Pohlman Studios Records, 1936-1997

Other Finding Aids

Detailed description of photographs is provided in a database available in the Archives Department.

Database Fields

Field Name Field Content
Serial Number Original number (or range of numbers) assigned by Pohlman.
Date Date the photograph was taken or developed.
Company/Advertising Agency Name This information was taken directly from the photograph sleeve. One asterisk (*) sometimes follows an advertising agency's name, e.g. Bader-Rutter. It means that the photograph was viewed but the name of the manufacturer of the product was not evident. Two asterisks (**) follow a company name when that information did not appear on the sleeve, but was discernible when viewing the photograph.
Additional Information Information that either appeared on the photograph sleeve or was added by processing archivists.
Box Number Number of the box in which items are housed.
Form The form (physical media) of the photograph or photographs (e.g., safety film negatives, nitrate negatives, lantern slides, photographic prints).

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