Draper Manuscripts, 1740-1891

Appendix II: Additional Personal Data

Index and description transcribed from Guide to the Draper Manuscripts / by Josephine Harper.

Indexed here are several categories of personal and biographical references which researchers may find useful, but which – with few exceptions – are not mentioned in the volume descriptions. The following list of names includes:

  1. Authors of signed publications – pamphlets, broadsides, newspaper and periodical pieces – of any date
  2. Cartographers or creators of maps and plats of any date
  3. Correspondents and other writers contributing information to Draper and his contemporaries after 1830
  4. Persons interviewed and persons who recorded interviews after 1830
  5. Subjects of obituaries of any date

Cross references have been made to variant spellings of surnames and of Native American names and to the maiden names of married women, whenever such information was readily apparent to the indexers. Some obituaries, articles, and other publications Draper copied or abstracted. Entries usually do not indicate the form, printed or manuscript, in which he preserved the publication in his collection.

In format, each entry lists first the volume numbers for any letters by the person; these are followed by brief descriptive notations of any other types of materials and their volume numbers. As an example:

  • Bonnett (Bonnet), Lewis, 11 E, 8 NN; interview, 2 S; letters and questions to, 3 E, 11 E; obituary, 3Q
This entry for Bonnett (sometimes spelled Bonnet) indicates that there are letters by him in volume 11 of the Brady and Wetzel Paper and in volumes 8 and 9 of the Pittsburgh and Northwest Virginia Papers; notes on an interview with him in volume 2 of Draper's Notes; letters and questions addressed to him in volumes 3 and 11 of the Brady and Wetzel Papers; and a notice of his death in volume 3 of Draper's Historical Miscellanies.

Name Citation
Abbey, Samuel interview, 4 U
Abbott, John S. C. periodical article, 13 YY
Abbott, Stephen statement, 2 G
Abbott, W. P. newspaper address, 2 G
Abert, John James 2 Q
Acheson, Ernest F. 3 BB
Adair, Catherine (Mrs. John) obituary, 3 Q
Adair, John 4 YY; obituaries, 3 Q, 26 CC; poem, 2 Q
Adair, John Jr. 5 VV, 23 VV
Adair, L. D. 12 DD
Adair, Robert F., Jr. letter to, 6 XX
Adams, Green 6 XX
Adams, J. R. B. 8 C, 9 C, 4 RR
Adams, James C. newspaper address, 29 CC
Adams, John newspaper letters 29 CC
Adams, John Quincy newspaper articles, 19 CC 28 CC, 29 CC
Adams, John Wash. 17 C; questions for, 17 C
Adams, M. Virginia 5 DD
Adams, Peter B. F. interview, 9 J; obituary, 26 CC
Adamson, Amelia Alexander (Mrs. William) marriage notice, 8 VV
Addams, A. (Ky.) 36 J
Addington, Robert M. 24 C
Adkins, S. P. 19 VV
Agnew, Samuel 32 CC, 2 GG, 3 GG
Aiken, James R. 3 VV; questions to, 3 VV
Ainsworth F. C. 11 CC
Akin, A. N. 29 C
Albea, E. E. (Mrs W. W.) 2 RR 4 RR
Albea, W. W. 4 RR; questions for, 4 RR
Alcom, J. L. 13 VV
Alden, Ichabod, grandson of Ichabod Alden killed at Cherry Valley in 1778 5 F
Alder, Henry 12 BB
Aldrich, Charles 16 F; newspaper article, 16 E
Aldridge, Mrs. Louisa Brooks interview, 21 S
Alerson, Mrs. Polly interview, 18 S
Alexander, A. (Ky.?) 8 ZZ
Alexander, Amelia See Amelia Adamson
Alexander, Arias interview, 18 VV; questions to, 18 VV
Alexander, Mrs. Arias questions to, 18 VV
Alexander, Daniel obituaries, 12 VV, 19 VV
Alexander, J.B. 2 GG
Alexander, James (Pa.) 7 U; maps 7 U
Alexander, James (Va.) 2 GG, 3 GG 2 VV
Alexander, John interview, 11 CC
Alexander, Joseph McKnitt newspaper article, 2 GG
Alexander, L. D. 34 CC
Alexander, Margaret See Margaret Wilson
Alexander, Miss Russell 34 CC
Alexander, S. P. 1 GG
Alexander, Mrs. S. P. 1 YY
Allan, Chilton interview, 11 CC
Allan, William Chilton obituary, 30 CC
Allen, Ann (Mrs. William F.) obituary note, 30 CC
Allen, Austin W. interview, 21 S
Allen, Benjamin interview 11 CC
Allen, Charles H. letter to, 12 CC
Allen, John 7 U, 4 BB; interview, 19 S; letter, 12 E
Allen Orville 7J, 2 VV
Allen, Paul obituary, 2 P
Allen, Mrs. Penelope 36 J
Allen, T. M. 14 DD
Allen, Thomas obituary, 3 Q
Allen, WIlliam (Mass.) 1 F
Allen, William (Ohio) biographical sketch included in obituary of his wife, 30 CC
Allen, Mrs. William (Ohio) obituary, 30 CC
ALlen, William F. 17 VV
Allen, Wright 12 CC
Alley, Samuel 6 C
Allin, Ben C. 13 J, 37 J, 34 CC
Allin, Thomas interview, 18 J
Allis, W. H. 4 DD
Allison, John letter to, 4 CC
Alston, Mrs. Catherine obituary, 1 DD
Alves, James 2 Q, 2 CC; newspaper letters, 1 CC, 26 CC
Alvis, W. M. 25 J
Alvord, Benjamin newspaper letter, 29 CC
Amberson, Silas interview, 4 S
Ammen, M. L. newspaper article, 2 YY
Amory, J. William 9 NN
Amory, Thomas C. 5 F
Amos, Jack interview, 10 YY
Amy, J. B. 17 C
Anderson, A. (N.C.) 2 RR, 8 RR
Anderson, A. D. 9 U; interview, 17 S
Anderson, A. M. newspaper article, 11 U
Anderson, Addison A. 14 DD
Anderson, B. P. 12 DD; memo of letter to, 12 DD
Anderson, Charles 10 J (Part 2), 3 CC, 32 CC, 33 CC, 34 CC; information by, 3 CC; interview, 10 J (Part 2) ; letter to, 34 CC; map, 3 CC
Anderson, G. A. 1 YY
Anderson, H. C., Sr. 13 C
Anderson, H. C., Jr. 13 C; newspaper article, 13 C
Anderson, Isaac C. 15 DD
Anderson, John newspaper article, 6 YY
Anderson, Joseph Brant memorial article about, 2 G
Anderson, Matthew interview, 11 CC
Anderson R. B. 2 RR, 4 RR
Anderson, Richard C. obituaries, 3 Q
Anderson, Mrs. Sarah interview, 15 CC
Anderson, William interview, 19 S
Anderson, William Marshall 10 E, 10 J (Part 2), 15 J; interview, 10 J (Part 2) ; map, 15 J
Andrews, G. W. 14 DD
Andrews, I. N. 5 F
Andrews, Israel Ward periodical article, 2 K
Andrews, Robert W. 2 VV
Anthony, E. (N. Y.) newspaper advertisement, 36 CC
Anthony, S. H. 14 DD
Anthony, Mrs. William interview, 2 CC
Antoine, Miner interview, 11 U
Apperson, Francis 25 J
Apperson, R. (Ky.) 5 C
Applegate, Elisha interview, 25 S
Appleton, D. & Company letter to, 5 D
Arbogast, B. A. 12 BB
Arbuckle, Charles 8 ZZ
Arbuckle, Matthew 14 J; obituary, 16 E
Arbuckle, Mrs. Susan J. 15 DD
Arcos, Conde dos newspaper letter, 9 U
Armfield, R. F. 7 C
Armstrong, Mrs. ---- (Ky.), daughter of John Clifford interview, 21 S
Armstrong, J. W. 35 J
Armstrong, Jeremiah interview, 5 U
Armstrong, Jo R. 15 DD
Armstrong, John newspaper letters, 16 E, 27 CC, map, 7 ZZ; obituaries, 3 VV, 20 VV
Armstrong, Perry A. 9 YY' letters to, 9 YY
Arnold, Benedict newspaper letters, 18 J, 30 CC; sketch about, 27 S
Arnold, Mrs. John interview, 11 CC
Arnold, Lewis interview, 11 CC
Arnold, W. T. 28 J
Arqubright (Arqubrite), Jacob 2 U
Arrasmith, Cy 7 C
Arrowsmith, Mrs. Elizabeth Kenton interviews, 8 S, 17 S, 18 S
Arrowsmith, John 10 BB; manuscript article, 24 S; interview, 24 S; questions to, 10 BB
Arrowsmith, Mason 4 BB, 10 BB, 32 CC; interviews, 8 S, 17S, 18 S
Arrowsmith, Miller 10 BB
Arthur, Henry 13 VV, 15 VV; questions to, 19 VV
Ashcraft, Amanda 8 BB
Ashe, I. A. 4 RR
Aspell, Alsop N. 19 F; newspaper letter, 8 F
As-Shaw-E-Qua (Singing Bird), wife of Black Hawk obituaries, 3 Q, 27 CC, 29 CC
Atkinson, Henry periodical article (letter), 12 CC
Atkinson, W. H. 12 VV
Atwater, Amzi 8 NN
Atwater, Caleb 12 BB; newspaper articles, 30 CC
Atwater, Mrs. Mary 8 CC
Aubrey, Sarah A. (Mrs. R. J.) 19 C
Austill, Jeremiah 10 U; periodical article, 10 U
Autes, C. 8 YY
Auxier, John B. 18 C
Avery, Charles P. 16 F; letters to, 7 F, 17 F, 1 Q; newspaper and periodical articles, 4 F, 1 G, 12 U; obituaries, 17 F
Avery, G. H. interview, 17 F
Avery, Isaac T. 1 KK
Avery, J. T. 5 DD
Avery, Mary A. 17 F
Avery, W. F. letter to, 3 GG
Avery, W. W. obituary, 3 Q
Avery, Mrs. W. W. 3 GG
Avery, Waightstill maps, 1 KK
Awl, William Maclay 7 U
Aydelott, B. P. newspaper articles, 29 CC, 30 CC
Aydelott, George K. 19 C
Ayres, James B. newspaper article, 17 U
Babcock, R. (Ill.?) 1 Z
Baber, Mrs. Harriet M. 23 C; letter to, 23 C
Baber, Hiram H. obituary, 3 Q
Babson, J. W. 11 E
Backus, Electus 8 E
Bacon, Thomas G. 12 VV
Bacon, W. J. newspaper address, 3 F
Bacot, Maria (Mrs. R. W.) 17 VV; questions to, 17 VV
Badger, Joseph newspaper letter, 16 E
Baggot, J. F. 6 VV; map, 6 VV
Bailey, Amos 9 YY
Bailey, B. F. 9 F, 19 F; map, 9 F; newspaper articles, 9 F, 3 G; questions to, 9 F
Bailey, John L. 19 VV; questions to, 19 VV
Bailey, John W. 9 CC
Bailey, Joseph L. 1 C
Bailey, Mathew 7 E; letter to, 7 E
Bailey, Robert 2 Q
Bailey, T. B. 8 C; map, 8 C; questions to, 8 C
Bailey, W. C. 33 CC
Bailey, W. G. 36 J
Bailey, W. T. 19 F
Bailey, William obituary, 12 E
Bailhache, Elizabeth Howard obituary, 30 CC
Baillet, G. W. 4 F
Bain, Elisher 2 E
Bainbridge, E. N. 35 J
Bainbridge, E. T. 35 J
Bainbridge, William newspaper letter, 9 U
Baird, A. letter to, 2 Q
Baird, Absolom letter to, 9 E
Baird, Henry Carey 5 VV, 19 VV
Baird, J. B. 9 NN
Baird, Thomas H. 6 E, 9 NN; interview, 19 S, memorial articles and obituaries, 6 E
Baker, Arthur O. 31 J
Baker, Isaac newspaper letters, 26 S
Baker, Joshua 11 BB; questions to, 12 BB
Baker, Michael interview, 14 E, 4 S
Baker, S. E. 17 C; letter to, 18 C
Baker, Samuel 11 BB, 32 CC
Baldwin, Christopher Columbus obituary, 3 P
Baldwin, Eli obituary, 28 CC
Baldwin, Mrs. Elizabeth 9 E
Baldwin, Isaac obituary, 3 Q
Baldwin, R. C. 7 F
Baldwin, William 2 BB
Ball, James V. obituaries, 3 Q, 6 YY
Ball, Mrs. Katharine Clement interview, 13 F
Ball, Mrs. Margaret 13 F; interview, 13 F
Ballard, Mrs. A. J. interview, 25 S
Ballard, Bland 8 J; letter to, 37 J; obituary, 16 E
Ballard, Bland W. 8 J; interview, 8 J, 3 CC
Ballard, Boone 14 C; questions to, 14 C
Ballard, Fanny Thruston 35 J, 5 U
Ballard, John F. 14 C; questions to, 14 C
Ballard, M. S. 14 C
Ballard, Miss S. J. 5 F
Ballard, Thomas 2 VV
Ballinger, John L. 12 C, 23 C, 38 J
Ballou, Adin 3 F, 19 F
Bancroft, George 9 F, 2 GG, 8 RR; letters to, 18 J, 2 GG, 3 RR; manuscript article, 4 DD; newspaper article, 26 CC
Bane, Isaac article, 2 S
Bankcroft, Mark newspaper article, 36 CC
Banks, W. T. newspaper article, 30 CC
Banner, Elisha letter to, 14 DD
Banner, John 14 DD
Barbee, John 5 C, 37 J;questions to, 5 C
Barbee, T. S. interview, 7 U
Barbee, William 37 J
Barber, R. W. articles, 3 RR, 9 RR
Barber, William 4 E, 9 E
Barbour, B. Johnson 2 VV
Barbour, James obituary, 2 Q
Barbour, L. G. 32 CC
Barbour, Philip P. newspaper article, 5 T
Barbour, Thomas obituary, 3 Q
Bard, Benjamin obituary, 3 P
Bard, Milford newspaper article, 28 CC
Barefoot, J. (Ontario, Can.) 13 F
Barker, John obituary, 30 CC
Barker, Richard H. 34 CC
Barker, Sarah 4 F
Barkley, J. C. (Ind.) 8 BB
Barkley, John Cathy (N. Car.) 9 C, 15 VV; questions to, 9 C
Barlow, Mr. ----- (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Barlow, Thomas 19 F
Barlow, Thomas Harris interview, 15 CC
Barnard, Judge ------- letter to, 19 F
Barnard, Henry 38 J
Barnard, W. T. 13 DD
Barnes, F. C. 21 C
Barnes, Flanders 21 C
Barnes, Larkin 21 C, questions to, 21 C
Barnes, Mrs. M. A. 29 C
Barnett, Caswell 22 J; map, 22 J
Barnett, Mrs. I. N. 15 VV
Barnett, James P. statement on battle of Blue Licks, 1 OO
Barnett, Jane C. 1 GG, 15 VV
Barnett, M. N. 2 Q
Barney, Charles G. 2 Q
Barr, G. Walter newspaper article, 3 YY
Barr, George 8 DD
Barret, Lewis 5 C
Barrett, Benjamin J. map, 6 VV; questions to, 6 VV
Barrett, John Erigena poem, 2 G
Barrett, Joseph H. certificates signed by, 3 E, 5 E
Barringer, Rufus 2 RR, 4 RR; letter to, 4 RR
Barringer, V. C. 2 RR
Barron, N. B. 9 U
Barrow, William interview, 12 CC
Barry, A. M. 3 GG
Barry, William 5 F
Barry, William T. pamphlet, 17 DD
Barth, Lewis D. 25 J
Bartle, John interview, 2 O
Bartlett, Mr. ---- (Ky.) interview, 12 CC
Bartlett, Henry obituary, 30 CC
Bartlett, J. R. periodical article, 1 F
Barton, E. M. 3 GG
Barton, Gabriel questions to, 3 XX
Barton, James L. newspaper address, 29 CC
Bascom, Henry Bidleman obituary, 27 CC
Basford, Mollie 20 C
Bassett, S. (Ky.) 13 C
Bastedo, John M. C. interview, 13 F
Bate, Mrs. Amanda F. 18 VV; interview, 16 VV
Bate, Mrs. Anne F. 18 VV; interview, 16 VV; questions to, 18 VV
Bate, H. C. 18 VV; letter to, 18 VV
Bate, James H. 18 VV
Batterton, W. W. 2 BB
Battle, Kemp P. 15 DD; letter to, 3 GG
Battle, William H. 2 GG
Bawden, Joseph 13 F
Baxter, Mrs. Annie C. 2 Q, 8 CC
Baxter, Frank K. map, 2 G
Baxter, John 3 F
Baxter, S. S. 8 ZZ
Bayard, S. Y. newspaper article, 19 CC
Baylis, Hodijah obituary note, 20 VV
Baylor, Charles E. 6 C; letter to, 6 C
Baylor, George obituary, 3 Q
Baylor, John Roy 13 J
Baynes, Edward 9 U
Bean, Major ---- (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Bean, C. R. 4 C
Bean, J. H. 4 C; letter to, 4 C
Bean, William V. 4 C
Beard, Henry 2 Q
Beard, J. H. 2 O
Beard, Samuel 19 C
Bearfoot, Isaac 1 F, 10 F, 13 F
Bears, Edmund questions for, 8 VV
Beasley, A. (Ill. and Ohio) 12 BB
Beasley, James. See James Bousley.
Beasley, Massie interview, 7 S
Beasley, N. K. 9 E
Beass, D. R. 5 YY
Beattie, Matthew 14 DD
Beatty (Beaty), Adam 36 J, 5 BB, 11 BB, 32 CC; interview, 16 CC; newspaper letter, 30 CC; obituary note, 6 XX
Beatty, W. R. letters to, 31 CC
Beaty, Adam See Adam Beatty.
Beaty, Stephen 5 BB
Beaty, William 5 BB, 12 BB
Beaubien, Mark interview, 21 S
Beauchamp, Fannie L. 6 J
Bebb, William newspaper article, 27 CC
Beck, Isaac Morris 12 BB
Beck, William 2 VV; questions to, 2 VV
Beckley, William See William Bickley.
Beckwith, Paul 34 CC
Bedinger, D. P. 1 A
Bedinger, Daniel obituary, 3 Q
Bedinger, George M. interviews, map, newspaper letter, and obituary, 1 A
Bedinger, Henry 1 A; newspaper letter, 26 CC
Belk, S. E. 1 GG, 2 GG, 6 VV, 12 VV, 15 VV; letters to, 15 VV; map, 6 VV
Belknap, William W. 2 J
Bell, Charles H. 11 F, 11 J
Bell, Frank interview, 15 CC
Bell, Hugh F. interview, 30 S
Bell, Jacob interview, 11 VV
Bell, James interviews, 31 S, 32 S
Bell, James P. 11 VV; newspaper article, 11 VV
Bell, John interview, 30 S
Bell, Parson R. notes from, 6 XX
Bell, Robert interviews, 27 S, 31 S
Bell, T. S. newspaper address, 7 YY
Bell, Theodore S. 2 Q
Bell, William interview, 10 YY
Bellemare, Raphael 4 J, 12 U
Bellows, H. W. 17 VV; letter to, 17 VV
Belt, Fielding interviews, 21 S, 12 CC
Beman, Irving L. 13 C; newspaper and periodical articles, 13 C, 3 BB
Benham, William 12 BB
Benjamin, Walter R. 18 J, 54 J
Bennett, E. James 36 CC
Bennett, Emerson newspaper article, 15 E
Bennett, Ishmael information from, 2 G
Bennett, J. L. 12 BB
Bennett, James interview, 21 S
Bennett, N. M. 18 VV
Bennett, N. S. periodical article, 36 CC
Bennett (Bennet), Mrs. Nancy Lamb interview, 21 S; letter to, 12 BB
Bennington, Mrs. Mary Rains interview, 21 S
Bennington, Thomas interview, 14 CC
Benson, George H. 5 BB
Bentley, J. A. letter to, 3 DD
Bentley (Bently), J. G. 17 C
Bentley, James interview, 17 S
Bentley, W. obituary, 12 CC
Benton, Elihu P. 3 C, 18 C, 34 CC; maps, 18 C; questions to, 3 C
Benton, M. B. 4 C
Benton, Thomas Hart newspaper articles, 29 CC, 30 CC
Berkeley, George (1684-1753) published poem, 27 CC
Berkeley, George, governor of Antigua (1877) 45 J
Berry, Jack, Seneca chief obituary, 3 Q
Berry, James obituary, 3 Q
Berry, John interview, 12 CC
Berry, Walton Graham 15 VV, 17 VV
Berryhill, John 15 VV; questions to, 15 VV
Berryhill, Samuel 6 VV
Bertin, George 1 RR
Berwick, Henry W. B. 15 J
Beth, Robert B. newspaper letter, 26 S
Bethel, Mrs. Sarah Hand 10 E
Betts, Robert B. newspaper letter, 26 S
Betts, Thomas R. 2 BB
Bevington, Jane. See Jane Small.
Bibb, George M. 37 J
Bibesco, Princess Nicolas questions to, 1 RR
Bickley, William 4 J, 12 BB; interviews, 8 J, 7 S, 21 S
Biddle, Mrs. Agatha obituary, 3 Q
Biddle, James W. 8 E, 12 E, 9 NN; interviews, 2 S, 4 S; letters to, 3 E, 9 NN; maps, 12 E; newspaper articles, 16 E, 15 J, 26 CC, 27 CC
Biddle, Marks John 9 NN
Biddle, Thomas newspaper letter, 4 YY
Bidlack, Benjamin information from, 2 G
Bidlack, Mrs. Benjamin information from, 2 G
Bierce, Lucius V. 9 E, 8 NN; newspaper and periodical articles, 15 E, 16 E
Big Kettle obituary, 3 Q
Big Warrior, Creek Indian obituary, 3 Q
Bigelow, J. letter to, 19 F
Biggs, Mrs. Priscilla interview, 2 S
Biggs, Benjamin obituary, 3 Q
Bigney, M. F. printed powm, 30 CC
Bilbo, Archibald map, 4 CC
Billon, Frederic L. 3 C, 15 C, 18 J, 28 J, 7 BB; newspaper article, 28 J
Binder, W. R. 23 C
Binney, Horace extract from pamphlet, 27 S
Bircket, Thomas R. 25 J
Birdsong, John interview 28 S
Birkbeck, Morris obituary, 3 Q
Bishop, Mrs. Betsey inteview, 25 S
Bishop, Levi periodical article, 1 YY
Bisseau, Joseph interview, 17 S
Bissell, D. H. 17 F
Bitting, J. A. 8 C
Black, Major ---- interview, 12 CC
Black, George letters to, 12 CC
Black, Mrs. Geroge interview, 12 CC
Black Hawk, Sauk leader obituary, 3 P
Black Hoof (Cutewekasa), Shawnee chief obituary, 3 Q
Black, John C. 7 BB
Black, Samuel interview, 17 S
Black, William interview, 16 VV
Blackburn, William letter to, 12 BB
Blackman, Eleazer information from, 2 G
Blackman, Mrs. Maria questions to, 13 F, 19 F
Blackmarr, Ezekiel obituary, 26 CC
Blackmore, William 8 CC
Blackskin, a Michigan Indian 30 CC
Blacksmith, John obituary, 3 Q
Blacksnake (Governor Blacksnake, Ta-won-ayes, The Chain Breaker), Seneca chief articles about, 15 E, 1 J, 26 CC, 30 CC; interviews, 4 S; obituaries, 3 Q
Blackstock, Nehemiah 5 VV; map, 5 VV; questions to, 5 VV
Blaidnen (?), Hugh 3 GG
Blain, Robert 4 DD
Blaine, Ephraim obituary, 3 Q
Blair, Gist 3 C
Blair, James letter to, 19 VV
Blair, John H. 2 Q
Blair, John M. 11 C; map 11 C; questions to, 11 C
Blair, Mary Jesup 10 J (Part 2)
Blair, Samuel interview, 1 S
Blakeney, G. (Mo.) 2 RR
Blakeslee, Joel 8 NN
Blanchard, Rufus 38 J
Blanchard, Mrs. Ruth interview, 18 S
Blashford, James interview, 3 S
Bledsoe, J. W. 18 VV
Bledsoe, Sally. See Sally Shelby.
Blennerhasset, Harman printed biographical sketch about, 26 CC
Blennerhasset, Theresa M. 32 CC
Bliss, James T. 3 J
Bliss, Josiah 33 CC
Bliss, Leonard, Sr. 24 C, 10 J (Part 2)
Bliss, Leonard, Jr. newspaper letters, 27 CC
Bloom, S. S. 8 E
Blount, A. 8 RR
Blount, John Gray 7 C
Blue, M. P. 10 U, 8 VV; newspaper article, 10 U
Blue Jacket, Charles interview, 23 S
Boardman, I. L. newspaper article, 4 BB
Boatwright, U. M. 19 VV
Bobo, Simpson 4 DD, 6 DD, 12 DD; letter to, 6 DD; maps, 12 DD
Bodkin, Robert 19 F
Bodley, Temple 1 K; newspaper address, 1 K; questions to, 1 K
Bodley, William L. 10 J (Part 2)
Bogart, William H. 19 F
Boggs, James T. 15 J
Boggs, L. W. 23 C; letter to, 23 C; testimonial, 1 B
Boggs, Lydia. See Lydia Cruger.
Boggs, Panthea G. testimonial, 1 B
Boggs, William 8 ZZ
Body, Joseph 8 J
Bogy, L. V. interview, 5 S
Bohonan, Bood interview 2 S
Boilvin, Nicholas obituary, 3 Q
Bois, Lewis Edward 14 F
Bolling, C. (Ky.) newspaper article, 18 CC
Bolt, W. T. 17 C
Bomberry, Mrs. Betsey Brant interview, 13 F
Bond, B. N. 9 BB
Boon, J. W. 5 DD
Bond, Levi 11 BB
Bond, Napolean J. 9 BB
Bonnel, Aaron obituary, 29 CC
Bonnell, Isaac 9 F, 3 GG; newspaper articles, 9 F, 3 G
Bonnett (Bonnet), Lewis 11 E, 8 NN, 9 NN; interview, 2 S; letters and questions to, 3 E, 11 E; obituary, 3 Q
Bonta, Henry interview, 9 J
Booker, W. B. newspaper article, 30 CC
Booker, W. F. 13 C, 34 CC
Boon, ------, (Louisiana, Mo., 1842) 19 C
Boon, Daniel, grandson of Squire (1744-1815) testimonial, 1 B
Boon, E. P. 19 F
Boon, Granvill, grandson of Squire (1744-1815) testimonial, 1 B
Boon, Isaiah, son of Squire (1744-1815) testimonial, 1 B
Boon, James M. 23 C
Boon, Lafayette, grandson of Squire (1744-1815) testimonial, 1 B
Boon, W. C. 28 C
Boon, William C. 16 C
Boone, Albert Gallatin 16 C, 29 C; newspaper article about, 32 C; testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Mrs. Albert Gallatin obituary, 29 CC
Boone, Alonzo H., son of Daniel M. and grandson of Daniel (1734-1832) testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Anna (Mrs. Squire) obituary, 26 CC
Boone, Annah. See Annah Nicholson.
Boone, B. G. 29 C
Boone, Benjamin G., son of Nathan and grandson of Daniel (1734-1820) 23 C; testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Daniel (1734-1820) articles about, 26 CC, 29 CC; obituaries, 23 C, 6 S, 25 S, 12 CC
Boone, Daniel, son of Daniel M. and grandsom of Daniel (1734-1820) testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Daniel, grandson of Jesse 19 C
Boone, Daniel A. 19 C
Boone, Daniel M., Jr. interview, 23 S
Boone, Edward, son of George testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Edward, son of Daniel M. and grandsom of Daniel (1734-1820) testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Emily. See Emily Henderson.
Boone, Enoch testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Enoch M. interview, 19 C
Boone (Boon), George obituaries, 3 Q, 6 S
Boone, Higgason Grubbs 23 C; questions to, 29 C; testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Hiram C., granson of Squire (1744-1815) testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Isaiah, son of Squire (1744-1815) 19 C; letter to, 19 C
Boone, J. Rowan 28 C
Boone, Jacob interview, 14 C
Boone, James, son of Nathan and grandson of Daniel (1734-1820) 23 C; interview, 6 S; newspaper article, 27 CC; testimonial, 1 B
Boone, John, grandson of Jesse 19 C
Boone, John C. 16 C, 23 C, 29 C
Boone, Joseph 5 C, 29 C
Boone, Kate (Katie) O. 19 C, 38 J
Boone, Levi Day 16 C, 23 C, 28 C; testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Mary. See Mary Fowler.
Boone, Mattie [Martha] R. daughter of Albert Gallatin obituary, 32 C
Boone, Mattie V. 23 C
Boone, Moses, son of Squire (1744-1815) 19 C; interview, 19 C, 9 J
Boone, N. newspaper letter, 26 CC
Boone, Nathan, son of Daniel (1734-1820) 1 C, 23 C, 6 S; interview, 6 S; letter to, 6 S; obituary, 2 Q; testimonials, 1 B
Boone, Olive Van Bibber (Mrs. Nathan) interview, 6 S; testimonial, 1 B
Boone, R. H. interview, 31 S
Boone, Ratliff obituaries, 3 Q, 30 CC
Boone, Samuel (1782-1869) 22 C; interviews, 11 CC, 22 S; letters and questions to, 22 C, 28 C; testimonial, 1 B
Boone, Samuel G. newspaper article, 1 C
Boone, Sarah. See Sarah Hunter.
Boone, T. A. 8 C
Boone, Mrs. Tommy interview, 11 CC
Boone, Tucker letter to, 16 C
Boone, Van Daniel testimonial, 1 B
Boone, W. D. 14 C
Boone, W. F. 1 C
Boone, William Myrtle newspaper article, 32 C
Boone, William P. 19 C; newspaper article, 27 CC
Boord, George G. 5 YY
Boord, William newspaper interview, 5 YY
Borden (Bordin), Benjamin, Sr. biographical sketch about, 21 U
Borders, James J. 24 J; map, 24 J
Boreman, John obituary, 9 E
Borrows, John newspaper article, 13 E
Bostwick, P. G. 15 J
Boteler, A. R. periodical article, 1 A
Bothwell, Henry C. 25 J
Bott, M. T. 33 CC
Bouchelle, Thomas S. 9 C, 5 DD; map, 5 DD
Bouck, W. C. 2 Q
Boucock [Bowcock?], J. J. [I. I.?] 2 VV
Boudinot, Catharine (Mrs Elias) obituary, 27 S
Boughner, J. V. 7 E
Boughner, William 1 BB; questions to, 1 BB
Bouldin, Powhatan 8 RR
Bouquet, Henry article about, 1 U
Bourassa, Joseph Napoleon 2 Q, 12 U, 9 YY; interview, 23 S
Bourne, A. map annotations, 2 O
Bourne, Thomas interview, 4 U
Bousley, James interview, 14 CC
Bowditch, Nathaniel obituary, 29 CC
Bower, G. M. 37 J
Bower, Jacob H. 12 BB
Bowers, L. (Tenn.) 17 C; questions to, 17 C
Bowie, Alexander 16 VV
Bowie, John obituary, 3 Q
Bowles, William A. obituary, 3 Q
Bowman, D. M. 34 CC
Bowman, Mrs. Elizabeth 6 E; interview, 25 S; letter to, 6 E
Bowman, George H. 27 J
Bowman, Herman 12 C; interview, 12 C
Bowman, J. W. 11 YY
Bowman, Jacob obituaries, 3 Q, 26 CC
Bowman, James L. 11 E
Bowman, John B. 3 C, 14 J, 17 J, 32 CC, 33 CC, 34 CC
Bowman, S. A. 17 C
Bowman, Sue V. 4 C
Bowman, W. B. 17 C
Bowman, W. J. B. letter to, 12 C
Bowmar, Herman interviews, 11 CC, 13 CC
Boyce, James P. 13 DD
Boyce, Mrs. Nancy E. 13 VV; questions to, 13 VV
Boyd, J. Q. R. 4 DD
Boyd, James V, 33 CC
Boyd, Joseph B, 16 C, 4 J, 29 J; letters to, 32 CC
Boyd, Mrs. Joseph B. infromation from, 11 C
Boyd, Linn 31 CC
Boyd, Mary (Mrs. John) obituary, 29 J
Boyd, Samuel interview, 13 CC
Boyd, Thomas 5 E
Boyd, William interview, 12 CC
Boyers, R. M. newspaper letter, 29 CC
Boykin, Edward M. 4 VV, 6 VV, 7 VV, 17 VV, 19 VV; map, 7 VV; newspaper article, 2 UU
Boykin, J. (Ky.) 17 C
Brace, Henry 19 F
Brackenridge, H. H. newspaper letter, 27 CC. See also H. H. Breckenridge.
Brackenridge, H. M. 8 E; newspaper letters, 29 CC, 30 CC
Brackenridge, James interview, 11 CC
Brackenridge, Jane (Mrs. James) interview, 11 CC
Bradbury, George W. letters to, 1 Q
Bradford, Mrs. Ada M. 35 J
Bradford, Daniel obituary, 28 CC
Bradford, Fielding interview, 13 CC
Bradford, J. S. 7 J
Bradford, John obituaries, 3 Q
Bradford, William interview, 7 S
Bradley, Alexander Q. interview, 14 VV; questions to, 14 VV
Bradely, Benjamin C. 13 C; newspaper letter, 26 CC
Bradley, Isaac letter to, 4 DD
Bradley, James 29 C
Bradley, Stephen R. obituary, 3 P
Bradt, Arant obituary, 13 F
Brady, H. (Pa.) 8 E
Brady, Harriet Jones (Mrs. Thomas) marriage noted, 26 S
Brady, Hugh (Mich.) 7 NN; interview, 5 U; memo on letter to, 4 Q; papers about, 15 E; obituary, 3 Q; questions to 7 NN
Brady, Jasper E. 12 E
Brady, John 5 E, 8 E, 9 E, 12 E, 7 NN; interviews, 14 E, 2 S, 16 S; letters to, 12 E, 4 Q, 7 NN; questions to, 6 E
Brady, John S. interview 2 S
Brady, L. M. 10 J (Part 1)
Brady, R. S. 8 E
Brady, Samuel biographical sketches about, 15 E, 26 CC, 29 CC
Brady, Thomas marriage noted, 26 S
Brady, Van Swearingen 12 E, 7 NN; interviews, 14 E, 2 S
Brady, William I. 8 E
Brady, William J. 9 E
Brady, William P. newspaper letter, 27 CC; statement on death of James Brady, 10 E
Braley, A. B. newspaper article, 30 CC
Branch, William obituary, 30 CC
Brandenburgh, James 18 C
Brandenburgh, W. B. 18 C
Brandon, Charles interview, 23 VV
Brandon, Ed 26 J
Brandon, M. H. 4 RR
Brandon, Thomas obituaries, 8 VV, 10 VV
Brandon, W. L. 12 VV
Brandon, W. S. 15 VV
Brandon, William obituary, 3 Q
Brannock, Elizabeth B. 4 VV
Bransford, William M. 24 C; periodical article, 24 C
Brant, Betsy. See Betsy Bomberry.
Brant, Joseph biographical sketches about, 1 G, 2 G; newspaper letter, 11 F; obituary, 13 F
Brashears, Mrs. Lucy obituary, 24 C; reminiscences by, 24 C
Bratton, Mrs. Dorothy interview, 32 S
Bratton, J. R. interview, 11 VV
Bratton, N. B. information for map, 15 VV
Bratton, William obituary, 16 VV
Brawner, S. P. 32 CC
Bread, Daniel 11 U; obituary, 11 U
Breckenridge, H. H. newspaper article, 33 S. See also H. H. Brackenridge.
Breckenridge, Preston 32 CC
Breckinridge, John C. 32 CC
Breckinridge (Breckenridge), R. J. 8 ZZ; interview, 16 CC
Breckinridge, William C. P. 33 CC, 34 CC
Breed, Daniel newspaper article, 30 CC
Breese, Sidney 25 J, 1 Z
Breeze, Henry 25 J
Brenton, Samuel 9 NN
Brents, Joshua 5 C
Brevard, John G. 3 GG
Brey, Paul C. 9 BB
Brice, A. B. 15 J
Brice, R. W. 4 VV
Brien, Mrs. Dorothy Hand interviews, 1 B, 3 NN
Briggs, Benjamin interview, 9 J; statement on battle of Blue Licks, 1 OO
Bright, George M. 9 E
Bright, J. W. newspaper article, 29 CC
Brinker, George M. 27 J
Briscoe, William D. 1 BB
Britt, C. C 16 F, 38 J
Britt, Edward, P. map engraved by, 2 G
Broadhead, F. 2 VV
Broadhurst, Fred 4 C
Brock, Mary J 1 Z
Brock, R. A. 2 Q, 6 DD, 1 GG, 3 GG, 7 YY; newspaper article, 10 J (Part 2)
Brockunier, Wilbur C. 9 E, 4 ZZ
Brockway, B. (N.Y.) 8 RR
Brodhead, John 2 Q
Brodhead, John Romeyn 10 E
Brodhead, L. W. newspaper article, 17 F
Brodhead, Richard 10 E; letter to, 10 E
Bronner, Mrs. Jacob questions to, 19 F
Bronner, M. G. 4 F, 3 GG; map, 4 F; newspaper article, 2 G
Brooks, Ebenezer newspaper article, 18 CC
Brooks, Erastus newspaper and periodical articles, 7 F, 2 G, 3 G
Brooks, J. M. interviews, 4 YY, 10 YY
Brooks, James newspaper letter, 26 CC
Brooks, Louisa. See Louisa Aldridge.
Brooks, Sabina. See Sabina Ellis.
Brooks, Samuel 12 BB
Brooks, William M. 13 DD
Broughner, William 30 J
Brown, Mrs. ----- (Ky.) mother of John Howe Brown interview, 15 CC
Brown, A. J. 4 YY
Brown, A. M. 34 J
Brown, Adam interview, 11 U
Brown, Alexander 19 F; newspaper article, 32 C
Brown, Arabia obituary, 29 CC
Brown, B. Gratz 3 C
Brown, Campbell 2 J
Brown, Charles 2 VV; questions to, 2 VV
Brown, D. W. 12 VV
Brown, E. J. 4 YY; questions to, 4 YY
Brown, George obituary, 29 CC
Brown, H. A. 9 C, 22 VV
Brown, Henry obituary, 30 CC
Brown, J. B. 14 F
Brown, J. F. 12 BB
Brown, Mrs. Jemima Yates information from, 9 C
Brown, John (1757-1837) copies from pamphlet, 31 S, 16 CC
Brown, John interview (1885), 10 YY
Brown, John newspaper article (1793), 33 S
Brown, Mrs. John interview, 17 CC
Brown, John C. 28 C
Brown, John D. interview, 11 U
Brown, John H. letters to, 17 CC
Brown, John Howe. See Mrs. ---- Brown.
Brown, John Mason 16 C, 2 J, 6 J, 32 J, 32 CC, 33 CC, 34 CC; speech, 32 C
Brown, Joseph 6 XX; interview, 5 XX; obituary, 3 Q
Brown, Mildred (Mrs. Robert C.) obituary, 23 S
Brown, Milton 6 XX
Brown, Orlando 16 C, 54 J, 31 CC; interview, 16 CC; newspaper articles, 1 K, 2 ZZ; copies from pamphlet by, 31 S, 16 CC
Brown, Paul newspaper letter, 29 CC
Brown, Richard obituary, 31 S
Brown, Robert map, 6 VV
Brown, Sam 27 J
Brown, Samuel 12 U
Brown, Mrs. Susan 5 C
Brown, Thomas W. 2 CC
Brown, W. H. 12 BB
Brown, W. S. 28 C
Browne, Geroge W. G. 38 J
Browne, Samuel T. 7 RR; letters to, 1 RR, 3 RR, 7 RR
Browne, W. S. testimonial, 1 B
Brownfield, Mrs. Barzilla 18 VV; interview 16 VV; questions to, 18 VV
Brownfield, L. P. 2 VV
Brownfield, Robert (d. 1827) obituaries, 3 Q, 5 VV
Brownfield, Robert 8 VV (1877); questions to, 8 VV
Brownfield, Miss. S. P. 18 VV; letter and questions to, 18 VV
Browning, Charlotte P. 7 F
Browning, Cynthia obituary, 20 CC
Browning, W. G. 18 VV: newspaper article, 29 CC
Bruce, Daniel C. 13 J
Bruce, J. G. article, 14 C
Bruillette, John obituary, 3 Q
Brulé, Simon 44 J
Brummagin, Jarvis interview, 12 CC
Bruner, J. J. 7 RR
Bruner, Philip interview, 20 S
Brunson, Alfred 3 E, 7 YY; interview, 17 S; newspaper and periodical articles, 6 YY, 7 YY
Brunson, Ella C. 7 YY
Brush, D. H. 22 J
Bryan, Abner 4 C; interview, 4 C
Bryan, Bettie T. (Mrs. Joseph) 22 C, 33 CC
Bryan, Daniel 22 C, 8 CC; interviews, 22 C; map, 22 C; obituary 26 CC
Bryan, Elijah 4 C; interview 23 S; questions to, 4 C, 29 C
Bryan, Elijah C. 22 C
Bryan, Elizabeth (Mrs. Morgan) interview, 6 S; testimonial, 1 B
Bryan, Enoch A. 34 CC
Bryan, George 22 C; interview, 22 C
Bryan, I. A. 23 C
Bryan, James questions to, 4 C
Bryan, James L. 9 E
Bryan, Joseph 22 C; testimonial, 1 B
Bryan, Mrs. Joseph interview, 18 S
Bryan, Lewis interview, 18 S
Bryan, Mrs. Mary A. 4 E
Bryan, Mary Emily 4 C; letter and questions to, 4 C
Bryan, Morgan 23 C; interview, 6 S; testimonial, 1 B
Bryan, Mrs. Morgan. See Elizabeth Bryan.
Bryan, Moses Austin 19 VV
Bryan, R. T. 22 C
Bryan, Silas L. 25 J, 2 Q
Bryan, Thomas 22 C
Bryan, W. S. 16 C, 19 C, 29 C; questions to, 29 C
Bryan, William [?] interview, 16 CC
Bryan, William G. 2 Q
Bryan, William T. 1 B
Bryant, John H. 9 YY
Bryant, Thomas Julian articles, 33 C
Bryant, William C. 5 F, 9 F, 13 F, 15 F, 19 F, 12 U; letters to, 13 F; periodical articles, 11 F, 1 G; published poem, 29 CC
Brymner, Douglas 11 C, 45 J
Bryn, Joseph B. 12 BB
Bryson, J. K. 3 VV
Bryson, Thaddeus question to, 3 VV
Buchanan, H. R. 8 CC, 6 XX; article, 8 CC
Buchanan, J. R. 2 J
Buchanan, John 2 Q
Buckingham, -----, nephew of Levi interview, 13 CC
Buckingham, Levi interview, 13 CC
Buckingham, Mark interview, 14 CC
Buckingham, Smith interview, 14 CC
Bucklin, John C. obituary, 28 CC
Bucklin, S. S. newspaper article, 29 CC
Buckner, E. P. newspaper letter, 29 CC
Bucktooth. See Soh-so-wah.
Buford, B. D. 12 VV
Buford, R. E. B. 8 RR
Buford, Rowland D. 12 VV
Bukey, Drusilla (Mrs. Hugh) information from, 4 E
Bukey,Drusilla Tomlinson (Mrs. Hezekiah) interview, 3 S
Bukey, William interview, 3 S
Bulger, Andrew H. newspaper letter, 26 S
Bullard, H. A. letter to, 9 U
Bullen, Mrs. Jane interview, 25 S
Bullitt, Alexander S. obituary note, 36 J
Bullitt, Cuthbert 19 J, 35 J, 33 CC, 34 CC; marriage noted, 27 S
Bullitt, Mrs. Diana M. 10 J (Part 1)
Bullitt, Priscilla Christian (Mrs. Cuthbert) marriage noted, 27 S
Bullitt, Thomas W. 33 CC
Bullitt, William C. 37 J; interview 25 S
Bullock, Jonathan C. 24 C
Bullock, N. S. 24 C
Bullock W. B. 18 C
Bullock, Walter interview, 11 C; letter to, 4 Q
Bullock, William F. 2 J, 31 CC
Bundy, John C. 2 Q
Bunn, Henry G. 4 RR
Bunnell, Thomas G. 8 F
Burchfield, William R. 17 C
Burden, Benjamin. See Benjamin Borden.
Burdge, F. (N.Y.) 9 F
Burdick, Daniel W. 25 J
Burgin, A. (N. C.) 7 DD
Burgin, D. (N.C.) 7 DD
Burgin, Joseph B. 19 VV
Burk, Mrs. Sarah interview, 19 S
Burkam, Stephen interview, 2 S
Burke, Aedanus obituaries, 8 VV, 10 VV
Burke, William interview, 14 CC
Burkett, Mary Ann interview, 16 S
Burkhart, John 11 E
Burkhaus, Edward 4 F
Burleson, B. F. 11 U; questions to, 11 U
Burnham, C. F. 18 C, 28 C, 33 CC; letter to, 33 CC; periodical article, 36 CC
Burnet, Jacob 2 Q, 12 BB
Burnett, Abram, Potawatomi chief interview, 23 S; obituary, 23 S
Burnett, Peter H. newspaper letter 29 CC
Burney, B. C. 10 U
Burnley, Hardin 14 VV
Burnley, M. A. 14 VV
Burnley, Samuel G. 14 VV
Burns, Charles De F. 12 BB, 19 VV
Burns, Elizabeth 3 CC
Burns, Hugh 29 CC, newspaper letters, 29 CC
Burns, P. M. 15 C; letter to, 15 C
Burnside, Mrs. P. F. 12 VV
Burr, Aaron newspaper articles about, 26 CC, 27 CC, 30 CC
Burr, S. J. published poem, 29 CC
Burroughs, Philip 19 F
Burrus, J. G. 17 C
Burry, A. M. 2 GG
Burt, Mrs. Evretta interview, 22 S
Burt, Grinnell 8 F
Burt, Huron 23 C
Burt, James 9 F; questions to, 9 F
Burtch, John H. 17 F
Burwell, Dudley obituaries, 18 F
Busbey, William 8 RR
Bush, Mrs. Cornelia 33 CC
Bush, Philip S. 13 C; interview, 21 S
Bush, S. S. 24 C
Bush, Willis A. 24 C; letter to, 24 C
Bushnell, Charles J. 17 VV; letter to, 17 VV
Bushnell, Horace newspaper letter, 29 CC
Businet, Alexis interview, 17 S
Buskirk, J. G. note (on letter by Robert Davidson), 8 NN
Buskirk, William N. note (on letter by Robert Davidson), 8 NN
Butler, A. P. sketch about James Butlr, 16 VV
Butler, Catharine (Mrs. John) obituary, 13 F
Butler, Chester 2 Q
Butler, Daniel interview, 17 S
Butler, Edward obituary, 4 U
Butler, J. letter to, 2 K
Butler, J. D. (Ky.) 17 C
Butler, J. Wilkins 32 CC
Butler, James (Ontario, Can.) (1879) interview, 13 F
Butler, James D. (Wis.) 7 YY; letter to, 1 RR; newspaper article, 12 U
Butler, L. Q. C. recollecitons reported, 4 RR; questions for, 4 RR
Butler, M. C. 2 Q
Butler, Mann 8 J, 9 J, 44 J; letters to, 11 C, 8 J, 9 J, 10 J, 44 J, 33 S, 2 CC, 15 CC, 6 XX; newspaper and periodical articles, 24 C, 26 CC, 6 YY, 4 ZZ; obituaries, 44 J, 3 Q
Butler, Noble 8 E, 32 CC
Butler, R. R. 10 C
Butler, Richard interview, 15 CC
Butler, Robert 8 CC; obituary, 3 Q
Butler, Thad 1 YY; newspaper article, 1 YY
Butler, Thomas interview, 11 CC
Butler, William (1731-1838) obituary, 15 E
Butler, William O. 29 C, 44 J, 31 CC; interviews, 5 S, 15 CC
Butt, J. A. 3 DD
Butterfield, Consul W. 5 D, 32 J, 2 AA; letters to, 11 U, 2 AA
Butts, A. C. 8 F; printed addresses, 3 G
Buyck, P. A. 13 VV
Byerly, B. (Pa.) 2 E
Byerly, Jacob obituaries, 2 E, 9 E
Byers, T. N. 8 E
Byers, W. 32 CC
Bynum, John Gray 7 DD, 15 DD
Bynum, John S. fragment of letter to, 4 DD
Bynum, W. P. 9 C, 5 DD, 6 DD, 7 DD, 14 DD, 15 DD, 3 RR, 12 VV; letter to, 7 DD
Bynum, William S. 4 DD
Byram, Edward interview, 19 S
Byrd, A. B. 13 VV
Byrd, Ottway obituary, 8 VV
Cabaniss, Aurelia A. 13 VV
Cackler, Christian 6 E
Cade, Baylus 7 C; map, 7 C
Cain, P. H. 4 RR; information from, 8 C
Cain, William 5 VV; questions to, 5 VV
Caldwell, Billy article about, 9 YY; obituary, 3 Q; periodical letter by, 9 YY
Caldwell, D. A. 2 GG; newspaper letter, 1 HH
Caldwell, E. H. 37 J
Caldwell, Ezekiel interview, 3 S
Caldwell, George A. 32 CC
Caldwell, Howard H. published poem, 17 DD
Caldwell, J. A. 4 CC
Caldwell, James interview, 17 S
Caldwell, John interview, 17 S
Caldwell, John D. 8 VV
Caldwell, Joseph interview, 16 S
Caldwell, Mrs. Lavinia interview, 18 S
Caldwell, Mrs. Nannette interview, 17 S
Caldwell, Robert C. 15 VV
Caldwell, S. B. 26 J
Caldwell, William interviews, 17 S, 10 E; letter to, 10 E
Calhoun, E. B. 13 DD
Calhoun, E. R. 12 VV
Calhoun, John C. exract from letter 16 VV; obituary, 30 CC
Calhoun, John Ewing obituary, 10 VV
Calhoun, Patrick obituary, 3 Q
Calkin, Ezra F. published poem, 3 G
Call, Wilkinson 33 CC
Callahan, George newspaper and periodical articles, 20 U, 4 ZZ
Callaway, Elijah 5 DD, 12 DD; article, 5 DD; questions to, 12 DD
Callaway, Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles) interview, 23 S
Callaway, Flanders newspaper article, 26 CC
Callaway, James (d. 1815) obituary, 26 S
Callaway, James (d. 1859) 24 C, 5 DD, 12 DD; interview, 25 S; interviews recorded by, 12 DD; letter and questions to, 12 DD; map, 12 DD; obituary, 12 DD
Callaway, James F. 21 C
Callaway, John Hawkins interview, 25 S
Callaway, Micajah letter to, 24 C
Callaway, Noble interview, 25 S
Callaway, Thomas interview, 24 S
Callaway, William Saunders 7 C; questions to, 7 C
Calley, C. A. 4 VV
Callon, W. P. 6 DD
Calloway, J. W. 38 J
Calloway, Mrs. P. E. 5 DD
Calloway, Mrs. Prudence 9 C; questions to, 9 C
Calloway, T. S. 9 C
Calvert, Andrew interview, 18 S
Calvert, John interview, 18 S
Calvert, Obadiah interview, 18 S
Calvert, Preston 24 C
Calvin, Amos 11 BB
Calvin, J. A. 5 BB
Calvin, Jane (Mrs. John) interview, 17 S
Calvin, John letter to, 11 BB
Calvin, John A. interview, 17 S
Calvin, Lewis 5 BB
Calvin, Luther 11 BB
Calvin, Nancy. See Nancy Titus.
Calvin, Perry 11 BB; interview, 17 S
Campbell, ---- published poem, 2 G
Campbell, Miss -----, sister of Frank Campbell interview, 13 CC
Campbell, Alexander newspaper article, 29 CC
Campbell, Mrs. Ann W. Clarke 1 V
Campbell, Archibald newspaper article, 18 CC
Campbell, Caldwell interview, 18 S
Campbell, Catherine H. 13 DD
Campbell, Charles 35 J, 38 J, 2 Q, 8 CC, 10 DD; letter to, 1 YY
Campbell, D. R. 32 CC
Campbell, David 4 DD, 9 DD, 10 DD, 15 DD, 16 DD, 3 XX, 3 ZZ; interview, 32 S; letters to, 4 Q, 32 S, 3 DD, 10 DD, 15 DD, 16 DD, 3 ZZ; newspaper letter, 16 VV; note appended to letter by Arthur Campbell, 4 ZZ; obituary, 3 Q
Campbell, Douglass newspaper address, 3 F
Campbell, E. 18 C
Campbell, Edwin R. letters to, 9 DD, 10 DD
Campbell, Mrs. Elizabeth Kirker interview, 21 S
Campbell, Mrs. Frances interview, 23 S
Campbell, G. Washington 10 YY; interview, 10 YY
Campbell, James 4 BB
Campbell, James M. obituary, 8 VV
Campbell, Jane 13 VV
Campbell, John 8 DD; letter to, 8 DD
Campbell, John (d. 1825) newspaper and periodical articles, 8 DD, 15 DD; obituaries, 30 CC, 8 DD, 10 DD
Campbell, John A. 1 V
Campbell, Joseph 15 J
Campbell, R. H. 15 DD
Campbell, Robert obituaries, 9 DD; periodical article, 17 DD
Campbell, Robert, Jr. 23 C
Campbell, S. L. letters to, 2 ZZ
Campbell, Samuel interview, 11 CC
Campbell, Samuel D. 8 ZZ
Campbell, Thomas I. 6 XX
Campbell, Thomas J. 10 DD
Campbell, W. B. 37 J, 10 DD, 14 DD, 6 XX; letters to, 12 C, 4 Q
Campbell, W. J. 17 C, 38 J
Campbell, William newspaper article, 30 CC
Campbell, William W. 5 F, 7 F, 16 F, 10 DD; letter to, 10 F; periodical articles, 1 G
Campbol, James V. 6 YY
Camper, William interview, 12 CC
Canaday, T. B. 21 J
Candler, Daniel G. 1 V; questions to, 1 V
Candler, Martha A. See Martha A. Sanders.
Candler, William B. 1 V
Canniff, William 13 F, 19 F
Canning, E. W. B. newspaper article, 6 ZZ
Cannon, J. A. 14 VV
Cannon, Newton newspaper speech, 6 YY
Cantine, Christina M. 7 F
Cantine, Kittie 7 F
Cantey, John obituary, 8 VV
Capers, Henry D. 13 DD, 19 VV
Capers, J. H. 13 DD
Capers, W. C. letter to, 19 VV
Captain Decker (Dah-gan-non-do or He-Who-Patches) Seneca chief interview, 4 S
Captain John, Oneida chief obituary, 11 U
Captain Johnny, Shawnee leader newspaper address, 33 S
Cardell, William S. obituary, 3 Q
Cardozo, J. N. 8 VV
Carey, Eleazer 4 F
Carey, Hawley R. 4 F
Carey, Mrs. Huldah information from, 2 G
Carey, Mathew excerpts from published book or pamphlet, 27 S
Carleton, Henry Guy newspaper letter, 16 C
Carlisle, Earl of newspaper letter, 30 CC
Carpenter, Mrs. . See Ka-che-qua.
Carpenter, John D. 8 F, 9 F; questions to, 8 F
Carpenter, John M. 8 F
Carpenter, M. T. published poem, 29 CC
Carpenter, O. L. 8 F, 19 F; questions to, 8 F
Carpenter, O. S. map, 8 F
Carpenter, Philo copy of newspaper extract, 8 F
Carpenter, S. D. 2 RR
Carpenter, S. L. 8 NN
Carr, David J. 17 C; information from, 4 C; letter and questions to, 17 C; map, 17 C
Carr, John 6 XX
Carr, Milton T. 30 J
Carr, Will W. 10 J (Part 1)
Carr, William 1 C
Carrington, Miss V. P. 15 DD
Carroll, J. Halsted newspaper speeches, 2 G, 3 G
Carroll, Robert, W. 7 J
Carroll, Samuel interview, 16 VV
Carroll, William T. letter to, 8 CC
Carson, D. P. 14 DD
Carson, Mrs. S. P. information from, 7 DD
Carter, Mrs. ---- (Ohio) interview, 13 CC
Carter, Allen W. 9 E
Carter, Enoch interview, 1 S
Carter, G. W. 17 C
Carter, Mrs. Samuel interview, 17 S
Carter, Thomas W. 6 C; map, 6 C; questions to, 6 C
Carter, Walker R. 20 C
Carter, William B., son of Landon Carter 5 XX
Carter, William B., grandson of Landon 4 DD; letter to, 4 DD; map, 4 DD
Carthra, Mrs. Sophia Lewis obituary, 32 S
Cartmill, Thomas interview, 12 CC
Cartright, I. P. 28 C
Cartwright, C. E. 6 F
Cartwright, Peter 26 J; newspaper article, 29 CC
Cartwright, Richard J. 19 F; pamphlet, 1 G
Cartwright, Samuel A. 27 J
Case, Mrs. ---- published poems, 29 CC
Casey, Ann. See Ann Montgomery.
Casey, Levi obituary, 10 VV
Casler, Abraham M. 16 F; interview, 4 S
Cass, Edward 3 GG
Cass, Lewis 38 J; newspaper and periodical articles, 4 U, 11 U, 26 CC
Cassels, James interview, 10 YY
Cassidy, Francis interview, 21 S
Cassidy, George L. interview, 21 S
Cassidy, M. M. 3 BB
Cassidy, Samuel interview, 21 S
Cassidy, William interview, 21 S
Castleman, Andrew interview, 32 S; map, 6 XX
"Catholicus," pseudonym. See Caleb Wallace.
Catlin, Mrs. C. J. 3 GG
Catlin, George copy of periodical article excerpt, 36 CC; newspaper articles, 28 CC, 30 CC
Catlin, Jacob 9F
Caulkins, F. M. 4 J
Cauthorn, Mrs. ----- (Ind.), daughter of Elihu Stout interview, 25 S
Cauthorn, Henry S. 25 J, 36 J; maps, 23 J, 25 J; newspaper article, 23 J
Cauthorn, Henry S., Jr. maps, 23 J
Cavanaugh, Mary E. 23 S
Cave, William P. information from, 2 VV; questions to, 2 VV
Cerré, Paschal Leon interview, 8 J
Chadwick, Elisha interview, 27 S
Chaffee, Alfred B. 9 YY
Chaffee, O. W. 18 C
Chain Breaker. See Blacksnake.
Chaine, Gabriel interview, 17 S
Chalmers, Dr. ----- newspaper article, including poetry, 28 CC
Chamberlain, Mellen 8 RR, 19 VV
Chamberlin, A. N. 10 C, 4 YY; questions to, 4 YY
Chamberlin, E. K. 1 Q
Chambers, B. (Washington, D. C.) 16 C
Chambers, B. S. newspaper article, 30 CC
Chambers, David 4 E, 9 NN
Chambers, David S. interview, 25 S
Chambers, G. W. newspaper letter, 29 CC
Chambers, George 7 E
Chambers, George W. interview, 25 S
Chambers, J. J. 18 C
Chambers, James interviews, 3 S, 22 S; petition to Congress, 2 G
Chambers, Mary Avery 4 DD, 2 GG, 3 GG
Chambers, W. M. 22 C
Chamblee. See Shaubena.
Champ, William interview, 15 C, 18 S
Chandler, Daniel interview, 9 S
Chandler, Joseph (?), R. 2 O
Chandler, T. W. newspaper article, 29 CC
Chapline, ------ (Harrodsburg, Ky.) interview, 23 J
Chapline, Abraham (Abram) autobiographical sketch, 4 CC; letter to, 4 CC
Chapline, Abram (Abraham), Jr. 18 J, 36 J
Chapline, Abram M. 18 J
Chapline, Willis S. interview, 18 J
Chapman, C. I. A. newspaper address, 2 G
Chapman, H. 12 BB
Chapman, Levi 9 E
Chapman, T. J. 15 J
Chappell, J. A. 7 C, 17 C, 36 J, 33 CC; map, 7 C
Chappell, James H. 13 VV; letter and questions to, 13 VV
Chappell, Paul G. 13 VV; questions to, 13 VV
Charleville, Sophia E. 4 J
Cheatham, R. H. interview, 18 S
Cheetham, Mrs. R. H. interview, 18 S
Cheetham, James Kenton 5 BB
Cheff, Willis G. 1 BB
Cheney, T. A. 2 Q
Chenoweth, Abraham 3 CC
Chenoweth, Albert 3 CC
Chenoweth, Charles 3 CC
Chenoweth, Henry 3 CC
Chenoweth, J. H. D. 3 CC
Chenoweth, James H. 3 CC
Chenoweth, James M. 3 CC; questions to, 3 CC
Chenoweth, James Q. 3 CC
Chenoweth, Stephen B. 3 CC
Chenoweth, Thomas J. 3 CC
Chenoweth, W. J. 3 CC
Chesebrough, R. J. newspaper advertisement, 36 CC
Cheshire, W. W. 2 RR
Chester, Robert J. 5 J
Chester, Samuel H. 1 GG
Chever, Charlotte L. 13 DD
Chick, P. W. questions to, 12 VV
Chick, Mrs. P. W. letter to, 12 VV
Chick, Mrs. T. E. 12 VV
Child, Mrs. Lydia M. quotation from, 36 CC
Child, R. A. newspaper speech, 17 DD
Childs, A. L. published poem, 3 G
Chilton, James R. article, 36 CC
Chilton (Shelton), Stephen interview, 11 CC
Chisholm, John 37 J
Chisholm, T. L. 37 J
Chorn, James 17 J
Chrietzberg, A. M. article, 7 RR
Chrisman, Hugh statement about his death, 29 CC
Chrisman, Mrs. John questions to, 19 F
Christian, George 13 C, 14 DD, 15 DD, 16 DD, 3 ZZ
Christian, George L. 14 VV
Christian, J. R. 8 ZZ; letter to, 8 ZZ
Christian, Priscilla. See Priscilla Bullitt.
Christian, William map, 11 S
Christie, W. F. 1 V
Christler, Samuel 12 E
Christler, Thomas 12 E
Christy, D. (Ohio) newspaper letter, 19 CC
Christy, William information from, 26 S
Churchill, Samuel B. newspaper article, 29 CC
Churchman, George map, 12 ZZ
Cilley, Clinton A. 4 DD, 5 DD, 7 DD, 15 DD, 18 VV
Cimeron, A. E. letter to, 7 YY
Cist, Charles 2 Q, 8 CC; interviews, 14 CC, 15 CC; letter to, 11 YY; newspaper articles, 19 CC, 27 CC, 29 CC
Cist, L. J. 17 J, 19 VV
Claiborne, H. L. 14 DD
Claiborne, John F. H. 19 U, 6 DD, 15 DD, 3 GG, 12 VV; letter to, 15 VV; newspaper letter, 26 CC
Clapp, J. C. 14 DD, 15 DD
Clark, Abram recipe, 36 CC
Clark, Barney M. letter to, 8 F
Clark, Charles 1 V
Clark, Daniel T. 19 U
Clark, Ebenezer interview, 3 S
Clark, Edmund obituary note, 36 J
Clark, Elizabeth Zane (Mrs. John) interview, 3 S
Clark, George B. 10 J (Part 2)
Clark, George R. H. 10 J (Part 2)
Clark, George Rogers maps, 19 J; newspaper letters, 27 CC, 29 CC; obituaries, 12 J, 55 J
Clark, George W. 58 J; interview, 10 J (Part 2)
Clark, Henry A. published poem, 26 CC
Clark, Ichabod interview, 13 CC
Clark, Mrs. Ichabod interview, 13 CC
Clark, Isaac obituary, 3 Q
Clark, James interview, 13 CC
Clark, John obituary (1820), 3 Q
Clark, John obituary (1832), 1 V
Clark, John interview (1846), 3 S
Clark, John O'Fallon 10 J (Part 2)
Clark, John S. 6 F, 7 F, 10 F, 14 F, 19 F; maps, 6 F
Clark, Jonathan (1750-1811) obituary, 10 J (Part 2)
Clark, Jonathan, grandson of Jonathan (1750-1811) 10 J (Part 2), 26 J
Clark, Lewis Gaylord letter to, 2 O
Clark, Lucinda. See Lucinda Garnett.
Clark, Lucy G. (Mrs. Marston G.) interview, 25 S
Clark, M. H. 35 J, 34 CC
Clark, M. Lewis 58 J
Clark, Marston Green obituaries, 27 CC, 29 CC
Clark, Mrs. Martha obituary, 8 VV
Clark, Merriwether Lewis interview, 2 J; obituary, 3 Q
Clark, Micajah H. 7 J
Clark, Pat 2 Q
Clark, Solomon interviews, 12 C, 9 CC
Clark, Mrs. Sophronia interview, 2 S
Clark, Thomas Jefferson interview, 23 S
Clark, William (d. 1791) maps, 1 M
Clark, William (1770-1838) interview, 28 J; obituaries, 26 CC, 27 CC
Clark, William (b. 1795), son of Jonathan (1750-1811) interview, 10 J (Part 2)
Clark, William Hancock 10 J (Part 2), 35 J, 1 K
Clarke, Rev. ----- (Ky.) newspaper letter, 19 CC
Clarke, Ann W. See Ann Campbell.
Clarke, J. B. 19 C
Clarke, James Freeman 32 CC
Clarke, James T. 20 C
Clarke, Julius obituary, 29 CC
Clarke, N. L. 19 C, 2 RR
Clarke, O. P. G. 2 DD, 3 DD, 15 VV
Clarke, Peter D. 11 U, 7 YY, 8 YY; questions to, 11 U
Clarke, Robert 38, J
Clarke, Wait 4 F
Clarkson, Matthew obituary, 3 P
Claus, W. 14 F
Claus, Warren interview, 13 F
Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, Philadelphia publishing firm 3 GG
Clay, Brutus J. 31 CC
Clay, C. C. 2 Q
Clay, Cassius M. 6 YY
Clay, Henry newspaper letter, 29 CC
Clay, Thomas H. 2 CC
Claypool, David C. obituaries, 26 CC, 28 CC
Clayton, Ralph 16 C; letter to, 7 C; newspaper articles, 7 C; obituary, 7 C; questions to, 2 C
Checkley, Jacob D. 6 VV
Cleghorn, Allen interview, 13 F; newspaper speech, 2 G
Cleland, G. M. 4 F, 15 F, 19 F; map, 4 F; newspaper articles, 4 F, 10 F; questions to, 4 F
Cleland, Thomas interview, 14 CC
Cleland, Mrs. Thomas interview, 14 CC
Clement, George A. interview, 13 F
Clement, Katharine. See Katharine Ball.
Clement, Lewis 14 F; questions to, 14 F
Clement, Mrs. Melinda 8 C
Clench, Mr. ----- questions to, 13 F
Clench, Rolfe obituary, 13 F
Clendenin, Anthony B. memo of letter to, 4 Q
Clendenin, Charles interview, 3 S
Cleveland, B. F. 5 DD
Cleveland, Benjamin 5 DD; obituary, 5 DD
Cleveland, George C. 5 DD; questions to, 5 DD
Cleveland, J. R. letter to, 16 VV
Cleveland, Jeremiah 5 DD
Cleveland, John B. 5 DD
Cleveland, Mrs. M. H. 5 DD
Cleveland, Mary published poem, 17 DD
Cleveland, Nehemiah 5 DD; obituary, 5 DD
Cleveland, R. M. 5 DD
Cleveland, W. C. 15 DD
Clevenger, Shobal Vail obituary, 28 CC
Click, J. L. 8 C
Clifford, Cunningham 8 E
Clifford, John. See Mrs. ---- Armstrong.
Clifford, Sarah 12 E
Clifton, William published poem, 2 P
Cline, Mrs. ----- (Ohio), daughter of George Foulks interview, 16 S
Clingman, T. L. 9 C, 10 C, 3 RR
Clinkenbeard, Isaac interview, 11 CC
Clinkenbeard, William interview, 11 CC
Clinkinbeard, John interview, 25 S
Clinkinbeard, Mrs. Mercy interview, 25 S
Clinton, George W. newspaper address, 30 CC
Clinton, Henry newspaper letter, 30 CC
Cloud, J. M. 6 DD
Clowney, William K. 2 DD
Clyde, DeWitt C. 5 F; questions to, 5 F
Clyde, J. D. 5 F
Clyde, Jefferson N. 4 F, 5 F; maps, 5 F; newspaper letter, 5 F; questions to, 5 F
Coa-Coo-Chee (Co-A-Choo-Chee or Wildcat), Seminole Indian article about, 30 CC; newspaper letter, 29 CC
Coale, Charles B. 38 J
Cobb, (Colonel Cobb), Choctaw chief newspaper speeches, 16 E, 27 CC, 29 CC, 30 CC
Cobb, Joseph 8 CC; interview, 32 S
Coble, Henry interview, 23 S
Coburn, Parly interview, 1 Q
Cochran, Mr. ---- (Ky.?) interview, 11 CC
Cochran, H. P. 20 C, 2 J
Cochran, John 7 DD
Cochran, John L. 7 DD
Cochran, Samuel map, 12 ZZ
Cochran, William 9 E
Cock, Oliver 28 C
Cockburn, James map, 11 F
Cocke, Stephen 8 CC, 6 ZZ; interview, 30 S
Cocke, William newspaper letters, 33 S, 18 CC
Cockrill, Susan Boon 1 B, 23 C; obituary note, 23 C; testimonial by, 1 B
Coffee, Alex D. 2 YY
Coffee, C. C. 2 YY
Coffee, John article about, 2 YY; obituaries, 27 CC, 18 VV
Coffee, Mrs. Mary Donelson interview, 16 VV
Cofee, P. H. 2 YY
Coffey, C. R. 13 DD
Coffey, Elijah 13 DD
Coffey, Joseph 13 DD
Coffey, Leland 19 C
Coffey, Nathaniel statement about, 18 VV
Coffey, R. T. 13 DD
Coffey, RIchard letter to, 13 DD
Coffey, Wellborn 9 C, 19 C; questions to, 19 C
Coffinberry, S. C. 5 YY; newspaper article, 5 YY
Coggeshall, W. T. 9 E, 2 Q
Cogswell, H. E., music for song entitled "Battle of Wyoming," 2 G
Cogswell, William 5 E, 9 E, 8 NN
Cohen, Mendes 38 J
Cohia, George J. 28 J
Coit, James C. 15 VV
Colburn, Zerah obituary, 27 S
Colcraft. See Henry R. Schoolscraft.
Cole, Coleman 4 YY; questions to, 4 YY
Cole, James interview, 23 S
Cole, John S. newspaper article, 1 BB
Cole, L. A. 8 BB
Cole, M. J. 1 BB
Cole, S., chief clerk, U.S. Pension Office 28 C, 8 E, 6 ZZ
Cole, Samuel interview, 23 S
Coleman, A. M. (Mrs. Chapman) 6 J, 37 J
Coleman, C. A. 2 C; questions to, 2 C
Coleman, R. E. periodical article, 12 BB
Coleman, Robert F. 1 K; periodical article, 1 K
Coleman, Thomas W. 1 V
Coleman, William M. 3 RR
Coles, Edward 13 J, 6 S; interview, 2 Q, 6 S; obituary, 3 Q; testimonial by, 1 B
Coll, D. (Pa.) 8 E; letter to, 8 E
Collet, Oscar W. 28 J, 2 K
Collett, John 24 J
Collier, James interview, 3 S; obituary, 16 E
Collins, J. H. 17 C; map, 17 C
Collins, Josiah interview, 12 CC
Collins, Lewis 9 E, 2 Q, 10 BB, 34 CC; interviews, 7 S; 13 CC; letters to, 19 F, 2 Q, 31 CC, 32 CC
Collins, Lyman 12 E
Collins, Mrs. Rachel interview, 20 S
Collins, Richard H. 15 C, 16 C, 29 C, 6 J, 16 J, 33 CC
Colman, Hamilton 4 F
Colman, Samuel 5 E; newspaper article, 28 CC
Colonel Cobb. See Cobb.
Colton, Calvin newspaper article, 28 CC
Colton, George published poem, 13 YY
Colvard (?), R. W. (N. C.) 9 C
Colville, R. W. (Tenn.) 4 C
Colvin, T. D. 25 J; maps, 25 J
Combs, Cuthbert interview, 11 CC
Combs, Lee 17 C; letter to, 17 C
Combs (Coombs), Leslie 28 C, 2 J, 7 U, 32 CC, 1 YY, 6 YY; periodical articles, 7 U
Comingo, Neville B. C. 12 U; newspaper article, 12 U
Compton, William 25 J
Comstock, Adam obituary, 3 Q
Comstock, Otis obituary, 30 CC
Cone, Mary periodical articles, 2 K
Cone, W. W. 16 C; newspaper articles, 16 C, 32 C
Conger, Joseph published poem, 28 CC
Conley, A. A. 19 VV
Conley, W. J. 17 C
Connell, E. P. 5 C
Conner, R. J. 8 YY
Conrey, John 32 CC
Consley (Consilla, Consola, Consoley), Harmon 36 J, 38 J
Consley, Samuel C. 36 J
Constable, Charles H. 41 Y; letter to, 41 Y; newspaper article, 21 S
Contable, Martha Hinde (Mrs. Charles H.) letter to, 40 Y; obituary, 3 Q
Converse, Miss Sarah Porter obituary, 28 CC
Conway, Samuel interview, 24 S
Conwell, John 30 J
Cook, Abram newspaper article, 29 CC
Cook, D. B. 7 YY; periodical article, 7 YY
Cook, Eliza published poem, 29 CC
Cook, Girard 12 VV
Cook, Harrison 8 C, 2 RR, 4 RR
Cook, Mrs. Mary C. 27 J
Cook, Nathan 12 VV
Cook, Samuel M. letter to, 19 F
Cooke, Jacob 10 E
Cooke, Mrs. Sarah 11 E
Cooke, William L. 10 E
Cooley, O. H. P. 16 J; map, 16 J
Coombs, Lesle. See Leslie Combs.
Coons, J. F. 17 CC
Coons, John interview, 12 CC
Cooper, David sketch about, 2 Q
Cooper, Ezekiel obituary, 30 CC
Cooper, Mrs. George information from, 2 G
Cooper, J. B. 32 CC
Cooper, Joseph interview, 23 S
Cooper, Miss M. A. 32 CC
Cooper, Robert M. 4 VV, 9 VV
Cooper, S. J. 4 VV
Cooper, Stephen interview, 11 C
Cooper, Thomas obituary, 27 S
Copeland, ----- letter to, 2 Q
Copeland, John M. interview, 10 YY
Copley, A. B. periodical article, 1 YY
Coppee, Henry published poem, 2 G
Corbin, Elizabeth Lewis (Mrs. A. R.) newspaper articles, 16 C, 32 C, 24 S
Cork, James W. 3 GG
Cornelius, Jacob interview, 11 U
Cornelius, John interview, 11 U
Cornell, George A. and others published U.S. Senate Committee report, 29 CC
Cornett, B. L. 17 C
Cornitt (Cornett), Clark 17 C; letters to, 17 C
Cornstalk, Shawnee chief article about, 30 CC
Corrie, W. H. 24 J
Corry, William M. 2 Q
Corseley, John H. interview, 23 S
Corson, William 1 C
Corum, George A. 3 BB, 12 BB
Corum, J. (Ky.) 32 CC
Corwin, John A. interview, 18 S
Cory, M. (Mich.) 4 F
Corwin, Moses B. interview, 18 S
Cory, W. E. 4 F
Coshow, Mrs. Evira L. 21 C, 38 J; letters to, 21 C
Costan, Mrs. Jane 8 E
Coudray, William interview 32 S
Coues, Elliott 1 BB
Coulter, James 8 NN
Coulter, John 8 E
Courtney, Ezra manuscript article, 2 Q
Courtright, Catharine (Mrs. Cornelius) information from, 2 G
Courtright, Cornelius information from, 2 G
Cousineau, Francis interview, 17 S
Covert, C. C. newspaper article, 3 G
Covert, Joseph questions to, 5 D
Covington, J. M. 6 DD, 15 DD
Cowan, George 36 J, 37 J, 4 CC, 34 CC
Cowan, H. J. 4 CC
Cowgill, Daniel E. 5 BB, 12 BB
Cowgill, Thomas 2 BB. 12 BB
Cowles, Calvin, J. 8 C, 9 C, 8 RR; letters to, 8 C, 2 RR
Cowley, Asahel 10 F; newspaper letter, 10 F
Cowling, J. V., Jr. 13 DD
Cowling, Mrs. S. I. 13 DD
Cox, A. J. 15 DD
Cox, E. R. W. 18 C, 29 C; memorandum for, 17 C
Cox, E. T. 11 J
Cox, Friend 13 J, 14 J, 9 NN; map, 14 J
Cox, John 3 F
Cox, Joseph interview, 16 S
Cox, Katharine Ann 45 J
Cox, Sandford C. 27 J, 9 U; map, 27 J
Coyle, B. H. 17 C
Coyle, Manasseh extact from letter, 1 OO
Cracraft, William 14 J
Craft, David 7 F; newspaper articles, 7 F, 3 G
Craft, Jason L. 17 C
Craft, Joseph E. 18 C
Craig, Delinda Boone (Mrs. James) information from, 23 C; interview, 30 C
Craig, Edward interview, 15 CC
Craig, Elijah newspaper article, 18 CC
Craig, Isaac 30 J, 37 J, 12 U; maps, 30 J
Craig, John 32 S, 3 DD; interviews, 3 S, 12 CC
Craig, John H. interview, 9 J
Craig, Joseph 25 J
Craig, Neville B. 12 U, 9 NN; interviews, 2 S, 4 S
Craig, Thomas 6 E; interview, 24 S
Craighead, Mrs. Lavinia Robertson information from, 6 XX
Craighead, R. (Tenn.) 15 VV
Craighead, Thomas letter to, 15 VV
Craighead, Thomas C. 15 VV
Crain, A. W. 4 YY, questions to, 4 YY
Crain, R. M. information from, 5 S; questions to, 4 YY
Cranmer, G. L. newspaper article, 6 ZZ
Cravens, John R. 37 J
Crawford, D. Robert 12 DD
Crawford, G. W. 4 DD
Crawford, George interview, 9 BB
Crawford, J. A. 13 VV; interview, 11 VV
Crawford, Jennings 8 E
Crawford, John interview, 12 CC
Crawford, John H. 20 C
Crawford, John L. (Iowa) 9 E
Crawford, John L. (Pa.) 6 NN
Crawford, N. H. 15 C
Crawford, William (Md.) 8 E
Crawford, William (d. 1782) articles about, 29 S, 2 U
Craycraft, George (or Joseph) interview, 13 CC
Craycraft, William interview, 12 CC
Creekmore, D. B. 18 C
Creekmore, J. C. 17 C
Creigh, Alfred 2 E, 4 E
Crelie, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth Piant.
Cresap, Michael 11 E, 7 J; interview, 2 S
Crider, J. B. 11 VV
Crittenden, J. G. memo on letter to, 4 Q
Crittenden, John J. 37 J; article about, 28 CC; letter to, 37 J; newspaper articles, 26 S, 27 CC, 29 CC
Crittenden, Lizzie M. (Mrs. S. E.) 16 J
Crittenden, Lizzie Warren 34 CC
Crittendon, John J. See John J. Crittenden.
Crocker, James N. 1 EE
Crockett, Anthony obituary, 26 CC
Crockett, Elmer 20 U
Crockson, John G. 2 E; interview, 19 S; questions for, 2 E
Croft, William 18 C
Croghan, George interview, 10 J (Part 2); newspaper articles, 29 CC, 6 YY; obituaries, 3 Q, 26 CC, 30 CC
Croghan, John 10 J (Part 2), 2 Q; interviews, 10 J (Part 2)
Croghan, William (d. 1850) 10 J (Part 2); interviews, 10 J (Part 2), 4 S; obituary, 16 E
Crooke, B. F. 18 C
Crosby, Hiram B. 8 RR
Crosby, John interview, 7 S
Crosswell, W. K. 6 VV; map, 6 VV
Crouch, David interview, 12 CC
Crouch, W. H. 17 C, 19 C; map, 17 C
Crouse, P. T. 16 F, 7 U
Crouse, Peter letter to, 16 F; interview, 4 S
Crow, Jacob interview, 4 E
Crow, Michael 6 E; interview, 17 S; letter to, 9 E
Crow, Susannah (Mrs. George) 6 E
Crowell, John letter to, 9 NN
Cruger, John Hanis obituary notes, 21 VV
Cruger, Mrs. Lydia article about, 9 E; interviews, 2 S, 3 S; obituary, 3 Q; questions to, 8 E
Crum, David 19 VV
Crumpler, Rachel 9 E
Crumrine, Boyd 16 J, 30 J, 38 J
Crysler, A. C. 14 F
Cuddeback, A. J. 19 F
Cuddeback, C. E. newspaper address, 3 G
Cuddeback, George 8 F; questions to, 8 F
Cuffel, Sarah 8 E
Cuffle, Sallie Poe (Mrs. Adam) published interview, 8 S
Culbertson, Archibald interview, 13 F
Culbertson, Josiah obituary, 16 VV
Cullens, John petition to Congress, 2 E
Cullimore, Isaac newspaper article about, 29 CC
Culp, Adam 4 E; interview, 19 S
Culver, C. P. recipes, 36 CC
Cummings, Edward H. 1 YY
Cummings, Mrs. Elizabeth interview, 2 S
Cummings, James L. 3 ZZ
Cuningham, John W. 1 Q
Cuningham, S. A. 1 Q
Cunningham, Miss ---- obituary editorial (1855), 17 CC
Cunningham, J. W. 16 C; newspaper article, 16 C
Cunningham, Jacob interview, 10 YY
Cunningham, Mrs. M. L. 12 BB
Cunningham, R. M. memoranda on family history, 17 CC
Cuppy, Abram P. 9 E
Cuppy, Fletcher P. interview, 9 S
Cuppy, H. (Ohio) 8 E, 9 E
Cuppy, J. W. 9 E
Cuppy, John 8 E; interview, 9 S; obituaries, 9 S
Curry, Obadiah interview, 25 S
Curry, Mrs. Obadiah interview, 25 S
Curry, William interview, 13 CC
Curtis, Mrs. Celia 19 C
Curtis, Daniel newspaper letter, 9 YY; statement about, 5 YY
Curtis, Finley P. 19 C
Curtis, James C. 17 F, 19 F; obituary, 17 F
Curtis, Walter 4 F
Curtiss, Daniel S. 1 YY
Curtiss, Walter 15 J
Curtright, John D. 12 BB
Curtright, W. H. 12 BB
Cushing, Henry interview, 14 CC
Cutbirth, J. L. 29 C
Cutler, Manasseh obituary, 2 P
Cutler, William P. 18 J; excerpt from pamphlet, 2 K; periodical article, 18 J
Cutright, Elizabeth 9 E
Cutright, Peter. See Peter Cutwright.
Cutter, G. M. published poem, 13 E
Cutwright (Cutright), Peter interview, 12 CC
Dabney, John 20 J
Dah-gan-non-do. See Captain Decker.
Dain, John newspaper article, 5 F
Dale, Samuel obituary, 26 CC
Dalliba, James pamphlet, 8 U
Dalrymple, E. A. 2 GG, 19 VV
Dalton, Mrs. Mary C. 8 C, 4 DD, 1 RR, 2 RR, 8 RR; questions to, 8 C, 2 RR
Dalton, Robert H. 2 C, 1 RR, 2 RR
Dalton, Mrs. Valentine T. See Mrs. Katy Shaw.
Daly, Augustin 14 C
Damon, Lorena (Mrs. Samuel) statement, 16 C
Dana, Anderson information from, 2 G
Dana, Edmund L. newspaper addresses, 7 F, 2 G
Dandridge, Philip P. 8 ZZ
Danforth, Elliott 3 F, 16 F
Daniel, Ansil 18 C
Daniel, Beverly S. interview, 21 S
Daniel, D. C. 23 C; letter to, 23 C
Daniel, Jesse interview, 11 CC
Daniels, John W. 12 VV; newspaper speech, 17 DD
Danielson, John interview, 21 S
Danis, J. Baptist interview, 5 S
Danner, Frederick obituary note, 23 J
Darby, John F. 4 DD; interview, 24 S; newspaper articles, 4 DD, 17 DD
Darby, William 8 NN; newspaper articles, 19 CC, 29 CC, 30 CC; obituary, 27 CC
Dargan, George W. 1 RR
Darling, C. W. nespaper article, 13 F
Darlington, Isaac obituary, 27 S
Darlington, William 2 E, 2 Q
Darnaby, Mr. and Mrs. ---------- (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Darnall, Elias interview, 11 CC
Darrow, Charles 8 E
Darrow, Josepfh letter to, 8 E
Darrow, Richard H. 18 VV
Darrow, Sarah M. 18 VV
Dart, John Sandford (Sanford) obituaries, 3 Q, 10 VV
Daugherty, D. B. 19 C
Daveiss, M. T. 12 C
Daveiss, Joseph H. interview, 18 J; map annotations, 2 O
Daveiss, Samuel 12 C; interview, 18 J; obituary 3 Q
Davenport, George obituary, 30 CC
Davidson, A.B. 2 GG
Davidson, George F. 7 DD
Davidson, James 12 C; interview, 12 C; periodical article, 7 YY; testimonial, 1 B
Davidson, Jesse W. 8 NN; interview, 16 S; questions to, 8 NN
Davidson, Robert, 32 CC, 8 NN; newspaper articles 1 CC
Davidson, S. interview, 23 VV
Davidson, W.S. 21 J
Davie, W. J. 33 CC
Davie, William R. epitaph for, 9 VV
Daviess, surname. See Daveiss.
Davis, B. F. 14 DD
Davis, Charles L. 20 U, 4 CC
Davis, D. Owen letters to, 14 CC
Davis, Mrs. Edward L. 8 F
Davis, Mrs. Eliza letter to, 6 E
Davis, George Malin 17 VV
Davis, Henry C. 13 DD
Davis, James B. 19 C
Davis, John 6 XX
Davis, John A. 17 C
Davis, L.W. 11 U
Davis, Mrs. Rachel 20 C, 20 U
Davis, S. W. map, 15 VV
Davis, Samuel article about, 26 CC; statement quoted by Draper, 12 C
Davis, William H. 6 E; newspaper articles, 6 E, 7 U
Davis, William Sims 19 VV
Davison, Mrs. Mary E. 27 J
Dawkins, Mary P. 13 VV; letter to, 13 VV
Dawson, F.W. 1 RR
Dawson, George obituary, 17 VV
Dawson, Henry B. 15 DD
Dawson, John L. 5 E
Dawson, Nicholas extract from letter, 12 E
Day, M. B. R. 25 J
Day, Seth 7 E, 8 E, 9 NN; interview, 5 S; letter to, 6 E
Dayton, William L. 2 Q
Deaderick, J. F. 17 C
Dean, J. C. 13 VV
Dean, Mrs. Mary Owen 13 VV
"Dean Roger," pseudonym. See R. Todd.
Dearborn, George prospectus for periodical, 28 CC
Dearborn, Henry A. S. pamphlets, 22 U
Deas, George 38 J
De Bard, Mrs. Louis 20 J
Decherd, Peter S. 24 C
Decherd, R. P. 24 C
Decker (Captain Decker, Dah-gan-non-do or He-Who- Patches), Seneca chief interview, 4 S
Decker, John interview, 25 S
Dee, Mrs. Mary interview, 13 F
De Forest, William 4 F, 19 F; questions to, 4 F
De Hass, Wills 8 E, 13 J, 38 J, 9 NN
Delafield, Julia 10 F
De Long, F. 20 J
Delta, N. O. (pseudonym?) newspaper article, 27 CC
Dement, Henry D. 38 J
Dempsey, Lewis 17 C
Dengess, William maps, 1 Q
Denman, Matthias article about, 8 CC; newspaper article, 18 CC
Denman, Sam 8 CC
Denny, Harmar interview, 2 S
Denny, Mrs. Margaret interview, 18 S
De Noya, Louis interview, 22 S
Dent, J. Charles 1 F
Denton, D. B. 23 C
Denton, David obituary, 27 CC
Denton, Mrs. Rachael interview, 23 C
De Pauw, M. N. 12 J
De Pauw, W. C. 12 J
De Peyster, Frederic 38 J, 2 Q, 2 GG, 17 VV
De Peyster, J. Watts 29 J, 4 DD, 15 DD; newspaper and periodical articles, 1 G, 4 DD; pamphlet, 17 DD; published poem, 3 F
Dequindre, Antoine obituary, 3 Q
De Renne, Mary 38 J
Dering, F. A. 7 E
Derman, Charles B. music, 2 G
Deron, Daniel interview, 12 CC
Derr, Andrew J. 4 RR; information from, 2 RR
De Saussure, Douglas B. 13 DD
Desaussure, Henry W. obituary, 27 S
des Cognets, Mrs. Anna Russell 33 CC, 34 CC, 14 DD
Deslisle, Mrs. -------- (Mo.), sister of John B. Saucier interview, 23 S
Devon, David G. 3 BB
Devore, Nicholas interview, 19 S
Devore, Peter interview, 19 S
Dew, John G. 13 J; map, 13 J
Dewey, S. 4 F, 1 Q
Dewitt, Charles G. newspaper articles, 2 G
De Witt, Jacob W. 8 F
De Witt, Susan (Mrs Simeon) obituary, 3 P
Dexter, E. (N. Y.) 3 VV
Dial, John See John Dyal.
Dick, Campbell G. 4 E
Dick, F. A. newspaper article, 14 CC
Dickenson, M. O. 12 DD, 19 VV
Dickerson, Henry interview, 17 S
Dickerson, Jefferson 9 E
Dickerson, Joshua 11 E
Dickerson, Vachel interview, 9 S
Dickey, Hugh interview 13 CC
Dickey, S. M. 10 C; map, 10 C
Dickinson, John S. 15 DD
Dickinson, Susan E. lyrics for song, 2 G
Dickson, John 44 J
Dickson, Joseph 12 VV; questions to, 12 VV
Dickson, Joseph W. 1 V
Dickson, Michael obituaries, 3 Q, 12 VV
Dickson, Robert obituaries, 3 Q, 26 S, 5 YY
Dickson, Thomas 12 VV
Dildine, Valentine 2 U
Dilke, Mrs. Priscilla interview, 13 F
Dill, Robert 4 BB
Dillard, Mrs. -------- questions to, 12 DD
Dillard, H. extract from letter, 2 RR
Dillard, Hughes 5 J, 4 RR
Dillard, R. T. newspaper articles, 1 S, 29 CC
Dille, Israel obituary, 3 Q
Dille, Nehemiah interview 16 S
Dillinger, John 8 C; letter to, 8 C
Dillon, John B. 48 J
Dimmitt, John W. 23 C
Dimock, L. G. 1 C
Dixon, Archibald 2 CC
Dixon, B. F. 4 DD
Dixon, Ezekiel 6 VV; questions to, 6 VV
Dixon, Samuel H 24 C
Dizney, John T. 17 C
Doane, George, W. newspaper address, 26 CC
Dodd, Mrs. Elizabeth obituary, 27 CC
Doddridge, Narcissa 5 E, 9 NN, 1 ZZ; letter to, 5 E; memorandum for, 1 ZZ
Dodge, Henry 15 C; interviews, 15 C, 29 J
Dodge, Theodore Ayrault article, 8 RR
Dodge, William letter to, 6 YY
Doherty, Alfred newspaper article, 29 CC
Doherty, David J. 1 K
Doll, C. W. 1 BB
Dolvin, James 22 VV
Donald, John T. 10 U; questions to, 10 U
Donalson, Israel 8 E, 11 BB; newspaper letter, 16 E; questions to, 11 BB
Donelson, Mary Purnell (Mrs. John Jr.) interview, 32 S
Donelson, Stockley (Stockly) 5 J, 6 XX
Doniphan, Mrs. Rebecca 9 BB
Donne, W. H. interview, 31 J
Dooen, Thomas 12 BB
Dooley, George R. 6 XX
Dolley, Hiram G. 6 XX
Doran (Dorian?), Mrs. S. L. 1 YY
Doran, Willaim P. 4 YY
Dorsey, John Syng obituary, 2 p
Dorsheimer, William F. newspaper addresses, 3 F, 7 F
Doss, Charles interview, 10 YY
Doss, Elizabeth JAne 14 VV
Doss, S. P. interview, 10 YY
Doty, Robert E. 22 J
Dougherty, Adam M. 9 C; newspaper article and published poem, 9 C
Dougherty, Daniel Boone 9 C, 10 C; maps, 9 C, 10 C; newspaper article, 9 C; questions to, 9 C
Dougherty, Elijah 10 C; maps, 10 C; questions to, 10 C
Dougherty, Isaac newspaper article, 9 C
Dougherty, John 22 J; maps, 22 J
Dougherty, Mrs. Ruth A. letter to, 17 C
Douglas, J. T. 22 J
Douglas, J. W. B. 6 C
Douglas, James map, 2 QQ
Douglas, John 13 DD, 1 GG, 6 VV
Douglas, W. R. newspaper article, 28 CC
Dover, Thomas 9 E
Dow, Lorenzo newspaper letter, 30 CC
Dowd, C. 2 GG
Dowden, John A. 4 BB
Dowden, Thomas G. 12 BB
Dowell, B. F. 14 VV, 18 VV
Dowell, Greensville 18 VV
Dowell, P. 19 VV
Dowell, Samuel 18 VV
Dowling, John 8 BB, 12 BB
Dowling, Thomas 38 J, 12 BB
Downing, C., Jr. 9 E
Downing, Francis obituary, 3 Q
Downing, James obituary, 4 E
Downing, John 4 BB
Downing, John H. newspaper letter, 30 CC
Downing, Sarah. See Sarah Thompson.
Downing, Timothy 9 E
Doxtator, Catherine (Mrs. Jacob) interview, 11 U
Doxtator, Cornelius 11 U; interview, 11 U
Doxtator, Jacob interview, 11 U
Doxtator, Polly interview, 11 U; obituary, 11 U
Doyle, John prospectus for periodical, 28 CC
Drake, Benjamin 8 j; interviews recorded by, 1 A, 8 J, 9 J, 28 J, 4 U, 5 U, 7 U, 9 U, 9 BB, 2 YY, 12 YY; letters to, 8 J, 4 U, 5 U, 7 U, 8 U, 9 U, 1 YY, 2 YY, 3 YY, 7 YY; manuscript articles, 2 YY; maps, 2 O, 4 U, 5 U, 9 U
Drake, Daniel 32 CC; manuscript articles, 9 J, 2 YY; maps, 2 O, 9 U; newspaper article, 2 U; obituaries, 3 Q, 16 E
Drake, F. M. 9 F
Drake, Francis S. 19 F
Drake, James G. obituary, 30 CC
Drake, James W. 8 YY
Drake, Samuel G. 4 E, 12 U; newspaper and periodical articles, 1 G, 3 G
Drake, Victor M. newspaper articles, 9 F
Drake, Z. A. 13 VV
Draper, A. S. 10 F
Draper, Amos G. 8 RR
Draper, Charles obituary, 3 Q
Draper, Lyman C. interviews recorded by, 1 A, 1 B, 15 C, 9 E, 10 E, 11 E, 14 E, 9 F, 13 F, 2 q, 5 Q, 1 S - 33 S, 4 U, 7 U, 8 U, 10 U, 11 U, 1 Z, 3 BB, 7 BB, 8 BB, 9 BB, 10 BB, 11 BB, 2 CC, 3 CC, 9 CC, 4 DD, 14 VV, 16 VV, 18 VV, 22 VV, 23 VV, 3 XX, 5 XX, 6 XX, 3 YY, 4 YY, 5 YY, 11 YY; maps sketched or copied by, 1 A, 1 B, 2 B, 4 C, 6 C, 7 C, 11 C, 12 C, 13 C, 15 C, 24 C, 25 C, 27 C, 29 C, 9 E, 8 J, 9 J, 14 J, 16 J, 27 J, 29 J, 1 Q, 5 Q, 1 S, 2 S, 5 S, 6 S, 7 S, 11 S, 12 S, 17 S, 19 S, 21 S, 25 S, 29 S, 30 S, 1 W, 2 2, 4 BB, 4 CC, 12 DD, 19 DD, 1 EE, 1 MM, 1OO, 2 CC, 6 VV, 11 VV, 16 VV, 19 VV, 5 XX, 3 YY, 2 ZZ, 14 ZZ; newspaper articles, 28 C, 7 F, 1 K, 26 CC, 29 CC, 4 YY; periodical article, 3 YY
Draper, W. L. 15 F
Dreher, E. J. 13 DD; questions to, 13 DD
Dreisbach, James D. 1 V
Drennon, Benjamin V. interview, 25 S
Drennon, Hugh intereview, 12 CC
Drew, Mrs. Amelia A. Peeples 8 VV
Drew, Hulda S. 11 VV
Drew, John S. 11 VV
Drouillard, Antoine interview, 17 S
Drouillard, Mrs. Pelage interview, 17 S
Drum, Simon 8 E
Drury, Asa 38 J
Druse, Mrs. Nancy questions to, 4 F
Duane, William newspaper article, 29 CC
Du Bose, Samuel periodical article, 2 UU
Ducharme, Jean Marie burial record, 828 J
Du Charme, Paul information from, 21 S
Ducker, H. W. 5 VV; map, 5 VV
Dudley, Ambrose 9 U; interview, 9 CC
Dudley, Guilford periodical articles, 2 CC, 1 UU
Dudley, M. 11 VV
Dudley, Thomas P. interviews, 18 S, 11 CC; periodical article, 18 S
Dudley, William interviews, 12 C, 18 S
Dudley, William W. 6 YY
Duff, Jerome H. 6 C; map, 6 C
Duff, S. H. 6 C
Duffield, George pamphlet, 15 E
Duffy, Frank M. 26 J
Dugan, John interview, 18 S
Duke, Basil 12 VV
Duke, Basil W. 33 C
Duke, Mary B. 12 VV
Duke, R. T. W. 2 VV; map, 2 VV; obituary, 2 VV; questions to, 2 VV
Dula, George H. 9 C
Dulin, E. F, 3 BB
Dumbrille, John C. 4 F
Duncan, Dr. -------- (ky.) newspaper article, 28 CC
Duncan, Daniel 8 E
Duncan, Edwin S. 8 ZZ; article about, 20 U
Duncan, Graham B. newspaper letter, 26 S
Duncan, H. T. interview, 16 CC
Duncan, J. Jackson 20 U
Duncan, R. B. 8 YY
Duncan, Samuel McAfee 4 C 33 CC, 34 CC; map, 4 C; questions to, 4 C
Duncan, W. A. 4 YY
Duncan, W. J. 10 C
Duncan, William 4 C
Dungan, D. H, 15 VV
Dungan, William H. 3 E
Dunlap, Hugh newspaper letter, 26 CC
Dunlap, James article about, 21 U; interview, 12 CC
Dunlap, John F. 8 VV, 13 VV
Dunlap, Major 8 VV
Dunlap, Mrs. Sarah interview, 10 S
Dunlevy, A. L. S. 3 BB
Dunlevy, Anthony Howard 7 NN; interview, 13 CC; letter to, 11 U
Dunlevy, Francis newspaper article, 9 S
Dunlevy, N. H. 8 E
Dunmore, Lord, great grandson of Lord Dunmore, governot of Virginia 15 J
Dunn, Isaac obituary, 3 Q
Dunn, J. P., Jr. 20 J
Dupoyster, J. C. 27 J; map, 27 J
Durant, John O. 6 VV
Durham, Joh. B. 7 C; letter to, 4 C
Durham, Mrs. Margaret obituary, 2 D
Durley, Williamson 9 YY
Du Roisson, Father -------- newspaper letter, 26 CC
Durrett, Reuben T. 3 C, 11 C, 17 C, 2 J, 5 J, 18 J, 19 J, 29 J, 32 J, 35 J, 36 J, 1 BB, 33 CC, 34 CC; interview, 19 J; letter to, 1 BB; maps, 17 C, 19 J; newspaper and periodical articles, 2 J, 5 J, 19 J, 2 K; poem, 33 CC
Dutton, Samuel 14 J
Dwinnell, Solomon A. 19 C
Dyal (Dial), John interview, 13 CC
Dye, Stephen newspaper article, 4 BB
Dygert, J. M. 19 F
Dyggart, James M. 19 F
Dysart, John B. 5 C; questions to, 5 C
Eames, Mrs. Newell 3 F
Earl, Samuel 1 F, 10 F, 15 F, 18 F, 3 GG; newspaper articles, 3 F, 4 F
Earl, Thomas interview, 5 S
Early, Jacob D. interview, 21 S
Early, William T. 2 VV
Earnest, Henry obituary, 6 XX
Easley, J. D. 13 VV
Eastland, R. Walton 18 J
Easton, Thomas interview, 11 CC
Eaton, Thomas interview, 1 S
Eaton, Mrs. Thomas, daughter of William Stewart interview, 1 S
Eaves, John P. 12 DD; questions to, 14 DD
Eaves, LaFayette questions to, 14 DD
Eccles, Charles interview, 17 CC
Eckler, A. (N.Y), son of Jacob 4 F
Eckler, Daniel 4 F; questions to, 4 F
Eckler, Henry D. 4 F; questions to, 4 F
Eckler, Jacob questions to, 4 F. See also A. Eckler
Eckler, John questions to, 19 F
Eckler, Lester 4 F
Eckler, E. R. 38 J, 1 Q
Eckley, Ephraim 4 E, 8 E; letter to, 4 E
Edgar, Eliza Stevens (Mrs. John) marriage record, 3 Q
Edgar, John Todd memorandum of letter to, 4 Q
Edington, D. M. 9 NN
Edington, George interviews, 14 E, 2 S; information from, 4 E
Edington, Jacob interview, 19 S
Edington, Jesse interview, 16 S
Eington, Joseph 5 E
Edmeston, James published poem, 28 CC
Edmonds, William 9 E
Edmondson, Andrew J. 10 DD; interviews, 5 Q, 27 S
Edney, Robert Jewell 9 E
Edsall, Benjamin B. newspaper article, 3 G
Edwards, A. (Wis.?) newspapet article, 3 G
Edwards, A. H. 6 YY; periodical article, 13 YY
Edwards, Clement R. 2 J
Edwards, Evan obituary, 10 VV
Edwards, George interview, 19 S
Edwards, J. (N.Y.) 17 F
Edwards, J. F. 2 RR
Edwards, J. M. newspaper article, 6 E
Edwards, James L. 2 E, 1 Q, 8 CC, 2 DD, 6 ZZ
Edwards, Lucien interview, 18 S
Edwards, Ninian newspaper letter, 26 S
Edwards, Mrs. Susannah obituary, 3 Q
Eggleston, Benjamin obituary note, 3 Q
Elam, Harper J. pamplet, 17 DD
Elam, William L. 17 C
Elder, Mrs. M. A. 3 GG
Ellet, Elizabeth f. periodical articles and book excerpts, i UU
Elliot, Samuel B. 32 CC
Elliot, Abram B. 18 VV
Eliott, C. A. 34 CC
Elliott, C. G. 8 F
Elliott, E. N. 22 C
Elliott, Edwin 45 J
Elliott, J. C. 25 J, 38 J; map, 25 J
Ellis, Albert G. 19 F, 11 U; interview, 11 U
Ellis, J. R. 14 DD
Ellis, James M. 13 VV
Ellis, Jesse interview, 2 S
Ellis, Joe questions for, 4 YY
Ellis, Sabina Brooks (Mrs. Jesse) interview, 7 S
Ellison, Andrew obituary, 3 Q
Ellison, Mrs. Ann interview, 19 S
Ellrott, Jennie 33 CC
Ellsworth, W. J. newspaper article, 18 S, 5 BB
Elskwatawa. See The Prophet.
Elston, S. B. 8 F
Elwyn, A. L. 5 VV
Ely, John memorandum, 32 CC
Embry (Embree), Dick interview, 10 YY
Emery, Mrs. -------- (Ky.), neice of Daniel Bryan interview, 18 S
Emmet, Thomas A. 2 Q
Emmons, Benjamin 21 C
Emmons, Richard published poem, 30 CC
Emmons, William play, 13 YY
Engle, Joseph 9 NN
English, J. C. 4 VV
English, Thomas B. 3 BB
Enoch, John interview, 17 S
Ensminger, St. Clair 14 C; letter to, 14 C
Entrekin, W. W. 15 J
Ervin, John Witherspoon 4 RR; article, 4 RR
Ervwin, Charles H. 2 F
Erwin, Milo 22 J; map, 22 J
Essling, Fred newspaper letter, 28 CC
Estill, A. D. 20 C
Estill, Benjamin 8 ZZ
Estill, Mrs. Eudocia Henderson 24 C
Estill, John F. 13 C
Estill, Wallace 13 C
Etting, Frank M. 28 C
Eulass, Jacob interview, 17 S
Evans, E. S. 9 E
Evans, Eliza Campbell 15 VV
Evans, James 7 E
Evans, James S. 36 J
Evans, Lewis S. map, 2 B
Evans, Robert interview, 12 CC
Evans, Samuel periodical articles, 1 K
Evans, Sevier 2 Q
Evans, Walter map, 7 ZZ
Evans, William H. 2 DD, 14 DD, 15 DD
Eveleigh, R. E. 3 CC
Everett, Edward obiturary, 2 Q
Everheart, Lawrence article about, 2 Q
Evins, J. H. letter to, 15 VV
Ewing, Edwin H. 3 XX, 6 XX
Ewing, Nathaniel 8 J
Ewing, Presley 5 C, 12 C
Ewing, Putnam interview, 12 CC
Ewing, S. W. 6 E; questions to, 6 E
Ewing, T. 4 BB
Ewing, T. M. 6 E
Ewing, William L. D. Congressional resolution, 2 G
Ewing, Young obituary, 3 Q
Fairchild, William B. published poen, 11 U
Fairfax, A. B. newspaper advertisement, 29 CC
Fairlie, James obituary, 3 P
Fairlie, John obituary, 3 Q
Faith, James S. 20 J
Faith, W. M. 20 J
Falconer, Mrs. -------- (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Faling, William 3 F
Falk, G. N. 8 RR
Fallen, C. M. 18 C
Falls, Alexander A. 2 BB, 6 YY, 7 YY
Fanning, Emily J. 1 RR
Fansher, William F 3 GG
Faris, Esom 9 CC; map, 9 CC
Faris, George. See George Fearis.
Farley, Mrs. Margaret letters to, 13 F
Farley, Silas 6 E
Farmer, Barney interview, 22 S
Farmer, Jesse interview, 22 S
Farmer's Brother, Seneca chief article about and obituary, 11 U
Farnham, Thomas J. newspaper letter, 28 CC
Farquaharson, R. newspaper article, 30 CC
Farragut, David G. 6 XX
Farragut, Nancy. See Nancy S. Gurlie
Farrar, Mrs. Ann C. T. 10 J (Part 2)
Farrar (Farrow), Asa interview, 13 CC
Farrar, Ben 10 J (Part 2)
Farrar, E. D. 13 VV
Farrington, C. H. 5 F
Farris, Elijah 6 XX; interviews, 12 C, 9 J
Farrow, Asa. See Asa Farrar.
Faruche, Captain ——— (Ga.) newspaper letter, 33 S
Farwell, Leonard J. letter to, 2 Q; memorandum, 2 Q
Faulk, Andrew J. 12 E; letters to, 2 E, 10 E
Faulk, H. J. 8 E
Faulkner, A. W. 4 E
Faulkner, Charles J. 2 U
Faulkner, Endress 10 E
Fauntleroy, John Tayloe Griffin 12 C
Fearis (Faris) George, interview, 13 CC
Fellmer, E. A. 33 CC, 34 CC
Fellows, John obituary note, 3 Q
Fenwick, J. Y. obituary, 29 CC
Fergus, George H. 9 YY
Ferguson, J. F. 9 C
Ferguson, James Harvey 3 C, 29 C; questions to, 3 C
Ferguson, John 10 E
Ferguson, L. C. 9 C
Ferguson, Richard W. 12 J, 35 J; map, 12 J
Ferland, J. B. 12 U
Ferris, Miss ——— (Ontario, Can.), daughter of Joseph Ferris interview, 17 S
Ferris, Ezra 12 BB; testimonial, 1 B
Ferris, Isaac interview, 13 CC
Ferris, Joseph. See Miss ——— Ferris and Mrs. ——— Ledwell.
Feuchtwanger, Dr. ——— newspaper article, 29 CC
Few, I. C. 1 V
Few, William 1 V
Fewell, Ezekiel 15 VV
Fickle, R. P. 7 C, 15 DD, 3 ZZ; newspaper letter, 6 XX
Ficklin, Joseph 13 C, 22 C; interviews, 13 C, 16 CC; letters to, 13 C
Field, Curtis 37 J
Field, Daniel questions for, 5 YY
Field, Ezekiel H. 37 J
Field, John 37 J
Field, Lewis interview, 31 J
Field, Nathaniel 19 J, 35 J; map, 19 J; obituary, 3 Q
Field, R. H. 13 C, 37 J
Field, R. P. 17 C
Field, Willis 37 J
Fields, Elijah 15 C, 18 C; questions to, 18 C
Figgins, Elijah interview, 19 S
Filson, John map, 32 C; newspaper article, 18 CC
Finch, F. M. 8 YY
Findlay, William (Md.) 5 C
Findlay, William (Pa.) 10 E; newspaper letters, 15 E
Findley, William T. 14 CC
Finerty, John F. 4 RR
Fink, Mike newspaper article about, 29 CC
Finlay, John 5 C
Finley, A. W. 9 C
Finley, Alexander C. 33 CC
Finley, David D. interview, 21 S
Finley, J. B. 5 C, 5 E
Finley, John E. maps, 12 ZZ
Finley, Levi 5 C
Finley, Samuel B. interview, 12 CC
Finley, Thomas 5 C
Finley, W. Perroneau 5 C
Finney, W. H. H. interview, 21 S
Finney, Mrs. W. H. H. interview, 21 S
Finney, Walter obituary, 1 Q
Finney, William 1 Q
Fish, Hamilton 2 RR, 19 VV
Fishback, James 37 J
Fishback, Mrs. Susan interview, 18 S
Fisher, Elias obituary, 26 CC
Fisher, Jane interview, 11 CC
Fisher, L. information from, 27 S
Fisher, Mrs. M. M. 20 J
Fitch, Asa letter to, 19 F
Fitch, Collins 19 C, 33 CC; obiturary, 19 C
Fite, Solomon information for map, 15 VV
Fithian, Ad. newspaper advertisement, 36 CC
Fitzhugh, Samuel H. 7 J
Fitzhugh, William Addison 7 J
Fitzpatrick, J. B. 17 C, 18 C
Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Rebecca interview, 23 S
Flake, George 8 NN
Flanagan, W. (Ky.) 13 C
Flanders, J. L. 24 J; map, 24 J
Flannigan, Lewis interview, 13 CC
Fleming, Elizabeth J. letters to, 8 CC
Fleming, J. P. published address, 1 BB
Fleming, John F. 9 E, 38 J, 12 BB
Fletcher, Calvin 9 NN
Fletcher, Robert interview, 12 C
Flinn, ——— (Ohio) interview, 13 CC
Flinn, Adam 14 C
Flinn, Amos 14 C
Flinn, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth Hain.
Flinn, F. V. 14 C
Flinn, Jown W. 14 C
Flinn, Mary Ann (Mrs. James) 14 C
Flint, Mrs. ——— (Ohio) interview, 13 CC
Flint, Mrs. Hezekiah interview, 2 O; obituaries, 29 S, 26 CC
Flint, Joseph interview, 23 S
Flint, Timothy obituary, 26 CC
Flower, Elizabeth (Mrs. Thomas) obituary, 29 CC
Flower, George newspaper letter, 30 CC
Floyd, Ben Rush 24 C, 2 Q
Floyd, Mrs. G. R. C. interview, 12 C
Floyd, John G., Jr. 38 J
Floyd, Letitia 6 J, 15 DD
Floyd, Mary. See Mary Walton.
Floyd, N. W. 2 Q
Flud, Harriet. See Harriet Hampton.
Fludd, Augustus 2 VV, 19 VV; questions to, 19 VV
Fluffer, Joe newspaper article, 32 C
Fly, J. J. 21 J; maps, 21 J
Foard, John F. 29 C, 8 RR; article, 3 RR; letter to, 8 RR
Foard, Mrs. O. G. 9 E, 4 RR
Fogg, John S. H. 12 F
Foley, Elijah interview, 11 CC
Folger, R. S. 9 C, 33 CC
Folk, George N. 9 C
Follett, O. 12 F, 15 DD
Folsom, Rufus 4 YY
Fontaine, C. D. 1 Q
Fontaine, Edward 2 Q
Fontaine, Patrick Henry 8 ZZ; interview, 30 S, 31 S, 3 VV
Fontaine, William Spotswood 2 Q, 6 DD
Foote, James H. 9 C, 1 RR, 2 RR; newspaper articles, 1 RR, 9 RR
Foote, William H. information from, 11 C
Forbes, Eli newspaper article, 19 CC
Force, Peter 2 GG
Force, Samuel S. article, 1 GG
Force, William Q. 2 GG; letter to, 3 GG; newspaper article, 2 GG
Ford, Mahlon obituary, 3 Q
Ford, Paul L. 33 CC
Ford, S. H. 32 CC
Ford, S. W. 11 U
Forman, B. R. 34 CC
Forney, A. E. 14 DD
Forsyth, Elisha interview, 17 F
Forsyth, John 2 VV
Forsyth, Robert interview, 22 S
Fosyth, Thomas maps, 2 T
Forsyth, Thomas R. 7 YY, 8 YY
Fort, H. Arthur 6 VV; mpa, 6 VV
Fortney, J. E. 17 C
Fosdick, B. M. 29 C
Fosdick, William W. poem about Daniel Boone, 16 C
Foster, D. K. 7 YY
Foster, James pamphlet (manuscript copy), 8 U
Foster, Luke interview, 2 O
Foster, Randolph 12 VV
Foulk, Andrew J. letter to, 2 E
Foulks, George. See Mrs. ——— Cline.
Foulks, John 8 NN
Foulks, Joseph 1 C
Four Legs, Winnebago chief obituary, 3 Q
Foust, Sarah C. 14 DD
Fouts, Jacob interview, 9 S
Fowler, Mary Boone (Mrs. William B.) obituary, 32 C
Fopwler, Moses interview, 9 BB
Fowler, Theodosius extracts from book, 1 Q
Fowler, W. P. 12 J
Fox, Arthur maps, 5 XX, 12 ZZ
Fox, Mrs. H. Clay 3 C
Fox, Leander 5 F; questions to, 5 F
Frame, Mrs. C. W. 2 Q
Frame, John interview, 12 CC
Francis, Charles S. 17 VV
Francis, D. L. 17 C
Francisco, Charles L. 8 ZZ
Francisco, Henry obituary, 3 Q
Frank, Peter manuscript article, 5 YY
Franklin, Daniel 4 F; questions to, 4 F
Franklin, John 17 C
Franklin, Marcus A. 5 DD
Franklin, Meshack obituary, 5 DD
Franklin, Roswell obituary, 3 Q
Frnaklin, Shadrach 5 DD
Franklin, Wylie 8 C, 9 C, 10 C, 5 DD; questions to 5 DD
Frazee, Joseph 9 BB, 11 BB
Frazee L. J. See L. J. Frazer.
Frazee, Samuel information from, 12 C; interview, 9 BB
Frazee, W. D. 11 C, 9 BB
Frazer, J. W. newspaper article, 10 U
Frazer (Frazee), L. J. 32 CC
Frazier, John A. 8 E
Frelinghuysen, Harriet A. 3 GG
French, C. S. 7 C
French, James 24 J
French, Richard 24 C; interview, 12 CC
Frew, John 2 E
Frey, Henry obituary (1827), 3 Q
Frey, Henry (1848-49) 15 F
Frey, John 3 F
Frey, S. L. 3 F, 4 F, 10 F, 11 F, 14 F, 19 F; map, 10 F
Frey, Samuel challet 15 F, 13 J; newspaper and periodical articles, 15 F, 1 G
Frierson, John N. 12 DD
Frissell, Laetitia E 9 E
Frizell, John interview, 24 S
Frogget, Jane 28 J
Frontis, Stephen 4 RR
Frost, E. C. newspaper letteer, 7 F
Frost, Thomas, Jr. 19 VV
Frow, John 12 BB
Fruske, Lyman W. 3 E
Fry, C. H. 14 VV
Fry, Mrs. Ellen G. 35 J
Fry, I. (Ontario, Can.) 1 YY
Fry, James F. 2 VV
Fry, R. (N.Y.) 4 F
Fullenwider, P. R. newspaper articles, 1 C
Fuller, Mrs. Howard interview, 4 S
Fullinwider, Samuel 6 E
Fulton, A. S. 14 DD
Fulton, H. B. 36 J
Fulton, Josiah 9 YY
Funk, Mrs. Mary Ann 34 CC
Furches, D. M. 8 C; information from, 10 C; newspaper article, 8 C
Furman, Samuel interview, 11 VV
Fyffe, William H interview, 11 VV
Gabbard, H. H. 18 C
Gaffney, William W. 4 DD; letter to, 4 DD
Gage, R. G. periodical article, 14 VV
Gage, R. J. 12 VV
Gah-ne-so-wa. See Jacob Taylor.
Gaillard, John newspaper article, 5 T
Gaines, Bernard 9 J
Gaines, Edmund P. newspaper letters, 29 CC
Gaines, Will A. 34 CC
Gaines, William 5 YY, 7 YY; newspaper letter, 5 YY
Gaither, Burgess 1 RR, 2 RR; newspaper articles, 1 RR, 9 RR; questions to, 1 RR
Galatian, A. B. 7 F
Gale, Thomas W. 9 F
Gale, Joseph obituary, 30 CC
Gallagher, ——— letter to, 7 U
Gallagher, W. D. 38 J, 32 CC; newspaper article, 30 CC; published song, 29 CC
Gallaher, David interview, 32 S
Gallaher, James memoir about, 15 CC
Gallaher, Willaim G. interview, 15 CC
Galland, Washington 2 Q
Gallatin, Albert obituary, 27 CC
Gallaway, James E. 3 YY
Galloway, George D. 3 C
Galloway, James, Sr. 8 J; autobiographical narrative, 8 J, 8 CC; interview, 8 J; obituaries, 16 E, 8 J, 3 Q
Galloway, James, Jr. 8 J, 7 U; maps, 8 J
Galloway, Willie B. statement about Tecumseh's tomahawk, 7 YY
Galt, Frank 3 MM
Gamble, Mrs. Sarah J. 2 J, 10 J (Part 2), 35 J
Gannett, Alice 38 J
Gano, Daniel obituary note, 3 Q
Gano, Mrs. Sarah obituary note, 3 Q
Gano, Stephen F. interview, 18 S
Gansewer, A. M. 5 D, 3 DD
Gard, Oliver 3 CC
Gardenhine (Gardenhire), E. L. 3 XX
Gardiner, Mrs. Susan questions to, 4 F, 19 F
Gardner, James B. newspaper article, 7 YY
Garfield, James A. newspaper address, i K
Garison, P. (S.C.) 19 VV
Garland, I. (Val.) 2 VV
Garland, Samuel interview, 31 S
Garlingotn, A. C. 12 DD
Garnett, Lucinda Clark (Mrs. Joseph) 6 J
Garrard, James obituary, 3 Q
Garrard, Joseph interview, 16 S
Garret, Hugh interview, 16 S
Garrett, H. A. 13 VV; letter to, 13 VV
Garrett, Mrs. Nancy 11 U
Garrison, John interview, 11 CC
Garrison, Samuel 24 J
Garrison, W. P. 19 VV
Garvin, I. T 1 V
Gaskins, Matilda Lee (Mrs. Thomas T.) 6 J
Gass, James W. 34 J
Gass, John 24 C; interviews, 24 C, 11 CC; information for plat, 24 C; questions to, 24 C
Gass, P. M. 34 J
Gaston, J. M. B. 25 J
gaston, William newspaper article 17 U; published poem, 1 HH
Gatchell, John G. 3 GG
Gates, Charles V. 25 J; map, 25 J
Gatewood, T. A. 13 J
Gatliff, Charles obituaries, 18 J, 29 J
Gatliff, Joseph l. 28 C, 18 J
Gatliff, Squire 28 C
Gatlins, Mrs. Julia P. 1 GG, 3 GG
Gault, Frank 33 CC
Gausney, Mrs. Jane obituary, 25 S
Gaw-yeh-gwa-doh. See Young King.
Gayarré, Charles 28 J, 19 VV
Gayle, Mrs. John extract from letter, 17 VV
Gaylord, Allen 8 E
Gaylord, H. B. 19 F
Gazlay, Sayes 14 CC
Gebhard, John, Jr. 14 F
Gee, John interview, 17 F
Gee, S. J. 24 J
Geiger, Adam interview, 17 F
Geiger, David 13 VV
Geiger, Elizabeth 13 VV
Geiger, Jacob interview, 11 VV
Geiger, William 13 VV; letter to, 13 VV
George, J. 8 C
George, Thomas, Jr. newspaper article, 28 CC
Geortner, Mrs. A. C. 4 F
Geren, Mrs. Celia A. letter to, 19 VV
Geren, John 2 VV; letter to, 2 VV
Gernerd, J. M. M. newspaper articles, 15 E
Gervais, John Lewis obituary, 10 VV
Gessner, Francis B. 7 YY; newspaper article, 7 YY
Getman, Mary 10 F
"Ghost," pseudonym. See James W. Biddle.
Gibbon, John 3 RR; letters to, 2 RR, 8 RR
Gibbs, George 2 Q
Gibler, Lewis 3 BB, 4 BB; questions to, 12 BB
Gibson, George letter to, 37 J
Gibson, J. Anne 19 F
Gibson, James 2 U
Gibson, James C. 3 GG
Gibson, John (d. 1822) obituary, 27 CC
Gibson, John (d. 1849) obituary, 27 CC
Gibson, John 15 C; interview (1868), 15 C
Gibson, John Bannister 10 E, 37 J; interview, 10 E; poem 2 Q
Gibson, Martha E. 16 J
Gibson, Samuel interview, 12 CC
Giffin, Robert interview, 13 CC
Gifford, Emanuel letter to, 4 RR
Gifford, John T. 4 RR
Gilbreath, Alexander interview, 12 DD
Gilbreath, Mrs. Alexander interview, 12 DD
Gilkey, J. H. 7 DD
Gilkey, John 7 DD
Gill, Charles R. 1 Q
Gill, Mary E. 29 C
Gillam, James interview, 36 J
Gillam, Robert 16 VV
Gillespie, A. B. 9 C
Gillespie, D. (Ill.) 21 J
Gillespie, Frances Henderson (Mrs. James) letter to, 24 C
Gillespie, Joseph 22 J; newspaper article, 1 Z
Gillespie, W. A. 7 RR
Gillette, Horace O. newspaper article, 11 U
Gilliland, James newspaper article, 30 CC
Gilliss, James M. article about, 28 CC
Gillmore, A. P. 10 E
Gilly, John B. 18 C
Gilmer, George R. 15 DD
Gilmer, Robert S. 38 J
Gilpin, H. H. 3 RR
Gilson, Ebenezer obituary, 29 CC
Gitner, ——— (Ky.), son of Francis Giltner interview, 15 CC
Girault, James A. 27 J, 36 J, 37 J
Girault, John Francis 27 J
Girty, Catherine (Mrs. Prideaux) interviews, 10 E, 17 S
Girty, John interview, 3 S
Girty, Prideaux 10 E
Girty, Sarah. See Sarah Munger.
Girty, Thomas obituaries, 3 Q
Gist, Mordecai 3 C
Gitch, G. N. 8 E
Givens, A. 19 F
Givens, James interviews, 5 Q, 29 S, 5 VV
Glasgow, W. A. 20 U
Glass, C. C. 4 C
Glass, Nannie R. (Mrs. William Wood) 1 BB
Glass, William Wood 1 BB
Glenn, Frey newspaper article, 18 S
Glenn, W. D. 15 DD
Glentilley, E. W. 3 DD
Glover, Thomas W. 6 VV, 19 VV; maps, 6 VV, 19 VV; questions to, 6 VV
Godwin, H. P. 3 RR
Goe, B. T. 16 C; information from, 17 C
Goe, J. S. 28 C
Goe, Nathan testimonial, 1 B
Goe, Nathan B. 23 C; testimonial, 1 B
Goforth, William newspaper letter, 15 U
Goins, John Stradford obituary, 30 CC
Gold, C. R. 2 Q
Gonterman, John newspaper article, 29 CC
Good Peter, Oneida leader newspaper address, 11 U
Good, W. J. 9 F
Goddin, John 17 C
Goodloe, Daniel R. 2 GG, 3 GG, 3 RR
Goodman, Alfred T. newspaper article, 5 YY
Goodman, J. A. S. 33 CC
Goodman, J. E. 16 C
Goodnough, E. A. 11 U, 12 U
Goodridge, F. H. 24 C
Goodwin, I. M. 10 J (Part 1)
Goodwin, Lloyd K information from, 6 YY
Goodwyn, A. D. 11 VV
Goodwyn, A. G. 11 VV
Goodwyn, T. I. 11 VV
Gorce (Goree), Edwin K 12 VV
Gordon, B. 13 VV
Gordon, Mrs. Elizabeth Lindsey statement, 2 VV
Gordon, George 5 U
Gordon, George A. 22 VV
Gordon, J. B. 22 VV
Gordon, James L. 2 VV
Gordon, John obituaries, 31 S, 16 VV
Gordon, Mason 2 VV
Gordon, Thomas F. 2 O
Gordon, X. H. 22 VV; questions to, 22 VV
Goree, Edwin K. See Edwin K. Gorce.
Gorman, Mrs. ——— (Ky.), niece of Thomas Talmadge interview, 21 S
Gorman, S. (Ohio) 9 E
Goss, Nannie 14 VV
Gossett, Mr. ——— (Miss.) interview, 31 S
Gough, Mrs. ——— (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Gourdie, G. H. newspaper article, 29 CC
Gourdin, Robert N. 19 VV
Governor Blacksnake. Seneca chief. See Blacksnake.
Gowan, J. P. 8 C; letter to, 8 C
Gowans, J. P. 8 C; letter to, 8 C
Gowans, William 2 Q
Graddy, Jesse interview, 13 CC
Graddy, Mrs. Jesse interview, 13 CC
Grafton, Absolom interview, 20 S
Grafton, Thomas 37 J
Gragg, Allen 19 C
Graham, A. H. 4 RR, 7 RR, 8 RR; questions to, 7 RR
Graham, Alexander pamphlet, 2 HH
Graham, Christopher Columbus 12 C, 14 C, 17 C, 18 C, 2 J, 7 J, 16 J, 20 J, 34 J, 35 J, 38 J, 1 K, 4 CC, 31 CC, 32 CC, 33 CC, 7 RR, 1 YY, 4 YY; newspaper and periodical articles, 4 C, 1 K, 2 K, 12 BB; questions to, 1 K
Graham, Duncan newspaper letter, 26 S
Graham, George 5 D, 3 F; map, 3 F
Graham, George W. pamphlet, 2 HH
Graham, Georgia 10 F
Graham, J. B. 7 YY
Graham, J. D 2 RR
Graham, J. K. 4 RR
Graham, James 12 E
Graham, James Franklin 7 RR
Graham, Jo. 2 GG
Graham, John 16 VV, 19 VV
Graham, Joseph newspaper article, 26 CC
Graham, R. St. Clair 4 U
Graham, Robert D. 19 VV
Graham, Samuel interviews, 11 CC, 16 CC
Graham, Mrs. Sarah interview, 12 CC
Graham, W. A. 2 GG; newspaper articles, 1 HH
Grandin, William newspaper article, 29 CC
Grant, Agnes interview, 21 S
Grant, Alexander obituary, 3 Q
Grant, Anne (Mrs. James) obituary, 26 CC
Grant, George A. 32 CC
Grant, George W. 22 CC
Grant, James obituary note, 12 DD
Grant, Rebecca Boone. See Rebecca Lamond.
Grant, Samuel Mosby 23 C; interview, 22 S
Grant, William interview, 17 S, 21 S
Grant, Mrs. William interview, 17 S, 21 S
Gratiot, Charles, Jr. 26 J
Gratz, Benjamin 2 Q
Gratz, Simon information from, 14 C
Graves, Benjamin J. information from, 6 YY
Graves, John interview, 11 CC; obituaries, 28 CC, 29 CC
Graves, S. Isabel 9 C
Graves, Thomas statement about, 6 YY
Gray, Dakeford newspaper article, 26 S
Gray, David published poem, 3 G
Gray, John H. 13 VV
Gray, Mrs. Mary Brady interview, 59 J
Gray, Mrs. P. (Wis.) 5 DD
Gray, William J. death notice, 59 J
Gray, William P. newspaper article, 9 YY
Grayon, John 38 J
Grayson, I. C. 2 C
Greathouse, Tevis 10 J (Part 2)
Greek, Jacob 9 E
Greeley, Robert F published poem, 30 CC
Greemore, Amab information from, 24 J
Green, Mrs. Lucy Semple 10 J (Part 1)
Green, Margaret. See Margaret Moses.
Green, S. L. 17 C
Green, Sally letter to, 19 VV
Green, Samuel 4 J
Green Thomas 14 VV; interview, 13 F
Green, Thomas M. 34 CC
Green, W. Duff 1 BB
Green, W. W. 12 DD; questions to, 12 DD
Green, William 35 J, 38 J
Green, William H. 1 BB
Greene, Benjamin periodical article, 6 YY
Greene, George W. 7 VV; questions for, 7 VV
Green [e], Maj.-Gen. [Nathanael] newspaper letter, 30 CC
Greene, Nathaniel T. 2 Q
Greene, T. T. 8 E
Greene, W. L. 2 F
Greenlee, Mrs. James published deposition on Virginia land settlement, 21 U
Greenwood, Jonathan 5 F
Greer, Jesse 9 C; information from, 10 C; questions to, 9 C
Gregg, Josiah newspaper letter, 29 CC
Gregg, Walter 1 RR
Greiner, John 2 Q
Gretsinger, George interview, 3 S
Grey, Robert periodical article, 17 VV
Grider, Rufus A. 10 F, 11 F; maps, 10 F
Gridley, S. H. newspaper article, 3 G
Grier, Thomas 1 GG
Grier, W. W. 1 GG, 3 GG
Griffin, Henry A. periodical artile, 3 YY
Griffin, John obituary, 27 CC
Griffin, Gen. [Simon Goodell] newspaper address, 7 F
Griffith, Willoughby 11 C, 9 E, 3 BB, 8 BB, 12 BB, 32 CC, 34 CC; interview, 21 S
Grigsby, Hugh Blair 38 J, 15 DD, 2 GG, 3 GG
Grim, John interview, 14 J
Grimké, john F. obituary note, 3 Q
Grimstead, R. E. 6 J
Grinnan, A. G. 34 CC
Griscom, Rachel D. 1 C
Grisham, J. F. 17 C
Griswold, ———. See Morton and Griswold.
Griswold, Benjamin B. periodical article, 7 YY
Griswold, W. D 34 CC
Groo, W. J. 9 F; newspaper articles, 9 F, 3 G; pamphlet, 3 G
Gross, L. J. newspaper address, 3 G
Ground, Mrs. Rhoda interview, 29 J
Grove, Peter newspaper article, 27 CC
Grubb, Peter newspaper article, 27 CC
Grubb, Mrs. Mary 2 BB, 12 BB
Grubbs, Mrs. Cynthia questions to, 29 C
Grundy, Felix obituary, 26 CC
Grundy, R. C. 17 CC
Guffey, Isaac obituary, 3 Q
Guice, John G. 9 E
Guild, Joseph C. excerpts from book, 6 YY, 8 YY
Guion, Isaac obituary, 3 P
Guiser, Jacob newspaper article about, 28 CC
Gumaer, Laertes W. 9 F; map, 9 F
Gunsaula (Gunsaullis, Gunsaulus), John 1 Q
Gurlie, Mrs. Nancy S. obituary, 3 Q
Gurmaer, P. L. 3 GG
Gurnea, Andrew B. 9 YY
Guthrie, Ben interview, 11 CC
Guthrie, Nancy. See Nancy Porterfield.
Gwathmey, Elizabeth T. 14 VV
Gwathmey, George C. 10 J (Part 1 and Part 2) ; interview, 10 J (Part 2)
Gwathmey, J. B. 8 J, 10 J (Part 1)
Gwathmey, Richard C. 10 J (Part 2) ; interview, 25 S
Gwathmey, Samuel 10 J (Part 1) ; interview, 10 J (Part 2)
Gwathmey, Temple interview, 10 J (Part 2)
Gwathmey, William 36 J, 14 VV
Gwathmey, William B. 10 J (Part 1)
Gwin, James obituary, 26 CC
Gwinn, Mr. newspaper article, 29 CC
Gwyn, Mrs. A. J. 15 DD
Gwyn, James 9 C, 10 C, 5 DD; map, 9 C
Gwynn, Robert interview, 11 CC
Habersham, Rich W. 5 DD
Hacker, H. M. 20 U
Hacker, J. T. 20 U
Hacker, William 20 U; newspaper articles, 20 U
Hacker, William Granville 20 U
Hackett, E. Graves 22 VV
Hackett, R. F. 9 C, 5 DD, 22 VV
Hackett, William T. 5 DD
Hackman, William 19 VV
Hadcock, John 11 U; questions to, 11 U
Hadden, Nick, Jr. 34 CC
Hagan, Dr. ——— (Ireland) newspaper article, 12 CC
Hagan, A. D. letter to 8 RR
Haggin, James articles ascribed to, 12 C
Hagins, Robert J. 12 VV
Hagner, Peter 1 Q, 5 NN
Hagood, Johnson 19 VV
Hah-na-i-sah. See Benjamin Williams.
Haigler, C. A. 2 VV, 8 VV; letter to, 2 VV
Haile, R. h, 6 VV
Hain, Mrs. Elizabeth Flinn 14 C
Haitman, Mrs. Eliza J. 7 BB
Hakes, Harry periodical articles, 4 F, 2 G
Halbert, H. S. 2 C, 7 C, 15 J, 8 VV, 15 VV, 19 VV, 1 YY, 4 YY, 10 YY, 2 ZZ; articles, 4 YY, 10 YY; interviews recorded by, 4 YY, 10 YY; letters to, 10 YY; maps, 10 YY
Haldeman, W. N. newspaper advertisement, 30 CC
Hale, Abram, Jr. interview, 31 J
Hale, Edward Everett newspaper article, 18 J
Hale, John P. 2 C, 7 C, 14 C, 16 C, 17 C, 23 C, 29 C, 2 J, 14 J, 35 J, 38 J, 20 U, 1 BB; map, 7 C; newspaper and periodical articles, 1 C, 14 C, 32 C, 1 BB
Hall, Dr. ——— (Ohio), clergyman interview, 14 CC
Hall, Alexander 4 F
Hall, B. J. 1 V
Hall, Elijah obituary, 3 P
Hall, G. N. 36 CC, 37 CC
Hall, George N. interview, 11 CC
Hall, Harrison 11 J
Hall, Henry interviews, 12 C, 21 S
Hall, Hiland 3 GG
Hall, James (1793-1868) interview, 15 CC; newspaper and periodical articles, 1 K, 2 K, 26 CC, 29 CC
Hall, N. F. 4 RR; questions to, 4 RR
Hall, Nathan H. interview, 6 S
Hall, Newberry F. 8 C; questions to, 8 C
Hall, Robert interview, 16 S
Hall, Thomas Parsons 37 J
Hall, William 5 C, 6 XX; interviews, 31 S, 32 S
Hall, William A. 19 C
Halleck (Hallock), Fitz-Greene published poems, 2 G, 29 CC
Haller, Williams interview, 8 S; newspaper article, 8 S
Halley, Mrs. ——— (Ky.) interview, 18 S
Hamblin, Isaac obituary, 7 YY
Hambright, Gill 7 DD
Hamilton, Lieut. ——— (Fort Madison) newspaper letter (1813), 26 S
Hamilton, A. Boyd newspaper article, 1 PP
Hamilton, Alexander interview, 11 CC
Hamilton, Annie Hampton 12 VV
Hamilton, Archibald letter to, 7 J
Hamilton, D. (Tenn.) 19 VV
Hamilton, Duke (Ky.) 4 C
Hamilton, Elizabeth newspaper letters, 29 CC
Hamilton, J. H. 4 E, 9 E
Hamilton, J. L. 29 C
Hamilton, James J. H. newspaper article, 12 U
Hamilton, John obituary, 3 Q
Hamilton, Lucy biographical sketch about, 29 CC
Hamilton, Mary. See Mary Renick.
Hamlin, John 9 YY; questions to, 9 YY
Hammond, A. L. 1 DD; newspaper articles, 1 DD
Hammond, Abner obituary, 1 DD
Hammond, D. L. 1 DD
Hammond, E. S. 8 VV
Hammond, Herbert 5 DD, 6 XX
Hammond, Samuel obituary, 1 DD; newspaper articles, 1 DD
Hampton, Adam 6 DD; questions to, 6 DD
Hampton, H. P. 12 VV
Hampton, Harriet Flud, wife of Wade (1751/52-1835) marriage notice, 8 VV
Hampton, Henry obituary, 16 VV
Hampton, Henry R. 12 VV
Hampton, James J. 6 DD; questions to, 6 DD
Hampton John obituary note, 3 Q
Hampton, John R. 19 VV
Hampton, Jonathan 6 DD, 14 DD
Hampton, Moses periodical article, 15 E
Hampton, T. H. 12 VV
Hampton, Wade (1751/52-1835) marriage notice, 8 VV
Hampton, Wade (1818-1902) 12 VV; interview, 16 VV
Hampton, William obituary, 12 VV
Hamtramck, John Francis (d. 1803) map, 1 W
Hamtramck, John Francis (d. 1858) obituary, 2 W
Hancock, George interview, 25 S
Hancock, John 17 CC
Hancock, Robert 24 C; letter to, 24 C; testimonial, 1 B
Hand, Dorothy. See Dorothy Brien.
Hand, Sarah. See Sarah Bethel.
Handley, Samuel, Jr. interviews, 4 DD, 5 XX
Handy, James H. newspaper article, 29 CC
Hanger, Marshall 20 C
Hangoost, Oneida chief obituaries, 3 Q
Hanks, John interview, 12 CC
Hanna, Charles A. 2 B
Hanna, William C. 3 CC
Hanson, John G. 18 C; maps, 18 C
Huralson, Herndon interview, 29 S
Harbeson, James interview, 25 S
Harbin, A. H. 8 C
Harbin, C. (N.C.) 22 C
Harbison, William 4 VV
Harbour, Elisha interview, 8 S
Harden, Edward J. 15 VV
Hardesty, Benjamin interview, 11 CC
Hardesty, Richard interview, 3 S
Hardie, J. B. 2 Q
Hardin, Abraham 7 DD; questions to, 7 DD
Hardin, D. C. 7 J, 34 CC
Hardin, Francis Marion 7 DD
Hardin, Franklin 8 NN
Hardin, Ira 7 DD; maps, 7 DD
Hardin, John J. 4 CC; letters to, 4 CC; periodical article, 17 DD
Hardin, Mark 4 CC; 32 CC, 15 VV, 1 YY; interview, 18 S; letter to, 4 CC
Hardin, William obituary (1821), 3 Q
Hardin, William interview (1845), 33 S; obituary notes (1850), 33 S, 30 CC
Harding, Chester 16 C
Harding, Elisha 2 G
Harding, Jesse published poem, 2 G
Harding, S. B. 8 C
Hardman, Maggie 20 U
Hardwick, J. R. 17 C
Hardy, Erwin E. 12 DD
Hardy, J. F. E. 12 DD
Harker, Joseph N. 8 F, 19 F
Harl, William newspaper letter, 26 S
Harlan, James 37 J, 31 CC
Harlan, Maria 7 YY
Harlan, Silas newspaper letter, 29 CC
Harlow, Cornelius interview, 19 S
Harmar, William obituary, 1 W
Harmer, R. J. 7 BB
Harmon, Orrin 8 E
Harnage, John G. 4 YY
Harpel, Oscar H. 32 CC
Harper, Mrs. Ann Lewis interview, 18 S
Harper, G. W. F. map, 8 C
Harper, J. C. 9 C, 4 DD, 5 DD, 7 DD, 15 DD, 2 GG, 3 GG, 8 VV, 18 VV; interview recorded by, 18 VV
Harper, J. d. 10 U
Harper, J. F. 16 F
Harper, John obituary, 3 Q
Harper, Kenton 2 Q
Harper, Rice 16 F
Harper, Robert Goodloe newspaper statement, 2 UU
Harrall, J. P. 6 VV, 19 VV
Harrill, J. B. 12 DD
Harrill, L. 8 C, 9 C, 10 C, 5 DD, 3 RR; maps, 8 C, 5 DD
Harriman, Walter 5 F
Harrington, Mrs. Harriet C. information from, 4 VV
Harrington, John W. 8 VV
Harris, A. T. information from, 16 VV
Harris, B. F. interview, 11 CC
Harris, Mrs. C. W. published poem, 1 HH
Harris, Caty information from, 17 F
Harris, Charles, Jr. 37 CC
Harris, Cyrus 10 U
Harris, E. K. 1 GG
Harris, George H. 17 F
Harris, Iverson S. 1 V
Harris, J. George 3 GG
Harris, John 3 E
Harris, Mrs. Phoebe information from, 13 C
Harris, R. H. 2 BB
Harris, Samuel D. interview, 8 S; map, 8 S
Harris, W. P. 12 VV
Harris, Walton B. 10 U
Harris, Willaim S. 1 GG, 2 GG, 3 GG, 14 VV
Harris, Bazil obituary, 3 Q
Harrison, Burr obituary, 19 VV
Harrison, Carter H. 33 CC
Harrison, Charles L. 25 S
Harrison, D. R. 22 J; maps, 22 J
Harrison, F. E. 12 VV
Harrison, George Evlyn 1 YY
Harrison, Henry 10 J (Part 1)
Harrison, J. (Ky.) 8 E
Harrison, J. Scott 38 J, 32 CC, 7 YY
Harrison, James 12 J, 19 J, 35 J, 2 U, 33 CC, 34 CC, 10 DD; interview, 25 S; manuscript article, 3 E
Harrison, John H. 12 VV
Harrison, Lawrence newspaper article, 33 S
Harrison, Mrs. Octavia S. 4 CC
Harrison, Patton interview, 11 CC
Harrison, Peachy 8 ZZ
Harrison, Thomas B. 6 J
Harrison, Thomas C. (in calendar as Thomas O.) 10 U
Harrison, W. B. 26 J
Harrison, Wade 37 J
Harriosn, William B. 10 J (Part 1) . 1 YY
Harrison, William Henry map, 5 X; newspaper articles and letters, 26 S, 26 CC, 29 CC, 5 YY, 6 YY
Harrod, Ann (Mrs. James) interview, 12 C; obituary, 26 CC
Harrod, William 37 J; interview, 1845, 37 J
Harrod, William, Jr. 37 J
Hart, Joseph F. 16 VV
Hart, Mary Irvine (Mrs. John) interview, 18 S
Hart, Nathaniel (1770-1844) 2 CC, 15 CC; interview, 17 CC; map, 26 CC; newspaper articles, 1 CC, 17 CC, 26 CC; obituaries, 26 CC, 28 CC
Hart, Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel (1770-1844) 2 CC; interview, 33 S
Hart, Rebecca T. 33 C
Hart, Susannah (Mrs. Thomas) 3 Q
Hart, Thomas obituary, 3 Q
Hart, W. W. 18 C
Hart, William P. 32 CC
Harter, Mrs. H. H. 4 F
Hartwell, Joseph W. 22 J
Hartwell, T. B., Sr. 1 GG
Harwood, Mrs. Jane Earl letter to, 14 F
Haskell, Charles T. 6 VV
Haskell, J. Bachman 6 VV
Haskell, J. T. 15 DD
Haskell, W. E. information from, 6 VV
Hatch, Julia M. 14 DD; newspaper article, 14 DD
Hatch, William S. 2 Q
Hathaway, Joshua newspaper article, 11 F
Hathorn, James B. 8 F; questions to, 8 F
Hathorn, John newspaper letter 3 G
Hatton, William interview, 12 CC
Haven, E. O. newspaper address, 3 F
Haven, S. F. 19 F, 12 U, 2 GG
Hawes, John 15 C
Hawes, Paul interview, 27 S
Hawkins, Jemima (Mrs. Henry) interview, 19 S
Hawkins, R. W. questionnaire to, 3 CC
Hawkins, Timothy 3 F
Hawley, Rev. Dr. ——— (Aurora, N. Y.) newspaper address, 3 G
Hawthorn, A. C. 11 VV
Hawthorn, James 32 CC
Hawthorn, JRobert 11 VV
Hawthorne, J. B. 32 CC
Hay, Andrew 4 J
Hay, John 24 C; periodical article, 1 C
Hay, P. C. interview recorded by, 1 Q
Hay, Samuel H. 17 VV
Haycraft, Samuel 28 C, 32 C; drawing of Boone monument, 28 C; publiched speech, 32 C
Hayden, Horace E. 3 C, 29 E, 30 J, 43 J, 12 U; letter to, 12 U; maps, 30 J; newspaper and periodical articles, 2 G, 43 J, 12 U
Hayden, S. (Pa.) 1 YY, 7 YY; newspaper article by, 2 G
Haydon, Dudley M. 34 CC
Hayes, Isabella 10 E
Haymaker, Mrs. John interview, 5 S
Haymaker, W. J. 12 J, 30 J
Haymaker, William N. 30 J
Haymond, Luther 11 BB
Haynes, James interview, 30 S
Hays, Amazon testimonial, 1 B
Hays, Boone 23 C
Hays, J. McD. 11 BB
Hays, Lucille testimonial, 1 B
Hays, Robert obituary note, 3 Q
Hays, Samuel testimonial, 1 B
Hays, Samuel L. 6 XX
Hays, Upton testimonial, 1 B
Hays, Wade 15 C; interview, 15 C
Hays, William J. 18 C
Haywood, John obituary note, 31 S
Haywood, Sherwood 3 GG
Hazard, Samuel 12 E
Hazelrigg (Hazlerigg), Dillard W. 13 C
Hazlerigg (Hazelrigg), charles interview, 12 CC
Head, Natt newspaper address, 7 F
Heald, Darius interview, 23 S; letters to, 24 U
Heald, Nathan newspaper letter, 26 S
Heart, Jonathan maps, 1 W
Heaton, David F. 8 BB
Hebert, Paul O. 13 VV
Heckle, T. E. map, 2 T
Heckwelder, J. Mary 9 NN
Hedge, James interview, 12 CC
Hedge, John interview, 11 CC
Hedge, Jonas interview, 12 CC
Hedges, Ellroy 8 E
Hedges, Isaac 2 #; interview, 9 S
Hedges, Joseph interview, 2 S
Hedges, Samuel interview, 19 S
Hedges, Silas interview, 9 S
Hedrick, C. 28 C
Hedrick, Edwin 24 J; maps, 24 J
Heighway, Samuel newspaper article, 27 CC
Heildeburn, Charles, R. 20 VV
Helderman, John F. 3 RR
Helm, Benjamin interview, 10 J (Part 1)
Helm, Francis T. 10 J (Part 1)
Helm, John B. 10 J (Part 1)
Helm, M. 10 J (Part 1)
Helmer, Charles Downes published poem, 3 F
Helms, William newspaper letter, 20 S
Helper, H. H. 8 C, 2 RR, 3 RR, 8 RR; letters and questions to, 8 C, 2 RR; maps, 8 C
Hemans, Mrs. ——— published poem, 28 CC
Hemonubbee See Himonubbee.
Hemphill, James 4 VV
Hempstead, Charles S. 28 C; obituary, 3 Q
Hempstead, Stephen 16 C, 28 C; interview, 22 S; letters to 16 C, 28 C
Henderson, ——— (Tenn.) 15 CC
Henderson, Miss A. E. 2 CC, 4 DD, 6 DD, 14 DD, 15 DD
Henderson, Alfred 24 C
Henderson, Archibald newspaper article from, 8 C
Henderson, D. P. 8 YY
Henderson, Emily Boone (Mrs. James S.) obituary, 32 C
Henderson, Eudocia. See Eudocia Estill.
Henderson, Frances. See Frances Gillespie.
Henderson, James letter to, 15 C
Henderson, James A. 29 C
Henderson, John R. 9 E
Henderson, John S. 8 CC
Henderson, Jospeph newspaper article, 27 CC
Henderson, Pleasant 24 C, 33 S; obituaries, 2 CC
Henderson, Richard published journal and letter, 1 CC, 26 CC
Henderson, Mrs. Sarah 19 C
Henderson, Thomas interview, 11 CC
Henderson, W. A. pamphlet, 17 DD
Hendrick, W. J. 17 C
Hendricks, Mrs. Belinda interview, 9 S
Hendricks, John P. 11 U
Hendricks, Paul 37 J
Henkle, M. M. newspaper article, 12 C
Henley, Thomas J. 19 C, 37 J
Hennon, J. C. 24 J
Henry, Mrs. ——— (née Wheeler) interview, 5 Q
Henry, David interview, 8 J
Henry, Joseph 9 E; letter to, 9 E
Henry, Patrick newspaper letter, 18 J; obituary, 27 CC
Henry, Peter Jr. interview, 9 E
Henry Peter, Sr. interview, 12 E; questions to, 8 NN
Henry, R. M. 12 DD; letter to, 12 DD
Henry, Robert newspaper and periodical articles, 12 DD, 17 DD
Henry, W. W. 6 DD
Henry, William obituary note (1824), 3 Q
Henry, William interview (1863), 17 S
Henry, William L. questions to, 12 DD
Henry, William Wirt 16 J, 38 J; periodical articles, 1 K
Herbemont, Mrs. ——— (S.C.) 13 DD
Herbert, E. H. 12 VV; questions to, 12 VV
Herbert, H. H. 12 VV
Herbert, Paul O. obituary, 12 VV
Herndon, Benjamin Z. 22 VV
Herndon, E. W. 15 DD
Herndon, George interview, 30 S
Herndon, H. C. 18 C
Herndon, John S. newspaper letter, 8 YY
Herndon, Richard 5 C; maps, 5 C
Herndon, Robert interview, 30 S
Herschell, Caroline Maria newspaper article about, 30 CC
Hershey, Jeremiah 25 J
Hester, Stephen 6 E
Hewry, James 12 BB
Heyd, Charles B. newspaper speech, 2 G
Heyser, Emanuel 1 GG
Hibben, W. W. newspaper article, 29 CC
Hick, Richard 40 Y
Hickcox, J. H. 38 J, 3 CC
Hickling, Charles 5 F
Hickling, William 9 YY; letter to, 9 YY; periodical article by, 9 YY
Hickman David 9 E
Hickman, Edwin W. 6 XX
Hickman, J. G. letters to, 31 CC
Hickman, John letters to, 31 CC
Hickman, Thomas 6 XX; interview, 30 S
Hicks, Elias newspaper article, 29 CC
Higgins, Daniel interview, 3 S
Higgins, J. P. 25 J
Higgins, John 25 J
Higgins, Richard 10 J (Part 1)
Higgins, Richard T. 10 J (Part 1)
Higginson, T. W. excerpt from periodical article, 1 BB
Hildeburn, Charles R. 14 DD
Hildreth, George O. 5 F
Hildreth, Samuel P. 3 E, 7 E, 38 J, 6 NN; interview, 3 S; letters to, 15 J; periodical article, 4 E
Hill, Mrs. Catharine 14 F; interview, 13 F; questions to, 14 F
Hill, Mrs. Charlotte questionnaire to, 14 F
Hill, Cornelius 11 U; interview, 11 U
Hill, D. H. 2 GG, 2 RR, 3 RR, 11 VV; letter to, 14 VV
Hill, David Jacket interview, 13 F
Hill, Edward B. 2 C, 5 C; letters to, 5 C
Hill, George W. 2 E; newspaper article, 15 E
Hill, H. B. letter to, 31 CC
Hill, Henry newspaper letter, 9 U
Hill, John A. letter to, 1 V
Hill, Joseph interview, 13 F
Hill, Joshua 1 V; letter to, 1 V
Hill, Luke obituary, 26 CC
Hill, Mary interview, 11 U
Hill, Mary B. 5 C
Hill, N. P. 16 C
Hill, Mrs. Susan Grant 22 C
Hill, W. J. W. 14 F
Hill, William 6 XX
Hille, Sally Whittin 24 C
Hillhouse, J. B. 4 VV, 15 VV; letter to, 15 VV
Hilliard, James W. 24 J; maps, 24 J
Himonubbee (Hemonubbee, Jim Philip), Choctaw Indian interviews, 4 YY, 10 YY
Hinde, Charles T. 41 Y
Hinde, Thomas S. letters to, 24 C, 21 S, 3 YY; map, 40 Y; newspaper articles, 1 BB, 30 CC; obituaries, 21 S, 41 Y, 26 CC. See also Series Y for the major portion of Hinde's correspondence and writings.
Hindekoper, A. 2 Q
Hinds, Mrs. ——— (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Hine, L. A. newspaper article, 5 D
Hines, R. K. 1 GG
Hinkson, B. (Ohio) 2 E, 3 E
Hinkson, John interview, 2 S
Hires, F. M. 2 Q
Hislop, Thomas newspaper letter, 9 U
Hite, Abram, son of Abraham interview, 31 J
Hite, George W. 28 C
Hite, J. (Ky.) newspaper notice, 18 CC
Hite, Jacob, Sr. 28 C
Hitt, D. F. 2 J, 38 J
Hitt, W. W. information, from, 25 S
Hixson, W. D. 4 C, 6 C, 15 C, 16 J, 4 BB, 5 BB, 2 CC, 33 CC, 34 CC; information from, 7 C, 13 C; maps, 7 C, 13 C
Hobbins, Joseph 2 Q, 19 VV
Hobson, E. H. 1 V
Hobson, Elizabeth 1 V
Hockersmith, ——— interview, 11 CC
Hodge, James 21 J
Hodges, Charles W. 16 VV
Hodges, I. H. 28 C
Hodges, John D. 2 RR; article by, 2 RR; questions to, 9 C; information from, 9 C
Hodgin, Robert 13 J
Hodson, Thomas J. 4 VV
Hoentubbee, Charley interviews, 4 YY, 10 YY
Hoge, John maps, 12 ZZ
Hogue, A. A. 13 C; information from, 14 C; letter to, 13 C
Holbrook, S. S. 15 DD
Holbrooks, James E. 18 C
Holden, W. W. 8 C
Holden, Williams 15 DD; letter to, 19 DD
Holder, Richard, P 24 C
Holder, W. D. 24 C
Holladay, Alexander Q. 18 C
Holliday, S. A, 21 J
Holliday, Zachariah (Zachary) interviews, 9 J, 16 DD, 5 XX
Hollister, H. (Pa.) 4 F
Hollister, Jeremiah 7 E; letter to, 7 E; map, 7 E
Holloway, ——— (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Holloway, Sarah M. 12 VV
Holman, Harrod obituary, 6 XX
Holman, Joseph 36 J
Holmes, E. H. 9 E
Holmes, Elizabeth (Mrs. Jacob) obituaries, 4 E, 15 E
Holmes, Emma 18 VV
Holmes, Enos interview, 17 S
Holmes, George Frederick 6 J, 15 J, 35 J, 38 J, 18 VV
Holmes, Joseph 4 E; interview, 19 S
Holmes, Michael interview, 17 S
Holmes, Tecumseh K. 5 YY, 7 YY; map by, 7 YY; questions to, 5 YY
Holmes, William 33 J
Holstein, Mathias obituary, 27 CC
Home, D. D. 2 Q
Homes, H. A. 2 Q, 11 U, 19 CC
Honneycutt, Peter newspaper articles, 4 C
Honore, John A. obituary, 29 CC
Hood, James 9 E; interview, 9 S
Hooe, B. (Washington, D. C.) 2 E
Hope, J. M. 15 DD, 4 VV, 15 VV, 18 VV; letter to, 15 VV
Hope, James 5 VV, 15 VV
Hope, John C. 13 DD, 19 VV
Hopewell, T. A. 22 C
Hopkins, George W. 2 Q
Hopkins, Wade, Sr. 12 VV
Hopkinson, Francis published song lyrics, 1 HH
Horah, J. M. 8 C, 2 GG
Hord, Francis T. letters to, 32 CC; newspaper notice of land sale, 30 CC
Horlbeck, Daniel 8 VV
Horn, Frederick W. 8 RR; periodical article, 36 CC
Horner, T. A. 2 F
Hornes, H. A. letter to, 19 F
Horrell, J. A. 8 YY
Horton, George F. 4 F
Horton, James C. 9 C
Horton, Jonathan 9 C, 19 C; map, 9 C
Horton, Phineas 9 C
Hosack, N. P. 2 GG, 3 GG
Hosmer, Hez. L. 5 YY; periodical article, 7 U,
Hotchkiss, ——— (S.C.) interview, 11 VV
Houck, Louis 20 C, 3 YY, 8 YY; letter to, 8 YY
Hough, John 4 E, 11 BB, obituary, 3 Q
House, Benjamin questions to, 4 F
House, Mrs. Charles A. 19 F
House, Christian 3 F
House, G. N. 19 F
House, H. S. 15 F
House, J. H. 28 J
House, Peter letter to, 5 F
Houston, E. J. 8 VV; questions to, 8 VV
Houston, F. W. 20 C, 20 J
Houston, James interview, 16 CC; obituary, 20 VV
Houston, Thomas F. 4 DD, 2 RR; newspaper articles, 2 RR
Houston, William P. 32 CC
Howard, Benjamin newspaper letter, 26 S; obituary, 26 S
Howard, Benjamin C. 2 Q
Howard Isaac interview, 11 CC
Howard, James newspaper article, 29 CC
Howard, John obituary, 3 Q
Howard, P. F. 35 J
Howe, Mrs. A. M. 5 F
Howe, Frances, R. letter to, 9 YY
Howe, George 2 GG
Howe, Henry letter to, 11 YY; periodical article, 9 E
Howe, S. J. published poem, 29 CC
Howell, David obituary, 3 P
Howell, Frank interview, 23 S
Howell, George R. 8 RR
Howell, Serena (Mrs. Lewis) interview, 23 S
Howell, Mrs. Susan interview, 23 S; testimonial, 1 B
Howitt, Mary published poem, 28 CC
Hoyt, Henry Martyn newspaper address, 7 F
Hubbard, C. Marsena 7 F; newspaper articles, 7 F
Hubbard, F. M. 2 CC
Hubbard, Guardon S. 9 YY; interview, 22 S; periodical article, 9 YY; questions to, 9 YY
Hubbard, W. poem, 17 S
Hubbard, W. A. 9 E
Huey, Daniel intereview, 15 CC
Huff, Asa 8 E
Huff, Thomas J. 25 J
Huffman, George W. 14 J
Huger, Alfred 13 DD; information from, 6 VV; obituary, 13 DD
Hughan, W. H. 7 YY
Hughes, Anny F. 12 DD; questions to, 12 DD
Hughes, J. newspaper article, 18 CC
Hughes, John 13 DD
Hughey, Charles. See Mrs. ——— Prudens.
Hughey, John 10 BB. See also Mrs. ——— — Prudens and Mrs. ——— Thurmond.
Hughey, Richard J. interview, 22 S
Hughey, William L. 10 BB
Huginsin (?), L. C. 9 YY
Hulce, Martial R. 5 F, 17 F, 19 F, 6 YY; interview recorded by, 17 F; newspaper articles, 9 F, 17 F; questions to, 17 F
Hulings, Samuel interview, 3 S
Hulse, A. B. 8 F
Hulse, John interview, 12 CC
Humes, Edward C. 1 C
Humes, Thomas newspaper address, 26 CC
Humming Bird, Choctaw chief obituary, 3 Q
Humphreys, D. C. interviews, 11 CC, 15 CC, 16 CC
Humphreys, F. (N.Y.) 7 YY
Hungate, Jesse J. 12 J
Hunt, Henry I. obituaries, 21 S, 3 Q
Hunt, J., Jr. newspaper article, 30 CC
Hunt, John E. 7 U, 12 U, 11 CC, 5 YY; interview, 21 S; letter to, 11 CC
Hunt, Nancy Ann Reed fragment of printed article, 11 CC
Hunt, S. S. 19 VV
Hunt, Sam H. 8 F
Hunter, Mr. ——— (Ky.) interview, 18 S
Hunter, Abraham (Abram) 13 J
Hunter, Ann Stephens (Mrs. Moses) obituary, 3 Q
Hunter, C. L. 6 DD, 13 DD, 15 DD, 1 GG, 2 GG; map, 6 DD, questions to, 6 DD
Hunter, C. S. 2 GG, 3 GG, 15 VV
Hunter, Israel 13 J
Hunter, J. R. 12 VV
Hunter, John 14 VV
Hunter, John Dunn obituary, 3 Q
Hunter, Mrs. Sarah Boone 22 C; letter to, 22 C; testimonial, 1 B
Hunter, William 2 Q
Hupp, John C. 6 ZZ; newspaper articles, 3 E, 6 ZZ
Hurin, ——— (Ohio) information from, 13 CC
Hurst, A. T. 17 C
Hurst, W. L. 18 C; letter to, 18 C
Hurt, J. Irby 10 C
Hutchason, Mrs. Nancy interview, 22 S
Hutcheson, R. newspaper address, 8 BB
Hutchings, Stokley D. 5 J
Hutchins, Anthony obituary note, 30 CC
Hutchinson, D. L. 2 GG
Hutchinson, Henry 18 VV
Hutchinson, T. Leger 2 VV, 12 VV, 15 VV, 17 VV; letter to, 17 VV
Hutchinson, T. S. 13 DD
Hutchison, A. E. 10 U
Hutson, A. V. 16 J
Hutton, John N. interview, 16 VV
Hyatt, Frederick interview, 22 S
Hyde, W. L. newspaper address, 3 G
Hynes, Thomas W. newspaper address, 2 K
Hyres, W. T. 22 J
Hyrne, Edmund M. obituary, 8 VV
Ijames, Beal 8 C; questions to, 8 C
Ijames (Ijams), Denton 2 RR
Imboden, J. d. 3 C, 4 C, 6 C, 10 C; information from, 7 C; letter to, 3 C; maps, 6 C, 10 C
Ingersoll, C. J. newspaper article, 26 CC
Ingles, Thomas (Ky.) 1 Q, 8 ZZ
Ingles, Thomas (Va.) 8 ZZ
Inglis, Charles periodical article, 1 G
Ingraham, Edward D. letter to, 10 E
Ingraham, I (J?) L. 13 DD
Inman, Edward information from, 2 G
Innes, Harry newspaper article, 18 CC
Innes, Mrs. harry obituary, 30 CC
Innes (Inness), Robert interview, 15 CC
Ironside, Colin C. 7 YY; questions to, 7 YY
Irvin, James interview, 16 S
Irvine, David interview, 18 S
Irvine, Mary. See Mary Hart.
Irvine (Irvin), O. B. 7 DD
Irvine, William A. 10 E, 2 Q, 2 AA, 9 NN
Irving, Peter obituary, 27 S
Irving, Washington newspaper article, 1 U
Irwin, Mrs. H. M. 2 RR; newspaper article, 2 RR
Irwin, Henry 2 AA
Irwin, J. M. C. information from, 11 CC
Irwin, Jared obituary, 3 Q
Irwin, Thomas 4 U; obituary, 19 CC
Irwin, Thomas J. 13 DD
Isaacs, Elijah 15 DD
Isaacs, William B. 7 YY
Isbell, J. M. 9 C; map, 9 C
Ivy, Adam 19 VV
Jack, J. 3 GG
Jack, William obituary, 3 Q
Jack, William C. 3 GG
Jacker, Edward 4 J
Jackson, A. E. 4 C; information from, 17 C
Jackson, Andrew newspaper letter, 2 Q
Jackson, Charles T. newspaper letter, 29 CC
Jackson, Mrs. E. L. 37 J, 38 J
Jackson, Francis, Flournoy interview, 15 CC
Jackson, George obituary, 3 Q
Jackson, George, W. 13 VV
Jackson, Mrs. George W. interview, 16 VV
Jackson, Henry R. 15 DD
Jackson, Herman 3 GG
Jackson, J. M. 38 J; newspaper article, 1 K
Jackson, J. W. 20 U
Jackson, John T. 4 VV
Jackson, Joseph interview, 11 C
Jackson, Rachel (Mrs. Andrew) obituary, 30 CC
Jackson, T. J. 4 VV
Jacob (Jacobs), Zachariah 7 E
Jacobs, John J. interview, 13 CC
Jacobs, Michael newspaper article, 27 CC
Jacobs, Samuel interview, 13 F
Jacobs, William P. 13 VV; letter to 13 VV
Jacquet, Peter obituary, 13 VV
Jaffries, L. C. 20 J
James, A. A. 13 VV
James, B. A. 23 C
James, George W. 9 YY
James, John Hough, Jr. 11 BB
James, Lorenzo 13 DD, 19 VV; questions to, 13 DD
James, Robert D 10 U
James, Thomas obituary, 26 CC
James, William A. 6 VV; map, 6 VV
Jameson, David obituary, 36 J
Jamison, Andrew 7 YY
Jamison, T. B. 1 F, 2 F
January, Mrs. Epharaim interview, 11 C
Jaquith, C. V. 7 BB
Jarboe, William P. 12 BB; letters to, 20 S
Jarrell, John 14 C
Jarrell, Kemper 14 C
Jarrot, Mrs. Julia interview, 22 S
Jarvis, William 1 Q
Jay, William 11 J
Jayne, Robert Kennon 1 GG
Jeffrey, Francis obituary, 30 CC
Jeffries, J. M. 13 J
Jenkins, Mrs. Bertha information from, 2 G
Jenkins, E. J. 12 VV
Jenkins, George A. 1 YY
Jenkins, Howard M. 2 C
Jenkins, Samuel obituaries, 26 CC, 29 CC
Jenkins, Steuben 3 F; newspaper address, 7 F; pamphlet and published song lyrics, 2 G
Jenkins, Theoderick newspaper article, 30 CC
Jenkins, Thornton A. 3 RR
Jenkins, W. L. 6 XX
Jenkins, William death notice, 60 J
Jennings, A. 10 BB
Jennings, Edmund obituary, 6 XX
Jennings, William H. 12 BB
Jessup, William 9 E
Job, Mr. ——— (Miss,) interviews, 31 S, 32 S
John, Captain, Oneida chief obituary, 11 U
John, Mrs. Catherine obituary, 13 F
Johnny, Captain, Shawnee leader newspaper address, 33 S
Johnson, A. C. 25 J
Johnson, A. S. 17 C
Johnson, Abraham questions for, 4 DD
Johnson, Alfred 15 J
Johnson, Allen W. 14 F; questions to, 14 F
Johnson, Cave 9 J, 8 CC, 6 XX; interview, 9 J; letter to, 1 Q
Johnson, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth Payne.
Johnson, Mrs. Ellen T. interview, 18 S
Johnson, George H. M. interview, 13 F
Johnson, Mrs, Georgie V. 2 VV
Johnson, Guy map, 1 EE
Johnson, H. B. 13 F, 14 F; letter to, 14 F
Johnson, Henry 2 E, 10 E, 8 NN; interview, 30 S; obituaries, 11 U, 28 CC
Johnson, Mrs. Henry interview, 30 S
Johnson, Henry I. 1 H
Johnson, J. M. questions to, 8 C
Johnson, James obituary, 3 P
Johnson, James Leeper 32 CC
Johnson, James T. 16 J
Johnson, John interveiw, 32 S; newspaper article, 28 CC
Johnson, John M. interview, 28 J
Johnson, John Smoke interviews, 13 F, 15 F; questions to, 14 F
Johnson, Joseph interviews, 13 DD; newspaper letter, 13 DD
Johnson, Lewis 5 DD
Johnson, Mary, wife of Sir John obituary note, 3 Q
Johnson, Nordiah obituary note, 27 S
Johnson, Philemon newspaper letter, 26 CC
Johnson, Rachael interviews, 2 S, 3 S
Johnson, Richard 7 F
Johnson, Richard M. 13 C, 22 C, 15 CC; newspaper articles, 29 CC, 30 CC, 5 YY
Johnson, Robert map, 11 S; newspaper articles, 33 S, 30 CC; obituaries, 32 J, 36 J
Johnson, Thomas obituary note, 31 S
Johnson, Thomas B. 28 J
Johnson, Thomas L. 15 J; map, 15 J
Johnson, W. M. 21 J; maps, 21 J
Johnson, Walter R. periodical article, 11 E
Johnson, William interviews, 37 J, 18 S; newspaper article, 1 DD
Johnston, Annie P. (Mrs. William H.) 4 VV
Johnston, F. N. 2 GG
Johnston, Fanny R. 8 ZZ
Johnston, Frederick 20 U, 8 ZZ; letter to, 20 U; newspaper articles, 5 ZZ
Johnston, George newspaper articles, 3 RR, 4 RR
Johnston, George C. 11 YY; questions to, 11 YY
Johnston, J. E. 8 VV
Johnston, J. Stoddard 34 CC
Johnston, J. W. 9 F; pamphlet, 3 G
Johnston, James 5 E
Johnston, James E. 7 U
Johnston, James F. 29 C, 1 RR, 2 RR
Johnston, James S. 19 VV
Johnston, Jane W. See Jane Michel.
Johnston, John 2 YY, 11 YY; information from, 10 E; interviews, 7 U, 11 YY; letter to, 11 YY; map, 11 YY; newspaper and periodical articles, 25 S, 31 S, 11 U, 1 YY, 2 YY, 11 YY; obituaries, 3 Q
Johnston, John W. 17 C, 3 RR
Johnston, Joseph E. 3 RR
Johnston, Louisa. See Louisa Trigg.
Johnston, Margaret 12 E
Johnston, Milton 3 F
Johnston, N. B. 38 J
Johnston, Mrs. Nicketti B. 35 J
Johnston, Noah 25 J
Johnston, Mrs. Samuel 12 E
Johnston (Johnstone), Silas 4 VV, 12 VV, 15 VV, 19 VV; letter to, 4 VV
Johnston, Stephen 1 YY, 11 YY; map, 11 YY
Johnston, Thomas C. 3 C; maps, 3 C
Johnston, W. H. & Co. newspaper advertisements for periodicals, 19 CC, 28 CC
Johnston, William (Ky.) 19 J
Johnston, William (N.C.) 6 DD, 3 GG, 6 VV; letter to, 6 VV
Johnston, Silas. See Silas Johnston.
Jolly, Henry newspaper article about, 30 CC; obituary, 19 CC
Jones, Dr. ——— (Ala.) extract from letter, 36 CC
Jones, Andrew 4 F
Jones, Arthur J. newspaper letter, 30 CC
Jones, Augustus 3 YY; questions to, 3 YY
Jones, Basil G. 3 RR, 7 RR; obituary, 7 RR; questions to, 7 RR
Jones, Benjamin interview, 17 CC; obituary, 6 S
Jones, C. periodical article, 12 CC
Jones, C. R. newspaper articles, 1 HH
Jones, Caleb obituary, 6 S
Jones, Catlett (Cattlett) 24 C; interview, 19 S
Jones, Charles 19 F
Jones, Charles C., Jr. 15 DD, 5 VV, 15 VV; letter to, 15 VV; newspaper article, 7 DD
Jones, Charles W. newspaper article, 20 VV
Jones, Cynthia A. (Mrs. Benjamin) 24 C
Jones, Eliza (Mrs. Caleb) 24 C
Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth 23 C
Jones, F. M. map, 1 C
Jones, Francis interview, 21 S
Jones, Gabriel obituary, 3 Q
Jones, Gabriel S. 33 CC
Jones, George Wallace 7 BB
Jones, George Washington 24 C
Jones, H. C. 6 XX
Jones, H. G., Sr. interview, 15 J
Jones, H. W. 29 C; newspaper article, 16 C
Jones, Hamilton C. 2 CC; information from, 24 C; letter to, 4 Q
Jones, Harriet. See Harriet Brady.
Jones, Hawkins interview, 11 CC
Jones, Horatio newspaper article about, 3 G
Jones, Horatio G., Jr. 38 J, 8 CC
Jones, J. G. 9 E, 13 VV, 10 YY
Jones, J. L. 14 J
Jones, J. W. 16 J
Jones, James interview, 21 S
Jones, Jesse W. 18 C
Jones, Jo. Seawell newspaper article, 3 P
Jones, John interview, 23 S
Jones, John B. 10 U
Jones, John D. 5 DD
Jones, Joshua 24 C
Jones, Mrs. M. I. 13 VV
Jones, M. K. 5 D
Jones, M. M. 3 C, 3 F, 12 F, 1 U; map, 3 F
Jones, Nicholas 1 C, 20 C, 29 C; letter to, 1 C; newspaper articles, 1 C, 32 C
Jones, Pomroy 14 F, 19 F, 11 U
Jones, R. (Washington, D. C.) 2 Q, 8 ZZ
Jones, R. M. 17 C
Jones, Robert interview, 13 CC
Jones, S. Paul 21 C; newspaper articles, 21 C
Jones, Samuel H. 21 C
Jones, Thomas 16 J; interview 12 CC
Jones, Thomas L. 33 CC, 14 DD
Jones, U. J. 7 E
Jones, W. H. 2 U; questions to, 2 U
Jones, W. M. 11 U
Jones, W. S. 1 BB
Jones, Will H. 6 XX
Jones, William (Ga.) 3 VV; map, 3 VV; questions to, 3 VV
Jones, Sir William published poem, 28 cC
Jones, William Strother 16 J
Jordan, M. A. 3 C
Joslin, Lewis 6 XX
Jouett, John obituary (1822), 3 Q
Jouett, John interview, (1868), 25 S
Jouett, Matthew H. obituary note, 3 Q
Joyes, John interview, 25 S
Joyes, Patrick 54 J
Joyes, Thomas interview, 31 J
Joyner, James 36 CC
Joynes, William T. 38 J
Judd, Norman C. 4 F
Jumper, John 4 YY
Jurney, Peter C. 2 RR
Ka-che-qua (Mrs. Carpenter), Shaenee Indian interview, 23 S
Kain, Daniel (Ohio) interview, 14 CC
Kain, Daniel (Pa.) 8 NN
Karr, H. A. newspaper letter, 26 CC
Karr, Hamilton L. 5 E
Karr, William 5 E
Kayser, A. H. 7 BB
Kayser, N. 7 BB
Kearney, George W. 28 J
Keat, Marvin 8 E
Ke-che-ah-gah-me-qua (Ke-Che-Ha-Gah-Me-Qua) newspaper articles, 1 F; pamphlet, 2 G
Keel, Mrs. Mary J. 6 J
Keele, W. C. letters to, 13 F
Keener, James 8 CC
Keener, William interview, 9 S
Keese, Elijah 5 DD; questions to, 5 DD
Keetaugh, George W. 19 VV
Kehoe, P. J. 8 CC
Keifer, J. Warren 26 J; map, 26 J; newspaper addresses, 5 BB, 12 BB
Keiser, Jacob 29 C
Keith, Mrs. L. M. 13 VV
Kelby, William 45 J, 2 GG, 5 VV, 7 VV, 17 VV, 7 YY
Keller, William J. 19 VV
Kelley, Achilles 18 C
Kelley, Benjamin H. 24 C; letter to, 24 C
Kelley, C. J. (Ill.) 24 C
Kelley, D. C. 8 DD, 10 DD
Kelley, T. R. 24 C
Kelly, John 12 BB
Kelly, M. J. published poem, 2 G
Kelly, Moses obituary, 3 P
Kelly, Nathan inerview, 13 CC
Kelly, thomas C. interview, 18 S
Kelsey, Daniel 3 BB
Kelsey, Iseta 3 BB
Kelso, Walker interveiw, 12 CC
Kemper, Jeptha interview, 12 CC
Ken, Eliza C. 24 U; letter to, 24 U
Kenan, M. J. 1 GG
Kendall, Geoerge W. 5 BB
Kendrick, Mrs. Sarah A. 10 J (Part 2)
Kenjockety, Philip. (Ska-dyoh-gwa-deh), Seneca Indian obituary, 3 Q
Kennaday, J. newspaper article, 30 CC
Kennan, William interview, 19 S
Kennard, Nathaniel obituary, 3 P
Kennedy, Cunningham 21 J; maps, 21 J
Kennedy, Mrs. Cunningham 21 J
Kennedy, David R. 5 DD, 15 DD
Kennedy, James A. 16 J, 34 CC
Kennedy, Jesse interview, 11 CC
Kennedy, Margaret 21 J
Kennedy, Nancy (1884) 33 CC
Kennedy, Nancy. See Nancy Letcher (d. 1881)
Kennedy, Samuel information from, 16 VV
Kennedy, Thomas obituary, 3 Q
Kennedy, W. G. 15 VV; questions to 15 VV
Kenney, Robert interview, 11 CC
Kennon, A. P. 1 GG
Kennon, John H. S. 1 GG
Kennon, R. B. 3 GG
Kennon, R. E. 1 BB
Kent, Marvin 3 E
Kenton, Benjamin 8 BB
Kenton, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth Arrowsmith and Elizabeth Mouser.
Kenton, Gabriel interview, 18 S
Kenton, Harvey interview, 17 S
Kenton, James (Ind.) 5 BB
Kenton, James (Ohio) 1 BB; interview, 8 S
Kenton, John interview, 17 S
Kenton, Joseph V. 9 E
Kenton, Mary. See Mary Murray.
Kenton, Samuel interview, 17 S
Kenton, Sarah. See Sarah McCord.
Kenton, Simon interview, 17 S
Kenton, Thomas interview, 7 S
Kenton, William interview, 18 S
Kenton, William M. 17 S, 8 BB; interviews, 5 S, 8 S, 17 S, 20 S
Kenton, Mrs. William M. interview, 17 S
Kwnwendeshon, Mohawk physician 19 F; interview 13 F
Kerby, J. T. 14 F; letter to, 14 F
Kerby, J. W. 14 F
Kercheval, Samuel interview, 31 S
Kerr, Joseph obituary, 15 VV
Kerr, Mrs. Kate 14 F; interview, 13 F
Kerr, Thomas 6 E
Kerr, W. C. 9 C
Kerr, W. J. Simcoe letters to, 15 F; obituary, 13 F
Kesinger, Andrew 14 C; questions to, 14 C
Ketchel (Kitchell), Samuel B. 9 F
Key, Marshall 5 BB; interview, 7 S
Key, Mrs. Marshall interview, 25 S
Key, Peyton, R. interviews, 7 S, 21 S
Keysor, Margaret (Mrs. John) obituary, 10 F
Kerr, MAry Ann (Mrs. Robert J.) 13 F; letters to, 13 F
Kibbee, Charles C. 11 VV
Kibbey, John F. 12 BB
Kibby, Rachel Stites (Mrs. Timothy) interviews, 3 S, 18 S, 20 S; obituary, 20 S
Kidwell, John interview, 32 S
Kidwell, Winnie Neville 16 C
Kilbourn, John newspaper articles, 19 CC, 28 CC, 29 CC
Kilough, A. letter to, 14 VV
Kilpatrick J. S. 8 F
Kimbley, Arthur J. 20 J
Kimbley, John 20 J
Kimbley, John F. 20 J
Kimbley, Talbott 20 J
Kincaid, Charles E. 33 CC, 34 CC
Kincannon, A. N. 14 DD
Kincheloe, Elias 13 C; letter to, 13 C
Kinchelow, Isaac Worthington obituary, 29 CC
King, Austin A. 6 XX
King, Charles R. 3 GG
King, James 2 U
King, John letter to, 60 J
King, John E. newspaper letter, 33 S; obituary, 3 Q
King, Martha E. H. 12 VV; questions to, 12 VV
King, Neddy interview, 11 U
King, Rufus 3 GG
King, William L. 19 VV
Kingsbury, Sally P. (Mrs. Jacob) obituary, 4 U
Kingsbury, T. B. 3 RR; newspaper article, 1 RR
Kingston, Alfred 1 J, 45 J, 2 VV
Kingston, John T. periodical article, 7 YY
Kinkead, G. B. letter to, 16 CC
Kinkead, John 16 CC
Kinnin (Kinnon), B. W. H. 19 VV
Kinnison, John, Sr. 9 E
Kinsler, Edward 15 VV
Kinzie, Juliette A. (Mrs. Jon H.) 2 Q, 9 U, 8 YY; obituaries, 2 Q
Kirby, William 11 F, 13 F
Kirk, John 14 VV
Kirker, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth Campbell.
Kirker, John interview, 21 S
Kirkham, R. 21 J, 37 J, 38 J
Kirkland, John T. excerpt from article, 11 U
Kirkpatrick, G. W. 4 VV
Kirkpatrick, Sam J. 15 DD
Kitchell, Samuel B. See Samuel B. Ketchel.
Kitzmiller, R. C. 17 C
Klock, William H. 3 F
Klumph, L. Rl. 4 F
Knaggs, James interview, 17 S
Knaggs, Whitmore obituary note, 3 Q
Knapp, Samuel L periodical article, 12 U
Knight, C. M. 28 C
Knight, John (d. 1838) obituaries, 3 Q, 28 CC
Knight, John (d. 1838) interview (1868), 25 S
Knight, W. S. 17 C
Knott, Wilson 9 NN
Knox, Anna O. 15 VV
Knox, David newspaper article, 18 CC
Knox, F. J. 15 VV
Knox, Mrs. Lucy obituary, 3 P
Knuckles, Mandy Jane (Mrs. W. R.) 17 C; maps, 17 C; questions to, 17 C
Koch, Albert C. newspaper article, 29 CC
Konikapot, Jacob, Stockbridge Indian obituary, 3 Q
Kouns, Nathan 16 C; interview, 22 S; letter to, 16 C
Kouns, Mrs. Nathan interview, 22 S
Kuykendall, A. J. 21 J, 22 J; letters to, 33 J; map, 21 J
Kyle, A. G. newspaper article, 29 CC
Kyle, James interview, 3 BB
Kyle, Samuel interview, 3 S; letter to, 3 BB
Lacey, Catherine. See Catherine Williams.
Lacey, Edward W. 14 VV
Lacey, James obituary, 3 VV
Lacey, James P. 14 VV; interview, 16 VV
Lacey, Mrs. Rebecca interview, 16 VV
LaCroix, Henry M. 6 YY
Lafayette, Marquis de newspaper letter, 30 CC
Lafont, Robert 1 YY; questions to, 1 YY
LaFontaine, Antoine interview, 17 S
Laird, Samuel interview, 11 CC
Laken, Mrs. Prudence obituary, 17 F
Lakin, S. S. 17 F
LaLime, John newspaper letter, 26 S
Lamb, Nancy. See Nancy Bennett.
Lambing, A. A. newspaper articles, 18 J, 12 U
Lamme, Mrs. Frances interview, 6 S; testimonial, 1 B
Lamme, Georgia 29 C
Lamond, J.J. 22 C
Lamond, Rebecca Boone Grant (Mrs. James) 22 C; questions to, 22 C; testimonial, 1 B
Lamond, Sarah G. See Sarah Winston.
Lancaster, Barry newspaper article, 2 G
Lance, Francis 12 VV
Land, T. C. 9 C, 19 C; maps, 9 C
Landers, Mary J. 18 VV
Lane, Amos obituary, 28 CC
Land, D. J. 2 Q
Lane, Ezekiel obituary, 26 CC
Lane, James interview, 12 CC
Lane, Mrs. S. C. 22 VV
Lane, S. Eliot published articles, 15 J, 2 ZZ
Lane, Samuel M. interview, 12 CC
Langenheim, H. & F. newspaper advertisement, 36 CC
Langord, John 6 VV, questions to, 6 VV
Langinheim, W. & F. 36 CC
Lanman, Charles 6 DD; newspaper article, 26 CC; periodical article, 12 U
Lansing, Abraham 5 F, 15 F
Lansing, Catherine Gansevoort 15 DD
Lapham, Increase A. 2 BB; maps, 2 BB
Large Cap. See Soh-so-wah.
Larkin, William D. 28 J
Laronge, Mrs. Rosilie Chabert interview, 17 S
Larrabee, Charles map, 9 U
Larrabee, Charles H. 5 C, 14 J, 5 DD, 3 XX, 5 XX; letters to, 8 E, 1 Q
Larwill, Joseph H. 5 E; questions to, 5 E
Larwill, Martha H. 3 E
Lash, W. A. 6 DD, 15 DD
Lasselle, Charles B. 18 J, 25 J, 26 J, 27 J, 38 J, 9 YY; newspaper article, 18 J
Lasselle, N. P. 19 VV
Latham, Allen interview, 19 S
Lathan, Robert pamphlet and periodical article, 17 dd
Laughlin, George M. letter to 6 YY
Laughlin, S. H. 8 E, 13 J, 36 J, 2 Q
Lauterman, David D. 24 J
Law, John 2 J, 3 J, 2 q; intervies, 25 D, 4 YY; newspaper article, 28 CC
Lawell, Jackson & Co. newspaper letters, 30 CC
Lawrence, James N. newspaper letter, 30 CC
Lawson, Jacob interview, 12 CC
Layne, Lindsey 17 C
Lea, John M. 14 DD, 15 DD
Lea, Richard 9 E
Leachman, Wiloghby 11 BB
Leaming, Christopher, Sr. obituary, 30 CC
Leath, James M. 33 CC
Leatham, H. W. 5 F
Leatherman, William H. 10 J (Part 2)
Leavell, E. M. 5 C
Leavitt, Abijah 18 J; map, 18 J
Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co. 3 VV
Leavy, William A. interview, 11 CC
LeClair, Francis interview, 24 S
LeCompte, E. W. 4 VV
Lecont, Louis interview, 5 S
Lecont, Zeder interviw, 5 S
Ledere, John map, 14 ZZ
Ledwell, Mrs. ——— (Ontario, Can.), daughter of Joseph Ferris interview, 17 S
Lee, C. C. 2 Q, 8 ZZ
Lee, C. F., Jr. 6 J
Lee, Charles M. newspaper article, 27 CC
Lee, Charles M. newspaper article, 27 CC
Lee, Fitzhugh 3 RR
Lee, G. W. C. information from, 3 RR
Lee, Henry interviw, 9 BB; map, 27 C; newspaper letter, 33 S; obituary, 26 CC
Lee, Mrs. Isaac interview, 17 S
Lee, James 1 C
Lee, John 2 C
Lee, John H. 6 J
Lee, John W. M. 2 VV
Lee, Matilda. See Matilda Gaskins.
Lee, Norris W. 9 F
Lee, Peter interview, 9 BB
Lee, Thomas E. 1 C
Leedom, Asa interview, 19 S
Leeper, James interview, 30 S
Leeper, Robert T. 11 VV; letters and questions to, 11 VV
Leet, Daniel obituary, 3 Q
Leet, J. D. 1 Q
Leet, Jonathan interview, 2 S
Leet, William 9 E
Lefevre, Sir George newspaper article, 29 CC
Lefferty, John W. 13 F
Lefferty, William Johnson interview, 13 F; questions to, 13 F
Leffler, Isaac 6 E; letters and questions to, 6 E; map, 6 E
Leffler, Mrs. Isaac 6 E
LeFond, E. 12 BB
Leforger, Ayres 32 CC
Lehmanowsky, Martin 8 RR; letter to, 8 RR
Leigh, William 3 RR
Leiland, Florence newspaper article, 9 E
Leister, Mr. ——— (Wis.) obituary notice, 30 CC
Leith, David interview, 22 S
Leith, Isaac Lowrey interview, 22 S
Leith, James interview, 22 S
Leland, Charles G. 8 E
LeMaire, J. M. 2 F
Leman, Abraham 12 BB
Lemen, James, Sr. 1 Z
Lemen, James, Jr. 1 Z; obituaries, 1 Z
Lemoine, William 15 F
Lenoir, W. B. 3 C, 8 C, 9 C, 10 C, 5 DD, 12 DD, 3 RR
Lenoir, William obituary, 14 DD
Leonard, James F. 6 E; interview, 16 S; map, 16 S
Leonard, Levi 17 F
Lesieur, F. V. 3 YY; questions to, 3 YY
Lesieur, Godfrey newspaper article, 8 YY
Leslie, Major ———— (Miss.) information from, 32 S
Letcher, Nancy Kennedy (Mrs. James H.) obituary, 7 DD
Letcher, R. P. newspaper article, 28 CC
Leventhorpe, C. 6 DD, 12 DD
Levis, Rebecca C. 2 Q
Lewinski, C. (Ky.) 33 CC
Lewis, Aaron interview, 25 S
Lewis, Andrew 2 ZZ; interview, 32 S
Lewis, Mrs. Andrew interview, 32 S
Lewis, Charles H. 8 ZZ
Lewis, Daniel M. 22 J
Lewis, Daniel P. 4 C
Lewis, Ezekiel interview, 30 J
Lewis, Fielding obituary, 1 GG
Lewis, Gabriel letter to, 16 J
Lewis, Isaac 4 E
Lewis, J. N. 12 VV
Lewis, J. S. 9 U
Lewis, James A. 28 C; letters to, 2 ZZ, 8 ZZ; map, 28 C
Lewis, John interviews, 15 CC, 16 CC
Lewis, John B. 8 ZZ
Lewis, Mrs. Letty (Letitia) P. 2 J, 35 J, 36 J
Lewis, Martrom D. 29 C; newspaper articles, 16 C, 32 C, 24 S
Lewis, Meriwether newspaper account of death, 28 CC
Lewis, Morgan newspaper article, 29 CC; obituary notes, 20 VV
Lewis, Samuel H. 8 ZZ; interview, 32 S; letter to, 8 ZZ; memo about questionnaire to, 8 E
Lewis, Sophia. See Sophia Carthra.
Lewis, Thomas interview, 3 S
Lewis, W. H. 17 C; letter to, 17 C
Lewis, William obituaries, 3 Q, 9 U
Lewis, William A. 14 C, 23 C
Lewis, William B. 21 J
Lewis, William T. 7 J, 28 J, 4 VV, 15 VV, 19 VV 8 ZZ; letter to, 15 VV; newspaper articles, 2 UU, 14 VV, 15 VV
Lewis, Mrs. William T. 15 VV
Lide, Mrs. David R. 14 VV
Lincoln, Robert Todd 15 J
Lincoln, William Leavitt 24 U
Linder, John 5 DD
Linderman, Frederick newspaper letter, 9 U
Lindley, Jacob interview, 27 S
Lindsay, Nelson P. 22 C
Lindsay (Lindsey), Reuben obituary, 2 VV
Lindsay, William T. 6 BB
Lindsey, John B. 6 J; map, 6 J
Lingle, Moses 4 RR
Lingow, Mrs. Martha questions to, 5 DD
Linn, Andrew 37 J; interview, 37 J
Linn, Mrs. Elizabeth A. K. 37 J
Linn, John Blair 1 C, 29 C, 9 E; newspaper article, 15 E
Linn, L. F. newspaper article, 29 CC
Lintner, George A. lecture, 16 F
Lippincott, A. J. 5 BB, 12 BB
Lippitt, Christopher obituary, 3 P
Lippitt, Eliza Gilman 2 Q; letter to, 2 Q
Lisa, Manuel obituary, 3 Q
Liston, Joseph printed autobiographical sketch, 11 CC
Liston, Margaret H. published, anecdote, 11 CC
Littell, Eliakim newspaper article, 28 CC
Little, R. G. interview, 23 VV
Little, Robert E. newspaper article, 29 CC
Little, Turtle, Miami chief newspaper speech, 12 U; obituary, 3 Q
Littlejohn, A. T. 19 C
Littun, John B. 5 DD
Livingston, L. (Pa.) 9 E
Livingston, Mary J. See Mary Stevens.
Livingston, S. D. 3 BB
Livingston, S. W. 3 BB
Livingston, William newspaper letters, 30 CC
Lobingier, John 11 E; letter to, 11 E; newspaper address, 26 CC
Lochry, Jeremiah obituary, 30 J
Locke, Jane. See Jane Thompson.
Locke, John newspaper article, 29 CC
Locke, Louisa B. 8 VV, 18 VV
Locker, Laban S. 26 J, 34 CC
Lockey, Joseph 10 VV
Lockhart, James 16 F
Lockwood, Thomas P. 15 VV
Loft, George Rock-waho interview, 13 F
Loft, Sa-sa-na obituary, 13 F
Logan, Iroquis chief newspaper speech, 16 E; published articles about, 16 E, 7 U
Logan, A. information from, 11 CC
Logan, Benjamin interview, 18 S; map, 11 S; newspaper articles, 33 S, 18 CC
Logan, C. A. newspaper letter and poem, 26 CC
Logan, Mrs. E. C. 16 VV
Logan, Mrs. Emeline 23 C
Logan, H. A. 16 C; letter to, 16 C
Logan, J. H. 2 Q; extracts from newspaper article, 16 VV; interveiws recorded by, 16 VV; letters to, 13 VV, 16 VV
Logan, John A. 22 J
Logan, John R. 6 DD, 15 DD; letters to, 4 DD, 6 DD, 15 DD; maps, 6 DD; questions to, 6 DD
Logan, Mary. See Mary Smith.
Logan, Minnie 16 VV
Lomasson, George 19 F
Long, A. B. 4 DD
Long, Harry K. 20 C
Long, J. F. interview, 24 S
Long, James interview, 24 S
Long, Susan information from, 16 VV
Long, Thomas 8 C
Longacie, James B. 5 BB
Longfish, Joseph interview, 13 F
Longstreet, James 19 VV
Longworth, Nicholas newspaper letter, 30 CC
Looker, Othniel, Sr. obituaries, 3 Q, 26 CC
Loomis, Arphaxed 1 F, 18 F, 19 F
Lorraine, A. M. periodical article, 6 YY
Lossing, Benson J. 1 GG, 2 GG. 4 YY; letters to, 1 B, 4 C, 2 CC, 7 YY; newspaper and periodical articles, 3 F, 1 G, 7 YY
Lottridge, Mrs. Sarah 14 F; interview, 13 F; questions to, 14 F
Loughridge, E. B. 9 YY
Love, Mr. ———— letter to, 19 VV
Love, A. B. newspaper articles, 1 RR, 9 RR
Love, Benjamin obituary, 27 CC
Love, J. R. 6 XX
Love, Robert H. 10 U
Love, Thomas interview, 30 S
Loving, S. P. 18 VV; letter to 18 VV
Low, James 5 DD
Lowder, Mrs. Martha 18 VV; questions to, 18 VV
Lowens, John interview, 11 CC
Lowery, Rebecca (Mrs. Samuel) obituary, 29 CC
Lowman, J. G. 6 F
Lowman, J. W. 19 VV
Lowndes, James 13 DD
Lowry, John interview, 11 CC
Lowery, William G. G. 2 C, 14 DD; letter to, 14 DD
Lowther, Elias T. 36 J, 38 J
Lucas, Robert newspaper article, 28 CC
Luce, Douglass 8 BB; interviews, 26 J, 5 BB
Luckey, (Lucky), Joseph interview, 11 CC
Ludewig, Hermann E. 2 Q, 8 CC
Ludlow, Israel obituary, 14 CC
Ludlow, John 12 BB
Lusk, George C. 1 Z
Lusk, John T. 1 Z; information from, 13 DD
Lusk, R. O. 14 VV
Lutes, F. M. 18 C
Luttrell, John obituary, 3 Q
Lutz, Harry E. 15 J; map, 15 J
Lutz, Samuel 15 J
Lybrook, John information from, 31 S
Lyle, Alexander information from, 36 CC
Lyle, J. K. interview, 16 CC
Lyle, Jane (Mrs. John T.) interview, 15 CC
Lyle, Joel interview, 11 CC
Lyle, John obituary, 17 DD
Lyle, John R. interview, 15 CC
Lyle, Matthew obituary, 30 CC
Lyle, Susan (Mrs. Henry) interview, 18 S
Lyle, W. C. interview, 11 CC
Lyles, Miss S. P. 12 VV
Lyles, Thomas, Sr. 12 VV
Lyles, W. interview, 16 VV
Lyman, Jefferson 4 F
Lyman, William 17 F; newspaper articles, 17 F; questions to, 17 F
Lynn, William J. 6 NN
Lyon, H. C. 6 VV
Lyon, James 10 E; interview, 4 S
Lyon, Thomas J. 19 VV; pamphlet article, 3 G
Lyon, W. 7 E
Lyons, Clinton G. 14 DD
Lyons, Mrs. Mary Chapline 4 CC
Lyons, William obituaries, 6 VV, 16 VV
Lytle, John interview, 5 YY
Lytle, William map, 41 Y
McAddo, W. G. 17 C, 3 GG
McAfee, Daniel interview, 15 CC
McAfee, JAmes C. 14 C, 4 CC, 32 CC
McAfee, Robert B. 4 CC; extract from letter, 1 QQ; information from, 13 C; interview recorded by, 12 C; letter to, 4 CC; newspaper articles, 16 C, 4 CC, 26 CC, 29 CC
McAliley, Mary 12 VV
McAllister, John 25 J; map, 25 J
McAnnally, D. R. 17 C
McArthur, Archibald interview, 10 YY
McArthur, Duncan newspaper letter, 26 S; obituary, 27 S
McArthur, John 8 J
Macaulay, T. B. newspaper article, 26 CC
McBee, Silas interviews, 31 S, 5 XX
Macbeth, Helen 5 BB
McBeth, J. R. 5 BB
McBrayer, Sanford 37 J
McBride, S. G. 9 E
McBride, William interview, 11 CC
McCabe, Richard B. 4 E, 12 E, 7 NN; letter to, 11 E
MCabe, Roche, B., son of Richard B. 7 NN
McCaddon, (McCadden), John 8 J; obituary, 26 CC
McCall, William A. 4 DD; questions to, 4 DD
MacCalla, Clifford P. 7 YY
McCalla, Henry, L. 14 VV; questions to, 14 VV
McCalla, John M. 8 CC; newspaper article, 30 CC
McCalla, Samuel 14 VV; questions to, 14 VV
McCandless, Wilson 8 E
McCann, John W. 12 BB
McCann, Rufus 34 CC
MacCarty, S. (Ill.) 9 YY
McCasland, John interview, 8 J
McCausland, David letter to, 24 U
McCawley, D. L. 25 J, 5 YY
McCawley, J. L. 5 YY
McClain, Alex obituary, 15 E
McClanahan, E. (Roanoke, Va.) 8 ZZ
McClanahan, Elijah interview, 32 S
McClanahan, William periodical article, 2 UU
McClary, Michael obituary, 3p
McClellan, A. (Washington, D. C.) 5 XX, 6 XX
McClelland, Milton 11 E
McClelland, Robert obituary, 26 S
McClelland, William interview, 11 CC
McCloud, Donald obituary, 3 Q
McCluney, William 7 NN
McClung, Hu L. 15 DD
McClure, Andrew information from, 11 CC
McClure, John interview, 12 CC
McClure, Nathaniel interview, 13 CC
McClure, William 2 GG, 3 GG
McColloch, David interview, 14 E
McColloch, Noah Z. 2 BB, 5 BB, 11 BB; interview, 17 S; questions to, 2 BB
McCollom, Alexander interviews, 27 S, 28 S, 31 S
McCollom, J. L. 32 CC
McConaughy, William 14 VV
McConnell, James interview, 11 CC
McConnell, M. (Ill.) newspaper letter, 29 CC
McConnell, Thomas J. interview, 36 J
McConnell, William map, 12 ZZ
McCord, George, E. 13 DD
McCord, John interview, 5 S
McCord, Louisa S. 13 DD
McCord, Russell P. 13 DD; questions to, 13 DD; obituary, 13 DD
McCord, Samuel K. 5 BB
McCord, Sarah Kenton (Mrs. John) interviews, 5 S, 8 S
McCorkle, M. L. 8 C, 8 RR
McCormick, John interview, 17 S
McCormick, Mrs. John interview, 17 S
McCormick, Joseph interviews, 12 C, 30 C, 35 J, 3 YY
McCormick, Margaret (Mrs. Adam( obituary, 3 Q
McCormick, Walter interview, 15 CC
McCormick, William 11 E
McCoull, Samuel K. 2 BB
McCourtney, Mrs. Elizabeth interview, 24 S
McCourtney, John interview, 24 S
McCown, B. H. 17 CC
McCown, H. B. newspaper article, 2 ZZ
McCoy, Isaac newspaper article, 26 CC, 29 CC
McCoy, John interview, 13 CC
McCoy, Samuel interview, 12 CC
McCready, David 12 E
McCue, John H. 20 C; letter to, 20 C
McCue, John Marshall 20 C, 29 C, 8 ZZ; maps, 20 C; newspaper article ascribed to, 1 C
McCulloch, David interview, 2 S
McCulloch, Delia A. 37 J
McCulloch, George. See McColloch, George.
McCullock, William 3 F, 5 F
McCullough, D. S. interview, 16 CC
McCurry, J. S. 13 VV
McDaniel, Jane 11 VV
McDaniel, Robert J. 11 VV
McDavitt, James obituary, 30 CC
McDearmot, James R. 24 U
McDill, James newspaper letter, 2 UU
McDill, Thomas 13 DD, 4 VV, 15 VV; questions to, 4 VV
McDonald, Angus W. 13 J
McDonald, Colin 5 BB
McDonald, George interview, 7 S
McDonald, J. A. letter to, 4 DD
McDonald, James 2 VV
McDonald, John 11 E, 7 U, 11 BB; letter to, 7 U; newspaper and periodical articles, 15 E, 29 S, 2 BB, 26 CC, 29 CC, 3 YY; obituary, 16 E; questions to, 11 BB
McDonald, John C. 4 BB, 11 BB
McDonald, W. M. 12 VV
McDonall, Robert newspaper letter, 26 S
McDowell, ———— (Ky.) interview, 13 CC
McDowell, Mrs. ———— (Ky.? Ohio?) information from, 12 CC
Mc Dowell, B. J. 3 GG, 19 VV
McDowell, E. 2 GG
McDowell, George map, 3 YY; newspaper article, 3 YY
McDowell, H. C. 16 C
McDowell, H. H. 20 C, 33 CC, 7 DD, 15 DD; letter to, 7 DD
McDowell, Irvin 5 D
McDowell, J. J. 7 DD
McDowell, James 8 ZZ
McDowell, Jennie. See Jennie Stockton.
McDowell, John questions to, 3 VV
McDowell, Joseph, of Quaker Meadows, N.C. obituaries, 7 DD, 8 VV
McDowell, Mary P. 13 DD
McDowell, Miss N. M. 7 DD
McDowell, Nathan map, 2 W
McDowell, R. M. 7 F
McDowell, Robert Irwin 1 GG, 6 VV
McDowell, Samuel interview, 13 CC
McDowell, Silas 2 Q, 2 GG, 1 KK; newspaper articles, 1 KK
McDowell, W. W. 7 DD
McElhenn, William 4 VV
McElwen, W. M. 8 BB
McFarlan, Mr. ———— (Ohio) interview, 13 CC
McFarland, B. F. 14 DD, 6 XX
McFarland, John periodical article, 40 Y
McGavock (McGaffick), Mrs. ———— information from, 12 E
McGee, Malcolm interview, 31. J; information from, 10 U
McGill, John (1809-1872, Va.) 32 CC
McGill, John D. (Ky.) 32 CC
MCGillivray (McGilvery), Alexander newspaper letters, 33 S, 18 CC
McGinley, D. Blythe 5 C
McGinty, O. H. 37 J
McGougin, Daniel interview, 2 S
McGowan, Samuel published address, 16 VV
McGrain, James 34 CC
McGregor, Matthew G. 6 E
McGrew, Thomas F. 26 J, 4 CC, 15 DD; maps, 26 J, 2 K; newspaper article, 2 K
McGriff, P. A. 11 VV
McGriff, P. T. 11 VV
McGriff, Richard 11 VV
McGuffy, A. H. 2 O
McGuire, Hugh interview, 16 S
McGuire, James 8 C; questions to, 8 C
Machen, Willis B. 32 CC
McIlvaine, George interview, 12 CC
McIlvaine, James interview, 12 CC
McIlwain, Moses 12 BB
McIntire, Bennet interview, 21 S
McIntire, John A. See McIntyre, John A.
McIntire, Robert 8 E
McIntire, William interview, 21 S
McIntosh, John obituary, 3 Q
McIntosh, Samuel newspaper article, 3 G
McIntosh, William, Creek Indian obituary, 27 S
McIntyre, John A. 4 BB
McIntyre, William 9 E
McJilton, Thomas interview, 13 CC
McJunken (McJunkin), D. W. interview, 16 VV
McJunkin, Joseph information from, 16 VV; interview, 23 VV
Mack, J. B. 2 GG
Mackay, Aeneas obituary, 3 Q
Mackay, George 10 VV
McKean, Thomas newspaper letters, 28 CC, 29 CC
McKee, Alexander obituary note, 3 Q
McKee, James P. 19 VV
McKenney, Thomas L. periodical article, 12 U
Mackerley, Mrs. Margaret M. 4 E, 9 E; interview, 19 S
Mackey, Mrs. ———— (Ohio) interview, 13 CC
Mackey, A. D. 3 F
Mackey, Albert G. 15 VV; questionnaire to, 15 VV
Mackey, E. W. M. 6 VV, 15 VV
McKiernan, E. S. extract from letter to, * E
McKiernan, George S. 19 C, 3 E, 14 J, 7 NN; letter to, 7 NN; newspaper article, 27 CC
McKiernan, Mrs. George S. 6 ZZ
McKinley, Ebenezer interview, 3 S
McKinley, Jane. See Jane Swann.
McKinley, John interview, 12 C
McKinney, John interview, 11 CC
McKinney, Mrs, Levisa interview, 9 CC
McKinney, Lucinda 15 VV
McKinney, Mrs. Polly obituary, 29 CC
McKinney, Thomas interview, 12 CC
McKinney, William W. 12 C
MacKinnon, J. W. 2 U
McKinnon, Theophilus 5 BB
McKinstry, John obituary, 25 S
McKissen, R. 9 NN
McKissick, I. G. 15 DD
McKnight, Charles 6 E
McKnight, J. L. 8 E, 9 E
McKnight, Jane (Mrs. John L.) obituary, 9 E
McKown, James A. 4 F
McKown, William I. 4 F
McKrum, John 16 C
McKune, George 17 F
McLain, Ephraim 16 C
McLane, Solomon William interview, 4 S
McLauchlin, John C. 8 C
McLaughlin, A. C. 5 BB
McLaughlin, James 4 E; interview, 16 S
McLaughlin, John obituary, 16 S
McLaughlin, William obituary, 9 S
MacLay, R. P. 15 J, 7 U
McLean, Alney map, 8 CC
McLean, Elijah 29 C
McLean, W. B. 4 RR
MaclLeod, John 12 U; newspaper article, 12 U; published article about, 7 YY
McLure, E. C. 12 DD, 4 VV, 9 VV
McMackin, Thomas C. interview, 16 VV
McMahon, Thomas A. 29 C, 28 J
McMaines, Mrs. Nancy letter to, 2 Q
McMaster, D. 3 F, 19 F, map, 3 F
McMaster, George H. 15 VV; letter to, 15 VV
McMaster, Guy H. published poem, 7 F
McMaster, J. R. 13 DD
McMichael, Mrs. ———— interview, 9 S
McMillan, John A. 11 VV
McMillan, Thomas 8 VV
McMinn, Robert 12 E
McMullin, Mary Floyd 35 J
McMurray, William 1 YY
McMurtry, William S. 13 C; information from, 14 C
McMustry, Joseph newspaper article, 33 S
McNab, John C. 13 VV
McNeal, Albert T. 1 GG
McNeely, Laura E. See Laura Young.
McNeil, William B. 3 GG
McNeill, Ben Dixon newspaper article, 8 C
McNeilly, Thomas 4 VV
MacNeven, William James obituary, 26 CC
McNulty, Mrs. ————, daughter of David Williamson interview, 2 S
McNulty, Caleb J. 27 CC
McNulty, W. W. 10 E
McNutt, A. G. 8 ZZ
Macon, James Madison 14 VV
McPherson, D. 32 CC
McPherson, Edward 3 CC, 8 VV, 13 VV
McPherson, Henry H. 12 BB, 32 CC; interview, 17 S
Macpherson, John M. 1 Q, 2 Q; obituary, 27 CC
McQueen, Joshua interviw, 13 CC
McQuigg, Jesse information from, 17 F
McRee, E. F. D. 2 GG
McRee, Robert C. 15 VV
McReed, Samuel 8 E
McRoberts, Charles interview, 2. S; obituary, 6 XX
McWatters, John 13 DD
McWatters, S. L. 13 DD
McWhorter, George G. 1 V; letter to, 1 V
McWhorter, Mrs, George G. 1 V
Madison, Gabriel obituary, 26 J
Madison, James newspaper letter, 29 CC; obituary, 3 P
Madison, John obituary note, 3 Q
Magee, Jacob 32 CC
Magers, Thomas C. 11 BB
Magill, John pamphlet, 25 CC
Magill, R. M. 19 VV
Magill, S. newspaper letter, 26 S
Magnuson, Finn newspaper article, 3 YY
Magoffin, B., Sr. 33 CC
Magofiin, James newspaper letters, 16 E
Maguire, Samuel 8 E
Mahan, A. newspaper article, 28 CC
Mahan, Mrs. Constance 2 RR
Mahan, John interview, 11 CC
Mahan, Patrick. See Mrs. ———— Wilson.
Maiben, R. (Ala.) 1 V
Maitland, Col. ————, British officer obituary, 3 VV
Malcom, Howard newspaper articles, 29 CC, 30 CC
Mallet, Edmond newspaper article, 18 J
Maloney, V. S. 15 DD
Maneld (?), I. P. (St. Catherine's Ontario, Canada)
Mangham, S. W. 10 U
Manly, M. E. 6 XX
Mann, Christopher 15 C
Mann, Horace newspaper speech, 29 CC
Mann, T. A. 6 E
Manning, F. L. newspaper article, 3 G
Manning, John Lawrence questions to, 19 VV
Manning, Nat W. 8 ZZ
Manning, William M. 19 F
Mansfield, E. D. newspaper article, 28 CC
Marcey, Ebenezer information from, 2 G
March, A. H. information, from, 8 C
Marchmond, E. S. 22 VV
Marcy, William L. 19 C; information from, 8 CC
Maricle, Mrs. Ellen interview, 13 F
Markham (Markam), Martha interview, 11 CC
Markle, Joseph interview, 19 S; obituary, 19 S; published article about, 29 CC
Marks, John Biddle obituary note, 3 Q
Marksberry, Mrs. Martha Ann 8 BB
Marsh, E. (Ky.) 2 C, 23 C; letter to, 2 C; map, 2 C
Marsh, Ira interview, 4 S
Marshall, Charles A. 3. BB, 10. BB; questions to, 1 BB
Marshall, D. H. 15 F
Marshall, Edward C. 33 J
Marshall, Glass interveiw, 15 CC
Marshall, Humphrey 32 CC; obituary, 26 CC; newspaper letter, 30 CC
Marshall, J. H. (Ohio) 4 BB
Marshall, J. H. (S. C.) 16 VV
Marshall, J. W. 18 VV
Marshall, Miss Jennie Field 31 J
Marshall, John eulogy about, 31 J
Marshall, John James obituary, 29 CC
Marshall, Louis interview, 16 CC
Marshall, O. H. 10 E, 7 F, 12 F, 19 U, 3 GG; letter to, 19 U
Marshall, Samuel V. interview, 15 CC
Marshall, Thomas maps, 5 XX, 12 ZZ
Marshall, Thomas A. 8 CC
Marshall, Thomas Alexander information from, 11 CC
Marshall William A. 13 C
Marshel, James obituary, 27 CC
Marshel, John 7 E
Martel, Fanny 1 Q
Martin, A. Hamilton 2 GG
Martin, Mrs. Alice 6 J
Martin, Barclay 19 VV
Martin, Barkley obituary, 16 VV
Martin, Brice 14 DD
Martin, D. D. 7 DD
Martin, Helen Massie 10 J. (Part 1)
Martin, J. newspaper letter, 16 E
Martin, J. B. 13 CC, 33 CC
Martin, J. C. 2 Q
Martin, J. H. published poem, 1 HH
Martin, James 9 E
Martin, James J. 2 GG
Martin, John C. letter to, 3 XX
Martin, John L. 12 C, 4 BB; interview, 12 C
Martin, John Y. letter to, 2 Q
Martin, Joseph (Ala.), son of William 24 C
Martin, Joseph (Ohio) interview, 13 CC
Martin, Joseph (Ba.) newspaper letter, 33 S
Martin, Joseph, Jr. (Va.), son of Joseph 3 XX
Martin, Mrs. Lydia interview, 13 F
Marin, Mary C. 13 VV
Martin, Morgan questions to, 13 DD
Martin, Peter See Dr. — — — Oronhyatekha.
Martin, Rachel D. 7 J
Marin, Samuel D. newspaper article, 29 CC
Martin, William 5 DD, 14 DD, 3 XX, 6 XX, 19 VV, 8 ZZ; interviews, 32 S, 3 XX; letters to, 24 C, 2 Q, 4 Q, 3 XX, 5 XX, 6 XX, 3 ZZ; obituary, 10 DD; newspaper letters, 33 S, 18 CC
Martin, William L. 3 XX, 6 XX
Martin, William T. interview, 32 S
Martin, Wilson Y. 14 DD, 3 XX, 6 XX
Martindale, Charles pamphlet, 2 K
Mason, Edward G. 28 J; periodical article, 2 K
Mason, George, "of Hollin Hall," 58 J
Mason, James M. 38 J
Mason, John interview, 18 S
Mason, M. (S.C.) 22 VV
Masquerier, Lewis 2 Q, 33 CC, 1 YY
Massie, Henry 12 BB
Massie, Nathaniel 28 C, 3 BB; maps, 41 Y, 12 ZZ; published article about, 29 CC
Masterson, John 12 BB, 32 CC
Mather, Thomas C. 7 BB
Mathews, C. C. 13 J
Mathews, Caleb M. 7 DD; newspaper letter, 29 CC
Mathews, E. M. 4 E
Mathews, Mrs. J. A. questions to, 8 C
Mathews, Joel E. 6 NN
Mathews, John obituary, 10 VV
Mathis, W. E. 17 C
Matlock, William interview, 1 S
Matson, James information from, 11 CC
Matson, John newspaper letter, 27 CC; obituary, 3 Q
Matson, Nehemiah 9 YY
Matthews, J. W. published poem, 29 CC
Matthews, James K. 32 CC
Matthews, John D. 19 C
Matthews, Samuel interview, 11 CC
Matthews, W. C. 17 CC
Matthews, W. H. 3 CC
Matthias, Mrs. Annie 1 C; questions to, 1 C
Mattingly, Ezra, newspaper articles, 1 K
Mattoon, Ebenezer newspaper article about, 29 S
Mattox, Absolom interview, 18 S
Mauney, John W. 1 GG, 2 GG
Maupin, Chapman 2 VV
Maupin, Mrs. Z. H. interview, 11 C
Maxey, B. F. 7 C, 13 C, 33 CC; maps, 7 C, 13 C
Maxey, J. C. 25 J
Maxwell, Hu 3 GG
Maxwell, James 3 E, 5 E
Maxwell, Jane interview, 189 S
Maxwell, John S. 6 E
Maxwell, Robert, Jr. 12 VV
Maxwell, Thomas 7 F; newspaper articles, 7 F; obituary note, 3 Q
Maxwell, Walter C. interview, 19 S
Maxwell, William obituary notes, 3 Q
May, Franklin G. newspaper article, 18 S
May, James letter to, 17 C
May, John map, 13 BB
Mayer, Andrew map, 5 VV
Mayer, Brantz letter to, 1 C
Maynard, William H. obituary, 3 P
Mays, D. Miriam 12 VV
Mayse, George 12 DD
Mayson, Charles N. 12 VV
Mayson, H. L. 12 VV
Mayson, John R. 12 VV
Mead, Cowles newspaper letters, 26 CC
Mead, William 17 C
Means, G. W. 16 VV
Means, George 3 E; maps, 3 E
Means, James K. interview, 11 VV
Means, Selina E. (Mrs. T. Sumter) 14 VV; letter to, 18 VV
Mease, Isabella 2 Q
Mease, James 10 E
Meason, Isaac obituary note, 3 Q
Mechan, John L. 15 CC
Meek, Mrs. Elizabeth interview, 10 S
Meek, Jack 9 E
Meeker, C. P. 8 F
Meeker, J. K. 8 F
Meeker, Samuel 19 F
Meeks, Dorthea obituary, 29 CC
Mefford, John interview, 19 S
Mefford, Thomas interview, 19 S
Meginness, I. F. 8 E
Meginness, John F. 29 C
Meigs, R. J. newspaper letter, 18 S
Meister, William M. 8 E
Mellon, George 3 F
Menard, Edmund 4 J, 18 J, 25. J; interview, 5 S
Menard, Pierre 4 J, 1 Z; obituary, 4 J
Mendenhall, J. K. 13 DD
Mentges, Francis obituary note, 3 Q
Mercer, Charles Fenton 12 J; interview, 5 S
Mercer, Thomas S. 2 Q
Mercer, W. R. 3 C, 29 C
Meredith, John 14 DD; letter to, 14 DD
Meriwether, David 3 C, 8 J, 10 J (Part 2), 20 J, 20 J, 10 3 CDD; interviw, 8 J; newspaper articles, 3 C, 32 C; questionnaire to,
Meriwether, William A. 8 J
Meriwether, William D. 2 VV
Méro, Estevan newspaper proclamation, 33 S
Merrick, Frederick newspaper article, 30 CC
Merrill, Frederick R. 25 J
Merrill, Joseph 5 F
Merrill, Reuben interview, 9 BB
Merriman, Lawrence interview, 17 F
Merritt, J. P. 1 F, 19 F
Merriwether, Mary Gains. See Mary Rease.
Metcalf, George interview, 10 S
Metcalfe, Thomas interview, 11 CC
Metz, Levi 15 VV
Michal, G. W. 4 DD, 6 DD, 7 DD; letter to, 6 DD; newspaper article, 7 DD
Michel, Jane W. Johnston (Mrs. Harvey) 8 VV
Micou, James Roy 37 J
Middaugh (Middough), E. S. 8 F
Middaugh (Middough), Richard 8. F; question to, 8 F
Middleton, J. Izard 12 VV
Middleton, Mary Thomson. (Mrs. Charles) obituaries, 3 VV
Middleton, Williams 19 VV; information from, 6 VV
Miles, Francis. Ross 13. VV, 19. VV; questions to, 13 VV
Miles, James letter, 9 NN
Miles, L. (S.C.) 16 VV
Miholland, Charles W. interview, 25 S
Millard, Samuel 24 C, 21 S
Millard, Thomas B. 24 C
Millen, Mrs. Walter H. 12 U, 8 YY
Miller, ———— (Ohio), son of Ichabod Benton Miller interview, 13 CC
Miller, A. (Mammoth. Cave, Ky.) newspaper advertisement, 29 CC, 30 CC
Miller, A. T. 14 C
Milleer, Alexander 37 J
Miller, Armistead interview, 12 C
Miller, Bettie 29 C
Miller, David interview, 12 C
Miller, E. B. 34 CC
Miller, Ellen WArd 19 F
Miller, Mrs. Florence Bloomhuff information from, 23 C
Miller, Fred K. interview, 5 Q
Miller, G. A. newspaper articles, 7 RR
Miller, H. C., Sr. 20 C
Miller, H. G. 10 F
Miller, Jacob S. newspaper article, 30 CC
Miller, John (Ill.) 9 E
Miller, John (Miss.) interview, 30 S
Miller, John. (Mo.) 19 C
Miller, John. (Va.) 20 C; interview, 2 S
Miller, John B. 14 C
Miller, John H. 6 VV
Miller, Mrs. Livingston K. 19 F
Miller, P.M. 8 CC
Miller, Mrs. Sarah iterview, 9 S
Miller, Slyvanus newspaper article, 28 CC
Miller, T. K. 10 U
Miller, W. J. T. 7. DD, 2 GG; letter and questions to, 7 DD
Miller, W. W. 20 C
Milligan, ———— interview, 12 CC
Millikan, Richard 12 BB
Milling, Robert 4 VV; questions to, 4 VV
Mills, Ambrose 14 DD
Mills, Clark 19 VV
Mills, Columbus 14 DD
Mills, John R. obituary, 3 Q
Mills, W. Ambrose 14 DD
Mills, William newspaper letter, 30 CC
Milwee, W. B. letter to, 12 VV
Miner, R. J. 1 Q
Minor, B. B. periodical article, 1 K
Minor, Franklin 13 ZZ
Minor, Isaac obituary, 30 CC
Minor, John 5 C
Minter, John 2 U
Miranda, Mrs. Phebe interview, 3 S
Mitchell, A. S. newspaper letter, 29 CC
Mitchell, Anderson 5 DD
Mitchell, Arthur interview, 7 S
Mitchell, B. T. 17 F; questions to, 17 F
Mitchell, Benjamin 44 J
Mitchell, David obituary, 15 J
Mitchell, Elizabeth. (Mrs. James) 5 E
Mitchell, J. P. 38 J
Mitchell, J. W. 8 E
Mitchell, James 5 U
Mitchell, James W. 8 E
Mitchell, John A. 5 C; map, 5 C
Mitchell, John W. interview, 16 S
Mitchell, Samuel interview, 16 S
Mitchell, T. E. 18 VV
Mitchell, Thomas 5 C; questions to, 5 C; interview, 1 S
Mitchell, W. B. 16 C
Mitchener, C. H. 9 E
Moffett, George B. 20 C, 6 ZZ
Mollett, Elias 15 C
Mollett, James W. 15 C; map, 15 C; questions to, 15 C
Monette, George N. 2 Q
Monroe, Ben interview, 11 CC, 16 CC
Monroe, Mrs. James obituary, 3 P
Monroe, Thomas B. 32 CC; article on Adair Co., 16 CC
Montague, Susan M. 15 DD
Montbrun, Timothy de interview, 6 XX
Montgomery, Mrs. Ann Casey 12 C
Montgomery, Boone 23 C
Montgomery, John 17 CC
Montgomery, Morton. L. 1. C, 20 C; newspaper article, 32 C
Montgomery, Richard newspaper letter, 30 CC
Montour, John obituary note, 3 Q
Moodly, Burrel 2 VV
Mooney, Mrs. ———— questions for, 14 DD
Mooney, William A. 12 DD
Moore, Andrew obituary note, 3 Q
Moore, Charles B. 8. F; published sketch about, 2 Q
Moore, D. N. 9 BB
Moore, Daniel interview, 2 S
Moore, George interview, 18 S
Moore, Henry newspaper article, 13 DD
Moore, Hugh 4 DD; questions to, 4 DD
Moore, Jacob B. 2 Q
Moore, James B. newspaper letter, 26 S
Moore, John A. publsihed prospectus for new periodical, 28 CC
Moore, John C. L. 17 C
Moore, L. R. 10 U, 2 VV
Moore, M. V. 10 C
Moore, Maurice A. 14. VV, 16. VV; interview, 11 VV; letters and questions to, 14 VV, 23 VV; map, 14 VV; newspaper articles, 14 VV; obituary, 14 VV; pamphlet, 1 UU
Moore, Patrick 4 DD; questions to, 4 DD
Moore, Rufus 10 C; map, 10 C
Moore, S. T. 29 C
Moore, Starr interview, 16 VV; maps, 16 VV
Moore, T.C. 2 RR
Moore, T. P. newspaper letter, 29 CC
Moore, Mrs. Tabitha 6 C, 6 XX; interview, 6 C
Moore, Tom information from, 11 CC
Moore, Mrs, W. E. 15 VV
Moore, W. P. 8 C
Moore, William A. 12 VV
Moore, Zephaniah Swift obituary, 3 P
Moorhead, J. K. 9 E
Moorman, Mr. ———— (Ohio) interview, 18 S
Moorman, Samuel T. 7 J
Moorman, Thomas E. 7 J
Moran, Benjamin 19 VV
More, Richard 3 F
Moretz, J. L. 9 C
Morgan, Abel interview, 12 CC
Morgan, Achilles. See Mrs. ———— Underwood.
Morgan, Daniel newspaper letter, 16 E
Morgan, David interview, 25 S
Morgan, Lewis H. 1 F
Morgan, N. R. 2 GG, 3 GG
Morgan, Nathan 7 E
Morgan, Stephen 7 E
Morgan, Thomas 1 Q; obituaries, 16 E
Morgan, Tony published interview, 10 U
Morgan, Zack (Zackwell) 7 E
Morin, Joseph interview, 18 S
Morris, A. O. 19 F
Morris, David H. 2 Q, 4 U
Morris, G. (N.Y.) 38 J
Morris, James interview, 13 CC
Morris, Mrs. M. (S.C.) 2 GG
Morris, Robert 7 YY
Morris, Samuel interview, 12 CC
Morris, Will B. 1 PP
Morrison, Mrs. ———— (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Morrison, Israel interview, 8 J
Morrison, James H. 1 GG
Morrison, Martha. (Mrs. John) obituary notice, 37 J
Morrison, R. H. 13 DD, 2 GG, 3 GG, 2 RR; obituary, 3 Q
Morrison, Robert 37 J
Morrow, Edward 19 VV
Morrow, J. (Pa.) 16 E
Morrow, J. M. information from, 29 C
Morrow, Jeremiah interviews, 11 E, 29 J, 5 Q, 1 S, 3 S; newspaper artiles, 19 CC, 29 CC; obituary, 3 Q
Morrow, Josiah 37 J
Morrow, Lucinda J. 15 VV, 19 VV
Morrow, Robert 32 CC; map, 12 CC
Morrow, Samuel interview, 23 VV
Morse, Samuel F. B. 5 C
Morton and Griswold, Kentucky publishers letter to, 32 CC
Morton, Marmaduke interview, 16 VV
Moseby, William interview, 11 CC
Moseley, William S. 18 J
Moses, Franklin J. 13 DD; interview, 11 VV; obituary note, 13 DD
Moses, John periodical article, 2 K
Moses, Mrs. Katy ointerview, 13 F
Moses, Mrs. Margaret Green interview, 12 F
Moses, Myer 13 DD, 15 DD, 5 VV
Moses, Perry obituary, 13 DD
Mossman, Edgar J. 15 C
Mott, John A. 1 YY, 8 YY; letter to, 1 YY; questions to, 1 YY
Mott, Edward questionnaires to, 1 YY
Mott, Valentine 2 Q
Mount Pleasant (Mountpleasant, John interview, 13 F; questions for, 10 F
Mouser, Elizabeth interview, 18 S
Mouzon, Henry map, 2 VV
Mueller, Jacob 1 RR
Mumford, G. E. 3 RR; questions to, 3 RR
Munch, Frederick 28 C
Munday, Burris letter and questions to, 2 VV
Munford, George W. 4 E, 1 GG
Munford, William P. 35 J
Munger, Joseph, Jr. 10 E; interview, 17 S; interview recorded by, 10 E; letter and questionnaires to, 10 E
Munger, Mrs. Sarah Girty interview, 20 S
Munger, W. L. 19 VV
Murat, Caroline G., wife of Prince Lucien Murat, questions to, 17 VV; obituary, 17 VV
Murdock, Mrs. Mary interview, 16 VV
Murdock, William T. map, 27 J
Murphy, Archibald, D. letter to, 1 KK; periodical article, 8 C
Murphy, Byron 12 BB
Murphy, Daniel J. 2 RR, 8 RR
Murphy, E. V. 13 VV
Murphy, John F. 18 VV
Murphy, M. A. 5 YY; newspaper article, 5 YY
Murphy, Samuel interviews, 3 S, 5 S; letter to, 12 BB
Murphy, T. F. 22 VV
Murray, Sir Charles, grandson of Lord Dunmore 15 J
Murray, Frances Wisner 19 F
Murray, L. R. 8 RR
Murray, Mrs. M. S. 13 DD
Murray, Mrs. Mary Kenton interview, 17 S
Murray, W. D. 19 F
Murray, William M. 13 F, 15 F
Murrell, Mrs. James 28 J
Murrell, John A. obituary, 30 CC
Murrell, Mrs. Louisa 11 VV, 18 VV; obituary, 18 VV
Murrell, Samuel 12 C
Musick, David newspaper article, 26 S
Musick, Elizabeth (Mrs. Uel) interview, 22 S
Musick, Jehoida interview, 22 S
Musick, Uel interview, 24 S
Mus-qua-coo-na-ca. See Red Pole.
Muter, George newspaper article, 18 CC
Myall, William 12 BB, 8 YY
Myddelton, R. T. 12 VV
Myddelton, Samuel E. 12 VV
Myers, Mrs. ---- information from, 2 G
Myers, F. A. 3 YY
Myers, J. H. 8 F
Myers, John interview, 3 S
Myers, Mrs. Julia interview, 25 S
Myers, Lewis 13 C
Myers, Michael interview, 4 S
Myers, S. V. 9 F; questions to, 9 F
Myers, T. Bailey 2 F
Nail, Daniel 8 C
Nail, Samuel 8 C
Nall, B. R. 19 C
Nanny, Harrison, W. 9 F; newspaper address, 3 G
Nash, -----, (Ohio) newspaper article, 28 CC
Nash, Harmon 3 CC
Nash, J. P. 3 CC
Nash, Mrs. Lucretia A. 3 CC
Nash, Samuel 3 CC
Nash, Thomas S. 3 CC
Nation, Oscar O. 16 C
Navarre, Peter interviews, 17 S, 21 S; newspaper article, 17 S, obituaries, 7 YY
Navarre, Robert F. interview, 17 S
Neal, A. J. 14 DD
Neal, John published poem, 28 CC
Neale, B. A. 34 CC
Near, I. W. 19 F
Nearpass, W. H. 19 F; map, 8 F
Neel, A. G. 1 GG
Neely, C. G. 20 C
Neely, I. M. 20 C
Nelles, Abram 14 F; interview, 13 F
Nelles, George interview, 13 F
Nelles, Mrs. Julia (Mrs. Samuel A.) 14 F; interview, 13 F; questions to, 13 F
Nelson, Anson 3 C, 5 J, 14 DD
Nelson, Jane C. 14 VV
Nelson, John 2 Q; obituary, 30 CC
Nelson, K. L. 2 VV
Nelson, Mrs. Mary 3 C
Nelson, Thomas A. R. 17 C
Nelson, William (c. 1746-1807) obituary note, 3 Q
Nelson, William (1760-1813) obituary note, 3 Q
Nelson, William interview (1863), 18 S
Ne-nex-se, (The Rabbit), Shawnee woman interview, 23 S
Netherland, Theodocia obituary, 16 E
Nettles, J. E. 13 DD
Nevil, John M. 2 GG
Neville, Morgan obituary, 27 S
Neville, Presley obituary note, 3 Q
Nevin, J. W. 2 GG, 3 GG
Newberry, E. O. 7 YY
Newcomb, John B. 10 J (Part 2)
Newell, Joseph 5 BB; interview, 17 S; newspaper article, 27 CC
Newell, Joseph B. 14 DD
Newell, S. A. 14 DD
Newell, William Whiting 5 F
Newland, J. C. 4 DD
Newman, Charles C. 9 E
Newnam, Levine, S. testimonial, 1 B
Newton, Eben 6 E, 9 E
Newton, Gilbert Stuart obituary, 3 P
Newton, James W. 21 J
Newton, Kate R. 5 F
Newton, R. S. extract from letter, 36 CC
Ney, Elizabeth 3 RR
Ney, Napoleon (grandson of Marshal Ney) 2 RR; letter to, 1 RR
Neyron, Louis Joseph information from, 2 RR; questions for, 2 RR
Niblick, William interview, 11 CC
Nichol, E. E. 31 J
Nicholas, Robert C. obituary, 5 VV
Nichols, Joseph H. poem, 27 S
Nicholson, A. O. P. newspaper letter, 26 CC
Nicholson, Mrs. Annah Boone interview, 7 S
Nicholson, B. E. 13 VV
Nicholson, Thomas 13 F
Nicol, A. (Va.) 1 BB
Nicolay, John G. periodical article, 1 C
Nidelet, Frank 4 CC
Niles, Hezekiah excerpts from article or pamphlet, 27 S; obituary, 27 S
Niles, Mrs. H. T. 11 BB
Niles, Sally Ann newspaper notice, 29 CC
Nisbet, A. F. 24 J; maps, 24 J
Noah, Mordecai M. newspaper articles, 29 CC, 30 CC
Noble, C. T. 12 BB
Noble, Charles interview, 16 S
Noble, Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles) interview, 16 S
Nokes, George interviews, 12 C, 7 U
Norman, L. J. 1 GG
Norman, Thomas information from, 2 C
Norris, Ira 4 C
Norris, W. H. 15 DD
North, Martha (Mrs. Orrin) interview, 18 S
North, Orrin interview, 18 S
North, S. N. D. periodical article, 1 G
North, William obituary, 20 VV
Northington, T. F. 26 J
Northup, Henry 10 J (Part 1)
Norton, G. W. 38 J
Nott, Abraham obituary, 3 P
Nott, J. C. 13 VV
Nourse, J. D. 5 C; newspaper letters, 30 CC
Nunn, Loftus letter to, 19 VV
Nunns, Annie A. letter to, 10 C
Nuzum, F. P. 13 J
Nye, Horace newspaper articles, 5 X
Nye, Ichabod obituary, 27 S
Nye, Melzor 5 E
Oaksmith, Appleton 3 GG
Oates, R. M. 6 DD
O' Bail, Charles interview, 4 S
Obannion, P. N. interview, 11 CC
Obannon, John map, 41 Y
Obenchain, William A. newspaper article, 8 C
O'Callaghan, E. B. 2 F, 11 F, 2 Q, 12 U, 17 VV; periodical article, 1 G
"Octogenarian," pseudonym. See Daniel G. Stinson.
Odell, E. (N.Y.) 3 F
O'Fallon, Benjamin 12 J, 35 J
O'Fallon, John 34 J; interview, 5 S; newspaper letter, 6 YY; obituaries, 34 J, 3 Q
Ogden, Aaron obituary, 27 S
O'Keefe, Mrs. Amelia S. 22 VV; questions to, 22 VV
Olcott, Harriet M. 19 F
Olcott, James S. newspaper article, 28 CC
Old Fatty, Seneca Indian information from, 4 S
Oldham, John P. 37 J
Oliver, Corolinn, L. 14 VV
Oliver, D. Y. 21 J, 22 J
Oliver, F. (Ontario, Can.) 19 F
Oliver, J. M. 1 YY
Oliver, Stephen obituary, 6 XX
Oliver, Will 7 U
Oliver, William obituary, 3 Q
Oliver, Orman 17 F
Onderdonk, Henry, Jr. 8 YY; newspaper article, 8 YY
O'Neal, James obituary, 29 J
O'Neall, John Belton interview, 16 VV; periodical articles, 13 VV, 20 VV
Ong, Isaac 4 E
O'Rielly, Henry 12 U
Ormsby, Stephen obituary, 28 CC
Oronhyatekha, Dr. ---- (Peter Martin) (Ontario, Can.) 1 F, 14 F; interview, 13 F; questions to, 14 F
Orr, Henry R. 12 BB; interview, 7 S
Orr, R. (Ky.) 8 E; newspaper letters, 16 E
Orr, Robert (Pa.) 8 E, 31 J, 6 NN, 8 NN; interview, 6 NN; letter to, 6 NN
Ortes, Mrs. Elizabeth obituary, 34 J
Orton, H. S. 15 DD
Osborn, F. M. 1 GG
Osborn, John obituary, 3 Q
Osborn, Susan interview, 17 S
Osborne, Jessie M. 19 F
Osbourne, C. A. (Mrs. Samuel) 23 C
Osbourne, John interview, 13 CC
Osburn, Logan 2 U
Osburn (Osburne), Richard information from, 23 C
Osceola, Seminole chief obituary, 30 CC
Osgood, Mrs. Francis S. obituary, 30 CC
Oshkosh, Menominee chief obituaries, 16 E
Oswalt, John 6 VV
Ott, E. T. 6 VV
Overstreet, John W. 4 C
Overton, William 14 VV
Oviatt, H. (Ohio) 6 E
Owen, David Dale newspaper address, 29 CC
Owen, Asa Kenton 7 BB
Owen, Asal 7 BB; interview, 7 BB; letter to, 7 BB
Owen, F. Grafton 7 BB
Owen, George L. 21 J
Owen, Isaac newspaper article, 29 CC
Owen, Robert newspaper article, 30 CC
Owens, Joshua interview, 10 BB
Owens, Rebecca interview, 10 BB
Owings, E. R. 8 VV
Owings, Joshua interview, 25 S
Owings, Samuel questions to, 8 VV
Owsley, William newspaper article about, 30 CC
Oxford, J. M. 9 C; map, 9 C
Pabst, Charles music for song, 9 C
Pagan, James 15 VV; interview, 11 VV; letter to, 9 VV
Page, John E. 10 J (Part 1)
Page, N. M. 19 VV
Page, Mrs. R. A. 22 C
Page, Thomas S. newspaper article, 30 CC
Page, Mrs. W. W. 22 C
Paige, Benjamin obituary, 3 P
Paillant, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth Piant.
Paine, Thomas newspaper article about, 30 CC
Paison, Joel interview, 29 S
Palmer, Joseph 8 E
Palmer, William P. 6 C, 18 J
Pancoast, Jonathan newspaper letter, 27 CC
Pape, G. (Ill.) 38 J
Parchment, John interview, 3 S
Park, Josiah 18 C
Park, Samuel 4 E
Parker, E. (Ky.) map, 6 BB
Parker, Henry 21 C
Parker, Mrs. Jenny newspaper article, 1 F
Parker, Nathaniel H. interview, 13 F
Parker, Stephen obituary, 3 P
Parker, Thomas G. 24 J, 25 J
Parkes, S. S. 4 C, 33 CC
Parkhurst, John 11 U
Parkhurst, Rachel interview, 11 U
Parkison, Mary Jane 8 BB
Parkison, William K. interview, 17 S
Parkman, Francis 2 F, 28 J, 29 J
Parks, F. B. 9 C
Parks, G. D. A. 38 J, 8 RR
Parks, Joseph, Shawnee chief obituaries, 3 Q, 23 S
Parleir, T. P. 9 C
Parmelee, Mrs. Helen L. Beck periodical article, 1 G
Parr, James obituary, 3 Q
Parris, Silas W. 2 C; letter and questions to, 2 C
Parsons, Henry E. 37 J, 38 J
Parsons, J. W. 18 C
Parsons, Mrs. Lewis E. 7 DD
Parsons, Samuel H. 33 J
Parvin, Henry interview, 11 CC
Paschall, N. (Mo.) 7 BB
Paslay, Thomas interview, 13 CC
Passwater, Mrs. Lina 16 J
Patchin, F. G. 10 F
Pate, Mrs. Jane 21 J
Path-Killer, Cherokee chief obituary, 3 Q
Patrick, J. (Ohio) 9 E
Patrick, Levi 17 C
Patrick, William 3 BB, 5 BB, 8 BB, 10 BB; interview, 8 S
Patterson, A. W. newspaper article, 26 CC
Patterson, Mrs. Asenath interview, 1 Z
Patterson, Chester information from, 1 Q
Patterson, George W. 19 F
Patterson, J. B. 1 YY
Patterson, J. M. 19 F
Patterson, Jefferson 1 MM, 3 MM
Patterson, John H. 3 MM
Patterson, Mrs. Lucy interview, 22 S
Patterson, Robert newspaper article, 18 CC, 35 CC; obituaries, 3 Q, 26 CC
Patterson, S. F. 4 DD
Patterson, William (N.Y.) interview, 4 S
Patterson, William (Pa.) 9 C
Patterson, William A. 1 PP
Pattison, Robert E. 4 VV
Patton, Andrew B. 12 CC
Patton, F. periodical article, 10 U
Patton, James obituary, 36 J
Patton, John obituary, 28 CC
Patton, Nancy 12 CC
Patton, Robert 12 CC
Patton, Samuel N. 1 PP
Paul, Jacob 5 E
Paull, Archibald interview, 2 S
Paull, James obituary, 29 S; obituary note, 3 Q
Paxton, James G. 8 ZZ
Payne, Asa interview, 18 S
Payne, Buckner H. 15 C, 16 C
Payne, Duval obituary, 3 P
Payne, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson 13 C
Payne, Franklin interview, 18 S
Payne, John 16 J; newspaper articles, 18 CC, 29 CC
Payne, Mrs. Mary Starling 16 J, 33 CC, 34 CC
Peake, Mrs. C. H. newspaper article, 14 DD
Pearce, Stewart 4 F
Pearson, Mrs. R. M. 7 DD
Pearson, Thomas 1 C
Pearson, W. S. 4 DD
Peay, John E. 14 VV; questions to, 14 VV
Peay, Mrs. John E. 14 VV, 19 VV
Peck, Daniel interview, 21 S
Peck, George periodical articles, 1 G, 2 G
Peck, H. M. 1 Z
Peck, John E. 14 C
Peck, John Mason 6 S, 40 Y, 1 Z; interview, 1 Z; newspaper articles, 16 E, 1 K, 1 Z, 27 CC; testimonial, 1 B
Peck, R. W. 14 C
Peden, Mrs. Catherine questions to, 4 VV
Peebles, Amelia A, See Amelia A. Drew.
Peebles, Jesse interview, 10 YY
Peebles, John 8 VV
Perry, W. H. 11 VV
Pelk, J. F. 8 C
Pelling, James C. See James C. Pilling.
Pem-e-pe-es-ce, Widow Prophet, Shawnee Indian interview, 23 S
Pendergast, Garrett Elliott obituary, 30 CC
Pendleton, D. J. 3 C
Pendleton, Nathaniel obituary, 16 VV
Penick, P. T. 4 RR
Penington, John Stewart testimonial, 1 B
Penington (Pennington), Thomas J. 23 C
Pennington, Daniel 23 C; testimonial, 1 B
Pennington, Mrs. Jane interview, 25 S
Pennington, Joshua, Sr. 23 C; testimonial, 1 B
Pennington, Stewart 23 C
Pennington (Penington), Thomas P. 23 C
Pennybacker, John D. 29 C
Pennyiwith (Pennywitt), David 16 J, 34 CC; map, 16 J
Penry, James 8 C; questions to, 8 C
Pentecost, George F. 2 Q
Pepper, William 5 BB
Perche, N. J. 28 J
Perkins, E. L. newspaper article, 4 RR
Perkins, James H. 2 Q; newspaper article about, 30 CC; obituary, 28 CC
Perkins, R. A. 9 E
Perkins, S. E. 16 C
Perrin, G. H. 13 J, 32 CC
Perrin, William H. 24 J, 33 CC, 34 CC; newspaper article, 1 C
Perrine, N. H. 22 J
Perry, Amos 19 VV
Perry, Benjamin Franklin 15 DD, 11 VV; nespaper and periodical articles, 6 DD, 17 DD, 11 VV; obituary, 2 Q
Perry, Mrs. Benjamin Franklin 11 VV
Perry, J. W. 2 RR, 4 RR; newspaper articles, 3 RR, 4 RR, 9 RR
Perry, N. W. 2 Q; letter to, 2 Q
Perry, Peter interview, 5 S
Pershing, Isaac 11 E
Personius, W. V. 3 GG
Peter, Robert 2 J, 32 CC
Peters, A. C. 9 E
Peters, B. J. 3 C, 7 C
Peters, Naomi Leetch 15 VV
Peters, William C. newspaper articles, 29 CC
Peterson, Charles J. book review, 2 UU
Peterson, Margaret C. (Mrs. Gabriel) obituary, 4 E
Petrie, George letter to, 15 F
Peyton, Craven 24 C; interview, 18 S
Peyton, Guffey interview, 18 S
Peyton, Joseph H. 6 XX
Peyton, Mrs. Orpha 10 BB
Peyton, William C. interview, 18 S
Phelps, M. (Ky.) 9 CC
Phelps, W. R. 8 C
Phelps, Walter H. 11 F, 19 F
Phelps, William (Ill.) 1 YY, 9 YY
Phelps, William (Ky.) interview, 24 C
Pherigo, Rebecca 18 C
Phifer, David R. 22 VV
Phifer, John F. 2 GG
Phifer, W. F. 2 GG
Philip, Jim. See Himonubbee.
Phillips, Charles 15 DD, 2 GG, 3 GG; obituary, 3 Q; pamphlets, 1 HH, 2 HH
Phillips, H. L. 8 F
Phillips, J. (N.Y.) 16 F; newspaper letter, 26 CC
Phillips, James H. published poem, 30 CC
Phillips, Jesse C. 8 BB
Phillips, John obituary, 3 P
Phillips, Mrs. Kitty interview, 16 CC
Phillips, S. S. 2 C
Phillips, Theophilis 40 Y
Phillips, Thomas S. 9 F
Piant (Paillant), Mrs. Elizabeth interview, 22 S
Piatt, A. Sanders 2 BB, 3 BB
Piatt, Donn 2 BB; newspaper address, 8 BB
Piatt, Mary (Mrs. William) 7 NN
Pickens, Andrew interview (1844), 3 VV
Pickens, Andrew (1739-1817) obituaries, 13 DD, 1 VV
Pickens, F. W. 11 VV, 16 VV
Pickering, John obituary, 26 CC
Picket, Albert obituary, 30 CC
Pickett, Albert J. 10 U
Pickett, J. C. 2 J
Pickett, John obituary, 30 CC
Pickett, Thomas E. 33 CC
Pickles, William obituary, 3 Q
Pierce, Benjamin obituary, 27 S
Pierce, Charles periodical article, 36 CC
Pierce, Mrs. Samuel interview, 13 CC
Piggott, Isaac Newton 1 Z; interview, 1 Z; newspaper articles, 1 Z; questions to, 1 Z
Pike, Clara H. (Mrs. Zebulon M.) 3 Q
Pike, Zebulon obituary, 16 E
Pilling (Pelling), James C. 10 C, 29 C
Pillow, Gideon J. 6 XX; newspaper letter, 30 CC
Pillow, Lachlan F. 6 XX
Pillow, William 6 XX
Pin, Mrs. Ann (Brant) interview, 13 F
Pinckney, Miss A. E., daughter of Rev. L. Cotesworth Pinckney 2 RR
Pinckney, C. C., Jr. newspaper article by, 17 VV
Pinchney, Thomas article by, 1 UU
Pindell, R. (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Pindell, Mrs. R. (Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Pinney, Silas U. letter by, 4 U
Pinson, Judge ----- interview, 27 S
Pinson, Joel 2 Q, 15 DD, 6 XX; information from, 29 S; interview, 6 XX; letter to, 2 Q
Pintard, John M. 13 VV
"Pioneer Junior," pseudonym. See Thomas S. Hinde.
Pipes, David 2 BB
Pirtle, Henry 31 CC
Pirtle, James S. 33 CC
Pitcher, Nathaniel certificate by, 1 OO
Pitkin, Thomas C. 1 F
Pitt, Williamson C. 8 J
Pitzer, B. 20 U
Plank, Isaac 1 C
Plasket, William 4 BB
Pleasants, B. F. 12 DD
Pleasants, J. W. 2 VV
Plumbe, John letter to, 36 CC
Plumer, John C. 5 E; interview, 19 S
Plummer, Samuel information from, 2 C
Poage, John 31 CC; newspaper articles, 16 E, 30 CC
Poage, Mrs. John interviews, 7 U, 13 CC
Poage (surname). See also Pogue.
Poague, Elizabeth. See Elizabeth Thomas
Poe, Adam 9 NN; interviews, 5 S, 8 S, 18 S
Poem Joseph M. 8 E
Poellnitz, Charles A., Sr. 2 Rr, 8 RR; questionnaire to, 2 RR
Pogue, Frank 11 C, 16 J; letter to, 11 C; maps, 11 C
Pogue (Poage), James S. 4 J
Pogue, Robert interview, 18 J; petition, 4 J
Pogue (Poage), William L. 4 J
Poignand, David R. 35 J; obituaries, 35 J
Poignand, Yoder 34 CC
Poindexter, Charles 3 CC
Poindexter, John F. 6 DD
Poinsett, J. R. 1 Q
Pointer, Samuel Potts interview, 12 CC
Polk, Allen 1 GG, 3 GG
Polk, Charles obituary, 16 VV
Polk, George W. 1 GG, interview, 16 VV
Polk, Horace J. M. letter to, 1 GG
Polk, Horace M. 1 GG, 3 GG
Polk, James K. newspaper article about, 27 CC
Polk, Mrs. James K. 15 VV
Polk, Leonidas 1 GG; letter to, 1 GG
Polk, Mrs. Mary interview, 16 VV
Polk, William H. 32 CC, 33 CC, 1 GG, 3 GG
Polke, William obituary note, 3 Q
Pollack, James 2 Q
Pollock, ----- (Ohio) interview, 14 CC
Pollock, Edward published poem, 30 CC
Polly, Negro servant for the Sumter family questions for, 8 VV
Pomeroy, P. 37 CC
Pool, Elizabeth (Mrs. William C.) 6 J
Pool, J. T. 12 DD; maps, 12 DD
Poole, W. F. periodical article, 2 K
Poore, Daniel Noyes obituary, 3 P
Pooshamataha. See Pushmataha.
Pope, Charles A. 34 J
Pope, William obituary, 30 CC
Popham, William S. obituary, 3 Q
Poppino, John obituary, 3 Q
Poppino, William 8 F
Porch, Charles P. 14 DD
Porcher, Frederick A. 13 DD, 15 DD, 3 RR, 15 VV, 19 VV
Porcher, T. E. information from, 6 VV
Porlier, Louis B. 10 C
Porson, -------- published poem, 28 CC
Porter, Benjamin R. 3 CC
Porter, Gilchrist 7 C
Porter, J. J. 19 VV
Porter, John 29 C
Porter, Joshua obituary, 3 P
Porter, Naomi 3 CC
Porter, Peter B. obituary, 29 CC
Porter, Pleasant 4 YY
Porter, R. E. 15 DD
Porter, T. B. 3 CC
Porter, W. M. 7 DD
Porterfield, Mrs. Nancy Guthrie interview, 31 J
Porterfield, Mrs. Sarah Sumpter 8 VV; questions to, 8 VV
Portman, John interveiws, 30 S, 31 S
Posey, John 2 ZZ
Posey, Thomas L. letter to, 4 Q
Post, Miss S. J. 19 F
Post, William letter to, 19 F
Poston, A. S. 32 C
Potter, Boone John 18 C
Potter, Clarkson N. newspaper address, 3 F
Potter, Isom 18 C
Potter, James obituary note (1789), 3 Q
Potter, James interview (1850), 4 S
Potter, John, Jr. (Pa.) 1 PP
Potter, John, Jr. (Wis.) 7 U
Potter, S. C. letter to, 6 XX
Potter, William E. 19 U
Powell, Mrs. ----- (née Bishop) (N.C.) newspaper article about, 30 CC
Powell, A. M. 6 DD
Powell, Joseph H. 7 E; newspaper articles, 7 E
Powell, Levin obituary, 3 Q
Power, Thomas published poem, 28 CC
Powers, Hiram newspaper letter, 28 CC
Powers, James interview, 3 S
Powers, William M. 20 U
Powless, Elizabeth (Mrs. Seth) interview, 13 F
Powless, Mrs. Ellen interview, 13 F
Powless, Henry interview, 11 U
Practice, John newspaper article, 29 CC
Pratt, Mrs. E. Mills poem, 16 C
Pratt, H. G. 17 C
Pratt, J. G. (Kan.) interview, 23 S
Pratt, John G. 9 NN
Prendergast, John P. 7 J, 45 J
Prentice, George D. published poem, 28 CC
Preston, Alfred G. 38 J
Preston, F. D. 25 J
Peston, Francis interview, 19 S; nespaper articles, 33 S, 8 DD, 14 DD, 15 DD
Preston, James M. 1 K
Preston, John 19 VV
Preston, John M. 15 DD
Preston, John S. letter to, 8 DD
Preston, Jonas M. 2 Q; letter to, 16 F
Preston, Sarah B. (Mrs. Francis) obituaries, 26 CC, 29 CC
Preston, Thomas L. 15 DD
Preston, W. C. fragment of newspaper article, 17 DD
Preston, W. R. 8 ZZ
Preston, William article about, 33 S; obituary, 3 Q
Preston, William C. 2 Q, 8 ZZ; newspaper letters, 8 DD, 14 DD
Prevost, Charles Mallet 16 F
Prevost, George A. 16 F; letter to, 16 F
Prevost, T. L. 16 F
Price, Miss Georgie 6 J
Price, James T. 24 J; maps, 24 J
Price, Robert interview, 4 S
Price, Thomas 45 J
Price, W. P. 8 VV
Price, William T. 4 ZZ; periodical articles, 2 ZZ
Pridemore, A. L. 6 C; map, 6 C; questions to, 6 C
Priest, Joseph pamphlet, 2 G
Priest, T. H. 15 C
Primm, Wilson 28 J; obituaries, 28 J
Pringle, John D. S. 18 J; letter to, 18 J
Pringle, Mr. ----- published poem, 28 CC
Printup, William interview, 13 F
Prior, Isaac N. 34 CC, 5 DD, 15 DD; letter to, 2 DD
Proctor, Thomas obituary note, 3 Q
Proffit, William information from, 19 C
Provance, David 1 BB
Provance, J. K. 1 BB
Provance, Johnathan W. 1 BB
Provance, Joseph Y. 1 BB
Prowell, William 2 BB
Pruden (Prudens), Mrs. ----- (Ohio), niece of Charles and John Hughey interview, 19 S
Prunty, R. C. 16 C, 6 S
Pullin, George W. 2 ZZ; map, 2 ZZ
Purdum, Mr. ------ (Ky.?) interview, 12 CC
Purnell, Mary. See Mary Donelson.
Purrier, Toussaint interview, 25 S
Purviance, Robert obituary, 33 S
Puryear, R. C. 29 C
Pushmataha (Pooshamataha), Choctaw leader newspaper article about, 10 U; obituary, 3 Q
Putman, P. W. 9 F
Putnam, A. W. 2 Q, 15 DD, 6 XX; newspaper article, 11 DD
Putnam, Rufus newspaper articles, 4 E, 15 U
Putnam, William R. map, 14 J
Quaife, Milo M. letter to, 24 C
Quarles, Roger interview, 11 CC
Quarrier, A. W. 28 C
Quattlebaum, Paul 6 VV; map, 6 VV
Query, Henderson 2 GG
Quick, Cornelius interview, 10 E; questions to, 10 E
Quick, Spencer R. interview, 20 S
Quigley, Joseph interviews, 14 E, 16 S
Quigley, Samuel 12 E
Quin, A. newspaper article, 29 CC
Quirk, Thomas obituary, 36 J, 1 Q
Rachford, Mrs. Nancy interview, 19 S
Racy, Mrs. Anne Hill interview, 13 F
Rader, A. (W. Va.) 23 C
Rader, Adam (Ky.) 6 C, 18 C, 29 C
Rader, John, Sr. 6 C
Radford, R. C. W. 2 Q, 6 J
Radford, William 35 J
Rae, John newspaper letter, 30 CC
Raffensberger, Edwin B. periodical and newspaper articles, 2 K, 12 U
Rafinesque, Constantine S. newspaper letter, 12 CC
Rafn, Charles C. newspaper article, 3 YY
Rager, Mrs. Mary Robinson obituary, 21 S
Rains, Cornelius letter and questions to, 12 BB
Rains, Jane (Mrs. William) interview, 7 S
Rains, John interview, 21 S
Rains, Mary. See Mary Bennington.
Rains, William letter and questions to, 12 BB
Raisbeck, Samuel M. 38 J
Rakestraw, John 5 VV
Rambo, W. D. 10 C
Ramsay, Miss C. H. L. 10 VV
Ramsay, Ephraim obituaries, 8 VV, 10 VV
Ramsay, J. G. 3 RR, 4 RR, 8 RR
Ramsay, Nathaniel 10 VV, 19 VV
Ramsay, Whitson C. 2 RR; letter to, 2 RR
Ramsay, William obituary, 3 Q
Ramsay, Eliza 8 ZZ
Ramsey, Jame G. M. 17 C, 2 J, 6 S, 4 DD, 14 DD, 15 DD, 2 GG, 3 GG, 15 VV, 18 VV, 6 XX; letters to, 4 C, 4 Q, 3 GG, 19 VV
Ramsey, Mrs. J. G. M. 4 C
Ramsey, Jonathan interview, 5 S
Ramsey, M. P. C. 17 C
Ranck, George W. 33 CC, 34 CC; periodical article, 12 U
Randall, Henry S. 2 GG; letter to, 2 GG
Randall, Jane R. 11 F
Randle, B. letter to, 40 Y
Randolph, Edmund newspaper articles, 16 E, 18 CC
Randolph, J. C. 37 J
Randolph, Mrs. M. G. 18 VV
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, Sr. 7 J
Randolph, William newspaper article on genealogy of, 26 CC
Randolph, William H. 37 J, 33 CC
Rankin, Alex 4 YY
Rankin, D. C. newspaper article, 9 RR
Rankin, J. M. interview, 18 S
Rankin, Richard 4 DD
Rankins, John interview, 11 CC
Ranney, William 28 C
Ransom, Mrs. ---- (W. Va.) interview, 2 S
Ransom, George P. information from, 2 G
Ranson, George William 1 A
Raoul, Alfred 19 VV
Ratcliff, J. S. 17 C, 38 J
Ratcliffe, William 6 VV
Raub, Samuel, Jr. published petition to Congress, 2 G
Ravenel, H. W. 19 VV
Raenscraft, St. Thomas obituary note, 3 Q
Rawlings, Cassius M. 18 C
Rawlings, Covington letter to, 37 J
Rawlings, Moses obituary note, 3 Q
Ray, J. M. newspaper advertisement, 30 CC
Ray, James interview, 12 C
Ray, John 12 C; letter to, 4 Q
Ray, M. Lavinia (Mrs. Joe) 6 J
Raynor, Susan S. 12 VV
Rea, Samuel J. 7 E; letters to, 12 E; newspaper articles, 13 E
Read, Thomas Buchanan 9 DD, 10 DD
Read, W. B. 32 CC
Read, William T. 10 E
Rease, Mary Gaines Merriwether (Mrs. D.) obituary, 3 Q
Rece, John M. 7 C; questions to, 7 C
Records, John N. interview, 19 S
Records, Spencer information from, 3 BB
Records, William P. interview, 20 S
Rector, Enoch 1 BB
Rector, John interview, 32 S
Rector, Rebecca (Mrs. John) interview, 32 S
Rector, Mrs. Sallie questions to, 5 DD
Rector, William E. 5 DD; questions to, 5 DD
Red Pole (Mus-qua-coo-na-ca), Shawnee chief obituary, 3 Q
Redd, John 10 NN
Reed, George W. 9 E
Reed, John obituary, 3 Q
Reed, Nancy Ann. See Nancy Ann Hunt.
Reed, R. R. 9 E
Reed, Ruel 12 E
Reed, Silas newspaper letter, 29 CC
Reed, W. L. 34 CC
Reeder, Nathaniel interview, 2 O
Reefy, F. S. 9 YY
Reese, George 2 GG, 3 GG
Reese, Mary A. (Mrs. George) 3 GG
Reese, Mary E. 2 GG, 3 GG
Reeve, John H. 8 F
Reeve, Thomas T. 9 F
Reeves, James 4 F
Reeves, John interviews, 28 S, 31 S
Reid, Alexander 4 YY
Reid, David S. 15 DD
Reid, Mrs. Emily J. 13 DD, 13 VV; letter to, 13 VV
Reid, John 12 BB
Reid, L. Watson 3 GG, 15 VV
Reid, Nathan 28 C, 10 NN
Reid, R. H. 12 VV
Reid, Robert Raymond obituary, 26 CC
Reid, Samuel McDowell interview, 32 S
Reid, Walker 12 BB; letter to, 31 CC
Reid, William interview, 32 S
Reigwin, E. 7 E
Reily, Henry 25 J
Reily, Jacob information from, 8 NN
Reinhardt, Wallace Moore 4 DD, 14 DD, 15 DD, 22 VV; maps, 22 VV
Reising, Adam H. 8 RR
Reising, Mrs. N. 8 RR
Remsen, G. W. 1 ZZ
Remsen, George 2 Q, 32 CC
Remsen, Lydia C. (Mrs. Peter A.) letters to, 15 J
Renick, B. F. 4 CC
Renick, Ella J. (Mrs. T. L.) 4 CC
Renick, Felix 15 J, 7 U; obituary note, 3 Q
Renick, Frank A. 4 CC
Renick, H. (Ill.) 5 BB
Renick, Harness (Ohio) 15 J, 38 J, 34 CC; maps, 15 J
Renick, J. R. 4 CC
Renick, James 4 CC
Renick, James H. 4 CC
Renick, John H. 5 BB; interview, 21 S
Renick, Mary Hamilton (Mrs. Robert) obituary note, 3 Q
Renick, Robert W. 4 CC
Renick, Strother 4 CC
Renick, William 5 BB, 4 CC, 8 YY; information from, 2 BB; newspaper article, 15 J
Reno, Rachel interview, 17 S
Renwald, Jacob 9 E
Revour, Augustine interview, 17 S
Reymert, J. D. 38 J
Reynolds, Benjamin letter to, 4 Q
Reynolds, Elisha obituary, 22 VV
Reynolds, G. W. 19 F
Reynolds, James E. 5 DD
Reynolds, John (Ill.) 1 Z; newspaper and periodical articles, 16 E, 1 K
Reynolds, John (Pa.) 6 E
Reynolds, Robert interview, 17 S
Reynolds, T. L. 1 Z
Reynolds, William C. 28 C
Rhea, John newspaper address, 4 YY
Rhenby, John 9 E
Rhett, John T. 11 VV
Rhodes, B. F. 18 VV
Rhuby, Elizabeth (Mrs. John) interview, 17 S
Rhuby, John interview, 17 S
Rice, Asaph newspaper article, 19 CC
Rice, Charles L. 19 F
Rice, Clinton 12 VV
Rice, David interview, 24 S
Rice, Isaac 17 C; letter to, 17 C
Rice, Mrs. Jennie 16 C; questions to, 16 C
Rice, John newspaper article about, 7 YY
Richards, Amos A. 2 O
Richards, T. Addison periodical article, 1 G
Richards, T. T. 19 C, 28 C
Richards, Mrs. Virginia E. 6 J
Richardson, E. N. 13 DD
Richardson, G. F. published poem, 29 CC
Richardson, J. S. G. 15 VV
Richardson, Major obituaries (1852), 16 E, 3 Q; published address, 7 YY
Richardson, Marcus interview, 12 CC
Richardson, Thomas E. 19 VV
Richardson, W. E. 6 VV; questions to, 6 VV
Richardson, W. G. 1 GG
Richardson, William H. 13 C, 2 Q
Richardville, John B. obituary, 30 CC
Richart, Mary B. published poem, 2 G
Richbourg, Mrs. Elizabeth obituary, 6 XX
Richey, William interview, 13 CC
Ridgway, Thomas S. 38 J
Ridley, George obituary, 6 XX
Rife, Christopher interview, 12 C
Rigdon, Sidney newspaper article, 28 CC
Rigg, W. T. 11 C, 2 BB
Riker, James 20 VV
Riley, John questions to, 4 YY
Riley, Moses 5 E
Riley, Mrs. Sarah Conrey interview, 17 S
Riley, Thomas W. 32 CC
Riley, William H. 33 CC
Rion (Ryan), James H. 13 VV, 14 VV; letters to, 13 VV
Ripley, Charles 2 Q
Ripley, E. W. obituary, 27 S
Risk, William interview, 11 CC
Rittenhouse, A. A. 1 YY
Rive, Albert 10 U
Rivers, Flournoy 4 DD; newspaper articles, 4 DD
Rivers, James C. 13 VV
Rivers, Thomas 24 C
Rivers, William I. 13 DD
Rives, William Cabell 5 C
Roark, John B. 16 C, 18 C; letter to, 18 C
Robb, David 1 YY
Robbins, William 12 BB
Roberson, I. A. 14 DD
Roberts, Mrs. ----- (N. C.) information from, 4 DD
Roberts, Charles 1 C, 2 RR
Roberts, Ellis H. newspaper addresses, 3 F, 7 F, 3 G; pamphlet, 1 G
Roberts, George interview, 5 Q
Roberts, Isaac 1 C
Roberts, James 6 DD
Roberts, James H. 7 BB
Roberts, John H. 4 DD; interview, 4 DD; letter to, 4 DD
Roberts, Mary H. (Mrs. Isaac) 1 C; letter to, 1 C
Roberts, William 37 J
Roberts, William T. 8 CC, 6 XX
Robertson, A. Baldwin 6 XX
Robertson, Mrs. A. E. W. 4 YY
Robertson, Mrs. Adeline interview, 22 VV
Robertson, Arthur W. 17 C
Robertson, Bolling obituary, 3 P
Robertson, Mrs. Charlotte obituary, 26 CC
Robertson, Mrs. Elijah interview, 31 S
Robertson, Felix 8 CC, 6 XX; information from, 31 S; interveiw, 32 S; interview notes recorded by, 6 XX; letter to, 6 XX; obituaries, 3 Q
Robertson, George 24 C, 2 Q; newspaper addresses, 19 CC, 26 CC
Robertson, James newspaper article about, 26 CC; obituary, 26 CC; periodical article, 5 XX
Robertson, Josiah C. 22 VV
Robertson, Mary Susan 12 VV
Robertson, Richard 24 C
Robinson, Aaron 8 E; questions to, 9 E
Robinson, Alexander interview, 21 S; obituaries, 21 S
Robinson, H. E. newspaper article, 1 C
Robinson, Israel 8 E
Robinson, J. DeLancey 12 DD
Robinson, J. L. 14 DD
Robinson, James ("Horse-Shoe") obituary, 3 P
Robinson, James E. 14 J
Robinson, Joshua, Jr. 11 BB; letter to, 11 BB
Robinson, S. 17 CC
Robinson, U. E. 21 J
Robinson, William Jr. 9 NN; interview, 4 S; obituary, 3 Q
Robinson, William B. 14 DD
Robison, W. D. 6 DD
Robnett, George 9 C
Rochambeau, Count de newspaper letter, 30 CC
Roche, James newspaper recipe, 36 CC
Roche, John 9 YY
Roche, John Smith interview, 17 CC
Roche, Maria obituary note, 29 CC
Rocheblave, Philippe de obituaries, 23 J
Rocheblave, Pierre de obituary, 23 J
Rockwell, E. F. 38 J, 15 DD, 1 RR, 3 RR, 4 RR, 7 RR, 5 VV, 8 VV, 19 VV; infromation from, 8 C; newspaper articles, 3 RR, 4 RR, 3 VV
Rockwell, Elijah F. obituary, 3 Q
Rockwell, R. F. newspaper article, 9 RR
Rodes, Will 32 CC
Rodman, William B. 7 C
Roe, Miss Mary J 1 C, 19 C
Rogers, Abraham periodical article by, 4 ZZ
Rogers, Arabelle C. (Mrs. John G.) 10 J (Part 1)
Rogers, Daniel 11 E
Rogers, Edmund 10 J (Part1 )
Rogers, F. M. 1 RR
Rogers, Graham interview, 23 S
Rogers, Jackson interview, 23 S
Rogers, John A. 1 RR; letter to, 1 RR
Rogers, John G. 10 J (Part 1), 26 J, 35 J, 36 J, 38 J
Rogers, Jose information from, 2 G
Rogers, Lewis P. 6 J
Rogers, Margaret T. newspaper article, 1 K
Rogers, Nancy H. 13 VV
Rogers, Mrs. Olivia 6 J
Rogers, Thomas 10 J (Part 1), 4 BB; interview, 19 S
Rogers, Thomas A. 5 DD, 3 ZZ
Rogers, W. S. newspaper letter, 19 CC
Roland, Mrs. Ruth interview, 9 S
Roof, F. H. 19 F
Roof, Garret L. 10 F
Roof, L. W. 15 F
Roosevelt, Theodore 45 J
Rosborough, Jane Stewart 18 VV
Rosborough, Washington M. 18 VV
Ross, Charles newspaper article, 27 CC
Ross, David interview, 20 S; newspaper article, 30 CC
Ross, H. S. 19 F
Ross, J. M. 11 VV; interview, 11 VV
Ross, James 10 E
Ross, St. Clair interview, 21 S
Ross, William 7 NN; information from and periodical article by, 2 G
Ross, William P. 4 YY
Rosser, C. A. map, 5 VV
Rosser, John 2 Q, 3 GG, 4 VV, 8 VV, 13 VV, 19 VV; letter to, 13 VV; map, 13 VV
Roulstone, George obituary, 3 Q
Rountree, James M. 24 J, 25 J
Rountree, John H. 26 J
Roush, George Sr. interview, 3 S
Rousseau, John J. newspaper article about, 28 CC
Row, Jonathan 11 E
Rowan, Mrs. Anne obituary, 28 CC
Rowe, J. C. 10 C; newspaper article, 8 C
Rowland, C. M. 8 F
Rowland, George H. pamphlet, 3 G
Rowland, Kate M. 29 J
Rowson, Susanna (Mrs. William) obituary, 3 P
Royster, Icyphenia 24 C
Rozier, Firmin A. 28 J, 3 YY; newspaper and periodical articles, 29 C, 28 J, 3 YY
Ruchs, Samuel H. 24 C
Rucker, Irene 5 YY
Ruddell, George W. 29 J
Ruddell, John M. 3 YY, 8 YY; interview, 22 S; questions to, 8 YY
Ruddell, M. M. (Mrs. Stephen D.) 8 YY
Ruddell, (Ruddle), Stephen interview, 2 YY
Ruddell, Stephen D. 8 YY; questions to, 8 YY
Ruddle, William A. 8 YY
Rudolph, M., Sr. 3 RR
Rudoloh, Michael newspaper article about, 29 CC
Rudulph (Rudolph), John B. 3 RR
Rudulph (Rudolph), T. S. 3 RR
Rudulph (Rudolph), Thomas C. letter to, 3 RR
Rudulph (Rudolph), Zeb, Sr. 3 RR
Rue, Richard information from, 12 C
Ruffner, David obituary, 19 CC
Rugeley, John 16 VV; questions to, 16 VV
Ruland, John 44 J
Rump, Frederick obituary note, 28 CC
Rumple, Jethro 3 C, 8 C, 29 C; letter to, 8 C; map, 8 C
Rupard, John interview, 11 CC
Rupp, Isreael Daniel 2 Q
Rusk, Mrs. David letter to, 19 VV
Russ, M. E. 3 GG
Russell, Anna M. 28 C
Russell, Chloe. See Chloe Saunders.
Russell, George W. 1 Q
Russell, J. S. 19 C; questions to, 19 C
Russell, John (Ill.) newspaper articles by, 19 CC, 26 CC, 29 CC
Russell, John (S.C.) information from, 6 VV
Russell, R. S. 15 DD
Russell, William newspaper address, 26 S; obituaries, 14 DD, 17 DD
Rutherford, Allan 3 GG
Rutherford, Griffith, Jr. questions to, 3 XX
Rutherford, Henry interview, 29 S
Rutherford, John 13 DD
Rutherford, W. H. 10 U
Rutledge, B. H. 13 DD
Rutledge, John obituaries, 8 VV, 10 VV
Ruttenber, E. N. 9 F; newspaper articles, 9 F, 3 G
Ryan, Ebenezer Zane 9 E; interview, 20 S
Ryan, James obituary, 20 S
Ryan, James H. See James H. Rion.
Ryland, R. 38 J
S-----, E. M. (S.C.) 19 VV
Sadler, Henry interview, 1 S
Sadler, William K. interview, 1 S
Sadowsky, Ephraim. See Ephraim Sodowsky.
Saffell, W. J. R. 4 VV
Safford, A. C. 15 C; questions to, 15 C
Sainsbury, W. Noel 15 DD
St. Clair, Arthur (1736-1818) newspaper and periodical letters, 33 S, 4 U, 15 U, 18 CC; obituary, 3 Q
St. Clair, Isabella. See Isabella Tapscott.
St. Gem (St. Jemme), Auguste interview, 5 S
St. Gem, Gustavus 18 J, 38 J, 1 U, 7 BB, 5 YY
St. John, Charles, Jr. 19 F
St. Leger, Barry periodical article about, 1 G
Salisbury, M. A. 8 E
Sallee, John L. 18 VV; interview, 18 VV
Salter, Francis obituary, 3 P
Salter, William periodical article, 2 K
Sammon, Benjamin 9 E
Sampson, Joesph interview, 13 CC
Samuels, W. M. 24 C
Sanborn, J. newspaper article, 29 CC
Sanborne, P. F. 4 F
Sandefur, James L. 14 VV
Sanders, J. W. newspaper articles, 3 RR, 9 RR
Sanders, John 10 F
Sanders, Joseph H. 33 CC
Sanders, Lewis newspaper letter, 28 CC
Sanders, Mrs. Martha A. Candler 1 V
Sanderson, Gen. ----- newspaper articles, 26 CC, 29 CC
Sanderson, George 12 BB; newspaper article, 5 YY
Sanderson, H. M., Sr. 25 J; maps, 25 J
Sandifor, A. (W. Va.) 9 E
Sanscrainte, Peter interview, 17 S
Sappington, John interview, 12 CC
Sargent, Winthrop map, 4 U
Sasseville, J., Quebec priest periodical article, 18 J
Satorice, Mathew 8 YY
Saucier, John B. interview, 23 S
Saunders, Mrs. Chloe Russell 6 C
Saunders, John obituary, 17 VV
Saunders, Joseph 8 J
Sawyer, Samuel 9 F
Sawyer, Will E. 4 F
Sawyer, William interview, 9 F
Saxton, John 6 E; letter to, 6 E
Saye, James H. 38 J, 12 DD, 15 DD, 6 VV, 16 VV, 22 VV; interviews, 22 VV, 23 VV; interviews recorded by, 23 VV; newspaper articles, 16 VV; questions to, 22 VV
Sayre, David A. interviews, 15 CC, 16 CC
Sayre, Martin interview, 17 S
Scadding, Henry 12 F
Scanandoa, Daniel. See Daniel C. Skenando.
Scate (Seate), Mrs. R. B. 34 CC
Scharf, J. Thomas 28 J
Schenck, Robert C. letter to, 8 E
Scheieffelin, Jacob 45 J
Schieffelin, Richard L. 45 J
Schlegel, William newspaper article, 3 YY
Scholl, C. R. 23 C
Scholl, Edward Boone 23 C; letter and questions to, 23 C; testimonials by, 1 B
Scholl, John interview, 22 S; testimonial by, 1 B
Scholl, Joseph interview, 24 S; testimonial by, 1 B
Scholl, William T. 23 C
Schoolcraft, Henry R. newspaper and periodical articles by, 1 F, 1 G, 29 CC; published poem, 11 F
Schull, Septimus interview, 11 C
Schultz. See Shultz.
Schweinitz, Edmund de 11 F
Schyler, Moses 11 U; questions to, 11 U
Scoggin, Joseph A. 8 VV
Scott, A. W. 28 J
Scott, Andrew interview, 11 CC; letter to, 36 CC
Scott, Benjamin 1 Z
Scott, Charles newspaper letter, 15 U; obituaries, 26 S, 8 CC
Scott, E. N. 15 VV, 19 VV; letter to, 8 VV
Scott, Ebenezer 4 VV
Scott, Mrs. Elizabeth interview, 19 S
Scott, Hugh interview, 4 U
Scott, Ira S. 4 VV, 14 VV, 19 VV; letter to, 9 VV; map, 4 VV
Scott, J. K. 9 E
Scott, John interview, 5 S; newspaper article, 30 CC
Scott, M. T. interview, 11 CC
Scott, Mrs. M. T. interview, 11 CC
Scott, Patrick interview, 11 CC
Scott, R. Taylor 6 J
Scott, Mrs. Samuel interview, 11 CC
Scott, Thomas 9 NN; newspaper article, 26 CC
Scott, W. W., Jr. 8 C, 9 C
Scott, William T. 34 CC
Scovell, Thomas P. 10 F; questions to, 10 F
Scranton, Ellen 9 E
Scranton, W. B. 8 NN
Scribner, Abraham 7 YY
Scrimsher, John interview, 13 CC
Scudamore, J. A. 24 J
Scull, Ed 8 E
Seaborn, James 5 DD; interview, recorded by, 5 DD; letter to, 5 D
Searl, F. C. 13 J
Searle, Arthur 19 J
Sears, Barnas 2 Q
Seate, Mrs. R. B. See Mrs. R. B. Scate.
Seaton, Josephine 6 DD
Sebastian, H. C. 8 C
Sedam (Suydam), Cornelius R. map, 2 W; obituary, 3 Q
Sedwick, J. J. 9 E
Sedwick, Matthias C. 9 E; interview, 9 E; letter to, 9 E
Sedwick, S. L. 9 E
See, Thomas J. 18 VV
Sells, Michael interview, 3 S
Selone (?), F. A. 9 E
Semple, James 10 J (Part 1); obituary, 3 Q
Semple, Mrs. Lucy. See Lucy Semple Green.
Semple, R. newspaper letter, 29 CC
Senex, John map, 1 OO
Senf, Christian obituary, 3 Q
Sens, J. A. 4 DD
Senter, N. A. 8 CC
"Septuagenarian," pseudonym. See M. A. Moore.
Sessions, Nathaniel newspaper article about, 29 CC
Settle, J. M. 20 C
Sevier, A. M. 11 DD, 6 XX
Sevier, A. R. 14 DD
Sevier, Ambrose H. 11 DD, 5 XX; letter to, 5 XX
Sevier, George W. 11 DD; interview, 30 S; newspaper articles, 9 DD, 17 DD
Sevier, James 11 DD; interview, 32 S
Sevier, John (1745-1815) obituary, 16 VV
Sevier, John (1766-1845) interview, 32 S
Sevier, John, son of Charles 14 DD
Sevier, W. R. 15 DD
Sewell, James A. 18 C
Sexton, Andrew letter to, 3 GG
Sexton, John L., Jr. 1 C
Seymour, A. W. 34 CC
Seymour, Horatio 18 F; newspaper articles, 3 F, 5 F, 7 F, 3 G
Seymour, R. R. 4 BB; letter to, 4 BB; map, 4 BB
Shaffner, Taliaferro P. 10 J (Part 1), 12 J, 38 J, 58 J, 2 Q, 8 CC, 32 CC; letter to, 1 J; newspaper articles, 16 E, 27 CC, 29 CC, 30 CC
Shane, Anthony interview, 2 YY
Shane, C. G. 36 CC
Shane, John 5 E, 13 E; interview, 4 S
Shane, John Dabney 32 CC; interviews recorded by, 22 C, 7 U, 9 BB, 11 CC - 17 CC; 7 YY; maps, 11 CC, 12 CC
Shankland, R. H. 7 F
Shankland, William H. 7 F
Shankland, William H., Jr. 7 F
Shanklin, Mrs. ------ 11 CC
Shanley, Charles D. 12 F
Shannon, Samuel 37 J; information from, 27 S
Shannon, William M. 13 VV; letter to, 13 VV
Sharkey, W. L. 9 E
Sharp, Mrs. ----- 12 CC
Sharp, Abram 14 C
Sharp, Alexander 8 NN
Sharp, Benjamin (d. 1846) 7 C, 2 Q; periodical article, 17 DD
Sharp, Benjamin, grandson of Benjamin (d.1846) 7 C
Sharp, J. H. 3 BB
Sharp, James 9 NN
Sharp, Joseph 8 NN; letter to, 8 NN
Sharp, W. D. 7 C
Sharp, Will A. 33 CC
Sharpe, A. B. letter to, 2 Q
Sharpe, George H. 7 F
Shaubena, Potawatomi chief periodical article, 9 YY
Shaul, John D. 4 F; questions to, 4 F; map, 4 F
Shaw, Alexander 16 VV
Shaw, Mrs. Katy obituary, 3 Q
Shaw, Mrs. Sarah E. 6 VV
Shea, John G. 2 F, 19 U
Sheets, Mrs. ------ interview, 11 CC
Shelby, F. P. 25 J
Shelby, Isaac pamphlet, 31 S, 17 DD; obituary, 11 DD
Shelby, Isaac, Jr. 33 CC; interview, 25 S
Shelby, Jonathan 25 J
Shelby, Moses information from, 11 DD; obituary, 11 DD
Shelby, Mrs. Sally Bledsoe interview, 31 S
Shelby, Thomas H. interview, 18 S
Shelby, William R. 33 CC
Shelley, Percy Bysshe newspaper article about, 28 CC
Shellito, Andrew. See Andrew Shilleto.
Shelton, Stephen. See Stephen Chilton.
Shepard, John newspaper article about, 26 CC
Shepherd, David letter to, 9 NN
Shepherd, Smiley 9 YY
Sheppard, Egbert interview, 29 S
Sheppard, Rachel 9 E
Sherlock, Edward obituary, 3 Q
Sherman, I. H. 28 C
Sherman, Jeanie R. 3 F
Sherman, William T. newspaper address, 7 F
Sherrard (Sherwood?), James 1 F
Sherrill, R. E. 1 GG
Sherwood, Adiel 2 F, 4 VV
Sherwood, James. See James Sherrard.
Sherwood, Malvina information from, 16 F
Shick, Andrew J. 24 J
Shields, David 10 E
Shilleto (Shellito), Andrew W. 16 VV; interview, 16 VV
Shipman, J. T. 21 J
Shippen, Henry obituary, 27 S
Shocco, ---- (Columbus, Miss.) 2 Q
Shoemaker, ------ newspaper article, 2 G
Shoemaker, C. D. 19 F
Shoemaker, H. W. 19 F
Shoemaker, William B. 19 F
Shoff, Mrs. Jane interview, 10 S
Short, John Cleves 8 CC, 2 WW
Shotwell, John T. obituary (1850), 30 CC
Shreve, Henry M. obituary, 16 E
Shreve, T. H. & Co. prospectus for periodical, 28 CC
Shreve, Thomas H. 2 O; newspaper article, 29 CC
Shriver, Jacob interview, 16 S
Shryock (Shryhock), John F. interview, 11 CC
Shuckwell, Michael newspaper article about, 26 CC
Shull, Josiah 3 F
Shultz (Schultz), Christian 32 CC
Sibley, John L. periodical article, 6 YY
Sibley, John Langdon 1 Q, 2 Q, 17 VV
Sickles, Mrs. A. questions to, 14 F
Sickles, Abram interview, 13 F
Sickles, Mary (Mrs. Abram) interview, 13 F
Sicks (Six), Philip 5 E
Siddell, Mons J. 28 J
Sidener, L. A. 27 C
Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia H. newspaper article, 29 CC; published poems, 26 CC, 28 CC
Silk, Thomas interview, 4 S
Sill, E. N. 10 E; map, 10 E
Silliman, Benjamin 36 CC; letter to, 36 CC; newspaper articles, 29 CC, 30 CC
Silverheels, Moses interview, 23 S
Simerley, Samuel W. 17 C
Simmonds, P. L. newspaper article, 29 CC
Simmons, C. C. 2 Q
Simmons, James W. published poem, 26 CC
Simms, Charles obituary, 3 Q
Simms, Edward 19 F
Simms, J. R. 2 F, 3 F, 4 F, 5 F, 6 F, 7 F, 10 F, 13 F, 15 F, 19 F, newspaper articles, 3 F, 2 G; questions to, 15 F
Simms, William Gilmore periodical articles, 17 DD, 3 RR
Simpson, A. N. 10 VV
Simpson, Mrs. James interview, 11 CC
Simrall, H. F. 32 CC
Simrall, John G. 32 CC, 5 YY
Sims, J. Starke 13 VV; 16 VV; interview, 11 VV
Sims, John obituary, 29 CC
Sims, S. T. interview, 16 VV
Sims, William interview, 23 VV
Sims, William F. 13 VV
Sincecum, John P. 4 YY
Sincere, J. newspaper letter, 18 CC
Sinclair, George B. interview, 10 BB
Sinclair, John W. published advertisement, 30 CC
Sinclair, M. V. 7 YY
Singing Bird (As-Shaw-E-Qua), widow of Black Hawk obituaries, 3 Q, 27 CC, 29 CC
Sisk, A. J. 11 VV
Sitts, Jacob letter to, 19 F
Sitts, Peter 5 F
Six, D. H. 5 E
Six, Philip, Jr. 9 E
Ska-dyoh-gwa-deh. See Philip Kenjockety.
Skaggs, Nias 17 C
Skaggs, Thomas letter to, 5 C
Skaggs, William obituary, 28 CC
Skeen, William 20 U
Skenando, Oneida chief obituary, 11 U
Skenando (Scanandoa), Daniel C. questions to, 3 F, 11 U
Skanando, Elijah interview, 11 U
Skennett, John obituary, 20 VV
Skinner, Cornelius interview, 11 CC
Skinner, Isaac C. interview, 11 CC
Skinner, John 10 F
Skinner, Weston D. 17 F
Slaughter, ----- (Ill.) interview, 15 CC
Slaughter, Elizabeth (Mrs. Gabriel) obituary, 26 CC
Slaughter, James interview, 37 J
Slaughter, Philip 2 C, 16 J, 26 J, 37 J
Sleeper, Hudson 4 F; obituary, 4 F; questions to, 4 F
Slimp, David 10 C
Sliter, Nicholas interview, 17 F
Sloan, Mrs. L. G. 7 RR
Slocum, Henry Warner newspaper address, 7 F
Slocum, Joseph information from, 2 G
Slosson, Electra information from, 1 Q
Slusser, Lew 9 E
Small, Mrs. Jane Bevington 12 E
Small, John information from, 1 OO
Small, William M. 11 J
Smalley, Mrs. Josephine E. 11 U
Smallwood, W. newspaper article, 26 CC
Smiley, Charles H. 2 Q
Smith, Mrs. -----, mother of John T. Smith questions for, 3 CC
Smith, A. F. 8 C
Smith, B. S. 22 J
Smith, Caleb B. 2 E; certificates signed by, 3 E
Smith, Mrs. Charlotte 13 F, 14 F; interview, 13 F; questions to, 14 F
Smith, Daniel maps, 25 C, 4 XX, 6 XX, 7 ZZ
Smith, David H. 8 ZZ
Smith, E. J. 29 J
Smith, Frank interview, 5 DD
Smith, G. W. 37 J, 38 J
Smith, George interview, 32 S
Smith, George P. information from, 18 J; interview, 14 J; letter to, 20 C
Smith, Henry (N.Y.) 5 F; newspaper address, 5 F
Smith, Henry (Pa.) interview, 4 S
Smith, J. Jay newspaper article, 30 CC
Smith, J. Spear newspaper articles, 27 CC
Smith, J. V. C. newspaper articles, 29 CC, 30 CC
Smith, Joel published advertisement, 30 CC
Smith, John J. newspaper article, 29 CC
Smith, John Speed 32 CC
Smith, John T. 3 CC; letter and questions to, 3 CC
Smith, Junius G. 5 D
Smith, Lloyd, P. 2 GG; letter to, 2 GG
Smith, M. T. 6 DD
Smith, Margaret 3 CC
Smith, Mrs. Mary Logan 12 C; interview, 18 S
Smith, Nathan 2 ZZ
Smith, Nicholas interview, 25 S
Smith, Peter interview, 18 S
Smith, Samuel obituary, 27 S
Smith, Stephen 19 F; interview, 10 YY
Smith, Mrs. Thomas 6 XX
Smith, Thomas J. 33 CC
Smith, Thomas P. 5 E
Smith, W. S. D. 21 J
Smith, Walter B. 8 VV; questions to, 8 VV
Smith, William newspaper article, 30 CC
Smith, William Austin 22 VV
Smith, William B. periodical article about, 32 C
Smith, William R. 8 E; interview, 3 RR
Smith, Zachariah F. 33 CC
Smoot, John B. 4 VV
Smothers, Joseph interview, 12 CC
Smucker, Isaac 4 E; periodical article, 1 K
Smyth, Alexander pamphlet, 17 DD
Smyth, Thomas pamphlet, 2 HH
Smyth, William information from, 18 C
Smythe, Augustine T. 13 DD
Sneed, William B. G. 13 DD
Snell, Mrs Jennie F. 4 F, 15 DD; newspaper articles, 4 F, 2 G
Snelling, Benjamin interview, 12 CC
Snelling, Josiah pamphlet, 8 U
Snoddy, John obituary note, 3 Q
Snoddy, R. M. 4 C
Snodgrass, William 32 S, 3 DD, 16 DD, 3 ZZ; questions to, 15 DD
Snowden, ---- (Cincinnati, O.) 15 DD
Snowden, J. A. 29 C
Snowden, Mary L. McG. 19 VV
Snowden, Thomas V. interview, 10 YY
Snyder, J. R. newspaper address, 16 C
Sodowsky (Sadowsky, Sowdusky), Ephraim interview, 11 CC
Soh-so-wah (Bucktooth or Large Cap), Seneca Indian interview, 4 S
Somerby, H. G. 2 VV
Sonntag, William L. 2 O
South, E. A. 12 BB
South, J. W. 28 C
South, John 28 C
South, Samuel D. 28 C
Southey, Robert published poems, 26 CC, 29 CC
Soward, Richard interview, 7 S
Sowdusky, Ephraim. See Ephraim Sodowsky.
Spahr, William interview, 25 S
Spainhour, J. M. 18 C
Spalding, E. H. 38 J
Spalding, J. newspaper speech, 29 CC
Spalding, M. J. 12 C
Spalding, Thomas 38 J
Spann, Ransom D. 13 DD
Sparger, A. L. 9 C
Sparks, Jared 15 J
Sparks, Mary C. 17 VV
Sparks, William H. 6 VV
Spear, Edward map, 1 W
Spears, J. Q. 20 C
Spears, R. F. 4 C; letter to, 4 C
Speer, A. 8 C
Spees, S. J. 4 BB; map, 4 BB; questionnaire to, 4 BB
Spellman, Dan S. 3 YY
Spelts, John interview, 28 S
Spence, ---- (Ky.?) interview, 13 CC
Spence, Dr. ------ (O.) interview, 14 CC
Spencer, Charles 6 VV
Spencer, Isaiah 18 C
Spencer, J. C. 2 Q
Spencer, Jeremiah obituary, 2 G
Spencer, Jesse newspaper article, 29 CC
Spencer, Mrs. John interview, 11 CC
Spencer, Oliver obituary note, 3 Q
Spencer, S. A. 5 E; letter to, 5 E
Spencer, William H. 3 E
Spilman, James H. 5 C
Spofford, Mrs. ---- (O.) interview, 21 S
Spofford, Ainsworth Rand 2 GG; newspaper letter, 1 HH
Spohr, Daniel interview, 11 CC
Spooner, John C. 5 BB
Spotswood, Alexander obituary note, 3 Q
Spotts, Mark L. 21 U, 4 CC
Sprague, William B. 2 Q, 13 DD, 19 VV
Spratt, J. B. 4 C; map, 4 C
Spratt, Thomas D. 6 VV, 15 VV; interview, 11 VV; map, 6 VV
Spriggens, Zenas published poem, 28 CC
Springer, Cornelius 4 E, 9 E; newspaper articles, 4 E; obituary note, 9 E
Springer, Uriah obituaries, 3 Q
Springs, R. Austin 10 U
Springs, Mrs. S. I. 10 U
Sproat, Ebenezer obituary, 3 Q
Sprott, Ellen interview, 19 S
Sprott, James 5 E, 9 E
Sprott, John interview, 19 S
Sprott, Mrs. John interview, 19 S
Sprott, Robert interview, 19 S
Sprott, Samuel interview, 19 S
Sprott, William interview, 19 S
Squier, Ephraim obituary, 28 CC
Stack, Elijah interview, 14 CC
Stacy, C. F. 5 F
Stacy, John W. letter to, 5 F
Stacy, Joseph Williams 5 F
Stacy, M. A. 5 F
Stafford, H. R. 24 C
Stage, Albert pamphlet, 3 G
Stagg, J. C. 37 J
Stagg, Mrs. Joseph interview, 12 CC
Stagg, William letter to, 12 BB
Stamps, J. C. 3 ZZ
Stanton, B. 12 BB
Stanton, Richard Henry 12 BB, 32 CC; letter to, 31 CC
Staring, George 4 F; questions to, 4 F
Stark, Caleb obituary, 26 CC
Starke, Theodore interview, 11 VV
Starke, Thomas obituary note, 3 Q
Starr, Charles information from, 36 CC
Starritt, Benjamin interviews, 28 S, 29 S
Stebbins, John W. obituary, 3 P
Steel, John R. 9 E
Steel (Steele), Thomas (Jessamine Co., Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Steele, J. M. newspaper letters, 4 RR, 9 RR
Steele, John interview, 16 CC
Steele, John D. 2 E
Steele, John J. 2 BB
Steele, John P. 2 GG
Steele, Thomas (Franklin and Woodford counties, Ky.) interviews, 16 CC
Steele, Thomas (Jessamine Co., Ky.) See Thomas Steel.
Steele, William map, 1 Q; obituary note, 3 Q
Steenrod, Daniel interview, 3 S; questions to, 8 E
Stephanson, James. See James Stevenson.
Stephens, Ann. See Ann Hunter.
Stephens, B. A. 1 C, 29 C
Stephens, E. K. 28 C; letter to, 28 C
Stephens, J. C. 1 F
Stephenson, M. F. 1 GG, 3 VV; questions to, 3 VV
Steptoe, William 10 NN
Sterling, William T. 13 C, 6 YY
Stern, William L. 8 RR
Sterne, John W. 10 BB
Sterrett, John 20 C; published article about, 2 Q
Steuart, William obituary, 27 S
Stevens, Mrs. ----- (Clearfield Co., Pa.) obituary, 29 CC
Stevens, B. F. 15 J
Stevens, Eliza. See Eiliza Edgar.
Stevens, Jacob interview, 12 CC
Stevens, Mary J. Livingston (Mrs. A. T.) 3 BB
Stevenson, ------- (Clark Co., Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Stevenson, James (Ky.) interviews, 11 CC
Stevenson (Stephanson), James map (1800), 12 ZZ
Stevenson, James, Seneca chief obituary, 16 E
Stevenson, Jane (Mrs. Samuel) interview, 13 CC
Stevenson, R. J. 3 E, 5 E
Stevenson, Thomas B. 2 Q, 32 CC
Stevenson, William 9 NN
Stewart, Mr. -------- (near Williamstown, Ky.) interview, 13 CC
Stewart, Anderson interview, 25 S
Stewart, Andrew 2 Q, 2 DD; letter to, 2 DD
Stewart, Ida Augusta interview, 13 F
Stewart, Isaac newspaper article, 18 CC
Stewart, Jemima interview, 13 F
Stewart, John newspaper article, 2 ZZ
Stewart, Mrs. M. J. 10 U
Stewart, Margaret obituary, 13 F
Stewart, Robert interview, 25 S
Stewart, Scoby 40 Y
Stewart, Susanna interview, 13 F
Stewart (Stuart), Thomas C. (1794-1882) newspaper article about, 10 U
Stewart, William interview, 30 S. See also Mrs. Thomas Eaton.
Stewart, Willis newspaper articles, 29 CC
Stickney, B. F. information from, 2 Q
Stickney, Charles E. 19 F; newspaper articles, 9 F, 3 G
Stidham, G. W. 4 YY
Stiggins, Joseph N. 9 U, 1 V
Stinson, Daniel G. 2 Q, 14 DD, 15 DD, 2 GG, 5 VV, 8 VV, 9 VV, 15 VV, 18 VV, 19 VV; interview, 9 VV; interview recorded by, 9 VV; letters and questions to, 5 VV, 8 VV, 9 VV, 12 VV, 15 VV; maps, 2 Q, 5 VV, 9 VV, 15 VV; newspaper and periodical articles, 17 DD, 1 UU, 5 VV; 9 VV; obituary, 17 DD
Stinson, Jane (Mrs. Daniel G.) 15 VV; letter to, 15 VV
Stipp, George W. obituary, 35 CC
Stites, Benjamin interview, 13 CC
Stites, Hezekiah interview, 2 O
Stites, Rachel. See Rachel Kibby.
Stivers, Samuel K. interview, 19 S
Stobo, Robert newspaper article, 12 U
Stock, Thomas 19 VV
Stockton, D. K. 12 BB
Stockton, James W. 13 DD
Stockton, Mrs. Jennie McDowell 2 Q, 7 DD, 15 DD
Stockton, R. F. newspaper letters, 29 CC
Stockwell, Robert 10 BB
Stocton, George interview, 12 CC
Stoddert, J. T. 19 F
Stokeley, Samuel 31 J; interview, 31 J
Stokes, H. M. 5 DD
Stone, Edwin M. 2 F
Stone, H. L. 33 CC
Stone, Lewis M. 14 VV, 10 YY
Stone, Louisa M. 19 F
Stone, W. J. 2 RR
Stone, William Leete (1792-1844) 2 F, 19 F; newspaper article, 10 F; obituary, 29 CC
Stone, William Leete (1834-1908) 38 J
Stoner, Adam letter to, 9 E
Stoner, George W. 24 C; interview, 24 C
Stoner, J. M. (N.C.) 8 C; letter to 8 C
Stoner, John M. (Ky.) 24 C
Stonestreet, James 4 C; map, 4 C
Stoops, Dickson 9 E
Stoops, George interview, 4 S
Stoops, Nancy (Mrs. William) interview, 4 S
Storer, B. newspaper article, 29 CC
Stotsenburg, John H. 35 J
Stotts, Thomas interview, 12 C
Stough, Jacob interviews, 14 E, 8 S
Stout, W. H. 4 F
Stovall, B. H. 27 J, 34 CC; maps, 27 J
Stow, Franklin E. 3 E
Stow, Mrs. Jane 5 E
Strahan, David interview, 12 CC
Strang, James J. newspaper letter, 30 CC
Strange, Robert 12 DD
Street, Alfred B. 2 Q; periodical article, 1 G; published poems, 8 F, 29 CC
Streeter, S. F. 1 C
Strickland, Titus interview, 5 S
Strode, Mrs. Anna Owens interview, 21 S
Strode, Michael 12 BB; interview, 21 S
Strode, Mrs. Michael interview, 21 S
Strong, Mrs. ------ (O.), daughter-in-law of David Strong interview, 13 CC
Strong, E. F. newspaper address, 3 G
Strong, Mrs. Elijah interview, 2 O
Strong, Nathaniel T., Seneca chief obituary, 3 Q
Strope, Miner 17 F
Strother, Daniel interview, 8 J
Stryker, William S. 2 F, 8 F, 19 U
Stuart, Mrs. C. D. 17 VV
Stuart, Charles A. 8 CC, 8 ZZ
Stuart, E. C. 5 F
Stuart, John T. 36 J
Stuart, Robert interview, 16 CC
Stuart, Thomas obituary note, 29 CC
"Stubblefield, Hezekiah," pseudonum. See W. Ward.
Stubbs, John M. 11 VV
Stucker, Jacob obituary, 3 Q
Stucker, William interview, 24 S
Stuckey, Charles 1 BB
Stump, James H. 17 C
Stump, John interview, 31 S
Sturgeon, Isaac H. 4 CC
Sublett, D. D. 18 C
Sublette, Milton G. obituaries, 3 Q
Suddarth, Elizabeth (Betsy) Turner (Mrs. James) 18 VV; questions to, 18 VV
Suddarth, James letter to, 18 VV
Suddarth, Richard P. obituaries, 18 VV; questions to, 18 VV
Sudderth (Suddarth), James W. 19 VV
Sudduth, W. M. 13 C, 14 U; map, 13 C
Sudduth, William 14 U; interview, 12 CC
Suggett, ----- (Scott Co., Ky.) interview, 13 CC
Sullivan, John newspaper letters, 3 G, 18 CC, 30 CC
Sullivant, Joseph 12 BB; pamphlet, 2 K
Sumpter, E. D. 18 VV
Sumpter, Edmond 18 VV; questions to, 18 VV
Sumpter (Sumter), Edmund R. interview, 16 VV
Sumpter, Edward 18 VV
Sumpter, H. B. interview, 11 VV
Sumpter, John 18 VV, 19 VV; questions to, 18 VV
Sumpter, John James 18 VV
Sumpter, John T. 18 VV
Sumpter, Richard 18 VV; questions to, 18 VV
Sumpter (Sumter), Samuel W. interview, 16 VV
Sumpter, Sarah. See Sarah Porterfield.
Sumpter, Thomas 19 VV
Sumter, F. H. 18 VV
Sumter, James 8 VV
Sumter, Jane interview, 18 VV
Sumter, Joel information from, 8 VV
Sumter, John M. 2 VV
Sumter, Sebastian 13 DD, 18 VV; interview, 11 VV
Sumter, Thomas (1734-1832) obituaries, 8 VV, 16 VV; printer circular, 1 UU
Sumter, Thomas (Texas) 18 VV
Sumter, Thomas D. 18 VV; interview, 11 VV; letter and questions to, 18 VV
Sutfield, Richard M. interview, 18 J
Sutherland, Henry 27 J
Sutherland, Thomas 10 C
Suydam, Cornelius R. See Cornelius R. Sedam.
Swain, David L. 2 CC, 4 DD, 5 DD, 2 GG, 1 RR; letters to, 5 DD, 1 GG, 1 KK
Swamp, Theresa interview, 11 U
Swan, D. L. 2 Q
Swann, Mrs. Jane McKinley obituary, 6 VV
Swann, R. 2 Q
Swanwick, John S. 38 J
Swearingen, Andrew obituary, 3 P
Swearingen, Joseph obituary, 3 Q
Swearingen, Mrs. Seava interview, 23 S
Swearingen, Susanna (Mrs. Charles) obituary, 3 Q
Swearingen (surname). See also Van Swearingen.
Swelling, John information from, 16 VV
Swigert, Jacob interview, 11 CC
Swigert, Philip 38 J, interview, 11 CC
Swinnerton, Henry U. newspaper articles, 5 F, 6 F; map, 5 F
Switzler, William F. 2 BB, 4 CC
Swortzcope, M. F. 16 C, 22 J; map, 22 J
Sykes, James W. 17 C
Symmes, John Cleves (1742-1814) maps, 54 J; newspaper letters, 18 CC, 26 CC
Symmes, John Cleves (1780-1829) maps, 1 WW, 2 WW; newspaper article, 28 CC; obituary, 3 Q
Symmes, Peyton S. interview, 15 CC
Symmes, Susan (Mrs. John Cleves) obituary, 29 CC
Taggart, David 8 E
Taggart, Samuel interview, 19 S
Tait, Felix 8 VV
Talbot (Talbott), De Movil (De Moville) interview, 18 S
Talbot, Harvey interview, 17 S
Talbott, De Moville. See De Movil Talbot.
Talbott, Henry, Jr. 38 J
Talbott, J. G. 5 YY; letter to, 5 YY
Taliaferro, James R. 9 YY
Tailiaferro, John 36 J, 2 Q
Taliaferro, H. E. 5 DD; newspaper articles, 5 DD
Tallmadge, Nathaniel P. obituary, 3 Q
Talmadge, Thomas. See Mrs. ---- Gorman.
Talman, M. O. 2 C; map, 2 C
Taney, R. B. 8 CC
Tannehill, Adamson obituary, 3 Q
Tannehill, Wilkins periodical articles, 14 DD
Tanner, John interview, 2 O; newspaper article about, 27 CC
Tanner, John T. 5 J
Tanner, Martha interview, 2 O
Tappan, Benjamin 9 NN; obituary note, 3 Q
Tapscott, Isabella St. Clair (Mrs. George W.) obituary, 3 Q
Tarbox, Hannah B. 19 F
Tasistro, Louis Fitzgerald newspaper article, 29 CC
Tate, John H. P. 12 VV
Tate, Mrs. Samuel F. 3 CC
Tate, Samuel McDowell 4 DD; maps, 4 DD; questions to, 4 DD
Tatham, William obituaries, 2 J, 3 Q
Tavenner, Mrs. Jennet Scott Withers 20 U, interview, 25 S
Ta-won-ayes. See Blacksnake.
Tayloe, Mrs. Delia S. 5 J
Taylor, A. R. 19 VV
Taylor, F. H. 9 YY
Taylor, Fanny 14 VV
Taylor, G. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 2 Q
Taylor, George (Nova Scotia) 14 DD
Taylor, H. D. 37 J
Taylor, Henderson 2 CC, 4 VV; memorandum to, 4 VV
Taylor, Hugh Paul newspaper articles, 31 S, 32 S
Taylor, I. L. letter to, 7 U
Taylor, Isaac N. 33 J; map, 33 J
Taylor, J. Theus 11 VV; letter to, 11 VV; obituary notes, 11 VV
Taylor, Jacob (Gah-ne-so-wa), Seneca Indian interview, 4 S
Taylor, James information from, 11 E; obituary 29 CC
Taylor, James H. 11 VV
Taylor, James L. 13 J; map, 13 J
Taylor, James W. newspaper address, 3 G
Taylor, Jacob obituary, 30 CC
Taylor, Joe F. interview, 11 CC
Taylor, John 12 BB
Taylor, John R. 2 VV
Taylor, Mrs. Louisa B. 4 BB
Taylor, Mrs. M. L. (née McKinney) 23 C
Taylor, Oliver I. published poem, 29 CC
Taylor, Richard newspaper article about descendants, 30 CC; obituaries, 9 E, 3 Q
Taylor, Samuel obituary, 10 VV
Taylor, Thomas (d. 1833) obituary, 16 VV
Taylor, Thomas (d. 1874) interview, 16 VV; obituary, 16 VV
Taylor, Mrs. Thomas 11 VV
Taylor, Waller obituary note, 3 Q
Taylor, William 6 VV
Taylor, William H. (Ala.) 11 VV
Taylor, William H. H. (O.) 2 WW
Taylor, William Jesse 11 VV; interview, 11 VV
Taylor, Zachary 5 C; newspaper articles about, 26 CC, 30 CC; newspaper letter, 26 S
Teass (Teays), John T. 7 C
Teass (Teays), Thomas A. 7 C
Teass (Teays), Victoria H. (Mrs. Thomas A.) 7 C
Tecumseh, Shawnee chief periodical speech, 6 YY
Tefft, J. K. 3 RR, 6 XX
Temple, Mrs. Eleanor Eltinge information from, 10 J (Part 1)
Temple, J. H. 5 F
Temple, John B. 10 J (Part 1), 35 J
Temple, Molly (Mrs. Benjamin) obituary note, 3 Q
Templeton, Mary S. 8 E
Terrell, James W. 10 U
Terrill, Richard obituary note, 3 Q
Terry, Jonathan interview, 17 F
Terry, M. D. 18 VV
Terry, N. W. 17 F
Terry, Uriah poem, 9 F
Teter, S. D. 5 E
Tevis, R. C. 34 CC
Thatcher, Mrs. ----- (Cincinnati, O.) interview, 13 CC
Theobald, Fanny 7 YY
Theobald, S. 7 YY
Thigpen, Melancton 11 VV; obituary, 11 VV
Thomas, Mrs. ------ questionnaire to, 12 DD
Thomas, Dr. A. (Ky.) 26 J
Thomas, A. H. Sr. 18 C
Thomas, Abraham newspaper articles, 8 J
Thomas, C. (Pa.) 9 F; newspaper letters, 9 F
Thomas, Charles L. 22 VV
Thomas, D. A. 15 VV
Thomas, David poem, 40 Y
Thomas, Mrs. Edward 1 V
Thomas, Mrs. Elizabeth Poague 12 C; information from, 4 CC
Thomas, Helen M. (Mrs. Richard S.) 6 J, 38 J
Thomas, Hester 14 F
Thomas, Isaac 2 Q; interview, 7 S
Thomas, J. P. 28 C
Thomas, J. W. newspaper article, 5 BB
Thomas, James J. 22 VV
Thomas, Mrs. Jane obituary, 16 VV
Thomas, John obituary, 16 VV
Thomas, John J. 22 VV, 9 YY; letter to, 22 VV
Thomas, John S. 1 V; letters to, 1 V
Thomas, M. Bross 9 F
Thomas, M. P. 15 DD
Thomas, Philemon obituaries, 3 Q, 29 CC, 30 CC
Thomas, Philip E. 8 CC
Thomas, Thomas obituary, 3 P
Thomas, William 2 Q; letter to, 1 YY
Thomasson, William P. 32 CC
Thompson, Dr. ----- (Louisville, Ky.) information from, 15 CC
Thompson, Mr. ------- (Mo.) newspaper letter, 26 S
Thompson, Alexander newspaper letter, 10 F
Thompson, Andrew interview, 12 CC
Thompson, D. P. newspaper article, 29 CC
Thompson, David interview, 12 CC; newspaper article, 30 CC
Thompson, J. H. 19 F
Thompson, James 8 E; information from, 36 CC
Thompson, Mrs. Jane A. Locke 4 RR
Thompson, John H. 9 C; nap, 9 C; questions to, 9 C
Thompson, Maurice newspaper article, 20 VV
Thompson, O. R. 14 VV
Thompson, P. G. 13 C
Thompson, Robert 8 VV
Thompson, Robert A. 5 DD, 19 VV
Thompson, Mrs. Sarah Downing 34 CC; interview, 4 E
Thompson, Sadrach Franklin 5 DD
Thompson, Waddy 3 XX
Thompson, William maps, 4 C, 8 CC; obituary, 10 E
Thomson, Charles newspaper article, 18 CC
Thomson, Mary. See Mary Middleton.
Thomson, Peter G. 15 DD, 1 GG; letterts to, 12 BB, 15 DD, 19 DD
Thomson, R. (Union Dist. S. C.) interview, 23 VV
Thomson, R. A. 33 CC
Thomson, Robert 2 VV
Thorn, E. (Ill.) 9 E; letter to, 9 E
Thornhill, Mrs. Mary G. 6 DD, 15 DD
Thornton, Mrs. Eiliza C. interview, 17 S
Thornton, G. G. 17 C
Thorpe, John D. interview, 14 CC
Thorpe, Thomas 4 C
Throop, George Enos newspaper article, 10 F
Thruston, Charles W. interview, 10 J (Part 2)
Thruston, Mrs. M. M. 7 DD
Thruston, R. C. Ballard information from 10 J (Part 1), 10 J (Part 2)
Thurman, Silas recipe, 37 CC
Thurmond, Mrs. -------, daughter of John Hughey interview, 21 S
Thurmond, Meredith interview, 30 S, 31 S
Thurston, Ariel S. 7 F; newspaper article, 7 F
Thurston, Diana M. 10 J (Part 2)
Thwaites, Reuben G. 16 VV; letters to, 2 B, 4 DD, 12 VV
Tibbatts, John W. 31 CC; newspaper letter, 26 CC
Tiblow, Henry interview, 23 S
Tiffany, George O. 7 BB
Tiffin, Edward obituary, 3 Q
Tilden, A. G. 10 F
Tilford, Alexander interview, 9 U
Tilghman, Oswald 4 VV
Tillery, Mr. -------- (Woodford Co., Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Tillinghast, J. L. newspaper article, 29 CC
Timberlake, Bettie. See Bettie Thompkins.
Timberlake, Henry letter to, 2 VV
Timberlake, John S. 2 VV
Timberlake, Thomas C. 32 CC
Timberlake, William H. 2 VV; letter to, 2 VV
Timmins, Rebecca P. 4 BB
Tinley, G. B. 19 C
Tinsley, Isaac 5 VV
Tinsley, John F. letter to, 19 VV
Tinsley, Mary A. 18 VV
Tipton, I. N. 1 U
Tipton, John 14 DD; letters to, 5 XX; newspaper letter, 20 S; obituaries, 27 S, 26 CC
Tipton, Jonathan 5 XX
Tipton, Spears 5 XX
Tipton, Thomas obituary note, 28 CC
Tishomingo, Chickasaw chief obituary, 26 CC
Titus, Mrs. Nancy Calvin interview, 17 S
Todd, Mr. ------ newspaper letter, 29 CC
Todd, Charles S. 2 Q, 8 U; interview, 8 U; letters and questions to, 2 Q, 2 YY, 7 YY; newspaper article about, 29 CC; newspaper articles by, 8 U; obituary, 8 U
Todd, David 44 J, 15 CC; interview, 5 S; obituary, 44 J
Todd, Elizabeth Frances Blair (Mrs. John) obituary, 20 S
Todd, J. W. 9 C
Todd, Mrs. James M. 6 J
Todd, John (1750-1782) map, 11 S
Todd, John, son of Levi 44 J; interview, 20 S
Todd, John Buchanan 6 XX
Todd, L. B. 3 GG
Todd, Levi newspaper articles, 33 S, 18 CC
Todd, Levi L. 44 J; interview 44 J; letter to, 4 Q
Todd, Robert newspaper articles, 33 S, 18 CC; obituary, 44 J
Todd, Samuel B. 44 J; map, 44 J
Tofflemire (Tofflemyre), John interview, 20 S
Tofflemire (Tofflemyre), Mrs. John interview, 20 S
Tolle, George D. 12 BB
Tolle, Mrs. Lucinda 12 BB
Tomlinson, Drusilla. See Drusilla Bukey.
Tomlinson, J. S. newspaper articles, 4 RR, 9 RR
Tomplinson, Joseph Jr. interview, 3 S
Tomlinson, Nathaniel interview, 19 S
Tomplinson, Mrs. Bettie Timberlake 2 VV
Tongate, Mrs. Elizabeth 8 BB
Toon, J. T. 15 DD
Torbert, Jane 3 RR
Torr, Wilford H. 19 C; testimonial, 1 B
Torrance, Mrs. Samuel interview, 6 DD
Totten, Michael questions to, 4 E
Tousey, Lucinda 38 J
Towles, Agatha information from, 31 S
Towne, P. A. 33 CC
Towner, Auburn published poems, 7 F, 3 G
Towner, John interview, 32 S
Townley, Mrs. Mary Jane 18 VV; interviews, 11 VV, 18 VV; letter to, 18 VV
Townsend, W. B. 17 C; map, 17 C
Trabue, G. W. obituary note, 3 Q
Trabue, James 57 J
Travis, F. M. 13 J
Treble, Samuel interview, 12 CC
Trees, Thomas 11 E
Trevett, John obituary, 3 P
Trevillian, G. C. 2 VV
Trigg, Louise Johnston (Mrs. Daniel) 26 J
Trigg, Mary A. 14 DD
Trimble, Allen 9 U
Trimble, Edwin 15 C
Trimble, Jackson S. 11 VV
Trimble, John A. 9 NN, 8 ZZ
Trimble, Robert E. 11 VV; questions to, 11 VV
Trimble, William interview, 11 CC
Triplet, Mary D. (Mrs. Greenberry) interview, 21 S
Trotter, George obituary note, 36 J, 3 Q
Trotter, James obituary note, 3 Q
Troutman, Sarah F. 1 V
Trowbridge, Charles C. 34 J, 38 J, 5 YY; letter to, 5 YY
Truman, William T. newspaper letter, 29 CC
Trumbo, George interview, 12 CC
Trumbull, Catherine (Mrs. George) obituary note, 3 Q
Trumbull, George obituary note, 3 Q
Trumbull, J. Hammond 4 J, 17 VV
Trumbull, John obituary, 28 CC
Trucker, Charles 29 C, 1 YY, 3 YY; interview, 23 S; questions to, 29 C
Tucker, H. S. G. 8 ZZ
Tucker, J. M. 1 YY
Tucker, S. G. 14 C
Tucker, L. H. 24 U
Tufts, John Q. 4 YY
Tuley, Ben S. newspaper articles, 30 CC
Tunnicliff, Joseph 4 F
Turnbull, Robert 17 VV
Turnbull, Stephen H. 17 VV
Turner, A. C. 9 E
Turner, Elizabeth (Betsy). See Elizabeth Suddarth.
Turner, Frederick Jackson newspaper article, 2 K
Turner, H. J. 12 U
Turner, J. F. 12 DD; map, 12 DD
Turner, John S. 5 C
Turner, Joseph A. 17 C
Turner, L. C. letter to, 2 O
Turner, Samuel S. 8 VV
Turner, T. S. 8 VV
Turner, Thomas, Jr. 24 C
Turner, W. (Turnersburg, N. C.) information from, 4 RR
Turner, W. W. (Ky.) 29 C
Turner, Wilson D. 8 VV
Turnipseed, E. B. 13 DD
Tus-te-nuck-o-chee, Seminole Indian infromation from, 4 YY
Tuthill, Sears B. 8 F
Tutt, Albert 3 VV
Tuttle, James 6 E
Tuttle, Nelson C. 14 C; map, 14 C
Tuttle, Zebidee 5 BB
Twichell, A. H. 12 DD; maps, 12 DD
Twichell, H. E. 8 F, 9 F; map, 9 F
Twiggs, John obituary, 16 VV
Twitty, T. B. 7 DD; map, 7 DD
Twitty, W. L. 7 DD; maps, 7 DD; questions to, 7 DD
Twyman, James obituaries, 3 Q
Tydings, Charles B. 34 J
Tydings, Katie E. information from, 34 J
Tyler, Asher 4 F
Tyler, John newspaper article, 26 CC
Tyler, Royal obituary, 3 P
Tyler, T. E. 33 CC
Tyler, William interview, 11 CC
Ulen, Benjamin, Jr. 29 C
Underwood, Mrs. -----, daughter of Achilles Morgan interview, 17 S
Underwood, Enoch 8 VV
Underwood, Eugene 6 J
Underwood, Joseph R. 10 J (Part 1); interview, 10 J (Part 1); obituary note and War of 1812 pension statement, 6 YY
Underwood, Sallie 8 VV
Uni, G. W. 4 E
Updike, Levi 8 VV
Updike, W. newspaper article, 26 CC
Upham, T. C. poem, 1 Q
Usher, John P. certificate signed by, 5 E
Vail, F. Y. newspaper articles, 28 CC
Vail, Horton 9 F
Valentine, Edward V. 6 DD
Vallandigham, Clement L. 8 E, 11 E; letter to, 11 E
Vallandigham, George C. 9 NN
Vallé, Felix interview, 5 S
Vanarsdale, B. (Ky.) 12 BB
Van Asshe, I. Fr. 22 S
Van Bibber, David information from, 23 C; questions to, 23 C
Van Bibber, David C. R. 28 C
Vanbibber (Van Bibber), Isaac 23 C; testimonial, 1 B
Van Bibber, J. D. 16 C, 8 YY
Van Bibber, James 8 E
Van Bibber, L. (Ohio) 8 E
Van Bibber, Moses H. 28 C
Van Bibber, Olive. See Olive Boone.
Van Buskirk, John newspaper article about, 27 CC
Van Campen, Moses newspaper article about, 29 C
Vance, A. F. 5 BB
Vance, David pamphlet, 17 DD
Vance, Joseph 7 U, 2 YY; interview, 5 S
Vance, Thomas D. 4 DD; map, 4 DD; questions to, 4 DD
Vance, Z. B. 12 DD, 15 DD
Van Cleve, John W. 8 CC, 32 CC
Van Cortlandt, C. E. 7 F, 1 G, 2 Q
Van Cortlandt, Mrs. Catherine E. periodical article, 1 G
Van Cortlandt, Philip periodical article, 1 G
Van Cortlandt, Pierre obituary, 26 CC
Vancouver, Charles newspaper advertisement, 18 CC
Vandegrift, H. newspaper article, 29 CC
Vanderslice, Daniel 22 C, 8 CC; letter to, 22 C
Van Etten, Mrs. Margaret 9 F; questions to, 9 F
Van Etten, Solomon 8 F; map, 8 F
Van Meter, Abraham interview, 11 CC
Van Meter, John I. interveiw, 11 CC
Van Rensselaer, Gratz 10 F, 19 F
Van Rensselaer, James obituary note, 3 Q
Van Resselaser, Robert obituary, 3 Q
Van Rensselaer, Stephen obituary, 27 S
Vansant, Isaac 15 VV; questions to, 15 VV
Van Schaack, H. C. 10 F, 19 F, 12 U
Van Swearingen, Henry obituary note, 3 Q
Van Winkle, John 3 BB
Van Winkle, P. G. 9 E
Vardeman, Morgan interview, 12 C
Vardeman, W. H. interview, 23 S
Vaughan, E. H. 3 GG
Vawter, John 13 C; newspaper letter, 16 E
Vayle, L. A. 26 J; map, 26 J
Veech, James 4 C, 28 C, 6 E, 11 E; letter to, 6 E; newspaper speech, 16 E
Veirs, John H. 9 E
Verner, E. P. 5 DD
Vick, John L. 14 VV
Vickroy, William J. 26 J
Viele, Charles G. 9 C, 2 RR; letter to, 9 C; map, 9 C
Vignaud, Henry 3 RR, 8 RR
Vigo, Francis information from, 8 J; obituary, 3 Q
Vimont, Jefferson T. 24 C, 10 BB
Vimont, Mrs. Jefferson T. letter to, 10 BB
Vincent, J. British brigadier-general (1813) newspaper article, 9 U
Vincent, J. C. 5 E
Vincent, John (d. 1810) obituary, 25 S
Vincent, John 11 E; map, 11 E; questions to, 11 E
Vincent, Nicholas obituary, 30 CC
Vincent, Thomas obituary, 27 S
Vinton, Frederic 18 VV
Visscher, S. G. 3 F, 15 F
Vore, J. G. 10 U, 1 YY, 4 YY; questions to, 4 YY
Vose, E. W. information from, 36 CC
Vosseller, E. (Flemington, N.Y.) 4 F, 19 F; newspaper article, 4 F
Vroman, Jacob 10 F
Vrooman, Peter 10 F; questions to, 10 F
Waddell, Alfred M. 3 GG
Waddell, Hugh (d. 1773) obituary note, 3 Q
Waddell, Hugh 3 GG
Waddell, Maurice 3 GG
Wade, Emmie 38 J
Wade, F. A. 7 C, 13 C, 29 C; letter to, 29 C
Wade, George T. 10 VV
Wade, James interveiw, 12 CC
Wade, John 24 C; letter to, 24 C
Wade, John Rives 10 VV
Wade, Joseph interview, 19 S
Wade, L. B. 15 C
Wade, Thomas H. interview, 11 VV
Wadsworth, Frederick 6 E; newspaper and periodical articles, 6 E, 15 E, 16 E
Wagner, J. H. 10 C; questions to, 10 C; information from, 10 C
Wait, Mr. ----- (Nicholasville, Ky.) interview, 18 S
Walden, A. F. 5 C, 6 XX
Waldo, Albigence periodical article, 2 E
Walker, A. B. 9 E, 14 J; map, 14 J
Walker, Alexander 4 VV; information from, 9 VV; interview, 9 VV
Walker, Benjamin obituary, 3 Q
Walker, C. S. 4 J
Walker, Catherine obituary, 11 U
Walker, F. A. newspaper article, 20 VV
Walker, F. N. 13 VV
Walker, Felix periodical articles, 24 C, 32 C
Walker, Francis A. 10 VV
Walker, James interview, 12 CC
Walker, John letter to, 19 VV
Walker, John H. 13 VV
Walker, Joseph 6 E
Walker, N. F. 12 DD; map, 12 DD
Walker, P. V. 8 C
Walker, Samuel R. 24 C
Walker, W. A. 13 DD, 19 VV
Walker, William (d. 1874) 11 U; interview, 11 U; letter to, 11 U; newspaper articles, 11 F, 11 U
Walker, Z. F. 9 E
Walkup, S. H. 15 VV
Walkup, Samuel obituary, 30 CC
Wall, J. T. published poem, 29 CC
Wallace, A. D. K. 4 DD
Wallace, Caleb newspaper articles, 18 CC
Wallace, Caleb B. 37 J
Wallace, D. 13 VV
Wallace, David information from, 16 VV
Wallace, George obituary note, 3 Q
Wallace, Isabelle E. 6 E
Wallace, James A. 13 DD, 2 GG, 19 VV
Wallace, John S. interview, 2 O
Wallace, Matilda G. 38 J
Wallace, Robert information from, 7 YY
Wallace, Samuel B. 6 J
Wallach, Charles Simms 2 Q
Waller, D. J. newspaper article, 2 G
Waller, H. H. newspaper article, 2 G
Wallin, James H. 18 C
Wallis, George B. published poem, 29 CC
Walsh, Mr. -------- information from, 36 CC
Walsh, Elbert K. 9 C, 10 C
Walsh, J. E. 2 RR
Walters, F. J. 7 U
Walton, A. (Raleigh, Tenn.) 18 VV
Walton, J. N. 10 U
Walton, Mrs. Mary Lee Floyd 13 VV
Walton, Matthew obituary note, 3 Q
Walton, William obituary note, 31 S
Walworth, Mrs. Ellen Hardin 33 CC
Ward, C. H. 5 BB
Ward, C. L. information from 4 F
Ward, George Atkinson periodical articles, 2 UU
Ward, George W., Jr. 3 C
Ward, James interviews, 18 J, 7 U, 9 BB
Ward, James Q. A. 5 BB; letter to, 5 BB
Ward, Townshend 38 J
Ward, W. newspaper letter, 18 CC
Ward, William newspaper article, 18 CC
Ward, William, Jr. (d. 1841) obituaries, 17 S, 29 CC
Wardlaw, James interview, 16 VV
Ware, ------ (Fayette Co., Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Ware, H. (Germany) 17 VV
Ware, T. C. 15 DD
Ware, William R. 17 VV
Warfield, Ben 2 YY
Warfield, Eliza Winston 6 DD; questions to, 6 DD
Waring, Thomas T. G. 11 BB; questions to, 11 BB
Warner, Jared 6 E
Warner, Mrs. Mary S. 13 DD
Warnes, W. F. 3 GG
Warren, Winslow 4 U
Wash, R. (St. Louis, Mo.) 28 C
Washburn, Carnelius, Jr. 12 BB
Washburn, Elihu P. interview, 5 S
Washburne, Elihu B. 34 J, 38 J, 2 RR
Washington, E. W. J. periodical article, 13 VV
Washington, Geroge newspaper letters and addresses by, 27 CC, 28 CC, 29 CC, 30 CC
Washington, James, H. R. obituary, 1 DD
Washington, LeRoy H. 1 DD
Washington, Mrs. Mary A. 1 DD, 3 GG
Washington, Thomas periodical articles, 3 YY
Wasson, C. C. 4 F
Watergouse, S. (St. Louis, Mo.) 28 J
Waters, Frank 13 C; letter to, 13 C
Waters, G. W. map, 7 F
Waters, P. M. 13 VV; information from, 16 VV
Waters, Philemon B. 13 C; letters to, 13 C
Waters, Thomas H. 13 C; interview, 18 S; letters to, 13 C
Waties, Judge ------ (d. 1828) obituary, 19 VV
Waties, John 13 DD
Watkins, J. C. 28 C
Watkins, John F. 5 DD; letter to, 5 DD
Watrous, A. E. newspaper articles, 16 C, 32 C
Watson, A. M. 22 VV
Watson, Abner interview, 16 VV
Watson, Mrs. Abner interview, 16 VV
Watson, John F. 1 C
Watson, John L. 2 Q
Watson, Miss M. Carrie 13 J
Watson, M. F. 2 RR
Watson, Sarah (Sallie) 5 DD; questions to, 5 DD
Watters, C. E. 18 VV
Wattles, S. S. 19 F
Watts, Garrett 24 C
Watts, Robert 38 J
Waugh, J. A. 15 VV
Wayne, Anthony newspaper letters, 33 S
Weakley, Robert interviews, 1 S, 32 S; obituary, 26 CC
Weaks, Mabel C. 1 K
Weant, Alexander interview, 23 S
Wear, C. K. (Mrs. J. F.) 1 GG
Weatherred, Patience S. 18 VV
Weatherred, William W. 28 J, 18 VV
Weaver, George A. 15 J; map, 15 J
Weaver, W. H. 10 C; map, 10 C
Webb, General ----- (Ohio) interview, 13 CC
Webb, Mrs. -----, wife of General ----- Webb interview, 13 CC
Webb, Bettie 20 C
Webb, J. Wesley 1 C, 20 C
Webb, Louisa C. 18 VV
Webb, M. M. 17 C
Webb, Nathaniel newspaper article, 7 F
Webb, T. S. 4 DD, 15 DD; letter to, 4 DD
Webb, Thomas D. 8 E, 9 NN
Webb, Tilden 18 C; letter to ,18 C
Webb, W. J. 18 C
Webbe, Nehemiah 17 C, 18 C
Webbe, Samuel T. 17 C
Webster, Daniel newspaper letter, 29 CC
Webster, Peter G. 3 F, 5 F, 10 F; letter to, 5 F
Webster, W. P. 16 F
Weems, Mason L. obituaries, 3 Q, 17 DD
Weir, E. R., Jr. 28 C
Weissinger, Rozel 5 YY
Welch, Mrs. Catharine G. 28 C
Welch, James E. 1 Z; obituary, 3 Q; periodical article, 16 C; testimonial, 1 B
Welch, John 10 C
Weld, Angelina Grimké 15 VV
Welling, James C. 2 GG; letter to, 2 GG; newspaper letter, 1 HH
Wells, A. J. interview, 16 VV
Wells, A. N. 6 DD
Wells, Alexander interview, 20 S
Wells, Benjamin interview, 9 S
Wells, Bezaleel 10 E; interview, 2 S; obituary, 3 Q
Wells, Caleb interview, 9 S
Wells, J. C. periodical article, 2 K
Wells, James 24 U
Wells, Mrs. James interview, 19 S
Wells, John S. 4 E, 9 E; interview, 19 S
Wells, Joseph 17 C; letters to, 17 C
Wells, Mrs. Mary interview, 19 S
Wells, Peter published poem, 3 G
Wells, R. W. 28 C
Wells, Mrs. R. W. interview, 22 S
Wells, Richard 4 E
Wells, Robert W. obituary note, 3 Q
Wells, S. D. 9 E
Wells, Thomas L. 5 F
Wells, William newspaper articles, 4 BB
Wells, William G. 15 C
Welsh, James interview, 10 YY
Welsh, William interview, 10 YY
Welsh, Mrs. William interview, 10 YY
Wemyss, James, A. 17 VV; letter to, 17 VV
Wentworth, John 1 YY, 3 YY; newspaper articles, 5 YY, 9 YY
Wentz, William 17 F
Werner, John A. 22 J
Wesson, James obituary, 3 Q
West, Alfred interview, 24 S
West, Elizabeth (Mrs. James) obituary, 29 CC
West, Goldsmith Bernard 15 C; newspaper article, 15 C
Westbrook, Solomon 8 F, 19 F; questions to, 8 F
Westerfield, James C. maps, 2 C, 17 J
Westfall, Henry F. 8 ZZ
Westfall, William 8 F; newspaper articles, 8 F
Weston, James A. 4 RR; newspaper article, 9 RR
Wetzel, Cyrus interview, 20 S
Wetzel, George. See George Whetzel and George Whitzel.
Wetzel, John interview, 2 E
Wetzel, Lewis 8 E, 9 E; interview, 24 S
Wexler, D. B. 7 C; letter to, 7 C; map, 7 C
Weyland, M. (Beaver, Pa.) 8 E, 2 Q
Whaley, Benjamin obituary, 3 Q
Whaley, H. L. 29 C
Wharton, Mrs. G. C. 6 J
Wheatley, Mrs. Esther obituary, 18 S
Wheeler, I. J. 5 F
Wheeler, John H. 2 Q, 7 DD, 15 DD, 3 GG, 3 VV, 5 VV; newspaper advertisement, 30 CC; pamphlet, 1 HH
Wheeler, Junius B. 2 RR
Wheeler, Mary Sparks (Mrs. Henry) published poem, 2 G
Wheeler, Rebecca 6 E
Wheeler, Woodbury 8 RR, 19 VV; letter to 19 VV
Wheelock, Cornelius interview, 11 U
Wherritt, P. (Cynthiana, Ly.) 38 J, 33 CC
Whetzel (Wetzel), George, son of Martin Whetzel interview, 2 S
Whirling, Thunder, Winnebago chief obituary, 3 Q
Whitaker, Catharine B. 17 F
Whitaker, Egbert 19 F
Whitaker, Franklin 29 C
Whitaker (Whittaker), George F. 2 E, 8 NN; interview, 22 S
Whitaker, Henrietta O. 26 J, 34 CC
Whitaker (Whittaker), James S. 7 E; interviw, 18 S; obituary note, 3 Q
Whitaker, Oliver 17 F
White, A. D. 1 U
White, Caleb 32 CC
White, George M. 18 VV
White, Henry 5 VV
White, Hu S. 5 XX
White, Hugh L. published speech, 27 S
White, Irene 5 E
White, Jacob 11 E; interview, 3 S; obituary, 27 CC
White, James obituary, 31 S
White, James H. 6 DD
White, John obituary, 4 VV
White, Joseph F. 15 VV; map, 15 VV; questions to, 15 VV
White, Philip S. 37 J
White, Philo letters to, 19 F
White, Providence interview, 3 S
White, Robert 5 VV; questions to, 5 VV
White, Sprague 12 DD
White, W. E. 9 C; newspaper articles, 9 C, 32 C
White Hair, Osage Indian obituary, 3 Q
White Loon, Miami chief obituaries, 9 YY
White Path, Cherokee chief obituary, 26 CC
Whitehead, W. A. 14 DD
Whitehurst, W. N. 27 J, 36 J, 37 J, 38 J
Whiteman, Benjamin interviews, 5 S, 9 BB; obituary, 16 E; questions to, 9 BB
Whiteman, I. Findlay 8 U, 9 BB
Whiteman, John P. 2 Q
Whiteside, Samuel newspaper article about, 1 Z
Whiting, George O. 8 E
Whiting, Henry 2 Q
Whiting, William D. 13 J
Whitley, Esther (Mrs. William) obituary, 3 Q
Whitley, William interview, 12 C
Whitman, D. A. 38 J
Whitman, Ezekiel 38 J
Whitney, Captain ------ 11 U
Whitsitt, William H. 6 J, 34 CC
Whitson, G. W. 7 DD
Whitson, J. McDowell 7 DD
Whitson, Jason C. 7 DD
Whitson, Mrs. R. C. 7 DD
Whitt, R. P. 17 C
Whittaker, George F. See George F. Whitaker.
Whittaker, James S. See James S. Whitaker.
Whittier, John Greenleaf published poem, 26 CC
Whittington, H. A. 9 E
Whittle, Miss E. G. 2 Q
Whittle, Fortescue obituary, 6 XX
Whittle, Gilbert M. 8 ZZ
Whittlesey, Charles 15 J
Whittlesey, Elisha 6 E, 11 E, 9 NN
Whittlesey, E. W. information from, 3 E
Whitzel (Wetzel, Whetzal), George, son of John (d. 1816) 5 E, 10 E; interview, 24 S
Whyte, A. (S.C.) 10 U; newspaper corresondence, 10 U
Wick, W. W. 8 E
Wickham, George 19 F
Wickham, William. See William Wickum.
Wickliffe, C. A. 13 C
Wickliffe, Robert 5 C; interview, 15 CC; letter to, 5 C; maps, 1 5 C; newspaper letter, 27 CC; obituary, 3 Q
Wickum (Wickham), William 8 F; questions to, 8 F
Widow Prophet. See Pem-e-pe-es-ce.
Wigginton, Mr. ----- (Bourbon County, Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Wiglesworth, A. W. 38 J
Wilbanks, W. S. interview, 10 YY
Wilcox, D. D. 17 C
Wilcox, F. M. 3 BB
Wilcox, G. T. 19 C, 3 CC, 34 CC; newspaper article, 19 C
Wilcoxson, William 23 C
Wilcoxson (surname). See also Willcoxen.
Wilderman, John H. 24 C, 22 VV
Wiley, C. H. information from, 10 C
Wilkes, W. B. 10 U
Wilkeson, S. (Buffalo, N.Y.) 9 NN
Wilkin, J. W. 41 Y
Wilkins, J. A. 19 C
Wilkins, William 13 E; letter to, 8 CC; obituary note, 3 Q; questions to, 7 E
Wilkinson, James newspaper and periodical articles, 4 U, 15 U, 18 CC
Willcoxen, Elijah obituary, 23 C
Willcoxen, Jeremiah F. 23 C
Willett, Marinus obituary, 3 Q
Willey, W. T. 20 U
Williams, Abram obituaries, 29 CC
Williams, Alexander 16 VV
Williams, Alfred 15 J
Williams, Benjamin (Hab-na-i-sah), Seneca Indian 16 F; interview, 4 S
Williams, C. L. 3 VV; letter and questions to, 3 VV; map, 3 VV
Williams, Caleb interview, 11 CC
Williams, Mrs. Catharine Lacey 14 VV
Williams, Charles J. newspaper article, 30 CC
Williams, Comfort obituary, 3 P
Williams, Dwight published poem, 3 G
Williams, Ellison E. interview, 3 S
Williams, George W. 3 VV
Williams, H. Devereaux 13 J
Williams, J. B. published prayer, 3 G
Williams, J. C. 24 J
Williams, J. Fletcher 15 DD
Williams, J. L. 26 J, 9 YY; newspaper letter, 29 CC
Williams, J. W. F. 18 C
Williams, James obituary, 30 CC
Williams, John obituary (1833), 3 Q
Williams, John (d. 1799) obituary, 8 VV
Williams, John D. 14 DD; information from, 16 VV
Williams, John R. 2 Q
Williams, John S. (Ohio) letters to, 15 J; newspaper article, 30 CC
Williams, John Stuart (Ky.) 17 C
Williams, Johnathan information from, 8 C
Williams, Joseph (d.1827) obituary, 3 Q
Williams, Joseph 4 E
Williams, Joseph B. 9 E
Williams, Joseph L. 5 XX
Williams, M. T. letter to, 2 CC
Williams, Nicholas L. 8 C, 10 C, 6 DD, 14 DD, 15 DD; letters to, 4 DD, 6 DD
Williams, O. J. 11 U
Williams, Olly interview, 24 S; obituary, 24 S
Williams, R. G. 24 C
Williams, Robert 10 VV
Williams, Samuel periodical article, 41 Y
Williams, Samuel W. 41 Y
Williams, T. H. interview, 5 XX
Williams, Thomas 5 E, 12 E; interview, 20 S
William, Thomas H. 15 DD
Williams, Thomas R. 38 J
Williams, W. W. 38 J
Williams, Williams T. 24 J
Williams, Wright interview, 6 XX
Williamson, Andrew obituaries, 13 DD, 8 VV
Williamson, Mrs. Andrew obituary, 3 VV
Williamson, Clay 17 C
Williamson, David. See Mrs. ------ McNulty.
Williamson, J. A. 8 C
Williamson, James interview, 16 S
Williamson, James C. 5 E
Williamson, John W. 26 J
Williamson, Sophia B. interviews, 14 CC, 15 CC
Williamson, Thomas S. newspaper article, 30 CC
Williamson, W. T. 1 V, 1 GG
Williamson, W. W. 20 J, 34 CC
Willie, L. K. newspaper article, 27 CC
Willing, Richard 37 J
Willis, B. F. 9 E
Willis, Mrs. Elizabeth interview, 19 S
Willis, H. P. 34 CC
Willis, N. P. newspaper article, 28 CC
Willis, Pierson interview, 18 S
Willis, William newspaper letters, 29 CC
Willson, James 4 RR
Willson, James R. 44 J
Willson, James V. 2 Q
Willson, S. C. newspaper address, 5 F
Wilmot, M. Y. 6 VV, 19 VV
Wilson, ------- newspaper letter (1810), 28 CC
Wilson, Mrs. ------ (Ky.), daughter of Patrick Mahan interview, 11 CC
Wilson, Alexander newspaper article, 28 CC
Wilson, Annie E. 34 CC
Wilson, Mrs. Archibald 27 J
Wilson, Benjamin interview, 18 J
Wilson, Mrs. Benjamin interview, 18 J
Wilson, C. F. 1 C
Wilson, Charles T. 9 E
Wilson, D. D. 14 J
Wilson, David published article about, 29 CC
Wilson, E. S. 29 C
Wilson, Edward E. 2 GG
Wilson, Elisha information from, 1 Q
Wilson, Enoch 14 J
Wilson, Frank I. newspaper article, 30 CC
Wilson, George 5 XX; interviews, 31 S, 32 S
Wilson, George H. 2 Q
Wilson, George W. 31 J
Wilson, H. T. 32 J
Wilson, Henry (1760-1848) interview (1843), 9 J
Wilson, Henry interview (1863), 19 S
Wilson, Henry T. 9 J
Wilson, Isaac interview, 16 CC
Wilson, Israel 19 C
Wilson, J. C. F. 2 ZZ
Wilson, J. L. newspaper articles, 28 CC
Wilson, J. Potter interview, 4 S
Wilson, Mrs. J. Potter interview, 4 S
Wilson, J. S. 8 VV, 19 VV
Wilson, James V. interview, 16 S
Wilson, Jane (Mrs. John P.) 18 VV
Wilson, Jerry interview, 11 CC
Wilson, John interview, 17 CC; map, 17 CC
Wilson, John L. 9 YY; newspaper article, 9 YY
Wilson, John S. information from, 26 CC
Wilson, Joseph H. 3 GG
Wilson, Joshua L. obituary, 27 CC
Wilson, Levi 19 C
Wilson, M. D. 2 DD
Wilson, Mrs. Margaret Alexander 3 GG
Wilson, Matthew 2 GG
Wilson, Norval 3 CC
Wilson, R. I. 3 GG
Wilson, Robert map, 1 PP
Wilson, Robert L. 20 C, 29 C, 2 Q, 12 BB, 1 YY
Wilson, Mrs. Ruhamah 3 CC; questions to, 3 CC
Wilson, S. F. 2 GG
Wilson, S. J. R. 24 J
Wilson, Samuel R. interview, 15 CC
Wilson, Susam M. 19 C
Wilson, T. Ben 2 GG
Wilson, Tancred R. 3 CC
Wilson, Thomas interview, 10 S, 5 YY
Wilson, William T. interview, 6 S
Wilton, Harry 22 J, 25 J, 36 J
Wilton, Thomas J. 22 J
Winchester, Mrs. George interview, 32 S
Winchester, George W. 8 CC
Winchester, James newspaper articles, 9 U, 5 YY, 6 YY; obituary, 9 U
Winfield, C. H. 19 F
Wing, Talcott E. 5 YY
Wingate, H. (Frankfort, Ky.) 5 C, 32 CC
Winn, James J. Jr. 13 VV; interview, 16 VV
Winn, Mary L. 2 J, 8 RR
Winn, R. D. 15 VV
Winn, Richard map, 5, VV; obituary, 3 Q
Winne, Anthony 10 F
Winne, Ernest 10 F
Winsmith, John 5 VV; interview, 11 VV; newspaper articles, 5 VV, 16 VV
Winston, A. G. 19 VV
Winston, Bolling H. 7 J
Winston, E. E. 6 DD
Winston, Isaac 6 DD
Winston, John H. 6 DD
Winston, Joseph obituaries, 6 DD
Winston, Sarah G. Lamond (Mrs. Joseph) 22 C; interview, 21 S
Wirt, William periodical article by, 28 CC
Wiseheart, R. I. letter to, 33 CC
Wiseman, A. W. 8 C, 1 RR, 4 RR; questions to, 1 RR
Wiseman, J. W. 8 C; information from, 10 C; map, 8 C; questions to, 8 C
Witherell, Benjamin F. H. newspaper and periodical articles, 21 S, 3 YY
Withers, Alexander S. pamphlet, 20 U
Withers, Emma 20 U
Withers, Jennet Scott. See Jennet Tavenner.
Withers, Robert W. 7 C, 25 S
Witherspoon, George McCottry 5 VV, 12 VV; maps, 5 VV, 12 VV
Witherspoon, J. H. 22 VV; newspaper letter, 22 VV
Witherspoon, L. L. 6 C, 9 C, 8 RR, 22 VV
Witherspoon, William C. 9 C
Witmore, Henry 8 E
Witten, Thomas interview, 10 S
Wofford, Charles P. 14 DD
Wofford, William Tatum 14 DD
Wolcott, James interview, 21 S
Wolf, John 24 J, 3 GG; maps, 24 J; newspaper letter, 11 YY
Woltz, Ferdinand 5 C, 8 ZZ
Wood, Major ----, brother of Benjamin G. Wood newspaper article, 30 CC
Wood, Allison M. 12 C
Wood, Andrew, Sr. interview, 7 S
Wood, C. D. 9 F
Wood, Christopher S. interviews, 3 BB, 8 BB
Wood, D. B. 4 RR
Wood, Mrs. Elizabeth L. 7 C
Wood, Henry Cleveland 18 C, 18 J, 37 J; periodical article, 18 J
Wood, Horatio R. 4 BB
Wood, James letter to, 13 F
Wood, James G. 1 BB
Wood, James M. 8 BB
Wood, Jesse obituary, 6 XX
Wood, John newspaper article, 29 CC
Wood, John G. 8 BB; information from, 2 BB
Wood, M. B. 4 C, 6 C, 18 C
Wood, R. W. 5 C
Wood, Solomon C. 9 F, 19 F; interview, 9 F; newspaper letters, 9 F, 3 G
Wood, W. D. 8 BB
Wood, W. H. 7 C
Wood, William H. 8 BB
Woodard, General ---- (Ohio) interview, 5 S
Woodbridge, George M. 13 J; map, 13 J
Woodbridge, W. D. 13 J
Woodbridge, William 38 J
Woodfin, Anna M. 7 DD
Woodfin, Nicholas Washington 7 DD; obituary, 7 DD
Woodman, Cyrus 19 J; letter to, 19 J
Woodruff, J. P. periodical article, 15 E
Woods, Archibald 10 E; interview, 3 S
Woods, H. W. 13 VV
Woods, James B. newspaper articles, 4 RR, 9 RR
Woods, William 8 ZZ
Woodson, Frank S. 3 RR; newspaper article, 3 RR
Woodward, A. B. newspaper correspondence, 9 YY
Woodward, B. C. 4 E; questions to, 4 E
Woodward, Charles L. 34 CC, 2 GG, 8 RR, 17 VV; letter to, 17 VV
Woodward, Isaac C. 30 J
Woodward, R. C. 5 BB
Woodward, Thomas S. information from, 7 YY
Woolard, F. M. 24 J, 4 CC; maps, 24 J
Woolfolk, R. O. 10 J (Part 2)
Woolford, J. H. 13 D, 3 RR, 4 VV, 15 VV
Wollford, James 9 E
Wollford, Levin 9 E
Woolley, R. W. information from, 11 CC
Woolley, W. P. newspaper article, 29 CC
Woolverton, Mary 14 F
Wooton, R. S. 17 C
Workman, ----- information from, 40 Y
Workman, Mrs. Elizabeth T. inerview, 17 S
Workman, J. M. 5 BB
Workman, James interview, 12 CC
Workman, James, McPherson interview, 17 S
Worland, Mrs. C. A. 16 C; questions to, 16 C
Worley, Joseph obituary, 9 E
Worth, David 10 C
Worth, John L. 2 C, 8 C, 9 C, 29 C, 14 DD; map, 9 C
Worthington, Erastus 5 F
Worthington, James 8 E, 5 U
Worthington, James T. 8 VV
Worthington, ----- mao, 2 O
Wren, C. E. 3 GG
Wright, Hendrick Bradley 4 F; newspaper address, 2 G; obituary, 4 F
Wright, J. S. 6 YY
Wright, James interview, 11 CC
Wright, Mrs. Kittie M. 4 CC
Wright, Nancy J. 6 YY
Wright, P. M. 38 J
Wright, Samuel J. 18 C
Wright, Silas 12 U
Wright, Silas H. 1 YY
Wright, Thomas Coke newspaper article, 3 BB
Wylie, A. P. 13 DD; interview, 11 VV
Wylie, Peter interview, 9 VV
Wymore, ---- (Fayette County, Ky.), son of John Wymore interview, 11 CC
Wynant, J. W. 5 BB
Yancy, Charles obituary note, 3 Q
Yandell, Lunsford P. 33 CC; newspaper articles, 28 CC, 30 CC
Yates, Mrs. ---- (Stanford, Ky.) information from, 12 C
Yates, Mrs. Aley (N.C.) 9 C, 10 C
Yates, Jemima. See Jemima Brown.
Yates, Jesse 9 C, 5 DD; maps, 9 C; questions to, 9 C
Yates, John S. 9 C
Yates, Mrs. Sarah A. 9 C; questions to, 9 C
Yeager, Thomas F. 12 BB
Yeatman, Griffin obituary, 28 CC
Yeatman, Harry interview, 16 VV
Yeatman, Mrs. Harry interview, 16 VV
Yeizer, F. (Mo.) newspaper article, 26 S
Yoachum, Solomon 11 VV
Yocum, G. R. 13 C
Yocum, George interview, 12 CC
Yost, George W. 13 J, 30 J
Young, Dr. A.----- (Jessamine County, Ky.) interview, 11 CC
Young, Mrs. Almire 4 F
Young, C. C. 19 F
Young, Mrs. David obituary, 16 E
Young, F. L. 4 RR
Young, Mrs. Fanny 13 C
Young, J. H. 3 XX
Young, J. P. 7 C
Young, J. R. 5 F
Young, James F. 26 J
Young, John 4 RR; questions for, 4 RR
Young, John A. 1 RR, 2 RR; newspaper article, 1 RR
Young, John C. 31 CC
Young, John H. 2 BB; periodical article, 12 BB
Young, Laura E. McNeely (Mrs. A. L.) 1 RR, 4 RR, 8 RR
Young, Robert H. 34 CC
Young, S. D. 3 BB, 32 CC
Young, Thomas information from, 16 VV; interview, 23 VV
Young, V. B. 7 C, 13 C, 33 CC; letter and questions to, 7 C; maps, 7 C
Young, William M. 4 RR
Young, William T. periodical article, 6 YY
Young King (Gaw-yeh-gwa-doh), Seneca chief obituary, 3 Q
Zane, Daniel 10 E; interview, 2 S
Zane, Isaac obituary, 3 Q
Zane, J. newspaper article, 20 S
Zane, Noah obituary, 3 Q
Zane, Samuel interview, 3 S
Zimmerman, B. B. (Mrs. J.) 41 Y
Zimmerman, J. (Mount Carmel, Ill.) 41 Y

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