103
Altman, Lorraine, 1947-1949 (annulment) 30 1257
Alwin Manufacturing Company, 1965 74 6155
Alwin Manufacturing Company, 1966-1967 74 6361
Alwin Manufacturing Company, 1969-1970 74 7264
American Auto. Ins. Company and George Kornetzke, 1939-1940 10 7578
American Bonding Company, 1949-1951 20, 65 2324
American Bonding Company, 1954-1955 71 3367
American Bonding Company, 1954-1957 71 3400
American Bonding Company, 1954-1956 71 3403
American Employers Liability, 1938-1939 41 6983
American Indemnity Company, 1945-1946 10 208
American Indemnity Company, 1946-1947 10 517
American Indemnity Company, 1945-1948 10 597
American Indemnity Company, 1942-1947 10 676
American Indemnity Company, 1948-1950 10 1863
American Indemnity Company, 1948-1950 10 2143A
American Indemnity Company, 1948-1950 10 2143B
American Indemnity Company, 1944-1953 10 2313
American Indemnity Company, 1939-1941 10 7591
American Insurance Company, 1953-1954 10 3077
American Laundry/Don Irmiger, 1944-1950 (assured's negligence/fire damage) 42, 20 3562
American Mercury Corporation and Cascade Mining, 1941-1943 75 1060
American Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1963-1965 10 6047
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1964-1965 78 5676
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1964-1966 78 6221
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1963-1966 10 6323
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1966 41 6325
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1968 10 6601
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1968 78 6654
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1963-1966 10 6659
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1964-1968 10 6660
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1968 41 6880
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1969 78 7236
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1968 10 7265
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1969 78 7268
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1968 10 7269
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1969 78 7271
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1964-1968 10 7275
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1964-1970 10 7538
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1967-1970 10 7598
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1970 78 8361
American Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1971 10 8524
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1949-1950 78 516
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1946-1948 10 560
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1947-1948 41, 78 615
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1947 10 681
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1928 10 834
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1948 10 835
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1949-1950 10 1917
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1947-1950 78 1942
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1952 10 2522
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1949-1955 10 2583
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1953-1954 41 2820
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1952-1954 10 3023
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1954-1955 10 3162
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1950-1955 20 3232
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1955-1956 41 3512
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1962-1965 10 5623
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1963-1966 10 6046
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1960-1966 10 6106
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1963-1966 78 6115
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1960-1966 10 6136
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1963-1966 10 6216
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1961-1965 10 6217
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1962-1966 78 6218
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1964-1966 78 6220
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1962-1966 10 6327
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1966-1969 78 7266
American Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1965-1970 (income tax returns) 10 7273
American Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1965-1966 78 6117
American National Bank, 1966-1967 50 6366
American National Bank, 1968 75 6978
American Policyholders Insurance Company, 1964-1967 78 6530
American Surety Company, 1956-1957 10 3785
American Surety Company of New York, 1940 20 7579
American Surety Company/New York Casualty Company, 1940 20, 21 163
American Universal Insurance Company, 1966-1969 78 7277
American Woollen Company, 1930-1934 20 5760
Anchor Casualty Company, 1963-1970 10 7522
Anderson Family Estate, 1962-1965 70 6107
Anderson, Leroy M., 1971 10 8209
Andrews Oil Company, 1970 74 8080
Ann Arbor Railroad Company, 1969-1971 42 8099
Ann Arbor Railroad Company and D.T. and I. Railroad Company, 1968-1969 (garnishment) 20 7278
Antigo Building Supply (Folder 1), 1963-1966 50 8304
Antigo Building Supply (Folder 2), 1963-1966 50 8304
Appleton Machine Company, 1962-1971 (patent infringement) 76 8661
Appleton Machine Company, 1968-1971 78 8662
Armour and Company, 1941-1946 42 89
Armour and Company, 1949-1953 42 2349
Arwell, Inc., 1949-1954 20, 21 2923
Asgrow Seed Company, 1963-1967 20 6532
Associated Master Barbers of Wisconsin, 1953-1957 74 3552
Association of Commerce, 1954 77 2986
Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1967 41 6647
Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1971 41 7539
Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, 1970 41 7679
Atlantic Richfield, 1970 20 8072
Atlas Warehouse and Cold Storage, 1952-1954 74 3334
Atlas Warehouse and Cold Storage, 1963-1965 75 6285
Austin, Charles E.J. and Edward H., 1965 72 6537
Austin-St. Paul Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1967 41 6362
Auto Dealers, not unionized, 1952 74 2592
Autoist Mutual Insurance Company, 1935-1936 10 5766
Autoist Mutual Insurance Company, 1935-1936 10 5878
Automatic File and Index Company, 1937-1939 74 7639
B & W Products, Inc., 1948-1955 75 1968
B & W Products, Inc., 1949-1966 20 6295
BIFCO, 1966-1967 75 6372
Bach, Gerry H., 1947 52 1007
Badeau, David H., 1965-1966 78 5679
Badger Mutual Insurance Company, 1969-1971 10 8670
Badger Sheet Metal Works, 1939-1941 20 7607
Badger State Casualty Company, 1944-1946 10 386
Badger State Casualty Company, 1944-1947 10 444
Badger State Casualty Company, 1947-1948 10 704
Badger State Casualty Company, 1947-1948 10 842
Badger State Casualty Company, 1950-1951 10 2386
Badger State Casualty Company, 1950-1952 10 2551
Badger State Casualty Company, 1952-1953 10 2863
Badger State Casualty Company, 1952-1954 10 2963
Badger State Casualty Company, 1953-1954 10 2979
Badger State Casualty Company, 1954-1956 10 3493
Badger State Casualty Company, 1955-1956 10 3538
Badger State Insurance Company, 1965 10 7513
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1965-1966 10 5680
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1963-1964 20 5685
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1964-1965 10 5687
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1961-1965 10 6050
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1962-1966 10 6051
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1964-1966 10 6120
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1964-1966 10 6165
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1964-1967 10 6539
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1965 10 6540
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1965-1967 10 6541
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1965-1967 10 6602
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1967-1968 10 6678
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1964-1968 10 6885
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1964-1969 10 7239
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1969-1970 10 7285
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1966-1970 10 8089
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1969-1971 10 8315
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1970-1971 10 8347
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1965-1971 10 8621
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1966-1971 10 8622
Badger State Mutual Casualty Company, 1969-1971 10 8626
Badger State Mutual Insurance Company, 1964-1966 10 6223
Badger State Realty, 1955-1956 10 3558
Baileys Harbor, Town of, 1956 (right of way) 53 3718
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, 1959-1966 (under charges on lumber shipments) 76 6153
Balza (E.J.) Company, 1936-1939 (bond issue) 52, 76 5729
Banner, Inc., 1968 52 7143
Barich, Frank, 1954-1955 42 3179
Barker, Gordon H., 1940-1945 77 133
Barkhausen (H.A.) Estate, 1944-1948 (estate tax returns) 70 2538
Barnard Corporation, 1950-1951 51 2744
Barthels, Dr. Dayne H., 1962-1966 20 5688
Bassett v. Bassett, 1943-1947 30 134
Baum's Department Store, 1941-1945 52, 70, 75 70
Baum's Department Store, 1940 50 71
Bay Theater Tax Assessment, 1945-1946 73 135
Bay West Paper Company, 1943 (vacation of street) 53 2066
Bay West Paper Company, 1951-1952 52 2595
Bay West Paper Company, 1966-1967 75 6370
Bay West Paper Company, 1966-1967 74 6666
Bay West Paper Company, 1965-1967 73 7299
Bay West Paper Company, 1971 77 8629
Beaman Piano Method, 1952-1953 75 6309
Beaman, Harold, 1950-1951 75, 60 2460
Beaumont Hotel Company, 1958 74 3201
Behr (Joseph) and Sons, Inc., 1952 20 2699
Bell Lumber Company, 1937-1940 20 40
Bell Lumber Company, 1932-1942 75 610
Bell Lumber Company, 1942-1944 20 1008
Bell Lumber Company (A), 1942-1946 75 1-15
Bell Lumber Company (B), 1945-1947 75 16-35
Belle City Glove Company, 1956-1963 75 3729
Bellin Memorial Hospital, 1968 74 6763
Bender (John J.) Estate, 1969-1970 70 8272
Bender (Nora Rice) Estate, 1952-1964 70, 71 Miscellaneous
Benefit Trust Life Insurance Company, 1965-1968 20 6956
Bensel, Clara, 1964-1965 70 5695
Bensley, John R., 1946-1955 (trust indenture) 72 1124
Bensley, John R., 1947-1949 72 1972
Bent (Gordon) Estate, 1952-1953 70, 20 2910
Bergerud, Harry and Alma, 1964-1968 10 6764
Bernetzke, J., 1948-1951 30, 20 1931
Bernhard (William) Estate, 1948-1950 70 2136
Bertram, Dr. B.J., 1944-1945 (regarding partnership agreement) 76 361
Besaw, Francis, 1966-1968 (contract/offer to purchase) 20 7184
Betten, Yetta, 1948-1952 73 3575
Bie (Walter T.) Estate, 1951-1955 (income tax returns) 70 3457
Biese, Della, 1945-1947 30 1190
Bingham and Risdon Company, 1963 72 6167
Bingham and Risdon Company, 1966-1968 20 6963
Bingham and Risdon Company, 1969-1970 20 7518
Blachowiak, Margaret, 1945-1947 52 443
Bloedorn, Martha, 1963-1964 70 5699
Blum (Philip) and Company, Inc., 1947-1948 20 877
Boehm, Frank, 1935-1936 10 5781
Boettcher et al., 1940-1944 20, 52 1012
Bond Pickle Company, 1943-1945 73 136
Bond Pickle Company, 1951-1953 74 2774
Bond Pickle Company, 1965-1967 74 6157
Border Oil Company, 1962-1964 75 6494
Bosse (Joseph C.) Estate, 1943-1947 70 1231
Brebner Machine Company, 1951-1954 74 3180
Brebner Machine Company, 1955-1957 74 3488
Brebner Machinery Company, 1955-1956 65, 60 3637
Bretting Tractor and Equipment Company, 1932-1940 20 7533
Bridenhagen, Walter B., 1969 70 7313
Brown County, 1967-1969 (condemnation) 52, 53 7283
Brown County, 1967-1968 (condemnation) 53 7283
Brown County Auto Dealers, 1948-1949 74 2034
Brown County Auto Dealers, 1951-1952 74 2904
Brown County Motors, 1946-1949 (lease and option to purchase) 53 1030
Brown County Motors, 1951-1953 74 3342
Brown, E.C., 1934-1935 50 5683
Brusky, Dr. Alvin, 1946-1947 21 497
Buehler, Roland and Elfie, 1944-1949 (bond of support) 20 246
Bur Trust, 1948-1954 71, 72 538
Bur Wholesale, 1961-1969 20 6053
Bur Wholesale Company, 1963-1965 75 6375
Bur, A.G., 1949-1950 (lease provisions) 76 1144
Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 1949-1951 42 2269
Bushman Rentals, Inc., 1964-1965 (ICC violations) 76 5702
Bushman, E.F., 1951 20 2433
Bushman, V.M. and Ahnapee and Western Railroad, 1946-1951 (railroad purchase) 75 922
Business Men's Insurance Company, 1947-1948 20 926
Buss, Robert H., 1969-1971 20 8277
Calwis Company, 1945-1953 (organization of company) 75 680
Calwis Company, 1953-1956 75 3553
Calwis Company, 1968 75, 72 5584
Calwis Company, 1969 72 7320
Campbell (S.J.) Trust, 1950-1961 71 2973
Campbell Development Company, 1968-1969 52 7321
Campbell Realty Corporation, 1955 51 3184
Campbell, Hazel (Mrs. S.J.), 1968-1970 51 8195
Campbell, S.J., 1966-1970 71 7641
Canney Ford, Inc., 1967 74 6378
Capital City Culvert Corporation, 1964 74 5601
Carstensen (Robert A.) Estate, 1965-1970 70, 73 6970
Carstensen, Robert A., 1965-1966 (tax assessment) 60, 75, 76 7645
Carter, Evelyn Ruth, 1959-1962 30 5058
Cegelski, Mrs. Joseph, Jr., 1944-1946 30 399
Celina Mutual Casualty Company, 1938-1939 10 6979
Centennial Insurance Company, 1967-1969 41 7225
Central Greyhound Lines, 1962-1966 41 6055
Central National Insurance Group of Omaha, 1967-1970 10 7374
Central Surety and Insurance Corporation, 1945-1948 10 494
Central Surety and Insurance Corporation, 1949-1951 10 2223
Central Surety and Insurance Corporation, 1953-1954 41 2908
Century Indemnity Company, 1947-1948 10 993
Century Indemnity Company, 1951-1953 10 2794
Century Indemnity Company, 1953 10 2850
Century Indemnity Company, 1953-1954 10 2970
Century Indemnity Company, 1954-1955 41 3224
Century Indemnity Company, 1953-1955 41 3322
Century Indemnity Company, 1956-1957 10 3780
Chandler, Mrs. John, 1945 30 175
Chandler, Ruth W., 1958 30 3230
Chaney-Sullivan Company, 1946 72 196
Chaney-Sullivan Company, 1948-1951 (lease and evictions) 76 2026
Charmin Paper Mills, 1955 (release of photos) 77 3453
Charmin Paper Mills, 1955 (OPA ceiling prices) 77 3456
Charmin Paper Mills, 1955 (easements) 53 3460
Charmin Paper Mills, 1968 (compliance with DNR pollution orders) 76 6685
Charmin Paper Products, 1971 77 8688
Charmin Paper Products Company, 1966-1970 75 8041
Chase Fish Company, 1934-1942 20, 50 7534
Cherryland Transport, 1949 20 1861
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1952-1954 41 2758
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1963-1965 10 5603
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1963-1965 41 5710
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1958-1965 42 5711
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1963-1965 41 5712
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1962-1965 10 5714
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1964-1966 41 5750
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1962-1966 10 5946
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1964-1968 10 6769
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1962-1967 10 6967
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1966-1968 10 6968
Chicago and Northwestern Railroad Company, 1967-1970 10 7336
Chicago, Milwaukee and Pacific Railroad, 1932-1934 42 5761
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, 1947 20 1194
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad, 1948-1949 10 1240
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, 1945-1948 42 1246
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, 1935-1936 (zoning) 53 5810
Christopherson, Victoria, 1967-1968 71 6770
Chrysler Corporation, 1966-1967 (zoning) 76 6381
Cicero Mutual Fire Insurance Company, 1956-1957 42 3902
Cities Service Oil Company, 1966 (unemployment compensation) 76 7331
Citizens Fund Mutual Fire, Inc., 1932-1933 10 5758
Clarkieu Insurance Agency, 1956-1958 (bankruptcy) 20 3905
Cleaners and Dyers' Association, 1947-1949 74 481
Clearsite Labs, Inc., 1950-1951 20 2749
Cleereman Machine Tool Company, 1945-1947 74 608
Cleereman Machine Tool Company, 1948-1949 74 1975
Cleereman Machine Tool Company, 1952-1954 74 3336
Cleereman Machine Tool Company, 1955 74 3479
Cleereman Machine Tool Company, 1966-1967 74 6384
Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company, 1948-1949 50 1925
Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company, 1954-1955 20 3366
Cobb (Frederick L.) Estate, 1965-1969 70 7207
Coco Cola Bottling Company, 1947-1948 52 2493
Cohen's Department Store, 1953 (lease) 72 3631
Cohodas Brothers Company, 1951-1953 74 3337
Collar, Donald, 1950 30 2345
Columbia Casualty Company, 1948-1950 20 2021
Comee (Mabel) Estate, 1945-1946 (income tax returns) 70 465
Congoleum Nairn, 1965-1967 20 6128
Connecticut Indemnity Company, 1952-1956 10 3109
Continental Casualty Company, 1943-1946 78, 41 201
Continental Casualty Company, 1946-1947 41 573
Continental Casualty Company, 1945-1946 10 579
Continental Casualty Company, 1946-1953 78 585AB
Continental Casualty Company, 1945-1948 10 611
Continental Casualty Company, 1947-1949 41 626
Continental Casualty Company, 1942-1948 78 837
Continental Casualty Company, 1947-1948 78 839
Continental Casualty Company, 1946-1948 10 1175
Continental Casualty Company, 1947-1948 10 1176
Continental Casualty Company, 1947-1950 10 2039
Continental Casualty Company, 1955-1957 10 3796
Continental Casualty Company, 1961-1964 42 5535
Continental Casualty Company, 1957-1964 41 5605
Continental Casualty Company, 1962-1965 41 5721
Continental Casualty Company, 1963-1965 41 5724
Continental Casualty Company, 1964-1965 10 5726
Continental Casualty Company, 1935-1938 78 5730
Continental Casualty Company, 1935-1936 10 5744
Continental Casualty Company, 1964-1966 10 6130
Continental Casualty Company, 1961-1966 10 6131
Continental Casualty Company, 1964-1967 41 6553
Continental Casualty Company, 1963-1967 78 6672
Continental Casualty Company, 1965-1968 41 6772
Continental Casualty Company, 1963-1968 10 6773
Continental Casualty Company, 1967-1970 10 7294
Continental Casualty Company, 1964-1970 42 7326
Continental Casualty Company, 1968-1969 41 7328
Continental Casualty Company, 1966-1970 78 7330
Continental Casualty Company, 1963-1969 (plus insurance reinstatement) 41 7342
Continental Casualty Company, 1964-1971 10 8317
Continental Casualty Company, 1967-1975 78 8531
Continental Casualty Company, 1970-1971 42 8671
Continental Casualty Company, 1967-1971 41 8699
Continental Casualty Company and Miller-Rasmussen, 1948 78 838
Continental Casualty Insurance, 1955-1956 10 3364
Continental Casualty Insurance Company, 1965-1968 10 6987
Continental Insurance Company, 1964-1969 78 7327
Continental National Group, 1960-1964 78 5608
Continental National Group, 1961-1964 78 5727
Continental National Group, 1963-1967 41 6132
Continental National Group, 1963-1966 78 6226
Continental National Group, 1962-1968 10 6888
Continental National Insurance Group, 1963-1966 78 6133
Conway, J.M., 1948-1951 73 2266
Conway, J.M. and Jeannette, 1947-1950 (will, pre-nuptial agreement) 72 1833
Cook, I.L. and Medical Protective Company, 1934-1935 (malpractice) 41 5684
Cowles (Robert L.) Estate, 1962-1964 (estate and income tax returns) 70 6360
Cowles, Dr. and Mrs., 1952 (income tax returns) 73 3256
Cowles, Dr. and Mrs. Robert, 1953-1956 (gifts and taxes) 77 3762
Cowles, Emily Murphy, 1940-1941 52 746
Cowles, Robert L., 1960-1964 20 6360
Crapeau, Judith Lee, 1970-1971 30 7346
Creviere, J.A./Journal-Democrat, 1947 75 1265
Daman (Maria) Estate, 1962-1966 (income tax returns) 70 5731
Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard E., 1950-1956 73 3753
De Cristoforo, Delio, 1952-1953 52, 42 3634
De Pere Realty Company, 1953 50 2980
De Pere, Town of, 1947 (zoning) 53 1154
De Starke, Gary, 1963-1965 10 5735
De Starke, Gary, 1967 20 6686
DeLaval Separator Company, 1964-1967 60 6387
Denis Estate, 1928-1942 70 112
Denis Family Trust, 1924-1942 (income and federal estate tax returns) 70, 73, 71 Miscellaneous
Denis Family Trust, 1938-1946 20, 71 84
Denis Family Trust, 1944-1950 71 2198
Denis Family Trust, 1941-1947 71 2215
Denis Family Trust, 1947-1952 50 2933
Denis Farms, 1950-1961 71 5733
Denoyers (Harry) Estate, 1965-1969 (inheritance and income tax returns) 70, 73 6556
Denys Clinic, 1954-1956 72 3241
Denys, Dr. Glen F., 1949-1950 (will) 72 1834
Derks, L.J., 1940-1941 20 103
Derouin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E., 1945-1947 51 402
Dessel, Don, 1953 41 3260
Diana Manufacturing Company, 1943-1944 74 413
Diana Manufacturing Company, 1946-1950 52 2027
Diana Manufacturing Company, 1966 74 6603
Diana Manufacturing Company, 1966 (indemnity agreement regarding railroad sidetracks) 76 6688
Diana Manufacturing Company, 1968-1971 74 7360
Diana Manufacturing Company, 1971 74 8493
Diana Paper Company, 1965-1966 74 5737
Diana Paper Company, 1966-1967 74 6557
Diener, John V., 1935 (regarding mayor's salary) 77 5771
Dodson (Bruce) and Company, 1952-1953 10 2849
Dodson (Bruce) and Company, 1952-1953 10 2876
Dodson (Bruce) and Company, 1953 10 2882
Dodson (Bruce) and Company, 1952-1954 10 2983
Dodson (Bruce) and Company, 1953-1955 10 3354
Dodson (Bruce) and Company, 1955-1956 10 3608
Dodson (Bruce) and Company, 1955-1957 10 3685
Dodson (Bruce) Insurance Company, 1947-1950 10 2146
Donovan (Oliver S.) Estate, 1955-1963 70 3237
Dorchester and Employees Mutual Indemnity Company, 1935-1936 10 5816
Dorn Realty, Inc., 1970-1971 50 8154
Duck Creek Brick Company, 1951-1954 60, 42 3589
Duel, Morvin vs. Lusha, James H.-Counsel, 1944-1946 20 462
Duncan Manufacturing Company, 1938-1948 20, 21 107
Dytkowski, Ignatz, 1948-1949 52 1234
E.J. Electric Marine, Inc., 1950-1953 20 2797
Eastman Supply Company, 1947-1948 60 1132
Ecoute, Earl and Belle, 1948 21 1301
Edco Products, Inc., 1951-1952 20 2535
Egan, Charles, 1967 74 6559
Eger, Madge, 1953-1955 10 3324
Ellis, Howard, 1964-1966 72 6065
Elm (Charles H.) Estate, 1961-1970 (income tax returns) 70 7655
Employers Liability Amer., 1944-1946 10 165
Employers Mutual, 1953-1957 10 3686
Employers Mutual Casualty Company, 1949 10 1818
Employers Mutual Casualty Company, 1950-1957 10 3811
Employers Mutual Liability Company, 1949-1951 42 2429
Employers Mutuals of Wausau, 1954-1957 42 3778
Ensign-Bickford Company, 1940 20 7618
Evangeline Milk Company, 1945-1946 72, 75 146
Evans and Race, 1954 (tax apportionment) 73 3262
Evans, Race and Campbell, 1946-1947 (termination of partnership) 72 696
Factory Insurance Company of North America, 1950 10 2110
Fairfield, Dr. and St. Vincent Hospital, 1935-1936 20 5736
Falkender, Clyde, 1949-1953 (occupational drivers license) 76 2497
Farm Bureau Insurance Company, 1964-1966 10 6067
Farm Bureau Mutual, 1965-1968 10 6895
Farm Bureau Mutual Auto Insurance, 1948 10 971
Farmers Exchange Bank, 1936-1947 71 595
Federal Life and Casualty Company, 1967-1968 20, 10 6896
Fehr, Mrs. Samuel, 1946 (estate/will contest) 70 603
Ferson, M.A., 1949 20 1927
Fertilizer Construction Company, 1967-1970 72, 21 7547
Fertilizer Engineering and Equipment Company, 1965-1966 21 5743
Fertilizer Engineering and Equipment Company, 1967 72 6390
Fertilizer Engineering and Equipment Company, 1969 60 7185
Fidelity and Deposit Company, 1938-1950 20 2326
Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, 1953-1956 65 3598
Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company, 1945-1947 10 541
Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company, 1945-1949 41 1800
Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company, 1950-1951 10 2357
Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company, 1954-1955 10 3243
Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company, 1964-1966 10 5749
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1949-1950 10 2107
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1950-1953 10 2858
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1954-1955 10 3207
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1963-1965 10 5745
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1965 10 5747
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1964-1965 20, 21 5748
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1962-1965 41 5752
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1966-1967 41 6566
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1967-1968 10 7003
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1962-1969 41 7004
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1964-1967 10 7005
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1965-1969 42 7202
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1966-1969 10 7542
Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, 1967-1970 10 8374
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, 1944-1946 41 299
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, 1967-1969 41 7186
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, 1970 42 8194
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, 1970-1971 10, 42 8673
First Wisconsin National Bank, 1955 50 3316
First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee, 1956-1963 50 6329
Fluor Brothers Construction Company, 1960-1964 41, 42 6567
Foeller, Inc., 1968-1969 75 7381
Folkedahl v. Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1947-1948 78 872
Ford Hopkins Company, 1945-1946 (OPA matter) 76 1128
Ford Motor Company, 1967-1968 52 7549
Forkin, Margaret Tayloe, 1957-1958 30 3845
Fort Howard Cemetery Association, 1954-1957 42 3599
Fort Howard Corporation, 1953-1957 (retention of name of corporation) 76 3839
Fowler Employment Agency, 1947-1948 75 3278
Fox (Peter) Brewing Company, 1952-1953 20, 65 2843
Fox, Melitta K. (Jens), 1947-1950 30 1145
Fox, Mrs. Yopie Van Roy and Drea Van Roy, 1952-1954 (recovery of inheritance from Holland) 76 3025
Franklin Life Insurance Company, 1945-1946 20 242
Frawley, Tom, 1969-1971 41 8280
Freeman Paper Company, 1952-1954 74 3178
Freeman Paper Company, 1954-1956 65, 20 3815
Freeman Paper Company, 1964-1965 (refinancing) 75 5751
Frozen Foods, 1943-1944 20 369
Fuller, Harold, 1950 52 2150
Gabriel Woodcraft Company, 1947-1948 20 1293
Gage, Ward, 1947-1949 30 1294
Gagnon Clay Products, 1962-1965 21 7385
Gallagher, James, 1951 42 2442
Garvey, Joseph N., 1947-1948 70 1365
General Casualty Company, 1946-1948 10 645
General Casualty Company, 1947-1948 10 845
General Casualty Company, 1954-1955 42 3173
General Casualty Company, 1964-1966 10 6069
General Casualty Company, 1965-1966 10 6174
General Casualty Company, 1964-1966 10 6175
General Casualty Company, 1965-1966 10 6331
General Casualty Company, 1965-1967 10 6567
General Casualty Company, 1966-1968 10 6901
General Casualty Company, 1939-1940 10 7586
General Casualty Company, 1939-1941 10 7593
General Casualty Company, 1969-1970 10 7773
General Casualty Company, 1969-1970 42 7774
General Casualty Company, 1969-1970 10 7776
General Casualty Company, 1970-1971 10 8141
General Casualty Company, 1964-1968 10, 78 8543
General Casualty Company and F. Kaltenbach, 1935-1936 10 5888
General Casualty Company of America, 1944-1946 10 248
General Casualty Company of America, 1946-1947 41 1166
General Casualty Company of America, 1944-1949 10 1171
General Casualty Company of America, 1946-1949 10 1822
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1948 10 972
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1947-1948 41 1045
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1947-1949 10 1823
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1948-1950 10 1906
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1949-1950 10 1907
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1949-1950 10 2105
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1948-1951 10 2323
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1950-1951 10 2325
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1949-1951 10 2377
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1951-1954 10 2918
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1953-1955 10 3213
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1955-1957 10 3849
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1964-1965 10 5626
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1935-1936 10 5710
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1964-1965 10 5756
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1967-1968 10 6697
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1967-1970 78 7242
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1967-1970 10 8096
General Casualty Company of Wisconsin, 1969-1971 10 8634
General Fire and Casualty Company, 1968-1970 41 7386
General Mortgage and Securities Company, 1932-1937 75 124
General Mortgage and Securities Company, 1938 52 5887
Gevaert (Peter) Estate, 1943-1954 70, 72 3446
Gibson (Lena) Estate, 1948-1949 (income tax returns) 70 2044
Gibson, Robert R. and Verna, 1948-1949 (partition and land sale) 53 1981
Gigler, Agnes and Robert, 1935-1946 10, 20 359
Gilbert Paper Company, 1964-1967 78 6568
Gilson, William, Jr., 1950-1952 50 2462
Glens Falls Indemnity Company, 1949-1950 10 2104
Globe Indemnity Company, 1935-1936 78 5786
Goldman Orchards, 1948 21 2227
Goldman, Sam, 1947-1949 52 1830
Gosin, Burdon, Rose Partnership, 1949-1950 72 2048
Gotfredson, Lawrence, 1945-1946 70 648
Government Employees Insurance Company, 1951-1952 10 2537
Government Employees Insurance Company, 1954-1957 10 3816
Government Employees Insurance Company, 1963-1967 10 6392
Government Employees Insurance Company, 1964-1968 10 6698
Government Employees Insurance Company, 1969-1971 10 8206
Grabados Nacionales, C.A., 1950-1952 21 2360
Grace Manor Company, 1967-1968 52 7016
Graf Creamery Company, 1967 74 6391
Graff, Paul, 1947-1948 21, 20 1159
Grand Union Tea Company, 1951-1953 20 2621
Grandle, Raymond, 1963-1964 52, 60 5760
Graybar Electric Company, 1971 (construction lien law) 77 8252
Great Northern Insurance Company, 1964-1969 41 7204
Great Northern Insurance Company, 1963-1965 41 7769
Green (H.L.) Inc., 1940-1941 50, 75 Miscellaneous
Green Bay and Mississippi Canal Company, 1970 72 8539
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1944-1946 (ICC hearings/reroutes) 76 185
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1945 75 325
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1943-1946 (Public Service Committee motor carrier permit) 76 673
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1943-1944 (Public Service Committee hearings) 76 731
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1948 (regarding warranty deed) 77 866
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1948 10 885
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1948-1949 20 985
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1946-1948 42 1157
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1948 10 1247
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1947-1949 41 1787
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1949-1950 42 2073
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1950 72 2244
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1952-1954 41 2781
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1953-1954 (curb and gutter assessment) 53 2857
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1955 60 3325
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1953-1955 79 3351
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1952-1955 41 3371
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1953 (bank loan) 76 5778
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1948-1964 75 5779
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1952-1957 42 5782
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1960-1965 10 5784
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1934-1936 42 5790
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1966 72 6074
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1963-1967 10 6403
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1966 77 6407
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1970 (regarding Elkins Act in Interstate Committee) 77 7743
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1967-1969 75 8474
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company, 1971-1972 72 8489
Green Bay Awning and Tent Company, 1945-1946 (National Wage Stabilization Board) 76 498
Green Bay Box Company, 1945 (OPA matter) 77 324
Green Bay Box Company, 1947 74 618
Green Bay Box Company, 1947 72 628
Green Bay Building and Loan Association, 1933-1941 75 123
Green Bay Canning Corporation, 1952 (Wage Stabilization Board) 76 2547
Green Bay Community Chest, 1944 77 351
Green Bay Dental Laboratories, 1951-1953 74 3194
Green Bay Dental Laboratories, 1964-1967 74 6393
Green Bay Drop Forge, 1944-1945 74 328
Green Bay Drop Forge, 1942-1953 75 1250
Green Bay Drop Forge, 1948-1949 74 1806
Green Bay Drop Forge, 1950-1951 74 2579
Green Bay Drop Forge, 1950-1952 74 2647
Green Bay Drop Forge, 1951-1959 20 3069
Green Bay Drop Forge, 1938-1942 (license agreement and manufacturing contract; patents) 76 6982
Green Bay Drop Forge, 1970 74 7711
Green Bay Drop Forge, 1969 74 7714
Green Bay Food Company, 1944-1945 (National War Labor Board) 74 349
Green Bay Food Company, 1944-1945 (National War Labor Board) 74 354
Green Bay Food Company, 1948 (License matter) 76 942
Green Bay Food Company, 1947-1948 42 1253
Green Bay Food Company, 1948-1949 42 1255
Green Bay Food Company, 1951-1952 (Wage Stablization Board) 76 2900
Green Bay Food Company, 1951-1954 74, 75 3305
Green Bay Food Company, 1950-1955 52 3329
Green Bay Food Company, 1954-1956 74 3580
Green Bay Food Company, 1963-1964 (defense, fair labor standard) 76 5534
Green Bay Food Company, 1966-1967 20 6397
Green Bay Food Company, 1966-1967 20 6398
Green Bay Food Company, 1968 72 6702
Green Bay Food Company, 1967-1968 20 6704
Green Bay Food Company, 1967-1968 74 7788
Green Bay Food Company, 1968-1970 21 8140
Green Bay Foundry and Machine Company, 1954 74 3113
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1950-1951 (discharge of employee) 20 2515
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1954-1955 (breach of contract) 76 3293
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1952-1955 75, 72 3376
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1950-1955 (lease) 72 3380
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1952-1953 (broadcasting file) 72 3413
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1965 72 7687
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1962 72 7689
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1967 72 8468
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1969-1971 73 8653
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1963-1968 (Filed with 7966) 75 7727
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1967 (Filed with 7966) 75 7734
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1954-1956 (Filed with 7966) 75 3650
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1958-1963 75 7966-8006
Green Bay Packers, Inc., 1952-1960 75 8007-23
Green Bay Paper and Pulp, 1948-1950 20 2055
Green Bay Paper and Pulp Company, 1948-1950 52, 75, 50 2145
Green Bay Pickle Company, 1968-1971 42 8111
Green Bay Planing Mill, 1945 (wage adjustments) 75 210
Green Bay Planing Mill, 1944-1945 (Treasury Dept., salary stabilization unit) 74 353
Green Bay Plastics, Inc., 1964-1966 74 5772
Green Bay Plastics, Inc., 1967-1968 74 6709
Green Bay Press Gazette, 1965 74 5773
Green Bay Press Gazette, 1967-1968 74 6974
Green Bay Press Gazette, 1970 74 8139
Green Bay Press-Gazette, 1965-1967 74 6401
Green Bay Press-Gazette, 1967-1968 74 6775
Green Bay Savings and Loan, 1947 50 3746
Green Bay Soft Water Service, 1947-1953 75 620
Green Bay Steel Tube Corporation, 1968 74 7756
Green Bay X-Ray Service, Inc., 1970 21 7391
Green Bay X-Ray Service, Inc., 1969-1975 21 8604
Greiling, Louis A., 1947-1948 30 1185
Greyhound Bus Lines, 1950-1953 10 2659
Griewski, F.G., 1941-1944 20, 74 382
Griffin-Toohey Foods, Inc., 1964-1965 75, 52 6307
Gross, C.A., 1936-1952 70, 52 5791
Grundwag, Harry, 1931-1940 20 7647
H & T, Inc., 1963-1964 20 5636
H & T, Inc., 1963-1965 20 5938
H & T, Inc., 1963-1970 75 7796
Hagemeister Realty Company, 1960 52 Miscellaneous
Hagemeister Realty Company, 1954 72 3066
Hagemeister Realty Company, 1946-1958 72 3067
Haigh, Margaret, 1941-1949 52, 70 1040
Haigh, Mrs. John, 1939-1947 71, 52 591
Hall Enterprises, 1964-1966 (breach of contract) 20 6242
Hamachek (Frank) Machine Company, 1954-1955 73 3290
Hamachek (Frank) Machine Company, 1968 75 6777
Hamachek (Frank) Machine Company, 1970 75 8106
Hamachek Machine Company, 1964-1965 74 6412
Hamachek Machine Company, 1967-1968 72 6724
Hamachek Machine Company, 1965-1968 75 7702
Hamachek, Ogden D., 1954-1957 30 3411
Hams, Chester, 1965-1969 53 7392
Hanover Insurance Company, 1962-1965 78 5793
Hansen, Omer A., 1957-1963 75 3490
Hanson (Roy E.) Estate, 1967-1968 20 7793
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1945-1947 10 555
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1944-1948 10 1019
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1947-1949 10 1031
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1947-1949 10 1033
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1946-1949 10 1034
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1947-1950 41 1741
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1948-1949 10 1745
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1946-1949 78, 41 1825
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1948-1954 10 1880
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1950 10 2018
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1950 10 2019
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1948-1950 10 2125
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1951-1952 10 2510
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1951-1952 10 2517
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1952 10 2638
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1951-1953 10 2694
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1952-1953 10 2701
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1953-1954 42 2864
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1953-1954 10 3014
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1952-1954 41 3141
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1952-1956 10 3529
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1956-1957 10 3693
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1955-1957 42 3783
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1935 10 5704
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1935 10 5724
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1940 10 7596
Hardware Mutual Casualty Company, 1940-1941 10 7638
Hardware Mutual Insurance Company, 1950-1951 42 2181
Hardware Mutual Insurance Company, 1950-1951 10 2352
Hardware Mutual Insurance Company, 1956-1957 10 3779
Hardware Mutual Insurance Company, 1934-1936 10 5877
Hardware Mutuals, 1949 10 1089
Hardware Mutuals, 1950-1951 10 2404
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1943-1947 10 433
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1945-1947 10 442
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1947 41 536
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1947-1949 10 1056
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1948-1949 10 1061
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1948-1949 10 1826
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1949-1950 10 2116
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1950 20 2117
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1947-1950 41 2122
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1950-1951 78 2170
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1951 41 2439
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1951-1953 10 2574
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1952-1953 10 2816
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1950-1954 10 3127
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1953-1955 41 3369
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1954-1956 10 3416
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1953-1956 20, 70 3424
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1955-1957 42 3784
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1954-1957 41 3865
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1962-1964 20, 21 5567
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1963-1965 10 5794
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1964-1965 41 5797
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1962-1965 42 5803
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1964-1966 41 6183
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1966 10 6185
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1964-1967 21 6413
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1963-1967 10 6414
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1967 41 6415
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1965-1967 10 6584
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1963-1967 42 6585
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1964-1968 41 6713
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1963-1967 78 6714
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1964-1967 41 6812
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1966-1969 10 6903
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1965-1968 10 6904
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1967-1968 10 6905
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1963-1965 10 7031
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1965-1969 10 7224
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1939-1940 10 7546
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1966-1969 78 7563
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1967-1969 10 7567
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1940-1941 41 7569
Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1940-1942 10 7594
Hartford Accident and Insurance Company, 1950-1951 41 2358
Hartford Accident and Insurance Company, 1949-1953 20 2671
Hartford Accident and Insurance Company, 1965 41 5817
Hartford Accident and Insurance Company, 1964-1965 41 5818
Hartford Fire Insurance Group, 1970-1971 41 8718
Hartford Insurance Company, 1962-1970 41 7910
Hartford Insurance Company, 1967-1971 10 8364
Hartford Insurance Company, 1969-1971 41 8365
Hartford Insurance Group, 1965-1966 78 6187
Hartford Insurance Group, 1966-1967 10 6234
Hartford Insurance Group, 1965-1967 41 6581
Hartford Insurance Group, 1967-1968 78 6712
Hartford Insurance Group, 1966-1968 10 6779
Hartford Insurance Group, 1968 41 6908
Hartford Insurance Group, 1969-1970 10 7550
Hartford Insurance Group, 1969 78 7552
Hartford Insurance Group, 1967-1969 10 7555
Hartford Insurance Group, 1965-1970 78 7560
Hartford Insurance Group, 1967-1969 10 7569
Hartford Insurance Group, 1967-1970 42 7705
Hartford Insurance Group, 1969-1970 42 7801
Hartford Insurance Group, 1965-1970 10 7908
Hartford Insurance Group, 1967-1970 41 7937
Hartford Insurance Group, 1969-1971 78 8156
Hartford Insurance Group, 1969-1971 41, 42 8231
Hartford Insurance Group, 1966-1971 41 8354
Hartford Insurance Group, 1969-1971 10 8355
Hartford Insurance Group, 1963-1971 10 8410
Hartford Insurance Group, 1967-1971 10 8492
Hartford Insurance Group, 1967-1971 10 8528
Hartford Insurance Group, 1970-1971 41 8544
Hawkeye Security Insurance Company, 1969-1970 41 7800
Hazer, William C., 1950-1952 10 2298
Hazer, William C., 1950 51 2614
Hendrie, V.E., 1951-1952 60 2734
Henry, L.J., 1939-1949 (embezzlement, legal fees) 80, 20 1749
Herbert, William, 1950-1952 65 3273
Hermsen, Simon, 1943 50 651
Hetzel, Renetta, 1963-1966 70 6725
Hey, Walter J., 1970-1971 52 8401
Hillcrest Lumber Company, Inc., 1969 74 7486
Hobart, Town of, 1953-1959 (zoning, et al.) 53 3068
Hobart, Town of, 1951 (filing nomination papers, easement, and annexation) 53 3070
Hobart, Town of/St. Joseph Congregation, 1951-1952 53, 42 2465
Hoberg Paper and Fibre Company, 1946-1947 (regarding Fair Labor Standards) 77 869
Hoberg Paper and Fibre Company, 1935-1939 74 7637
Hoberg Paper Company, 1950 (construction permit-Fox River) 53 2248
Hoberg Paper Company (Lake States Yeast Corporation), 1948 77 1260
Hoberg Paper Mill, 1945-1946 77 1004
Hoberg Paper Mill, Inc., 1947 (Clayton Anti-Trust) 77 2064
Hoberg Paper Mill, Inc., 1949-1951 (Hearings, Committee on Water Pollution and State Board of Health) 76 2065
Hoberg Paper Mill, Inc., 1936-1938 75 2068
Hoberg Paper Mills, 1936 (stock issue) 75 2159
Hoberg Paper Mills, 1947 (stock issue) 75 2160
Hoberg Paper Mills, 1943-1950 77 2162
Hoberg Paper Mills, 1947 75 2197
Hoberg Paper Mills, 1953-1954 (fulfilling of contract) 77 2929
Hoberg Paper Mills, 1939-1940 (regarding sales contract) 20 7571
Hoberg Paper Mills (Charmin), 1953 75 2953
Hoberg Paper Mills, Inc., 1937-1943 75 142
Hoberg Paper Mills, Inc., 1940 (easement) 53 143
Hoberg Paper Mills, Inc., 1935-1936 (bond issue) 75 799
Hoberg Paper Mills, Inc., 1948 72 2152
Hoberg Paper Mills, Inc., 1947-1952 75 2153
Hoberg Paper Mills, Inc., 1945-1951 20 2221
Holberg Paper and Fiber Company, 1945-1948 74 2063
Holland Furnace Company, 1955 20 3632
Hollway, Patrick, 1969-1971 (zoning) 53 8264
Holz, George H., 1966-1972 (Income tax returns) 70 7660
Home Insulation Company, 1951-1954 20 2488
Home Insulation of Green Bay, 1949-1954 20 3586
Hood (William and Clair) Estate, 1949-1950; 1963-1965 (estate and income tax returns) 70 5825
Houghton National Bank, 1952-1953 60, 65 5540
Houston, Lorraine, 1952-1968 30 2641
Hruska Corporation, 1964-1965 60 5826
Hudson Manufacturing, 1966-1968 52 6589
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1939-1946 60 771
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1939-1941 60 775
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1939-1940 60 777
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1939-1942 60 783
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1941 60 814
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1941 60 815
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1939-1941 60 818
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1936 60 821
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1943-1945 (agreement-machine design) 72 826
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1946-1947 (Fair Labor Standards) 77 870
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1947-1948 60 941
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1945 (infringement clause) 76 1077
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1935-1939 60 1084
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1943 72, 75 1160
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1946-1949 74 2069
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1950-1951 77 2240
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1953-1962 75 2776
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1950-1956 74 2998
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1954 52 3112
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1955-1956 (purchase of company and patents) 76 3511
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1954-1956 20 3549
Hudson Sharp Machine Company, 1954-1956 74 3601
Hudson Sharp Manufacturing Company, 1939-1941 60 730
Hudson Sharp Medicine Company, 1943-1945 75 742
Hurlbut (B.F.) Company, 1944-1945 50 1025
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1941-1945 50 148
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1944-1945 72 748
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1947-1949 74 2280
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1938-1946 75 2745
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1932-1934 (embezzlement) 50, 80 5814
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1962-1965 73 5904
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1965-1971 52, 75 6149
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1968-1969 72 7786
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1971 (reduction of assessment) 76 8475
Hurlbut (F.) Company, 1971 74 8664
Hurlbut Calcium and Chemical Company, 1944-1945 (incorporation) 75 778
Hurlbut Company, 1965-1966 78 5828
Hurlbut Trust, 1967-1969 (includes case 679) 72, 53 6590
Hurlbut, F., 1968 72 7029
Hutson (Don) Chevrolet, 1954-1955 21 3761
Hutter, John A., 1950 73 2700
Indemnity Insurance Company, 1948-1955 20 2214
Indemnity Insurance Company of North America, 1944-1948 (breach of contract) 21 656
Indemnity Insurance Company of North America, 1953 78 2848
Indian Trail, Inc., 1964-1966 (pooling/marketing cranberries) 76, 75 7815
Indianapolis Brewing Company, 1948-1950 20 1821
Indoor Advertising Corporation of Wisconsin, 1960-1961 75 7034
Insurance Company of North America, 1960-1967 10 5835
Insurance Company of North America, 1964-1966 10 6191
Insurance Company of North America, 1962-1968 42 6727
Insurance Company of North America, 1966-1967 41 6729
Insurance Company of North America, 1966 41 6913
Insurance Company of North America, 1965-1969 41 7818
Insurance Company of North America, 1965-1971 41 8388
International Harvester, 1968-1969 78 7814
International Housing Corporation, 1963-1966 20 5836
International Service Insurance, 1960-1964 10 5592
International Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1965-1966 60 6193
Interstate Assurance Company, 1956-1957 20 3706
Interstate Department Stores, 1967-1970 (release and compliance with Wisconsin Industrial Committee standards) 76 7813
Irmiger (Donald K.) Estate, 1953-1957 70 3425
Jacques (William) Estate, 1939-1947 70 75
Jadin, Paul, 1946-1949 20 1737
Janesville Citizens Loan and Investment Company, 1953-1955 78 3181
Janke, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, 1947 (dissolve partnership) 76 1285
Jerabek and Perry, 1963-1966 72, 75 5616
Jerabek, J.J., 1947 (authorization of Algoma to spend for Hospital and Airport) 77 705
Jirtle, F.G., 1940 52 7601
Joannes Bros. Company, 1943-1945 (wage adjustments) 75 219
Joannes Bros. Company, 1951 75 2273
Joannes Bros. Company, 1958 (lease agreement) 76 2543
Joannes Bros. Company, 1953 (lease) 72 2785
Joannes Bros. Company, 1954-1956 (lease; damages) 72, 42 2799
Joannes Bros. Company, 1955 60 3406
Joannes Bros.-Minahan, 1947-1948 (lease) 72 1988
Joannes, Harold, 1950-1951 30 2174
Joannes, Roy, 1949-1951 21 2303
Johns (Joshua) Estate, 1947-1956 70 1807
Johns (Joshua) Estate, 1951-1952 70, 73 1807
Johns (Joshua) Trust, 1968-1972 71 7817
Johnson (Arnold) Estate, 1954-1960 70 3408
Johnson, Dan, 1946-1949 (income tax returns) 75 1313
Johnson, Mrs. Dewey, 1964-1965 30 6195
Johnston, Daniel, 1952 20 2936
Jonas, E.A. and Farmers Exchange Bank, 1935-1936 20 5739
Jonet, Harriet, 1968 50 7191
Kabot (Frank) Estate, 1969-1972 70 8597
Kalb (Louis) Estate, 1940 70 7600
Kane, Mrs. Frances, 1946-1949 30 1201
Karel, Mrs. John R., 1946 30 392
Keating Mortgage, 1937-1946 50 969
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1933-1938 20, 65 74
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1926-1937 75 75
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1933-1935 20 78
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1934-1948 50, 70 79
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1934-1940 52, 50, 70 80
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1941 70, 52 180
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1942-1945 (war production loan) 75, 76 770
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1949-1951 50 2216
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1954 (stock dividend/tax impact) 77 3169
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1956-1957 (SBA loan) 72 3888
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1934-1935 (R.F.C. matter) 76 5686
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1934-1936 50 5741
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1967 71 6605
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1967-1971 71 6734
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank, 1937-1940 20 7577
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank (Johns, Pat), 1962, 1968 71 7820
Kellogg-Citizens National Bank/GB and Western Railroad, 1939-1960 60 2071
Kelly, Neil, 1945-1946 52, 72 207
Kelsey, Martin C., 1969 (will) 72 7192
Kennedy Paint Company, 1952-1954 65 2582
Kewaunee Engineering Company, 1949-1951 73 2627
Kewaunee, City of, 1949-1950 (detachment proceedings) 53 1887
Kewaunee, G.B. and Winona Transport Company, 1948-1949 75 1763
Kewaunee, Green Bay and Western Railroad, 1944-1947 10 658
Kewaunee, Green Bay and Western Railroad, 1948-1950 (easement) 53 1990
Kewaunee, Green Bay and Western Railroad, 1951 72 2526
Kewaunee, Green Bay and Western Railroad, 1954-1957 10 3697
Kewaunee, Green Bay and Western Railroad, 1931-1933 41 5722
Kewaunee, Green Bay and Western Railroad, 1967-1968 (license) 72 6739
Kewaunee, Green Bay and Western Railroad, 1970 75 8378
Kiefer, Ray et al., 1957 52 3893
Kimberly-Clark Corporation, 1953 20 2825
King (William S.) Estate, 1940-1943 (income and estate tax returns) 73 609
King-Lutsen Mink Ranch, 1947 75 530
Kissel, Margaret B., 1967 72 6606
Klimek, Henry, 1939-1940 20, 10 7573
Knaus, Edward, 1941-1943 20 529
Koch, Theresa, 1946-1947 (joint tenancy) 73 1785
Kohl, Edward, 1962-1964 53, 52 5643
Kohl, Edward F., 1954-1955 75 3500
Kohls, Inc., 1949-1951 (lease and incorporation, labor) 74, 75, 72 3088
Konrad (Dora) Estate, 1969-1971 (will contest) 70 8042
Kool Kitchen Gas Company, 1955-1956 (right of way) 53 3410
Kos Lumber Company, 1965 74 5847
Kos Lumber Company, 1967 74 6426
Kos Lumber Company, 1970 74 7883
Kosmoski (Cash and Carry Lumber), 1951-1952 50 3590
Kosmoski, A., 1948-1953 73 3574
Krahn, G.W., 1931-1938 20 5764
Krambo Food Stores, 1954-1955 53 3281
Kreuser, Kenneth J., 1969-1970 60 7406
Krieger, Janice, 1947-1949 10 1842
Kroehler Manufacturing Company, 1967-1968 20 7050
Krueger Metal Products, 1963-1964 74 5583
Krueger Metal Products, 1965 75 5852
Krueger Metal Products, 1965 75, 20 5856
Krueger Metal Products, 1965 (equal pay) 76 5858
Krueger Metal Products, 1966 77 6202
Krueger Metal Products, 1967 77 6781
Krueger Metal Products, 1966 75 7053
Krueger Metal Products, 1969-1974 75 7850
Krueger Metal Products, 1966-1968 75 7861
Krueger Metal Products, 1970-1971 75 7865
Krueger Metal Products, 1968-1970 75 8454
Krueger Metal Products, 1971-1977 65, 20 8455
Krueger Metal Products, 1972 77 8456
Krueger Metal Products, 1971 74 8460
Krueger Metal Products, 1971 (product liability suits) 77 8658
Kurz and Root Company, 1966-1967 74 6432
Kurz and Root Company, 1969-1970 74 7853
Kurz and Root Company, 1970 74 8125
Kuskowski, Jerome J., 1970-1971 21 8159
Kuskowski, Jerome J., 1970-1971 21 8160
LaForce Builders Hardware, Inc., 1964-1967 74 7624
LaLuzerne, et al., 1944-1946 20 397
LaPlant, William and Josephine, 1968-1970 10 7625
Lac Seul Lumber Company, 1949 20 1889
Laehn Coal and Wood Company, 1935 (amend contract motor carrier license) 76 5692
Lake States Yeast Corporation, 1946-1947 75 495
Lancaster Chevrolet-Olds, 1965-1966 (incorporation) 76 5861
Lancelle, William, 1967-1968 42 7057
Langenfeld/McMahon Furniture, 1954 (lease building) 72 3080
Larsen Company, 1945 51 801
Larsen Company, 1953-1954 52 2778
Larsen Company, 1948-1951 74 3359
Larsen Company, 1965 (equal pay) 76 5862
Larson (Charles Summer) Estate, 1950-1954 70 3561
Larson (Donald F., Sr.) Estate, 1951-1954 70 3559
Larson (Milton W.) Estate, 1946-1955 70 3560
Larson, Everett, 1950-1951 20 2531
Lassin, Arthur, 1946-1949 70, 30 2226
Law Union and Rock Insurance Company, 1951-1952 42 2395
Laws, George, 1968-1971 20 8279
Lawton (C.A.) Company, 1947 74 512
Lawton Trust, 1936-1940 71 7574
Lawton, E.W., 1944 (will) 72 177
Lawton, Guardianship of B., C. and R., 1954-1955 71 3387
Leath and Company, 1946-1947 72 3220
Leath and Company, 1952-1955 72 3348
Leicht Material Handling Company, 1946 75 186
Leicht Material Handling Company, 1965-1966 71 6213
Leicht Material Handling Company, 1968 72 6752
Leicht Material Handling Company, 1970 74 7636
Leicht Material Handling Company, 1969 74 7638
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1943 60, 75 156
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1941-1942 20 810
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1947-1948 20 1219
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1947-1949 50, 77 1752
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1942-1950 20 1946
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1954 74 3344
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1948-1955 74 3467
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1955-1958 74 3477
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1949-1956 77 3478
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1963-1964 72 5617
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1965 (trust agreement) 72 5875
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1964-1965 (pension trust/health insurance) 75 5876
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1964-1966 42 5905
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1966 74 6083
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1967 74 6438
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1966 74 6442
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1967 (easement) 53 6619
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1967 (easement) 53 6620
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1968-1969 74 8184
Leicht Transfer and Storage Company, 1970-1971 41 8335
Leicht, Eugene, 1967 (will, income tax returns) 72 8185
Lenfesty (J.P.) Estate, 1947-1952 (Income tax returns) 70 2902
Ley, Richard J., and R.J. Vollmer, 1952-1954 70 2854
Liability Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1970 (product liability) 78, 41 7824
Libal, Howard, 1964 (zoning) 53 5618
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1950-1952 10 2512
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1951-1952 78 2598
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1951-1952 10 2680
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1953-1954 78 2789
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1953-1954 10 3033
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1953-1954 78 3081
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1951-1954 78 3089
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1952-1955 42 3134
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1953-1957 78 3212
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1952-1955 78 3231
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1956 78 3597
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1955-1957 10 3728
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1955-1957 78 3788
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1961-1964 41 5508
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1963-1965 10 6214
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1962-1964 10 6450
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1963-1964 78 6451
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1961-1964 41 6457
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1962-1964 78 6458
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1961-1966 21 6460
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1962-1965 78 6461
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1963-1967 78 6462
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1967 10 6784
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1967 78 6790
Liberty Mutual Insurance Co, 1964-1967 78 6794
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1968 78 6802
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1967 41 6808
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1962-1967 78 6809
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1965-1970 41 7599
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1967-1970 10 7604
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1967-1970 41 7826
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1967-1969 78 7828
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1967-1971 78 8213
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1969-1971 78 8217
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1967-1971 78 8222
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1971 78 8224
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1963-1971 78 8227
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1963-1971 78 8383
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1968-1973 (income tax returns) 41 8509
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1966 41 8635
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1964-1971 78 8636
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1968-1971 41 8679
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1971 78 8697
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, 1968-1971 10 8698
Liebman Packing Company, 1950 50 2202
Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, 1955 (change beneficiary on life insurance) 76 3199
Lloyds, 1947-1949 41 1036
Loberger, 1940-1950 20 371
Local Cartage, 1946-1947 (National Wage Stabilization Board) 76 526
Local Cartage, 1947-1948 74 938
Logan, Robert, 1971 20 8616
London and Lancashire, 1945-1949 78 850
London and Lancashire, 1947-1948 41 854
London and Lancashire, 1945-1950 10 1341
London and Lancashire, 1949-1951 10 2347
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1945-1946 41 199
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1945-1947 10 479
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1946-1947 10 514
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1943-1947 78 594
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1947-1948 10 975
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1946-1948 10 1055
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1946-1947 78 1362
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1948-1949 10 1736
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1946-1949 10 1788
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1948-1949 10 1849
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1949-1951 41 2012
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1948-1950 10 2133
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1947-1948 41 2135
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1949-1952 10 2474
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1950-1953 10 2802
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1953-1954 10 2971
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1954-1956 10 3523
London and Lancashire Indemnity Company, 1955-1957 41 3844
London Guarantee and Accident Company, 1934-1936 41 5723
London Guarantee and Accident Company, 1934-1936 10 5734
London Guarantee and Accident Company, 1934-1936 41 5821
London Guarantee and Accident Company, 1939-1940 10 7543
London Guarantee and Accident Company, 1940-1941 10 7642
Lov-It Creamery, 1954 20 3294
Lov-It Creamery, 1967 75 6625
Love, Lee F., 1959-1965 (income tax returns) 70 8306
Love, Margaret M., 1959-1963 71 8307
Lumber Dealers Supply, 1949 (lease matter; unlawful detainer) 53 2000
Luxemburg, Village of, 1951-1954 42 3110
Madigan Development Company, Inc., 1958-1965 21, 72 7889
Maes, Homer, 1943-1951 70, 71 2453
Maier, Arnold and Lester, 1950-1951 20, 21, 42 2184
Maki, John Bernard, 1967 65 6628
Mann (Mae Walsh) Estate, 1966-1969 70 6976
Marina Nicolet, Inc., 1959-1966 75, 20 5701
Marinette-Marine, 1965-1966 74 6084
Marquette Paper Corporation, 1948-1949 20 1799
Marshfield Clinic, 1954-1956 75 3575
Martin (Alvin F.) Estate, 1947-1950 70 1993
Martin (Alvin F.) Estate, 1949-1950 (income tax returns) 70 1994
Martin (Sylvia M.) Estate, 1941-1950 70 1995
Martin Orchards, Inc., 1945-1946 (price regulation) 75 225
Martin Orchards, Inc., 1944-1947 73 1775
Martin, Donald G., 1953-1956 71, 70 3555
Martinovich, Daniel, 1948-1950 78 2645
Marto, William, 1968 51 7193
Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company, 1951-1953 10 2674
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1951-1952 50 2763
Mautz Paint and Varnish Company, 1948-1959 42 2178
May, Vina, 1948-1953 20 2333
McCabe Estate, 1946 70 1035
McCarey, Dr. A.J. and Arlene, 1949-1954 73 3246
McCormick Coal Company, 1935-1936 75 5742
McGeehan (E.J. and Grover) Estate, 1933-1951 70 5806
McGinnis, Jerome C., 1948 (lease) 72 1279
McLoughlin, Mr. and Mrs. A.J., 1941-1942 50, 20 441
McMaster-Fahlstrom, 1961-1965 (easement/corporation income returns) 53, 75 7088
McPherson (Hortense J.) Estate, 1967-1971 (estate and income tax returns) 70 8416
McPherson, Hortense, 1945-1946 (easement rights) 53 1135
Medical Protective Company, 1945-1946 (malpractice) 41 167
Medical Protective Company, 1943-1948 (malpractice) 41 713
Medical Protective Company, 1949-1950 41 1779
Medical Protective Company, 1950-1951 41 2390
Medical Protective Company, 1934-1936 (malpractice) 41 5769
Medical Protective Company, 1968-1969 (malpractice) 41 7206
Medical Protective Company, 1940-1941 (malpractice and counter claim) 20 7620
Medical Protective Company, 1968-1969 (malpractice, defamation/also false arrest) 41 7892
Medical Protective Company, 1967-1970 (malpractice) 41 7911
Menominee Sugar Company, 1945-1949 74 1757
Menominee Sugar Company, 1950-1952 74 2596
Menominee Sugar Company, 1950-1954 74 3307
Menominee Sugar Company, 1962-1966 74 5889
Metal Service Company, 1966 74 6243
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1946-1948 20 710
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 1955-1956 20 3546
Meulemans, Paul P. et al., 1951-1952 41 2514
Michigan Millers Mutual Ice Company, 1966-1968 10 7901
Michigan Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1946-1947 10 511
Michigan Mutual Liability Insurance Company, 1962-1964 10 5554
Midland Equipment Company, 1950-1951 60 2284
Midwest Cold Storage, 1963 77 5895
Midwest Cold Storage, 1967 52 7077
Miller Brewing Company, 1949-1951 20 2317
Miller Furniture Company, 1943-1945 75 586
Miller Rasmussen Ice Company, 1942-1955 74 3605
Miller Rasmussen Ice Company, 1970 78 7909
Miller Rasmussen Ice/J.C. Miller Estate, 1949-1951 75, 70 3335
Miller, Dr. Leonard, 1963 (partnership) 72 6818
Miller, Myron, 1945-1947 75 1134
Miller/Fischer/Warren, 1944-1946 73 394
Minnesota, State of, 1961-1965 20 5898
Model Laundering and Cleaning, 1954 (merger) 76 3263
Moen, Adolph, 1943-1945 10 619
Mohr, Harold, 1965-1968 52 7081
Mollenhauer, Richard, 1936-1937 10 7554
Moore, Maurice and Verna, 1947-1954 (income tax returns) 73 3261
Morley Murphy Company, 1946-1950 20 2915
Morley Murphy Company, 1953 52, 75 3468
Morley-Murphy Company, 1931-1947 20 1103
Morley-Murphy Company, 1948 (release, SHSW) 53 1802
Mortensen Trust, 1967 71, 70 7089
Mortensen, Otto and Cora, 1956-1966 72, 71 7082
Multiple Copy Forms Company, 1945-1946 75 503
Multiple Copy Forms Company, 1947-1943 (protection of trade secrets) 75, 42 920
Multiple Copy Forms Company, 1949 72 1764
Multiple Copy Forms Company, 1951 75 2580
Multiple Copy Forms Company, 1950-1952 60 2584
Multiple Copy Forms Company, 1948 20 2589
Murphy (Donald) Trust, 1944-1953 71 2958
Murphy (E.N.) Estate, 1921-1927 (income tax returns) 73 Miscellaneous
Murphy (E.N.) Estate, 1936-1938 70, 20 Miscellaneous
Murphy (E.N.) Estate, 1937-1939 70 Miscellaneous
Murphy Ranch Company, 1949-1955 (reorganization) 73, 75 3270
Murphy Supply Company, 1963-1966 (reorganization) 75 5595
Murphy, Donald, 1952 71 3275
Murphy, Donald, 1953 71 3276
Murphy, Donald, 1962-1964 71 7247
Murphy, Donald M., 1944-1952 (income tax returns) 70, 73 3254
Murphy, Donald M., 1968-1970 41 7369
Mutual Service Casualty Company, 1955 10 3393
Mutual Service Casualty Company, 1959=64 10 6038
Mutual Service Insurance Company, 1965-1967 78 6633
Mutual Service Insurance Company, 1963-1968 10 7086
Nachreiner, Richard, 1965 72 6247
Nachreiner, Richard, 1965-1967 41 6634
Nadeau, Dr. E.G., 1954-1956 73 3741
National Casualty Company, 1935-1936 10 5757
National Central Life Insurance Company, 1963-1965 10 5907
National Guardian Life, 1963-1965 (cash surrender insurance policies) 20 5906
National Insurance Company, 1962-1969 10 7240
National Surety Company, 1950-1951 41 2371
National Union Indemnity Company, 1952-1954 10 2992
National Union Indemnity Company, 1953-1957 10 3773
National Union Insurance Company, 1954-1956 10 3407
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, 1966-1968 10 7241
Nau (George) Trust, 1939-1949 71 1954
Nau Properties, 1964 73 6248
Nau's, Inc., 1932-1943 75 1952
Nau's, Inc., 1955-1956 20 3540
Nelson Machinery Company, 1944-1945 (National War Labor Board) 76 260
Nelson, Judith Ann, 1963-1964 30 5539
Nelson, Mildred, 1929-1934 20 7615
Nelson, William A., 1950-1952 73 3264
Nelson, William A., 1951-1952 20 2883
Ness, Clyde, 1947-1948 (eviction proc.) 60 1068
Neufeld (Cecelia) Estate, 1948-1950 70 2471
Neville, Ella H., 1930-1934 (income tax returns) 73, 52 5819
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1944-1946 41 303
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1943-1947 41 570
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1948 78, 41 1022
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1947-1949 41 1358
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1946-1949 10 1363
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1948-1949 78 1866
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1948-1950 41 2003
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1950-1951 78 2254
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1951-1952 10 2391
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1951-1952 78 2396
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1952 41 2527
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1952-1953 78 2649
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1951-1953 10, 78 2801
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1954-1955 10 3143
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1955 78 3378
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1954-1956 78 3651
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1954-1957 78 3777
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1955-1957 78 3794
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1954-1961 10 3817
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1956-1958 78 3867
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1952-1957 10 3871
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1956-1957 10 3884
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1956-1957 10 3885
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1954-1968 20 6916
New Amsterdam Casualty Company, 1954-1961 60 7876
New York Casualty Company, 1939-1945 20 163A
New York Casualty Company, 1939-1945 20 163B
New York Casualty Company, 1947-1951 21, 20 2004
Nichols Paper Products, 1955 60 3474
Nick, Leslie, 1946-1949 30 1791
Noble, Mary G., 1934-1936 10 5801
Noel (John) Estate, 1948-1949 70 1867
Norcor Manufacturing Company, 1942-1944 (patent rights) 76 720
Norcor Manufacturing Company, 1947-1951 20 2381
Norcor Manufacturing Company, 1952 74 2545
Norcor Manufacturing Company, 1949-1954 74 3283
Norcor Manufacturing Company, 1953-1955 75 3698
Norcor Manufacturing Company, 1956-1957 74 3717
Norcor Manufacturing Company, 1956 (license agreement) 72 3740
Norcor Manufacturing Company, 1953-1954 75 3745
Norcor Manufacturing Company, Inc., 1942 72 1953
North American Indemnity Company, 1954-1955 10 3210
North American Van Lines, Inc., 1954-1955 10 3150
Northeast Boiler and Welding, 1946-1948 20 1101
Northeastern Boiler and Welding, 1948-1950 21 2213
Northern Glove and Mitten Company, 1943-1950 75 227
Northern Glove and Mitten Company, 1943-1945 (National War Labor Board) 76 261
Northern Glove and Mitten Company, 1946-1947 75 960
Northern Glove and Mitten Company, 1950 75 3618
Northern Glove and Mitten Company, 1969-1970 (business sale) 53 7500
Northern Hardware and Pine, 1971 (antitrust) 77 8259
Northern Transportation Company, 1938-1945 (wage increase, Treasury Dept., Salary Stabilization Unit) 76 256
Northern Transportation Company, 1948 75 961
Northern Transportation Company, 1946-1947 10 966
Northern Transportation Company, 1948-1951 75 1803
Northland Greyhound Lines, 1953-1954 10 2995
Northland Realty, Inc., 1965-1966 72 6476
Northland Refrigeration, 1965-1967 72 7096
Northwest Engineering Company, 1949-1953 78 2770
Northwest Engineering Company, 1961-1967 74 5594
Northwest Engineering Company, 1966-1967 (easement, zoning, etc.) 52, 53 6495
Northwest Engineering Company, 1966-1967 74 7915
Northwest Engineering Company, 1969-1970 74 7916
Northwest Engineering Company, 1968-1970 74 7917
Northwest Engineering Company, 1967-1968 74 7927
Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company, 1967-1968 10 6829
Norton, William G., 1940-1944 20 408
Norwich Union Indemnity Company, 1945-1946 10 396
Norwich Union Indemnity Company, 1946-1948 10 1222
O'Rourke, Myrtle, 1957-1959(-73) 72 6319
Ocean Accident and Casualty Insurance Company, 1948-1950 10 1948
Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, 1945-1946 10 200
Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, 1945-1957 10 477
Ohio Casualty Company, 1950-1952 78 2407
Ohio Casualty Company, 1951-1955 10 2757
Ohio Casualty Insurance Company, 1954-1957 10 3803
Old Dutch Refining Company, 1952-1953 52 3628
Olin Industries, 1952 (fair trade compliance) 76 3098
Olin Mathieson Chemical Company, 1966-1968 (fair trade violation) 76 6253
Olsen, H.J., 1949-1955 52 3750
Olson Children Trust, 1942 71 160
Olson Transportation Company, 1949-1950 20, 21 Miscellaneous
Olson Transportation Company, 1953 (filing fee-amend. articles of incorporation) 75 3319
Olson Transportation Company, 1958-1962 75 8028
Olson Transportation Company, 1962 75 8029
Olson Transportation Company, 1955-1959 (pension plan) 75 8035
Olson Transportation Company and Walter Hobbins, 1950-1953 10 3187
Orrison (Agnes) Estate, 1944 70 583
Osco Drug, 1956-1957 (lotteries/price violations) 77 3607
Owen-Eick, 1964-1966 (final income tax) 50, 70 6508
Packerland Printers, Inc., 1963-1970 50 7482
Pacon Realty Company, Inc., 1965 72 5920
Page Boiler Company, 1942-1950 21, 42 2999
Paine, Janet, 1968 10 6833
Palmer, J. Allan, 1952-1956 70 3306
Pamperin Land Company, 1936-1939 20 7650
Pamperin, L.S., 1949-1954 71, 75 3332
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1950 74 2211
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1955-1957 (pension trust) 76 3481
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1965-1966 72 5924
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1966-1972 74 6274
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1964-1965 73 6287
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1966 72 6639
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1967-1968 74 6834
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1966-1968 (trade secret action) 42 7105
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1969-1970 74 8113
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1970-1972 77 8122
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1970-1971 20, 21 8191
Paper Converting Machine Company, 1971-1973 (regarding product liability in insurance coverage) 77 8640
Paper Specialty Company, 1967 77 6836
Park Manor Coat Company, 1955-1958 20 3727
Patricia Lumber Company, 1955-1956 21 3648
Peck, Omer, 1949-1950 (recovery of payment under void contract) 53 1845
Peerless Insurance Company, 1969-1970 20 7933
Permolite, Inc., 1951-1952 (trade secrets) 76 2720
Peshtigo State Bank, 1934-1935 20 5746
Peterson Builders, 1951-1953 (Wage Stabilization Board) 76 2887
Peterson Builders, 1957 74 3825
Peterson Builders, 1955-1957 73 3835
Peterson Builders, 1962-1966 73 5925
Peterson, Ellsworth--Kewaunee Engin. Corporation, 1957 74 3821
Pfeifer, Irvin, 1971 20 8571
Pfeiffer, James, 1947-1961 30 1734
Phoenix Indemnity Company, 1948 10 1066
Phoenix Indemnity Company, 1951 41 2427
Phoenix Insurance Company, 1964-1965 41 5926
Phoenix of London Group, 1967-1970 41 7934
Pichette, Joe, 1965-1967 41 6641
Platten Radio Company, 1936-1940 20 81
Platten, Patricia, 1958-1967 41 6258
Ploss, Henry E., 1948 20 1273
Plumbers Woodwork Company, 1950-1956 74 3214
Plymouth Products, Ins., 1946 52 634
Pokel Wrecking Company, 1964-1968 21 6837
Pokel, Jerome and Alvin, 1968 77 6838
Prange (H.C.) Company, 1948 (easement and street vacation) 53 1321
Prange (H.C.) Company, 1952 72 2546
Prange (H.C.) Company, 1953 72 2835
Prange (H.C.) Company, 1950-1954 77 3349
Prange (H.C.) Company, 1963-1964 79 5588
Prange (H.C.) Company, 1965-1966 52, 53 5929
Prange (H.C.) Company, 1961-1964 53 5930
Prange (H.C.) Company, 1965-1967 (license agreement) 6483
Pratt (Minnie R.) Estate, 1945-1946 70 1202
Proctor, Thora M., 1950-1952 70 2937
Pudleiner, H.G., 1954 73 3616
Puritas Plaza, Inc., 1964-1966 60 6259
Puritas Plaza, Inc., 1966-1967 20 6260
Quality Manufacturing Company, 1968-1969 74 7623
Quayle, Thomas, 1963-1965 (embezzlement) 80 7113
Quigley, L.D., 1949-1950 20 2418
Rahr Brewing Company, 1935 52, 75 36
Rahr Brewing Company, 1922-1926 75 37
Rahr Brewing Company, 1952-1954 (company dissolution) 76 2931
Rahr Green Bay Brewing Company, 1934-1936 75 38
Rahr, Fred, 1947-1954 (vacation of street) 53 3288
Rahr, Henry (Oconto Brewing Company), 1936 50 69
Rantz (Chester J.) Estate, 1948-1950 70 1950
Ratachic, Marcella, 1958-1965 10 5941
Rawleigh (W.T.) Company, 1939-1946 20 7602
Rechlicz, Ervin T., 1939 20 7626
Red Owl Stores, Inc., 1945 (Form 10 application Wage Stabilization Board) 76 171
Red Owl Stores, Inc., 1948 77 1766
Red Owl Stores, Inc., 1969 51 7194
Reeb, Richard, 1969-1970 10 8044
Regent Insurance Company, 1968-1971 10 8339
Regent Insurance Company, 1969 10 8691
Reimers Meat Products, Inc., 1969-1970 74 8190
Research Parts and Engineering Corporation, 1940-1941 (patent infringement) 76 995
Research Parts and Engineering Corporation, 1940-1947 77 997
Research Parts and Engineering Corporation, 1948 20, 77 1831
Research Parts and Engineering Corporation (Fort How), 1949 74 2167
Research Parts and Engineering Corporation (Fort How), 1964 74 5936
Research Parts and Engineering Corporation, 1965-1968 74, 78 6486
Research Parts and Engineering Corporation, 1967 74 6843
Research Parts and Engineering Corporation, 1969 74 7621
Rich, Clara S., 1929-1938 50 67
Roach (Sara) Estate, 1948-1950 70 1985
Rock Island Corporation, 1967-1968 74 6845
Roen Steamship Company, 1940-1942 60 3279
Rohr, Joseph, 1946 10 403
Rondou Insurance Agency, 1948-1950 (franchise agreement) 72 2267
Rondou, E., 1934-1936 50, 52 5705
Rondou, E., 1940-1944 50 5706
Rosenbaum, William, 1971 (zoning) 53 8453
Rosinski (Stella) Estate, 1950-1951 70 3458
Ross, G.T. (A & P Company), 1954 53 3085
Royal College of Science, 1940 20 7568
Royal Exchange Group, 1962-1964 10 5948
Royal Indemnity Company, 1963-1966 10 7617
Royal-Globe Insurance Company, 1963-1967 20 6493
Rozenbeek, S.C., 1945 (will and ante-nuptial agreement) 72 106
Rozenbeek, S.C., 1935-1936 20 5747
Rudolph (Augusta) Estate, 1963-1966 70 5949
Rugg, Kenneth, 1960-1962 30 5005
Rupp, William, 1965-1967 (driver's license) 10 6265
Ryerson Steel Company, 1965-1968 42 6846
SCM Corporation, 1964-1969 (damages under contract of employment) 21 or 42 7122
Safeguard Insurance Company, 1963-1965 41 5962
Safeguard Insurance Company, 1958-1969 41 8357
Safeguard Insurance Company, 1962-1969 10 8706
Safeguard Insurance Company, 1961-1967 10 8707
Safeway Stores, Inc., 1946 75 632
Safeway Stores, Inc., 1946 52 1164
Salinas Tallow Company, 1946-1948 (breach of warranty) 20 761
Sapinski, Stanley, 1948-1949 42 937
Sarvello, Ethel, 1953-1957 30 3140
Sass, Carl W. et al., 1946-1948 41 1345
Sauber, William, 1939-1943 72 2148
Saul (Willis) Estate, 1946-1953 70 1804
Schauer and Schumacher, 1951-1954 (zoning) 52, 53 3742
Schauer and Schumacher, 1961-1963 75 5951
Schauer and Schumacher, 1970 (“Truth in lending”) 77 8450
Scheible-Shell Oil Lease, 1961-1969 72 7464
Schilling (Frank C.) Company, 1940 77 310
Schilling, Bert, 1946 (will) 72 906
Schlafke (will of), 1947 72 981
Schlei-Vandersteen, 1963-1966 71 6281
Schmitt's, Inc., 1970 74 8352
Schmitt's, Inc., 1970 74 8473
Schrank, Fabian, 1935-1936 20 5793
Schreiber, George C., 1965-1967 20 6270
Schumacher (Arthur E.) Estate, 1961-1966 (income tax returns) 70, 71 5957
Schwartz, Bernard W., 1949-1950 (dissolve partnership) 75, 76 2841
Security Insurance Group, 1969-1971 78 8510
Security Insurance Group, 1967-1970 78 8711
Seifert, Kathryn, 1947-1949 20 1920
Selmer Adoption, 1949 (adoption) 76 1778
Sevastapol School District, 1962-1964 (school district reorganization) 76 5607
Shannon-Schilling-Des Spirito Corporation, 1946-1948 (incorporation) 72 1795
Sheedy, Henry, 1934-1935 50 5707
Sheet Metal Workers, 1944-1945 (National War Labor Board) 74 350
Shelby Mutual Casualty Company, 1946-1947 42 454
Shelby Mutual Casualty Company, 1946-1948 10 1210
Shelby Mutual Casualty Company, 1946-1949 10 1361
Shelby Mutual Casualty Company, 1948-1949 10 1848
Shelby Mutual Casualty Company, 1950-1951 10 2385
Shelby Mutual Casualty Company, 1950-1953 10 2670
Shepeck, Gordon, 1948-1949 (rescind agreement to purchase) 60 1875
Sherwin Williams Company, 1965-1966 42 6273
Shorewood Company, 1945-1946 75 463
Silbersdorf (Emile) Estate, 1947-1952 (income tax returns) 70, 71 2539
Sinclair Refining Company, 1953-1954 (zoning) 53 2974
Sinclair Refining Company, 1965-1969 41 7129
Slaney, Dr. A.F., 1948-1952 (malpractice) 41, 20 2884
Smits (Deserie) Estate, 1935 70 5802
Smits, Mrs. John, 1949 30, 70 1951
Sprader, Thomas P., 1969 21, 20 8057
Sprader, Thomas P., 1968-1969 20 8058
St. Agnes Congregation, 1953-1966 (incorporation) 75, 50 3448
St. Agnes Congregation, 1964 (institutional insurance) 76 5967
St. John, Ethel Z., 1963-1964 (income tax returns) 70 6266
St. Joseph's Congregation of Oneida, 1947-1948 50, 75 1314
St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, 1964-1965 41 5975
St. Paul Insurance Company, 1965-1969 41 8709
St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company, 1948-1949 10 1223
St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company, 1948-1949 10 1360
St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company, 1954-1956 10 3473
St. Paul Mercury Indemnity Company, 1935-1936 10, 42 5782
St. Paul Mercury Insurance Company, 1963-1965 (medical malpractice) 41 5639
St. Vincent Hospital, 1969-1970 74 8678
Stalter (Frank) Estate, 1962-1968 70 7132
Standard Accident Insurance Company, 1963-1966 78 6279
Standard Insurance Company of New York, 1947-1949 10 1852
Standard Lumber Yards, Inc., 1944-1946 21 329
Stang, John F., 1945-1947 20 934
Stanley Toy Company, 1950-1951 20 2297
Stathas, Eileen, 1945 30 339
Steinke, Aurelia, 1956-1963 30 3846
Stevens, Sidney, 1949 77 2454
Stine, John E., 1971 42 8570
Stokely Foods, Inc., 1949-1952 20 2406
Stoll, Frank H., 1943 72 284
Stolz, Henry G., 1951 (ante-nuptial agreement) 72 2786
Stone (Bessie H.) Estate, 1943 70 728
Straubel (Austin A.) Estate, 1942-1944 70 187
Straubel (Austin A.) Estate, 1950-1951 70, 73 2252
Straubel (M.A.) Voluntary Trust, 1954-1955 72 3437
Straubel Paper Company, 1945-1946 (easement) 53 653
Straubel Paper Company, 1946 (street vacation) 53 697
Straubel Paper Company, 1940-1946 73 927
Straubel Paper Company, 1955 (license agreement) 60 3475
Straubel Paper Company, 1965-1976 75 5958
Straubel Paper Company, 1958-1965 75 5959
Straubel Paper Company, 1964-1967 75 5976
Straubel Paper Company, 1968 74 7120
Straubel, Austin H., 1937-1939 (wills, trust) 72 930
Straubel, C.A., 1937-1940 20 237
Straubel, L.A. (Straubel Paper Company), 1938-1941 75 896
Straubel, Melda, 1965-1966 (income tax returns) 70 5961
Strom, Adolph and Kathryn, 1954-1955 65 3269
Studebacker-Packard Corporation, 1955-1965 (termination of franchise) 76 5966
Sulphite Pulp Manufacturing Committee, 1945-1946 75 897
Sulphite Pulp Manufacturing League, 1953 (hearings, committee on water pollution and State Board of Health) 76 3221
Sun Indemnity Company, 1946-1947 10 646
Sun Indemnity Company, 1948 10 1037
Sun Indemnity Company, 1948 41 1064
Sun Indemnity Company, 1951 10 2489
Sun Indemnity Insurance Company, 1945-1947 78 2126
Sun Indemnity Insurance Company, 1947-1948 78 2129
Sun Insurance Company, 1961-1964 42 5538
Super Valu Stores, Inc., 1966-1970 20 8681
Superior Cheese Company, 1947 (equal rights case) 20 638
Superior Cheese Company, 1945-1946 50 640
Superior Cheese Company, 1949-1950 65, 20 2765
Superior National Bank, 1955-1959 20, 50 5537
Sureway Stores, Inc., 1964-1965 74 5968
Sureway Stores, Inc., 1969-1970 74 8716
Sureway Supermarkets, Inc., 1967-1969 20 8715
Swoboda Church Furniture Company, 1965-1970 20 8181
Tape, Inc., 1950 74 2156
Tape, Inc., 1954 (regarding patent) 77 3755
Tape, Inc., 1967-1968 74 6860
Tape, Inc., 1967 74 6861
Tape, Inc., 1956-1957 (SBA matters) 75 8034
Tedford, C., 1935 20 5715
Tedford, C., 1928, 1934 70, 77 5716
Tennis and Tennis, 1948 (lease extension) 76 1021
Tenor, David, 1966-1968 10 7138
Terrill, Calvin, 1966-1967 20 6862
Ters (Elmer J.) Estate, 1947-1949 70 1773
Ters (Elmer J.) Estate, 1947-1951 20, 70 2658
Thew, Walter, 1964-1965 53 5984
Thomas, Leonard M. and Mildred C., 1947-1950 51, 52 2716
Thompson Brothers Boat Manufacturing Company, 1960-1961 (registration of trademark) 76 5986
Thompson Brothers Boat Manufacturing Company, 1966-1967 74 6506
Thompson, W.B., 1970-1972 50 8452
Tierney, Vivian Lou, 1945-1946 30 398
Tilden, Patricia, 1964-1968 30 6261
Tincher, Nancy, 1970-1971 (tax returns) 70 8527
Tipler, A.J., 1935 52 5726
Tippet, Mr. and Mrs. W.P., 1946 (wills) 72 913
Tischer, Stanley, 1948-1949 42 1982
Tobey-Abrams Trust, 1931-1934 71 7561
Tonjes, John C., 1961-1964 30 5637
Toplis and Harding, 1948-1950 41 2138
Toplis and Harding, 1952-1953 78 2630
Torgerson, Samuel, 1969-1970 70 7442
Tosca, Ltd., 1964-1965 72 8343
Van Laanen, Katherine E., 1958-1959 (income tax returns) 70 5652A
Van Laanen, Paul and Frank, 1957-1959 52 5653
Van Laanen, Paul J., 1953-1957 (income tax returns) 70 5652
Van Laanen, Paul J., 1956-1971 (income tax returns) 70 5652
Van Offel, Reverend, 1935-1936 20 5804
Van Rosmalen (Mayme) Estate, 1967-1970 70 7478
Van Schyndel, John, 1947-1948 (application for entry into U.S.) 76 Miscellaneous
Van's Lumber and Hardware, 1959-1961 75 6321
Variety Construction Company, 1957 (vacation of street) 76 3814
Verrier, Lawrence A., 1942-1946 10 401
Vincent (Dan B.), Inc., 1966-1970 50 7654
Vincent, W.R., 1938-1939 52 6981
Virginia Surety Company, 1962-1966 20, 10 6011
Vlies, Norman, 1961-1965 (child death) 10 6002
WBAY-Independent Union, 1952-1963 74 2859
Wall (Cliff) Motors, 1945 74 581
Waller, Martin, 1948 20 1292
Wandrey (Myrtle B.) Estate, 1946-1947 70 395
Wandtke, Emily Ann, 1944 (residence for divorce) 30 721
Wanner, Phil and Lucille, 1953-1955 60 3196
Ware, Gordon L., 1967-1968 52 7166
Warvel Corporation, 1967-1968 74 7167
Watermolen, R.J., 1943-1944 20 341
Waterways Engineering Corporation, 1946-1947 74 900
Waterways Engineering Corporation, 1946-1951 20 2209
Waterways Engineering Corporation, 1946-1953 74 2251
Waterways Engineering Corporation, 1939-1940 74 7564
Waterways Engineering Corporation, 1957-1966 (violation of contract) 42 8024
Waterways Engineering Corporation, 1957-1966 (damages from violation of contract) 42 8025
Weber Plywood Corporation, 1970 74 8118
Weber Veneer and Plywood Company, 1964-1965 74 5633
Weber Veneer and Plywood Company, 1965-1966 74 6517
Weber Veneer and Plywood Company, 1966 74 6518
Weksler, Nathan, 1950-1952 21 2742
Wells (A.G.) Company, 1964-1965 20 6340
Wells (A.G.) Company, 1959-1963 20 6342
Wells (A.G.) Company, 1960-1961 50, 60 6345
Wells (A.G.) Company, 1959-1964 50, 60, 63 4775
Wells (A.G.) Company, 1965 20 6349
Wells (A.G.) Company, 1959-1964 20 6353
Wells, Hugo S., 1948, 1963 (easement) 53 1940
Wells, Leland and Hugo, 1961 (street vacation) 53 6006
Welsh-Warren, 1936-1948 70, 71 1935
Wery, Irene, 1940-1950 20 2206
West Paper Company, 1970 74 7515
West Shore Pipe line Company, 1961-1964 (easements and condemnations) 53 6008
West Side State Bank, 1933 50 5779
Westerfield Oil Company, Inc., 1967-1968 20 7172
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1944-1947 10 445
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1947-1948 10 1349
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1949-1950 10 2139
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1951-1952 10 2611
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1952-1953 10 2767
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1952-1954 10 3026
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1952-1955 10 3375
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1956-1957 10 3775
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1935-1936 10 5787
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1966-1969 10 6921
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1968-1969 10 7673
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1968-1971 10 8294
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1970-1971 10 8500
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1966-1971 10 8545
Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1967-1971 10 8649
Western Casualty Insurance Company, 1934-1935 78 5783
Western Casualty Insurance Company, 1935-1936 10 5785
Western Life Insurance Company, 1965-1970 41 7675
Western Union Telegraph Company, 1946-1947 78 473
Western Union Telegraph Company, 1947-1948 21 1208
Western Union Telegraph Company, 1969-1971 21 8582
Weyauwega Union Cooperative, 1950 20 2096
Wheeler Cheese Corporation, 1945-1946 74 871
White, June, 1960-1961 20 7447
Wickeham, Mr. and Mrs. H., 1949-1950 52 1840
Widow Jones Bakery, 1944 74 414
Wierchek, Mrs., 1943 20, 70 217
Wilcox, Thomas and Martha, 1952-1954 21 2952
Willcox, Cooke, and Willcox, 1952-1953 52 2708
Willems, Gerald, 1967 20 7175
Williams, Tim S., 1950 (lease) 72 2654
Wilquet, Joseph, 1946 (antenuptial agreement) 72 1113
Wilson (Chester E.) Estate, 1939-1941 (income tax) 70 Miscellaneous
Wilson, A.M., 1949-1951 70 2164
Wilson, Mrs. Robert, 1953 70 3062
Winters, Russell H., 1949 (will) 72 1291
Wisconsin Liquor Company, 1950 20 1781
Wisconsin Mutual Claims, 1941-1942 20 755
Wisconsin Mutual Insurance Company, 1967-1970 10 7669
Wisconsin National Life Insurance Company, 1944-1946 20 428
Wisconsin Novelty Company, 1935-1936 (damage from slot machine loss) 76 5767
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1942-1946 20 178
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1938-1940 73 250
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1933-1942 75, 60 335
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1946-1947 20 467
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1947 20 702
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1946 (easement) 52, 53 717
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1947-1948 20 876
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1947-1948 20 879
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1948-1951 75 1241
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1947-1948 (vacating part of plat of Navarino) 53 1310
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1948-1952 78 2142
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1950-1951 10 2208
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1944-1951 20 2417
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1952 20 2747
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1951-1953 42 2790
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1952-1954 42 2927
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1951-1954 41 3094
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1949-1955 (easement) 52, 53 3271
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1952-1956 41 3659
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1947-1949 53 3661
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1948-1950 53 3662
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1936-1949 53 3665
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1951-1955 77 3669
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1953-1955 42 3678
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1935-1936 20 5789
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1933-1936 (easement) 53 5811
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1961-1965 42 6013
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1961-1966 10 6296
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1965-1966 52 6298
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1958-1963 42 6318
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1963-1968 10 7158
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1966-1969 53 7459
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1969 52 7460
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1938-1940 20 7566
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1939-1947 20 7581
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1940 77 7645
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1969-1970 10 7698
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1963-1970 42 7812
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1970 (easement) 53 7873
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1970-1972 53 8240
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1973-1975 52 8403
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1962-1971 10 8467
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1970-1971 10 8526
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 1971 72 8600
Wisconsin State Bank, 1941 75 453
Wisconsin Telephone Company, 1967-1971 (damages by breach of contract) 42 8293
Wisconsin-Michigan Coaches, Inc., 1961-1963 (consolidation) 75 6009
Wisconsin-Michigan Coaches, Inc., 1967-1968 74 7180
Wishka, Bohumila, 1940 70 7567
Wittig, Benoit, 1946-1950 72 1956
Wittig, Benoit, 1952 20 3004
Wittig, Benoit, 1945-1952 (loan) 75 3003
Wolcott, Dr. W. Eugene, 1942-1943 72 215
Wolverine Insurance Company, 1950-1951 10 2183
Wolverine Insurance Company, 1961-1965 10 6019
Woodmen Accident and Life, 1967-1970 (accident and disability policies-collection) 20, 41 6922
Woodmen Accident and Life Insurance Company, 1956-1957 41 3860
Woodmen Accident Company, 1952 20 2685
Woody's Cheese Company, 1951-1952 (Wage Stabilization Board) 76 2832
Woody's Cheese Company, 1952-1955 (trade mark registration) 76 2867
Woody's Cheese Company, 1947-1956 75 3289
Zahorik, Frank, 1947 52 1311
Zurich General Accident and Liability, 1947 10 739
Zurich General Accident and Liability, 1949-1951 41 2233
Zurich General Accident and Liability, 1951-1952 10 2534
Zurich General Accident and Liability, 1951-1953 10 2777
Zurich General Accident and Liability, 1952-1953 10 2865
Zurich General Accident and Liability, 1953-1954 10 2957
Zurich Insurance Company, 1961-1964 21 5629
Zurich Insurance Company, 1959-1964 42 5642
Zurich Insurance Company, 1962-1965 41 6025
Zurich Insurance Company, 1963-1965 10 6026
Zurich Insurance Company, 1960-1966 41 6105
Zurich Insurance Company, 1966-1968 78 6926
Zurich Insurance Company, 1962-1968 10 6930
Zurich Insurance Company, 1963-1968 78 6934
Zurich Insurance Company, 1965-1967 10 6935
Zurich Insurance Company, 1966-1968 10 7665
Zurich Insurance Company, 1964-1969 78 7671
Zurich Insurance Company, 1969-1971 78 8548

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