Cream City Business Association Records, 1979-1989


In August 1980, a group of fifteen people gathered at a meeting of the Gay Peoples Union to hear the vice president of the Business Association of Milwaukee, an association of gay and lesbian business owners, speak on the topic of "Gay Businesses in Milwaukee." When the speaker failed to show, some of the attendees met separately and discussed forming an alternative group of Milwaukee gay and lesbian business and professional people. After several planning meetings, the Cream City Business Association held its first public meeting in May 1981 with thirty-seven people in attendance. The first issue of CCBA's monthly newsletter appeared in the same month. The group incorporated in August of the same year.

Initial committees focused on investments, research and referral, special programs, the CCBA foundation, membership, and housing and restoration. From the start, CCBA was a member of the National Association of Business Councils. Throughout its existence, the CCBA held monthly meetings and programs, published a newsletter, and held an annual meeting with an awards ceremony.

Presidents included Ralph Navarro (1980-1984), Marc Haupert (1984-1986), Jerry Johnson (1986-1987), Karen Gotzler (1987-1988), and Gary Gussick (1988).

In 1984, CCBA boasted that it was the largest, active lesbian and gay organization in Wisconsin, and that it had more than 200 members. CCBA played a major role in establishing the Governor's Council on Lesbian and Gay Issues, developing the Cream City Association Foundation (now the Cream City Foundation), and expanding coverage of Milwaukee's LGBT community by the local media.

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