Lesbian Alliance of Metro Milwaukee Records, 1989-2013


The Lesbian Alliance of Metro Milwaukee was founded in 1989 after the Milwaukee County Board recanted its resolution to honor Lesbian and Gay Pride Week. The issue was followed closely by some lesbians, who felt that the lesbian perspective was underrepresented in media coverage pertaining to this resolution, as well as in other issues pertaining to the lesbian and gay communities. As a result, a group of women decided to form a lesbian organization in Milwaukee. The attendees of the organizing meeting included Mary Shafer, Julie Kleppin, Kitty Barber, Karen Gotzler, and Susan Cook.

Since its founding, LAMM has been a vital force in Milwaukee, advocating for the rights of lesbians and for the empowerment of women, fostering networking among lesbian/gay groups, and serving as an information clearinghouse. Its focus includes membership services, such as programs and benefits; special events; fund raising; and public policy work, including election endorsements, campaign assistance, public relations, and political networking.

The Lambda Rights Network honored LAMM with awards in 1990/1991. In 1991 LAMM assumed a leadership role in the formation of a network of lesbian and gay groups, the Milwaukee Lavender Network, in response to police handling of the Jeffrey Dahmer murders. Members of the Network worked with the media, the police department, and elected officials to educate and sensitize the public.

In 1992, the LAMM board of directors formed the LAMM Education Fund (LAMM EF) as a separate 501(c)(3) entity. LAMM EF focuses primarily on community education, advocacy, fund raising, and public relations.

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