Balance Sheets and Associated Records: United Artists Corporation Records, Series 4C, 1919-1950


  • SCHED. NO.
  • 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
  • 2. Comparative Consolidated Income Statement
  • 3. Schedule of Exchange Operating Expenses) and
  • Schedule of Home Office Operating Expenses
  • 4. Comparison of Played and Earned by Countries
  • 5. Comparison of Corporation's Share of Played and Earned by Countries
  • 6. Comparison of Corporation's Share of Prints, Duties, Censorship, etc. by Countries
  • 7. Comparison of Exchange Operating Expenses by Countries
  • 8. Comparison of Total Expenses by Countries
  • 9. Consolidating Balance Sheet
  • 10. Balance Sheet Analysis - United Artists Corporation (Delaware)
  • 11. Balance Sheet Analysis - Continental Europe
  • 12. Balance Sheet Analysis - South America
  • 13. Consolidating Income Statement
  • 14. Income Statement Analysis - United Artists Corporation (Delaware)
  • 15. Income Statement Analysis - Continental Europe
  • 16. Income Statement Analysis - South America

  • 17. United Artists Corporation (Delaware) Excluding Foreign Branches
  • 18. United Artists Corporation (Delaware) Analysis of Exchange Operating Expenses, Excluding Foreign Branches.
  • United Artists Corporation (Delaware) Analysis of Home Office Operating Expenses
  • 19. Cristobal
  • 20. China
  • 21. India
  • 22. Philippine Islands
  • 23. Straits Settlements
  • 24. Peru
  • 25. Canada
  • 26. England
  • 27. France
  • 28. Belgium
  • 29. Switzerland
  • 30. Sweden
  • 31. Denmark
  • 32. United Artists (Export) Ltd.- (Europe Agents)
  • 33. Mexico
  • 34. Cuba
  • 35. Puerto Rico
  • 36. Colombia
  • 37. Brazil
  • 38. Argentine
  • 39. Chile
  • 40. Australasia
  • 41. Netherlands East Indies
  • 42. South Africa
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