Draper Manuscripts, 1740-1891

Appendix I: Revolutionary War Pension Applicants

Index and description transcribed from Guide to the Draper Manuscripts / by Josephine Harper.

For many Revolutionary soldiers Draper gathered copies, abstracts, and notations on their military service as described in their later pension applications. Most of this data Draper obtained from records in the United States Pension Office in Washington, D.C., records now in the National Archives. Many of the names were included in volume descriptions by current genealogists the names of pension applicants have been grouped together, but interested researchers are also advised to seek modern copies rather than depending solely on the handwritten versions in the Draper Manuscripts. Not listed are the names of the many other persons who authored accompanying affidavits and depositions in support of pension claims by friends or former associates.

The pension applicants are listed alphabetically with the volume numbers and pressmarks for their statements. Pension applicants, therefore, are not indexed in Appendix II.

Name Citation
Abernathy, David 3 DD
Adair, Catharine (Mrs. John) 1 OO
Adair, James 3 DD
Adair, John (of Ky.) 2 DD, 1 OO
Adair, John (of S.C.) 10 VV
Adair, William 11 VV
Adams, David 4 J
Addis, Richard 11 VV
Alexander, Daniel (of Tenn.) 3 DD, 1 GG, 10 VV
Alexander, Isaac 3 DD
Alexander, James 2 DD
Alexander, Thomas 1 GG
Alexander, William (of N.C.) 2 DD, 3 DD
Alexander, William (of Tenn.) 4 DD
Allen, Charles 11 VV
Allen, John 28 J
Allen, Richard 3 DD
Allen, Samuel, Sr. 3 DD
Amberson, William 2 DD
Anderson, George 5 E
Anderson, Isaac 1 OO
Anderson, Margaret (daughter of John and Elin Dickey) 3 DD
Anderson, Peter 6 ZZ
Arbogast, Adam 6 ZZ
Arbuckle, Thomas 29 J
Armstrong, Mathew 3 DD
Arqubright, Jacob 2 U
Bain, John 3 DD
Baker, Bowling 2 DD
Baker, Thomas 3 DD
Baldwin, John 2 DD
Ballard, Bland W. 31 J, 1 OO
Ballard, James 29 J, 31 J
Ballew, Richard 3 DD
Bar, William 6 ZZ
Barkley, William 3 DD
Barnett, James P. 32 J
Barnett, Joseph 31 J
Barr, David 6 ZZ, 9 ZZ
Barr, Samuel (of Ohio) 30 J
Barr, Samuel (of Penn.) 6 ZZ
Barron, William 2 DD
Bates, Humphrey 1 OO
Baugh, Joseph 14 J
Baugh, Valentine 8 DD
Baum, Frederick 6 ZZ
Bealer, Jacob 31 S
Beard, James A. (son of William of Ga.) 3 DD
Beard, Samuel 36 J
Beard, William (of Ga.) 3 DD
Beard, William (of Tenn.) 3 DD
Bearden, John 2 DD
Beattie, David 3 DD, 8 DD, 17 DD
Beaty (Beatty), Hugh 6 ZZ
Beaty (Beatty), James 3 DD
Bedinger, George M. 1 A
Beeler, Jacob 2 DD
Bell, Thomas 1 OO
Bennett, Abraham 4 F
Berry, George 1 Q
Berry, Thomas (of Clarke Co., Ky) 10 VV
Berry, Thomas (of Green Co., Jy) 1 Q
Berry, Thomas (of Ohio) 10 VV
Berry, William 6 ZZ
Berting, Peter 6 ZZ
Bickley, William 17 J
Bird, John 11 VV
Bishop, John 11 VV
Bishop, Lawrence 6 ZZ
Bishop, Nicholas 11 VV
Black, Henry 6 ZZ
Black, Jacob 11 VV
Black, Joseph 11 VV
Blackwell, Abraham 11 VV
Blair, James 2 DD
Blevin, Henry 31 S, 1 OO
Bodley, John 11 VV
Boggs, Thomas 11 VV
Bogy, Joseph 26 J
Bolt, Abraham 11 VV
Bonnett, Jacob 31 J
Bonnett, Lewis 31 J
Bonnett, Peter 31 J
Boone, Mrs. Anna (Grubb), widow of Squire (the son of Samuel and nephew of Daniel) 1 OO
Boone, Daniel 16 S, 1 OO
Boone, Joseph 19 C
Boone, Samuel 14 J, 1 OO
Boone, Squire 16 S
Boren, Charles 6 ZZ
Bowen, Charles 2 DD
Bowman, Abraham 17 J, 1 OO
Bowman, Daniel 29 J
Bowman, Mrs. Sarah (widow of Abraham Bowman, formerly widow of David Bryan) 1 OO
Boyd, James 11 VV
Boyd, Thomas, Sr. 2 DD
Bradshaw, John 6 ZZ
Brady, William 15 VV
Brandenburgh, Anthony 31 J
Brandon, Charles 3 VV
Brandon, Christopher 11 VV
Brandon, Richard 11 VV
Brandon, Thomas 2 DD
Brandon, Mrs. William 11 VV
Brison, James 1 OO
Britt, Charles 11 VV
Britton, Joseph 29 J
Brooks, Charles 6 ZZ
Brooks, Littleton 2 DD
Brooks, Thomas 28 J
Broom, John 11 VV
Brotherton, William 15 VV
Brown, Arabia 11 C
Brown, Bazil (Basil) 1 OO
Brown, Ezekiel 2 F
Brown, Jacob, Jr. 1 OO
Brown, James 4 J, 2 U
Brown, John (Chester Dist., S.C.) 11 VV
Brown, John (Fairfield Dist., S.C.) 11 VV
Brown, Joseph 5 XX
Brown, Low (Lowe) 14 J, 36 J
Brown, Oliver 14 J
Brown, Samuel 1 OO
Brown, William 6 ZZ
Bryan, Daniel 22 C, 1 OO, 4 VV
Bryan, William 10 VV
Bryson, Daniel 3 DD
Buford, A. 11 VV
Buford, Abraham 12 VV, 15 VV
Bunch, Jeremiah 11 VV
Burbage, Thomas 11 VV
Burks, Isham 2 DD
Button, Joseph 29 J
Byerly, Joseph 2 E
Cain, Patrick 3 DD
Caldwell, James 2 DD
Caldwell, John 6 ZZ
Caldwell, Samuel 6 ZZ
Caldwell, Willaim (of S.C.) 11 VV
Caldwell, William (of Tenn.) 10 VV
Callaway, James 21 C
Cameron, Alexander 6 ZZ
Campbell, David 32 S, 3 DD, 8 DD
Campbell, George 11 VV
Campbell, Jeremiah 1 OO
Campbell, Robert 32 S, 3 DD, 8 DD
Cannon, James (of Ind.) 3 DD
Cannon, James (of Mo.) 10 VV
Capps, Greenberry 11 VV
Carick, Adam 11 VV
Carmack, Cornelius 1 OO
Carmack, John 10 DD
Carmack, William 18 J, 26 J
Carpenter, Joseph 7 F
Carr, George 2 DD
Carrel, David 30 J
Carroll, Benjamin 10 VV
Carson, B.S. 11 VV
Carson, Walter 2 DD
Carson, William (of Ky.) 2 DD
Carson, William (of S.C.) 2 DD
Carter, David 3 DD
Carter, Elizabeth (Mrs. John) 1 DD
Carter, Elizabeth (Mrs. Landon) 2 DD, 1 OO
Carter, John 1 DD
Carter, Landon 2 DD, 1 OO
Casber, Jonathan 6 ZZ
Casey, Joseph 23 J
Casey, William 11 VV
Cassity, Thomas 31 J
Castle, Bazle 6 ZZ
Castle, Samuel 3 DD
Cathcart, Joseph 3 DD
Catron, Peter 6 ZZ
Castle, Samuel 3 DD
Catt, Michael 1 OO
Cawood, John 31 S
Chandler, John 11 VV
Chapman, Joseph 11 VV
Chappell, Hicks 11 VV, 13 VV
Chelton, Stephen 29 J
Childers, Goldsby 1 OO
Childress, James 1 OO 11 VV
Childress, Thomas 11 VV
Clark, George Rogers 1 OO
Clark, John 1 OO
Clark, Jonas, Sr. 2 DD
Clements, Cornelius 2 DD
Clinckenbeard, Isaac 1 OO
Coggin, William 10 VV
Collins, Elisha 18 J
Collins, Josiah 18 J, 32 J
Collins, John (of S.C.) 2 DD
Collins, John, Sr. (of Ga.) 2 DD
Conn, George 11 VV
Coomes, Enoch 4 J
Cooper, Benjamin A. 1 OO, 26 CC
Cooper, James 31 S
Corn, Timothy 29 J
Corry, Nicholas 11 VV
Cox, George 6 ZZ
Cox, Phineas 28 J, 29 J
Crabtree, Isaac 3 DD
Crabtree, Jacob, Sr. 2 DD
Cradlebaugh, William 11 C
Craig, John 32 S, 3 DD, 8 DD, 11 VV
Craig, Samuel 1 OO
Crane, William 11 VV
Crockett, Anthony 1 OO
Crow, James 32 S, 3 DD, 8 DD, 17 DD
Crowder, Sterling 11 VV, 15 VV
Culbertson, Josiah 2 DD, 1 GG
Culbertson, Robert 2 DD
Culp, John 11 VV
Cummings, William 10 VV
Cunningham, Ansell 10 VV
Cunningham, James 2 DD
Curry, Edward (of Ky.) 10 VV
Curry, Edward (of S.C.) 12 VV
Curtright, John 1 OO
Dalton, Valentine T. See Catharine Shaw.
Danner, Frederick 23 J, 34 J
Darcy, Joel 3 DD
Darnell, Cornelius 36 J
Darwin, John 11 VV
Davidson, Isaac 6 ZZ
Davidson, John 2 DD
Davis, Daniel 36 J
Davis, John (of S.C.) 11 VV
Davis, John L. (of Tenn.) 3 DD
Davis, Joseph 36 J
Davis, Samuel (of Ala.) 25 J
Davis, Samuel (of Ohio) 6 BB
Dawson, John 2 DD
Dawson, William 3 DD, 11 VV
Day, Ezekiel 31 J
Day, John, Sr. 6 ZZ
Delaney, William 31 S
DePriest, William 2 DD
Dewitt, Moses 7 F
Diamond, John 11 VV
Dickensen, Henry 3 DD, 8 DD, 17 DD
Dickerson, Thomas 6 ZZ
Dickey, Anthony 1 GG
Dickey, David 2 DD
Dickey, Elizabeth (Mrs. John) 3 DD
Dickey, John 3 DD
Dickson, John 2 DD
Dickson, Josiah 18 J, 1 OO
Dillard, James 2 DD
Dobson, Joseph 2 DD
Dodd, William 11 VV
Doherty, George, Sr. 1 OO
Dougherty, James 2 E
Downs, Jonathan 2 DD, 11 VV
Downs, Sarah (Mrs. Jonathan) 3 DD
Draper, Jonathan 1 OO
Drennan, Margaret (Mrs. Hugh) 26 J
Dubose (DuBose), Peter 10 VV
Duckworth, John 3 DD
Dusler, John 3 F
Dyal, Christina (Mrs. John) 26 J
Dysart, John 2 DD
Earle, Samuel 11 VV
Earnest, Felix 31 S
Edgar, John, Sr. 9 E
Edmiston, William 32 S, 8 DD
Edmondson, Robert 12 DD
Edmondson, William (of Abingdon, Va.) 3 DD
Edmonson, William (of Washington Co., Va.) 12 DD
Elder, Robert 31 S
Ellis, Jesse 2 DD
Empie, John F. 7 F
Espey, Samuel 2 DD
Estill, Samuel 1 OO
Estill, Wallace 1 OO
Estis, Abraham 1 OO
Evans, Jesse 1 OO
Evans, John 2 DD, 1 OO
Evans, Nathaniel 3 DD
Evans, Philip 2 DD
Evins, Andrew 3 DD, 8 DD, 17 DD
Faris (Farris), Elijah 1 OO
Farr, Elizabeth (Mrs. William) 11 VV
Farr, William 11 VV, 15 VV
Farrow, John 11 VV
Farrow, Thomas 11 VV
Field, Benjamin 31 J
Field, Lewis 31 J
Fleenor, Michael 3 DD
Fletcher, William 11 VV
Floyd, Abraham 14 J
Floyd, Andrew 11 VV
Forney, Abraham 2 DD
Forney, Peter 2 DD
Fouts, David 1 Q
Fowler, Moses 6 BB
Frazier, Andrew 11 VV
Frogget, William 18 J
Gale, Robert F. 19 J
Galloway, James, Sr. 26 J, 31 J
Gann (Gunn), Nathan 14 J, 1 OO
Garrott, Thomas 10 VV
Gaston, Hugh 11 VV
Gaston, Janet (Mrs. John) 11 VV
Gaston, John 11 VV
Gaston, Joseph 9 VV, 11 VV
Gatewood, John 31 J
Gatliff, Charles 18 J, 29 J
Gibbs, Shadrach 11 VV
Gilbraith, Alexander 3 DD
Gilbraith, William 3 DD
Gill, George 10 VV, 11 VV
Gill, Thomas 15 VV
Gilliland, James 3 DD, 10 DD
Gist, Joseph 1 OO
Glaze, Thomas 11 VV
Golding, William 2 U
Golightly, David 11 VV
Goodman, Annel 11 C
Goudelock (Goredelock), Davis 11 VV
Graham, James 11 VV
Graham, William (of N.C.) 7 DD
Graham, William (of Tenn.) 10 VV
Gray, Frederick 11 VV
Gray, James (of Rutherford Co., N.C.) 2 DD
Gray, James (of Wilkes Co., N.C.) 2 DD
Green, Jesse P. 36 J, 6 YY
Griffin, Joseph 11 VV
Grove, Philip 1 Q
Gunsaullis (Gunsaula), John 1 Q
Guyton, Aaron 11 VV
Hall, Joseph 36 J
Hall, William 11 VV
Hambleton, Thomas 2 E
Hamilton, Andrew 11 VV
Hamilton, David (of Fairfield Dist., S.C.) 11 VV
Hamilton, David (of Pickens Dist., S.C.) 11 VV
Hamilton, John 11 CC
Hamilton, Thomas 11 VV
Hammond, Samuel 1 DD, 11 VV
Hampton, John 3 DD
Hampton, Mary (Mrs. Wade) 11 VV
Hampton, Wade 11 VV
Hancock, Samuel 10 VV
Handley, Samuel 1 OO
Haney, Elizabeth (Mrs. Moses Liddell) 10 VV
Haney, Francis 11 VV
Hanley, Jonathan 10 VV
Hanley, Sarah (Mrs. Jonathan) 10 VV
Hanna, Robert (of Pa.) 1 Q
Hanna, Robert (of S.C.) 10 VV, 11 VV
Haptonstall, Abraham 6 ZZ
Harbison, James 11 VV
Hardin, John 1 OO
Hargis, William 3 DD
Harris, John 11 VV
Harrod, Mrs. Ann (Mrs. James) 12 C
Hart, Joseph 11 VV
Hawthorn, Robert 15 VV
Hawthorne, Joseph 15 VV
Hayden, Benjamin 4 J
Hayter, Israel 3 DD, 8 DD
Heald, Nathan 24 U
Henderson, Pleasant 15 VV
Henderson, Samuel 11 VV
Henry, David 8 J
Henry, Hugh 8 J
Herbert, Josiah 6 ZZ
Herndon, Benjamin 22 VV
Herdon, Joseph 10 VV, 22 VV
Hill, Reuben 2 DD
Hodge, Jesse 11 C
Hodge, John 11 VV
Hodges, Jesse (of Madison Co., Ky.) 1 OO
Hodges, Jesse (of Madison Co., Ky.) 11 C
Holliday, James 14 J
Hollis, John 11 VV
Holman, George 36 J
Hood, Andrew 10 VV
Hood, John (of N.C.) 10 VV
Hood, John, Sr. (of Tenn.) 10 VV
Hood, Thomas 2 DD, 10 VV
Hopkins, David 12 VV
Houk, Michael 11 VV
House, Andrew 1 OO
House, George 6 F
Howe, David 11 VV
Hughes, Ellis (or Elias) 31 J
Hughes, Joseph 11 VV
Hughs, William 11 VV
Hunter, Patrick 1 OO
Hutchinson, William 3 DD
Hutchison, Samuel 11 VV
Isely, Jacob 31 S
Ivey, Elijah 11 VV
Jackson, Joseph 1 OO
Jamieson, Jmes 10 VV, 11 VV
Janis, Jean Baptiste 18 J, 26 J
Jennings, Edward 3 DD
Jeter, James 11 VV
Johnson, Enos 1 OO
Johnson, Mary. (Mrs. James) See Mary Johnston.
Johnson, Richard M. 1 OO
Johnson, Samuel 5 DD
Johnston (Johnson), James 11 VV
Johnston, Mary (Mrs. James) 11 VV
Johnston, Robert 10 VV
Johnston, William 11 VV
Jolly, Henry 1 OO, 6 ZZ
Jones, Darling 14 J, 1 OO
Jordan, James 11 VV
Jordan, Robert 11 VV
Keaton, John 8 CC
Kelley, Ann Templeton (Mrs. John) 18 J
Kelley, John 18 J
Kelly, Beal 32 J, 1 OO
Kelly, Samuel 2 E, 1 OO
Kenedy, William 10 VV
Kenmoure, John 11 VV
Kennedy, Charles 26 J
Kennedy, Joseph 29 C, 1 OO
Kennedy, Thomas 31 S, 1 OO
Kennedy, William 2 ZZ
Kerr, Joseph 2 DD
Kersey, John 31 J
Keys, James 3 DD, 8 DD, 10 DD, 17 DD, 3 ZZ
Kidd, Benjamin 26 J
Kidd, Robert 18 J, 26 J
King, Williams 31 S
Kingsbury, Jacob 4 Y
Knapp, John 8 F
Knight, John (Dr.) 2 U, 1 OO
Knight, Polly (Mrs. John) 2 U, 1 OO
Knight, Richard S. (son of John) 2 U
Kuykendall, Matthew 1 OO
Lee, John 11 VV
Lewis, Andrew 14 J
Lewis, Ezekiel 1 OO
Liddell, Moses 10 VV; See Elizabeth Haney for pension application of his widow
Linden, Daniel 1 OO
Lindsay, Benjamin 11 VV
Lindsay, James 4 J
Linsay, Joseph 4 J, 29 J
Lisenbee, Charles 12 VV
Logan, Andrew 11 VV
Long, Gasper 10 VV
Long, John 31 S
Long, Robert 2 DD, 16 VV
Lord, Robert 15 VV
Love, Robert 1 OO
Lucas, John 11 VV
McCall, David 11 VV
MCCall, Thomas 6 ZZ
McCauley, John 10 DD
McCaw, James 11 VV
McClanahan, John 4 U
McClelland, Alexander 31 J
McClure, Hugh 11 VV
McClure, John 11 VV
McClure, Samuel 6 ZZ
McConnell, James 11 VV
Maccoun, John 4 J
McCreight, Robert 11 VV
McCulloch, John 31 S, 3 DD, 8 DD, 10 DD, 14 DD, 17 DD
McCullough, James 4 J, 16 J, 29 J, 1 OO
McDill, John 11 VV
McDowell, James 1 OO
McDowell, John 4 J
McDowell, Robert 2 DD
McElhaney, Stephen 11 VV
McFadden, Alexander 2 DD
McFarland, Robert, Sr. 1 OO
McGaughey, Samuel 5 DD
McIntosh, William 10 VV
McJunkin, Daniel 11 VV
McJunkin, Joseph 11 VV, 16 VV
McKinley, Sarah (Mrs. John) 7 F
McKinney, John 4 J
Maclean, William 2 DD
Maclean, William B. (son of William) 2 DD
McLeary, Michael 3 DD
McNeese, Robert 3 DD
Maddox, John 4 J
Magill, John, Sr. 1 OO
Malone, James. See James Wilson.
Marsh (Mursh), Robert 10 VV
Marshall, A.K. 4 J
Martin, Gideon 10 VV
Martin, Jacob 2 DD
Martin, James (of Ky.) 12 VV
Martin, James (of S.C.) 2 DD, 11 VV
Martin, John (of Ky.) 2 DD
Martin, John (of Va.) 2 DD
Martin, John O.F. (of Ky.) 10 VV
Martin, Matt 2 DD
Martin, Moses 3 DD
Martin, Nancy (Mrs. John) 2 DD
Martin, Richard 6 ZZ
Martin, Robert 10 VV
Martin, Roger 6 ZZ
Martin, Samuel (of N.C.) 2 DD
Martin, Samuel (of Tenn.) 10 VV, 20 VV
Martin, Thomas (of Pa.) 6 ZZ
Martin, Thomas (of S.C.) 15 VV
Martin, William (of Ky.) 31 J, 32 J
Martin, William (of Tenn.) 6 ZZ
Martin, William (of Va.) 6 ZZ
Massey, Henry 11 VV
Maxwell, John 11 VV
Maxwell, Thomas 32 S, 3 DD, 8 DD
Mayfield, Micajah 31 J, 36 J
Maynard, Jonathan 5 F
Mayrant, Samuel 11 VV
Mays, William 4 J
Mebone, John 10 VV
Meriwether, William 18 J
Middough, Solomon 7 F
Miers, Daniel 8 F
Miles, Charles 13 VV
Miles, William 1 Q
Milford, Thomas 11 VV
Miller, Samuel 14 J
Mills, John 11 VV
Mills, Mary (Mrs. John) 11 VV
Mills, Thomas 6 ZZ
Minor, John 1 OO
Mithcell, Elizabeth (Mrs. James) 5 E
Mitchell, John 29 J, 32 J, 1 OO
Mithcell, Nathaniel 6 ZZ
Moor, Jane (Mrs. John) 2 DD
Moor, John 2 DD
Moor, William 2 DD
Moore, Alexander 2 DD
Moore, Henry 11 VV
Moore, John (of Ga.) 2 DD
Moore, John (of Floyd Co., Ky.) 2 DD
Moore, John (of Mercer Co., Ky.) 2 DD
Moore, John (of N.C.) 2 DD
Moore, John (of S.C.) 10 VV
Moore, John (of Tenn.) 10 VV
Moore, William 2 U, 3 DD, 8 DD
Moorhead, William 11 VV
Morrison, George 31 S
Morrow, Joseph 11 VV
Morrow, Samuel 11 VV
Morrow, William 11 VV
Morton, David 11 VV
Mosby, Joseph 1 OO
Moseley, James 11 VV
Motte, Isaac 11 VV
Motte, Mary (Mrs. Isaac) 11 VV
Mounts, Thomas 2 U
Murphy, John 1 OO
Murphy, Samuel 1 OO
Nail, Matthew 11 VV
Neel, William 2 DD
Netherland, Benjaminm Sr. 29 C
Nevill, Jesse 11 VV
Newell, Samuel 32 S, 2 DD, 3 DD, 8 DD, 17 DD
Nix, John 10 VV
Oliver, Stephen 1 Q
Orr, Stephen 1 OO
O'Sheal, John 11 VV
Otterson, Samuel 11 VV
Owens, William 3 BB
Padget, John 2 DD
Palmer, Joshua 11 VV
Parchment, Peter 1 OO
Parker, Edward 29 J
Parrott, Thomas 11 VV
Patten, David 11 VV
Patten, Matthew 2 DD, 15 VV
Patton, Samuel 2 DD
Paull, James 30 J, 1 OO
Peden, Alexander 11 VV
Pelham, Charles 16 DD
Persinger, Jacob 2 ZZ
Peters, John 31 S
Peterson, Gabriel 2 E
Peterson, Margaret C. (Mrs. Gabriel) 2 E
Peyton, Yelverton 1 Q
Phelps, Josiah 11 C
Phillips, Joseph 3 DD
Pierce, Hugh 11 VV
Piggott, James 1 Z
Pitman, Ambrose 8 CC
Poe, Adam 1 Q
Poe, John 6 ZZ
Polk, William 1 GG, 5 VV, 11 VV
Powell, Lewis (of Ga.) 2 DD, 15 DD
Powell, Lewis (of N.C.) 2 DD
Procter, Joseph 1 OO
Quick, George 6 F
Raines, John 29 C
Randolph, Hugh 11 VV
Rankin, William 6 ZZ
Ratchford, Hannah (Mrs. Joseph) 10 VV
Ratchford, Joseph 10 VV
Ravenscraft, Thomas 30 J
Ray, James 1 OO
Redd, John 10 NN
Redd, Nathan 11 VV
Renick, James 11 VV
Reynolds, Aaron 1 OO
Reynolds, Elisha 5 DD
Rice, Nathan 11 VV
Rice, Right 11 VV
Richards, Lewis 11 C
Richardson, George 11 C
Richbourg, John 10 VV, 11 VV
Riley, Daniel 10 DD
Roark, William 36 J
Robards, Jesse 1 OO
Roberts, Benjamin 18 J, 31 J, 1 OO
Robers, George 2 DD
Robertson, James 11 VV
Robertson, William 11 VV
Robinson (Robison) , Robert 3 DD
Robison, William 11 VV
Roebuck, George 3 DD, 11 VV
Rogers, Hugh 1 OO
Roush, George 1 OO
Roush, Jonas 6 ZZ
Rowan, Benjamin 10 VV
Rue, Richard 36 J
Russell, William 32 S, 3 DD, 8 DD
Rutledge, George 8 DD
Sadler, David 11 VV
Saunders, Joseph 36 J
Sawyers, John 31 S
Scarborough, James 16 VV
Schuyler, David A. 6 F
Searchy, John 32 J
Sevier, Abraham 1 OO
Sevier, James 1 OO
Sevier, Naomi (Mrs. Valentine) 3 DD
Sevier, Robert 17 DD
Sevier, Valentine 3 DD
Sevier, Valentine (son of Robert) 17 DD
Sharp, Benjamin 32 S, 3 DD, 8 DD, 1 OO
Sharp, John 31 S
Shaw, Catherine (Mrs. Andrew) , former widow of Valentine T. Dalton 36 J
Shields, Mary H. (Mrs. William) 10 VV
Shields, William 10 VV
Shores, Thomas 6 ZZ
Sisenbee, Charles 11 VV, 12 VV
Sitts, Peter 7 F
Skaggs, Henry 2 U
Skains, Adam 11 VV
Smith, Edward 10 DD
Smith, Jonas 10 DD
Smith, Jonathan 10 VV
Smith, William (of Ga.) 2 DD
Smith, William (of N.C.) 3 DD
Smith, William (of S.C.) 11 VV
Smith, William (of Lincoln Co., Tenn.) 3 DD
Smith, William (of Jefferson Co., Tenn.) 3 DD
Smith, William C. (of Tenn.) 10 VV
Smothers, John 29 J
Snodgrass, James 32 S, 3 DD, 8 DD, 17 DD
Snyder, Christopher 10 F
Snyder, Elias 10 F
Solms, Adam 26 CC
Spann, Charles, Sr. 10 VV
Spelts, John 2 DD
Spencer, James 3 E
Soencer, John 3 E
Spilman (Spillman) , James 18 J, 28 J, 36 J
Stanford, Thomas 11 VV
Starke, Reuben 11 VV
Stephens, John, Sr. 1 OO
Stephens, Lawrence 1 OO
Stevens, Daniel 11 VV
Steward, John 11 VV
Stokely, Thomas 1 OO
Stone, Reuben 11 VV
Stratton, Isaac 36 J
Strong, Christopher 10 VV
Strong, Roxanna (Mrs. Christopher) 10 VV
Stroud, Hampton 10 VV
Sullivan, Daniel 10 VV
Sullivan, John 1 DD, 11 VV
Sumter, Thomas (of Knox Co., Tenn.) 10 VV
Taney, Abraham 11 VV
Taylor, Christopher 31 S
Taylor, Isaac 14 J, 1 OO
Taylor, Meredith 11 VV
Taylor, Philip W., Sr. 31 J
Thomas, Abraham 31 J
Thomas, Philemon 2 BB
Thompson, Archibald 4 J
Thomson, Absolom 11 VV
Thomson, William Russell 11 VV
Threewitts, Lewellyn 13 VV
Tinsley, Golding 11 VV
Tinsley, James 2 DD
Tipton, Jonathan 1 OO
Tipton, Niney (Mrs. Jonathan) 1 OO
Tipton, Thomas 6 ZZ
Tipton, William 1 OO
Tomlinson, Joseph 1 Q
Torrence, John 26 J
Townsend, Oswald 11 C
Triplett, Peter 1 OO
Turner, James 10 VV
Turner, John 14 VV
Tutt, Gabriel 3 VV
Vance, James 3 DD
Van Metre, Jacob 1 OO
Vaughan (Vaughn), William 10 VV
Vaughn, Elizabeth (Mrs. William) (of Va.) 6 VV
Vaughn, William (Mrs. William) (of Va.) 6 VV
Vernon, Richard 10 VV
Vickes, Elijah 3 DD
Vincent, Thomas 1 OO
Wade, Richard 11 C
Waits, James 23 J
Waldrop, John 11 VV
Walker, William 11 VV
Wallace, James 10 VV, 11 VV
Wallace, John 11 VV
Washburn, Nicholas 3 BB
Watson, John 2 DD
Watson, Nathaniel 2 DD
Watson, Samuel 2 DD
Watson, William 2 DD
Watts, David 11 VV
Weaver, John 11 DD
Weir, George 11 VV
Wells, Charles 4 U
Wells, Willaim 4 U
West, Joseph 11 VV
Whaley, Benjamin 30 J, 1 OO
Whelchel (Whitsal) , John 2 DD
White, Benjamin 3 DD, 8 DD
White, David 36 J
White, George 6 F
White, Jacob 2 U
White, William 11 VV
Whitecotton, James 20 J, 26 J, 29 J
Whitsal, John See John Whelchel
Whittier, Jonathan 11 VV
Widener, Michael 10 DD
Wilcoxen, Daniel 1 OO
Wilkinson, William 10 VV
Williams, Philip 2 E
Williamson, Eleazer 1 OO
Willoughby, Matthew 8 DD, 14 DD
Willoughby, William 31 S
Wilson, Henry 4 J, 9 J, 31 J, 1 OO
Wilson, James (known also as James Malone) 30 J
Wilson, Robert (of Ind.) 32 J
Wilson, Robert (of NC.) 10 VV
Wilson, Robert (of S.C.) 11 VV
Wilson, Robert (of Va.) 2 DD
Winchester, James 8 CC
Winn, Richard 13 VV
Winningham, Joseph 11 VV
Witherspoon, John 32 S, 3 DD, 8 DD
Withrow, James (of N.C.) 14 DD
Withrow, James (of Tenn.) 2 DD, 3 DD
Wray, Isaac 4 F
Wright, James 10 VV
Wylie, Francis 11 VV
Yates, John 11 C, 5 DD
Yobo, Henry 30 J
Young, Jacob A. 3 F
Young, Thomas 1 OO

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