Wisconsin. Circuit Court (Brown County) Naturalization Records, 1829-1984

Scope and Content Note


The Brown County Naturalization Records, 1829-1984, consist of records assigned three separate numbers but with related content. Brown Series 27, titled “Naturalization Records, 1829-1984” is the basic series and consists of the final naturalization papers which in this case include the declarations of intention, petitions for citizenship, and court orders granting citizenship. Brown Series 28, titled “Declarations of Intention, 1829-1937” consists of the declarations and related lists and indexes. Brown Series 29, titled “Index to Naturalization Records, 1829-1984” consists of indexes to Brown Series 27.

The Green Bay Area Research Center prepared a complete index of holdings for Brown Series 27 (Naturalizations) and Brown Series (Declarations of Intention). See link under "Other Finding Aids." Hard copies of these indexes are available in the Green Bay Area Research Center Reading Room.

In Brown Series 27, the original system of identifying volumes by number or letter was retained because the indexes are often keyed to this system. To eliminate confusion when requesting a particular volume, the researcher should specify not only the volume number but also the type of volume (e.g. Declarations of Intention) and dates.

For preservation purposes, some volumes were dismantled and placed in boxes, however the original system of numbering volumes was retained since the indexes are often keyed to this system. For these volumes, the container list gives the volume number in parentheses ( ) for identification purposes, and the box and reel number for location purposes.

Brown Series 27, Naturalization Records, 1829-1984 12.0 cubic feet (14 archives boxes and 15 separate volumes)

This series contains final naturalization papers consisting of Declarations of Intention (made at least two, later five, years prior to attainment of citizenship), Petitions for citizenship, and court orders granting citizenship.

The Declarations of Intention generally include: name, age, and nationality of declarant; date and place of arrival in the United States; date and place of declaration and renunciation of former allegiances. Beginning about 1930, Declarations include a small photograph.

Petitions include information from the Declaration as well as a sworn statement by one or more citizens that the petitioner had been a United States resident five years, a Wisconsin resident one year, and a person of suitable moral character and behavior.

After 1906 the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization of the Department of Commerce and Labor administered naturalization procedures. Petitions after that date also include occupation of petitioner, wife's name and nativity, family information (e.g. number, age, and birthplaces of children), record of court appearances, and similar information.

Volume 1 and volumes 8-25 contain an index to naturalizations recorded within each volume; volumes 2, 4, and 6 are indices to naturalizations recorded in volumes 3, 5, and 7.

Brown Series 28, Declarations of Intention, 1829-1937 5.6 cubic feet (12 archives boxes and 1 flat box)

This series consists just of Declarations of Intention to become a United States citizen and to renounce allegiance to other governments. Information on the Declaration form includes date of birth, country of origin, date of immigration, port of arrival, and date of declaration. After October 1906, the Declaration also includes occupation, physical description, place of birth, and last place of foreign residence. Information concerning declarant's spouse is included after 1917.

Prior to 1909, the State Constitution extended suffrage to aliens who had made a Declaration of Intention. Acting on the mistaken belief that the Declaration alone granted full citizenship, many nineteenth century immigrants never completed the naturalization process.

Volume 1 is a chronological list and alphabetical index of the unbound Declarations, 1829-1879. Page numbers in the index refer to the chronological list in the front of the volume. Volumes 2-8 are indexed at the front of each volume.

An additional volume can be found in Box 10 for September 7, 1929-July 21, 1937. This volume was not available when the Historical Society compiled its inventory.

Brown Series 29, Index to Naturalizations, 1829-1984 1.4 cubic feet (2 archives boxes and 1 flat box)

Consists of names of citizens naturalized in the Circuit Court, arranged by first letter of last name and thereunder roughly in chronological order. Box 1 is a general index to Brown Series, Naturalization Records, 1829-1940, but does not include names of unsuccessful applicants for citizenship. An entry on the last page of this record reads: “indexed from the old Naturalization records, under the W.P.A. project. Project finished December 4, 1936. Leo Ruel Clerk of Court.” The index has been updated to 1972. Especially for the earlier years, this index may be incomplete and may contain inaccuracies. Indexes included in Brown Series 27 may provide additional names. However, the index compiled by the Area Research Center is the most complete of all.

Box 2 contains separate indices to Volumes C, D, and E in Brown Series 27. Box 3 is “Citizenship Indexes, 1829-1984” and is undefined.

Volume A cited in the index is the list of naturalized persons (circa 1829-1889) found in box 1, folder 3 (xerographic copy) and in box 2 (original) probably compiled in the 1870s and 1880s. This list, arranged in approximate chronological order, shows only names and dates of naturalization. Volume B is catalogued as volume 1 of Brown Series 28 and is a list of Declarations of Intention.

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