Green Bay (Wis.). Fire Dept.: Log Books and Fire Record Books, 1899-1993

Scope and Content Note

Town Board of Supervisors records consist mainly of proceedings or minutes of regular and special Board meetings (1860-1993). Information concerns all aspects of the Board's powers and duties. Included is a folder of miscellaneous records (1864-1918) containing notices of special town meetings including several relating to raising a special tax for Civil War soldier bounties, election records, and several resolutions. Records also include proceedings of regular and special Board meetings (1886-1952).

Clerk's Record Books (1869-1964) contain, but are not limited to, proceedings of annual town meetings and meetings of the Board of Review, Board of Equalization and various sub-committees; reports of receipts and disbursements and other financial records; election results; record of oaths of office and bonds of officials; and, in some cases, chattel mortgage records, record of school district boundaries, school district statistics and apportionment of school funds. Matters considered include highway district issues, liquor license applications, school district business, and the levy of taxes. Also included is an agreement to form the Wrightstown Farmers Mutual Insurance Company, 1875.

Election record volumes (1868-1915) contain lists of voters and statements of votes for town offices.

Highway records (1852-1953) typically contain proceedings and actions of the Town Board concerning roads; petitions and orders laying out or altering highways including legal descriptions of the route, field notes of surveys, and grievances regarding highways; district supervisor's warrants and highway tax lists. The highway tax lists contain name of person assessed, legal description of real estate, value of personal property, poll tax, and remarks.

Treasurer's records (1851-1982) consist of account books showing orders issued, money received, and disbursements; and other records.

Justice of the Peace dockets (1890-1907) show the names of the plaintiff and defendant, date, and proceedings primarily in monetary disputes heard in Wrightstown and the Village of Greenleaf. The volume for 1901-1904 contains a name index. A few marriages are recorded as well as births.

The Board of Health/Town Board record book (1878-1929) was used by the Health Board to record reports concerning cases of disease; quarantine; and number of births, deaths and marriages (names are sometimes listed). The Town Board used the book to record school district boundary changes and fence disputes.

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