Draper Manuscripts: William Preston Papers, 1731-1791

Appendix B: 2QQ Volume Index

A list by page number of the names found in Draper Mss QQ Volume 2. Information includes: volume and page numbers; type of record; date associated with name (if known); and any further notes relating to the individual.

Take note that spellings of names have not been normalized, or modernized, and are as they appear on the document. (For example, Wm has not been expanded to William.)

Volume Page Name Type of Record Date Notes
2 1 Smith, John Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Bandy, John Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Buchanan, John, Colonel Receipt Record 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Krank, John Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Dunlap, John Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Strom, Christon Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Moore, William Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Word, Charles Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Campbell, Matthew Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Beaind, William, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Cleat, Mathies, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Hand, William, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Abbott, Jas, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Hunter, Samuel, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Ward, John, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Davis, John, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Sprott, John, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Smith, Nicklos, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Kinzie, Benj, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Clark, George, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Clark, Andrew, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Burk, James, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 1 Cloyd, James, Pay Receipt 1758 January 8 .
2 2 Kerank, John, Pay Receipt 1758 February 21 .
2 2 Abbot, James, Pay Receipt 1758 February 21 .
2 2 Mountgomry, Robert, Pay Receipt 1758 February 21 .
2 2 Mountgomry, John, Pay Receipt 1758 February 28 .
2 2 Watkins, Philip, Pay Receipt 1758 February 28 .
2 2 Hand, William, Pay Receipt 1758 February 28 Signed for Jas Burk
2 2 Burk, Jas, Pay Receipt 1758 February 28 Wm Hand signed
2 2 Thomson, Edward, Pay Receipt 1758 February 28 .
2 2 Bendy, John, Pay Receipt 1758 February 28 .
2 2 Scott, John, Pay Receipt 1758 February 28 .
2 2 Sayers, Wm, Pay Receipt 1758 February 28 .
2 2 Sprout, Jean, Pay Receipt 1758 May 25 Signed for John Spout
2 2 Spout, John, Pay Receipt 1758 May 25 J Sprout signed for
2 2 Mountgomery, Samuel, Pay Receipt 1758 August 7 .
2 3 Buchanan, John, Account 1758 .
2 3 McDowel, Joseph, Lieutenant Account 1758 .
2 3 Luney, David, Account 1758 .
2 3 Luney, Robert, Account 1758 .
2 3 Buchanan, John, Account 1758 .
2 3 Inglis, William, Lieutenant Account 1758 .
2 3 McDowel, Lieutenant Account 1759 .
2 3 Buchanan, Colonel Account 1758 .
2 3 Sayers, Ensign Account 1758 .
2 3 Smith, John, Soldier Account 1758 .
2 3 Mountgomery, Robert, Account 1758 .
2 3 Mountgomery, Samuel, Account 1758 .
2 3 Mountgomery, Jas, Account 1758 .
2 3 McFerren, Jno, Account 1758 .
2 3 McFerren, Thos, Account 1758 .
2 3 Hamley, Thos, Account 1758 .
2 3 McDowel, Lieutenant Account 1758 .
2 3 Smith, Nicholas, Account 1758 .
2 3 Bean, James, Account 1758 .
2 4 Sayers, Captain Correspondence 1758 April 4 Lewis to Buchanan
2 4 Sayers, W, Correspondence 1758 April 4 Lewis to Buchanan
2 4 Lewis, Andrew, Correspondence 1758 April 4 Lewis to Buchanan
2 4 Ingles, Wm, Correspondence 1758 April 4 Lewis to Buchanan
2 5 Birdwell, George, Voucher 1758 September .
2 5 Buchanan, John, Voucher 1758 September .
2 5 Buchanan, Jno, Receipt 1759 January 9 .
2 5 Sayers, David, Receipt 1759 January 9 .
2 5 Baker, Thomas, Receipt 1759 January 9 .
2 5 Gregory, John, Receipt 1759 January 9 .
2 5 Fay, John, Receipt 1759 January 9 .
2 5 Crockett, John, Receipt 1759 January 9 .
2 5 Buchanan, Receipt 1759 January 9 .
2 5 Lloyd, Thomas, Receipt 1759 January 9 .
2 6 Birdwell, George, Receipt 1759 August 9 .
2 6 Buchanan, Colonel Receipt 1759 August 9 .
2 7 Fauquier, Francis, Appointment 1758 September 30 .
2 7 Buchanan, John, Lieutenant Appointment 1758 September 30 Augusta CO Virginia
2 8 Buchanan, John, Colonel Correspondence 1758 October 16 T Walker to J Buchanan
2 8 Walker, Thomas, Correspondence 1758 October 16 T Walker to J Buchanan
2 9 Maxwell, John, Captain Receipt 1758 November 28 .
2 9 Buchanan, John, Receipt 1758 November 28 .
2 9 Syer, David, Account 1758 December 16 .
2 9 Sayers, Captain Account 1758 December 16 .
2 9 Whitley, Jonathan, Account 1758 December 16 .
2 9 McClure, Alex, Account 1758 December 26 .
2 9 Crofton, Captain Account 1758 December 26 .
2 10 Maxwell, John, Receipt 1759 May .
2 11 Fauquier, Fran, Correspondence 1758 November 14 F Frauquier to J Buchanan
2 11 Skillern, Sargent Correspondence 1758 November 14 .
2 11 Wade, Captain Correspondence 1758 November 14 .
2 11 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1758 November 14 F Frauquier to J Buchanan
2 12 Moore, John, Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Buchanan, John, Colonel Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Ingles, William, Lieutenant Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Moore, John, Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Buchanan, John, Colonel Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Ingles, William, Lieutenant Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Moore, John, Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Buchanan, John, Colonel Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Moore, John, Colonel Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Moore, John, Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Buchanan, John, Colonel Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Ingles, William, Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 12 Moore, John, Voucher 1759 January 3 .
2 13 Hickman, John, Voucher 1759 October 5 .
2 13 Buchanan, John, Colonel Voucher 1759 October 5 .
2 13 Moore, John, Voucher 1759 October 5 .
2 13 Ingles, Voucher 1759 October 5 .
2 13 Buchanan, Colonel Voucher 1759 October 12 .
2 13 McGavock, Jas, Voucher 1759 October 12 .
2 14 Buchanan, Colonel Receipt 1759 January 12 .
2 14 Potts, John, Receipt 1759 January 12 .
2 14 Buchanan, John, Colonel Receipt 1759 January 15 .
2 14 Luny, Robert, Receipt 1759 January 15 .
2 14 Buchanan, Archibald, Receipt 1759 January 15 .
2 14-1 Ramsey, William, Account 1759 January 16 .
2 14-1 Buchanan, Colonel Account 1759 January 16 .
2 14-1 Ramsey, William, Account 1759 January 16 .
2 14-1 Allison, John, Account 1759 January 17 .
2 14-1 Buchanan, Colonel Account 1759 January 17 .
2 14-1 Lyle, Samuel, Account 1759 January 17 .
2 14-1 Lyle, Samuel, Account 1759 January 17 .
2 15 Buchanan, John, Colonel Receipt 1759 March 17 .
2 15 Walker, Tho, Dr. Receipt 1759 March 17 .
2 15 McDowel, Joseph, Receipt 1759 March 17 .
2 15 Young, Saml, Receipt 1759 March 17 .
2 15 McFerren, John, Receipt 1759 March 17 .
2 15 Buchanan, Colonel Receipt 1759 March 17 .
2 15 McDowel, Jospeh, Receipt 1759 March 17 .
2 15 Buchanan, John, Colonel Receipt 1759 March 13 .
2 15 Hog, Pet, Receipt 1759 March 13 .
2 15 McDowel, Lieutenant Receipt 1759 March 17 .
2 16 Walker, John, Charges against 1759 March 20 .
2 16 Preston, Captain Company 1759 March 20 .
2 16 Hubbard, Lieutenant Brought Charges 1759 March 20 .
2 16 Walker, John, Charges 1759 March 20 .
2 16 Walker, John, Charges 1759 March 20 .
2 16 Prestons, Captain Company 1759 March 20 .
2 16 Walker, John, Charges 1759 March 20 .
2 16 Preston, Captain Company 1759 March 20 .
2 17 Walker, John, Charges 1759 March 20 .
2 17 Skillern, Wm, Charges 1759 March 20 .
2 17 Hubbard, Edw, Lieutenant Charges 1759 March 20 .
2 17 Kennedy, David, Charges 1759 March 20 .
2 17 Price, W, Charges 1758 March 20 .
2 17 Day, H, Charges 1758 March 20 .
2 17 Graham, Lanty, Charges 1758 March 20 .
2 17 Greer, Jno, Charges 1758 March 20 .
2 18 Symson, James, Voucher 1757 April 22 .
2 18 Buchanan, John, Voucher 1757 April 22 .
2 18 Tosh, Thomas, Voucher 1757 April 22 .
2 18 McDowell, Lieutenant Memorandium 1759 April 26 .
2 18 Hog, Captain Memorandium 1759 April 26 .
2 18 Hog, Captain Memorandium 1759 April 26 .
2 18 McDowell, Lieutenant Memorandium 1759 April 26 .
2 18 Ingles, Wm, Lieutenant Memorandium 1759 April 26 .
2 18 Ramsey, Thos, Lieutenant Memorandium 1759 April 26 .
2 18 Sweringhouse, Wm, Account 1759 April 26 .
2 19 Buchanan, Colonel Receipt 1759 September 17 .
2 19 Bullet, Tho, Lieutenant Receipt 1759 September 17 .
2 19 Simpson, James, Receipt 1759 September 17 .
2 18-1 McDowl, Joseph, Lieutenant Memorandium 1759 April 24 .
2 18-1 Ingles, Wm, Memorandium 1759 March 13 .
2 18-1 Ramsey, Thos, Memorandium 1759 March 28 .
2 18-1 Swearinghams, Wm, Memorandium 1759 April 27 .
2 18-1 Preston, Lieutenant Memorandium 1759 April 27 .
2 18-1 Buchanan, Colonel Receipt 1759 August 2 .
2 18-1 Mathews, John, Receipt 1759 August 2 .
2 20 Smith, Colonel Account 1759 May 8 .
2 20 Buchanan, John, Account 1759 May 8 .
2 20 Smith, Colonel Account 1759 May 3 .
2 20 McDowel, Lieutenant Account 1759 April 9 .
2 20 Preston, Captain Account 1759 April 9 .
2 20 Swearingham, Lieutenant Account 1759 April 27 .
2 20 McDowel, Lieutenant Account 1759 April 9 .
2 20 McDowel, Lieutenant Account 1759 March .
2 20 McDowel, Lieutenant Account 1759 March 7 .
2 20 Brown, Abraham, Account 1759 March 7 .
2 21 Robinson, David, Correspondence 1759 May 18 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 23 Christian, Wm, Mr. Correspondence 1759 May 18 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 23 Preston, Wm, Captain Correspondence 1759 May 18 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 24 Robinson, David, Correspondence 1759 August 22 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 25 Preston, Billy, Correspondence 1759 August 22 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 25 Robinson, David, Correspondence 1759 August 22 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 26 Fauquier, Francis, Appointment 1759 October 18 .
2 26 Buchanan, John, Appointment 1759 October 18 Collector of the Duty
2 27 Hamilton, Wm, Correspondence 1760 February 22 J Adams to Wm Preston
2 27 Davis, Wm, Correspondence 1760 February 22 J Adams to Wm Preston
2 27 Adams, Jas, Correspondence 1760 February 22 J Adams to Wm Preston
2 28 Hamilton, Wm, Correspondence 1760 June 24 F Frauquier to Wm Preston
2 28 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1760 June 24 F Frauquier to Wm Preston
2 28 Preston, Colonel Correspondence 1760 June 24 F Frauquier to Wm Preston
2 28 Frauquier, Fran, Correspondence 1760 June 24 F Frauquier to Wm Preston
2 29 Preston, Colonel Address 1760 .
2 30 Preston, William, Colonel Discharge 1760 August 30 .
2 30 Robertson, James, Discharge 1760 August 30 .
2 30 Byrd, Colonel Discharge 1760 August 30 .
2 30 Sayers, Alex, Discharge 1760 August 30 .
2 30 Buchanan, John, Account 1760 August .
2 30 McDowel, James, Account 1760 August 7 .
2 30 Buchanan, Jno, Account 1760 November 8 .
2 30-1 Preston, Wm, Discharge 1760 April 29 .
2 30-1 Robertson, James, Discharge 1760 April 29 .
2 30-1 Buchanan, Jno, Colonel Discharge 1760 .
2 31 Preston, Wiliam, Colonel Correspondence 1761 August 6 Tho Lewis to Wm Preston
2 31 Walker, Dr. Correspondence 1761 August 6 Tho Lewis to Wm Preston
2 31 Lewis, Tho, Correspondence 1761 August 6 Tho Lewis to Wm Preston
2 32 Fauquier, Francis, Appointment 1761 September 4 .
2 32 Buchanan, John, Appointment 1761 September 4 Appointed Sheriff
2 33 Randolph, John, Land Judgement 1761 November 3 .
2 33 Hayes, Andrew, Mr. Land Judgement 1761 November 3 .
2 34 Preston, William, Colonel Correspondence 1761 November 5 Hurricane
2 35 McNutt, Colonel Correspondence 1761 November 5 Given Pension
2 36 Robinson, David, Correspondence 1761 November 5 Preston from J Todd
2 36 Craig, Mr. Correspondence 1761 November 5 Preston from J Todd
2 36 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1761 November 5 Preston from J Todd
2 36 Hugart, Mr. Correspondence 1761 November 5 Preston from J Todd
2 37 Preston, William, Colonel Correspondence 1761 December 4 Preston from J Todd
2 37 Black, Mr. Correspondence 1761 December 4 Preston from J Todd
2 37 Waddel, Mr. Correspondence 1761 December 4 Preston from J Todd
2 37 Brown, brother Correspondence 1761 December 4 Preston from J Todd
2 38 Todd, John, Correspondence 1761 December 4 Preston from J Todd
2 38 Waddel, Mr. Correspondence 1761 December 4 Preston from J Todd
2 38 Preston, Mr. Correspondence 1761 December 4 Preston from J Todd
2 39 Robinson, David, Correspondence 1763 March 21 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 41 Preston, Wm, Correspondence 1763 March 21 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 41 Peripatetick, A, Correspondence 1763 March 21 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 41 Walker, Correspondence 1763 March 21 Robinson to Wm Preston
2 42 Fauquier, Fran, Correspondence 1763 July 24 Faurquier to Preston
2 42 Callaway, Colonel Correspondence 1763 July 24 Faurquier to Preston
2 42 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1763 July 24 Faurquier to Preston
2 42 Preston, Wm, Colonel Correspondence 1763 July 24 Faurquier to Preston
2 43 Robinson, Mr. Correspondence 1763 September 13 Ingles to Preston
2 43 Lewis, Colonel Correspondence 1763 September 13 Ingles to Preston
2 43 Phelps, Colonel Correspondence 1763 September 13 Ingles to Preston
2 43 Armstong, Mr. Correspondence 1763 September 13 Ingles to Preston
2 43 Cloyd, Mr. Correspondence 1763 September 13 Ingles to Preston
2 43 Ingles, W, Correspondence 1763 September 13 Ingles to Preston
2 44 Sayers, Captain Correspondence 1764 February 18 Robinson to Thompson
2 44 Preston, Colonel Correspondence 1764 February 18 Robinson to Thompson
2 44 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1764 February 18 Robinson to Thompson
2 44 Sayers, Captain Correspondence 1764 February 18 Robinson to Thompson
2 45 Stewart, Jammy, Correspondence 1764 February 18 Robinson to Thompson
2 45 Thompson, Mrs. Correspondence 1764 February 18 Robinson to Thompson
2 45 Robinson, David, Correspondence 1764 February 18 Robinson to Thompson
2 45 Thompson, William, Mr. Correspondence 1764 February 18 Robinson to Thompson
2 46 Christin, Captain Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 46 Robinson, Wm, Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 46 McDowale, Captain Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 46 Christin, Captain Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 46 Christian, Captain Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 46 McDowale, Captain Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 46 Robinson, David, Captain Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 47 Christian, Captain Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 47 Robinson, Captain Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 47 Christian, Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 47 Robinson, Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 47 Cheswell, Colonel Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 47 Smith, Mr. Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 47 Robinson, Captain Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 47 Cloyds, W, Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 48 Lewis, Andrew, Correspondence 1764 April 4 Lewis to Preston
2 49 Lewis, Captain Correspondence 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 49 McClanachan, Elijah, old Correspondence 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 49 Trimble, John, Correspondence 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 49 Finley, Correspondence 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 49 Smith, Mr. Correspondence 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 49 Brown, John, Rev. Correspondence 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 49 Preston, William, Colonel Address 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 49 McClanachan, Elijah, Address 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 49 Lewis, Captain Address 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 49 Brown, John, Rev. Address 1764 June 8 Brown to Preston
2 50 McClanachan, John, Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 50 Lews, Captain Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 50 McClanachan, Elijah, Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 50 Jonson, Colonel Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 50 Jonson, Colonel Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 50 Willson, John, Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 50 Mathias, Samson, Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 50 Woods, widow Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 50 “Kids” Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 50 Flemings, Captain Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 51 Lewis, Colonel Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 51 Craig, Mr. Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 51 McDowell, Captain Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 51 Craig, Mr. Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 51 Brekenridge, Mr. Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 51 Brown, Nancy, sister Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 51 Ward, William, Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 51 Smith, Mr. Correspondence 1764 Brown to Preston
2 52 Christian, William, Captain Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Lewis, John, Lieutenant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Davis, Wm, Lieutenant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Carvin, Wm, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Crockett, Walter, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Watkins, Philip, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Dooley, Henry, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Paullen, Henry, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Dooley, Henry, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Stewart, Walter, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Wiley, Peter, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Drummer, John Milam, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Lod, Thomas, Sergeant Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Donnelly, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Bredin, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Gatty, Dennis, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Ellison, Chad, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Miller, Andrew, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Evans, Thomas, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Rentsso, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Craftford, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Craig, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Butler, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Raveling, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Dunn, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Yokum, Matthias, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 McAfee, George, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Kelly, George, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Christian, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Love, Alex, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Paulson, Benjamin, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Vance, Patrick, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Huff, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Liver, Francis, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 McMullen, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Hogans, Humphry, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Whiteside, Thomas, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Lurk, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Butler, Joseph, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Dooley, Thomas, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Walraven, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Woodey, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 52 Lewis, Thomas, drummer Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Chalmers, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Emack, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Huston, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Jervis, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Richey, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Hutcheson, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 McCorkle, Patrick, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Jervis, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Robinson, Thomas, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 McClure, Halberd, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 McCormack, Joshua, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 McCorkle, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 McClenachan, Abraham, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Tanner, Michael, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Sharp, Edward, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 King, Edmund, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 McDonald, Donald, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Forber, Alex, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Pryor, Richard, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Kirkland, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Wiley, Peter, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Wiley, Alex, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Colliar, Alex, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Colliar, Aaron, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Boyls, Barney, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Ferris, Edward, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Calbreath, Hugh, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Gray, Benjamin, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Gibson, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Kirkson, Robert, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Miller, Robert, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Kelly, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Kelly, Henry, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Mongomery, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Barnes, Thomas, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Evans, Amor, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Stevens, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Mongomery, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 McFerron, Saml, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Bowie, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Martin W, Jno, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Robinson, Samuel, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Smith, Fred, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Griffen, Thomas, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 53 Peoples, Nathan, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Berry, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Berry, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Andrews, Saml, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Turmon, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Adams, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Groce, Jacob, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 McClellon, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 McRoberts, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Woods, Michael, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Robinson, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Riley, Francis, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Flours, Saml, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Robinson, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Potter, Amos, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Smith, Jonathan, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Gray, Joseph, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 McMahun, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 McMurtrey, Joseph, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Gibson, Joseph, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Perrin, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Huff, Samuel, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Mongomery, Saml, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Gallaway, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 English, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Cook, Zach, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Drake, Joseph, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Bowles, Hugh, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Dixon, George, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Newell, Saml, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Walker, David, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Dixon, George, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Flemings, David, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Carson, James, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Haill, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Martin , John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Salley, Abram, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Hamilton, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Richson, Jonathan, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Richeson, Joshua, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Burris, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Whiteside, Thomas, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Cockrham, David, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Crockett, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Dillinham, Mich, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 54 Bowie, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Coffy, Joshua, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Milam, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Harrison, Andw, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Dinus, Peter, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Shoatt, Austin, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Shoatt, Thomas, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Terry, Jasper, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Terry, Wm, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Dillinham, John, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Asshers, Christn, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 55 Puckett, Drury, Payroll 1764 April 6-September 6 .
2 56 Christian, Captain Correspondence 1764 September 15 P Hogg to W Preston
2 56 Tosh, Tasker, Captain Correspondence 1764 September 15 P Hogg to W Preston
2 56 Tosh, Thomas, Correspondence 1764 September 15 P Hogg to W Preston
2 56 Tosh, widow Correspondence 1764 September 15 P Hogg to W Preston
2 56 Christian, Captain Correspondence 1764 September 15 P Hogg to W Preston
2 56 Boyd, Mr. Correspondence 1764 September 15 P Hogg to W Preston
2 57 Hog, Pet, Correspondence 1764 September 15 P Hogg to W Preston
2 57 Lockhart, Captain Correspondence 1764 September 15 P Hogg to W Preston
2 58 Robinson, Captain Correspondence 1764 December 20 A Lewis to W Preston
2 58 Robertson, Lieutenant Correspondence 1764 December 20 A Lewis to W Preston
2 58 Heile, W, Correspondence 1764 December 20 A Lewis to W Preston
2 58 Johnston, Wm, Lieutenant Correspondence 1764 December 20 A Lewis to W Preston
2 58 Heile, Wm, Colonel Correspondence 1764 December 20 A Lewis to W Preston
2 58 Bouquet, Correspondence 1764 December 20 A Lewis to W Preston
2 59 Lewis, Andw, Correspondence 1764 December 20 A Lewis to W Preston
2 60 Hays, William, Discharge 1764 December 27 .
2 60 Lewis, Colonel Discharge 1764 December 27 .
2 60 Robinson, David, Discharge 1764 December 27 .
2 60 Preston, Wm, Colonel Address 1764 December 27 .
2 61 Barnes, Thomas, Receipt 1765 June 7 .
2 61 Preston, Wm, Receipt 1765 June 7 .
2 61 Hays, William, Receipt 1765 June 7 .
2 61 Tosh, Thos, Receipt 1765 June 7 .
2 62 Welsh, Thomas, Survey 1762 December 28 Preston Account
2 62 Neelly, James, Mr. Survey 1764 December 30 Preston Account
2 62 Neelly, James, Mr. Survey 1764 July 14 Preston Account
2 62 Neelly, James, Mr. Survey 1767 February 10 Preston Account
2 62 McAfee, James, Jr. Survey 1763 January 23 Preston Account
2 62 Neelly, James, Sen Survey 1763 January 26 Preston Account
2 62 Robinson, John, Survey 1763 February 2 Preston Account
2 64 Carvin, Wm, Survey 1762 September 27 Preston Account
2 64 Robinson, Wm, Survey 1764 January 24 Preston Account
2 64 Robinson, Wm, Survey 1766 May 6 Preston Account
2 64 Robertson, James, Captain Survey 176 January 25 Preston Account
2 64 Robertson, James, Captain Survey 1767 January 28 Preston Account
2 64 Robertson, James, Captain Survey 1767 June 4 Preston Account
2 64 Burris, John, Survey 1767 January 26 Preston Account
2 64 Youcham, Mathias, Survey 1767 February 11 Preston Account
2 65 Boroyer, Wm, Payment 1767 Preston Account
2 66 Tosh, Thomas, Survey 1763 February 3 Preston Account
2 66 Tosh, Thomas, Survey 1764 February 17 Preston Account
2 66 Tosh, Thomas, Survey 1764 February 18 Preston Account
2 66 Tosh, Thomas, Survey 1767 June 5 Preston Account
2 66 Akers, Uriah, Survey 1767 February 3 Preston Account
2 66 Robinson, John, Survey 1767 February 4 Preston Account
2 66 Caghey, James, Survey 1767 February 5 Preston Account
2 66 Caghey, James, Survey 1767 February 20 Preston Account
2 68 Carleton, William, Survey 1764 February 14 Preston Account
2 68 Carleton, William, Survey 1764 February 15 Preston Account
2 68 Barnes, Thomas, Survey 1764 February 19 Preston Account
2 68 Barnes, Thomas, Survey 1767 September 11 Preston Account
2 68 Smith, John, Colonel Survey 1763 June 4 Preston Account
2 68 Christian, Israil, Survey 1764 February 23 Preston Account
2 70 Ferguson, Henry, Survey 1763 December 19 Preston Account
2 70 Whiteside, Wm, Plan 1763 December 19 Preston Account
2 70 Mills, Hugh, Survey 1763 December 19 Preston Account
2 70 Watkins, Phillip, Survey 1764 March 2 Preston Account
2 70 Eager, John, Survey 1764 February 17 Preston Account
2 70 Baird, William, Survey 1764 March 6 Preston Account
2 71 Mills, John, Receipt 1763 Preston Account
2 72 Sharkey, Patrick, Survey 1764 February 28 Preston Account
2 72 Skarkey, Patrick, Survey 1767 July 25 Preston Account
2 72 Skarkey, Patrick, Survey 1767 July 25 Preston Account
2 72 Armstong, . 1767 July 25 Preston Account
2 72 Lowry, John, Survey 1765 Oct 2 Preston Account
2 72 Crawford, Josiah, Survey 1765 Oct 10 Preston Account
2 72 Crawford, Andw, Survey 1765 Oct 10 Preston Account
2 72 Rezer, Martin, Survey 1766 June 28 Preston Account
2 72 Montgomery, James, Survey 1766 June 18 Preston Account
2 72 Montgomery, James, Survey 1767 July 24 Preston Account
2 74 Woods, Samuel, Survey 1766 May 7 Preston Account
2 74 Crawford, John, Sen Survey 1766 June 18 Preston Account
2 74 Gillespy, Robert, Survey 1766 June 20 Preston Account
2 74 Getty, Denis, Survey 1766 September 12 Preston Account
2 74 Getty, Denis, Survey 1762 December 20 Preston Account
2 74 Snodgrass, Wm, Survey 1762 September 13 Preston Account
2 76 Smith, Francis, Mr. Survey 1766 September 18 Preston Account
2 76 Smith, Francis, Mr. Survey 1767 February 18 Preston Account
2 76 Smith, Francis, Mr. Survey 1767 June 4 Preston Account
2 76 Smith, Francis, Mr. Survey 1767 June 6 Preston Account
2 76 McClellon, William, Survey 1767 September 19 Preston Account
2 76 Moor, James, Jr. Survey 1767 September Preston Account
2 76 Tarry, Jasper, Jr. Survey 1767 September Preston Account
2 76 Smith, Thomas, Survey 1767 September Preston Account
2 76 Alexander, James, Survey 1767 September Preston Account
2 78 Lewis, Andrew, Colonel Survey 1766 October 7 Preston Account
2 78 Crab, Joseph, Survey 1766 April 26 Preston Account
2 78 Miller, John, Survey 1766 February 14 Preston Account
2 78 Kyle, Archibald, Survey 1762 December 21 Preston Account
2 78 Boyd, Alex, Survey 1764 February 10 Preston Account
2 78 Bone, James, Survey 1764 February 15 Preston Account
2 79 Prothers, Thomas, Receipt Preston Account
2 79 Campbell, James, Receipt Preston Account
2 80 Sivere, Francis, Survey 1767 June 20 Preston Account
2 80 Madison, John, Survey 1767 January 27 Preston Account
2 80 Dooly, Thomas, Survey 1767 February 4 Preston Account
2 80 Doolly, Abraham, Survey 1767 February 5 Preston Account
2 80 Mills, John, Survey 1767 February 10 Preston Account
2 80 Mills, John, Survey 1767 February 12 Preston Account
2 80 Clerk, John, Survey 1767 February 13 Preston Account
2 80 Ewing, James, Survey 1767 February 13 Preston Account
2 81 Miller, David, Receipt Preston Account
2 82 McNeill, John, Survey 1767 February 17 Preston Account
2 82 McMurtery, Joseph, Survey 1767 July 31 Preston Account
2 82 Emoch, Matthew, Survey 1767 May 25 Preston Account
2 82 Bradly, John, Survey 1767 May 26 Preston Account
2 82 Reed, Richard, Survey 1767 May 26 Preston Account
2 82 Thompson, John, Survey 1767 May 27 Preston Account
2 82 Armstong, Baptist, Survey 1767 May 28 Preston Account
2 83 Christian, Captain Receipt Preston Account
2 83 Sharkey, P, Receipt Preston Account
2 84 Evans, Nathaniel, Survey 1767 May 29 Preston Account
2 84 Akers, Thomas, Survey 1767 May 28 Preston Account
2 84 Andrews, Samuel, Survey 1767 May 29 Preston Account
2 84 McClellon, John, Survey 1767 May 30 Preston Account
2 84 Dyerly, Peter, Survey 1767 June 2 Preston Account
2 84 Crockett, Hugh, Survey 1767 Preston Account
2 85 Dar, George, Receipt Preston Account
2 85 Daggett, Richard, Receipt Preston Account
2 86 Robinson, John, Captain Survey 1767 June 5 Preston Account
2 86 Robinson, John, Captain Survey 1767 June 6 Preston Account
2 86 Brown, Jacob, Survey 1767 June 5 Preston Account
2 86 Allen, Daniel, Survey 1767 June 6 Preston Account
2 86 Magee, David, Survey 1767 June 6 Preston Account
2 86 Smith, Frederick, Survey 1767 June 6 Preston Account
2 86 McMullen, Wm, Survey 1767 June 6 Preston Account
2 87 Howard, Mr. Receipt 1767 Preston Account
2 88 Magee, William, Survey 1767 June 8 Preston Account
2 88 Paulson, Benjamin, Survey 1767 June 8 Preston Account
2 88 Paulson, Benjamin, Survey 1767 June 7 Preston Account
2 88 McMillan, James, Survey 1767 June 10 Preston Account
2 88 McMillan, James, Survey 1767 June 10 Preston Account
2 88 Puckett, Drury, Survey 1767 June 9 Preston Account
2 88 Puckett, Drury, Survey 1767 June 10 Preston Account
2 88 Wilson, James, Survey 1767 July 23 Preston Account
2 88 Dolly, William, Survey 1767 July 23 Preston Account
2 90 Crawford, William, Survey 1767 July 24 Preston Account
2 90 Lawrence, Samuel, Survey 1767 July 25 Preston Account
2 91 Lockhart, Charles, Correspondence 1765 March 23 A Lewis to W Preston
2 91 Thompson, W, Correspondence 1765 March 23 A Lewis to W Preston
2 91 Arbuckle, Mathew, Correspondence 1765 March 23 A Lewis to W Preston
2 92 Moffet, Colonel Correspondence 1765 March 24 B Estill to W Preston
2 92 Crawford, Mr. Correspondence 1765 March 24 B Estill to W Preston
2 92 Skillern, Mr. Correspondence 1765 March 24 B Estill to W Preston
2 92 Carvin, Correspondence 1765 March 24 B Estill to W Preston
2 92 Estill, Ben, Correspondence 1765 March 24 B Estill to W Preston
2 93 Buchanan, Jno, Correspondence 1765 April 23 J Buchanan to W Preston
2 94 Christian, William, Captain Pay 1765 November 16 .
2 94 Lewis, John, Receipt 1765 November 16 .
2 94 Bowyer, Wm, Lieutenant Witness 1765 November 16 .
2 94 Breckenridge, Robert, Correspondence 1765 May 31 R Breckenridge to W Preston
2 94 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1765 May 31 R Breckenridge to W Preston
2 94 Trimble, James, Correspondence 1765 May 31 R Breckenridge to W Preston
2 94 Preston, Janey, Mr. Correspondence 1765 May 31 R Breckenridge to W Preston
2 94 Armstong, John, Correspondence 1765 May 31 R Breckenridge to W Preston
2 94 Smith, Captain Correspondence 1765 May 31 R Breckenridge to W Preston
2 94 Smith, Mr. Correspondence 1765 May 31 R Breckenridge to W Preston
2 95 Robertson, James, Service 1766 February 5 .
2 95 Robinson, David, Service 1766 February 5 .
2 95 Preston, Colonel Correspondence 1766 May 14 A Cary to W Preston
2 95 Randolph, Payton, Correspondence 1766 May 14 A Cary to W Preston
2 95 Cary, Archibald, Correspondence 1766 May 14 A Cary to W Preston
2 97 Robinson, Mr. Correspondence 1766 May 17 Ro C Nicholas to W Preston
2 96 Robinson, Lieutenant Correspondence 1766 May 14 A Cary to W Preston
2 96 Cary, Archibald, Correspondence 1766 May 14 A Cary to W Preston
2 98 Looney, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Briggham, James, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Looney, David, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Harrison, Henry, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Looney, David, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Bledsoe, Anthony, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Looney, David, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Brigham, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Looney, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Bledsoe, A, Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 98 Thompson, William, Mr. Correspondence 1766 December 26 J Brigham D Looney to W Thompson
2 99 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1766 December 26 .
2 100 Willson, Captain Correspondence 1767 February 24 T Lewis to W Preston
2 100 Lewis, Tho, Correspondence 1767 February 24 T Lewis to W Preston
2 100 Preston, William, Colonel Receipt 1767 May 19 .
2 100 Thompson, William, Mr. Receipt 1767 May 19 .
2 100 Lewis, John, Colonel Receipt 1767 May 19 unsure of surname
2 100 Woods, Richard, Receipt 1767 May 19 .
2 101 Stewart, Elizabeth, Miss. Correspondence 1767 March 19 A Lewis to W Preston
2 101 Pendleton, Colonel Correspondence 1767 March 19 A Lewis to W Preston
2 101 Pendleton, Colonel Correspondence 1767 March 19 A Lewis to W Preston
2 101 Jefferson, William, Correspondence 1767 March 19 A Lewis to W Preston
2 101 Jones, Correspondence 1767 March 19 A Lewis to W Preston
2 101 Jones, Correspondence 1767 March 19 A Lewis to W Preston
2 101 Lewis, Thomas, Correspondence 1767 March 19 Andrew states Tho his brother
2 101 Willson, Mr. Correspondence 1767 March 19 A Lewis to W Preston
2 101 Walker, Dr. Correspondence 1767 March 19 A Lewis to W Preston
2 101 Lewis, And, Correspondence 1767 March 19 A Lewis to W Preston
2 103 Cloyd, Mr. Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 103 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 103 Hawkins, Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 103 Switchard, Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 103 Byrd, Colonel Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 103 Chiswell, Colonel Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 103 Buchannon, Mr. Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 103 Esdale, Mr. Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 103 Esdale, Mr. Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 104 Blair, Mr. Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 104 Cloyd, Mr. Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 104 Pendleton, Edm, Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 104 Pendleton, Colonel Correspondence 1768 February 6 E Pendleton to W Preston
2 105 Lewis, Andrew, Colonel Correspondence 1760 August 17 T Lewis to W Preston
2 105 Lewis, Thos, Correspondence 1760 August 17 T Lewis to W Preston
2 106 Lewis, Andr, Correspondence 1769 January 14 T Lewis to W Preston
2 106 Nelsons, Both Correspondence 1769 January 14 T Lewis to W Preston
2 106 Lewis, Thos, Correspondence 1769 January 14 T Lewis to W Preston
2 106 Coleman, Jno, Correspondence 1769 January 14 T Lewis to W Preston
2 107 Howard, Mr. Correspondence 1769 February 4 A Campbell to W Preston
2 108 Campbell, Arthur, Correspondence 1769 February 4 A Campbell to W Preston
2 109 Culbertson, Correspondence 1769 May 1 D Robinson to W Preston
2 109 Lewis, Colonel Correspondence 1769 May 1 D Robinson to W Preston
2 110 Rind, Mr. Correspondence 1769 May 1 D Robinson to W Preston
2 110 Boyd, Correspondence 1769 May 1 D Robinson to W Preston
2 111 Adams, Correspondence 1769 May 1 D Robinson to W Preston
2 111 Robinson, David, Correspondence 1769 May 1 D Robinson to W Preston
2 112 Ward, Tho, Captain Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 112 [unknown], Johney, Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 112 Johnston, Mr. Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 112 Cam, Mr. Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 112 Jones, Mr. Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 112 Christan, Mr. Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 112 Ballot, Captain Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 113 Walker, Dr. Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 113 Everard, Mr. Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 113 Walker, Mr. Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 113 Davidson, J, Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 113 Davidson, E, Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 113 Walker, Dr. Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 113 Willson, Mr. Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 113 Magot, Hans, Correspondence 1769 May 13 T Lewis to W Preston
2 114 Robertson, James, Correspondence 1769 October 14 J Robertson to W Preston
2 114 Boyd, Mr. Correspondence 1769 October 14 J Robertson to W Preston
2 114 Thompson, Mr. Correspondence 1769 October 14 J Robertson to W Preston
2 114 Stephens, John, Correspondence 1769 October 14 J Robertson to W Preston
2 116 Buckanan, Colonel Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 116 Hermon, Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 116 Patton, Colonel Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 116 Jeannot, Brights, Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 116 Pendleton, Colonel Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 116 Stewart, Wm, Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 117 Ingles, Captain Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 117 Doack, Mr. Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 117 Campbell, Arthur, Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 117 Buckanan, Captain Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 117 Preston, Wm, Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 117 Walker, Thomas, Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 117 Preston, Wm, Colonel Correspondence 1770 January 24 T Walker to W Preston
2 118 Robinson, David, Correspondence 1770 August 13 D Robinson to W Preston
2 118 Robinson, John, Correspondence 1770 August 13 D Robinson to W Preston
2 119 Caige, Mr. Correspondence 1770 December 12 J Brown to W Preston
2 119 Rice, Mr. Correspondence 1770 December 12 J Brown to W Preston
2 119 Miller, Correspondence 1770 December 12 J Brown to W Preston
2 119 Todd, Mr. Correspondence 1770 December 12 J Brown to W Preston
2 119 Whitefield, Mr. Correspondence 1770 December 12 Whitefields death
2 119 Jefferson, Mr. Correspondence 1770 December 12 J Brown to W Preston
2 119 Brown, John, Correspondence 1770 December 12 J Brown to W Preston
2 119 Miller, Correspondence 1770 December 12 J Brown to W Preston
2 120 James, King Correspondence 1770 December 12 J Brown to W Preston
2 120 Mary, Queen Correspondence 1770 December 12 J Brown to W Preston
2 121 Breckenridge, Mrs. Correspondence 1770 December 21 D Robinson to W Preston
2 121 Robinson, David, Correspondence 1770 December 21 D Robinson to W Preston
2 122 Moffett, John, Correspondence 1770 G Moffett to W Preston
2 122 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1770 G Moffett to W Preston
2 122 Buchanan, Colonel Correspondence 1770 G Moffett to W Preston
2 122 Moffett, Geo, Correspondence 1770 G Moffett to W Preston
2 123 Craig, Father Correspondence 1771 March 5 John Brown to W Preston
2 123 Hays, Andrew, Captain Correspondence 1771 March 5 John Brown to W Preston
2 123 Randle, Colonel Correspondence 171 March 5 John Brown to W Preston
2 124 Todd, John, Mr. Correspondence 1772 May 5 John Lewis to W Preston
2 125 Doak, Wm, Correspondence 1771 May 27 Thomas Walker to W Preston
2 125 Donaldson, Colonel Correspondence 1771 May 27 Thomas Walker to W Preston
2 125 Doak, Wm, Correspondence 1771 May 27 Thomas Walker to W Preston
2 126 Donaldson, Colonel Correspondence 1771 May 27 Thomas Walker to W Preston
2 126 Walker, Thomas, Correspondence 1771 May 27 Thomas Walker to W Preston
2 126 Walker, Dr. Correspondence 1771 May 27 Thomas Walker to W Preston
2 127 Pendleton, Correspondence 1771 October 11 Benj Logan to W Preston
2 127 Dove, Correspondence 1771 October 11 Benj Logan to W Preston
2 127 Jones, John, Correspondence 1771 October 11 Benj Logan to W Preston
2 127 Logan, Benjamin, Correspondence 1771 October 11 Benj Logan to W Preston
2 127 Logan, Ben, Correspondence 1771 October 11 Benj Logan to W Preston
2 127 Pendleton, Colonel Correspondence 1771 October 11 Benj Logan to W Preston
2 128 Howard, Mr. Correspondence 1771 November 20 Benj Logan to W Preston
2 128 Pendleton, Colonel Correspondence 1771 November 20 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 128 Loggan, Mr. Correspondence 1771 November 20 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 128 Lewis, Colonel Correspondence 1771 November 20 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 128 Dutton, Phillip, Correspondence 1771 November 20 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 128 Doack, Robt, Correspondence 1771 November 20 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 129 Brown, David, Correspondence 1771 November 25 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 129 Buchanan, Samuel, Correspondence 1771 November 25 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 129 Wilson, Father Correspondence 1771 November 25 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 129 Lewis, Friend Correspondence 1771 November 25 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 129 McDowell, Mr. Correspondence 1771 November 25 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 129 Brown, John, Nephew Correspondence 1771 November 25 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 129 Erwin, Mr. Correspondence 1771 November 25 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 129 Waddle, Mr. Correspondence 1771 November 25 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 129 Brown, John, Correspondence 1771 November 25 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 130 Hays, Mr. Correspondence 1772 January 20 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 130 Brown, John, Correspondence 1772 January 20 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 131 Irwin, Mr. Correspondence 1772 January 30 Jn Todd to W Preston
2 131 Todd, John, Nephew Correspondence 1772 January 30 Jn Todd to W Preston
2 132 Howard, Mr. Correspondence 1772 January 30 Jn Todd to W Preston
2 132 Todd, Jno, Correspondence 1772 January 30 Jn Todd to W Preston
2 132 Waddle, Mr. Correspondence 1772 January 30 Jn Todd to W Preston
2 133 Brown, John, Son Death Correspondence 1772 March 18 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 134 Howard, Mr. Correspondence 1772 March 18 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 134 , Molly, Sister Correspondence 1772 March 18 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 135 Breckinridge, Colonel Correspondence 1772 August 20 And Lewis to W Preston
2 135 Breckinridge, Mr. Correspondence 1772 August 20 And Lewis to W Preston
2 135 Lewis, Andrew, Correspondence 1772 August 20 And Lewis to W Preston
2 135 Bowyer, Mr. Correspondence 1772 August 20 And Lewis to W Preston
2 135 Barnes, Mr. Correspondence 1772 August 20 And Lewis to W Preston
2 135 Smithers, Mr. Correspondence 1772 August 20 And Lewis to W Preston
2 136 McClaine, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 3 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 136 McDowell, Captain Correspondence 1772 October 3 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 136 Brown, John, Correspondence 1772 October 3 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 136 Roan, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 3 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 136 McClean, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 3 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 136 McClean, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 3 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 136 McClean, John, Correspondence 1772 October 3 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 136 McClean, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 3 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 136 McClean, Correspondence 1772 October 3 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 137 Howard, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 28 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 137 Hornsby, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 28 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 137 Buchanan, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 28 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 137 Hornsby, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 28 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 137 Howard, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 28 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 137 Campbell, Captain Correspondence 1772 October 28 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 137 Camp, Mr. Correspondence 1772 October 28 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 137 Doack, Robt, Correspondence 1772 October 28 Robt Doack to W Preston
2 138 Finnie, Lieutenant Correspondence 1772 November 16 Wm Byrd to W Preston
2 138 Deverouse, Mr. Correspondence 1772 November 16 Wm Byrd to W Preston
2 138 Walker, Dr. Correspondence 1772 November 16 Wm Byrd to W Preston
2 138 Chiswell, Colonel Correspondence 1772 November 16 Wm Byrd to W Preston
2 138 Patten, Colonel Correspondence 1772 November 16 Wm Byrd to W Preston
2 138 Chisell, Colonel Correspondence 1772 November 16 Wm Byrd to W Preston
2 138 Sawer, Alex, Correspondence 1772 November 16 Wm Byrd to W Preston
2 139 Byrd, W, Correspondence 1772 November 16 Wm Byrd to W Preston
2 139 Byrd, Colonel Correspondence 1772 November 16 Wm Byrd to W Preston
2 140 Woodridge, William, Correspondence 1772 November 10 James Callaway to W Preston
2 140 Callaway, James, Correspondence 1772 November 10 James Callaway to W Preston
2 140 Callaway, Ja, Captain Correspondence 1772 November 10 James Callaway to W Preston
2 141 Smith, Mr. Correspondence 1773 January 13 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 141 Edmondson, Mr. Correspondence 1773 January 13 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 141 Adams, Mr. Correspondence 1773 January 13 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 141 Smith, Mr. Correspondence 1773 January 13 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 141 McClane, Mr. Correspondence 1773 January 13 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 141 Brown, John, Correspondence 1773 January 13 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 141 Beard, Mr. Correspondence 1773 January 13 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 141 Cousins, Correspondence 1773 January 13 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 141 Smith, Mr. Correspondence 1773 January 13 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 142 Watkins, Correspondence 1773 March 23 Chas Lynch to W Preston
2 142 Stuart, Mr. Correspondence 1773 March 23 Chas Lynch to W Preston
2 142 Donelson, Colonel Correspondence 1773 March 23 Chas Lynch to W Preston
2 143 Lynch, Chas, Correspondence 1773 March 23 Chas Lynch to W Preston
2 144 Campbell, Charles, Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Adams, Mr. Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Trimble, Moses, Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Bates, Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Mathies, George, Mr. Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Campbell, Charles, Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Thomson, Mr. Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Wadler, Mr. Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Brown, John, Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Johnson, Ed, Mr. Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 144 Buchanan, Jas, Correspondence 1773 March 6 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 145 Campbell, Arthur, Mr. Correspondence 1773 April 30 Thos Walker to W Preston
2 145 Linch, Mr. Correspondence 1773 April 30 Tho Walker to W Preston
2 145 Walker, Thomas, Correspondence 1773 April 30 Tho Walker to W Preston
2 145 Thompson, Mr. Receipt 1773 October 11 Steven Trigg to Thompson
2 145 Trigg, Stephen, Receipt 1773 October 11 Steven Trigg to Thompson
2 145 Boyd, J B, Receipt 1773 October 11 Steven Trigg to Thompson
2 146 Thompson, Wm, Appointment 1773 May 20 Thompson to asst Surveyor
2 146 Preston, William, Appointment 1773 May 20 Thompson to asst Surveyor
2 146 Thompson, Appointment 1773 May 20 Thompson to asst Surveyor
2 146 Preston, Appointment 1773 May 20 Thompson to asst Surveyor
2 146 Camm, John, Appointment 1773 May 20 Thompson to asst Surveyor
2 146 Gwatkon, T, Appointment 1773 May 20 Thompson to asst Surveyor
2 146 Henley, S, Appointment 1773 May 20 Thompson to asst Surveyor
2 146 Maddison, James, Appointment 1773 May 20 Thompson to asst Surveyor
2 147 Douglas, James, Plat 1773 August 2 Plat to W Stewart
2 147 Stewart, Captain Plat 1773 August 2 Plat to W Stewart
2 147 Stewart, Walter, Captain Plat 1773 August 2 Plat to W Stewart
2 147 McKenzie, Robert, Captain Plat 1773 August 2 Plat to W Stewart
2 147 Crohan, Colonel Plat 1773 August 2 Plat to W Stewart
2 147 McKenzie, Plat 1773 August 2 Plat to W Stewart
2 147 Douglas, James, Plat 1773 August 2 Plat to W Stewart
2 147 Polly, John, Plat 1773 August 2 Plat to W Stewart
2 147 Cooper, Philip, Plat 1773 August 2 Plat to W Stewart
2 148 Crohan, Colonel Plat 1773 August 2 Plat drawing
2 148 McKinzie, Captain Plat 1773 August 2 Plat drawing
2 149 Smith, Bro Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 149 Brown, Ebenezer, Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 149 Cummings, Mr. Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 149 Craige, Father Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 149 Roan, Mr. Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 149 McGillan, Mr. Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 149 Culhberson, Mr. Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 149 McGillan, Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 150 McLane, Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 150 Beard, Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 150 Hewey, Edward, Mr. Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 150 Breckenridge, Mr. Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 150 Brown, John, Correspondence 1773 August 23 Jn Brown to W Preston
2 151 Maddison, John, Jr. Warrant 1773 November 6 Jn Maddison to take up for W Byrd
2 151 Maddison, John, Jr. Warrant 1773 November 6 Jn Maddison to take up for W Byrd
2 151-1 Fleming, William, Captain Warrant 1773 November 6 Dunmore to Fleming
2 151-1 Dunmore, Warrant 1773 November 6 Dunmore to Fleming
2 151-1 Floyd, John, Warrant 1773 November 6 Dunmore to Fleming
2 152 Allen, Hugh, Warrant 1773 November 27 Dunmore to Allen
2 152 Dunmore, Warrant 1773 November 27 Dunmore to Allen
2 153 Lewis, Colonel Correspondence 1773 November 27 A Lewis to W Preston
2 153 Lewis, Charles, Correspondence 1773 November 27 A Lewis to W Preston
2 154 McClanachan, Wm, Correspondence 1773 November 27 A Lewis to W Preston
2 153 Lewis, Charles, Correspondence 1773 November 27 A Lewis to W Preston
2 154 Lewis, Charles, Correspondence 1773 November 27 A Lewis to W Preston
2 154 Lewis, And, Correspondence 1773 November 27 A Lewis to W Preston
2 155 Lewis, Colonel Correspondence 1773 December 4 J Robertson to W Preston
2 155 Christian, Billey, Correspondence 1773 December 4 J Robertson to W Preston
2 155 Robertson, James, Correspondence 1773 December 4 J Robertson to W Preston
2 155 Lewis, Colonel Correspondence 1773 December 4 J Robertson to W Preston
2 156 Fleming, Thomas, Captain Warrant 1773 December 4 Dunmore to Fleming
2 156 Edmondson, Samuel, Warrant 1773 December 16 Dunmore to Edmondson
2 156 Dunmore, Warrant 1773 December 4 Dunmore to Fleming
2 156 Dunmore, Warrant 1773 December 16 Dunmore to Edmondson
2 157 Walker, Thomas, Survey Order 1773 December 15 T Walker to W Preston
2 157 Preston, William, Colonel Survey Order 1773 December 15 T Walker to W Preston
2 158 Edmiston, William, Warrant 1773 December 16 Dunmore to Edmiston
2 158 Dunmore, Warrant 1773 December 16 Dunmore to Edmiston
2 158 Dickenson, John, Warrant 1773 December 17 Dunmore to Dickenson
2 158 Dunmore, John, Warrant 1773 December 17 Dunmore to Dickenson
2 158 Peachey, Colonel Survey Order 1773 December 19 W Peachey to W Preton
2 158 Taylor, Wm Hancock, Survey Order 1773 December 19 W Peachey to W Preton
2 158 Peachey, Will, Survey Order 1773 December 19 W Peachey to W Preton
2 158 Taylor, Mr. Survey Order 1773 December 19 W Peachey to W Preton
2 159 Richeson, Holt, Warrant 1773 December 31 Dunmore to H Richeson
2 159 Dunmore, Warrant 1773 December 31 Dunmore to H Richeson
2 160 Richeson, Holt, Assigns 1775 June 24 H Richeson to S McDowell
2 160 McDowell, W Samuel, Assigns 1775 June 24 H Richeson to S McDowell
2 161 Draper, Lyman C, Signature authenticate undated written by Henry S Randall
2 161 Jefferson, Thomas, Signature authenticate undated written by Henry S Randall
2 161 Jefferson, Thomas, father Signature authenticate undated written by Henry S Randall
2 161 Jefferson, Peter, brother Signature authenticate undated written by Henry S Randall
2 161 Jefferson, Thomas, President Signature authenticate undated written by Henry S Randall
2 161 Brush, Blakely, Receipt 1759 August 14 Wm Preston to B Bruch
2 161 Preston, Wm, Receipt 1759 August 14 Wm Preston to B Brush
2 161 Jefferson, Thos, Receipt 1759 August 14 W Preston to B Brush

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