Edmund D. Lewandowski Papers, 1931-1996


Edmund Lewandowski was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1914. He studied at the Layton School of Art from 1931 to 1935 and then joined the Works Progress Administration's Federal Art Project. During World War II, Lewandowski served as an artist-correspondent with the United States military in France. After the war, he taught at the Layton School of Art (1947-1949) and Florida State University (1949-1954). He returned to Layton, where he served as president from 1954 to 1972. He ended his educational career as chair of the Art Department at Winthrop College (now Winthrop University) in Rock Hill, South Carolina (1973-1984). He died in South Carolina in 1998 and was survived by his wife Dolores. Lewandowski was a Precisionist painter best known for his marine and coastal views. He was also known for his mosaics and murals.

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